J l / CIRCULAR 127 JANUARY 1959 MECHANIZED COTTON PRODUCTION ,o4eaeama - 4 rictu~ira/ Experiment Stfation of the ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE E, V. Smith, Director Auburn, Alabama CONTENTS Page SELECTION OF LAND ___ SEEDBED PREPARATION_ VARIETY PLANTINGWEED CONTROL 9 10 13 14 16 19 21 23 26 28 Rotary Hoe___ Chemicals ____ INSECT CONTROL DEFOLIATION H ARVESTING _----------INFLUENCE OF WEATHER- SUMMARY -------------- In order that the text content be readily understood, it is necessary at times to illustrate or use trade names of products or equipment rather than chemical identifications. involved descriptions or complicated In some cases it is unavoidable that similar products on the market under other trade names are not. cited. No endorsement of named products is intended, nor is criticism implied of similar products that are not mentioned. FIRST PRINTING 5M, -JANUARY 1959 MECI-CAN IZED COTTON PRODUCTION i4 A4abama T. E. CORLEY, Associate Agricultural Engineer* C. M. STOKES, Associate Agricultural Engineer F. A. KUMMER, Head, Dept. of Agricultural Engineering MORE PROFIT is the aim of every cotton farmer. To do this, ways must be found to produce the crop as cheaply as possible. Of course there are problems other than high production costs. For example, acreage reduction and lowered prices are serious. But, there is little that individual farmers can do about such matters. Government programs determine acreage and, to a large extent, price. This leaves one important factor-production costs-that is controlled by individual farmers. High labor requirements are the main reason for high production costs. About 100 man-hours are required with present production and hand-harvesting practices for an acre of cotton yielding 1 bale. With labor scarce and becoming costlier, reduction in labor requirements offers the greatest opportunity for cutting production costs. Test results show that labor requirements for cotton production and harvesting can be greatly reduced by use of machinery. However, a reduction in labor will not necessarily mean a reduction in production costs unless the machinery is used efficiently and yields are high enough to justify the investment. Machinery is costly and its use must justify the investment. Many individu*Cooperative Agricultural Experiment Station of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute and Agricultural Engineering Research Division, ARS, USDA. The authors acknowledge the assistance of C. A. Brogden, superintendent, Wiregrass Substation; John Boseck, superintendent, Tennessee Valley Substation; S. E. Gissendanner, superintendent, Sand Mountain Substation; and J. O. Helms, superintendent, Agricultural Engineering Farm Unit. MAKING ally operated small farms cannot be completely and economically mechanized with machines now available. This is especially true of mechanical cotton harvesters. Most production equipment can be used for producing other crops usually included in a diversified farming program, but the cotton harvester can be used for cotton only. A farmer planning to buy a picker needs adequate cotton acreage (at least 50 acres for the smaller pickers) or arrange to do custom work. A farming program that permits -multiple use of machines can justify purchase of equipment in some cases. For example, a farmer with 10 acres of cotton might find it economical to purchase a sprayer for applying chemicals for weed control in cotton if the sprayer were also used for applying cotton insecticides and for spraying livestock and orchards or for custom spraying. This publication reports results from tests over a period of years and from field experience in mechanized production and harvest. It deals only with machines, methods, and practices for reducing labor and increasing machine efficiency. The latest recommended agronomic and insect control practices for producing high yields are essential in a mechanized cotton program. Good yields of sound bolls contribute to high mechanical harvesting efficiency and economical machinery use. Proper planning is essential for successful production and harvest of cotton with mechanical equipment. Every phase of mechanized cotton production from land selection to harvesting has a direct effect on the successful performance of each succeeding operation. Consequently, it is important to make a good start by carefully selecting land and properly preparing the seedbed. SELECTION of LAND In addition to choosing good soil capable of producing high yields, it is important to select land that is suitable for efficient operation of machinery. Since adjustment and operation of planting, cultivating, and harvesting equipment are more critical for cotton than for most other crops, cotton rates the best available land. Large fields with long rows are desirable. Fields can often be made larger by eliminating hedge rows and ditches and by changing fencing and road systems. Rocks and stumps that cause machinery breakdowns and interfere with planting, cultivating, and harvesting must be removed. Savings from fewer machine repairs and increased efficiency of the machinery will soon pay for removing rocks and stumps. [4] - .4- r- 2k' f,,- -s I -4 ~, ,-~ ~ 4 ~j psi .! ~!, . planting on well-drained land is essential for mechanized spot in this field prevented tim~ely use of rotary hoe. cotton production. Wet D)rainiage- is ali imiportant fat-tor inimechtlan iz/d cottoii 1)10(11ictioii. A lcxv sxet sp~ots xxill ofteni dela> tiiniel\ produc ition opcra-iii tioiis for all cintire fieldl and linicl iflwCcaii(al han- (c5tiiii lbecaiise l of no0-uif iorii nliatilrit Flat fields arc- desirab~le for i at-hinerx op)eration s, lhiit tli I\ of ten pr(-s(-it dif ficiult d1rain~age prol em s. \Lausi tiimas it is nccetssars to p~ro itde dIrainiage tdittches, thent adlapt tillag- ope-ratioins to tht sxsteim. Tinirinig the soil towxaird the oiutei ed(ges of a field fom Onie(levxat(-t field b ordlers th at prexvet p~roper field drain age. After sex eral y ears of such practice, nmai areas caii iot dIrain ai (d wet spots dex elop. A\lso, tinin terracet l aud wxith toii xei tioi aI ig p)lowXs ofteii foriis high ridges just ab~oxe the teirate chIanciel anid~ dead furro~ws betweein themi that prex ent prope-r laiud driainiage. Two-wax turinig plows cai th1e used to great adx aintage iii ('I iai tati igelexvatedL field borders and dtetad fitroxxs b etxweei itrrac-es. The absence of elex ated fieldi borde(rs miakes it possible for the- rows to drain iiito tdraintage ditchies aiid terrace outlets. Sloping or c-ontoi red lanit Cait he uised fori imechaizied tottoin p~roduiction prox ided suitable dlrainI age aind terracin g sx steims are ii sed. \Iaji i presei t-tlax terraciniig s\ steims hindi~er effitieint operation) of tractor cdip)iiint, especijally muilltip~le roxw c(fifloi et. Shiarp ti ius in ter-aces make it difficult to Inai ei mx tractors cx cn (r at slow,\ speeds. Uneten ily spatced terratces resiult i ni tnelroi s poinit rowxs that are iiiidesi-al e for imechan iized( operations Te5 ir- Contoured land with suitable terrace and drainage system con be used for complete mechanization. Conventional terrace system at left is contrasted with system at right that is designed for mechanized production. itli narrow bases bare( sides too stee1 ) to aeeoi ii flo(Iate tractors andl c(liplflelt. In recent N ears, terracin(U 5\stco ls that lendR tliei seix (s to met 1 aiizatiolo andl tO] Serxatio1i hax e b een dev~\elop~edl. '1b sc s\ stemls are dlesignied to inc(II de xx ater dlisposal ou tlets in the0 major dlraws, whxinch permit straig;hter and Iulore ce eoi spaced terraces. In roaoox fieldls it is often p)ossible to lax ou~t all or m~ost of the terraces parallel. WVherc parallel terraces ar e lot poss ib le, races \ v, t y¢{ - J Aerial view of terrace system designed for mechanization. Terraces ore etched in. [6] This tour-ru cuot, rtor is being used on a broad terrace built for mechanization. Line in foreground shows cross section of broad terrace channel. rowxs are t ade( pairalle~l to 01ic terrace atnd( areas x1 e p)oinI t rowxs occutr max lie sodded anid used for titring tihe ilfttipint wxithott (latagitig erops. Thiese areas taken ouit of roxw erops cam h e umsed for produmetionm of seed and hay\ crops. Thme imost desirahle txpe of terrace for mechan icjal piroducttion is time Jim mel pe terrace wxith sitdiejem t wxidth to permiit four rows bietween chlianc tel and1( ridlge. Flat atl si low water disposal hal ou tlets are essential to permit erossin g the(m wxithmtiachim erx. ields hieaxilx itnfestedi with j obmsom grass, lBernm dagrass, perenmiial vitnes, and other bard-to-conmtrol wxeeds are mitfit for inechat iecd cotton produc tioni unmtil wxeedls are cotntrolledi. Suct elweeds cm]i he controlled umsually h falloxxinlg amid or treatitng w~itlh lhemicial hmerb~icides, by pastming atd or mjiin or1b lan1 ting mm, . ir. .a 9 1 4 . 4 T "re j N,'~ {S".Y . & .4,; p. Above are results from chemicol weed control for 3 years at the Sand Mountain Substation. Top photo shows treated field in 1954. Center (1955) ond bottom (1956) photos sh~w ch~mical treated plots, right, ond nontreated, left. [K;] ridlge the row it leav es the midd(le slightlx low er than tile r whiche is desirable for mechaniceal harvestin1g. Cotton to be h arv estedl mechaicjalix- is cuiltiv atedl late inl the season to redIie weeds at lharx (st timle. Spraying post-emergence oils for weed top shows nozzles (arrows) mounted on weeds in row without spraying cotton sweeps cultivating middles and shields control is shown obove. Overhead view at parallel action shields ond set for spraying leaves. At bottom is a front view showing keeping dirt off treated row. [ 181 INSECT CONTROL (:ottol inlsecticidles ma" h~e app)lijed as a Illust or a sjera.. Jests 1)X the Ag~ricu ltu ral lI.Xperimel t Statin I [aX sh ownI th at dullsts controlling cotton ins~ects. andt spray s arc ejnualx (ffectiX e inl Spray ilvg insect icides has seX oral adX antages ox cr dust application. Sprays lsnllhI call he appl)ied throulg1hout tile (lX, xxIlreas S restrictedi to carly mlorlnig, late (X n(IIil,or (lust apiaonis areas there hours XwhIen there is little or no0 wind1(.11n sof)( nlighlt are (laXs (luirillg the growilig seasonl wxellh diist calniot he appl)iedl pcx uits at anyI tille lecaulse of XX iil or air curren~ts. 'This oftenlj~ ichl is so) implorI ai-mrs fromi followinjg a poisolig sced~ulle wh tant f or effectiX e insect con~trol. Using s1 )ra\-s illcreases chlances of beilng ab~le to p)oisonl ofl sch~edulle. Xxhell Spay call be applied XXhue clIltiX atillg. Ill season~s seulsolI ilsect co) t]o is 5impllortan t, eflectiX c con~trol call carl Le oh- Insect-damaged boll like one at top reduces yield and picker efficiency. ground or air spraying or dusting with insecticides can prevent damage. Either [ 19] tained with sprayers mounted on regular cultivating equipment. Such application is economical from the standpoint of application costs. The same spray rig can be used throughout the 'growing season. Spray application is less objectionable to the operator than dust application. Dust applied during calm weather may stay suspended in the air to bother the tractor driver throughout the dusting operation, whereas spray will settle quickly on the plants. Spraying equipment has much wider use than dusting equipment. In addition to applying insecticides to growing crops, sprayers can be used for spraying livestock, chicken houses, and other insect-infested areas. They can also be used for applying herbicides. Warning-do not use 2,4-D in the same equipment that is to be used for spraying cotton or other broadleaf plants. While spray application has several advantages, it also has some disadvantages. One is that the farmer must mix his own spray solution in correct proportions. The amount of diluted spray for effective control may vary considerably (from 1 to 10 gallons per acre for cotton) so long as the correct amount of technical (active) material is applied. If the strength of the concentrate and the amount of solution the sprayer is applying are known, it is relatively simple to mix concentrate with water in correct proportions. Concentration of the solution is marked on the container and is usually expressed in pounds of technical material per gallon of concentrate. The amount of solution the sprayer is applying must be determined by calibrating the sprayer. (See API Agricultural Experiment Station Circular No. 126 for information on calibrating sprayer.) Another disadvantage of sprayers when compared to dusters is that sprayers have more parts, such as nozzles, strainers, hoses, and a pump, to cause trouble in clogging, corroding, and rusting. In Alabama, tractor-mounted dusters are used most widely for insecticide application. Dusters are relatively simple and are easy to operate and maintain. With introduction of the new organic insecticides, improvements were made in the metering and blowing systems to give more uniform distribution of insecticides. Multiple-row dusters have been designed for operating efficiently at high tractor speeds. Plane sprayers and dusters are now being used for applying cotton insecticides and defoliants. They have advantages over ground equipment in that they (1) do not damage the crop, (2) [201 can be used when the ground is too wet for ground equipment, and (3) can apply the insecticides much faster. Considerable progress has been made in reducing mechanical damage to crops caused by ground applicators of insecticides. This damage may be quite serious, especially from late season applications in tall crops. Because of this mechanical damage, many farmers stop poisoning before the crop is mature. Test results show that late applications are often the most important. Progress in reducing this mechanical damage has included development of tractor wheel shields, design of sprayers and dusters with high-clearance mounting frames without low braces, and use of multiple row units. Several companies make tractor wheel shields and some farmers have improvised shields that work satisfactorily. Other progress in reducing mechanical damage to crops includes the development of high-clearance sprayers and the use of "stilts" (high clearance kits) for elevating row crop tractors. The special-purpose, high-clearance sprayers are relatively costly and have been used mostly on large farms and by custom operators. Stilts for tractors have proved to be quite satisfactory. Since the tractor can be removed from the stilts and used for regular tractor work, these rigs are relatively economical for insect control work. DEFOLIATION The benefits derived from applying a chemical to defoliate cotton will vary with plant condition and method of harvesting. Tests have shown that defoliation is not always economical or necessary for harvesting by hand or by spindle picker. However, the same tests show that defoliation either by nature or with chemicals is a must for harvesting with a mechanical stripper. Results from defoliation harvesting tests at two locations are given in Table 4. These results show that defoliation had no effect on harvesting efficiency of the spindle picker and trash content of the harvested cotton. However, defoliation gave a slight increase in lint grades. The cotton plants in this test were less than 3 feet tall and some natural defoliation occurred each year. Defoliation should prove more beneficial in rank cotton, especially during wet conditions. Although defoliation did not increase picker efficiency, removal of leaves made it easier for the operator to see and keep the picker on the row. Defoliation [21] N 11. F 011 LI) COTTiON, 1954-563 itc'i ]Mld pouds Spindl pice per acre- Dlefoliated - Ondelfoliatt(I 1,:300O 91.9 2-M -I4-SLMI 4 L\I 1-\ILt. Sp. efficiency, pc r cLlt 1,395 92. 1 (h oh, 2M I-SM (3SlSI 2-1-M 1i Sp. 1-SLNIIt. Sp. also allowed the cotton to drv qu(icker for earlier harvesting; each moi()i iiI' Ini three tests in 1954, ui (efoliated cottont harv estedl with a mnechaniical stripper conttainied a high percentage of green leave and( wxas dliffilt to ginl. It requ~ired "2,500) poundtls of seed cotton mid( trash to make a 500-pound bale. These results show that cot- ton nmtst be diefoliated for harv esting with a mechanical stripper. D~efoliantts can be ap~plied wxith equipment uisedi for applviig in secticides. Larger v olumes of dust and sprav are niceded for defoliation than for insect control. For insect control, good coverage of the terminal growth is uisually ade tt ate. HIow ever, for Defoliated (left) and undefoliated rows of cotton applied show results from using the chemical. 1 week after defoliant was [ 22 II defoliation each leaf must receive an application of the defoliant. About 20 to 40 pounds of dust defoliant per acre or 15 to 25 gallons of spray solution per acre must be used. See API Agricultural Experiment Station Circular No. 126 for more information about equipment for applying defoliants. In droughty cotton and when there is no dew, tests results show that it is best to use a spray defoliant. For normal cotton and when dew is present, dusts and sprays are about equally effective. It normally takes about a week after applying the defoliant for the leaves to fall. Thus the chemical is applied about 7 to 10 days before machine picking. Staggered applications can be timed so that harvesting can be done soon after the leaves fall. HARVESTING Based on the principle of operation, there are two types of mechanical cotton harvesters-pickers and strippers. Pickers pick the cotton from the bur, whereas strippers strip the cotton, bur and all, from the plants. Pickers have rotating fingers or spindles that pick the open cotton and leave the green bolls for a later picking. Most strippers have stripping rolls somewhat similar to a corn picker, while others have stripping fingers or tines. It is necessary to wait until all bolls are open before harvesting with a mechanical stripper. Strippers are considerably lower in cost than pickers. Pickers and strippers were tested for several years in Alabama. Although many problems were encountered with both types of machines, there were more problems associated with the stripper. Results of these tests show that conditions for stripper harvesting are much more exacting than for picker harvesting. Poor defoliation, new growth, vine infestation, uneven plant size, and nonuniform maturity often made it impossible to use mechanical strippers. These same conditions, although unfavorable, did not necessarily prevent picking with spindle pickers. While waiting for all bolls to open as required for stripper harvesting, much cotton fell to the ground, especially during rainy and windy weather. This high weather loss occurred every year at the Wiregrass Substation, whereas only small losses were experienced in northern Alabama. The stripped cotton contained 30 to 40 per cent foreign matter (burs, limbs, and leaves), which usually caused trouble in ginning. Considerable clogging was often encountered [283] Harvesting cotton with machines like the stripper (top) and spindle picker (bottom) requires only 2 to 3 man-hours per acre. (luring ginning. G;reen limlbs seemedl to cause the most trouble. The cotton gradled Low MIiddling in most tests. Results from some of the mechanical stripper tests are giver(i in Table 5. These show that the stripper is an efficient harvester, av eraging slightly aboxve the p)icker. The stripper used ini these tests wxas a 2-row machine with a single steel strip)ping roll and iastripping b~ar for each row (John Deere No. 15). In fields with moist sandy soil, the stripp er uprooted many plants and ome 1 times clogged sexveral times before adv ancing 100) feet..\orniu" glory and other xvines wrapped around the heaters of the convxeyxing1 sy stem andI clogged the machine. Cotton stripped in fields wxith poor defoliation or with ab~undant new~ growth contained [ 24] TABLE 5. SP:NDLE VARIETY PICKER AND STRIPPER AT PERFORMANCE THREE IN AND SPACING PLOTS LOCATIONS, HARVESTING 1954-56 ALL Location and year Picker Stripper Machine Overall Trash Machine Overall Trash efficiency efficiency content efficiency efficiency content Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. 91.7 96.0 Sand Mountain 1954* 1955 86.6 93.8 9.6 7.8 92.1 97.8 87.4 95.4 33.8 33.6 Substation Tennessee Valley Substation Wiregrass Substation 1956 1954* 1955 1956* 1954 1955 96.6 88.2 95.8 84.2 90.6 95.0 92.3 93.4 76.2 95.0 83.4 77.8 91.4 87.2 6.3 6.1 7.6 7.6 8.1 7.2 7.5 97.6 88.6 97.6 97.8 93.2 94.7 94.9 95.8 76.6 96.6 97.0 80.8 83.2 89.1 31.5 88.6 81.9 33.7 35.0 33.6 84.0 Average of 256 trials * Cotton in these tests was severely drought stressed. many green leaves; about 2,500 pounds of harvested cotton and trash were required for each 500-pound bale. There were some years when conditions were good for mechanical stripping and good results were obtained. While stripping is not ruled out for Alabama, these test results point up problems that can be expected with this method of harvesting. The picker used in these tests was a one-row, low drum machine with barbed spindles (IHC H-14 and C-14). As shown in Table 5; the efficiency of the spindle picker was greatly affected by plant or boll conditions that were determined by weather. Small and knotty bolls resulting from dry weather contributed to low efficiency. Where ample rainfall occurred during the growing season to produce good yields of sound bolls, picker efficiency was usually high. However, long period of wet weather, such as occurred in 1957, caused hard locks that contributed to low picker efficiency. Many of the hard locks that the picker failed to get would have been poor quality cotton even if they had been harvested. Unlike strippers, pickers can be used to harvest before all bolls are open. A test was conducted comparing twice-over picking (starting when the cotton was 60 to 85 per cent open and picking again when the remaining bolls were open) with once-over picking when all bolls were open. In this test, twice-over picking reduced weather loss and increased overall harvesting efficiency 2 out of 3 years of the tests. No measure was made of quality, but twice-over picking should result in higher quality cotton [ 25 ] because of less weathering. However, when yields are low, it might pay to take a chance on weather losses and make one picking when all cotton is open. The additional amount and quality of cotton obtained from two pickings might not offset the cost of the second picking. The plant compressor sheets of the picker used in this study can be equipped with a rib plate attachment that forces the cotton around the spindles and increases their effectiveness. Data from five tests show that machine efficiency was 89.5 per cent without the plates and 93.0 per cent with the plates. However, the attachment increased the foreign matter content of the harvested cotton from 6.3 to 8.1 per cent. This attachment causes the spindles to puncture green bolls; hence, it should not be used until the last picking. The grade of machine-picked cotton varies with weather and plant conditions and the ginning equipment used. Table 4 shows the grades obtained in the defoliant test. In comparing machinepicked and hand-picked cotton, field conditions and quality of hand pickers must be known. In early season harvesting, handpicked cotton will usually average about one grade better than machine-picked cotton. As the season progresses and cotton becomes weathered, the difference in grade between hand-picked and machine-picked cotton becomes less. INFLUENCE of WEATHER Weather conditions determine to a large extent the success of cotton production. Results of several years of testing have shown that efficiency of the spindle picker is affected more by plant and boll conditions that are determined by weather than by any other factor. Cold weather delays planting, hinders emergence, weakens the plants, and makes the plants more susceptible to diseases. Wet weather prevents timely field operations, makes mechanical grass and weed control more difficult, prevents emergence of deep planted seed, increases insect control problems, promotes rank growth, and causes boll rot. Dry weather prevents shallow planted seed from emerging, reduces the effectiveness of pre-emergence chemicals for weed control, reduces yield, and causes small and hardlock bolls. Weather is especially important in a mechanized cotton program where timely machinery operations, good yields, and high machine efficiency are essential for economical machinery use. [26 ] Effect of weather on picker efficiency at the Tennessee Valley Substation is shown above. In 1955 (top photos) there was ample moisture for good yields and sound boils, resulting in 96 per cent picker efficiency. Severe drought in 1956 caused low yields and the hard-lock cotton shown at bottom. Picker efficiency for this cotton was 86 per cent. There are miane things that can he cdone to reduce weather hazards. The most important thing in a mechanized operation is to hax e equipment andI land prepared for efficient and conttinumous operation wxhen soil and weather conditions arc faxvorahle. Contim ionis operation when the time is right conitribuItes greatix to econonmical mach inerx uise. MIachine performan ce depends almost entirelx oiu skill of the operator. Good operators will help ini rediucing revpair costs and result in more efficientt an d com tiiois o[perationi. [ 27] SUMMARY Cutting production costs by use of machinery can help solve problems facing cotton farmers. To do this, machines must be used efficiently. Results from experiments reported show that the following steps will permit efficient and profitable use of mechanized farming practices: (1) Select and prepare cotton land early. (2) Use best land for cotton and prepare it for using all types of machines. (3) Remove rocks and stumps that cause machinery breakdowns. (4) Keep terrace outlets open and drain low spots to permit earlier seedbed preparation following winter rains. (5) Prepare smooth, clod-free seedbed well in advance of planting time to reduce chances of late planting on poorly prepared seedbed. (6) Have tractor and planting equipment in good operating condition. (7) Adjust all units of multiple row equipment to plant alike. A difference of one-half inch in planting depth may mean the difference between a good and poor stand, especially in bad weather. (8) Plant to a uniform stand to eliminate hand thinning and reduce hoe labor. (9) Use chemical or mechanical means to control weeds instead of hoe labor. (10) Have dusting and spraying equipment adjusted to obtain good plant coverage. (11) Defoliate rank and leafy cotton. (12) Begin picking before all cotton is open. With mechanical picker, begin when 60 to 75 per cent is open. (13) Keep picker drum clean and serviced. (14) Adjust picker properly for efficient and clean picking. (15) Do not pick wet cotton. (16) Gin cotton soon after harvesting or make sure that only dry cotton is stored overnight in trailers. (17) Don't give up new machines or methods because of poor results during one year of unusually bad weather.