LJ A 4 4 ~, x, aI NEW AND TIMELY PUBLICATIONS Bulletins \u 57I 1 liii l -51i1S 1 iiaI I ii t ii ii l ii 1III Ia Ni 572- A ccl Si/ite 'i i t iuuuuiut PaIii t iti Itiii Sii ttl~ii Slte.i f\o a I aakt h h ~ l 13 \0 571- Xl Itit ii t S tlt z d 1ot iI III) t ii t ii ItI1- Iic tl II t Iit ii No. 575 1KI u~ oI Coin kuuii it rlI tin ito iI I it ltiiiti n i~uI'i 'I' t Iit Xic I ISii \ .5" i. ln II I t 'I l I tic Sitt ioi I itt u- S it it Al i c t] I 'i ill i3tt cIt( Circulars \(oi 2" itc t i t]cr~ SI ed N I it 'it i Research Report Series Progress Reports Annual Reports h i i it it'rit Variety Reports I ti i a e of(I ( lit I I Ithi iii ini XAl liii i 19J55 Departmental Series \lI1( litStittt X f~o utli ci c Itli )oittoiilS1hi~ SoIiutr Coativ Series Bulletins Ithnt ,,rc1llalFpc ONura tHE io COVER Vetle crpprdcioaeuie oo aagmn andl epasis otn marketing sete stor pag 10).~ ol clu" .thr (-5f> lerii ill ;t o t o -ii lr il 19~ ii itit1 Si t l I iii c~ - ic in- t itfl ali the i I nill'it ofi iii luI Ile rii -'' natn ii I ' tl i i titIii it iiil it Ii i icit i Itlii f;5.i it rII l i lit 'i it i n illIi i ii itc t1 ik hu te it u ic cc it tii iiin 'it lii FALLa 1986 Vonle 33e No 3. Ei(ltoiald C o mmiiittee: 1) 'i ii In 11 it it! 1),i iii) li I I P ii/( m N of l i fsow i litl iAl 'i t tli i~ la ui iii l iii. Iii Kil i t 1(. 1I PrK I sn o/ I I ' ii i tilt i i/ .'oiii l if ( l ll/ Ji \icit! I FI n;iI'~i StNut 'i -lN \I( i ti/ut.1a Siit'iI is n r c Aii N I . vl3 ssi it.:ls it / itil if ('si tuul n1unt! I Put u ralS 1'tl ti. and it 3c3i N - ulntiN (uN~l 1 S IL sv\ S~u 'l o oii lo l-iiin u loo,1 i''i i Proper Timing Is Necessary for Full Benefit of Irrigation by Soybeans C.M. PETERSON, M.G. HUCK, and G. HOOGENBOOM SOYBEAN PLANTS are sensitive to drought stress, especially between flowering and pod fill. Although Ala- bama usually gets enough total summer rain for adequate plant growth, uneven distribu- tion of rains causes problems. This poor dis- tribution causes available soil water in the rooting zone to be depleted at times during the growing season, causing stress on the crop. Such tillage practices as subsoiling and chisel plowing may improve soybean perfor- mance on some soils by increasing rooting depth, thereby providing access to stored water reserves. Irrigation also can reduce drought stress because water can be applied to the crop as needed. However, results of an Auburn study indicate that timing of irriga- tion is critical in achieving maximum yields. The 4-year Alabama Agricultural Experi- ment Station-USDA-ARS study measured the effects of drought stress and irrigation on growth of Braxton soybean plants. Plants were grown in the Auburn rhizotron (an un- derground root observation laboratory) in soil compartments containing loamy sandy topsoil EFFECT OF IRRIGATION ON ROOT LENGTH AND SEED YIELD OF SOYBEANS IN RHIZOTRON BINS, 1980-83 Irrigation Root length/sq. ft. of glass wall Seed production/bin treatment 1980 1981 1982 1983 1980 1981 1982 1983 Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Irrigated .................... - 15.4 9.2 14.5 1.27 1.48 1.46 1.15 Nonirrigated ................ . - 34.2 10.5 16.9 .63 .95 .95 1.16 packed to a uniform density. Each 2 x 3 x 6 ft. compartment had glass viewing windows on one side that permitted observation of root growth. Some of the soil compartments were irri- gated daily, while others were not irrigated and received only rainfall. As indicated by the graph, rainfall was insufficient for opti- mum plant growth during most growing sea- sons and resulted in periods of drought stress for nonirrigated plants. The driest of the 4 years was 1980, while 1982 and 1983 were both wet. The periods of prolonged drought stress during flowering, pod set, and pod fill in 1980 and 1981 accounted for a marked re- duction in seed yield without irrigation. Timing of drought-stress periods over four growing seasons is illustrated. Bars indicate time from planting until harvest each year, with shaded portions indicating periods of drought stress for nonirrigated treatment. Supplemental water was added to the irrigated treatment during these periods. Drought stress throughout pod fill in 1982 contributed to the differences in yields of the two treatments reported in the table. Two drought periods occurred in 1983, but a wet period in early August and rains throughout September prevented significant drought stress during most of flowering and also dur- ing mid- to late pod fill. Thus, seed yields in 1983 for both irrigated and nonirrigated treatments were similar. Measurements of root growth during the last 3 years of the study, given in the table, in- dicated sizeable differences in root systems of plants from the two treatments. Irrigated plants generally had fewer, more evenly dis- tributed roots than nonirrigated plants, mostly in the top 3 ft. of soil. Total root length of nonirrigated plants was much greater in 1981 when soil water was depleted relatively early in the growing season. In 1982, heavy rains during July maintained a high soil water content throughout the vegetative growth pe- riod, and root growth of both treatments was similar. In 1983, ample moisture was present until midway through vegetative growth. However, a drought during the last 2 weeks of July contributed to increased root growth in the nonirrigated treatment. This study demonstrates the importance of drought stress on soybean growth and sug- gests that timing of irrigation may be a criti- cal factor in maximizing soybean yield. Re- sults also emphasize the importance of continuing irrigation once it is begun, partic- ularly during dry growing seasons. Other- wise, plants which are irrigated during veg- etative growth may not form sufficient roots to support moisture requirements during later dry cycles. Reduced pod set and seed fill would then result. Conversely, plants ex- posed to drought stress during early vegeta- tive growth develop larger and usually deeper root systems. These root systems could enhance total water uptake and, there- fore, potentially contribute to improved yields, especially if irrigation is initiated later in the growing season. Peterson is Professor of Botany, Plant Pathology, and Microbiology, Huck is former Adjunct Associ- ate Professor and Hoogenboom is former Graduate Research Assistant of Agronomy and Soils. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station R.A. TUFTS U SE O F lit' IB E R 'lI ii E) grapple skitddtis is bletominig tilt imost c'omi- mon imithodt of tiraiisportiiig wxood fro11 slump to iroatdsid' in tiiiibt' eo xrtiog roug deliiilbiig bs backinlg till liiad~ thiiouigli at tltlimiing gate. As wxithl anyp ilt'x prioced'uriie, it is iimpo~rtanlt to) kniiw the' pr odtitits if grappic skiddcrs aid Il itto i ertandt the vaiab1 ll's tha~t afflect this pi uitix its Suiit frmliliatioin wxas die Sta~t ion re'seartci. T'e vairiable'sloadt si/z' aindt skitddinig tistaic itr' foun tot h) w i ax 'fiie imr- tiint 'fects oin priitii cti s its if grapplt' skit- (pre'stente'd ini bo be Iilioi) provix to be 1)'a goodit e'stimaltiir of tiiiet per c e\ o'if opt'iation. of n~ii eits aid tight tiiffeiren t o petris. Tile mi ne~tii lts ran 1gedl in sizt frioii 96 to) 185s illois'pioswei. Intdept'ndtent 5aialels co n sidl- e rt'd aire lis ted in thll table, ailng xxi th thlt ian ge' Landt averiage' iof xalues toide I red(. IIi)I iIvN1)1 N \ Slu l 0I's 55 III AX.i4 5,vs 550 RAM. Vs Conis) IDEVIT IN lIi AN-i 151 Skitd dt, u , ft. . .. ILoall w ighit, I1. . . \tatloi'c xx ight 11atio 1 Ia hi fi retighl lp. . . . No.i unches/cycl x te.. Ni. oft ec/ cl .uu' ''5 l' Avx lini. Maix 6536 IS4 3,21 51h 31 96l 2, V) S,251) 1,55 2;3.11S 18.68 29.00( 015 0. 119 1 1 1 22 (0.4 6.9 Skidding distance was found to affect time per cycle (travel enuptx to woods, pick up load, and rctnrn load to roadside) more lh;m am other variable, figure I. No interaction was found between distance and load. 13011 have a linear cf1ect on time pcr cycle (output directly proportional to input). For every 100 ft. of skid distance, cycle time increases 0.277 minute, and for every additional 10011). EQU \TION ime/cyxl -k 72:37 - 0. 009061 *IDist + 0.001497 * Load R' -. 81I :30,7905 * Ratio + 0.05357 * D~ist * Ratio -0.006:355 * Loadt * Ratio + 0.001624 * D ist * N both 0.000133 * Lioad * Nlt'lI where. D~ist =skidding (distancee in feet Load =load wxeighit in poiind~s Ratio -machine wxeight (1,000's of pounds) dixided b\ horsepowser N 1)0(1= number ) of buinchilts pt'r c'5cle Pr oductivits of skidder -tin e/t urn1 dlivxidetd into0 60 minuiiltes per hour Xi load size ute. an5 iotihei 5 riahit' stiidii'ti figiiie O. At ails skid diista,i' prouciit ion of the machine lan) bit incre tasedt us iiicireasinig thit load size. Ti rtfor , tile stadarLId practice o f us iing (deck locatiiins to rnoniiniz' skidinig diistaiie 1'I( as tiage loiad silte for the lar gest mia- eiiin' xx as only 2, 7411 ii). whertieas for the smlletst iiaciiie, av eiage load sizt' xxas 3,431 11). Aiother' indicatioin of, inefficenit uist' of arigt' sk idders showe td uip iln the ratioi iif ia- cine wi5e i gilt di5ided( bx horsetpi xt'r This ii 015 re Wxas i egatis l corriielated 'Ii5tii ti me per cxcie. Thlis iil'iiis that tilt larger imai ciiets w5r nit on) ily tirainsporing toilpai a lix cix smialler loatis bit wxere also tras eling .I ixx ei. T1It' is Atssistan~t Prot,'ssoi oft Ilusi FIG. 1. Skidding distance affected time per cycle more than any other variable. Time/cycle, min. 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 Skid distance, ft. FIG. 2. Load size affected production more than any other variable studied. Production, cd /PMH E] 1,000-lb. load 20- [ 4,000-lb. load Ej 7,000-lb. load 15 lO 5- 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 Skid distance, ft. Alabama A--iictltil fI [/iwi-iniut Statonl p S U R 8' F ORlL. 1 1 SO W \S could svery sweli make a conmc-hack as hog fai mers 11)0k for wssaA to tclt plroducetion costs. Pastuties sticcessftlls replaced up to twxo- thirds of the feed requilred for sows i n an Ala- haima Agricultur al Experiment Station test at the Sand Miountain Subistation, Crosss ille. On at dollar basis, the savinogs hy grazinlg 5ss5 am~ounted to as iiiich as $40 per sowS per year oser dirylot feeding. Since plasture cost ssas oitly $18 per 5sw per~ year, the bottom- line sas log is worHth consideriiig. Using pastur es for sssine b~reedling her ds is nothiiig ness, ill couirse, buit there is a need for research info~rmaItion blased on geneticalls so- pcirior ssxinc and inteinsive p asture manage- mentit sy stemlls in use toda. Therefore, the Sand Mlountain Substation studti sxas hegun to aclilatels determine the ahility of sosss to utilize for1ages and to determine suppilmen- tall elrgs and proin n ieeded bysow55s graz- ing intensis cly mnaged pastures. The :3-sycar studyx evaltiatedi use of a rota- titonal grazing sy steml folr gestating sows. The 64 test gilts (Laindrace X Yorkshire X Duroc crosses) ssere dis ided into four groups. The controll grotip swas housed in dry lot anti fed 4 11) per diay of a corn-soybleatn meal gestattion diet tihat supplied 100%/ of the dlaily nultri- tional Irequliremlents its oultlined hy the Na- tionlal Research Council. The other grtotps, all of swhiich receisved etqal amiouniits of s ita- m0i ns anti ineralis as the conutrls, swere al- lo)wed tol grate in the rtatitonal paistuire sys temn anti fed one (If the follossing amounts oIf feed:(l 1. 67cr of tilt energy anti tprtotein fedi to the dlrylot (control) sos 2. 33%/ of the energy aind p1rotein fed to colntrl sowsV 3. lnt supp~flemelntal feed Savings possible of $40 per sow per year by grazing. The rotational forage sy stein ctonsisted of a plerennial pasttiie of orchardgrass and trim- ston closer and summer and wxinter annuals. The sumlmer iannuial pasture swas Tifleaf mil let anti the winter annaltd ssas ixe e scgrass, anti tilosve. The sowss s were sttocked at the rate of 12 per acire and rotated b~etwe en the pe- relnnial and atnnual p~asttires depending on seasoni anld the alnount ilf grazing asalablei. On day 110 (If gestation, sowss from all treatments we rc movedc to an ensvironmn- tails ctontrlled farroswing house sshe're they swere fll- Ifed a 15% prtein lactation diiet for the 30 tiay lactation. After wseaning, sos wer crieturnetd tto their respectiv e treatments atnd bredi for the next litter. Sowxs remlaincei on Xoola XgIt A,, /fullu / I.xpet 1110 lt Station TJ. PRINCE, A.L. STEPHENSON, and J.T EASON (Osll'A(AuI P lhOBl(: sa G (ESlITIC SORSx IN 1)lnLOl Al[) ON 0,0 AlTIONSI. GRZI iNG, S'ND NlOt 'sAIN St ~15 ]O's Rtesult, bls fedti g sy steim I temn 1)is lot Pastulre + feed 100%~ fe 67% of' 33% of No dryslot dry lot feed Litter size at blirth . . . .. . . . .. . . . . 10.2 10.2 10.1 1t).6 Litter birthl wt. lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.7 33.7 31.0 31.0 Litter size ait 21 dlas .. . . . .. . . . ... 8.1 8.0 7.9 7.6 Litter wxt. at 21 (las lb6 . ... . . . .. . . . .. 86.5 86.5 84.5 73.5 Gestaitioni gain, lb .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7.2 81.4 72.8 35.4 Lictatioin gain, lb ............................- 29.3 -25.1 -13.6 4.4 Lactation feed, lb./a (las . . . .. . .. . . 16.9 16.7 18.5 18.7 lass to estriis.......................... .... 6.3 3.9 6.6 6.6 the' studyi ftor 5 pa1rities5 ulests tilt' we rc' re- movsed for failure tto ctnceive otr for souiinnss problems. Ats shown by11 dat a in tihe tablie, litter sitte at birth itdiltiitttei biirtht xx(igllt 55rc nott affected by5 the grinlg sy stemi or the ites l of Stipple- melntl energy andt tprotein fetl. Ilowsscvser, ntiinei of p)igs aliset at 21 tdays (If itgc and lit- ter wxeight iat 21 daylxs tendle'd to dirop swith lowserleitsetls of stupplemnltattionk tespecially in tilt zer) suppl)emeltntal feecdt groutp. Asan asveriage, the grazedt sos showed15''t gestationi gins siila~r to dirylilt isws. Agii, sos gc'tting o1111 patsturc' (110 suplemtent'- mal~jority oIf this decrc'ase wa itsn tilt first pai- its sxhc'n the no-snllffomc'it pa~stire' groupi~ gaine'd only :31 lb., its comparedit w'l~ith 81, 78, sulemeItlicntaltion grioips, re'spec'tivecl. This indticate's that an adetquoat' pfiitod is neccs- sax for first-littei gil ts til be ale t' tieff iicintly titiize tt folrage's 5(1 su ppliI ii tal l iutition~ can lbt rec't dct. Ill par itit's 2 tol 5, Asws iln tpas- tti ( groups gaine'd as mucch olr imore' than thoise' houised( in dirsylilt atnci fe'c 100% (If theOir ntient rt'(fcire'menits. Lactatioll 55eighlt loss xas ile ss fitr sowsX thait we(1re gratc'd tha~n thotse' thait we rc' fed iin diry- lilt. This wasl tru li' espAfite' tilt fact thlat all wecre' fairrlswcd inl tilt sautile hou(st' andl~ wer1e wstighlt lo1ss deccreatsed its the' it'el o'il supple- thiough tis diecrea~sedc xxecight loss mlay lbe pairtiatlls e'xpitlai by loss cr ge'statioln 5weighlt 'T'e re'sults (If this studyi shows thait ge'stt- in~g sos rotattiolly graze'd tol hlighl qutality plasture's cani lbt It'd as littlt' as tone-thirtd ill lTh' cost of t'stab lishing andlt mailintining pas- turt's 5wais $18 pci sows per' sear. At tile :33% fe'o'iing it'sel' a saitIngs (If2 ll. oIf co~rn anti 0.35111. (If Asybeant halt't per day for 275 grill- ing day s pe'r yecar re'prest'nte'd a sax ings of 840.42 per' sows ill fe'ed costs. 'The'refore r'o1( taltiolt girating 55yste'ms reptre'se'nt all e'co- nomiallyl fe'asible' aternitivec for swsinle pro- duicc'rs. Prinle' is As soia te' Profe s sor oIf Aim(ial andt / , ~' -4~V I. c COMPLAINTS ABOUT farmers and agribusinesses having access to bet- ter credit terms and lower interest rates than other sectors of the economy are heard regularly. But just how much truth is there in such charges? Not much, according to findings from an Alabama Agricultural Ex- periment Station study. The opinions about farm credit stem from the existence of such organizations as the Farm Credit System and Farmer's Home Administration, which were established to handle specific credit needs of farmers, agri- businesses, and rural residents. While the organizations offer obvious benefits to agri- culture, general economic factors tend to di- minish any advantage that farmers might have. The agricultural industry, particularly at the farm level, is characterized by highly var- iable product prices. These prices typically follow seasonal and cyclical patterns with their level generally set by supply. When prices are relatively high, production of that commodity is expanded. This increased sup- ply causes the price to decline, which leads to reduced quantities produced. This reduced supply then causes a trend back to higher prices. During inflationary periods, interest rates and product prices, except for agricultural products, generally rise. Prices received by farmers are influenced little by inflationary pressures, while prices paid for production inputs are subject to inflationary movements. For example, from 1961 to 1985 the index of prices paid by farmers increased 269%, while the index of prices received rose only 143%. The consumer price index, which gives an in- dication of the movement of overall prices paid by consumers, grew 258%. Actual (nominal) interest rates paid by ag- riculture and all other segments of the econ- omy rise with the level of inflation. This di- rect relationship occurs because, with inflation, a dollar will purchase more today than it will at some time in the future. Inter- est compensates the lender for this decrease in purchasing power. If actual interest rates paid are adjusted to remove the inflationary effects, real interest rates are obtained. In the research done to determine if farm- ers have an interest advantage, nominal or ac- tual interest rates paid for agricultural loans were adjusted by various price indexes to re- move any inflationary effects and give the ap- propriate real rates. Two sets of adjusted ag- ricultural interest rates were derived, one based on the agricultural prices paid index (PPI) and the other calculated with the agri- cultural prices received index (PRI). Real in- terest rates paid by those in other sectors of the economy were obtained by deflating ac- tual interest rates with the consumer price index (CPI). Comparisons were made for short-term non-real estate borrowing and for long-term W.E. HARDY, JR., and S. OLOWOLAYEMO real estate loans. Rates for Production Credit Association loans represented short-term ag- ricultural loans, while commercial bank rates on short-term loans were utilized to repre- sent other sectors of the economy. Federal Land Bank rates represented the charge for long-term agricultural loans. These rates were compared with home mortgage rates, which represent interest paid by others. When nominal rates were compared for 1961 to 1985, the average rate paid by farmers on short-term PCA loans was higher than the rate paid by those in other sectors even with- out correcting for inflationary effects. This has fluctuated in more recent years. From 1978 to 1982, for example, average annual in- terest on PCA loans was less than at com- mercial banks. For 1983 to 1985, however, the average PCA rates were higher than bank rates. Agricultural borrowers appear to be in a relatively better position with nominal long- term rates. Average annual rates were lower for FLB than home mortgage loans in all but 6 years, with nearly a half-percent advantage in the average rate for the 25-year period. When nominal rates were adjusted to ac- count for inflation, the resultant real interest rates more clearly reflected the actual inter- est burden. For example, PCA rates adjusted for PPI and PRI were higher than average real bank rates for the 1961-85 study period. From 1973 to 1982, however, the average real rates paid on PCA loans were generally lower. Long-term agricultural rates were found to be somewhat lower when CPI adjusted mort- gage rates were compared to real FLB rates obtained by using the PPI and PRI. Real FLB rates adjusted by the PRI were higher than real mortgage rates during 1982-85, reflect- ing the increased pressure that farmers are feeling. Results of this analysis can be summarized by the general statement that, for the past 25 years, farmers have paid (1) somewhat higher rates in the short-term market, and (2) lower rates in the long-term market than those in other sectors of the economy. In recent years, however, long-term rates for agriculture have also tended to be higher when adjusted by the index of prices received. Hardy is Professor and Olowolayemo is a former Graduate Student Aid in Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology AVERAGE ANNUAL INTEREST RATES FOR LOANS FROM PRODUCTION CREDIT ASSOCIATIONS AND FEDERAL LAND BANK, SHORT-TERM COMMERCIAL BANK LOANS, AND MORTGAGE LOANS, UNITED STATES, SELECTED YEARS, 1961-85 Nominal interest rates CPI' adjusted PP 2 adjusted PR 3 adjusted Year real interest rates real interest rates real interest rates PCA Bank FLB Mortgage Bank Mortgage PCA FLB PCA FLB Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. 1961 ..... 6.61 4.97 5.64 5.98 5.52 6.64 7.51 6.41 6.89 5.98 1964 ... . 6.47 4.99 5.60 5.78 5.37 6.22 7.03 6.09 6.81 5.89 1967 ..... 7.29 6.00 6.02 6.33 6.00 6.33 7.29 6.02 7.29 6.02 1970 ..... 8.98 8.48 8.68 8.27 7.31 7.13 8.02 7.75 8.16 7.89 1973 ..... 8.09 8.30 7.48 7.78 6.24 5.85 5.62 5.19 4.52 4.18 1976 ..... 8.24 7.52 8.66 8.76 4.40 5.12 4.29 4.51 4.43 4.66 1979 ..... 10.71 13.18 9.20 10.48 6.07 4.83 4.28 3.68 4.46 3.83 1982 ..... 14.34 14.69 12.27 14.47 5.08 5.01 4.50 3.85 5.93 5.07 1985 ..... 12.30 9.74 12.25 12.12 3.02 3.76 3.78 3.77 5.28 5.26 Average .. 9.03 8.84 8.28 8.73 5.53 5.62 5.68 5.21 5.83 5.35 'Consumer price index. 2 Agricultural prices paid index. 3Agricultural prices received index. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station6 Dietary Protein Level Affects Semen Production and Carcass Quality of Broiler Breeder Males J.L. WILSON, G.R. McDANIEL, C.D. SUTTON, and J.A. RENDEN T HE MALE was the forgotten element in managing broiler breeders for many years, especially in ration develop- ment. Most nutrition research centered on correct feeding of females. Males simply ate the same diet. But that is changing now, with use of new management systems in which males and females are grown separately and then fed separately in cages after maturity. Already there is research evidence that males need different feed than females. Previous Alabama Agricultural Experi- ment Station research indicated that feeding males 12-14% dietary protein on a restricted basis was just as good as feeding 16-18% pro- tein diets. There was no difference in age at sexual maturity or in semen production be- cause of lower protein feeding. In fact, greater numbers of males produced semen throughout the life of the flock with 12% pro- tein than with 14%, 16%, or 18% protein feed. The newest Experiment Station study was done to not only document how low protein diets maximize reproduction in male broiler breeders, but also to identify how these re- sults came about. Specific objectives were to (1) monitor the number of males producing semen, (2) measure the quantity of semen produced, (3) measure percent carcass fat and protein in males producing semen and those not producing semen, and (4) deter- mine testes weight. At 6 weeks of age, 246 broiler breeder males were randomly assigned to either a 9%, 12%, or 15% protein diet. The 15% protein diet was similar to commercial breeder diets and was designated as the control. The diets were formulated with the limiting amino acids as a similar percentage of the total pro- tein for all treatment groups. Each group re- ceived the same amount of feed per day. Semen was collected and evaluated during four periods (25 through 30, 36 through 37, 42 through 43, and 48 through 49 weeks of age). Ten birds (five males producing semen, five males not producing semen) from each treatment group were randomly selected for carcass composition analyses at 22 and 28 weeks of age. Remaining males were ana- lyzed at 50 weeks of age. Feeding 9 or 12% protein reduced body weight slightly (greatest difference was 0.79 lb.), but had no effect on testes weight. Males not producing semen had smaller testes than males producing semen. Semen volume, con- centration, and number of spermatozoa per ejaculate were not affected by dietary treat- ment. Sexual maturity was not delayed by feed- ing 9 or 12% dietary protein. A larger per- centage of males fed the 9% diet produced semen from 29 to 50 weeks of age than either the 12 or 15% groups, figure 1. As a group, the males fed the 9% protein diet produced dramatically greater numbers of spermatozoa per day than males in the other treatment groups at each test period. Carcass comparison of males at 22, 28, and 50 weeks showed that carcass protein content was not affected by dietary protein level or reproductive state. Level of dietary protein did affect percent carcass fat. As noted in fig- ure 2, the higher the protein content of feed the lower was carcass fat content. Males not producing semen had a tendency to have less carcass fat than males producing semen. The findings of increased carcass fat and greater number of males reproductively active in the 9% dietary protein group support the theory described in mammals that a minimum per- centage of body fat is critical in the initiation of puberty and the continuance of reproduc- tive function. Results from the study clearly demonstrate the suitability of a 9% protein feed for broiler breeder males after 6 weeks of age. The low protein feed had no adverse effects on age at sexual maturity, quantity of semen produced, or longevity of semen production. A greater percentage of males fed the 9% protein diet produced semen from 29 to 50 weeks of age, which resulted in a larger number of sper- matozoa produced per day than by males fed 12% and 15% protein diets. Since protein is an expensive ingredient in poultry rations, these findings point to the opportunity for feed cost savings without any loss of produc- tivity in broiler breeder flocks. Wilson is a Graduate Research Assistant and McDaniel is Professor of Poultry Science, Sutton is a former Poultry Extension Specialist, and Renden is Associate Professor of Poultry Science. FIG. 1. Sexual maturity was not delayed by low protein diets. FIG. 2. Level of dietary protein did not affect percent carcass fat. Pct. carcass fat 20 Dietary protein 18- 16 - 14 -12% 12 15% 10 8 6 4 2 22 28 50 Weeks of age Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Pct. of males in semen production 60- Dieta 50 - 40 30 20 10 Out cm ]ry protein 9% 12% 15% 29- 5023-28 Weeks of age D.M. BISARO, W.E. GARDINER, G. SUNTER, and I.D. CHANG S CCESSFUL TRANSFER of irus genes to plants in research at the Ala- bainia Agricultural Expeiment Station is an indication of the v ast potential use of ge- netic engineering to produce plants which calrrs traits b~eneficial to agrictultuire. Tob~acco) plants, for examplle, hav e already b~een genet- ically engineered wsith resistance to herbi- citdes, certain insects, and s iruses. \lost re- searchers arc optimistic that, wsithi tihe aid of plant b~reeders, more crop p~lants can he de- veloped wsith resistance to most pests and tol- crant of 'a wside range of grossing conditions. Iioato golden mosaics irums, wshich belongs to the geminiv irus group, wsas used iin the Aublurn tests. Mlembers of this grotip infe'ct a wide range of plants and catise diseases such as tomato goldieni mosaic, bean golden mosaic, cassav a latent, b~eet cuirly top, maize streak, and wsheat (Ewarf. Genetic information is carried by genes, ss hich are stor ed in coded forni in DNA mol- ecules. The genetic information of tomlato) golden mosaic v irtis is disvidetd betwseen tsso nearly idlentical sized DNA miolecules (called compLonent A and compLonent B). Both I)NA compfonents (similar to small chromo~somes) are required for infection, since each con- tains genes wshich are necessarys for different p~arts of the sviruses' life csytle. In stisceptible plant cells, the sviral genes are exp)ressed us- ing the machinery of the host cell itself. The viral genes instruct the host cell to make cop- ies of the svirus. Research on the funcetion and expiressiomn of geiivsirus genes (there are only six or so) employ ed a recenitly desveloped technique sshi ich aflows genetic imateri al to be intro- (bleed into the chromosomes of plant cells that can he iregenierated into swhole plants. Plants altered in this sway are said to he trails- formedi. U~sing a specially constirtctetd sector (carrier) D)NA diesignedl by thme Moiisanto Companys, the separately cloned DN A com- ponents of tomato goltden mosaic s irus sserc introduicedh inito petuinia tells. Tiraiisformed p~lanits carrsying ei therc the A or B compnnt of the v irus as a iiesw genetic trait weire iregen- erated, and these plants weire nor mmal in ap- pear~iance. H owve r, biocheical anals sis in- diceatedi that sviral DNA ssas ireleased fi olo the p)lanit chromosome aiid ireplicated in the cells of 'A-contaiig plants, hut not iin B-plants. This indicates that the A-component supplies the informiation necessary to ireplicate itself and~ the B-component, and that B prosvides sunme function(s) irequired for symilptom de- velopmnent. Transformed planlts flossered normally and wsere used ini various crosses. Seedlings from crosses of A and B parentits dhisplas ed a re- markable p)henotypte. One-fourth of the prog- ens of such crosses showetd sy mptomis of silos infection- the piroportion expected to ire- ceis e all A-component from one parent andl a B-comiipmonuenit firom the othlir pairenit . Bio - chemical analsysis of symptomatic pr1ogeny confirmed that both A anid B D)NAs wer e Successful transfer of virus genes to this plant indicates potential uses for genetic en- gineering in plant improvement. pr esent antI rep~licated ini these p~lanits. Other possile coimbiiiations of crosses (A A, BXB) failed to pr1odu0ce progeny plants shoss lug sy mptoms of the svirus. These resutlts cons incingls (demonstrate that fu nction al tomato gol deii iosaic svirus genes call he geneticalls delisvered into plants using tran sf ormiation tech nologs, pros idiing a ness methuod for the studs of plant sviirus funt- tins. Using this techmniqute, natuiral or modi-d fietd siral DN As can he placedh in esvery ce'll of a plant, legalrtless of sshether thmey can pro- tduce active tiru p115articlts cap~able ol sIpi ad- ing to otheri cells bs thei normal infection pro- cess. DN A molecules hase een constructedh swhitch camrry mutations at specific sites swithin viiral genes. Intiroduction of these into plants shoultd alloss the function of each indisvidumal genell tom he detrminedt. Much has already beeni learntet abuit gem- iiinus rep~licationi using gtene tranisfer tech- nolog. As the ongoing stud~ies pros ite de- tailetd tuntderstandimig of sviral genme fumnction, it is hoped that the fintdings swill stiggest en for comtrolling these imiportant pathogens. Bisar o is Assistant Professor, Gardiner and Sun-i ter are P'ost-doctoral Fllos, and Chang is a Rie- seartch Associate oft Botani, Plant Pathology, and MSticrobiologs. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station P 3()l)I (:" RA o(fNt containei-groi o55r- nanioeitulx is it Ilor-inlteniive, cost]l pr1oiedliii C Ixpicaiix, p)lants are Cprop-~ agaitcd in bedis, flats, o1 smiall conitaiilerX aiid ti ,ip 1 antiel on1ce or twXice into lar ger coni- tainer befor be ing mCil a irkte d. Th is triaiis- plantinig increases labor aiiid equiipmnot costs adi~ lslay slowXX p)lant groxxth. Aniother op 1 tion, anid oine that mtax offer cost saXings, is prop)~agatin~g init arlket-sizec con- tinijr ihI Iich thet p~lant rieilainsx tiitil sold1. lTiis meithoid~ elliminates tiranslanldting ex- pense of ~c l liirsc, bu1t it rire iimii i ore groixX ing alrea duiriing the early p)art of the piroduic- c~ontaiiner lilaX ieuc i pILrodulictioni tiimi, but this inras mliiCxi ateijal ad (1laboi r cosxts. ods -) i xn Alaam Agitura Fxper )i imntj Sta-I tion researchi shiows xboth ailX aintages and dlix- I(aiiatages foii propagatiiig inl lii gil coni taines Al x~thiogh cuit t in gx wer loweIr' to rooi t ini large ciolltainelrs, griow.th wixas greatest Crpe mlox tiaxhaio' xPiartx Pink x ari CtN) aiid azaleas~ (George Taboan ad fii- cl ilixoi) w} r usiedixC~ in thei comiparixoin of xixe Cpr)1opagation)1 andI tiransplanitinig til- (Cuttingx wx in taken ini sping 1984 and treatedl withi ItA (a rootilig hl'foone). Ceill ples~ (72-celuniitx)an in. pot were pXCClaiced init ade grllahousl 4 CIhi11XI XleI 1-gal. coin- tatiners we re p~lae ou( i1)1tdoor iii ndeiIr sh ade clolth (17% light excluoni). lin boith cases, ir- rigatiiii tiqunc wiiiI~ as adjusiitedl to madintainia in1g. ginnig shoI tll/i afte rootI iitiaion'. FertiXlize apliedI xxax It00 I-p inm. N from 20-2(0-20). Lineirx ini ceII pacs aiid 3-in pots were trilan 1 )ltedl whenI'l rooits hail delop ClstC f x tact uponii reimoxal fro011 the- ~ontainer. AkeIr lbein g transpIIlte (in11to 1-gal. ciotatiners ainII laedutdoiiirs uindelr 4711 shaIde, p~lants weiie to~pIdreIsxcd moniitly xithi I teaspoioini of' 12-4-6 per c~iiidicr. Roiinig was CXvaliuated xx IlcuCttingx xxr i-iII.I imi CI from interit- tieint i rrigat iiii Jiani-Jut l 198-1). Top growith aind r oot giroxxthl xcx miCeiiaxsured iln Mayi 198. Ilooiting sucIcess xhoxw d noi d~ifferiences ao iig the p)lant spcies.C H oxveri timei re- quiieid for rooiting aiied amoiiig proipagaItiiin iieiiia andl cointaine~r types. Cuttinigx of' all species tiook 2-:31 xxeekx loilger to root in 1-gal. coilta illers thail iini e~ll paso 3-in. conitainelrs. Ilhix wxas problably the resullt oii Ill Xironmeni i tal d iffeces beli ItweenC thle iedl soimewh Iat amonhilg speies bui ht xxax gi- iiraIly greatest wheni txx iicu ttinigs wXCrC propill agated~ in 1-gal. conltainers (treatmenlt 7). Iast growxth rexultecd whe liIcuttinlgs Xwere Alabanma Agricultural L'xperinwnt Station Rooting cuttings in market-size containers shows promise for ornamental production G.J. KEEVER and G.S. COBB p)rop~agated~ iin ctll pads aiid xsubixlqilentlx triansplanitied to .3-in. and thien I-gal. ciii- tainers (treatmen~it 1). Toip gi ixxtli of' c-e tri- lc x wax onilx txo Icell picxs iilto a I-gal. Cilitaiui- (treat- men~it 3) resuiltedI ill siililar total top growxxth ax Xwhen onel ori two IIuttings weCrC irootied ini 3-ini. Containers andc later tirainxplaintied into 1-gal. tiingx weii Iprlopagatitd ilu ither .3-in. or 1-gal. conlitainers, suxggesting that propl~agationi ofi a'. ciep ili ylXrtlC. Thlix could( Ichange if shilrter soin azalias tol tiransxplaitiing xsequiInce xxax siimilai to that oif' crepeI IIyrtIe. I loswxer , bolth c-iiltix aix produdiil moire top 1 groxithl peri coniltaineIr xwhen txi ci i-l pac xxiii transx or txi icuttiings xxiri iootied in c.IcI .3-ill adil~ 1-gal. conitaiiner (triatmeni-its 5 lild 7. Thlis suiggxstsx thIat the priolducit iInt ch-clei xoliowe r grini ig speies~ iii X h o II r tened lix placing tainers . Cuttings were propagated in cell pacs (left), 3-in, pots (center), and 1-gal. pots (right). Bl-ltixi loot ill-sitx ill thll thlleC speiesi corii ilatecd closi-lx xwith thle topj drx xweiglt datI. Boiit deitx xxax alxxax s least wx lli plan1 ts XwerI I transpi llanted~ twiici and greatest XwIeni twoi cuittillgs xxtit diic ~-tlx piiipagatiid iI-gal. conitaliilrl, Cxcept xxithi ( corg - la- bo lii za.'lea. iooted qic er lii sImaillecr conitainiers in the gi iienhousX , i iiitiiig pericentages did not dlif- greateri after 1 2 mon lith hx iiii plants xxiii propi~agatid ireictlx ill marketable coiii tainer. Thec stiriss expeiene byI~II I tirans- lante hIItliiers patcual ihsli el ie Prioipagatiing muliltipleC cuttin~gs pecioCni xwithi sliix tio moderante grinig splies. l loxx iing mlist lbe cdii full exvaliuated~ for optimlal i-flicienocx. Ki-eS cris AsxlstaInt Profitssiir of1 Iorii ic ultni i aiid nu be ,xt time 2nd time Pr~r trot iili nll II cll pacI 3-in. pot I-al pot 1 peat-perlite- 2 cell pac 1-gal. pot 1 ii nictilite :3icll pacI I-gll pot -2 equ4 ial x llniii ) 33in. pot I -gll pot - 1 53ii. pot 1-gal. pot2 ll h k 6 1-gal. pot noi transplanitiing i J m dpiebr 7 1gal. pot ro transplanting2 Risks in Vegetable Crop Production M.E. ZWINGLI and J.L. ADRIAN D EPRESSED PROFITABILITY of traditional farm enterprises such as corn, cotton, and soybeans has led many growers to seek alternative crops. Veg- etable crops, because of their profit poten- tial, is an alternative considered by many growers. Vegetable crop production has been char- acterized as having a high degree of risk as- sociated with both price and yield related in- come variability along with risks related to institutional barriers. While an enterprise may seem quite profitable one year, variabil- ity in these factors can cause large losses when evaluated over several years. Thus, it is important to evaluate the impact of variabil- ity in the components of receipts (price, and yield) when considering vegetable crops as an alternative. To illustrate these potential risks, a recent Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station study analyzed data for six crops (broccoli, cabbage, sweet corn, cucumbers, bell peppers, and turnip greens). Data in the table represent prices received between 1979 and 1983 in the Atlanta wholesale market with consideration given to transportation costs. Because fresh vegetable production is an intensive enterprise requiring a high degree of management skill, many first time produc- ers are faced with reduced yield levels. In or- der to measure this production risk or the ef- fect of yield decreases on income, average per acre net income was calculated at both a 100% (average yield level for a good producer) and 70% of the average yield. Using the per- centage decrease in per acre net income re- sulting from a 30% decrease in yield as a measure of production risk, broccoli showed the least risk, with sweet corn having the greatest risk, see table. With a 107% de- crease in net income, sweet corn, on average, showed much potential for negative income at the 70% yield level. As yields decreased for each crop, the in- come variability associated with production risk rose sharply. This stresses the need for producers to follow recommended produc- tion practices, use appropriate varieties, and irrigate. Weather related risks, such as frost damage to early spring and late fall crops, also must be considered. To analyze price related income risk, the six selected crops were evaluated with re- spect to their overall price variability, within season price variability, and overall variabil- ity in per acre net income. As shown by cri- terion 3 in the table, cabbage had the highest degree of price variability, followed by cu- cumbers. At 45.83%, cabbage producers could expect to get a price within approxi- mately 46% of the average price 68% of the time. The remaining four crops (turnip greens, broccoli, bell peppers, and sweet corn) had roughly equal risk associated with price related income variability. Next, within season price variation (be- tween weeks) was measured (criterion 4). Turnip greens and broccoli had the least risk while cucumbers showed the greatest risk. At 30.17%, producers of cucumbers could ex- pect prices to vary by as much as 30% of the average price from week to week during the relevant harvest season 68% of the time. FEASIBILITY RANKING OF SELECTED NORTH ALABAMA-PRODUCED FRESH VEGETABLE CROPS AT THE ATLANTA WHOLESALE MARKET BY ALTERNATIVE EVALUATION CRITERIA, 1979-83 Evaluation criteria, Ranking crop, and measure 1 2 3 4 5 6 Average per acre net income Crop .............. broccoli Measure, $/acre ..... 1,561 bell pepper turnip greens cabbage cucumbers sweet corn 851 790 693 502 194 Sensitivity of av./acre net income to a 30% decrease in yield Crop .............. broccoli turnip greens cabbage cucumbers bell pepper sweet corn Measure, pct........ 38.25 41.80 53.13 58.18 59.66 107.47 Overall variability (between weeks and years) in weekly average prices Crop .............. turnip greens broccoli bell pepper sweet corn cucumbers cabbage Measure, pct........ 19.64 20.73 20.77 21.66 27.49 45.83 Within season variability (between weeks) in weekly average prices Crop ............ turnip greens broccoli bell pepper cabbage sweet corn cucumbers Measure, pct........ 7.46 9.54 15.68 17.45 19.20 30.17 Overall variability (between weeks and years) in weekly av./acre net income Crop .............. broccoli turnip greens bell pepper cucumbers cabbage sweet corn Measure, pct........ 36.23 45.34 69.45 103.80 125.26 152.84 10 While both overall and within season price variability are important measures of risk, producers are ultimately concerned with the effects of price variability on net income. To measure this effect, weekly price quotations were used to calculate per acre net income with income risk measured by the degree of variability in per acre net income as price varied (criterion 5). Varying degrees of in- come risks were shown by the six crops, with broccoli showing the lowest risk and sweet corn the greatest. Cucumbers, cabbage, and sweet corn all had risk measures (critertion 5) larger than 100, indicating the greater poten- tial for losses during some years. Overall, broccoli and turnip greens showed the least amount of production and price risks of the six crops evaluated, and sweet corn had the greatest risk. While these measures should be used to evaluate the rel- ative potential of alternative vegetable crops, other factors must also be considered. These include availability of resources such as land, harvest and packing labor, capital to purchase specialized packing and harvest equipment, water necessary for irrigation, and one's abil- ity to successfully produce a given crop. Pro- ducers must also recognize the difficulty of market entrance. Traditionally, Alabama producers have generally been residual suppliers and, as such, are contacted by wholesale brokers only during times of supply shortages. Thus, pro- ducers attempting to access national whole- sale markets during times of adequate or sur- plus conditions can expect few opportunities and, even then, potentially highly depressed prices. As producers in Alabama gain a rep- utation for quality and sufficient quantity neccessary to interest wholesale buyers, these market barriers may be reduced. Until that time, emerging producers should be willing and able to accept the risk of negative income during some years. Because vegeta- ble crops are high cost enterprises, losses during some years can be quite substantial. The Auburn study indicates vegetable crops are high risk enterprises requiring far greater management skill and greater empha- sis on marketing activities than traditional crops. Because of these factors, potential pro- ducers should not view vegetable production as necessarily being the answer to their in- come problems. Careful consideration must be made concerning the aforementioned fac- tors if one is to be successful with these en- terprises. Zwingli is a Research Associate and Adrian is Professor of Agricultural Economics and Rural So- ciology. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Until Alabama gains a reputation for quality and sufficient quantity to interest wholesale buyers, producers will have to accept the risk of negative income. Cash flow statement valuable tool for farm financial management S.C. BELL and K. BECKHAM H IGH INTEREST rates and other capital costs make production effi- ciency a major farm need. Efficient use of capital is especially important because of the large amounts of capital being bor- rowed. Using financial management to mini- mize interest expense could make a big difference in profitability of many farm op- erations. Financial management includes decision making concerning investment, tax liabili- ties, and financing of current operations, all of which involve forward planning. Perhaps the most useful financial management tool available is the cash flow statement-a peri- odic summary of farm receipts and expenses. An important use for a cash flow statement is evaluating the potential for adding a new enterprise. This use was the emphasis of an Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station study, which considered adding a 120-sow operation (a one-man operation) to an existing farm. A detailed enterprise budget was prepared to establish cost and receipt data to serve as the basis for the cash flow statement pre- sented below. Assumptions included (1) feed would be purchased, (2) operating capital would be borrowed, (3) 12% interest would be paid, charged on the unpaid balance at the end of each month, (4) expenses would in- clude $1,200 per month for family and non- farm business expenses and $3,000 per year for Social Security, and (5) sows would be bred so 20 would farrow every 6 weeks (eight farrowings and eight marketings per year). The first year, expenses built up to $39,102 in June, before there were any sales. With a minimum of $1,000 maintained in the check- ing account, capital has to be borrowed each month that expenses exceed sales. At the end of the first year there is $38,384 in accumu- lated borrowings. This includes $12,750 of in- terest on a $127,500 loan made for hog facili- ties and breeding stock. There is no payment made on principal the first year. In the second year, the highest accumu- lated borrowings are in January, $29,050. The accumulated borrowings reach zero in November but increase to $20,400 in De- cember because of interest payment of $12,750 and no sales that month. The cash flow statement indicates no pay- ment on principal until the third year, with only $1,737 paid that year. Interest at 10% on the capital facilities loan was added each year to the outstanding debt. Beginning the fourth year the operating expenses were paid from hog sales and no additional operating capital was to be borrowed. A payment of $21,168 was to be made on the principal loan in the fourth year. Since the operating expenses were paid for out of sales in the fourth year, this would hold true for subsequent years. Therefore, all funds above current expenses in succeeding years were applied to the loan for facilities and breeding hogs, with the following pay- ment schedule: fifth year, principal $22,284 and interest $10,460; sixth year, principal $24,513 and interest $8,231; seventh year, principal $26,964 and interest $5,780; and eighth year, principal $29,661 and interest $3,083. There was only $1,178 remaining debt at the end of the eighth year. This was paid in the ninth year along with $117 interest. Therefore, the original loan of $127,500 was paid out by the beginning of the ninth year and the hog enterprise is able to finance itself. Two important uses of the cash flow state- ment are evident in results of the study. (1) It indicates to the lender who made the $127,500 loan that even though the hog enter- prise budget shows a net return of $35,615.92 annually, there can be no payment on princi- pal until the third year. (2) It leads to saving on interest. By using an agreement whereby borrowed funds are received as needed and interest on the un- paid balance is paid on a monthly basis, total interest paid on the operating loan is $4,654. If all operating capital required for the year were borrowed at the beginning of the year and interest paid for the year, total interest payment would be $16,122. Thus, use of the cash flow statement creates a savings of $11,468. Bell is Professor and Beckham is a Graduate Student of Agricultural Economics and Rural So- ciology. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station 11 C.H. GILLIAM, J.L. TURNER, S.M. HARDY, K.S. RYMAL, and R.L. SHUMACK E ABLY IN 1983 thic EPA issuied ai in- tt'nt to ssithidrass the thaiiinozicic' cionitaining groswthi re'gulants Ks farc, Alar" anti B-Nint' from the imarke't Ibecatise of sutspectedh residuc' problem s iii apples (Alar) and pc'anuts (Kylar). The' EPA has sub- seqiiently swithdiraswni the intent anti c'ac'h of the grossthi ircgulants is still on the inairket aiit sold svithlia full fe'decral label. iHowsever, the' potc'itial loss o~f B-Niiit to countrol height on se'lected vege'table and orniame'ntal tirans- plants leci to a study by thit Alaamma Agricul- tural Experimecnt Station tn evsaluate' alter- inatisve cultural practie's to control svege'tativ e grosvthi of tomnato transplanits during betiding plaiit prodiuction. In MIarch 1985, Momnte Cario VFN varicty tomatoes were sceded and subsctque'ntly transplanted into flats oii March 27. A pc'at/ pierlite' me'dium swas used in a 1:1 ratio by vol- nine amcndied on a cubic syard basis ssith 21ib. gy psumi, 6 lb. diolomitic limicstone, 112 lb. Micro~lax, anti 2 lb. supe'rphiosphate (0-2(0-0. Plants were grossni in a double' layer green- house and fertilized sseekis svith 350 ppm. N from a soluble fertilize'r. Tsvo sveeks latt'r fisve tre'atmenits we tre initiated: (1) B-Nine. one application (April 11); (2) B-Nine, thirt'e applications (April 11, 16, 21); (3) control treatme'nt wsatercci as needed (X); (4) pilants svatered about 1/X; and (5) plants wvateredc 1X. The treatments ssith reduceci swater ssecre inclucied to dtie'rmine if height suppression could be achievdc by wvateiriing practice's. Oii April 26, caliper and cirs sseights svere determineci at the end of the' bediiig plant production phase of the test. At the same time, four replicatioiis of fise plants from each treatment svere field plaintedt in ro~ws 5 ft. apart wsith plants 15 in. apart ini the row. Field fertilization consisted of 1,0(00 lb) pci acre of .5-10-15 prepilant incorpor ateti (l'lI), 20(0 II. per acre triple suiperphoiisphate PPI, and 500161. per acre of 13-13-1:3 sidediressed after the first frunit w~as golf ball size. The spray program in the field consisted of Parathion? + Bras o appfliedi at planting, Px diin -i+ Bras o sweekly until first fruit set, and Pydrin ? Lanitate? + Brasvo we ekly dur ing harsvest. Weedcc control consisted of TABLE 1. L,~cis 15F CULI RiiAL FIO OON (,iOs\ n OF MNTE r CARLO \I'N TomiArO SLLOLIANS' Treatment Height Caliper In. In,. B-Nine (Apiil 11) .... 6.0 1.7 B-Niiie (April 11, 16, 21) 4.8 1.7 Control (X)...............8.0( 1.7 W~ateredl 12X............... 7.5 1.5 W~ate'red 1/X ........... .0( 1.6 'Data collected 4 w~eeks afte'r triansplanting. -tr lAill 2. INFiVNC OF 5 L CULTURAL FA inis 1)i immN; BEllist, PiLANT PiROUCHION ON TOsiATO YIELi) MIarketable Y ield/acre' Percent marketable sield, by Treatment Tot al bars est no0 cwst 5x6 6x6 6x7 1 2 3 4~ 5 B-Nine (April 1l)............. 444 :3.3(0 87 28 4 11 7 26 52 B-Nine (April 11-16-21). ..... 482 :380 70 32 (1 4 8 18 7(0 Control (X)......... 441 :330 87 24 11 13 12 23 41 WXatered /2X ................ 504 409 69 26 7 16 5 13 59 Watered 1 X................436 :337 57 42 11 11 11 17 50 'Size s ields reported here are ini accordance wiith the si/c standards established by the U.SD)A for the Los Angeles type lug arranigements. 5 x 6 arrangement. in imuim diameter 21a in. , mnaximu m diameter 3'/t. in.; 6 x 6 arrangemnet: mmiimum i diameter 2"h in., mnaximum diameter 2'4'/1(, in. 6 x 7 arrangement: iniuni diameter 24/i in., maximu dniicianieter 21/1(, in. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station 0.75 lb. per acre Tm t'lan" 3 PPI), (0.5 lb) per acre Paraquat" in ross middles, and hoeing as neededc. Toimiatoe s we re hamvssted and giradied on fisve dates. At the .5th barsvest date subsamples wer1e tested to dletemrmimic if (dam inozidle) iresidlues fromn B-Ninc' use xs cre tde- tecitale in the fi t. Results of this test showsedi that onls B- Nine suppressed tomato height dluiiing bed- cding pilant prodclction, table 1. Neither to- iiiat() caliper (thickness of the tomiato stem just abs e soil levsel) nor dii sseigfit ssas af- fected by aim tireatmnents. Thesce data con- lii tmeti that reinosval mof this mnaterial swould eliiinate a gouo 1 height suppriiession iiate- il Also, these results showedcc that wsith- holIding wsater had no effect on suppreiscsing eglht during the bedding plant protduction fhe it bur si iiii5tu dy shosscd that (culturiial factmors (linmg b etddlin g plant pro iduction h adi little e'ffect om tomiato y ield, table 2. Fruit sizc' swas simiular among tirtatmn ts, hut 13-Nine app)lied three times delayedc ripening. Aftcei the fimrst three liarsvest dates, only 12% of the to~tal marketable y ield had been hamxrsttd from plants receivifog (hirec B-Nine applica- tions, as coiiiparedi to 28-:36% fioiii (t'e coni- trol pl ants antI those un deirgoing moisture c stre'ss. Recsitdtie samnple's colle'ctedi from the' 5th hamsvest diate' did not hasve detectable dai- nozidet It'svels in anv of the' sample's. Becaust' plants treate'd thre'e times ssitli B-Nine had dlelaye h'~ilarsvest, it ssas impossible' to te'st fir r'sitdut' It'sels at an t'airlie'r hamrs tst. In summnar, results shoswt'd that onls B3 Nine e'ffectivecly contirollt'd tomato height in be'dinig plant prodiuction. B-Niine app1lied( thire'e tiiiits de'layed earl iness of ripiening, an iiipor~itant factor for grossetrs whlo produme' to- iiatot's lfii thec c'arly inairket . Ne'ithuer B -Nine' imir wvater stir(ss during bediting plamnt pro- duictin affetetd toinato sic' 1 ' in thit fieldi Fi- niall, thitre were' iio dt'ctablc' damminozidc It'sels in tiomiiatot's samupled( on the~t 5th barsvt'st datc' indicatinug that usc' o)1 'BNint' iii tomiato bedding plant prodlictioii shouilti post' no ciangt'r tio humani he'alth. Giliham is As sociate P'rofes sor, Tii ier is a Re- st'arcth Associate, Haridy is an uindergr adiate' Stu- cdeint ,ic and Bmal is Proessor mof I omrtiuiltiiie, aiid Shmnaclk is aii Esteni on Honrticultui ist. O NIS OF )''I F MA JOR problemts ini groinislg s, ot htrn pines is ctotmpeti titioi fit i hi iii ardwoo arid hlerb~aceousi' veg'taiuttionfo iiiitiiie nuitrients, and light. As' ill aictiurait~i ctrops, conipetinug x tge ta- titn caii teuc t'tt'tit xi', l groiwsth, antd Sieldi of deitriied pitnes'. Us'e iot chlemlical herb icides' to titit ini titi hr for' tt thiree decade, lbut ilitor- iintitin dcumenii('ting its, lonig-term i lect t iol iiicitt xax at Aubuirn, rcxtults are severai tcatrs t aa. Iio prov~ide itritm infortmat Iion on pine it ld r (1( sponsi ii , to) Xege tationv contot , ai p~rojecct wxas, iitiated( bx tile Alabaniia Agi- cutural L\Ixpcriliicnt Station to locate andt compii son ',ii i oiit'tiical x egetation controli tot across' tilt Soutthet'a, of wxhich 22 itisoixt't hatcyo ti con tt tl and 18 in,okxeci earix con- trot lii hraceouits S ege tat ion. ItnconisXittent t icatmcent etfects wer ci outn d in~ oprat itonal comii paristns treated xxith the hbiiite 2.,1, a-. Iln sonic cases ttntreaitedi plts had muore. pine votlumile than treated plts, tint tot poor initial pltt la otit atnd cr- ratic 'tlectsoft 2.4,.5-T1. More consistent eft ftets and itte(lt triend' we rc' notedi in resetar th and ot ptratitonal comp i~aris'ons' trIeatedi withi colrt itx reitertt d fc orcestrx hericiies. stable ireltatiltnsips, acr'oss most comiparmion, opleraittional ori retsearch. ti'e, as, thet amt oft hatrdwXoocd intcreasectd (ptorir ha.1 tiX oodc ctontrtol) pince y ild tdt- cretasetdt dtiti'tical l figutrce 1. Th is samec t rtntd wxa', cx uittit int almosi't aill comtipaismonis irtgardt- itss' itt agt, type p ' icide,' tor ltocatioi iot At thrie it' it e t oildcst stuccessfutl hlerba-~ ctut ii',x gc'tatill cotrti iistutdies in the' Stulth, ilhbacetis xeg'tationt xxas cotntrtollecd li hianit hintg atic hlii itcih', ligcui c' 2 anid 3. Comii partable c'xege tatitin ctontrtil and groxwthi rets' can itt ioitainedi by using curtntl regis'~tertd therb1ic ide,. Voltme t fo'ttr thce plots wxithi cgt't atit ii coiintto twxas mitptrtio iatti tdottble thiat lfii ntlreatec plts at age 1t). Furt ti len ii re thet x t gt tatio n contr ol plots til thet loxx sitt ptroduied x tlutmnt at tile samle ratc as thec nit contro (o tpterational) plots on the high sitte. Litngerl ter c d iata are tneededl i to lls ce aliuat therti1bacecotus x cgcetation cotoli ci- fc'cts, but intdicatitonis arc that rotation agt'x catn lbe tittieasedc bx at least 2-3 xycars, andc a liii irt'O tili s i tatin d oi tre's can be otined.t tt D ata frit tiht Auibturtn 'tucdy clearly ini-ic tate th at incirteasecs' in ctimlpetititon frtom Ihairdi xwootids anti herhaceiux xvege'tation dcrcieasi pin yielc. i' ltogical a'sumtiton is that it is G.R. CLOVLR and J.L. C kEWGH ION caus of itis yxicild redutctio n. IeIri icidlt' canl ('tat ttol l b t befoire' thtese chemoiicals are ap- Totdah volume soud berk ute, a o h 2,500 Herbeou vegetation conrladteaalbl ity~~~ of s-tal Noefctv herbicieou vegeato A Pior comlesrpino ehd cu f./ cr 2,500 He,000ou veeato 2 10 ,000 00 40 80" Hardwood basal area,% 1,000 500--- / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Age from planting, years atndt I )alt' F. IDicktns, ixImtpact tot (ometing pubiltlihedti 1985 as' Gecotrgia Fotrest Retstearcth P~aper Nit .59. Coipits ate ax ailabltit' rti st'arth, 1). Bitx 81i, Nactoni (;t'tgia: 3i298- 1.599. Bnrmal pcais fFrss n ontrol ncnrl High Med. FIG. 1. (Above) Loblolly pine stand at age 10 on high site index land which received herbaceous veg- etation control following High planting. ,Low FIG. 2. Total pine cubic- ,"Med. foot volume per acre by pine age for three herba- ceous vegetation control studies (age 10). Site index (SI) at a base age of 25 * years for loblolly pines 'Lw equals 75-80 ft. on a high 0 Lo site, 60-65 ft. on a medium - - site, and 45-50 ft. on a poor ' site. FIG. 3. (Inset) Total pine ~ cubic-foot volume per acre 8 9 10 by percent hardwood basal area for Fayette, Ala- bama, site preparation study (age 24). Alabamna Agrictultuiral Experiment Station UTILIZING ANIMAL WASTE FOR ENERGY AND LIVESTOCK FEED D.T. HILL, T.J. PRINCE, and J.R BOLTE ALTHOUGH UTILIZATION of animal waste as a resource in the United States went virtually unnoticed until the mid-1970's, the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station has had a strong agricul- tural and animal waste management research program since the late 1960's. This program is directed at developing methods to utilize animal wastes for refeeding and energy pro- duction, and it recognizes the importance of animal agriculture to the economy of Ala- bama and the special problems encountered in confined production of poultry and swine. Research conducted since 1980 has cen- tered primarily on development of a practical utilization system for production facilities commonly encountered in Alabama and the Southeast. For swine facilities, this involves using liquid transport flushing systems. These waste streams are very dilute (over 98% water) and present special problems when reuse is the goal. Energy production and refeeding require much more concen- trated material. Early on, the need for re- concentrating the waste was recognized. Work was conducted using a vibrating screen to separate the dilute waste stream into its solid and liquid components. The major con- clusion from this work was that the solid por- tion could be refed to the sow herd at a major economic advantage compared to using a fraction of it in on-site energy production. In 1983, it was recognized that the solid portion could not be used both as an energy source and in refeeding. The economics sim- ply demanded the use of the solids in refeed- ing. This left only the extremely dilute liquid fraction (typically less than 1% solids) as the source for on-site energy development. Since 1984, research on a novel and promising methane production system using the dilute liquid fraction of the waste has been in prog- ress. During the last 3 years, three studies have been conducted to determine the nutritional value of screened swine waste solids for swine. Gestating sows were chosen as the ex- perimental animals because the waste solids are high in fiber and not nutritionally suited for growing pigs. Balance trials were con- economy~ ~ ~ ~ ofl- fg, ducted to determine the digestion and utili- zation of the energy and protein in waste sol- ids as compared to typical corn-soybean meal diets. It was determined that the metaboliz- able energy content of waste solids was about 60% of the level of energy in corn. A second trial determined that the protein present in waste solids was not digestible by sows. Maximum consumption of waste solids was 13 lb. per day (at 30% dry matter con- tent). Thus, waste solids can be used in typ- ical sow diets to replace about 60% of the grain. However, protein, vitamins, and min- erals must be added at normal levels. In the third study, sows fed waste solids for two gestations at levels up to 50% of the en- ergy requirement achieved normal reproduc- tive performance. Waste solids can be used to substitute for the more expensive energy sources in sow diets and result in consider- able feed savings. Anaerobic digestion, the conversion of or- ganic waste materials to methane gas by an- aerobic bacteria in a closed fermentation ves- sel, has proven to be an effective method of recovering high quality energy from swine waste. Additionally, the digestion process re- moves approximately 50% of the solid mate- rial from the waste, greatly reducing further treatment requirements before disposal. For effective fermentation in conventional anaer- obic digesters, a fairly concentrated waste (5- 15% total solids) is required. In refeeding systems that employ a screening process, coarse solids are removed from the waste, leaving a very dilute liquid fraction. This liq- uid portion is rich in dissolved nutrients and fine solids and contains approximately 60% of the "potential" methane originally present in the whole waste. In order to effectively utilize this waste for methane production, research is being con- ducted on an innovative fermenter design termed the "suspended particle-attached growth (SPAG)" reactor, see figure. In these fermenters, the anaerobic bacteria are fixed inside the fermentation vessel by attachment to an inert support matrix. This provides high bacterial populations inside the reactor resulting in several benefits: (1) effective con- version to methane of the very dilute wastes found in flushing or refeeding systems, (2) op- eration of fermenters at substantially higher flow-through rates, resulting in smaller and more economical conversion systems, and (3) much more stable reactors, capable of rapidly adapting to changes in feeding rate or sched- uling and less susceptible to operational fail- ure. Using these SPAG fermenters, dilute waste of approximately 1.5% solids content has been used to produce methane at rates of about 5.5 cu. ft. per pound solids added or 2.8 volumes of methane per volume of fer- menter per day. Thus, SPAG fermenters are well suited to integration with refeeding sys- tems and allow the producer to utilize every portion of the swine waste for recovery of an economically useful resource. Further re- search on this promising fermentation tech- nology is being conducted to determine op- timal support media material and operating conditions. The animal waste management and utili- zation research program at the Alabama Ag- ricultural Experiment Station is geared to producing results which will keep animal ag- riculture in the state competitive now and in the future. The new SPAG reactors, though still in the developmental stage, have the po- tential to provide on-site energy production while allowing simultaneous use of the solids for refeeding. This research, combined with results from refeeding and anaerobic digester studies, has placed Auburn and the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station among the top animal waste utilization facilities in the country. Hill is Alumni Professor of Agricultural Engi- neering, Prince is Associate Professor of Animal and Dairy Sciences, and Bolte is a Research Asso- ciate of Agricultural Engineering. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station SPAG, a new technology in anaerobic fermenters. MANY MEAT PRODUCTS, such as summer sausage, have a distinctive flavor that is associated with prod- uct pH. The traditional method of producing such products is to rely on naturally occur- ring microorganisms, or the use of starter cultures to initiate the bacterial fermentation and lower the pH. These procedures take from 8 to 20 hours (depending on the prod- uct), during which time the microorganisms consume carbohydrates and form lactic acid which in turn lowers meat pH. Once the meat has reached the desired pH, it is heat- treated to inactivate the lactic acid-producing bacteria and stop the pH decline. In response to interest in using encapsu- lated food acids to produce low pH products, a recent Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station study investigated the effect of encap- sulated glucono-delta lactone and encapsu- lated lactic acid on cured, restructured pork. Use of encapsulated food acids would provide an opportunity for development of unique fla- vors in existing and new processed meat products. Sows of the type used in the manufacture of whole hog sausage were slaughtered, and carcasses were boned leaving the lean/fat mass from each side intact. The lean/fat mass was tenderized twice on a blade tenderizer then separated into a lean component (con- sisting of chunks of very lean tissue) and a trimming component (containing fat, connec- tive tissue, and some lean meat). The two components were placed in a blender in a 50:50 ratio along with 0.25% curing salt (6.25% sodium nitrite), 3% salt, 2% sucrose, 1.5% liquid smoke, 1.5% water, and 0.05% sodium erythorbate and blended for 12 min- utes. The master batch was divided into four equal batches, and additional ingredients were added to create the four treatments: (1) control (C), 3% water; (2) sodium acid pyro- phosphate (SAP), 3% water, and 0.5% SAP; (3) lactic acid (LA), 3% water, 0.5% SAP and 1% encapsulated LA; and (4) glucono-delta- lactone (GDL), 3% water, 0.5% SAP, and 1% encapsulated GDL. Following addition of the extra ingredients to each batch, each treatment was blended for an additional 2 minutes, stuffed, heat pro- cessed to 152-156?F (about 5 hours), show- ered to 90?F, and held at 37 0 F until evalu- ated. EFFECT OF ENCAPSULATED FOOD ACIDS ON CURED, HOT-PROCESSED, Treatments C SAP LA GDL pH after mixing .... 5.99 5.53 5.53 5.59 pH after cooking . 6.17 5.85 5.33 5.21 pH after chilling . 6.30 5.94 5.46 5.41 Pigment conversion 58.6 70.1 71.7 75.7 Flavor .......... 5.1 5.6 5.4 5.7 There were no differences of practical im- portance among treatments for percent fat or protein and only the SAP treatment was lower than the control treatment for moisture con- tent. This moisture difference was likely re- lated to pH alteration. Panelists detected no differences in cohesiveness, juiciness, or con- nective tissue among the treatments. The SAP and GDL treatments had significantly more intense flavor than the control treat- ment. These flavor differences appear to be directly related to differences in pH. Objec- tive analysis detected no differences in shear value or tensile strength among the treat- ments, indicating that textural properties and binding strength were not affected by the ad- dition of food acids. In the curing reaction, the more total meat pigment that can be converted to cured meat pigment, the more intense and desirable the color will be of the final product. Speed of the curing reaction is very important in products such as those produced in this study because little time, usually about 60 to 90 minutes, is allowed in the manufacturing process for the reaction to take place. The trend observed in this study was for the SAP, LA, and GDL treatments to have more cured meat pigment in the final product than the control. No dif- ference in percent pigment conversion was observed among the SAP, LA, and GDL treatments. The pH data for each treatment after mix- ing, after cooking, and after chilling are shown in the table. After mixing, the pH of the control treatment was different than the SAP, LA, and GDL treatments.This differ- ence was due to the addition of sodium acid pyrophosphate during the mixing cycle. Lit- tle, if any, of this pH drop at this time was due to the encapsulated food acids because the temperature of the meat was not high enough to melt the capsule. The only food acid released prior to cooking was the result of damage to the capsule by mixing, but this was minimal. After cooking, the control treatment had a higher pH than the SAP treatment, which had a higher pH than the LA and GDL treat- ments. Differences in pH observed at this time among the SAP, LA, and GDL treat- ments were due to the release of the encap- sulated acids during the cooking cycle. During chilling, pH values increased slightly due to the natural buffering capabil- ities of the meat. The final pH, taken after the product had chilled, ranked in the same or- der as those taken after cooking. Yield data indicate that products lost an av- erage of 1.9% during chilling. In terms of both cooked and chilled yield, the control treatment had a slightly higher yield than the other three treatments. There was a trend for the lower pH products to have slightly less water holding capacity than the control treat- ment. Use of Encapsulated Food Acids in Cured, Restructured, Hot-Processed Pork D.L. HUFFMAN, J.C. CORDRAY, and WR. JONES The results of this study indicate that en- used with hot processed meat to produce low pH products. Using these acids may make it possible to develop unique flavors in pro- cessed pork products while significantly im- proving the value of hot-processed sow meat. Huffman is Professor of Animal and Dairy Sci- ences; Cordray is Director of Research and Devel- tension Specialist and Associate Professor of Animal and Dairy Sciences. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station 11 = Extremely bland, 8 = extremely intense. 15 -~ ~ ~- LIn21K R. GOODSON-WILLIAMS and D.A. ROLAND B. NE FRAGILITY in old hens is a ma jor p~roblem for the p~oultry industrN. Dutring proce ss ing of these hens, honie shattering is a pimairy economlic con- cern. Weak hones may, alsou he reflected in re- duced shell qfuality anti lowxeretd protduction hexvels near the end of the lav ing cyclie. In the past, researchers hasve tried such things as increasing itesels of calcium, so- ditm, and phosphorous anti adding fluoride to the diets of these chickens. Each treat- ment has shoswn some success, but most hasve unwxanteti sitde effects like reduceti feeti con- stirption and shell qutalit. Nosw a prgject at the Alabama Agricultural Experime nt Sta- tion is experimenting with the use of v itain D3 (cholecalciferol) to improsve b~one strength. itamin D is v itally important to egg pro- titction, egg shell formation, anti hone ni- Influence of supplemental vitamin D3 on bone breaking strength of laying hens. 40,000 neraliiation. It is essential fori regulation of calcimi absorp~tion from the intestine anti tdeposition and~ remov al tof calcium from me- tdullary hone. The National Research Council recoiniendhs 227 ICU per' pound of svitamin D) for Iaying hens. Thiree expe'rimienits wxeire donie at Aubhurn to cevaliuate the effect on hone strenigth of in- creasing the levetl of v itamin D in laser tdiets. Twxo experiments (1 anti 2) xweire conducted on old hens (over 65 wxeeks of age) anti the thirtd experiment on x oung birtis (26 wxeeks of age). Experimtents I anti 2 xwere' conduted't for 10 weeks, xwhile the voting hens in experiment 3 remained on treatmetnts for 9 mon~iths. Lev5eis of v itaimin D rangetd from 0 to 40 G0t) ICUL per p~oinmt(] in e'xpeimenots I anti :3 and( homn 0 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION, AUBURN UNIVERSITY AUBURN UNIVERSITY ALABAMA 36849 David H. Teem, Acting Director PUBLICATION-Highlights of Agricultural Research 9/86 Penalty for private use. $300 BULK RATE POSTAGE & FEES PAID USDA PERMIT No. G269 63 1,000 Vitamin D3 ( ICU/Ib.) "Now t80,000 ini experiment(1 2. Eath cx- prime nt includted the recoin - Mendetd 227 ICU per pound. Egg production, egg specific grasvits (a mteasure of shell qjuality), egg weight, and feed consnumption we re m easuried weeckl. At thec end of the *st, tibia samples we re remnoved fr onti 20) irdts per tr eatment. Ini ex- periment 2, after 53 ,veeks on treat- Inecnt another samling of tiibia from . 20 b~irds was taken. Bone svariabiles Mleasturedl includetd wxeight, ash, .. " alciui, and hireakiiig strength. In each experiment hone wxeight. b one ash~, hone calcium I, and b)one bre aking point fncireased as the levelc of, vitamin D) in time dijet fn- c - reasedi. The' figure showss thfs in- ) rlainship for b one s trength i eac ixperiment. The slope of the iwww lie fo ol hens wxas the sanmc in boheprimnents. Simprovemuernt wxith increasedi 5ita- mii D. Evecn at the highest lev els of' vitamin D fed, there wxas no pla- teau, indicating that maximumn bone dleposxition hatd not b~een reached. Therefore, imp~rov ement in tuone strength can he achics cd by increasing the supplemental leveli of s itainin D. Howseser, caution is necessary wxith higher Ilsvels he- canse egg production antd egg specific grasvits wxere adsversely affeetedi in twxo of the tests at lesvels over it0,000 ICU~ per pound. Tlhe addition of v itaimin D brought abauit imprioxveti hone strength in syoulng and old hens. At the latter part of the lax ing cxtie, a v itanin D) lesvel of uip to 10),000 IC U per p)ound fed for onix 10 xxeeks resulted in in- creased hone strength wxithmout significantly reducing egg production andi shell qunalit. Godsn-W iliamus is a Gradumate Researclh As- sistant and1 Bolni Prfso of Pou'nltr Scienice. 5