"a ~ 4 .~...W I lb ~f* ~i~*;~:~ C 44 ,t 4 - $4 A V. .4 r top 'WAn. 4t I, I S I I -~ ~ ~. I *~ .4 r 4. S., ''*4 nj. *1 ~' ' t .v * 4 *9 .'~9* ~ 9 41 9 ' ~ "q 44* .1' . * , I' *~ t , 'I 1 S .'***' r * * ? ~ t*I j@~ ~ 4\A $ : ~j ** *'~ '~' 7 .pt p ~j~ 1 Vit . I *0 ~'' ii * *' ,1 ' * ,t' JI'' - %'/.1V *~I. 9.~J *tA r'? * ~ gkpY~4 . 2~ A DIRECTOR'S COMMENTS ill I m School of T if the xxeeklx i(,\ sltti' to all staff of thn \gricultiiie IIti( \griciiltoiai F'xeiliiint Station cariiiidi a i 19S80 isxiie itciiiji 1)t1ii 19S)) there shotld ottssai' xxith this iitrodtiii htix hb' e w o\i eritliii ctwniii to ix x e\'ex (itlplt o\ Ii i tin't griiiiltoI al F\x I periiiitnt Statioin illot the Stihool if Aifritiiii LNERC(.X Amnerican agriculture is the miost igiiv imnchla nizetd tin earth and at the sain' tiiie the nost produictiv e per unit of houman labor, and I hope it xxiii alxxax s be. It has reached titis lexvel of eff ici encx inl hium an laboir becausiex of the gyoal of equalit\ of all people inl this repiu blic and becaiuse it is juist p lain goiiod buiiniess. It has heeni a goal iof this Agricutltuiiral E.xperd iment S tatioin. I 1e1) I iex e since its liegiiiinig, to redu ce liium an tdrudtigerx anincereasxe ef fit'icliex of timinaii labor asso ciated wxith p-,/ agricuture. I hope xxe xxill alwxaxys haxve 1 R. DENNIS ROUSE as at mnajor g~oal reduictiioi it the aiiiiiiint J)r. D~a\id (, Iopl, inexw bea dof the DcI)artmn)t oft Aimial andl P ainr Sciences. A Iiatix, c of Lake Mlills, \% is"conlsin, D~r. Topi'l tcomies tot Aubuirn froiiih Iox Stati' liiix tiii sitx xx iii' thervixed as professor of Food Tetlilia tI gxN\ liii e 1i1ial Sciinte andIi at loxva State lie( in itiatied andI devxeliopedl the first undergradiiate Akiiial Scie'nce ciourse ill (;.roxxth anit Coiipositioni oAnimials. I 960( fromi 192andit IPfi2, ulii Dr1. I 01)1) re- the t nix erxitx his D~octor' of at Mlichiigani X\ c shotild hax c ats imuchi dedicatioin to iiicreasiiig efficieitcx tof ellergxy iisxc iii Amiiericain a grid ut ure. The gioil ti d tecriease lhiuiman laboi r inputit alt cotncuirritty tecrease stotretd energ\ input is not inicompilatiile as somiei thiiik. Prioduction can lbe higitix m'chiaizetd anlll n'ig ef ficient. State t'nix ersitx inl 1965. I JIitig his stuilis at MIichigan State hie set*x et ax an insxtruicto r ili Fiool Science. Ile b)egain xxirk at Jo\xxa State iii I1965 as assistant pro feissor and( axtCiilei the raiiks as associate professor inl 1968 aiid fil] priofesor inl 19783. I)r. 1 opel is a mieiner of sexveral pro f essiional and hi uiorarx soicieties anti hax pubilitcatitons \\ licit xxi look at all nieciianizatiotn that is lpart tof Ameirican agicultuiral priductix itx it is easx tot concluide tihat tractors and tither n itoriied equliipmen are the miajot r cion soumetrs ofi energx onl the f ariil 'I'lhe it facts sh txx less thaiti half the ellei g used inl a gricut It ral produ iton is tct cotisuimied x iiieciialiiet etquipimenit. 'I'lie ibig eni'rg cost onl the fairi is inl cheiical s that c omipl1emniit iimachines -fert ilizer, limei , and pess Ii ia ia gi'ii ii t chemiiicaIs. Riesearcih scientists, teachers, piiiofes siton al agricultuirists, cheimical cotmplanies, farm mlanagers, and fairim iwxotrke'rs all hav e respoii)lit ies toi recognizet theii oppiorttiitx for de crea sing energx cosxts thrtoigh xwise use (ofchieimicals inl agricultural pritduiction. This begins xxith carefuli a ttention toi sil aid itwxater ci nser\ tiotn pracx tices that iresutlt filn iii itl lioss (If sil anti xi fert ilitx. Sitoiie pu ic tion pract(1ices that toff er realI oppoi rtuinitie fxo r ciii serx in g 'ilrgx arte: aliplx ingi lone tot keep sotil at opltimum iil 1ii,using fertilize'r miost cfficieiitl\ ("'soil test -do nut guetss"), f ollttxx ing irotations and cuiltuiral pirac'tici's to mmiimizie amuliii n ts oii cihemical s needeid for inut rients anid pes management, ap1)11 xi ic hemi ical s b ased oin calri'ft ilx dcterni i ed iiceds and iiost tiiiiclx and( efficicntl\ for econotimic benefits, harxvesting fitr miimumii ef ficiencxy, and mi arkeitinig the p roduitl p rodtuiice'd. WXay s tit reduce energx inputs throuitgh reduced fueil cotisiiiption hx tractoirs aiid machinery alsot deserxve careful atteiitiion. Reduicing the iiuiihtr oif trips ovxer land, using tractors properlx sized f or tht' jobh, otperating at efficient speeds, and keeping the tractotr anti iequipiient jirtperlx serviced and adjusted are things that can c'ontribiite greatly to mo rt' eff itient fiiel ciiinsu mp tion. Moist abiotve listed oppotirtuinitie's for rteduicing energy fttr agrict'uirt' art' not newx, hut they have inot alwxay s receixved prpe atte'ntionf inl the p~ast becauist' most people hav e intt been t'nergx coinsciotus. The'x are reacljlx aipplicable xxithtuit f irthcr research. 1, altng with the Agricultural Lx'periiiient Statiion stientists, vxeItitie ideas for research xxith the ohje'ttivec of int'rt'asing labor efficit'nt' -decreasing labor requ~iremeitnts -anti ide'as for rest'arch xxith the objt'ctixve of inctreasing energy t'fficient'x-decreasing einergy' cotstinl a gri cul tu ral inroduit'tiotni. XXet ar(e comiiiiiittedi fully to uitilizin g re soulrces tif the Agriciiltuiral Expt'riiment Station tot foster and stippotrt re'seart'h dt'signed to int'rt'ase effitcie'ncx and effettiv eness iof encrgy itst'. IIIGHLIIFIIfYS of Agrievultuvral Rtesearcht SPRING 1980 VOL 27, NO 1 hx tii 1 .\griciltiual [xpimiinit Statiti Auiibiiii t'nix ci itx, Auiburn, Alabiaima. RI. 1I:\s [it ti ........ if ljreitiir Si x\I F . XI\ xi iN . . . Assitanit lDiy'ccii 1. IF. S,II I, i ) \ ...... Associatc Ediltor \ S I 1.\ Ciii N X)I ....... Ass istutit Editor ~fito niol Advisoiiry ('o ii iittee. S] \ \ I 1). XXII xi iN'C. A. I1t t)m I1.Asss/ou Pro1 Li fu'ssoi of Agricnltnurl lIliinuecriig. CL) D 1i/ E \ AxNS,XAssoiotu Puiifu sol of Agroniit and1( Sodls:- Nt Iii 1. Xl xiil I.N ASstoiit( ProF Runral Socioloigu, .\NJ Fi' L. l((i In formiatiton ti iitai ned iherein is ax ailab Ic to all xxitihlltut regartl toi ratce, tolor, o r inatiotnal o rigin. ON THE COVER: lxxentx' x (ars results at the I ioxxt'r Cot astal P lajin Siuhs tationii, Camtden, havec priovetd that slaiughtter beef tan bt' priofitablx ptroduitetd tin xxinter grazinig. It U in Departmeont of Agricultural Engineering Gasohol testing in tractors is now in progress at Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station. It is detfinedl as the wxork outpt dlivided hy the energy input to the engine. T hus, a higher thermnal effieieney ineans increasedl output (xx ork) for the xamne inpult (energy). Tyxpical \,allies of thernial xtillic ripor tant qiuextionsx to bte arixxx i etf. efficiency are around 20-2M~ for gasoline NN it hiarm the trenginet? WXill tlit' cold xxCaill engines and 25-3M~ for diesel engines. The tll(t- ('alsi' xtartinlg In ofh'eiiix' \X ill flit' trac. rest of the enrergy leaxves the engine as hot rxx ' lorsp\ fur devxelop its f i111 xip exhausxt gases, through the radiator to tire Thie arixxx ci tii tfit't queistiionrs art' riot air, or direet radiation, andI is not av ailable afxxax s clear-cut. Foir t'xariift' tiests in irk. So xxith upl to 80' of thre energy in for wo alitolltix iit'igrrnxs hix 'tr i~xidit cona gallonrof firel 1bein g x axted, anly flitting resuxts. Iii sonic cases ftutl t't.orr 1 11111 x ax inricreaxsed, in ()ttliler taxsies, de-' ill 1poxerrient fio therina efficienex is ekeorned. g~ladix NN T'he inereaxed thlermial efficiexc wh ile andf xllric iof thie flfiixx irig resuilts xxr nt'rot horniog gaxolrol is thoughzlt to he for xex er al ieixolix. Firsxt, alcohol lias a highiti flaire XXe \t\r xx t'iti f t xxtc art' retalx hiix ing tempileratulre than xjwet anid a lowex fillin( hetat t'rergx xxich thi' tractori n ctrixt'inito Lyaxolille. ThIix taxter flaile speed xx0111( Ax lrrrs'tilxx cr or xxtirk. inidicated iii thet Icax c lexs chlanice for hecat to be wxaxtedl by tafile, a ~afliri oif arftolriif has abourt txxohleating the iigire pieces or b\ going out thirds the' hieat t'nt'rgx of a gallon of g~axo irnsx the( exhlausit. SeecontI aletlo bu1) at a 9: 1 lint'This rilaris tha~t 5Mt more aftlohol t air-fuel ratio I)x xxeight ax compitared to xxould Li'nieded fto gei' t(' saint' alioitt ( oif xxotrk t]ltit. Sinict gasoihotl tcontainix IM(( 15:1 for gaxolirne. Thlis x orild leaxe ilore oxi\ gen axvail able f or inoi re coml plet e andit)unr leaded axol i', it 901 ci t'h i i ihi ii f ( and~ xoliietiies lexx corl rxtion flax approixima~ttelx 9TI oif tlrt' int'l gx f tpollurtiton ). Thlird, alcohol abxsorb m ore cointaiied iii a gallon oif re'gurlar gaxsolint' as hecat as it x atpori/i'x than dloex gaxoline, xhoixxni ni tfit talei. Sit, mrei gasixifnl ix ex orlx requiired to xxhich wxouild rediree the xx teti to lit uixid ill doing tfite xanrt' x\ trk. 'ompifrexx the( inixtilre inxidie ile inginie Tflix fact is backtet ILx i'ngirle texts at Aircx lirider. burnrr andtft otheri tnnixtisitit' shxliinilg tfiat hIoxi'tioxx tn roirx tier gallon is another o ffliixs HOW1ti1st lit iriertCaSid fi-1 P12tti Tij xx\ax of rnicaxrrring ile( eflicieoex iof anl ox ii x arx iiig Iioadsx toiobi t a iii tit(xain co gin e Thi ix i( heoiirx(e,pixxer fhat an it ixxer otilpu thaif is ax arifal t ui nt ising gastengine xx\ill produice for anl hour onl a gallonl lint'. of f ul. Tesctx in tractor olgirlex \x ith gaxo( )rr asxsumiptionr otlttl Iliadf(' is that gaxtia hll xlroxx (leceaxi' in Lor xepoxx er-hours fril fburns iniil( ti' 1iiigite thit sa rot' t'ff xx itfi 1 x aixrig to 2 .5t tlienrcx as does gi sit e.Pri'lin iiiarx te stx in Iwr gallon frntu 1.2 gaxoline.ox erx\ bile, the So loadsx ax comrpared to it Aubuirni t nix ti itx Agr icurltuiral Lxtierii'rrginie Illax be innre efficitint oil an energx ii rt t St aatoncafte this liax it hi' tirlue. 'IITiough it tiook inre gasoholu to ge't tilit 1111tffisaint' filxx nt olutptlill tL, -tht'ria il[ CIfuris (wFt liI(wt he r n in g giast ci'icx ' oif tli(i't'rgirl t xxftiri hl xxax slightix higher. 1,000 li....................., I ttlI altOw 'lfThriiial i'ffici'ricx 15 a1riraxirt of litixx 120,00) Gasohol........................... t'ffich'ilx a111 enrjrIt burns ftitl toiia' po\ cr t. Aubuni Unirci-sity Agricultural Expciiincd Station basix, xx-' Prrliaxe fulel by the gallon and not bx thle Bill arid it xtill tals Innore gallons to do the xlirne xxork. \\ ill g~axohol eausxe cold xxeathier xtarting piroblemis' ' I robably not. Thiorglh gaxsolirni xxill e xat i rate t\xx oir thr ee timex faster than Alci hol, gaxsihoi exvapo raitex faxster than either al(ohoii or gal fine .Thix irncreaxedI xolat ifitx carusxed Lx moixoig thle txwo ciomptonents xhourld aid cold xxeather xtarting. It ecould alxo lead to xtorage prioblemsi onl the( fariorfilt' to higher ex exvapo ration loss5 of I irl. \\ hat abouit piroblemsi xxith engine xxtar? texts xhowixx 0(ro xigrnificant Prelirnirjir dIifft'ereicex iii enrinc ea tr betxweeni axoii hesre'xtexts inclui dtet hi l and gasoifine ex lirider xxear antI carbo depost'ttiitx oil xSpark plugs, x ax ex, and xvalxe sexiatx. Nit repoirtx of einie coirrosioni becaurxt iif alci tln i hrax e ltr docuetnted. xit T[heret ix a po ten t ial pr in t "t' h elogged fuel filters. Sinee alcohol is an textcelflcut solN cut, it nlN~r dixxolx e giox anl deposits lefit lh\ gasoline xxhichi could clog filters an d straitnirs. It can also tailsx pro lfemis b\~ tfixxti irig ruLber hioxex and sealx. After the( enginle anid fiuel xx Stin art' tiwxill clteaned , th oulgh, en ginc petirfho rimanc be uinafftected. G~asohoil rita' lit thre fuetl of the fttre for spark-ignition engines, hbit riot xxithonit xiomiie xlii rtetun in gx ()One oif tile hii gg'xt triticisrirs of gasohiol is that it ita' take fa ii ii ilo iii' uir gx o) nilrc'aglI than it prid es for irsie. fInereasesx ii tltribenr fioiunrd fbx uinjg iia I ef ficit'rcx Iiaxe gasohot l btcaulst' of be'ttier biurniing cha racte'ristit's of alcohol, btut dIecreasesi ill lhorisei iontpixwer otiittut antI inrietastet firt'f stililititti art' to be texpecte'd tuiirrrrrr'rstrratt' xxithfitllt' ltwxx ctat t'rltrg\ of tlli' atlcoiil. Gasohol Iniax resulit inl Niieir toft xxeatfitr xtartirng btut iilax alsio tcause tirob 1t'rrrs xxitfi fiutl xx stt'rrx. -WvJ Molybdenum Deficiency TRIGGERED BY Low Soil pH JV\A ODO anD LTHURLOVV Dept ofAgrooyan JI EASON Sarc Mountain Substation SG STARLIN\G Wiregrass Subs tation Exp~eriment Ficc JA PITTS Bre~xr Soil Response of soybeans to molybdenum on Eutaw Clay (pH 5.0) at the Black Belt Substation. \lo) i each .500 of 1) ll( blx1bdioio ( iIllt Ill \ti t -1 oilc Ipii tolis of piliit Iiiaterial. TIhix il am oilt of ~IloIx bdeiifi isI ciiiirol h\ all lanits. Ici~ililicx. xsuch as soi\ l)Oaii requiirc greater aiiooiilitx of ino\ I-bdliIIII thanl doi iiioxt othl phix ( )n~c taxonl 1 is that the 11hi.'hiii bac.tei a in the(roo inIodliilc of lcgioc reqlire liili~eilli to fi atiilosxiiciic. nitro.L~co. Miel licic oN liiliiii1101 eicieuit. 4Lc.111icxol'tco lOx sljIptollix of (itlogelI1 ',Io\ (deficiency, as xhloxx o ill the 1illoto 1 .iiaph. \losxt 11ilioral ()ilx colitaili all ad(lojiiate xliIIpl of iioilx )(Iclilili lotii 1)101) griixx thu. lri\1(0( tlic oil pli ixI,,rcater thaii .5.At lowxer p)1 nolxb lxl Ill ix less xolile antdI loax bo I'sx liuiaxailahle to planits. W the (-oIlon~lx gi oxxl0 eil coIoox sox hico'x is the clop iloxt likclx to xhloxx inol\ hdcrin dIcticioiicx io) x eix acid xoils. TO (Icterinlie sox beans' need~ for lolx doioiin o Alalioina soils, 16 fieldl c\ieiiiits xxore condu~lcted1 lbtx cell 1963 and 1978 by the Xoiiil I. erity lix \itricioltuial Experiint Stationu. 'I'lho list threec of the xxore lbet."iio ill 197.5 bx thc late john 1. \\ car at the San(1 MIolitain Sohxstatjoi., \X irefraxx, Siilbtatioli, and Bricxxtoi n 1 )Iiioi FIjeld. lloxiihts for these lost threi 00xpeinilelts are gix co in tablex 1,.2. anl :3.lx eni though the xoil 1)11 xxa,, Ioxx oioiii to be0 coiixidered Itiargilial fio xin Loan L(1 th it txxii locationix Ito o\xx resoxinsex toi ino10INJeiin xwere found1(. T1hix iscosistenit A\ itli the rexiults oif the firxt 1:3 field1 expiioitx xx ere no rcxlioiiixe to iuioh~bdelcini xxcrc obitained xxlien the xoil 1 xxas olptiiiii for acid soilx (I111 .5.0) and respionses to liolovh(leimiiiu xxcr0 (ihtaiitedI ax illustrated b\x thie photograph. abile and( conitriilx thie toxic effects iif aliiiiiiiiiiii an(1 iifiii4Iiie, produie ai responxe to litto xxhci no cxerjuoi niiitx riucil resoxlinx toi liiolx hlcilifi is obtainied. Onl acid soils xhoxx Ing rexplliox to iiiolx hdcnii the (101icieco can1 uiialk b o irrectedl h\xeithier apilli o\ iil doiolioi or b'xlilliuiiii toi Iiiike thic soil inouhx l(leiini Iior ax ailalo. llili ail Si\ Lcallx alxi)0(11, limle for other reaxonx aillot are If equocithy groxx o ill otatiion xxith iitheor criopx that rsoxild to litlem. TIherefore, xince itioloxhdonoin (tiiox i ix olixl oil acid souilxsii be erOtc(I can i hx citliciii apl\ ing Ilolx hdeiiin Or oby hiitting, oxc utohlmo to mlainitainl thei optiiiiill Il I alill " to be 'Snici lilioiigal idi S( alxo iiiakoxs p)hosphorusii oil IT M Tmv xii REISiPiONSE OF~ Essx SOiBEii NS iTO \loi I il NiAixm) LUxiv \XiF N Gioxx N ON,Hxiii ii x~Fist] S xi)I LOAM' xi SAM) A10iit NI N Si IO\xiu Lmire- Yield/acre 1975 1976 1977 1978 Ax. Bu. Ri. Bit. Bu. Bu. Nii No 41 36 31) 25 3 Nio Yes 41 :37 311 23 &'3 Yesx Nii 41 37 .32 29 :35 3 '(cx 42 :37 33 26 Yex Check pilot 11 5.4 (1978). 21,iinii iii xiiil text rcommiend~atioiii lo 1975 and)(1978. 'Seed treated xxith I oz /oif sodinm molx Ldat dhixxsolxved iii2t.of p T reatmen (lt \lii xx ater pier Iii ixl of xei(I. lxiii2.lli i xsi,Nxi OF Biix(.i. Sii) BEANS] i0 Nl)ixuui i i' Ii \\I) Lixmt \X iF Nis (4iiix.N\u )o ICANS \\I)) LoAxxil xi x 'S ,iis ((I [u Ni INs 'Ireati ocot I ield/acre I'iit e2 No No Yes Yes \to No Yesx 1975 41 40 4:3 41 6. 1 (1978). 1976 Ru u. 1978 Rl A\, Bu. No) I es 13 42 45 42 22 20 25 25 3 3.4 38 36 'lhli plot p11I 111nt(1 to soil test reomenato 01100litl 1975 and 1978. Sece treatedl wxith I oz'. of sod ium ol hdatc dissxolve of xx atcr per ho xhel iif se(1. 71'0 il1 !0 pt. i. :3. 1IFSPOV1 uiF Htios SoN BEiAikNS N1t 10i Oithtax Am) Livv \\ t iiv (;io\ oxO BvNDxIF Fim SAN XNOLxI' Ai lin xx oioN Fmn tm\fvi 1'if-i 0 M 'imcl Treatmenot Mo3 Yield/acre 1975 1976 1977 Av. Rit 42 41) 44 45 Inl!2 It. Rit Bu. Bu. 41 45 No No 41 41 42 No '(ex :38 Yes No 43 46 43 46 45 Yes Yesx 42 Ill plocpk I1 .4 (1977). 1)1 1inicd to soil test icommendcialtions in 1975. 'SeedI] ca x \\ itli I oz'. of xodioool 11o0x hdatc (hxSS0lx cd of xxatil peri bhel of seed. the iiiore pi actical appiroach iii iiiiit caxex. .Xubio II itii s~itil Agri 01100(1 Lxpt (10(00) Station OOSECBASS IS ONE of the wvorld's wvorst grass wveeds. It has broad tolerance to moisture, temperature, soil fertility, and defoliation. As a result, it is found in div erse areas throughout the South. Goosegrass is characterized as a tufted, annual, xxarm season grass, xxith the scientific name Eleusine indica (L.) Caertn. Sports turf and lawns are especialix, vulnerable to this troublesome weed since it can withstand much trampling. Often goosegrass is the only G plant surviv ing in such high traffic areas as golf fairwvaNs and tees and athletic fields. It also is a major prohlem during turf grass establishment. As a consequence, goosegrass is the most troublesome warm season xxeed that turfgrass managers encounter in the South. Historically, I)S\A and NISNIA have heen the major postemergence applied herhicides for control of goosegrass in hermnudagrass turf. These herhicides are economical chemicals, but they require multiple applications (often mionthly ) at rates of 2-3 lb. per acre to control goosegrass. These rates and frequencies often cause unacceptable injury to the turf. Recent investigations suggest that miethazole (Probet) and Improved Goosegrass Control in Bermudagrass Turf RAY DICKENS and R H WALKER Department of Agrcony and Sols Goos eg ro ss control, pct. mnetribuzin (Lexune® or Sencort) applied post-emtergence wvill control goosegrass xx thoiit causing sernius injurx to bermuldagrass. Results further suggest that much larger and mnore mature goosegrass can be controlled wxith these herbicides. Experimients xxith methazole and metrihuzin were conducted at the Auburn U. niversity Agricultural Experimient Station in 1977. The materials xvere tried alone and in combination wxith XMSNl for goosegrass control in Tifxxax (419) berniuda. Tlhe different herbicidal treatments we re applied as a spray (11 gal. per acre) to replicated plots of beriiiidagrass infested wxith goosegrass ranging in size fromii 5 to 20)leaxves. Infestation ax craged 2-:3 plants, per square foot of turf area. AX non-ionic suirfactant (X-77) vxas added to all sprax s at Uz lby Noluiiie. Ratings of goosegrass control and turf injurx- xxere inade 2 wxeeks after app)lication. Both inethazole and inetrihuzin (applied alone) xx'ere mnore effectixve than NIS\IA against goosegrass, figure 1. \lctrihuzin at lb). and iiuethazole at 2 l1). per acre pirovxidled acceptable conitrol x'ith a single application. ( 'sing NISMA in conihination xxith iiiethazole or inctribuizin au~peared to offer adxvaitage's. B\ atddiing \l SNA, the raites of Goosegross control, pct. 0 1/8 1/4 1/2 0 i/8 1/4 1/2 Methozole, lb.Iccre Metribuzin, lb /aicre FIG. 1. Effect of methazole and metribuzin rates on goosegrass control in bermudagrass turf. L00 j0MSMA +mehzl,/ F] MSMA alone acre E3 MSMA + metribuzln, 1/4lbi/acre cithIier mnet hazole or ineitribuhii coiumld be reduneed 501% ith no xx reduction in co n tr(ol. Il a dditin, the im ixtuire gav e imo re coinsistent control of larger and moure iiature goosegrass. \lethazole or iiietribuizin applied at 12 lh. per acre iiiless, alone or iii coinbinatuon xxith \ISMA w niimore injurious to herxas mnuidagrass than Xl SMl applied alone at 2 lb) per acre. Additioinal st tidies inid ica tedl thiat the r iate oif \ IS Xl couild he reduiced inl the combination treatm ents. rate ot 1.511). per acre xxas adleqiliate ill comi binat ion xxit liiietlia ole, xxhile onlyx 1.0)11). per acre )xas required xiti iiietrihuziii. figuire 2. Frequientlx cheimical comiibinations p)roduce additix e effects (xx hlere the combination gives b)etter control than either herhitide applhied alone hut less than the stun oif the ciintriil of the txxo independently ). Less frequently , sy nergismi results from coinbililing chiemiiicals (con tro l ohbtai ned is greater th an thme sinii of that produced hx the txxo chemiicals indepeuidentlx ). (:(Illbining nuetribuzin xxvith \ISNIA appeared to produce the expected additixe effect. WXhen iiiethaiolc xxas adlded to Xl SMl, hoxx ex er. sx nergisuin resulted. Pending label approxal, these comibinationms proimise ini e ElMSMA alone 60 I- 20 0 10 U Wf f]MI 1.5 2.0 1. 5 MSMA,Ib./acre 2,0 MSMA,Ib /acre from methazole and met ribuzin. ci fectix u ciintrol of guosegrass inl beillnidagrass Auburn U niversity Agricultural Experimient Statioin tiurf. T sui 1 (io Cr tI(I I itU ( TUBE-GROWN PECAN TREE May Solve Some Problems in Orchard Establishment HARRY J AMLING Department ot Horticulture ) (,usfof,1icl Acl) G U~At\v-lt CoVIN Etitof i w PF( 5N SEDI -)tNGS'~ Rate and number of ap~plicationls No. Dry' Root Ht. top)w of Wt. n~cles At. In. g 9 No treatment ........ .3 10.7 1.5 16.6 250) ppmi. (1) .......... I11.3 16.4 4.2 21.0 250) p Itif. (2) ......... 13.6 19.6 5.5 2132 500) pI im. (1) ......... 13.4 2.3.3 5.0 21.7 1,000 pp.() 1:3.4 24.8 5.5 20.4 '1)uration of the experiment was 7 mionths. In growing miedia comlparisons, pine bark alone xxas about ats good as mnixtures of pine hark and soil or pine hark and hy drogel (\ iterra 2), table 1. Use of the \ iterra 2-pine hark mix redluced w~atering needs hut did not affect growsth. U'se of gibherellic acid (GA.i) to speed top) gross ti show55ed promnise of reducing timie requiirecd to prodluce a tree for pilanting, table 2. This growsth regulator caused continuous to 1 ) growsth by prev enting the normial cessation of the initial growxth flush of a germninating seed. Rates of C;Ai aboNve 250)ppm. induced abnormnal leaf clex elolnment and] caused spinl\ to1 ) growsth. WXhen gibherellic acid ,'Vas a111lied twxice at 230 1).1).m., hoxxex er, trees grew large enough in 7 mionths to he used in orchard estalish~ment. tree mnax ill. B5HF 10 )(yll) pe1)~tcanl sotmedas gix e xway to container-gross plantinlg stock. Prelimninaryr resuflts of Akmbuirn I itixersits Agricultural Experimfent Station research indlicate thait containergrown trees niay ax oid somife of the pri 1 i ]cets grotwers hax e wxith tradlitioinal harerototed planting stock. Rare-rooted trees are sublject tot fishand linig daiiiage dry ing tifft of ritots and dlestruictiton tof lateral rioots. Surxvixva! of such trees can be9 less thtan 5M) if) a coiniercial oircharcd. At current tree costs 'such Itw uirx ix a! raltes it ake pecan orchtardl esix tahlisittnt costs exp)ensixve. WXitl the cuorren tIshift frotn t loss dIensity lan~itti ngs (11-17 trees per acre) to umeditum and] high density orchards (34-85 or mmorc per acre), eStal isltllent costs becotmie subhstanttial. Aubu~frn research wxith cioltaifner-groxs ii tree p~rtocuctionl x\\as begitit in efft s to clex eltp loxwer cost lfletlods tif orchard estalhlishmllelt. Initial ohjectix es xx(r( to delexcop af sxsteilt xxherelbx x ear-utld dill)tailncr-grt xxn seedl in gs cioul d he trans 1)1an1ted xwith itinot r dlistu rbantce oft rtoo ts, grtxx utnfdler cdripi irrigaltiton, and grafted xwithin 2 x\ears after plantintg. Suff Iicicent tree hicight and1(trunlk caliber ait p)lanting arc ncedecd for subIseqpuent inin)t cmance a11n( propaillgati on. Pecan seecdlinigs grufxx to a height of 7-10i in. (hiring thec first groxwing season, hut this is T inadequate for orchard establishment exven under good inanagemlient. In sharp conitrast, the till) root canit gross :36-40 in. the first 12 iiomths after gerniinatiomt. Consetuen tly, conIttainer depi)th xxas foun d to be imp)o(rtant. Short containers ( 12-24 in. deep) cauised ain undesirable spiralling of the tap) root ii) thle hottom of the coiitainer. I )eeper containers reduced this pirob)lem, 1)1t cost \Nas 1 irohibitix e. Then tubular poly ethylene xxas triedl, and this "tube" container appeared to solxve the prohlemi. (Thutainer (lialifeter wxas not as critical as container depth if the seedlings wsere grown for only 1 year before planting in the field. ti~ A 4 0 3510 I 1. o\ Tl FEiIS Of \ Wstools \lta \IMMIXS E Gfto m1(os I) Ni-(i-GlowN Ft 111)1 I Pr( \\s Sri )1'INCS' .1 Mledia Inix P'ine P'ine Pine Pine P~ine Pi I leight baik alone (1)l .8) ............ 12.5 bamrk +\ eterra 2 ( 1)11 5.9)' 1:3.5 bark MNii 15:1 (1415.9) ......... 12.4 bhtik-soil 7:1 p11 5.9) .......... 1:3.4 baih soil, :1 (14l 6.:)..........14.1 baik-soil, 1: (1p11 .......... 6.1) 12.6 1)oloiiitic limie, 0.siocoite 18-6-12. tritted '.fp) liecl 1 &,~ Good survival and fast tree growth ot 2-year-old planting (right photo) shows advantage of tube-grown nursery stock. Comparison of tube-grown and standard container-grown trees (left photo) shows good root growth of tube tree (left) as compared with curled taproot of tree grown in shallow container. 1u/turn ( ft t'oit 2-\loxgel Soil ,iinitemilemt Carbicde Cil). b\ ircf 'iti t/. g rotiltitral ExsperiniciI Stationt v Y4- )I 1sr\11H I II 1)1 are to xic toi I sects andt litli11lls ini mu1ch thle sille %\ax but, fortjiiiato'Ixr tit(x are uisually niorc toxic to cach iiistar oif so%beaii looper larx ace. 1,1) , \allies xxcrc sunririsinugly \is f oir allI ins tars x aind in termiis of field conutroil the ainiiiunt iif insec ts. l)iiiilimi nccssarx tii i each the I )5, le\ el This ditfferenitial toxicitx alloxx s the use varied froinm instar tii iiistir, hut xxas less of iiixecticides xxith i elatix e safttx If()\%xx than I oz. per acr e. Elarlien imstars reqirid ev er, cntomloi gi sts agree that anl idecal less I iuiilimi for cointroil thaii later instirs. insecticide xxoil b11(e one iiighlx toxic to These' resuli ts inic ated thiat aiii xx% rate of insects buit xxiti a iiiode of actio~n that Diiiilin aipplied toii acrnp xshilc iiifestiiig miakes it non-toxic to homoanis and other larx acarc ipite siiall miight he as ffectixe xxarmu hiioded anlinials. I)iftlheu,'iii onl in ieduicinug f ol iaige lios s as at highi rate apl) (coinniiomilx knoxx -i as lDiiiilitic") is such a plied aftei the mai~jority uof thlar ac hax e Compitoiund reached thie 5th inistar. (.\loiist foli age fetd lDiioliii is mianiufactuired by the Thoiipi uig lar ac hiaxve 6 in stairs.) son I lax xxarcl C hemuical ('omlpami\ and In the Field its miode of aictioni is to inibiiit cjhitini forIDuriiig tit(c siiiiie iif 19)79, field tests inatiin iiiii the inisect', exoskeleton. Af ter xxcrc ciinid1iuc-ted b\ thle Auiii )ti i i xeningesting I )iiilin the insect is apparenitly xi tx Agrict'uItral Expeirimenict St ationi toi unaf fectedl until it miolts its old exoskelctoi cuinipare thle effects ot i)iniilin and mnethx 1 andt attempts to formn at miex one. 'I'le insect icial and die thti tio'he ienef para tIhio i th en cainno(t sx nthiz c the ch itiiin necessairx sti uctix e iiisc'ct ciimpliex oili sii\ beanis. Thle for thie fornm at io n of atne('x exoskeleton and texperimeit xxas ciiuictted at tile Black soi it (lies. \\ arii hlootled ainils dlo not B3elt tati on at M ario n Juni ctioi n. TIreatSubhs sxynthiesize chitin and therefore this iiiode iiieiits xx ce: Diiiiilin, at I anI 2 oz. pe'r of actiPon offers no Ihazard to hbird s or acre, inti i I iparithioni at 1 1l) p ter acre, inaiiials. and anl unitrteatedl Tretmtnts xx check. crc In the Laboratory replicatecd and randoizeiid. Ploits xx trt' I T[le iiodc of actioni if lDiiilimi has been a cre in sizi'. Insect ip olatioi ns xx crc samiiixvestigaited hx Aubhurn researchers oxver pled at xxteklx intervails thiroiighiout the the last :3 \scars using the( so\ hean liiiper ats Seasini tui deternet piopulation lex elx of the( test insect. Af ter ingiesting lethal Iboithi henii cial and icdestriuitixve in sects.ainoiuts of lDiiiiilin. so\ heami loopers xxcrc At earlx bliom, normial poipiilatioiis iif unabiile to nil it in iperl\ . 'They devxelotped insect pairaisites aind piredatoirs xxcrc oreheinio imlh (insect hbloo d) leak ages hesent, hut mio ecoinuic lexvclx iif cdtstructixve hind( the load diiring the iniilt aind mnortalfoirmis hatl appearedc. At that tinilc thle plots itx resulted. Thiise fed smiller dlosages siir xx c sprax e clo iiite first tiiit. Tlhe appliix as larvae hut uisiially ed dexeloped fatal cation of the( txx i rates iif lDiiiliii did noit abhno rmaiilitimes in tile irepiipal, pupailaI, iir result inii signiificanit reluc-tioin iif billeadult stages. ficial spec-ites, but thec atpp)1icatioi n oif me ti il (a nsui ptii n oif suih-Iethah doisages o f paoriltion resultetd iii aitdra stic rtduic-tioun in I imiiil in xli ixxed larxval dexvelopmen andc henficiiis. T'I ict xxi x iks later, it secoincd also irediuced to tal fiood conump tio n. app)tlic-atiion xxas inatlt. Again, hteneficial Therefore, excei if' lairx did no~t coinsuime ac ins'ct popiuiilationsx xxcrc seem iii iglx on1 enoungh I i muiii ti caiusei inrtal itx , their affected hy Dimilin, hut xxvtre decimated potetiil foir daniaging the criip xx still as by iiiethx Iptaratiotn. ,Ix iioxxN(ks ifter thit secind aipplicatiion rediuced. 1.1) x alies (LI)w =~ lethal (lose for 5M~ if in stecticitdes tiile ipipulati on if heeit of the( poipulation) xxcrc deteriiec for cials (it the ithxi paraithion treated pilots Aibur M( Upper left, adult soybean looper; upper left inset, fatal abnormality of the prepupal stage of the looper: lower right inset is fatal abnormality of the pupal stage of the looper caused by application of dimilin; and center photo is damaged soybean plant. had bieguni to 1-icoNci. At that tinie at soyb~eani lootit infe'statjion ailso begaii to det \eloii in il]] plots. Ov er the tolloinx ig 2 xxecks the loioiter infestation increased, ran its cou rse, a nd cau sed co nsideralle foiliage loss oni tiit( p)1ots treatetd xx th mnethl a~rthioli andc tile check plots. ( )n the plots treated xxith 1 oz. Per acre of Diiiiilini. a fIxe\ loopers xxcrc seen. Oin plots treated \\ itli 2 oz. per acre of IDimiliii e\ eii f(,\\ er loopers xxcrc ohserx ed. ()ii ( )ch her 19, all plots xxcre harxvestedl, xxith tit(e fiillo\x ing results. Ai i/i Oc( ini Trcaitiniii I )inini 2 o/. tar aci t... lDimiilio t o/. tcr acre.... ( lok .................... \Icths I piitbiomi 1 1) pier acne 28i.610 35. 66 42.38 137.72 Tlhe 21) pe acre rate of I iiiiliii ippiir oz. cutlx pre\ ented the sixhiaii liioptr ouithrak xxhic-h huganl 2 xxeeks aftetr thit last applicatioii. TI- o1zi pcr aicre rate of IDiinilin, xxhile statisticalxy iiiferioir (hasec x icics) toi the 2 ii,. tper ac-re ratce, still atftoirtdcd exc-ellent c-outroli aind gi xjldIs.yiie ()i The iuiethx I pairathionu treatment resulted mul controil of thlt soixhian liiiper and( no) theste phlits xsstiaineid greater foliage loss thain tile c-Iiccpilots, prcihablx hecaust of the rteductiion ii heneficial insects pirestent. Iiisuimimiirx, the cliux i'mtiimal insectic-ide, applietd at attime xxhien it xxas iiit neeted had i noni gio inhtffect on ciup y ields andci in fauct ill)Ipiared toi sutpires s tho se yieldls. iilin, ou the oithetr Dii h antI, did iiiot suppiress htencficial insect poipulatioins aincd remained ceftective against atclstructix e foliaigte ftt'tiing caterp illar fo r aiii imuc-h Iloiiger Pteriodc than xx oiiltl haxve he tei xpiectecd. A mnch needelc n'x insecticidei iif attotally dlifferent ty pe appears toi hi on the hoirizonm. \outt: I iniflin is not presentlx laheled for use oun soxbeans. CUnivers itiy Agr iculturaul ExpeimentiVi Stin i Alahar- GREGORY SULLIVAN Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology DAN EL LINTON, Cooperative Extension Service Price hnnd red carrying lightxx eight l. stocker caix es to heaxvier feeder xxeights (600-750 lb.) on xvarious feeding programs has proxven successful at ithin the State. WXith several locations Agood mianagement, calxves can imiake gains (of ovxer 1.7 lb. per day onl lush xxheat, rye. ry egrass. and clover palstures. o ensure the greatest return, good enterprise mianagenient requires an understanding of price relationships betxx cen grades and xxeights of cattle and a knoxxledge of xwhen to bux and sell. Profitability for alternatixe xxinter grazing xxsterns for stocker steers has fluctuated xxith plerioids oif the cattle cx cle. T'he ax erage fall price, September through Novemnber, for C'hoice grade steers 400-500)lb. has moxved x\ ith the general trend in the cattle lice cxycle, figure 1. \ ariation in plrice during the fall mnonths xxidens during the expanlsioin phase as in 1972 and 1973 xvhen xvariation in prnice betwveen nionths xxas ap)prox~imiately $20 per cxx t. at the Montgoinerx imarket. During the spring iloiths of Mlarch through M\Ia, the axverage price for C'hoice feeder steers 600-7W lb. moxved closer together xxith less seasonal xvariation betxx ecu months duiring all phases of the cattle ci, l('. Mlarketing strategies are imi portant blecauise of xvolatility in fall stoceker plrices observed during rising lirice periods in the cattle cx cle. for Good grade Price movxements stocker xteers:300-400 lb. and Choice grade C ONl)\lRlS of TI(300) steers 400-500 lb. hav e fluctuated relatix e to each other ov~er the cattle cy c fromt 1969 to 1979. The price oIf Choice steers 400-5WK lb. xvas on the axerage $1.50 per cxx t. aboxve Good steers of 3(00-400) lb. for the 11-year period, figure 2. Variation in the spring p~rice between Choice feeder steers (W()-700 lb.) and Goodl steers (500600 lb.) xxas sitialler than the fall price margin for stoceker steers for the 1 1-x ear period. The average price for Choice feeder steers wxas $1.81 per cxxt. aboxve the Good graded lightxx eight steers, figure 2. The p~rice mnargin for Alabania cattle xxiii change front year to year influenced primjarilN bx the cost of feed grains in the \lidx ext. A maj or concern for Alabapna lixvestock plroduicers is w.hen to purchase stocker calxves in the fall and xxhen to sell the folloxving spring. Placing Choice stocker steers (401) 500 lb.) on forage or feed in September or October and selling Choice 600- 700 lb. steers in MIarch or April y ielded the greatest return oxverall for the 11-year base pleriodc. Purchasing steers in Nox emher and selling in anx mionth resulted in loxx er plrice ratios, table 1. 'Ihe xvariation (s.d.) in) the annual plrice ratios for each miarketing strategy xaried betxx ecu 18 and 25T fromt thle mean plrice for the 11-year pleriodl. Spring prices for Good feeder steers as a percent (of fall prices of G~ood stocker steers (300-400 lb.) xxere generally higher 00 90 e ighii * Ivero ge 1u ,rce1or choice 400-500 lb Stocker Steers 0 Average spring price for choice 600-700 ib Feeder Steers I S69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76F 77 78 79 FIG. 1. Average price with seasonal variation for Choice 400-500 lb. stocker steers in the fall and Choice 600-700 lb. feeder steers in the spring at Montgomery, 1969-1979. Price index * Foil price index (Choice 400-500ib./Good 300-4001b.) M% t969-1979 of average) 0 Spring price index Choice500-7001b./Good 500-6001b1 500- 400 300 200- 1969 70 71 72 73 74o 75 76 77 78 79 FIG. 2.' The index for the average price differential between grade and weight of steers in the fall and the spring months from 1969 to 1979. thain percentages for Chice stilcker steers to feeder steer ratios. tab~le 2. Purchasing G;ood stocker steers inl C)ctohem and selling in) April y ieldedl the highest return for each 1 classxiIfecat io~n by an imal xxciglnht arnd grade. u These coiibinatioins had the greatest price variatioins (s.d.) front the inean price for the 11 yeNar period betxx cci :30-:3W', implying greater risks xxith the higher rate of returns for producer s than oibserxved for ('loice stocker steers iil table 1. Thel( gieatcst iItlirni for Alabaail~ prodiuhIcers for tite II x ('r 1)eri11 xx(s toi purchase15 Good stocker steers (:3(00)40)) lb.) in ( )tober tol reachl ( Iliiel gradeI (601)70 71)))l) f or sale iin 1 the( iiiiiith of April. Ti's stilegy S%1111 1 ToB1,11 1. PHR1iSPH I\CG1 I WiiiF FtviwHnii Sv s 55I,1 PF-H(:I, ui* FVol1 I 81dB (400(1 501) B) 1N\r ALABAMi 1969-1979 Ciioet: 5101Id Chice feeder steers 61K) 700 lb. xxeight 700-800) lb. xxeight Mlonth inean \larch Pct. sd.' iIlean 5.11.I moean Api i Pct. ax Pct. March Pet April P0t \lax Pct. September... ()ctiober......... .\ox ember... s~d. Standaardl devijation (5 ci ) is the( variatioin in monthix pirices comi pared to the miean price for the 11-x ear period. The higher the s.d. the greater the pirice v'olatility from year to Near. S I()( ciii S IlIrH (300)4) i) 41, IN, A I,\150\I5 1969-1979 Choiiicec feeder steers 7))) lb. xxeight 61K) March 'tnil \Iav Pct. Pit. Pct. 10)7 11) 1(07 :31 :35 :34 11:3 115 112 36 319 38 11)8 110) 108 28 32 33 Mtonth Septemlber ... .ole.n s.d .1 October ......... mean s.d. Nuix embehr .. eamn S'dI 11 Good feeder steers 51K)61) lb. xxeight 61)))70)1 Mlarchl April Msax March Ictl Pct. Prt. I'll. 10)2 11)4 1(11 97 29 :30 :31 27 1)07 11)9 11)5 10)1 :3:3 :33 34 :30 1)02 10)4 1(00 c)7 25 27 28 24 lb. wseight April \lax Pct. Pet. 1001 97 :3(0 :31 105 1(11 :34 :34 10)1 97 28 29 Staiicli of lie\ ialtiii (s d.) is tile x ,lriatiiin iiiiimtit pice c'soiimparedl to till mea tit i rice for the xiii peioiia Thbe higher tih' xci the greater tile price xoilaitilitx friiml x\ear toi \ear. Ineh distinct phas e of the cattle cxyc raising Good graded steers, (:30)0)4(0( lb.) to Glood feeder steers (50(-601)hl.) xyielded a higher gross return that) graz'ing heaxvier cattle of Choice grade. Price relationships indicate higher returns 1bu1 xxith greater xvariation for lightss eight stocker steers that grade Giood. i'e ll's) ioijtli piirchasc to stocer steer s \xas 00be andll' the bes't 01 Auburn I tnivi,,sity1 Agricutltul 'xi )vlrl ildO Station % W* "READ SIGN" for early detection of pine bark beetles in shade and high value pines L L HYCHE Departmrit ofZoolgy-Frrnology ,tj, ,Vil , H i lFt I LS attack pines (Iuietix . their pesence often g~oing intdetectedi until chatnge in crownv color frottt green to red becomIt OconsIIt picuotusIli in de adl it (I\ ing B% tubes. Redlnixh-hrow n boring dutxt, hoxvex er, ts usitalix evidetnt in bark crex ices belosx poiants ofI attack. Pitnes freshly attacked hy bark beetles, esp~ecially sou Ithern pine beetle and Ips, are qulickly attractix e to itans other ittxec't species. Presence atttd actix itx (If tlsexrx Ias se.'Int sex eral (If tilexe itsectsia dars indlicato rs (If bark beetle prte(s(nce. b111 eetle's atd plitnlhole 1)o rers tmroi d (jlinkl\ ins a(le pities dxying frotm bark beetle attack< These borers tuttntel itt the sapxvo of~n It tie loxs er trtitk, putshittg out highly x isible fine xxitite x\ 11(1( dutst xx inch collents at thte base (If the tree, figulre 3. hI sec.t p~red atoIrs attd patrasites are alsol (ofteni promtoly attracted tol nesx beetle in- tree's. Dutring the xxartn months wNhen beetles are co ntit o (Il i acti e, clla nge in crow n colo Iin Iax becotmte noIticeab)le in 2(0 to :3(0 das foil I win g initial attack. Itt fall an(I w inter, cross ox of trees conitaininig overxxin tering b~eetles 0 tax soImitetimesc reitia il green 2 to 4 n tooth x after inf exstatijot, tutrning red in late xxiniter or early spring. Iii either caxe, at thix point of dixcos erx trees, , A i; (1 ~ 1 ~ ~4 are dlead atnd heetiex, haxve of ten complj~eted dcx elopmient and new' adults hasve emerged to attack ttninfested trees. Sutccess in control of black turpentine beetle and prevention of spread of southemn pine hectic and Ips engravers to uninfesteci treex dlepetnds to a large extent on early detection of heetle actixvitx, i.e., prior to appiearattce of red croxx tx. Although less conspicutoux than red foliage, certain other xigns are often exvident to gixve earlier xxwarning of bark beetle pro, sence. Black tutrpentine and xouthtern pitne beetles leaxve obx iots pritmary cevidence of attack in forttt of resin miaxxes (pitch tubex) on the hark. Pitch ttbex are the rexult of resin exuidatton at points (If attack that forti raplidly after attacking beetlex reach the inner bark. Black turpentitne beetle pitch tubex, figure 1, are large, upi to xxalnut size, and are confined to the loxx er trunk. Those of southern pine beetles, figure 2, are smnaller, !s-. itt. diameter, anni are ttlost abundant along the midi bole, bnt max' extetnd fromi 2-3 ft. above ground utp into the loxx er croxx n. los entgrav er beetles normnalix attack trees of v ery loxxN vigor and resin floxx- ix seldomi sufficient to p~rodulce xvisible pitch festatiots. \\ hule tile bark bleetles tmay be hliddnen 1111d(ier the bark, adults oIf certain of these predlatolrs atnd plarasites, figtre 4, tltas be readly oIbse'rve on(t truttks oIf infested trees. CottettrationIls (If such ttatural enettlies itndicate p~rese'nce oIf their hosts, bark bleetles. Adilitiottalix , 55 ((((peckers can co(ntributte to dletectiotn (If trees htarboritng ovxerxxintering soulthern pine beetles. These birds (often prey hteavily oIl (15erxs\ uttering beetle brood, dlislod~ging mlanyx bark flakes itt e\tractitlg formns from tttnler bark. Ac(If abttortmal atillunts (If bark arounild bases (If trees, figure 5D,intx mnean xx(I Ilpeckers and bark beetles. c'mltai~tiont I's~ L~ ~3#~ Thu~s, signs (If bark beetle presetce arc utsually cxvident priolr tol reddnening oIf tree croxvits. Heading such signts can lead to earls (usd15 ers oIf beetles. FIGS. 1-5. (1) Black turpentine beetle pitch tubes; (2) southern pine beetle pitch tubes; (3) ambrosia beetle wood dust at base of tree; (4) wasp parasite (5X actual size) and beetle predator (2X actual size) common on bark beetle-infested trees; and (5) bark accumulation resulting from woodpecker predation. / ~-. Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station I,- ~ I - '14111 1. '11114 Fill1 O Yii I1) oF St MNiN AI\N\1 AL C',iSxxxt 2 4N1 3 4vms lasc~v iov \4 xi x Fl)) ii l)rx O eld (If forage/acre. b\ location \ ,rietx 2-\ ear a.1 Tallas44et :3- tar ax%. inifield \i n \\ airroll pe 41~... Sxx eet Ml xorghunrld Funtks 8:31' '.orghun '.tiilan Fun1ks 81' xorghiii dl~atl 8(lliniirgri/t'r sorghu~ill 9,:37(0 8 8410 ')610 6,240 5,940 6,040 7,26 8,320 8,32) 8,610 \Ior~n 11 so rghno 41inl... (Liihi,.3 8.350 8,3201 8,220 8,120( S, 0150 86(1 5,420 5,780 8,81(0 5,500( 8,4701 791111 6,3401 8,2911 15,060 7,5901 7,7701 14,5901 11,30(0 8,520 zilhlle t . .. . . \lilllhx 99 imillet ........... Pe(arlex" 2 1 iol.......... ,I.10 7,7801 p fi L 4 1 t' Black Belt. Ilearlittti11et I r Id 1ctPon hats been 1)oo)re'r da y1((11 so (Iarlittillet Nvarieties have not ield, than sorghuliI 4 aPl in heen include(Itd i11r('cent-vear trials4. At the U' pe i t Sulbstation, XXitifielti, y ields oIf the tx (I .inmer altilttal grasses hav e heent irnilar. 41oils (If 1~ l~ j C S HC1VELAND and R HAAI ANf Dept of Agronorm, anols~ 0i In area('s oultside the B~lack Belt wxhere Ilearlillillet is \\ elI adapIted, lt e TifI tafI I xarietv wxarrantIs consid(1erat(ionI. Gr az/in g trials itt Georgia hrax\t (lenionttxt tedl 4iptrilr aniial gain'. onl this ariet\ lThree- ea'(r aIN 'ratge yields at the Plant Bree(Iinig Unit, .1.111( aNtrietits are i1 re pro(\ (l10 see, s11gges t tihat se\4 eratl 4111glturn-su411( dI i e thtan other e'ntries . litowxever. thte N earto-\ex '(t ilu lt 41 tsi ('N t f Irat e (11 11cm(ti (II indlicates4 tha(t thet 3 t'etr resllts R A MOORE JR ,Upper Coastal Plain Substation L A SMITH ana H W GRIMES Black Belt Substation E L CARDEN N R McDANIEL, ara IF B SELMAN, GLl oasI Su.bstation niiit he ctonsidleredl incoIncluivet, t1le2. Fl r instattcl', S\x el \I t the highiest yieldinig \ ariety dutrittg 2 yelars, 4llrghli-sda \\ as((1 14 III t in 1977 it ratnk ed wxelI beltw evetratl 1wlarlindt il (' xan elie('. Such incllnsi'tenc\ fron \ (ear tol \ ear~111habee'n t\ pl~1 (I\ er (t'e ovxer another. \X ha(1 t acuni)ts fo r this4 gre'at Near-tt I Ne(r NvariationI I? PrI Ibl I a1ffect In ii di fferetnc(e' in tel i(Itralture a(I ( rainfall, factors thlat ttI tleice of d iseas.es \Nxeed con(il Iti til 10 an rt'groxNtlt (If ltegrat44 al l ( I tIt' 4(11It )N 11 (14 1 ) 1 t't1II U ~od c a gea i Irlotdtctix it it flotage N ield thant tilt Tis' (If trials lack (If N (tritx tdifft'reitce h~as 4l11)N4 il) oI\ t'r tluin Nea(rs by thlt Aubuirn I 'il\ t'rsit\ .\griculttiral E\lperlinct't Sta- x (tri elx planted. 'TereforI e recoI) initi'l pIlot clip~ping trials4 is ques'tionatlble. ill)1 tet'I tt t'v been)no( conslistentt differentces itt forage s it'lt ht' bt'en it t't 4lred l as( sI 1111 '14111 Ft 2. '111141 1111141. r 1, () I'ior 1111(11 I X\v 41 : 1 1) o11' t141111 41 \11 Ill \I 111ol vI)[vit \ I N PrIo111uciti of Ittdifferet t xarietie s 1\ Ph:411I i)rx xittI of forage/at'rt' andt after eacht harNvest. 1977 tintitx 1978 1, ). 1979 0). Alti \tg jt a1 triatls. 11(4e be'n donie for x t'(i, seed'( S\\ tx,t MN o4(glntudi 41.1................. 41 F"unks 8:11 4(rghui-sud . .. .. .. .. . I'll. 7,080 7,1901 13,3120 12,771 6,12(0 5,871 2 to1 :3 y ears. T'hus, data re'po(rtedl in t'e tables are'fo~r nlewetr Nvarie- I' (nk. 8 1 xorhittt d i .... .... ... 6,050 12,2311 7.261 121201 9,0 10 II21(1 2 6,5401) 1,I921 1l.~1 9, 6611 I1,030 10,550 5,921 12,121 9,190) S8561 H,940 5(681 5. 190 6, 190 :3,7801 '3,581 5,540 '16611 beeln littlt' yea'rs (It tie tiff'rence in ll N itll (Ii i(I t he Ill tIit illt't x an t ' (d i iflet .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ac1((k Bt'lt Su1bstationl, Miarion Junct(tion. 0it Irairit' Pe.Irle\ 2_1 millet . . . . . . . . . . . . Anburn ('?ill crsity Agri( riltural Ex1wriment Station Angus x Hereford steers had a high percentage of Choice carcasses at the end of the cool season grazing period. P O)I)TI(I ()O1 slaughter beef on cool season grazing is a well documented success story. Twenty years of experience b\i x the Auburn 1niversity Agricultural Experiment Station have established that yearling beef steers can be finished to Choice or Good grade on small grain-rsyegrass-clo er grazing. A 12-acre area of sandy loami soil at the Iower Coastal Plain Substation has been used continuously since 1960 to provide information on cool season grazing. )Duringthe first 14 years, rve or oats \\was planted alternately (to miiimize diseases) in conbination with ryegrass and crimson clover. Since then, wheat and ry e have been alternated in combination w ith ryegrass and arrowxleaf clover. The land area w'as used exclusively for production of the annual pasture to be grazed by steers. I and preparation was started in July, followed bs shallow cultivation to control weed, and cons,'rve moisture. Mineral fertilizer was applied prior to planting according to soil test recommendations. ()Oats (100 lb or Abruzzi rye (60 lb.) or wheat (60 lb.) was seeded with critmsi clover (15 Il.) or Yuchi arroxx leaf clo ver (10 lb.) and r vegra, (15 lb.) between September 1 and 15. Approximately 50 lb). of nitrogen per acre was applied when the crops wcere up and another 50 lb. about February 15. The pasture was stocked initially with one steer calf (583-1b. average) per acre, but more were added later to effectivelutilize the forage. Maximum stocking rate was 1.75 steers per acre, but the average was 1.36 during the 19-year study. Cattle remained on the plasture throughout the 190-day period (November 4-May 12). Supplemental feeding was done only when forage xwas insufficient. This occurred in 9 of the 19 test years, and feeding time averaged 42 days per year (maxinum of 84 days). Daily gain averaged 1.68 lb. for the 19-year test. This anmounted to 438 lb. per acre. Both values include gain resulting from the supplemental feed fed on p)asture. D)rylot feeding after grazing was pIracticed the first 5 years. Since that time, however, steers have been sold for slaughter directly off pasture. During the 14 years when cattle were slaughtered off pasture, 417 of the carcasses graded Choice, 53 were Good, and the remainder graded Standard. Breed of cattle was found to affect the proportion of steers that graded Choice at the end of grazing. Use of Angus x Hereford steers, which mature at an early age, resulted in a higher proportion of Choice carcasses. Net economic returns to land, labor, and operator's management averaged $62.47 per steer for 1970-78 ($83.29 per acre). The difference between purchase price and sale price for the 9 years was $1 per cwt. Thus, the net return was from the livestock enterprise and not fromi escalation in market price. Annual net returns to land, labor, and operator's management were positive in every year since 1970 except one (197:3-74). Results from this long-term test established that forage-fed beef can be successfully produced on small grain-clover pastures. Results suggest the following: 1.Earl' maturing cattle are desirable if they are to be slaughtered directly from grazing. 2. Proper land preparation, fertilization, seeding, and planting date are critical to success. 3. Forage must be grazed to a height of 4-6 in. for effective utilization. Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station g: r A Bn ia .Ir o , tL t( 5s% ~a, . ':i ;il au 4., ~j"i ~r- _I -s 5 lirl '1"1 FINISHING STEERS ON COOL SEASON GRAZING value of small grain-ryegrass-clover grazing for yearling beef steers established in long-time project R R HARRIS Departmmnt of Animal and Dairy Sciences J A LITTLE Lower Coastal Plain Substation V L BROWN. Department of Research Operations G M SULLIVAN. Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology Early Season Application of the Microbiologicd1",Insecticide Elcar for Bollworm Suaression in Cotton __A1V YAK t ES IB H-ARPER a no JQ~ tt 4 ) GP is - s al lhollxs ortit aint biit\\ oiii numiibe'rs xxas caisi' of coiitiniuetl Ileis x Ilc/iot/is fpi tx I \IIt;( H I'(L~IFlMhlt Vt (It lll isolted't fromi the (littoin boils', irm, 11(1 iv siii 0.' )11). ali. pt'r acre of cllrpx nif ox xN as iited iiitil itlstason, st'e figiire', iii the this zca, and en rrei fix marketetd as Elc arcl atdtett tot all tireait'int plots otii a 5-7 tlax tarlx [It1ar trt'atd plts irtlativei tio the has been et'\nisix clv field tested (liiing othet'fret'.in en s. At BetlIle stlIutltlt fiioii August It St'pte'iubt'i 7. ia, xxhere its tietlitpifleit fromii a certt laboratory fessN ,i-early Hecar tre'atime'its xxen' applied, 1975 . prepar ation Ito its cuirren t forin as a regisa finiilai re'spoiise x\ as init tdemnistiratedt. At the E. V. "ithl Retsearch (:(1ter pdot tered formuiiilated ptroiduct. 'Tht'se' resiults sugLgest that F';lar Iiwa\ be si/zes I uugi't from 2.4 t :3.5 atirts Eiirl\ lReporuts oin its if (fecix eiiiss has e \arieti lsi'ft ill as anl t'arl\x stas tin ins ecticidi' agai i st Fltai treatmelnts xxtrt' iuiate oii jint' 21, 29, aintd jii 21. All tre'atmients, iincluditing )artieitlarls as to its a bili ty to cion troli Il eas N t \v', n pop Mu!itd x nitrs. At tht' s trx le'ast, its usist' b u fte Iti t'arl\ F Itar trci'.fiient \x ii t ap )plie't 1 uaihtionis. It is possible that its t uiseflneitss may he greatest ag4aiinst light _fll\ '27, biut l'is\ + NIP had tot be appliedl utialx iiotre- d'esirale a tis time' thian a tdcto all treatiuo'ii p~lits tin a 5-7 tduy sceetule' ceitutal x\ hicli x\ iitltl pi tiiatui'l poplatiois xx bich iiiurmallx occur in eai Is seas on \\hlen it is tiesirable to con serv e Ii it August :3-18. From August 24 unitil bleeficial iiist'tt pioipulations. ft'e t'id of the' seasoni I'1'\ + NIP \\as apExperimitnts \\, tie colllitft h\ the Alii phlt't to all piloits, iintluinig the' "utitreatetd cationis. NI) II LIli 1ri t\ t-iltl EIiI' er)iiiiet ctio ls. ''( llirpr rifiis at ft.5 lb) a i. pt'i ii 1) )1 1 ) 0I I)I ()\ P'I ]I A( li 0111 I \lit Stationl at ft'e niit'ssue V alle\ Sublstaitioni I atit' xxas addedtt to ft'e f:\ + \11 treatmnt Io Di I itt I Ilit Itlits Cii\ I ]([ IIt ait Belle MIinia in inirthi Alabaiia aiit at tih' ii Xuguist :31 andI Se'pte'imber 5. F. V. Sitth iesi'arb ('eiitei ill central Results Alabamat~ to test this itdea. It wtstt pe acrettl Xlit teatmnts at bouth loitationis iresultedl IHc/ot/iis conitroil progiaiiis xxere. (1) P'irogramt Val\ tits estl th iii hiighieir \itlis thaii III the' uintrt'ated pliuts, eark lsFIcarl 6 gin s of Icar pter acre (t st't tablt'. it adition ft'e 'arls 1Ilcar treatap~plietd xxhen 5I)Ii o/ si~ ilr t 55 t'it pri'stiit fiti 100 teriials (2) lite 502 962 Vlurlxae Ihi............I Elcar-fit grains of HEcar per' acre app1 lie'd call\ siginificanttly higheir) y iels titan ft'e :387 t..... I, W) I L ate FIa ... of \Nlien iiiire than I101% flit plaiit teriiials fill] stetsoin chemiical tre'atimi'it. At E. V. FP5\ + \1)............I ,2 1: :35:3 Sithl Retst',i cl ('einter. a rediutioni il Jar\Ncrc inifested \s itit I/i lie//o eggLs or far\ sat oir \\ hen itnr thli I of flit 0", siquares N\ci c dalaiagcth (3) stanitardt clieiniial treatiiiciit Av. no. of worms -EPN + iiiethxi parathion (0.5 + 0.5 lb). a.i. per I0 terminals o Untreated per acrei) at the saiiit tonle as the late Flcar 2013 Late Elcar treatmiient. (1)iiiireafed coiitrol - ach " Early Elcar controit prttgriii \Nas replicated fiiir " EPN + methyl parathion timeits. Wh len in tan 11lihiis dc aagetd 15 squares ill eithei Fltai freatitent exceedttet 2M', flux \\ ere trteateill the sanie \Nax as 10flit chenitial staiitlartl fur ft riiaintt'r tif ft'e stast ii. At ft' Tenntesstet V alle\ Sitbstafiou all 5 pltits xx\ere 2 atcres inl sizc Standarti tiill tiiral prattites \\ crc folliixx ed. 'l']( ('ark i':ltar tireatimeint xx\as miatdt III]\ 24. Ail 10 20 30 10 20 30 fi.titit'ts, inclutdiing the 2nit tans Ek-eu Aug. July June 1 1. trteatiiit xxert' applied'ti Tigust aut all pliits e'xcep~t the itiutreaft't control pltlis Bollworm populations under 4 early season control programs at the E. V. Smith Research x\\ere cmix erted tui FTiN + NIP August 7. Bei- Center. Aniii 'iin hi sity Aii ici ofira/ Ft pci m ii~ Station d Consumption of and Expenditures for FARM PRODUCED FOODS MORRIS WHITE, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology W ERE YOU AMONG those Americans who consumed their share of food that moved through the marketing system in 1978? Unless you received 1,440 lb. (3.95 lb. per day), you failed to get the average amount. Although significant changes took place in food consumption during the last 10 years, total consumption remained relatively stable, table 1. There were changes in consumption among and within food groups. Domestic civilian consumption of food derived from animals continued at about 640 lb. in the past decade. Pork consumption declined 8.0%, while consumption of beef rose 8.9%. In the dairy group, consumption of fluid milk and cream declined, but the most significant changes were the increased consumption of cheese and decreased consumption of condensed and evaporated milk. Poultry continued to be a popular food item. Young chickens comprised approximately 83% of the consumption of poultry. Consumer purchases of eggs maintained a downward trend throughout the decade, but that trend was reversed in 1979. The pounds of both fruits and vegetables consumed increased, with fruits increasing relatively more than vegetables. Processed fruits and vegetables experienced greater increases than did fresh fruits and vegetables. Consumers' life-styles and eating habits change slowly. However, during the past decade many developments influenced consumers' food purchases. Two key factors, population and disposable income, experienced growth during the period. Other factors that influenced food consumption patterns were urbanization, the changing nature of the family and household, number of wives working outside the home, education levels, and age distribution of the population. Public officials have put strong emphasis on improving food diets through nutritional and educational programs. Rising consumer incomes resulted in a substitution of the more expensive, animal protein foods for staple foods; a greater demand for convenience foods; and more eating out. Consumer expenditures for all farmproduced foods in 1978 amounted to more than two and one-third times expenditures for farm foods in 1967, table 2. Most of the increase in dollars spent was due to rising prices and inflation. Adjustment of expenditure for food in 1978 by the Consumer Price Index (which measures changes in the prices of all consumer goods) revealed that there was only a 20% real increase in expenditures for food. Changes in expenditures for individual foods and among food groups correslonded fairly well to changes in per capita consumption of various foods. When the effect of price changes was removed, expenditures for eggs, fluid milk and cream, and grain mill products were less than expenditures for those products in 1967. Fresh fruits, processed vegetables, beef, and poultry were foods for which greater expenditures were made. Changes in life styles and family mobility contributed to an increase in expenditures for food eaten away from home. In 1967, 27% of expenditures for farm foods was in places away from home. Twentytwo percent of away-from-home expenditures was in institutions, while 78% was in public eating places-restaurants, cafeterias, snack bars, etc. In 1978, 31%of food expenditures were in places away from home, and four-fifths of the 31% was in public eating places. Popular choices of food eaten away from home were indicated by consumer expenditures. Of total expenditures for meat, 44% was spent at places away from home. Foods for which away-from-home expenditures were least were fruits and vegetables, 15%, and grain mill products, 18%. The proportions of expenditures made at institutions were lowest for meat and highest for fruits and vegetables. Growth in the number of small-volume, self-service convenience stores has been the most spectacular in all of food distribution. From about 500 stores with combined annual sales in 1957 of $75 million, the industry grew to an estimated 33,900 stores with combined annual sales in excess of $10.7 billion (excluding gasoline sales of $5 billion) in 1978. Opposing forces exist that will determine future growth of convenience stores. Increasing numbers of one-stop shopping stores, price conscious food shoppers, and increased cost of energy are among the factors that point to mixed possibilities for growth in convenience stores. Government policy has played an important role in determining what we eat and what foods cost. Commodity price support programs influence what is produced, hence what we eat. Grain policies influence livestock production, hence consumption of red meat. Export policies have made it possible (and impossible) for us to eat certain foods. TABLE 1. PER CAPITA CONSUMPTION OF SELECTED FARM FOODS, UNITED STATES, 1968 AND 1978 Food item Per capita consumption 1978 1968 Lb. 1,408.0 81.7 61.4 11.0 44.6 40.1 8.9 304.0 10.6 76.9 93.6 50.9 60.1 112.0 51.2 Lb. 1,440.0 88.9 56.5 12.9 57.1 34.6 2.9 288.9 17.4 80.3 95.2 55.2 63.9 107.6 56.0 Percentage change Pct. 2.3 8.9 -8.0 17.3 28.0 -13.7 -67.4 -5.0 64.2 4.4 1.7 8.4 6.3 -3.9 9.4 All farm foods ............................... Beef ........................................ Pork ....................................... ................................ Fish ..... Poultry (chicken & turkey).................... Eggs ........................................ Condensed & evaporated milk ................. Fluid milk & cream .......................... Cheese ...................................... Fresh fruits................................... Fresh vegetables ............................. Processed fruits ......................... Processed vegetables ......................... Grain mill products ........................... ................ ..... Fats & oils ......... . . TABLE 2. CONSUMER EXPENDITURES FOR SELECTED DOMESTIC FARM FOODS, UNITED STATES, 1967 AND 1978 Food item Expenditures 1967 1978 Mil. Dol. 212,425 90,568 15356 39,369 21,743 9,730 10,864 4,313 2,777 4,288 12,696 8,205 8,843 3,155 13,773 5,819 6,365 3,031 18,321 7,055 6,222 3,364 8,072 2,936 Percentage change Pct. 135 156 123 152 54 55 180 137 110 160 85 175 All farm foods .......... Beef .................. Pork .................. Poultry................. ... Eggs ............... Fluid milk & cream ...... Fresh fruits.............. Fresh vegetables ........ Processed fruits .......... Processed vegetables..... Grain milk products ..... Fats & oils ............ Change in 1978 expenditures adjusted by consumer price index Pct. 20 31 14 29 -21 -21 43 21 7 33 - 5 41 15 Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station Evaluation oi 1\ekl" for Control of R RODRIGLEZ-KABAKAad D)([arlrvcl of Bntay, Pln Palga t nelflatotce prtoblemns of H -lt 15() IM soy beans in Alabamna are those caused IN MWHNE n Micoilq of each nematicicle treat- T pierftormance species of rtot-kntit nematode (Al eloid ogI/TL .spp.) and the cv At nemnatodce, leterciderri glycfies. Control of these piarasites has depended onl dlevelopmnent and tuse of resistant clultiN ars and onl the itse of the inexpensive fumigant neinaticide DBCP (Nemagin k, Furnaone ). Recent remova of 1)HC tl from field use becaulse of its toxicological piroperties against huitans raised cquestitons regarding tile relativ e efficacy of other nelnaticides for itse, on soybheans. To ore conanswAer these cquestioins trials NA dcted bN the Autburn U niversity Agricutlttrlrt Lxperinielit Station idlcuring the 1978 and 1979 seastin in a field boav.ily infested Nvith a mixed Inematode popullatioin consisting otf soutthern root-knot neinathe tocle ( Aleloidogi/n( (Jrenaria)and race :3 of tile c st nematcode, Uieteotdera glujei tes. The 1978 tests NAere conduceted NAith the cultiN ar Ransom NAhich is sulsceptible to botth parasites and the 1979 experiments, w~ere with Bragg variet, Nwhich has some11 tolerance to M. arenaria bitt sulscep)tible tot the cy st nematode. In ev ery test each treatmenit and checks wAere represented by 8 pilot repulications and each plot con sisted tif tNAoc 36-in-niNA s. 20 feet long. Y ield data NAere cotllectecd at matulrity fromt the entire plot area. Each trial included pltits Nwith nci Ilematicides as Nwell as treatments Nwith the fumigant EDB (Soilbrom 90®s EC) knowsn to resu~lt in good nematoice control and y~ield increases. The perf ormianee of each neniaticide Nwas then assessed using the formula. illent relat ive toi that ofI a standard fo Illi gant treatmentlt (PISH). Indlex Nvaliues ohtainled in this mariner NAvore theln usecd to calculate a theoretical N ie Id responlse based on 10 hot. per acre for cointrolI plots alld 30 bit. per acre ftir the ED)1 treated ploits (positNe check). Data fttr Ifumligant neltltticicles, table 1, indicated that the highest perfotrmlance indcices NAere o~btainled NAith the EDI3-cttntaining filnigant, Sttilbr m 901 PC; performance index fo r this m aterial AAas sttlteAhat better thlan 1 AtiLE 1 . FOil (tv EAIVA that obtained NA Dl3Cl in 1978. Fitmiith garits containting 1.3-clichltiropropenes ID-I). lelOne 11) NAere inferior to Soilbroni 90 EC; wAhen comipiarecd tin eqtial gallotn age basis. Considerable lilAtttoxicit\ NAas obserNved in respotnse to the use of Telone 11 at the 7 gal per acre rate in 1979. HResults oibtaine N ith granuolar Item atiw1( cicles, table 2, indicate that these mlaterials Nxhelt apipliecd ill a 12-in. hand NA itlt light incotrptoration are inferior to Siilhroro 9(0 EC. Vtith 0o1e exceptiton (Futradan I10C), plerfotrmtance indcex values for Asystemlic neinattcicles NAere cdirectly related toi the dlosage applied. It is potssible that with a better tunderstanding tif the lllicle cof action. and of the plattern of cdistributiton (if sN~steinic nentiaticides in stiil the performnance index tifthese illaterials cotld he im)riNcd. lttA.ever, data ttbtained indicate th~at fotr thte piresell, fum111igan t 1101nati cides cotntaininlg FISH are the neitaticides oif choice for control otf arenaria+~11. Al1. gll/eince, comnitations. Of the iltaterials tested titi1 Ne11Itacur 15G alit Telnik 15C are registered ftr use by faritters. Otur data suiggest that newA labels for tise are needed to baAve inaterlals capable oifcdeliv ering moaximlal N ielcls in fields NAith combinations oif Al. are;narto and H. 441iltnes. PFPPRFORNAN F, OF, At -Pt ANT LNJET(I NS ot1 Ft Alit.AN I NEMAtAl IthIES Rol, oI HOOt KN ) (Alt I 0(1(1NI 0 AltiNAtI A) A t) C~l I iiTEROtDt i GLYCINFA llAF H .3) NEATON, Itu>IN FILt I) Exi t tiNtF NI Dt.imi,1978 s'.t 1979 St ~sotIN Treatmlents Rate (gal/a.) Yield perfor. index 19780* 19790 Yields 1978 0 (ho /a.) 1979 Check....................... 0I (0 45.3 74.2 Sctilhrotn 90 ( P(................ 1001.01 100. 01 1:36.6 128.1 184.7 1.16.6 19.2 60.8 DD ......................... 5 2.6 82.6 7 31.9 75.6 3 19.2 77.6 lelotie 11...................... 5 6.4 83.5 70.7 20.:3 1 .31.9 t)HCP ........................ 01978 tests ssith Ranlsoml soN beans and 1979 tests \vith the Bragg etiltivar. 0 C(alculated ulsing the perforniaitce idex, and settingE 10 hi./a. for the check and 30 ho./a. for Soilhrtim W0 EC at 2 gai /a. (positMx check). 1 2 :3 4 3 TitF, 2. PFRto~ivcN pOt AT-Pt ANi Ae~iijto tOFsi S~sti Ait(: M' ivttlt)Fs \, HFiit A i\ F, tio Tii-At OF PJ)H (Soti(IA 90) C) FORICON Rol, tiF Ro ot -KNO)I (A!f 1,0100C IN F ARtFNSIl 1 At)t)c 1st (HPuATmRORAlV1S R wNFA 3oF) N F AtA ttFA t FsFt F EiFNt vs It N( tIm:-m 1978 AND 1979 St AktiNS Yijeldi performlanlce Tratmients Check .... *..............' '.... Sttilbrorn 90 E( gal.) ............ Neillactur 15G .................. Firraclan 10t ..................... T10111k 15G .................... Rate (l.t~i i index 19780 0t.0 1(0(.(0 18.1 .34.9 43.0) 61.5 .54.7 69.4 2.1 .50).5 65.3 19780 Yields(ho /a.) 1978 1979 Performance Index _ (YN - YC) d) (Y F -'C) (Yiel x 100 Where YC - yieldl from check plots; YF = yield front ploits treated NAith FISH (positive cointrol); and YN = ield fromll nematicide treatment uinder study., The use of the formula then permitted us to rank 'Research supported by the Alabama Sovbean Producers. ith Ransomii s(iNbeaus and 1979 tests Nvith tile Bragg cuiltix an. Calculated using the pierfo(rmiantce index and setting 1t) ho./a. fttr the check and 30) hil./a. for Soilbrom 90 EC at 2 gal./a. (positive check). 0(978 tests si 00 Anburn Uitltersitij Agricultural I tpcni(Il Station LANTIING SYBHI. A\ SEED at the correct depth can help overcome some of the stand problemis that hax c plagued groxwers ili recent years. Research bx the Auburn 1.nix ersity Agricultural Experiment Station rexvealed that planting too dleep) can seriously, reduce stands. Scarcity' of high qualitN- seed also has been a prohlein as AXlabdmna's soy bean ac~reage sky rocketed fromn 1 million ii, 1974 to 2'4 P million acres in 1979. HowV Seed qnality has affected stand is illustrated by 1977 experience on test plantings at 1.3 Experiment Station locations around the State. Field emergence xxas only 67', for the 48 xvarieties and lines planted. To get the desired stand of 6-8 p~lants per foot of rox at 67 emnergence xx'oulrl require planting 10-12 seed per foot. In 36-ini. roxx s, this translates into 50-60 lb. of seed per acre. Increasing field emergence to 8M~ could cut seed reqpuirement bN 2Mg. Soil moisture and condition of seedbed are other factors that affect stand. XX ithont proper seedbed prep~aration ahlead ) p~lanting and adequate soil imoisture to assure Lgeillmiuatioii stands are certain to be poor. Depth of Planting Studied Hoxx dlepth of planting ca.n affect field emiergence and final stand of soybleans xwas determined in nexx Experiment Station tests in north, central, and south Alabamna. Txxo high qluality certified seed lots of Bragg soybeans-937 (A\) and 8,W (13) gerinination in the laborators xxcrc planted. Planting dates xxcrc June 10 at the Tennessee V alley Substation, Belle Mlina; June 1 and 13 and July 6 at the E. V. Smith Besearch ('ente.r, Shorter anid J une 30 at the (;1 1f (east Subtationi, Fairhope. Each seed lot xxas planted at ', 12, and 2'4 in). depth at the rate of 10 seed per foot of row . A double disk opener p~lanter having both seed and soil packer xxheels xxas rised]. 3 47 4 Poor stand of row at right resulted from planting too deep. Proper planting depth resulted in good stand at left. Planting Too Deep educes Soybean Stand JIM PITTS, Brewton Experiment Field DON L THURLOW and C C KING JR Department of Agroomy and Soils Seedling counts xN erc made 15 dax s after the planiting dlate. ()nlN the seedlings xwhose cot\ ledons had cleared the ground xx'ere considered to be emerged. Soil mo istunrc wxas g ood at all lo)cation s at t imre of p lanrting, hi it loss of mnoisture clue to tillage wvas encountered at the Tennessee \'alleNx and Gulf Coast substations and at the julN 6 planting at the E. V. Smiith Research Center. Moisture wxas found to be pairticularly critical at the 3 4-in. d1epth but adequate for emergence at the 12 an~d 2' in. depths. ON E H(T VHG 'l CEE1 Av Lxc.ii IfNCI Pors ill'i OF Good Results With 112-in. Depth IDespite drought couiditions, seedlb ineuegence ranlged fromi EFFIo(Ii 0111(1 fF I'L \NTIN, 81111 ri's 8111)1 IN D~ii miS (IN Sill 1 79 to 95q for both seed lots at the 12 -in. depth ofi planiting, as l.,ucatiuun and date of plantinlg St It, ced Eergence, by planting, depithi ,in. PUin. 2' in. 151t. Pct. Pct. 1 58 Y)t 7 80 90 74 88 80 S0 9,5 94 95 S8) 8:3 74 49 49 .5:3 60 66 TennecsseeI \ allex Substation Junle It . .. . .. . .. . . E. V. Smlith Reseairch (Center June11 I1 . . . . .. . . . . A B B3 shoxxn~ by dlata in) the table. Emuiergeuice f romi the 2N'in. dlepth xxas equal or unix] ,light]x better than fro0m1 the indepth at thle Belle Mlina and 1, airhopc locations but poorer at the E. V . Smiith Bieseamch Center. V aniat ion in emerigen ce at thIie 'i-in. dIepI)th wxas due to lack of rainfall for 1.5, 8, and] 7 (laxys, resllectix clx, at lairhope, Belle Mlina, and Sholrter (third Jilailtilig). Seedhed coiinditiiins for the June, 1 and] 13plantings at the F<.V. Si th Re'search (enter xxere excellent. Rain ioccuirred \Nithin I (lax after planting. X bert' soil m~oistulre xxas gooda, there \x as iio 1 and 1:3 planting4s at the Shorter locationi. This xxas true for biith seed lo ts. Iloxx exer, the 2' in. planting depth gax e poor emnergemlci ait this lolcation. lIi the tests repoirted , the best field ein icgencc xxas f roil I '2-inl. dep'1thI I planting. Planting ,it .,light]x shallower depl~th resulted but the (lecper pilauiting (2'-il.) had pooilr in fair e'mcrgl ('miter giice. eiiiergii(ce from correct dep'th planting mcalis that 1 f'xx i'r seed per aicre are i uireci fol 2 good stanid. Thus, inore acre's canl b(' planted xxitli the ax ailable seed suippl\ Jiune 1:3. .. . . . .. . . . B JutsN . . . . . . . . . . 0 Gulf Colast Substatinlu julx 30 . . . . . . . . . . Lot A~ had 93T Igermojatiolu laborator\ tests. 'A A B 7-4 S7 A 00 65 72 719 B and1( lot B bad 8:37 gerniioatiIn I IBetter Auburn Uiv m~ersity Agrictiltn cal Expe'rimlenit Stat ionu BLACK COLLEGE STUDENTS IN AGRICULTURE J. E. DUNKELBERGER and J. J. MOLNAR Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology smaller 1890 institutions and a 15% sample OR THE MOST of early American History, black people were rural residents em- at the much larger 1862 institutions. The total sample included 2,379 students, of ployed in agriculture. which 590 were black. In Alabama, 64 Following emancipation in 1863, many black students responded to the study. blacks viewed ownership of farm land as Approximately 80%of black agriculture an essential element in the realization of students in the South are enrolled in four their newly-gained freedoms. Agriculture curricula. The most popular curriculum is was the primary industry of the nation and was one activity about which blacks pos- Vocational Agriculture (26.8%), followed sessed skill and experience. Many blacks by Agricultural Business and Economics saw the future in terms of land ownership (19%), Agronomy (18.3%) and Animal and Dairy Sciences (16.6%). and farming. Looking at other characteristics of black Over the years, the desirability of farming as an occupation has waned among agriculture students in the South, a number blacks. Currently less than 2% of the na- of distinctive attributes are noted in table. About one-fourth of the students have tion's farmers are black. They farm less been raised on a farm or in a rural nonfarm than 0.5% of the land under cultivation and contribute less than 0.1% to the value of area (another 37.8%). More than a third of agricultural products sold. The decline of their fathers were farm-reared. Because of black land ownership is a major concern the prevalence of rural and farm backgrounds among black students, their for black leaders today. Between 1940 and 1970, the number of parents often own farmland (40.6%) but only 12.3% of their parents had income farms in the United States declined sharply, but the decrease in ownership of farm- from farming. SELECTED BACKGROUND CHARACTERISTICS OF land and its operation by blacks occurred BLACK AGRICULTURE STUDENTS AT LANDat a much faster rate than was true for GRANT SCHOOLS IN THE SOUTHERN whites. Because the majority of farms REGION AND ALABAMA they operated by blacks were small units, Black agriculture declined nationally at a rate of 87% during students Characteristic this 30-year period. The decline was even So. Reg. Alabama more severe in Alabama, as less than 5,000 Ir\n~ +r\rrrr? AII Y Pct. Pct. black-operated farms remained and only Raised on a farm ....... 25.9 25.6 one-fifth of these had annual sales in ex37.8 25.6 Raised rural nonfarm ... cess of $2,500 in 1974. 37.4 33.3 Father farm-reared ..... Given the marked decline in black 42.8 40.6 Parents with farmland Parents with farm people's participation in production agriincome .............. 58.1 12.3 culture, it is important to consider the curFather a college rent status of agricultural education as it 10.2 6.6 graduate ............. Family income above relates to the training of black youth for agricultural occupations. One aspect of 3.2 17.0 $20,000 .............. Parents as a primary source this training occurs at the college or uniof college funds ...... 59.8 57.6 versity level. This discussion focuses on Loans or grants as a source of college funds ...... black students attending both 1862 and 71.7 76.6 1890 Land Grant institutions throughout Desire advanced degree in 89.1 78.1 agriculture ........... the Southern region. For the vast majority Might own farm of black youth, this education is provided ......... someda 61.9 53.1 by the 1890 Land-Grant institution in each 18.4 19.4 Desire to live on farm... state. In Alabama, this is Alabama A&M Expect to work in farming or agricultural University at Huntsville. 7.3 production ........... During the spring of 1978 a mail quesExpect non-agricultural tionnaire was sent to students enrolled in 28.4 occupation ........... Expect to work in agriSchools or Colleges of Agriculture at all cultural research, educa1862 (predominantly white) and 1890 (pretion, or extension post27.9 a ..... dominantly black) institutions in the Expect to obtain South. In Alabama, they include Auburn graduate degree ...... 81.9 Number of and Alabama A&M Universities. All agri590 respondents.......... ------------ ---culture students were contacted at the 18 F Today's black agriculture students frequently represent the first generation to attend college, as only 10% of their fathers had done so. This difference was strongly reflected in family economic resources. Only 17% indicated that their families had incomes above $20,000 in 1977. With lower family incomes, black students often were not able to rely on family resources as the sole source of college funds, as -almost three-fourths reported receiving some form of financial assistance. Most of the black students had a significant commitment to a career in agriculture. More than three-fourths indicated a desire to attain an advanced degree in some agricultural subject area. Over 60% wanted to own a farm someday. At the same time, only 19.4% of the black students actually desired to live on a farm. The occupations most often expected by black agriculture students reflect the ongoing exodus of black people from agriculture and the declining number of black farms as only 7.3% expect to become farmers. Many expect to enter agricultural research, extension, or education careers (27.9%). A similar proportion (28.4%) expect to follow careers unrelated to agriculture. Clearly these results reflect the current decline in the number of blackoperated farms in Southern agriculture and the poor assessment many black youth give to opportunities in farming. Black agriculture students in Alabama were generally similar to the profile of black students in agriculture across the South. The Alabama students, however, were much more likely to indicate that their parents received some farm income and had somewhat lower parental education and family incomes. Finally, more Alabama students expected a nonagricultural occupation and somewhat fewer expected to work in farming or agricultural production. In conclusion, the profile of black agriculture students in the South reveals that relatively few are committed to agricultural production as a career. Moreover, as the first generation of college students in their families, they place a high value on college education as a means for escaping the farm or rural area. Many do not intend to abandon agriculture completely but merely to enter one of the many related nonproduction occupations. Their orientation is toward white-collar, professional, and technical agricultural jobs. Black students have a wide range of occupational opportunities available to them, both on farms and in the broad area of agribusiness. If the declining black presence in Southern agriculture and in the ownership of farmland is to be stemmed, the several Land-Grant institutions in the South will play an important role. Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station FEEDING REGIMES: Their Effect on Reproductive Performance of Broiler Breeder Females G. R. McDANIEL and J. T. BRAKE Department of Poultry Science CONSIDERABLE IMPROVEMENT has been made in the growth rate of the broiler in the past 10 years. There has been a vast amount of research in nutrition, genetics, physiology, disease control, and management that has contributed to this improved growth rate. However, there has been a decline in the overall reproductive performance of broiler breeders in the past 3 or 4 years. This has come about by the decline in hatchability, more specifically the decline in fertility. Work at Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station, studying the effect of various feeding regimes on the reproductive performance of broiler breeders, has been done in cages with females artificially inseminated. Experience with a large number of broiler breeder floor operations throughout the United States during the past few years allows us to interpret results from these caged breeders to give probable results in floor operations. Restricting feed intake to control body weight in broiler breeders has been practiced for several years. However, there has been relatively little work reported on the TABLE 1. DAILY FEEDING REGIMES 1 28.6 24.... 29.7 25 .... 31.9 26 .... 34.1 27 .... FFO 28-38 .... FF 38-40 .... FF 40-42 .... FF 42-44 .... FF 44-46 .... 46-48 .... FF FF 48-50 .... FF 50-52 .... FF 52-54 .... FF 54-56 .... FF 56-58 .... *FF indicates full AgeFeeding (weeks) regimes lb./100 hens/day 5 4 3 2 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 29.7 29.7 29.7 29.7 31.9 31.9 31.9 31.9 34.1 34.1 34.1 34.1 FF 35.0 31.9 FF 40.7 39.8 34.7 31.5 39.8 38.9 34.4 31.1 38.8 36.5 34.1 30.7 37.7 34.2 33.8 30.4 36.9 31.9 33.5 30.0 35.9 31.9 33.2 29.6 34.9 31.9 32.9 29.2 33.9 31.9 32.6 28.8 33.0 31.9 32.2 28.4 31.9 31.9 31.9 28.0 fed. effect of restricted feeding on reproductive performance. The Auburn experiments were designed to determine the effects of various levels of daily feed intake on the reproductive performance of broiler breeder hens. The females used were reared on a conventional restricted skip-a-day program and were receiving approximately 44 lb. of feed per 100 hens on alternate days. At 24 weeks of age, the hens were divided into five treatments with eight replicates per treatment and 10 birds per replicate. The five feeding regimes used throughout the experiment are presented in table 1. Production and feed conversion data were summarized by 28-day periods beginning when the birds were 26 weeks of age and ending at 58 weeks. Data concerning fertility and hatch of fertile eggs were obtained from inseminations at 31 and 52 weeks of age. Table 2 shows hen-day production, feed conversion, fertility, hatchability, shell quality, and egg weight by treatments. As can be noted from table 2, hen-day production and feed conversion were affected by total amount of feed consumed. These results suggest that, as far as overall efficiency is concerned, it may be possible to restrict broiler breeders more severely than those in treatment 5. Treatments 3 and 4 would be somewhat comparable to feeding rates in industry. Hatchability and fertility of fertile eggs were also significantly affected by feeding regimes. Hatchability was significantly lower in treatment 1 as early as 31 weeks of age. These differences in hatch become more pronounced at 52 weeks of age. Significant differences in fertility by feeding regimes were observed at 52 weeks of age. Fertility differences in these experiments were a female effect and not a male effect since all birds were artificially inseminated. These results suggest that the female has a much greater effect on fertility than has been previously reported. In general, fertility problems have been associated with the male. Feeding regimes also showed a significant effect on shell quality and egg weight. In recent years, shell quality has become a significant concern in broiler breeders. Egg breakage as a result of poor shells is a significant factor; however, far more costly is the poor hatch resulting from eggs of poor shell quality. In addition, syndrome(s) which are causing shell quality problems also have a significant effect on the fertility of the female. Feeding regimes had a significant effect on egg weight and chick weight as early as 31 weeks of age, with these differences becoming more pronounced as the birds become older. The results in this experiment are in agreement with subsequent experiments conducted at Auburn University. TABLE 2. EFFECT OF FEEDING REGIMES ON VARIOUS PRODUCTION PARAMETERS Parameter Time 1 68.0 7.0 91.1 64.3 81.3 74.8 1.087 1.077 25.62 29.06 Egg production, pct .......... Overall Overall Feed conversion, lb./doz ...... Fertility, pct................31 weeks . 52 weeks ' Fertility, pct. ..... Hatchaity, pet..........31 weeks 52 weeks pct ........... Hatchability, Specific gravity .............. 31 weeks Specific gravity .............. 52 weeks 31 weeks Egg weight, oz./doz......... Egg weight, oz./doz.......... 52 weeks Result, by treatment 4 3 2 72.6 70.5 74.4 5.5 5.9 5.7 96.9 94.8 95.5 81.2 81.1 71.9 87.5 87.8 87.7 87.2 86.6 86.9 1.088 1.088 1.088 1.080 1.080 1.079 24.99 25.66 25.66 28.22 28.27 28.31 5 73.2 4.8 94.9 86.1 88.5 89.6 1.088 1.082 24.99 28.01 19 Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station CAROL WARFIELD Department of Home Economrics Research L-JLPJ Instrumental vs. Visual Ranking beenthe os o ilm tetile lesiaxt 1) p~rojects. 'I'lie (leteriniiitionl of the (hgevi'c oft 'oiling or soil renit l can bei iniii lt11( ill sex eral xxax s inlclu~ding x ixim evaluation, (hli('i di alialx xix, 11(1(1 osioo)c aiialx xis. 011(1 instri iictail ex iliiatiiii of color (lit erences oi iilit reflectance. Although~l all of the ietliodl listed abhox c can be uised to (,\ ialine "oil rel'ioN .1 none is ideall for all situations. (1illical hlld iiicrosciilic aiti sd's iiiii Ihe coilex and( ttild' colisiliingt. It is oft('li difficuilt to get repfrodu lcible rexult" if the sp ecii eiis are ~ ixuidlx ex aluated. T his is expeciallx tr ue it the specimenis are co(lored, paitte'rned, or both. 1'lii'iefbw \%-xhit(, abrics an(d iiixtrumiita Ie% aluttion of Iligh t retflectance are l often iiused. be midl otteni are atsked. Mi at does this inean to the conisuiiier' If(\ doo ref lee( I tatlice liiasureiuients correspaoid to x islial e\ aluiatioii of sioil reniox al" \\ hat degree oft differenice ini light refletaniice is aicthiall Ilerceix el h\ thle (onsxuiner? To hellp ansxx er thlese quesxtions, ia still\ wxas foriioi itted tii (eterliiine the atbilit\ o~f trainied obserx ers to dletect llicaxlredl differences inl light retflectanice. the h xxext rteflectance x\a in'e. 'Iis x eIcctii) i lprocedie xx\iis repeatedl for each ot the xnc cecdlL 2.0I reflectanice unit incr11 ii lent x. ohbxil ersix dix idlialkx ti oiii dar kest toi litglltext. Thle xpeciiii xxc'e illuiiiiatcd b\ an] ox etlicald fluorescent light and the ohbxerxix xsit 4 ft. ixx a it ()oi the xertical grax \ ('xx iig board. Thle xpecinlieixs X\iie ranudoini arra~nged ii the( x iexiuig board Foiui trained'( ranked the xpeciioelix diffcre1nce'. \\ hen ranlking iiiilx I ilbicse A and 13obne obserx ci ianke'd all] xpeclinenx ill the proper ioldei. 'I'lie other ohilxirx ers attaine'd signifiant (1'