BULLETIN 300 BULLETN 1956 300OCTOBER in Alabama AG RI CU LT U RA L E XP ER IM EN T ST AT I ON 4g tie ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE .V.Smith, Dir-ector Auburn. Alabama CONTENTS Page VA R IE TIES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 -4 Qualities Needed in A Variety-Variety Characteristics--------RESULTS OF VARIETY TESTS IN ALABAMA-RATE OF SEEDING --IN O CU LA TIO N - --- -- HARVEST -------------------- -- --- -- - 5 --- ----- ----- - 9 - 10 -- ---- ---------- - -= ------ Stage of C utting --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -- - W inter G razing ---- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --Simulated Winter Grazing -----Effect of Winter Clipping on Reserve Food SupplyCHOICE OF LAND -------------------------------------------- 1--------------1-- 11 -12 -13 15 -15 -16 - LAND PREPARATION------TIM E OF PLANTING--LIME AND FERTILIZER --- 16 REQUIREMENTS-17 R ates of Lim e----- ------------ -- --- ---- - - -18 Sources of L im e ------------------------------------ 20 Rates of Phosphorus-----------_ 20 Time of Application of Phosphorus --------------------- 22 Sources of Phosphorus--------------------------------22 Rates of P otash ----- -- ---- --- --- ---- ----- -- -- -- - ---. 24 Rates of Borax --- -- ----- -- ---- ----- -- --- --- -- - --- --- 25 Recom m endations --------- ------------------------ 27 SPECIAL SOIL TREATMENTS ----------------------------- 27 Placement-----------------28 Rates of Lime and Depth of Soil F umigation -------- -------------- --------------- 29 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION-----------------------------30 ACKNOW LEDGM ENT-------------------------------------33 A P P E NDIX - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -=3 4 FIRST PRINTING 6M, OCTOBER 1956 ALFALFA PRODUCTION il 4(abama D. G. STURKIE, Agronomist CLARENCE M. WILSON, Soil Chemist ALFALFA WAS FIRST GROWN successfully in Alabama on lime soils of the Black Belt. Experiments with alfalfa by the Agricultural Experiment Station of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute date back to 1889, when a per acre yield of 3,440 pounds of hay was reported at the Canebrake Station at Uniontown. At this same location on Sumter clay soil, a stage-of-cutting test was begun in 1924, and variety and fertilizer tests in 1925. Although results from other experiments were reported occasionally, only a few tests were conducted until 1930 when experiments were begun at the Black Belt Substation, Main Station, and the Lafayette and Alexandria experiment fields. Since that time, alfalfa research has been expanded to include other areas of the State. Results of all known experiments relating to alfalfa in Alabama are summarized in this bulletin. The value of alfalfa in Alabama was recognized early. In 1904, J. F. Duggar, then director of the Experiment Station, wrote, "at no distant day it will doubtless assume important proportions in the agriculture of Alabama. On all soils suitable to it in this State, it will doubtless become one of the principal foundations on which the livestock industry will be based." This prophecy has never been fulfilled, although alfalfa still appears to be the best crop for producing large yields of high quality forage. An ideal forage crop is one that (1) is easily established, (2) grows throughout the year, (3) conserves soils, (4) requires little cultivation and hand labor, (5) produces a highly nutritious and palatable feed, (6) cures easily, (7) withstands grazing, (8) fits into a desirable rotation, and (9) yields economical returns of a useful product. Alfalfa meets most of these requirements. 4 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION The question as to why alfalfa has not been grown more extensively in Alabama is difficult to answer. Many past failures have been because of insufficient plant nutrients, particularly calcium, potassium, and boron. Diseases also may have been a factor. In some cases the use of non-hardy varieties has caused failures. Results of studies in various sections of Alabama show that good yields can be produced if the nutrient requirements are met; if planted on well-drained, fertile soils; if recommended varieties are planted; and if the proper cultural methods are used. VARIETIES Until recent years most alfalfa varieties in commercial production in the United States were introduced varieties that have become adapted to local conditions. Often the seed are sold under a variety name applied to some section in which the seed are grown. Thus, there are such varieties as Kansas Common, Texas Common, Arizona Common, and others. In some cases, the name is that of the country from which the seed were imported, namely, Argentine and Peruvian. Alfalfa breeders in the United States have developed several new varieties with specific characteristics that make them desirable under certain conditions. QUALITIES NEEDED IN A VARIETY Yield, quality of hay, and longevity are the most important characteristics in a variety. The yield may be affected as much or more by the ratio of stems to leaves as by height of plant. Thus, a tall-growing, coarse-stemmed plant may yield no more than a short, fine-stemmed one. Furthermore, the quality of the hay would be inferior to that from the fine-stemmed plants. A number of the newer varieties have fine stems and are very leafy. Some of these are more disease resistant than other varieties; as a result they produce high yields of good quality hay over a long period. Winter hardiness is an important characteristic of varieties suitable to Alabama. In several instances, varieties that were not cold resistant have been killed or stands have been thinned by low temperatures, Figure 1. Bacterial wilt has not been recognized as an important factor in alfalfa production in Alabama. However, if production is expanded, it seems reasonable to expect that the disease will be ALFALFA PRODUCTION in ALABAMA 5 Figure 1. Left-Williamsburg, a hardy variety, withstands cold weather; rightIndian, a non hardy variety, has poor stand because of thinning by cold. mior( (' pre aleiit and~ the use of r(sistaiit \ arieties w~ill lhe iii- F'or this reporit, ard roiupis. non!-h \ idled inito « initer-hards arities lre (lix aiid cxr heeii I SLmin (vii 0 I. ai j-etics ini the hardis (2yoiij hax c ev siliot s]x thilmiced 1x (01(1 xxii terkillcd nor has c' the stand~s bci in amx test ill \li)air. (5 \tai tic. (lex ehopcd ini Nc Irse\ .is bec~omin it popular \ari ited States. It has p~erformfed xx ell (tx throii Thoi it the eastern Un11 ill Alabamoa tests and~ is rccoiloleided for plauitii a ini this State. ;O mo l-ell tiiie appearedl to bie simlilar to Kan sas Co ~ill i -laIhiiiii tests. Since( the ain)iut of seed imiported at pr esenit is siliahl, 01 lxat fex are i isiallx offered for sale, to farmiers. B till alo is at bacterial xx ut-resistant x arietx of alfalfa dcx eloped lIx tin Kanisas A(Triciiltuiral Experiiit Station front Kaiisas pare -ctjjr. In :-labamai1, its perforni icc is simiilar to Conji1111 that of Kansas (Xuioui. Cer~tifed seedl of Buiffalo are ax ailable, 0 aind, x here seed of kiiown 0i2~iiii andi jiahitx are dlesired1, it is at pref erredi \ arictx. Dii Pmuits, nlex eloped ini [raiice. is bieingi xxidlelx acclaimied ili the East-C en tral States. It is claimfedl tot lax e the colld toleran ce of iiiwthcrui straiiis anid the rapidl recox er\ of 11011 1ardx straiiis. 6 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION In tests in Alabama, it outyielded all other varieties the first year or two; however, production thereafter declined, going below that of Kansas Common. The plants are very large and coarse; hence, the hay is not of as good quality as that from other varieties. Kansas Common, Oklahoma Common, and Texas Common were the same in appearance and performance in the Alabama tests. They are winter-hardy, drouth-resistant, high-yielding varieties that produce good quality hay. They have always produced well in Alabama and are the standard varieties for this State. No variety has been found superior to these when all factors are considered. If bacterial wilt should spread in Alabama, Buffalo variety might be preferred. Narragansett, developed by the Rhode Island Experiment Station, is a dark-green, leafy, fine-stemmed variety. It does not grow as tall as Kansas Common, but it has more and finer stems, is leafier, and, therefore, yields as well as Kansas Common. It produces a superior quality hay and might be preferred by dairymen and others where quality is so important. It is not resistant to bacterial wilt. Nomad, developed in Oregon, and Rhizoma, developed in Canada, are creeping types of alfalfa. It has been claimed that they are superior for grazing. They have not been tested for grazing in Alabama, but they are decidedly inferior for hay production. In Alabama they have never shown any tendency to spread by rhizomes. They are hardy varieties and are not killed by cold. Ranger, developed by the Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station, although resistant to bacterial wilt, was inferior to Buffalo and Kansas Common in Alabama tests, and was more susceptible to the disease complex. Vernal, developed by the Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station, is a bacterial wilt-resistant variety similar in all characteristics to Narragansett. Talent, a variety developed by the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, has not shown any superior characteristics under Alabama conditions. In tests it yielded about 97 per cent as much hay as Kansas Common. Williamsburg, a variety developed in Virginia, has produced about 2 per cent higher yields than Kansas Common and has been more resistant to certain diseases. It is not resistant to ALFALFA PRODUCTION in ALABAMA 7 bacterial wilt. Williamsburg is an excellent variety for use in Alabama. NoN-HARDY GROUP. Varieties in the non-hardy group at some time or in some place have been seriously damaged by cold in Alabama. African and Indian varieties are similar. They do not possess true winter dormancy characteristics. New growth is begun with each warm period, and with the next hard freeze they are killed back. As a result, the plants are in a weakened condition by spring. Even in southern Alabama, plantings made in the fall of 1950 were killed by abnormally low temperatures in November. In northern Alabama these varieties are often winterkilled. They are quite susceptible to the disease complex and the stands rapidly become thin. The combination of thinning of the stand by disease and by cold makes these varieties unsuitable for use in Alabama where stand maintenance of 2 years or more is important. If it were desired to maintain a stand only 1 year, these varieties might be useful for providing winter grazing in southern Alabama, since they do not become dormant and will grow during the warmer periods of the winter. Caliverde, developed by the California Agricultural Experiment Station, is resistant to bacterial wilt, common leaf spot, and mildew. It appeared to be similar to Chilean, Chilean 21-5, Arizona Common, and California Common in winter hardiness. It has yielded better than these varieties, but it has not been tested long enough to determine if it will survive longer than others under Alabama conditions. Chilean, Arizona Common, California Common, Chilean 21-5, and Peruvian appeared to be similar in growth characteristics in tests in Alabama. They have a short winter dormancy, consequently, they begin growth earlier in the spring and remain active later in the fall than does Kansas Common. The top growth is often killed by cold, and in severe winters the stand is destroyed. This is particularly true of plantings made in the fall and followed by a severe winter; older plants survive cold somewhat better than young plants. Since these varieties do not outyield Kansas Common and are not as winter hardy, they are not recommended, particularly for northern Alabama. 8 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT IN STATION RESULTS OF VARIETY TESTS ALABAMA This bulletin presents hay yields of most of the new varieties of alfalfa as well as yields from many of the old ones available in the United States. Results from tests of varieties in various locations in Alabama are given. The first variety test of alfalfa was begun at Uniontown at the old Canebrake Station in the spring of 1925. Tests were begun TABLE 1. RELATIVE YIELDS OF ALFALFA VARIETIES IN TESTS IN ALABAMA, 1925-54 Variety African ArgentineArgentine-Bahia Blanca------------------------Argentine-Buenos Aires-------------------------Argentine- Rio Negro ----------------------------------. Argentine-La Pampa Arizona Common Atlantic--Australian (Pilca Butta)-------------------------Buffalo Caliverde C h ilean -- --- -- ----- -- ----- ------- -- -- --- -- -- Chilean 21-5-98.1 D u Pu its---- ------- --- ---- --- ---- --- ---- --- ---Fren ch - -- --- ---- - -- -- - ---- ----- - ---- --- Grim m --------------------------------Idaho Com m on--------------------------------Ind ian --------------------------Kansas Com m on----------------------------------Narragansett-------------------Nem astand-----------------------------N evada C ------------------------------N omad ------------------------------- -Oklahoma Common----------------------Peruvian (Hairy)------------------- ------Peruvian (Sm ooth)-----------------------R an ger--- ------------- -----------------Ranger Syn. 1 new-----------------------Ranger Syn. 2 new-----------------------Ranger 2nd. generation-------------------Rhizom a----------------------------- --Talen t-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Texas Com m on --------------------- ----UIruguay-Clone 10-----------------------Vern al -- - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - W illiam shurg .--------------------------- Relative yield' Kansas Common 1001 Location, year tests 2 Per cent Number 82.2 7--------------97.91------------------------------------14 98.4 14 97.5 14 108.8 14------------99.5-----106------------8.3 16 101.8 42 2 67.2 49 98.3 1040----------------39 94.0 12---106 .3 15 95 .6 3 5 79.5 3 96.2 7 89.0 59 100.0 20 99.8 86.7 7 7 75.3 9 70.7 31 99.1 90.6 37 79.4 3 53 91.5 14 96.1 93.2 14 99.0 14 17 96.4 7 9 6.5 104.6 6 94.5 10 7 9 9.7 34 102.0 1 The relative yield is figured from Kansas Common as 100. It is hased on hay yield at 15 per cent moisture. The yield of the particular variety is always divided hy the yield of Kansas Common in the same test for the same year for the same location. 2 Location, year tests is one test at one location for one year. The average yield of all tests of Kansas Common .was 7,250 pounds of hay per acre. ALFALFA PRODUCTION in ALABAMA 9 at the Sand Mountain Substation in 1942 and at the Main Station in 1943. Later, tests were begun at the Gulf Coast, Tennessee Valley, Upper Coastal Plain and Piedmont substations, and at the Monroeville Experiment Field. In all cases the land was fertilized and limed in accordance with what was considered to be good practice at that time. Results of the various tests are given in Appendix Tables 1 to 18. The relative yields of all varieties in all tests are presented in Table 1. In all tests where a variety was winterkilled, it was replanted as soon as possible. Many of the tests with non-hardy varieties were conducted during the 1952-54 period in which there was no winterkilling. Hence, the yields in Table 1 for these varieties may give the impression they should be grown in Alabama. Non-hardy varieties are high yielding when they survive, but anyone planting them should be aware of the risk of winterkilling. Since there are several hardy varieties that yield as well as the non-hardy types, the Experiment Station recommends only hardy varieties for planting in Alabama. RECOMMENDED VARIETIES. Based on results of tests, the follow- ing varieties are recommended for planting in Alabama: (1) hardy common varieties, such as Kansas, Oklahoma, or Texas; (2) Buffalo; (3) Williamsburg; (4) Atlantic; (5) Vernal; and (6) Narragansett. RATE, oF SEEDING Rates-of-seeding tests have been conducted at the Main Station and at the Monroeville Experiment Field. Results are presented in Tables 2, 3, and 4. They show a slight increase in yield as the seeding rate is increased from 10 to 25 pounds. There were no increases from rates above 25 pounds in any of the tests. The increases in yield from rates above 10 or 15 pounds were not sufficient to warrant use of higher rates. However, in all of these TABLE 2. YIELD OF HAY FROM DIFFERENT RATES OF SEEDING ALFALFA, CHESTERFIELD SANDY LOAM, MAIN STATION, 1945-46 Rate of seeding per acre Pounds 10.............. 15__........... _ ------20 ----------25 -----Number of cuttings............ .. 1945 Pounds 4,947 6,766 7,477 6,954 4 Yield of hay per acre 2-yr. av. 1946 Pounds 12,908 13,243 18,870 14,654 5 Pounds 8,925 10,005 10,674 10,804 10 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION TABLE 3. YIELD OF HAY FROM DIFFERENT RATES OF SEEDING ALFALFA, CHESTERFIELD SANDY LOAM, MAIN STATION, 1952-54 Rate of seeding per acre Pounds 1015 20 25 30 50 Number of cuttings------ 1952 Pounds 10,431 10,666 10,328 10,337 10,490 10,320 4 Yield of hay per acre 1953 1954 Pounds 10,590 10,243 10,867 10,686 10,553 10,598 5 Pounds 7,298 7,701 7,690 7,987 7,776 7,633 3 - 3-yr. av. Pounds 9,440 9,537 9,628 9,670 9,606 9,517 TABLE 4. YIELD OF HAY FROM DIFFERENT RATES OF SEEDING ALFALFA, MONROEVILLE EXPERIMENT FIELD, 1951-54 Variety Rate of seeding per acre Pounds 15 30 15 30 15 30 15 30 Yield of hay per acre 1951 Pounds 4,560 4,183 5,122 4,993 4,738 4,802 4,807 4,659 4 1952 Pounds 9,096 9,018 9,760 9,954 8,813 8,887 9,223 9,286 4 1953 Pounds 7,967 8,158 8,979 9,590 7,924 8,814 8,290 8,854 5 1954 4-yr. av. Pounds Pounds 6,893 5,950 6,693 5,416 7,568 6,411 6,700 7,809 6,844 5,902 7,081 5,819 7,000 6,088 7,194 5,978 4 Atlantic Oklahoma Common Narragansett Average of all varieties Number of cuttings tests, care was taken to distribute the seed uniformly over the area. If the seed could be uniformly distributed and carefully covered, it is probable that the seeding rate could be less than 10 pounds and still get a satisfactory stand. Alfalfa plants have a remarkable ability to put out more shoots when spaced widely and thus compensate in yield for the fewer plants at the wide spacing. A high rate of seeding tends to smother out weeds better than a low rate. Thus, the higher rate might be desirable from this standpoint. The Experiment Station recommends a seeding rate of 20 to 25 pounds under most Alabama conditions; under favorable conditions, the rate may be 10 to 15 pounds. INOCULATION Like all legumes, alfalfa must be inoculated. Inoculation is usually done by applying a culture of the proper organism to the seed. Sometimes it is accomplished by spreading soil in which alfalfa has been grown over the area to be inoculated. Most inoculation is done by using commercial cultures. ALFALFA PRODUCTION in ALABAMA 11 Studies and experience have shown that inoculation is essential, and alfalfa should never be planted without it. HARVEST STAGE OF CUTTING CANEBRAKE STATION. Kansas Common was planted in the spring of 1924 on Sumter soil (or possibly Houston). It was cut during the summers of 1924-27. The yields for 1924, 1926, and 1927 are reported in Table 5. The 1925 yield is not available. It is evident that there was considerable variation in yields. In general, the results show that early and/or late cuttings reduced yields. On the average, best results were obtained from cutting in full-bloom stage. MAIN STATION. Tests to determine the effect of cutting alfalfa at different growth stages on yield, stand, and reserve food in the plants were made at Auburn in 1949. Kansas Common was sown in the fall of 1948 on Norfolk sandy loam soil. Root growth was determined by digging 30 plants from each replication and making the necessary determinations. The results are reported in Table 6. Cutting in the bud stage TABLE 5. YIELDS OF HAY FROM ALFALFA CUT IN DIFFERENT STAGES OF GROWTH AT CANEBRAKE EXPERIMENT STATION, 1924, 1926, AND 1927 Yield of hay per acre Stage of cutting One-tenth bloom-------Full bloom Pod TABLE 6. 1924 1926 1927 3-yr. av. Pounds 2,912 5,072 2,624 Pounds 7,940 6,560 6,620 Pounds 3,620 3,740 5,040 Pounds 4,824 5,124 4,761 ON EFFECT OF CUTTING ALFALFA AT DIFFERENT STAGES OF GROWTH YIELD, STAND, AND ROOT RESERVES, MAIN STATION, 19491 of cutting Stage of cutting Stage Hay yield per acre in 1949 Plants per sq. ft. Nov. 10, 1949 Reserve food per Nov. 10, 1949 Pounds Number Pounds Bud 3,720 5 64 One-tenth bloom------4,020 10 170 Full bloom 5,160 18 248 Full bloom one cutting, bud next cutting-----4,300 11 160 planted September 14, 1948, on Norfolk sandy loam soil; cut 4 times in 1949. 2 Reserve food is total organic reserves and represents protein, carbohydrates, 'Alfalfa and fat. 12 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION reduced the yield, and greatly reduced the stand and reserve food in the plants. Cutting in full-bloom was most favorable for the alfalfa, but the quality of hay was not as good as that cut earlier. Alternate cutting at full-bloom and bud stage gave about the same results as cutting at one-tenth bloom. If alfalfa is cut early to get a high quality feed, the plants should be allowed to go to at least full-bloom before the next cutting in order to replenish the reserve food supply. If this is not done, the stand will soon diminish to the point that the alfalfa will have to be replanted. It is recommended that alfalfa be cut between the one-tenth bloom and full-bloom stage. WINTER GRAZING Alfalfa is one of the best crops to furnish grazing in the late fall and winter. In order to determine the effect of grazing on the next year's yield, a fall and winter grazing experiment was conducted. Kansas Common was planted in the fall of 1945. Four cuttings of hay were made in the summer of 1946. Alfalfa was allowed to grow from the last cutting until grazing was begun in late November (after a hard frost). An area was fenced and grazed during the winter until growth started in the spring. Cattle were then removed. A comparable area was not grazed. Yields were taken by clipping from four randomized 10- X 10foot plots on each area. The results are presented in Table 7. It is noted that the yield was reduced some the first year and about three-fourths ton the second year. The average was about one-half ton per acre. The amount of forage removed by grazing is not known. From these results it is evident that alfalfa stands can be reduced by overgrazing. TABLE 7. YIELD OF HAY FROM ALFALFA GRAZED AND UNGRAZED IN THE WINTER, MAIN STATION, 1947-48 Hay yield Treatment 1947 .( 15%moisture) 1948 Average Pounds Grazed in winter until growth began in spring ' Ungrazed 7,242 7,624 Pounds 7,524 9,290 Pounds 7,383 8,457 ALFALFA PRODUCTION in ALABAMA 13 SIMULATED WINTER GRAZING In order to ascertain how much forage was removed during the winter and what effect it would have on yield the succeeding year, a test was begun in the fall of 1948 in which alfalfa was clipped during the winter to simulate grazing. Plots were selected in old alfalfa (planted in fall of 1942) and young alfalfa (planted in fall of 1948). In both cases Kansas Common variety was used. Two sets of plots were clipped every 2 weeks, one beginning December 4 and the other January 29. A lawn mower set to cut 2 inches high was used. Clipping stopped in all cases on March 26. At this time, unclipped old alfalfa was beginning its spring growth. During the summer of 1949, the alfalfa was cut four times in the one-tenth bloom stage. Results of this test for the year are given in Table 8. Clipping during the winter reduced the yield the following summer in all cases. The earlier the clipping began the greater was the yield reduction. In the case of the old alfalfa, the amount removed during the winter was about equal to the yield reduction the next year. However, this was not true for the young alfalfa. Thus, it appears that, with old established alfalfa, it is a case of deciding whether the forage in the winter is worth more than that the next summer. The yields by clippings during the winter are presented in Table 9. It is evident that young alfalfa affords little grazing until March. Removal of the growth greatly affects the yield during the summer. From these results, grazing young alfalfa during the first winter's growth is not recommended. TABLE 8. EFFECT OF CLIPPING ALFALFA IN WINTER OF 1948-49 ON YIELD OF HAY DURING WINTER AND YIELD OF HAY THE FOLLOWING YEAR Date clipping began Old alfalfa ' Yield of hay per acre During During Total for year summer winter 2 Young aalfaa' Yield of hay per acre During During Total for year summer winter Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. 357 633 Lb. Lb. 5,452 2,800 2,652 Dec. 4, 1948.__ 5,005 3,040 1,965 Jan. 29, 1949 4,980 4,980 Not clipped.... SClipped every 2 weeks with lawn mower set to follows: December 4, 17, January 15, 29, February March 26 cut in one-tenth bloom for four cuttings. 2 Planted in fall of 1942. ' Planted September 14, 1948. 8,057 2,700 3,574 2,940 4,020 4,020 cut 2 inches high. Dates as 12, 26, March 12, 26. After 14 14 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION TABLE 9. EFFECT OF AGE OF ALFALFA AND DATE OF CLIPPING DURING WINTER ON PRODUGTION OF FORAGE IN WINTER OF 1948-49, MAIN STATION Old alfalfa' Young alfalfa2 Clipping Date Date clipping began Yield of hay per acre Dec. 4 December 4-------December 17------January 1-- -- - - January 15- - - - - January 29--Total to this Jan. 29 - - - date------------- Pounds 1,624 107 53 150 330 2,264 39 139 35 175 388 2.652 Pounds -_--1,333 1;333 102 248 60 222 632 1,965 Date clipping began Yield of hay per acre Dec. 4 Jan. 29 Pounds Pounds -47 15 -4 -16333 60 142 333 February 12------------ ----February 26------------ ----March 12 ------------------March 26 ---------------- --Total Feb. 12 to March 26----Grand total ----------------Planted in fall of 1942. 2Planted September 14, 1948. 8 30 24 153 215 16 69 36 179 300 357 633 Old alfalfa produced considerable forage during the winter. In this experiment, about 1 ton of hay per acre was produced. However, most of this growth was made in the fall before cold weather dormancy. For grazing during the winter, it is necessary to allow sufficient time between the last cutting in the summer and the first cold weather in the fall to permit the alfalfa to grow. TABLE 10. EFFECT OF CLIPPING ALFALFA IN WINTER OF FOOD" IN ROOTS, MAIN STATION 1948-49 ONRESERVE Date of determinllig reserve food Dec. 4 Per cent Percentage of reserve food Clippinig began Jan. 29 Not clipped Per cent Old Per cent 68.3 67.8 68.5 62.6 c alfalfa December 4_ March 24 --M ay 6-----June 18----- 68.3 56.7 61.3 62.8 76.3 73.6 73.3 75.7 December 4_----------M arch 24.------------May 6-------------- -May 20 .----------- .-- 68.3 57.8 61.0 62.5 Young alfalfa 76.3 73.1 75.6 76.0 76.3 79.1 76.5 77.4 ' Reserve food is total organic reserves and represents protein, carbohydrates, and fat. ALFALFA PRODUCTION in ALABAMA 1! \lf;rl; \Iitt i r(1 I (ttt \\ ti P r st rr FIN i i d 1"(, At I l(tiri i F t l ti \ i St (1(111]1 litI, were 1111( (littlliii t intel s dur1t) t ii iNi,_ li1te SIii (ld~ "i micltiitLl 1 it FFePeril t('(l th reeA tsit IIo t t~ itl N t' Itls t erF FF tkes Nfromt Ncii l iIilt)N il the n 111 tests 1 i Fi n- '41A/l 'Ili aitltia ae lcsnt~ il Iihe70 rstt Figue 2. Lnefrooh~the from 2hiweteksfo ilth plantr~ un Dcemberd l iltclipped duagwne;rgtrsltslof Aprni8. tii clipinever 4pito Mach t 26.Phothoe i (f m l tmiuv f i- i NFx e.itc i iil- i)t x ( Ii t't it tiliNF 'ii ~)ti ii 1)11 it NFiN jti u~til 1F4~ Ftii Pt li~~(itN 16 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION and August), a stand of alfalfa can be obtained and maintained for a few years on land heavily infested with such plants. Nevertheless, such perennials will usually crowd out the alfalfa in about 3 years. It has been difficult to grow alfalfa on the extremely heavy acid soils of the Black Belt and surrounding areas. Such soils as Eutaw, Vaiden, and Susquehanna do not appear to be suitable for alfalfa. Until more information is obtained, planting alfalfa on these soils is not recommended. LAND PREPARATION Alfalfa needs a well-prepared, firm seedbed. Preparation begins far enough ahead of planting to allow time for breaking, harrowing, and firming the land. Also, time should be allowed for sufficient rain to wet the soil and settle the seedbed. Best results have been obtained from turning under the lime several months ahead of planting to allow time for it to react with the soil. If the land is turned in early summer and fallowed for a few weeks, many weed seeds will germinate and be killed. This also allows moisture to accumulate. It is not recommended that alfalfa follow clover, vetch, or oats that have been allowed to produce seed. Even when combined, these crops will volunteer and crowd the alfalfa. In some cases a crop of early corn has been grown ahead of alfalfa. The corn is harvested and the land is prepared for alfalfa. If sufficient rain falls in September to wet the soil thoroughly, good stands of alfalfa will result. However, a dry September may result in failure. The most certain method is to fallow the land for about 1 or 2 months before planting, and thus accumulate sufficient subsoil moisture for the alfalfa. The seed are sown on a firm seedbed and covered lightly, not over 1/4 to 1/ inch deep. A corrugated roller seeder is an excellent implement for covering the seed. If one is not available, a weeder or rotary hoe, or drag-harrow will cover the seed lightly. After using one of these tools, it is desirable to pack the soil with a roller or plank-drag. TIME oF PLANTING Time of planting studies in Alabama have shown that planting early in September is preferable in northern and central Ala- ALFALFA PRODUCTION in ALABAMA 17 bama. In southern Alabama, October and November plantings produced just as good results as September plantings. Yield is reduced as planting is delayed. Danger of winterkilling is much greater with late planting. Spring plantings have produced poor results in Alabama because of serious competition from crabgrass and other weeds and because the weather often is dry. First year yields usually have been at least 3 times larger for fall-planted alfalfa than for spring-planted. LIME AND FERTILIZER REQUIREMENTS One of the first fertilizer tests conducted with alfalfa was established in 1925 at the Canebrake Station at Uniontown, Alabama, on Sumter clay. Three-year average yields of just under 4 tons per acre were reported where a heavy application of superphosphate was applied. Results from experiments started at the Tennessee Valley Substation on Decatur clay loam in 1930 showed a need for lime as well as phosphate on acid soils. In both cases the response from potash was small compared to that from lime and phosphorus. In a test begun at the Sand Mountain Substation on Hartsells fine sandy loam in 1939, the stand of alfalfa was maintained only 2 years on plots to which 160 pounds of K20 per acre was applied before planting and none thereafter. On the plot getting 60 pounds of K20 each year in addition to the initial application, the stand was maintained for 7 years and produced almost 3 tons of hay per acre the last year. The need for potash was also shown in a test begun in 1941 at the Main Station. Thus, tests at the various locations had established that lime, phosphorus, and potash were all important in alfalfa production. Deficiencies of these elements became evident sooner on some soils than on others, depending upon how well the soil was supplied with each at the beginning of the experiment. In 1941, alfalfa grown on Norfolk sandy loam at Auburn showed a yellowed condition that was corrected by applying borax. Thus, boron was added to the list of elements important in maintaining stands of good-quality alfalfa forage. Since 1941 a large number of fertilizer and lime experiments have been conducted with alfalfa in order to have data available for a large number of the major soils of the State. Over 30 of these experiments "have been conducted at more than 15 locations. The 18 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION duration of the various experiments has ranged from 1 to 12 years. RATES OF LIME Alfalfa probably has one of the highest requirements for lime of any crop grown in Alabama. It is significant that the first area where it was grown successfully was on the high-lime soils of the Black Belt. In a test started at the Tennessee Valley Substation in 1930, alfalfa showed good response to lime on Decatur clay loam. Results of this test are given in Table 11. Following this work, alfalfa response to lime was tested at many locations. The results from several of these tests are presented in Table 12. These data show an increase up to 3 tons of lime per acre at all locations where that rate was included. In some casesa need for 4 tons is indicated. On Susquehanna soil at Tuskegee, 8 tons of lime resulted in an increase of 830 pounds of hay per acre per year over that from the 4-ton rate. The data indicate that 3 to 4 tons of lime is the economical rate for most soils where it is desired to maintain an alfalfa stand for 3 or more years, Figure 3. It is recommended that the soil be tested for lime requirement before seeding alfalfa. To be certain that sufficient calcium is available, experience has indicated that lime should be applied and plowed into the soil at least 2 to 3 months prior to seeding alfalfa. TABLE 11. EFFECTS OF VARIOUS RATES OF LIME ON YIELDS OF ALFALFA GROWN ON DECATUR CLAY LOAM, TENNESSEE VALLEY SUBSTATION First planting 1931-363 Lime per acre Annual yield Second planting 1937-414 Annual yield Yield increase per acre due to lime Yield increase per acre due to lime Pounds None 3,00015 6,00015 12,00025 1 Pounds 2,868 8,317 3,852 Pounds -2,728 954 1,489 Pounds 4,701 5,700 6,637 Pounds 1,978 2,977 8,914 2 Applied in fall of 1980. Applied in fall of 1936. 3 Planted in fall of 1930. The alfalfa was plowed up in summer of 1986 and replanted in fall of 1986. SIn some cases lime alone was used and in other cases phosphate and potash were applied in addition to lime. In all cases the increase is calculated when lime was the only variable. 0 c TABLE' 12. EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT RATES OF LIME ON ALFALFA YIELDS AT NINE LOCATIONS IN ALABAMA Yield per acre Lime per acre Lb. 2,000 6,000 z Fairhore Norfolk f.s.l. 3-yr. av. Lb.a 8,143 Crossville, Hartsells f.s.l. 2 4-yr. av. Lb. 786 Alexandria, Decatur c.1.2 5-yr. av. Lb. 636 Winfield, Atwood f.s.l. 6-yr. av. Camp Hill, Lloyd cl. 4-yr. av. Lb. 5,216 -- Auburn, Madison c.l. 4-yr. av. Lb. ---- Tuskegee, usque- Prattvile, Greenville fsf.s.l. 5-yr. av. Lb. -- Atmore, Orangeburg 5-yr. av. Lb. 6,600. a W 400 786 81,473 636 6,738 537 Lb. Lb. 4,048 567 7,041 ---- 6,137 9,287----- 7,658 7,712 7,695 8,419 8,555 8,584 4,371 6,815 6,355 7,432 8,000 8,310 8,283 5,201 -8,738 5,54 6 16,000 'Lime was applied prior to seeding and none thereafter. Adequate amounts of phosphorus, potash, and borax were applied each year. 2 F.s.l. = fine sandy loam; cl.= clay loam. 6,609 5,559 20 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION 0. 411 1- r t s .s h " +xt Figure 3. Alfalfa at left received application of 4 tons per acre. 1 ton of lime per acre. Plot at right had Ol Ii( I ,ti OIIIAI!( Vvpwrintciit's cmilpitriw-, rtlcitic ;ill(] (Ndmititic "(dices Of lillic It)r idli lfit ml 1)cc;ttur cl;t\ ltun ;tt the '1'('1111cswc Villlc% Sul)st;ttitn \Ncrc ('tli(Iilctcrl II'Mil 1S)3i tI!n)Iw1! 1911. "I-hc icId cl Tilhlc 1:3. illdic;ttc In) diflcrclicc lwtvvccu the hv() sturccs Of lillw for this Sold tv 1)c. :AltImm'11 it im-lilac 1)Itt vv its !iOt ilicllldc(1 ill this test to l1witsnrc the lv, lpmisc to hllw, all ;ulj;tcctit test till the ";tnic .S()il had ,hO\v n )(wd reslx)tisc. r (a i I.i Ir\\r~ \\i rr \ \i.i.r vii Soli' \ ld (d liar I rali.:uinnil pcl ;1c1c hind (! 11111 It I)1;t1jh i_ I O- - ') -, P.mlld, ?nd ItLui(in_ 14) ;- I I ; Vmillrl, calcitic I )uluniil is _),217 i, 1 1) I,.i.i(i I. 0 0 I.ini , ,nlx rl>luililiuli . Wild inurialc u1 Im l.nli \%rn ;tpp is d it is h , nI (iUOO_ .'0(N) .. aid 1(111pm nu1, Ix r 11 , n ,lwcli cl , iu lli(' ball ill Is):,)" :uu1 nnn( tlnn dt r. AItli II tI last did nut include a n in Iilat, :ui nain cnt ti t Irul ,In u ;uud rr I)uin . .ti " "'I';ilil I I. 1i v rl< n1 I I )sII IOM S IIIItII II the IIcc(I I r I>II IItrII v i shtv n I)v c;ul licl(1 tests, it is 1)r01);tI)I IIOt Otlc (A the (first tI I iIIay itti Oft(!I ;t hlllitili' ) on 0 TABLE 14. ALFALFA YIELDS IN POUNDS OF HAY PER ACRE WITH DIFFERENT RATES OF PHOSPHORUS C A -1 Yield per acre P,0r pert acre1 Crossville, Hartsells 2 f.s.l. 4-yr. av. Alexandria, Decatur cl.2 5-yr. av. Winfield, Atwood f.s.l. 6-yr. av. Prattville, Greenville f.s.l. 4-yr. av. Marion Junction, Sumter 7cla Atmore, Orangeburg f.s.l. 5-yr. av. Fairhope, Norfolk f.s.l. 3-yr. av. z r- wo Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds 7,764 7,571 6,828 36 5,296 4,948 9,353----50 7,383 6,909 7,612 ---72 -100 7,716 7,111 6,369 6,209 9,045-----7,658 144 9,632----6,738 6,609 6,137 150 8,473 8,386 7,203 6,816 7,187 9,907----200 8,546 216---------1'No phosphorus was applied during the last 2 years of the tests at Crossville, Alexandria, dnd Prattville. At Winfield, was applied the first 2 years, omitted the second 2 years, and also the last 2 years, except for the 150-pound rate. All received phosphorus annually at the designated rates. Lime, potash, and horax were supplied in adequate amounts. 2F.s.l. = fine sandy loam; cl.= clay loam. 7,712 7,473 phosphorus other areas IN 22 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION factor in alfalfa production as are lime, potash, and borax. The reasons are (1) alfalfa is generally grown on the better soils that are already well supplied with phosphorus, and (2) the applied phosphorus is not leached from the soil as are other elements. Data showing response to phosphorus are presented in Table 14. Since phosphorus was omitted during the latter part of the experiment at several locations, the best annual rate per acre for the whole period of these experiments cannot be determined. Detailed data in the Appendix show a good response to 100 pounds of P205 per acre for the first 2 years in most cases, and to as much as 150 pounds the first year at some locations. Data from the Black Belt experiment do not indicate a need for more than 50 pounds of P205 per acre. This test was conducted on land that had been well fertilized with phosphorus for several years. Other data in Appendix Table 33 show response up to 120 pounds of P20 5 on the same soil type where phosphorus had not been applied previously. Thus, it is evident that the past phosphorus treatment of the soil has a great influence upon the amount of phosphorus needed for good yields. However, in field tests at 10 of 14 locations where phosphorus rates were included, good responses to 100 pounds or more P 20 5 were obtained the first year. The present recommendation is 100 pounds of P20 per acre annually. Where it is suspected that less than this amount is needed, the soil should be tested for available phosphorus. TIME OF APPLICATION OF PHOSPHORUS Data obtained on Decatur clay loam and presented in Appendix Tables 21 and 22 do not show any difference in yield between spring and fall applications of superphosphate. Neither is there any differences between an initial application of 2,000 pounds of superphosphate and annual applications of 500 pounds where the duration of the experiment was 4 to 5 years. SOURCES OF PHOSPHORUS A considerable amount of data has been collected from the comparison of various sources of phosphorus for alfalfa. Some of these data are presented in Table 15. Triple superphosphate (with gypsum at a rate equivalent to 120 pounds of SO3 per acre) gave yields as good as or better than regular superphosphate in most cases. Fused tri-calcium phosphate ground to a TABLE 15. ALFALFA YIELDS IN POUNDS OF HAY PER ACRE WITH DIFFERENT SOURCES OF PHOSPHORUS Yield per acre Phosphorus treatment Crossville, Alexandria, Winfield, Atwood Decatur Hartsells 2 2 P 205 f.S.1. cl. f.s.l. Sourc 4clayav.2-yr.av.av.r.2-yr.yr.av.. peracre -y.av 5yr a. -y. v. Sorc pr ce Prattville, Greenville f.s.l. Marion junction, Sumter __ __ Monroeville, Magnolia fsl. Brewton, Kalmia f.s.l. 0 .C~C -v c 4yr a. 4,948 6,209 6,187 7-yr..av. 2-rav - 2y.a. ~rPounds 5,166 5,671 5,473 z 3- u. Triple Super ___ ____do. ___ Pounds C/lrVI 50 100 150 Pounds ~urr*rv7,883 7,716 8,473 Pounds I 6,909 7,111 6,788 Pounds I Pounds Irrrrn R 5,296 6,869 6,609 Pounds rr Pounds 4,190 4,375 4,724 ____do. ___ Superphbsphate FTCa phos. 10-M ____do. 3,790 8,313 7,269 7,689 5,114 5,550 6,373 100 4,513 3,216 7,630 6,051 5,359 6,654 5,444 200 4,908 2,932 __ 8,140 5,388 7,679 7,505 100 3,981 3,183 __ 6,544 4,831 6,431 6,230 200 ______do. ___-3 4,525 4,077 __ 8,068 5,928 7,228 6,500 200 Basic slag 2,456 2,461 9,400 2,011 1,627 5,834 2,022 100 do.__4 2,826 4,028 ___ 6,559 4,047 6,473 6,494 200 ___do. was applied annually at the rate of 240 pounds KO per acre. Lime rates per acre, except for the hasic slag treatments, 1Potash were: Crossville, 4 tons; Alexandria and Winfield, 3 tons; Prattville, Monroeville, and Brewton, 2 tons; and no lime on the Sumter clay at Marion Junction. All plots received horax. Where triple superphosphate was used, gypsum was applied annually at the rate of 120 pounds SO3 per acre. 2 F.s.l. -= fine sandy loam; cl. - clay loam. 3 One ton of lime per acre applied. No lime applied. Colloidal phos. _____do. ____ Rock phosphate ____do. ---40-M r 200 150 150 150 8,386 7,187 5,781 7,404 7,203 5,846 6,335 6,992 6,816 6,276 639 6,537 7,187 8,047 9,579 7,706 __ 9,632 8,835 4,565 3,947 4,323 4,571 5,803 5,320 5,153 5,288 iW 24 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION finenes i ofii tt-uesh t( p1m OXd~ to IlL as XX (jriod poussil ai sourcet as15 e thlL lhhus1 ) 1 at ali locatutiis ti thei lLL'sLItiui of \c infeiosoil s iii ii litriii ot lii[ot~ios FIX i (,\(,I~ui asiri lag )stat suppslied i sni02,il ila shte i au iat ifatorti ill pot to mtt h ii s iho is phX Xiti i .I t sh ul nottishe ~ I aj 11 cue to ill it Figure 4. Plot at left received to plot at right. no potash, whereas adequate potash was applied ALFALFA PRODUCTION in ALABAMA 25 have been produced with rates of K20 as low as 120 pounds per acre at seeding and 60 pounds applied annually. However, serious potash deficiencies have developed in crops that followed alfalfa. The Decatur soil is as well supplied with native potash as any soil in the State to which alfalfa is adapted; yet the data in Table 16 show a good response of alfalfa to an annual rate of 240 pounds of K20 per acre for a 5-year period on this soil. The data indicate that a rate of at least 200 pounds of K20 per acre annually is needed to meet the requirements of alfalfa on most soils. TABLE 16. ALFALFA YIELDS IN POUNDS OF HAY PER ACRE WITH DIFFERENT RATES OF POTASH Yield per acre K2 0 per acre' Pounds 0 60 120 240 360 Crossville, Hartsells f.s.l.2 4-yr. av. Pounds 5,556.. 6,860 8,473 8,187 Prattville, Greenville f.s.l. 4-yr. av. Pounds 0 60 120 240 360 1 Lime, phosphorus, 2 F.s.l. = fine sandy Alexandria, Decatur 2 c.l. Winfield, Atwood f.s.1. 6-yr. av. Pounds 4,963 6,360 6,609 6,466 Atmore, Orangeburg f.s.l. 5-yr. av. Pounds 6,077 6,384 8,392 8,198 Auburn, Chesterfield s.-. 2 5-yr. av. Pounds 7-yr. av. Pounds 1,959 5,379 6,852 7,434 5,961 6,738 7,331 Marion Junction, Sumter clay 7-yr. av. Pounds 5,726 8,632 9,006 9,632 Fairhope, Norfolk f.s.l. 8-yr. av. Pounds 6,432 7,476 7,712 7,975 Pounds 7,034 6,137 7,743 and borax were supplied in adequate amounts. loam; c.1. = clay loam; s.l. = sandy loam. RATES OF BORAX Alfalfa has shown response to borax on all soils of Alabama where experiments have been conducted. Borax supplies the element, boron. Although it is needed in relatively small quantities, boron is important in maintaining stands as well as quality of the forage. Often a deficiency of boron in the soil causes some thinning of stand and yellowing of alfalfa before the yields show 26 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION ;a Figurc 5. Light color of alfalfa was fertilized with borax. at right is result of boron deficiency. Pict at left III11dI (Iccr(asc- VirvInr5. Thw,. the (,{feet (tf lmrm) deficicllc\ iIII drat tltc alfalfa sUmd is scIit>IIs I 11M\ (ccln- so ra(111;(II ih alpplicatiutls r Icalim ", it. 1"x(.11 tlm mI IaiI I lu It r tllc rl III I stril: f I;tllcr cI III IIt cslx ciall, lilllc all(I IxttasII, s I I I iur 1-. \iiv r lnim l I'rn nru 1,r II licit rri; \cwr: rru lhrrri;r rli u . ( :1 il 1' ,:uulri' un (:1 At il Ii 1] IdI 1Ii, t( NI IN Iri' Ih tnu -i I_ Pnun15 IU Nl \I i 0- rI ((is 1 I imil (s Ni IIul I- 161 SunI 2(I 1 )M55 H, 1:)) I' unu _0 1- 'airL(I)I 1'r mrI y)5- liii N rIN, 1_'.5 IN l 6:)i 2 II Ii I~ll I,,1)1 . I l I : ij l: 1) 411 nI applicil Ii mlI al i (t ll ALFALFA PRODUCTION in ALABAMA 27 ing results than borax application, boron is still important to the longevity of stand and quality of forage produced. Data presented in Table 17 show the response of alfalfa to borax. In a majority of cases, yield increases did not result from an annual application of more than 15 pounds of borax per acre. However, since the quality of hay may decrease before any noticeable differences in yields occur and since yield responses up to 30 pounds of borax sometimes occur, the present recommendation is 20 to 25 pounds of borax per acre annually. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on data presented in the preceding sections, lime and fertilizer requirements for alfalfa can be met by (1) applying 3 to 4 tons of lime per acre 2 to 3 months before seeding, and (2) applying at seeding time 1,000 pounds of 0-10-20 fertilizer (containing 40 to 50 pounds of borax per ton) and annually thereafter in the spring. It is generally recommended that this annual application be applied before spring growth starts. In some areas such as the Black Belt where the soil is very wet in early spring, the annual application may be made in late fall or after the first cutting in the spring. Data obtained on Orangeburg fine sandy loam, Appendix Table 37, show that the best yield was obtained from plots fertilized prior to spring growth. SPECIAL SOIL TREATMENTS After several years of field experimentation and observations of farmers' success with alfalfa, it was apparent that good yields could be produced on most soils as long as stands could be maintained. However, in some cases stands disappeared after 2 or 3 years despite what appeared to be optimum lime and fertilizer treatments and optimum cutting management. Since alfalfa is a very deep-rooted crop and has a high lime requirement, distribution of lime below the usual plow depth offered possibility of increasing yields and prolonging the life of stands. Also, since stands were generally more difficult to maintain on sandy soils than on clay soils despite liberal fertilizer applications, and since nematodes are known to cause serious damage to some crops on sandy soils, soil fumigation also offered possibility for improving alfalfa production. 28 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION RATES OF LIME AND DEPTH OF PLACEMENT In September, 1950, lime-placement field tests were established on Lloyd clay loam, Madison clay loam, and Susquehanna fine sandy loam soils. The original pH of the soils at various depths are given in Table 18. TABLE 18. SOIL REACTION OF UNTREATED SOIL Soil type Soil pH at various depths 0-6 in. 6-12 in. 12-18 in. 5.47 4.97 4.75 5.37 5.10 4.67 Lloyd clay loam...................... . . 5.77 Madison clay loam ........................... . 4.90 Susquehanna fine sandy loam 4.87 The test on Lloyd soil was conducted on plots 5 X 25 feet in size, while those on Madison and Susquehanna soils were rim tests with each plot enclosed in a terra cotta rim 3 feet in diameter. All lime treatments were replicated 4 times. The deep applications of lime on the large plots were applied in plowed furrows, whereas for the rim tests the soil layers were dug and removed by hand and were replaced in proper order after the lime treatment was applied. The yield data from the lime experiments are summarized in Table 19. TABLE 19. Detailed tables of data are presented in Appendix EFFECTS OF RATES AND DEPTHS OF PLACEMENT OF LIME ON HAY YIELDS OF ALFALFA AT THREE LOCATIONS, 4-YEAR AVERAGE Average yield of hay per acre Lime treatment Depth perLacre'lSusquehanna Camp Hill, Lloyd c.1. Auburn, Madison c.1. Tuskegee, f.s.1. Pounds Inches Pounds Pounds Pounds 4,000 0-6 5,216 7,041 4,048 4,000 0-12 5,099 5,954 3,256 8,000 0-6 5,559 8,584 4,371 8,000 0-62 5,592 7,827 4,403 8,000 0-12 5,232 8,878 4,705 8,000 0-124,384 8,000 0-18 9,065 4,469 16,000 0-6 5,546 8,283 5,201 16,000 0-12 5,744 9,320 5,585 All plots received annual treatments of 200 pounds P2 0O, 240 pounds K2 0, and 25 pounds borax per acre. Where lime was placed deeper than 6 inches at the Piedmont and Auburn locations, one-half was applied as a plowsole application and one-half worked into the top 6 inches. At Tuskegee, lime was incorporated with the entire soil layer indicated except as noted. (See footnote 3.) 2 Subsoiled to depth of 12 inches. of lime applied in plowsole at 12 inches and one-half mixed with top 6 inches. 'One-half ALFALFA PRODUCTION in ALABAMA 29 Tables 39 to 41. On plots where lime was applied in the top 6 inches of soil, there was little increase in yields from more than 2 tons of lime per acre on Lloyd soil. Although the trend was toward an increase from deep placement on the more acid Madison and Susquehanna soils, it is doubtful that such increases would pay the extra cost of subsoil tillage. It is pointed out that the highest yields at all three locations were obtained from the 8-ton rate of lime applied to a depth of 12 inches. No increase for subsoiling to 12 inches was obtained at any of the three locations. SOIL FUMIGATION In March, 1951, a soil fumigant (Dowfume W-40) was applied to Norfolk sandy loam at the rates of 15 and 30 gallons per acre; the alfalfa was seeded 2 weeks after fumigation. Although spring seeding of alfalfa is not recommended, it was satisfactory for this experiment since the alfalfa could be hand-weeded until the stand was established. Data for the first 4 years of the test are presented in Table 20. Yields have been highest from the fumigated plots each year. For the 4-year period, the 15-gallon rate of fumigant has shown an accumulated increase of 2,802 pounds of hay per acre over no treatment as compared with an accumulated increase of 3,949 pounds from the 30-gallon rate. The cost of the fumigant, not including application, was about $2 per gallon. If alfalfa hay is valued at $40 per ton, the 15-gallon rate showed a return over cost of material for the 4-year period of $26, and the 30gallon rate a return of $19 per acre over the cost of fumigant. Although the 15- and 30-gallon rates gave comparable yields TABLE 20. EFFECTS OF SOIL FUMIGATION ON HAY YIELDS OF ALFALFA GROWN ON NORFOLK LOAMY SAND, MAIN STATION, 1951-54 Treatment- Yield of hay per acre (average of 4 replications) 1954 1953 1952 1951 Lb. 1,176 1,499 1,470 3 Lb. 7,093 7,681 7,607 2 Lb. 6,977 8,250 8,674 5 Lb. 3,808 4,476 5,252 2 4-yr. av. Lb. 4,764 5,464 5,751 None......................... Dowfume W-40, 15 gal. per acre-Dowfume W-40, 30 gal. per acre-Number of cuttings per year SAll plots received 3 tons of dolomitic lime per acre initially and annual applications of 1,000 pounds 0-12-20 plus 25 pounds of borax per acre. 30 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION the first 2 years, the 30-gallon rate gave higher yields the last 2 years of the experiment. Based on the results of this one test, it appears that soil fumigation definitely shows promise of increasing yields and prolonging the life of alfalfa stands on sandy soils of the Coastal Plains. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION The data reported herein were obtained from alfalfa experiments at various locations in Alabama. Some 15 soil types were involved and studies extended nearly the full length and breadth of the State. Tests were made to determine adaptability of varieties and to determine lime and fertilizer requirements at the several locations. Grazing and mowing treatments were tested at the Main Station. Rates of seeding experiments were carried on at the Main Station and the Monroeville Experiment Field, and trials to determine stage of cutting were conducted at the Main Station and at the old Canebrake Station. The results are summarized as follows: 1. Of the commercial varieties tested, such hardy types as Kansas or Oklahoma common, Buffalo, Williamsburg, Atlantic, Narragansett, and Vernal are recommended for planting in Alabama. 2. Vernal and Narragansett have finer stems, are leafier, and are darker green than the other varieties. They are preferred varieties when quality of hay is important. 3. Caliverde, Chilean, Peruvian, and such non-hardy commons as Arizona winterkill under low temperatures. When winters are mild they are excellent varieties. They are not recommended because of the risk of winterkilling. 4. The non-hardy varieties, African and Indian, are not recommended for Alabama. If they are to be maintained for only 1 or 2 years and are to be grazed, they might have some merit in southern Alabama, since they do not have a winter dormancy period and grow well when the weather is not too cold. They are susceptible to cold and to disease. 5. The creeping or rhizomatic type (Nomad and Rhizoma) has not produced well when harvested for hay. Varieties of this type have not been tested for grazing. Under conditions in this State, they have not shown the creeping characteristics, and at present they are not recommended. ALFALFA PRODUCTION in ALABAMA 31 6. Fall planting is much better than spring planting. Seeding as early as possible is recommended. September 1 to 15 are preferred dates in central and northern Alabama. In southern Alabama, October or November plantings are satisfactory. 7. The recommended rate of seeding is 20 to 25 pounds. Under favorable conditions, 10 to 15 pounds of seed per acre will give just as large a yield as a higher rate. 8. For maximum yield, research results show that alfalfa should be cut in one-tenth to full-bloom stage. Although earlier cutting will produce better quality hay, the yield is less and the stand thins more rapidly than later cutting. 9. Grazing in the winter reduces yield the next year. 10. Grazing alfalfa during the first winter after planting seriously damages stands. 11. Alfalfa that is 2 years old or older may be grazed. The yield from winter grazing is about the same as the reduction in yield the following year. 12. Cutting alfalfa in early stages reduces the reserve food supply of roots, which results in reduction of growth and thinning of stand. 13. Grazing alfalfa produces the same effect on the subsequent growth as does mowing. 14. Except for lime soils of the Black Belt, results from field experiments indicate a need of 3 to 4 tons of lime per acre to maintain an alfalfa stand for 3 years or longer on most soils of the State. 15. A comparison of calcitic and dolomitic sources of lime for alfalfa on Decatur clay loam showed no difference between the two. 16. Unless the soil is known to be high in phosphorus, an annual application of 100 pounds of P 20 5 per acre is recommended. 17. In a comparison of sources of phosphorus at several locations, concentrated superphosphate with gypsum added to supply sulfur resulted in alfalfa yields as high as those obtained from regular superphosphate. Fused tri-calcium phosphate ground to a fineness of 40-mesh was as good as superphosphate except on the lime soils of the Black Belt. Basic slag was also a satisfactory source of phosphorus. Both colloidal and rock phosphate were inferior at most locations even at rates that supplied 200 pounds of P 20 5 per acre as compared with 50 pounds from concentrated superphosphate. 32 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION 18. At least 200 pounds of K20 per acre is recommended annually for alfalfa on all soils. 19. An annual rate of 20 to 25 pounds of borax per acre is recommended. 20. Results from studies involving the placement of lime below normal plow depth have not shown sufficient promise to recommend the practice. 21. Soil fumigation increased alfalfa yields on a Norfolk sandy loam at Auburn. ALFALFA PRODUCTION in ALABAMA ALFALFA PRODUCTION in ALABAMA 33 33 ACKNOWLEDGMENT In preparing this report the authors compiled results of many workers of this station. Summarized are results from experiments at the Main Station carried on by J. F. Duggar', E. M. Evans, J. R. Langford, J. A. Naftel 2, D. G. Sturkie, and C. M. Wilson. Studies at the experiment fields reported were conducted by H. R. Benford2 , F. E. Bertram, J. T. Cope, Fred Glaze, J. W. Richardson, J. T. Williamson', J. R. Taylor 2, and R. W. Taylor 2. Studies at substations were carried on by K. G. Baker, John Boseck, Otto Brown, R. C. Christopher 2, W. W. Cotney, S. E. Gissendanner, Wilbur Kelley, E. L. Mayton, and J. P. Wilson 1. Tests at Atmore Farm were conducted by D. G. Sturkie in cooperation with The Department of Corrections and Institutions of the State of Alabama. SDeceased 2 Resigned 34 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION 34 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION APPENDIX TABLES TABLE 1. HAY YIELDS OF DIFFERENT ALFALFA VARIETIES FALL, 1948), ATWOOD FINE SANDY LOAM, UPPER COASTAL PLAIN SUBSTATION, 1949-54 APPENDIX (PLANTED Variety 1949 1950 Yield of hay per 1951 1952 1953 acre 1954 6-yr. av. Lb. Lb. Lb. 6,598 6,659 6,883 6,893 7,535 6,228 6,466 6,819 7,622 8,150 7,523 7,450 7,886 Arizona Chilean___________________ 7,335 5,722 7,173 5,612 Hairy Peruvian 7,941 5,433 Atlantic ----------------------------8,190 5,623 --------------Williamsburg 7,550 5,516 -------------Ranger 7,969 5,036 Ranger Syn. 41____________________ 8,017 5,233 Ranger Syn. Ranger 2nd generation-------- 7,352 5,237 8,335 6,218 Buffalo 9,140 5,857 Argentine Rio Negro 5,663 ,275 Argentine Bahia Blanca Argentine Buenos Aires____ 8,329 5,865 Argentine La 8,644 5,978 8,857 -------------------3,919 3,767 4,551 Lb. 3,544 Lb. 8,393 7,683 9,097 8,706 8,997 Lb. 5,226 5,051 4,866 5,271 5,852 Lb. 6,136 6,006 6,357 6,408 6,666 ----------- 3,476 3,666 Pampa -----Kansas Common_________ 8,246 5,810 6,802 3,634 3,542 3,624 -. 5,932 3,638 8,150 4,569 3,859 4-2------------------ 8,402 4,978 6,159 3,457 8,532 5,492 6,149 6,721 5,580 8,337 4,235 ---------------------------------9,084 4,185 6,660 8,376 8,676 8,590 4,294 3,652 3,129 6,268 6,274 6,308 Oklahoma Common_______ Numher of cuttings per year______________ APPENDIX TABLE FALL, 7,553 3 5,787 3 7,009 3 4,058 3 8,601 8,667 3 4,803 5,346 2 6,316 6,404 2. 1952), HAY YIELDS OF DIFFERENT ALFALFA VARIETIES LOAM, UPPER COASTAL (PLANTED ATWOOD FINE SANDY PLAIN SUBSTATION, 1953-54 VarietyYield Vrey1953 of hay per acre 2-yr. av. 1954 Pounds Arizona Pounds 6,215 5,796 6,388 5,488 5,520 5,794 6,378 6,701 6,628 5,701 Pounds 6,594 6,084 6,814 5,702 5,796 5,964 6,777 7,075 6,872 6,586 Common-- Caliverde-------Atlantic Narragansett Buffalo Ranger Williamshurg Du Puits--------Uruguay Clone 10Rhizoma--------Number of cuttings per year______ 6,972 6,371 7,240 5,917 6,071 6,135 7,176 7,449 7,117 7,471 ALFALFA PRODUCTION in ALABAMA 35 ALFALFA PRODUCTION in ALABA~A3 APPENDIX TABLE 3. HAY YIELDS OF DIFFERENT VARIETIES (PLANTED FALL, 1948), DECATUR CLAY LOAM, TENNESSEE VALLEY SUBSTATION, 1949-50 Yield of hay per acre \JVariety 1949 1950 2-yr. av. Pounds Pounds Pounds 5,210 6,943 3,4801 Arizona Chilean ------------------------8,765 1,7551 Hairy Peruvian------------------8,873 6,758 Atlantic------------------9,212 6,848 Williamsburg-------------------------------10,642 6,338 Ranger------------------8,406 5,828 Ranger Syn. 1 new---------------------------7,002 6,000 Ranger Syn. 2 new--.-------------------------8,531 6,968 Ranger 2nd generation -------------------7,654 5,925 Buffalo------------------------------------8,442 7,500 Argentine Rio Negro Province--------7,520 7,860 Argentine Bahia Blanca 8,031 5,993 Argentine Buenos Aires-------------------9,863 7,613 Argentine La Pampa-------------------10,533 6,518 Kansas Common-------------------------------8,125 5,715 Oklahoma Common-----------------7,969 3,5401 Australian------------------------------------Number of cuttings per year-----------1 5,261 7,816 8,030 8,490 7,117 6,500 7,650 ------------------- 6,790 7,971 7,690 7,012 8,738 8,525 6,920 5,729 2 3 Severely winterkilled in winter of 1948-49. Discontinued at end of 1950 due to severe killing of some varieties in winter of 1950. APPENDIX TABLE 4. HAY YIELDS OF DIFFERENT VARIETIES (PLANTED FALL, 1952), DECATUR CLAY LOAM, TENNESSEE VALLEY SUBSTATION, 1953-54 Variety1953 Yield of hay per acre 1954 2-yr. av. Pounds Pounds Pounds 6,343 6,488 5,868 6,818 Arizona Common ----------------------------5,773 7,204 Caliverde--------------6,151 7,120 Atlantic----------5,840 6,485 Narragansett------------------5,873 6,845 Buffalo-----------------------5,300 7,446 Ranger-----------------------5,922 8,287 W illiamsburg------------------Du Puits----------------------8,483 6,294 6,636 6,162 6,359 6,373 7,104 7,388 Uruguay Clone 10--------------Rhizoma----------------------- 7,081 7,536 5,709 5,412 6,395 6,477 Number of cuttings per year------ 2 2 APPENDIX TABLE 5. HAY YIELDS OF DIFFERENT ALFALFA VARIETIES FALL, 1942), HARTSELLS FINE SANDY LOAMv, SAND MOUNTAIN (PLANTED SUBSTATION, 1943-46 4-yr av. Variety 1943 Yield of hay per acre 1944 1945 1946 Pounds Kansas Common--------Ranger----------------Number of cuttings per year-------------1,785 1,550 2 Pounds 3,610 3,053 2 Pounds 5,605 5,523 3 Pounds 7,400 6,803 4 Pounds 4,600 4,232 36 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION 36 ALABAMA AGRICULTURLEPRMN TTO APPENDIX TABLE 6. HAY YIELDS OF DIFFERENT ALFALFA VARIETIES FALL, 1952), HARTSELLS FINE SANDY LOAM, SAND MOUNTAIN (PLANTED SUBSTATION, 1953-54 Variety1953 Yield of hay per acre 1954 2-yr. av. Pounds Pounds Pounds 4,093 3,891 4,295 Arizona Common -----------------------------4,694 4,478 4,909 Caliverde------------4,702 4,297 5,106 Atlantic________________________________ 4,424 4,009 4,838 Narragansett --------------------------------4,592 4,291 4,893 Buffalo-----------------4,287 3,873 4,701 Ranger---------------------------------4,842 4,322 5,362 Williamsburg ------------------------------5,194 4,701 5,687 Du Puits ---------------------------------------4,516 4,505 4,528 Uruguay Clone 10 4,416 3,582 5,249 Rhizoma-- ------------------ ---------------------------3 3 _ Number of cuttings per year-------- HAY YIELDS OF DIFFERENT ALFALFA VARIETIES APPENDIX TABLE 7. FALL, 1948), HARTSELLS FINE SANDY LOAM, SAND MOUNTAIN (PLANTED SUBSTATION, 1949-54 Variety 1949 1950 Yield of hay per acre 1951 1952 1953 1954 6-yr. av. Lb. Arizona Lb. 6,625 Lb. 5,233 Lb. 5,944 Lb. 6,477 Lb. 5,693 Lb. 6,100 Chilean---------- 6,630 Hairy Peruvian__________ 4,761 Atlantic________________ 7,198 Williamsburg-----------Ranger_________________ Ranger Syn. 1 new_______ 5,205 7,195 5,301 4,286 5,407 4,896 4,656 6,295 5,150 5,557 6,572 5,443 4,361 5,411 4,324 4,804 6,346 5,102 5,497 Ranger-Syn. 5,130 6,705 7,040 5,357 6,628 5,930 5,030 5,779 5.159 5,900 5,962 5.723 5,977 6,652 6.483 4,903 5,449 5.425 5,383 6,196 5,737 2 new________5.701 Ranger 2nd generation-___ 6,401 Buffalo ----------------Argentine Buenos Argentine La 6,664 6,190 4,996 6,042 5,745. 6,232 6,974 6,320 5,636 5,438 6,069 6.210 Argentine Rio Negro Province_______________ Argentine Bahia Blanca--__ Pampa-----Kansas Common --------Oklahoma Common ------Number of cuttings per year-------------- Aires---- 8,138 6,937 6,952 6,623 6,579 6,534 7,655 6,409 6,746 6,552 6,447 6,783 6,179 5,143 5,283 4,667 5,615 5,529 7,444 5,971 6,073 5,517 5,872 5,751 6,841 6,558 6,490 6,345 6,111 6,156 '5,065' 6,318 7,096 6,014 6,105 5,793 5,931 5,970 5,084 5,051 4,959 5,064 4 4 3 3 3 3 ALFALFA PRODUCTION in ALABAMA 37 ALFALFA PRODUCTION in ALABAMA 3 APPENDIX TABLE 8. HAY YIELDS OF DIFFERENT ALFALFA VARIETIES (PLANTED FALL, 1946), HARTSELLS FINE SANDY LOAM, SAND MOUNTAIN SUBSTATION, 1947-49 Variety 1947 Yield of hay per acre 1948 1949 3-yr. av. Pounds Oklahoma Common--------------------. Kansas Common-------------------------------------Argentine Ranger-------------------------Hairy Peruvian ------___ Atlantic----------------------------------------. Chilean--------------------------------8,874 7,777 7,922 7,948 5,822 7,448 6,808 6,956 4 Pounds 8,591 8,397 9,104 7,864 7,678 7,978 7,397 8,064 4 Pounds 8,398 8,416 8,700 Pounds 8,454 8,197 8,575 8,136 7,498 5,104 6,998 7,678 7,468 7,061 7,702 7,224 7,860 Buffalo ------------------- Numher of cuttings per year APPENDIX ------ 4 TABLE 9. HAY YIELDS OF DIFFERENT ALFALFA VARIETIES FALL, 1952), CECIL CLAY, PIEDMONT SUBSTATION, 1953-54 (PLANTED Variety 1958 Yield of hay per acre 1954 2-yr. av. Pounds Arizona Common Pounds 8,070 Pounds 7,896 --------------- 7,721 Caliverde---------------------Atlantic----------------------- 7,140 7,466 7,150 7,273 8,658 7,660 7,207 8,062 7,405 Narragansttt------------------Buffalo-----------------------Ranger-----------------------Williamsburg------------------Du Puits----------------------Uruguay Clone 10--------------Rhizoma----------------------- 7,086 6,822 7,835 7,924 8,032 7,403 7,531 7,164 9,205 8,412 9,284 8,422 7,309 6,743 8,520 8,168 8,658 7,913 Numher of cuttings per year.--_--- 3 4 APPENDIX TABLE '10. HAY YIELDS OF DIFFERENT ALFALFA VARIETIES FALL, 1943), CHESTERFIELD SANDY LOAM, MAIN STATION, 1944-48 (PLANTED 5-yr. av. Variety 1944 1945 Yield of hay per acre 1948 1946 1947 Pounds Kansas Common Buffalo -- - -Ranger-----Numher of cuttings per year -------7,737 5,872 4,966 4 Pounds 10,302 9,104 7,234 4 Pounds 10,217 10,795 9,860 5 Pounds Pounds 7,057 7,023 6,612 4 7,962 7,546 7,176 4 Pounds 8,655 8,068 7,170 38 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION 38 ALABAMA AGRICULTURLEPRMN TTO FALL, APPENDIX TABLE 11. YIELDS OF DIFFERENT ALFALFA VARIETIES 1944), CHESTERFIELD SANDY LOAM, MAIN STATION, 1945-49 (PLANTED 1945 Oklahoma Common'--------Oklahoma Common' Kansas Common'--------------Kansas Common---------------- 1946 Yield of hay per acre 1947 1948 1949 10,274 9,736 9,483 9,796 9,100 8,448 8,846 9,628 8,792 8,664 9,156 9,585 9,082 9,223 5-yr. av. 10,274 10,086 Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds 14,722 8,135 12,824 7,064 -------14,654 6,954 7,974 8,194 6,563 6,826 5,228 8,730 6,452 14,892 14,314 15,113 13,974 12,614 13,366 11,526 9,445 9,461 9,103 ---------------Argentine 8,758 8,412 8,584 9,859 10,107 9,859 9,010 5,925 9,002 Arizona Chilean---------------9,294 7,610 9,217 Hairy Peruvian----------------8,895 7,762 9,243 Ranger 9,523 7,450 9,277 Buffalo---------------8,089 5,880 7,925 Grimm---------------Number of cuttings 3 4 4 5 4 per year_____________ - The two entries of Oklahoma and Kansas Common were from different seed sources. ------------------------------- APPENDIX TABLE 12. HAY YIELDS OF DIFFERENT ALFALFA VARIETIES FALL, 1946), CHESTERFIELD SANDY LOAM, MAIN STATION, 1947-50 (PLANTED 4-yr. av. Variety Raner Kansas eCommon---Oklahoma Yield of hay per acre 1947 1948 1949 1950 Pounds Pounds 10,019 9,561 9,908 9,498 8,184 10,426 8,994 10,103 4 Pounds 8,270 8,201 7,206 8,346 8,329 8,924 8,217 8,854 3 Pounds 7,695 7,451 5,991 7,897 8,288 7,710 8,140 9,155 4 Pounds 8,669 8,354 7,890 8,513 7,932 8,945 8,203 9,174 Common- Argentine HiyPeruvian----Atlantic----------Chilean -------- --Buffalo ----------cuttings Number be-r year -------- 8,691 8,202 8,455 8,310 6,928 8,719 7,463 8,583 4 of APPENDIX TABLE 13. HAY YIELDS OF DIFFERENT ALFALFA VARIETIES (PLANTED FALL, 1949), CHESTERFIELD SANDY LOAM, MAIN STATION, 1950-52 Variety Yield of hay per acre 1950 1951 1952 3-yr. av. Pounds Arizona Chilean_______________ Pounds 6,995 7,464 Pounds 10,489 11,054 Pounds 7,349 7,457 Atlantic - ------------------- 4,561 3,853 Williamsburg________________ Narragansett______________ Chilean 21-5 ---------------- 3,621 4,158 3,336 7,256 8,728 5,785 9,921 10,941 8,039 6,933 7,942 5,720 Texas Common____ 4,496 Argentine ----------------- 4,063 3,371 4 7,588 7,593 10,629 9,565 7,427 7,218 Kansas Common_____________ Number of cuttings per year---- 7,120 4 10,174 4 6,917 ALFALFA PRODUCTION in ALABAMA 39 ALFALFA PRODUCTION in ALABAMA 3 APPENDIX TABLE 14. HAY YIELDS OF DIFFERENT ALFALFA VARIETIES FALL, 1951), CHESTERFIELD SANDY LOAM, MAIN STATION, 1952-54 (PLANTED Variety 1952 Yield of hay per acre 1958 1954 3-yr. av. Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds 7,336 8,708 10,657 Chilean 21-5 ------------------------------- 8,900 9,093 7,255 9,213 10,811 Hairy Peruvian__________________________ 8,928 6,886 10,080 9,817 Atlantic ---------------------------------------8,813 9,886 6,305 10,248 Narragansett___________________________ 8,710 6,789 9,182 10,160 Ranger --------------------------------6,810 8,819 9,868 9,780 Buffalo _________________________________ 7,046 9,027 10,284 .9,750 Texas Common_________________ __________ 9,395 7,038 10,129 11,018 Williamsburg__________________________ 9,716 7,545 10,729 Du Puits___________________________________ 10,873 7,453 4,962 9,129 8,269 Nomad -----------------6,942 8,762 9,718 9,626 Talent________________________________ 8,427 5,963 9609 9,710 Rhizoma_______________________________ 7,100 9,167 10,910 9,492 Arizona Common'-----------------------9,116 10,558 7,297 9,493 Arizona Common'------------------------7,103 8,922 7,437 African -------------------------------- 4,949 7,993 9,709 5,488 8,783 Indian__________________________________ 7,951 6,095 9,405 8,355 Nemastand 6,419 8,938 10,050 10,345 Wisconsin Syn. C------------------------5,978 6,241 8,748 8,923 --------Nevada C---------------------------3 4 5 Number of cuttings per year--1 The two entries of Arizona Common were from different seed sources. ----------------------------------- APPENDIX TABLE 15. HAY YIELDS OF DIFFERENT ALFALFA VARIETIES CHESTERFIELD SANDY LOAM, MAIN STATION, 1953-54 FALL, 1952), (PLANTED VarietyYield Vrey1953 of hay per acre 1954 2-yr. av. Pounds Arizona Common_______________ Caliverde______________________ Atlantic_______________________ Narragansett___________________ 9,568 11,496 10,387 10,230 10,131 Pounds 8,624 8,927 9,908 7,503 8,944 Pounds 9,096 10,211 10,147 8,866 9,537 Buffalo-----------------------Ranger------------------------ Williamsburg 9,304 9,939 7,673 8,618 8,488 9,278 Nomad------------------------ Uruguay Clone Rhizoma----------------------California Chilean 10 --------------- 7,764 10,433 9,389 10,139 9,982 5,522 7,800 6,719 8,507 9,178 -9,116 6,643 8,054 9,323 9,580 Chilean--------------21-5 ------------------- Number of cuttings per year______ 5 3 40 40 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION APPENDIX TABLE 16. FALL, 1924), HAY YIELDS OF DIFFERENT ALFALFA VARIETIES SUMTER CLAY, UNIONTOWN, 1925-27 (PLANTED 3-yr. av. Variety 1925 Yield of hay per acre 1926 1927 Pounds Kansas Pounds 10,073 10,300 9,800 9,620 10,000 10,960 Pounds 4,327 4,000 4,140 4,200 3,800 Common---. Chilean ------- --Arizona Common--French --------- -Idaho Common----. Hairy Peruvian----4,580 6,520 3,480 10,840 Smooth Peruvian--4,560 6,293 At the end of 1927, stands of Hairy Peruvian, Smooth Peruvian, and Arizona Common were much thinner than those of the other varieties. Kansas Common appeared to he the best variety at that time. 2,813 3,180 3,040 2,640 2,760 4,020 Pounds 5,738 5,827 5,660 5,487 5,520 NOTE: APPENDIX TABLE 17. FALL, YIELDS OF 1950),HAYEXPERIMENT DIFFERENT ALFALFA FIELD, 1951-54 MAGNOLIA FINE SANDY LOAM, VARIETIES (PLANTED MONROEvILLE Variety --- ----- -- -- ------- -- -- 1951 Yield of hay per acre 1952 1953 1954 4-yr. av. Pounds 4,131 4,183 4,300 4,792 3,950 3,659 4,072 4,993 4,440 4,802 3,467 3,344 3,921 4,025 5,086 2,730 4,122 5,164 4,899 4,504 Pounds 5,946 9,018 9,817 9,551 7,285 6,275 9,360 9,954 7,070 8,887 8,106 7,243 8,299 8,622 9,988 6,859 8,304 8,950 8,440 8,766 Pounds 8,067 8,158 8,726 8,813 8,523 8,372 8,551 9,590 8,132 8,814 7,607 7,995 8,521 8,632 9,876 4,949 8,961 8,197 7,803 8,996 Pounds 6,660 5,416 6,242 6,475 6,543 5,794 6,850 6,700 6,324 5,819 5,623 5,716 6,099 5,945 7,054 2,957 6,962 3,614 5,520 5,572 Pounds 6,201 6,694 7,271 7,408 6,575 6,025 7,208 7,809 6,492 7,080 6,201 6,074 6,710 6,806 8,001 4,374 7,087 6,481 6,665 6,959 African--------A tlantic Wisconisin -------- --- --- Chilean 21-5------. -- -- -Arizona Common--1 Arizona Common --Oklahoma CommonIndian .-------- - -Narragansett------Nemastand--------N evada ----------Peruvian (Hairy) --R anger---------- -Williamsburg------N om ad---------- -C hilean--------- --D ui Piits----------Rhizom a----------Talent----------- -0 Number of cuttings per year - -------454 44---5-1 The two entries of Arizona Common were from different seed sources. Buffalo---------- Synthetic--- ALFALFA PRODUCTION in ALABAMA 41 APPENDIX TABLE 18. HAY YIELDS OF DIFFERENT ALFALFA VARIETIES (PLANTED FALL, 1946), NORFOLK FINE SANDY LOAM, GULF COAST SUBSTATION, 1947 Variety Oklahoma Common___. Kansas Common------.... Argentine Ranger Hairy Peruvian Atlantic Chilean Buffalo Number of cuttings Number of cuttings per year 2' per year 21 First cutting not weighed because of weeds, but alfalfa was much larger than at second and third cuttings. Yield of hay per acre 1947 Pounds 4,048 4,130 3,950 3,825 Variety Yield of hay per acre 1947 Pounds 8,707 4,033 4,196 3,916 ' APPENDIX TABLE 19. EFFECTS OF LIME AND FERTILIZERS ON HAY YIELDS ALFALFA GROWN ON DECATUR CLAY LOAM (FERT. EXPT. No. 1), TENNESSEE VALLEY SUBSTATION, 1931-36 OF Treatment fall of 1930 1931 1932 Yield of hay per acre 1933 1934 1935 Lb. 3,868 4,230 5,760 7,260 6,180 6,190 7,720 7,100 Lb. 2,040 2,520 3,240 4,440 4,240 3,800 5,000 4,360 Lb. 2,040 3,640 4,240 6,440 5,680 4,760 7,400 6,000 1936 Lb. 370 720 880 1,360 1,080 880 1,400 1,120 6-yr. av. Lb. Lb. None2___________________________________ 1,410 4,875 3,000 lb. lime 1,370 4,290 3,000 lb. lime 1,000 lb. superphosphate 2,910 5,720 3,000 lb. lime 2,000 lb. superphosphate.. 4,032 7,670 6,000 lb. lime-........... 2,256 6,630 6,000 lb. lime 1,000 lb. superphosphate-3,400 6,970 6,000 lb. lime 2,000 lb. superphosphate_. 4,154 8,000 6,000 lb. lime 2,000 lb. superphosphate-3,558 7,140 200 lb. muriate 2,000 lb. superphosphate 200 lb. muriate 1,706 5,970 3,000 lb. basic slag 200 lb. muriate......... Number of cuttings per year 3,314 2 6,050 Lb. 2,434 2,795 3,792 5,201 4,345 4,333 5,613 4,880 5,800 5,630 2,600 3,560 2,440 3,760 360 600 1 3,146 3,819 'Treatments averages replicated were not SYields are 3 3 2 3 and were applied in 1930 only. of 4 check plots. 42 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION OF APPENDIX TABLE 20. EFFECTS OF LIME AND FERTILIZERS ON HAY YIELDS ALFALFA GROWN ON DECATUR CLAY LOAM (FERT. EXPT. No. 1, REVISED), TENNESSEE VALLEY SUBSTATION, 1937-41 Treatment fall of 193861 Annual treatment in spring began growth before Yield of hay per acre 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 5-yr. Superphosphate Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. None 2 None 4,360 2,900 3,210 2,180 950 2,720 200 lb. superphosphate 600 lb. muriate 200 lb. 6,690 4,560 5,960 4,000 1,240 4,490 200 lb. superphosphate 600 lb. muriate 200 lb. 7,400 4,400 5,320 3,720 1,360 4,440 200 lb. superphosphate 600 lb. muriate 200 lb. 9,300 5,120 6,280 4,200 1,760 5,332 200 lb. superphosphate 600 lb. muriate 200 lb. 8,550 6,280 7,880 6,200 2,600 6,302 200 lb. superphosphate 600 lb. muriate 200 lb. 8,760 5,680 7,000 5,080 2,160 5,736 200 lb. superphosphate 600 lb. muriate 200 lb. 9,730 6,440 8,280 6,200 2,520 6,634 400 lb. superphosphate 600 lb. muriate 400 lb. 9,380 5,840 7,470 5,640 2,160 6,098 12,000 lb. lime 400 lb. superphosphate 400 lb. 9,590 6,440 9,240 7,040 2,840 7,040 600 lb. muriate 10,500 lb. lime 200 lb. superphosphate 200 lb. 8,380 5,800 7,040 5,360 2,280 5,772 600 lb. muriate Number of cuttings per year 4 3 3 3 1 1 In this revised experiment the treatments were superimposed on those applied in 1930 and shown in Appendix Table 19. Treatments were not replicated. 2 Yields are averages of 4 check plots. e ar ALFALFA PRODUCTION in ALABAMA 43 OF APPENDIX TABLE 21. ALFALFA GROWN EFFECTS OF LIME AND FERTILIZERS ON HAY YIELDS ON DECATUR CLAY LOAM (FERT. EXPT. No. 2), TENNESSEE VALLEY SUBSTATION, 193388-37 Treatment fall of 1932' 2 None _ 1,000 lb. basic slag 3,000 lb. basic slag 5,000 lb. basic slag 1,000 lb. basic slag 400 lb. muriate 3,000 lb. basic slag 400 lb. muriate 5,000 lb. 400 lb. 2,000 lb. 6,000 lb. 6,000 lb. 2,000 lb. 400 lb. 6,000 lb. 2,000 lb. 400 lb. 6,000 lb. 2,000 lb. 400 lb. 6,000 lb. 500 lb. 400 lb. 2,500 lb. 2,800 lb. 400 lb. basic slag muriate superphosphate dolomite dolomite superphosphate muriate calcitic lime superphosphate muriate dolomite' superphosphate muriate dolomite superphosphate" muriate dolomite superphosphate muriate - 1933 Lb. 1,747 4,639 7,691 7,556 4,035 2,549 7,624 6,735 7,665 Yield of hay per acre 1935 1936 1937 I 5-yr. av. Yildo Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. 1,218 579 564 1,070 2,610 3,405 1,140 870 2,533 4,380 6,120 2,595 1,560 4,469 4,980 6,450 3,045 2,085 4,823 1984 Lb. 1,242 2,055 4,125 4,995 4,305 5,205 2,445 6,630 6,915 6,090 7,470 975 2,490 2,985 2,685 3,270 660 1,200 1,710 1,920 2,475 2,034 8,899 4,846 4,347 5,217 7,241 5,010 7,470 3,195 2,715 5,127 7,545 4,980 7,365 3,090 2,640 5,124 5,989 4,995 7,710 3,540 2,880 5,023 7,335 4,590 7,260 2,985 2,040 4,842 Number of cuttings per year 3 2 3 2 1 1Treatments were not replicated. 2 Yields are averages of 5 check plots. SApplied annually in the spring before growth began. 44 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION 44 ALABAMA AGRICULTURLEPRMN TTO YIELDS OF APPENDIX TABLE 22. EFFECTS OF LIME AND FERTILIZERS ON HAY EXPT. ALFALFA GROWN ON DECATUR CLAY LOAM TENNESSEE VALLEY SUBSTATION, 1938-41 REVISED), (FEET. No. 2, Treatment fall of 19371 1938 Yield of bay per acre 1941 1940 1939 4-yr. av. Lb. 3,270 None 600 lb. rnriate 3 4,620 1,000 lb. basic slag 4,635 None---N on e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4,800 200 lb. muriate 3 3,960 188 lb. triple superpbosphate N one -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4,575 No ne -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5,280 4,995 N on e -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,000 lb. superpbosphate_________ 3 500 lb. superphosphate ________ 3,500 lb. dolomite 5,775 5,835 6,075 6,345 Lb. 2,750 8,535 4,500 5,175 4,560 4,320 5, 640 Lb. 1,543 5,730 2,850 3,060 4,725 2,910 3,615 3,150 4,305 4,380 5,085 5,520 Lb. 740 2,713 915 1,240 2,093 1,178 1,581 1,364 1,721 1,767 2,093 2,248 Lb. 2,075 5,400 3,475 3,569 3,835 3,246 4,029 3,679 4,570 4,514 5,170 5,426 5,205 6,480 6,075 7,425 7,590 500 ________ lb. sperphospate4 6,090 7,725 5,175 2,077 5267 1 3 3 3 Number of cuttings per year____ 'In this revised experiment the treatments were superimposed on those applied in 1932 and shown in Appendix Table 21. Treatments were not replicated. 2Yields are averages of 5 check plots. 'Also applied annually each spring. 'Also applied annually each fall. r- APPENDIX TABLE 23. EFFECTS OF LIME AND FERTILIZERS ON HAY YIELDS OF ALFALFA GROWN ON HARTSELLS FINE SANDY LOAM, SAND MOUNTAIN SUBSTATION, 1940-48 -I 0 C Treatment per acre Yield of hay per acre 4 P2 05 1 K 20 Lb. 0 0 0 120 120 120 120 120 120 Lime Lb. 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 0 0 0 __ Basic Blagi Lb. 0 00 0 0 0 0 600 3,000 ______2 1940 Lb. 2,650 3,150 3,060 4,060 4,020 4,160 4,440 4,110 4,100 1941 Lb. 4,330 4,980 5,030 5,460 6,020 5,810 6,220 5,450 5,800 3 1942 Lb. 1943 Lb. 1944 Lb. 1945 Lb. 1946 Lb. 1947 Lb. 1948 Lb. Lb. 0 0 54 54 054 **54 54 48 240 SP20 5 5,617 5,500 4,450 5,190 9,830 5,570 5,700 Number of cuttings per year 3 3 2 3 4 3 4 was applied annually in the fall at the rates shown, except for plot (*) where it was applied annually in the spring and for last plot where the 3,000-pound rate of slag was applied only once. Where slag was used, the amount of PO5 is calculated on the basis of 8 per cent. 2Only the initial application of K 2O was applied except for plot (00), which received the initial application of 120 pounds plus annual applications of 60 pounds per acre. The 600-pound rate of slag was applied annually and the 3,000-pound rate only once. ' *The stand of alfalfa was lost after 2 years on allplots except one, where annual applications of potash were made. APPENDIX TABLE 24. EFFECT OF BORAX ON HAY YIELDS OF ALFALFA GROWN ON HARTSELLS FINE SANDY LOAM, SAND MOUNTAIN SUBSTATION, 1942-47 P 20 5 Pounds Treatment per acre1 K2 0 Pounds Borax 2 Pounds Yield of hay per acre ________________________________________ 1944 1945 1942 1943 Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds 1946 1947 Pounds 6-yr. av. Pounds Pounds 54 120 0 7,040 4,860 3,810 54 120 15 7,780 6,590 4,330 7,930 7,290 4,370 54 120 30 2 3 3 Number of cuttings per year________________ 1 All plots received 1 ton of lime per acre; treatments were not replicated. 2Applied at these rates every other year. 5,000 5,830 5,790 3 9,180 10,720 10,930 4 6,230 7,350 7,270 3 6,020 7,100 7,263 - ~m c r APPENDIX TABLE 25. EFFECT OF BORAX ON HAY YIELDS OF ALFALFA GROWN ON HARTSELLS FINE SANDY LOAM, SAND MOUNTAIN SUBSTATION, 1943-47 Treatment ce 1e Borax Lime 1943 1944 Yield of hay per acre 1945 1946 1947 5-yr. av. Pounds 0 202 Pounds 2,000 2,000 2,000 4,000 Pounds 1,800 3,175 3,550 3,750 Pounds 2,150 3,425 3,575 4,300 Pounds 3,906 4,950 5,550 6,700 Pounds 10,125 10,825 10,550 11,550 Pounds 3,400 5,050 5,500 6,875 Pounds 4,494 5,594 5,806 6,575 I- x m 20(10)2 20(10)" 4 3 2 2 3 Number of cuttings per year--1 Initial application of 72 pounds of P 205 and 120 pounds of K 2 0 per acre was followed annually with 70 and 50 pounds, respectively. Treatments were not replicated. 2 z -I -I Initial application only. 2Initial application of 20 pounds; annual application of 10 pounds. z APPENDIX TABLE 26. EFFECTS OF LIME AND FERTILIZERS ON HAY YIELDS OF ALFALFA GROWN ON HARTSELLS FINE SANDY LOAM, 'I- SAND MOUNTAIN SUBSTATION, 1949-52 19~1 a:i ',41I Source of phosphorus1 Triple superphosphate ------------ do. ---------------------- do. ------------------------- do. ------------------------- do. ------------- : ------------- do. ---------------------- do. --------------------------- do. --------------------- do. ------------------------ do. --------------------------- do. --------------------------- do. ------------ do. ------------- do. ----------Superphosphate FTCa phosphate 10-M do. ---------- 40-M Colloidal phosphate -------- o. ------d Rock phosphate -------- ------do. Basic slag -------- P20 5 50 100 150 200 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 100 200 100 200 200 100 -----------------------B2X -------do. -------do..------Superphosphate do. -------0 200 0 Treatment per acre, pounds SO3 K2 O Lime 6,000 240 120 240 6,000 120 240 6,000 120 6,000 120 240 240 6,000 0 6,000 30 240 6,000 60 240 6,000 120 120 360 6,000 120 4,000 120 240 240 8,000 120 240 8,000 120 8000 120 240 8,000 120 240 0 240 8,000 120 240 8,000 8,000 120 240 0 240 8,000 8,000 0 240 240 8,000 0 8,000 0 240 2,000 0 240 240 0 Other 2 BX do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. X B BX do. do. do. 'do. do. do. do. do. Yield of hay per acre, pounds-average of 4 replications 1949 1950 1951 1952 4-yr. av. 7,383 6,121 5,527 7,491 10,394 7,716 6,124 6,193 7,419 11,126 8,473 7,135 6,117 12,110 8,531 8,386 7,229 6,468 8,087 11,769 4,787 6,452 4,530 6,383 10,108 6,927 5,553 5,055 6,529 10,572 5,377 6,574 4,857 6,133 9,929 6,860 5,261 5,937 6,804 9,438 8,187 7,730 6,299 11,585 7,047 7,806 5,907 7,121 11,153 6,254 6,133 4,588 10,285 5,552 4,716 3,777 7,667 6,047 6.779 7.812 6.058 7.266 11.143 5,371 6,441 4,539 5,744 10,108 7,187 5,186 6,001 7,298 10,261 4,664 4,877 5,781 8,099 5,948 7,404 5,692 6,609 7,374 9,948 6,373 4,977 5,689 6,510 8,314 5,444 4,751 5,714 4,384 6,928 7,505 5,835 6,769 7,553 9,861 6,230 5,338 6,223 4,991 8,367 6,500 4,767 6,153 4,764 10,314 a 0 C n z a- 7,32, G,815 r 5,187 2,316 344 239 2,022 5,556 3,685 4,683 8,728 5,127 0 4,000 do. 0 3 3 4 4 Num her of cuttings per year--------------------------------- -'No phosphorus was applied in 1951 and 1952 to the rates and source study. Where elements other than phosphorus were varied, phosphorus was applied annually. 2B= 15 pounds of horax per acre; X - 30 pounds of MnSO 4 and ZnSO 4 plus 10 pounds of CuSO 4 per acre. ------- 150 --------------- ------do. 150 0 0 240 180 240 0 4,000 4,000 do. do. do. 9,434 9,291 9,982 5,511 7,880 7,675 4,506 6,108 6,094 6,524 6,059 6,388 6,494 7,335 7,535 150. APPENDIX TABLE 27. EFFECTS OF FERTILIZERS AND BORAX ON HAY YIELDS OF ALFALFA UPPER COASTAL PLAIN SUBSTATION, 1947 GROWN ON ATWOOD FINE SANDY LOAM, Treatmene P,0 5 KO Borax' 1st cutting 2nd cutting Yield of hay per acre 3rd cutting 4th cutting r- Pounds 0 Pounds 180 Pounds 25-15 Pounds 2,325 Pounds 1,600 Pounds 2,350 Pounds 700 72 180 25-15 2,775 2,024 108 180 25-15 2,750 2,474 72 0 25-15 2,700 1,924 72 120 25-15 3,024 2,224 72 180 25-15 3,050 1,950 72 180 0 2,675 1,850 1 TWO tons of lime, 108 pounds of P,0 5 , and 100 pounds of K 2 0 per acre applied in 1946, plots were laid out and fertilized as ahove, hut no yields were recorded in 1946. and yields for that year recorded. Treatments were not replicated. 2 Initial application of 25 pounds, annual application of 15 pounds. 2,200 2,775 1,625 1,075 1,225 875 850 Pounds 6,975 8,074 9,224 M 7,124 8,173 925 8,200 1,825 850 7,200 fall of 1945 just prior to seeding. In May, Plots were again fertilized in March, 1947, c 2,075 2,275 r c m x mv m z -1 O' ZI APPENDIX TABLE 28. EFFECTS OF LIME AND FERTILIZERS ON HAY YIELDS OF ALFALFA GROWN ON ATWOOD FINE SANDY LOAM, UPPER COASTAL PLAIN SUBSTATION, 1949-54 Treatment per acre, pounds F-F Source of Yield of hay per acre, pounds-average of 4 replications Other phosphorus Triple superphosphate ------------ do. -------------- do. -------------- do. -------------- do. -------------- do. -------------- do. -------------- do. --------- do. ----------------- do. -------------- do. -------------- do. -------------- do. 1953 1954 6-yr. 1949 1950 1951 1952 8,209 240 6,000 .50 BX3 4,820 2,891 2,329 6,843 5,296 6,681 9,166 7,961 7,403 6,000 do. 240 100 6,817 3,116 6,369 3,749 9,101 do. 6,000 150 240 7,502 3,721 7,005 7,965 4,361 6,609 806 4,174 6,816 9,536 7,832 do. 7,476 6,000 3,783 200 240 9,249 9,346 4,905 7,325 7,988 8,143 do. 4,141 240 6,000 150 4,321 6,564 8,500 7,219 _7,305 6,000 do. 8,382 240 150 3,658 do. 7,932 3,795 6,702 9,247 6,000 240 8,220 7,447 150 3,630 7,845 4,524 do. 7,237 6,360 6,000 6,699 120 3,523 8,333 150 8,012 3,598 6,466 do. 6,000 9,127 7,450 360 7,236 150 3,375 do. 4,000 240 6,719 6,355 150 8,266 2,959 5,960 1,942 5,367 7,432 9,441 5,804 do. 240 8,000 9,210 150 4,308 7,754 8,074 X 6,000 7,741 3,214 240 6,149 150 8,420 3,239 7,275 7,002 BX 6,000 240 150 7,525 7,605 9,391 3,689 8,394 4,352 6,826 B 6,000 -------------- do. 240 150 9,107 7,427 7,584 3,709 7,646 3,198 6,445 Superphosphate BX 6,000 240 150 9,176 7,986 7,377 3,198 6,707 3,214 6,276 FTCa phosphate 10-M 150 240 6,000 do. 7,262 7,377 7,333 4,098 3,877 6,396 8,464 -- do. ----- 40-M 150 --240 6,000 do. 7,528 2,577 7,726 8,040 6,537 4,250 9,107 Colloidal phosphate 100 5,134 240 6,000 do. 1,978 5,114 8,400 7,148 5,639 2,848 240 6,000 do. 5,976 2,282 5,359 8,120 6,827 5,922 -- - - -d o. - - --- - - - 200 - 3,071 Rock phosphate 100 do. 240 6,000 2,984 6,056 8,256 2,834 6,975 5,657 5,388 240 6,000 do. 5,200 1,982 -- ---- do. - - - --- - - 200 -7,590 4,831 6,201 5,064 2,950 Basic slag 200 8,840 240 2,000 do. 7,218 7,216 3,875 6,510 1,906 5,928 0 do. 240 7,471 2,267 -- -- - do. -- - --- - - 100 --0 24 0 0 1,627 do. 240 0 200 3,246 -------- -------do. 2,310 144 8,101 4,480 4,047 5,999 Superphosphate 0 150 6,000 0 5,821 6,100 8,080 2,654 6,017 1,107 4,963 B 2402 6,000 5,955 6,088 --- - - do. - - --- - - - 150 - -6,906 8,436 3,127 5,658 3,434 120 2,000 B 6,764 5,799 -------- do. ------150 2,133 4,568 8,439 690 4,732 Number of cuttings per year- v rv rrr J-vv 2 3 3 3 3 3 ~~v i rv v)vvv uu V)LVI. I)IVI 1No phosphorus applied in the rates and source study for 1951 through 1954, except that the 150-pound rate was applied in 1953 and 1954. Where elements other than phosphorus were varied, phosphorus was applied each year. 2 Applied at planting and none thereafter. 803 120 120 120 120 0 30 60 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 0 120 120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 K20 Lime av. rF II 0 O z 7GO 3- P 1 'B-15 pounds of borax; X = 30 pounds, of MnSO 4 and ZnSO 4 plus 10 pounds of CuSO 4 per acre. APPENDIX TABLE 29. EFFECTS OF LIME AND FERTILIZERS ON HAY YIELDS OF ALFALFA GROWN ON DECA4TUR CLAY LOAM, ALEXANDRIA EXPERIMENT FIELD, 1948-52 Treatment 0 Source of phosphorus' Amount per acre P2 0 SOz K 20 Lime Other Yield of hay per acre-average of 3 replications 11948 Lb. 3,823 4,933 4,538 5,302 4,613 4,151 1949 1950 1951 1952 5-yr. av. Triple superphosphate ------ do . - - - - - - -- Lb. 50 100 150 200 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Lb. 120 120 120 120 0 30 60 120 120 120 120 Lb. 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 120 360 240 240 240 Lb. 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 4,000 8,000 Lb. 7,534 7,457 7,187 7,511 Lb. 11,012 11,036 10,759 10,969 10,560 10,078 Lb. 8,553 8,565 8,211 8,544 8,653 7,802 Lb. 3,624 3,564 2,993 3,690 3,829 2,903 Lb. 6,909 7,111 6,738 7,203 7,072 6,263 BX2 do. ----- - - do. do. ----- - - do. ----- - - do. -- - - do. -------- do. ---- - do. -------- - - do. -- - - do. ---- - -- -- --- ----- _ - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --_ - -- -- -- do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 7,707 6,949 2w 7, 4,227 3,871 4,532 4,820 5,103 4,232 3,852 4,302 3,730 3,376 4,033 2,749 3,129 3,472 2,412 7,495 6,650 7,794 7,068 6,951 6,731 6,548 7,231 6,414 7,021 7,352 6,336 7,297 8,011 6,962 10,423 9,639 11,199 9,835 9,402 10,034 9,150 10,225 9,506 10,066 10,654 9,243 10,685 11,685 8,318 6,984 8,911 7,647 7,495 7,632 7,061 7,999 7,086, 7,436 8,759 6,938 8,465 9,387 8,344 3,173 2,661 4,262 2,608 2,723 2,106 2,477 3,609 2,495 3,777 4,160 2,484 3,692 5,841 3,956 6,727 5,961 7,331 6,396 6,335 6,147 5,818 6,673 5,846 6,335 6,992 5,550 6,654 7,679 6,431 7-I 7I- --d ----- - -- - - o. ----- 150 150 150 120 0 240 240 240 6,000 6,000 X B2X d. o 150 120 F C W7In r 7-I m -- - - do. - - - - - - ---Superphosphate 120 120 120 6,000 6,000 B FTCa phosphate 10-M T150 --- o. - ---- 40-M d Colloidal phosphate ------ d o. - - - - - - -Rock phosphate ------ d o. - - - - - - -Basic slag ------ d o. - - - - - - -- do. 100 0 240 6,000 0 240 6,000 do. 200 do. 0 240 6,000 100 200 0 240 6,000 do. 200 0 240 2,000 do. 100 0 240 0 do. 0 240 0 do. -- - - d o. - - - - - - - 200 ---e Number of cuttings p r ye a r -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 No 1150. BX 240 240 6,000 6,000 do. do. 10480 m m 3,685 1,817 2,574 7,780 8,246 7,869 11,015 8,958 10,013 8,919 7,724 8,435 4,740 2,427 3,476 7,228 5,834 6,473 z -1 -I 4 3 4 4 3 phosphorus was applied in 1951 and 1952 to the rates and source study. Where elements other than phosphorus were varied. phosphorus was applied annually. B - 15 pounds of borax; X= 30 pounds of MnSO 4 and ZnSO 4 plus 10 pounds of CuSO4 per acre. O Z Ir- APPENDIX TABLE 30. EFFECTS OF FERTILIZERS, BORAX, ZINC SULFATE, AND MANURE ON CHESTERFIELD SANDY LOAM, MAIN STATION, 1943-49 HAY YIELDS OF ALFALFA GROWN ON v Treatment' Amount per acre P,20 K2 0 Borax ZnSO 4 Manure Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Tons 90 120 15 10 0 90 120 0 10 0 90 120 15 0 0 90 0 15 0 0 90 120k 15 0 0 90 60 15 0 0 90 240 15 0 0 90 1205 0 0 0 90 120 15 0 5 902 120 15 0 0 ' 90 120 15 0 0 Number of cuttings per year_ 1943 Lb. 7,895 6,210 8,093 5,482 7,168 6,181 6,535 5,994 9,200 7,588 7,179 4 1944 Lb. 7,630 6,965 7,186 4,315 8,049 6,802 7,721 6,968 8,791 7,350 6,850 4 Yield of hay per acre-average of 3 replications C n -I " 1945 Lb. 9,781 8,729 9,441 3,913 10,012 8,120 9,807 9,141 11,740 9,601 9,274 4 1946 Lb. 10,041 9,196 9,948 0 11,282 8,121 9,938 10,122 13,435 9,819 10,677 5 1947 Lb. 6,539 5,767 5,585 0 6,710 4,641 7,238 5,823 9,948 6,274 6,186 4 1948 Lb. 6,079 5,409 4,688 0 4,763 3,789 6,048 4,771 8,264 5,675 5,031 4 1949 Lb. 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,748 0 7,120 0 0 3 7-yr. av. Lb. 6,852 6,039 6,420 1,959 6,855 5,379 7,434 6,117 9,785 6,615 6,457 z a a- P n" P20 and 10 pounds of CuSO 4 per acre were applied to all plots at time of planting. Borax and MnSO 4 were applied annually at the rate of 15 pounds per acre. Dolomitic lime was applied at the rate of 2 tons per acre to all plots prior to planting. 2 P20 5 applied as Monsanto basic slag. P20 5 applied as colloidal phosphate. SForty pounds of K20 applied before spring growth and repeated after first and second cuttings. SChemically pure potassium chloride used. and K 20 applied as 18 per cent superphosphate and 60 per cent muriate respectively, except as noted; 30 pounds of MnSO 4 U 52 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION APPENDIX TABLE 31. EFFECTS OF RATES OF POTASH ON HAY YIELDS OF ALFALFA GROWN ON NORFOLK SANDY LOAM, MAIN STATION, 1944-47 treatment K2 0O per acre' Pounds 0 60 120 240 360 2402 1944 Pounds 1,4363 6,620 7,144 6,829 6,619 8,101 1945 Yield of hay per acre 1946 1947 Pounds 3,3154 8,517_ 11,424 11,798 15,399 Pounds 4-yr. av. Pounds 359 4,450 6,397 8,317 8,684 10,552 Pounds 7,863 9,928 9,945 10,498 12,870 5,072 5,821 5,841 Number of cuttings 4 5 4 4 per year 1Dolomite applied to all plots at rate of 2 tons per acre. P2 05 at the rate of 90 pounds per acre was applied as superphoshate annually; 30 pounds of borax per acre applied first year and 15 pounds per acre annually thereafter. Treatments were not replicated. 2 Five tons of manure added annually. Failed at end of 2nd cutting. Failed at end of 4th cutting. 5 Discontinued at end of 1946. APPENDIX TABLE 82. EFFECTS OF LIME AND FERTILIZERS ON HAY YIELDS OF ALFALFA GROWN ON GREENVILLE FINE SANDY LOAM, PRATTVILLE EXPERIMENT FIELD, 1949-52 TreamentYield Amount per acre of hay per Ar o- 1-U' acre-average of 3 replications L~91 Source of phosphorus' P 2O SO Triple superphosphate -------------do. -------------- do. -------------------------- do. ----------------------- do. -----------------------do. ------------ do. - ------------------------ do. -------------------------- do. -------------do. -------- --------------do. ------------------ do. ------------ ----- -------------4,000 ------------- do. -----------Superphosphate' FTCa phosphate 10-M ----------do. ---------- 40-M Colloidal phosphate do. ------- do. -------- Lb. 50 100 150 200 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Lb. 120 120 120 120 0 80 60 120 120 120 120 120 120 K0 2 Lb. 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 120 860 240 240 240 240 Lime Other 2 BX 1949 Lb. 4,000 4,000 Lb. 7,997 9,648 do. 4.000 do. 10.893 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 do. do. do. 10,468 8,989 8,406 do. 9,662 4,000 6,000 8,000 4,000 4,000 do. do. 10,692 10,251 do. do. X B2X 11,659 10,689 9,474 13,818 ------- Rock phosphate do. -------- ------Basic slag -------100 200 150 150 150 150 100 120 0 120 120 0 0 240 240 240 240 240 240 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 B BX do. do. do. do. 11,230 11,742 13,197 11,249 11,882 9,067 N umberphosphorus was applied in 1951 and 1952 to the rates and source study. ner No .. -------- ------do. ------- do. ------of cuttings . _ . .... b., 200 200 100 200 .. 0 0 0 0 0 240 240 240 240 240 4,000 4,000 2,000 0 0 do. do. do. do. do. 11,089 10,297 10,704 3,65 9,200 4 ,-- year-----------------------------------,.___________ 1 1950 1951 4-yr. av. 1952 Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. 2,659 4,948 2,951 6,188 6,209 8,520 4,821 7,847 6,1878,571 8.855 7.227 7,187 4,808 4,550 8,920 6,238 4,622 4,008 7,838 8,508 5,549 8,501 6,787 6,642 4,685 4,111 8,110 7,084 4,707 5,003 7,788 7,748 5,918 5,014 9,790 7,947 9,287 11,285 6,257 7,526 8,419 9,878 6,084 8,817 5,055 2,999 4,429 11,527 9,575 7,191 6,268 5,175 6,027 7,958 9,898 5,181 5,805 8,047 9,958 10,945 6,220 7,958 9,579 5,087 6,889 7,706 8,097 5,665 7,689 5,198 8,560 6,051 4,896 6,8l63 5,228 9,751 6,541 8,140 6,544 4,608 7,461 8,818 8,068 6,816 5,725 9,027 1,472 1,868 1,648 2,011 6,651 4,590 5,796 6,559 4 4 Where elements other than phosphorus were varied, 0 c L-I z 3rb phosphorus was applied annually. .0 pounds of MnSO 4 and ZnSO 4 plus 10 pounds of CuSO 4 pe acre. 8 2B B 15 pounds of horax; X APPENDIX TABLE 33. EFFECTS OF RATES OF PHOSPHORUS AND POTASH ON HAY YIELDS OF ALFALFA GROWN BLACK BELT SUBSTATION, 1931-42 ON SUMTER CLAY, I- Treatment 1 per acre Yield of hay per acre-average of 2 replications 1981 1932 1933 1934 Lb. 1,363 3,330 1,628 4782 4,995 the fall 1985 1936 1937 1938 1989 Lb. 1,476 3,321 1,602 3,982 4,178 1940 Lb. 810 1,080 975 1,800 1,485 1941 Lb. 1,227 3,540 1,298 5,659 5,865 1942 Lb. 1,785 3,276 2,940 4,530 6,240 12-yr. av. KO P 20 5 20 Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. 1,183 625 1,786 0 0 5,753 3,303 6,464 60 0 1,458 880 2,114 24 0 6,422 4,079 7,972 60 24 9,024 4,773 8,842 120 24 1 These data were acquired from plantings made in Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. 1,996 1,326 1,460 1,165 3,892 2,772 3,530 2,178 2,331 1,602 1,587 1,420 4,909 3,316 4,726 3,641 5,680 3,541 5,430 8,987 of 1980, 1934, 1939, and 1941. Lb. 1,350 3,537 1,653 4,652 5,337 A r- C1 -I zI .r APPENDIX TABLE 84. EFFECTS OF FERTILIZERS ON HAY YIELDS OF ALFALFA GROWN ON SUMTER CLAY, BLACK BELT SUBSTATION, 1948-54 Treatment Yield of hay per acre-average of 3 replications - Source of phosphorus Superphosphate P 20; Amount per ac K20 Borax Other' 1948 1949 1950 1951 Lb. 50 Lb. 360 360 860 360 Lb. 30 30 30 80 X Lb. 8,698 Lb. 11,184 Lb. 9,387 Lb. 4,725 11 1952 Lb. 1,836 1953 Lb. 11,958 1954 Lb. 7,682 7-yr. av. Lb. 9,353 wv --------------------------------------------- do. do. do. do. 100 ----------------------- 150 -------------- 200 - ------------- 150 do. -------do. -------do. -------do. -------do. -------Basic slag ------------------------------- 150 150 150 150 150 100 100 200 100 0 120 240 360 860 360 360 360 360 360 30 30 80 0 15 30 30 30 30 30 X X X X X 8,693 8,679 8,868 7,737 8,711 10,217 11,013 11,842 8,869 10,334 8,703 9,448 9,549 7,533 9,200 4,640 5,216 5,376 3,413 4,939 3] 3] 31 11,581 12,465 12,833 4,457 10,388 12,034 12,848 12,859 4,423 10,210 7,441 7,967 8,021 3,653 6,649 9,045 9,632 9,907 5,726 8,632 Colloidal phosphate do. -------------FTCa phosphate 40-M Superphosphate Numher X X X 0 X X X X 100 lh. [-Mn-Mix 8,660 8,469 9,209 8,852 8,931 7,361 7,986 8,190 8,754 3 10,072 11,189 11,538 10,495 10,530 9,504 9,474 10,068 11,031 4 8,781 9,576 9,755 8,331 9,429 7,477 8,005 8,259 9,485 2 4,789 4,512 5,088 4,939 4,833 3,552 3,776 4,587 5,003 1 [1,485 [0,715 [2,355 11,836 10,258 12,738 7,424 6,747 8,192 9,006 8,886 9,789 [1,335 [2,132 9,132 12,408 12,688 9,039 10,028 12,122 7,752 7,255 9,137 9,400 7,269 4,821 150 360 0 8,927 [1,404 [2,377 4 5,212 7,212 7,630 12,401 4 7,878 4 8,85 9,561 of cuttings per year-- - 'X- 30 pounds of MuSO, 30 pounds of ZnSO4 , and 100 pounds of MgSO 4 per acre. Mi-Mm-Mix is a commercial minor element mixture. U' U' APPENDIX TABLE 35. EFFECTS OF LIME AND FERTILIZERS ON HAY YIELDS OF ALFALFA GROWN ON MAGNOLIA FINE SANDY LOAM, MONROEVILLE EXPERIMENT FIELD, 1948-49 Treatment Source of Amount per acre Yield of hay per acreK2 0 Pounds 240 240 average of 3 replications phosphorus P205 Pounds 50 100 SO 3 Lime Pounds 4,000 4,000 Other' BX do. 1948 1949 Triple superphosphate do. ___________ ___________ do. ____________ do. do. ____________ ---------- do. -------------- 200 120 240 4,000 _____________ -------------do. 150 0 240 4,000 ------------60 240 --------120 120 360 120 --------------------120 240 240 120 240 120 ---------240 120 ------------120 0 120 120 150 30 240 4,000 ----------150 ------- Pounds 120 120 Pounds 3,353 3,496 3,704 3,355 2,865 2,858 3,025 Pounds 5,037 5,254 5,744 5,774 4,435 4,792 4,879 1 2-yr. av. Pounds 4,190 4,375 4,724 4,565 3,650 3,825 3,952 120 240 4,000 do. do. do. do. w 150 150 do. ______________ _____________ do. 150 ___________ do. 150 _______ 150 ________do. 150 do. ___________ 150 ____________ do. 150 ___________ do.Superphosphate 150 FTCa phosphate 10-M 150 ______ 4,000 4,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 4,000 do. do. do. do. do. X B 2X 2,565 2,631 4,130 3,086 4,297 6,291 2,826 3,464 4,986 2,221 4,263 4,372 2,930 4,448 3,689 -------------240 240 240 240 do. Colloidal phosphate ________do. ________do. ----40-M 150 200 200 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 B BX do. do. 2,149 3,107 3,645 2,292 5,418 5,099 c 2,803 3,555 3,738 5,091 5,090 5,404 3,947a 4,323r 4,571 3,216 3,183 Rock phosphate Basic slag do. _________ __-______ ________do. ------------------100 100 200 100 200 - 0 0 240 240 4,000 4,000 do. do. 2,443 2,247 2,430 2,488 4,182 4,001 3,313x 2,932v 4,077 2,461 4,028 0 0 240 240 4,000 4,000 do. do. 3,617 3,878 0 0 0 240 240 240 2,000 0 0 do. do. do. 3,258 2,610 3,411 4,895 2,312 4,644 m Z N umber of cuttings per year-------------4-------3--------------'B - 15 pounds of horax; X 30 pounds of MnSO 4 and ZnSO 4 plus 10 pounds of CnSO 4 per acre. Z rAPPENDIX TABLE 36. EFFECTS OF LIME AND FERTILIZERS ON HAY YIELDS OF ALFALFA FIELD, 1948-49 BREWTON EXPERIMENT GROWN ON KALMIA FINE SANDY LOAM, Treatment Source of phosphorus P2 0 5 SO3 Amount per acre KO Lime Other' BX do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. -do. Yield of hay per acre 0 -I average of 3 replications 2-yr. av. 1949 1948 Pounds 50 Triple superphosphate 100 do. ___________ 150 do. ___________ 200 do. ___________ 150 do. 150 do. ___________ 150 do. ___________ 150 do. _________ do. ______________ 150 150 do. ___________ do. ___________ ___________ 150 150 do. ___________ 150 do. ___________ Pounds 120 120 120 120 0 Pounds 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 120 360 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 Pounds 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 Pounds 5,472 5,844 5,786 6,246 5,958 5,264 6,461 4,155 5,530 6,382 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------30 60 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 do. 150 -------------- Pounds 4,859 5,498 5,160 5,360 4,973 Pounds 5,166 5,671 5,473 5,803 5,466 4,986 5,947 3,472 5,837 6,267 0 z 4,707 5,432 2,788 6,143 6,151 do. X B2X B 6,033 5,211 5,943 5,463 5,667 2,343 3,970 5,300 5,850 3,777 4,957 5,382 Superphosphate FTCa phosphate 10-M __-__do. Colloidal phosphate _______ ________do. Rock phosphate ________do. -----100 40-M 150 150 150 0 120 120 BX do. do. 5,521 5,530 5,761 5,119 4,775 4,814 5,320 5,153 5,288 Basic slag. ------200 100 200 100 200 0 0 0 0 240 240. '240 240 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 do. do. do. do. 4,488 5,388 5,875 4,733 3,091 3,637 3,941 3,129 3,790 4,513 4,908 3,931 2,167 3,485 do. 0 240 0 200 3 4 N um her of cuttings per year -----------------------------------------------1B - 15 pounds of horax; X= 30 pounds of MnSO 4, 30 pounds of ZnSO 4, and 10 pounds of CuSO 4 per acre. ________do. ------_____. ________do. 0 0 240 240 2,000 0 do. do. 4,610 3,675 4,440 1,237 4,525 2,456 2,826 U' Ln APPENDIX TABLE 37. EFFECTS OF LIME AND RATES AND TIME OF APPLICATION OF FERTILIZERS ON HAY YIELDS OF ALFALFA GROWN ON ORANGEBUJRG FINE SANDY LOAM, ATMORE PRISON FARM, 1945-49 Treatent Amount per acre 1 c- Yield of hay per acre-average of 3 replications P2 0 5 Lb. 36 72 144 216 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 K2O Lb. 240 240 240 240 60 120 360 360 240 360 360 240 240 240 240 Lime Lb. 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 Borax Lb. 15 15 152 15 15 15 15 0 30 30 03 15 15 15 15 Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 6 tons manure 144 144 144 240 240 240 4,000 4,000 2,000 15 15 15 400 lb. nitrate of soda 5 200 lb. nitrate of soda 0 1945 Pounds 4,810 5,740 5,917 6,610 6,274 5,423 6,305 5,470 5,472 5,836 6,229 5,846 6,699 7,961 5,619 1946 Pounds 8,830 9,446 9,291 10,278 9,035 9,296 9,812 9,253 9,478 9,647 10,184 10,316 10,556 11,350 9,972 6,659 5,916 5,859 10,325 9,285 9,133 1947 rl Pounds 8,201 8,777 8,606 8,817 6,387 7,823 8,721 7,852 8,603 8,837 9,827 9,382 9,444 10,753 9,040 9,260 8,714 7,472 1948 Pounds 7,266 7,717 7,821 8,621 5,612 6,240 8,282 7,673 7,521 7,225 8,525 8,592 8,754 10,817 7,773 8,757 8,234 6,614 1949 ,, Pounds 5,031 6,379 6,654 8,405 3,078 3,139 7,872 4,985 6,173 7,504 9,362 7,825 7,717 12,666 8,686 10,266 6,820 3,1924 5-yr. av. Pounds 6,828 7,612 7,658 8,546 6,077 6,384 8,198 7,047 7,449 7,810 8,725 8,392 8,634 10,709 8,218 9,053 7,794 6,600 (Continued) r ,vv 1G1 1,18 C C r m m z -4 0 z ,IIAPPENDIX TABLE 37 (Continued). ALFALFA 1 EFFECTS OF LIME AND RATES AND TIME OF APPLICATION OF FERTILIZERS GROWN ON ORANGEBURG FINE SANDY LOAM, ATMORE PRISON FARM, 1945-49 ON HAY YIELDS OF 0 c Treatment Amount per acre Other K 20 Lime Borax P 205 Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. 144 240 8,000 15 0 144 240 16,000 15 0 144 240 4,000 15 800 lb. dolomite 0 240 4,000 15 1,600 lb. basic slag 0 240 0 15 1,600 lb. basic slagi 0 240 0 15 800 lb. basic slag 144 240 4,000 15 6 144 240 4,000 15 7 144 240 4,000 15 0 144 240 4,000 15 3 tons manure Number of cuttings per year-.................. --.. 1 All Yield of hay per acre-average of 3 replications 1945 Pounds 5,965 5,945 5,236 5,892 6,365 4,478 5,345 5,579 5,998 7,460 4 1946 Pounds 9,772 10,020 9,450 10,115 9,597 8,559 9,652 9,820 10,918 10,937 4 1947 Pounds 8,884 9,270 8,880 8,981 8,643 6,935 8,597 8,902 9,222 10,064 4 1948 Pounds 8,424 8,478 6,848 8,206 8,006 4,817 8,077 7,640 8,330 9,713 4 1949 Pounds 9,780 9,978 6,666 9,898 8,463 3,958 8,715 8,056 9,862 11,807 4 5-yr. av. Pounds 8,555 8,738 7,315 8,618 8,215 5,749 8,077 7,999 8,866 9,996 -4 z treatments except lime were applied annually prior to spring growth except as noted. Fertilized after first cutting. 3 Thirty pounds of borax prior to planting and none thereafter. Thirty pounds of MnSO 4, 10 pounds of ZnSO 4 , and 10 pounds of CuSO 4 per acre. ' One-third of fertilizer before spring growth and one-third after first and second cuttings. 6 Fertilized after second cutting. ' Fertilized after third cutting. Ul C APPENDIX TABLE 38. EFFECTS OF LIME AN] FERTILIZERS D GULF COAST ON HAY YIELDS OF ALFALFA GROWN ON NORFOLK FINE SANDX LOAM, SUBSTATION, 1945-47 Yield of hay per Treatment per acre P20 5 K2 0 Lime Borax' acre-average of 3 replications 1945' 1946 1947 . 3-yr. av. Pounds 36 72 144 216 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 Pounds 240 240 240 240 60 120 360 360 240 360 360 240 240 240 240 240 240 Pounds 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 2,000 8,000 16,000 Pounds 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 0 30 lb. borax annually 30 lb. borax annually No borax after 1st yr. 302 302 30-1 Pounds 3,939 4,209 5,132 4,573 3,224 3,643 4,339 4,835 4,512 4,086 3,947 5,550 3,354 3,929 4,566 4,408 4,486 Pounds 10,263 9,664 10,193 10,221 9,502 9,972 10,058 11,301 10,727 10,512 10,917 10,379 11,345 ,932 10,368 9,274 10,112 Pounds 9,090 8,840 7,812 7,626 6,569 8,811 9,530 10,420 9,607 10,315 8,781 7,331 10,071 10,385 9,496 9,403 10,333 Pounds 7,764 7,571 7,712 7,473 6,432 7,476 7,975 8,852 8,282 8,304 7,900 7,753 8,257 8,082 8,143 7, 695 8,310 a- r a C 30 30 30 I- m 3 4 2 Num ber of cuttings per year---------------------- ------------as noted. 1 Borax applied at 30 pounds per acre initially and 15 pounds per acre annually thereafter except Thirty pounds of MnSO 4, 10 pounds of ZnSO 4, and 10 pounds of CuSO4 per acre also added. Six tons of manure first year and 3 tons per acre annually. One-third of fertilizer after each of three cuttings. stand in July, 1945, and reseeded in fall of 1945. Seeded first in fall of 1944. ~0 Lost ALFALFA PRODUCTION in ALABAMA 61 APPENDIX TABLE 39. EFFECTS OF RATES AND DEPTHS OF PLACEMENT OF LIME ON HAY YIELDS OF ALFALFA GROWN ON LLOYD CLAY LOAM, PIEDMONT SUBSTATION, 1951-54 Lime treatment' Rate Depth epth per acre Pounds Inches 4,000 0-6 4,000 0-12 8,000 0-6 8,000 0-62 8,000 0-12 16,000 0-6 16,000 0-12 8,000 0-123 Number of cuttings per year Yield of hay per acre-average of 4 replications 1951 Pounds 3,336 3,088 3,426 3,301 2,987 3,293 3,318 3,223 ............ 2 1952 Pounds 6,480 6,137 6,574 6,604 6,203 6,618 6,785 6,626 4 1953 Pounds 7,238 6,981 7,672 7,561 7,220 7,537 7,663 8,162 4 1954 Pounds 3,810 4,190 4,565 4,900 4,516 4,735 5,211 5,064 3 4-yr. av. Pounds 5,216 5,099 5,559 5,592 5,232 5,546 5,744 5,769 ' All plots received annual treatments of 200 pounds of P 20 5, 240 pounds of K20, and 25 pounds of borax except as noted. In the 0- to 6-inch treatments, lime was worked into top 4 to 6 inches of soil. In 0- to 12-inch treatments, one-half of the lime was applied as a plowsole application at a depth of 12 inches and one-half worked into top 4 to 6 inches. 2 Subsoiled to depth of 12 inches. "Initial applications of 100 pounds of P 20 5 and 120 pounds of KO applied as plowsole application at a depth of 12 inches in addition to standard application of P 205 and K20 applied to topsoil. 62 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION 62 ALABAMA AGRICULTURLEPRMN TTO APPENDIX TABLE 40. EFFECTS OF RATES AND DEPTH OF PLACEMENT OF LIME ON HAY YIELDS OF ALFALFA GROWN ON MADISON CLAY LOAMI, MAIN STATION, 1951-54 per acre Lime treatment' Rate epth Yield of hay per acre-average of 4 replcations 1951 Pounds 1952 1953 1954 4-yr. av. Pounds 4,000 4,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 16,000 16,000 8,000 8,000 1fl ches 0 -12 00--6 0--62 000--6 0--12 -123 0- 1-6 Pounds 8,505 8,835 9,928 9,405 10,700 Pounds 10,562 7,864 Pounds 3,077 1,053 Pounds 7,041 5,954 6,018 6,063 6,647 5,736 6,718 6,929 12,184 11,475 13,326 5,576 4,693 4,767 8,584 7,827 8,878 1-12 1-18 11,154 9,463 11,318 10,750 13,506 12,620 13,332 12,748 12,561 5,914 4,672 5,136 9,065 8,283 9,320 8,603 8,564 0- -124 7,269 6,372 6, 889 5,359 4,543 3,653 11,151 Number of cuttings 4 4 5 3 per year--------plots received annual treatments of 200 pounds of P20 5, 240 pounds of K2 0, and 25 pounds of borax except as noted. In the 0- to 6-inch treatments, lime was mixed with entire soil layer. In 0- to 12-inch treatments, one-half of lime was mixed with top 6 inches and one-half applied in plowsole at 12 inches. In 0- to 18-inch treatments, 2 tons of lime were mixed with top 6 inches and 1 ton was applied in plowsole at 12 and 18 inches. Subsoiled to depth of 12 inches. to other fertilizer. 1Initial application of 100 pounds of P2 05 in plowsole at 12 inches in addition to other fertilizer. Initial application of 120 pounds of K0 in 2 plowsole at 12 inches in addition ALFALFA PRODUCTION in ALABAMA 63 APPENDIX TABLE 41. EFFECTS OF RATES AND DEPTHS OF PLACEMENT OF LIME ON HAY YIELDS OF ALFALFA GROWN ON SUSQUEHANNA FINE SANDY LOAM, TUSKEGEE EXPERIMENT FIELD, 1951-54 Lime treatment' Rate per acre Depth Yield of hay per acre-average of 4 replications 1951 1952 ,1953 1954 4-yr. av. Pounds Pounds Inches Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds 1,967 4,000 4,048 0-6 6,423 2,064 5,737 1,756 4,000 0-12 5,370 4,614 1,282 3,256 1,832 8,000 0-6 6,120 7,065 2,466 4,371 8,000 0-6' 1,953 6,280 2,556 6,823 4,403 0-12 8,000 1,821 7,281 7,507 4,705 2,261 0-12' 8,000 1,871 6,328 2,288 7,049 4,384 8,000 0-18 1,902 6,787 7,018 2,168 4,469 16,000 0-6 1,950 7,513 2,849 8,492 5,201 16,000 0-12 2,208 8,243 8,424 3,463 5,585 8,000 0-123 2,502 8,288 8,115 2,678 5,396 Number of cuttings p er year ................. 3 3 3 2 1 All plots received annual treatments of 200 pounds of P2Os, 240 pounds of K2O, and 25 pounds of borax except as noted. All lime was incorporated with the entire soil layer indicated except in one 8,000-pound treatment, in which case one-half of the lime was applied in the plowsole at 12 inches. In the 0- to 18-inch treatments, 2 tons of lime were mixed with the top 6 inches and the remainder was mixed uniformly from 6 to 18 inches. ' Subsoiled to depth of 12 inches. ' Initial application of 100 pounds of P 2 05 and 120 pounds of K 2 0 was incorporated with the 6- to 12-inch soil layer in addition to other fertilizer applied.