r F AGUUTiL iLEEi "V DIRECTOR' S COMMENTS I it t Apil he School tof Forcxtr\ al \nbni hoxieti I Ihiistoic nilcetine. T itled. the "Iiien tiojiol Conierence onl lorexi \c'ettion \laiiiienient, this nieelina' aiiiiiielet ,cioiitis> andl potlicy iiike, fronm six continentx oiil more thian 20 naions 01l the wxorild to NAut ii. B'y hoxtin' tii fi i- ol-it,-Lindl iiiternaftional coiieincc. Aun ' School oh I oiestn N in-ihei cxiolishec itself as a leaderi in loiesl Iiiuieitie . planning. and polio' not jusI in Alabamiai but1 w\ )1ld\ idc. Still, xonice people niehi ask. "x hot do ''lobal xxanmiin. N\ Il dxx IeC pilluiiioni. the ,ptottetd OWxLI and other topiex lIs- tixxetl at the contleine hx e to do wxith 1me2. Atibirn LOWELL T. FROBISH I iix eit\ lCiide2ni DI Will iam Muxe1 ope1ne2d the Contei- ence, and in Ili,, opening remairkx, lie answxered the thtie~tioi ol xx iN tile xiceiiietlx' Dr\lu~e pointed out that ioiestirN ix a nine billion doliir iindustry in Alahini anid iihit xxe liiie aihOn 2 million aicres o1 lorext landlxxhieb. iepie~entx 671( oi the liind ba'>e. Miore i nipoitatlx, v' xxeboxe f(1ur thiniii going fur ux Ihaii None oilier stles mind nioxt oiiier ioie~i piodiieing iet t ioii of the WXOrld (1oni' liaxe: (I x We liaxe the climate to ierease prodnetioni, (? weN hav e the teeliiOlogy to incieasoe produti on. (3) xx1 ehlaxe the toc ial andi poliieal inicentie ext) expanIit our forext iiitr'i a1.( (l4) Aloboniox ioiext is 95, pix miielx o(lx t. National. presxration oh the xpottel owl in the Pa. lie Norihxx exi maN .eeci far r eiio etd froni Alabama. But. iIl liiidiedx O1 thouxantlx o acre, aoie takenti tit ipiotltcitiin iiexxheiMce xwiii it likely he imunte uip: Most likeN' iii the soiutheaistein ii iited States. wxithi a arc xhire hein iin la ~bamai. I tcrnatt ioinill lx itti ini Ausiiial ia li d Nexx Zelandiic to l)itelit tlexti netioii l' native encalN pti> ioiextx in fixe oi pliint, ii1,ix xeeii even I tili ieiioxetl From Alaibma. Agini. xx liee xxill tliit Vtorl(lxx th Itix ini pine piOtlti n 1u 1 b iiiotle op iioxt likeIN ini the xooihemixiei i t:.S. AN, Di Miuxe poitei Out, the polieN (cixioiixO oi ilx pexticicloiuit ic''eiieri Oi itiic'x xhpecie, iitegiation, etc. thiat iimpact tdirectlN Oii thie Nwor il' 10I hillioin mites o1' commiieriaoi olexi hanl. inclireetlk imipaet on Alobhiimixs iOiext iiituiiti . Glolui cliiiite chimiiie. polilntion, and ti hei eiixonmiiieitail iactoix thiat ane mu tectetd lix xworidte ioiext iimeuiemt dciesioiis alxo direetix a)lecct ihe enirioinmiein ili xxhieli xx e lix e. We hax e a siroing foiresitrx ieemciic prorhmi ot Auiun ii bt iiielu(i e ollolit ix lii tleetx aiioiit ioiext eiineeix. econoiixi plaiit hitdt'ixtx. aiiit otiieir. Glhml topic discotixxd ot time recent inteiriiationial ioietiv Col eieeicea mutbniu iieeiii ttianieii tihe beClet) tlimi thie Sotiieoxi in geiierail iit Alabmi ini pmitictila xxill be calletluI tioiii pitotuice litte tiiiibe piticincix in itie ftutie. Sueli piotduetioni ilicieie, dtlI jt hapimpmeii iiex etline iinnov tixe idt intenivxe exoieli-piox en teehloit MAY WL INTRODUCE lr. lii >1 L1 of, Aimiil aiiit 1)oii Science,. A nativ of Ioxxa. Koiilei, joii A tile Nnbnrii- x,11ilii 19)78 xxleie his ie- xeclic efforits ii hac toc ui,tl tti iiicixii Kuohlei-s eairnetd ai B.S. tdegee in animal sc ience Ironi loxxa Stale Uix ei itx' heiore oointto itie t. ix eriii ol, X iseonxin xx leie he eaiinetd a M.S. iimt thle Ph.D). in '2eic"e autnd imii 1 xci eince andt c on~lcle post-doe- toral ieseaieh. He joiiied the Lacti iol loxxa Staie U~nixeirsity in I1974 asx on Assixtaiit l t iotexxoi . xei xin' there uniil lhe eoime to Auihuii ii i> Asisocxiatie Pitexxtii He xx Ox piroiiotedl to Proiessoi in 198)4 :uid. l*turing I t90-9( , t hIle xer etla ON Nit il( piriiexstii ai ixunllei ,lxuice hLmix examuinetd a xx I(e irini'' oii eietic issties in pok prodtlcioin. iRcuxtit ol' hix xtuid Oniii _cnetie xeiell iioi igtet t o i maiiket fastei aie rpcdi onct tiipa e I) ot ihi iii ON THE COVER. Stocker cattle grazing fes- cue, with broiler litter supplement, see story on page 8. Summenir 1992 ol. 39. N o. 2 \ yuairti cii pol of rc c c h p t Iihc 1 b Ith Nitit IItN, i~it I ttI liiira I~v c il iwi i I~t I R \I 1 1,1 - 1i N i SI .it .......N .ti IiIccIo (Ii 1 L1S \\N 111< ('I N.._ >tti~ n ltc itt kIMY Ri Mit O ...... KA 1til S~lit ii .... Ii 1i:S NA lM[It )il IA/ .N..... t\o iuc t'.iln Editorial Conuniilcc Lowell 1'. 1.1ohih: 1).( 1. I lunch ick .:I sm,(taic Pro/(?vw) n/7/orli( lcllurc: K . I .. limvcn.:lccic/u1n Pro/cssoi o/ PI(mi Pa- lhulo",c: I ..' l . Moran. PIo/i'.vwl of Polflll ' S(i- rwc(: L.K. Lamkc;lyyo( ium P1o1cyvo1 ol lam- ih and C hill /)('rc/opu/cnl F..W. Rochclcr. lcru(tow 1,101,vwl o/ 1',0(1&111411 /-u"iilcev- ,:S P.Schnlidl..l.ccr ricu('P1o1(,Swo1o/ lIlmwl (1ud/)airsS(icmcsy R.iA. Ill(t,,.lv i l(uuMo fc.vs(x of /'orcyU W.J. Mo111' 1mN/a/// Plo- P'\wr o/ h.nluul( lr A.L. l: Sv1111. l w(Mit' Pr( Jeyynr ~/ ,-lethal //c(//Ih Rcc(tr(h: and I.A. McGnim- doc nlii. ind ict i clo' n tcc t ibelte ointtniii oiptt)icl te init e ilittc IhCiiI anx he tic'tmll MCIrpci C( dttii nt i tii cimtIit IC iCC. mCI~dd~in of~nc"I:RC. Sc , ,il ye r r 1 G.R. WEHTJE, L.W. WELLS, AND J.R. WEEKS PERFORMANCE OF PEANUTS AS INFLUENCED BY SEEDING RATE AND PLANTER IN RECENT years, "air", or De "vacuum", planters have become 16 available to peanut growers. With this planter, individual 12 seeds are picked up and held against a plate with a vacuum before being re- 8 leased into the chute that delivers a seed into an opened furrow. These planters 4 are advertised as being very efficient in achieving an even spacing between seeds, and this added accuracy al- lows for a reduction in seeding rate compared to rates used with conven- tional planters, which would result in a cost savings. Results of AAES research indicate no significant difference in efficiency between vacuum planters and conventional planters. The study also indicates reducing peanut seeding rate, while lowering initial crop in- vestment, may result in lower yields and profit. An experiment was conducted in 1991 at the Wiregrass Substation, Headland, to evalu- ate vacuum versus conventional planters. Peanuts were planted at 110, 90, 70, 50, and ,nsit y target spacing 2.1" RATE 110 Ib./A 10 20 0 target spacing 3.3" - SEEDING ' RATE - 70 Ib./A I 10 20 0 1 Seedling Spacing, inches target spacing 7.8" ... iAir Conventional SEEDING RATE 30 Ib./A 0 20 30 40 50 Plant spacing using conventional versus vacuum planter at different seeding rates. 30 lb. per acre with both type planters. The normal seeding rate is 90 to 110 lb. per acre. A common lot of peanut seed was used that averaged 750 seed per lb. Both planters were operated at 4 m.p.h. Germination was low, about 70 percent, but this was typical of seed available during 1991. After peanuts emerged, the exact spacing between individual seedlings was measured over a 10 ft. section of row. Later in the season the occurrence of white mold and tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) was determined because the severity of these diseases has been linked to plant popula- tions. Plots were dug at the optimum digging date, and the center two rows har- vested for yield determination. At 110 lb. per acre, the theoretical exact spacing between seedlings is 2.1 in.; and both planters were fairly successful in achieving this spacing, see figure 1. At the 70 lb. per acre rate, the expected spacing between seedlings is 3.3 in. Again, both planters were fairly successful in achieving this spacing; however, compared to 110 lb. per acre, more variation in seedling spacing was observed regardless of planter. At the 30 lb. per acre rate, the theoretical spacing between seedlings was 7.8 in. The conventional planter tended to have a closer spacing, while the vacuum had a wider spacing. But, for both planters, the overall variation in spacing was very high regardless of planter. At these marginal seeding rates, seedlings are spaced far enough apart to prevent any cooperation among seedlings in cracking open the row. Conse- quently, stand skips are more frequent. Peanut yield was influenced by seeding rate, but not by planter, see table 1. Maxi- mum yield was achieved with no less than 90 lb. per acre; lower rates resulted in incremen- tal reductions in yield. As expected, disease was influenced by seeding rate, but not by planter. Higher seeding rates, which resulted in a denser, moisture-holding canopy, had a greater occurrence of white mold, table 2. Thus an excessive seeding rate should not be viewed as insurance of a good stand, but more as a promoter of disease. In contrast to the trend observed with white mold, TSWV was more common with the lower seeding rates. Apparently, the vectoring aphids, which are attracted to open ground, accumulate in plots with a thin stand. Variation in the spacing between seed- lings can result from less than 100% germi- nation, insect and disease losses, and the emerging seedlings having to grow around obstacles. No machine can be expected to completely eliminate this type of variation. At normal peanut seeding rates (i.e., more than 90 lb. per acre) this variation was nearly equal between the vacuum and conventional planters. Wehtje is Professor of Agronomy and Soils; Wells is Assistant Superintendent, Wiregrass Substation; and Weeks is Associate Professor of Entomology. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station k .................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................1 3 L.V. PURVIS. B.K. BEHE. C.H. GILLIAM, AND J.O. DONALD 'uivtuJ'zILL) bRUIL__LIk jLIt Llk IS At'.LPIAbiLL IN A HORTI I TUJRF POTTING MIN 199( I . .V Ihama', IN)It IF% ill( ILI IIv 11 r)dLICC(1 3.01) 1111()11 Ih,.I)IhI )iICI IIt - tCI. 111 ( ) It 1111 11 ItCI a11 hk It ,Cd;(, ICItil - izcr and a, a plotci11 C\tcndcr in u)mC 11\ clock ICC(I , tI I Cc LIC, 1)a\ C not kept pacc vv iill Ill Oduclilll and ncvv uc, li)r hrOIler littcr arc in Clnta it dclua11d. Pat rcearch dcnlO11,traled the Icai - hlhty 01 uin 2 clnIhltrd littcr in a HICdiunl to rl\\ hlrlicnltural I lant,. IIn\\C\cr.u(1lr I)IOhlCnl, \\Cre IhOUl-'hI tO he ;1 I)OICIIIia1 limitation h) Clnnmrr acccptahilit\ OI ,uch a I)OltiIIL miyturC. An :Uahanla :ALri- cultural I-yI)CriIIlCnt Station ,ludv vva, Con- duciCd to ev alualC markclahilily O( a *'u)il- IC ,rlvv ins, media aniCndcd w ith Clmputcd hruilcr littcr and IO (ICICrmi11r 11 1111, prOduCI Could hC a cd in IhC 11 HIC. l 11c ,tud\ \\;U C011d1,etcd ill cl11,umrr,* Cullr= I i, HLhl erccw. i,(Ltik <,rccn: water I k le~ nee(ed. -) i, mOrc vv atcr needed: hcallh= I i, fail hcallh. ) k -()o(I health: alul ()(lur I, IIO ('th)i I,'11(m L, Odi)r. \\ IN IllO .C1 I y a\ ill iII 11lI y I I al Ii IN kcl l Irrn N uiv Ill I a ICI I( .I) ni vI al'y a Ill ,l\IC \ \:t Nyl Cyflyli Ilif I IIth ld d I -d Ill , )I , 11111 lc lI () 1'.11 lo u CC lnlpahl \1 lhyI Ifi\l)I0llitcycI I Al 1 h \\ a Clnic y Il I CC fiI tIC IIM11CIIr Ict)l4l~l \\. VII l~il )I II IC lily hotilly iI. U&.Ich dO1llIiCI IdyCilCol a1 yl N ~. ti0y ih Iil . ,liN lC01C ikC(l Ii l:I p dI 111 11111 Ill I llllld\c mI l~dy L 1dI- l\l C.\ Iy pm I( lIy ntlI I\ cc iNkc to ratc1 \ I Itl O .11 Ill l II ly 111L llch ed(I CLII oi 110r IC. ICI llh and O dn~lr.lc1 dI n ru 11 11 i n llII I\ pIIC\ I cc Co a ii ll~v Ili I 37cr _ colo I a h ic 0.11 l I i i lI 11c eeI it I Il l II 1~ ily~ \ I al t I lhN ptcI I cv o eia. Flkill 1111 (C\itil Al mivlad daclI d \iI1\II lIN lihC ill ll1lllrtng,. Ih llIC id IN.7 r dlC Il\k\ Ilk I\N Il11 i111 Naccl 11111 mtcd11, I In l lulyN n i l I\ lnlrkllll I3. ) ll In I~~vv ~ Il \lua ~ me II at 1 , loo Ir hcllh Dallas Jewel ferns growing in various potting mediums. .UI/>umli I Sr1 un lIl II I c)IlI1/I t bS)//U nI B.K. BEHE. C.F. DENEKE. AND G.J. KEEVER NEW iNA. - .. SHOW PROMISE FOR SUPERMARKET SALFS " f ;,. te- Harbour Dwarf nandina. as shown here. sold well in consumner tests. thit ithe tutu k~l ha l iiiuiCd. A\L'N itt oflL lti LatLUL Catni pr iidc [CN N UltaL'L' I iN~i L0 hl tiiut i i L IL'- 0\it Ut l rtiL dt\ (11 ln itLL til. coN\LL'kN k10\\ uItilLa tiNttl iUI NL i iiiit StLtIL' \iicu \\a, 00CL' N\LtL'd LO ti~itIi 1iCt tt li Ll tirdtin LiLi tINdnaktp)ntalo v0vici,0 LIMt ilL 2 , ide 4a , Iti;iL' \IL ' nt utLi. rti ,i 'liicaIt iliLtir Tha' iiTICl k')L'tLhe Itifl 4" li 47'( ,uLiti thamcL. The \LLin.itia bu I ii tiliN Ni L IC C a 110 iii'' I i n)( iiiaLLI \ hi I L NL LI Iha itt, N 'iti ilL' 4~ l/chn l , 1'I ii uliu a! I Ptkcrt' l/1u 1I/itl \\ a ii' alu\ e iIi Ir lt SL'pl. 2 l ett . 2 . uULl 'i;l Gabil \\LI ,~ C\Il.~r 110111 LIININ-IIIt [triL n I te tiil (CI pIt WI. Dtl l \o l L o IN tall k cI. .11I SaI ILLiti c Nl). Paniflli we lL ti "i/L c mil cr.l~i Sl ,' of1 all 4- li -iii. Ii)itiLk Iliait, lt\ !I- i'Ll 1 1 _'.2 Ilint pci [,lL' Ltc ~rv \\L'. SUIdc, of itid Sn ( ~itt i Latlirt 1( o1 IlL' mill cLt iii -- Iii -iii. Jo ao ii n L' aIiii. it ILL "t ipItnL' Oi i' calL' 'S, IhC Lul iIa 'L t ii\t0uC tlt iLt1iidC IthIL iiLnL'. it pcl iL a~nd lii~c~ IiIL ~ anct ,ma\I1'Ndli ill \\Ii'ii I tteIltL.tiN 'ip Ltiiice. ILL'Nlttheilit.i \inihuc, ate ; 1n~t mpolan 5 R.J. MITCHELL. G.B. RUNION. W.D. KELLEY. AND D.H. GJERSTAD FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH PINE MORTALITY ON FORMER AGRICULTURAL SITES ni \i.thaiuia. Moure titun 1.5u hiliutu puile Niiuligeutc ii [ nti mitwttex lu itt ln tie Au cc lined Sxilaute,. c luiate andi li ci tuliieit p itelaniN. NItchi aN the CoiNsert ion Rc~crx e Pt itet ati (CRP). Thrlughe the CiRP alione. tre than I.t tiil- lin acrIe, itt et itbe ciriplaind in the S'tithl xx ri cocinixcited to pine plattnttin,. A iiiiiitei ofi uniepectcid plli hax e licit encioutititedu ini thiN IIANN"xe Ic"ci Ml.tiiiu Molht. I Uue paiuticulalu IxNriiiii Puitll ix li thei Nor1eculit' nix ix 'val - PrcI edcu til a iuituem it NiteN. lIn ,Nili elitittieN. the taiure late xx, An eait ixtxoi tailureN liiicxcix lixc PlalatiiinN. On )inuuiu ift he~e site,. I cpcautcx plantting I xnltcd itt ielraedtl tailture (flie tot p1ne nttliltx \hhiineh cxx data xx fe axailable tot de- termtine the can~e itt tile~e tailure,. a tuittibe iii I'ttir wexrce Nsispectex. Amiuing IleC xxCF rcuieNIuaIlie 1N00 L fe tioil pas fnli iii' p .ictieN (ItLch AN euiixx iii' Nix bcitN i. lcihi- Colit tittloll. plant diseaseN aini/o cii i i tideN ,itnd toot lccliiiL I nect, coiitilitk contdluctedi hld ,tudic, dtui iia, 2-xccir i- ii(d toi dltertine I il iii If hexe factors. aline of in conlittiot. cotitited to the cxce"" eNx piiic Nee(l mc nitilI6 T he I irst NtIII itxolvcid appl\ing lix e C01ii11i1011 NON bea1 bet hiciL l1e l'iixx I I fi Ian [,. l3 aatfaii k Kiric andi Scp- tcl k .) 2l. 1 ln 4 timneN the Libeled rates onl bctor ic wercexct plintcl. Thle lollmix ill" IOceciiubci piiic tc eeNxxci platid and not- talit\ \\~ ,i ~ r sNeNtlid-(\x.n\ thioiih the CRMioxil' eull midat t1he cnd ofthie lit NI eiiix ill" ,eauiit ill the field. liit~In t i t t fle t ivii alt 1iL11(Lctit ni te~idnual heriid leNtol pa"t Prtice1.Nx wet tilt majorii lacthoi, int the libser\ d pine mt- I le Ncon 1 Nitili NNa AN oitdutlted at flxc loicattioin thitugholtuit the wat,tl lin~i of ( jeuli a tepi erNtigIti pil ( RP ,itc, tutun ini Noll p)11 titti .tttrlx actdic (4.1) toi tcL,Nahll xxhit hen the 11o e Nhal icnsI NLINici N cxlZ liii an ei\N ANulii dthe ICiA x thpile tieheclticni ix A td ticrt, N(le, 4,N and x hi C x N uitti cyilt 117,11 I l u\ ltitile ttil UuN A N nluiix the(l teititl liitN!itt .l iit\(vir rtd (riol ips hu ith Ititadlat xx hl the NeedIlitiN xx e il~iutexl o loix cd bx Al "oil tatiiieiit al ni(i-l easoNuiiiuut t11 xIt dce teexhitie aind iii- \Iiiu thain lxxice the tiuhtcit tint111 ti atl NeexllittCN dlied comttpated tol tliiic tiCated. I le I iexjnenCN 0 otot ICedunuz wxAN dr~aatictelll x iedux ed xfili thle toot dip iti~ectli Ie treatment. liox cxci the ettectN werce Nltort livedx. Bx the tmiddle of the ql iried. It wxx fi otnd thlt llo~c site, witli xi'iilant iutortillitx alxx} haN ud iiN present. wii Ic ci ib lie NiteN had good Nut- xix al irateN. Ntmlitici unii alsii wxetc isioIated Fritit tie toot Nx NtettiN iii Neeitn u nxx ith lese NtudicN hit. althiough a nuntuetol pitntuallx pa.tltinic tuni i xx e tound. no direct Ilink to iii rtit xx iNa iniited. ILatlx . nemta- tuideN. tepor ted to be lxi rfl to puine NeedI lieN x rc fitttnd in the ri i/iilcre cit pine NeedliiuN. [hiixxcxci. tliN also coutld unit he ditextix elated toi the uttittaljtx' iibsctxcdiii the NtidieN. Nex et thclexN. the interactuion ott roout PRith nici t oiim arid tmeiiitodeN lxix taxe cben ipotitan., thoutieh tme xxoiik iN needed tot determine their title ini Needliil Ilt ,Nutiiiiai x pine ituittalutx oil acu - tuial fi elds xAnlot related tio ici bicixleN. eithier te~ixitll 11'1h ptast a~ciualti actix i tieN, iii tllite uied ini pine cnltnre. lite 1cii tal0 ttx , xxANcluelx aIN0uiated xx ttht tioi teeditue bx cropbN. and1 tiNt an insectix ide tit conuttoil 1-inb leedune1 reduced liii!talix i n1it ixawikx. I-Liital (Ii~eA~eN andx nticxtuieN tuxix hemxtxedx ilL N it toe putue itriotlt' bit thteir mole, appetar to he lesx imiptrtanit IThese restsI Nnect txt liutduxx nuei plaiitiing pinie, ini areas that xxetc recetix I aritued. pArtix ularI bit aInuex Nuix ban iii peatnut fiteld,. Nihould carfet olix asseNN the pieNctic iii Ah~cnxe i01 '_rnN. \Iu'hi Am\ \l'' 'xPtut~ori 'Unitm ix tt1ittiix ,itmi,ttx. D,iti Naiex iiil So~xilii , i tI~rltNci' Iuo~u ic 011ix c nd jltdai rt~ 'It ulh l t.~ ii lii icr! I \/w(rIiii'1I! S/t/11n , . z J.H. WILHOIT, C.W. WOOD, AND K.H. YOO POULTRY LITTER SPREADER PATTERNS EVALUATED AFTER poultry litter is spread on pasture land, light green streaks in the direction of spreader travel are often noticed on the grass, indicat- ing an uneven nutrient distribution across the field. The cause of this was the focus of an Alabama Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion (AAES) study. Poultry litter is typically applied to agri- cultural land using spreaders similar to the type used for broadcasting granular fertiliz- ers. Poultry litter can be quite variable, but tends to be characterized by similar particle types; fine material that appears to come primarily from the manure, intermediate- size particles of wood or peanut hulls, and larger clumps of caked material consisting of wood or peanut hulls, feathers, and manure. These particle types may contain differ- ent proportions of manure, the primary source of nutrients in litter, so the nutrient content of litter could vary with the particle type. Particles of different sizes and densities also have different throw characteristics, so variation in nutrient content with particle type could account for nonuniform distribu- tion of nutrients across the swath. In the AAES study, a pull-type spreader distributing poultry litter was driven over the center of a set of evenly spaced collection pans three times. Poultry litter samples also were collected on a tarp spread across the swath. Samples were sieved, and N and C concentrations were determinedforeach sieve fraction of the tarp samples. An analysis of the particle size distribu- tion data from the samples collected from the pans showed a concentration of smaller- size material closer to the center of the spreader. Most of the particles smaller than a 16-mesh sieve (0.0469-in.) landed within a distance of 12 ft. to either side of the spreader, while the particles larger than this were spread much more evenly out to a distance of 20 ft. to either side. The results of the laboratory analysis on 1.5 - the different particle size fractions (col- 1.0 lected from the tarp) showed a consistent increase in C con- 0.5 centration with in- creased particle size, from an aver- 0 age of 26% for the -24 -20 -16 -1: smallest size frac- tion to 43% for the largest. The N con- Application centration varied randomly from 3.2% to 4.3% for the differ- ent size fractions, however, giving no indica- tion of higher manure concentrations for the smaller size particles. Accordingly, the aver- age nitrogen concentration in the pans spaced across the swath was relatively constant. The weight of litter collected in the pans was used to calculate application rates and to determine distribution uniformity for differ- ent possible travel spacings (swath widths) with the spreader. Uniformity was assessed by calculating a coefficient of variation (CV, expressed in percent, with the best unifor- mity indicated by the lowest percentage) for the amount of litter, including simulated over- lap for the different travel spacings, col- lected in the pans spread across the swath. The table shows the CV and application rate results (average of three trials) for simu- lated swath widths from 24 to 40 ft. The minimum CV value was 11% at a swath width of 28 ft. This result was consistent for all three trials. The application rate at a 28- ft. spacing was 1.39 tons per acre. The figure shows the distribution pattern for one of the trials and the simulatedpatternm (including the overlap) for the 28-ft. spacing. The operator's manual for the spreader recommended a 40-ft. swath width and indi- cated an application rate of 1.3 tons per acre for the spreader gate setting and bulk density of litter used in this test. At a 40-ft. spacing, the application uniformity obtained during n rate and spreading of poultry litter. this test would have been very poor, as indi- cated by a CV of 50% and shown in the figure. The application rate also was much lower, only 0.96 tons per acre at a 40-ft. swath width, see table. These results sug- gest that travel spacings used when spreading poultry litter may need to be somewhat lower than the manufacturer' s recommendation. Based on this study, uneven nutrient distributions often obtained when spread- ing poultry litter are probably due to travel spacings that are too wide rather than to differences in nutrient concentrations and throw characteristics for different size litter particles. Wilhoit is Assistant Professor of Agricultural Engineering; Wood is Assistant Professor of Agronomy and Soils; and Yoo is Associate Profes- sor of Agricultural Engineering. POULTRY LITTER DISTRIBUTION UNIFORMITY AND APPLICATION RATES FOR SIMULATED OVERLAPPING SWATHS Swath Application Coefficient width rate of variation Ft. Tons/acre Pct. 24 .................... 1.63 16 26 ..................... 1.50 12 28 ..................... 1.39 11 30 .................... 1.29 15 32 .................... 1.21 22 34 ..................... 1.13 30 36 .................. 1.06 37 38 .................... 1.01 43 40 .................... 0.96 50 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Application rate, tons/acre 2- - Single pattern - - 28 ft. spacing * - - 40 ft. spacing 2 -8 -4 0 4 8 12 16 20 Spread distance, ft. 24 D.I. BRANSBY AND J.T. EASON 1(EMARKABLE PROFIT MADE FROM STOCKERS ON FESCUE-BROILER LITTER SYSTEMS R OW CROPS are _ cneralk\ i.- (3a1 lCc as sttore p1 of tihle thani heel cfnItrpisesc. Hoxx cxci. an Alahaimia station. Ctiroix'xlie. 'h,l\ cl 1tha1 xtckers raised tn Lall lexcnC eri tlj/Cd xxtillh broilci I lit cant be cconiall aix ott ti~iix CA ixti ttow cirops. Inthei tall-\ xxnici 'pr-iil peiod ofl. ' 19188 5) 9attd 1959-90, inlccid tIIfutric Ketucky 31 l llCLICuepaxlhi~C rC rwCi.1acd h\ Attiui .tiid Aitusix II'iCtlrcIl~c ee x wih ani ax c'tIe ititial xxci(3lll ildl 4(1 . Aimals ont181ii hall ~ i the xxtuC CicC aii\ Cdx cci- icc ic s~ 1o a 50):50 briler liiicr:shltlcd corit supplC- mttnl in se Ilf-cedcrx Stock iic rates x ci C 1.5 to 3.0) aimtal, per atcre Without xippiC- ittct. atnd 2.0 toi 3.5 aiimal pci aciC xxilb xtippliCtt~iot. (ira/in'! Slai i1d in Oct- Atnimials it the igiit/iic-ontly paddlcocks xx d riio cdc rtiit paxlicirC 101 0 90f clnS ini idwin. ltic. Dut ing this> timthey ilixxc led. a 50:501 broiler Iitlc'r:xliCllccl coirn didt onilx. . \nimial, x ith xppleCnn tcttaincd oil paxitirCtironcliotthe xitci . lPatxuiCx xxc c'iltiittiluil\ ''avi i/Cu ,i3ltoc kitic tlcs xxet nt altered ox ci ltime. All paixlutCs xxcii. lcriilizeccl xtill 2.5tions of biioiler liitei pe'r actrc inttall antd. spr1ing. The~c cist oii brili liittxx eas 510) pertott luit lcrili/Cri .u 5ii 1 pci ht a, at teii itt_1Ct iiCtt iluC io the aidcdiiionltl piicCxxiii itxvolx ed. Shlled corCin cost S1106 pci ltot. Box inti price ofl-, "asc xx5t 87.39. pcr hutt dirccl" ci cht (ci ). Siccirs that xx cie nolit Supple- ticilec xxctc soldl at ihe Sale x atd for ani ,tx Ctri.c price of1 8811.67 pert cxx t. Itiose 1tha xxr siupi~plemtt3t d~ xxr cic d to)1.) a packiitg hituxC loti an ix Ctrcc oII S71.74 per cxx t. it itccted al .ttt.uncux ltcc lcxcuc in 19219- 90)) arc xlhoxx in it tbl 1 li u c e ithat xx CiC not xupplciiicttcc Table _' slioes dat f.or t thiOSC. thti xx crc xipplCt tC. For ttoituppl~citttcl ccix. the conmiuiiic opli- I'it iCCtr (XlCiiirx chi Ioc fun- 1..ll'acil I rdli xi itii xxd cati\i3hi c.apilvHwvtainletIn xxi Iliciti111 litii lustrc'c I'xSCU oin both1 Pasxture andc xxittic tecl Ph1aScS iif ptii1uclio1. I hC ne.t C. utv ssm la , il e In cotst.. dost" xxCic hildiei Mtid icltirns xxCtC I1lxCt lot in-. Iectecd lecc tha 1 f8 ot I UItiti1X.4X1-i Cxc ic.liii xx.1>Black baldy steers on test at the Sand Mountain (icc ISIC hsra cattiedl Substation. pimtily h\ thec iost, associ- atedl xxith c.atr ing moirettut an imtal, ott in- cllittg price otainedi 10ti I inished catle, Iccicl icxCI..C to aciCx C Agtiil pct act.' ,1i1t- iciatix c tothC notixuppictcitcl ailthat118 t ltoI Otu> sirCc I CSCUC. xxr Sicxtd asx leedetx. I Ccco xx ciC ItliCt tant lon inftliid ci ticsC .C i 8 1i' iSipeiinte iit. Sanid \Iiiuil1tiit SLbI~illtoil c~tiicki 'tlt i.'i C ilitl conl- atchtiex i xtil roxx crops. I liixx Cx Ci. tilt> couldl ChtntiC iI litrC x c iicc cil I cxii pea> tnte cxxxonici htxC to decidie isxxiirtl h t risk ,xxiciIICi xx ith ducitin 011 li tnctIt cC ICS-' Althu> anbiml liii xo lintlcand'c te xx peci Cnti cc xiipm>ictititeri \A ere> xx Ci- xtipplcnlticcol ,fetlt, witx c I' XI1 I. PkOIca rION AMii Fr oxoxi DA- 1-OR STEFERS TI W\rx oih S11 'IF~iI\Iii. Oi> iIFFti FI ~ s-~fN( FREE FFscII Pxsi IRES, 1989-90 Infected Fungus-tree P'rod uct ion data Econoic optimiuim stock rate. head/ac. 3.0 2.0 P'astuire av erace dily g atin. h ....... .90 1 .50 W\inter teed ax ciace clail cain. lb.. 1.42 1.78 0) ci all 293) dla axg. da il gai n, lb.. I1.02 1.5 Tothal "alin/ac.. lb......................... 897 926 Economic data C'ost per lb. of gaii, dol .................. (0.38 (0.3(0 Total costs per acre, dol .................. 1,547 1.0)81 I otal Iin.omie peI acrie. doi................ 1,837 1,489 Grioss ma1 gin per ac, dol ............... 290 408 ( ross imarglin per head. dol............... 97 2014 ' Thcw costs include piurchase prtce of aninmals and interest on that intmrent, but do not include fixed costs such ax land and labor. T.A 1i 2. PROui c I o\ Am)l Ecoxoxrii Dxi . F OR STEERS THA \\iko SIii'iixiDnof INFECTEDN) [Fti\Ls-FREEFESxCUE PASTi RES. 1989-90 Infected F~nU-i' e~ Production data E conoic optimtunm Stoc k ratie, head/ac. 3.5 3.5 Pastoite aixciage dailx gain lb ............. 1.7(0 1.83 Fe consiiunied per Il. of g'ain. lb.... 10.5 10.1) Economic datta C'ost per lb. of gain, (dol.................. 0.48 10.45 Grios,, nii o per acie, dol .............. 180 26 Grioss mnargin per head. dol ............... 51 76 s ~D.L. KUHLERS AND S.B. JUNGST iOWI' (JETS PIGS T y rhyme flte itloi to matrket tt *,ti homie. the lit im. Iathtiiattd teediwt> increa,. I a~t the~c eitt> hett w\ill atioiw Ii odLiCtr to F :vpertttnt Statttin >Itoi clltit ,electlonl till >tottn the little fort the ig,' to reach martket eri''ht ittdac iNei ttoelcr mte>r Ini the telt. a line of Lantd-Irace aoitd a line oft Duoc pi'-", \\eie eletkNIpetit tII\ tot to eleetioi \t it .tt tired. I he eXpet ten- ltI lite, were ,titrted in 1 9S? ttunim att' hine Ironti each oft the hiedl letet fot paItt et- ?)(t -d> wei''ht (,eect line). \ xeoitd lite. onie I 0om each hieed. r> - dointi ,electedan aiildm itht h ied (otrll e\tejl 2OO-da o t e'iht. ete inotetii ink- it'' ,electttn deetitttt', tiltouIt'hont tihe ie~t. \lant eitent ot, Fi' rom the ,elect andi pi>ot edci breetd teatted tn tite ,aite litilt- ii,- antl ledi the ,Limle diet> it tile ,~tLme itte- N ii>. \\ i''itt ofl the piL', v>ete retoidedl it ne>~ tlea>LtI etneint \\ ro>tt tde Lit '( ( di>, oft aLc ndlN i toltttjteth to tite iN ert i''e N>et ott O() l Ih Jot itc Ipitg. Sintce thi, >>a a tl~e hteh erdi t tottide iiieedttl' ,tock \\a, itiodhute to ttihethe hi-eetitte tie) taJid the Itine> N\ etc ,imai I i 5 hoart itid 10 m > in r each ,elect lute . tile tthteedttL'' of the pi'g" ttteeicet to ltiout 21'%( in tile Droo ,elet litte .tid I(S' itt the I itthie ,elect litte. Altet (0 eti ott ,eietion, tile Laitdrtte ,eiectlitte pig, L\IN et ''d 5 1.4 i). idt tile L' -I- Ku Landrace pigs setected specificalty for 200-day weights. tie itt 2(0' atid 2V tttt tihe Lanidiie and LWrOCt litte,, te~~itN el Ilhne> t >Cit kai ie, itet eet tite t i hreeol> euto htere. At N>irtet tte l)Litoto ~eet- tine piii' et ec it 1 ite i'. morie tae I t o t ro-le tIie t litl aI~tttLt t t.iue > a drc N>ltli ni tite ,uit N> et'it \hc\ itet til t e ioite. lo- dt ten e iietwhel tte iuiociltinue> pitt evtrted. Ih li tt eN e eN cnolln ett, till O i ee1 i. t Ihao. thtet > e ndi teteti.1 liClt laxoi intdtoie> ''ettet toeieo.l Si 'i-i Tti i 5' iLhi, I l I It' . ... itt Ii,A liir. elleett~e \\a\ to itCl ee irth iaud \eitt h~oLeannt t ituo imporanl t t tile in-ie'le~ deittthIn ittilt' FC to N etttltttiliie l.te ierl.o N>ive >hoc it icctinaj~c htockfat thitekie>, I itatthe Dotr i" lete lii ' piLi ei fittir othtnttei uni iiid te tit 11(ei. * I o i w o i the dua liii ~ t- LS. o 'I~ lt Siii I) til. tud ied l hat a 551 i i n ia)draicc Sctuoct (iiiuii ..... .0" .. '._. 10 . ....... 1 0 ,6 '.-.4 1I. 1)4.,S II 1 '15. .7? S9 (-iS .77 .7.7 .75 \/olbouur a~u 11 t /tJll /o t-~w im(eut S.NillI Sclccl Cimtrol T.P. MACK AND D.P. DAVIS WEATHER VARIABLES AID IN PREDICTING ABUNDANCE OF LESSER CORNSTALK BORER THE LESSER cornstalk borer (LCB), a major pest of peanuts grown in Alabama, can severely limit yields of peanuts when lar- vae feed on the crown and developing pods and pegs of peanut plants. Population out- breaks of this insect occur in hot, dry weather in peanuts grown in sandy soils. Research on LCB at the Alabama Agri- cultural Experiment Station has focused on the life history of this pest and how weather influences population outbreaks. Since all factors known to contribute to outbreaks involve hot, dry weather, researchers began to explore the possibility that certain vari- ables could be developed to predict out- breaks based on weather. Such a prediction system would be ex- tremely useful to anticipate outbreaks of this insect, because scouting for larvae is time-consuming and growers often start scouting after damage occurs. Many grow- ers apply a preventative application of a granular insecticide for control of larvae. However, all the insecticides used for man- agement of LCB degrade in as few as 19 days in hot, dry weather. An insecticide applied too early also will degrade, leav- ing plants unprotected. If treatments are applied too late, much of the damage to peanut plants already will have occurred and yield will decline. Through this research, a prediction equation was developed by simplifying a complex simulation model. This equation uses a single variable incorporating posi- tive effects of hot, dry weather and the negative effects of normal, wetter weather. The equation developed is Y= (H-W). In this equation, Y is equal to the LCB-days and represents the cumulative effect of weather on larval abun- dance; H is the number of days -10 No Scotin gNeeded -20 0 20 where the temperature is 95?F or higher and less than 0.1 in. of rainfall occurs; W is the number of days that the temperature is less than 95?F and 0.1 in. of rainfall or more occurred. The variable H represents days that contribute to the development of popu- lation outbreaks, and W represents days that produce a lower population. Neutral days (i.e., more than or equal to 95?F and more than or equal to0.1-in. rainfall) do not contribute to LCB-days. Thus, LCB-days are a running total of the cumulative weather events since planting. A cumulative total of 0-10 LCB-days at 30 or more days after planting means that scouting fields for the lesser cornstalk borer is needed. The usefulness of LCB-days was tested in four validation experiments done at the Wiregrass Substation, Headland, in 1989 and 1990. The tests determined whether or not an application of a granular insecticide for control of the lesser cornstalk borer at a given number of LCB-days increased yield. Conventionally tilled and planted Sunrunner peanuts were used in both years. If LCB-days were positive and a treatment was suggested, a granular insecticide was applied and yields were compared from treated and untreated plots. If LCB-days were negative, it was validated that no yield increase would ensue if pesticide was used, as compared with untreated plots. The granular insecticide used was chlorpyrifos 40 60 80 100 120 Days after planting (Lorsban?) applied at 2 lb. active in- gredient per acre in a band application over the row. Plots were surveyed weekly for damage. Soil was sieved weekly, or when dry enough to be sieved during the growing season, to de- termine the number of larvae present. Yields were taken from the center two rows of each plot at crop maturity. LCB-days were mostly negative in 1989 and lesser cornstalk borers were rarely found. Insecticide applied at negative values of LCB-days did not increase yields, compared with yields in the untreated plots. In the outbreak year (1990), LCB- days exceeded 35 and lesser cornstalk borers were abundant. More than 10 larvae per yd. were found in some fields. Insecticide ap- plied at 0, 5, or 8 LCB-days increased yield compared with yield in nontreated plots, and insecticide applied at more than 20 LCB- days either did not increase yield or actually decreased yield. These studies verify that LCB-days are useful in timing scouting and applications of insecticide. A three-tiered approach can be used with LCB-days, as shown in the figure, which suggests scouting at less than 0 LCB-days, danger at 5-10 LCB- days, and damage occurring at more than 10 LCB-days. Growers must record the amount of daily rainfall and daily maxi- mum temperatures in each field through- out the growing season and calculate LCB- days from planting. Mack is Associate Professor and Davis is former Post Doctoral Fellow of Entomology. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station10 J.F PITTMAN AND L.K. LAMKE FACTORS AFFECTING THE DECISION TO MOVE AND CHANGE JOBS WHY do people move and are there factors that can help pre- dict the decision to move? These questions have been particularly salient in recent years as data have revealed various patterns of migration away from rural regions. Census reports show that during the 5-year period prior to the 1980 census, 46.4% of the nation's popu- lation moved. This trend also was seen in the southern region of the United States (Texas to Delware and bounded by Maryland, West Vir- ginia, Kentucky, Arkansas, and Okla- homa) where 46% of the population changed residences. Comparing national trends to the South, roughly the same percentage of the popula- tion moved, but in the South, more moved out of county and state. Alabama reveals a more stable population. A smaller propor- tion of the population (42%) moved in the same 5-year period, and more Alabamians (60.8%) relocated in the same county, while somewhat fewer residents (23.3%) moved out of State. Though this indicates Alabama has a more stable population compared to the rest of the region and country, rates on in- migration and out-migration offer a less satisfying picture. While data indicate an impressive rate of population growth in the South, Alabama data show that out-migra- tion is high in this State. For every 100 people who moved e into the State dur- ing the 5-year pe- riod,80.2 others left, and, for each 100 employed people moving into Ala- bama during this same period, 89.7 left the State. These figures suggest a slow rate of growth compared to the rest of the region and a prominent loss of talent, given the great numbers of employed people leaving the State. To evaluate the reasons for this move- ment, a survey was conducted through a large central Alabama daily newspaper that attempted to Sanalyze this trend. The researchers as- -sumed that the tendency to move and the 0 tendency to change jobs could be used as an index of a person's or household's willingness or intent to change. The researchers also as- sumed that opportunity and motivation factors were both involved. The survey obtained 330 respondents, though analysis was limited to the 290 respondents who had paying jobs. The sample was largely white (92.4%) andmarried(67.9%). Ages ranged from 22 to 71 and the aver- age age was 42.7 years. Some 58% of the sample were women and approximately half the sample were parents with an average of 1.6 children. Typical education level was "some college" and typical income level was $35,000 to $45,000 annual income. Most (78%) owned their home, and more than 75% had moved at least once in the previous 10 years (average moves in that period, 2.8). Five variables were evaluated for mobility and/or job change: ties to the community, marketability of job skills, community satisfaction, job satisfaction, and quality of life. Two variables, marketability and community ties, seemed to best repre- sent "opportunity." Marketability mea- sured the respondents' beliefs that they possessed job skills that could earn them comparable or better wages in alternative employment. The more marketable a person was, the greater tendency they showed to change. Community ties involved home ownership, the number of years lived in the community, and the nearness of relatives. The greater the community ties, the less changeable respondents felt. The other three factors represented mo- tivators for change and measured respon- dents' feelings of satisfaction with various aspects of their lives. The strongest predictor of changeability was satisfaction with the community of residence. People who were more satisfied with their community were less likely to move away than those who were less satisfied. Job satisfaction was the second most motivating factor, and changeability increased as job satisfaction decreased. Quality of life measured satis- faction with respondents' lives, including family and marital relationships. Greater changeability was predicted by lower levels of satisfaction. o However, the rela- ? tionship between o changeability and quality of life was weaker than the other two factors. This is probably due to the reason- ing that people do not escape life and family in a move, and the tendency to make changes would likely result from a belief that a change in environment would improve family rela- tions. These data indicate that both opportunity and motivating factors help explain a will- ingness to change in this sample. Those with more marketable skills and fewer commu- nity ties were more likely to consider mov- ing or changing jobs, as were people who were less satisfied with their community, jobs, and life in general. Pittman and Lamke are Associate Professors of Family and Child Development. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station 11 S.0. OLOWOLAYEMO. J.C. REEVES. N.R. MARTIN. JR.. R.R. HARRIS. AND D.I. BRANSBY N.~ .~J OPTIMAL STOCKING RATE Lbs./acre or $/acr 600 525 450 375 300 300 150 Weight gain/acre Net returns/acre T O( I:I 1( 1'I Il i ili/C I III d". I)CCI pr oducIL .anI t kn\\ the hilhc I Nillykin .ily' tha Ild ill prioduiCC thy' 'Iy'.ly'N ail . 1kov- C\ Ci I y''CdIc L i I Ni\i thati lile oloiillyi N \\ c .iNmt y ltyy p 11od Iuc- S ~tin u Li n i' nut \yI' liill,, 'il fln illI y' 01 I \ c I \ c lw.liciA III\ c \h to \ c .i iin \ ha'iii daNN. (\ d d h I Ct fai\ lyd'yrit.~y \\Dhl tii p~Ci coiict a the GulI y 'Itiiii Suhiyiy' II IC irhup' frod\CI n" Nyl'h Cliii IN \\Cit ydtyoliL~ Lateo'' I- 3yI'CI NiOL ky' N f \\ .CI C L . ani d N)ri nll. \vIC the rlCin.I h'C louyM~uC, lyinCd oNl(yp' 600 -75 -150 1.00 1.201 .40 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.60 2.80 3.00 Stockers/acre ilte I 1S)5) in \iA iixiil. plcCnCi oy l\ y'I \\CIy' thy' niuOI 11111111.111 y'i)\y'i ii~nyl d I\crnId''y &le\ii in\ ;11) pdoi Iiti'. pe aiii lOn iii' lily' o I~r~ jli I i. i " da I Pv CCII I .iilyl1.7 NICC hei diyi i Cu ytid il\ I I C i ,Ii ' r te ( lC I ,IC~yN e \\ lil I i~l Aiil p I' d i 3 iliICillCI I~ ace) IC- duCd alyCL loll , in lily '.liiyii idy .1 \\ ily I0-lC Clte in the I iinli/a ICid . \0 hnIC pC C.\\ lilyreur I~aei yl~niNCid (\1. 7ICCilid lilycr lilly lilli~l thyN lily ytucin'y'iC aty' iie iuil i'y'lyy l h i ii\n yi, nly l i lihN ypoill hi dhyiC t i lly' \dN with\y' ltaidilII i lilll i l iIli'yd a tiiyIxIhC iculy' i Iili- pound ofI~ 2lihh i, ( ut hyilly h<.ii\ e re ill 1< icac by thiiivi I iuu loc Li Ii I1111 Ilii ,I \ iny1 "hhi th toIk iL r ice' Biological versus economical optimum for beef cattle. I hdwmu .l "i'irul7urcrl f._qwl-ilm'n/ SI(IIN t t R.T. GUDAUSKAS. K.B. BURCH, P. JXN A.K. HAGAN. AND J.R. WEEKS PIVV\JTFNT TN AI AV NO peceed. Mucith iniclate, thatt addlitionial st ud oni thle impor ltaince oft Ihese i rU >e IIl pent ini .\Iamia CICM-k\ Is war- ranitedi. 1;111.. and IlIhian i, :Asuie Plates~o of ant~Il IalhloL Wcck, S ,\,cae rt~r Symptoms caused by peanut mottle virus. [IF: OCCI RRF\ I: andt impoi- I tI 01 mam fng\ an Iaid n~emI tode icited diseae> an peanut., in Ala- hama are Wc lIlt amCInted in eIoliiiXii11)1 ii i Luse> attac kine this c~rop. I lI\\ C\ Cl a reent \IA~la .\el legrilutural I :\hCl iment Stationi \ \ SI >ttid\ Nho\\ ed P'S\ II oe iespicat ini tie Statec lnrling 1909 .i( ~Icia\ Cs Iroill) peatX~i f CLIIe. W~er e CIIleetedI Iiro 11 held> >eleetedI at Ilndomn in the 14 coutiie llakii_ Lup the majllol peanuLt pr~LItitlll area. S\ mptoml> onl suspectedi\I I vusinlleted plants i inLuId eat chilorsis. Ililttilim. Iletlos, linle pat- teirns. distortion, al(il II\ Cill phlint tuiltinflO. Leaf samipie> atlso \L eie takent ill these same I eldi> liroi plaints>l-Io\ ig iloappaleilt N\ mpI toni>. Sap W\a> extracted tfiroil all samlies ,adlt tested lot PMV. PSV, T ISWV, and peanut stripe v irl> (PSt\ h\ ioassa\ N on IindicatIor plant> in the el1eenhonse. andI by eni\ nie-liniked illlliLolII>Irhelt a>>at\ hi IS I Ill the iah-IIIatoli PI'\ andt TSWV \. >iiiair\ or ini tllihiia- til~l. \\ ere idetii edl in! e\ ei C Inait anti C1enll\ ii t hi'h el- t eqLine\ ini mli t cI ni e> see table I. PSV W\a> found ini a mlalority of the ontites. bLut at luCh ILL~ ei tleulnne\ No ilthei \ iL> lsel iIIlil1 1 PtV. sere iLICntifieLI ill at\ saii-p-Ie L11iLI it the 2- Cal- p-Ir iod. A Lumil-Ii-\ LII le>lhit tor ll s amlIes pleseiltttt ini tahle shtoes >that _eeli it idlellee lot I S)V andt PSV \ ei~re ailt the samli i-I 199 and~I 1991. L)) 11e that of PMV1 del inied in iL991i. PMV1 adl TSWV' ai>Io 55 er e etret.td at rathe IhIeici ideiie ain \a- 111t (ill at It pea iatl plait>. esfie t 0toml hsokeld II tIt [ Illli/et at tile ItmeC Can~e nIailL I ield, >Lri C vewd~ ill 19901 SweIC II whlIih tail CiInfI ound It RltIl t1ll the to- tal atea sLII C\ eLI >hos CLI that PMVI ad TSV \ r 55tiI'ctec.teti ill thte tilid> Ill all 14 eliunties. table 3. PSV \ 55a> Letel.ted Ill abiou(t lI-fluth l1t thle fieldl> III \es (i: hlrse e. thiese Heldl> W55 elocatetd itt II Ilto the 14 ciluntle>. I heseI res>L It agel ee\ itli o t her letcent >1115e~s > >loSS in'z that ITSWV \ Il Llt CI eele CCailSIL IIIohLhltt the peint llp1 ILduII.tilt- at ea. Thiese I esults also intdicate that PMV1 \ 5a> pies alert in the c11op. ad I hat P~SV lc- tLul CLI at Ics>Cl. butl >ielit- t alit. tid fe> a1> 55I el.(ell et al IS it idlenlee of all the VI ruses appealdt eL ~he iIliethc Than1 g5a> pr es Iily sLI> Co111(1 No,. No. ar1o1 ..... 12 53 ttIIIck ..... 8 64 ull Ir ...... 6 %6 alfc ..... 17 401 irien,z ... 7 35 )al ......... 12 71 ssami a..... 7 41 c e a..... 16 1109 elis ._.... 19 143 ike ........... 12 81t uIt I ..... 7 55 Nol. 1990 387 ....... 155 ....... 1991 504....... 839 ....... Symiiptomsi 199)lt 91 No. prtii infected %N ith PM\' PSV TSWV PMV+TISWV Infectedtl 5111 PMV PSV' TSV \PMIS+TSWV P(u I. P- PI 1 +i 690. 5.9 63.8 47.3 - 18.7 0.6 20.0 12.3 + 12.1 4.6 56.0 7.3 14.7 5.2 6.3 0.5 I LIII I 3. Ii 11) \IoN it OfI ''It SIN Pl1N i> Fir-i i~> Overall incittente knllt NI. PMV\ PSV TSV PMV\+~TSWV 19910 i eld, -_..-.. 71) ('aun111 i ......... 14 1991 F ilts......... 88 C( utires ........ 14 Pit. Pct. Ict. 1.4 27. 9 14.3 100.01 71.4 1001.0) 59. 2 .1 80. 78.6 64.3 1001.01 T-\iii.r: I. VikrSrs Iui_,,r11IFO INS) MPr(1yt-cnc PF\nrr PL.v.CTS ar C01\1). TABIA 2. VIR(SFS IoFnriFU rN S) VwioStcru au Ass w-Io\t.-cric ;Vuhtmlt) , I "'ri(ulturul /-_vpcr-l nrc'u/ Stutioll &P SCHMIDT. W.H. GREGORY. AND J.S. BANNON UREA-TREATED HIGH MOISTURE MILO USEFUL FOR FINISHING STEERS IIiiI 71 jIIiI \1 N ri mlio11111 Ill hlL' m)iI li HilIN lpL' IIcedt ai ciiioi ini tlLhet Nlii ILII 1 hr oI17I t\ GreI L IiI ,i. Ii alL tCIIllII'IILI III '1111~p IttlN '111 A~hnII. \I huN IIlL' \Hl. in:lII\II1' LI\ d I illor Ht I 111 Iil tan Ion I INIc hot.i tuu llvIN IlL~uc indIulN nli iILKI IhiLLI yaiii mo II IC anIL prCiiiIC [\It Iure\ th 111) l IiI ha iIIm 17111 II 111111 \ Wil oI ]Ili lo IIIO l CCLI L ull_' M I i nu ilr CO 111 f l IIII 1111 I n d LII il dil\\ l~ atI IIlo I 0 L Ii .C liHI acLI oII hI dc~tINhi c IiHKn NLimi Ini - I I , . . I I , . . I I h N I I) I Iii ti i,, lhr II Ill ux IIra I hi ll'' I1o tI~ILIN~Id (f1 l' th l c arckIN iL IillltoIi I to 11l111 l lN Ii 11 LC 011 III' Ii11 111on I NI ,C(1 10 11C111+ \IliiiI''IiI lll, i I ll (;III IINC (NIIll (C', lul [1 1 produce1 11c nl 1 icI Ii I Iri i 1 I LI lth I a inlLl ''IL I IN I ICll Nih ILlV NIli dLICll M I UIll/C I ~um 11111 I i\ I I111 heatled ~ill ham po I lI i LI i l t -r IIc i-I Iii ii l h\i I ~ ll andI 111 111 i liiLl\ Il0 n IL t 11In I I INLI Il m lo' It '' II I I ~ Ih 1. Ii\ LI 111111 pIrlL111i h.IiIlL'L'II\ IllllliihII lI , i~I I l /1 ' j\Id \ ii -Iiallnr \IIL 4 'N 4( I I iiI i 1 k (e 1 t '.47 I er IilcIl iI It '7 1 I wa lrr ltl IIIl -'.7() IN ac e Ir 11111o IIi Il . lilol I1M ha cIIIl Il ii i pI e (Lalli pl'il rl io toiil Irr i1 ()i I I t v to c SILL! IId diet, LolliHmiI' L cImi llNL'I hllLI Iine N klNCl ~I \ had111 IILI NC dI pat t o II IIIL\ I d h e luLII 111711o I 1)111) I Itd ur I kllII trea ll ili ll had I , II I tIIil II Itd Ill' ;IlI loI l -I 'I c IIILL .tilt [ti NI L111 IlI hlt 111 Ic IttI ll l\ (i c II IIllt Mild IccdIt rluliccf I \ r thl I l;I l I C 11Il i It iN IIIke t olIl 1111 holy urealwilcIIt mid iiiill)- IlL that 1111 I N N ' Ira Irac l L 1)h11 itull Illo 'ilr not nil d to he I r~ c II IIIIl i o to1 11111 Ill//)l1111 liiif0tu I \r(un r/L-/iu) Ihtinrt/ 1 l/(iemu/ K.M TILT, C.H. GILLIAM, J.W. OLIVE, AND E.L. GARDEN GROW-BAGS EVALUATED FOR SPRING AND SUMMER TRANSPLANTING LANDSCAPING has become a year-round business, resulting in demand for plants that can be transplanted during extremely stressful conditions. Research conducted by the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion indicates the use of grow bags may help meet this demand. Because harvesting of ornamental trees grown in traditional field production results in 92-98% of the roots being removed, trees from this production method cannot be har- vested year-round. Container-grown trees, however, have more confined root growth, resulting in more flexibility for harvesting and transplanting. Grow-bags, fabric bags that are placed around trees at planting and constrict root growth for easy harvesting, have potential for this use. But these grow bags are not as readily accepted by consumers who prefer plastic containers. To overcome this prob- lem, some nursery producers raise trees in grow-bags and transplant them into plastic containers for retail sales, but limited data are available on this transplanting practice. A study was conducted comparing tree growth of traditional field production and grow-bag systems in the sandy soils of south Alabama, where traditional field harvesting methods are more difficult. The study also compared performance of trees transplanted from the two production systems to 20-gal. containers in March (dormant trees) and July (actively growing trees). Small 1-qt. sized plants of live oak and Natchez crape myrtle were transplanted on March 24, 1988. Live oak was selected because of its reputation of being more difficult to transplant, while crape myrtle is a tree that traditionally transplants easily. Trees were planted in a Malbis fine sandy loam soil at the Gulf Coast Substation, Fairhope, in either 18-in. diameter grow bags, which were back filled with native soil, or by direct planting in the field. Cultural practices for weed control, fertilization, irri- gation, and pest control were the same for all treatments and plants were spaced 6 ft. within rows and 10 ft. between rows. Height and caliper data were collected on October 17, 1988, and March 1, 1990. On March 17, 1990, one tree sample from each replication and treatment was randomly se- lected and harvested. A 20-in. diameter root ball was dug for the traditional field-pro- duced trees, as recommended by the American Standards of Nursery Stock. Grow-bag grown trees were removed from the field in the 18-in. bags. Trees from this sample were cut at ground level and fresh shoot weight determined. Root balls were washed, and the roots were severed and fresh root weight recorded. Two additional trees from each replication and treatment were dug and transplanted into 20-gal. con- tainers filled with pine bark (bags were re- moved from grow-bag trees). Trees were fertilized by top dressing with 5.3 oz. per pot of Osmocote (17N-2.6P- 10K plus minor elements). Trees were placed under 50% shade for 1 week, then moved to a production area, which was under overhead irrigation. On July 11, 1990, 4 months after trans- planting, trees were measured for caliper, height, and shoot weight. Root balls were evaluated on the percent of the root ball surface covered with roots. Oak roots were washed and root growth extending into the pine bark from the severed roots of the original root ball were cut and weighed. Crape myrtle root systems were too dense to separate the container medium from the roots, so only root ball ratings were taken. On the same date (July), the remaining 24 trees from each species and production method were measured, dug, and trans- planted from the field into 20-gal. containers using the same procedures described earlier. This was done to evaluate transplanting suc- cess during stressful conditions of Alabama's mid-summer heat. These containerized trees were harvested 90 days later and fresh shoot weight and root rating measurements were recorded. Growth was generally similar with both tree species grown in either traditional field production or grow-bag systems. One ex- ception was 1990 live oak height growth and 1988 caliper growth where trees in tradi- tional field production were 7 in. taller than trees grown in grow-bags and 0.1 in. larger in caliper, respectively. However, this differ- ence was not reflected in the other growth variables, which concurs with most other research on grow-bags. Neither caliper nor shoot weight of crape myrtles or live oaks differed as a result of transplanting the dormant trees to containers in March, 1990. However, live oaks and crape myrtles produced by traditional methods and grown in containers for 9 months were 16.5 and 6.7 in. taller than trees grown in grow-bags, respectively. Live oak root regeneration measured by the root rating was enhanced when plants were grown in grow-bags, (3.5 for grow- bags, 2.6 for traditional field production). July transplanting of crape myrtles re- sulted in similar growth to the March trans- planting when comparing grow-bag to tradi- tional production. All 24 live oaks produced by traditional field production and trans- planted to the 20-gal. containers in July died. Live oaks grown in grow-bags survived and continued to grow until the October harvest. Though all trees may not benefit from the fabric bag system, this research indicates that some plants can be grown as successfully in grow-bags as by traditional field production methods. Some benefit may be gained in transplanting from grow-bags when using more difficult-to establish trees during stressful periods. Tilt is Associate Professor and Gilliam is Professor of Horticulture; Olive is Superintendaent of Orna- mental Horticulutre Substation; Carden is Superin- tendent of Gulf Coast Substation. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Grow-bags confine root growth for easy harvesting 15 ~J.J. GIAMBRONE AND T.L. HATHCOCK D~Li 1i V L Y I~~ iJ L LL0VLD) 1U 1k iL)LN I1ftICAI~iN Tissue print nybridization showing variation in staining intensity among IBDV isolates. A -variant E: B -unintected control: C = GLS-5: D = S1135 reovirus vaccine: E = Bursine' F =APHIS. \ I I:(eo iyl l Se h r;t I j~eLLN to Ielid it rlytyi. 110)o1 ilL l l ly L\. i131 1ili1l. IllyC :111111 iiiily on iilliy 01 ionillt I i y iiimU (lIliuii )\ \[ S l\ tiid\\ II N oduildut to \ arit Il ielli I~rldof ciLCN. \IilyltII IcCl'lul the lieoil ,I liLt o l a l ihele ; ilalle tIL i, c~rlle ipoe )cy Irten hN iin he :iliioi lililiL' lid r L ni o t ILL ~iLL CL iIL lIrut in~ I IlleetII eel eLI Illekeilan I eif 110oLi1iey Nh mlN~il lfl\ IC ei , iel: clie illC the ll)S Line I le SII tl . Llclul \iiiie IlirNti Siii illy I:lil\ 1 " iI yoiilioi llyyC~ idu y 10 ,C nliNy \\ ilnilhc iIlr m ii lt te irol ir \ ii lieno iii. inh m Nuly andioIIi l Iele l 11 h iat io i n i iy1 iet.IIel l l Ae II Lic. tmad.11 ronI a"IIi umd~ II il i lie thiie rut iileiit I )ii I L ol a ut o eIItti I ly "l h IC th11n .Iricidi~i~ ( i.111.y lo t.11 ily N01,iilyii l fri~ont i ii Cn ii iytnl liii iIerleol I~jImNi l)iICainl In Iy C l j uil n-yulu .iiid ICU I l i iN li iLd hind I ol 1)1 nlii i t IC to no Color I hUN~t Ii 0111 Ihj IiN C~ liir iy N11yi y 111) mll 111 m ilo o)I Cu;ii Niuiiii 1(iipip 1 Ilt ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT ST, AUBURN UNIVERSITY AUBURN UNIVERSITY. ALABAMA 36849-5402 Lowell T. Frobish. Director POSTMASTER-Address Correction Requested hiil dI \\ jiiiiey Ih nnmihitik c Irhini I liet rhiliiihCil y Ilin(l1y iN ilill 3 tou . H-I Cllie ,taried Irii )/i. lec. m1ie thbI I I~lllile l lIV lL el'C C F\eekN oii 11 iiiiiiii t iriiia he liy Ircv d lie t~ihil e I yoiil Ii~oiCille iii ile ntyl In i ( L tNNjin I~ I~h liii elllil hA picIi iii ( in ;I li lll d .ii,i''e N in' NIe rci tey liorliv wATk IoN mtrot cl)rmuCfo a I~ ~ ~ NNPOI ORG.hjy1 ,Cml;ll n ii n I~riC t innunllurr, FEESai PIDoi dautC~, md desPE[RMyITCmI N O o~ IhC, adanlaC, I CC, LA. cclu~0