'9't It'. ._ 4w ,/p i 3}. x ~; 4 rrr V. F''. . i 4 k L'^ ' i . } DIRECTOR'S COMMENTS XXI Itii t i lx ii t i uisrtx ti i to iii'ii iii ti lix ulitliis ii ii iiiLtii \1ixi ( iiiit tid tiee ,ind on that i i mpct tonii' thHx ~ t i h p~n (pr XXepilio on1 i th parxx tii ol ii iii stilti' Lt iaio a l d h tmanann h striith ill 1~ici(~'ad pirtutivituli ofAiia grilEr A.hrUCHANa- iiicut'ii ii iiii tc tis noit~ix III iirnI thi it ii ii lii ill 1 itti i iit ii pii ty xtulii th i liuii g Xii tnd f11 iii l iiiiixt h do.I i ltilars. Tis apii iiii li tii ap p liciatiii fi r xx iiiilxii ii i tiiitr hi lx it icuiiiiax t,11 at i o l c cl cail 'tiit olii staike ti i ili ii'i it increasinglityii diffc l to obta 9t iin th fund iecsa t o Stit - X i nti st ix o i ini 'iii lirio of-'e rh a u g std znlfl\I l 'luiii it ituipli es t n d uii piptoirllit prstonn i ii . I in i iict iiim ceihxli and \ til x iiii litll l IIea c id ,ias ar noit i n g oi 1, x' t 1 ;" i Xii (1 .ii -Iii ix1tuill tiX citc lixon cc1~co xtci ofi till res ii ~iit oi illustra.1 x t i s po1 ,1i 1 tii i i L iii i ~l i i usualk ii fewi iiti t 25 x 14 oti iiii arix pro- i ii ii g i ti iiix iii "44 ate dotzodaee date sci n tn.A ti I iii ii si pi Ii 1)1 Patterson lliii to I .u u i 1957 atll sli - iltate i i s(r \ Il i c lisiiiielint ix sll ri h i n 1)1 ~ ~ ~ h il 1 iif tXiiS ines ii th e Naii ti oni.i 'i SUMMER 1985 H 1 . iii Xi \XiiN Xliii Xiii Itixi ii .... Bi vIi XXt v~ iliiu .1 . VOL. 32., NO. 2 . . ..lvi tiii XAxss iitan ) Oivctin .. 1,/itiii Edhitoilk (1)uIIIittee: (x i(i NX (.? o usI Proi~i\ fu'sxor iif A-1i iiu/lurl FX Xid ccii t I I t xii tt I iii'xxii u Pr/!iiiii Ilgl i'iiui.i J ix i 0 vwi/i XX Aso )iiuX .Xxxuuiiii ofi Pu n xxiii nc ii/ X 'i ii iiiii ii il uu/ 'Asoi- OlNl THElucs COVER .lvs, m Simmetal Herfordnto cosweetalead heiisavier,~ see story page 6. \ quarterh report of' research published by Oil, :Alabama .Agricultural h..cpcrin]cnt Sta- tion, :Aub]n-n Ulikersity. 11IX lhI i l 1131 1 IIO i s 1 it conI i- Ii n u i Ite lXd t 11wt (1 l t I ia n frulit it e ti lt 1I ieco- b i t I th incu Illt 11 lit' it)XX til i XIti l ( Isit'IItX sIIII I v 11 t the riittti itt 1)1. trit h cel s kil l~ 11111 till r~ IX u Itsrs u~ ~l aen , 1111 hct i 1 til t H( \X vch lit! S1141 inc ib i ,14i 11 a IiIIX 11111 ii XX i l li t ;tlpjI 11 X liUlt it Il Itt lit Ie abtltot XXa 1 11 taiii 11i i i 1111 11 t t 11 11 a, ss c1 tsila c rtn toN f ~ i',s t \ilt fi l l11 it XX iti I iitt'tt'ti i - XX itt i n rae ,IAt ittsmh'riL Ia i , it'll iti u li I4i1its. ilt'li 11ttI XXI'lC ti s, lii i c itli Ia i n X)) atii X II (XI:M 'il t t i't XAr iuti tl iN XX t i it tiut (\lub d uii h 111,,tn it s ti/n tto il ,/iru~l taf t ii Trickle Irrigation of Peaches Speeds Growth of Young Trees and Boosts Yields of Dearing Age Trees J.W. KNOWLES and W.A. D)O/IER, JR., Horictulture Research J.A. PITTS and K.C. SHORT Chilton Area Horticulture Suhstation 'liii1 I.'tilt (i:iXIvi Nil Xliii X, I \,li s o \tlusiii XXII Nit1 til li I1uitv I Xlii t~1 n11 i Ili X \\ \11v I orXi \ Itc lilt, 13.11 11 .3 3. 13. It. 1It 13.s 5 t : I -4 Al l "1I ilt a (Ii Iiii I l t I( I t ttI' i I Stith s lcad Ill I't Ft. IT .11 1 . 1i I 1 l16.5 1:1. 12 It 17.5 13. 19.3 T ilm's n l l .1 I Tl sltc j I titi ani'X it'lls I iS tri t iz hat i its Itroui14it abottrt bIXII irrit ion. \i t ill an II 1141 ilct s ofX' i 2511ii.jpll tre an 11I25 tIi e II' ti lclt' tilt ill iltr as It f i 1 1 iri,,itI \\11 XX s I66l fitcilnt I lifill thu1111it latX XX1 11111 theil i XXis ill its, na S1111XX Ii Siiit t -ti I iiXsiiiiX IXe peiod tiit n141 tis141 tilt tilt tilt_ I tIX mtill I d tit tI it iNs XX i tti i itat XXniX it I Ir it ti! e it 2 c l fn r a \ 'tt (, 11. tcd 1 it it ti 1111 I"\ tul t iati tille liX XX ittie clf(i 5 X it1 i titd ll1i1I edlrn lilt 11111IitSI .1 tilt s I t ii I IjI iif X itt e it t s ' I "It )liltl nutrientlilt Ifii''iii it't'i l\rr, n rl ln]" ((it tiese liXtXXitli tlt( igh 114 iitt 111411 raitt' Itt! l1itroc I cc 1i141l suffi X 'l'Xiitit IXr1 I'lat till From11 thlsI I'l Idtat it appj'ail thiit I filthii \iiid 1 2tit! (IXc ti'ittt ti l I111 14tu l chl dsr it X ii, 2 II I ilitmnt it ha (I ill itiiiX tilt i l froit't XXi 11 it tit't li , utu t 'ttit i i tills it i'(i ittititd 'iittill14 tI.~itXX 11v111 2. 1111 (1 (0t lu( It tI 1 itX( tIIt\s Xy i ittiiI ul -tiii I v. 9s Iriut XI iii lalt \\a(. al' I'3\ Ni IN N 3\" N XXr114 I ate I ite t( . A .Iit(' 0 .. ... . .. It A 1....1' . I( Alabama Farmers in Precarious Financial Position W.E. HARDY, J.S. SMITH, and L.R. COX, Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology Research T IlI IN N ('l IlA( T R )iO of tiic ts Iti iuit ot uctrilict (Illut e oioti o i i ssueti'it~l tniltohn .na ftxx o t hif c nat-t \tuc tilr ttittperio ofI thtcse slalattal sooo- io f hiladt fyath too xi muicth t d bx to inngIn t arit bt it i . o flg ti fcoosthat tial) plactli t an( filarmers inij iti rcaiou foi- nciatlii poit io aftitix \ttl fI5 of fat tulti I (fat t ersttttti4 iii tx rc' of rc- t reptti n 'i i tirx icti toxtermie th inn iailr conitio o'f Ailabamait xxifia rs Ai toitil tfi 1900 flciox aixx ho a s'to t to t strxlifi d tx ple~t of(l , il [I!fi iili ill'ucr re reeni t lli xpii oflait' VI I- tnt t erprtis s i t he Sii tit( 5:3 622 eistion- ret11 iihed fiier andxi thos ntot reportig g'x $9 977 atid sa67 at6 It cxp el'lt 3 years we)prlie I'fc tlxx i l t iit I t y itt' 25 I'1i' 8:39l r isp ne.'iti rii ((xli Oii St i xl 3 ii\Ii Plx( U:I Cii i) IIo X(;Imii liiir ,( 'ilit i ( io Alit -XI 198-4 SI:L11(1 I] itit w fandtltaittn ail .... Black lihi 241 . . . . . (tilt ~ s (I ......... Stil(' (251) . . . . . . . salx 19s- 1op 11 exxpetie Dol. 52,8532 27 31 1 33.2.39) 7.3,f12 1.3,622 V' 55i9 57.'( 41.3271 47,01f7 'hita assexts as ani ix ii gt fill ali dts xamtuitiiidt to 52tff,-186. Al Pji'tIlliiit Ic I' adf ft'e ioxxix $i57,511 Sthf itxfolitili firoii thii( lx ct 1init 5.35,153. till pressuret andi rexiultiait xtrtxxs is a it im' x xlucll ni'cesxIsarti tox ity thlt 'I'ii(' 28.5/( Statte averiage' is xig cr a lit' xcrxc .Sx xtst i X'rit ifil o Daofoiok. 13x xtaindardsti for ithiti in tiht 28.5( ratiii ix nit tioi high, hblt aile in tilt 197f x. iedmtliiont Ari hadil the x~ys di bt to as2e rati Iol. 45, 1t68 1 1.3:35 21.237 67, 166 9,7) 11i (I142 51. 1) If_ ) f 31) 161 s8 t iit tl ch1111 ite it tit Ayx total Ax x ilst 1)ol. 58, 6 30 14,120 53,0 (47 23 1 26,667 .51.38-1 621602 II11.57 ; 74,246 Doil. 210,8Sf2 25.5901 1 8(1 95)) 501, 8.37 157,500( 2109 1:33 231,0:35 5'35,15:3 260 4% I)lt to asxi t rait io Pci I 24. 3 19.61 29.3 42.1 16.9 26.(1 27.1 26.9 28 .5 1,2d6. thitiontil rteil t'statc. 'iit' ittixi rx tiliti gaini, thit dt'bt tit asseit ratio, 33 .5% tiomiparedu xx iti lilt' oas finan liicia lix xxas 1r11 ths hol il l -c. uii ii ilix. 'fhicxtc xxii t' 1951 grossx xls-'x 873,3S8 I iti ftiiii to 8.3ff 1.57' 198 1 casii oper'a tiiig e'fxpnsx tiw' tdt'lt $6ff,90f 7 ti S2.5, 169 titlti deibt -ilt)6,389 ti )oriltiii ii of S17 7ii2: andt x slilt iof asxxts 'x347,373 toi t'xixtingt 82015,7.58. liutfit' fa lipnes xer xxxasklxt' ed'tt to 'itdiat iiiiiig all 1 , twiire xx,lloi'xiitit'tad i their xit x' oitutil iiiFed Ati iltotal o f23ucii inditett' he 264de it fIic~ duig ithi. ne.xfl5itaisctAftotil xx ax gix til 'ilii' ro gi for ilteaxini xix intrtitt 4114 41~ ~. ~1 2, "~ :369J 176 :3ff 741 19)2 2 St .316) 2:31 :316t Virginia Buttonweed: lbrfweed on the Increase RAY DICKENS and D.L. TUJRNER, Agronomy and Soils Resarchf Seed of Virginia buttonweed. Flowers of Virginia buttonweed. ti "v ma buttonweed seed- l ing. Mature Virginia buttonweed plant. T I 111 ni lalgrs in Alabiamia andt tin Soilthtast alrc fatciug ali l nrasing threat 111111 Virginl i i bt toIIXXcd it1 'peliX niatiX ( tol thit a ta but liot it ) pollctt ittil aboulit 10t Xcr ad :go. Since that toneu" fint tullfs sucih as lawns Isod0 fielts, and golf Virgilla b1u) ttI in X t is an erI-ct or spretadl lng perllnlial weed~ withi fIVeshX roots, at wood) I ruXX aInd( tIsualX hadil s1 tts. Liarix planit tloer adl bo li t atnists recorded its appearVd Itc lthtrloiughoti a reat fronll Ncxt Jei sex to I ii andi ai txiii (IXallto \isol i kansas, and( tastern Texas. Unitil recent Xedls it 01c malrshcs, adl pond1( bianks. Ill tihe past dec- ade, tull malnagers h lave observed d ( ramatic 1110(1 aXIXc in ths X(loca~tios tllc reasons IXr lO t sudI praX altiloilgil thl0is1 wledX lrt lot known. I A stil(I Xyas inititld( iln 198:3 fbX tiltAla- Xtstigatt tihe iloigX iif irgillia bulttonweedt Seedis of V irginlia buittontleedt wXIIe collectedi in tlit fall of 198.3 aliitg xt i ilntIXiidl plats frt thrfllou~ghouit tile State. Th11 pilnts wXII Vilrginia buttonwlee~d seeds germinilated weI ll ill It-diattiX after- h arvest,11 indiati ng 111 doiiane fator ( crnllllat 1111 Increased i th Itlerceditg tctlptlattlrt op tii 8.5 to 95' I No Xermiation o lfttl til ied alt 0'F o below Mos~ftt. It' edis gmted rlaidly (atbuti das, it ii-i deI ti ium tmeau(1 condth ilXX(t Xitier fThcic Neut idtVirginia buX~tiXttonwge nli~t es tcapett noinallliX rgnc hltlIrblg iit lt 1 t dliii (Iar d) liayit lilnt 1 ii euncttill gelr illilatilil af. 111 t herbtade Xha ie XdXiad. tIts rapidlXtl1 germnto would atlo ait eth iif cuipy a dlillit oisietti th tur anaed btIy fdlathlioti coliX seas1 weds or olth Nigiliabitt t tiou daksr ( al )dtentltin lih~t andlli dark.e XXAllrnatingir the wiXtfrtateti ligh ruination XXu itit appteatiX tha therseeds htae thetability ltt Ill~rg efrom XiableV Xehs gor so itl,lit~l dinit I etiti e fltadtgt ii most no(itle her 111i aii traile)t has gie XcIomt-t plete contolt of this t spliestrtsaet Alabamna zk~-iultnr E(1 xperimnent Station Simmental-Hereford Cows Show Better Productivity than Angus-Hereford Cows T.B. PATTERSON and S.P SCHMIDT, Animal and Dairy Sciences Research L.A. SMITH, H.W. GRIMES, and J.L. HOLLIMAN, Black Belt Substation S IMMENTAL-HEREFORD (SH) cows, with excellent management and nutrition, outperformed Angus-Here- ford (AH) cows in a previous study at the Black Belt Substation. A 2-year continuation of this study, in which Charolais (C) and Polled Hereford (PH) bulls were bred to these same cows, substantiates the results of the previous study. Calves out of SH cows were heavier at birth and at weaning, were taller at the hips, and had a higher stocker grade than calves out of AH cows. Since there was no reduction in percent calf crop in the SH cows, the extra weaning weight re- sulted in a substantial increase in pounds of calf weaned per cow exposed when compared to the AH cows. High-quality grade Hereford cows were artificially inseminated (AI) with semen from selected Angus and Simmental bulls. Univer- TABLE 1. REPRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE OF CHAROLAIS, ANGUS, HEREFORD, AND SIMMENTAL CLASS BREEDS Comparison Cows Born dead weaning calving or died eaning Pct. Pct. Pct. By breed of sire Charolais (143)1... 95.9 3.6 92.5 Polled Hereford (143)............ 98.6 4.3 94.4 By breed of dam Angus x Hereford (138) ........... .97.9 5.2 92.9 Simmental x Hereford (148) ... 96.6 2.8 93.9 By age of dam 3-yr.-olds (17) ... 100.0 5.9 94.1 4-yr.-olds (85) ... 96.5 3.7 92.4 5-yr.-olds (126) .. 98.4 5.6 92.9 6-yr.-olds (58) ... 94.8 0 94.8 Total or average (286) ........... .97.2 4.0 93.3 'Numbers in parenthesis indicate number of cows exposed to bulls. sity-bred, performance-tested Angus were used as clean up bulls following AI. All of the better heifers over a 2-year period were in- cluded in this study. A third set of heifers was produced in a similar manner at the Black Belt Substation. Since the matings were ran- dom, differences in characteristics contrib- uted by the grade Hereford cows to these AH and SH crossbred females were minimized. All heifers that weighed 65% of their ex- pected mature weight by the time they were 15 months old were bred to calve as 2-year- olds. This accounted for 87% of the total number of heifers. The remaining smaller heifers were bred to calve first as 3-year-olds. In the second phase, excellent perfor- mance-tested C and PH bulls were placed with the cow herd the first week in February for a 90-day, natural service breeding season. Data were collected for 2 years and included calves out of 3-, 4-, 5-, and 6-year-old cows. The cow herd grazed dallisgrass-tall fes- cue-white clover pastures March 1-Novem- ber 15. When pasture was inadequate during the winter, johnsongrass hay and a corn-cot- tonseed meal supplement were fed to meet National Research Council requirements. Salt was offered free choice. During the win- ter, whole shelled corn was provided as a creep feed for the calves, but was discontin- ued as spring pasture became available. All calves were weighed, measured at the hip, and assigned stocker grades at weaning. Cows weaning calves were also weighed and measured at the hip. In the following results, only differences that are statistically signifi- cant are discussed. Neither the breed of sire, breed of dam, nor age of dam caused any differences in per- cent cows that calved, percent calves that were born dead or later died, or in percent cows that weaned a calf, table 1. The 93.3% overall calf crop weaned indicates the poten- TABLE 2. PERFORMANCE OF CALVES FROM BIRTH TO WEANING BY BREED OF SIRE AND DAM Comparison No. of Birth 250-day adj. Calf weaned/ Hip height Stocker grade calves weight weaning wt. cow exposed at weaning at weaning' No. 2 Lb. Lb. Lb. In. By breed of sire Charolais ........... 132 81 647 599 45.3 14.7 Polled Hereford .... 135 82 642 606 44.3 14.4 By breed of dam Angus x Hereford ... 128 80 625 581 44.2 14.3 Simmental x Hereford .......... 139 83 664 623 45.5 14.7 Total or average ....... .267 81 645 603 44.8 14.5 113 = Choice, 14 = high Choice. 2 Calves that were weaned. tial for Alabama herds, if well managed and provided with proper nutrition. There were no differences in birth weight or weaning weight due to breed of sire, table 2. However, C-sired calves were taller at the hip and had higher stocker grades than PH- sired calves. SH cows produced calves that were approximately 3 lb. heavier at birth, 38 lb. heavier at weaning, 1 in. taller at the hip, and had higher stocker grades than calves produced from AH cows. The breed of calf contributed no differ- ences in performance that could not be ex- plained by differences in breed of sire or breed of dam. It was expected that the three- breed cross calves by C bulls would have bet- ter performance than the backcross calves by PH bulls since heterosis is only half as much in the latter group. This did not occur. There is no advantage to larger size in the brood cow unless accompanied by increased productivity. It is generally accepted that for each 200-lb. increase in mature cow weight at least 50 extra lb. of calf are needed at weaning to offset the additional maintenance requirements for the larger cow. SH cows were 72 lb. heavier and 3 in. taller than the AH cows. However, since the SH cows weaned 42 lb. more calf per cow exposed than the AH cow, table 2, this extra calf weight is more than enough to offset the extra cow weight. Further, these cows have reached their mature size in both weight and hip height and therefore the weight differ- ence between these cow breeds will not change, table 3. It is of interest to note the added advantage of extra height in calves out of the SH cows. Based on heritability of 0.6 for hip height, one would expect calves out of the taller SH cows to be approximately 0.9 in. taller than calves out of AH cows. The actual difference was 1.3 in., which is equivalent to over one- half of a frame score. A difference of 2 in. in height equals one frame score. TABLE 3. WEIGHT AND HEIGHT OF COWS WEANING CALVES Cow Cow weight height Comparison at at weaning weaning Lb. In. By breed of cow Angus x Hereford (128) 1 1,096 48.0 Simmental x Hereford (138)................. 1,168 51.1 By age of cow 3-yr.-olds (16) ......... . 1,107 49.5 4-yr.-olds (79) ......... . 1,115 49.8 5-yr.-olds (117) ........ . 1,149 49.6 6-yr.-olds (54) ......... . 1,158 49.3 'Numbers in parenthesis indicate number of cows weaning a calf. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station 6 OYBEAN root nodule bacteria (Rhizo- biumjaponicum) provide about 70% of the nitrogen required by this high pro- tein crop. If not already present in soil, they must be applied when the crop is planted. The rhizobia multiply in the soil around soy- bean roots and still further in the root nod- ules that form after they enter the roots. The ability of R. japonicum to live outside the root, or as soil inhabitants after the crop is re- moved, affects the need for inoculation when soybeans are planted again in a crop rotation. Recent research by the Alabama Agricul- tural Experiment Station at Auburn has pro- vided insight into the soil population of R. japonicum as it changes with season of the year, crop rotation, and soil fertility condi- tions. The Cullars Rotation experiment which began in 1911 at Auburn, Alabama, was se- lected for sampling because soybeans were included in the 3-year rotation in 1962, fertil- izer and lime treatments ranged from ade- quate to very deficient, and the long term of the experiment suggested equilibrium of R. japonicum with soil and crop conditions. The rotation consisted of cotton in the first year with fall-planted vetch and crimson clover turned ahead of corn in the second year. Rye was seeded in the fall after corn and har- vested for grain the following spring ahead of soybeans in the third year. Sufficient plots were included so that all crops were repre- sented each year. Fertility treatments included (1) lime and NPK fertilizer for maximum yield, (2) same as (1) but no P, (3) same as (1) but no K, and (4) same as (1) but no lime. Nitrogen was ap- plied as ammonium nitrate to provide 80, 60, and 60 lb. of N per acre to cotton, corn, and rye, respectively. Phosphorus (P) and potas- sium (K) were applied at 90 and 224 lb. per acre, respectively, per 3-year rotation. Half was broadcast after corn before rye, and half after soybeans before cotton. Lime was ap- plied to maintain pH at 6.0 to 6.4. Beginning in January 1980, and at monthly intervals over 2 years, soil samples were col- lected from the plow layer of each plot for de- termination of R. japonicum numbers. Soil was serially diluted and applied to surface- sterile soybean seed in growth pouches. When the plants were 3 weeks old their roots were examined for nodulation. From the fre- quency of nodulation and the dilution factor, the most probable number of bacteria was calculated. Plotting these numbers of R. ja- ponicum on the time scale of the crop rotation shows their relationship to season and crop- ping, see graph. Note the scale for bacteria numbers is compressed to accommodate the wide range of population. Maximum numbers of R. japonicum oc- curred during the winter after the soybean crop, with a million or more rhizobia per gram of soil in the plow layer. This high pop- ulation reflects the recent host crop and the decomposition of root nodules and release of bacteria into the soil. However, rapid die-off of rhizobia accompanied soil preparation for cotton and cultivation of this crop. Under cot- ton, minimum numbers were reached in Oc- tober, after which some increase occurred into fall and winter. It was speculated that vetch and crimson clover, being legumes, would stimulate R. ja- ponicum numbers to increase, but this did not occur. Plots without winter legumes showed the same increase of R. japonicum in the fall as did those with winter legumes. R. japonicumn does not nodulate vetch or clover; these legumes have specific rhizobia. In the second year under corn, another cycle of summer decline and increase into the fall was noted. When soybeans were planted in the third year the number of R. japonicum in- creased rapidly, approaching the initial high level. Effect of season and cropping on numbers of soy- bean root nodule bacteria for two soil pH levels. Rhizobium jc no. per gra 10,000,000 - 1,000,000 100,000 o0,000 1,000 1001 Long-term deficiencies of P, K, and lime markedly reduced yields of all crops, see ta- ble. These soil conditions also affected the survival of R. japonicum. In phosphorus (P) deficient soil, survival of R. japonicum was only 40% of that in P-sufficient soil, while in potassium (K) deficient soil survival was only 16% of that in K-sufficient soil. Lime defi- ciency, or soil pH 4.6, was the most severe stress on R. japonicum survival. In this strongly acid soil the R. japonicum popula- tion approached extinction within a few months after the soybean crop, see graph. Fewer than 100 rhizobia per gram of soil per- sisted in this acid soil until soybeans were re- planted, compared to 10,000 or more per gram of soil in the limed and fertilized con- trol. The soil fertility conditions that favor high crop yields also favor survival of soybean rhizobia. Jan. I July I Jan. I July I Jan. I July I Jan. I CROP YIELDS AND R. JAPONICUM SURVIVAL IN P-DEFICIENT, K-DEFICIENT, AND STRONGLY ACID SOIL, RELATIVE TO ADEQUATELY LIMED AND FERTILIZED SOIL Crop yields relative to control, pct. R Treatment Winter japoncum Cotton legu mes Corn Rye Soybeans survival, pct. LNPK .................. 100 100 100 100 100 100 LNK .................... 63 15 30 21 30 40 LNP ................... 24 42 43 53 45 16 NPK ................... 40 25 34 64 17 1 'LNPK is adequate lime, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station WHAT HAPPENS TO SOYBEAN ROOT NODULE BACTERIA AFTER THE CROP IS HARVESTED? A.E. HILTBOLD, Agronomy and Soils Research oponicum population, Im of soil LNPK ...... .LN K ---- LNP -- " NPK Soil pH 6.0/ \ / "\ Soil pH 4.6 / Soybean Vetch, residues Cotton clover Corn Rye Soybens I I I I I ,, 7 New Granular Herbicides Provide Weed Control in Container-Grown Ornamentals C.H. GILLIAM, Horticulture Research, G.S. COBB, Ornamental Horticulture Substation, D.C. FARE, Horticulture Research P 1O D UI t C E R' V S O 1' c o nlti i ri g r o w i ox x r- nrocntal oi1n ther Sul thas u01uxalc controlii. is~ hierbicidec hasi gcnlulyi pro- x idedl gioiii weedi conltroli iioxxcxe is wxxithi ltax dcx elop frill wI xecds thalt escapeconrol.l i Priostradtie spurge is' one weed xxn'ot conii nlee iiasi be'iicome liit majr esx (;I: " adi 011 I gavx~clleint conltrol of' spurge12, as welli ax othiei xxeedx (both(1 g isscx herbI icides (Goai"i anid Siiiflai") an wils in-il trodulicedl by Sillrra (ICiimical Co)., xxith oniiy limiited tixtinlg ill tihe Soulthe~axternl Uited Thei tx Rouliit firllaiitioiis xxiii evautdiit' for us xxIll)it four woii ornamenii I)Stas Chii ist-11 xxitli tlie fttlloiixng pell cubic xadi 12 Iib. Os Mlixy and agajin iul :31x. On )i lix ii, ian cquai iixtiic iof ginixcgrixx hitd cragrs was)lt xx w un ix iiiiform~xlix ile tihc daiacad bii oxwood R .Fighlt xxi'ks xaftir ieach iheirbicide ipplictatiiii (Jilx ii ma Septeimbhc 2-1), pts xwere xwccded anid protriate xfiirgc xieed xxiii sown.' Tis i t ing xxax cihosen tio test xpiiigc contr oi duriiig thec latter thiid oif thei. 10-1i2 xxeeksx of iconto no1 lhrmal eid xpjctedI Extceiient conlt ril io Ibotih giiitxgraxx adii crabgrass xxax inoted Jiiune 5 aond Jiilx 6(6) daxs oificoiitroi) xxith all lid bicidesx in tiic text. IThere wax iii daimagc to the wxood lorlialil- 'ixxo xx i'kx aftcr xpuirige xeed xx rc xhox 1, cciiceit coiitroi of prostraite xpurge, tahble 1. if proixtriate spiurge, but1 iRons ta di i1111 id bicttei thldi 1)cx inol. (it Jiul :31, aii exixting xxe cct exidlinigx xxr cr mi'iivxcd prior to rc- treatmendt so thei Septiembieir 24I data re flect xtpuIrgc ciontl S xx cckx after th con het l r-I c I icidc applicationl. At thiis tintc aii tircat- iii'nts pr ixidd exceiillet xpiil gc ciiitriii, wep~t for Dcxinl whi x iuch xxax nii better thiii the' xxeill chieck tirea.tmenitx. 1Rh.'oxx lg of tih' xpurge' xccd S xxee'kx afte'r thii secondii i heri cie appli catiiin i(Septeimiibetr 2.5) rcxiilted in rcxsultx similiar tii thosex occiur' in g aftertheii fiirxt hericidec application. He-. tirll owii temiiperiaturis on itictobcu I reced xt i'tiig iiiiiiilli' b ut similar trenidx ini coni trol xxere niotcii Roti lotut (.L, and 01 I-iI prx itiid xipei'oiir spurge gcoi'tntrii, i txh1 pooire'r Irexiiits from RoI~nsixtar, 1) iri I l, aiid theC xx ci'xih'c.k. Init sexicon sftu l d, iRtout and Ilount I I ap- plicd at 1001 lb. of Iprodulct pei' acre xxr concml pad w xithi thrcc othici iabi'ied grauilar hicides: Riixonsxtar 2( (200)1ih. pirodiict per aclrc), Scottx 01111 3(; (1i001ii)) aid 1)cxri- I erbiicidi' xxix appliiei to coiner-ii'ugrox', deinia, Moti rx Redi nianinaii Traiiit ioii i,,iicandiii Punk Ladx l'dphiiiicpix 111 Jiii 3 of i911txigr~ass, larg gcrabigras, smll-I low-, iie CII 11(1 inlgglrx, cofiei sennand. s1( ickle- po wt xax sown i I xx eek ifte ch c hc IIbicidec applittin. A ig eater numbe oi c Axf see were sown Iin Septeimbei thani ini Julx TFhe numberl~ of, wei'is pCI pot wa ,s deiterinedil~ .34 weei'ks after herb Iiicidei appl) 1 icatio a111nd( phx t )t( iX citx was~i eva .luatdt(( iioithlx through O ctober. No pilixti to\ Icit\ wxas observe on anl s0d pe- cics regarles ofIc ,) heicill.ide. Weed cont rol dlata taken'I Juix 2:3 showedi that bo1th Rou nit - s a iil to)1 ontr tand 01-1 and o 1)'clx 1101 better ctan x D ril table 2.1) Following1.ht setcontd hei1tIci aplitionxj~t~ and witi Boutx CL, and1011-1poie etrbod le i weelcotroxlu tiiin Rontar Iori Dc A.doll Cprss i Iontll wit 1111ellrinoCl was poor C buitri Rostar an oxi xfther mter oidals1) poided golod 0 tc1t-11 proideltlrd ero ontr of prostraticie txtd tlweeks Iar eiide aplict iCn In oii subsequntx Iltl , these threli ricd I xcl lll rovidOL superir broleaf \ ed N control. Althtou lit oeofte lntsece Spurge/poit Jiii :31 Set. 24 Iloiit 3G1 , 200 . Rout II .(. 211) I i' 1111 3G, 2)))).. Wcelx chick ... Oct. 8 10.2 .1 2( .4 .8 5.8 9.7 11.4 On Jul i: 30 exisxt ing spu Irge seedilligs we 'e re- 'I'lx~ ti~r 2.0 l iiicr f h rm-otx.:Giv HFf1 uhiIIrS ON GiRxSS xcii Bkloxmi: WEED\ ll PP11xIONS IN (i1NlIr~IdN (lGoxx 08iNNAM I:N 1ALS' Weeds/lxpot HerCitcie, I1). Jii I2 3 Otobe1r 8 prod t /acrei B1)13oad- Broad- Griss lea Grassx ea No. No. No. No. Hout 3G,100........0 0.7 1.7 1.8 Hout CI.- 100 .t . .1 .8 .5 2.4 Ilonixi 2G; 200 ... 0 10 3.8 4.2 (II- II .3G, 1(W . .. .2 1.0 5.9 2.2 ID'rlinoi 5GC 10t).) :3t 2.t0 54.1 5.2 Untreated li teck ... 14.13 2.6 79.8 4.2 T'rtmenilts xappiIlid Jule :3 ad~ Septembe11r 5, 1984; weed'i seeid sown 1 wee~k late. loamaia zg~riculltural E'xperiment Station I \()IN ('OIN I \IN IlION ofA r ((lilt i ' I ti' \'X Xi's it seriousx Statcs in 1973, 1977 and 1980) IlI 1981) tallolt it cadllt( ('(olottic losses of oX er $1001 lohllioll to t'ommliaitil lix Istock anid ginl productrs. Aflattoxiti inl (corn can .ilso btt iihaa(loll t humtan lift' Ilis' wa d tli l ticallx cX il(l d lIn the dl(athi of 106 personsx of ox ci 40)) A fited ini onet (lonunlt itit ill Idi in 11).1_1 bre ad. In tepidemtic iars corn1 Is cotamtdiniated inl thelie'ldk Ittfori harvesCt bx lixasion o thelb silks andl( dIexCIoping kernls li theC flngusX. lIscts alsoI caimi funlgusX spores inito theC cars appears to IC assoctiated' xxwith high tCillJct I ytfldt i itd hclor(' Xtoirage xxill beC tyuickkx iox aded htx Aspe;)llnx flti lix and( other1 fttigi, resuXltingi. in high lCXClX ttfa~flattoxit I on- tainaittionl ini a ft' (laXs. Ltxl oI tf 20)0 parll (pcrXI btiion l~ihltlt~ox i B , ill .111(1 1)111a ibutillii c tttlticdngtrilsx (IXc "of u t'tolcra13ncc lo 400 p p~ Itl CIi rn.(t' 1 flov, tctorxtdtt stipment andlusefin \anaogiilal fcpt'i Man \Chem il s and ncttOh It o Kaccr fien fIItesed f inat Itiontt~fc t of aflatoxi ints ofda flatoxi-otai n ))) )l.ated product t ad 6- goodi~~l XXescu x ltis c il111 flaam Ag icutal Exatch caet 1111atdin retseatrih.f ig itt ra Eioxperoiet we.5e0 ciuce todetermine coartiiiall haorn trcfuitioncit angrafi dlirinu x .ll(iixax od itliptic (6 llclitil and ll stcdkc feedrs.cldxxil ~id l~ t aptti t-coan i Ifgt I a ctr o tf Iftge 2198) crtp ud in Itd ctet wasi detrtidil to hXXaXe fiurtld i icd tamIt uha n itiat cd pf200-0 fpc pab. in lhtoxi it, 220 t~ b iftaIoxinhag and 60tcd o 1 p1~. c ,li xcighcf aitd. tttix auoutoni (1 2hoNds l Xer aluaed, oie o pci matl l-b4axc arthce smiall-ratch treatmentot grain trcX xing r iao w~as ine wxv thc lsic ita6 hatch Detoxification of Aflatoxin- Contaminated Corn Makes Grain Safe for Feeding U.L. DIENER and N.D. DAVIS, Botany, Plant Pathology, and Microbiology Research, D.A. DANILSON, Animal and Dairy Sciences Research tretatmenit iregittt iretduced the hlighl tx tI tf iflattoxin 13 tt ani acirdge ttf 29 p. p. It (8 to 61) p. p. It.). 'The lairgte-batch htatticit (appliled ill Au- tic and scalted arun t11ihe dc 'tgtex. 'xxet'iit th~ree hunl d red bushexls c fdirn xx rc t reated at) thit samc iratte alnd lcxcl ax ftti tthe smll hatch: thc aitlx (rousi dillili XXa dx iri fu cl ttf thc tin, wxithi infiltrationl aind ui)XXard1 fltuxx LeXvels of mllasured'l aflattixin B, takuen over at peiodl tof 14 daxs xt1o 180) dax x aftei ammontnia ap pl ication xshoxxed B, Icx clx iedcd tot 41) tto clidxilred xafe ftii- ftctd ing, espccial lx to cat- tic. Scxvcral cat t fccd ing trials xwtru cton- duclted uxfng aflattixiui ctotaniliattt corn adl iltntoiatil otttxificd c'orit ax ft' pirincipal grain xsorce ill ditx ftti ticf cattlt' ill xaiousli pl txioluogical st ates CX vnt ho o lte I'ill xteci calxr wXeXightin g Itesxs1 tail 400 Ili. xxr tifd the higl I cttiita iiiat cd coim. Fixe stXII rs d ied aftti 3 xxcckx cosmtii oniii ~ft cotiiniatced coIt. Ncu tij)X aitalxsis deterin d iith Iat tic cakxexs suffered fitomi acte t lix Cr (Ill .lgc at- tibuitcd to aflatoxuin ct'lamuiniatiton ttf t'ttin. Addititnal ttlder anid larger bit'f anuimuals (500-)70)1 Itt.) wxtet fl d tht conitaminlatedl natdt ctoii. Catttlc It'l thtis (dit xsttoxxd acutec signs oXIf atflatoxuin I oxicfiXy after apprt xiii ttt'l 3 tt 4 XXI ckx toil thicecd. 'The catlet xxc rc- tf aflattoxin totxititx appeared,'t( adI o itirtal- itv toccuriired. Feedting tr'ials xece the lcon-lii dulcctd toI lcarni if thesxt older cattlecou'tild (850-)t. initial wecigt) ill a finishiing phase tof prodtion~ werittit r~ ttaion tof 93%4 aunio- utia tcttrxificz ctti i esu priulcinut ilicial .sup- and 2.89 Ili. petr dlax loxr 90)-tdax fct'ding pe- in limilted amountsl~ and Ito replacemen'it tiif- ers xwxitl no iobstitxrxe de(t')imen tital effcctsX. lBased oni thesxe finin~lgs, it ix xafe to ax- bet xaflt aIXdl 1 tflect ixr dlx toxtifiedh fiius in u aimai~l fcctd rations.x Fix pi'tcationar1, statmtsll't sumiiizei~t ft e itnformuuatiton axtil- able': I1 tttc fnumigationi pritcess imtust laxt fttr aiitiiittiiii ott 14 laxx, (2) apptrtxiiiitt'l 7 days x tf ttpcuair acratioti tftl h aimotitidt(t corn is ixicesscxary pio ttiIt fccding, (3) ami- hiuitans if-jitaltt, A) amtmottia fx htigly cor- roive and t d11thsltrui( e fx me Ita and~d (t (.5) initer- Atlabam(Ial A-griultu~ral Jtxpo'rioicot Stat ion Cottonseed Hulls Improve Feed Efficiency and Gains of Cattle on Broiler Litter Diets SL. THOMIAS and G.W. TURNBULL, Animal and Dairy Scine Research, J.T FAS)N, Sand Mountain Substaion A ' 1 '' I I I l ') i o f Il FFFic r litt e F i l t t l t11 11 1 l Ite diet to imprFF F fui 1111 l Ii Ft "in 1 F c c icc I at F ill, and 1F F iii lon l Su si, i n Css F il) F F1r AI I Fllma F11111ad diio of c to s(, bullsF .11I~F~ its it roughIFI \I sFFip- pciFFFFFF toF bil er i lite diets r( sutt'r FFF i n~ l FF11 F1l(1 i -, XF' i ns. F kFIF efli t iji IIX 111Ff FF111I F t ft f( FIF c I 1FF11u It'll I Il(' II p ) ( 1) I F11 X II ii F ~l (II \\ its t11 1II IF Fil II till' II(lt 1Ff adinIF tlt iIIFFXF't'lit 11sFI IIFttIFIFF'c i hlls plusF ll aF 'FF))FIFIFFI I 1hullsI plIFF 'FFIX w 111F 1FF,FI and1 F IFFtiXF FoFf lottIFn- phosphIoirF s FI aeX 'FFto F baFF d IXF ilt oisFFFIting of 5 ~FF~i (FF1c grtI ornan 4T'/( Iilr litter ta-( I I~ Fit I iIllt' Xti w tr calculaFte 'to coF ai anF1111F 11)1111 FFFIIiniF ofI usableF t'FcriFv 11111 FdeqteF~ aiFIIFFFlt If ('elit' proFtein. lfilt hlilcitt 1111 Xl iX ts s FF11 i111 F I I FX c IF Il ~i F Fl~I stack 11111inl1 tilt' trIl I (Ill F I 0 l) 1 F IF T s I )Is \s I 1 I t XXIXi 13Iion tl li l r li11 F 1 ) I II) . . . . .. . . . . otFIFFIIFIFFIF sl IFIIF .I . .. . .. . ..I I,1111 IIIn 11) . . . . . . . . . . . I )X IFajIIIIF Ill . . . . .. . . . . . 1)111 F tll I II . . .. . . . .. . . . 11FF)rea 812S /FFt FIF ;sall Frillr litF XXII/Ion.11 P lolIll m iiitjtin 1i3 ht IIlIX IF 'iIIh Ft S31da11FF IL..- )a11ils sain III IFcc F Ii I FIX) 1111 F L. c~tr 23)) (daI linIll ei FII II). I )uil\ ' 111 III IFeed IIIFIIX d day _I ill. tI e 1ll ( :i F11 Ih- F , ( s _i l lI hills liIsF IlIl Fhills 111 I 1111eu ure11111 In a FIX(L Mo F F l I 111FF 1160 S5 -1 11.1F 6F50 ())1 I S. (F S_1 FF1 'FF55 5lyf 51):3 5:3.5 /u. so) hcan XIII a11 FF 1 50/ton 1 11FF scc huls IIIFFF''18/FI SII 11F 1XFFwIl 1 ?.S, vt r FF [)I ()I Ill FIFFIIFXFF'r I Ilill Ilu11Fl1111F I1r11 1 i hen Basal Iulls un't n11i(111 s Futl F(I 11FF t1112)136 (LFX tl l S) h iiofF - 11s oFrIiIl \n 1 FI1F \ iiF'FtIFwi iFIF'F'iu~ XX ill all uXF 11(4 Ff11)c to 1 F tX1121 F II IFI Ii~ i~u w llilt Ill FpX F oifiti tl animlstch fIX tiFI',IFXtiF'ltiIFt :\I1111~r XXIII' lti iX t' ti l and1 Xvt'i.,'c t i 2- 11111 iii ttr I ii 1)111I il." till inlitia II 3 "1) s (iX -,I) i i t 1 dc-li IX I l11lcf iFattll \\ IXIFc IFFI c IF2 i3nI d Flit ~io of I calii Fll ndX 'It'll rou slill F ccll 'rI ball1 arial Ill arc toi lilliX (cpe gis. On ft Ili II 'f11e add~l' iX tin oF o111- a2('1cIIX i iiro c XIX"c F'IIFFii'IIl til 6.Y(i ,'1F tiI1i FFsl ii t. IFcl1lrlI s the FF1 ttunsccdIF~l 11111- ill '/ M icn cotuncc II1 FFXil'1F11 i 1n 11 II irc t(IIltilto till, b fa FIXit and Flti F IFamci1111F accoun tlu tFhI fill lilt lit' fi il ]111'I f111 sen i ll Ih XX)g \\i~k F1i(11 Io teril n F1X XIl r 11c i) ntil t11 X ini IX flo t 11 itii 111111 iIFtln lmcdt 1 111 1 FF l I il w ilt, a till oll'f FIX) co1111FF d XXFi nd11 lilld il Xiciiti as lI in the 11111 t l1, ril t Iiic 11.1 't er I \iIai flit 1111 i 11 t lt t1l~ ad Ii liii f tIF a soi* bIX an t il II XII i n al to II I dl 411F 111sal1 di1 1FI F111'I 11 F111FXIl.~lI fglilld X tiFIIIFF basa 111i11F to 5l44i'i Ill lilt 111v- tl FIX Iaa itt il ch a es ansvir Adding cottonseed hulls to rations improved cattle per- formance in tests at the Sand Mountain Substation. '*1 I~ FLORIDA BEGGARWEED is one of the most troublesome weeds in pea- nuts in the Southeastern United States. This weed, a non-nodulating legume, can grow to 6 ft. in height, thereby towering above the peanut canopy. Yields are not gen- erally affected by light to moderate infesta- tions (approximately 3-7 plants per sq. yd.), however, greater densities can be highly competitive. In addition, Florida beggar- weed foliage hinders fungicide applications and interferes with peanut harvest. In response to grower inquiries, experi- ments were conducted at the Wiregrass Sub- station at Headland, Alabama, to evaluate the feasibility of controlling escaped Florida beg- garweed with postemergence applications of Amiben? mixed with a crop oil concentrate. At present, Amiben is labeled for ground- cracking applications, but not for postemer- gence applications. The Experiment Station study showed that Amiben applications at ground cracking were more effective in con- trolling escaped Florida beggarweed than were later applications. Florida beggarweed is considered by growers to be a late season weed because in- festations are not readily visible until midway through the growing season. At this time, they begin to penetrate the crop canopy. This phenomenon gives the appearance that Flor- ida beggarweed typically germinates rela- tively late in the season. However, previous research by the Alabama Agricultural Exper- iment Station had shown that virtually all the Florida beggarweed plants which eventually penetrate the canopy generally had germi- nated within 4 weeks, and at the very latest 6 weeks, after crop planting. This weed simply grows slower than peanuts during the early portion of the season. Research has shown that the first 4 weeks of peanut growth are the most critical in terms of weed-crop com- petition. Thus, controlling Florida beggar- weed after this period will have minimal effect in allowing the crop to yield its full po- tential. Control generally is achieved by cultivation and/or herbicide applications at ground cracking or soon after, preferably when the Florida beggarweed is in the seedling stage. Standard herbicides used are dinoseb (Pre- merge 3?) and dinoseb mixed with naptalam in a 1:2 ratio (Dyanap?). These and other comparable products are commonly applied alone or in combination with Lasso?, Dual?, and/or Amiben. Amiben is registered as a ground-cracking treatment in peanuts at rates of up to 3 lb. per acre (6 qt. per acre). This herbicide generally provides excellent control of Florida beggarweed. Unfortu- nately, control with these treatments can vary, resulting in a high number of weeds that escape control. This variability can be attributed to inappropriate weather, im- proper timing of applications, and/or exces- sive weed pressure. Few, if any, alternatives are available for the postemergence control of Florida beggarweed. This study was conducted for 2 years at the Wiregrass Substation. The test area, which was heavily infested with Florida beggar- weed, received a preplant incorporated treatment of Balan? (4 qt. per acre) and Ver- nam? (2 1/2 pt. per acre). This treatment was FLORIDA BEGGARWEED CONTROL AND PEANUT YIELD AND GRADE AS INFLUENCED BY VARIOUS TREATMENTS Florida Peanut Peanut Treatment Rate2 beggarweed/acre yield3/acre grade, SMK 4 1983 1984 1983 1984 1983 1984 Qt. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Amiben-ground cracking............... . 4 90 80 3,360 3,280 68.1 75.5 Amiben 30 DAPI ......... 4 460 100 3,400 3,490 68.4 78.5 Amiben 45 DAP ......... 4 1,980 1,360 3,430 3,440 73.8 75.8 Amiben 60 DAP ......... . 4 2,150 1,213 2,910 2,700 71.3 76.0 Amiben 75 DAP ......... . 4 1,570 4,020 3,190 3,280 69.4 77.5 Amiben 90 DAP ......... 4 3,340 4,010 3,390 3,180 69.7 77.5 Lasso + Dyanap-ground cracking............... 3 + 6 1,490 1,430 3,200 3,320 69.8 75.8 Weed-free check ......... - 0 0 3,180 3,350 69.4 77.4 eDAP = days after planting. 2 Based upon a 2 lb./gallon formulation of Amiben. 3Supplemented with hand weeding so that yields would only be affected by herbicide treatments. SMK = sound mature kernels. effective in controlling pertinent grasses but had minimal effect on Florida beggarweed. Florunner peanuts were planted in accord- ance with normal practices. Amiben was ap- plied at 4 qt. per acre (2 lb. per acre) at ground cracking and postemergence at 30, 45, 60, 75, and 90 days after planting. All postemergence treatments included a crop oil concentrate (Agridex?) at 1 qt. per acre. A standard treatment of Lasso (3 qt. per acre) plus Dyanap (6 qt. per acre) at ground crack- ing was included, as well as untreated weedy and weed-free checks. A portion of each plot was maintained weed free so that any differences in yield or grade would reflect only herbicide effects. Florida beggarweed plants produced in each plot were clipped at ground level and weighed prior to peanut harvest so the effi- cacy of each treatment could be determined. All herbicide treatments reduced the Flor- ida beggarweed infestation relative to the un- treated check, see table. Lasso + Dyanap reduced the infestation by approximately 73%, but even with this amount of control an infestation equivalent to 1,460 lb. per acre fresh weed weight remained. Maximum con- trol was achieved with Amiben applied at ground cracking, which reduced the infesta- tion by approximately 98%. Later applica- tions resulted in progressively less control. Peanuts were generally tolerant to Amiben regardless of application timing. However, a slight reduction in yield occurred with appli- cations at 60 days after planting, which cor- responds to the main flowering and pegging period. The lower yields indicated that pea- nuts were somewhat sensitive to Amiben during this period. Applications at 30 to 45 days after planting resulted in a slight in- crease in yields. No detrimental effect on grade could be attributed to any of the treat- ments. While mid-season application of Amiben plus a crop oil concentrate (a non-labeled use) can control escaped Florida beggarweed, at best it is a catch-up type of treatment. A timely treatment at ground cracking is much more effective. In addition, preliminary studies by Union Carbide, the manufacturer of Amiben, have indicated that postemer- gence applications can result in crop residue levels in excess of current tolerances. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Amiben Controls Florida Beggarweed in Peanuts when Applied at Ground Cracking G.R. WEHTJE and M.G. PATTERSON, Agronomy and Soils Research R.B. REED, Research Data Analysis 11 Al d~k . vweS toU oy tiorse and Veer Flies Result in Losses to Alabama Producers G.R. MULLEN and N.J. McMILLAN, Zoology-Entomology Research C " " " E h o rs e sliil XI a n d h o ~g s a re C o n'il liiil at tacedl bS horse fies aX~nd dieir iesX IspialhX duritig tie late sprtitig itid earlX Xiulilicr XXhe~li adult lix pop-i ulatiot n t toXI e thel .gtest. WheXnr plihul- oli eXs'toIck. The1 flies cali causXe Ireduiced XXeighlt gain and11 m11ill prdtlionil as XweII is decreasdXt generl thiritiess. It hiaX beenI s- timtdl that indhiXidnal cattle min losel 2-It0 1 I th s f li esi lIX (lleIi tkIX'I refCIrrtd ti asi ta- baids~l. lahianids alsio arlc known~l tio transmlit liivestoctk dIiseases suich as bin ie aliailasiiii- Souitheast. t'sttiiatt't tol he 525 miiihlli. th'e( loiXXeX tol swine sheepXI'i golat, ad poul t ry prioducers i' all" unlknown~l. Estimaedt'lose forXC lit attic in Alabaai Georgi ad 1 Loisliatna ill re(clit nXars Xav e~x ceeded~h' SI1.5 milili. Iln Aillli aloICCXstillaitesX(iLi d o' nilldassociatdtloIssXeXs and tcotnt ril cosltsX to c(at tl pr totduel Xrianlge PI ilii nr 7t ttt)tisS(t tittt PCI Xaai C al - tac'kX ini BaldwXXin Counitty Aliaa in 1977 at Ceal iln XXhic itly at tac'ks XXere palrt iII I d sX - XIre, led toi subsequeniil'lt stuitl coinidutd( it adl tdtti fliesX biting tattle ini the Auburn Iidi are inig spiesI and ltearin g abount thi'ir Ihab it, melthodsti for conltrollitig thie'Xe pets. Usinig Hlsteinullsii aX bait animls at flit' Atinil HeIaltih IRtsXarchi Unit, flit'X XXe'It trap dul Ilring tile dtn from'ii111 June 1 tol Aii \IihilO' OE aai .Mlilu ( mi atuire stagesX dIlo iiin root ma.ts of aqicjtt high poiplatiol ii's near Ithe tlt tia Riser' snops Fourj) l oll'ltherl majdor spIciI's attac'kinig cittt' XXwere T. ii n'/inn , 1'.l I umiiltiX T. finii g o n hiig. IXXe eI o'i thler taid pe1~cies XXere toletedt(( ini tie immiatIite' area b'ut XsreI not (llict I l ipliated ill thel probnilemn ()tIll the teltale flies bite atid thusi cause hairml to livesCX tck lix thi pers1)1 isXtenlt at temp its tn obtain bloo1( i(dI l rieqiiredl iiii egg deX el- aliiig streami ior cre tk b~anks, ad l hii n Xlg seeIpage areas thiat tentio be hs' e(t moisit oi the e'ggs, tdrop tn tiht water blowI)X tio deXeloip in tilurieXC int (Id iIIvertt'b rates Mosnt talban IiXs tendi tio feedly o n cXliertain parX of Ith hos i i X tt anmli. (ernll iIC tIe ger lpies fia d oX th uppe fl ii Xtrla Ind tilln te ack whtre X he hairC its l ticet' SmallXeI3Xr spe- cies, inli ng li st i ot'k iei leer ftCIX lie of thege hiusI andysus ititn to atac low(reh er par11ts li ofgX tihe1( hair i X ier Th iit reernc f'ortj f'd in sXitesha cniieXt in tXChe~l Tesa iInner arIIX CX(' hee dTii utuipiti c11 nceftrate its at-CI tak alo the bacXk'd; saltll spteiei ruc ha TX s111taes, htrde f~lig andCdentrt fle cotinue toX prestal mi or tillo'lt m fo o ling tc produc- ABOVE. Tabanus maculipennis on hogs with house flies attracted to resultant feeding wounds. BELOW. Tabanus atratus, largest horse fly in Alabama and severe pest of cattle. N \,f~I4 1~ lAIk~ I 2 'I ~ -I ,1 / gilsXt 15, 1952. Niinetee''l taid specil X)ties XwXXrTI collece I ithl Tnhli I fi ib'll/ill T.i alloi- det'ri bi Iit g 1) tafiilIIar ti mo'sX comon Mos1 h tt were aT.iid IiX Wits T. 2 riee tl iiit Tii 511111iii cens, IT1 . Iuliilons T. XX I l Xi t l'k' ChrtdX IX largt iin I (It Station liii IX IX rI'hogndth't bc- Si' OF )p lants and plant extracts foiU heial th heef iits to moan (late s 1 ack thou ~isands of s ears. Fgs fti an i cordiis of 1 550) B.C(. dIescibe the imed 1 ic in al uise of p~lanits. lioscorides in) 78 A. ll. describ~ed 600t medc~icinr al pl an ts arid 1,000 (druigs. Su ch pliaits as ahoi, belladoiina, opiumo arnd ergot airc uised in riesserntiallIs the samii man ner todlas as tlics were in 78 AVI) lIn thic nesw world1( the Aztec antI M asan c'is iIization s knews hows to rise and dirstiingiish 1,200 plants and cioi- poundi~s. St's ral driigs still in uise, such ais t'iictiiie qiineir, arid ('leiiipoiiuiiri oil, origiiiated as plant extracts tused bs these news worn Irativs'. 'T'he're appear to he a noumbeir of plants thit hasc ('st to he reciogrize/d for their heoeficial uses andI expliiitedl to the fullest One suchI pllarnt ssith sigrifieant potential is the creosiote bushi (Larreai t rideontate). Th is 1p1aiit is a pe- irniial es crgr ten shriub that griowIs in rthii arid siouthwssesteirn regionR of thre No rth Aii- icanl ciontineiit. Extiracts iir teas of the creiosiote hush wer(i ius('d lb Indians for the ti eatmient iof stiiiiichi arnd iienistruial cr amps,) rhieiiiiatismi sore feet, bruises, wionds, kidnes ailmnts, i- 1berciulhs is, aind facial cancers . 1)iirinrg \N orlId WXar 11, a comiipionenit of thre crieioso te liuish swas used as at poterit anitiilxidanit, swhich pre'served lbuitter cs en iii the troi)s.' TI)is ant ioxidaint also had arntiimicirobial proipiertics. Withi the introduction of antilbiiotics and news ss rthetic riiedicirrals or drulgs, the' ose o~f extracts ofi the creosiote bhli fell into dIisuse. I hiss t's ci ecenit Al abarmia Agriculntuiiral Ex- peti riiment Station ins estigationrs of the' biolog- icaul propertie o(if the plant's c'hem ical comiifonen'rts (plixtocliciiicals) irndicat' it rias has e poltential fur modelrin-das uise. These st uieits ir(5 (al that init iniy doellts the c'reoisote bush hiasc' miircinal p~rope'rtie's, but its fph- tiemiicals hase poiterntial for beoeficial iion- riiedicinal uise'. \Ianx iofthese' uise's ar(' re'lat('d tio agricul tuire. F~ivs cem iical fractiion s frionm creiosoite liiish leave'ss wcrc obhtained and the biioloical prop- ertit's iif the extracts swetrt' detttrriined. Four frictiiirs had poitent antim icrobiial activ ities against 16 gt'rra iof bact'ria, iiicluiniIg twsoi sp(cie's of svirulernt tuiberculosis hbacteria. 'Thi fr actiiini were' ( alsii e'fft'ctisc iii irihibitiig groissthi iifninec ge'rira tof p~athotge'nic fungi arnd ceasts. These prilpertics tistified the Iridiaons iist' of cre'osorte tea as riedicatiion for wotiiitd biriuises, and infectioris. Tht' poiterntial for using creosote plarnt ex- tracts tii help prevecut initestinail disorders iif pouliltry, such as coccidiiosis, showled iup iii thii Exp'rime'nt Station research. Foitr iorganic siosvt'rt firactitors anid hot water extracts frori the plant were foind tio iiiactiv ate certain pouiltry coccidia, the p~rotozoianr parasitc' that eauses c'iccidiiisis. Feeding a erode pre'para- tion of' griinnd, (dried, creiosote hutsh leases tii chiick'n s wlas founid to effectis ('I cointrol Alabama Agricultural Experiment Stat ion E.C. MORA and JOHN ZAMORA, Poultry Science Research Inhlibition of bacterial growth by two fractions of creosote bush. Inii feed inig trial, add inrg 1%4 grioiunrd leavs ' toi ft'ed fiiori brilt'r c'Iiicks at 5 wet'ks of age re- suilIted in rias ter weight gaini thI an b riler s get- tirig the sarme fettd wIithiont the creosote hush n iii'( at i in. Th'le extra gainr re piorted inr thre tablt' translate's iritio 1 lb. moure grilwsth for each e'ight brioilers betsven the' 5-wet'(k sizc and market sizc. Anials dii riot cat thec creiosote' hush he- cauise' of the arormatic resinous, sticks, swaxy coat oii thce leavs. This swaxy suibstance pre' vents de'hidratiin iioif thie p~lant tduirinrg the dIrs seasoni s. Destruction by creosote bush extract of an- terior, invasive end of coccidial sporozoite. Because the cr eosote' buslh noirimally gros 1 Xinv illy, not in tight huinches or aggrce- gates, it 1s saitd to he a pri.vate hush. Few grasses gio benea'ii'~th it, which indicates its natural herbicidlal activ its. Ini the Experiment S tationi tests, differe(nlt plant seeds werei spraedi with either dhiluite encentations of the origanric solvenot extracts or a hot water ex- tiract. One of the solvenct extracts antI the w.5ater extract we5 re highly effe'ctis e in inhib- iting germiinatiiln. These findings indlicatt' that the creosote bush conitainis chemicals that hasvc the pten-'l tial for- being uisefil for bo0th agricolture and micinre. It can pirovside siibstanc'es for the' control of hacterial, v iral, fiuigal, and piroto- zoan (liseases in man and annuals and it has a natoural heri cide, whIiich miiight he valablec foir use in many sittiations. The an tioxidant is a p~otential candidlate for food presersvation. I' i iiiorii ADD1ING (niu Nso Ciirosoni LEAVES ix B o~ri i Ii ii)a \1eght. gain after 1 natmcI i tot, D- 2 3-9 It)-13 D-1 Br oiler feed .... 107 274 212 593 Brilri feed + 1% g2rrid creosote liavst ...... 63 379 217 659 454 gramrrs = 1lh6 A) is (las groouiid creosote leasves we re aiddd tti feed-bhroilers 5 wseeks old. Estimating Densities of Plant Bugs and Predators in Early Cotton S.J. FLEISCHER and M.J. GAYLOR, Zoology-Entomology Research VIRTUALLY all of Alabama's cotton is under a scouting program to monitor population density and damage from bollworms and boll weevils. However, recent concern over early season insect management has increased efforts to monitor populations of plant bugs and beneficial predators. Col- lapse of predator populations attacking boll- worms, for example, could result in earlier or heavier than usual bollworm populations. Working in and around the Tennessee Valley Substation, researchers in the Alabama Ag- ricultural Experiment Station studied meth- ods of monitoring early season predator and pest populations simultaneously, giving growers more information on which to base management decisions. Insect population densities can be grouped into two broad categories, depending on the method of collection. Those based on a total count of insects per unit area, such as row- meters, are termed absolute density esti- mates. Although time consuming and labori- ous to obtain, absolute density estimates are more accurate and the basis from which eco- logical studies can be developed. Due to time and cost constraints, cotton scouts more fre- quently base estimates on numbers per unit effort, such as with a sweep net or drop cloth, to get a relative density. By comparing the scout's relative density to absolute density, growers can get a better overall picture of in- sect populations in their cotton fields. The relationships between absolute and relative density estimates have been deter- mined by Auburn researchers for early sea- son arthropods in Alabama cotton. An average value for population density was es- timated for a given field, based on data using two absolute techniques (whole plant bag sample (WPBS) and visual search) and two relative techniques (sweep net and drop cloth). To evaluate the density estimate obtained with different scouting techniques, first the percentage of the absolute density was deter- mined for each technique. This percentage varied greatly for the different species and stages (adult versus immature) studied, see table. Drop cloth estimates were an equal or higher percentage of the absolute density es- timates than were sweep net estimates. Drop cloth estimates also resulted in significant re- lationships against absolute density for more taxa than did sweep net estimates. With the exception of big-eyed bug immatures, the percentage of the absolute density estimated by drop cloth or sweep net samples was low (10 to 30%). Although the percent capture was low, the density estimate from scouting techniques can be easily converted to absolute density if the percentage is consistent. Thus, a scouting program can monitor true population densi- ties if it captures an equal percentage of the absolute density throughout the season. One measure of this consistency, or precision, PERCENTAGE OF THE ABSOLUTE DENSITY (FROM WPBS AND VISUAL SEARCH) THAT WAS ESTIMATED BY DROP CLOTH AND SWEEP NET SAMPLES. THE R 2 VALUE GIVES A MEASURE OF THE CONSISTENCY, OR PRECISION, OF THE PERCENTAGE WPBS compared to Visual search compared to Plant bug, predator Drop cloth Sweep net Drop cloth Sweep net Pct. R 2 Pct. R 2 Pct. R 2 Pct. R 2 Adult Immatures Tarnished plant bug ................... NS NS 28 66 10 72 Big-eyed bug......................... 55 89 19 69 77 85 22 57 Minute pirate bug ..................... NS NS 7 58 NS Spiders ............................... NS NS 24 86 NS Total insect predators....................35 75 13 66 29 62 7 25 Total arthropod predators ................ 28 73 12 53 30 76 8 27 'Relationship was not statistically significant. termed the R 2 value, see table, can vary from a low of 0 to a high of 100. The precision also varied among species and stages. In general, drop cloth estimates had equal or greater precision than those from sweep net samples in the Tennessee Valley tests. Due to the greater number of taxa that resulted in sig- nificant relationships, the greater percentage captured, and the equal or higher precision, the drop cloth was preferable to the sweep net for estimating population density in early season cotton. For some groups, such as immatures of plant bugs and big-eyed bugs, the relative techniques were reasonably precise esti- mators of absolute densities. The drop cloth density of immature plant bugs, in numbers per row-meter, was consistently 28% and the sweep net catch per 10 sweeps was consist- ently 10%, of the absolute density per row- meter. For many of the taxa, however, factors other than absolute density are needed to ex- plain the variation in the relative density es- timates. In the case of adult plant bugs, although drop cloth estimates could be re- lated to visual search estimates, neither rel- ative technique was statistically related to WPBS densities. The WPBS estimate may well be more accurate than visual search. Thus, further work is needed to develop ac- curate, precise, and rapid sampling tech- niques for adult plant bugs. Combining diverse taxa into one large group, such as "spiders" or "total predators," masks the unequal contribution of each taxa, and oversimplifies both the relationships among techniques and management decisions based on such a group. However, these may presently be the only data available to grow- ers. Relationships using total predator counts (adults and immatures of big-eyed bugs, minute pirate bugs, lady beetles, damsel bugs, lacewings, and spiders) generally had greater precision than those using individual species and stages. Drop cloth estimates again were a higher percentage of the abso- lute density than were sweep net samples. In the Auburn tests, less than one-third of the absolute population of predators or plant bugs were estimated with the techniques used by scouts when monitoring insect pop- ulations in early-season cotton. To gain a bet- ter overall picture of insect populations in Tennessee Valley cotton, the relative-to- absolute calibrations in this study were used to estimate total predator densities from drop cloth scouting data. Densities were thus es- timated to exceed 66,000 per acre, or ap- proximately one per plant, in about one-third of the dates and fields sampled throughout the 2 years. For several weeks densities came close to 200,000 per acre in these fields. Such under-estimations from the scouting tech- niques help explain how predator popula- tions, at densities commonly reported in cotton, can control early-season bollworm outbreaks. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station14 Ammonium Nitrate Improves Nitrogen Balance D.A. COX, Horticulture Research pottiti oriiaintital planits is absXoirbed (Q)oaotitx of N iost froin tihe p)ot represen('ts foI(Iitli fI t' tist ' n otnti l o ~llu ti haz- tionix has reule ff in aflrtil )izrtt t4 14 14c 1111 ib ilanti iihiett hXw ihti 14 l1rtiizcro source' iffts iiot potrtiii ofi N rataint't bi showed that a pot of inedium contained 261 II ig N from organic matter. Thercfore 1,124 ntg N (fertilizer N + potting utc(lium N) \wrc potentialh acailahle to cach plant dur- ing the expcrinuwrlt. At the end of csperinientation, shoot and root d, sxcights were measured. Nitrogen analx sis data collected by sampling pot Icach- ate during the experiment and taking plant (shoots ,uid roots) and potting nuccliuut sam- ples at the end of the c.xpcrintcnt sere used to construct the N balance sheet, table 1. Anunoniunl sulfate reduced shoot and root growth, compared to the other N fertilizer treatments, table 2. Poor growth mod ,ellov%- ing of the tipper leases utadc auuuoniunt sul- fate plants conrlnercialk unacceptable. Differences ill shoot and root grosstb and ap- pcarauce sx cre small among t11c other sn11r1111.S. Choice of N fertilizer alf('eted plant ab- sorption of N, with anunouiunt nitrate plants containing almost one-half of the potcntiall\ mailable N, table 1. 1i-catment with calcium nitrate, area, and Osniocote resulted ill less N absorption and anunoniunt sulfate had the least N11arh one-half of potentialh acailahle N in anunouiunt sulfate and calcium nitrate seas lost by leaching. With anlnloniunl sill- fate this vcas due to low N and \\a1cr thsorp- 1(11 resXult I(( in 11om poor(1 Iooit (41 IXXt ii XXera il a Xitil talitiiii nitra.tt' it XXa IX (111 tio il Ftt' N itleciig. .Lach1ig of N XXas Irt'ducI ld nIl li' nlitraIti. Re1ten(tion iii N IiX tiht ietti 1111 soicI N rI'ema~'in ill thei lfirtillie granlis' at till cad( oii tilt t'jt'Iinlt'Ot. tic N(t(t col nt beildL)counItdf ini N aXll trcat'IX iii buittiilX unaccoutl d-o N XX wasXIIit gfrNXXatit w'itii~ arie i Itn ' all) tmoll im slft't . Rcioii (IX vaiXf (I X111 i ' Tui~~~~v 2. iir ) Iri ti i ((Nil onXI rto (Ii t (ul- .. .. 19 2.1 11.1 3.3 .. .. 13.2 .3.3 .. . t:3.:3 .1 0t Anononium sulf.dc . . Anunonimu nilratc . . Calciinu midi( . .... . lrca .............. Osnoocolr I 1-1 4-11 .. I(1t1 c. 1. Nnr)(,r:y Iii Nv I Sterne I(m 1-1v 11 P) I, nor Iv kI, rr(;IrvyIi v1 TI-cat i ncnt Ainnioliimil sulfate . 1n1nunli..nt nitrate. itrate .. . urea ............. (Wilmote ......... To-atntcnt Asailahlc N Sinn of f( l tilizcr N applied and medium N at planting ( 1-13.1 ntg N/pot 100( Plant shoot and root samples contbincd. Alabama Al--iculturul Exp -inucnt Station ' )f~;)~ Proper Irrigation Scheduling Reduces Container Medium Temperature and Increases Hershey's Red Azalea Growth G.J. KEEVER, Horticulture Rt ;h,, ()rnamental Hortit ulture Susi tiic~ i T I (G H l I F T E P E A IL HE S w ith in nurs1eiy conitainve rs are often respo- sibleC for reduci ed rotot aind shoot 055vt h and can l eatd to longer produnetijont cseles. Cultural practices that prov5idle lim- ited success in reduceing high temperatures inctlu de tihe uise of refleetiv e con tainters, non- refleetive b fed muilehes, reduced p)ot spacing, ad 0(erhead slhade. Results obitained in a 2- year study at the Alahaima Agricultural Ex- perrimtenit Statioin shiow that irrigation sehed- tiling can also lie used to alles iate high temperatures ini container growsth~ medhia. TIhis Expeimient Station study wsas initi- altedl to es aluate the influ encte of ir ri gat ion schedu Iiing oni initehu i teimperature flict ua- tins and growsth of Hiershey's Red azalea. In Mtarch 198:3 and 198.1, azaleas wsere pottedl in 1-gal. bl1aek poly et hyleine pots ini am endtedI pine hark and plated oin a whlite shell imulch in full sun. Four oixerhtead ir rigation treat- mnents wxere employed heginiing ini the spring of eath year: (1) 8 p. in. irrigation for 1 hour (control ) (2) 1 pin. irrigLatioi foi r 1 hour; (3)1 to. in. aind :3 p. in. irrigations for 30 mtin- uites each; and 14) 9 p. in. irrigation for 1 hour pslus hourly in teri iitteit iriigat ions for 2 1/2 mtinutes, 9am.-5 pm. G;roswth mnediui, cainopy, aind air temper- atu res wseire mi oni toried conti nuously duin g the simme. In :Novembher of both yeams, ioot antd shoot growstht were comiipared aiming ir- rigat ion tireat mients. Results of the sttidy showsed that muaximtuim groswth imediuiii temtperatuires occurred at 4 p. in. and swere lowest wsith 30-mitnute split ir- rigations at i10 a. itn. and :3 p.mi. (95?F) and wxithi 1-hour iirrigationis at 1 p.mii. (96?F). Cm owth miediumiii tenmperat ures were de- pressed 7 to 1:3?F for 1 to :3 hoirs wsith dax ir- rigations comtpared wsith irrigating at 8 p.mi. or at 9 p im. plus intemittent hourly irriga- tionis. Dlay irrigation (10a~. ii., I p~m. .3p in also tdepressed maximti n canop~y teiipera- tures 8?F for 2 to 3 hours. Initermiittent ir- rigatiomn reducied the mnaximnum canopy teiiplerature 2 to :3?F comiparetd swith the 8 p. iii. irrigation. Slio ot growxsth, as i ndiceated byx growth iindex and top 1 tir sweighit, was gireatest wsithi split ir- rigationis at it) a. int. antd 3 p.mit. or at single ir- rigatio~n at I p~m in antopv groswth wsas similar wsithi planits iirrigatedl at 8 p.mit. and 9 p im. ph is intertmit tent ir rigat ion. tRelatisve ro ot rat- ing swas highest foi plants iiirigatedl at I p. it., hil lossed by pl1ants i rrigatedl at 1t0 a itt and :3 Reduied~ miaxiiiumii growssth meditum and cntop tenmtperatuires anti gireater cauno px aunit root growth su ppo rt the uttil izat ion of' oser- heah irrigation thuring the tla. Althoutgh the exacet t iinig of iriigationi to atchieve ittaxi iiiui gioth f is not knimss m results suggest thtat single app)licatioins applied 2 to 4t hours heftore it tx iii t ir tei tmpteraturii is ireached oi split applications at It) a.mi. antd 3 p it. ame heneficial. H ourii I intemtittent irrigation of - hi etl nit benefit exceplt at slight eootlintg of the I iii t Is oit 111101(.51 IoN s ii~i~ r IoN (;w)i~ Iii lNmwx, \ ol Dii n 1 \'t iltcir I x SNI) .I I i I5 B~oo 1t:nx oiN.ii i 15 Itts iir' H I A SvI irigtionhu schetdutle' S t p . I I r. . . . .. . . . . I ps iii I lu . . .. . . .. . . 1 0 . II lanl :3 p m., :30t m1 i tt Itc 9 p. m., I Ihr. phits 2 11 latin hom i gattitns 9 a. .- 1). In .. .i ( ,u usstlt indtilt "to (Insd wseight Bclaiuc . . 27.s :32.6 3-4.2 :31 1 'Iliglt +, width0 + wsidtht :3. 'Hating: I lieast ifikiloiIe, 1 =tiost dcIi ,, (I ixitagi oftihe root ball suitl. ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION, AUBURN UNIVERSITY AUBURN UNIVERSITY ALABAMA 36849 Gale A. Buchanan, Director PUBLICATION-Highlights at Agricultural Research 6/85 Penalty for private use, $300 BULK RATE POSTAGE & FEES PAID USDA PERMIT No. G269