DAIRY GTTLE WASTE MANAGEMENr: ITS EFFECT ON FORAGE PRODUCTION AND RUNOFF WATER OUALITY BULLETIN 485 DECEMBER 1976 AGRICULTURAL R DENNIS ROUSE, EXPERIMENT Director STATION AUBURN UNIVERSITY AUBURN, ALABAMA CONTENTS Page M E T HO D S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - -- --- 4 5 Rates-of-Manure-Application Experiment-4 -- ---5 Runoff Experim ent --- --- -- --- -- --- -- --RESULTS AND DISCUSSION--------------------- Rates-of-Manure-Application Forage----Soil Properties -----Runoff Experim ent ------- Experiment 5 5------------------------ ---19 -19 -19 --- ------ -- --- --- ----- Runoff Water Quality-------------Forage ------------ 22-----------2 3 So il-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - C ONCLU SION S ---------- ---------------------------- 25 Ob je ctive 1 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -25 O bjectiv e 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - --25 APPENDIX-!26 FIRST PRINTING 4M, DECEMBER 1976 Auburn University is an equal opportunity employer. DAIRY CATTLE WASTE MANAGEMENT: Its Effect on Forage Production and Runoff Water Quality' B. D. DOSS, Z. F. LUND, F. L. LONG, and LUKE MUGWVIRA ANAGEMENT OF ANIMAL WASTES tO maximize farm efficiency and minimize pollution is important to agriculture. The need for animal waste management research has been intensified in recent years as a result of (1) increasing numbers of animals being maintained in confinement in areas of high animal density, (2) movement of nonfarm people into livestock production areas, and (8) increasing concern by the public for a less polluted environment. Animal waste management systems are being sought to control air and water pollution without sacrificing efficiency and economy of operation. Land spreading of animal waste is an effective means of disposal that may partially overcome the rising costs of mineral fertilizers for certain crops. For use in forage production, information is needed about maximum rates to safely produce satisfactory yield and quality of forage. A better understanding of the agronomic value of high rates of animal manure is needed to encourage the waste-recycle trend. The objectives of these investigations were (1) to determine how much dairy manure can be disposed of on crop land without damaging soil properties or lowering the quality of forage produced on the soil, and (2) to determine if moderate amounts of manure (20 tons per acre) can be disposed of without damaging the quality of runoff water or soil properties. SContribution from Soil and Water Research, Southern Region, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, in Cooperation with Department of Agronomy and Soils, Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama; and Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, Alabama A&M University, Normal, Alabama. Soil Scientists, USDA-Coop. Department of Agronomy and Soils, and Associate Professor, Department of Natural Resources, Alabama A&M University, respectively. M 2 4 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION METHODS Rates-of-Manure-Application Experiment Field experiments were conducted in Alabama for a 3-year period (1970-73) on a Dothan loamy sand (Plinthic Paleudult) at Auburn, on Lucedale fine sandy loam (Rhodic Paleudult) at Thorsby, and on Decatur silty clay loam (Rhodic Paleudult) at Normal. The plow layer of the Dothan soil was composed of 82, 13, and 5 percent sand, silt, and clay, respectively; the Lucedale was 55, 27, and 18 and the Decatur 22, 48, and 80 percent. Sheetmetal borders formed plots 9 X 9 feet on the Dothan and Decatur soils and 7.5 X 8.5 feet on the Lucedale soil. Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) were rototilled into the no-manure check plots at rates of 100 pounds per acre each before planting. An additional 80 pounds per acre each of N and K were surface-applied after each cutting. The average annual application of 520 pounds N, 100 pounds P (230 pounds P2 0 5 ), and 520 pounds K (625 pounds K20) was higher than is noimally used in these cropping sequences, but was comparable to the total nutrients applied at the lower manure rates. Fresh manure from lactating cows was surface-applied each spring before planting and rototilled into the top 6 inches of soil of the other plots at rates of 10, 20, 40, 80, and 120 tons per acre (dry weight basis). Four replications were used for each treatment. Six to 12 manure samples were analyzed from each location each year. Average N, P, and K composition of manure was 2.00, 0.40, and 0.96 percent, respectively, on Dothan soil, 1.70, 0.54, and 1.10 percent on Lucedale soil, and 2.40, 1.02, and 1.60 percent, respectively, on Decatur soil, Appendix Table 1. This averages about 400, 180, and 240 pounds of N, P, and K per acre, respectively, from manure at the 10 tons per acre rate. Pearlmillet (Pennisetum amnericanum L. [K. Schum] variety 'Gahi-l') was planted in the spring and Wren's 'Abruzzi' rye (Secale cereale L.) in the fall. Millet was cut when 4 to 6 feet tall and rye when 2 to 8 feet tall. Millet was cut two to four times and rye two to three times each year on the Dothan soil. On Lucedale soil, millet and rye were cut three times each year. Millet was cut twice and rye once each year on the Decatur soil. The soil was analyzed for organic-nitrogen (organic-N), carbon (C), and nritrate-nitrogen (NO 3 -N). Calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and potassium (K) were determined on dilute double-acid ex- DAIRY CATTLE WASTE MANAGEMENT 5 tract. Soil pH was determined using a 1:1 ratio of soil to water. Plant material was analyzed for organic-N, then composited within treatments and analyzed for Ca, Mg, K, P, and trace elements by emission spectroscopy by the Plant and Soil Testing Laboratory, University of Georgia. Runoff Experiment An experiment was conducted at Auburn on four 0.1-acre runoff plots of Norfolk sandy loam (Typic Paleudult) with less than 2 percent slope. A Coshocton wheel was utilized to quantitatively sample a portion of the runoff water during each runoff event. Dairy cattle manure was applied to two of the plots each spring for 3 years (1970, 1971, and 1972) at the rate of 20 tons per acre per year (dry weight basis). It was spread on the soil surface and incorporated into the top 6 inches with a rototiller. The two check plots received 400 pounds N, 140 pounds P, and 160 pounds K per acre per year as commercial fertilizer - amounts considered adequate to remove N, P, and K as limiting factors in plant growth on this soil. The plots were double-cropped with 'Gahi-l' pearlmillet and 'Abruzzi' rye. The amount of runoff water was measured and samples were collected for analysis. Water measurements included biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), ammonium-N (NH 4-N), nitrate-N (N0 3 -N), and pH. Soil samples were taken periodically from each 6-inch increment to a depth of 36 inches for pH, C, NO 3, and organic-N determinations. Forage yields were determined, and forage and applied manure analyzed for P, K, Ca, Mg, boron (B), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), and iron (Fe) by emission spectroscopy. Forage and manure samples were also analyzed for NO3 and organic-N. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Rates-of-Manure-Application Experiment Forage YIELD Overall average forage yield for the 3-year period showed no detrimental effect from applied manure, Figure 1. Yields were 6 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Dry matter) acre/tons 6r 5 4 3 2 0 Li RYE Lucedale I 11 1 10 MILLET Dothan Br 716 4 I i 1 1 I 01020 80 40 Manure/acre, tons 120 FIG. 1. Dry matter yields of forage from three soils as affected by rate of manure application (3-year average). DAIRY CATTLE WASTE MANAGEMENT 7 generally higher on the manure-treated plots than on the check plots. There was a large response to manure application on the Dothan soil, probably due to the beneficial effects of increased organic matter content of the soil. The higher organic matter content increased the total water-holding capacity of the soil, thus increasing movement of water and nutrients to plant roots. The 10-ton application rate did not produce as much rye or millet forage as did the check treatment on the Lucedale soil. The total amount of nutrients applied in the 10 tons of manure was equivalent to that applied to the well-fertilized check plot. Evidently the plant nutrients were not as readily available in the manure as in commercial fertilizer, and the crops were capable of responding to more than was released from the 10-ton rate of manure. Detrimental effects on yields from the high application rates were apparent when individual years were presented, Appendix Tables 2 and 3. Emergence and early growth of millet were severely reduced with both the 80- and 120-ton application rates on the Dothan and Lucedale soils following the first application, probably a result of ammonia toxicity. One week after the application of manure, pH in the surface soil increased to above 8 in both soils. Under these conditions free ammonia was liberated from the manure, causing reduced germination and growth of the seedlings. The increase in pH did not occur when manure was applied the second and third years because the residue had increased the exchange capacity of the soil, and thus prevented the increase in pH. There was no difficulty with emergence and early growth on the Decatur soil, Appendix Table 4. This soil, had a higher clay content and exchange capacity, which adsorbed the ammonia released from manure and prevented pH increase, thereby avoiding toxicity. Apparently there is less danger of ammonia toxicity from large amounts of manure on fine-textured soils than on coarse soils. Yield of rye was reduced at the highest rate of application the last year of the test on Dothan soil. Plants in the middle of the plots were shorter, many of the heads turned white, and seed formation was poor. This appeared to be salt damage. The surface soil (0- to 6-inch depth) was checked for excessive salt and found to be within plant tolerance level; however, the surface soil was quite dry and excessive salts from deeper in the soil could have been causing these symptoms and the accompanying yield loss. 8 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Organic-N content, pct. 4.o r Dothan RYE 3.OF Lucedale 2.01Decatur 1.0 KA-Ae I I eAe I 4.OL MILLET Dothan 3.0 F 2.0 l fl [ 01020 40 80 120 Manure/acre, tons FIG. 2. Organic nitrogen content of forage from three soils as affected by rate of manure application (3-year average). DAIRY CATTLE WASTE MANAGEMENT 9 Rye yields were lower on Lucedale than on Dothan soil, possibly because of the number of cuttings. The rye was harvested in March and again in April on the Dothan soil in 1970. March and April harvests were made all 3 years on the Lucedale soil. Total rye production on Lucedale and Dothan was much lower in 1970, indicating that March harvest was detrimental to forage production. High yields in 1972 and 1973 on Dothan soil support this hypothesis. ORGANIC-N CONTENT Organic-N content of rye and millet forage went up as manure application rate was increased on both Dothan and Lucedale soils, Figure 2. The increase was less on the Decatur soil, which produced fewer cuttings of each crop, than on the other two soils. The harvested forage was more mature on Decatur and contained more stem material, and this accounted for the lower N content. In general, organic-N was lower in the forage produced at the 10-ton application rate, for the same reason that yields were lower from this rate of manure - the N was not as available as that in the commercial fertilizer. Organic-N usually decreased in the forage as the season progressed, Appendix Tables 5, 6, and 7. This was particularly true of the forages grown on lower rates of manure. Some of the N from manure was quickly available, but part of it was only slowly available, and this resulted in depressed uptake of N late in the season. The last cutting of rye was always lowest, probably due to the high straw content. The rye was usually cut at the softdough stage. Usually the N is being mobilized in the grain at this stage and uptake is also slower. NITRATE-N CONTENT Nitrate-N was above 0.4 percent in the millet forage produced on soil treated with 80 or 120 tons of manure per acre, Figure 3. This level of NO3-N is considered potentially toxic to ruminant animals. Although NOs-N toxicity is not frequently found in summer forages, millet with this nitrate-N level should be fed with caution. Even though these manure rates produced high forage yields, the forage quality was such that rates of 80 or 120 tons should not be used. High levels of N0 3-N were found in rye only on the Dothan soil. The rye produced on the 80- and 120-ton manure plots was above 0.4 percent NO 3-N. Only one cutting of rye was made each 10 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION content, pct. Nitrate-N .60O Dothan .40O Decatur jeA Lucedale .20 1 1 1 - 0 0 10 20 40 80 I20 Manure/acre, tons FIG. 3. Nitrate-N content of forage from three soils as affected manure application (3-year average). by rate of 11 DAIRY CATTLE WASTE MANAGEMENT DAIRY CATTLE WASTE MANAGEMENT 11 K content, pct. 5.0 Dothan RYE 4.0 3.0 2.0" - \/oo Decatur I I I I MILLET 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 Lucedole 0 10 20 40 80 120 Manure/acre, tons FIG. 4. Potassium content of forage from three soils as affected by rate of manure application (3-year average). 12 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION year on Decatur soil. This cutting was on mature rye, which would be expected to have high N0 3-N levels. Nitrate-N contents of rye forage were within the suggested tolerance levels throughout the season, however, so this forage was safe for grazing. Frequently, high N0 3-N levels can be avoided by timing the cutting of the forage. The first cuttings of millet frequently had the highest N0 3-N levels, Appendix Tables 5, 6, and 7, with cuttings made in the middle of the season frequently lowest in N0 3-N. The last cutting of millet was usually high again, because the cutting was made before the millet was mature so the rye could be planted. Usually NO 3-N levels in plants decrease as the plant matures. Therefore, if the last cutting had been delayed, the level of N0 3 -N in the millet would have been lower. Rye was cut in the spring after heading out, and was always lower in N0 3-N levels than cuttings made earlier. OTHER NUTRIENT CONTENTS Rate of manure application affected forage contents of K, P, Ca, Mg, and Mn, but response varied among soils and between plant species. In general, the K content increased as rate of manure application increased. An exception was the rye on the Decatur soil, Figure 4. Larger uptake of K with increasing rate of manure application would be expected. Plants accumulate K in excess of plant needs if large quantities are readily available in the soil. Younger plants have higher K concentrations in the tissue than do older plants, Appendix Tables 5, 6, and 7. Average phosphorus content of forage did not increase at the same rate as did K, Figure 5. Phosphorus uptake by millet did not increase with manure rate. There were wide differences in P content of rye grown on different soils. The first harvests made in the growth cycle of the plants had higher P levels than harvests made when the plants were closer to maturity. Millet had highest levels of P in forage grown at the low levels of manure application. This may have been caused by subsoil pH going above 6.5 on high application rates of manure. High pH can decrease solubility of some forms of P in the soil. There was no consistent response of Ca concentration in the forage to manure application rate, but Ca level varied widely among forages grown on the different soils, Figure 6. Plants do not ordinarily take up Ca in excess of needs, so the divergence caused by soils cannot be explained. The millet was harvested DAIRY CATTLE WASTE MANAGEMENT 13 DAIRY CATTLE WASTE MANAGEMENT 13 P content) pc t. RYE .60 .40 r Lucedle Decatur .20[ 0 Li p 1 MILLET .60[ I A Dothan Decatur - .40F .20F 0 0 1020 40 80 120 Manure /acre, tons FIG. 5. Phosphorus content of forage from three soils as affected by rate of manure application (3-year average). 14 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT 14 STATION TCa content pct. ALABAMA AGRICULTRLEEIMNSAIO .50[ Dothan RYE .40 Decatur °A Lued l .30 .50 MILLET DecaturA .40 rI I Lucedole .30 0 1020 40 80 120 Manure / acre , tons FIG. 6. Calcium content of forage from three soils as affected by rate of manure (3-year average). application DAIRY CATTLE WASTE MANAGEMENT 15 fewer times on the Decatur, and the higher levels of Ca were due to more mature tissue being harvested. This, however, does not account for the higher levels in the rye harvested on the Dothan soil. Magnesium contents varied between soils but showed little response to manure application except on the Dothan soil, Figure 7. Magnesium contents of rye increased as rates of manure application went up. The millet had a larger response to the first two increments of manure application, with decreasing response to the higher rates. Manganese uptake was depressed by application of manure. The first increment of added manure had the greatest effect, Figure 8, but the first cuttings after the first manure application also showed increased uptake of Mn. This could have been due to the chelating effects of the increased organic matter or to the increased Mn under a lower oxygen content resulting from rapid decomposition of organic compounds formed in the soil. Thereafter, the dominating effect of added manure was on soil pH. The subsoil pH in particular was increased by the manure added to the surface soil, Appendix Tables 8, 9, and 10. The increase in pH decreased both solubility and uptake of Mn. + MG) Most manure treatments produced tetany-prone forage having K: (Ca + Mg) equivalent ratios above 2.2, which is considered to be the critical level, Figure 9. Only millet forage produced with the lowest manure application rate and the check (mineralfertilized) treatments could be considered safe. All manure treatments on Decatur soil produced millet forage with ratios above 2.2. The K: (Ca + Mg) ratios for rye forage were above the 2.2 level for all manure treatments on Dothan and Lucedale soils but were below the critical tetany-prone level for all treatments on the Decatur soil. The Lucedale soil produced rye forage with highest ratios and the Decatur soil produced millet forage with highest ratios. The K: (Ca + Mg) ratios of both millet and rye forage were generally higher for the first harvest than for subsequent harvests, Appendix Tables 5, 6, and 7. Since high K: (Ca + Mg) ratios are usually associated with high K uptake, they were expected to be greater in the spring for millet and in fall for rye because of the higher K content of forage when plants were young. Ratios were low for rye on the Decatur soil since only one harvest was made on each planting. RATIOS OF K:(CA 16 ~L 16 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT AI A~ A~~ A Al~nl~lll STATION Mg. content, pct. RYE .30 - Dothan .20 L ucedole .10 ono Decatur 0A 0' .50 Dothan 401 MILLET °- ° p I , Dcatu I .30 .20 01020 40 80 120 Manure/acre, tons iim content of forage FIG. 7. application (3-year average). manure .ague from three soils as affected by rate of DAIRY DAIRY CATTLE CATTLE WASTE MANAGEMENT 17 WASTE MAN EMENT17 Mn content, pc t. .015r RYE Luceda le .0101 .005 a1I- _ I MILLET .0151 .0101 .005~ 0I III L 010 20 40 80 120 Manure /acre, tons FIG. 8. Manganese content of forage from three soils as affected by rate of manure application (3-year average). 18 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION 18 ALABAMA AGRICULTRLEPIMNSAIO K(Co +Mg) equivalents 3.01 2.5 RYE Detha 2. r I L MILLET 3.0Decatur 2.5F Dot han r\~~r r 01020 40 80 120 Manure /acre ,tons FIG. 9. Equivalent ratios of K:(Ca + Mg) from three soils as affected by rate of manure application (3-year average). DAIRY CATTLE WASTE MANAGEMENT 19 Soil Properties Soil properties in the surface 36 inches of Dothan, Lucedale, and Decatur soils 1 year after the last annual manure application are given in Appendix Tables 8, 9, and 10. Manure application increased the levels of all properties measured. The effects from manure were more evident at the higher application rates. PH The pH values increased as manure rate increased except in the surface of the Dothan soil. At the lowest soil depth measured (30 to 36 inches) pH ranged from 5.6 for the check treatment to above 7.0 at the higher rates of manure. The Lucedale soil showed increased pH in the surface 2 feet with increasing rates of manure, but rate of manure made little difference in pH below 2 feet, Appendix Table 9. On Decatur soil, pH values in the surface 12 inches of soil increased with manure rate but below 12 inches showed little difference between treatments. Permeability of this soil limited downward movement of K and Ca from the manure. ORGANIC MATTER CONTENT Manure applications increased organic matter on all three soils at all soil depths measured. The greatest increase was in the surface 12 inches, with effect decreasing at the lower depths, Appendix Tables 8, 9, and 10. A greater organic matter increase from manure applications was obtained on the Decatur soil than on Dothan and Lucedale soils. ORGANIC-N AND NITRATE-N CONTENTS Organic-N and NO 3-N were increased in all soils by manure application, with the effect being limited mainly to the surface 12 inches of soil. Other plant nutrients (K, Ca, and Mg) were increased by manure application, but there was little downward movement below 12 inches. The one exception was on Dothan soil, where K contents increased at the lowest depth measured. Runoff Experiment Runoff Water Quality BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND (BOD) One measure of the pollution potential of a material is the amount of oxygen it requires for oxidation. BOD values of runoff 20 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION 20 TABLE 1. ALABAMA AGRICULTRLEPRM BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND (BOD) VALUES WATER FROM CHECK AND MANURED PLOTS BOD of check plots TSAIN OF RUNOFF Max. p.p.m.. Min. .pm. Mean p.pm. BOD of manured plots Mean Mn. Max. ppm. p.p.m. 19701-------------------------__-______ 11.9 9.6 1971---------------------------------9.9 1972 -------------------------------4.4 19732_____ _______________________ 3-year mean ----------- 2.5 3.0 3.0 0.0 8.0 5.7 5.0 1.5 4.7 10.7 8.9 6.3 3.6 3.5 1.5 p. 8.0 6.1 4.3 5.4 5.4 1.8 4.7 'July 23 through December. 2 January through April 23. water were unaffected by applied manure over the 3-year period. In fact, the 8-year means for check and manured plots were the same, 4.7 p.p.m., Table 1. In all cases, the values were low. AMMONIUM-N CONTENT Mean NW4-N values in runoff water from the manured plots were low and, except for 1971, only slightly higher than those from the check. Table 2. The highest value from the manured plot. 4.8 p.p.m., occurred when there was only a very small amount of runoff and, consequently, contributed little to nitrogen runoff. TABLE 2. AMMONIUM-NITROGEN (NH 4 -N) CONCENTRATION IN RUNOFF WATER FROM CHECK AND MANURED PLOTS Year 1970'1 -- - - - - -- - - - - - w197 1 --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 197 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19732-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 July mher. 2 23 through Dece1123. January through Apri NH 4-N Max. p.pm. 1.99 1.33 1.97 2.08 _ of check plots Mean Mn. . p.m. . 0.23 0.61 .14 .68 .86 .00 .43 I_.04I- I- II NH 4-N of manured plots Mean Min. Max. ppm. p.p.m. pp.m. 0.66 0.23 2.69 1.75 .34 4.76 .95 .29 2.78 .56 .55 .18 NITRATE-N CONTENT Annual manure applications at the rate of 20 tons per acre incorporated into the N0a-N content of runoff water, Table 3. Values for both the check levels, and manured plots were well within acceptable even for drinking water. There was no definite seasonal fluctua- surface 6 inches of soil had no effect on the 'N0-N DAIRY CATTLE WASTE MANAGEMENT 21 DAIRY CATTLE W(AST E MA NAGE MENT TABLE 21 CONCENTRATION IN MANURED PLOTS RUNOFF 3 NITRATE-NITROGEN WATER FROM CHECK AND (NO,$-N) N0 3 -N of check plots NO,-N of manured Max. Mn. Mean Max. M. ppm. pp. . p.f. .pp. . p.. . 0.38 197 - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - 2.73 1.30 2.33 0.25 .70 1.48 3.50 19 71 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.94 .84 1 9 7 2 ----------------- 3.70 .42 1.68 3.07 .43 .96 1.46 1973 ----------------- 2.56 I rrcrRI 2.65 .79 I ~~- I\ I through Dece: mbher. 2January through April 123. Year W 2 Ju23 plots Mean p... 1.47 1.82 1.37 1.70 tion and no indication of increasing N0 3-N in the runoff water over the 3-year period. Analysis of water samples taken from the water table upslope and downslope from the plots indicated no increase in nitrate due to manure treatment. The nitrate content of water from the water table fluctuated with time and ranged from less than 1 to about 7 p.p.m., but this could not be related to manure treatment. TOTAL N CONTENT As shown in Table 4, N in runoff from July 23 through December 1970 was only 1.1 and 2.0 pounds per acre from the check and manured plots, respectively. The- highest N runoff for both the check and manured plots (less than 5 pounds per acre) occurred during 1971 and was associated with the highest amount of rainfall and runoff of any year during the study. In 1972 there was little N runoff (less than 1.5 pounds per acre) from, the check or manured plots, with slightly above-normal rainfall (55 for the year. During the first 4 months of 1973, N runoff was considerably less from the' manured plots than from the checks. Over TABLE inches) 4. RAINFALL, RUNOFF, AND TOTAL N FROM CHECK AND MANURED Loss IN RUNOFF WATER PLOTS Check Nlos/a NH 4-N N0 3-N Inches Inches Lb. Lb. 1970'_____ 20.9 3.92 0.25 0.88 1971______ 61.2 13.26 1.44 2.78 1972_____. 55.4 3.72 .28 1.20 19732..... N ruRunoffo in Year d Year ri uRain-Nlosa fall Runoff Manured RunoffN loss/acre NH 4 -N N0 3-N Total inches Lb. Lb. Lb. 4.16 0.43 1.59 2.02 19.8 4.32 .29 1.87 ' July 23 through December. 'Janur through April 23. 8.18 2.84 -111 1.52 -- -JI 111-1~ -I~~ 1.30 .37 .09 2.47 1.05 .37 3.77 1.42 .46 22 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION the 3-year period total N runoff was slightly less from the manured plots. In 1970, the amount of water that ran off the check and manured plots was about equal. Subsequently, runoff was consistently less from the manured plots. The decreased water runoff may have been due in part to increased water-holding capacity. However, an increase in infiltration would have given the same result. Forage YIELD Forage yields of millet and rye were higher each year from manured plots than from check plots, Table 5, even though N, P, and K were applied to the check plots in amounts considered adequate to remove them as growth-limiting factors. The differences were consistent, averaging 1,100 pounds per acre for the millet and 700 pounds for the rye. TABLE 5. FORAGE YIELDS AND NITRATE-NITROGEN CONTENT OF MILLET AND RYE FROM CHECK AND MANURED PLOTS IN RUNOFF EXPERIMENT Millet Year Check Yield/ NO 3-N acre Pct. Lb. _..... Rye Check Yield/ acre Lb. 5,372 4,057 6,568 ........ Manured Yield/ N03-N acre Pct. Lb. 5.9220 v,u..-. Manured Yield/ acre Lb. 6,423 4,186 7,502 NO3 -N Pet. 0.008 .102 .073 N0 3 -N Pct. 0.007 .044 .027 1970 I v .L 9,073 1971 1972 ... 8,645 1973 .. .... 4A270 0,1 v .9 v .v .17 .13 , 0.18 .... 10,389 9,750 .42 .62 NITRATE-N CONTENT Rye forage produced on manured plots averaged 0.06 percent NO 3-N for the 3-year period, and did not exceed 0.1 percent, Table 5. Millet forage, however, showed a gradual increase in NO 3-N over the 3 years, averaging 0.2 percent N0 3-N per year, Table 5. By the second year (1971), it had reached 0.4 percent NO 3-N, and by the third year 0.6 percent N Oa-N. Thus, second 3 year millet was borderline, and third year millet was potentially toxic to ruminant animals. Plants vary considerably in the amount of NOs-N they accumulate under high-N fertilization. Therefore, crops to be grown on DAIRY CATTLE WASTE MANAGEMENT 23 highly-manured land should be carefully selected. For crops that accumulate large amounts of NO 3-N, the amount of manure that can be used may be limited more by the N0 3-N content of the forage than by runoff or percolating water quality. Soil ORGANIC-N CONTENT Organic-N increased in the 0- to 6-inch depth in the manured plots but not below that depth, Figure 10, indicating little or no downward movement of organic-N compounds from the manure. Apparently the N in the manure must be mineralized before there is any significant downward movement. NITRATE-N CONTENT At the end of the 3-year study, NO 3-N had increased considerably in the soil profile of plots receiving manure, Figure 10. However, the concentration of NO3-N was only about 40 p.p.m. in the 0- to 18-inch depth and about 28 p.p.m. in the 18- to 36inch depth. This increase in N0 3-N in the 36-inch profile would be about 180 pounds N per acre, an amount equivalent to that removed by one millet crop. 24 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION 24 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Depth, in. 0r S-0 6 - -After 12 18 24L 30 WwA ? 3 annual applications I a I I I 0.02 Depth In. 0.06 0.04 Organic N, pct. Before manure opplied 0.08 0.10 6 12 18 24[ ,2 After 3 annual applications .' ia 10 20 NO3 - 30 N (p.p.m. 40 50 FIG. 10. Nitrate-N and organic-N in soil profile before and after three annual manure applications. DAIRY CATTLE WASTE MANAGEMENT 25 CONCLUSIONS Objective 1 Rates of dairy cattle manure of 10 and 20 tons per acre incorporated into the surface 6 inches of soil had no detrimental effect on soil properties. Millet and rye forage produced were of good quality. When rates of application exceeded 20 tons per acre, forage was high in N0 3-N and had K: (Ca + Mg) ratios that could be detrimental to animal health. When high rates of manure were used, Dothan soil produced rye forage with higher N0 3-N contents than did Lucedale and Decatur soils, but millet forage produced on Decatur soil had N0 3-N contents as high as on Dothan soil. Manure application rates of 40 tons per acre and above produced tetany-prone forage having K: (Ca + Mg) ratios above the 2.2 critical level, except for rye on Decatur soil. The K: (Ca + Mg) ratios were generally higher for the first harvest when plants were young for both millet and rye than for later harvests. The quality of forage produced is the limiting factor in rate of manure application rather than adverse effects of manure on soil properties or plant growth. Objective 2 Incorporating dairy cattle manure at the rate of 20 tons per acre into the top 6 inches of Norfolk sandy loam for 3 consecutive years had little effect on the N0 3-N or NH 4-N concentration of runoff water or on soil properties. Total N lost in runoff water was greatest when rainfall and runoff were highest. The maximum was less than 4.5 pounds N per acre for both the check and manured plots, and the average was less than 3 pounds per acre. After the first year there was less runoff water from manured plots than from check plots, which may have resulted from increased water-holding capacity and/or increased infiltration of water into the soil. Nitrate-N increased in the manured soil profile, but the top 36 inches contained only an amount equivalent to that removed by one millet crop. Organic-N increased only to the depth of manure incorporation (0 to 6 inches). At least 20 tons per acre of dairy cattle manure can be incorporated into the surface 6 inches of a Norfolk sandy loam for 8 consecutive years without adversely affecting quality of runoff water or soil. 26 26 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION APPENDIX APPENDIX TABLE 1. N MINERAL COMPOSITION OF MANURE APPLIED TO PLOTS Na 2,057 Year Auburn - Percent dry weight P 0.52 .37 .31 K 1.55 .58 .76 1.51 .70? 1.10 2.30 1.60 .80 Ca 0.88 .60 1.23 Parts per million Mg 0.59 .29 .36 .18 .41 Mn 180 107 73 240 230' 310 197019711972 Thorsby 1.88 1.77 2.34 1,564 1,770, 2,047 1,857 2,436 1970 --------1971 ---------1972 .-------- - 1.40 1.50 2.10 2.40 2.20 2.50 .37 .49 .76 .99 .94 1.12 .46 1.22 2.17 2.00 2.40 3.00 .56 .50 .56 .65 Normal 1971---------1972 --------1973 -------- 1,900 1,600- - 1,100 APPENDIX TABLE 2. DRY MATTER YIELDS OF RYE AND MILLET FORAGE AS AFFECTED BY RATE OF MANlURE APPLICATION ON DOTHIAN LOAMY SAND Tons/acre manure 1 Millet yield /acre Harvest no. 2 3 4 Rye yield/ acre 3 Lb. 1,190 1,280 1,630 2,150 1,850 1,340 Total Total Lb. Ttl 1 Lb. 940 860 1,080 Harvest no. 2 Lb. 1970 Lb. 8,040' 8,140 9,700 Lb. Lb. Lb. 1,560 1,120 1,890 2,170' Lb. 3,690c 3,260c 4,600b 6,250b 6,540a 5,300b 9,070a 0. 20 9,840 -- :2,610 12,950 2,370 *630 1,940 2,090 9,980c' 80-120.1971 20-- *110' 6,290 2,470 10,230bc 12, 090b 15,320a 10,320bc 6,400d 2,310 3,320 4,530 4,760 2,620 1,910 4,590 13,230c 4,660 13,940c 4,7,30 6,060 16,620b 20,800a 1,930 2,380 2,240 1,040 2,310 1,720 8,030 2,600 474,010 3,570 4,530' 2,440 5,340 3,230 5,700 *5,720 660 1,400 1,750 6,060 7,610, 7,830 40-80.120.1972 5,630 2,050 *4,250 4,580 4,870 4,700' 4,490 4,450 2,490 1,530 2,270 4,110' 5,950 20,160a 5,770 2O,6l0a 5,290 12,450c 4,580 12,270c 6,050 15,960b 1,950 1,550 1,480 1,420 1,920 2,290 8,420 8,440 5,720 6,720b 9,0,10a 9,580a 10,370a 9,990a 0.10__ 3,060 3,240 4,330 8,160 20,600a 7,200 3,150 4,710' 8,860 21,420a 2,370 6,200' 120-- -_. 3,870 4,0101 4,450 8,540 20,870a 2,090 5,810 ' Values within a column for each year followed hy the same nificantly different at the 5 percent level. 20-40-80-- 5,560 6,900 7,200cd 6,980d 8,820ab 9,490a 8,570ab 7,900bc letter are not sig- DAIRY CATTLE WASTE MANAGEMENT 27 DAIRY CATTLE WVASTPE MAN~GEET 2 APPENDIX TABLE 3. DRY MATTER YIELDS OF RYE AND MILLET FORAGE AS AFFECTED BY RATE OF MANURE APPLICATION ON LUCEDALE FINE SANDY LOAM Tons! acre manure Millet yield/ acre Total Lb. ___ RRye yield/acre Total Harvest no. 1 2 3 Lb. Lb. Lb. 2,140 3,380 4,000 *5,530 2,970 2,680 -2,840 1 Lb. 350 160 510 930 1,540 1,660 1,390 350 1,460 1,790 2,540 2,500 Harvest no. 3 2 Lb. Lb. 850 7601 1,280 1,670 1,650, 1,540 790 480 820 1,250 1,120 1,060 4,560 2,420 2,500 3,320 4,010 4,550 2,540 1,270 Lb. 5,760b 3,340d 4,290c 5,92Gb 7 ,20 0 a 7,550,a 4,720bc 2,lOd 1970 0-20-40-80-- 120-1971 0 -20 .40__80-120--1972 0 3,010 2,290 3,680 4,530 5,850 6,000, 4,690 1,110 6,260d' 1,480 7,lS0!cd 1,310 8,99Gb 830 10,890a 90 8,910b 90' 8,770bc 4,210 11,740b *4,740 4,410 4,250 2,220 3,560 2,070 2,410 2,750 3,280 4,310 3,520 4,060 8,Gl0d 10,030c 4,640 4,860 5,260 12,130b 12,55Gb 13,820a 14,500d 1,740 4,020c 2,330 5,37Gb 3,480 7,140-a 3,850'7,410a 2,910e 1,960f 3,830d 3,950 7,390 2,730 5,200 5,040 3,780 6,450 5,030 4,010 7,300 5,430 4,600 7,680 120 -5,170 4,690 8,180 1'Values within a column for each nificantly different at the 5 percent 3,650, -7 - 3,160 710 1,600 600 600 1,000 360 15,270cd 1,440 1,020 1,370 16,340bc 1,590 960 2,020 17,7lOab 1,600 380 2,900 18,050a 1,670 660 3,340 year followed by the same letter are level. 11,580e 4,570c 4,88Gb 5,670a Dot sig- 28 APPENDIX TABLE 4. AFFECTED BY RATE ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION' DRY MATTER YIELDS OF RYE AND MILLET OF MANURE APPLICATION ON DECATUR FORAGE AS CLAY SILTY Tons/acre manure 1 Lb. 1971 0 10 20 40 80 120 1972 0 10 20 40 80 120 1973 0 10 20 40 80 120......... Millet yield/acre Harvest no. 2 Lb. 7,370 7,210' 7,370 7,640 7,100 8,390 9,850 8,700 9,170 10,810 10,330 10,930 4,710 3,950 4,550 3,560 2,280 2,050 Rye yield/acre TotalHarvest Lb. 10,000b 11,840ab 12,640a 13,070a 12,530a 13,770a 15,350ab 13,790b 15,220ab 16,570a 16,640a 17,380a 5,860c 8,340bc 11,140a 10,530ab 9,160ab 10,210ab 1 Harvest no. 1 Lb. 6,730 NS 6,440 7,070 5,640 7,070 6,780 10,850 NS 10,640 10,930 9,520 10,270 8,350 5,590b 4,790b 6,280b 8,290a 9,380a 9,770a 2,640 4,630 5,270 5,430 5,430 5,380 5,500 5,090 6,050 5,760 6,450 1,150 4,390 6,590 6,970 6,930 8.160 -..-.......... -6,310 Values within a column for each year followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 5 percent level. ' DAIRY CATTLE WASTE MANAGEMENT 29 APPENDIX TABLE 5. MINERAL COMPOSITON OF FORAGE AS AFFECTED BY RATE OF MANURE APPLICATION AND EQUIVALENT RATIO OF K : (CA MG) ON DOTHAN LOAMY SAND, AT DIFFERENT HARVEST DATES + Tons! acre Content t, percent ppm. manure Org.-N N0 3 -N 0.17 .32 P 0.36 .47 K 3.80 5.64 Ca 0.36 .47 .42 Mg 0.28 .27 .35 p + Mg) ratio 2.36 3.14 K: (Ca 8-7-70 (millet) 0 .___ 2.49 2.36 10 ------20----.79 40--- - 2.99 80 65 49 61 120 --9-10-70 (millet) 0 ---- .15 .99 .21 10 _______ .16 20 ._______ .38 .36 .48 40 --- 2.12 .52 80 .--- - 2.55 .56 120 --2.80 11-30-70 (rye) .12 0 .______ 3.46 10 3.14__- .25 .42 20 ---- - 3.21 .64 40 - -- 3.73 .88 80 _______4.52 1.30 120--4.89 3-4-71 (rye) .03 01_______ .01 10 2.21 20 -- ----- .93 4.51 .39 .50 .58 .62 .42 .46 .40 .40 .26 .34 6.88 7.10 6.08 5.38 2.26 3.20 .46 .40 .40 .35 .24 .34 .44 .28 69 92 126 68 3.51 4.23 3.23 2.42 1.42 2.26 .37 .23 .27 .27 .47 .62 .66 .76 .89 .91 .51 .58 .59 .80 .80 .81 .49 .51 .56 .66 .77 .73 .44 .48 4.53 4.04 5.97 5.53 2.99 3.93 4.52 5.23 8.22 8.37 3.30 3.68 3.47 4.54 5.05 5.80 2.78 2.70 3.12 4.01 5.22 5.49 3.71 4.31 .31 .34 .27 .21 .17 .64 .25 .40 .30 .27 .22 .21 39 57 65 76 69 131 2.31 2.69 4.64 5.29 1.55 2.11 .54 .49 .41 .38 .33 .47 .43 .25 .24 104 85 2.60 3.31 5.27 2.24 2.47 2.10 2.02 2.09 2.42 1.82 1.72 1.70 1.83 1.95 2.21 2.34 .24 .29 .29 .17 .20 39 45 52 139 68 - 2.53 .02 .24 .66 .02 .02 .03 .13 .46 .50 .04 .04 80 --- - 3.59 120 4.68 40 3 36_____ .11 .43 .60 .64 .58 .25 .33 .36 .39 61 89 73 96 4-12-71 (rye) 10 -----20 -----40 .__--- 0 ------ 2.26 2.44 .50 .47 .17 .20 .27 .32 252 81 73 72 61 3.10 4.09 .49 .59 .64 80 -----3.53 2.55 120-----6-17-71 (millet) 2.28 0--___ 2.20 10 -----20 .56 .43 .44 .43 .23 .29 .37 .37 .37 .37 .23 .42 .41 .56 .50 .50 77 96 41 43 29 17 27 151 -----2.45 2.91 40-----80 -_--_120-_ .35 .50 .73 .43 .43 .43 .34 .32 .32 .32 .32 .23 .27 .32 .32 5.44 5.97 6.12 2.68 2.98 3.27 3.35 7-15-71 (millet) 1.91 0-20:- 3.29 3.10 .99 .04 .02 .09 .53 .77 .63 .44 .57 .82 .66 .61 .56 .54 7.34 3.19 3.92 4.84 5.645.845.98 4.02 2.66 2.07 2.47 40 -----120 ---2.30 3.25 --10 1.91 80 ------ 2.92 2.94 53 55 39 25 37 .33 .31 2.31 2.57 2.68 30 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION 30 ArLABAMA4~ GRICULTRLEXEIET TTO APPENDIX TABLE 5 (Cont.). MINERAL COMPOSITION OF FORAGE AS AFFECTED BY RATE OF MANURE APPLICATION AND EQUIVALENT RATIO OF K:(CA + MG) ON DOTHAN LOAMY SANDAT HARVEST DATES K: (Ca DIFFERENT Tons / acre-+-mg) manure Org.-N 8-12-71 (millet) 2.34 0__________ 1.83 10 2.28 20_________ 2.51 40 _______ 3.22 80_______ 3.32 120_________ 9-14-71 (millet) 1.94 0__________ 1.53 10__________ 2.30 20_________ 2.58 40 _________ 2.67 80 2.99 120_________ 12-16-71 (rye) 4.52 0.________ 10_________ 4.50 4.86 20__________ 5.40 40 5.35 80 5.50 120 4-19-72 (rye) 0._________.97 10__________.86 .96 20_________ 1.45 40__________ 1.80 80__________ 2.03 120_____ Content, percentp N0 2 -N P K 3.65 3.89 4.21 5.64 5.91 5.56 2.33 2.73 2.73 3.56 4.32 4.06 4.77 3.95 4.17 4.92 5.88 6.18 1.89 1.84 1.69 2.44 2.75 3.29 2.65 3.65 Ca 0.34 .27 Mg 0.27 .53 M 122 45 ratio 2.37 1.73 0.03 .90 .01 --------- 0.58 .73 .08 .18 .72 .52 .17 .09 .36 .49 .68 .85 .61 .50 .49 .35 .66 .48 .41 .38 .37 .76 .76 .82 .72 .71 .70 .26 .30 .27 .30 .30 .31 .54 .59 .35 .35 .35 .31 .38 .37 .43 .43 .38 .60 .49 .52 .56 .36 .90 1.00 .71 .54 43 31 19 21 258 64 51 33 21 1.60 2.48 2.49 2.29 1.22 .75 .67 1.13 1.73 ---------.05 .05 .13 .49 .71 .83 .01 .03 .03 .03 .13 .22 .31 .56 .56 .47 .46 .40 .36 .56 .29 .39 .42 .42 .40 .41 25 259 81 57 33 27 37 1.67 2.34 1.67 1.83 2.18 2.83 3.04 ------------------------- .21 .19 .24 .29 .34 .04 .06 .10 .13 .14 88 41 32 32 17 3.51 3.25 2.13 2.47 .35 .51 .39 .19 .29 .35 32 147 35 2.46 2.53 1.37 1.92 6-14-72 (millet) 2.64 0 .____ 20 _____ 40_____ 80 _____ 120_____ 2.48 2.81 3.22 3.78 2.16 10 ----- .31 .07 .17 .31 .52 .55 .59 .56 .51 .57 4.08 4.53 4.64 5.27 .30 .28 .29 .29 .35 .37 .36 .39 29 15 14 39 2.37 2.59 2.67 2.88 7-7-72 (millet) 2.77 0 _____ 20 _____ 2.91 3.61 2.47 10 ----3.34 40----- .12 .04 .60 .84 2.99 3.93 .46 .39 .39 .37 149 30 1.38 2.00' .11 .51 .90 .66 4.74 4.69 .40 .34 .48 .44 21 8 2.02 2.24 120 _____ 3.81 8-1-72 (millet) 80_____ .69 .57 5.41 .39 .49 7 .74 .20 .03 .57 .73 .90 5.09 2.84 3.20 .32 .49 .40 .36 .42 .53 22 221 36 2.30 2.84 1.22 1.28 10------ 0----- 2.91 2.17 20_____ 40_____ 2.31 2.94 .11 .34 .81 .61 3.69 4.03 .37 .40 .59 .60 35 29 1.40 1.48 120-:---- 80_____ 3.46 3.65 .60 .62 .56 .52 4.51 4.52 .43 .40 .57 .47 21 32 1.68 1.96 DAIRY CATTLE WASTE MANAGEMENT 31 APPENDIX TABLE 5 (Gout.). MINERAL COMPOSITION OF FORAGE AS AFFECTED DY RATE OF MANURE APPLICATION AND EQUIVALENT RATIO OF K: -+ MG) ON DOTHAN LOAMY SAND, AT DIFFERENT HARVEST DATES (CA Tons! acre manure Content, percent Org.-N N0 3-N 0.04 .02 .02 .22 .70 .70 P 0.52 .64 .69 .40 .34 .32 K 1.94 2.08 2.65 2.72 3.62 3.93 Ca 0.37 .24 .21 .27 .34 .29 .60 .53 .50 .50 Mg CaMg 0.36 .57 .59, .51 .59 .61 .36 .29 .31 .34 pp.m. Mn Mn K: (Ca + Mg) Lratio 1.03 .90 1.14 1.25 1.40 1.54 1.28 1.64 1.92 1.95 9-6-72 (millet) 1.32 0_____ 1.05 10 _____ 1.27 20_____ 1.80 40 _____ 2.39 80 .____ 120----2.60 201 33 32 24 17 27 106 40 37 26 11-27-72 (rye) 4.33 0 3.74 10__________ 3.94 20_________ 4.28 40 80.--------4.48 4.47 4.4--120 4-18-73 (rye) 0._________ 1.25 10 1.07 20----1.16 .25 __________ .09 .31 1.09 1.01 .88 .02 .02 .59 .57 .61 .58 .53 .49 .30 .32 .33 3.00 3.24 3.81 4.06 3.42 3.38 2.23 1.92 2.41 .51 .45 .30 .29 35 38 1.74 1.86 .02 ° .21 .20 .22 .10 .06 .10 49 14 14 3.04 3.28 3.20 40----80_____ 1.54 2.10 .09 120_____ 2.35 .35 .46 .37 .41 2.97 .43 3.07 3.55 .27 .41 .13 .18 13 9 3.13 2.22 .43 .22 25 2.29 32 32 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION APPENDIX TABLE 6. MINERAL COMPOSITION OF FORAGE AS AFFECTED BY RATE OF MANURE APPLICATION AND EQUIVALENT RATIO OF K: + MG) ON LUCEDALE FINE SANDY LOAM, AT DIFFERENT HARVEST DATES (CA Ton/ acre- Content, percent manure Org.-N (\~A n N0 3-N -f IVIII 0.01 .02 .02 .04 .05 .06 .01 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .13 .30 P c:I)Al.~c: I)NI.ll[:l K Pin Ca 0.14 .14 .17 .19 3.18 3.30 3.84 4.72 5.19 0.41 Mg 0.25 .17 .28 p~~. K: (Ca ~ lh -Mg ) + Mn ratio 120 106 118 184 181 151 142 1.97 3.00 2.44 3.24 3.86 4.65 1.53 1.81 2.32 2.70 2.65 3.03 1.36 1.50 1.65 1.92 2.19 1.97 1.25 1.39 1.43 2.18 3.52 3.73 3.26 3.31 2.96 2.99 2.97 2.86 2.49 3.07 2.51 2.78 2.53 2.79 3.84 2.78 3.17 7-1-70 (millet) 0-----10 20_-_ 40 80 120 0 -2.09 2.32 .36 .28 .34 .33 .29 .26 .31 .28 .27 - 2.99 - 3.53 -3.75 .25 .24 .20 .30 .30 .28 .26 .34 .31 .29 .31 .39 .36 .38 .38 .23 .19 .29 .23 .20 .19. .11 .12 .15 .19 .18 .20 .13 .08 .12 .11 .15 .1]5 .19 .09 .24 .25 .27 5.39 2.42 8-4-70 (millet) -----1.25 .20 .28 .28 .30, .27 .30 .28 .34 .37 .28 .29 .31 .36 .27 10 1.38 -1.62 20 40 1.94 2.30 80 2.98 120 9-2-70 (millet) 1.53 0 __ 10 1.51 20 2.32 40 __ 3.05 80 3.49 120 ._ 3.64 12-1-70 (rye) 0 -----3.86 10 ___ 4 20 3.64 40 2.38 80 .__ 90 120.---3.69 3-5-71 (rye) 0 -____2.32 10 20 2.75 3.33 3.71 4.74 5.18 2.11 2.21 3.19 3.86 4.41 4.21 155 112 155 201 153 154 132 128 144 123 105 210 186 204 182 147 120 149 140 121 133 89 88 132 115 108 104 93 75 65 358 53 57 47 .27 .35 .36 .31 .24 .34 .43 .40 .46 .66 .44 .63 .46 .40 .38 .23 .21 .25 .32 .33 .37 .24 .16 .21 .20 .27 .27 .34 .62 .32 .46 .63 .90 1.08 .10 .13 .03 .06 .04 .10 .01 .01 2.54 2.05 3.10 3.59 .45 .48 .57 .56 .38 .38 5.04 5.06 2.63 2.65 2.89 3.71 ----2.46 ----2.63 40 ------ 3.00 80 -----3.88 120 ----4.01 4-20-71 (rye) 0 ----1.62 10 -----.99 20 --- _-1.18 .01 .02 .10 .13 .44 .55 .57 .66 3.65 3.93 .05 .02 .02 .02 .25 2.21 1.76 2.01 2.08 40 -----80 _____ 1.27 1.63 1.74 120 ------ .03 .05 .04 .01 .12 .28 .24 .28 111 .29 .34 .38 .31 .11 .27 .27 .49 .22 .28 2.57 2.83 4.91 4.17 6-24-71 (millet) 0 -----2.02 10 ----1.80 20----2.00 40 ----2.24 80 ----2.49 2.57 4.45 5.65 6.82 120 1~11 .47 7.20 .27 .25 .27 Iri ~I .19 .23 .26 120, 4.95 5.51 5.24 DAIRY CATTLE WASTE MANAGEMENT 33 APPENDIX TABLE 6 MINERAL COMPOSITION OF FORAGE AS AFFECTED BY RATE OF MANURE APPLICATION AND EQUIVALENT RATIO OF (Cort.). K: (CA -}-MG) ON LUCEDALE FINE SANDY LOAM, AT DIFFERENT HARVEST DATES I*IIII~I\~ UVIII Tons! acre manure Org-N NO:-N I- IYI~ 7-26-71 (millet) Content, percent p.pm. VI1 IU UVUUUII~L IIL1~ P K Ca Mg Mn 231 79 61 85 85 52 213 96 105 85 88 48 K: (Ca + Mg)i M ratioI 10-- 1.41 20 -1.78 40 -2.41 80 -2.89 120---2.72 8-31-71 (millet) 0 -----1.74 10--- - 1.24 20--- 1.67 40 ---- - 2.07 80---2.50 120 --2.71 12-8-71 (rye) 0.-- 3.66 10 -- -2.29 20--2.36 40 --- 3.70 80 --- - 4.39 120 -- -4.55 3-13-72 (rye) 0 ----1.90 10 -- -1.96 20 2.01 40 --2.20 80 2.93 120 3.15 4-17-72 (rye) 0-----2.15 10----1.22 20 -----1.34 40----1.48 o ----- 1.84 0.07 .04 .07 .18 .40 .35 .17 .05 .41 .34 .82 .80 .02 .01 .01 .03 .25 .31 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .14 0.23 .31 .35 .34 .42 .40 .23 .40 .39 .34 .31 .38 2.40 3.13 3.12 3.69 4.40 4.49 1.98 2.19 2.04 3.59 4.29 4.32 0.27 .22 .25 .31 .31 .29 .27 .18 .27 .34 .33 .33 0.29 .16 .17 .19 .23 .21 .38 .31 .35 .29 .30 .41 1.63 3.30 3.00 3.02 3.25 3.60 1.12 1.61 1.22 2.24 2.65 2.19 .36 .54 .35 .46 .40 .55 .30 .32 .36 .37 .36 .34 .34 .31 .34 .35 .37 .39 .33 .33 .35 .42 .34 .38 1.96 2.65 1.90 2.73 1.98 2.69 2.69 1.71 1.73 1.97 2.01 1.97 3.18 3.77 4.03 4.17 4.52 4.90 2.80 2.52 3.13 3.45 3.25 3.89 VI .18 .27 .19 .25 .19 .27 .25 .19 .24 .28 .24 .21 .41 .34 .40 .34 .06 .14 .07 .10 .09 .13 .07 .07 .09 .10 .10 .08 .35 .40 .53 .32 174 94 73 83 64 57 205 114 97 81 59 41 101 100 95 100 3.59 2.70 3.18 3.37 2.99 2.84 3.77 2.87 2.27 2.27 2.54 2.94 1.65 1.92 1.61 2.45 .01 .01 .02 .03 .03 80 ----1.58 120 -----1.50 6-20-72 (millet) 2.08 0----10 ------ 2.27 20----2.85 80----120----0----10----20----40 40 ------ 2.81 3.14 2.97 2.26 1.50 2.02 2.36 .06 .12 .35 .43 .60 .64 .08 .27 .26 .38 .25 .29 .32 .29 .28 .L .29 .33 .25 .20 .26 .29 .23 .29 81 49 108 108 85 101 73 57 3.07 3.10 1.80 2.21 2.22 2.20 2.47 2.61 7-18-72 (millet) 80-----120----u\~ ------ 2.70 3.00 ~ . .02 .08 .23 .28 .42 34 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION 34 ALABAMA AGRICULTRLEPIMN SAIO APPENDIX TABLE 6 (Cont.). MINERAL COMPOSITION OF FORAGE AS AFFECTED BY RATE OF MANURE APPLICATION AND EQUIVALENT RATIO OF K: (CA + MG) ON LUCEDALE FINE SANDY LOAM, AT DIFFERENT HARVEST DATES Tons/ Content, percentp Org.-N N0 3-N P K Ca Mg M K: (Ca acre.+ manure ratio mg) 8-17-72 (millet) 0._________ 1.60 1.01 10 _________ 20 _______ 1.30 1.51 40 _________ 2.33 80__________ 120 2.50 11-29-72 (millet) 3.70 0 ._________ 3.20 10 3.54 20 4.29 40 4.27 80 4.43 120 3-12-73 (rye) 0:____ 2.29 ---------- 0.14 .02 .06 .13 .51 .55 0.26 .38 .40 .37 .36 .30 2.28 2.25 2.90 3.35 4.51 4.07 2.34 2.41 2.52 3.77 4.01 3.73 3.33 3.07 3.48 4.36 5.31 0.37 .21 .27 .25 .32 .32 0.24 .41 .39 .35 .45 .39 135 110 81 86 91 64 1.52 1.29 1.62 2.06 2.16 2.15 ---------------------------------------.02 .02 .04 .13 .38 .04 .05 .14 .35 .51 .51 .47 .37 .43 .52 .53 .50 .43 .46 .48 .56 .57 .54 .40 .44 .43 .38 .38 .20 .17 .19 .19 .19 .19 153 114 81 64 61 57 1.37 1.81 1.71 2.59 2.95 2.75 2.53 10 ----2.80 20 ----3.46 40----80----4.83 .26 .21 .25 .33 .41 .10 .13 .14 .16 .19 101 78 61 57 49 4.01 3.70 3.69 3.75 3.75 120_____ 4.69 4-23-73 (rye) 0_____ 10. ____ 20----- .42 .12 .03 .07 .09 .07 .64 .35 .35 .37 .38 .42 5.71 2.76 .40 .43 .27 .33 .36 .31 .20 .13 .12 .14 .14 .13 51 110 86 45 53 48 3.99 2.19 2.74 2.31 2.11 3.15 2.23 1.59 1.87 1.78 40 ----80 ----1.88 2.51 3.03 2.54 2.44 3.23 10 -1.95 .14 .40 .34 .16 41 2.56 DAIRY CATTLE WASTE MANAGEMENT 35 APPENDIX TABLE 7. MINERAL COMPOSITION OF FORAGE AS AFFECTED BY RATE OF MANURE APPLICATION AND EQUIVALENT RATIO OF +I--MG) ON DECATUR SILTY CLAY LOAM, AT K: DIFFERENT HARVEST DATES (CA Tons! manure - Content, percent r;A JMU CaI LL Org.N pp.m. Mn 80 71 81 65 67 77 69 63 68 62 67 72 47 45 62 68 55 + ral K: (Ca M) I\:I\IA N0 3 -N T 1VII;~ ~)N II~~;X.LU~ OLLIX P K Ca Mg 0.27 .30 .35 .27 .30 .34 .29 .36 .35 .31 .35 .31 .04 .10 .08 .10 .07 .06 rati 1.65 1.81 1.73 1.93 2.33 1.70 2.55 2.61 2.65 3.01 3.11 3.79 1.85 1.41 1.45 1.43 1.53 1.48 7-28-71 (millet) 0---- 10 ---- 1.74 20 ---- 2.13 40 ---- - 1.85 2----.16 80 120 2__ ..27__9-10-71 (millet) 0.2.9___1 10 2.84 20 -----2.82 40 -----2.84 80 ._ 28__.4 120 -- -3.07 5-5-72 (rye) 0----1.29 10 - ----1.66 20------ 1.62 40 159 1.__--120 -----1.41 7-25-72 (millet) 0 ---- - 2.08 10 ----1.79 20 ----1.85 40 ----2.16 120_- --- 2.95 10-14-72 (millet) 0 _--__ 1.39 40 ___--1.53 2.00 80 -----2.57 120 5-5-73 (rye) .92 0-.---80 1.54 0.19 .30 .50 .50 .50 .58 .40 .60 .64 .67 .84 .87 0.32 .38 .37 .37 .44 .35 .24 .37 .38 .41 .41 .44 .26 2.61 3.29 3.89 3.31 4.41 3.83 4.95 5.64 5.65 5.72 6.33 0.36 .43 .57 .43 .47 .59 .51 .51 .51 .46 .46 .45 .32 .44 .43 .41 .38 .39 7.14 .06 1.39 ----1.49 .11 .10 .08 .07 .08 .15 .11 .12 .26 .76 .78 .09 .06 .10 .17 .48 .69 .03 .04 .02 .05 .05 .08 .06 .06 .09 .09 .71 .80 I# .30 .28 .31 .27 .26 .26 .24 .30 .30 .35 .37 .32 .48 .51 .48 .41 .40 .26 .26 .30 .27 .29 .29 .34 .40 .42 .35 .36 .35 ~I 1.67 1.60 1.61 1.48 1.41 2.61 3.24 3.68 3.38 4.18 4.32 1.88 2.19 2.21 2.45 2.61 3.29 1.73 1.78 1.91 2.00 2.15 2.33 4.51 5.29 5.77 6.41 7.91 8.10 59 80 ---- 2.63 .50 .45 .40 .46 .38 .46 .45 .44 .47 .52 .50 .52 .32 .23 .29 .29 .31 .34 .34 .28 .31 .27 .35 .32 II .30 .19 .21 .22 .25 .23 .19 .18 .19 .19 .21 .24 .04 .04 .05 .06 .06 .07 .10 .15 .18 .17 .20 .20 159 81 81 77 55 61 187 73 74 84 77 78 103 67 61 53 49 77 89 49 53 45 51 48 1.34 2.17 2.52 2.10 2.69 2.62 1.26 1.52 1.44 1.50 1.57 1.83 2.30 3.08 2.62 2.63 2.69 2.62 4.57 5.12 4.85 5.93 5.93 6.35 n 10 -----20 ------ 1.33 1.50 .80 80----.94 120 _-___ 8-20-73 (millet) 20 -----40 ------ 10 ----1.23 .83 1.03 1.41 ----1.37 20 ----1.40 40 ----1.30 10 ------ 0 80 1.17 ----- 120 I.II 1.26 36 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION APPENDIX TABLE 7 (Gont.). MINERAL COMPOSITION OF FORAGE AS AFFECTED BY RATE OF MANURE APPLICATION AND EQUIVALENT RATIO OF K: Tons! acre manure (CA + MG) ON DECATUR SILTY CLAY. LoAM, IK: AT DIFFERENT HARVEST DATES Jrg.-N Content, percent P K N0 3-N 0.08 .12 .20 .31 .67 0.25 .27 .34 .30 .30) 2.29 8.19 4.16 5.43 5.76 ppm. ± Mg) (Ca Ca 0.37 .38 .45 .47 .47 Mg 0.20 .18 .27 .25 .26 Mn 237 99 ratio 1.67 2.74 2.37 3.14 3.27 lijlet) 10-25-73 (mr 1.54 0 -- - - 1.64 10 ----1.61 20 ----40 .---1.53 1.69 80 -----120 ---- - 1.56 5-30-74 (rye .82 0- - - - 10 ----20 ----40 ----1.01 1.29 80 ----1.28 120 ----II\ ~ PF~ 128 106 110 .77 .01 .32 .26 .25 .29 7.37 .49 .30 .04 .07 .07 88 91 8.82 2.07 1.95 1.90 .94 .95 .02 .02 1.56. 1.73 1.76 .32 .34 .36 48 42 .02 .02 .11 .29 .28 .28 .1.81 1.82 1.87 ~1 .35 .35 .37 .08 .07 .07 38 38 37 1.92 2.00 1.97 DAIRY CATTLE WASTE MANAGEMENT DAIRY CATTLE WYASTE MANAGEMENT 37 3 APPENDIX TABLE 8. CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF LOAMY SAND SOIL AT SIX SOIL DEPTHS, AFTER THREE ANNUAL APPLICATIONS OF DAIRY MANURE DOTHAN K Sinceh p Organic inhsmatter Pct. Organc-N0 3-N N1-Ca Ca M M Pct. ppm. p.p.m. 41 19 .pm. 400 247 212 pp. 93 39 15 No manure 0-6 12-18 -----------------5.7 .160 .015 18-24 .---5..9 24-30---------------5.9 30-36 ----------------5.6 10 tons manure 0-6 .--. ______________ _ 5.9 6-12 6.0 .125 .116 .098 .696 .012 .014 6-12 -------------------5.9 0.705 0.040 209 -------------- .032 210 5.4 .602 178 178 164 17 15 18 207 255 250 436 13 23 60 70 .016 .070 149 189 173 20 31 27 24 31 12-18 --------------- -----------------.589 .047 6.2 .214 .018 164 160 138 124 18-24 .----------------. 24-30----------------30-3.6 20 tons manure --------------5.9 .083 --5.9 6.4 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.3 6.3 6.2 .125 .062 .017 .016 .017 35 41 373 197 205 305 315 692 69 35 40 46 77 142 0-6 .-------- 24-30--------30-36 6-12 .-12-18 .----------------. 18-24 1.285 .553 .250 .178 .152 .134 .115 .039 170 203 .016 .016 .015 .014 187 181 152 129 34 29 40 348 190 193 234 290 1,048 649 78 63 56 68 ------------------ 54 68 61 --------- 77 178 159 40 tons manure 0-6.--------6.0 1.812 .162 167 6-12 --------12-18--------- 6.3 6.6 .821 .312 .064 .020 47 44 156 18-24--------- 24-30--------30-36--------80 tons manure 6.8 6.7 .170 .143 .014 .017 105 146 161 6.6 5.8 6.3 .134 2.312 1.094 .016 .303 .147 124 273 200 57 73 162 258 140 90 246 158 158 99 67 91 148 72 371 0-6---------6-12-------- 1,836 12-18 .-------18-24.________ 24-30--------30-36---------. 120 6.7 7.0 7.2 7.3 .487 .232 .160 .071 3.543 2.178 .553 .357 .321 .401 .033 .016 .019 .016 .426 .227 182 169 152 146 417 266 217 180 164 143 75 287 422 108 1,302 217 208 183 529 260 97 142 134 552 402 123 95 137 126 117 tons manure 0-6 .________________ 5.8 6-12 266 216 118 136 246 416 2,523 1,745 511 232 156 154 12-18 18-24_-------- --------- 24-301'-------30-36.__------ 7.1 6.2 6.7 6.9 6.6 .037 .019 .021 .016 38 38 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION APPENDIX TABLE 9. CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF LiTCEDALE FINE SANDY LOAM SOIL AT SIX SOIL DEPTHS, AFTER THREE ANNUAL APPLICATIONS OF DAIRY MANURE Soil depth, inches No manure 0-6 ----------------------------------. 6-12 ---------------------------------. pH Organic matter Organic-N N0 3 -N Pct. 5.4 5.2 0.724 x4 14 Pct.pm. 0.058 .036 180 108 89 12-18 ---------------------------------5.1 .310 .022 18-24 -------------------------------5.0 .248 .022 24-30 -------------4.9 .192 .019 30-36 -------------------------------4.7 .140 .016 10 tons manure 0-6 ----------------------------------- 88 56 57 6-12 --------------------------------5.4 .350 .035 5.2 5.2 5.1 .218 .218 .125 .023 .022 .019 5.6 .896 .076 140 93 12-18 .--------------------------------18-24 --------------------------------24-30 ---------------------------------- 30-36 --------------------------------20 tons manure 74 66 64 5.0 .152 .018 58 0-6 -------------------------------5.9 1.108 .104 180 6-12 --------------------------------5.8 .364 .039 128 12-18 ---------------------------5.6 .228 .029 76 18-24 -------------------------------5.3 .192 .022 60 5.1 .130 .019 24-30- --------------------------------- 52 .019 49 30-36 --------------------------------. 5.0 .136 40 tons manure 0-6 ---_-----------------------------6-12 ----------------. 12-18 ----------------18-24 6.2 5.1 5.7 5.4 ---------------- 1.526 .382 .248 .176 .157 270 .042 .028 .024 122 82 76 24-30 ----------------30-36 ----------------80 tons manure 0-6 6-12 5.0 5.0 6.6 6.4 .156 .170 2.386 .694 .020 .020 .259 .070 73 64 528 242 ------------------------------------ 12-18 --------------------------------- 5.2 .321 .040 156 18-24 --------------------------------24-30 30-36 4.9 4.9 5.0 .202 .212 .145 .027 .026 .022 88 80 66 120 tons manure 0-6 ----------------6-12 ------------------ 6.4 6.7 3.276 .342 706 12-18 -----------------18-24 ----------------24-30 ----------------30-36 5.9 5.2 1.014 .342 .284 .101 .038 .031 248 150 88 ----------------- 4.9 4.8 .233 .218 .026 .024 60 60 DAIRY CATTLE WASTE MANAGEMENT 39 DAIRY CATTLE WASTE MANAGEM ENT 3 APPENDIX TABLE 10. CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF DECATUR SILTY CLAY LO~A SOIL AT SIX SOIL. DEPTHS, AFTER THIREE ANNUAL APPLICATIONS OF DAIRY MANURE Sail depth, inches OrpH ganic matter Pct. Organic- N Pct. N0 3 -N 20.6 19.2 8.2 -9.7 4.5 11.6 15.8 10.7 4.5 6.3 5.9 7.0 19.7 16.6 14.9 12.4 9.3 7.8 22.9 12.4 7.8 7.8 8.5 4.5 K Ca Mg Na pApNm. p.p.m.pp.p.p.m.pp.p.p.m. 21 21 21 12 8 14 29 16 27 10 8 14 44 29 27 18 18 12 59 23 23 21 14 14 64 29 27 16 12 10 No manure 0-66-12 12-18-18-24 24-30 5.6 5.7 .5 80-36 -6.7 6.1 6.7 2.4 1.9 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.5 3.0 2.0 1.7 1.5 1.7 1.6 0.14 .12 .10 .12 .10 .09 .20 .14 .11 .15 .10 .09 .33 .23 .20 .17 .11 .10 .28 .16 .15 .14 .12 .11 .47 .21 169 90 83 72 62 57 798 999 1,192 1,045 1,405 1,181 52 58 66 49 64 58 19 21 21 20 23 21 10 tons manure 0-6 -6.3 6-12 6.3 12-18 6.6 18-24 6.5 24-30 6.7 30-36 . 6.8 20 tons manure 0-6 -6.4 6-12 6.4 12-18 6.6 18-24 -6.7 24-30-.8 30-36 6.8 40 tons manure 0-6 -6.7 6-12.----6.5 6.4 12-18.----18-24 ----6.5 24-30.----6.6 30-36.----. 6.6 80 tons manure 0-6 -----6.8 6-12 .---6.7 1-8 6.6 18-24.----- 6.6 24-30 .__- .6.6 30-36 428 287 80 59 93 72 1,377 1,293 1,080 1,199 1,399 1,206 174 120 62 51 67 57 210 97 70 32 28 35 28 110 3.5 2.2 1.8 760! 182 73 73 56 57 970 233 112 73 63 63 1,341 1,181 1,417 1,433 1,414 1,117 1,872 1,447 1,313 1,296 1,570 1,216 3,056 2,377 1,502 1,352 1,487 1.5 1.5 1.4 4.4 2.0 1.7 1.6 1.8 1.8 6.8 2.4 1.8 1.6 2.0 1.7 10.4 2.4 2.2 2.0 2.1 2.0 ,, 146 81 70 60 67 296 155 112 64 83 130 758 366 169 168 159 133 79 55 36 40 36 92 73 59 46 40 25 241 134 74 61 54 49 .15 .15 .14 .12 36.4 2,009 15.8 899 11.2 247 7.4 174 9.3 186 7.0 192 ----6.7 6.7 ----- 1,588 120 tons manure 6.9 0-6 __---6-12 12-18 ----18-24.----30-36 6.6 6.6 24-30 ----- 6.6 6.7 ----- .67 .24 .20 .13 .11 .09 116 54 39 34 21 29 61.3 3,024 30.7 1,543 17.0' 1,137 7.0 533 7.8 147 6.3 156 3,458 2,016 1,529 1.458 1,433 1,406 855 423 329 90 90 187 380 243 127 83 55 64 Alabama's Agricultural Experiment Station System AIuPRN irNVERCv With an agricultural research unit in every major soil area, Auburn University serves the needs of field crop, live- stock, forestry, and horticultural producers in each region in Alabama. Every citizen of the State has a stake in this research program, Q since any advantage from newv and more economical wvays of producing and handling farm products directly benefits the consuming 1 publlic. Research Unit Identification i. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Tennessee Valley Substation, Belie Mina. Sand Mountain Substation, Crossville. North Alabama Horticulture Substation, Cuilmr Upper Coastal Plain Subotaticn, Winfield. Forestry Unit, Fayette County Thorsby Foundation Seed Stocks Farm, Thorsby Chilton Area Horticulture Substation, Clanton Forestry Unit, Coosa County. Piedmont Substation, Camp Hill Plant Breeding Unit, Tallassee. Forestry Unit, Autauga County. Pruttville Experiment Field, Prattville. Black Belt Substation, Marion Junction. Tuskegee Experiment Field, Tuskegee. Lower Coastal Plain Substation, Camden. Forestry Unit, Barbour County. Monroeville Experiment Field, Monroeville Wiregrass Substation, Headland. Brewton Experiment Field, Brewton. Ornamental Horticulture Field Station, Spring Hill Gulf Coast Substation, Fairhope.