-ad AOL- 'K ' - ~ as f -PIP rt* tat~let, ~Vm tr rJ NAN -' a S DIRECTOR'S COMMENTS T171, AiAn xxi AcCU LTVISxL. ErlRIMENT STATION is tile single ori mization le'gally chlargedl withl dievc'lopuent of innolvative, nexv hIforia 11t illi for MlAn111151 agricul turell alld forestry. TihIis program, till found1(1ation of Alab aina's 1:11ges t illdutstry, has I n'eni effective ill till pa1st and1 ev,'ery indiication is that if give'n support to offset tile ravages of inflation and meet new respornsiblilities, it wvill continue to pro- vide information necessary for con- tinned growth and dev elopment of produtction and industrial agriculture andl forestry. Funding tis research program is an investment that retun s div idends to all people, not just prodlucers. Economic studlies of the blenefits from AgricuLlt ural Expeiment Station research andl dissemination of infor-ma- tion iby the Cooperative Extension Service have heen conducted over the yeiu-s ily several dillferent organiza- tiolis. These have all shlown that re- turns oil this investment are great - at retur ai ilccordinig to it recent an iksi 5. R. DENNIS ROUSE 36% average annual rate of Last year, iii view\ of the tight budlget situation is most states and t the Federal level, the State Agricultural Experiment Station Drectors across t I e N at ion ass igned ia giroup of dis tin gu i shed (luau- titaltive agiricultur al econolmists to inake anl analy sis of the elffects of a (lecease in lexvel of publ)1ic fund(ii)gs of agriculturail research. liev chose to stul(v tile effect of at 10% reduction iii programs. This 15ii ppei 1 to 1be app~roxim ate]ly tihe current rate of inflation an Id, thereforIlle, wold 1)e tie re('(ct ion in p)rogram resulting from a fail- nrc to increase apprliopriations tihe nouiit necessary to offset infla- 01 nI for just I Year. Ill thI e first exam pie, thle funding reduction 1 xaS templorary and xs'as litter r estoredl in amounts necessary to restore tihe ben'iefits lost ii urn unllderf fuin]itig. irs this situation, each $1 .00t saxved( by under-funding required $2.30 is additional tax dollars to (omrn 'Isate later. init second1 example, thle funding redulction wvls not restored. In this e'xampl)e, eacih $ I.00t saved 1y uruler-funding cost tile consumer ain addilltional $6.14 in inlcreasedl cost (of agricultural piroducts. Tiis, ('itller way, failure to allclfpateV suppoirt agricultural re- sei ll aind extenisioio~ 11w ill lbe i1 cost to lbe bSorneC by the consum- ers f or ver ('1 5(Itilll' ill in creased( t axes or in creasedl food cost. hI till' Secon I xilinlpil' in volxvin g at fin ily of four, tihe cost per per- So) for each $ 1.0 Satved\'l, by not iilcl l'sing fundinlg to offset inflationi for I x ('lr xwou ldl ill $22.44 at till'.,5,0 ittl)innlal 5,11al-v level, $.5. 68 at\, leel and ('. ll 3.77 at the $20,000tt imlnial salary lexvei. Thus, ag ii ((lilturIal scientists are our best iinflation fighlters. Cost of food will 1151' 1more rapily if gi ullt ural rese'archl and( exteinIsill i re uinder- full'll. Inve(stililts ill agiicultulral research and~ '\tl'isioll save t:Lx tills)' twoV agricu'lltu)rall pro Igrams ,O (' a goodl inv es trnt! Atil nn Unix Iisits' is not just olill' (If 14 publlicly sulpported insti- tult ionsl ofI Liglnl 1 Ililg in AIlabatma. It is imi 1 i11! It h~as be'n assigfilld thle respo~nsiblity thrloulgh thle Alabama Agricultural Ex- peinl 11(1t Stat ill and11 tile Alal oa, Coloperative E'.xteIns ion Service fo~r it pulilly Sulpported prlograml (If re'se'arch andl till IlisseminatiOml (If researilchl rcsllts s1) as to se'rve ,ll] tile people. Agriculture is lili Il('i becaulse it is re'sponlsile for an e'ssential c'ommodlity- food. Alibin ii tillsIrclSitv is Illll I, among hlighecr education ill Alabama 1)11.1(151 it hi ls th 1re'IIspoinsib ility for p roisdilng 0iformion 1 necessary to keep Alaiusa agiriculture and forestry conspetitive -and healthy. " W 4eftdAce... Dr. Nliclal'l Jalmes Cavlor, assistant professor, Departmenlt of Zoologs 'vEnto- inologx , Schlool of Agricultui e and Agri-, culturi Expei iml'nt Staltion. Dr. Cavlor's are'a (If p1(, ln'iation is cotton insects. A naitiv e of V'crbena, Alit., lie camesI to Atibuin Iom Texas A&\l UTnix Cr- itY Researchl and1 FI.\tcn- alin Ceniter att 1)111.15. lie received hothl 11.5. and M.S. degrees from Auburn Unixversity and thle PliD. from Texas A&\l Unixver- sity. His sos I'r g r ,l 1(ate major xxas in zology and graduate major ius cistonsology xxitis speciailtioni pest manaI igemenlt arid a mimnor in gaine man- agement. Gas br isas authsored or co-authlored more than a (dozenl techsnical ariticles in is field, lie is a member (If Sigmia Xi, Pi Kl}5pi Phli, Gillil Skglllt lDclta, \lpfl .1 Zctailln Pi Etat Slgriil. HIGHLIGHTS of Agricultural Research SUMMER 1979 VOL. 26, NO, 2 A quarterly report of research published ibv the Agricultural Expelrim('nt Station of Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama. R. DENNIS ROUSE. STANLEY P. WILSON CIIAS. F. SIMMNONS T. E. Coiurn E. L. MecGAxv 11. E. STEVENSON Director Associate Director Assistant Director Assistant Dirctor Edit or Associate Editor Editorial Advisory Committee: STAINLEY 1'. XVILsON, C. A. Ficooio jil .,..s o.stant Professor (If Agfriultural Lu gll ('ring, J. D). IIAIII'll, Associate Professor of En- tom~ology/; NEIi, R. MIAR(TIN, Associate 1Prlf s'sor of Ag ri('nli ral Econooics and( Rural Sociqologq,, AMI) E. L M~CHAW. Information contained herein is available to all withlout regard to race, color, or national origin. ON THE COVER. Cotton experimental plots at thre Tennessee Volley Substation, Belle Mina. W__ IN ECENT YEAins Alabama farmers have bcome increasingly concerned with pro- duction practices that may delay matur- ity and thus limit yields or in other ways may lower profits. Delayed harvest in- creases the probability of frost damage, increases the probability that fall rains will make harvest difficult, and increases the cost of insect control. In addition, when crop residue destruction is delayed, insect problems usually are increased the following year. In 1976, a 3-year experiment was initi- ated at the Tennessee Valley Substation of the Agricultural Experiment Station to determine some of the production prac- tices that may limit yields or delay ma- turity. Production practices included in the study were: (1) date of planting, (2) nitrogen rates, (3) control of plant bugs, and (4) herblicides. The experi- ment was conducted on a Decatur clay loam. Two dates of planting were included in tile study. In the "early" planting, cot- ton was planted as soon as possible after fear of frost was past (April 6, 1976 and 1978, and April 8, 1977). The "late" planting was about 3 weeks later (April 29, 1976, May 3, 1977, and NMav 17, 1978). In only 1 of the 3 years of tile study did early planting increase yields. In 1977 the early planting increased yields by about 15(0 lb. of seed cotton per acre. Surprisingly, in neither of the 2 years in which earliness was measured did planting date have a significant inm- pact. In 1976, dimethoate (Cygon?) was applied at 0.2 lb. a.i. per acre to all plots on Junt 10 for control of a thrips infes- tation. Additional applications were made to two-thirds of the plots for plant bug control on July 6, and one-half of tliese plots was treated again on July 23. In 1977 insecticide treatments for plant bugs were started on June 13 and on July 1, leaving one-third of the plots untreated. In 1978, a single application was made on July 19. Despite differences in num- bers of plant bugs of up to 12,000 per acre in treated plots compared with un- FACTORS DELAYING MATURITY and LIMITING COTTON YIELDS in ALABAMA MICHAEL J. GAYLOR, Department of Zoology-Entomology GALE A. BUCHANAN, Department of Agronomy & Soils W. B. WEBSTER, Tennessee Valley Substation FLOYD R. GILLILAND, Formerly, Dept. of Zoology-Entomology RICHARD L. DAVIS, Formerly, Alabama Cooperative Extension Service treated plots in 1976 and 15,000 per acre in 1977, no significant differences in yield or maturity were obtained. These results indicate that the economic injury level for plant bugs is above 15,000 per acre. More studies are needed to precisely de- fine the economic injury level of plant bugs. Under some conditions excessive ni- trogen may cause excessive vegetative growth and delayed fruiting. In the pres- ent study nitrogen was applied at 60, 90, and 120 lb. per acre. No differences in maturity were found at first harvest, how- ever, in 1976 and 1978 the cotton was harvested twice. In 1976, about 120 lb. less seed cotton per acre was harvested in the plots receiving 60 lb. of N when compared to the plots witli higher rates. In contrast, in 1977 the highest rate of N decreased yields by about the same amount. No differences in total vield were obtained in any N treatment in 1978. In this series of experiments the pro- duction practice with greatest impact oni yield and earliness was the herbicide pro- gram. The berhicide treatment consisted of trifluralin (Treflano), 0.75 lb. per acre, applied as a preplant incorporated EFFECTS OF IIERBICIDES ON COTFON YIELDS AND EAllLINESS 1976 average 1977 average Treatment Yield Percent of yield in Yield Ist picking Lb. Pct. Lb. Ilerbicides 1,454 a 53 a 1,634 a No herbicides 1,772 a 63 b) 1,650 a Averages within columns followed by the same letter are not 5% level of probalbility according to an AOV. Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station 1978 average Percent of Yield yield in Ist picking Lb. Pct. 1,176 a 42 a 1,707 b 70 b significantly different at the W. B. Webster, superintendent, examines experimental cotton plots at the Tennessee Valley Substation for plant bugs. treatment, fluometuron (Cotoran?), 2.0 lb. per acre, as a prccmergence treat- ment, fluomneturon + NIS\IA, 1.5 + 1.0 lb. per acre, applied as a directed, post- emergence treatment, and fluometuron, 1.0 lb. per acre, applied as a post di- rected treatment at layby. This program was compared to plots which received no herbicides. Weeds were controlled in all plots by hand-weeding to ensure that weeds would not mask results of the ex- periment. In both years in which cotton was harvested twice the herbicide treat- tment delayed maturity significantly, see table. Also, during both of these years the herbicide treatment greatly reduced total yields. Almost all of this reduction occurred early in the season and was re- flected at first harvest. In 1976 the cot- ton did not recover from this early dam- age. In 1978 signiicantly more cotton was harvested at the second picking from the herbicide treatment than from the no herbicide treatment. This recovery was not enough, however, to compensate for the early damage. Under grower conditions differences between herbicide-treated and untreated plots might not be as great as in this cx- perinient. Competition from weeds would be expected to decrease yields in the un- treated plots below yields obtained in this study. Results of this study do sug- gest that herbicides may decrease yields and delay maturity of cotton. Additional studies are needed to develop weed con- trol programs which have less adverse effects. A QUALITY COMPAR15ON ot SEED PIECE and SLIP PRODUCED SWEETPOTATOES DURWARD A. SMITH and JACK L. TURNER, Department af Harticulture k,. tk -1 Milk.~ i -l" A ',I:x' LAOR SVIM; ETHO Of p-., t Ao Swee xxt i oeis xx ivc Nil the1)i~ plantn of' seed i eces ats is dol ' l i Iishi pi)- tatiles. Iliis methiod saxv(' ciiiiderable labor xsleii ompariedl xxithi the old inithiod iif groxxinig slips ii hiotbeds then tiransplaitiiig ti) the field. ioxvxer, yields to (1a1te fiorn the seeid piece stiidii's hiaxve been lower than vicIds fromn the saliiii t i ai spi.nt ed sie 1 ectiions. Th ese low-x er x iebix haxve been the iiesiilt of a redhiie 11111 i nd tinde pai tiilly tio seed piece lilt. 't'l ix study by tile Department of 111)1 ti- xxs ixinitiaiteid to det eriiil it' di ff ereiices slin g horni the txx'i idifferent) pi opaga- tiiiii methods. Six xiiicti's ill sxwectp- taitoes tested fior Seedi lpiie propa.gaitioni suiitiiilitx ill the 197S Sxxeetpotat o Co o~peritixe iTriails xxere seleiteid for this text. All riiits xwere iarvestid Onl the sainei date and cuiied at 85"F and 9.5/, relatixe humidity fiol 8 day - s. Numiber I poutatoe's xwere seleicted( ,iiii tested for flaxvor, textuire, ciolir, solub1 le solids, and A baking test xxas eoiliited xxith thie sxxxet pot ,i i ws 1Icilig Iba ked for 90) miiii ultis ait :325 F in at roiorx trax'. forced-aii oxen. Th'lis special oxenl insu11red at Ind1 loiiii ciok inig rate. Iu 1 ibikeid sxxee Ipi tat ocs xve ievxaluiatied hor fla,ixour hIS iu paillel if' fixve trinued judge(,s iisingy a ti anlgle test. Ill thuis ti iauigle test the judgres xer pl'lresenl te wi xith thIiree~ sailmple~s firom the~ saiine xarietyv, txxoI sanspleus 1beinug alike anld one (different (either seed piece or slip prodiiced). The( judges were tlicii asked to iden) t ify tic' o(1( sample. Asre portedl ini t able 1, 0(o significant diiffcr ences iii flav or betweeni seed piece and sIlp produiced sxx eetp~otatoes were de- ttedi in any of tlit v arieties tested. Objective measur emenits were miadc for color using the Iiiiiter Color Differ- cliee Meter, for- texture using anl Ilistioii I niversal 1'esting Machine equipped xxth ItKramer shiear-cell, for sol 1)1e sol id(s I1sili ribcf~COtoet, and for totail solids lix A() C methods. A summaryx of these fda is pi (s('lted in table 2). Color difl c(lice for total light reflec- (lice, rednel~ss, a11( N elb)li('55 bew'een the two clilturial praticis xx ats exialiili'd 'Illb tixture test shear cell is designed ellis illi tii 1cing of food. In this dei- \ice' kixex arc forcedi tioigli a slotted plaite, tinlis shleaiing ald extruinig at Slice of sxx ietpotaito. The( iniehine rccorls the ,iiiiiiiiit of force ineczessily to bite' tuioiigli the' slic'e. Nonle oif the x -i1icties tested shiowsed at signriificant (llerilice iii textuire Seed pieces cf sweetpoto, abcvc; C. C. Carlton, Superintendent, Chilton Area Horti- culture Substation, at left, cxomnines seed piece that produced the vine he is holding. be'twee i seeid~'i pice' and( slip propa 1 )gated Soltihili solidis, wxhichi are pi hiaily suig- arls, aMi x'ery impor01taint ill sw5eitpoitato flax or. No silific init diffh'iicc was foiindi in either solilile solids or total sidhs bctet l xxitissxee (t p~tait ois g'riw bxOi ])laitilig seedl pice and those 1 )riillleed 'Ihilexe da~ta indicate that secil piece groiwn xxx ietpotitoi's arc equ'ipal ill baking qll~ility tio loots groswi from triaisplanited slips. Txiii I t. Si \,oie1.\ 1 Lx 1i slo\ or Si i1 1)i I : S. Si I' (niliN S\i[ I iioi siol: BAl~KED A'l :325' loll 90 \liNU I ES, USIN xiTRAliINED 0t ii ii AN) THIAMi xxiii I IS Variety Null o tia~ls NC-:3?0 N C-3 17 C re V11l 51 U i 11.11 \ f ) it)0 1 Nijnir of correct I ixplnses 8 4 6 8 9 8 T1AlilE 2. MExIAN V 5.x115 oi, Coi oni, TFX1 ill , So1l il Soi 01 Sxil I PiiA1OFl BAKED) Al 325 F poll Wt Variety NC-320 seed pieee ------ 49.2 21.7 27.1 NC :21) slip --- ----- 47.7 23.4 27(6 V-C 1 slTxid piece --------- 50).6 20.8 27.4 NC-:317 slip -------- 52.3 20.8 26.0 (user xi ici piece --------- 15.8 25.1 26.4 (lrxir slip ----------- 118.8 24.7 28.3 VI11 .51 xeci piece --- (---- (3 4 . 23.7 2.5.5 \'1't 51 slip ---- 45.3 24.1 24A3 G1tinli'il seed piece 50.9 21.1 :30.5 t,1,1iid 'lip 48.3 2:3.9 28.4 Mtil31)1 xeiu piece -- ----- 44.2 21.9 25.2 Mii-304 slip -- 45.3 22.4 24.6 0 L light reflectance, a -redness, h yellowness. Numbiiier of' correct rixponscx rireiiid for signiflicant iitnie at -51' levi' 1 10 I1) 10 10 10 10 ADS' ANI) To i 5. SOLIDS MINI- FS, Soluiill solids Pct. 33.4 3.14 26.1 26.5 :32.2 31.2 3.3 35.8 32.1 29.2 31.3 30).3 'I ,il Solids Pct. 54.2 54.6 49.3 49.3 55.1 56.0 51.4 501.9 52.3 51.9 Auburn Univers'ity Agricultural Expcrimecnt Station Color value's 'lexhire inl q L* a* 1) Slice 5 X 4X 1, cin HOWARD A. CLONTS, Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology AL AAMIANS CAN SATISFY almost ansv rcrieational decsir e in one of their statc palrks. But the futur e looks quiestionale. State pairks are ceirtin to go down bill unless adequate operation and mainte- nance funds lbccome available. The Alitbamna parks systcmn was begun in the late 19~20's, butt received little at- tentioni until 1967 when at b ondl issue mfade( $113 million availalble for develop- ineilt. loila v state par ks linds coX er 19,- 4741 acres, of XX iich 417,259 acres are .i('i 22 dev'XelopledI parks. Since 1967, a total of '70) million in Statte and( Fedeliral fiinds has been Spent in park deX clopmnent. Mlost of' the funds XX'cre liscil for initenisiv 'eX il~opinent inl Joe Whlecler. L~ake' Gunitersville, ])(,Soto, Clicallia, Oak1 \Ioiiitaiii, Llakepoiiit. andi Cult parks. 'I lee others, Lalke Liii -leci, lb 1 11( Cooperhr, andl W\ind1 C reek, also re- eiXv eligroifi(,jolt deCNeloinnt. \lUCl Of thc e Ii's l)ieit ]li, lweni of theO ],eSort tYpe, but siginificaiit improvements iln caiping., hiking, picnicking, fishiing, anid S5vXX lilil lso XX crc inclutded. A muajor problemijos' looms for the parks. Lai ge scalc capital dec el0 1 nit evelit allv reqjuires lairge scatle opeiration anld inaiiitiiaiiee CXpeTIdiltiitS. In i-CCent Location of Alabama State parks is shown by planning districts. DECISION TIME FOR STATE PARKS AciucscGi IN Ai so x SiA STATE P usN '1,i1 ciOF PAsJnK Pik andl ty)e teor parks jo LI X lleler-? or ---11 I atk(,m G itcsil Natur al Iparks - ater based FlI alor tOak Mtouintaiii ---------- Paiul ( 1it----- ltiod ('oopcr Windl Cieek---- Natural parks-Landfouns Chic kasaw ----------- I ) soto - --------- Mointe Sain-------- Blue 'Spriii,s Bit kwool CiX (Fis tI. nleelopedI parks 'riik l~Aksoii O ther lands ------ ------- TOTA4L Xeai s, increasing fundl shortages sullteif1 in re(Iicell inilinteilalnt(' ailed services iii thei parks. Son needing development hiave riiiia dleveloped. GrowXing ulse of Alabama sta points lip_ ii('1I5 for thle fulture(. an estimatedl 6.,42 1,110 peop 1 le Xi parks. This XX ill juilp to airiuiid lion visitors iii the year 200)0, lii modeIrate rate out increased piibli Public eoncr abI s. ouit quLa lit V rere atioinal opportuni t ies iil tli XvlI5 obvXious inii srveX uiof ovi pinrk users. Mlost expi essecl eon less money aind persolnnel shorit. overcome iii thec near future. Coi cern iii gsour1ces of fiiiids, saidl both entrance fees and .icti in parks could be raised. Ne a AROKS, liOXXeX r, said tax\ ntili V should pride'il Acres td'iiicc. NcainIv all icso's nllcits conlsicl- cicd ci li-i cut hce Ic' ls iii state pairks as 6160 I easoi l ile. Tllc\ c xpec t to pay for ulse, 2,180 but onily lip to at poinit. lit e'ssecet, psik 5,8.35 iuseri sa5.id park const1iriction is a pub lic 1,22(0 ep('iisi' pai k operation is at shIaicd publ) lic and in diXidul1 lsr expciiso', and par11k 596 Inil litelil i ce is prnimai Ily at public ex- 35 p('ilse. 420) BIasedl oi l it]] ( aeptei plalnlin0g stanl- 1965 dlii of 1,5 acics pI- 1,000)1 residen'its iil 1,.327 Alabamlla, an additional 21,377 acre's (of 9 941 land iil (l('Xloipill palrks XXill beo neededi'i 20l0t 1) 19v51Y. Ncall :26i,000t atrc ('5Xill be ,354 iio'('d( lIX thc XeL'ir ()0)t. This Iu('alls t~lalt, iiilld'55 addliitionlal acqu~isitiouns arc' 2,000~t iiade, thicre XX ill Iikels 110 iicnl ' 11.1) il(res 2,719 per I,0 rt~t esidetnts fIXy 2(000(. Tlicsc fig- 696 ilios ir b'lased oil devcloped parks, nolt 580 4,990 lust landlls oXXne il'l th' le Parks DlXiiin 2.110) olth (Ii )cpai tiilit of Cois'iX tioni aiind :3.57 N atural Resouirces. A deXve~lped pairk 10:3 do's Ilolt fllcani l( 1 11' ith ('Xers' acie 21050 tiadII( tio imake tlie irk lands acccssill 165 19,. 174 Fo~r state parks tio titilX sriX e crea- tiona n ccls of Alabam111ian s, aiii imi ci (I f changIfes in iniIXiduol pariks XXiII hei i(' have i re- c lull cur- qiried. Somei 11(1otpaksd not havle I(, parks I is'slilulI li(' Ipllasio lt ,ii(l (Pi l sse im ith iillie stiitalile atreas. Piinks suchli as I it the TBivdr, Btlue Spriii gs, and Ritkvoiid to' paorks iced1( sigii1ificaiit cliaiigi's. Othicr i111,15 Ill 1978 folec less tc'Xcoipiiii'nt but more iiiaiill sit('O the tet alit (. 16 mdl All in l. Alabama statc parks hIlIXe set 1 onl a greait polte'ntial for 50'l'Xicc. 'T'e tuli liiig C Ilse. point is ilimv. If energX shortages pei'isist, if pairks' iuiarlI.V JVIV l Itii~iial 01u1tI)(ltiiti('S Will be e future in higTh demndt. Stitte parks caii fill at 'i' 1(010( portioni of those liiteds. The lug queiostioln 'cmu tin1 Conce'r'ns fuindiiig foir aldditionlal ciiit.Il ages are de'vielpme)n' t to colinplei'tec the full I iiik XX'ti'ii I ellOXlion, assure~d amlet 111)11 a vitv fees fillite( a laind .iC-iluisitin pilgi Triffl to IV- rl' i' alf, sc'iX nee'ldd lanids for futuinc list'. Auburn University Agricultural Exrperime~nt Station ,A_. Trapping Channel Catfish from Upland Ponds R. 0. SMITHERMAN, M. C, MOHFAD, W. G MU STIN, anrd R. K. GOOD t\- Departme'nt of F r [, is ' Ud Alied Aquacoitor, Ire I -PO" C AllTF ISH T551 Ii liDFI'MNAL Xi 1 ) )11ilixStedi fromn Alit 11.1101 I)OMIS1 lby iiainio iifilin lg tihe latte atitunn oi- cilv \ill icr. This pi atHiceI is 1(('e5XirV 511111 tlhese p)ond~s iilui'd be refilled frioinl ruIilofI X avtci dliriiig late XX 1111(1 ail di arl spring~. Becauise iost fislh fine 111' h~I)iliX cst in at rc'lative(lv, short timec Spanl, calpacity of' processiing plilts is ex~ceeded, anld priice is dive is w b'IIO xii1 tile tcilpora O, \ X ci slill v of fish. Somei fil aneirs choose toi carXN thecir fish OXver into tile 5('llid Ycar, at most iiicfhicint proHedeli dur(ini g whlichl fish becomie ii grer ) liii opiltilill Size for pocessilig, thils recliing thir iii .ok ciXalto'. Gi oXX rs iniii'it thlen resoit to fis-i IImt, or sport - fishing to Sell their produclt. Oligoiligr Iesei ('ii ill f~'is hiarvesting att Auburnl~ University Agricultural V'xpcijinent Station is evaiating AilirlatiX c methilods for (alptill-ing catfi.sh XXithlt diii illiligT pondls. Thiree teellillniles for Partial hl-i Xest lusing l'irp iitlicks associ- atteol wsith feeding live ]ii,(,ii te'sted'l pondls stocki'd at :3,100) fish per acr e. Tile gear iiieluided lift nets, d1101 nets, anld Coi- rall scilics. EXvaluaitionis of each gear tXype were made for efficieney of capl-tllrc anid effects of thic tirappinig actiXvity o i Podiictioii of ('l-tfisli. Sigifiicaiit (fiiltitil's of' fish ss crc taken Xwith each of the tirappinig deXvices. li lift )lii conilsistedi of, a I I '2i ft. rei.tiiiiar net \k ithi .31 i ' 1 .Imlasl-1 . iivoiiiil (,itch, atfii' ilitiligy the tial) iria of, iiiiss'staolie si/c. hloiiise , idiie toi i l i p ii iid tial acii2,rt is its, fee ,its XXX oilr liiizti,l rsililia iglli pooi tee d collX irsilill, X ilatihec si/cs if fiSh, id 1CIedi iiiliiciiiil. Illiidrop i \is saIt it -It. hiloll oft hi0 t i. (1I'ic is hail 5ilile liar 01l(50l I ill., siispeltiiiiilbs e the 55 itt'i sill 111.c oil metial stakes in at I :3 acie pond, foiiii- li sliflullil liii ('iii ing~ iicii of' 5it000 si 1 . ft. 'i'lic siispiiitu seine aiiss iii fishl toi SX\ill fl s inito tileI lciniiiir o a 'a al 1 fish Xwere citii'ci (IX i(s. Thii iitijii catchi of 1,327 fidii wa',s thec laii'icst, aridI v.iiholits ssc Ici lss affI 'cied I, .iap)iilg oltis its than sw ith the lift liet. iiiiiai~l s \i t 5s i 123 ft. iiiigtIl if' Ittft. duip iisli s(il i th 5 iii I i. hill iii si oit11ii Ii ii ll a1 3.5 .0 ii poll1 1. It ss as pilsitiiiilled i piti'l to ille siliii c foi viilig anl op 'ii i'niii'i illi loropi t tell Iloiiss c if it liicil fish ss cii tlitind tio failiiss bs (i l mimt the ciiois of thei slilie to) til shoire. Fish ss iii sile. (i'sfi ti ,iiicd ss thuin 5 ike. s to followv tin' fi'cliiig Jptil viilded I .635 fish. As tcipiraIic ec(inelld iii haituiil 1977, Fuirtiiir tisting ot the corlral seie ss ,is don'', duriiig Aw-iiist N7TS toi \liic(.l i) iii list' pailds ;Lwifi riig iiin 1.3 to 22.1) iIVns. lIii corrail Use iii its's 2(10 f't. X 6 ft. X 1 "4 ill . Mush. In) pOhIs 1.3 tii 3.5 .1(1 es. i]iix 1001 ft. iof tihe seinle \%'its sti etchecd parialli'l to the shore, tue reiiiIind('r folded at the Fish from corral seine being weighed during loading opeiration. cV~ Of iii, coiai. Iidi2 ii'( poiiai th(l ii si (lii Xvas e'xteiniiei for a Laower fie ini ii ci. liii I' isiilts of tie trip.~pii ' (I cli is le suiii e i/i ii hei age~d S4()11)h. (i6.S"/i Ot total po(iliation), bilt iiiiil"'i 11iii 2)O to 2.525 l1). per Ilaid. Ili the silalist poiid, the fir st ctch \%-XX's 6fi5( of ill. 55111111 poiiilittioii , iii 2 ss i ks later Tel t iapiiiig cli i s \vXr made i iiil ici 22 .11.ic p)111 August :31 to Dcci mud 6, lNTS". Thei iiiiiiai c.itch \X\its 7,21:3 fish sscigliig (i,.85.3 li., ssliul ripicsi-lll I2)'; iif tiii total )ppulatlion. Iss Iio sep11 ate sites, oil the i'.st allil Xscst sidis (ri'Isd, raciliii fium1 :3.600 to 7.30 1)ii. lInimg Siptiilii 6 I7 %k ithlia citcli of 36(1 h. 'lie ,iltch Ii iclcl,di to i ( 1))ii. oil I 'clrii il 24, atid 5,0)91 1i). onl Iai cll .55 its feeduim iiii5 ol (11 ut l i' ii i illil~ \ it the i o-iI I s I i'll, Ill rs fiiii te Is 1'lI i potl ti l fur iiiil,il Si'l iii s 1 ft u IhllillC 01' C iLIUI ai i ll 11 0111 i fll (11 iises iIi (lii Xk i ' i l i I [S i tll O \i' X oii Tiiii csiis \ iiii it f(l>111-lw o iiii ii of, X\w Aeiii. Itsliiicr i s i i 11;I Date iiiiil Pilu 11/15/78 11 /29/78 10/ 6/78 1t)/6/78 10/ 17/78 It/1/78 10/ 17/78 11/i/78 12 /6 ' 78 8/ 31/78 9/6/ 78 9/6/78 9/28/78 i10/1/78 1011/ i78 10/25/78 1t/1/78 11 /211/78 12/6/ 78 1/8/79 2/24/79) 3/28/79 S-1 S-4 S-12 S-it S-11 S-11 S-9 S-9 S-9 8 1W 8 1W ,S8 i: 8- 1W 8 1W S_ I F ,S IF S_ I 1.3 2.8 2.8 2.8 :3.5 :3.5 :3.5 22.)) 22.1) 22.0) 22.0) 22)) 22)) (t ~ poill it i LI1). 'Not. 1,9)28 2,525 :3(666 :359) .323 IJ 14 1,375 1,6150 0,t)72 458 55)) 7,6 18 275 :301 7, 160) 2:33 2S80 (1 SS 425 5I)) 9) lii) 4(65 5W1 9, 235 671) 8521 8 ii 15 7,21:3 (,1S5 3 60tt720 8001 79)1 49i)5~ 1,471 1,751 18,69)5 :.,578 3,21 5 47,224 1,0)4.3 1,122 1136-16 2 16 :35.1 P1,103 I ,30t3 1,59)) 4)187 59)8 7:31) 41,0184 :12 :36 40, i(Sl 68 101 4)),151) .1)175 5,0)94 319 1966 PS il I I tilii catured11 Pc(t. 168.9 28.2 22.6 7.2 3.8 :3.4 5.) 7.8 11.9 5.4 1 .6 .3.)0 2.)t 0.5 3. I 1.5 1.2 10.2 E - Listl'ri trip site if Ith til' ndlf . W - WCern tirill) site of the' pondi. Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station 9-', .5 s- A it 4( Potential New Mycotoxins in Cotton and Cottonseed U. L. DIENER, R. E. WAGENER, G. MORGAN-JONES and N. D. DAVIS Department of Botany and Microbiology COTTONSEED MEAL is a potentially important source of pro- tein in human diets. Annual production of cottonseed meal in the U.S. could yield about 625,000 tons of high-quality, edible flour containing 65% protein by the Liquid-Cyclone- Process. However, the presence of mycotoxins in cottonseed meal precludes its use for human food. Aflatoxin was first discovered in cottonseed meal in 1960, when it caused liver cancer in hatchery trout. Although afia- toxins in excess of 30 parts per billion (ppb) occurred in 7% of 1,293 samples of cottonseed meals from the 1965-66 crop, inactivation of aflatoxins in cottonseed and peanut meals has been accomplished by ammoniation on a commercial-scale. Only Aspergillus flavus and A. parasilticus of the A. flavus group of species produce aflatoxins. Cottonseed is invaded before harvest by other fungi, which potentially may be my- cotoxin producers. Some of the other fungi were isolated from Alabama cotton in 1973 and 1974, while others were obtained from investigators in Georgia, Mississippi, and Louisiana. Pure cultures of each fungus were grown in flasks on steri- lized, nutrient-amended shredded wheat. After 14-21 days incubation at 25 0 C, the moldy substrates were extracted, fil- tered, evaporated under an airstream, and prepared for brine shrimp, chicken embryo, and rat bioassays. Data were taken on mortality of brine shrimp, chick embryos, and rats. In ad- dition, the mean average weight gain or loss relative to a con- trol group was calculated for each group of rats. Rats were autopsied at death or after 14 days and pathological changes were noted. Of 47 fungal isolates tested, the toxicity of 28 isolates to brine shrimp, chick embryos, and rats is shown in the table. Forty percent of the isolates were moderately or highly toxic to chick embryos. Of the 33 isolates tested on rats, seven killed at least one of six rats in their group. Rats fed extracts from eight of the 33 isolates showed reduced weight gain of 10% or more in comparison to the control group. Pathologi- cal examination of treated rats revealed that extracts of seven isolates caused hemorrhaging, while extracts of three isolates caused kidney abnormalities. Extracts of F. oxysporum (973) caused the shedding of hair by one group of rats, the first observance of this symptom. Other than aflatoxin no other mycotoxins have been re- ported in cottonseed. Notable in this study has been the high toxigenicity of several species of Alternaria, Fusarium, and Penicillium. All three genera contain species that cause well- known mycotoxicoses in man and animals. These findings and the toxicity of other fungi in these bioassays justify continuing research to isolate the toxic compounds, identify their struc- ture, and to determine whether they are known toxic metabo- lites or new mycotoxins. Ultimately, fungal production of the toxic metabolites on cottonseed and surveys of commercial cottonseed meals for any mycotoxins, known or new, should be carried out to determine the hazard to human health of cottonseed meal and processed protein obtained from meal. These data showed that some of the fungi (other than the A. flavus group) associated with cotton bolls and seed pro- duce substances toxic to brine shrimp, chick embryos, and/or rats in the laboratory, but it was not demonstrated in this research that any of these unknown fungal metabolites are produced naturally in cottonseed, meal, or other cottonseed products. Toxicrry OF FUNGI ISOLATED FROM COTTONSEED AND BOLLS AUA Brine Chicken Pct. wt. Pathol. culture Fungus Source shrimp embryo deaths Mortality loss changes 2 number mortality' total eggs Uninoculated checks 0 0/50 0 -- 582 A. altemrnata GA 1 10/10 0 -13 584 A. alternata MS 2 10/10 5/6 843 A. tenuissima AL 0 19/20 3/6 Hemor. 560 A. tenuissima LA 0 10/10 0 Kidney, Hemor. 823 Aspergillus foetidus AL 0 6/20 0 -15 Kidney, Hemor. 839 A. versicolor AL 0 14/20 0 + 9 561 Botryodiplodia theobromae LA 2 5/10 0 Kidney 586 B. theobromae MS 2 4/10 0 -25 Hemor. 837 B. theobromae AL 0 5/10 0 -10 585 Cladosporium herbarum MS 1 9/10 937 Colletotrichum gossypii AL 2 2/10 0 -13 Hemor. 890 Epicoccum pupurascens AL 1 7/10 825 Fusarium equiseti AL 0 10/10 0 Hemor. 972 F. heterosporum AL 0 1/10 0 +10 845 F. lateritium AL 0 8/10 0 587 F. moniliforme MS 2 8/10 0 +10 893 F. moniliforme AL 0 6/10 0 +10 973 F. oxysporum AL 0 9/10 2/6 -16 Shed Hair 564 Fusarium roseum MS 1 5/20 0 -13 575 F. roseum LA 0 1/10 1/6.. 590 Helminthosporium sp. MS 1 5/10 0- 854 Mucor racemosus AL 0 4/10 0 -10 591 Myrothecium roridum MS 1 6/10 1/6-- 1002 Nigrospora sphaerica AL 0 0/10 1/6- 1036 N. sphaerica AL 0 0/10 0 - 8 822 P. notatum AL 1 15/20 846 P. steckii AL 2 9/10 1/6 + 9 905 Pestalotiopsis sp. AL 0 2/20 0 Hemor. '2, 60 to 100% mortality of shrimp; 1, 20 to 59% mortality; and 0, 0-19% mortality (approximately 50 brine shrimp/ml). 'Pathological abnormalities observed: Hemor. = hemorrhages. Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station RIGHTS in the use of water in Alabama,1 SIDNEY BELL, Department of Agriculturat Economics end Rural Sociology W Xi Iii is onei of' Alabamia'~s mo1(st alluli dioi I (id most vidliahle natid rliesouire's. Th e aviil ability oIf u sable Xwate'r h1as al- XwXi l''l been i alniloliit to till su~ctcess of ,lin agricultural and11 many0 other enter- prlises. Todaty's inc'ieased techlnolooy has made,11 iforI' wXi'er av ailabl' and ill tile 1)rociss has sparlked many colell(x legal Thei irighlt of at fomer llldXX'ner to use XX'itcr for algriculturail purposes Xvaries suibstaintially' XXitfi the source (If Xwater ini qfuestion. T here aire thrtee different sourc1 es from Xwichl swater mray he oh) antI sot face XX'ater. Rights in the Use of Watercourse Water A XXvaterc'outrse is diefinedl as aliy Xwater ffoXXilig genlerally in a w~ell-definted chilli- nel 1111 or1 beloXX tie( suirface oif' tl it eath. eIX tol use XXate'r ill (Iit('atrcoulrse is batsed oni the prtinicipil' of thle ''Riparian Rights Dlctinue." Th il IiCI premtlise (If tllis doe- ti ii is tha~t the righit to the use of XXater i its il itura (1stalte i's appur tellant to the oXXner'iship of land through Xwich' it floXws. R'ipa~rian owXneris (owvner s of land eon- taiing a watercolurse) have an undis- pliteti property right to the Ilse of chan- neled Xwater flowXXing through or under thleir laud. It is an exclusiXve righlt, (ad only ripartian owners hlave a righlt to use wilter in a Xwaterc'ourse (or riparian wa- ter). IHowever, it is a conditioned right, and riparian owyners are limited by law in whiere and bowy they may use riparian water. Alitaaulaw iXX llliIX' that rtra W1111X'it dele'X'i'illlnt of r1:1(11ian land;lh riparianl ats tIle, ripar iii XX'telr sourcel. IHetnce, a rifpArin landowneiI~ll 'r c'an u15e' i m (in XVil t',r aiiX XXh('ll oi his faurm, Xso lonig its tile r;iTni is conltain~ed oil ((lilttiguolus tralet nit it al XXa~tershied iof the ripiani~l SOURlcI of XXit('r. 'Ilt( gener al i'ile' on us( (If ripari an XXiit I'r init bXeil refe'rred to as thle "'Inat Iiril- Ni 'liv oIf till' facts of tfiis ali't ie we're de' rif foio Bllehtin 99, Wa~ttr Lall s of Ala- 1)0(11(, ( elhogical Survey (If Alabanma 19744. fIIIXV subj(et to I ('AilIil,i' tl " dotrie. Ili oIther Xwordis, tile Irighit of 'evr rl arii XXT Oit'lc'llt i's XX iiici ith 1 ' X'h1: 1 011, low io IIIl'I~i~e ll Ili lit i'tl' niiillilIC(Iiel ilil~sl t XXuser"tli 11 isen il to the ediedf t5(1 hiiitcl-Ase Alld i'qithe X'leeiili lsiljI tof tit' XXatr illf te i o aist liti tlarii ltil( ilXX he ft111ril-iiiug n owocr i titledX ,t' mak itct re Iiil l usi o'naf ilthe lg ('ile O f or domes'ltI tic g i rIl iltk i] oir Xiat erc ill il' s(If purposes 101 tI' siI to tl 1- Inil i~ e t ia i r rilr 's ll l' as it h el i rih tic ius' rlllt(il wter forXX iif os X'itiv'I cing thibe f~l ili 'li if il t'se fuirrermoe rllit Rxeig htn the Usew of Pecoatingt Wteri reroti ig XX',oter 15iaiii XX %itrs totf till' iTiit gh XX fiic'lli m calf(ll tl ser XXni-I fille cAlbaIlla to'l Perlilt il XX'(lti seep ilitil till glltlidr fromt ltill g arth suvrfipci. L'il' iltT (i ther Ol c o0'r fnil laall (It i tisl'0111'd t'(iln ii Xatris priii -v 1t'I 1 ieI o- Illi co.s X'r wat'ing''Tecu livestoc iller XX itli' a upilli hodni' its(, flr'lidilil liii wI 'X'l'lu'ie' i of 1(111 ci e fo Sll~izel11 till Ill c- lthfl'lg 1110( XX'.l'r f iligill fatme rires met thic' i s eahinabl snt'ftre XX iioril- talle te risosil o lc ( iie Ih It must be remembered that this case applies only to perclaing water (o1 v10- dct'grolln( XX ater not 1it it well-deifine(d cha,1ITIcl ) atici that the ''Jiparlian flights Doctine" (roXems tite ulse Of Clillili('l(d III(1( l lgi oiuii X iter. NVitl toIaX's tech- lilologX , tite diistinlctioni ietwel t''i t(e tXXo( tN pt's of 1111(1(1 gioul wil X tti is Iiilily di scerll 11 " Sloss-Sli(ffield" is notable in that it add s a cliffern v1I. i w to ~V tile ire asonialie o C 1)1 oncept. Tb is c ise al lowXs thIiat per- colatillgr waiter ilaitll be (sedfly a lind- owvner to tile exte'nt that undlergiroutnd seater (If Iiiililorinllg pi'oJ)cr1ties is hler fereci wXithi or diX ''teif. T'e oly 1 (''ttit' may lot Xwiitte tlit X iter to tite iljui'y of others. A fif at ('lr- LInos'it is t IdII S III s AIOX c\\c' gTr(atli lcediim to 1use petcohit joig XXaterI thli lie is ilp11 li XX'lt('i' So flg its tile' filAt-Ine is litiiiil g i put Iicold iii( g wiltet flI I IIIi('i' his f illnl for- ai reasot idde is idlost lto legral hliit oil the qifiiititt liw i,, ci itithl i to Ilse'. Rights in the Use of Surface Water Siiilce sX'atei is tllilt XX ltl l ith is oil tlit'(I eillhs surfaLce', bit (fills l101 fliX illiA Xwell defiined c llii o hiiiIsis. Thle ((XX 1 Mil",X use all] si filce XX at(' is lie plea~ses5, eX cli if such'i iuse (1(1)1 e iX t liiXXci- 'leX atill liiiifiXX fll of, till XX Atel s fItill' fits. hts, \laif)llit lit\% tuli discr11ili ililittc5 Aiinst lowXe r M%(11( te ( ill's. liakiligT tfieir Iiglit to the( list, oif Xiilitce Xwater sifliii diiliti' to fiatt of, Iliil ('lc-ceil'a- tion lanidowXners. iluss r (X in Illabm wX~~t Xitli it's iiboi it ('(1111S g' (riiCiIIXii iltl i"iriiW t t l' Xiii- falce XX'tct . Ill rill al ( lililicil pin iteil to (ilscllg'c tile st it face XX'ltets whX'ichf ('i- can ilt illti'rt ifitt olobtruict this flow. 011lY XXiti tilt the( 1iltillicipill liviits Of il l'rts' oXX'Tli Ilgillisv t r 'lilt suirfacei Xsitt'i Ilse ill] stililae XXatr lie can catch oii con-i 5 etite'( fIX 1;1\v froill dliniiingr oi. blocking sf(icc XX'll'l' llis ieit liowilfitsi \it- ter ottite pr(IpertY of alowe lX'' ilid(- IIXX'ners. Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station SECTIONED AND FORMED STEAKS FROM FORAGE-FED BEEF DALE L. HUFFMAN and JOSEPH C. CORDRAY Department of Animal and Dairy Sciences acceptability of restructured steaks indicates potential market for young bulls finished on forage R ESTRUCTURED FRESH MEAT cuts may be an idea whose time has come. These sectioned and formed cuts seem to fill the growing demand for convenience foods at retail and by the fast food industry. In addition, there is a chance for a savings to the consumer since more economically produced meat can be used. Use of beef from forage-fed bulls in restructured products has been an active interest in meats research at the Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion. Such animals produce lean beef more efficiently than steers, but the bull carcasses grade lower than steers. Au- burn findings indicate that this beef can be used to produce a restructured prod- uct with desired sensory and physical properties. Restructured steaks for evaluating were made from carcasses of two 14- month-old Charolais x Angus bulls that were slaughtered at the Auburn Meats Laboratory. The carcasses were chilled 48 hours at 36 0 F, and the chucks and rounds were removed, boned, and defatted. The boneless chucks were frozen overnight at -30 0 F, tempered for 36 hours at 26'F, and sliced wafer thin on an automatic slicer. The boneless rounds were tender- ized three times using a reciprocating blade tenderizer with a belt setting of 1 in. per advance. This tenderization as- sured maximum cell disruption. The rounds were then cut into 2- to 3-in. cubes and the excess gristle and connec- tive tissue were trimmed off. Steps in forming the steaks were as fol- lows: (1) 25 lb. each of the wafer sliced chunks and tenderized beef cubes were blended in a Hobart horizontal mixer for 15 minutes and formed into logs; (2) the logs were frozen at -300 for 48 hours and tempered at 26 0 F for 36 hours; (3) the logs were pressed using a 3-in. diameter cylindrical die in a hy- draulic press, and thin sliced into 5 /%-in.- thick steaks. These steaks served as the control in comparison with other restruc- tured steaks that recei- ment in efforts to impro Steaks for the salt were prepared in exact except that 0.75% salt a ter were added to the ginning of the mixing were placed in styrofc overwrapped, and froze evaluation by a sensory an Instron, an instrumei toughness. Color was evaluated from each treatment trained sensory panel. pared for the panels and uation by griddle broilii temperature of 160'F electric griddle. Cookii termined by weighing s after cooking. The sensory proper juiciness, flavor, and an tive tissue, were evalua using a rating scale. Ins values (measured in kil RATINGS OF RESTRUCTI SENSORY PANEL AP Quality measure Sensory panel 1 Tenderness Juiciness Connective tissue .... Flavor Color. Instron values Compression 2 Tension 3 Cooking loss, pet.. 1 Rated on scale of 1-E tremely undesirable and sirable. 2 Kilograms of force re metal plate through a co 'Kilograms of force t 5-centimeter strip of cook pieces. ved a salt treat- give evidence of the amount of force re- ve quality. quired to push a metal plate through a added treatment cooked meat sample, while the Instron ly the same way tension scores reflect the force required nd 16 oz. of wa- to pull a 1.4 X 5-centimeter strip of meat at the be- cooked steak into two pieces. cycle. All steaks As shown in the table, the sensory am trays, PVC panel noticed no significant difference in n for subsequent tenderness or amount of connective tis- panel and with sue between steaks containing salt and nt that measures the control steaks. The average values for juiciness were slightly higher for the on two steaks steaks containing salt than the control by a 6-member steaks, and cooking loss was significantly Steaks were pre- lower for salt treated steaks. Adding salt for Instron eval- caused improvement in flavor, according ng to an internal to the sensory panel. Panelists were per- on a commercial mitted to use salt on the cooked sample ng loss was de- during testing if desired, so the flavor teaks before and difference noted was related to flavor al- teration of the meat mix during process- ties, tenderness, ing and cooking. nount of connec- Previous research also found that flavor ted by the panel was enhanced by incorporation of salt tron compression into the meat mix. The same research ograms of force) also showed that steaks containing salt develop off flavors during freezer storage. Color of steaks containing salt was sig- URED STEAKS BY nificantly more desirable than the color ND INSTRON of control steaks. This agrees with results Results by of previous studies with restructured beef treatment steaks. Control Salt Physical properties of the cooked re- added structured steaks containing salt were superior to the controls as evaluated by 5.3 5.5 the Instron. Compression scores were sig- 4.4 5.0 nificantly lower and the tension scores 5.2 6.2 were significantly higher for the salt treat- 4.0 4.7 ment. This indicates that the meat parti- cles bound together better with salt ad- 838 755 dition, but still retained more desirable 33.4 31.8 compression scores, which is indicative 8 . he 1.= of desired tenderness. 3, where 1 - ex- 3 = extremely de- The reported findings established that an acceptable restructured steak product quired to push a can be manufactured from young bull oked meat sample. beef. Based on this study, the addition ked meat into two of 0.75% salt provides improved sensory and physical properties. Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station MARKETABLE TOMAT cr0 F. LDS' XITIi I iiiII T, I Ii' 11\ItI( 1lIW III1ODS, Irrigation and In-row Chiseling Boost Tomato Yields B. D. DOSS, Dept. of Agronomy and Soil s Coop. USDA-SEA J. L. TURNER, Dept. of Horticulture C. E. EVANS, Dept. of Agronomy and Soils en cR GNF 'l RALLY Il'XD xli E i Iii ST iif factiors thait limniit cropi prouctionl iii Ala- lirna. Excen iii y ears of high rainfalll, poor. cdistibio illuiringy critical periods anld poor- wxater us e caulse iof soil cornm pn'liiol may ieut in rediuced yields or cropi 1 lailluri. 'liis, isc' uof suplemen'i'ital xxaiter anid bi lking tip uf siiil harldlpanis ciu ld lie expeucted to redcuce crop lossces fromn rainfall xl iiitalge. A comiaition iif ir riaion and in-roxv cliisl'lillg gavx a'~ positive yield respoinse ill I976-78 tinm to pioct lion resech i at till' Ft. V. Smiithi licsearcli (eilter. The project evxaluat11ed fuiriixx, sprinkle, and trickle irrigatioii methodls xxithl and1( xxith- ouit ii roxv chlixseling for stakecd Troipic 11)11ill(oCs giow oxxil n Oraniigcebui rg sai icl lialli soil. (o ) i irroxx aid piii)nkle iriigatc'c ploitl., wate1r xxas addei ld 6-7 clays afteiri rains o f I i. iir more, andlc at 6- to 7 (lay init(erxvals thieireaftcer iuitil a xxetting rain occurredl. i rrigaution on i ticklce plots wav~s appicdc 1 -5 cax ' s after raini ancd tlii cx cix'r 2 cdayx lillitil aniothier rain carl'. i lickle iii iga- I ion wvatei xvas1 appl icec thiroiigh a single line iif lxxill xxall plastic tiililg plaucecd onl lh' siiil sillface niext to the plants. Chlisel- lng xx'as donle directlx' heic'.tli the roxy to au depth of 12-11 iii. iimiedliately he- fore' plants xx'cre su't in midApil. Al11 plots xvere' adlou'c 11el v fe rt0 iizcd ac- coi ii li to sil ltest i eco I en (1 daition 5. Planiis xxerce st~le'( and lieu wxithlW txie xx n-u appi1 i\ iiia yt~ I) in) hiigh ' i1 (d ti i'riAte whexni'eve'xc'r th e plants grewx all otheir 6 in. tallir. Wecekly spralx iig xwithi insx eticide a iid fi iii ici de proxvidedl e ffec- lix i push co(ntroil. Wueecds xx'cre controllced isbY hiride. (Iri ation ren-ptiiemenls xxere relatix clx Iligi illirilig 1977 amid 1978 as a resiiit of lowxx i ,infall. Raolf'll cliiiing, Ilie poriil friont pl11a1ntig In last hairvest xvas approi- ina~ti'x 21 iii. in 1976, bnt onv I11 in. iii 1977 and agraii i ii 1978. Lowxxest amoii uif irrigation xwater applied per sceasoin Irrigation and tillage me thod No irrigation Not chiseled C h ise led----------- --- Furrow irrigation Not hiseled Sprinkle irrigation Not cil ed------- C hiseled--- ----- --- Trickle irrigation Not chiseled Chiseled Average, all treatments Not chiiseled Chlehd Per acre produlct ion 4.3,8 10 17,180 45,670 24,710 12,280 50,120 43,500 52,020 45,830 48,960 4:3,860) 49,1901 wvas inl 1976 - 3.3 in. firont 6 trickle irri gations alld( 9.() in. 1mmll 6 irrigatins by the sprin kle inethod. Most wvater applied in a x ear xxas 9.6 in. im :35 iriigatioiis lix the ti ickli' method anid 20.0 iii. front1 1:3 spriinkle irrigations in 1977. Anioiit of wxaler applied was ax ipiroximately the' same for tille fiurrowx anid spiikle ietli- ods m nole than ltwice as mnuch as wxith tr ickle iiiigaition. Boithi till' rate osf plant urroxxtli inl early season and1( plant height at first haixv(st wxere increasedli lby in oration and1( in-roxx eciiseling. 11 cigh t of planuts ait (lie begin- Ilung of haixest rangfed fromt an ax ir .ig of 25 in. for the noi irigaiteil, unel iseled tr eatments to 48 in. fiol the in igated aind chiseled tr eat meint. Theii greatest eff~ect f rom irrigalion or eciiseliig xvas in 197 whenl axveirage plant height wxas increased an axverage of 16 iii. lby irrigation and another 4 in. Iv chiseling. TPhiee ver axverage' markieLtable niato vieids rallg('i firoim :32,000 to 47,0011)h. l' acre'(, se( e table. Yields we re incireased ibx irrigationi dtiiing 1977 and 197S, hut not ill 1976, a1 year of iiigh irainfall duiinig tile gi oxxilig Season. Response to irrigation wa s gireatest in 42.160 40,370 41,930 41,610 40,370 44,940 35,410 :37, 910 197-8 Lb. 34,610 30,:380 45,350 47,400 Axveratge Lb. 31,880 33,590 -13,260 -15,960 43,470 42,970 45,500 46,3801 40,390 48,210 10,9:30 -12,160 47,370 40,070 1.3 320 1977 x\-]tl irainfali xwas loxwest ciirimlg the peak fruiitinlg peiond. Theirie xx as little diffeiriice lictxvcii aixci age( xiclils of thle miltliod ulsed less dilli hlf (lie fiiki lns xxater that wxas appliedl to the fiirroxw or sprinkle ii raled ti caients. AlXi axer- age fI ii 97 aincd 19 shioxxedi that iri- gTatioil iincreased iclils by 16,75 11). per a b loxve iioiii gaeil xields. lii1-o rix'1iliseliiig iniiieased x iilds for all ti-cilments inl 1976. Ill 1977, chisel- ing( did lnot mlci ease pridcioniii oil the Spriikle alld fiurl oxx II eiments. 'Ilii' iiext year cise'ling uppedl x \ilds onn iiirigated gi i atest deffc fi oln c hiis(lig~ xxis iiil iiii- irr igated plots iii 1977 x%,]tl x iclds wr on1cliisu'lcd Plots. The percentage oif large fruit xxas in- creasedl i\ bxoth Ii iii ationl andc ciiiseli g bx chliseihg. hiut tlielliii to lie diecreasced lwx n riaioni. A colunt of diseased plaints at the endl of eachl ll,.ivest scasoii showexdcc that a hliglie- peceniitalge of plants xxei lisiasi-i il spr1inl~ke ill igalc'c ploits than onl eithler fusrroxw o1 r iickle irrigaitcec plots. Effect of sprinkler irrigation on tomato growth is illustrated by this comparison of irrigated plants (right) and those nat irrigated (left). Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station B rITE which are often mistakenly at- tributed to mosquitoes or black flies are actually caused by minute blood-sucking flies which, like mosquitoes, must feed on blood in order to develop their eggs. They are members of the family Cerato- pogonidae and are tlhus called ceratopo- gonids or biting midges. Because of their extremely small size (.04 to .08 in.) which makes them nearly invisible to the casual observer, they are often referred to as "no-see-ums." Another common name is punkies, a corruption of an Al- gonquii Indian word for ash or ash-like, referring to their grayish, fleek-like ap- pearance and the associated burning sen- sation produced as they feed. Biting midges are especially a problem in coastal areas vlhere they breed in salt marshes and along beaches, accounting for another common name, sand flies. Further inlaud they cause severe discom- fort to camil)ers , sportsm(en, and othler outdoor entllhsiasts. In addition to biting man, these flies readily attack wildlife, cattle, and other domestic livestock, caus- ing an undertermined amount of eco- nomic losses. Not all ceratopodogonids feed on man and large mammals. Those that do tvpi- callv ),long to the genera Culicoidcs and L'plloconops. Other biting midges feed on birds, snakes, frogs, and even many groups of insects. The feeding habits of most members of this large, diverse fam- ily are still unknown. These flies b1reed in a wide range of aquatic and semi-aquatic habitats includ- ing the edges of ponds and streams, low- lying woodlands, seepage areas, and the organically-rich soils of swamps and bogs. Rot holes in trees in which water and organic debris accumulate provide ideal sites for development of several of the woodland species that readily attack man. Although biting midges do not appear to play a significant role in the transmis- sion of human disease agents in the United States, they are vectors of two important viral diseases of domestic and wild animals: bluetongue of sheep and cattle, particuilarly iln the Westerl States, and epizootic hemorrhagic disease of deer in the Southeast. The latter hils caused high mortalities in white-tailed (ldeer populations as the result of out- )breaks in Alabama, Georgia, North Caro- lina, and Tennessee over the past several decades. A state-wide survey of the biting midges in Alabama was initiated in 1976 to determine what species are found here, their seasonal occurrence, relative abun- dance, and breeding habits. Prior to this time only 16 genera and 59 species had been reported in the State. With the co- AI Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station ' I /'ON / J f BITING MIDGES: Pest of Man, Livestock, and1 Wildlife GARY R. MULLEN and JAYSON I. GLICK Deportment of Zoology-Entomology FIG. 1. Adult biting midge showing con- spicuous wing markings, which aid in identi- fication. operation of personnel of the Agricultural Experiment Station, five State Parks, the Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge, and the Tennessee Valley Authority, regular trapping locations were set up to collect these flies in each of the major physio- graphic regions of the State. Standard New Jersey light traps, figure 2, were operated nightly from April to Novem- ber. In addition, extensive collections of substrate samples from potential breed- ing sites have been made from \\hich adults have been reared in the laborator.. A total of 142 species in 24 genera is now known to occur in Alabama, includ- ing 42 species of the man-biting genus Culicoidcs. A number of previously un- described species in at least four different genera has also been collected. Culicoidcs variipennis and C. occidcntolis sonorcnsis, known vectors of bluetongue, have been found to be common near livestock facili- ties in several parts of the State. In an effort to learn more about C. o. sonorensis and its potential role in the transmission of bluetongue virus in Ala- bama, a detailed field study of the biol- ogy of this species was begun earlier this vear at the Black Belt Substation in l)al- las County. This t pe of study, together xithi an on-going survey, will provide much needed iiformation on this eco- nomically-important, yet poorly known, group of biting flies in the Southeast. FIG. 2. Standard New Jersey light trap used in ceratopogonid survey. - I - ~'' F in-row weed control in pecans HARRY J. AMLING, Department of Horticulture EMMETT CARDEN, N. RONALD McDANIEL, and FRANK B. SELMAN Gulf Coast Substation A COIBINATION of herbicides and mowing is one of the widest used weed control management practices for orchard floors in the eastern portion of the U.S. pecan belt. Herbicides are used to main- tain a 7- to 8-ft.-wide weed-free strip in the tree row. Remainder of the orchard floor is mowed. In young trees, the weed-free row strip is primarily needed to reduce weed com- petition. In bearing orchards it elimi- nates the need for cross mowing. A harvesting advantage is that nuts from the weed-free strip can be blown to one side, which improves efficiency of the sweeping operation. Pecan weed control research by the Auburn University Agricultural Experi- ment Station, conducted since 1962, has defined weed problems in the tree row, as follows: 1. Annual grass and broadleaf weed complexes in the tree row. 2. Perennial grasses in the row. 3. Perennial broadleaf weeds immedi- ately adjacent to the tree itself. 4. Annual grasses in newly planted trees. Effective chemical control for each has been found in the Auburn research. The data have been successfully used for label registration of the more promising chem- icals evaluated, with the exception of 2,4,5-T. Persistence of preemergence herbicide activity of Simazine and Kannex differ ed considerably between central and south- ern Alabama. These herbicides used alone had insufficient persistence in southern Alabama to maintain the weed- free, in-row strip. This was attributed to the higher prevailing temperatures and rainfall in that area. With 4-year-old trees, long-term trials were then set up to evaluate a Karmex-Sinbar combination and Surflan. These treatments were con- sidlered at the time to be more persistent in precemergence activity, but they were not registered for such use. Earlier work had found that continued use of preemergence herbicides alone without applications of postemergence materials increased perennial weed pres- sure from bermudagrass, dcwberry, and blaekherry. Consequently, Roundup was included, used alone and in conjunction with the preemergence herbicides. No visual tree damage occurred wvith any of these herbicides, even though the lower 1 ft. of tree trunk was sprayed. In separate studies it was found that Roundup coIuld not be allowed to contact cU(C( oe COnloound Icaf Iihout s h.stan- tial phyttotoxicity the following spring. Appl -in g Roundup wit Simazine, Kar- mex, or Sinar as a tank mix also resulted in nearly complete inactivation of the Roundup. This did not occur when tank mixed wvith Surflan. Herbicide treatment did not affect tree size or number of nuts per tree. tHow- ever, size of nuts was substantially larger cp;r EFFECT OF SELECTED IEIIICIDES ON C iOWTII, YIELDS, AND NUT QUALITY OF 7-YiEAH-OLD CAPE FEAII TREES' Treatment Nuts per )lb. No. Yield and nut data Nut Percent Yield volume shellout per tree cc Pct. Lb. Yield per acre Lb. Nuts per tree No. owed cheeck 66 9.8 58 17.3 718 1,142 louindup, 4 lb./acre 51 12.6 56 21.6 896 1,102 Boundup, 8 lb./acre 55 11.9 58 28.6 1,187 1,573 loundulp, 2 lb./acre, plus Surflan, 2.25 lb. 57 11.8 59 21.9 909 1,248 Roundup, 2 lb./acre, plus Kannex-Sinbar, :3.2 & 0.8 lb. 54 12.3 58 21.6 896 1,164 'Trees drip irrigated with one emitter per tree, 8 hours per day; trees spaced 30 X 35 ft., 41.5 trees per acre. Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station Weed-free, in-row strip reduces weed com- petition with young pecan trees (right) and eliminates the need for cross mowing and improves harvesting efficiency of bearing trees (left). on all herbicide treated trees than on the mowed check. This increase in nut size occurred even though all test trees (in- cluding mowed only) were drip irrigated (8 hours per day with one emitter de- livering 1 gal. of water per hour). Surflan did not adequately control broadleaf weeds as it did annual grasses, and annual grass control was poorer than from the Kannex-Sinbar combination. Better annual weed control results from Surflan were noted on newly planted trees in recently plowed and disked fields, a situation where Karmex-Sinbar could not be used because of possible phytotoxicity. In this situation, there was no visual toxicity from Surflan. The preemergence herbicides evaluated do not prevent the pegging down of per- ennial grass stolons that grow into the treated strip. The greater the vigor of these grasses the more intense is this problem. Perennial grasses in the tree row, par- ticularly bermudagrass, are readily con- trolled by Roundup and Dalapon. Shad- ing does not improve Roundup effective- ness as it does with Dalapon. IHence, Roundup is far more effective in young orchards than is Dalapon. In contrast to Dalapon, Roundup is not effective against bermudagrass in the spring. Its use for this purpose is restricted to mid and late summer. However, Roundup will also control perennial broadleaf weeds, such as honeysuckle and poison ivy, even if applied in the spring. Con- trol of brambles can be achieved with Roundup applied at high rates in late summer. Best control of brambles and other perennial broadleaf weeds adjacent to the tree base was obtained using low- volatile esters of 2,4,5-T in water applied as a spot treatment. This use for 2,4,5-T is not registered. Ut--+LIHVKUl- in Pond-raised Coatfish R. T. LOVELL, Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures M osr catfish farmers would probably agree that pond related off-flavor, namely a musty or muddy flavor, is the number one problem in the industry today. Be- fore a pond of fish can be harvested, the farmer must present a sample of the fish to the processor who cautiously tests the fish by smell and taste for off-flavor. If even slight off-flavor is detected, the fish cannot be harvested and the farmer must wait until the flavor improves. Off-flavor is not a permanent thing; it disappears soon after the source in the pond is gone. This may take only a week or several months may be required; con- sequently, off-flavor creates considerable inconvenience in maintaining pond har- vest schedules. Studies on causes and controls for pon(l related off-flavor in catfish con- ducted at the Auburn University Agri- cultural Experiment Station have allowed for some of the following conclusions. (Ceosmin is the major compounid re- spoisible for the musty flavor in pond raised catfish. Ceosmin, or chemically related compounds, also causes musty odor or flavor in public water supplies, various foods, and decaying organic mat- ter in the soil. Ceosmin is produced by some species of blue-green algae and by some actino- mwycetes. A hecavily fed fish pond is a good growth mcdiuim for both of these organisms, the algae using inorganic nu- trients and the actinomycetes growing on decomposing organic matter. Odor-pro- ducing species of both organisms have been identified from ponds with musty flavored catfish. Musty flavor in catfish occurs more fre- quently in heavier soils, such as in the Black Belt and the Mississippi flood plain, than in sandier, more acid soils. Off-flavor is reported most often in late summer (perhaps because more fish are harvested then), frequently in cool weather (spring and fall), and occasionally in the winter. A survey in 1975, covering Alabama and Mississippi, indicated that approximately two out of 10 catfish ponds could be ex- pected to have off-flavor fish at any single time during the summer and fall months. The geosmin-like compounds can be absorbed by the fish through the gills di- rectly from the water; thus, ingestion of geosmin-containing materials is not nec- essary for the fish to obtain the flavor al- though they absorb it quicker through the digestive tract. Geosmin is stored in the fat tissue of fish. \Vhen a musty-flavored fish is placed in a geosmin-free environment, this com- pound disappears from the flesh relatively quickly. Tests showed that no sensorilh detectable off-flavor was present when musty-flavored fish were held in clean water for 7 to 10 days at 750F or for 10 to 15 days at 620F, depending upon initial flavor intensity. Ilowever, along with disappearance of off-flavor there will be a weight loss of 5 to 12% if the fish are not fed. Controlling off-flavor is difficult be- cause enriched catfish ponds are favor- able media for growth of geosmin-pro- ducing organisms. Selective destruction of the organisms which cause off-flavor, while sparing those which enhance pond water quality, is difficult. General recommendations for the con- trol of off-flavor in catfish ponds are not available. Transfer of fish to clean water or rapid exchange of the pond water is effective, hut most farmers cannot do this adequately or economically. Judicious use of algacides has shown varying success, but this is hazardous because of the pos- sibility of overkill of algae and subse- quent oxygen depletion. Producers and processors have been educated on the etiology of off-flavor de- velopment in catfish and the significance of this problem on marketabilitv of the fish. Research is in progress at this time on pond control measures and objective tests for measuring off-flavor in fish. illustration of the influence of continuous infusion of fish feed into the pond on growth of geosmin-synthesizing organisms and sub- sequent absorption of the off-flavor com- pound by fish. ctinomycete Growth A Unobsorbed Feed Nutrients De Minerals C02 N ecomposin Algae Algae Growth Food Chain Compounds Secreted - Fish's Body in Water Consumed/ Directly Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station r -Oho --------------------- I-- ,rIFu ___.__._______L--- FIG. 1. Onychiurus encarpatus (top) and praisatoma minuta (bot- tomn), soil dwelling Collembola tspringtailst from Alabama cotton fields. FIG. 2. Control of coiton seedling disease by Collembola added to Rhizoctonia-infested field soil. A) Natural, R hizocton ia -infested fic'ld soil only; B) natural field soil ICollembola added; C) sup- plemcntary Rhizoctonia inoculum added to field soil; D) supple- mentary Rhizoctonia +' Callembola added. S1 i i~issiti'.. oi, sortiei root disease fungi by antagonistic cotiii liittts of te Soil il irni ltira ( fun gi, bac'teriai, etc. ) is XX' 'ii dt i tonen teid, hut thei( po) tt il role cif Stil insct s in plaiit tiseIse contol has bieni Xii tuially igitoic'd. hBt gl in iig XVIthi thei( giadteiit studie's of Elizabetil A. Wig- ghts iut 19761 it tile Atubitrnt Uive'sitv Agi ic'ultii al Experime(nt S Lit ion, seveiral facts ablit inic'rtartlti tpocls of tile Order ('ol- It iii ii I ( sp ri itgt~ii s) htavc' been'i ('stablish edl. Twol gene cra, IPro .1i itt la andii On tyr'i ittrils, of theicse mii u tC in sects (1-2 iin 10t11g) ate pirevalenit ilthtliiaot ill sUailiX soils eooilloi tol iiiai t Alabi am a cot ton fie('Ic,,. Like' the c in i rofiot a, ti icv arce ctiits ist eit IX v nlorc' iiitii inmt inl theI roiot zoneI ( rIi tsliiC rC thltli ill root-iree stil, andc their nuimbers are intcreasedl tUind(r stipl d (iient aiX i nirgaici fert ilizationit. 'FT c inisets ailso li ( ( ai tl'iti'icc tti miigiraIte toiXXa rd lantii roots cluiiin g pCIrils XXieii stii is cIt-i XIg. It XX as f t thtier siliXX'n that they can tra.nsport ftit gwat spotrcs lit tI tillr Spotg res of tile cot tol t XXiit patti It) ieCl lu sritt o(XtJsponun f. sp. t tinfct 'ln, on their bi istlcc graltisitis. Thusi', it appeac'redc (bat tite inisects ighiyt be a1 thieat tto cot li cirops liv XcI Xii ig as v'ectors of cdise'ase aglents. Siiitsetjii 'lilv, it XX Is (eatrne'd that tXX i spiels iol thttse' Ciii- 1p01115) atrc liX \cM(iotgUtS (fuLnguIs feders) and feedi dcstruc- l ively' ii pni [lie ctn rotiiit lt patli igen, Rbi/t oCIn ia so/o of, als XXl 'is o i i F .itts itt an td m iX i 0 tli r soiil ft i gi . Thecrefore', it is bliev Xeid tha~t these ins'cts may pilay a liial irole iii cotton fields: ( I ) ltt'v inatv tranosport litiniall sportilatiiig futngi, btth 1 atlitgt'ns anti iion-patiogt'os, toi thi'i rooit /toCl, thuts in fit iti tciii( ge'olotgi c'al pi c'n tiia airotund thC roots andc af(feet iitg 1 i1.iitt litlltli anti gTrliwti; tir (2) tteX mnay servet as ntttrt Ibitiltigical ctttti oh igt'ltts 1)X destrtictiXe ('Iv feeding tupon path- togents mid re'lii 1 tile iiioc'tltim llensitv requiiredi for iroot infecticon. The sectondl part tif this htyivithil'sis XX is te'sted'llii itil tlttr lahiiitiioItv aind gYrt't'iittitsec' xpe~riments tising mixedt poulationis oth tit' XXo (Xilt'niita species agtainst RlizLoctottia .5(/tti. Tiis liaitittigeni does iiolt produt ce sporc's aindc, th erefore, First, the diestrutiXve Capacity of titC insects aginst Rhi'-oc- Itttli(! Xvai5 dter'mintt'c iii iabiitory fee'Cing tests. Wheicn tile miixe'td s pecie werXel' in) rt t t cel into tti lsites Xvhere Rh/i (id/toi was girow~i ng frtiin iinoculatect oat gri l is on agar, 75-100if in- sects c'tnsuimit'd .liprliniatt'iv 90% cif the ftingai nix c'llim sil satpi tiiiX t ( Trir'iodcrttto iiorziattittt ori Xsjn'ti-iis ttr Suppression of Rhizoctonia Disease in Cotton by Mycophagous Insects E. A. CURL, Departmc, f Botory and Microbiolngy J. D. HARPER, Depa I IfZoloy Entomology FIG. 3. Destructive feeding of Collembala an oat-grain culture (right) of the fungus Rhizoctonia solani, a cotton root-disease path- cgen, culture without insects (left). rciOs X ('c (iltitie cilli tihe sm.ifle tish, tile' ins~ects XiloiXX til a di'stinict fe('i'ciiitg ilcl ice lot- the pimtittge'i. A ser ies of r epeatedi expeimnents XX as then conducted to de term ine the capaiiil it X of tih' Coilh'mibol a to reduce tihe inocilr tim((iisit v of li zo ct 00) in a natu ral fi eld soil andi thlus pi oteet cotton seedlings from clampitignilf disease. Fer - tile sailtIX loamri cllitainlit0 a natui al mieroliot a and knjowni to be ifesteci wXiih li t iC/0 solaiot, Nvas col leected fr om a local cot ton field and1( mixed f or ii oim itX , thlen sni ject el to dc,- siredi treatmcents and ciispentsed in 5.4 cui. in. (abou~nt 1 5 pt.) quantities jno ( 1 t. plastic greenhoumse pots. Replicated ti eat- liI('its X ci C as flowiXs: \SS non-sterilizecl (inatut ai) soil, itotitin g addceci NSS + -t, CO natutoai soil pis I abora toi reVt et I Ccliii thol a ( i\Cll spcics) add cedi at 1,000 or 2,000 inisects foi 2.2 lb). Soil; NSS + 1S3- natur al soil suipple- innt ec Xvi)h hi ltUocto(ittia soln ioni chol lpped ( oats at the rate of0.22 T per 2.2 lb). of soil; and NS i- 1RS + ('0 -sodl XXNi it t oth llizton!il in octi i ti and cIo llcnm lat addted. 1Tell inl eaci of cil'fi t pots per ti eatm nrt. 1'rct i) gC eedliii g ei. ei tce \v~i recorcded andi, 12 ci, \s Ilateri, all roo ts ani ciln- ,ger minatecd seed XXr crc c ieti ion tile soil anic XX asltec. Botiot disease seX CritY wvas rated ton a scale of 0 ( health' 1 ) toi .5 ((lead) . Uiigermiatei sieed andit rottedt inpoi~citXis XX Ci c(ror' i /el its p'-C~'mctnec datniping-nfl aiic ratedl 5. The presenc: o f li; oI'tottia iii diseased'c roo~ts XXa ver iiifie'd ii ciii tii iii g firom XVUalICL ro(iot sCarints. Thec r esults are( illustrtedc in figore 2, using pots representa- tiv e of eaceh treatment. T'1 li mxopliagois action of Coliemn biola coiti ibtted to a siginificantt redclutioii inl bo1th pie- atici puist-emneigertee damping-otl disease, conseqjuently faXvoriing plant grilt i and a mor e folly cdevelopecd root system. WXhere 2,000~t insects XX crc added per pot, tite UX erage Tnml eal dis- eas rtings for treatmcnts repr esented in figure 2 Xvere: N SS - 2.25, _NSS + COt-I0.), NSS + RS -4.1(0, and NSS +- BS +t CO -2.2)). The addition of supplementarv Rioc ttm inoui'iiii to soil alreatdy naturally infes.ted Xvitl the pthogen represents tin extremely ihigh level of inocuhuir ava ilablle for infection; thterefoie, the disease reduction by insect actiXvity in treatment NSS + RS + CO is paiticularlv impressive. This inv estigTatto n stronigly sulggests thatt miei oiitsects assoei- tedc With tlIe roiot surlfatce Oir i itizosphei e of crop plants miust lbe considleredi along Xvitit the mnicrollora in eclolgical rescearch relating to biological control of soil-bornte pathtogens. One grin equals .035 oz. Auburn Universqty Agricultural Experiment Station From Cotton Gin Residue, Bark, and Wood Fiber EVANGELOS J. BIBLIS and WU-CHUNG LEE Department of Forestry C OTTON GIN WASTES (from spindle-picked cotton) consist of various portions of stems, leaves, burs, cotton fibers, sand, and soil. Collection and disposal of these waste materials has been the concern of cotton gin managers for many years. Until recently, most southeastern cotton gins burned their wastes in a teepee or open type burner. Other gins have trash hoppers to collect their waste and haul it to a dump. In other cases, gin trash has been composted and then applied to fields. In specific areas, limited amounts of trash have been fed to cattle. Presently, pollution control regulations prohibit some of the above disposal methods. Cotton gin waste, in most cases, contains an appreciable amount of bundled short cotton fibers. The existence of the cotton fibers could qualify the gin wastes for use as part of the raw material (furnish) for fabrication of non-structural building panels. With the addition of wood particles or fibers and a thermosetting resin, cotton gin wastes could provide the major portion of the needed material to produce insulation building panels for housing. This work was undertaken to investigate process and other variables for fabricating panels containing large amounts of cotton gin residues, and to compare the properties of these panels with the properties of commercial insulating building boards. PROPERTIES OF EXPERIMENTAL BOARDS' AND OF COMMERCIAL INSULATION BUILDING BOARD Lower Higher Commercial Property density density insulation board board board density (pcf) (1.2)2 (1.5) (0.2) Plate shear 31.2 42.5 12.8 Modulus (10'psi) (1.8) (2.2) (0.7) Modulus of 93.9 125.4 32.9 elasticity (10'psi) (16.1) (15.7) (4.5) rupture (psi) (89) (96) (23) Internal 3.6 6.3 4.0 bond (psi) (0.9) (1.6) (0.4) Nail holding 9.4 16.7 8.4 face (lb.) (2.3) (4.7) (1.2) Thermal conductivity K 0.401 0.449 0.353 (BTU-in./hr.-ft.2-F) (0.014) (0.022) (0.007) Experimental Work The work involved fabrication and evaluation of building boards from various mixtures of the following components by dry weight: 60% cotton gin residues, 20% southern yellow pine bark, and 20% sweetgum fibers. Bark was included to improve thermal insulation of the board. Boards in this ex- periment were surfaced on both sides with Kraft paper (0.006 in. thick, % oz. per sq. ft. weight). Cotton gin wastes were collected from Alabama gins, dried to 6.5% moisture and crushed with a hammer-mill-type ani- mal feed grinder. Wood particles of southern yellow pine were obtained from a particleboard plant and hardwood fib- ers 1 (sweetgum) from a fiberboard plant. The components were dry mixed for 3 minutes in a motor- ized drum mixer and then blended with urea-formaldehyde concentrate resin (Allied Chemical Fiberbond) at an 8% rate. Board mats (24 in. X 24 in.) were hand formed. Paper sur- facing was accomplished in one operation while pressing the board. The inside surface of the Kraft paper was thin coated with urea-formaldehyde concentrate resin. Boards were hot- pressed for 5 minutes at 400 psi (pounds per square inch) and 300 0 F. Mechanical stops were used to control board thickness of 1/ in. and board densities of 22 and 27 lb. per cu. ft. There were eight boards in each density group. After fabrication all boards were conditioned at 65% R.H. and 72 0 F. Each board was initially trimmed to 16 in. square and tested non-destructively in plate shear according to ASTM D 3044-76.2 Afterwards, each board was cut into five flexure specimens 3 in. wide (15 specimens for each mixture) and tested for flexure stiffness and strength. From the tested flexure specimens of each board, six internal bond specimens and three specimens for nail holding were cut and tested. Experimental results are listed in the table. These boards, as they have been described in the experimental procedure, are reinforced with paper on both surfaces and thus form a sandwich construction. The paper-skin reinforcement has sig- nificantly improved all strength properties except internal bond strength. The flexure and plate shear properties of both low and high densities (22 and 27 p.e.f.) paper-surfaced boards are two to four times larger than corresponding prop- erties of the commercial insulation board. The internal bond (I.B.) strength of the low density board is slightly weaker while the I.B. of the higher density board is stronger than that of the commercial insulation board. The nail withdrawal re- sistance of both density boards is higher than that of the com- mercial board. The thermal conductivity factors (K) of the low and high density boards are, respectively, 14% and 27% higher than that of the commercial board. However, the in- sulating values of these two density boards are twice as good as that of -in. softwood plywood sheathing (K - 0.8). Results indicate that it is possible to fabricate commercially acceptable building boards that contain large amounts of cot- ton gin residue (60%), southern pine bark (20%), and hard- wood fibers (20%). These boards are reinforced with Kraft paper on both surfaces, and are two to four times stronger and stiffer than the commercial insulation boards. They have good thermal insulation values and are light and easy to handle without breaking. 1Sweetgum fibers had been processed in a Bauer 418 pressurized refiner with plate clearance of 0.050 in., stem pressure of 100 psi, and dwell time of 5 minutes. 2 American Society for Testing and Materials. 1977. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 22. Philadelphia, Pa. Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station 'Experimental boards contained 60% cotton gin residue, 20% southern pine bark, 20% hardwood fibers, with paper surfaces. 2 Number in parentheses indicates standard deviation. 15 ALABAMA'S COASTAL COU NTIF ROBERT G. NELSON and WILLIAM E. HARDY, JR. Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology C OASTAL RiEGIONS in the United States are receivinlg more and more attention fiom administrators, planners, and citi- zens hecause of tile variety of actixvities xvhichi take pliace on or near tile coast anti bCcause5 o~f tue neecdc to pceserve the mnan ' unique environmenutal ch aracte ris tics of coiastal areas. Re'searchers in tile Department (If Ag- riculiturail Econ om ics anti Ruralci SoCiol- ogv (fiidecl by tile NOAA Office' of Sea Graint, D~epaiitmen~lt oft Commece) hasve iindtackcei a xliii is l illi int ilerctionls iletxv''n(cil C ilulit . uad enivironmental concern(' i s ill the i o' viciiii lt c'oa still 11'giill (If Aiaaina. The stuys d(ixvicded iinto txx ( tlii' Il iilltlal (OIl giit, aic cix ipc i NI~lI (il iii ;lxx ii counties. 'rut basis iof tue economic miodel is a tecihiiue kiiowx :iis 'input-output anal- y six.'' iiput-oituit anlyixsix is fuiitiamen- tails il ccc'uint ii igxstc'in cPi~l('ii to shoi%)th liii 1(15 of goodlts aind xsirv~ices be- x\V(ei1 IWOp i i(It-r ciiid iifrlill PrdU C'(rS to iduttive' prlce'ss, as well 1 as til( ou11put froml it, lie decibeil' l i a tA)iiilar formlat antI ii in this fi iI(5511k furtilicr ilnltil(' (lit 1 )t miIocdil is to deidi(c(ll thei gilnerail giilllps, ior "se(tors," into whlli the( sari- Otis buisineCsses (If thei l'cin y5 tain lbe incciiiilfuols comibiineh. tiIn tiis sliltiS, ai total (If, 3.3 setor we x re tilOs~tiIliip Senit all alix itO's anid ilnidustieis iil t110 re'gioin. Tit' Ildille an chieomipositio~n of wvhichi tih're ace 85 sec'toirs) exce'pt that1 incluxti 115 importn 1 to11 tihe rionii sill hi iilc'bilig dcciiic th ir ownsi sectl , xxiie relaitixvely insigif3 ilt iniiiislrii's su ch ias II'cit I c prodicts 5i 111 lm11ct I le R('xxindiiiig Sholps W'i (' ciilnilil'cl ilitil xvas iise(d as lheb'ase year 1 ii'i s ll ta ptit andlt employmilenlt staltistics cotulcd ile obtaiinetd for tilt' mlajority cof sectors. Man- ufacturing sectors iold a proimirient ple sinltce Mobilc' Cclillv is quiite Iligill ill ciisti ializcdt. Coils crsclx, xwhile tile ilat- ural resource sectori suchd as wi'afooii ag.- ricoltore, aild millingy are 11ot as xi tiifl- cant ill tile maginitudie of tileir output as tile manufacturing or service sctoirs, they prov icdc stibstania ~l c'lpoyment il-I hiid- xx ill Colltv. I a c lassic inlput-output studitlv, a sam- plc' of estaldishmiilents troim i'ach sletor xxas coniider'ed pibiiliiitixvC, tihis sltici al- chase5(s is siilar t ti0halt (If thiie ruoa1l 'c olloivis, an-d the p-attern 0o(f floxws inl the Siom CK a ti xtil S for rei'i iil ihffieriincxs. Wheiln all the inforitili oOil puirc'hiase's, sales5, lil tio1t1al (1(11p1ut is col lecte an'c dllc ortraii/c'i tile result is a tilet iii xx ilil c'lei Sectoi lias (llc rox vxiliiii rep11st'st its sale1s, and oile coluin xxii lieu ic'- sent 5 its purichacse's. Slcs (If pirodccts ar e distributccd I lit (11115 ti) thter inciiislril's buot also) to 11111si'iholiids aid eiC 1 1 xports(frim macdc on thle sale (If ltlt by each eilc'tor is exactly ac'llctd for ill Ii e ainlilnt of mon01ev spenit lx thait sectori \\ hill' the malgnilit's of tile flowvs (If gi lilt andi c sec'ies hIave c' ale si111 i'nxlcc' 1V972, it is a suii ithaiit tilt peircen'tIage sector relaive I to that setor's tollt outputil is riexiili'e It) cha the tit' ovec''r tlce Iisatpo'sile to~i- analn the iffet's xxthlt cal es (Ii eciirngi inpu fin ll hav 1 e' to- ,i dayt ar. Fort Csoalll 1 'llt'li5lcitical' itt i- illaion pa tlet canil be i npts. ic'e 5tat 55iiiel pros "i e ctioneiltsi'i i wuldt tile imlpulsxe geler'iatetl Illay ('5 lntilialx af feet dir ect].x or indirectlyv all of the sec- tors in tile entir e economyv. This chiain reaction is k nowxn as thle "Iil itp1 icr (4- feet" and a change in sales to final de- mnand 1w one sector mix be multiplied several times ov er in its total effect. Using data on employee compensationi and cinpioxment, wh ichl are an integral part of tile p roduc t ion pirocess, it is also possi 1)1e to tran1slate' theii effits of chiainges iii final sales inito h ous1(1hold tiniome' and( emnplo vmt'nt cli ('Us. Thius the ecoinomic in odcd of thle legion proxvid(e( (1) a diescr iption of the actual flos of goodis and~ seirviees for 1972; (2) a tionalitv of x'aiiolis illptuts to total outplut; :3) a talie xwichl ijiaiitifies the iiiagnlri- tllicle Of dlireet alit indirect elletUIS Oii eaech x etor involved'( inl ai con omie chii n re- act ion; aiiit (4) income anld Cnmpios 1Inlt in iilt ipIiei s xwhi ch aire uised 1(o triallslate thle ()itpot VlleetS into iincome anti cni- pbs Nmeilt eff ects. Thie sectondt plia5(' of the i eseareli is a stuidy of hoxv tile ens momineiit iiiter- acts xx ith the ecoinomy of tile iregion,. 'r his Comlprises twxo aispects: piroductioii of air, xWater, aind laud pollutioni, anti ililization Of i-iatni al reStii Ii Ce SUCI i iS Nvater, lanid, alit ciergy. The applroach used1 iii this ph xe is to exteini tile iconmici(i it' mii ti' to e ncomipass othier fact ors ill thle pric t- lix e pmrtcess whiiich may not 1he as ob- viOlis als iraxv materialls or labor. bit xxiih ar e io 5 ertlielesS intlispensalie to eachi wectoi in the prodcteioin of' its ouitput. All iiitiiistiePs neetd space an iicerlgx to funi- tion; inalix inidustieis iocate ill tcoastail [i ('clx ileeai of Ia! ge prce'(ss dill tool- lug w5ater ri illeniicits' mlost indisi ts rcequiire the caiildcits to (iiscliirge wxa~stes intio tile eli linlent. Pust ais there~ aie ltOiiiit' in iii liti ii so I l'lie there tlo researchi xwiiill liltif y the efftct oil Ciili5- sions of tiitAi Sspendeidl't Solids, or sulfur11 diioxiiie Ill sollitd5 iti', or tihl c'oisllilp till of fossil fuiels ori xxlecr ill the i egloil xx l ais sector expei iences aci ialin' ill Sdi('s Ii) final (t'illMlI. mocd' 1 sholuli prllside a powc'ifiii tooi ill a fornllat xxhiichl cai llllat ifs vlic' iinter- iItitioiisiips. Alabaina call iLoil aheaidl for gi oxxtl aind t'la ill its coatl~li coill- Auburn University Agricultural Experimecnt Station CREEP FEEDING EFFECTS Carry Over To FEEDLOT PERFORMANCE W. B. ANTHONY -f rurwrt~ AII DI ir DvS r icc L. A SMITt, I W G Mt ' t, ir L. HOLLIMAN [IM 't [ Id d ,Ioti I I t I 'FI F ()I I( F I, oIII, 6--0 ) aod ~F I wif er i f7 aX F't (I I II F ('I F(lt I e ll 1111111'' tki caks,tl t lii tc iI~i' llh p ii T fit F oo, oft . 1 5 ~ 't I- .\I I) I I T IX 1. i~t\ 'at I IillI( ti' I X( teel t C.ix IX X l c puit atI IXt( ,FX. I F't'tIch l kt lllF FticFh tio'F 'X 9FIIFF Xl('IIlld 1It((FF1 1)0 > 5iiH( tl 0 1W1.611; ''I~it ; Flit] , F 1 F lot X(XX'i l'l'(t Farat, (_,roundX sh1b co 1 51 '1FF Il(FoidFX' ioh.5 F I' tII'I XXl ItlI t (1FF' IFF Fl]1 FFI f 'iX t. s~~t .o lii ( 1 i. , II 0IFF FIc i iI ll1) ~ s :3ItIF] ( IF' (F Flit ( I I FI' IF lt.( : (I IFFFFI' lF I tF F'( s I I ri (1o o) w t111FF;L ( iI'4) FF F r } ) , X . , itF l \ F l Itt fi lulcl] iie N Xtti c.lI h i ni Fslih'l0 15'; X Ii.lT F'llfF'.S ao F'0. F15 'llj tictl lw tc i l F31 F' il t 2 llli F~(1;1\ to I c)11 'il l tF)~lll!' IF 1(1 F)V lllll A t( I tl " 1fil' I' I iFc( c(i Flt (1r lp ofI I I II I I I Fl(.'X wr h I (( I I IIc' t I w I. ' I'' o ltF FF11i X Fs 3od 111oi il \ 1 t('lf d 12111F] fo thF c ltt lilichll''' FX' pt li X 1FIFX' tl ac (I ~I t Ic t niI I II It i III IIX( on t r I (Xlow li IIIFXIF\ rF1F i' d lcwcFIINI. Ir) civ(.1) lc :I, ( 2 1 IIij p t i .(Troup 1 3nFl, to I)', l p ro\f~'t k i te i'll% pr. I No. 1,1). Lit) Pill 2 hI 5 .70 P) t 2.5 8.9 1 -,I Fall rc1 , ltI d Pcit. 1Lb1 It it 6:3.5 1.I It1S (It 1. '1.5 ( 1 t 6 A2 IS( YIieIlld till' 2. 9 :3.2 .3 1 1111 .I 1111) IIIillIFIXI of" I FII )1111NI 11111 F oII' I'III ((X I' l. (~l I I i, F 'II ' 0 X IF 1 1 AI XlI ii ' m (XI , I ii It Cal F;l' 1111ti N\i. L 1) Pit. I, 1h 1i 2 t t1 1. 6 49.) 1.5tt P(6 2.6 1 12.0 tt3 S) I 1.t YFicl 2. 9 XX r 11' il4 i f o ;li t i oll Ip', tit sI 1111 1111 F t~ \ \ JI , I Id ui I or titi 1( 1 1IX II l] tI I ' ()(IT (ill ( III , t u11FF]] Isp).-(I o lit F ItFF l fill ' Ic li'Il ll' (X I I ldIX I FI c14' It "i1tIF2,ii('l XX I', I a 4'J c IIIttF' 1FF: I i of ('I II I li ii 1( IFF l X L St.ll I Fi'' crc ,1r Fil l FII ti' X XXl I I' Ii 2,IiIoX i2111 c" XX(I ill XIIIto I tah"i Iltl filil \tald iiFI2 at1111 sI I Lowltctl(i t I'll 'I o li ( X X ' l o F t (1Il foiX d l, ; 'II 1.6 11 XIXth lo' Ft till' BothF'l fItr o lIs t( irosii2i' ed'I !(' XI 114111d XX~drl aX XiIir F'\F'I'lIk,(J is1,1 tilr IIIIl 's~~ AuIburnl I Ui'iXiest AcltJi1(1 /111 Ex~ticImenF~ft S tationf 1111] ilI'' t I I'lllitI ('Flittll p loili Lo p11't 11ItI m l(llc lot (FiX I llwIl DIETARY PROTEIN and METHIONINE in APPETITEREGULATION DAVID H. REIFSNYDER and ANNA J. SVACHA Department of Home Economics Research L IQUID PROTEIN and high protein diets have received much attention today in regard to their ability to promote weight loss. Consumption of a normal diet con- taining fats, sugars, and protein causes the stimulation of certain brain regions which act to suppress appetite. However, depressed appetite after eating high levels of dietary protein or imbalanced amounts of amino acids (building blocks which combine to form protein) occurs through control of different brain regions. High protein and imbalanced amino acid diets lead to elevated blood levels of amino acids which cannot be used to build body proteins and consequently may serve as a signal to reduce food in- take. Food intake may also be depressed since the animal is unable to utilize the excess nitrogen from degraded amino acids. Furthermore, it has been shown that high levels of ammonia have pro- duced several changes in sugar utiliza- tion. Therefore, ammonia poisoning may be an important factor governing de- pressed food intake after animals have eaten a high protein diet. In the first experiment, 50 male Sprague-Dawley rats, average weight 224 g, were divided into 5 groups and al- lowed ad libitum 5, 20, 40, 60, or 80% casein diets. These met the nutrient re- quirements for growth except for the 5% casein diet, which was low in protein. After overnight consumption of the diets, all animals were sacrificed; blood and livers were collected for subsequent anal- ysis. Consumption of the 80% casein diet resulted in depressed feed intake and body weight change relative to the 20% casein control. Blood ammonia-nitrogen was elevated above the control level by the 60 and 80% casein diets. Blood sugar increased with dietary protein content to a maximum of 293 mg/dl at the 80% casein level. A concurrent drop in liver glycogen was observed with the mini- mum being 6 mg/g at the 80% casein level. The increase in ammonia-nitrogen after eating the high protein diet was ex- pected, since more amino acids were ab- sorbed than could be used to build body proteins and had to be broken down yielding ammonia-nitrogen. The source EXPERIMENT 1. OVERNIGHT EFFECT OF DIETARY PROTEIN LEVEL ON FEED INTAKE, BODY WEIGHT CHANGE, AND VARIOUS METABOLIC PARAMETERS IN RATS' Treatment Intake Body wt. Plasma Liver Feed Protein change Ammonia Glucose glycogen g g Pct. ug/dl mg/dl mg/g 5 % casein___ 23 1.0 3.3 237 222 67 20% casein - 19 3.4 3.3 193 212 51 40% casein - -- 14 5.0 1.8 232 246 32 60 % casein-- 12 6.5 2.6 344 264 15 80% casein -10 7.2 1.5 359 293 6 1 Values are means obtained 18-24 hours after male Sprague-Dawley rats (av. initial wt. 224 g) were offered experimental diets. of elevated blood sugar observed in rats given the high protein diets is not clear. Since the 80% casein diet contained no carbohydrate at all and because liver glycogen stores were severely depleted, the most obvious explanation is increased sugar production from the highly avail- able amino acids and liver glycogen breakdown. However, other factors, such as decreased release and activity of in- sulin, could produce the excess blood su- gar observed after eating high amounts of dietary protein. In the second experiment 18 male Sprague-Dawley rats, weighing approxi- mately 300 g, were placed into 3 groups and offered a nutritionally adequate, 10% casein diet supplemented with 0.3, 1.5, or 3.0% methionine. As in the previous experiment, all animals were sacrificed following overnight consumption of the experimental diets; blood and liver sam- ples were collected for analysis. The 3.0% methionine treatment resulted in depressed feed intake, loss of body weight, elevated blood ammonia-nitro- gen, and depressed blood sugar and liver glycogen concentrations relative to the 3.0% methionine control. The loss of body weight cannot be ex- plained on depressed food intake alone, but appears to be related to some specific toxic effect of the excess methionine. Theoretically, the excess nitrogen from the methionine itself may be a source of the observed elevated blood ammonia- nitrogen. In addition, the loss of body weight on the 3.0% methionine treatment suggests that body protein breakdown oc- curred to provide energy and may also be a source of blood ammonia-nitrogen. The drop in blood sugar and liver glyco- gen may be explained on the basis of depressed food intake which necessitated glycogen breakdown to maintain blood sugar at normal levels. However, the actual mechanisms by which excess me- thionine depresses appetite is unknown. The results of these studies suggest that ammonia-nitrogen, which was sig- nificantlv elevated by the high protein and 3.0% methionine treatments, may be a major factor in the basic control mech- anism that responds to protein quantity and quality. The purpose of these experiments by the Department of Home Economics Re- EXPERIMENT 2. OVERNIGHT EFFECT OF DIETARY METHIONINE LEVEL ON FEED INTAKE, search, Agricultural Experiment Station, BODY WEIGHT CHANGE, AND VARIOUS METABOLIC PARAMETERS IN RATS' was to investigate the immediate relation- Intake Body wt. Plasma Liver ship between blood ammonia-nitrogen, Treatment Feed Methionine change Ammonia Glucose glycogen blood sugar, and liver glycogen (a stor- g g Pct. ug/dl mg/dl mg/g age form of sugar in the body) following 0.3% DL-methionine....... 24 0.15 2.1 207 205 46 overnight consumption of high dietary 1.5% DL-methionine - ------. 16 0.29 -0.9 208 170 37 protein or excess methionine (an amino 3.0% DL-methionine ....... 12 0.41 -3.6 294 163 24 acid known to depress appetite when fed Values are means obtained 18-24 hours after Sprague-Dawley rats (av. initial wt. 300 in high amounts) in rats. g) were offered experimental diets. Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station18 TO MANY PEOPLE agriculture means farming. But agriculture is much more than just farming. There is a wide va- riety of occupations and employment op- portunities within agriculture. Like any economic industry, personnel must be re- cruited to fill these occupations and to perform the essential activities and duties involved. With time a youth may be attracted to a specific occupational goal. As de- cisions are made leading to the attain- ment of this goal, choices are made and attitudes formned relative to such things as educational courses, parttime and summer work, and organizational mem- berships. The accumulation of choices creates a sense of commitment to the oc- cupation. Information for this study of students' commitment to agriculture in the broad sense of agribusiness or the agriculture industry, was provided by students en- rolled in Colleges of Agriculture at State Land Grant Universities throughout the South. The sample consisted of 4,567 students responding to a mailed question- naire during the spring of 1977. Among these were 3,551 attending universities commonly referred to as 1862 institu- tions which originally served white youth and 1,016 students attending 1890 in- stitutions established for black youth. Throughout this article the designations "1862" and "189'0" are used to indicate these two types of institutions training students for occupations in contemporary agricultural occupations. The descriptive information presented here focuses on a number of indicators of public and pri- vate commitment to agriculture as an oc- cupational goal. PUBLIC COMMITMENT. Five indicators of behavioral commitment to agricultural occupations are considered, see table. A major commitment was made by each of these college students when choosing to enroll in an agriculture major. But other STUDENT COMMITMENT TO AGRICULTURE J. E. DUNKELBERGER, JERRI L. HAYES, and J. J. MOLNAR Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology commitments could have preceded this action. One was in taking elective high school agriculture courses. Of the "1862" students only 23% had taken agriculture courses, compared to 47% of "1890" stu- dents. More of the "1890" students re- ported these courses had influenced them to choose a major in agriculture. Another act of commitment is to be- come a member of agriculture related student groups. Two such groups avail- able in many high schools are 4-H and FFA. Students attending "1890" universi- ties were more likely to have participated in these groups than were "1862" stu- dents. However, only 19% of "1862" and 30 to 34% of "1890" students had made this type commitment. Experience working on a farm or in agriculture-related work is considered yet another example of commitment to agri- culture. The proportions of "1862" and "1890" students having agriculture work experiences were similar. About 75% had some such experience but only about 40% had multiple agricultural work ex- periences. Finally, attention was given to whether adults holding occupations in agriculture other than a parent were viewed as in- fluential in the decision to enroll in a College of Agriculture curriculum. The majority of "1862" students indicated that no such persons served this role; and when some significant adult in agriculture was identified, this influence usually came from a single individual. The most often mentioned person was the agricul- tural education teacher. Students at "1890" schools were more likely to attrib- ute influence on their college educational INDICATORS OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE COMMITMENT TO OCCUPATIONS IN AGRIC AMONG AGRICULTURE MAJORS ATTENDING SOUTHERN LAND-GRANT UNIVERS Indicator Type univers 1862 Public Took an agriculture course in high school Participated in high school 4-H program Participated in high school FFA program Worked on a farm or in agriculture related job Influential contact with adult in an agriculture related job_ Private Pct. 23 19 19 73 39 ;ULTURE ITIES ities 1890 Pct. 47 30 34 78 59 There are good career opportunities in agriculture (agree) - 87 94 Agriculture is a declining industry (disagree) 85 79 Most work in agriculture can be done by people with little education (disagree) 74 62 Most agricultural occupations are unsuited to women (disagree) 57 63 choice to such a significant person in ag- riculture. PRIVATE COMMITMENT. Four indica- tors of a favorable image of agriculture as an occupation are considered. The vast majority of agriculture students held positive orientations toward the career opportunities in agriculture, with 61% of "1890" and 40% of "1862" students indi- cating very favorable attitudes. Similarly strong commitment was indicated by re- jection of the statement that "agriculture is a declining industry." Eighty percent of the students disagreed with this con- tention, with the majority indicating strong disagreement. The negatively expressed idea that ag- ricultural occupations do not require high levels of education was broadly rejected. The majority of both "1862" and "1890" agriculture students (74% and 62%, re- spectively) disagreed with the statement. Although agriculture is a traditional male occupation, 74% of "1862" and 62% of "1890" students reacted negatively to the contention that "agricultural occupations are unsuited to women." Conclusions This study reveals two things about the commitment to agricultural occupa- tions of college students in agricultural majors at "1862" and "1890" universities in the South. First, "1862" students had not made a heavy public commitment to an agricultural occupation prior to enter- ing college. Only farm or agriculture re- lated work experience was a widespread commitment characteristic. From a tra- ditional perspective, students attending "1890" universities were more likely than "1862" students to have made public choices reflecting their commitment to agriculture. Today agriculture students do not have the kinds of training and experiences that were common a dec- ade ago. Second, in spite of a lack of public commitment, private commitment in the form of favorable attitudes toward agriculture as an occupation is exception- ally strong. It would appear that the ma- jority of these students, male and female - black and white, are interested in and committed to agricultural occupations. The questions is: will college trained people find rewarding and meaningful career opportunities in agriculture as it is traditionally structured? Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station IIILVUtLIIVUL 11113 aL11~1~ LII'CS U~31t~llallV113 ~nr~r t 19 FORCE MOLT CAGED LAYERS IN 6 WEEKS JOHN T. BRAKE Department of Poultry Science 7% toj5 pr otein, 0.7%T total stilfur crgv, .3.5"r calCiumn .iil.(l 0. 5 %' available phlosplorlis. \Vb enl fi a 1er growvth is complted, iornial ntrlitilon)al guidelin es for lax (15 carl be, followedrt. Ligi it Cri otrl_ is critical. Reseatrch re- sillt' sm"iggi st that tihe lighlt Cottiol pot- tiotn Of tlit Otitlin('d pi OgrIran Ielps to Stop egg pr oduction qu ickly and untifotmlv, tltICCIaS(' 1111tailit V Lind hel 1 )S to ('(t birids 1back io production q uickly. Bitd toist not he, exposed to ine asing day- letigti durut-ig davi I to ihix 17' Stable ot- dee l( da\ len gtl is abiso1lutelx nCeCs- sosN duintg this petriod to ensurte an ade- (pltate test per iod 1 for tle flock. As withi the maiagemnt oh iri flocek, crt Shotuldf be takii to ax old the effects of sce c xx eatliet disease, ot otheir prob- lems. Oi ci uxi oi, Fonern \hOT.T 1PneOCT11',E Dv Enironmentil DJV " datkoit hiouse 1 Rtemoxve fetil 6 am. 6 hours light mt riasite' ifax li1tigt I ito 22-Dlc nhfat 22 Itetiox i'ted 6 a m. Cut lighlt', oil liI to ih liaia daN uli. i thinX pit ted it ulax 17 Ii on iilt Wi atliit tx ix ic for sunrt c and Remove wvater 6 a.m. Al osi, itor iuksrs for force niolting cagedt laxiis taki 8 xxNecks to complete. Btuit a t ccci dIx evelo ped pto gi Tain rit this tfil ) (3 xx i'ik' in Xiubtirt Ilitixer- sit 'Igiritulttial l;Fiit imitit 'Shitiiiti tests, alit wxittiut I illiin tu pltst nilt 1)11 (tititi aur e. 'Ilii' reiliied t itme tesults in saxiigs of, It)' I V per hell lieulcaust of loxx t'ed feerd costs. As a pt (molt treatment, lights shioutld hb' rcon t inuout~s fiori 7 to 111 rlaxs 1before he- ginnitng the foredr molt. Differen t pro- rceduires ate I olloxxccl in "bl arkouit" h ouses thtan for liens in conventional liver houses. Also, procediti cx for a r'oit r'tt titial house xa a Ny accotrding to titme of year, as noted in the t able. Tenl daxys of feerdx tihaxa in mord- crate xxeat her slhotuldl eaus' [t'e botlx xveighut of lirens to rerrrase tio aiouit 2.8 lb). (ntotinal 211 to 22 xx ('k borl xx rwight for the breedl) . Depetnding ott t('mlp(ta- ture at time of thle fotrcrrd tmolt mor iori i fexxcr than 101 dax s of ferl xxiitlt raxx i xxill lie nercessary' to achuiexve an ax r lii flock liodv xxcigrlit of 2.8 lb). 1)alx xveitcli- tug of tlir saint' 511 birl simlple Is n ('ris sarv to assure oiptimumi xxeight loss. 11wi pilli(t giixs t rtion user 1 , stuirlt t.6i .7'~ tota~l sill in miiio arid', I 2.5:1 Kcal mtabltizabille citi gs 1.1% iilriit, and 0.5% ixviilablle phoisphiorus. T1his die't is fortintuuiiu to achieve ripid feather giroxvth auh rititin to (gg produiction. Normtaiil lax Nci diets are' itnadequiate fot lill i'gg ptodlitrtioii intl feathi'r giroxxthi TIliii Itori'. n itfite fiist xxeeks of ir pro duttimn ii let a motlt t~e Laxver rtioin shioiulrd contain additijoal ntits to aic- complishi 1)011 of these functions. A layer Remove wx 4 Return xvater 1 pm. Itetirri xx ' 11I Feed putllet -roxx ir Vecd idbl 6 am., 5 lb. per 6a 1m. 5 1 l1t) birds, 10ft bitril 12 Feed. piillt t groxxer, Fied pill]( It) lb. per 10lt birds, itt lb. pet 13 Beizin fcciin pilitlle ' 3~inl (ci g1roxxer free chioire "t1oxx r Ire 17 8S hours, flght Natural d I lhouir inl Iti timmi dlasx n") 1 ) minuttes 24 1t) hours ight 28 13 hours licght Ticrease Ii mniutes, I mitimurr Return 1 iyer ration at .5-101' rate 1A(1Tl mi rnal I 'jf'u' r '-' AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION AUBURN UNIVERSITY AUBURN, ALABAMA 36830 R. I)ints Rouse, I)iircctor PUBLICATION-Highlights of Agricultuicil Recsearch 6/79 Penalty tar Private Use, $300 'ater 6 am. Remnox xx iter 6 am. ter 1 p m. Reiturn wx ttir I p.m. I 'toxx'oer IFiif pil! t ''lox r 6 am., 5 lb). 1). per p I Itt0 fuitti 4 ''toser, I uul pull. t gloss r 1 It)li. pcr 1ing1 11tillit ici ficlit' plillit 'iro\\cr I, dhite ftice thficie ixlit'',th pil till r, natural plus .50 1Do ii o t . it ill to iii'' Ill xxintir, taliti 1 iti da~l_tit Icitt, 132 hoositrini"lt 31) :3 1.' houtrs of lax . This wxill fit abiott das 28 %tlu 14-13 1)11111 dLix lit'th P0STAGE PAID U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 9M AGII 101 R BULK RATE ('01lV('Tlti0TlA1 110111C