ALABAMA Agricultural Experiment Station OF THE Alabama Polytechnic Institute AUBURN CIRCULAR NO. 12 December, 1911 HOW TO ORGANIZE AND CONDUCT A GIRLS' CANNING CLUB BY DELLA STROUD COMMITTEE OF TRUSTEES ON EXPERIMENT STATION HON. H. L. MARTIN ---------------- ---- Ozark HoN. A. NV. BELL--------------------------------- Anniston HON. R. F. KOLB --------------------- Montgomery STATION SFAFF C. C. THACH ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- . _ - -- President J. F. DUGGAR ------- ---------- Director and Agriculturist B. B. Ross ----- ------------- Chemist and State Chemist C. A.CARY -------- Veterinarian and Director of Farmers' Institutes J. T. ANDERSON--------------------- Chemist, Soiland Crop Investigations C. L. HARE ------------------------------------------- Chemist DAN T. GRAY-------------------------------------------- Animal Industry W. E. HINDS---------------- ----------------------------- Entomologist F. E. LLOYD-------------------------------------------------------Botanist -L. N. DUNcaN*---------------------------- Agricultural Extension Work P. F. XVILLIAMS - -------------------------- Horticulturist C. S. XVILLIANISON------------------------------------Associate Chemist T. BRAGG --------------------- First Assistant Chemist J. B. HOBDY* ----------------------------- Agricultural Extension Work E. F. CAUTHEN --------------------- Associate Agriculturist and Recorder WV. F. WVARD* ----------------------------- Junior Animal Husbandman I. S. McADORY --------------------- Assistant Veterinarian %V. F. TURNER--------------- -----------------Assistant in Entomology M. J. FUNCHESS ----------------- Assistant Agriculturist C. S. RIDGWAY------------------------------------ Assistant in Botany J. C. C. PRICE ------------- ----- Assistant in Horticulture L. W. SHOOK --- _------------------- --- Assistant in Animal Industry E. R. EU~DALY*------------------ Assisstant in Beef and Swine Husbandry J. T. WILLIAMSON----------------------------- Field Agent in Agriculture L. L. GLOVER--------------------Field Agent in Agriculture H. M. CONOLLY------------------------------ Field Agent in Horticulture ~- DELLA STROUD* ---------- Assistant in Girls' Demonstration XWork 0. H. SELLERS-------------------------------------Secretary to Director E. HODSON ------------------------------------ Assisstant in Agriculture J. COHEN ---------------------------------------- Assistant in Chemistry I. XV. CARPENTER----------------------------- Field Agent in Entomology L. XW. SUMMERS ----------------------------- Assistant in Animal Industry S. S. JEI1DAN*--------------------- Assistant in Beef Industry A. R. GISSENOANNER ---------------------- Assistant in Sw~ine Husbandry C. D. ALLIS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Assistant in Poultry *In Co-operation with U. S. Department of Agriculture. HOW TO ORGANIZE AND CONDUCT A GIRLS' CANNING CLUB. BN I)1IL \ S'i'K(31 I) Teacher's Motto. comnilnitiu i th tliirLII l r-ni Ch~.Il. I N and ct thill '1'1 I-.tcli~on Iuphirttutint itt tiinttutioIn ;is creatd antd is taiittinud ioititIl \ 1tt) [:11 Farmers CIt-oputtict Dcnmoistrottion wxotk ot th I itt 1 MitedSttc I ),upaittt14 t of \A,,Ii it uc, a d the 1l1- 1I) !C C1 In ii Lit iAubu An 44~ 4 4, r -- '4 '44, 4~ '4- 9' 4, 44.' 44 'A 4i44 p.: 4i~ - ~)t .4 '-' ~ *i4'.2 * ~- - ~-Th '4 ,, 4-44 4 ' 4 -~ p ~ 4 -.4 Iiit l '1 p Objects of the Canning Club Work. I1i 'h l eiC . t ( trtil~l/l1I thle -.lrls tit scho(l agc into 1. 1' learn the lest lllthnl of i rO%\\ to imatoes. and to Ilci ca-c initerest ill linic atldcnilng. 2'. To learn the lbest miethodsI- of canninh. and to inter est the grl1- in getting, a hoie-canning it atl. at a PoweCr c''st ad~ a\ the \ gcIa('lce "Aler\i e 'li TO liut the h'n le aniu sh I into clos-er relati' ii -hip thuis incrmeas.ingi thle iterest in ho me life amid e' onra giii~ Why the Teacher Should Be Interested. We feel that all teachers are anxious to better their school conditions. With our combined effort in this great move- ment we believe these conditions may be improved. The Canning Club work will stimulate an interest in both the home and school as no other work can. Here you have a better opportunity for correlation of all subjects than ever before. You will find that your reading, history, geography, arithmetic, grammar and writing are all com- bined in this new work. And you will find the burden of teaching is not heavier but really lighter. This is truly an opportunity for a teacher to prove her ability and worth to her community. The experience of teachers, who have conducted Girls' Canning Clubs, is that more interest is manifested both in school work and the home life. Any new work or study, and this is both, which arouses new interest and gives a broader field of study must prove to be of great value to the school. How the Teacher May Organize a Club. To organize the work the teacher should be the leader for the community. The county should be the unit and the County Superintendent of Education the leader for the county. First get the girls interested and call a meeting of all the girls of school age in the neighborhood. Explain the value of the work and its importance. Let the girls understand there will be no cost attached to being a member of the club. The only requirement will be that every girl shall grow one tenth of an acre of tomatoes. One tenth of an acre is 4,356 square feet. The plots may be made 33 feet wide and 132 feet long or 36 feet wide and 121 feet long or any shape just so they are one tenth of an acre in area. Each girl should keep a record of her work and she will have the opportunity of contesting for club prizes and county prizes as well as State prizes. Where there are several girls in a school and community theu teachert titt ~i ill(Alict . . . . . .. 2(( 1)cr cent. Pr( ht () i ctten r~t . .... t 2 ) c r cent. Results of the Work. 'I I lieJ tIirl 'a nn n ( 11 t r e s n r d i 'I , In P.I i e c umt l th 1.1 Ill ,~rmd tN A rh I' malimmi. 1 i( ). l ;ir in PmA m ike (e limit \ ust um) I 92?3 t - 1-1mi11d camns 4, t, I~l ( i fn I tl tim e etnthm (,f an acme, hc' idl a Flmian- e x V th ln1 NI in \\ViIkcr c,,tix~y This; IS a Report of my Tomato Work." 1. " I , 'I Irt llin ' II N iii J rIh Is Il, sail. It is Iur N I - gN. aN y sIi I t 2I .11 II te ill dI of larc Papa INok up 1nv plo ii in he Neep - a . (I lieu hon p'o~i \iN ' I INr .it 3L N 1 he lidI~N off IlS NiN th INNy IIu S l h'i Ita I hel a IN R'INI, I INN IN'NI apIIS III the IlN N". 'I. I the I1 IN' r tNNI to IN cllNNI l mad I I oIN IiN, ;IN I'N'g N it teINII n )n Xh ui1 12 If I 1,INN IN II cn1.1 IIi I IN N INNIt,,Iato2. II t hand rake. a r il 15t11 IP.IINI ran aronIII th ll ,IN'IN t shoelNNI andI heel' Ap'NIN ri l I'a1 N aO NINNIN d 4.11 tomI t oe wit a1 Icac e an II ho dtI..l l t I G. N IN I N I "': I, tr o ll i thNIN 1 I NNI potat bi " butI tIN Ii NI thIII 0. pi 1111, t .n t ff early Iil tNilN I N'I nl r i l! tl nN i NN N tN N ' N 1'I NNut 'I 1111114 II'Iea ) tNII.ItI of j lis Ili, klr, Nre e itilN cNII at 11'S Nr 'p.IN.I SNNII . II Ni II'c (NI 2I N Im / Nt o 11r Iont Na r SN ' 1 , pi e I a aI nice Ci -101 NI Iig roo g$NtIN i , INN l I hn 'e ic o i ot.,t rc i a' d it I it INNt only II y'1101 o10 Ind 1111'. a t t e ot