4/ x y w o ' , j 'lot CONTENTS Page ORIGIN............................................. DESCRIPTION 3 ....................................... 4 4 Fruits ....................................... 4 Plant Type .................................. 4 6 9 Fruit Quality................................. Yields........................................ Uses........................................ Disease Resistances............................ 9 LITERATURE CITED............................. 10 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................... 10 FIRST PRINTING 4M, MARCH 1977 Auburn University is an equal opportunity employer. Auburn 76 FMN, A Fusarium Wilt, Tobacco Mosaic Virus, and Root Knot Nematode Resistant Tomato Variety Walter H. Greenleaf, Jack L. Turner, and Kenneth S. Rymal 1 AUBURN 76 FMN, hereafter referred to as Auburn 76, is an indeterminate, true breeding, standard tomato variety. It possesses a unique combination of 3 genetic disease resistances not previously available in a single variety, viz. to Fusarium wilt (F) race 1, to tobacco mosaic virus (M) and to root knot nematodes (N). It also possesses resistance to ripe rot of the fruit for on ground field culture. Auburn 76 is high yielding, with a high percentage of marketable fruit of good quality. ORIGIN The pedigree of Auburn 76 reflects the breeder's motto: 'Cross the best with the best'. Southern Tomato Exchange Program (STEP) entries that appear in its pedigree were all fresh market types developed by plant scientists of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and of State Agricultural Experiment Stations (AES). They all carried the dominant gene pair I/I conferring immunity to race 1 of Fusarium wilt from the currant tomato Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium Accession 160 (2, 5, 6). Roma (USDA) and Chico (Texas AES) are smaller fruited pear shaped processing tomatoes. Auburn University (AU) developed breeding lines used were all true breeding resistant to the southern root knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita and its race acrita, the cotton root knot nematode. The dominant gene pair Mi/Mi governing nematode resistance derives from the Hawaii AES line No. 4521. The gene Mi was originally transferred from L. peruvianum P.I. 128657 to L. esculentum by means of the embryo culture technique through the combined efforts of Dr. Paul G. Smith (California AES), Dr. Victor M. Watts (Arkansas AES) and Dr. W. A. Frazier (Hawaii AES), in what has now become known as the famous Smith-Watts-Frazier triangle (4, 5). 'Professor, ticulture. Research Associate, and Associate Professor Department of Hor- The Ohio mosaic resistant (OMR) releases OMR4 and OMR9 provided the best of several possible sources of genetic resistance to tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) presently known, viz. the dominant gene pair Tm 2a/Tm 2a, the superscript denoting the particular gene that Dr. L. J Alexander transferred from L. peruvianum P.I. 128650 to L. esculentum (1, 3), also by means of the embryo culture technique. The pedigree chart shows the sources of additional varieties and breeding lines that entered the lineage of Auburn 76. DESCRIPTION Plant Type Plants of Auburn 76 are medium early in maturity. They are vigorous, indeterminate (sp + gene) with 3 to 4 nodes between flower clusters, yet compact because of short internodes. Auburn 76 is therefore suitable for stake culture for the production of high yields over an extended harvest season. Leaf cover is adequate to protect the fruit against sunscald but is not excessive for hand harvesting. Fruits Fruits of Auburn 76 are medium sized, crack resistant, smooth, deep oblate, with a small stylar scar and medium sized, moderately depressed stem scar. The fruit stem is jointed. The average marketable fruit weight ranged from 0.27 - 0.35 pound, depending on plant spacing, soil fertility, season, and location, tables 2, 3. The immature fruit color is pale green with a darker, medium green shoulder (ug gene). Smaller and younger fruit tend to be bluntly pointed (cover photo). The immature fruit shows superior shoulder ripening characteristics when stored in an air conditioned room at 75 0 F, or at ambient outdoor summer temperatures in the shade. Mature green fruit thus ripened developed superior external color in 3 - 7 days while more immature fruit turned evenly pink in 3 - 4 weeks, with some shrinkage but with few rotted. The fruit is medium firm at optimum maturity. Fruit Quality The internal color of Auburn 76 fruits varies from a pale red with some green gel to a uniform dark red flesh and gel color (cover photo). The fruit wall is medium thick, the flesh is juicy and the core is small. Fruit flavor is good with a proper balance between sugar and acid. The pH of fresh field grown fruit ranged from 4.0 to 4.3 in 1975 and from 4.3 to 4.4 in 1976. Corresponding soluble solids percentages ranged [4] PEDIGREE OF AUBURN 76 FMN A= F8 [(Florodel x Atkinson x Monoucie) x F6 (AU 63-20 x Roma x AU 20 B =F, x Chico x STEP 372 x Marion x AU 20 x Atkinson = F6 AU 6T-21)] of [F ((F 5 AU 70- 81 x STEP 586 2 x OMR 9 )) xF 7 of 'A'] = F AU 72- 137 * 1 aF AU 72-.4* 8 C= F2 [F 2 [((F 6 AU67-2IxAU67-43A x F, ((OMR 4 x F5 (Romo x AU 20 x Chico x STEP 432 x AU 67-43 x F7 of F 67- 21 6 aF AU 72 -85 * AxB AxC A))] F, 73-66 F2 Wi 73-42* F8 Auburn 76 FMN* N. B. F3 AU 63-20(Mi/Mi) has a complex pedigree, similar to that of Atkinson, involving Pearson S, F4(Ala No. 1 x 15B-1), Hawaii AES 4521(Mi/Mi), Kokomo, Rutgers, STEP 174 (USDA), and STEP 281 (S. C. AES). AU 67-43 A (Mi/Mi), a processing type breeding line was F6 (Cam pbell Soup Co., L. W. Schaible heatset lines No. 783 or 788 x Roma x Au 20 x Chico). Heat tolerance in the Schaible lines derives from the Philippine tomato variety Narcarlang. AU 70-81 Mi/Mi) is FS (P. I. 273444 (Compact fruited determinate 'Birdsnest' type from Professor T. 0. Graham, University of Guelph, Canada) x 67-43 A). with asterisks are superior selections. *Numbers TABLE 1. VINE RIPE TOMATO FRUIT QUALITY CRITERIA, AUBURN STAKED TRIAL, JULY- AUGUST, 1976 Variety L. pimpinellifolium pH 2 Means of 4 samples 1 Soluble Total solids acidity Pct. Pct. Vitamin C mg/100g P.I. 127805 P7 . . . . . . . . . .. 4.17 a 6.50 a 0.68 a 60.2 a 4.26 ab 5.45 b 0.61 b 34.7 bc Saturn...................... Small Fry ................ 4.30 bc 4.20 ef 0.51 cd 36.1 b Golden Jubilee. .......... .4.30 bc 5.07 bc 0.56 bc 29.2 cde Floradel ................ 4.32 bcd 5.10 bc 0.47 defg 26.4 ef Atkinson ............... 4.33 bcde 5.10 bc 0.48 def 33.2 bcd 5.17 bc 0.42 fgh 27.3 ef Auburn 76 FMN.......... 4.37 bcdef Bonnie NR ................ 4.37 cdef 4.20 ef 0.47 def 20.9 g Homestead 24.............. 4.40 cdefg 4.25 ef 0.52 cd 28.8 de 23.1 fg 4.62 de 0.45 defgh Walter ..................... 4.43 efg Better Boy VFN............ 4.44 fg 5.12 bc 0.44 efgh 30.9 bcde 0.49 de 34.1 bcd 4.45 fg 4.77 cd Traveler .................. Chico Grande .............. 4.47 fg 3.97 f 0.43 efgh 19.9 g 26.6 ef 4.62 de 0.42 fgh 4.49 g Tropic .................... 'Fruits were harvested at optimum maturity. A sample for analysis consisted of five quarter sections, one from each of five fruits. Four samples were taken of each variety over a 1-month period. 2 Means with no letters in common differ significantly at odds 19:1 by Duncan's new multiple range test. from 4.4 to 5.2 and from 5.1 and 5.2 respectively. Total acidity and ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) levels also conformed to acceptable standards, Table 1. High total acidity and high Vitamin C are considered to be desirable quality characteristics in tomatoes. A pH below 4.4 is considered essential in canning tomatoes and is preferred also in fresh market tomato varieties. A high soluble solids content as measured with a refractometer means a high sugar level. The combination high acid plus high sugar is prerequisite to good flavor in tomatoes as judged by most people. Yields In trials at Auburn and Clanton in 1975 and at Clanton in 1976, Auburn 76 yielded as well as or better than the four standard varieties Homestead 24, Tropic, Floradel, and Walter. However, the mean fruit weight was smaller than that of these four varieties, Table 2. The percent of marketable fruit in the more accurately graded trials at Auburn in 1975 and at Clanton in 1976 showed that Auburn 76 produced a significantly higher percentage of marketable fruit than the four commercial varieties. This difference is probably due to fewer rotted and catfaced fruits, tables 2, 3. In a staked, replicated trial at Fairhope in 1975, Auburn 76 yielded nearly 22 tons in 14 harvests, second only to the F 1 hybrid Monte Carlo and significantly above 10 commercial varieties, Table 3. [6] TABLE 2. COMPARATIVE PERFORMANCE OF AUBURN 76 FMN WITH THAT OF FOUR STANDARD COMMERCIAL TOMATO VARIETIES AT AUBURN AND CLANTON, ALABAMA 1975-1976 Entry Marketable fruit A'751 C'75 C'76 TIA TIA T/A Average marketable fruit wt. A'75 C'75 C'76 Lb. Lb. Lb. A'75 Pct'. Marketable fruit C'75 C'76 Pct. Pct'. A'75 Pct'. Rotted fruit C'75 C'76 Pct'. Pct'. Catfaced fruit A'75 C'75 C'76 Pct. Pct. Pct. .35b 60.4a 54.6a 64.8a 11.3a 6.6a 7.3a 9.2a 8.1a 22.2 Auburn 76 FMN ... 5.1a 2 S.lab 7.5a .27a .31b 19.2a 9.5a 10.Oa 12.2a 9.6a 20.9 Homestead 24........ 3.4b 6.8a 6.Sab .28a .34ab .39a 48.5b 59.9a 61.7b 26.3c 18.8b 45.1b 52.5a 18.2a 11.0a Tropic............. 2.8b 5.6ab .29a .37a 17.7a 9.6a 10.8a 16.l b 13.4b 24.1 7.4a .25a .32b .39a 48.6b 54.1la 59.9bc Floradel............ 2.7b 29.6 54.3c 9.7a S.Ob .38ab Walter ........ 'Abbreviations: A'75, C'75, C'76 refer to yield trials at Auburn (one harvest) and Clanton (3 harvests) in 1975, and to a single harvest trial at Clanton in 1976. A hailstorm on May 26, 197S, severely damaged the Auburn trial but the plants made a remarkable recovery. 2 Duncan's multiple range test. Entries with no common letter differ significantly at odds 19:1. 5.1b TABLE 3. STAKED REPLICATED FRESH MARKET TOMATO TRIAL, FAIRHOPE, 1975' Mean fruit wt. Lb. Marketable yield/acre Mean Mean 4 fruit fruit Total 6x7 wt. wt. 6x6 wt. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. 2 Culls Mean fruit s wt. DT Lb. Total 6 wt. Cracks CatfaceOthers Pct. Lb. Pct. Pct. Quality Criteria Total Vit. Harvest season' acidity C Variety Source 5x6 Lb. 3 pH Av. Monte Carlo 10,747 30 31 39 4.27 .304 27.15 E VFN......... Petoseed 26,976 .56 12,787 .35 7,114 .26 46,877 .42 a 5,889 9 4 87 4.25 .304 21.88 E .48 16,274 .34 14,333 .24 43,912 .33 ab Auburn 76 ... Alabama AES 13,305 M 21,939 .54 11,765 .36 8,782 .26 42,486 .40 abc 6,524 34 21 55 4.22 .295 19.93 Floradel ..... Asgrow E 14,343 24 40 36 4.25 .322 26.67 .37 7,625 .24 41,902 .39 abc Terrific VFN . Petoseed 19,705 .54 14,572 4.31 .282 18.90 L .38 4,715 .27 39,938 .44 bc 6,754 50 16 34 Tropic ....... Asgrow 23,134 .56 12,089 Better Boy .406 23.33 E .27 37,694 .46 bcd 9,955 24 46 30 4.18 Petoseed 21,763 .57 11,108 .39 4,823 VFN......... .35 cd 6,788 20 12 68 4.18 .285 25.85 E Bonnie N .... Bonnie Farms 14,127 .49 12,690 .35 8,827 .24 35,644 21 14 65 4.33 .260 25.00 M .36 9,787 .26 34,869 .37 cde 7,834 Creole ....... LSU 14,870 .54 10,212 E 6,377 31 9 60 4.27 .295 24.68 .36 7,790 .25 28,804 .34 def 10,026 .47 10.988 Walter ....... Asgrow Homestead 13 3 84 4.21 .360 26.13 E 8,479 .35 6,708 .24 27,917 .36 ef 4,390 Elite ......... Ferry Morse 12,730 .48 Homestead .323 28.35 M .33 f 4,746 8 2 90 4.24 Petoseed 10,974 .45 8,276 .33 6,933 .24 26,183 500 .......... 11,008 .47 8,043 .35 6,510 .24 25,561 .35 f 4,042 16 9 75 4.28 .286 24.15 M Florida MH-1 Florida AES 2 93 4.31 .286 22.30 L Traveler...... Petoseed 7,640 .41 7,111 .33 8,799 .24 23,550 .31 f 3,041 5 Homestead 24 Niagara 8,542 .44 7,045 .34 7,017 .23 22,504 .32 f 3,513 15 2 83 4.25 .385 26.83 E 2 88 4.25 .335 25.53 M Homestead 61 Petoseed 7,949 .44 7,595 .34 6,213 .24 21,757 .33 f 6,656 10 .29 f 5,813 2 2 96 4.29 .307 27.45 L Sunburst ..... ClemsonU. 4,431 .39 5,624 .34 10,749 .24 20,804 'Soil test p - 110 (high); k - 90 (medium); pH - 5.7. 1 ton limestone applied per acre. 2 Size yields reported here are in accordance with the size standards established by the USDA for the Los Angeles type lug arrangements. 5x6 arrangement: medium diameter 2-11/16 inches; maximum diameter 3-3/16 inches. 6x6 arrangement: minimum diameter 2-8/16 inches; maximum diameter 2-14/16 inches. 6x7 arrangement: minimum diameter 2-4/16 inches; maximum diameter 2-10/16 inches. 3 Some fruits in this size arrangement were larger than standard sizes. 4 While fruits were graded as carefully as possible under field conditions, no rigid effort was made to grade for a strict U.S. No. 1 grade. Fruits were separated for cull conditions as reported here. 5 Duncan's multiple range test. Entries with no common letter differ significantly at odds 19:1. 'Others were mostly tomatoes too small to be marketed in the above sizes. Some were from rots, insect damage, mechaiical damage and misshapen fruits. 7E early; M mid-season, L late. Disease Resistances The TMV resistance of Auburn 76, conferred by the gene pair is practical immunity against all strains of this virus tested in the USA (3). TMV resistance is important to home gardeners and to commercial growers as early infested plants suffer 25 percent or more yield loss. Root knot nematode resistance continues to be important in both greenhouse and field production of tomatoes because soil sterilization only controls but does not eradicate this pest. Crop rotation plus the use of a resistant variety, plus soil sterilization offer the best chance for root knot control. All three of these control measures should be used to reduce the nematode population to a minimum level and hopefully to eradicate this pest. It should be emphasized that the root knot resistance of Auburn 76 is not immunity, and that successive cropping with this variety on the same land without control measures would result in the buildup of a new race of the root knot nematode that would attack the resistant variety. Tm 2a/Tm 2a, Uses Based on its plant and fruit characteristics plus its disease resistances, Auburn 76 should prove useful to home gardeners and to commercial growers of green wrap or vine ripe tomatoes. However, commercial production should be on a trial basis because no commercial trials have as yet been made. Auburn 76 should also serve as a superior parent in breeding programs for multiple disease resistances. [9] LITERATURE CITED (1) Alexander, Leonard J. and Matteo Cirulli. 1966. Inheritance of Resistance to Tobacco Mosaic Virus in Tomato. Phytopathology 56:869 (Abstr.). (2) Bohn, G. W. and C. M. Tucker. 1939. Immunity to Fusarium Wilt in the Tomato. Science 89:603-604. (3) Cirulli, Matteo and Leonard J. Alexander. 1969. Influence of Temperature and Strain of Tobacco Mosaic Virus on Resistance in a Tomato Breeding Line Derived from Lycopersicon peruvianum. Phytopathology 59:1287-1297. (4) Frazier, W. A. and K. Dennett. 1949. Isolation of Lycopersicon esculentum Type Tomato Lines Essentially Homozygous Resistant to Root Knot. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 54:225-236. (5) Jones, John Paul, A. J. Overman and P. Crill. 1976. Failure of Root Knot Nematode to Affect Fusarium Wilt Resistance of Tomato. Phytopathology 66:1339-1341. (6) Stall, R. E. and J. M. Walter. 1965. Selection and Inheritance of Resistance in Tomato to Isolates of Races 1 and 2 of the Fusarium Wilt Organism. Phytopathology 55:1213-1215. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to thank the following: C. C. Carlton, Superintendent and K. C. Short, Assistant Superintendent, Chilton Area Horticulture Substation; J. E. Barrett, Jr., Superintendent, Gulf Coast Substation; Harrison M. Bryce, Foreman, Horticulture Farm, Auburn, for growing tomato yield trials and obtaining certain data herein reported; to William H. Hearn, Systems Analyst, Department of Research Data Analysis, for statistical analyses of the data and to Mark R. Biggers, Laboratory Assistant for laboratory analyses of tomato quality criteria. [10] With an agricultural research unit in every major soil area, Auburn University serves the needs of field crop, livestock, forestry, and horticultural producers in each region in Alabama. Every citizen of the State has a stake in this research program, since any advantage from new and more economical ways of producing and handling farm products directly benefits the consuming public. Research Unit Identification 1. Tennessee Valley Substation, Belle Mina. 2. Sand Mountain Substation, Crossville 3. North Alabama Horticulture Substation, Cullman. 4. Upper Coastal Plain Substation, Winfield. 5 Forestry Unit, Fayette County 6. Thorsby Foundation Seed Stocks Farm, Thorsby. 7. Chilton Area Horticulture Substation, Clanton. 8. Forestry Unit, Coosa County 9 Piedmont Substation, Camp Hill 10. Plant Breeding Unit. Taliassee. 11 Forestry Unit. Autauga County 12 Prattville Experiment Field, Prattvllle. 13 Black Belt Substation, Marion Junction 14 Lower Coastal Plain Substation, Camden. 15 Forestry Unit, Barbour County 16 Monroeville Experiment Field, Monroeville 17. Wiregrass Substation, Headland. 18. Brewton Experiment Field, Brewton. 19. Ornamental Horticulture Field Station. Spring Hill 20. Gulf Coast Substation, Fairhope.