TAW 4. 3 a Qt~ ~ IC~fL tL t~,L n Ci 4. Jr~ ~~~~~4 k it J TJli _ ~ l ti' DIRECTORS COMMENT~-S neat ofgt ls pouN ii s nd procdurl f oikL riLNm a socLiii 011 the spuii ii the iomxniiil." 1Kh IL'NLLil iL'piutL'd ini this issLuL iii I/ii'/ifxi iCsLted liini phaiiii n h L sieiti iti iiNs~xL'i -- sL cintist tliiiuih aminitlalioli One tI)C V 01planiiiiii. the LICliipiiieit oF a stiltcg\. lias oicicurle icel ini thi L' ypeii LOWELL T. FROBISH mleilt Stitioni. A T ask IForie of airculliiLiia Icades xx ithin ad~ eciei iii to \Alihaiia xa sN firmiedl and~ asked to: " loiok toi itiL hitili anid coidi~ei thlL lilieNs iii p laltioni Ltiiii'e. iiltiodiiL~ioii Oii'itiIil andL nL'Xx tlIIIIuiie 1_ L liiiices in puihlic puhliL es. Lilt(]iiliei factiir that itILL agiiuLltuiie andL foirestry piod xin i ad resiirch: "* ie\> cx uuLCXle le thesuntsloF tlicistiilc ceaiiL Ii uii~iihi tiiiFeL I 'pe iilieii SttIioni ad iticntitX aicas of trieingth for a leauxrsip ol):l' " estilihl iexeaitli ohllectix e andI LxxiIs to diiieet iexliiei Lhngs lia'L nd ix " idleitiF lu prioritieN amoiili tihe reerch~ obhteixeN. On \il 4. 1991. La Nxuiilluusiiuii. \ciuu1-iultnI Keseiirl for the I vxeiit-X I l~ ( eiitiui wasLi heild iiid the TINk FohiLL presLn'i its INfiningsii iiid rLecommendaihtionis. I le Iisk I nice coniclud~edI that ii ituittiuc auil luiuest xv xii cLniiiie toi havie ani enormoiilus Lc'niiiii iiiiaiit Luon the Stlte ad~ its iti/cu . I hiL iep'ri Ilitilci LoluIlid~ tliit the I \i:iiicriit Sta1itiiii rLeearch liiulnLiil) haix cLrih [ Iti) thiL priducltionlid iiile 0IL htIighi Ltliilit\. Niftri .morii econmicaliLl. and momiceui cneilieiit foiioi iiil ithiei agiiuLlturLi pridctst iiid hii\ L' .iILeiLNL'L ploulm reiiN acting tom the IiNL ot tilL StatL'N inatiiiaI iLeiliiiLL. \Il ot the I 'pciiiieiit Stationsi researicl XXa dLeiel d luiaihe. Nut ,Iran nitim griii' icli clitiXc emuphais ii inuded:. F ishiles and atinaeciltxii. iUmilU \ . fimiesli .Iimiii 0lt liiiil Lirops. IOMiicN._ puosiL n'iu' tim addl Slie inext stcp in the laninig proicNNss ilIX eN tile Lieluiieiit iol NsLLciF l stlrategc li meet thte goils ixienii hel i the 'task Forie. T eamsi Lomiiis eil ilNLieitiNIN 1iu0iti \LihtLi i Uiveixity and ttiate iucci L nd Liic ipiescitatiX eN rtiii iui nliiLNNL. Liiiiiiit Iii orgai- /iatiuuin. lunl pirldlILri xxiilL hei forediIiL~dl tod l Nh sLiaFies. On)e ''ol omt I~i isI timpreseilt simiheresutlt0 ourxii u e~lL hut iii a iiiianoth I i t Nil iLit \il~i inpuit iiitoi iiiuulirii thait nexi to lie iIuv CtL'i t ouri Liiicilnets xxiii hL L\alilltedl andl iiiimiliuuitedi intol the sNrtueNx ici ~ce teaisihie I lie Fitulal pilaill hiile \AI I t) 1Z plaii Summer 1991 \ ol. 38, Ao.2 iulluin I FIM L'1111 ) \\II)F FF\I II \1 ..... _. \ ,,IuF)IDiIIto K1 S-Ft F li \1F \NIF FQ\(i N iIli tCiIICl an li in teLNs 1hli''iiut the Slintlieat ( )ic .iupL' of \\ cix i 'Lii ea is ie- ported in ani aiitLIc. LDeteri iiLte \ ci NuN 01i Siix cilns." xoi page (i of tis ie oIi ON THE COVER. Red claw, a giant crayfish from Australia. has great promise for Alabama s aquacultural industry, according to research reported on page 9 of this issue of Highlights. I1)11)1( S oNI I 1 A~nI ion~ ofi iid iiaiii Io l t liii lLiiL lc lii Linlnl h\ Ilie \Iliiiimi \'iNLL liL t ix L F-Ic icl til'iiilI l iliL Auul. C. H. BURMESTER, C. W. WOOD, and C. C. MITCHELL BROILER LITTER PROMISING As NITROGEN SOURCE FOR COTTON A LABAMA'S POULTRY indus- try produced an estimated 1.7 mil- lion tons of chicken litter in 1990. This litter contains large amounts of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potas- sium (K), which could make it a valuable fertilizer for row crops, pastures, and hay crops. Since litter has the potential for envi- ronmental pollution if over-used, both crop response and environmental protection are important in choosing the rate of litter application to soil. The Tennessee Valley Region in north- ern Alabama, where cotton is the major crop, may provide an opportunity for use of large amounts of litter. In addition to being an intensive row crop farming area, the region's proximity to the major broiler litter producing counties (identified on the map) offers an advantage for large volume litter use on crops such as cotton. Broiler litter has been successfully used to fertilize grasses and other crops which do not require precise N fertilization. Litter use with cotton would require much more pre- cise application rates since excessive N pro- motes rank vegetative growth that can in- crease boll rot, delay maturity, and cause poor defoliation. Cotton regrowth can be a problem if excessive N is left in the soil after defoliation. Research to address some of the poten- tials and concerns about cotton fertilization with broiler litter was begun by the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station in 1990 at the Tennessee CL Valley Substa- tion, Belle Mina. Additional re- FRANKLIN LAWRENCE search was done MARION on a farm in Cullman County MAR and another in W Lauderdale County. Broiler litter was Relationship between broi S hd cotton acreage (thousand weighed, spread, and incorporated prior to planting at each test location. Treatments compared were 2, 3, and 4 tons per acre of broiler litter and 0, 60, and 120 lb. per acre of commercial N (from ammonium nitrate). The commer- cial N rates were split-half applied preplant and the remainder sidedressed at early squaring. Requirements for P and K were met with 400 lb. per acre of 0-20-20 fertil- izer applied preplant. Analysis of the broiler litter indicated that the 2-ton-per-acre rate provided 113 lb. of N, 73 lb. of P 2 0 5 , and 61 lb. of K 2 0 per acre. Normal fertilizer recommendations call for 60-90 lb. of N per acre for cotton. Availabil- ity of N and other plant nutrients from broiler litter is unknown, but the rates used (2, 3, and 4 tons per acre) should meet or exceed requirements. Soil samples to a depth of 2 ft. were taken for determining nutrient movement in the soil. Cotton leaf samples were collected at early bloom to measure nutrient concentrations. Cotton production mea- sures were plant height and seed cotton yield. Dry weather from mid-July to early Sep- tember greatly affected cotton yields and re- sponse to broiler litter application. However, results obtained provide useful information. ler litter production (thousands of tons) and of acres) in north Alabama, 1990. Cotton treated with broiler litter was growing well at all locations before dry weather occurred. Height and node mea- surements indicated that the litter-treated cotton was growing slightly faster than cot- ton getting commercial N fertilizer. No detrimental effects on cotton growth were found withthebroilerlitter, andno additional weed pressure was noted. As demonstrated by data in the table, dry weather eliminated most treatment differ- ences. Only at the Tennessee Valley Substa- tion were near normal yields recorded. At all sites, the 2-ton-per-acre rate of broiler litter produced yields equivalent to the 60- and 120-lb. N fertilizer treatments. Increas- ing rates of broiler litter beyond 2 tons per acre did not increase yields. Cotton leaf analysis showed that litter-treated cotton contained similar concentrations of N, P, K, magnesium, calcium, iron, and zinc as cotton treated with commercial N. Based on these data, it is concluded that application of broiler litter provided a good source of N for cotton. However, since 1990 was a drought year, the potential problems of rank and late season cotton growth caused by broiler litter could not be evaluated. Any residual effects of broiler litter on succeed- ing crops will become apparent in 1991 and later. Burmester is Agronomist, Wood is Assistant Pro- fessor, and Mitchell is Assistant Professor of Agronomy and Soils. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station YIELDS' AND PLANT HEIGHT 2 AS AFFECTED BY N FERTILIZER AND BROILER LITTER APPLICATION, 1990 Tenn. Vall. Sub. Cullman Co. Lauderdale Co. Treatment/acre Yield/ Plant Yield/ Plant Yield/ Plant acre height acre height acre height Lb. In. Lb. In. Lb. In. No N ............... 1,840 22 910 21 850 21 60 lb. N............ 2,230 24 1,210 21 1,160 23 120 lb. N........... 2,450 26 1,330 23 1,280 23 2 tons litter ....... 2,460 29 1,250 24 1,100 24 3 tons litter ....... 2,560 27 1,200 25 1,220 26 4 tons litter ....... 2,520 28 1,320 25 1,280 27 'Seed cotton yield. 2 Cotton height measured in mid-June. D. W. REEVES and J. T. TOUCHTON E ,i ia ._ Lip 1A1Jk I - L \ iG .- 1-(,I\IO FI X1\ io 4 . , 'N'. A' - 1)11 C (ARSL IL NiL:REI) CoastalPlains soils arC NtibjCt to COMpNW- tion by tillae. t at Ic. and raini all. Suth Colipactin limlits crop pro- dutction aiid ridceIICN l'liciIcN ot ntil-0C1n (N) LiC. Deep till age in tie ~priing beh )rC p1 altin can help oNecm C ilCCompactiton pi oblCnN. but ,ib.h lanld piepat at ion Is 1n0t alii aN pacticali. ThICretore. thICrC haN IIcn initerest in L't INN i r otation Crop[I' that have Cr(oot \ihich Caln pentr~late complacted /ones' (-(- IC!wld to a, *hiolouital ploii"") andtleCad to increasetd t(IItotiu dth ot tollow~ i' crops. ThIN possibility vvi exa~inildt in a COtp- C attN C projc~t by theC Alabama A''i iiuli-tal ExpelCrimenot1 Stat ion and L) A A ericu lturia I Research SC!rNitce at the E.V. Smith RC- search CCntIrI ShlOrter. The ,tu(v\ ill aN dC Nitli_ n Ito eerineli it inItCO cove crolp. Cither aloneC or in Collb inatlon wNitlh deeCp tillae (pal aplONN ile) itn theC tall CO)Uld tlCiC ,oil cotmplaction for theC bentfit of a lollOw- io COrn Ilcrop. The ohjCctiN C wias to ill Crv COrnl arov th and Nyild anti init!craNC N usC CIi CInCI1 by theC Cotrn. The studN wias conldutIedt lot 3 \ Car, I 1988-90) otn a Norlol)k sanlti loam i th a NiCi Idevlopedl hardlpan 7 to 1 3 in. heloiN the NLl!ifacc. TreatmeC~ln conis~tedl ot tall tilide (diskille or tdisking PIluN palaplovinlie) prior to platinii in ter CoNvCr cropl) of crimsion lover Cr eal rveC. or Ti I NitiC78 wihite htupin anti a Ni llnter talimk chek. Th lupit~n wias inclue hlit ecalu~C repI)0t, tromn Austra- hia idicated that at Ceast onlC ICL iCS coldt imlproNe Cr~ootilg of1a ulb'elnent Croip. ('o\el CropsN Vs cI kilItd Xlith Gammnonoe 1I I 114 tias bCforC plantiing torni each Npring. Prior to Illantin liikKalh 689- con the plots NiCIC disketd to a dpho' to1 5 iln. (CoNe Crol lt Ni rC NtlbllNItidct antI tal- tolyll assigniedI lertili/er Corn grain yi affected by c iretmls l'0, 5~0, 10orl 1Ihl. N per atc IT'e N (ammiioiumti niitrate ) i a, app~lieti to theiCorln handedt heside thle roi w iithi oniC-thirtd applietd at pllantingL ,lllt the remiaintdr applietd 5 ii eekN later. Sotil ,trcnLthl lcatilll takenl ii itli a pen- CtrIom 1c tC iat to!n IimiatutrityN each IiN al lihoiietd that rNC antI t lo\e mllohdrately ililcla'ett Noil NtiCiitll at dth,1 ot' 37 in., compiaretd to linl andt in itei tallw Ho IiviCN Cl. the reduionI l Il'11 in ,o iit'l coc ia 7- io I17-Il. CN idenit at Corn laNest. ing the tONe tlCropl hadl a Ntrongi rlCdltllI Cfleet inl dICriNII Nil stiri1'tli tdata ini theC table Nhow a trendt tfll tcorn rain ii ldCts to hC louvCr iiithi llalraloiitiepIIlNis va, likClN dueC to initreased ililtrin and01 .Ilearhiii', of N a, ei identedi bN' Ieue Ctli l a a N wiithi CI Nia, -rCatc"t Ill 1989, aln C\tCml wi t 'lou Ill ,INall. FurthlCr CN ItICC ofl icIreaset itt It ation in lptaI pilow~ed plots i a, tdeimonstiratetd ill 19910. tol (oinN ,' 9.8 i. (It Iaili ill a 458 8-to 1(-ill. dthl~ incletasd 34.8'( in elc ov p iil[Ilovii et N Corti nCIC ill treasted bN the roNe ClroIps, as d response to applied N as llltl'tlratetl hN' ver crop, 1988-90 average, ti-lll.O N per acre 1)r tloNe ai nd lupini. i u topl vieltks tohloi~ i'' re andt tallowi reyiiet 1501 lb). N pCI a.IC Basetd on (r ain itelds anti eal eat N tlata. ii hite lupiin tompl~a etd taN oi ll ii ith tim- ,on loNe inIl N plloducti(In andt rC'tultant heniit to1( a (.orn1 crop. Nitio'eii respons'e andt pelnetrom111eterI an s11 o ii vat etdat a, how-c CNer Cinicatedl that nonlli oil the Coli er CropiN actedt as a *lliolo'' Cal Illil.i Result, shioiw that pat aluovin pr11.ior to pl anti ng a tallt O Covl tro r(1Ietiuedt Com1pat- tion till the NtibNeltlelt COrn Ilroll. but thi,~ benet ejial Cl Ieet dtidtl r esuit ill inicreasCd till ieldCI. Data ,tt''''est that IitreasedI wNater i11 t atioin antI N leaelhilie fr(1m palapllov iIll'' oII Net aliyN elti lespOlir1(m RIcc i ~ dj n itauImc tiolc-'I ( ()I) I cat N ontent tiac 19N1) 19N 1 ) 1990J( M't. Mt I P, 1988 19);9 1990~ i/It N101 11./I-/f uiiial I /V ilCl Siioi/1 I -i -, r ()[ GuvI1i (lzur'Ili i \(;I o, I (n i u\\ Im, ('imp (low 1) Pz L.V. PURVIS, B.K. BEHE, and C.H. GILLIAM ROiDU.CT packagesx and containers are known i to ilif Ireticca conixutmici decisioni to niake a pur chase. For nurxerx trcx Lind shrubs. this intflu- ence has not vet heii del mncd. Sonic gar dcn centers r eport that ClixttliCiS x xant largeci. more In1atUrC plantx xxhich Call inixtantix -iII a need ort a voi 01in the liomie l aindscape, and wxil ipay a hi cher ptrice to obtalin t hem. Tr aditiotiall. nni xcrx trex hax c heen CiOs 0 in the iedl. dig froni the ,round. aind wr appcd in hutrlap. Todax, mniai plants ar c groxxni in poly cthylenii containcrs instead of in f icid xoil. Nox ax atlahic is a third ty pc of containcr. called a grt b\ ag. The yitung plant is grtown in i a bag wh lich can be placed in the c-rtutid at planticw. a Sx xtemi xxhich of1 eris adx antages of hotli f id and con- tainer miethods. The nexx gri bx ag prouces a top yuoality plant. hot is uxually cox ered xxith soil. A tecent Alabama Act icultural Exper iment Station0 prot wcIxas cotiduicted to determine consumei prefeiences tot orinamrntal trex Ltown in i these three types of cotin Iers. Se cut> tour coiixuterx participated ini a pcirsotial interxvcxw and wxritteni qu estion- tiaire xtotdx at txxo 'arMdeti ceniters on txxi Sat Lii Iax x in M ont 'i omeri in Oc)to her itid Noveimber. 1 959. Conxunmerx wx ct asked qluextionix pertainuinc ti) their perceptionix of ccerta in pl ant atnd cointaine ichiatracter ist ics and sexvcral demlocraphic chatracterixtics. suieh ax a~e. education. houxehold size. ciin de r, and i ncome. Fin all> . thle patrtici paits xxetc asked to vix cx nacnoltax anid lphotinlias iti each of1 the thitec contaiiner t> pes andt xceleect one Ip Iant I romi eacIiOh iu that they wx l d iiost iii cier to hat> it' imak inc a liir- chrase thIiat day. Rexpoiidett varied ini ace fromi 26 to 79 anid ax ciagcd 49 x earx ot ac:; I xx wr ct-c 34. W,,( wereci 35-49. arid 471/ xx re 50- 79 yeatrx old. Sevet-it e petrceiit ot the ri- spondeintx h ad compiliieted som )cCoillege or had eat ted a colliege dccircc. Fifty-one pet- cc it st ated t hat thleir liouxehiolIdx c nita inted otily txxo people arid the ax ci xliitideiit xxax2.4plcolile. I li ax erace honuxc h(1ld intcomte of the rexpondentx xxax 549,)000. The majotrit> of the irexpon- denitx (63%/ )x wee t m n 41(' of the piarticiat ha ouix xear iot uixe oiitxidc the - hiomie. Coitxumieirsx etc axked to ranik thle impoihi rtne ot xex cial IpIanit aiid pack ace claractei tcx on a 9 -point xsaaIc. Nincix perceiii of the r espoitdeiits in- dicated that health o1 the tilat xxax aii imrpoirtaut atitibtite. xxhile 49'4 cilt pice xxax an ittpottant chiaracteirliic. The typte 01 cotiaitier ini xx ichi the lant xxax xold xxax cotiidered imiiporutant hy onilx 1 8 of the rexspontdett. Thusi. pricc xxa a cluef colicr cii is oime r c xiioudtcttix biut purchaxsingc a lit'ii qali> pilaiit xwax tttpou- taut to mioire ctitsiiieirx. Respondenits wxr etchleti axked to chtooxe xxhich plant the> xx outic pLuieliaxe it hang onie tot itxeix cx that clay.- Foi thentuagtoiaptlatix. 45'/ cltoxethe planit inifthe poi>lic-te cointaiiner -19(k chioxe the f ield-groxxn plait ini the hail andc hlttapi conitaiiter. ainc 27" chosex the utt' uo- hia ini the _toxx hag. Fot the phottiniax. 69(G chtoxe the plait ini the plaxtic conitaintr. 14( elhoxe the platit ini the hail awl hurlap coi- tainir, and I 1,/ chtoxe the photutua ini the cirix hac. Thexe rexsultx inidic ate that consxumterx pr dci plats ini the piol>ethlnce cotaiincrx mtor e thani plats ini hatl Iatnd hi lip c inttainurs ort -Ioxx tax. laitsx in fthe Jlttxiuxcite cotiners xmax hiaxve atiieau ed healthir atic o1 li' iyualtix iii the texpoudentsx hecauxeC the pilastic conttatine xhold muore xx atet cauix tagnolias in three types of containers. Mi,'fthe platixs to loo~k tuilli andc mtuite xrio itus. Ini additiont to heiti'' mtote attiactix e anic hicalthier-lookitic, to conixsuiieix. plaitx ini ply>ethle ce continets xreqir liescx lahor ii> the nirsxci to keep thieii xxatered thian thioxe ini traditional hall anl buttlap conitain- he coniitainter clotex noit appeiar to pl a> a cdiiect xigtilicat itle ini the conixumtir pot- chiaxe cdecixtitti. Holitxx cx it mi iiix tluetnce citiixitiidi perceputiitns of qunaltx- itxot likexlix h i iniieiicing the ''titx ii ol the platt ixself T hetehite. conitainer xelectioni ix im- piortanit iii hitl piicducerx aitc tetailers x i' perenittal atic atinual liectdiiti tulatix. Puii Gruc(latiiC A- i tt. litti is Assistant Alhi Ar ul'uralivl LA-perimiftt Stat1i A$ 9 D. B. WEAVER. R. L. AKRIDGE, and C. A. THOMAS DETERMINATE VS. INDETERMINATE CULTIVARS FOR LATE PLANTING OF SOYBEANS P C1ITINGi SOY'iBEANS latei than mud-Junc uisualI\ crilts ini Nhurit plaints that arc di It colt to liii Ncst and ar c loNN Nyilduing. Siiicc plattin1 IN uoltcn thiN latc iin dOuhlc crop- piiig NN tcii. NNhich accounitN for muich of \lahaniaN NON hcan aercac. thec pooi perforimiaitce tof latc-plaiitcdl eans iN a Ncrius pri hlcii. Onec poitcintial N aN toi oiN ccoimc thc piroh- cii iN toi Nshift NaNa I from drmcininatc N aiicticN that arc generally plaiitcd. I hcsc N aiicticN arc uscd bccausc thte arc NN ll adaptcd to \ lahaina condition', hot thlii piroblemiis that planitN Ntop) griuing li'NNhcn I Iowcim StNartIN. Thusi. I c-p1 antecd c rops do not1 iaNe c noniah tinmc 11r pliiits toi ,rou lau '' cinil uii ct eficiciit cumiiiim iir tou W\ith tilic thir tN pc N aricticN. callcd ind- tcrinnatc. pIlIn conuitto Iii-0v 'i)NNc'-cta- tiN cIN rn th' flIweN irig mid I i-nitinnI- pci- ods.I. thcrec omri ipcinsatiiig for thc laic plIantin'. Thce aicu thc ty pc varieticN ci(NN tn in thic (Coiri Belt. \\ hicre ticN arc adlaptcd. Thc run-icitIN aN ailall irc indtrinatc N aricticN arc not Nuiitedfrl1 piroductioii in thic South- cast, hot li INfr haNvc hccn undciNNay in re- cit cai N to deN chop ad apted i ndctcriinatc N iiicticN. INN o expeimiintal indctcrmninatc ccno- tNpe hc aN c hecncitd anatcd in \AhaIa1 \'richtnurah Ex pcimcint Station miana'c itecit testN iiicc I96 TiiIhe INNo cv pciinicn- tat lincN fruin thic F iNcisitN of (ucol 'ia (G828468 andr G384-9006). dcevclopcd spc- cit jcillN tin latc planiting. wer cicomipiired w ith dctci iiinatc cniltiN'r Br liatoni antd KirN . BIravton IN a latuirity (hup VII t..rltiN ai. NN lilc thic utihici ai c Griiurp V Ill RcspoiiNc to rov i sNpNIacing alid plaimii' datcN NNcic c omplalr1d hemN celi thic INN (iNai- cty tN pes in thc 1986-89) test at thc lanit Brin crU i ut. [of IaNscc. RoN wNirhs iNed1r ti hr n ut t ii lt.i IiI t 111 , 111 .1 .i t . iii Nlttit t i,t N It tuil co mN l ni .1u1 it Group titt C V wcrc 12 and 24 in.. \v ith in-rv iO pain's of 4 or plants per loot of roI PiNllait in - dates wNcirc appi o\IimtCl\ mid-.unc and CMrl JuIN . Data \N ci collected oin N ild, plant hci_ ht. daN s to m~atur itN, cldaN toi opv closuric. and lodrii. Ini addition. data oin lactors related to1 yicld. Nsuch as iiuiihcr ot billchCS pci plant. nninhci ot podsN pci plant, and Need i/c. \er ci ollectcd. RoN spaciing had littlc ci eci on \ icld oi othci N :iiiahlcN ecepclt days to cainopy clo- Nnic. TwcIl c-in. rows had lcewci daN N to c.anopN lostiic than -24-ii. roN , N. l kithiN did not ircNult in Iiighci Nicld foi tihc IMTati rowNs. iiTher i cr. data for Nicld aind othci chairactciristics NN cic aN cra''cd oy ci iovv Npaimt. iN LDctcri jnatcN N ielded nmoic than indctci iinatcN o\ crall. As iholcd bN data in the tahlr . howA Ari , iitdctcriniatc nilti ai N 411 tci cd less N ild loNN hcr aiisC ot dClaN cd plaiitiin'. Ayg yield pci wcic ol drcimi- nitcN \ as 44 hn. Frout the id-Jil.ni plait ing daitc and 34 ho. hoim the cmrl INI lo laiitin' datc, a decricas ot 2 3 1% due to rdclavcd plinini2. For indctcriniatcN, NiclIN a ci- a cd 3u) and 3 ? hn.. irespective\ fI oi tic iiiid- Joitc and cail IN loI plaiting. a dcliCasr ol I dnc tut dCla\cd plantting. I IitjNL rets~I CstaliihcI that ainoiit tt Nyield icductioi causcd bN delayecr plant- ing wasi depindiit uipoii ,o Ntli habit. Thc iindctcritc -nlcuiNpc G8~2-840,8 w\s iNomitpctitive c with thec dctcriniates in N icld t iomi ithc Carm INIn planting and only uNLittcc a 15"%N icld icdrtitio B ra to ......... IN i! I , .. . .. . . G(N 900 N ..i.. its datc hcic-ht at iiiatiiiity als NO~t \ONrCPCmlcit upon 1i uiNN tli hihit. Plaiit liil \NaN aicatci luoi ind.ctcriniiatcs ithaii uctci in iitcN at hoth plantin daitcN. Plant ici~ltN Ii oii thec mid- ln plaiting rlatc \ ci-c adcrjnatc foi bo0th 1i1N\\t Ii ihitN. kit thc drlciciimiatc plants iN ci cl only 26 Nin. it' plaiited in eairIN lINy. Tis Nsioit liciIht conldi cad to pi oh- c c. thec inidctcrin iatcN v ci c adcl atcl N tall at both plait iig datcN. IleIciI ot tilic indcktcrina ItcsN pI tid in Cal INIulN\N iN iceatcr than lor thic dctcriniitec fom thc mid-Jani plaiitiliL dt. lIn Npitc oif gicatcr plait liolit. Nyield ot thc indrctcrinatcN at hoili plaiitiiig datcN \Na iN Niutt.'\hat disappoiitiig. Paii o u thiN piohleci ou. ild hc irclitcd iti Nai itN iiice tal liiicN. Io ii ciiiplc. it vva inouted that thic dctcriniatcN. altho''l Nsioiitci, hiu~iiit.l thcN w\cic nioic than ,illc to imakc up for the c liltt disadlNaitta1-c bN liuimii mioic hiaicltcN. It \\a on lud ed~r that irov Nwidthli - (iNm ci thli 24 ini. pirovidc no N icld adN anta ,c rii atc-plantcd cnirioiiimintN. DctciriiinatcN. I IInvII 'inlvi I I thc ii anl plii lanting dlate. aitnd GBHi 04(8 s'~ lisi, N9')8 liad y icld crlal tu thc d~ctcrniniatcN v hcii \ttd~ ~~ ~ -~ttt p~i~ llintcdl in Cail IN uN . ludtr iniatcN vyCic -- tallci . NNhichi imayi p r lc i iit Nm yicldl Al- vN .itai'c N hcrc poor liarN c~Nii cflicicnr N Nyicid. B11 li 4N4 3. t)3 3Aii -1 39.1 49 Rit lip. 4 14 311. )' \\caccri, C-ociatc Prolc~or.:Wid,-)c i, lomicr Graduutr Student fpii rntly Plant brecdcrvv ith I 1:R ('00l)e1a11\rt. and I homa, i, Rcsrarlh Slxrialist of J \4rOnolm Qnd soil,. lluhtu))0 rlrit ultural L'Ap erimcla Station J. C. JACOBI, P. A. BACKMAN, R. RODRIGUEZ-KABANA, and D. G. ROBERTSON BAHIAGRASS IN ROTATIONS SHOWS PROMISE FOR BOOSTING PEANUT YIELDS OILBORNE diseases of peanuts are on the increase in Alabama. Both white mold and limb rot have become more severe prob- lems as irrigated acreage has increased and rotation use and length of rotation have de- clined. The bottom line has been a gradual but consistent decline in peanut yields over the past few years. Unfortunately, fungicidal control for soil- borne diseases is limited. Terraclor? is the only fungicide currently recommended for control of white mold, but it does not control limb rot. The experimental fungicides Folicur? and Spotless? have given excel- lent control of peanut leafspot, white mold, and limb rot in field trials, but these materials are not registered for use on peanuts. Under existing conditions, crop rotations appear to offer the best bet for reducing severity of soilborne peanut diseases, and this approach is being emphasized in Ala- bama Agricultural Experiment Station (AAES) research. Suitable rotations are being sought despite the problems of (1) a lackof economically attractiverotationcrops, and (2) the broad host ranges of both white mold and limb rot. Peanut rotations commonly used in Ala- bama include either corn, cotton, sorghum, or soybeans. Since previous AAES research has shown that bahiagrass reduces root-knot nematode populations, bahiagrass was in- cluded, along with corn, in a long-term rota- tional study with irrigated peanuts at the Wiregrass Substation, Headland. Results indicate that either a 1-year rota- tion with corn or 1-and 2-year rotations with bahiagrass did not significantly reduce white mold severity, table 1. Rotations of 1-2 years between peanut crops are not long enough to reduce white mold severity due to the ability of the white mold pathogen to remain in the soil for 3-4 years. Three- and 4-year rota- tions between peanut crops are generally required to reduce white mold severity. Limb rot severity was reduced 16 and 43% by 1- and 2-year rotations, respectively, with bahiagrass when compared to continu- ous peanuts. A 1-year rotation with corn did not significantly reduce limb rot severity, because corn is a host of the causal fungus. All rotations increased yields over continu- ous peanuts, table 2. Peanut yield following a 2-year rotation with bahiagrass was 44% higher than nonrotated peanuts. The effects of the nematicide Temik? and the fungicide Folicur also were evalu- ated for each rotational system. Chemical treatment increased yields and reduced soil- borne disease intensity, regardless of crop rotation. However, yield increases with these chemicals were higher for rotated pea- nuts than nonrotated peanuts. In several cases, yields were increased by 1,000 lb. per acre. Similar yield increases with Folicur have been seen in tests conducted across the Southeast. However, until Folicur is regis- tered by the EPA, growers must rely largely on management practices, like rotation, to minimize yield losses to soilborne diseases. These preliminary results indicate that 1- or 2-year rotations with bahiagrass can sig- nificantly increase yield over continuous peanut production. While the reasons for yield increases with bahiagrass rotations are not entirely understood, reduced severity of soilborne diseases along with enhanced soil physical properties are thought to be impor- tant factors. Although white mold severity was not significantly reduced in either bahiagrass rotation, rotations longer than 2 years betweenpeanutcrops mayreduce white mold disease severity. Jacobi and Robertson are Research Associates and Backman and Rodriguez-Kabana are Professors of Plant Pathology. TABLE 1. EFFECT OF CROP ROTATION AND CHEMICAL TREATMENT ON DISEASE INTENSITY OF WHITE MOLD AND RHIZOCTONIA LIMB ROT IN IRRIGATED FLORUNNER PEANUTS White Limb Crop rotation' Treatment 2 mold rot hits 3 lesions 4 Peanuts-peanuts-peanuts (-) 32.9 10.5 (+) 9.4 6.8 Peanuts-corn-peanuts (-) 37.5 10.0 (+) 7.8 6.1 Peanuts-bahiagrass-peanuts (-) 35.9 8.8 (+) 7.8 3.8 Bahiagrass-bahiagrass-peanuts (-) 32.9 6.0 (+) 4.0 3.8 1 Crops grown in 1988, 1989, and 1990, respectively. 2(-) = no Temik, no Folicur; (+) = Temik applied at-plant at 3 lb. a.i. per acre in an 8-in. band, and Folicur applied twice during the season at a rate of 0.225 lb. a.i. per acre. 3 Average number per 100 ft. of row. 4 Number per 5 lateral limbs. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station TABLE 2. EFFECT OF CROP ROTATION AND CHEMICAL TREATMENT ON YIELD OF IRRIGATED FLORUNNER PEANUTS Pod Change in Additional Crop rotation' Treatment 2 yield/ yield over yield with ate continuous Folicur-Temik 4 acre peanuts 3 Lb. Lb. Lb. Peanuts-peanuts-peanuts (-) 2,693 (+) 3,327 + 634 Peanuts-corn-peanuts (-) 2,978 + 285 (+) 4,547 +1,569 Peanuts-bahiagrass-peanuts (-) 3,127 + 434 (+) 4,075 + 948 Bahiagrass-bahiagrass-peanuts (-) 3,878 +1,185 (+) 2,693 +1,122 'Crops grown in 1988, 1989, and 1990, respectively. 2(-) = no Temik, no Folicur; (+) = Temik applied at-plant at 3 lb. a.i. per acre in an 8-in. band, and Folicur applied twice during the season at a rate of 0.225 lb. a.i. per acre 3 Change in yield per acre from continuous peanuts due to rotation effect. 4 Per acre yield increase with chemical treatment for the same crop rotation. L.D. PLOPER. N. KOKALIS-BURELLE. P.A. BACKMAN. and R. RODRIGUEZ-KABANA t)i JLUUILAL CONIKURL AUL\IS SHMVA PROMISE AGAINST FOLIAR DISEASES OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES IuICI'ial Lotl I a'ct> to1 I hlancr chcimical pesticides is anl c\citine p o INpcc t. Both Il t c~~iN and non- famds N Nic\\ hiulollical colntlas a prac- tIcal miethlod ot prutcctiim thc L'In iiIIIItiectl .\driclcni ININ 0 al , cc Nuchl conitul lIiCtlludN a> climnilutin, ihc \W IrI abunt pestiLciLde hilnescticIted uon short1 nijce. a tcar that ha> hccn rcall/CLI oIl nunlCloul ILraionil in rcenti NcaIN. OIcnt ofc t ihe hinds iN for hiloical a'ecit> to icplacc IllgidILcN Ioi Liontrolling, dLsicaCS II tilt aild N L'Ltallc Tis liiI Ilcin'- aLILicNscLI ini AlilhiImi A\Li1 rirlIILILI I pcimn Stitluiln ICSCalh oul thc [iC ol mliciulhial iiita'(istN to1 ICluc LIINCJNL NC- N critN ill L'IIlI'lClIi p Lull ats. Th t escrchIl lNinvoLN the Ilililicatiull OIt aL' ial pllait Nuir- tac> tio taN ol hcic ill imicrolld.IiNmi hat Nupprell pNlani IaseI~. hccn CNNs NILL L'N~tul thani hiullocical Lintrilt(1 oft Niho 101 i LIICS. O nc ill theL maini ohl- NUaIL'L' has tlLCn that lolcLial hioc~ointIIl aenilt laNC L' Nui NcL p11ch1 onl thc Icit N i Infected leaves, pct. 70 l l- :1 0 No treatment 7/10/90 7/25/90 71~- 1 rulr1 Chitin ahiIlIN. intense solai radiaitioni (inuL diiic nmiisftlC luC I L1ct,It~i hCtUCCn da\ aild I Iicll uCI i,1C Of theibc dll IcaNIC Co. tcI1n. iulIt II Pr~iLN KIi lchCai Iaes ttcIuIIl and fruits lpioIN d L'Ntahli'lhii~u.'fl Sun Ni\ N l\cIlc aciL C\' cd h\ app11 ll' n,iita',onli~t, \\ itl a nluti cnt Nl1iI-cC. I fu\\C\C cil all LaCN thiN a\ onuln a Nhlult-ICill L CLICC. puohal\ hC causC the null-icun wecrc Nv~uatcluhlc oi \\Cie CLLIikR KR LhCcted by Icat lii.!ohc. o1 nCI' (d we CALiiatcd ini ajMI Chut1 to uio\ idCL pouetl ania IniNt v\ tit a foodl Noi CC t1,at would11( haN c low- tL'rmi a ai 1.11I itN. Ch'Iitin. ChItoI~an. LCIlIIINL'. aid~ Lara,CCnn (dCi sNIIIL (It theL plI sacllh ldeN felledI toi their on NCCclI addLecd micjoot 'ani~ulN. Pre- limi11narl \ Ihl~i NatluiN Ila\Chv c Nli( thaI solmli IIItllCplhIN liii nul liIN oIi LC .1NIuIcC If Lairhoup ,mnd niiru2,Cn. hut aIlso Nhel'tc thec IiLruoIrIIInisms Ituini adIN c'C Codit ion. In adiditiomn tol the Iuuod anLtnlL'ilt. the tornm- 1.111(11 tL''t~d ilde ;ILLI .tk~i uch a, au LI-il- Chitin + Chitosan Chitin + Lignosulfonate Chitin + Scleroglucan Clandosc Manzate in NON hean of1ail tactaiit hicud. aiid at hul Ici i LcptahlC Ill I ran~c lort tiicto il-niini. siliIplCN Ii on11 tomtato. plotatol. aInd app)lc C\- pirlmcnts indliecl thaI Nie'nit icant chlan'c (lCL iii C in the IC'vCIN and~ Lioitioi~ln ot ichutilI popultlationll ;i,~ a ILC~illt ot thec apli- Lcationi oil thiCNL fIhtiutiiloin. pariul~aryI Lhlitill aitod LCIIUlUo't. IniLrcasCL'5 07tt 1300 in total haLci ial plopltiloln, wer Ciu nd on11(01 aluici~lc e Ia\~Cs. PIuilatio~nN ott .ittiuuh IC luiic1(11 ai l~uI ( piiin' Cuni nleN tliat to 4(( vv lcin .i Lhitin Icat .Iamuenment (N as apied~c~. \\ cli tInlN tic mincriol eanisniN IiIl N ICI ilhl tC thcvI alnlulhe ilum en~ \\Als and L iltiluohtic il iiroil! _I1lNiiN tai.!L' to uiin chitinl is that it isa enI cifIonlclel til was.Itc prloductL flhC IILeafoodL inuut N IFit I' hI i_'ht on1 tohmlatoeN andi po~taitols andl IN lvcck and suooty hloutch onu aplls (N cic al l foundlt to hec ILduLcLI vv til these huolocical uonltrl liii ilIatioiNs. I ''iILNC I :tll 2. \l- ttotuLh tlev Ldil lnlot ur : s v ClII as chci- Cail I uicidiLc thc .ImindmiL ls recd dk- CasC ICN CIN LInI i e thcifeI ot the CI op vv itilut ilke aLdditionof elt cedL oru"aInism's. IHo(( cvct. as' Ilk' crops neaict nmatual I. patli elN, Ncciiid t0oN oCicotC o e Nuln ccI ol, thec ,Imelndlmlnts andu~ discasc IcNlN inLICaL'L. 'Clilin losNs oll Lcontrl. RL' 'ILtict Molt is CLl[iil itniiel, L' ul t li' tL'cliolo'( to IhL Ot co~ntiool 1(11 i iil and~ L''L'ltahL dis~ca'. i. utih~uia tlc ' LC:rlL i -. I,t.1 lI. ant lia.k ~i u 1I ~/huIam ;1 ic iura! /h riml/kH'' ll Sai FIG. 1. The graph illustrates tomato early blight infection on two dates, at E. V. Smith Research Center, Shorter. FIG. 2 (inset). Top-untreated apples; bottom-treated with chitin plus scleroglucan. r-11 n- 11 711 D. B. ROUSE ALSIW LAN CRAYFISH PROMISING FOR ALABAMA AQUACULTURE A FTER EVALU ATING three spe- cies of, crayfI ilh fI'om Australia,. ant rane and blue c ru stacean. called red claw, shN~ows the mlost proise f or inc Iusion ito Alabama'', ayluacn It tita ind us't rX. Redl cia giX rows to ai Lhout 1/4 lb. inl one 2roX\m s12 eason in Alabama. , iseasX to culture, and thivINes onl a N arieiX of lood Nource',. In a programlX was initia~ted at the cu~lt to breed inl captivitty and oly gr 1 ow slighltly lal gei than niv~IXe cris h. Ya Lhbic lsoN arle niotorOiNu e\La\ ators, N. htarrow\\ersN. caLpaihlc of doin 11 r CIat da~maIg to cairtilen dLclams. Red claw, tile third splccies c\ alilated, is naive to 1northern AusutiaL. Thlx Lare XX armwi X tler craIX is h ti Lt ''o hiX est ini tile summtler, hit toleralte wa Lter tnmpelrLtur es scari 5t)"F. In aii Ailahamna grveiOX sc1a-e V Male tea clawN top and females reproduce easily in captivity. which will be a Dig advantage in commercial production. \farl ai i iulirnt .if fcI illel Station to CX aluatC ALustialiall crais ih 10r Ciiltuie ini AlIahamiia. u irin11 tile fpast 5* r il. till c di f Icreiit Npecies haviNe heeti tudicd. [LichI comlles f roi a1L ditif cmn pairt ol Au ia aniILiLid eaich hasI if ereint tri its. Tile first' ALi1tiLaliani di LI filh studicd XXaLs malLcroniX hell IN LI (ilt cirLIXfilh capah~llc of growng1 to oXvcr 5 lb. L IloltunateiX .marLrioi gIoX too NlowlyI ill Ala~hamali triyuire slighitlX Nlity XXatcr, ar~c dillicult to hiccd ill caiptiv ity. anid cannliot totclte thec ho~t summililc tcmplfrcttur s ill thec State. A Ncconld Autsie 'SpcicN. N Lhh~ic, prlON cd to he Li hardy(I cral\ish Ncl e lei ol XXithlitaiid- in1 LI XXide NvarietN o1 conlditions' exfperieniced ill culture ponlds. HoivXycXer. ahic is dif i- Noil. Nftttt. tti Red claw can be harvested i end ot season by draining I (ILO1lIX fronm late A 5 prif to tmid-()ctohci, redi claIN canl 1-i1-Xw tol Lilitt 14 ff1. Ini tests at the Experiimenit Station. red cliaw grXw XXc ci oit Li XLIIictX of feed Nourte. ranLil-1 from hicri idai~ LIN' ras Iha to tnt Ilalcil diets. NcLatcllct pr Itdulced I ,t00 lb. ill rcd claiN pe LitrI using2LI a iifil commierccial fecds Rcd iLNc ll poNvcd relat ively case to repro- duce ill CapltiXitt. ITcX rcyifrlc about 7- miotts to teall ch t~i s lu l nuitI. Onitce lit tlutc, thle are cailalicol'11.)iii'' NeX etl titile Li \ cat Xithfut sophititcatecldi tnironmtttali coUllI 'Vl~tinitaiinti' XwaLier tcmlpcrai~teN Libout 7'1 s ciins to hle thle minii rcyfuirc- ptoduttcid fr011 caleh llli 11. \Nhich can~ occfll cv ci N 3-4 mloniths. Iniility to NitI vINc norm1al wite h vdXXater temiiclrttrc ill Ailahama i t tll prevenclts led cilINX frI tml hccoiil etlhlished Lald 'uiN Nill thrtL~lioLt the \ ear ill tile StitcNs likes Land A [I biI'll iecc ni 1 a1Ltes La t Xo-p fhasle culturle c eX cXill be nccessarX, if red ca isi\I tot he accelltal as aI commerlcia s pecies ill tile Stalte. Ill Nuelh aI ' Niemil yon 01 craIyf ilh XX uld( he produced during the XXinter Inl idoor ha~tcilies Th le \ 01111" I LIX Iilh thlen woul h111 e stoc ked into Lulture ponds LIs teiiprailures reLach 70'Ft in April 0f MLIX. Miarket sI/c erLI f i'h could he hlarv ested ill tile fall by draLillng1 ponlds, snce red clIXX don't hu ItliN like naLt ive crIN li i. Auhurnl resNearchi inici.ateN all I IaXfs tI h iuld he ic oe froO iiIm - tcmperalttreN fLall he- Tile mar~iket polten- waLterl IohstersN. hasI lot 1 trap nets. or al the tivlies a', lrI as Lna-lL ponlds and seining. tIe cN ravish I~. led cIlINX ha's INN ice LiN 111n1(h elille miealt p4Ct pound1( of l i\ c wci Cit. Soicl test malrketing ill NeN York C'itX ill Numlmier 1990 NsloNwcd that red clawN can fhe soild liNe to restauranLits for LaN imuchi aN 56-SI)0 per pounid. Cunlture of nlatiN e crLviN Nh. NNithl oNer 130f.000~ acresN in produ~ctioni. iN second onlN to caiffilh ill tile U~.S. AIyuiacuLturli iildtisutt WNhethei red claw XiII 'Ifit ini \lihLanlai ayalLcltlit Ll intlii isI not certiniii. and thicie is still mfuilh to Icail IlLhout thlese ilcNX UcX tfilh itoim AustraLliai. If ted cilaN dto prowi~ tol haLIN the iceded itraits. thleX mayL hle all c \citiio cuiltuire NspecieN lor AIL~llaia. Iodi i . X ,(1 i:~I X P ui c,, of ti ..fi, an \ IuI/)Umol L'Ii /IlIust L.-)cl-imlelu S hftin .: . iol_ V W.R. EGBERT, D.L. HUFFMAN, and C.M. CHEN AU LEAN COMBINES Low FAT AND DESIRED QUALITY FOR ACCEPTABLE GROUND BEEF PRODUCT MORE THAN 7 billion lb. of ground beef are consumed an- nually in the United States and ground beef constitutes almost half (44% in 1990) of the total fresh beef market. These products generally contain between 20 and 30% fat, yet today's health conscious consumers are asking for lower fat ground beef products, a trend which can be expected to expand. If consumer accep- tance of ground beef products is to be re- tained, the red meat industry must respond to consumer demands by developing low- fat ground beef products tailored to meet these demands. Simple fat reduction would be the most efficient method of producing low-fat ground beef products. However, reducing the fat content decreases product palatability, fla- vor intensity, juiciness, and tenderness. There- fore, research was initi- ated at the Alabama Ag- ricultural Experiment rotei Station to develop alow- fat ground beef product that contains less than 10% fat but retains the positive sensory charac- 5siiv teristics of higher fat rt e n I ground beef. An initial study showed that the most acceptable ratings for ground beef were with 20% fat, and this level wr . was used as a control Distribution of calo from which a new prod- tein in cooked patti uct could be developed. Lean with 20% and Studies were implemented to evaluate the effect of particle size, flavor enhancers, and food gums on the sensory properties of low- fat ground beef. It was found that overall palatability could be improved slightly by final grinding the beef through a 3/16-in. grinder plate rather than a 1/8-in. plate. Results indicated Sr e that use of a 2:1 ratio of salt to hydro- lyzed vegetable protein (HVP) produced flavor characteristics similar to those of the 20% fat control product. Juiciness and tenderness scores similar to the control level were achieved by adding iota carrageenan and water to the low- fat product. The final product, known as AU Lean, contains 8% fat and is formulated from 92% lean beef trimmings with 10% added water, 0.5% carrageenan, 0.4% encapsulated salt, and 0.2% HVP. A trained sensory panel evaluated AU Lean compared with patties contain- ing 20% and 8% fat. AU Lean was rated juicier and more tender than either the 20% or 8% patties, with the 8% fatpatties being rated lowest for juiciness. Lower . e20 juiciness scores were S expected for low-fat 19 patties; however, the KI use of carrageenan K l and water corrected this problem in AU go/oi Lean. Panelists rated t AU Lean patties higher 150 in beef flavor intensity 4 KcaI and overall accept- .ability than the 20% or 8% fat patties. Salt and AU HVP incorporation Lean enhanced the beef 129 flavor intensity in AU iKcaI Lean. . . On a cooked basis, AU Lean patties had a ies from fat and pro- s, comparison of AU higher moisture con- 8% fat ground beef. tent and lower fat con- tent compared to the 8% and 20% patties, respectively. AU Lean patties had a similar protein content to the 20% fat patties, re- sulting from the retention of added mois- ture. AULeanpatties also were lower in cholesterol content than the other two patty formulations, as shown by data in the table, probably caused by the re- SENSORY AND COMPOSITIONAL PROPERTIES OF COOKED BEEF PATTIES Rating, by product Measure 20% fat 8% fat AU Lean Sensory traits' Juiciness ....................... 5.8 4.6 6.7 Tenderness ................... 5.6 5.2 6.6 Beef flavor intensity ...................... 5.2 4.6 6.4 Overall acceptability .............. 5.4 4.6 6.8 Cooked composition Moisture, pct. ............... 55.8 63.6 66.3 Fat, pct .......................... 19.2 9.8 8.2 Protein, pct...................24.8 26.6 24.5 Cholesterol, mg/100 g .. 86.3 83.1 72.2 'Juiciness, tenderness, connective tissue, mealiness, and beef flavor intensity were rated on an 8-point scale where 1 = extremely dry, extremely tough, abundant, abundant, extremely bland and 8 = extremely juicy, extremely tender, none, none, and extremely intense, respectively. tained water which diluted cholesterol levels. The figure illustrates the distribution of calories from fat and from protein in the cooked patties at all three fat levels. AU Lean had the lowest caloric content of the three. Sixty-four percent of the calories in the 20% fat patties came from fat, while only 43% of the calories in AU Lean are from fat. Substituting a 4-oz. AU Lean patty (pre-cooked weight) for a 20% ground beef patty of the same size would provide 33% fewer calories and a 58% reduction (7 grams) in fat intake. As part of a lower fat diet, AU Lean should enable consumers to lower their cumulative fat intake so their overall daily fat intake falls within the 30% recommendation. These results suggest that AU Lean is a viable alternative for the ground beef con- sumer interested in a low-fat product. The product is now available throughout Ala- bama and in U.S. grocery store chains. In- terest in this product has been evident and illustrates the opportunity for the red meat industry to meet the needs of consumers. Egbert is Research Associate, Huffman is Profes- sor, and Chen is Research Associate of Animal and Dairy Sciences. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station 10 J.D. HOUGH, W.O. HERRING, and R.L. MCGUIRE REDUCING LENGTH OF BULL TESTING PRODUCES SIMILAR RESULTS LESS EXPENSIVELY CUTTING costs while increasing efficiency should be the goal of every business. While these strat- egies are usually related to corpo- rate enterprises, this same philosophy is prevalent now, more than ever, in the live- stock industry. Central bull tests have proven to be an effective way to evaluate the efficiency of animals. Such tests provide purebred beef cattle producers a means for evaluating per- formance within uniform environmental conditions and are a means of advertise- ment and healthy competition. These tests are expensive, so there is interest in shorten- ing them to reduce cost. The Auburn University Bull Test Station at Auburn is the oldest con- tinuous central bull test in the United States, possessing ADG, lb. modern facilities that can 4.50 measure both gain and feed 4.00 efficiency. By using the Bull Test program, Alabama pro- ducers have made consider- 3.00 able genetic progress, and 2.50 this progress has been illus- 2.00 trated by a steady increase in Weight, lb. post-weaning performance 1500 over the years of the testing 100 - program. 1,250 While such testing has been effective, there has 1,000 been increased interest in 750 making the bull test more efficient by reducing test 500 lengths from 140 to 112 days. 1972 This change could result in decreased test costs and FIG. 1 (abo leaner bulls with less finish between 11 for initial w which can perform better for 1972-90. purchasers. To determine if this decrease in test length would be practical, an Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station test col- lected data on 1,901 bulls from the Auburn testing program dating back to 1972. During these years, 15 breeds were repre- sented in the test, 87% of which were An- gus, Charolais, Polled Hereford, Simmen- tal, or Santa Gertrudis breeds. An average of 100 bulls started the test each year. Tests begin in early September and end in early January with a sale held in late January of each year. Bulls are acclimated to the environmental conditions for 21 days before being placed on the traditional 140-day test. Performance information is collected every 28 days. To compare the relationship between the 140-day test and a 112-day test, a correlation was established between the two scenarios. A correlation coefficient ranges from -1 to +1, where 0 indicates no relationship be- tween the two measurements. A correlation close to +1 indicates two measurements are --- ADG-112 -- ADG-140 - -0 00- on a S I I I I I I I I I I I I I I * *. Initial weight -- 112-day weight - 140-dayweight ...-- 1975 1980 1985 Year of test )ve). Phenotypic trends for average daily g 2- and 140-day tests, 1972-90. FIG. 2 (belov eight on test and 112- and 140-day weights, positively related and nearly the same. Results showed that correlations be- tween 112- and 140-day measurements for weight, weight per day of age, and average daily gain for all bulls tested were 0.98, 0.98, and 0.94, respectively, indicating that measurements from either test length were very similar. Figure 1 shows the actual 112- and 140- day average daily gain trends from 1972 through 1990. Measurable (phenotypic) trends for gains over time (by year) provide a method for determining the progress made through time. For average daily gain through 140 days, the average phenotypic trend was 0.068 lb. per day per year. Figure 2 shows the trends for on-test (day test be- gan), 112-day, and 140-day weights, the average being 8.2, 16.8, and 17.9 lb. per year, respectively. The increasing pheno- typic progress made by the bulls since 1972 is shown by comparing 1972 weights to 1990 weights. In 1972, the average on-test, 112-day, and 140-day weights of bulls were 693, 1,011, and 1,073 lb, re- FIG. 1 spectively. These respective weights were 830, 1,268, and - - - 1,355 in 1990. SThese findings indicate that a similar relationship ex- ists between 112- and 140-day measurements. The 112-day ,. .. test is now recommended by FIG. 2 the Beef Improvement Fed- eration and many central bull tests, including the Auburn test. S- ,' In 1990-91, Auburn decreased its test length to 112 days. This, coupled with the in- .- - creased performance of bulls through the years, will hope- 1 J L fully provide producers a 1990 more accurate and less costly method of selecting sires with ain (ADG) true genetic gain potential. w). Trends Even shorter tests may some all breeds, day be possible, though current results indicate that 112 days provide the optimal length of time for effi- cient use of feed and facilities while re- taining useful measurements. Hough is Assistant Professor, Herring is Graduate Student, and McGuire is Professor of Animal and Dairy Sciences. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station 111111 111 11 M.G. PATTERSON, E.P. WEBSTER, B.E. NORRIS, JR. and W.R. GOODMAN ECONOMICALLY CONTROLS JOHNSOINGRASS COTTO\ J IIN SU\GR.\SS ha"' heen a I)rohlenl ini cottoii Iield" 1ot1 nl\ }eai". I hi, li c. pericinial C Canl comlpete inlncflC\' w~ithl cotton1 if not riim~ct di iar\ ini the "Casn'x . Johnlon-I ''n*as rcillainiil' ini cotton1 Iieldx, at hldi\est can causie lint staiilni and mitecre wiih har\ C"t. Thec introduction 01 otlxlncint xxidx "pccil ic lpost'-lmiax) lixihicitlex in the eari 19,00" prol\ itltit colton r'ow\ Cix w ith a hcttci meanl of trolltiiiii joililmgl'id'x. I lo\\ Cc , Cijohnxmon'' "~ conl~tiue toi inftx iiiiii Ctonll f it'ld,. I '2igrxx htcrhicidlc, aic icid- ti\CI\ eyC\ iiiC andt their tise ullll\ i-C',t in I ddttitionadl hicrhicidc application tin ii the xeai,(n. 1 clicilic. ''v\iieti 10 lo\\ov ll(''\ to c(A'iliClt1ki Lic these ilC\x hijihi- c ic, to lontro ixi lx lehix ai"idi. AIAItMIii \''i1icnltni iI F ypei mcii Sta- lion ficld expeimlents \\ Cie coitttiuctd fiom 1 927 tliiotigh 198 at Ilh' TI IC.~cc \aiIC\ Stihxtaiion. Belle MIina, to nmectlieatc the coxtx of Johnilxili'xx, cointiil "\xtenms in coiixeitioial tillac xxotton. (oln xxtxhi \. lanteintto 111 d ri a ,uCmixcdted CaIi all\, jiillixiii'i xx chiiioiicx vCix \ tal at the rate ol one iC hi/oiii per 6 It. ol ioxyen' uCiniIILe tat the Ic I \a\ riN ie~cnfi e ol'a n)1amtuiral ii- IlattC\ lI. VI\1 appliedi poxteili'Cilt uixtt ini ill plt,~ eccIp tie fid contl anliidi edx cotol pi il, nlciltx iii\ol~ iii' relet l ",i (tliu- latle'1 aitt Poaxl ' appjlietd inna I0- in. hanidt &x\ci the iox', werce addedJ to Iht iiii i roiram Johnson- rt ., F r. A rv Postgrass herbicides cotton. in u, xi ld x',eetil(.01 - lulnl i illLii nd ,iiiined conttl. x ie xc ohin In iied focr x cnillu tintl pricex fori hci hi- tcidc" aint d ra pro- d\citn hxx et" iNri 1 Coop I raxtix oIuteio n \ itict an aixci ,ct ol xiii x 4 'x 0 uu ill" i dxx" p 9~ 4 5 j 'j help control johnsongrass in contilol 0\c ilt -tCar ptiod T he r le ilts x Ci e the' ioxx "ectd cotton x iciti aitt i1~ieC o1 a "iii'IC iilxtei'rix hcirhicitic tiCeitiiei I Ihimit ol lxilC . aipplietd O\~ t'Ihe lop vx lien iiihiinei dxx \ wix api-lliiltckel I in ictall p rie. ii 2i d c n t l "igt tifictx ')74.58~ pxi acre per xcii. IThix addtitioinal ticatmeill coxt S12 p-er atre ch \ cal. intI lung 'x4 lfii applical oin. IiCatihicillx xi i'IC iir Nttlueiaxl phxtgral dxxpplicd- ti111\0111u Vicfiiii aixol prid tcti poxiti\t' lhe ctonoiinll\ onutroilled in Con\ ntioual t~toni N\ "tlit xxitit oniC lilil . hadtetd aip- plhicationi of a iothix"i hx cihictidc. i'.xilxi xx\i i I In P ole oxxix xi 11xx \\ ixlc 1, nicr xi~x u11< Rc iii I A~ lxii lnt x \ xxmm n Soxii, xorxxx I, I I xxx Sup.i] iiixiixi t ix I xxxx x aii x \ xii~ lilixix I xxi iiiiix I \x ,"i 1(1 l' xxxi 'I \^lxii 111ii I xxlxxxxi, lxnd R l .xI 'xxxix x ofxxx~x 11<1 i'x(x I xi 'iiE xi )N i JonRira, S"C Net0 ' I ixiaiiiixii ( xi I !itiC xxxiixxi l ol. 'r . L. I oC I'xx..ixx i -I)I ...... 15.i 77 2,404 74.xS 'xi el ~- 1) i''i,ixx () -0 I I ....... 21 Iii x() '.471 7x.iix \\xx xe xiiix Co li .......... (14 3x -(1 . 11 )7 \\ xirxi ,xi ihxi inxxl I h iLin Mt = .)Ii ac 4y 1mrdin I ( AIi'I \xixiii. 1ix Ni r x ii aii~ l .iii cl l m 10 iixxixx ci xidiiix .iii x ap lixatio.ii t'I iixprcplant inioxxxitxx . iMt - xxxith lop.xxj Inlixi L llx 0 ipli ~t i n pi lu xi .ix 1111 1x i olt I i i xxx I I i, hcrii l c i xlii ilxxxuniiiix xx ci x ii n ii liiili xii xilxtlx Net iix retur 1 axii ii lxxi xiiix LxxI hax C x n N i5x yi~ iiiini turnoxxx .iii periiiipouiini other production Ur hc ntcr .a;rirul ur rl Fr/lc rinten .S' uliu r L.L. HYCHE SAWFLILS: POTENTIAL PESTS OF ORNAMENTAL HARDWOODS IN THE URBAN FOREST S I ' F 'FT uc e. >badce ~ tILL>. and l li t\ tee, arc iiit\ refed LIlto a, the iiihain Ili~t. In \li- hlia. tli> Lirhn1 101iel is inn- llit1il u mdii \ the diiiepC CLie n i ntitlfi hh Utct i ritec lii iiel the >amii. flovwc\ etthe _ Ileat >tt>(f the inCeI,. tot Cydiil)Ie ,d\\ lie>. v ithin ieC lxxo totet >ettinht> iiiv d\ (,iedtl\ difeiit 1)1 deC ad. if ahuitndii1t.nn Lciiuii~eteI lefoteIc. heen eiin~ide eti o n Ci I nibeta ndural Iiii\\ ud -- tii hui tlandt. howve in h the>lic Ceijotily Icuct ne~thet ic \ dlLie of It e. lIn Dus ,tudie> CendLucted hx the \ld- hamad \"i ietiltiiidl Fvh~etiiiieit Stain. isolaited iniiattiotn hayc ehbeen noted oll Ol ll ResealLch i C it tI\ Blackheaded ash sawfly. 1O dle eight >peeie> hidC hcben idti I eti. Thle I i\ e ini the photo> appear to Lix e Cotitiirit ic blpttentiai a, pet> of >hdcl and~ or namtetli ttee>. Thie~e ,pccic >xxith thenr hoitt tr ee> arie I~itlk hitc ,aif rdxxixvet hirch BHIIItitittx voillx xxotn hlacin k xx 1i1li dud bit tet tnt B31ac~khleadle~d> Ih ,d\tk I rc aee diLI xx hitle ;iul IL t t 41 Butternut woollyworm. spilnv ia.h >dNN Lreet adi ~ xx Iite d y birch sawfly. Ie e t unrl life i~cle, tit liee >uxx flid ue-r iinlilaii. Thle temaile ul> lit, ini Kio CL ini eiaci lit. Foul litw ie- Chtchl. liivae fced ill IeuxeCiti xx uihte > wxere de- fpt i ted.lI lo ih~t ic. em lx- ,tue liiva \ fed by tt iii Sp hltl in ICAt I ti)u nd i . tile leaxe (thle oaii k itdl >d\ k I I di\d e icdtix ) itt 3- xxeek,. dce Slug oak sawfly. the dli I uf nd t litto tlili~i liat itt ttil Imtc. ( jeellx' nloitt ,hfteL le- rv in itet ion ocetit ini ,brti ng. Wh'lile the life ce~le arililtit. \ ii thN N\ltr\' innonis tie >pei. 13 n t t C r n Lit tie "etiet t iiii pet N\ CM-. Fenidle, ld\v te iihiv it e LI k bie \x I IN au d l) i ar lrc Cn lidn et sld'tv tNN0,1-1 it111 etiditil e N Cdi iii1 \libhiitim. Lartxae leet oti the itidiln ofi>u iiC-i adl ndLI de ,nittnuce. Blatckheadted aIh ixnx t, INiid p1v1ix a.h Itm '\ l\IlldN be pie heoit att the arlC lntx~t itii th in ii ue. diN d Cachi "pcct>id> a ti1c etiet dl it per edt. Sin,1- ttak tiny ash sawfly. ,,l\ Ixy litrve aic >Liiiiiie dirt ul lute >IliCntiet d'l - utu c an in~ N if Lit111 n butia1 ,liadc ti-c, ee>kc ht~tLt \ - thee suxx ie> etietuallx>\ \\C. li eeah t lthi~ th >et t ou- edie Ilteit ot tdlieotI N ulln. lt ofx ,ledn ittt Itee I N itt tie elaItf1itett itt lC d~l e !i/hunii ;I ~u -1 1 i i tiul I t/iu'ii c 11/ Swinn~i sk N.A. WAER, H.L. STRIBLING, M.K. CAUSEY, and W.C. JOHNSON ANNUAL CLOVER/RED CLOVER PLANTINGS PROVIDE HIGH QUALITY DEER FEED LABAMIANS spend over $35 million annually on food plant- ings for wildlife, with about 75% spent on plantings for deer. A study by the Alabama Agricultural Experi- ment Station, in cooperation with the Ala- bama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and the U.S. Department of Defense, showed a combination of red clover and annual clovers can provide over 10 months of high quality feed for deer in Alabama's Piedmont region. At the Piedmont Substation in Camp Hill, seasonal and yearly performance of four annual cool season clovers-includ- ing Yuchi arrowleaf, Bigbee berseem, Tibbee crimson, and Mt. Barker subterra- nean-were tested. Perennial ladino clover varieties Osceola, California, Regal, and a blend of 60% Regal and 40% California ladinos also were studied, as was a biennial red clover (Redland II). Clovers were established in 5 X 20-ft. plots in September 1989, and plots were protected from deer by an electric fence. At approximately 6-week intervals (nine Yield/acre, lb. 1,400 -.. Re Ladino clover -. , / 1,000 " V \ 600 Annual clover 200 - ,- \ 0 _ I Crude protein, pct. 28 Ladino clo 24 / i 20 Annual clover ", " . 16 - Red clover 14 ' I I 11/8 12/131/11 2/22 4/3 5/23 7/13 8 FIG. 1 (top). Seasonal production of annual, la red clovers, at Piedmont Substation, Camp Hill, FIG. 2 (bottom). Protein content of clover at harvests at Piedmont Substation, Camp Hill. times total), plots were clipped from No- vember through September to determine herbage production and crude protein con- tent, figures 1 and 2. Little production was obtained from any of the clovers during the first few months after planting. By February, the clovers began noticeable growth, and by mid- spring, each variety was producing at least 800 lb. of dry matter per acre. At this time, ladinos and red clover reached peak season production of about 1,100 and 1,400 lb. of dry matter, respectively, per acre. All annual clovers had matured seed and died by July. Ladinos had become essen- tially dormant by this time because of ex- treme drought during 1990. Total rainfall for July-September was 4.9 in., compared to the long-term average of 17.3 in. Red clover is deeper rooted than ladino clovers and continued to grow throughout the summer. All clovers contained relatively high lev- els (about 25%) of crude protein in late February. This peak in protein content is associated with rapid vegetative growth by annual clovers during April and by ladino clovers and red clover d clover during May. By April, all clovers contained crude protein levels of 24-25%. In May, crude protein content of annual clovers dropped to 17%, coinciding with decreased veg- etative growth, followed by flow- ering and seed production. Crude protein content of ladino clovers ver and red clover also began to de- crease at this time, reaching about 19% and 17%, respectively. Throughout the summer, ladino clovers and red clover continued to decrease in protein /219/26 content and by September con- tained 18.0% and 15.5%,respec- dino, and tively. While ladinos tendedto be :1989-90 2-3% higher in crude protein con- tent throughout the season, it is important to note the difference in produc- tion between the ladinos and red clover. During the dry summer months, the ladinos were dormant and exhibited almost no veg- etative growth (approximately 100 lb. per acre), whereas red clover continued a re- duced, but comparatively high, level of production throughout the summer. Based on these results, it is important to consider both crude protein content and herbage pro- duction to accurately judge the value of a deer planting. The highest levels of production oc- curred during April for annual clovers and May for ladinos and red clover. Red clover continued to produce well into the summer season, while ladino clover essentially stopped production. The annual clovers produced seed and died before summer. Crude protein levels varied among types and seasons (25.0-15.5%). Protein levels were highest just before peak vegetative growth in all clovers in spring. Crude protein content of the clovers generally was highest from February to April and lowest from July to August. Red clover generally was 2- 3% lower in protein than ladino clovers, but from May through September ladinos were marginally productive. The performances of the perennial ladinos and biennial Redland II are expected to change after the first year. Red clover should decline drastically during the second year, and will likely be gone completely thereafter, while ladino clovers have the potential to persist indefinitely. Assuming the management objective is to provide a year-round forage supply, tests indicate a combination of annual clover and red clover could produce adequate quanti- ties of forage from December through September on typical Piedmont soils for at least 1 year, even through some dry summer conditions. Waeris Graduate Research Assistant and Stribling and Causey are Assistant Professor and Professor of Zoology and Wildlife Science; Johnson is Professor of Agronomy and Soils. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station14 C.L. WARFIELD RETAILER-APPLIED STAIN-REPELLENT FINISHES OFFER PROTECTION FOR UPHOLSTERY FABRICS UPHOLSTERED furniture is a sizable financial investment for most families. To preserve the appearance of this invest- ment, many consumers seek the protec- tion of stain-repellent finishes. The two basic types of stain-repellent finishes are silicone and fluorochemical. They are pri- marily applied either in the mill or at the retail store. Fluorochemical finishes repel oil and water-based soils. Silicone finishes repel water-based soils. Some of the finish manufacturers also claim their products repel dry soil. Retailers sometimes suggest applying a stain-repellent finish at the store even when the fabric has had a stain-repellent finish applied at the mill. The retailer-applied finishes often offer a cleaning service as part of the warranty for consumers who cannot satisfactorily clean a spot or stain out of the finished fabric. The wide variety of finishes with different names, types of application, and proclaimed benefits leave many consumers confused as to which one is best for them. To evaluate different types of stain re- pellent finishes, a consumer wear study using upholstered sofas was developed by the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station. Eight three-cushion sofas were used in the experiment. Four of the sofas were upholstered in a light beige velvet fabric. The other four were upholstered in a multi-colored beige tone flame stitch fab- ric-a rough textured fabric due to the large yarns which make up the pattern. Each sofa was finished with four different finishes: unfinished, mill-applied fluoro- chemical, retailer-applied fluorochemical, and retailer-applied silicone. The locationof finishes, shown in the drawing, was random for each sofa. For example, the fabric on the frame of one sofa was unfinished, while the fabric of another frame had a retailer- applied finish. Each cushion had a different finish. These sofas were placed in high-use areas for 2 years, and the consumers were directed to care for the sofa as if it were their own. They did not know what types of finishes were present on their sofa. Every 3 months the sofas were inspected to check for evidence of appearance changes, including soiling, matting, and pilling of the fabric. The inspectors also looked for fabric or cushion deterioration such as seam breakage, pile loss, or crack- ing or powdering of the latex on the back side of the fabric. Photographs and a check- list were used to document observations of damage or appearance change. The velvet sofas showed extensive soil- ing, both localized and overall. Arms and bottom cushions were soiled and stained most heavily. The unfinished fabric showed the most extensive soiling and staining, and it was more diffi- cult to clean than were the finished fabrics. Rubbing the velvet with the cleaning solutions caused rough spots on the velvet. There was no noticeable difference in soiling and staining among the stain-repel- lent finishes. The rough texture and multi-col- ored appearance of the flame stitch fabric helped hide the stains and soil. However, overall soiling was evident, producing a general color change in the fabric. The rough tex- ture made this fabric harder to clean than the velvet. The cushions or sofa parts treated with the mill-applied stain-repellent finish remained the cleanest. There was no signifi- cant difference in the degree of soiling and staining among the other three types of finishes. The fabric with the flame stitch pattern showed extensive pilling (little balls of fiber on the fabric surface), regardless of the finish used. The latex on the back of the fabric cracked and powdered out regardless of the type of finish used. The powdering out was most severe on the arms and front of the seat cushions, producing an "open" look in the fabric. These results indicate that stain-repellent finishes will not repel all soil and stains, and stain repellency tends to decrease some- what with normal wear. One stain-repellent finish did not perform noticeably better than another in this study. Neither mill- applied nor retailer-applied stain-repellent finishes are a panacea. However, the pres- ence of a stain-repellent finish generally makes it easier for consumers to blot up liquid soils before they penetrate the fabric and become stains. Therefore, if consumers will do their part, the stain-repellent fin- ishes can help prolong the attractiveness of upholstery fabrics. Warfield is Associate Professor of Consumer Affairs. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Location of treatment areas on wear study sofa. 15 ?~D.T. CRAWFORD and B.G. LOCKABY LObLOLLN PINL G_'.0\ ii ItESPONSE FAVORS TVA EXPERIMENTAL FERTILIZER T RA \ )1IIONXL I - liiseters ha' e heeii ielutiaint to Use teiiilieis diue to tihe cost, eveni thoncihtirees nor mltli Nhu\\ a grove til response to ilitioc~en. flo\e ci. forest tltili/atloil haN heeiiiii imoie Comonliii ti\r ile past t\\ o decadeN as mo101e iei able dia''iostit teh- Siq lies ha\C eben dle~ loped to detei iiinc nutricint del iciencicN. Recent .\iabaia AL- ri tuLltnial F:.vpcimiteit Station reseairch \\611i an e\petililental lcitiliici is hielpini to ideintit\ leriiliiei Nsourtes \\d 11Ch al ioic ellieteii\e at piroimoting' clo\1 illespoinses. tea haN bceitthe pi iiiai iitiloe'n NotiL~ ot choice ini tillesti due to its high nlitio- Lcei ainayis I. I Iow er ernia haN t\\ poitei- tial mlajoir tlisatl anta',es:. I) i(111 ammitonia losses uintdci conidtitionls ot hell soil iti11 pCMlc. alit (2) tul\icit\ ot uirca to Neeti and~ sNcedllii'inde toi Poteiliial igh 1101Coil cenitrat ion ill l ammnliia. I iea lii i phu)sphate (t'NP., a ianti ar lcrii/ier of grtade 27-9-1). is an cxpci mnital trtii/et thlat has been proposedt thN thle 'I cneinCNe \ aleN .Xithloi i as anl altet nihie to nica-phlusphate bieiids. Stndies hays e iNm\n that t N P tas tile ptential It) redute auillilolia loss h\ as mulchl as 50t' ove cirnea. due to a relatix ei\ Iuix All. a ielli itant fct i oil ot tile titi o ci in the ilitlate luornl. anti1 i~tecainn that Cail rcaci w\itil carboiiaic tiol il\ tol> /et uiea. Ihieie are ailst indticaiotns tllat I NI' has tewxei ad- \etlscei IICtt oit Needt ''el iiatiuit tlain uiea. X 14 -Fcar-oltd loblollx pinie Ntanid. locatetd on1 a Piediimoiit sile tea l Xuti w.\aN nUsti to coiiipaie ciuvtx ri esponse (hIlillih. tdiameter. aiid hle doi \Nci'iltI tou 'i N andI uilea pILis GiRowxit i fiIINS i OFt I OiLtOiI I NE T-liTI "it1111 No Fi kn i/I 14. tri NITI Niis PI'iiTt, \NiD URi Treatmnt Diamter ltei't Tree bote do~ w. U N P ............ .. , Icai+T tsp ....... Co nto .........t... Iii It I'Lh 5.7 43.5 107.3 5.7 418 105.8 5.6 42.5 to-i.5 respoinse ofthilese imo cteilii/ci N ails) N aN compiarttd tol all uiiti ti/eci ciiitrol. Thie actuai iti till/er tleailiieilt tuisited~ ill: (i I) ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION AUBURN UNIVERSITY AUBURN UNIVERSITY. ALABAMA 36849-5403 Lowell T. Frobish, Uirector POSTMASTER-Address Correction Requested ulcrttili/cri. t'_ 2001 lb. per alcie N aint (6711. liriatie I',(1 tIran ! '\I' ant 0) 10 h. per acre N as Urea, plus 07 lb. pei acre P'0 f horn TSP. Fidl pltsN (005-ac Hicasuti- nheft plots t ititin 0. 25-acrie i eat- nHen) plots) \\Cr crcetahlisied in the \\ intel ot 1 988 and ii eiiioried fl" diameter. hieici-ht. and bole do \ etoliht. errtiliiei tcatieln t weie applied the Ioilo\\ nil Npr in' atid the plots~ \\ eie in\ entl'ited agajill in the \t inter of 1989tO to assess I-y car respoinse. Avcr- ac diaimeteri heilit. aind hole doi \ei'Ii iesults tItinlr the t intl ot I 959- aic listedi in the table. .\lilion'h no ifiterenceN in re- NiTil"C t\ ec apparenti foi diamietei Alter one grow\inc season. the INI' iieatiient w\as 'reater than the ULterltli/eti contirol lot both heichi and hide dry \\eigsht. Thec ii ea plus I'SP applicatin resultedin iutel- miiate ltei'ht indl hole 'v eihNs. shim, no difiteirence Iroin either the I N P ir the ointirol ireatiicit. \ltllou,,h l Lee tireatmteilt espoinses -are not \ et appalt . thlese lii Nt-\ eai resnlts inicaie that. in tisi situatioin. LNIP did pioduce a grow\\ ii esloinse and \as the prlee l l ritili/er ticatnieni. NON-PROFIT ORG. POSTAGE & FEES PAID PEMTNO. 9 AUBURN, ALA.