~11~ 4 N,, '5 t tsr N ~ i, 2-' 41< 4 -. S ~ -.~ N ~ .' .'- i',,' * 4', 2 --- 4 - '4 .- " ?t -k - ~'AK -r~ ~ ~ t -~ 4, t;9. ~1% 4%,- A $ 4 'S #tw k a4 ' DIRECTOR'S COMMENTS ea'e 6tedaee.. t (ii Xli IS I ii ciF FXXl~.ict cIt i i i111 ' l of i ti W fiji 11 tti f)I c t I ii S i\ IXto iii till aii itilX I i XIII 1) 'Lt Ii lli itt i t. %. IId' 191111 i Iiii I-cIck iht11 ii I lii itio1 iilcti ct 11l la i j)Iiiii 1962 I Ic 65 ,iiiititt I) it ittX 1111 Ii toiri tii ti I 1( X-itii il iiii Alhitll lit t 1975sso illa t o' tutuSt 1 1 iit if'ill t ill sliii 1 1 II wit i itilm iiitit s l o o of ill , F liii~ iliiIti.~ ~~~I cli iit Xit oii 1111I il. .11111 itil l i illiti lii D~iXii Ciel'l XI i ticd /k i II ii I Illiiiiiii~li/tipill fi e I 11 II I (li )ct i lo.t (I o tl c ot ii d b\\\ittix t X ,I\ is Iti titt I t IXw XIIc ithI 10111 i it] Iid il (I itcdi uI ' I t I (I\ii liiiilt ( 10 1)11 Itiai (1 ')1 I I lIII I ItIi"l I ii ('diIc tt liti Ii l im t ill 1111lio\ ii 1 ]I()\\ "ii illili itt titti (IrdXiiliiXs Iiitiii. GALE A. BUCHANAN icAg"itl rof,( il tirl\R lc arscut ilI jii itjii ii iili l~ iii 11 ti i id i llIi iitl 4 II t So\- io iil iX ii111 i i iiit ill\X iisIIli X iiL ii iI ul ill tii ii ii iii Uiii Sml tt, X lii i1 llod l I iiii i tXX tI(\ Iti iti ii liids IoIlis" joltsitilti lo ,c ciii pw iii S l(:o 1).\ ii i tis\ - Xli I I Iiit (I \tII( X iii kii o\ Xii i i i\ l I i it it It I111 (,ItIw Ii oit l Ii it I XX li X ull,t i u im c ii itl IX is1 1 ,iis u "olii \Ii li \\il "lc 1i1/llil l 1 co iii ll tii l illl I o iii j ilti lX ii lt 111 ill I ril soiiiiiI Ilii ~t FALL 1982 VOL 29 NO. 3 W1 iiit IX,Xlii knill J i till clv ls e tald rl l so l(I Ite I..Sit ii oh il 11til i XXIII 1 w liciX os X cliii i l. i ili N "i ci. . . Xi uti (hi' lic ttl l 1 hX's Xlliil~I(_( iWtttttt Xof iiioil tl( iiii c i i It ti sliitt ct i lIii t X tat h IIIil iLti d c t~tit l t- \ith A lli wic Ii 11111lc ji iiI itXi itt i ii II i i 11111 ii1 li iiiiliiI tii ( I, Xii II t I A1 . l t ilt I IIt\, u it ifi s cl11111X. i icw]iX ~iti~ I If 'n k s \\u.. .... t t ~ ill lth(is it lii i il tiiLt iiii , l iTt F It \I ') liii .. u. lictl X.. i. iijt i it cto)i i.... Ass Xli iiiiiu St .i \1w . .x.... X I .VS f in t itti- ONctsoCOVER: Herbacouse THE Il weedonrol pineols. si rp(Ii o wdso. rmaicrls in colabIall u'il ioiitii Id cisoicl Ifl PlotIss ti li litlic X i I A. , s .Ili.t11,1 oia/ l o ,11ti Release from Hardwood Competition Shows Dynamic Growth Response in Young Loblolly Plantation A.L. WEBB, D.H. GJERSTAD, L.R. NELSON, and S.A. KNOWE Department of Forestry each other in pine volume increment but all were significantly different from the control. Average pine volume increments of treated plots were 95-135% greater than the controls, figure 3. Although the pelleted hexazinone formulation provided excellent hardwood control and pine growth response, the trends shown in pine mortality make this a questionable release treatment for young pine. Additional tests examining formulations and rates will be necessary to find treatments that minimize pine mortality while maintaining acceptable hardwood control. The 20% G provided excellent herbaceous weed control which probably accounts for the increased pine volume increment. However, hardwood control was only fair with 45% mean defoliation after 2 years, and the pine growth response is not likely to continue as large or as long as the pelleted formulations. A is the control of hardwood species in estry MAJOR PROBLEM in Southern for- young pine stands. Most chemical pine release was accomplished with 2,4,5-T prior to its 1979 suspension by the Environmental Protection Agency. Much attention is now being given to finding alternative release herbicides. Hexazinone, sold under the trade name Velpar Gridball@, is the only herbicide registered for pine release in all Southern States. However, initial formulations of the Gridball were found ineffective on smallstemmed hardwoods common in young pine stands. Research is being conducted in Tallapoosa County by Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station scientists to test various hexazinone formulations on small hardwood stems in a 1-year-old loblolly pine plantation. Treatments evaluated included 1 cc and 1/2 cc 10% pellets at 1.5 and 2.0 lb. ai per acre and 20% granular at 2.0 lb. ai per acre. The major soil series on this Piedmont site were Cecil and Gwinnett. The Cecil series consists of welldrained, nearly level to steep slopes, 0 to 25%, while the Gwinnett series consists of well-drained, gently sloping soils, 2 to 45%. The sandy loarn A horizon had eroded on both soils exposing a red firm clay. The study area, a mixed pine-hardwood cover type, was commercially clearcut and subsequently site prepared in April, 1978. Site preparation included shearing and disking with no post-treatment burn. The area lay fallow during the 1978 growing season, then was hand planted with improved loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) seedlings (500 per acre) in January, 1979. Hence, hardwood sprouts had one full growing season to establish prior to the planting of pines. At the time of herbicide application (March, 1980), the pines had gone through 1 growing season while the hardwood had 2 growing seasons to become established. A dense hardwood cover, averaging more than 42,000 rootstocks per acre, was present with stem heights ranging from a few inches to approximately 10 ft.; however, the majority ofcompeting hardwoods were less than 3 ft. in height. Predominant competing species included oaks (Quercus spp.), flowering dogwood (Cornus florida L.), hickory (Carya spp.), blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica Marshall), persimmon (Diospyros virginiana L.), and sumac (Rhus spp.). Differences observed 2 years after treatment were dramatic. The pelleted formulations reduced the number of hardwood stems taller than 3.3 ft. by more than 65%; while increases of55% and 135% occurred in 20% G and control plots, respectively, figure 1. The pelleted treatments reduced hardwood basal area by 50-70%, the 20% G increased 14%, and the control increased 78%, figure 2. Percent defoliation of hardwood stems greater than 3.3 ft. tall was greater than 70% for the pellets, only 45% for the 20% granule, and was 1%for the control. Two treatments - 1 cc at 1.5 lb. per acre and the 20% granule - had significantly greater pine mortality than the control. Herbicide treatments, including the 20% G, were not significantly different from FIG. 1. Average pine volume increment during second year after treatment with hexazinone formulations. FIG. 2. The number of hardwood stems more than 3.3 ft. tall at time of herbicide application (March 1980), 1 growing season later (September 1980) and after 2 growing seasons (September 1981). FIG. 3. Hardwood basal area at time of herbicide application (March 1980), 1 growing season later (September 1980) and after 2 growing seasons (September 1981). Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station 3 ROOT SIZE OF TALL FESCUE AFFECTS YIELD, STAND PERSISTENCE C.B. WiILIJAMS and C B. ELKINS, Department of Agronomy and Soils-USDA R RODRIGUEZ-KABANA, Department of Botany, Plant Pathology, and Microbiology T\ 1[ . xii \1i~ \1t \lxitii I Ii' I[\xiii IN Solt \\I) B3ilis1 I xiii, - ksii S\1 i lt 1i T\,1ii 1) Iixi IN I Foliii S(i TMXl\il ix, t'tSt NcPito Ic'lli il .grgIoited I)i o gcilllt~ pc .' tilli' ' -i lil iii. Sina~ll- l'llitd geilot~ pe (uptl'lit t ii xli\1biil-lit( tc ll iii' ilt Ti it' 1,i 1 11111(1 iI.'xi t iljgr ttli 111(k hcii tiill I lit fI I l l iii t igheI t i It i ld i \liii iili(it 11111 iiCi l lIli.CC-1111i. i liIM Second-year Differences hIlc 1its l iti l~ o tN t alIsiid l xii fixiiit fli i t t't xx l txcllsil~t' Ix illt x, diii tilt it Ii (t 'II I I ' tall11(1 i I it i t i tx o 'i iir xt ' p at' l t s t do ' i f l1 t l ] 19 8 t h iff ti~illix ,)it iil 5ti ixtii % ialroc~ ws isitlici l f~l i ie \p o olp N i ~r isI l'lII fill itn it 1 iiit t ii Ia'l,(roc( x "l' iti pcx l c (_1o ,li l( o (rilt e a "e roe plots"\ic Nit IIIiii 11 thtfl i!'iillro~d ~l \i t .11iot'Ic iiii c -o c tcl itfitli Ii I (Io \ti xiiol~l iiiii *x a~ T lii l'i iiixil] ; 'Iii fIllv xiN, ixJ), i) 'Ixi()iif xii , I ' x)1\\ flilli l ii I, N[I, I, ti Nitihil xii \ ] , xi x xi Itj5 iii ii Situ iti Total flitc\cd (1 IIT'illathl gi lillktiol tictil ilt~~to :4 ~ ilm IN i Ill)]] it it I ill t I I I i t -11111i it tiol I I l tit lt l 't I illmi 'altiil .I ft 405~ 53,stt 0t 6IN)i 4 3 t) 4,50t6 3 7t t1 .53 9 9t ),StI t1 1 12, t '3tj51 Dr till't41 -li i tltmittio :3,',0 i 10.20 .......... .3,(56 :3 112 1,500it 4,220t xiN it il hu S66 I I1i itt 437 10 136I liii x tt titlx Roots tiom large-rooted tall fescue were found to penetrate into the subsoil. Switch to Skinning Appears Practical for Hog Slaughter Plants J.C. CORDRAY and D.L. HUFFMAN, Deparfment at Animal and Dairy Sctences W.R. JONES. Cooperative Extension Service i11l(, tiu& tut l it alll .t' i) 'jl i ']'xlitii 2. C( !f Xi x71 \,ii \\iii) Itllt ii Nt\ lli flot ' t'i t jili( XXith Ii fim~i lii kiniiii tli i s~i St [,I)i Ii \1 \i~ ri jittix Itemi littc\ xt. lb1) Ireii'xii 1)it t ittilti xliiuk, pc . A\ie tiigt isx~ ( it fit' skill ittlit'i 1 tuiii llt' P 013JK S\iT.(iI I 1,13j xx ifiiii, iill)ilt i xx~o.(Silig fit litii! it xkii'x ilfh ictil , Iio ilt'X ii i Xxi .. 2:3ff 61.2 6 f 1. li6, 232 0.I 6 210 Skin w in t c i o l1kill hutol 11) . .. . tt'i'ftii toi fi' h-,sIt if s hct', 9f i 0iII s tut)d S hug xililigitt'l''i' \\ ill bitt tkiiiiiiii-. Piacftilix t proi i si, \tiii s li i I,i ffi Sktiii 1ill o I \( \\xt. Fc , cm~ d oil kili fit til f1 ..... t Fet t .I\L tN\i. l xI P) ilt' So\\ tf kiiiiit'ar tliii X i iixii'ifi' iit.liltl' t lt' xiii'in'il' flitft huh' illili h41i ul'iti Ilid til i l t'' o\ tixt lsii to m ttis llk . io \c X 0 7tha I '6 o it , t .5it \\ .ht ii ill tc kx Ittilt~ t c f tlc Iiiis mit ktcd1 iii3 l.Os 1,1,01tc llexd xi ii~ xlhi.littl .1 lit 1111rs Im iiil \\ vi'f till \cr ff2 t c ItfI good'atXXa \f a bilt' xofita till' ' Tt i I If(L 1ills 2 )Ilii(lli lt iiiici ti i~ f i iS( f'roi ' tatft'c ft pi' plliti t ical dumll IStK3, 1. 1% ,ilitici lesxx thanii till' 2.f0% slhrink for skiineru. Pat'ke'is I 13)111t tbit iilit t Xct'iili drtiiix xkiiiiici rexsultx Ili all incies t'Ixti cii't'cixx vitid ofi' :3-5% . 'oiiiicia! S 1\gt' gilI \ k1( I IIo( kill iatt X\ if it \ xiill iii i1nn fth ifI .)ff iit xifill lilli' oprion inpu jftf. an 'f''ucalel Tei l killf hu l iii S__ its, '5 5lit li ii . Iiiiitch Ii- hotgx fptr m11,111 At tntis ritt' ill kill, tiiittixhti c xitx iaa iiii~ flt oxfoh i'tf i i u l ii titi an lth iki co t' itt' .3c taldil tifI CXX 7(f l ili ltixki .L Cosit iii tii ii,, i 'i it fit ih f l a , sio\\ il flt'a iiii ii dii liiitilt Ii ,ii'kiwittc xxiii xl \\as 'IIii ix ft'e flu i'1111 tkilillit' xkccIIIIlc\ lit. d reuire1111 iit'iiit xiai ,,, liii ii i lotflu 'i c't "XIids liii( ii the tilts'i' of t'oii.a iwii101111 xkj xt't'lc iilltll 2.5 il altl i tci 11111 s1 itifll a s 111' ' f oil di liifii' XX1111 i n doig N the 5if.XXifill" fttl thc il xx hu flit' ai 1',ixxt. axd tili iiiii 'iiit'i Witi kilIl ratx of' 1ii50i hog pc hoifturi, 24i men Alabama A-i-icultui-at Expci-inictit Station illustrations, a detailed description of each species has been prepared. Identification of previously named species required examination of the literature and of specimens in the collections of workers who described species of Tychiinae during the 1800's and early 1900's. Species of Tychiinae new to science, 159 of them to date, have been given names according to the rules of zoological nomenclature. Determination of how the species of Tychiinae are related to each other amounted to proposing a classification. There has been considerable debate in recent years as to what methods produce the "best" classifications. There is not complete consensus in this area, but most workers seem to agree that a classification based on phylogenetic relationships produces a "natural" classification which is best because it provides the most general reference system for the biological sciences. The underlying assumption here is that order WAYNE E. CLARK has been produced by evolutionary descent. Department of Zoology-Entomology To discover that order a simple rule is followed: species which share uniquely derived ABOVE: Lignyodes horridulus (Casey), one of the "ash seed weevils." attributes share the same phylogenetic history. Since a corollary to evolutionary theory is that every attribute shared by a group of species is unique and derived at some level, HE WEEVILS, or "snout beetles," are "what kind of boll weevil is this?" and "where following this rule can provide a phylogenetic Coleoptera assigned to the family Curculioni- does it fit in the overall scheme of things?" It is framework for all species. dae. A British theologian introduced a popu- fairly certain that the boll weevil belongs in A "phylogenetic analysis" provided a basis lar account of these "rynchophora" (snout the subgenus Anthonomorphus. There are for arranging the species of Tychiinae into bearers) by stating that their "hidden vir- indications, however, that this subgenus is apparently natural groups and resulted in tues... have yet to be discovered." Alabama more clearly related to another genus of An- considerable modification of existing classifarmers might echo this sentiment as they thonominae than to the other subgenera of fications. Six genera of Lignyodini, one of the contemplate the impact ofthe boll weevil, the Anthonominus. Does this mean that the genus two tribes of Tychiinae, had been recognized whitefringed beetles, the pecan weevil, and Anthonomus is an artificial grouping? If so, as recently as 1977. Some of these genera had others. how can we make valid generalizations about been considered to be tychiines when they The Curculionidae, some 44,883 de- the relationships of the boll weevil? Must we were first established back in the 19th censcribed species of them, comprise the largest reevaluate the classification of an entire sub- tury. Later, they had been transferred to the family of animals. With a few minor excep- family before we can answer questions about subfamily Anthonominae. Now they are back tions, the known species are phytophagous. one important species? Here is the plea for in Tychiinae. The total number of species in The different species feed on plants in a wide "final integration" mentioned above. the tribe was increased from 38 to 89, but the variety ofways. With so much diversity it may Recent research at the Alabama Agricultu- number of valid genera was reduced from six not be surprising to find that the classification ral Experiment Station has focused on to two. The number of species in these genera of the family is in a "chaotic" state. Bringing weevils in the subfamily Tychiinae. This sub- is expected to increase as the rich faunas of such chaos into order is a task for the science of family has about 600 species in North and Central and South America become better systematics ,..."the essential first step and the South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. known. The other tribe of Tychiinae, the final integrator...for the biological, agricultu- The larvae of some of the species develop in Tychiini, has also undergone extensive rearral, and medical sciences." the flowerbuds or fruits of species of Legumi- rangement during the course of recent stuThe "essential first step" is to provide accu- nosae, including alfalfa and clover. Larvae of dies. The number of genera has been reduced rate identification, "the key to the scientific other species develop in the seeds of plants in from eight to two, but as in the Lignyodini, literature...." This step is frequently a com- the families Oleaceae and Rubiaceae. the number of species has increased. plex one. For example, it has long been recog- Thousands of specimens of Tychiinae from These studies and others like them have nized that boll weevils from the Southeast collections such as the Auburn University shown that the classifications of weevils bediffer in several respects from those in Mex- Entomological Museum, the U.S. National queathed to us from the last century and from ico. It is also known that boll weevils feed on Museum of Natural History, and the British the early part of the present century are certain wild Malvaceae related to cultivated Museum (Natural History) have been ex- inadequate. They do not stand the test of cotton. Weevils thought to be boll weevils, amined. critical evaluation by modern techniques infound recently in Mexico on one of these wild Additional specimens have been collected terpreted by modern concepts. This problem hosts, were determined to represent a new in the United States, Mexico, and Central is exacerbated by a deluge of undescribed species, Anthonomus hunteri. America. The specimens have been ex- species that pours in from all over the world. As this sort of information accumulates, amined, noting modifications of the snout or The task at hand is an almost overwhelming scientists begin to pose questions which call rostrum, the eyes, the legs, the genitalia, and one, but the pursuit of solutions is justified for more systematic data. These questions go the shape, distribution, and color of hairs or from both economic and intellectual standbeyond "how can we control this insect?" to scales on the body. In addition to keys and points. £¢.__.__._ Ilhi Systematic Studies on Weevils in the Family Curculionidae T 6 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station INFECTIOUS BURSAL DISEASE (IBD) has been a constant problem for the poultry industry. It is important because it may result in morbidity and mortality as well as compromise the immune response of susceptible birds. Where IBDV induced immunosuppression occurs, it is age related. Infection during the first 2 weeks results in a more severe and prolonged effect on immunity, whereas infection at 3 weeks of age or later is less pronounced and shorter in duration. Therefore, an IBD vaccine that produces high levels of antibodies in breeder hens should result in progeny possessing maternal immunity which could protect them from the immunosuppressive effects of early IBDV infection. Objectives were to demonstrate the protective effects of maternal antibody in preventing early IBDV infection in broilers from breeders receiving an experimental, commercially prepared oil emulsion vaccine. Commercial broiler breeder flocks were from two companies, one in north and one in south Alabama. The design was the same for both north and south Alabama trials. Seventeen-week-old broiler breeder pullets from a 4,500 flock in north Alabama and a 17,500 flock in south Alabama received an injection of 0.5 ml of an oil emulsion inactivated IBD vaccine subcutaneously behind the neck. To determine if the vaccine had any adverse effect on breeder performance, each vaccinated and nonvaccinated sister flock was monitored. Broiler progeny performance from vaccinated flocks was also compared to progeny of nonvaccinated breeders. In addition, 20 breeder hens from the vaccinated and nonvaccinated flocks were bled at 4, 10, 18, 25, and 30 weeks post-vaccination (PV) and sera tested for antibody. Broiler breeder and progeny performance and IBDV antibody titers were then used to measure the vaccine efficacy. Data on breeder performance are summarized in table 1. Performance of both flocks that received the IBD vaccine were similar to the nonvaccinated sister flocks indicating the vaccine had no adverse effect. Broiler performance data are summarized in table 2. Results from the north Alabama broilers from vaccinated hens represent an average of four different broiler flocks reared during four separate growout periods. South Alabama broiler data from vaccinated hens represent an average of five broiler flocks reared during four growout periods. Data for broilers from nonvaccinated hens represent a mean for all flocks in each company reared during the same period as broiler flocks obtained from vaccinated hens. These data demonstrated that broilers from IBD vaccinated hens had equal or better performance than the weekly average figures for broilers from nonvaccinated hens. Vaccination of Broiler Breeders with an Experimental Inactivated Infectious Bursal Disease Virus Vaccine J.J. GIAMBRONE and MARIA YU, Department of Poultry Science M.K. ECKMAN, Alabama Cooperative Extension Service TABLE 1. PERFORIANCE DATA FROM BROILER BREEDERS RECEIVING ANOIL EMULSION IBD VACCINE Performance data Breeder flock treatment North Ala.' Vacc. Nonvacc. South Ala. Vacc. Nonvacc. 10 weeks PV Lay, hen house Pct. 76.8 75.7 71.6 71.9 Fertility Pct. ND ND 92.8 93.5 Hatch of total Pct. 85.7 85.7 85.8 83.1 Lay, hen house Pct. 65.0 68.7 73.1 71.8 23 weeks PV Fertility Pct. ND ND 94.0 93.6 Hatch of total Pct. 87.2 87.2 88.9 88.9 'Breeders from north Alabama were brought into production earlier than those of the south Alabama company. ND - not done by company. TABLE 2. PERFORMANCE DATA FROMIBROILER PROGENY OBTAINED FROM BREEDERS RECEIVING AN OIL EMULSION IBD VACCINE Breeder Performance data flock treatment North Ala. Vacc.' Nonvacc. South Ala. Vace. : Nonvacc. 2Represents Av. wt. 3.77 3.77 4.00 3.96 Feed conv. 2.29 2.27 2.07 2.10 Liv. Pct. 94.28 93.82 95.49 96.29 Cond. Pct. 1.21 1.27 .99 1.68 Leukosis Sept-tox Synovitis Pct. .00 .01 .01 .04 Pct. .25 .29 .18 .39 Pct. .00 .00 .03 .06 Air sac Pct. .15 .24 .32 .79 the weekly average for all broilers during the four growout periods in which the broilers from the vaccinated hens were grown. 3Represents an average of five different flocks during four separate growout periods. TABLE 3. IBDV NEUTRALIZING TITERS FROM BREEDERS RECEIVING AN OIL EMULSION VACCINE 'Represents an average of four different flocks reared during four different growout periods. Breeder flock treatment North Ala. Vacc. Nonvacc. South Ala. Vacc. Nonvace. Mean IBDV titers, weeks post vaccination' 4 10 18 25 30 40 716 a 819 506 360 147, 88 294 415 320c 1361' 182' 75, 488, 860 672" 425" 129" 52, 230" 188' 254" 124" 163" 69" 'Numbers followed by different superscripts within the same column differ significantly. The IBDV antibody titers for hens are presented in table 3. The titers for IBD vaccinated hens peaked at 10 weeks PV and then gradually declined through 25 weeks. Titers from vaccinated hens were 11/2 to 4 times that of nonvaccinated hens from 4 to 25 weeks PV. After 25 weeks PV, titers from vaccinated breeders rapidly declined until 30 weeks PV when no differences from nonvaccinated hens were evident. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Iilllt" I II (X ill'-, Xilokii-' iugalo "llhict'tt perfr t heli. \ aiitotlsieart3 bloo ralte(''t XX it\(0lfot\\ (rof Il Iti lt competedt the(' stid IO tIi' liC00 m ttlt' dt of i~titi e X Jitt' X5 CiI' ( o5 Ol lit f tdlim (I'II' otale 29d su je t C. it (,I to(,Itl\ afecc t ili lit rcldd car 4. s ('Iidtoi lillim tato Ill repr OitICollrad ort 10 ieof' lt' ,ii ll il'ff'ce \\ I Xl itth XXll i cI t''tXd ltio' 100 ili,,,i of itll Xmlith C CiCI o ot totliblodX111( tressuret'iii,,, I(\lHiIi S\IO)KI'N( aitiabt shared~t i1clitc rc pirilton and card io\ its( IILir (41,C(ts of'ci(_'m*cttc 11111okin(Ir .slihiccts f0l the present ',tll(l\ \\urc IS- to p1cluclitiltioll upoll the Im30i'tt' oft the Uited ftaie popat.ion 24-war-old licalth\ inalc itild f'Ciliale cigillol has been~t f l t red dl c tis it. ('ieti rcttc smokin,', \ ollintccls. Iliformcd consclik \\crcohiilillcd from all silhiects itild the proicH appimcd h\ the Allhilro Uni\cl-sit\ 1111111ali slihiects ( :oillillittec. Subjcct er(, mitiall\ '_,kcil 2 I-hom food iccalls Mlwli \\CrC .111ill\Zed fltl \itaillin C content. \N l'in tcopare w dit placeb I X t'it ,200 io si ftXC ieti ot'a llc t' I ltI rel ted il Iiti (btlo p iidit'X Lmt'cr o Ihfi llo dristli ileclit ('Bi l illi, \ ittmiln C andX sm'okiig. )Xichtoc itl lX folt ero iii deras dilltheli passagesitl- t of'd th e brtoncdlhial All subicct,, takin t4\ itamin ( :mippicnicias or lilrt c quillititics of citrus products in their dicts \ crc cxcllldcd from tll(' project. Silbjects \Ncrc randollil\ ilssil_ Tlcd to trciltinclit l.roups and ;ill \oliinteurs rccckcd either it sintjc 100 oi 1,200 ing dosc of \ itamin C or ill) equal ailloillit of it sm"al. placebo di"sol\ cd ill olifoltificd i4rilpc jilicc I hours plior to testill"'. slippicliwilts \\crc adill ill istcl-cd ill such a maillicr that licitlicl thc llbjcct 1-ccci\ ill',' the supplements Ito]' the Wchilicialls Mid rsi ngX tlati iofte Atl t tc t i r t I hatIi ( ldio c bo\t fill. I lOwlchli tlod ircft'l leffct an loi e lils 1'iietiln of' latte xt'c alilllls Xlii1t'X morefith i fentlili cl i c l iltX (thi occurred f tXtit b e llu~' lo ~ toit l it'iilii( Ilts o ig l it diret pr iii c c(11 itwi 'ld) Im (41 (iirc ttu Thusfl t Ck l aste efh'tt'ittiittllii35 minuesf it erson~'(i t4i\m,_, tlic p imtan iilt ~tillI Sits 'ii( ilt'rX X hinfam i on a.r( permanen t rl lit') if liet fit i ill Xi d te upplcmcnt,, kiw\\ if the juicc colititiocd \ itaillin ( or the placebo. All stibjccts rccci\ ed both the \ itaillill and placebo lipplcllwnts. Illitial treatments \\ercilitcrilated \\ith each It(,\\ "libicct, and itratcd b\ it 1-\ cck time pciiod. Siihjects "Cl-C lskcd not to smoke or parti6patc ill strcollolls ph\Si(ill actmh pliol to tc tillgr. slibiccts \\c1c placed ill thc sittillt position ill)(] all(m cd to rcO f'Or 5 minutc,, aRci \\ hich prcsmokint resting heart rate inid blood prc sllrc 111citsurcincilk \Nclc recolded. I fIillc( lot) mcitsurcillents \\ crc rc( ordcd witllil9-litcl spirollictcr. subjects\wrethell ill 10 itsked to moku Q'fillti-l AXlabaat 1 PtIcriniit Station Creep Feeding Heifers Neither Helps Nor Hurts Their Performance As Brood Cows ).P. -SCHMIDT, 1 B. PATTERSON. and W.B. ANTHONY Dcpartxtntt at Animal and DairV Scillnces L A. SMITH. H.W. GRIMES. aixi,J L HO[ LIMAN Black Belt Substation it \ 11i lx I it[ 1 (I t4ii \2 xn II h i" lx(I xlix I t itilt ItI t i tii ix xIi lill t h l f1111 tix ill \ It Itliltl~ Mx t tlt (I lw11 1111(111 itB it ti( lx liic lIi Ii lI i I III til Ii i t xS I Ii Ii IIt rx I xx I lxxx l I It il lxx I I I( 11101 (.\ti I xti c t t I I I IIIII tit s it Iil t Ii ('I )xxlc illi 2 de lic(Ii xittxxit Ii liii a1 It I(( li tl l 111ii ii Iii llt t Ii 1(1 I li I ia Jit i i xt, 1 1 t 11 ill an i it i l i xxx o c l x-ilix x ~l r11o1p x c xxi c i l i x xii i iI xI( xc .( x ii tliI i I 1111 l (dii-, lx, 111 1i x2S(itl iliii a 20 o\ itt li t I,tu( l'i Ixt tIiiditi itt litit t li t i I ,I liit \ \ Ii i iI t It axi I l I Ii I I i I I. I r lii liiI iii ti) ()1 ipwi lix tid xI i IIIII( xf clxxx\ I \It t lli it (- Ii tit tIit \ i ,II(Tx I I Ii ilt it I \i I itIi I ta i It I I )xII, i I i II iii lilt t l xxx ~ I I ) xItI n di wll tti~ c t l lriiit111 a1 l i ti ii21t xI ti I xx\ i ll it\ xx \( f to 'iix 1,1I l I I( il I I( I fat (,.I it'i ill all "' I I B .ItIII ili Ii Ih tilI i 1111 I It II Toi t )It I't I t II t i lI] i I ix iii 11 p 1 i I _1 I it. i lt\t( it,I il I dI a II fitit xx i T,[(I lxxi( 11 I ii i lItI )Ix Ix I ,i I qi l )Iix tI'llil id tc l till iit 11 I I '1I I lt , tI , I 'd \ ( il I )( il I it i l til II I i (it Ii I t Ii (. lii I III]i I1111 ti i I lt I Ii h~ I , 11 W( t ill i I I tt ll ii I (i'I _i I( I I Ix I it I I it Ii I I I I \ I I(. i I II I I] I Ii I i \I 1ii 1i Ii I 'I f if,\ I I i x Ix IT11 ( I I I wn i 1,i I l xxx i ii 111 x \ l I I XI [k ilt 1i1) tiI 'I Ii Ix Iii ( t I .t11 ClI I 1 [ 1I 1) x,\it Xxi \ I,\ t)lt ll" 111111 f Iit 11 11 iot t li ( iltp 1 1 1 1 1 liii11111 lli Creepli Rion Com1pared It, . d (.[I\ ~ ~ ~ t iil it ''i,,fii[.I ii )dl i T xxiIIlitII li xl 115111 \IwIi tilIt (xiii lt illi txxiiltiit\\(tIx i, I/ 156 1ilt XIIIj, 5 1l ti l _, d1 t ,l I I i i iI l il i (I I Il I I I I [ I 'x\ ) I i It,11 I I ' i t I )il I tI I 1l1\l itt 1111 t1 1t1 Ill 111 t t IlJ it lil Ill Lot Il I I t\ Ii - l tillo 1~ 7x itt~ il I I ~ Il I111 k/it//Iit 11 (I . - tI Ii i/t I (II / 111 I t II I'I/I I()ItI I(t ~ PastErosionReduces CurrentYields mixing percentage is a field rating usually made by two individuals who are trained to make observations of soil conditions in the TIMMY McDANIEL and BEN F. HAJEK, Dept. of Agronomy and Soils field. Yields and soil characteristics from fields with significant yield reductions on moderately eroded areas are summarized in table ACCELERATED SOIL EROSION due fields with decreased yields, 11 were sta- 2. Phosphorus, total Fe 2 0 3 , clay content in to rainfall has been of concern for many tistically significant at probability levels the surface soil layer, surface layer thickyears. Today, such erosion is considered to greater than 75%. Six fields with reduced ness, and surface-subsoil mixing were often be a critical agricultural problem. The re- yields on eroded areas were on soils with correlated with yield. Phosphorus levels lationship between past erosion and crop yellowish-brown subsoils containing iron- were always low in eroded areas; however, productivity has not been adequately mea- rich bodies called plinthite (Dothan and only corn yields were significantly related to sured. Neither has the value of topsoil lostMalbis series). No eroded areas of the Dot- P levels. No subsoil property was correlated the real cost of erosion-been adequately han or Malbis series showed yield increases. with yields. Yield reductions in 1981 were measured Soils with reddish-brown to dark red subdocumented. soils did not seem to be as susceptible to more frequently on moderately eroded arA current cooperative erosion-crop proeas. The study suggests that field measureductivity study by the Alabama-USDA Soil yield decreases due to erosion. Overall average yields, like those re- ments and observations of erosion (surface Convervation Service and Alabama Agsoil thickness and percent mixing) and laborricultural Experiment Station is providing ported for all fields in table 1, do not reflect atory determination of subsoil attributes in the often large relative yield reduction on some insight into extent of loss from erosion. eroded soils. Since management, rainfall, the plow layer (clay, Fe 2 0 3 , and P) do relate Not only do data from the 1981 season indicate the influence of past erosion on soil past cropping treatment, and several other to decreased corn and soybean yields. Corn productivity, but results also identify and factors cannot be controlled and kept con- yield reductions on eroded areas were obquantify soil factors that contribute to crop stant over all fields, each field must be con- served more frequently on soils with sidered as a separate experiment. In most yellowish-brown subsoils with plinthite. yield differences. cases, the surface thickness reported is the Additional research is needed on soils in Soybean and corn fields with slightly and depth to which the soil was plowed. In a few central and northern Alabama and for admoderately eroded areas of the same soils slightly eroded areas, the thickness is ditional crop years before firm management were located in Coffee, Conecuh, Co- greater than plowing depth, and these cases practices, based on sound research data, can vington, Dale, Geneva, Henry, Houston, have depth to the subsoil recorded. The be recommended. Mobile, Monroe, and Pike counties. Twenty-two corn and 30 soybean fields were TABLE 1. AVERAGE YIELDS, SURFACE THICKNESS, AND PERCENT MIXING FROM FIELDS located on soils of the Malbis, Dothan, OrWITH SLIGHT (SL) AND MODERATE (MOD) EROSION angeburg, Red Bay, and Bama soil series. Average, by soil series and erosion Yield and soil Erosion conditions were sampled at three sites in each field for a total of 140 plots. Each All soils Red Bay Orangeburg Bama Malbis Dothan properties plot consisted of three replicates. S1 Mod Sl Mod SI Mod Sl Mod S1 Mod S1 Mod Thickness of the topsoil, texture, slope, color, and an estimate of the percent of subsoil mixed in the surface plow layer were determined for each replicate. Surface and subsoil samples were collected for laboratory analyses from each replicate and composited for each plot. The analyses determined percent clay, percent Fe20 3 (total iron oxides), pH, and soil test (calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus). Corn yields from each replicate were obtained by determining average grain weight per ear and the number of ears per 1/500 acre. Soybean yields were obtained by harvesting three 5-ft. row segments in each replicate. Yields were obtained from 30 soybean fields. Of these, 19 showed reduced yields on moderately eroded areas. Yields were equal in six fields, while five fields showed yield increases on moderately eroded areas. Of the fields with reduced yields, 13 were statistically significant at greater than 75% probability. No single soil series was more susceptible than the others to soybean yield decrease as a result of erosion. Of 22 fields of corn harvested, 12 showed yield reduction in eroded areas, 4 were the same, and 6 showed increased yield. Of the Yield/acre, bu ......... Surface thickness, in... Mixing, pct ........... 41 9.5 10 39 7.5 18 55 8.6 23 33 8.6 6 100 10.5 7 31 5.0 26 83 8.0 8 37 7.5 7 . --- SOYBEANS 35 36 34 5.5 8.6 6.6 12 29 32 CORN 61 10.1 13 61 7.1 34 37 8.6 15 76 9.0 12 32 7.1 29 74 7.5 29 37 8.6 10 66 9.8 11 34 6.4 27 64 8.0 28 Yield/acre, bu.........59 Surface thickness, in... 10.5 9 Mixing, pct ........... TABLE 2. SOIL PROPERTIES AND YIELDS OF FIELDS WITH SIGNIFICANT YIELD DECREASES ON ERODED AREAS Yield and soil properties Dothan Sl Mod Average, by soil series and erosion Malbis Bama Orangeburg Red Bay Sl Mod Sl Mod S1 Mod Sl Mod SOYBEANS 17.7 10.8 17.2 15.8 13.4 15.3 5.2 3.3 1.5 5.0 3.4 4.1 6.0 8.2 9.0 2.8 7.1 5.0 16.6 35.4 10.1 16.0 8.2 16.4 25.0 33.0 23.0 44.0 25.0 36.0 6.4 31.6 1.1 7.7 CORN 11.0 2.8 10.1 34.1 51.0 14.6 3.7 8.0 22.4 36.0 All soils Sl Mod Clay, pct............. 8.0 15.6 4.1 Fe 2 0 3 , pct...........2.0 Surface thickness, in. .. 9.0 5.0 Phosphorus, lb./acre. . 17.0 3.3 Yield/acre, bu.......... 44.0 22.0 Clay, pct.............8.2 Fe2 0 3 , pct........... 1.9 18.4 4.9 16.7 23.6 13.3 17.5 3.8 7.1 2.8 5.1 7.1 8.0 8.2 5.0 24.5 21.5 21.8 11.9 39.0 32.0 39.0 25.0 11.8 13.1 3.5 4.1 9.4 19.4 2.3 5.1 -- .. --- Surface thickness, in. . . 9.0 7.1 10.5 8.0 Phosphorus, lb./acre... 22.0 7.3 16.9 11.2 83.0 58.0 100.0 83.0 Yield/acre, bu ......... -- . 9.8 9.5 9.8 8.2 10.8 11.7 20.9 13.1 75.0 55.0 77.0 58.0 10 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station C ONTROLLING broadleaf weeds and grasses is a major problem in the production of field grown ornamentals, even though preemergence applied herbicides are normally used. One problem is that preemergence applied herbicides often fail to control weeds adequately because of improper timing and rate of application, weather conditions, and volatilization. Previously, postemergence applied herbicides have not been used because those that were effective injured ornamental plants. Thus, nurserymen had no option except hand hoeing to remove the problem weeds Postemergence Treatments Now research is looking at herbicidal control with postemergence applied chemicals. Preliminary Auburn tests in 1980 showed BASF 9052 (Poast®)to be safe on a number of ornamentals when applied over the top of the plant. The Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station testing was enlarged in 1981 to compare three postemergence applied herbicides for control of grasses and for toxicity to woody ornamental plants. The three materials tested were Poast (BASF Wyandotte Corp.), Fusilade® (ICI Americas, Inc.), and RO 13-8895 (MAGG Agrochemicals). Each herbicide was applied at three rates, 0.25, 0.50, and 1.0 lb. active per acre, on June 15, 1981, and 10 days later. In the first study, plants tested included NEW POSTEMERGENCE HERBICIDES Offer Safe, Effective Grass Control in Field Grown Ornamentals C.H. GILLIAM, Department of Horticulture C.T. POUNDERS, Cooperative Extension Service TED WHITWELL, Dept. of Agronomy and Soils-Cooperative Extension Service Nick's Compact juniper (Juniperus chinensis), Rotundifolia holly (Ilex crenata), and taxus (Taxus cuspidata) grown in local nurseries at Crossville, Alabama. The junipers had been in the field 3-4 years and were heavily infested with Coastal bermudagrass. Rotundifolia holly liners had been planted in the spring and were infested with common bermudagrass. Taxus had been grown 2-3 years in the field and was infested with yellow nutsedge. All Treatments Effective When the first application was made, the bermudagrass was about the height of the junipers (2-3 ft.). At the second application date, only a few live sprigs of bermudagrass were observed. All three herbicides resulted in excellent control of both Coastal and common bermuda regardless of application rate, table 1 (data given only for Coastal bermuda). With the exception of Poast at the 0.25 lb. rate, all treatments provided greater than 90% control through the middle of October. No further evaluations were made after that time. None of the materials tested controlled nutsedge. There was little or no phytotoxicity on plants tested. The only phytotoxicity occurred on the junipers growing in Coastal bermudagrass. The chlorosis following herbicide treatments may have been the result of sunscald, since it was most evident in the interior portions of the plant where the plants had been heavily shaded before the grass died. At the 60-day evaluation, most plants no longer exhibited chlorotic symptoms. Single Application Tried A second study evaluated the effectiveness of a single application of the same herbicides at the same rates on Plumosa Andorra juniper (Juniperus horizontalis) and Nick's Compact juniper. Treatments were applied July 1, 1981, and evaluated 14 and 60 days later for percent grass control and phytotoxicity. Neither plant species showed any toxicity. All treatments except RO 13-8895 at the 0.25 lb. per acre rate resulted in 90% control of common bermudagrass after 14 days, table 2. At 60 days, only Fusilade and RO 13-8895 provided 90% grass control at the 1.0 lb. rate from a single application. Additional research is underway to determine minimum rates necessary for season long control, and to further screen these materials for toxicity to woody ornamentals. It appears that a second application, of 1/4 to 1/2 lb., when regrowth grass is 2-6 in. tall, may provide adequate season long control with minimum chemical use. Results of the Alabama Experiment Station tests indicate that good postemergence grass control is obtainable with the new herbicides tested. While the cost of these chemicals will be high, they are an inexpensive alternative to sending a crew of laborers to remove grass from field grown ornamentals. TABLE 1. EFFECTS OF Two APPLICATIONS OF POSTEMERCENCE APPLIED HERBICIDES ON CONTROL OF COASTAL BERMUDAGRASS IN FIELD GROWN JUNIPERS AND PHYTOTOXICITY TO PLANTS' Rate, lb. active/ Poast control, days after application Fusilade control, days after application RO 13-8895 control, days after application acre None .............. 14 Pct. 0 (1.0)2 30 Pct. 0 (1.0) 60 Pct. 0 (1.0) 14 Pct. 0 (1.0) 30 Pct. 0 (1.0) 60 Pct. 0 (1.0) 14 Pct. 0 (1.0) 30 Pct. 0 (1.0) 60 Pct. 0 (1.0) 0.25 ............... 0.5 ................ 96 (1.3) 100 (1.0) 74 (1.0) 100 (2.0) 100 (2.3) 96 (1.0) 100 (1.3) 99 (1.5) 100 (1.0) 100 100 91 95 98 100 100 100 100 (2.3) (2.0) (1.0) (3.0) (2.3) (2.0) (2.0) (2.3) (1.5) 1.0 ................ 100 99 100 96 100 100 100 100 100 (2.3) (2.0) (1.5) (4.3) (3.3) (2.0) (4.3) (3.0) (1.8) 'Applications were made at 10-day intervals, with evaluations following 14, 30, and 60 days after second application. 2 Numbers in parenthesis are phytotoxicity rating, made according to scale of I = no damage, 2 = slight chlorosis, 3 = chlorosis, 4 = foliar burn, and 5 = 25% defoliation. TABLE 2. EFFECT OF SINGLE APPLICATION OF POSTEMERGENCE APPLIED HERBICIDES ON PERCENT CONTROL OF BERMUDAGRASS IN FIELD GROWN JUNIPERS Rate, lb. active/ acre 0.25 .......... 0.5 ........... 1.0 ........... . . Poast control, days after application 60 14 Pct. Pct. 90 53 94 74 94 85 Fusilade control, days after application 14 60 Pct. Pct. 91 79 94 87 98 97 RO 13-8895 control, days after application 14 60 Pct. Pct. 68 29 93 85 100 93 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station 11 FOLIAR FUNGICIDES FOR SOYBEANSPredictionSystems Make More Money P.A. BACKMAN, MA. CRAWFORD, and J.M. HAMMOND Department of Botany, Plant Pathology, and Microbiology increased crop value to cost of control was very positive for the meteorological program ($3.03 per $1.00) and only marginally beneficial for the standard program ($1.19 per $1.00). These data indicate that foliar diseases can cause substantial losses in soybeans but, in the drier regions of Alabama, control measures cannot be utilized routinely at standardized times with the expectation of reasonable return on investment. The system described here for application of benomyl, based on the probability of damaging levels of disease developing, reduced total pesticide application by 40%, yet gave a greater dollar return per acre in all five experiments. A portion of the success of this experiment can be related to the systemic nature of benomyl. The "kick-back" activity of this product allows for removal of established infections. Further, actual weather rather than predicted weather was utilized. Should contact fungicides be employed (e.g. Bravo 5008), sprays would have to be applied before infection periods as protectants, and predicted weather would have to be utilized. This fungicide spray-timing system can be adapted for changing economic conditions; should the value of soybeans rise, fewer infection days would be required to trigger a fungicide application, or if the price of benomyl increased, the number of infection days required to trigger a spray treatment could also be increased. AS EARLY AS 1977 the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station provided data that indicated fungicides applied to control leaf and stem diseases in soybeans were not beneficial during dry periods. The northern portion of the State is much drier than the Gulf region during the summer months, see figure, and less frequent periods of rainfall result in decreased severity of soybean diseases. Experiment Station researchers have taken this into consideration in designing a fine-tuned system for the profitable application of fungicides to soybeans. The second application was made 14-20 days after the first, if 3 to 4 more wet days occurred after the first application. During periods of especially wet weather, the interval was shortened to as little as 10 days to compensate for frequent disease infection periods and washing-off of the fungicide. All spray trials were replicated six times and results are reported as treatment means. Economic data were developed based on 1982 prices ($6.50 for a bushel of soybeans, and $8.50 to aerially apply 8 oz. of Benlate to an acre). Data obtained from the meteorological Tests were conducted throughout the northern region of Alabama to evaluate a timing system indicated several advantages system for the timing of fungicide appli- over the standard spray program for soybean cations based on local (on-farm) weather disease control. The number of fungicide conditions. This timing system was com- applications was reduced an average of 40% pared to soybeans treated with the standard in comparison to the standard program, program (sprays regardless of weather, at while the frequency of nonprofitable funearly pod set and 14 to 18 days later) and gicide applications was reduced to zero for soybeans that were not sprayed. Beginning the meteorological system from 60% for the at early bloom, weather conditions were standard program, see table. However, disrecorded. Any day with 1/10 in. of rain or ease control was only slightly inferior to the extended periods of fog and dew was con- standard program. The economic data indicated that not only sidered wet. When 3 to 4 wet days had been recorded, a spray application of Benlate® was the number of locations with non(benomyl) 50 WP at 8 oz. per acre was made economic return on fungicide investment using a high clearance sprayer. This appli- reduced where the meteorological timing cation usually occurred during early pod set, system was used, but that all locations gave a but occasionally was made during bloom. positive dollar return above cost. The ratio of This research was supported inpart by the Alabama Soybean Producers. Average thunderstorm days for July for the Southeastern United States. Letters indicate test locations. 12 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station NUTRITIONAL DISORDERS OF PECANS ttlcc mo.,.ilti.,fietorxN \ jtlld f n titol 1l Characteristic Foliage Symptoms Identify Nutrient Deficiencies on Alabama Pecan Trees HARRY J. AMLIING Department of Horticulture wtsicll Ciliilitil be~ taced dtil-.i h.fiiii tlio i1clifcilia(of orlolod PoItsium ttilici bitik n o heenurens cficicyiic cmmn cdel Magesium D1re \lt Oilliptilr( iiifii:)sr aItiCol ofc i Cf~lici I at istc h(il~ Itarc fiIiv \Xaiii XX (ICI A t 4 ~tt cultural Expi-n Statdhion flit feslibed lo of' spcfictif lit cittle itolil o i1 hut (lfi( i (ilitXbu itii(Xili till tttuif i \Iih Seiii i titIlil tlv l ia ilijct oit ittcil b I Poasnsium DeficiencynodemTee N I, N ) N~gIronli ioichirui Deficienicy Puzzl( hiic lltcling Itse CtiC cpiofl i (iiicitl \\ Xi ililol" \(tiic cFoclol t i fthe i s ii sCedXli~s tiuliefill Tthe is ici i Clhit s t dilC I uaii r il gri)2 iii C maker) :3 lid Foliar expression of nutrient deficiencies: FIG. 1, magnesium deficiency, Stuart variety; FIG. 2, magnesium deficiency, Moneymaker variety; FIG. 3, magnesium deficiency, Schley variety; FIG. 4, magnesium deficiency, seedling; FIG. 5, zinc deficiency; FIG. 6, potassium deficiency; FIG. 7, nitrogen-potassium imbalance; and FIG. 8, iron deficiency. Alabamita A--ticiultutfl E;'i iint(i S tation FARM COMMODITY PROGRAMS, a major part of most farm bills, had their origins in 1933 as a result of the concern that farmers were seriously disadvantaged as compared to other segments of the population. In 1934, per capita disposable income of the farm population was one-third that of the nonfarm population. In 1980 it was 82% ofthe nonfari population. Commodity programs are justified on a number of bases. One of the major justifications is that farmers have no immediate means to pass higher costs on to the buyer of their products. Thus, inflation can seriously hamper gains in net farm income. Otherjustifications for commodity programs center on the fact that agriculture is based on biological processes and unpredictable forces of nature, including droughts and floods as well as insects and diseases, that can seriously affect net income. Food has been used both to serve political ends of this nation and as a factor in holding down inflation. Also, some argue that commodity programs have helped conserve soil and the family farm. Progress has been made in restructuring commodity programs to meet the needs of society and, at the same time, provide at least minimal protection to farmers. New Act The Food and Agriculture Act of 1981 was a long debated bill, one ofthe major considerations being money or cost. The Reagan Administration wanted a farm bill whose 4year cost would not exceed $10.6 billion. The House version of the bill was an estimated $16.6 billion over a 4-year period. The final vote in the House of Representatives was 205 in favor to 203 against, and a bill was passed that some groups claimed was unsatisfactory. Some argued that it did not provide adequate protection to farmers. Others maintained that it offered adequate price and income protection within the framework of a marketoriented agriculture. In the debate over the bill from its early stages in March of 1981 until December, farm groups were divided and often opposed one another on major provisions. Traditional alignments of the past were disregarded and liaisons of long standing were splintered among commodity and interest groups. The Agriculture and Food Act of 1981 is an omnibus farm bill that provides the framework within which the Secretary of Agriculture will administer the various food and agriculture programs for the next 4 years. The Act gives the Secretary substantial new discretionary authority to issue regulations and implement various provisions as the need arises. Major Provisions There are 17 titles in the act dealing with commodity programs, agricultural exports New Farm Bill J.H. YEAGER, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology i.The and Public Law 480, food stamp and commodity distributions, agricultural research and teaching policy, resource conservation, credit, agricultural development, family farms, floral research, and consumer information. Cotton. The bill extends the cotton program with some modifications through 1985. The target price for 1982 crop cotton cannot be less than 71 cents per pound with 5 cents per pound increases each year, plus any adjustment for changes in cost of production or 120% of the loan level. The nonrecourse price support loan level is set by the same method as under the 1977 Act but can be no less than 55 cents per pound (48 cents per pound previously). Deficiency payments will be made to producers if the national average price received by farmers for upland cotton during the calendar year, which includes the first 5 months of the marketing year, is below the arettarget price. Under the new bill, producers will not automatically be entitled to disaster payments if crop insurance is available to them under the Federal Crop Insurance Act. As for acreage reduction, the Secretary is authorized to require a reduction in cotton acreage as a condition for eligibility for price support. Skip-row rules for acreage and area skipped are the same as under the 1977 Act. Peanuts. The peanut acreage allotment system was eliminated but farm poundage quotas were continued. However, the poundage quota for 1982 will be 1,200,000 tons scaled down to 1,100,000 tons in 1985. Quota cuts, if possible, are to be made by reducing quotas on farms that have produced all or part of their quota except as a result of national disasters. Additional peanuts are now those in excess of quota rather than those in excess of quota but grown within the acreage allotment. Support levels for 1982 are set at $550 per ton for 1982 quota peanuts with annual increases to 1985 to reflect increases in production costs but with a 6% limit for each annual adjustment. Support for non-quota peanuts will be set by the Secretary based on world market conditions and at a price that would avoid any net cost to the government. Farm poundage quotas may be sold, leased, or transferred within a county. Soybeans. The soybean loan rate will be based on 75% of the most recent 5-year national average price received by farmers, excluding the high and low years. The minimum price is $5.02 per bushel and no production adjustment, cross-compliance, or reserve program would be required. Soybeans are excluded from the farmer-owned reserve program and, thus, are not eligible for storage payments and there is no target price. Wheat. The 1982 target price is $4.05 per bushel with increases scheduled to $4.65 in 1985. Minimum loan rate will be $3.55 per bushel for 1982-85. The Secretary is authorized, in years that surpluses are likely, to require farmers who want price supports to comply with set-aside or indirect wheat acreage reduction programs. Feed Grains. The minimum loan rate for corn for 1982-85 is $2.55 per bushel. Target prices for corn are not less than $2.70 per bushel for the 1982 crop with increases scheduled up to $3.18 per bushel for 1985. Regulations on set-aside or direct acreage reductions are the same as for wheat. Target price protection is provided for grain sorghum and oats. Thus, the major provisions of commodity programs have been set forth in the Food and Agriculture Act of 1981. These provisions are important to farmers and others and have far reaching implications. 14 1Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, RECYCLING ANIMAL MANURES as a component of rations is an alternative that makes use of the nitrogen, fiber, and minerals of wastes for ruminant animal production. Animal wastes have been used as a feed ingredient for nearly 30 years without harmful effects to animals eating the rations or to humans who have consumed food products derived from the animals. Initially, the FDA did not condone the feeding of wastes to animals due to the lack of data relative to the safety of the practice on animal and human health. Recent research has demonstrated that the risk to health from feeding animal wastes can be controlled by treatment of waste prior to feeding and by withdrawal of these wastes from the ration prior to marketing of the animals. Consequently, in 1980, the FDA rescinded the policy which did not sanction the feeding of animal wastes. Regulations for feeding of wastes are now primarily the responsibility of the states. Ten states have regulations which control the use of animal waste intended as a feed ingredient. Alabama and other states which have regulations for the use of animal wastes as a feed ingredient adopted the Model Regulations developed by the Association of American Feed Control Officials. The principal health hazards associated with feeding animal wastes are drug residues and pathogenic microorganisms. To overcome the potential of drug residues in animal tissues or products derived from wasteformulated feeds, either wastes known to contain drugs should be avoided or rations with drugs should be withdrawn from animals prior to marketing to allow time for the drugs to clear the animal or to decrease to nonhazardous levels. To eliminate the potential hazard of diseases being transmitted in animal wastes intended as a feed ingredient, the waste or the ration containing waste must be processed. Several methods have been advocated for the treatment of animal wastes to eliminate the potential of disseminating diseases. Heating wastes by mechanical means, as well as spontaneous heating that can be achieved by deep stacking broiler litter, is effective in eliminating transmission of disease. It is not necessary to sterilize the waste, but pathogens that are excreted by animals should be killed by the heat treatment. Either mechanical heating to 300°F for 30 minutes or spontaneous heating to 160°F or higher for at least 10 days is sufficient to eliminate most pathogens. Research at the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station has demonstrated that pelleting rations with 22% broiler litter is effective in eliminating fecal bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium. Pelleting at 140 0 F reduced the number of these ba6teria in rations containing broiler litter by a factor of 1/100,000, table 1. It is not MICROBIAL SAFETY of Animal Waste Formulated Rations T.A. McCASKEY and R.R. HARRIS Department of Animal and Dairy Sciences likely that this high level would be encountered in waste-formulated rations and therefore the margin of safety would even be greater. Fermentation is a practical and economical method of processing that has been used for many years to preserve animal feed and human food. Beef cattle waste and broiler litter can also be processed by fermentation to reduce the risk of disseminating diseases. The fermentation process can be accomplished by blending corn or other carbohydrate-containing feed ingredients with animal waste, adjusting the moisture to about 40% by adding ground hay TABLE 1. EFFECT OF PELLET-PROCESSING ON or similar ingredients, and ensiling the maENTERIC BACTERIA IN BROILER LITTER terial for at least 10 days thus achieving a FORMULATED RATIONS desired acidity of pH 4.5 or less. The ferIndigenous mentation is similar to that accomplished Inoculated Rations fecal InEo a te ll li with ensiling of corn or sorghum silage. Stucoliforms E. coli Salmonella1 dies have shown that the fermentation of No. viable enterics/g (or as indicated) waste is detrimental to bacteria such as Control (no litter) Salmonella and fecal coliforms, table 2. Before pelleting 8,000 39,000 46,000 Due to the higher acid buffer capacity of Pelleted <1/10 g <1/10 g 2/100 g broiler litter, rations with litter should be Raw litter ensiled for 30 days or more, whereas 10 days Before pelleting 7,000 12,000 9,300 is sufficient time to eliminate most pathoPelleted <1/10 g <1/10 g 1/100 g gens from beef cattle waste-formulated 3 ~1 rations. Deep stacked Before pelleting 16,000 12,000 2,700 Although there have been no documented Pelleted <1/10 g <1/10 g 1/100 g reports of disease of animals or humans asso'No indigenous Salmonella detected in 100 g of ciated with the feeding of animal wastes to 2 food producing animals, rations formulated Formulated with 15% raw litter. 3 Formulated with 22% litter deep stacked for 8 with animal wastes must be processed to weeks. ensure they are free of pathogens. TABLE 2. EFFECT OF ENSILING MANURE-FORMULATED RATIONS ON SURVIVAL OF ENTERIC BACTERIA Silageensiled Day pH Indigenous fecal coliforms/g Cultures added to rations 2 E. coli Salmonella + + - 60% beef cattle manure silage (40.8% moisture) 0 1 2 4 5 0 1 2 4 5 8 9 10 15 6.3 4.7 4.5 4.1 4.1 8.2 6.3 5.8 5.7 5.5 5.7 5.5 5.5 5.7 240,000 24,000 24 <10 <10 260 240 43 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 + - - 55% broiler litter silage (40.8% moisture) + + + + + + + + - + + + + + + + + 0 5.0 9,600 + + 1 4.2 2,400 + + 2 4.0 <10 4 3.9 <10 5 3.8 <10 'About 108 of each bacterium were added to each ration prior to ensiling. Survival of the bacteria is indicated by "+" and "-" if bacteria failed to survive. 2 No indigenous Salmonella were detected in the rations prior to ensiling. Corn silage (71.0% moisture) Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station 15 No weed control (left) as compared to total weed control (right) by broadcast and directed herbicide applications. for the 2-\ car t rxatic n tx are, txx ire that of, trees wi th no) xx'e(I control. Trees receiv ing either of the 1-x ear treatmnents are 1.5 timnes the a\ erage gi 0110(1110 ((iaiIetciof' ti iis xxith no xx ed c'inti n. Tihe axverage x olic pcr9 ti ee il 1both of the 1-x ear treatineots is three times greater than for trees I-eleix log 10) xx,~ eed onjtrol. Pattx'i oxjofx 1olItnej groxxthl xx'ithl fix e lex elS of xx ted control are coillpaic~ eii the figure. Ii eex reeeix ing xxc( coi ntotl)grexxv at a faster rate' thii eon troix andi co1ntinuned gi oxx log forone ori txxo1 atititioiial mronthis iii the fail. T1he tree'xs eeeix ing,2 xyears of total andI 2 xeaos of ibanded'x xxcc 'tcit ol axverage (eightand( fix\ e tiiits, i tspxectix t'lx Innir \ oilumle at the t'nid (If thr('( grinlg st'asohls thanl trees r eceixving Itoxwetei cntroIl. Tht' axveirage x (lunrel per tret' for tihe I x tar t x'atililnt is ahoi it th rt't timeIts git'atc' th an for the c'o)ntrol plots h lit ther e is no tiificei'l(e betxxeeni toital anti h)andt't( xx'eed cro l trt'atiiitnts. Al thouilgih sexveral h 'neiit'es haxr relt'' tiex t'iollt' amid i gixtt'rec inl r('tilt x c'ars foi iltrilaet'ols xweed cntroli, nexx hiibieldes aicxtei arc e e d wh'itc'i haxve broad specti ni 11 hx x R I' $in' 7 -7 rieroaceous Weed Controi Results in Accelerated Growth of Loblolly Pine SA. KNOWE, D.H. GJERSTAD, L.R. NELSON, and G.R, GLOVER Department of Forestry .U...LLACEA'LJLS WXEED.S areiof' ltt s1' gi oxx tlij iti h-aceoiis xxee c'txitni~trol anid pint' toierane(' talet 2. Curiirent retsearceh xxit hin thex Al ahama Agricultural Experiment Station lno(ix es tclcilig for cost efleetix C hiel-i ii(it'x to eontrol ltiiaet'is cix o(mpetition. J)A lI.I Ax iOiisi xi xx t't'ti tilt ntli is a be'uefit (If' 'IAIltu 'iiCx II END newxx ixt'stailishtti forest plan tatiolns Sucrh c'(inii't tio c1 rt'sutlt ili lowxxe'r stir all xix al inl it'xx\ plailtilogs aloti i t'tieti gi (xtii ra tes i5 sI 51rx i\ I ng stock . If' till 1 llijt'rtix I' is toil laxiilir'e ii lagt'cmit xsitIi\ ixl A stndti di(' t'loplillt tol (('itiollstratt' (If 0I'lK IiiLL(iiox iNt; 'S sSON' lli)lillx ilic 't'as ilistalleti ill xeits Ft. \earis x\ear xeaur 7.6 it 6:3 1) 5.41c 5. 3 c :3. 6 of Ill, 2. lIt 2. 1I) 1.c 1. 6 c I. ld Ill. 185 it 108sh 67 e 62 c 21 d aiid Mean tree 3 volume (in. ) 200- 0 Total- 2yeors * TotolI* Control Iyear Tottl 2 t'x tcIIS of liei-Ia plislitti 1hx t'stih~sliluglix Baind 2 t't'ltis xxee ((llt6(11 ill a iixi llitt'tl 111)_ Intil I B(andi I ('nlitroi lit'igh (iailitt'r tlrli'(ligh tlirt't grolxxiig t and1 A Bond - 2 years * Bond - I year 50Planted January, 1979 xxeie tiotal wxee'd 'onitrol for 1 aiid 2 x\eairs, )xx't'cntrolt il inl 11,01(1 fill I aint 2 x ears, and( sigificit'il diffx'ur')t ilt tict 5%~(cxci ofi )iinta'a It(xx llntiltipl' r iligi' te'st. Txlo i 2. 11 GI iSTELIi) H I ((xiilt irs i (11 lI Iii xx LII S WEED ('Os (((Ii I 100- applications, xx likli ilalltilI xxec it tll trol xx as illtlictt liy appi lg iltriltts ill ii of' I'(lxx l ip tt' tit'i-~ lxxi tlit' 1( 44it. xx rixit trtc's. Her'iciidt an II('plill ix' Manuatuiier Use' Si iitt tljiis st iilix xx-a i ot ti ('Sigilced ti tes~t Ilioll to lin ge sial ic pre iti ' 50 Iclii ti a iageriaI'tin txie tit' lierigh c(I t Srt'x's xx i I cti t'dxio t i 1x lix' t i e trt'ailcii'i ll I xftarc~ ai' lirllti. tmsa Print ep 11115-eig ence1 xxiiimPu June Sept. Dec. Mar. 1980 1980 19 80 1981 Date June 1981 Sept. Dec. 1981 1981 Atriziie XAitrt'x ctaliti ax t'age asor tli' te e 't'('i liing 1 U\ ltx satc' lx xxc~ ett riiiti pr(elierxigent xnix\ Average volumes for growth impact study in Macon County. ol. Thie ineall grointinc' di tuxxiis oiix Alabamoa Ag-i'ic'tltut Expc'iiit't Staitioni 1(1 p)lo(tici fI ticc niursery stock for sale'. 1'lcsc g p~lanitsx arte 1)10(fuc( i -o111 ficlt] roott'tl hiardwood cut tittinigs platced iii ther fitld fat( M "\NY NU.HSERP ' S iii north Alabani~i xxiiitcr or caik sxpring. 'Ilicse cuttings p) dfucet roots (li A pil anid M\I anI stait \t'gttat ix c growxth inl late' \Ia\ and caill June ot'fit groxx rafpid lx are x crx succtkit ini thte fall anid ax a ic'resilt thcxc planits a[: sscep'ft ible to col)d iiiu0 rx Therefore' t I t planits 11iiit be'tig and(stoired inl a priott'tti\ blinig pir to f'rcczing tempecratures. Beforei thei plan tst.n bedog ]to\\-(,\ cr, al clt Icax cx nisit bet retiiioxctl froiii thc plant ( iiri citl I, th le axves arc st ripped froii ti plan ts fih and sin ce naturial Icaf'do)1 loe ic x\ tf occiii unti after f'rcczing we ather. Ilai aind call irexult ili tfairiagc 4i ,4& 41 to the bark and Usex of' i tchemical defioliant that xxotilI iidicc t'ai l It'ahbxCixuii \\-Oild( Rcxtilt ill inoi e'fficienit s xttiii of haiidliiig fig tiic ntirxcrx stock lhan is currcntlx oxcd I loxxtx tr, inli polemi that lias occurrei o'ilo otlier pilantx xprax cd wxith chcimical dle fiiliaiitx is that tip or txx ig (larragc has oftcoi codtcd toi de)1 in lixx p gth feix t ftdxx., t'ht'iit'l lt'iiiait lharx adc- Ethcploii" aildI)iipoiit' xl)-\XX xiirfactant oii chiii K d1cififatioi and xsibsxqticnt xtern daiagc aftcr ox crxx iitt'ing of' Celextc fig trcx. Ilii fxxootf cuittiiigx of Celcxte fig xxtic pl atced iii t Iic greenuiseix inl Fcbruai\ xn(I gii\\ ii ixx pfl unitilI Ju ne, xx'icn thc wex atce re poittetd iii 2 g-al. continers. Tbc potting ix xx ax fiii pairtx piitbai k and onc part xaii aiiicii~ldi li 6 l) Pter x\t.) tlomnititc of' liiextioie 4 1. pci xdi. ,of F xiiiigi dii illil teleimteit ii 1 11). per xt.' oftifxpi'rphiixphiate' anui 1 l1). ptei x& d.of Aqtia gui (xx ctiiig algciit. ()xnioc-otc5 t18-6-12) xxax pIlatctd it thet I inia ua rface :3 xxeekx after pottinig at thfit rate of' 1 tbxp . pcr 2 gal. tontainer. ixra apfplicaitiiiii of' defoliaiitx xxr tila pfited toi thit piiit iif un'iifon Oct. 21 uig a W.A. DOZIER. JR., C.H, GILLIAM, J.M. SNELL, and J.S. CROCKETT' Department of Horticulture ABOVE: Typical injury following Harvadel treatments at high rates (400 to 1600 p.p.m.) the spring following treatment. s F Iil I ()1 11\xix \iii K' [it Ii'xl) xx ii[)i r I \\ I)K' 1 i \( I I i i\ I)il (il lxi\ \ ()I (,ts F[i \t>i iiio Slot) k '. i fi. p) ill ratt' I fill-x ant'uuliox t'tall li'ix t'x xithiii xut t't'.tucnt. 1hr I 6(11 1 .p 7 tlax p iuiiiit 101 28 11, 4 .1 xxk,),2 %\K. pl ililir I Ii xa . d 2001 1001 I I Iii x d 1001 I iaid itfxf iaxe i ct tablec. H arx aclc antI Ftll 8i00 tphii xxcic tatci appliced at ratex of'2001 (100, I. 1 fll-\x 800, andt (1)I. inl. xith Dupont' x 1 XXK 1,0 f). I 1600) suirf an t aidded to each treatmecot at thlit '3 Itliplin act ratc of 2'/ b\ xoliuiic. AlI lt'axcx ircmaining l 200) 6. lItlii'ilo onl plaintx xxere rcunox cd bx hand iu Niix. tlit 100) 15 ai t fplainitx placd inl cioleri lit xxere at I' I ihI fheld at 38'F to xatixfx ti cthilliiig iet S0it tIlir 'ciit. 'T'e plaiits xxcic ucuiix cd friii S. hcipoiu I ,600) thet cooii) otil fIauil anid placecd inl 15 thlit 1 g.rct'liios Sxt t'gctat ix groxxthi Cou It lit 9. C(' I,' i o x t IlI (i gin. 'Ih pi.flaiitx xxt'ic cx altiatcd for ttermuinal 0ii1F% 1 butid i nrx frini ther xpra\ trcatmnts oi t 10) 1)\\ Ix iiil Mlar. 5, 1982. licif iii in -7 ani 14 tlax .iftt'i trcaitincuilt dI x uI'x~ciii'ctut'l. and S00 p).p1.iii. 'flit' 100( Fthi t'pioui tircatmntt irt'xulted iii S-1antI 9017 lidl (Iio x itlii (litx ctticut. ffio\\ iif 14 x iif'ti tx ci t'e 200( p.pf.mi. Ltht'pliiii treatmet'i i't'xiltt't iii iiilx\ :341( iafdriif aiftr I I (lix x. 'ccuti inual lint1 e ii the'iii teaiigt ets oiii 8li 58, 25 -1 6 S5 9s, 99 1001 .34 84 91) tlii 2(11 fi.p. ii .i ax adc tre't'ticiitx. Iliixxtx ti xlilit terinial bI(Id .ind xtt'im dlaiuagt' tret'meitit aitl xt'x ter'minal budirll eit' si tt'ii 99 :3.0 Siio eciallx atct'fptabllt'(f 'i tlt' itfoluaiii xxitliiiiit plaint iuipoxr xx'ix aclit'x t'l xitli 2(7( l)iipiit'x I )-\\'K xur'actauit, aiid] 80 .iui 1 1,6P f~p ii tAlit'phonl phix 2 (-/ Dunit'x I) XXK xiii faittant. I liglit' iatt'x of, Ifllu xatlc uiijurx thie anit liixx .tts'x i ri ri'xiilti'tl ill planit Fi.itx.hn(ilno dqac eoit h 0 3)) 4:3 3.7 I AII irate oxif' ai xadt' totallx dcef'ofiatt'd theit Celet'xt fig filaintx xxithin 2 xxectkx of tititiiit'it afpplicat iiii, xc tablt'. At ftic 20(0 'I i'itiiii'iitx aijplii'i OcJt. 21 Ii oiat iii I iid 2 \\ciikx fiti'i oi Iii 5, 1982. a. Alabaa i icidult al Ex'perimeinti ta tion Tillage Requirements for Optimum Wheat Yed___ a ~ ii / v~ I, i I,, I tII(II ii I 111l1iI II Iilli ii pl ill it \ IiIi od A( t wi 11 l ii-ili of ii hild pf ('itl iio Ii ll II xiiliii-( ll ii 11 k ha1 Iil. t I xiiiiiii I twatt I i t l X ll '\t i t fla i it d 3 I t ~ tti I I i It lli()l l .It it iftii IIII I thi t I! i I hit I liii i lixi it hii it I I -pti i! oN li ilit Isiittdtill ( m mi I I ii xk i ii h iil t \ ll( t il it I IIII tI f ,It ii Ij I ft li I I Ii I( I Ii oiii it fIl! til It I it\ if( Imi i .1 ito I do i p ' Ii it l ~ ip ill t Ii \ iih 2 ~t' l~t Ii Ii!iili iI I dit t iliw- t ii i t I lilt I ix 1111r1 I ,it Ilt_ ill iI I lls~ d 'is \t l l.dIit,- 1 iti \11 I II t i iot i.t( (I t t x h11 llt I I 1 (111iIl iL, 111 i) I I I\ G.Wv MARTIN ana JT. TO.UCHTON Ii lll 1t tilt ) x xI i l I( IPrt tii i i I I I t i i I, 1 Ixttt Iii t x i t Iiti til 1 rI,,II Itit I t ilt 1h Il I ( De~crtment of Aaronomy and Soiis xi xI(I,t t ilt I IIt Ii I utI . I i t i ', ll lii t iiilt s I I Ititi \It Iti I l lit \\i ix)I I \ I I I(tilt tl Iit Ifts lix I oli' )t 'lii Ii It i i t I i(I I I iI IIpI \ ii t i Ids ('It l ts i t ' t Il i t t lix ii 1 1 xo l2xiii t t lilts~i \\(I! I xiA xx xialxlt : ft 1 it it I t) t f N x ii i i I t ii Ii ill[( I t tlii I II ti iiit IiI i i i o IIt'It x II I ItixS t lt 1 1,,I IS) tilI tI In_, ()I t II tIs. IiI.(\ tII( t tl li - I l 'l Iili ), xxix lti, it[ rill xi Id I tlI i t I I i tiI, t II t zIt tIIit i I II II Fi liiiri II( l tItit xl Ii I ) I Ii tilt it X itt i( I )IIit i x ix lxi I( si \ t I 1 I( i ti t Ittiii () lll II ttlII [it i t'l i tilt II( 111 I i I I 1 ,t 19,) xI it IiIi xIi IX pc Itl ti I ~ t t I111 illli c \ i IIIt loi Ii ) Is ii 1\,I i t I i iI I t l it I I 'lIi lt ii 11(111 11it(11 i iI tit t ll)(I i i it i I ir t!IIi it x i I i 11111 toi XXI Ix11t1tlix \ 6 it tiIt_ \sx \\till11 llo t 1lo1s1 I ,fI I ( I Ii Ii Ii o1)to111 tt t l t 11 lithxit I lii iii \x ii \ tI ti) Iti I I t Ii t ii l Si ti (,ItI It_ t1 Ii I Ii .tx\Ni Ii ill ( (III I)itI ix li til o i( tit)ti x I 111 at I tIII_,\ 111 iii I(-t ixk lIf I I tiitt I I l I 1! to I( 1 1 t Iit I I i ) IlI I Itl.I\ Ii 111 I ii I I II I \xit 1 2 \M l \i i (;,itl\ )Il It l IN fill 1 xx x Ii \it stII f , jtjtsj I ,) 19ll 1 \st \tIll(1 ii Fit I I I II \i 'I Ii o it to)I IllW I It~~ li iT I, IT T 21) i,1 ()11 111 11111 1 )I1 1i 50t Is 31 4 3232 IIi t Ii ~ I I \Ii I I I I t )( til Ix \I I ")( at i )II Iii, xxittit i II I I,t t\x \\ Il I I \ \Ii x I II \ l1 it I, SI I~ 11111 foill ii ii )I u ii ti II i ii x wc itio d lioi I )( f I Iik i T.17 T .17 lIII xxii I I iii i I I, I I tiii'itt xix lullt(I XI ii ii t xiii, BI , xll " tiltl 111,1111 till t \It Ni it It I SIT l V I ki IT fll t \,, I(. It I iii I iii tw th li lt I i xcitlitill iii I I'lI]C Ill~t ' F 1111114t 5', TO\O sli M " slthur kt i. l N. R. MARTIN, Departrntw of Agricultural Economic and Rural Sociology i i ittliii 1 t it lw\ i I I titli (1(1111imi mXX ii t ioI it \X uh 951 s ii llf (I I1 It 'ri I rilltl lf i 111 If l sItif1t11, ci Ai f ]t itl_ s\,, Ifffff 11 1 1'lxftsoi all ]liI , it 15tt t i ill l ittl ('it fl it' i tll itfilt- tkt fil 1111111 I h ff1 111 I iSSi' ft i ft till l M CROCOMPUTERS IN Fift-- -, AAAAPGMENT I ]Ii(3 Ipm~m it its t it lip tt is 55h 1t iflitI, s it txitt fi0l titlitiit 5 i itti it it c iit iiiiii 11,' Ifit i''s it s I Iili if t if hiiI il6.x(w 32 hIifts Ift 0 ' titt SSli ft tilt hit i sftx tilt ill I iill \ iitiltI i',' lt d 1( ii,,d 1_ \ tlt ) \i tilt '1'S IS ft\iii( tS , lill t hit m t xx o1fit'is it Tixhit i iit \i litti m ( (.,, l F l Ix fitit ]to\\ it\ iitilt'is iif if iit d fi ff it bii if iw IItcslil fo it SSI ti .11iliii fit2 Eti i 2f' h- . sh ' itf 'IS t d it t) til m I lf 1 i l ii'tt i 9,1 fitc u I I il if lt (3t t o f pi it 13Il( I it X i :32 hitts. fIttIt it iti () ,ts ll ittiittt utW tlit' ilt ii t itflit t( t I ti St 5 t i ii iiiti i fi fil )111 1 IS0 30Si2 Xo t -sit i f(t.] l t till i s if filci pj 1 It Xr i lC it' is til itItliillit' ar lil' t'i iiil si ii tsx i i itit 'flit' kcxlt il uillit l t I t ii ili i tt( fSSIift I p . iftt i I I) lktif i t s5st(il ' tc t itt(Ilfi6to c Ifiit I01 itX(- fit til tii(l it(d I itt ii t i ii ch w mIi itlt lxi's c (I crilimk t Sltttfi5iii Xi tilt'll II i ttillsp t tutuls iii ki ktwfi' itl siS itflt t i xl f ii fil l sd si \\ liii. iiilf tilt B'ittltfif' st,)fxitt is clsk itt Stilt istl l I iic((Tl t ittfii tulul of sitiixit tit'h 'tli 155 Itif .111(1tillolls itit i li iiii fitil iitlls Iii 1.1t ] a 1 Ocitf t t tii (-i (Is fliti tt~ I itfittilt St i tit cittIiltitcr if t (' i fu1( uui iitill (, 1\)(:p i'ttt'ttil \1 wltls /t1I 'tI( ,~ \lost, 11111' il ii ltc fi i \\ itt i i fil mitt citilt sfit lifl i 11.1 ll fil i I'ii ifTitist il ii IC i 11 1 11 p i' it 1 ii i il prw lsfi imlt ik (s l tw wistItit ill' li I l iiti It tl( fx i l tI I p 15 it ii'i xx i fi iii it x lilt \\ il kmi it il l t i.li t h 0kt t' w Iuts Lt ilt ttillt 11'it.( ilt itt Ir c() li t ll if fit litS fi I) t It I t F H l T uA illi i'- ictIlc i i tol til IfSitto lit (' it (1 Ii til (_fit 'Ilii cipt ilt st ISISc slii Ill filit I('f iisfifix ill's ii' ilxh iii tt'l('x kIo t lit Iii'fA Str cl 111 m11 Ii sitiili tilll Silt Icll. i t ()I1li,(I( till IS till ti ili(li t ll I iki 'tl ) i ilmii it il i) 'lit Iifilfit W i . Iit i.1 )li I~ )(1 fs \ illi si lit fi , 1113 til ' (ts ha illtistlis ft iis ' litituil s f l tixitix t' t li fIt tI I I_ I pf I lit II _it I il f I i I id I ()I iii (- 5 1 it ItI ra ' I If ti i r1JIm I l )c t till i ii i\ tilli ti ki ltmIl it it X'sI it' ( pi1 w( )ii fl c x soi \\ if t itiit (t i, iI fIic I lit iiisi/i (1t1 (iif blacs i fitc it)tif \\ ih k, f ()I-1 f i iliSt il( \\O m p-c.si tti s II it (c ii ir til Z111111w11' l iis . til C ii iiitI ilt is iii' (liii ft t l s h I it toI h m riiiwr i tm tutu Xi fl)It\ ill c itt I Ii I i i iti i fll li111cilitt ii iit (,iti\fix i'S t till a l lit t I tiit's f i fll i i dsi sd .11iill liii ili s liiL tc ix i il I iffff fit W mfff tff Il . 1 11 il t i, f)It ifit ii iiftcil .5 filec t li iillilw,' if st (lillmi t Iixti s if \ttttt 2 1lsk ut ,,x xxiit ili' 11th tut ls fit.1 t ifitt titi)() it' i itl( olits li i s filt [(If huh 1 ssii t'sft'iisittri ititihi I 1,1 fiI t f '1 . 111 1 us ( x )1 t \~ it itt ii x ' c t i I l'\ it f l t- i itrm ti p(. f Ilii ll ii ftis ii iI I (i lt1o' iii fIt1)f z hIs fitII( l~ uiifci i iifd it11 iti t( li ) i is m sltit3 hullSi i t \ -iit ti (f scst stalt liii liii ) itt fit x it'xxii' it it' ill Iit il xxi t1(1 im th ic I) ~if ii iiiS l tLita. il is oll(lbaltla . it _"ricliltural 1-1'xpc1 imctlt Nltioo MIW i'triT PZAI, J.W. ODOM, F.J. PEDERSEN, and C.Y WARD, Department of Agronomy and Soils , ntuiti forag~e pr1odluction is as itiortdttt ais totil foiaige pi-o(Ittrtioni it ihi tot he lssile to l tilie ntote spring forage". Wheni e tootgll N_ appliedl to ixi toaxtoonoil total \ 1( the is u ditrittion of' forage \ jelc is controlledl lb tile girossth lhabits of' the glasses andtb\ ft(e sseather and eatitiot lbe altetecl b li il tinting of N ap~plication, see tab~le. Nat ilils coitti utils of, fall- and spinug ~ ~ A jthtan ~ Voit0N in the crtI spt hg \.pplicattotn of all of the N at pfllitit wxill Ireslt tol serious lclcliitig losses (lilt th ie \\tilt,]- adi 1(5 tiiaxtiililt spring foragec produc~ttionli r\ (g.rass pastures is ilttelilrcl to priidliir flit( Itigltest tilifot ii tfotrages tehlcs possible for)] the ina j ot it\ of' locait ions ill Itataiat B\xr ixegirass at the ;1tlf, (:otast Sublstatlion te51 )llild to sligIlifkis ot N thail ks t (nlli tilelillrd bitt oils at the( c\pciise iof ittitfi fnaepruduti1i. Those pr1odutcers iii the (il isara laxliitig'atrecd lfoi ittote sp illg sprt tug N ap~plicationts. %*~- D[ IlurolI 1( Bl i i I i ii i i i ii i i t \j st, Si huN A~iii:ii ,o I NFl EH l. of, 1977 att expel itilt I' bs thf li itAabaa Agrieiiltiti l Lsperttttrtt Statioti xwas liegitti ait the (;fill Coast Stibstation, l"iilp fto clierk the itrog'enl N leIt rtilizei tired> of, t\ c(-i5 egass pasturies. Ilir renclt (ill (stalilislicdlw111( of' l0t) pet ar oft N at lb. Iplatittiog aiid 60 lii. ar otf' IN ill ta-I pet spiltg is based onl sillal plot anid _,razinig ex~etittitts frt tisiet ii loratiotns fi Ala11wll tgit expct ititetit at the ( il ( as) lto Siubstationi xxhich itirlidtd bthl latex of N Mtid tuneis itt N app)licatlion, \\ as liars cstcd lix itloiox flirt tug efiti tteportecl x rhls hnas in Itighet thltat if the ploits had bet.1tiltazrd. 'Ilir \lallos fine satlil(liin "uil t (ceel di hph hor~iitus, pitassitio andtinc tl s litedril and 5(5 stixn wiithiNrai\ji;ta(i t~ i egt (ass. ft(e highest s rd of' fitrage oxver the etire gross jog season xwas proucird is 2011).li pet areof N. Ihis is 41)i. petare tootre than the iiresentls reiitendled rate of' 16 11).ii per aCre of N . inft rto nate ix the add ititonal 50(0 l1) pe ceifIraepiulrd ht isx tria41) 11). pet aicre tif'N all g.russ fin the spritig, see tahle. In the talile, spring refers tot fiti age rot aifter Matrch 1. Ini iraztg xxstenis, x litre T]ctitit Fa~llN 100f 1 50 100f Sp i',t Total \ Pond Fall /)i(' wi rc itI 600iff 60f0if Sli g Ttl 3-300i 2 f00ff 1 Sfffi0 3 t-fff 5.90fff 6. 100f 6. 500f AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION AUBURN UNIVERSITY AUBURN UNIVERSITY, ALABAMA 36849 Gale A. Buchanan, Director PUBLICATION-Highlights of Agricultural Research 9 82 Penalty for Prtvate use, $300 l0M POSTAGE PAID U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE .XGI 11 BULK RATE