-q 4 Z Alt Forestry at Auburn Universit F ORESTRY is Auburn's newest school, has- ing been established by the Board of Trustees on October 1, 1984. Prior to that date, forestrv had been a department in the School of1 Agriculture and Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station. By establishing a separate school, the Board recogntzed the importance of forestry and the forest products industry to Alabama's economy and way oflife. Tsso-thirds of the State is forested and forest products represent Alabama's largest manufactur- ing industry. The Sehool of Forestry's programs are EMMETT F. THOMPSON central to a healthy forest resource and strong forest- based industry. School status brings more visibility and responsibility but does not change the basic mission to provide education, research, and service to the citizens of Alabama. Forestry research is conducted in cooperation with the Agricultural Experiment Station and covers most areas of establishing, growing, harvesting, and process- ing timber, as sell as the effects of forestry operations on the environment and the effects of the environment on forest production. The School's gradtate teaching program is important to this research effort, sith all theses or dissertations based on faculty research which is part of the Experiment Station's efforts. Over the years, the School's research emphasis has evolved from essentially ap- plied research to a mixture of applied and basic thrusts. For example, sood pro- ducts research has esolsed from an emphasis on testing building products made frorn various ras material mixtures to a program vhich emphasizes mathematical modeling to estimate long-term reliability of new wood products as well as basie chemtcal mechanical interactions to assess the end-use effects of various preser- vative or retardant treatments. Forest biology research has developed from applied studies of various land management and forest stand treatments to an emphasis on the role of basic physiology in tree and forest development. This emphasis has allowed the faculty to increasingly attract extramural support. For example, major grants have been obtained to study the effect of atmospheric deposition on tree development and growth. This research has also had a spin-off of additional emphasis on basic tree nutrition and the effects of various soil chemical properties on forest production. While the School sill continue to graduate well-qualified individuals, proside nes technology through basic and applied research, and transfer this technology to various users, change will be the underlying force influencing our actisities. The concepts and technologies studied and taught in the near future will be much dif- ferent from those occupying our classrooms and laboratories today. Emmett F. Thompson, Dean School of Forestry MAY WE INTRODUCE Ir. Ray Dickens, pIutessorof agron outs and soils. A titais cof northsesi Arkinsas, L)ickents cainted a B.S. de ice in agionomy from the Unisersity of \rkansas. He taite to Aubuni It niersits as a National Defense Education Act ' filarandearned MS. and Ph.D. degrees in act unomn here. Dickens became the fitrst State Fxtension Weed Control Specialist in 1965, and joined the Agronomy and Soils Department statf in 1968 as Assistant Ptrofessor. He wsas pro- muted to Professor in 1981. Dickens was instrumental in establishitie the turfgrass Research Unit on the Auburn cam- pus, shere most of the turf rass research in the State is now conducted. Though much of Dickens' sork at the Tlurfgrass Unit insolses solving specialized sweed prublems associated ssith groing turf, he sas instrumiental in select ing and deseloping AU Centennial, a ness, im- prosed centipedegrass sariets. Ile was also in- strumental in deseloping the data needed to secure a label for Princep' ,s hich has become the nost commonly used herbicide for ss eed control i bermudagrass turf. Dickens ieseaich on some old and ness herbi- cides used to control common bemudaciass is repotrted on page 4of this issue otHiglliglttsof Agricultural Resea rch. ON THE COVER: Yields from Alabama peanut fields, such as this one in Houston County, may get a boost from improved disease and nematode control. See related stories on pages 12 and 13. 'NAINTER 1987 V1L.34, Nu.4 \ quarterly report of research published by the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn University. I O\WELL T. I ROISH........ Director DAV ID H. TEEM ..... Assistant Director R.E. STEVENSON .......... Editor ROY ROBERSON ..... Associate Editor TERESA RODRIGUEZ.... Ar Designer Fditorial (ommitle: I owell . Irobish; P. A. Dufy, Assistant Professo of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology; R.T. Iovell, Prufessor of Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures; T.P. Mack, Associate Pro- lessor of Entomnology; G.J. Keever, A xociate Professor of Horticulture; R.E. Kcith, Associate Professor of Nutrition and Ioods; A.J. Iathan, Associate Professor of Plant Pathologv; .1. A. Renden, A ssociate Prof essor of POdltrr Science;, ).B. South, A ssistant Pro lessorofForestrv; D.A. Stringfcllos Assis- tan Professor of Microhiologv; and R.E. Stevenson. EDITOR'S NOTE. Mention of trade names does not indicate endorsement by thc Ala- bama Agricultur at Experiment Station of one brand over another. Anm use of pesticide rates in excess of labeled amounts in re- search reported does not constitute recom- mendation of such rate. Such use is simply part of the scienti fic insestigation necessary to esaluate various inaterials. No chemical should be used at rates above those permit- ted by the label. Information contained herein is asailable to all without regard to race, color, sex, or national origin. INCE THE EARLY 1980's, many farmers have faced serious finan- cial adjustments with some be- ing forced out of farming. Inre- cent months, however, some changes have brought a degree Commer of optimism. There is evidence Farmers that the decline in farm income Avera may be turning around as Proporti evidenced by higher prices for ratio: poultry, cattle, and hogs. 25%c Government subsidies in the 261 form of deficiency payments, Over' Payment-in-Kind Program, Delinque and Conservation Reserve Pro- Average gram have benefited farmers. with d Farm input costs, such as fer- (farm tilizer, fuel, feed, and interest Average rates, have declined to help paid i hold down the cost of produc- Farm( tion. There is some indication Farmers that the decline in farm land precec values has slowed and may be Ratic leveling off. To determine the prevailing financial position of Alabama farmers, a survey was taken of 2,915 farms, which represented the largest 25,000 farms in the State. Researchers received back about 20% of the mailed surveys for evaluation. A similar survey of the same representative sample of the State's largest 25,000 farms had been taken in 1986 and these data were used for comparison. Analysis of the data by the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station indi- cates that the average debt-to-asset ratio (D/A) for farmers in the State with debt declined from 1986to 1987, see table. Only 5.3 oof the farmers with debt had a D/A of over 70% in January 1987, comparedto 7.3% in 1986. A D/A of 70% or over generally indicates that a farmer is highly leveraged and likely has problems in meeting principal and interest payments. The proportion of farmers with D/A ratios of 40% or less showed an increase from 1986 to 1987. Only 4.8% of the farmers with debt were delinquent in debt payment the first part of 1987, compared to 8.3% approx- imately a year earlier. Not only was the delinquency rate lower, but also the J.H. Yeager, W.E. Hardy, and J.L. Johnson average amount of debt declined during the past year. With the overall decline in farm real estate and other asset values, the total value of farm assets declined about 11%0 during the past year, according to the values reported by farmers. The average amount of interest paid on farm loans was reported as $10,153 for 1986 and $13,561 for 1985. The proportion of farmers reporting no debt outstanding was consis- tent for both years. At the start of 1987, the proportion of farmers with debt outstanding did not vary greatly by geographic area of the State. However, farmers in southwest Alabama, including the Gulf Coast region, had the highest average debt load. Their average D/A ratio of 31.9% was also the highest of any region. For farmers with debt, average govern- ment payments exceeded average net farm profit in two geographic areas, (1) the Northern Valley (primarily Tennessee Valley), and (2) Coastal Plains and Gulf Coast. These are areas in which cash crops are relatively important. COMPARISON OF SELECTED FINANCIAL MEASURES, ALABAMA FARMERS, 1986 AND 1987 Item Unit 1986 1987 cial farmers surveyed ..... No. 810 580 with no debt ............. . Pct. 45.1 46.4 with debt: ige D/A ratio' ........... Pct. 34.8 27.0 on of farmers with D/A r less................... Pct. 22.3 30.0 o 40% ................... Pct. 6.3 7.8 o 701o.................. Pct. 19.0 10.5 70% .................... Pct. 7.3 5.3 nt on debt payment ....... .Pct. 8.3 4.8 amount owed (farmers ebt).................... .Dol. 138,000 94,900 value of assets ers with debt) ............ Dol. 396,600 351,700 amount of interest n previous year: ers with debt ............. . Dol. 13,561 10,153 reporting net profit ding year ................ . Pct. 74 70 o of total debt to total assets expressed as a percentage. had an average D/A ratio of 42% and an average of almost $160,000 in total debt outstanding. Government payments averaged almost $17,000 per farm for crop farmers, more than twice the average for all types of farms. Size of farm in terms of acres operated is a variable that frequently is related to financial factors. The 1987 data indicated that the percentage of farmers with debt outstanding increased as size of farm in- creased. However, D/Aratios did not in- crease consistently with size, probably an indication of good farm and financial management. In general, net farm profit increased and average off-farm income declined as farm size increased. There is some evidence that the finan- cial picture for farmers is somewhat im- proved compared to 1985-86. Never- theless, it is important for farmers to analyze their financial position and to practice sound financial management. Yeager is Head and Hardy is Professor of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, and Johnson is Extension Economist-Crops and Farm Management. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Off-farm income was also important to Alabama farmers in meeting financial demands. Average off-farm income varied by regions from $11,014 to $16,869 per farmer. In three of the six regions in the State, average off-farm income ex- ceeded average net farm profit per farm in 1986. Livestock producers repre- sented the lowest percentage of farmers with debt, the lowest average debt outstanding, and the lowest D/A ratio. Almost three-fourths of the poultry farmers reported debt out- standing the first part of 1987. The average debt for poultry farmers was $111,115, the second highest of all farm types. They also had the highest D/A ratio. Crop farmers had a slightly higher average amount of debt outstanding than poultry farmers. Soybean farmers included in the sample 3 UT TTCT?iTiT[r 3 Available Herbicides Offer Only Temporary Control of Common Bermudagrass in Sod Production Fields Li Effects of midsummer herbicide ap- plications and subsequent disking on control of common bermudagrass in mid-October. L Sodium TCA Roundup 50 lb./acre 5 lb./acre L Sodium TCA LDowpon 100 lb./acre 5 lh./acre COM\ION BERNIUDAGRASS is an excellent grass tor many turf areas, including roadsides, air- ports, and athletic fields. However, this same species is the most serious wseed problem in southern sod fields. Coin mon bermudagrass is more vigorous and competitive than such turfgrasses as zoysia and centipedegrass under condi- tions of high light intensity, adequate UU 80 60 40 20 0 Effects of midsummer herbicide ap- plications and subsequent disking on the amount of common bermuda- grass cover the follosing summer. LI Verdict 1/2 lb./acre U Untreated fl Disked L Undisked R. Dickens, D.L. Turner, and J. Baird moisture, and high lev els of nitrogen fertility. These are the exact conditions present in a xwell managed sod field. Sodium TCA? and Dowspon were the recommended herbicides tor control of common bermudagrass from the 1950's until the introduction of Round- up' in 1973. Although these herbicides produced 80 to 980/ reductions in ber- mudagrass stands, control xx as short lix- ed in sod fields. Sod production requires complete eradication and not simply temporary control. Experiments were conducted by the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion at a local sod farm and at the Pied- mont Substation to evaluate Verdict" , Roundup, sodium TCA, and Doxpon applied alone and in various combina- tions. Verdict, a new herbicide, has show n excellent control of bermuda- grass in certain row crop situations. The foliar absorbed herbicides (Verdict, Roundup, and Dowpon) were applied on June 26, 1984, and August 13, 1985, with the second application of split ap- plication treatments applied 10-14 days after the initial treatment. The soil ac- tive sodium TCA was applied July 13. 1984, and September 4, 1985. One-half of each plot was disked thoroughly 10-14 days atter application of the sodium TCA. The plots were evaluated for per- cent green bermudagrass cover in the fall after treatment and again the following summer. Sodium TCA and Roundup produced good to excellent initial control of the above-ground portion of bermudagrass, see graph, in both years. Dowpon and Verdict were more variable in their ac- tion, producing poor initial control the first year and poor to excellent control in the second. No combination of her- bicides produced results superior to the best entry applied alone. Therefore, only performance data for the individual herbicides are reported here. The more important measure of herbicide efficacy ais obtained when bermudagrass stands ere evaluated the following summer, approximately 1 year after application. Only Roundup had reduced the ber- mudagrass stands on June 1, one year after application, see graph. It is impor- tant to note that although stands were reduced by Roundup, 9-16Wo cover xxas present 1 year after treatment, which is not acceptable in sod fields. The application of soil active sodium TCA did not enhance final control from any of the foliar absorbed herbicides. Nor was there any apparent advantage of disking after herbicide applications. Results of these studies indicate that more effective herbicides are needed to solve the problem of common bermuda- grass encroachment in sod fields. Dickens is Professor, Turner is Research Associatc, and Baird is Gradnuae Siudent of 5 'ronom and Soils -Alabama A gricultural Experiment .S'tation LH LLUM EO der d BRADFORD, an orna- mental pear tree varie- ty, has become a popu- lar tree for urban landscapers in the Southeast. However, since its release in the early 1960's, 12-15 new and poten- tially superior ornamental pear varieties have been marketed for landscape use. In 1980, an Alabama Agricul- tural Experiment Station study was begun at the Pied- mont Substation in Camp Hill to evaluate these new varie- ties. As still newer varieties have become available, they have been added to the test. All trees in the Auburn test are flowering selections of Callery pear. Among these varieties, Bradford has become the most popular because of its reputed D.C. F resistance to leaf blight, fire- blight, diseases and insects, and its vigor and uniformity of growth. It is one of the earliest flowering pear varieties. Trees are covered with spur-borne white flower clusters that develop in late March or early April. Summer leaves change to reds, yellows, and burgundies from mid-October to mid-November, with duration depending on fall weather conditions. It has been reported that Bradford pears don't have the same brilliant fall colors in Northern States as seen in the South. During the first 7 years, Bradford trees in the Auburn test are averaging 25-27 in. of height growth annually and trees have developed a broad oval shape with an upright canopy. Severe splitting reported on older trees has not occur- red in the Auburn test. This splitting problem is often reported as storm damage, but is likely caused by unnotic- ed splitting prior to storms due to the acute crotch angles of the branches. As a result of this problem with Bradford trees, newer varieties with different branching habits, canopy shape, flower- ing, and fall coloring have been introduced. In contrast to Bradford, Aristocrat is a less dense growing tree with a broad ts. VNs.g -I~l are, C.H. Gilliam, H.G. Ponder, and W.A. Griffey pyramidal form. Crotch angles are less pear c acute, allowing the tree to have a more limited open and potentially stronger growth Blaze habit. It appears that this selection will Red, make a much larger tree than Bradford. floweri The annual average growth rate is about uprigh 36 in., compared to 25-27 in. for young previo Bradford trees. Leaves are more tapered is not at the apex but still have the same glossy used ir green surface as Bradford. Generally, to the good fall leaf color is absent with leaves growth turning from dark green to brown, ly. Fall though Aristocrat is reported to have tions is excellent fall color farther north. Autum Fruiting (nonedible) of Aristocrat fall lea pear is heavier than all other cultivars lows, n in the test, but not extremely showy. In has an late autumn, the small pears (3/8 in.) at- should tract birds and are usually eaten before age. Rc the fruit falls. Flower color and size are ing upt similar to Bradford and other selections. New One major difference is time of flower- similar ing, with Aristocrat peaking 10 to 14 but oft days after Bradford. Fireblight was perhap observed during 1987 on most of the tics. Aristocrat trees; however, the incidence of fireblight was limited to the terminal 12-15 in. of scattered branches. Autumn Blaze, a newer pear selec- Fare i tion, is similar to Bradford in flowering Prfess characteristics and time of flowering. Substati Autumn Blaze trees are averaging 25-27 in. a year in height growth. Leaves are not as ovate as Bradford and not as tapered as Aristocrat, but still have the glossy green foliage of most ornamental pears. Fall color is brilliant red occurring about early Oct- ober, 3 to 4 weeks earlier than Bradford pear. Subsequently, leaf drop from Autumn Blaze $ is earlier in the fall. This selec- tion develops a dense pyra- midal canopy similar to Brad- ford, but with less acute branching habits. Autumn Blaze occasional- ly has thorns on branches, resulting from the parent species (Callery) which has an abundance of thorns. Other than the few thorns found on Autumn Blaze, this tree has proven to be one of the best :ultivars tested. Fireblight was to 1 or 2 twigs on one Autumn tree. spire is similar to Bradford in ng characteristics, but has a more t, columnar canopy than the usly mentioned pears. Because it as broad, this selection can be n smaller urban areas compared other pear cultivars. Height averages about 30-32 in. annual- Scolor in more northernly loca- reportedly similar to the reds of In Blaze, but in the Auburn test, f color has more orange and yel- iuch like Bradford. This selection excellent branching habit and not have splitting problems with edspire appears to be an outstand- right selection. er pear cultivars appear to be to Bradford in many respects, fer different canopy forms with s stronger branching characteris- s Research Associate, Gilliam is Associate r, and Ponder is Professor of Horticulture Ffey is Superintendent of the Piedmont on. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station II s*" 5~ N Economies of Size Identified for Swine Waste Management Systems J.R ( tsx \ .W.E. P'as ne, I.G. Hi\, T I IF \V\TFI< QUALITY Branch of lntxsscC V allecx Authority, the Soil ( orlserat ion Serx ice, and \lahaita Agricultura~l Ex~perimnent Sta- tioin tecetti conidurcted a cooper at ixe resea clh stundx to cx aluate thie effects of altetriatix e xxaste manacement schemes ott xatrtons xsxinc pi oduct ion sy sterms. W\ithi all disposal xs stems xtudied, cost economics r exulted ftrom incireasing si/c of operation. Thlete Cari thlii e distinct proucIitioni xx stemll pies alenlt x it bin the xxx inc iti Cluxti . IFceder pie xx stemns imolse the fatrrowstig and ci Oxx ii of pies up to an appr oximate wxeicht of 50 lb. Feeder pig finishing' irisolvs the pur chasinig Cof feeder pigs and t akintg t hem rip to slauichter wxeicht. Farro%\-to-tinish sy stems include tiltc enttire pr oductiont ptrocess, t akingc pies from tartroxxirng to slaughte ixxeight. \cceptablcx \aste mtantacemrent sy sterns arid practicex xxcre idlentitiedi that mtect pollut ion abatemnt st an- dards. A iticr ocottputer mtodel '\ \ASTLC ON I: SW\INE) xxas dcxci- o~ped to assist in te dcsigen and CCo Ni. unic ex\ inagaer clusixe0 intt, sti tion~ ph~ ftromn arn The n oped ti The "mn xxetc tii runitng create a thrte ccIn in elude tiort dix itar> . A inent arl comllftoin be run prograir Ste it to attalx antd si/c tioni, ar econioitt pai isols fii. I his count b FIG. 1. Net cost of waste management for varying sizes of specified swine produc- tion systems. F1 E rcder ig;costs as xwell as r ecognizing accrued o Finhm nut rient benefits Six di fferent size feeder pig, farrowx-to-finish, and feeder pig finishing operations wxere analy zed to examine the influence of economiex of size for a specitied collection, tr ansfer, treatment/stor age, and appli- cation/distribution sy stem (flushing to a [xwo-cell anaerobic lagoon wxith recycl- ing of wxaste xwater and tractor pulled li- quid spreader). All production phaxes I Idisplay ed xubstantial cost economics asxea 6,- 1,00 6.000 006 s)) ize (Or x olume of wxastewxater) inuct e- nnua ptotk poution c% ed, figure 1. Wxaste mnanagernent costs (on an an- alat ion of altecinatix exxaxte final p0ork ptroduct ion basis5) xx ci nent x\ystenms. I he model is in- gener ally highest for I ceder pigs, fol- of the collection, transfer, treat- loxwed by farroxw-to-f inish and finixhing- orage, and distribution applica- out feeder pigs for the output lexel lx- tses of handling sxxinc xxastes aminied. Results indicate, hoxxexver, that y tyxpe production sysxtem. for production sxyxtems less than 50,000 lizine LOTUS-123 -softxxate. haxve loxx c per unit xx axte management arcro" feat ures of this softxxare costs than the ot her txxo productiton nied extenxix els to facilitate the phases. of the program and also to B~ecause the x atue of tIe primatn out- uscr-ftricndlx enxvironmnent . The put (potk is( not conxt ant amtonic all pro- ajor conmponentx ot the model duct ion phases, xxaste maniacement costs he sx sterm dexign, applica- xxe etcxalutated ax the> relate to a piecun tibtton, and economic sum- t age of output x nlne. Potk ptroduction comprehensixe w xaste manage- ICs betvk~ xxe 0 (,00t) and I170,t000 lb. alx xis xxould involxve all three recx aled that t cee pig t opet attoltxx wetc cuts, but each component can beloxx tat toxx to-t mush atd finiislti )L-out Lx an rindependent , xt and-alone fcedet 1piex, in inter[imis of t xxaxt manage- sfor pat ial analxyxes . met coxts as a pei centae of the iter ocotiput ci model xxax uxed xxeighted ax ciace output x alue. ze sat ious pr oductiorn phiaxes Bes ond thix out put r ange, f cedet Pig x, ftrcatmtet/stor ace, disi ibu- finixhing oper ations achiex ed the lo5k eq id application sys terms. The petrcentage folloxxed bx feeder pig and c measur e used fot x5 stem coin- tart oxx to ttnixh xxxtermx. xxas annualized net cost. bene- Si mi lar anals es xxetc tunder taken common meaxut c took ito ac- to see it' economiex of xize could be oth opet at inc and oxxnetrxh ip tound among dillferent treat merit storace sr stemsx for a particular ptro- duction phaxe. Grass f ilter, storace pond, anaerobic and aerobic lagoons. T ,.. echarce pit, and xtor ace pit xx xtems xweie exaluatedi for tixe tairoxx to-fin- ixsl operation xizes. C oxt economics 1 held for all xx xtemx ax size xxax in- I , creased, xxith the aerobic lagootn (the higchest cost sytst em thiroughout) j xhoxx inc the ci catest cost scrlsitix its. Ci t-netinc i ki tilil (onttt tti yen 1 Cis Hi i, I ili c Nimpte Spectli t o ticnit til i ip it ti .rit ii Pmtl .o 01t \il - -Alahamia -1-riculimral 1 .perimrent .Staionw U Pffoi J.L. Turner, J.T. Eason, M.E. Ruf, D.Porch, and M.E. Marvel V EGETABLE GROWERS in Ala- bama are in need of alternative crops to replace less lucrative ones and to fill voids in harvesting schedules. While backyard gardeners in the State have grown asparagus for home use for many years, several new male sterile hybrids may make it feasi- ble for commercial vegetable growers to produce it for early spring markets. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station researchers are currently testing five new male sterile hybrids selected based on tests in Oklahoma - the near- est Southern State with production data. Of the five hybrids tested at the Sand Mountain Substation in Crossville, Green-wich and UC 157 produced the highest yields of 6- to 8-in. spears in limited first season harvesting, see table. The five hybrids were started from seed in a greenhouse at Auburn in the winter of 1985 and transplanted at the Sand Mountain Substation after the last killing frost date. Asparagus was not harvested the first year after planting to allow new fern growth to provide nourishment for the crown, which in- creased spear production for the second year harvest. Harvesting the second year was limited to four cuttings. Asparagus takes 3-5 years of growth to produce maximum (25-30) cuttings during a pro- ductive year. A well managed planting can remain productive for 15 years or longer. Seedlings were grown in 2 x 2-in. seedling trays similar to other greenhouse produced veg- etable transplants. Asparagus ferns, or tops, cannot survive below 32 degrees F, therefore young plants must be protected from freezing temperatures. 1 Transplants were placed in 4-in.-deep furrows and roots E covered with 2 in. of soil. J Transplants were 6-8 in. tall and well branched at planting time, and as the tops grew, additional soil was added to the furrow until it w filled. Chicken manure at 20 tons per ac was applied as a topdress in the fall 1986 and 1987, and will be appli throughout the life of the planting provide better water holding capaci and texture to the soil and provide sor of the nutrients needed by the aspar gus. Soil tests are taken yearly and lit is applied when needed to maintain soil pH of 6.0-6.5. Asparagus at the Sand Mountain Su station was planted on a well drain soil, which is a must for the crc Recommended fertilizer, irrigation, a pesticide schedules were closely mo tored. Subsequent tests are planned MARKETABLE YIELDS FOR ASPARAGUS VARIETIES, CROSSVILLE, 1987' Variety Acre Acre yield by harvest dates yield 3-25 3-31 4-14 4-21 Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. JC 157 ....... 1,162 47 209 256 650 3reen-wich .... 1,104 35 99 473 497 J-27.......... 842 13 93 261 475 3rocks ........ 837 24 59 335 419 ersey-Giant ... 831 31 125 166 507 'Soil test: P 100 (M); K= 110 (M); pH 6.1. as establish production, marketing, and variety selections, which are necessary :re before large commercial plantings are of feasible. Turner is Research Associate of Horticulture, Eason is Superintendent, Ruf is Associate Superintendent, and Porch is Research Associate of the Sand Mountain Substation, and Marvel is Director of International Programs. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station 7 Obscure scale poses serious problem to landscape plantings of pin oak in Alabama K .Tt. .. . _ ~ Jyy -4. ............................. IN OAK is one of the most widely used red oaks in commercial landscape, golf course, lawn, park, and street border plantings because of its fine bronze and red fall color, distinctive pyramidal shape, relative freedom from pests and dis- eases, and low mortality in transplant- ing. Alabama is well below the natural range of pin oak, and its introduction into the State's unfavorable growing conditions has resulted in increased susceptibility to diseases and phyto- phagous insects, especially obscure scale, Melanaspis obscura, figure 1. Obscure scale is the primary insect pest of pin oak, causing rapid decline in plantings of this oak in the South. A survey of the Auburn University cam- pus, where pin oak is one of the most common shade trees, has shown that more than 90% of 305 pin oaks are in- fested with obscure scale. As its name implies, obscure scale is difficult to detect, particularly when it occurs on hosts with dark-colored bark. The cover is typically dark gray but is often the same color as the bark. In- festations are more apparent on bran- ches encrusted with old scale covers and resemble a "roughened deposit" on the bark. Heavy infestations often become more noticeable on branches because of small white spots which occur when older scale covers fall off. Obscure scale crawlers begin feeding and forming their protective covering within an hour after settling. Females will continue feeding throughout their life; however, males stop feeding after the second stage of development. Obscure scale will infest all parts of the tree, except leaves and leaf stems; like H.J. tHendrlicks and M.L. \\Wliam all armored scale insects, it feeds on the sap of the host tree. The continual drain of sap from the scale's feeding and the disruption of the photosynthetic and respiratory functions of the bark due to encrustation weaken the infested tree. Obscure scale infestations seldom kill the tree, but can cause extensive dieback of branches and make the tree more susceptible to secondary infestation by other insects and diseases, figure 2. Research at the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station found that in Alabama, obscure scale produces one generation a year and overwinters as second-stage males and females. Obscure scale females go through three developmental stages and males five. Adult females become active in early February and are present to early Octo- ber. Beginning in mid-March, second- stage males enter the prepupal stage. Pupation begins within a week after the prepupal stage. Emerging adult males are present from early April to late April. Adult males live less than 24 hours, their sole purpose being to seek out the female and mate. Eggs are deposited from early June through early September. By mid to late June, crawlers begin to emerge and continue through late October. Second-stage males and females begin to appear in late June to early August. Contact sprays timed to kill the obscure scale have generally proven un- successful. Several factors contribute to the difficulty of controlling this insect with pesticides: (1) the scale's waxy cover provides protection against pesticide exposure, (2) crawlers tend to settle under the protection of older scale covers, producing a layering or encrust- From left to right - FIGS. 1-4: Female obscure scale with protective scale covering removed, obscure scale infested pin oak tree showing complete defoliation in midsummer, immature of a predacious plant bug feeding on obscure scale, and fruiting bodies of the fungus, Nectria diploa, feeding on obscure scale. ing effect, and (3) crawler activity ex- tends over a long period of time, which makes timing of spray applications dif- ficult. A concern to the economic en- tomologist is that pesticide applications timed at crawler and adult male activ- ity overlap parasite emergence and predator activity. Thus, spray aimed at the pest may have a detrimental effect on its natural enemies as well. Biologically, there are several preda- tors and parasites that have an impor- tant impact on scale populations, figure 3. Auburn researchers have observed the parasitic wasps, Coccophagoides fuscipennis and Encarsia berlesii, and the predacious plant bugs, Corticoris si- qnatus, Eurychilopterella luridula, Lid- opus heidemanni and Myiomnma cix- iiforme, feeding on developing obscure scale. The fungus, Nectria diploa, figure 4, has been observed attacking large numbers of obscure scale; however, it is not known whether this species is saprophytic or parasitic. Once the scale population becomes well established, control is difficult by conventional means. Research indicates that early detection of infested pin oak is necessary for best control of obscure scale and that infested branches should be pruned from the tree and destroyed before scale populations reach injurious levels. Hendricks is a Graduate Student and Williams is Associate Professor of Entomology. 41abama Agricultural Experiment Station PRODUCTION of woody orna- mentals in containers accounts for the majority of nursery crops grown in south Alabama. Historically, if minimal precautions are taken, over- wintering of nursery crops has not been a limiting production factor, as it often is with container-grown plants in north- ern climates. However, the occurrence of severe freezes in the South in recent years has forced growers to reevaluate their winter protection strategies. In Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station research, continuous irrigation during freezing conditions was found to effectively buffer canopy and growth medium temperatures and protect roots, stems, and foliage of several woody or- namentals when ambient air tempera- tures dropped as low as 3 oF. In late March, 112 uniform liners each of Japanese holly, dwarf Burford holly, azalea, pittosporum, and euonymus were potted in 3-qt. black, polyethylene containers using milled pine bark growth medium amended with dolomitic limestone, gypsum, and slow-release fer- tilizers. Plants were placed outdoors on a white clam shell mulch in full sun under overhead sprinkler irrigation and maintained according to conventional nursery practices. In early December, the following winter protection treatments began and continued until the end of January: (1) plants temporarily covered with 6-mil (0.1006-in.) white plastic film during freezing temperatures; (2) plants ir- rigated for 10 min. on and 50 min. off until irrigation heads froze, beginning when canopy temperature dropped to 33 ?F; (3) plants irrigated continuously during freezing temperatures and subse- quent thaw; and (4) plants unprotected. Treatment 2 resulted in the formation of a 1- to 2-in. layer of ice over plants and containers. To monitor medium and canopy temperatures during the study, therm- ocouples were placed at a 4-in. depth, 1 in. from the south wall of the pots and in the center of the plant canopy, 4 in. above the medium. On January 30, following the coldest temperatures of winter, plants were moved into a 60 F heated glass greenhouse. On February 19, foliage and stems were rated for desiccation and cold injury. Bark splitting occurred on- ly on stems of azaleas and was rated at this time. During the winter, mini- mum ambient air tempera- ture was recorded on Jan uary 20 and January 21 low temperature was 3 ?F During this period, canopy temperatures within the unprotected and thinly ic- ed treatments closely fol- lowed air temperatures. Minimum growth medium temperatures were 23 oF in unprotected containers and 25 OF in pots of plants thin- ly iced (Treatment 2). Canopy temperatures un- der white plastic fluctuated widely (from 14 F to 55 ?F on January 21), particu- larly on cloudless days. Growth medium tempera- tures ranged from 30 ?F to 45 "F during this 2-day period. When plants were continuously irrigated dur- ing freezing temperatures and thaw, neither canopy nor growth medium tem- peratures dropped below 32?F. No limb breakage resulted from either icing treatment or from coverage with plastic film. Root injury was least to plants of all species continuously irri- gated and to plants covered with white plastic film, the two winter protection treatments in which the highest minimum temperatures were recorded in the growth medium. A thin ice cover provided some protection to the roots of azalea, Japanese holly, and dwarf Burford holly, while root injury to pit- tosporum and euonymus was similar to injury observed with unprotected plants. Foliar and stem injury, as indicated by foliar ratings, was most severe to un- protected plants. A thin ice cover re- duced the foliar and stem injury to azalea, euonymus, and pittosporum, while a covering of white plastic film or continuous irrigation protected leaves from desiccation and bark from split- ting. Foliage of Japanese and dwarf Burford hollies was not injured. Bark splitting occurred only on azaleas and was most severe to plants covered with a thin layer of ice. Moderate bark splitting of the main trunk and secondary branches resulted from covering plants with white plastic film, while only slight splitting of the ntinuous Irrigation Protects Container-grown Landscape Plants Against Gary S. Cobb and Gary J. Keever main stem occurred to unprotected plants. Continuous irrigation protected bark of most plants from splitting, although there was splitting of second- ary branches on isolated plants. Continuous irrigation during sub- freezing conditions effectively buffered canopy and growth medium tempera- tures and protected roots, stems, and foliage of several woody ornamental species when ambient air temperature dropped to 3 OF. Protection was derived from the heat of water raising ambient air, foliage, and medium temperature, combined with the heat of fusion re- leased during the formation of ice. A white plastic covering protected plant parts of all species except bark of azalea. A thin covering of ice provided little or no protection to euonymus and pit- tosporum, whereas bark splitting of azalea was more severe than to un- protected plants. Cobb is former Superintendent of the Orna- mental Horticulture Substation and Keever is Associate Professor of Horticulture. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station 4 /k1! FARMERS PROBABLY HAVE a more pervasive effect on the en- vironment than any other occupa- tional group. Subsequently most en- vironmental issues have significant agricultural implications and many agricultural policies are shaped, at least in part, by environmental concerns. Farmers may be perceived as in- dividuals in tune with nature who have a beneficial effect on the environment. On the other hand, concerns about soil erosion and nonpoint source pollution may cast farmers in the role of an en- vironmental spoiler. While some consumers may be sen- sitive to the problems of soil erosion, rigorous protection of the environment cannot be achieved without cost. Con- cerns about the inevitable effect of en- vironmental regulation on food prices may moderate public concern about agricultural production practices and what, if anything, should be done. To determine public perceptions of Item farmers' environmental behavior, a na- tionwide sample of American house- holds was contacted in a spring 1986 mail survey by the Alabama Agricul- tural Experiment Station. Question- naires were available for 3,239 respondents, a 46% completion rate ac- counting for refusals, deceased, and bad addresses. In the analysis, statistical weighting was employed to improve the representativeness of the sample. In the table, patterns of response to six soil resource-related survey items in the national survey are presented. More than 90% of the respondents felt that landowners are obliged to protect soil resources for future generations. Almost two-thirds of the sample felt that most farmers take good care of the soil. Nevertheless, about 57% thought that laws regulating excess soil erosion are badly needed. About 40% thought the government should pay farmers to practice soil conservation. A similar pro- portion supported applying financial Agree Undecided Disagree No Answer Pct. Pct. Pct. No. 1. Land owners have responsibilities to protect soil resources for future generations ....................... 2. Most farmers take good care of the soil ............ .................. 3. Laws regulating excess soil erosion are badly needed ........................ 4. The government should pay farmers to practice soil conservation .............. 5. Farmers who fail to adopt needed soil conservation practices should be financially penalized .................. 6. Given the economic realities, soil conservation programs are often carried too far. 94.0 64.4 4.2 1.9 35 24.5 11.2 48 56.9 35.5 40.4 7.6 88 29.0 30.6 37.7 33.5 28.8 24.5 34.2 41.2 58 53 56 Public Supports Farmers on Soil Erosion Issues Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station penalties to farm operators who fail to adopt needed soil conservation prac- tices. Neither penalties nor conservation payments received majority support. Only about 25% thought soil conser- vation programs were carried too far. The public seems ready to consider stronger steps to stem soil erosion, given the economic realities of farming. Soil conservation is a widely held value in American society, and the Auburn study indicates most people have confidence that producers act responsibly with respect to our soil heritage. Thus, there seems to be clear consensus about the importance of a long-term perspective on resource use. According to survey responses, dif- ferences widen over the role of govern- ment and the kind of measures that should be taken to conserve the soil we have. Many were undecided whether erosion laws were badly needed, or that such laws might involve financial penalties. Thus, the public may be thought to regard soil abuse as a misde- meanor, not a felony. Furthermore, such perceptions are accompanied by a great deal of uncertainty over the level of sanction to be applied. In fact, almost 25% of the respondents felt that present programs involving voluntary and non- coercive payment systems were exces- sive. The general public is not fully aware of the array of program incentives for conservation. Conservation com- pliance is only beginning to emerge as a policy tool, as under current law the filing of a conservation plan does not become a requirement for commodity program participation until 1990, although so-called sodbuster and swampbuster provisions are in effect now. The loss of soil does not present a tangible threat to life and limb, but it does represent a logical concern for all Americans. Thus, farmers may face an increasingly restive public as the en- vironmental consequences of many present-day farm practices are measured and recognized. Although it may be simplistic and unfair, some citizens may perceive soil-abusing farmers as being similar to the occa- sional truck driver who breaks the speed limit to increase profits. Molnar is Professor and Duffy is Assistant Professor of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology. J.J. Molnar and P.A. Duffy PERCEPTIONS OF How FARMERS TREAT THE SOIL: NATIONAL SAMPLE, 1986 (N= 3,239) Response aiil~ilLilcu ~IVUUC;LIVII Vli;tC;L1C;t~lS allU Lilt: ~SUV~PII 10 S.P. Barron, H.W. Lane, and T.E. Hannan BREASTFEEDING, which is pro- moted by the American Dietetic Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the Department of Health and Human Resources, has been established as the most effective mode of infant feeding for the first 6 months of life. Though breastfeeding is increas- ing overall, studies indicate that low in- come mothers tend to terminate breast feeding earlier than middle class women. Studies by the Alabama Agricultural Ex- periment Station indicate occurrence and duration of breastfeeding by low in- come mothers was increased by the presence of supportive individuals in the home and by encouragement from breastfeeding friends. Breastfeeding duration was longer for those women who participated in educational food supplementation programs. The Auburn study consisted of a survey and follow-up contacts with 40 low income (less than $16,000 annual family income) mothers between 16 and 40 years of age, without college degrees. Each of these women had delivered full term healthy babies and was breastfeed- ing at hospital discharge. Each mother was interviewed shortly after delivery to determine if she was eligible to continue or join a food supplementation program called the USDA Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program. Each subject was then contacted by phone every 2 weeks to determine if breastfeeding was continuing. Once the infant reached 3 months of age or was totally weaned, a second in- terview with the mother was conducted. Researchers sought to determine whe- ther a support person, called a doula, was present, whether friends or family members were available for guidance and help immediately following delivery, how comfortable the mother was breast- feeding in front of various people, and the reasons for terminating breast- feeding. Average breastfeeding duration was 20.5 weeks. Forty percent of the women interviewed terminated before 2 months and 40% were still breastfeeding after 3 months. Participation in the WIC program, whether due to a heightened interest in breastfeeding or to qualify for the food subsidy, had a positive affect on dura- tion of breastfeeding. The WIC pro- gram included at least one basic nutri- tion education contact that encouraged breastfeeding. Sixty-seven percent of the women participated in WIC, 55% dur- ing breastfeeding and 47.5% during pregnancy. More long-term breast- feeders participated in WIC than did short-term breastfeeders. When a doula was present, the average duration of breastfeeding was 23.4 weeks, compared to 12.3 weeks when one was not present. More mothers of the breastfeeders were pre- sent during the first 2 weeks after delivery for the long-term breastfeeders than for the short-term breastfeeders. The presence of a supportive individual was associated with continued lactation, while the absence of a supportive in- dividual was associated with early ter- mination. The presence of a support person, frequently the mother of the new mother, to support the new mother and help with household duties in- creased the duration of breastfeeding by allowing the new mother to relax, estab- lish her milk supply, and become ad- justed to her infant's needs, thereby decreasing the incidence of the mother's perception of insufficient milk. The in- ability to relax due to the lack of sup- port may affect the neurological control over the let-down reflex, which is necessary for mothers milk to be ready for the infant. The number of breastfeeding friends was positively correlated with the dura- tion of breastfeeding. Women who breastfed longer than 2 months sought help from friends and felt more com- fortable breastfeeding in front of female and male friends. Those women breast- feeding 2 months or less generally did not have breastfeeding friends, and did not breastfeed in front of friends. Short- term breastfeeders often sought help from friends who were not breastfeed- ers, reinforcing their decision to ter- minate breastfeeding early. Several reasons were given for ter- mination of breastfeeding. More women breastfeeding 2 months or less quit due to perceived milk insufficiency than did those breastfeeding longer than 2 months. Three women, all breastfeeding for longer than 3 months, gave no reason for termination. Seven women remained breastfeeding at study comple- tion. Other reasons for termination in- cluded return to work and school, in- verted nipples, the inconvenience of breastfeeding, advice of a physician, medications, pregnancy, infant biting nipples, and decreased interest in breastfeeding by the infant. Barron is a former Graduate Student and Lane is Professor of Nutrition and Foods and Hannan is Assistant Professor of Family and Child Development. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station 11 IMPROVED MANAGEMENT prac- tices by Alabama growers have in- creased State peanut yield averages by almost 1,500 lb. per acre since 1970, to a current level of nearly 3,000 lb. per acre. Despite this increase, yield losses of 20-30% to soilborne diseases, such as white mold, limb rot, pod rot, and root rot, still occur statewide. Currently available fungicides provide only 40-60% control of these diseases, but Alabama Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion tests indicate more promising materials are on the way for peanut growers. Spotless' and Folicur?, unlabeled tri- azole fungicides, have provided leaf spot control comparable with Bravo' for several years, when applied in a season- long schedule. Because of their activity on white mold, limb rot, pod rot, and root rot-causing fungi, Spotless and Folicur-treated peanuts routinely outyielded Bravo-treated fields by 400-1,200 lb. per acre. Since development of fungicide-tol- erant strains of fungi has occurred where other triazole fungicides have been used, Auburn researchers also evaluated alternative treatment schedules that will allow growers to benefit from soilborne disease control from the triazole materials, but also utilize Bravo during times of the season when leafspot is the only problem. Ad- ditional benefits are to delay resistance development to the triazoles and to reduce the overall cost of the fungicide )ntro1 of Peanut Soilborne )iseases May Afford "jeld Breakt'roiiah PA. Backman program. Bravo is likely to be less ex- pensive than the new triazole fungicides. Research on midseason applications of Spotless and Folicur indicate that both fungicides do an excellent job of controlling white mold, either when banded as granules over the row or directed-sprayed onto the crown of the peanut plant, table 2. Since the product is delivered in a narrow band where white mold is most active, disease con- trol is achieved at lower use rates than when the same products are applied broadcast with a leafspot sprayer. Flutolonil (no trade name yet) is a relatively new compound that is licensed in Japan as Morestan. When used for soilborne disease control, this product can be mixed with Bravo and applied with a leafspot sprayer, can be banded sprayed as was done with the triazoles, or can be applied as a granule. Unlike T,tt i1. Ft i i s o fI I I -SI ., ON SPR v PRO( Yield, lb./acre Treatment* 1984 1985 1986 1987 Braso 1.1 lb. . 4,737 3,666 3,763 2,459 Spotless 0.12 lb... 5,944 4,167 4,054 3,497 F'olicur 0.22 lb... 5,917 4,589 4,380 3,545 the triazole fuIngicides, there is no effect on peanut leafspot. in all cases, it has been found to be highly effective in con- trolling white mold and suppressing the Rhizoctonia-induced diseases. Yields have often been improved by more than 1,000 lb. per acre in fields with only moderate disease severity, table 3. All of the fungicides tested and reported here have activities to several of the soilborne diseases. It is not always possible to quantify their impact on each disease nor to tell if these represent all of the fungi that are being controlled. These fungicides are highly active on a group of fungal diseases that are large- ly ignored by peanut farmers in the Southeast. These new fungicides should dramatically increase the profitability of peanut production, despite an estimated $30-40 per acre cost. Backman is Professor of Plant Pathology. RASi ON PEANUT YIEtOS AN) WHITE MOLIo White mold (hits/40 ft. row) Av. 1984 1985 1986 1987 Av. 3,656 7.0 2.0 5.7 18.0 8.2 4,415 .7 1.0 2.8 3.7 2.1 4,608 .2 .3 4.0 6.3 2.7 Tstti r 2. FFFE(1 t t Ot At't iCStIoN oi FL NOt IrtI NT TsICE THE R StE UsED f(OR COtiNtIL ttt P NIL; Lt t SPOtT Soilborne diseases Treatment* Yield, lb./acre 1985 1986 1987 1985 1986 1987 As. White Pod Whtte Pod White Pod mold rot mold rot mold rot No treatment..... 2,650 2.750 3t001 2,800 6.5 3.6 6.2 4.0 10.2 3.3 Terraclor 10 lb.... 3,129 3,513 3,448 3,363 6.0 3.5 3.0 2.9 4.2 2.9 Spotless 0.25 lb... 4,015 3,436 4,144 3,865 .8 3.0 4.0 2.9 2.4 2.7 Folicur 0.44 lb.... 3,583 3,583 1.5 2.4 Applied in a 12- to 16-in. band at pegging oser the ross, using etther a granule or directed (crowsn) spray. TiBtE 3. Y tft a RtsPoNsE OF PE.SNCTS Foi to05 NC TREST\1ENT tiITH FtIUTO INIt FC,(;I( IDE Yield, lb./acre White mold (hits/40 ft. row) Treatment * 1988 1986 1987 A. 1984 1985 1986 1987 As. No treatment .... 2,92) 2,520 3,)01 2,814 4.0 5.1 13.5 11.5 8.5 Terraclor 10 lb.... 3,294 3,513 3,448 3,418 2.7 1.9 6.2 3.9 3.7 Flutolonil 1.0 lb. . 3.219 3,775 4,586 3,860 1.1 1.9 5.7 3.0 2.9 Ilutolonil 2.0 lb. . 3,763 3,674 4,876 4,1)4 1.0 1.5 5.8 2.0 2.4 *All rates in pounds actite ingredient per acre Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station pLANT PARASITIC nema- todes are a limiting factor in food and fiber crop produc- tion in Alabama and most sub- tropical and tropical regions of the world. Yield losses in some crops are so severe that continued pro- duction is not feasible. In the Southeast, soybean, peanut, and vegetable and ornamental crop production is severely limited by nematodes. Soybean producers have traditionally used resistant varieties that hase los susceptibility to nematode attacks or are tolerant of nematode damage. However, total dependence on resistant varieties is not practical because some nematodes, like the cyst nematode, are able to adapt so quickly to resistant sarieties that new 'resistance-breaking' races quickly ap- pear in soybean fields. Also, nematode resistant sarieties of soybeans aren't necessarily the most productive, nor the most resistant to or tolerant of other in- sects and diseases. Unlike soybean growers, Alabama peanut grosers have traditionally used chemical nematicides to combat nema- todes. The best and most economical of these materials, EDB (ethylene dibro- mide) and DBCP (dibromochloropro- pene), sere recently banned by the En- vironmental Protection Aeency. Cur rently there are about 12 nematicides available to grosers, but the future availability of many of these materials is uncertain at best. Crop rotation is another popular method of nematode control, but it too has problems. The most popular rota- tion crops grown sith soybeans and peanuts are grain sorghum and corn. Except for a fesw cases in the Southeast, it is not economically feasible to gros corn and sorghum, because of crop losses due to climate and pests and the loss return these commodities bring to farmers. Thus, there is currently a need to deselop alternative and nosel methods for the management of nematodes. Nematoloes research at the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station has elimination of plant parasitic nematodes. Chitin, for example, a constituent material of shrimp and '- . ~crab shell, when appropriately ~ formulated, can be added to soil to reduce damage by root-knot nematodes. Considering that shrimp and crab shells are waste R. Rodriguez-Kabana and G. Morgan-Jones shown that it is possible to reduce populations of plant parasitic nema- todes in soil by using some traditional or new crops in rotation, or by introduc- ing organic amendments which enhance the activity of nematode antagonists. Recent research has shown that several forage and row crop species can be used in rotation with Florunner peanuts to reduce populations of root- knot nematode (M. arenaria), table 1. Castor bean (Ricinus commnunis) and sesame (Sesmun indicun) are row crops that are as effective as cotton (a non-host) in reducing nematode numbers when planted in rotation with Florunner peanuts. Data also show that joint vetch (Aeschynomnene inlica) and partridge peas (Cassia fasiculata), two 0 potential forage legumes, are equally ef- fective in reducing nematode numbers. Other experiments hase shown that another legume, hairy indigo (In- digo(era hirsura), and bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum) are also promising forage crops for the management of nematodes. Table 2 reports results of a 2-year peanut/cotton rotation wshich resulted in cood control of root-knot nematodes and increased peanut yields. Current research efforts are designed to deter- mine precisely the long-term effects of rotation crops on nematode populations and their influence on other plant pathogens, insects, and weeds, and on physical and chemical soil properties. The results thus far indicate that it may be possible to maintain root-knot nematodes at economicalls tolerable le\els through the use of these plant species in rotation schemes. Addition of certain types of organic matter to soil can result in reductions or products from our fishing in- dustry, potential for their economic utilization as soil amendments is obvious. Auburn research has shown that these "waste materials," when add- ed to soil, can provide a solution to the nematode problems facing home gar- deners. Auburn research has shown that chitin stimulates the type of microor- ganisms in soil that are antagonistic to nematodes. This discovery represents successful and consistent biological con- trol of plant-parasitic nematodes. TAti [ t. EtL( I (IF SEVERL A Ros CRO' AND FOR(G1 P \NT SPECIFE (N JUVENII-E POPanOt i oifiN0 ROiOiTNIii~ Ni %It 5FF (Mloioe tsI ARLA ARIA) IN I LID Lxl'ERisrI I Ai IHL WIRL(,R SS SULBiS tiON Crop Nematodes per pint No. I lorunner peaiut..... 568 Castor bean.. .. .3 Joint vetch ........... .4 Partridge pea ..... 0. .0 Sesame .............. 8 Cotton .............. .0 Juvenile nematode numbers determined 6 weeks prior to harvest. T'io i 2. Eii rr i CRti' ROTATION ON ROOT-KNOT Nt st TODL (Wi 10/0061 5- IlLVAIS i/i iiJISNil 1 POPi.i TiiNS ANiD YI i- 0 i FI (ORLNNt R Pt SNLT IN A Iit t ENPFRistLNI iAS IHE WIRt (,RAS5 SU tSTiION Crop and treatment Nematodes Yield 1985 1986 tb pints No. Lh. acre Peanuts peanuts 340 2,614 Cotton peanuts 194 3,t23 Rodriguez-Kabana and Mlorgan-Jones are Pro- tessors of Plant Pathology. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station oLE. Wilson an urdennLee L.E. Wilson and Durden Lee I I FARM ASSEMBLY of milk con- tinues to be a major marketing cost for dairy farmers. In the Mid- south, farm-to-market assembly costs paid by farmers range from less than 5%o to over 10% of the farm level value of milk. Research at the Alabama Agricul- tural Experiment Station indicates that under existing hauling rate structure, ef- ficiently operated routes are profitable for haulers and that rates paid by co- operatives to contract haulers are in line with costs of efficient operations. Changes in conditions affecting milk producers, haulers, and the market create the need to periodically assess the charges for milk assembly and trans- port. Recently, a major dairy coopera- tive requested assistance from the Ala- bama Agricultural Experiment Station to study milk hauling costs. Purpose of the study was to determine costs, reve- nues, and efficiencies in the farm assem- bly and transport of milk. Results from the study provided haulers with infor- mation useful to evaluate their opera- tions to make adjustments to reduce costs and/or increase revenues. Also, the study provided the cooperative with information to be used in evaluating the need to adjust hauler and producer rates. As a result of periodic studies over the past 15 years conducted by southern dairy cooperatives and the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, a haul- ing rate system for milk assembly has been developed. Forms of the system are being used by most cooperatives and proprietary handlers operating in the Midsouth. Rates established per hundredweight are based on producer volume (the larger the volume, the lower the rate) and distance of the farm from the market (rates increase with distance). Purpose of the volume- distance scale has been to provide a rate structure that is fair to the in- dividual producer and to the hauler. Initially, the scale was used to establish rates paid by individual producers and is still used in this manner by some pro- prietary handlers. Ordinarily, coopera- tives use the scale as a guide to establish an amount to pay their contract haulers for deliveries to specific locations or to allocate revenues to their hauling opera- tions when using the cooperative's equipment. Each route has several alter- native rates for deliveries to a list of markets. The hauler delivers to the market specified by the cooperative. Delivery locations may change several times during a month. Because of the way cooperatives move milk among markets, as well as balance supplies, it is impractical for the cooperatives to charge individual producer members the full costs of day-to-day assembly and movement of their milk. Instead, in cooperatives the producer members as a group or subgroups, such as a divi- sion, pay the total costs of milk assem- bly and transport. A questionnaire was administered to seven contract haulers employed by the cooperative. The individual haulers operated 2-13 routes for a total of 42 routes to assemble milk from approxi- mately 300 dairy farmers located in Alabama, Tennessee, and Georgia. Deliveries of raw milk were made to fluid milk plants located in these states and Florida and periodic deliveries of milk were made to cheese plants. Study periods were September-December (three haulers) and May-August (four haulers). Individual analyses were pre- SELECTED MEASURES OF COSTS AND REVENUE FOR SEVEN CONTRACT HAULERS, 1985-86 Av. cost or revenue per Item Route Round-trip Hundred- day mileage weight Dol. Dol. Dol. Cost Labor ...... 222.73 0.268 0.486 Operating .. 300.60 .363 .656 Fixed ...... 198.57 .239 .434 Total ....... 721.90 .870 1.576 Revenue ...... 730.93 .881 1.596 pared for each operation, reviewed by the hauler for accuracy of results, and revisions made where needed. Initial analyses of the survey data show route characteristics and relate overall costs of operation to hauling revenues received by each hauler. Average load was 45,797 lb., 88% of tank capacity. Among the seven haulers, loads ranged from 43,300 lb., or 83.9% of capacity, to 48,200 lb. and 91.3 of capacity. Average round-trip mileage in- cluding farm pickup was 834 miles, ranging from 603 to 889 miles for the individual haulers. Selected measures of average costs in- clude: operating the routes $721.90 per route day, $0.870 per round-trip mile, and $1.576 per hundredweight. Approx- imately 31% of costs were labor, operating or variable costs were 42%, and fixed costs were 27%. Costs to assemble and transport 100 lb. of milk 100 miles averaged $0.189 for the seven firms. Among the haulers, these costs ranged from $0.167 (average routes of 889 miles) to $0.222 (690 miles per route). Some cost dif- ferences can be related to length of routes, while other significant cost ranges were attributed to differences in operational efficiencies among the firms. Although revenue received by haulers exceeded all costs by 1.2%, some haulers enjoyed substantial returns on their operations. Others were not covering all costs. Net income to the seven haulers ranged from a 17% loss to a positive return exceeding 12%. Three haulers experienced losses. The loss elements were identified to the three haulers and adjustments were made so that break-even operations or small net incomes were achieved as a result of the study. Wilson is Professor of Agricultural Econo- mics and Lee is Hauling and Transportation Coordinator, Southeast Division of Southern Milk Sales. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station aI 14 THE CONSERVATION Reserve Program is increasing the amount of tree plantings on some of Alabama's more erodable land, but to receive payment through the program, tree seedling survivability must be ade- quate. Research in the Alabama Agri- cultural Experiment Station indicates that planting pine seedlings deeper, or where deeper planting is not done, plan- ting shorter seedlings, can increase sur- vivability on adverse planting sites. Some sites to be planted have com- pacted topsoil, while others have sandy soil textures and do not hold water well. During dry years, survival on the sites may be reduced due to a lack of mois- ture. Seedling survival also can be af- fected by how well the seedlings are planted and how much shoot is exposed after planting. On well drained sites, planting pine seedlings deeper than normal will usually increase survival. This can easily be done when planting with machines that make a deeper plant- ing hole. However, hand planters some- times object to deep planting due to the extra time required to make a deeper, larger planting hole. Therefore, when hand planting seedlings at normal depths (root collar at ground level or slightly below ground level), the height of the seedling planted could affect sur- vival on adverse sites. To determine the effect of seedling height on survivability, researchers col- lected data from one site located in the lower Piedmont and two in the Hilly Coastal Plain of Alabama. The sites were hand planted at a 6-ft. x 8-ft. spac- ing with 1-0 planting stock using dibbles. During planting operations, planters were instructed to plant the seedlings to normal, or root collar, depth. The sites were defined as adverse, since second-year survival was below 75% o and total 2-year height growth was less than 30 in. Adverse conditions in- cluded low soil water holding capacity (resulting in droughty conditions), thin topsoils (due to erosion), or severe com- paction (from harvesting). Average sur- vival, total seedling height, and total growth (for 2 years) were calculated for the various height classes. Seedling heights immediately after planting ranged from 2 to 14 in. Survival was negatively related to initial seedling height after two seasons, with taller planted seedlings having lower survival than shorter ones, see figure. Second- Survival of Loblolly Pine Seedlings on Adverse Sites Is Influenced by Initial Height C.L. Tuttle, M.S. Golden, D.B. South, and R.S. Meldahl Pine seedling survival and growth. year survival on adverse sites was 18 0 % higher for 8-in. seedlings than for 14-in. seedlings. Therefore, on the adverse sites examined, there was no apparent advan- tage in using taller bare-root seedlings. On these sites, shorter seedlings likely undergo less transplant shock, resulting in better survival. Total loblolly pine seedling height growth after two growing seasons also was correlated to planting height, see figure. On these adverse sites, total growth was negatively related to initial seedling height. However, total seedling height after two seasons (total 2-year growth plus initial seedling height) was not significantly related to initial seed- ling height. The shorter seedlings grew faster and were able to equal the heights of the slower growing taller seedlings. For many years, foresters have known that seedlings of the same height with large root collar diameters will perform better than seedlings with smaller diameters. Seedlings with large root col- Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station lars (greater than 3/16 in.) and with good lateral roots are recommended for greater survival or growth. However, this study indicates that when referring to seedling height, the use of taller seed- lings does not necessarily mean better growth and survival. When other mor- phological characteristics, such as col- lar diameter and root mass, are similar, planting a taller seedling on an adverse site may result in lower survival. The Auburn research indicates plant- ing crew supervisors should be aware of the interactions between site and seedl- ing heights and should attempt to iden- tify adverse sites prior to planting opera- tions. On adverse sites, seedling survival can be increased by deep planting (plac- ing the root collar below the soil sur- face), but where deep planting is not practiced, planting short (less than 10 in. tall) seedlings with good root systems should result in increased survival. Tuttle is Research Associate, Golden is Associate Professor, and South and Meldahl are Assistant Professors of Forestry. 15 L.J. (Over and J. L Touchton E ARLY-MATURING winter legumes can be used as the sole nitrogen (N) source for summer crops that have a low N requirement or that have a relatively late optimum plan- ting date. These legumes, however, do not provide sufficient N for corn, a crop with a high N requirement that must be planted early. In addition, comparing current legume seed and seeding costs to commercial N prices shows that the legume must provide about 80 lb. N per acre to cover production costs. If reseeding legumes can be used, however, production costs can be greatly reduced. A good crop of soybeans can provide one-fourth to one-third of the total N needed by a subsequent corn crop. Since soybeans do not have to be planted un- til mid-May, it is possible to reseed legumes in a soybean-winter legume- corn rotation. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station research conducted at the Sand Mountain and Wiregrass substations was aimed at the develop- ment of legume reseeding systems that can eliminate or greatly reduce N fer- tilizer requirements of corn. Legume cropping systems and rota- tions tested were: (1) continuous corn with no winter crops, (2) soybean-corn rotation with no winter crops, (3) con- tinuous corn with fall-planted crimson clover, and (4) soybean-corn rotation with seeded clover the fall prior to plant- ing soybeans with reseeded clover the second fall. Nitrogen fertilizer (am- monium nitrate) was applied to corn at rates of 0, 60, 120, and 180 lb. N per acre. Soils at both locations rated high in P, K, Ca, and Mg. At the Sand Mountain Substation, corn (RA 1502) was planted during mid-April in 36-in. rows; irrigation was not available. At the Wiregrass Substation, corn (DeKalb T1230) was planted in late March using twin 7-in. rows on 36-in. centers with irrigation. All tests were planted with an in- row subsoiler. Reseeded clover behind soy- beans produced more dry matter and total N than planted clover following corn, table 1. Greater weight and total N with the reseed- ed clover is most likely due to earlier establishment and more fall growth than planted clover. At the Sand Mountain Substa- tion, corn grain yields peaked at 120 lb. N per acre regardless of crop- ping system, table 2. However, crop- ping systems changed yield poten- tials. The highest yielding system was the soybean-reseeded clover-corn rotation with 156 bu. per acre, com- pared to 110 bu. per acre with con- tinuous corn. At the Wiregrass Substation, corn grain yields were not greatly affected by cropping systems when N was at optimum levels, table 2. It appears that the soybean-reseeded clover system, but not the clover-only or soybean-only systems, reduced N fer- tilizer requirements for corn. Judging from data collected from this study and other studies con- ducted in recent years, it may be best not to reduce the N fertilizer rate for corn rotated with soybeans or follow- ing a winter legume. Further evalua- ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION AUBURN UNIVERSITY AUBURN UNIVERSITY, ALABAMA 36849-5403 Lowell : Frobish, Director POSTMASTER-Address Correction Requested tion of the potential benefits of reseeding systems, production cost reductions, increase in yield potential, and reduction in N fertilizer re- quirements will be continued. Oyer is a Graduate Student and Touchton is Professor of Agronomy and Soils. TAB I. 1. DRY WEIGHT AND N CONTENT OF CLOVER AT CORN P1 ANTIN A A AFFECTED BY LOCATION AN) PREVIOUS CROP Clover wt. and N content L.ocation and Dry wt./ N N/acre previous crop acre content Lb. Pct. Lb. Sand Mountain Substation Corn ....... Soybeans.... Wiregrass Substation Corn Soybeans.... 3,198 2.91 93 4,237 2.86 121 1,103 4.19 2,425 3.76 TABLE 2. CORN GRAIN YIELD, BY LOCATION, AS AFFECTED BY CROPPING SYSTEM AND N TREA.TMENT Location and cropping system Grain yield/ per acre O 60 120 180 N N N N Bu. Bu. Bu. Bu. Sand Mountain Substation Continuous corn...... 12 67 110 110 Soybeans-corn rotation 39 102 123 135 Clover-corn .......... 53 104 132 131 Soybeans-reseeded clover-corn .......... 81 135 156 155 Wiregrass Substation Continuous corn...... 61 138 155 186 Soybeans-corn rotation 89 125 165 171 Clover-corn .......... 85 139 152 164 Soybeans-reseeded clover-corn .......... 139 170 182 163 NON-PROFIT ORG. POSTAGE & FEES PAID PERMIT No. 9 AUBURN, ALA.