Agiulua Exeiettto AUUN UNVESIY ",Y A ~iI - I UL AGIULUA EXEIMN SIOAU RNNVESY R. DES ROSE Din UUN LBM I'Z DIRECTOR'S COMMENTS T IE DEDICATION of the E. V. Smith Research Center t to the farm- ers of Alabama on November 9 is destined to be a signal event in the history of Alabama and a memorable occasion for Dr. E. V. Smith. I am proud and pleased that both houses of the Alabama Legisla- ture honored Dr. E. V. Smith by nam- ing this Center: The E.V. Smith ie- search Center, Agricultural Experi- ment Station, Auburn University. It is an appropriate recognition of l)r. Smith's many years of dedication to improving the agriculture of Alabama, the South, and the Nation through the research of the Agricultural Experi- ment Station and the teaching of the School of Agriculture. Dr. Smith joined Auburn University in 1931 and retired in 1972, serving the last 21 , years as Dean of the School of Agri- A culture and Director of the Agricul- tural Experiment Station. 1)r. Smith R. DENNIS ROUSE always had a genuine concern for his students and staff and for those involved in agriculture and related industries. As Dean and Director Emeritus, Dr. Smith continues to be of service and an in- spiration to me as we all work to improve Alabamna agriculture. This Center represents a commitment by the State of Alabama and Auburn University to continue to provide the knowledge base required for a productive agriculture in our State. Agriculture has alwavs been important to Alabamna and all indications are that it will become ever more important as world population continues to increase. Much of the land in prime agricultural areas of this Na- tion is being fully utilized to produce our food and fiber and to help offset our flow of dollars overseas. Another important factor is the future production on some of the land in irrigated areas as salt levels build up and underground water levels continue to decline. The loss of agricultural land by encroachment of urban and indus- trial developments must also be considered. All of these point to the likelihood of greater demands on Alabama lands for agriculture, forestry, and outdoor recreation and the need for a stronger knowl- edge base on how to most effectively manage these lands. The agricultural needs of this nation can only be met by a steady and increasingly complex program of agricultural research. The in- vestment that farmers must make today in production and market- ing is too great to leave management and technology to chance. The kind of sound, proven information that farmers of todav and tomorrow must have as a basis for decision making can only be ob- tained through a forward looking imaginative research program. The facilities at the E. V. Smith Research Center make it possible to have this kind of program. This new capability will make it possible for our present scientists to carry on a more efficient and effective research program and thus provide better and clearer an- swers for questions that limit the efficient production and marketing of quality products or the maximum use and conservation of our lands. But an even more far-reaching benefit will be our ability to attract and retain scientists trained specifically in areas requiring a high degree of specialization. Such scientists benefit our total re- search program in two very important ways in addition to their own productivity. Because of their special competence, they add addi- tional capabilities to the remaining research faculty and because these scientists usually have special teaching interests they improve our teaching program through joint appointments. For these reasons, all of Alabama has reason to be excited about the added capabilities that these facilities bring to Alabama. ay ae ead de . . . Dr. W. B. Anthony, professor of ani- mal and dairy sciences, who is senior author of the story on page 3 dealing with grain feeding of grazing steers. A joint teacher-researcher in the School of Agriculture and Agricultural Experiment Station since 1953, his area of specialization is ruminant nutrition. - Although best known %16, for his pioneering work in developing methods of using animal waste in feeds, an accomplishment that brought him world- wide recognition, Anthony has also made numerous research contri- butions in other areas of beef cattle nu- trition. IIe has made several foreign trips, under sponsorship of the U.S. Feeds Grain Council, to share his ex- pertise in beef nutrition, especially waste feeding, and visitors from around the world have visited Auburn to learn about his findings. A native of Waco, Texas, Anthony did his undergraduate study at University of Illinois, received his M.S. from Texas A & \, and holds a doctorate from Cor- nell Universitv. He holds membership in numerous professional and honorary or- ganizations. HIGHLIGHTS of Agricultural Research WINTER 1978 VOL. 25, NO. 4 A quarterly report of research published by the Agricultural Experiment Station of Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama. R. DENNIS ROUSE STANLEY P. \VILSON CIIAS. F. SIMMONSs T. E. CORLEY E. L. McGRAw R. E. STEVENSON Roy ROBERSON -- Director Associate Director Assistant Director Assistant Director Editor Associate Editor Assistant Editor Editorial Advisory Committee: STANLEY P. WILSON; J. D. HARPER, Associate Pro- fessor of Entomology; WALTER D. KEL- LEY, Assistant Professor of Botany and Microbiology; NEIL R. MARTIN, Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, AND E. L. McCGRAW. Information contained herein is available to all without regard to race, color, or national origin. ON THE COVER. Director Emeritus E. V. Smith (right) and Director R. Dennis Rouse at the E. V. Smith Research Center. FEEDING GRAIN TO GRAZING STEERS W. B. ANTHONY, Dept. of Animal and Dairy Sciences C. C. KING, Dept. of Agronomy and Soils S. C. BELL, Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology L. A. SMITH and H.'W. GRIMES, Black Belt Sub. FEEDING GRAIN to yearling beef steers on clover-grass pas- tures had some positive effects in Auburn University Agricul- tural Experiment Station tests. Gains per acre and per steer were high, and steers came off pasture finished for slaughter. But there's another side of the results that must be con- sidered. Cost per pound of gain was higher and feed efficiency poorer than when steers were grown out on pasture and later finished in feedlot. Pasture Combinations Compared Three grass-clover pasture combinations were used in the 4-year experiment on Eutaw soil at the Black Belt Substation: (1) dallisgrass-Regal ladino clover, (2) half of the paddock in dallisgrass-Regal and the other half in Kentucky 31 fescue- Regal clover, and (3) a mixture of dallisgrass-fescue-clover. Paddocks were 2 acres in size, each stocked with 3 steers. Soil test recommendations were followed for P, K, and pH. All pastures containing fescue received 60 lb. N per acre in fall and spring. The dallisgrass-clover pastures were not ni- trated. Surplus forage was harvested as hay, and value of this hay above harvest costs was credited to each treatment. Grazing steers were fed free choice shelled corn. In addi- tion, hay was fed in midwinter when quantity of forage was inadequate. 1 Liquid supplement (Pro-Lix) was fed free choice on all treatments until March 15. Test steers averaged 500 lb. when purchased in the fall. They were implanted with DES in November and again in March. Pastures were stocked in mid-November each year. Steers fed on pasture remained on pasture until they reached an apparent Choice grade. At this time they were sold to a local packing plant and carcass data obtained. The grazing season averaged 9 months for all pastures. High Gains Recorded GRAIN FED ON PASTURE. Gain for groups of steers receiving grain on pasture ranged from 534 to 571 lb. each (4-year average). Gain per acre ranged from 801 to 856 lb., and average daily gain 1.96 to 2.08 lb. The pastures containing fescue produced slightly more weight gain, table 1. The system having the half paddock of fescue-clover sup- ported slightly better animal performance than the mixture of dallisgrass-fescue-clover. However, the mixture of all three crops required less hay and protein supplement during mid- In another phase of the project, steers on similar pasture treat- ments got supplemental feeding only in winter when forage was inadequate. Results of this phase were reported in the Summer 1978 issue. The present article reports results for cattle full fed concentrate on pasture and compares these results with perform- grain. TABLE 1. PERFORMANCE OF STEERS FED CORN ON PASTURE Pasture treatment razing Weight gain days Per Per Average steer acre per day No. Lb. Lb. Lb. Dallisgrass-Regal clover----- 272 534 801 1.96 Half paddock each dallis- clover and fescue-clover-- 274 571 856 2.08 Dallis-fescue-clover-------- 272 550 825 2.02 TABLE 2. SURPLUS HAY HARVESTED AND HAY AND SUPPLEMENT FED WITH STEERS FED GRAIN ON PASTURE Pasture treatment Surplus hay Hay fed Liqsuppeident per steer per steer super steernt per steer Lb. Lb. Lb. Dallisgrass-Regal clover 1,423 569 189 Half paddock each dallis- clover and fescue-clover 1,169 326 141 Dallis-fescue-clover 1,882 257 123 TABLE 3. COMPARATIVE PERFORMANCE OF STEERS FED GRAIN ON PASTURE AND THOSE DRYLOT FED AFTER GRAZING Feed and Pasturetreatment Carcass Feed per pasturePasture grade lb. gain cost per lb. gain Lb. Dollars Fed grain on pasture Dallisgrass-Regal clover Low Choice 8.73 33.14 Half paddock each dallis- clover and fescue-clover Low Choice 8.05 32.00 Dallis-fescue-clover Low Choice 8.09 32.65 No grain on pasture Fed in drylot after grazing ... Low Choice 6.38 27.27 winter. Also, more surplus hay was harvested from paddocks containing all three crops, table 2. DRYLOT FED AFTER GRAZING. At the end of the grazing season, a group of steers that had not received grain while on pasture were finished in drylot. Length of feeding period averaged 114 days over the 4 years. Average gain per steer in feedlot was 296 lb. These steers had gained an average of 379 lb. each while on pasture. This gain combined with feed- lot gain totaled 675 lb. per steer. Daily gain over the pasture- feedlot period averaged 1.54 lb. Data for USDA carcass grades, feed efficiency, and feed and pasture costs per pound of gain for supplemented and non-supplemented steers are compared in table 3. Two points summarize major findings of the study: (1) When feeding grain free choice on pasture, fescue in the pasture mixture improved feed efficiency and reduced cost of gain over dallisgrass-Regal clover pasture. (2) Steers grazed without grain on pasture but finished in drylot utilized more forage and required less feed per pound of gain, and feed cost per pound of gain was less. LIQUID PEROTEIN DIETS METABOLIC CONSEQUENCES ANNA J. SYACHA and KATHRYN L. HARTZOG Department of Home Economics Research t Oxiwsi x' anion g Amnericans has reached su11vex is av xlioxx that ovetr 7(0 iillion pepeill tile UnitedI States5 are( ox ('I xx ' gt. h)(av olbesit' is conilside'red' a seriolus public ileahii pl oleill1 hecaiixe of its as- sociationi wxitli increasedCC inidnce'I' of dibete's, ca'diiox ,I'cuilaI' prolems'1, and other ( 1 11(111k dixcitscs. A liqidl proteini diet is the nio(st I-(,- c'lot, popullar wveighit redoctlion fail. Thie (liet ds ouitlinied iii ''.The Last Chiange Oict" 11 11. Linn1 cons1ists o)' 4 to (6 OZ. daily of a liqu 1 lid p ote.ili pr oduct mall'c (roill gelatini o1' collagenl froni horns, Ill alcid~, trV 1 tiijpall. added. Somle prodl- uicts hasve addedI 5lccliarlill. preserva'tives', flavor1inigs, color, ad 13 vitanillx. Thei liqulIid pIot('i i-( adised' to take v'ital- Since liil\x 1977, thei FDA lhds re(ceivedi curred('( ill womenil~ beltxxeenl thet ages ofi 2:3 adi .51 v'l'd x xii) hail 110 liitor' of hellt 8 imolitlix xxithi aI 1idoge of' Xx iigiit lossesS fromo 21) ti 1:39 poiidx. Tlhie majorits pllllllnIets A ll xx ire feelillg we ll and)( plal'ii xx Itil their xlc'eshll xxe(igiht lossr. Thie exact lilechialliSm oif the dleatlix I'lA aod1 ('ei tel h'o' iseas~e Control. tis tIllil', buit is (''\p'Cctc'( to Lpllilole a xx ii hg liabel fill Ill p)rodiucts xn wh x ich ni)ore t hani 50) of the calories comne fromn Sinice liqulidl pro~teinl had not heen tested ill laliollator x alllflnal5 for safetx\ or ll)(tllbilic i eects, twxo preliminary exper i- Ifilets xxere conduclItedi by5 tile Depar t- iflelt (of Hom E1111 'conomllics Ileseal Chii All- bulrn I 3llix erxitx Agr iclturalL)l Exeiment x a ho( for gl oxx 11 d dnitrogen 1bai lIce, andi (2) to examine tile piv\silllogical anl prlodctCI to( ob~ese rats i 0 the saine nIla uo ir p1l5'i eciec for ii (lull 1. InI thle f I-, xt expei ilOelt Preige stel LoiCuid Prllteil (1,1P) xxas usedt to fI lilll- late all 5%" pr~oteinl diet aidequate ill all o~th~er knowx'n exxelltili l)IlCientS. "1'lie coni tro ieiit wXas similar ex\cept that cas'ill xxas used in place of LP 3 . Tuel( diets wr alloxxedC aCd lillituin to txx'l groups of voinlll adult Iil. rats for- 22 dax s. Rlats gix (ii LP hlad aln inlitial 10% Xxeigilt loss, bult tihen xxere stablle for tile rl)laiOldel of' the ex\peimenitit. Thle con tr1o1l anillmals grewxx at a stead ,v rate xxitih a 5' totil Iicrease' ill body15 xxeighit. Thlese rats ate, nlearly twxi'e ats iInlCil foodl as tile LP (gr'0l If). N itriogeni balanlce oil dax's 65-, xxax sliglixh lea1tis e for rats onl Li 1 andC posi- tix I fill the conlltroll. Ill a s'cindC stilliS' obese rats wxere (rixven allilillts o~f J~1i'lli q iaent tll their dal' pr oteini Irequliremenl't (as prcrClibledl After 11 ClaNs r~ats eating LP hiad lost ox Tr 21% (If thlii filltil xx (igit ad xxere tI il grl 11)x w'igilt gaili x'ax S '5 . I Ivadl and lixe we x(ights (If LIT rats xx ere sxiglifi ealitiy loxxer thaIn those of the conltI 1)1. Al- till(Ol lalsllald Cllill COnlCeltI atill xx Was xi gI i filcintlv depressed5(0 in IT rats, 111)1"- .Coser, control Liquid protein C 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 i8 2C 22 Ea ' FIG. 1. Growth of rats fed liquid protein oi casein as sole protein source in otherwise adequate d iets, experiment 1. Body t~ 380 F 360- Cowi~n control 34D 320- 300- .Liquid protein 280- 260- 2401 L FIG. 2. Effect of liquid protein given to obese rats as prescribed for humans com- pared to casein control diet, experiment 2. llesiull anid poltassiumo xxere lot sgif C ,ilS Cliff erenit fro Il~iconltrol leve~ls. Sillee tiie ilo~gicail vadlue (If predli- gTestedl liqidC p)roitein xwas hilt siliffiicIlt tol xll 1 I 1 IorIt gI ixx tjI ill x (Illig rats on1 dl) IIlIS'rofx ili ac~rgal xxtieit, atx rlted ill xx tii Caitionl anld ol undeit dcor's* C .1 (I'. lXPIIF\r 1. Li Fl. OF 0 LIQU'ID PI(ITF IN 0IN C nOxiIll, II (0 IN Il 'AKE, NITIIO;I N Prti o re13(o15 xv t. I'lle 'ii 'Nitl 1112(1 Lix er Pct. 9 gl2da 9 (:iselo .52 4189 0.37 13.2 Exu'ERlxurNT 2. IFEFC r OF Ill xlIICTE I lIlQiIn PRIOTEIN INi 5KI ON BOiDY, LIVER, AND HEll WE rV'IG.HTS AND) PLAsSMA 1 LI110.I x IN N l F RA TS' DitBody wt. Liv er I li'art Plasmall Ditchange wt. Cat I i K Pct. 9 g M91 (11 "2lo (11191dl/ CdxI'io 8a 12.5a1 1la 11.8,1 2.6a 7.4a Liqu(idi proltin 221 7. 11 t),9b 1 0.91) 2.7a 6.8a Av. inlitial wt. 341 1g. Values are nwa',oixlf 1t) Iats per treatmienlt, those niot followedC 1)) tile saline letter are' different at the 0.03 level, S. C. BOWORTH, C. S. HOVELAND, and G. A. BUCHANAN, Deportment of Agronomy and Sodrs W EDS5 AItEG CNFDIALLY considered tun- desirable ill pasture, lay, and silage. H~tt r(ccli t re(stearch clI al letI ges tis v i cxvN. Many weed specjiesot were found to lie ito1- triionll yequl o yen stuperior to sonic cutltixvated foirage species. Digestibility and proitein and mineral coniten t of wvarm- and cool season weeds %re compared with cultivated forage species in a 2-year Auburn Unix cisits' Agricultural Experiment Station studs'\ Samples were collected at three stages of matuityt from field plots at Atuburtn an~d their forage' quality determined ( see table). Digestibilit-y D~igestibility' of xcedl species xvas gen- erally hig-h. At the xvegetatixve stage of mnaturity, all syarm-season xweeds we rc more digestib~le than \lillex 23 pearlmil- let or Coastal bermnudagrass. Cool season we eds also had i gh digestibilits' at the vegetative stage. At this stage, Viirginia peppervee1 had the igliest (lgCstilbilitx and cutleaf exvcning p~rimrose and curly dlock xweire lowest. Other cool seasonl weeds bad digestibility similar to rye, tall fescue, ladiiuo clover, and huairx' vetch. As xwith forage crops, digestibility of xweeds and cultixvated forages declined wi th incireasing maturity. At the heading stage, many grass xweeds bad ltoxer diges- tibility thatn cult ivated grasses. H owev er , digestib~ilitv of Coastal bermtidagi ass de- cliinedc to a loxwer lesvel tbhan an vix of the x(((sstudied, except croxx'footg ass. Nutrient Content lioth wxeedl and forage species at the vegetative stage had crude pr oteii levels iDiu NIATri hn DmciGEs-1iittii i AND CRLD nF iPitTElN CoNTFi OF xionXAnx-SEASON AND 'OOt-Si SsO\ WEED tS xAN) Fl'At;E SPItEiS AT nti.SrAE OF~ or i i-RUtier Species WAI Broadleaf weeds Sucklepod TFall iii iuitigLlory lluida 1 tgg4arsvcd Pt aiklv ',ida Butr ghitrin Rcdinot pigwced Jimsomnweed Crass weeds Fall paluiuii Ytl o' fox tail (3 aigmiuss CrowfitotLt ass Cultivated forages 'co liuilhet Coastal bet idagrass CO( Broadleaf weeds Caroilinat geraniuim Clttltif Cx cuin~g primrose I leni t Virgituia pcpperweed Curtly thick G;rass weeds Wildl rye Clitatgraiss Little Iatricy ------ Cultivated forages Rye---- Tll fescue -- Latdino clover H aity veitch Nil, Vegetativ e stage; and N13, fruiting stage iii Crude protein M3 Nil MN2 Ml3 Pct. Pet. Pct. I'ct. INI-SEASON WEEDS AND FORAGES 84 76 82 74 65 80 70) 75 73 71 72 66 )L-SEASi adequate for main teniance and growtu iif high priotduciung cattle. Amnig the xxaru l seasoni species, crutde piroteins lexvels xxeie tisualls' higher in bioadleaf we eds thaii in grass xxeeds or cultix atcd grasses. Cool- season brioadleaf weeds bad the sxidest range oif crude protein levels, ranging from I 9% for Carolina geraniumn ( cranes- bill) to :32% for Vir giiiia jpeppersx'ed. Crude protein content of both swceds and cuiltixvated forages declined xxith incieas- mng mnaturity. Both xxaim- and cool-season xweed and forage species contained enough calcitum for moderate producing cattle. \Vaim- seasoii broadleaf xxeeds we re high in cal- cinin. Such sxveeds as sicklepod, tall morn- ingglo x, Florida beggai sxecd, pirickly sida, Carolina geranium, etitleaf cxvening Jpri mrose, xxild rye, and little barley xweie low in phlosphiorus. Thlese species coil- tamned stil)optimum phiosphotrius lexvels for high producing cattle. Magniesitum content of sx-arm seasoni xweeds xvas adequate. All cool-season xveeds and cultivated grasses xvere losw enough in magnesitum to be consideretd possibile inducers of girass tetanv if used as the sole source tof feed. Ilenbit at 0.4% and primrose at 0.3% x-wcrc unusu- allv high in magnesium. Potassium lexvels of both sxeeds and cultivated forages xxerie xxell aboxve nutrient irequtirements. Value of Weeds 72 63 54 19 9 7 Exein though many' wxeed species ai e 73 66 57 18 12 14 as nutiritious as cultivated forages, some 79 72 63 14 8 6 aeupltbeadwudntuulyb 67 54 43 16 8 8 r naaal n vudntuulxb consumed b ' grazing animals. Sicklepod, 59 60 60 17 6 8 coffee senina, hemp sesbania, prickly sida, 58 51 43 16 10 8 jimsoinxeed, croxvfootgrass, primrose, cmr~ lock, and cheatgrass are examples ON WEEDS AND FORAGES of unpalatable xveeds. Hoxwever, these wveeds could become a part of the ami- 78 70 68 19 14 11 mal's diet in hay or silage. "7 1 n fl, ai (I I 78 75 86 72 63 32 73 54 51 30 ---- 79 81 70 28 ----- 78 73 67 22 81 85 83 27 80 77 77 30 N12, flowering stage iii broadleaf weeids, broadleaf weeds, beading in grasses. booting inl grasses, Many sxee d species commonly found in pasture, hay, and silage may be as high in nutritive value as cultivated for- ages if consumed at an immature stage. In some eases, overall forage quality may be enhanced by wveed infestations such as crab~grass in Coastal bermuda hav. Only if a xweed species loxvers the qualiity and yield of forage in a field does it become practical to control it. Titus, infestations of many wxee d species may not loxver the quality of commondy growvn forage grasses. 1)uo (,tihulihty Nil* Mi2 Pet. Pct. Nitrogen Not A Factor in Cotton Weed Competition JOE STREET and G. A. BUCHANAN Dept. of Agronomy and Soils .. D ECIDING ON NITROGEN IATE for cotton can be done largely on the basis of eco- nomics. The old concern about high N rates giving weeds a competitive advan- tage was put to rest in recent Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion research. Even though cotton growth is slow during the first few weeks of the growing season, higher rates of nitrogen did not increase the time that weed-free maintenance was required for top yields. The experiment to determine how ni- trogen affects weed competition with cot- ton was begun in 1969 in central Ala- bama. The experimental area, a Lucedale sandy loam soil, contained a natural in- festation of both annual grass and broad- leaf weeds at an estimated density of 200-300 per square yard. Large crab- grass, crowfootgrass, and goosegrass were the primary grass weeds. Broadleaf weeds present included redroot pigweed, tall morningglory, prickly sida, and sickle- pod. Deltapine 16 cotton was planted in 42-in. rows. Nitrogen (ammonium ni- trate) was applied prior to planting in a single application. Rates tried were 0, 60, and 90 lb. per acre. Production prac- tices followed were those designed for maximum production. Two series of experiments were used to gain a clear picture of the relationship of weeds with cotton. In the first series, cotton was maintained weed-free for va- rious intervals after planting and then left uncultivated the remainder of the growing season. This treatment indicates the point in the development of cotton when it is sufficiently competitive to sat- isfactorily interfere with growth of weeds. TABLE 1. YIELD OF COTTON WITH VARIOUS PERIODS OF WEED-FREE COMPETITION AT THREE NITROGEN LEVELS Weeks of weed-free maintenance' 2 4 6 7 8 10 12 15 Full season Per acre yield of seed cotton at 3 N rates 0N 60 lb.N 90 lb.N Lb. 117 1,661 1,960 2,161 2,112 2,643 3,348 3,183 3,259 3,063 Lb. 86 2,301 2,321 2,979 2,939 2,962 3,491 3,221 3,512 3,435 Lb. 257 2,533 2,679 2,958 2,863 3,167 3,723 3,619 3,631 3,663 ' Weed-free maintenance indicates that cotton was kept free of weeds for the speci- fied interval and no additional weed control was performed the remainder of the growing season. In the second series, weeds were al- lowed to compete for various intervals before removal to indicate how long weeds can compete before reducing cot- ton vields. Such information is useful in planning post-emergence weed control programs. Previous research had shown a require- ment for 6 to 9 weeks of weed-free main- tenance when recommended nitrogen rates were used. Weed competition for as little as 5 weeks had caused lowered cotton yields. In the experiments reported here, the weed-free requirement ranged from 6 to 10 weeks over the 3-year period, table 1. Although the interval required to obtain maximum yield varied from year to year, it was not affected in any year by the rates of nitrogen used in this experiment. In only 1 year (1970) did the rate of nitrogen application affect the interval required for weed competition to reduce cotton yields, table 2. At the 0 and 60 lb. N rate, weeds could compete for 6 weeks before reducing yields, but at the 90-lb. N rate there was no reduction be- fore 7 weeks of competition. Cotton height and stem diameter were less reliable indicators of competition than was yield of seed cotton. However, the response of these measures to com- petition was similar to yield response. TABLE 2. YIELD OF COTTON WITH VARIOUS PERIODS OF WEED COMPETITION AT TuHEE NITROGEN LEVELS Weeks of weed competition' Per acre yield of seed cotton at 3 N rates ON 60 lb. N 90 lb. N Lb. Lb. Lb. 2 3,545 3,429 4,190 4 3,339 3,375 4,027 5 3,379 3,089 3,823 6 3,246 3,003 3,677 7 2,567 2,295 3,190 8 1,987 1,712 2,103 10 ....... 1,460 1,346 1,980 12 1,104 939 1,001 15 566 444 667 No weed control 183 337 282 Weed competition indicates that weeds were allowed to compete for the specified interval and then removed and the cotton kept weed-free the remainder of the growing season. The experiments described indicate that currently used rates of nitrogen do not alter the competitive relationship of weeds with cotton. Cotton is sufficiently competitive after 6 to 10 weeks to ef- fectively suppress further weed develop- ment. ~b COW-CALF is the predominant beef cat- tle enterprise in Alabama and the South- east. This enterprise has occurred over a period when economic analyses have shown that producer profits can normally be increased through stocker enterprises which carry calves to heavier weights. Current and projected price relationships have stimulated new interest in stocker enterprises, particularly those operations utilizing winter grazing systems. The normal time for acquiring calves for a winter stocker program is the month of November. A weight range of 350 to 500 lb. is typical of weaned calves that are readily available from cow-calf enter- prises in the fall. Stockers remain on the farm from 4 to 7 months, gaining 1.5 to 1.75 lb. per day. Thus, sale weights range from 600 to 800 lb. Current estimated production costs are $33.71 per 100 lb. of weight gain in a stocker program following recommended practices in Alabama. These costs in- clude: $16.38 for production of winter grazing, $2.89 for supplemental hay feed- ing, $4.40 for interest on operating capi- tal, $6.47 for other direct expenses ex- cluding labor, and $3.57 for fixed costs other than land charges. Thus, if selling price is at least as great as purchase price and selling price is in excess of $33.71 per 100 lb., a winter stocker program be- comes a potentially profitable enterprise. The table shows that average prices for Choice steers in Alabama during the most recent 10-year period are sufficient to stimulate interest in stocker activity even with current costs. Ten-year average prices for Good steers provide less profit potential, but are still sufficient to cover variable cost of producers already in con- trol of facilities and equipment. Average prices over the past 10-year period fail to show the considerable amount of variability in annual net re- turns resulting from price variability and changing price margins (purchase price minus selling price on initial weight). For STOCKER AND FEEDER STEER PRI Fall price of Year 350-500 lb. steers (fall/spring) Choice Good Choice Good 1968/69 1969/70 1970/71 1971/72 1972/73 1973/74 1974/75 1975/76 1976/77 1977/78 AVERAGE Dollars/cwt. 27.8 25.5 33.1 30.4 33.4 30.8 39.6 35.8 49.7 44.4 53.3 49.7 23.4 19.5 28.7 23.4 32.6 27.8 38.4 33.3 36.0 32.1 Producer profits can normally be increased through stocker enter- prises which carry calves such as these to heavier weights. 4 A ECONOMIC OUTLOOK and ALTERNATIVES in the BEEF STOCKER ENTERPRISE NEIL R. MARTIN, JR. and SIDNEY C. BELL Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology example, price relationships for Choice steers purchased in the fall of 1977 and sold in the spring of 1978 and current production cost would result in a return to land, labor, and management of just over $111 per head. However, Good steer prices for fall 1973 and spring 1974 Land used for the winter grazing ac- tivity is usually capable of row-crop pro- duction. Therefore, stocker programs ex- tending past mid-March are in most cases competitive with crop alternatives for land, labor, and capital resources. would result in a loss of almost $83 per Soybeans are grown in all areas of Ala- head. bama and serve as a competitive enter- Current prices and expected prices dur- prise example for use in analyzing the ng the next 3 to 5 years for stocker and economic consequences of varying the eeder steers are in excess of $50 per 100 length of winter stocker enterprises. Net b., resulting in estimated returns of near returns to land, labor, and management $20 above cost for each 100 lb. of gain. were estimated for alternative beef However, a negative price margin of at stocker and soybean enterprise combina- east $10 for each 100 lb. of initial weight tions. Beef prices from $50 to $70 per exists and is expected to persist as long 100 lb. and daily rates of gain of 1.5 and is selling price continues substantially 1.75 lb. were analyzed. Soybean costs above cost of gain. As a result of these and returns reflected recommended prac- expected cost and price relationships, es- tices, a 30 bu. per acre yield, and a price timated net returns to land, labor, and of $5.50 per bu. Other major assump- nanagement from winter stocker pro- tions were: fertilizer application for win- grams are in the $30 to $50 per head ter grazing eliminates fertilizer applica- range. Thus, numbers of beef calves in tion for soybeans planted on the same winter stocker enterprises in Alabama land, a stocker enterprise of up to 4 should increase. months has no effect on soybean yield, soybean yield is reduced 20% for late CES IN ALABAMA, 1968-1978 planting caused by a 5.5-month stocker Spring price of Price margin enterprise, and a stocker program ex- 600-800 lb. steers (spring minus fall) tending to 7 months eliminates crop ac- Choice Good Choice Good tivity on land used for winter grazing. Dollars/cwct. Dollars/cwt. +4.0 3.6 -4.3 -4.1 -2.1 -18.7 +5.1 +10.0 +3.6 +14.1 +.4 +3.4 -3.2 -4.0 -2.8 -1.1 -- 18.1 +4.6 +9.2 +4.7 +15.0 +.8 This analysis indicated that a stocker program extending from 5 to 6 months combined with soybeans is generally most profitable. Stockers alone become most profitable only when price margins are extremely favorable and daily gain is 1.75 lb. A 4-month stocker program com- bined with full season soybeans is only second or third most profitable in all cases considered. f t LEFT: The classical elegance of Putto (statue) seems at home in a JIr A i ,oNT . (o [ I O ,\ 'pl[ colorful bed of impatiens backed by Florida flame azalea and i[L i ii"NiIX V 515hi\II(1 1Xi' X ti catawba rhododendron. CENTER: Dwarf yaupon combines with Cmlolai t~iii ilt a~(awNli southern magnolia to define landscape spaces and give privacy to (ClsiiI551 i sii 111 sslsss li a dining area. RIGHT: Snowflake 00aklcaf hydrangea, discovered G;rounsd covxers near Birmingham, can be used in many natural settings, such as a combination planting with sweetshrub. Pa Ii idle IwIlN 55ron coxili ', l se flowers', 11 itclss'tu 5 (75(5(51 it~ fruiit juiih-Jalli, CX cigiCes Native Plants Valuable for Home Landscape HENRY P. ORR, Dezpartment of Hortiulture tAXNDS(. I'( I\\ X Ili 11 Pl\ vNs Iluius o iAlihisuni can (,ust' spe- I llsissin to i(i itsnis' lsndsst'pi. N'ot iisl ith s doiici 1Lsins aii sist s'xld bi isits tilsexv also cal lsd tst'snin sis l tuo file s iissof sit(h liosi. A booins is their lowsX n'sauciil i's'c reC- A\isuisis thei villia ld( ivs phlsts an,5 gisiuiil covers tisuchi As Iii (Iilg'lidclbei- , smunll slti hS like inslis currsant, Iss gis slhub siuchi as XXXeetsisi il) aiiii Alabia ciii ('stinsi iill t'es sk'lis isg siXs 1 ii15,ii)1i 11il1ss l a ii lde si li g tises, isis) iii red maiiiIssple, wsh itse uoak, asi iii \lsgss ii.) 001i'iiii' lists's 1 ill t(us' tabls'. A stud iss fi i\ eX plisits mi iii''X(iii(' XXA lit it(' faislus lsit- issilist W\ illiaim lii Lti sisi aws ill ti'sX'5lhii (lisssgli \labiiuiss iii 177:3. Sp'sisss sif isisi naitives Alslmin plaints wenct biaik tos Fiugld to rics patsisus ieline their lanscaesping Jtltl XXas i(.ilpl II .ssssissl ill his AnXss (s usiu M/ansiosiX of X/ssbalis, SXIx (hit "ill a5 IIiiteii Slls(" tit( Ilistisix sif 111ii callu bw tsracedu lb\ the huililisis lie lilt bliid'' After i ivstutitiit. (lie' plhislisgs as muss 1 lssmn\ ofit( hs ilstoriic hiinis of Alabaa,ou oil ia sssss .515Xi tisat much'l sif Ailsslia's cuslturset ('ii lie Iscc s'i's th pl ilil uss cisltivasts's midsi sdt'slopici sissisissi thsese uild l ssisXitsX. Nlsi'so sth l s u1555 sed's sue foundto i be lii' cos suit'mp 15 ors'r hose, X masde of old brick, stonle. or stiii'i wsosis alld piaced ill a ssosused areta, .iss he effeetise slv Illsisispsi ip itlXX(i Iilt is's plsits. Oui awell presrved site', (5111 iii of siisii p 1 'ilsx w5ill bet sistilsi toi Xiipp 1 115'meut thio)se .i- read\l cs'ils. Soisusi lisis be os'sslid to ssofte'n tiii' lines of the hiouise' isthi's lofr st's s'siussg siome for- enhiancing 5 iCXXS, aiid sill is Isis sis'c'siu e it s t. S(ia s' i labiinssi lii Xs \ sus' asre ps'osinsg greater nslim- lies o! s[ ss ise Isii i o's siat ix s ptecies tos sIneet thle gri i5ig insis ki sissisissi 'Iis'ses oitaisis'r andss fisesd ts'isss' 1 1,iiits ('al hei e5sabliishe i sI sos's easily tha siosesx dug fromn ti e wvildc. LsIXX shrubs (2-4 ft.) xSiitlis'in lssssh-linscsuckls' Nr CIICXX' flow(,rS July, (I)icii st/ , .silifolia) (Isecid uous (S (/55 ( icro orC'i7i ibic ula us) de scid uous Sniall shrubs (4-6 ft.) stlaws)b.srx' blsh 'Iis xtelii, led fruit Sept.- (I' iCoii/hii. alntiicana~) oil, (1( idsiiii Oaklct h I~iiCral('d XX lu IIovcXX ii, Iy-Jssise,ex (Iysrins'aug' gjus ifo/isi) cs'i'lnt fill sislssi d'ciduosussi A\iCiis'i t i XsliXX 1(il wX (it( flowCXXs Ma\l., \ cry (S tii sy ra a ii'icaiil fi i''iiit, ('e (isiolsi Piemot 1 liii ell'5i5I Cu 051 liik ((CXXi Ma!\Iy, (Rhodudt'l oil nnls, cX\I.! green1 MIedium shrubs (6-10 It.) lBultlelirusi (sin kce s'iite fIICXX Ci isus-July, (Xi c i/Ujs pa(15if/orsii iii'slills' e"Insl 111111il(si'1N piirpl' (silit Sept. cii, Caljsasstla f/Cids 115) fill sslor, di t islios lIiilt(iililiioiii pinuk ((\cXCis Apr., Ii agrant, (RhJl/usss/ di oi us/sC ic y is'50CiiCiiS) 1] .( islsius (CI'Ctuss uiiba IuIIls is5)) ss ittcrcd eui l~ fa si' ll sclor, eXC cell'i \lmsmintii Lusil kilniji pinik ((CXX Cr5 Aps C e-egushci (Ka,/sia /etifC/ia) ('slIXpa iholuii(l dron liLi5'-lpiipls' flowc'irs May- (f3l d(cldl oSil cII(ataluiic 5 jle Ic. CX 55(Tu51 largc shrubs or small tree (10-25 ft.) v: iii icrll cd ii i(5'd 1 iik tos lix snds'r f(hsiss ('irs is i alias/s u'sis} ' l' dcidshii Wh'(ite' fiiii''tret' Xhit (jls' er ApXX r'' Xj., (('/inaluisss s rlgueucls) deid uuss I' lCXX im- 5'fnt)iliiXX5d XXhite' flower's \lir. \pr_ .,l (Ciirnus f/Cbs/a) frusit O t. sin sexce'llenit fall color, d'c idusiii 'ursilius 'i siebel 1whlite' flowers Apr., (//a/esia c'iroi/ia) Is idliius W'shits' sswiiiip azalea wXh(ite flowsXi Iiiie-Jiiy, (I(/sd/sss'sis'in r'isemusiI) ii hisisi' l",rkl'biiix wh ite' flower's Apr ., lacsk (\ assiiiis arborcsin) fri it Sept. decs iduo~us .1,1 blls blx wshitei fliowers Jnes, (Gssrdois is, Iiansisth us) C\ s 'asi's'u Ya iinun res flinst Oet. cii, ev'ergreen (I/sx v onsitiirioi) Ssuithisrn XX'i~i is Itie so iv friit Oct. os, fracgrant (iri's sci 'fs i'S) fsolia''s'. exCI5(15'Ci A 110D)IFIEI) ShiP-ROW14 CULIU4TIIAI SYSTiE3 MOR COWiTON PROI)U1(MTON W. T. DUMAS, Dept. of Agricultural Engineering 4-40- 1--4 0 " -A 96 .. 80" g0" - Treatment I Treatment 2 Treatment 3 .I N) (W HE iii d 5 10 oitili Soils ill tlWi SOlitlieilSt il- (CitlXk FIG. 1. Treatments in modified skip-row controlled traffic study. reooit it n it dii Xiljec~t t liil lolimatioti. Ptcseat tb) 250 l1). per actre of 8-24-254 fertilizer was banded beside thle hals sliitXX ithat i otto loot not XVCIv tVlt troial oxxv lNS. All plots ireceived thr ee sweep enitix atiOiiS and twxo ap- stint g ~il 1.its. I IJX CC! ottn tols ii ~ ~ 001 plications of NISNIA as at doecet spiay. Thei plots wvere side- /(1 l(5itlstrogIIijal. l~c, ic oto root illglotwt illtie.lo dressed with atiinoiim intrate ilthe rate ofSO l1). oitro- Iletils o Naiotal ilage\l~eliiit S ii)t ,lor I XC(Ten 0 r per acire. Elex en inscticide applications wetre mnade in llil C siIIIXX HI titi liii (141 tlW lit Ii 1) X'CC ltii tta 1976 andi 13 in 1977 to coitiol insects. least 12 ill. iX\ itX I i in tilt shsi t l itlt \\ ill icll oIX(i( Yieldi data wsere obtaitied by mnechanically hiarvesting 130 1)\ cX ittjtc5'iot I Iitti th e h 1 I Tlii is liot \%ill]l t~w io\ f CX t. of eacht plot, see table. pi (it1i l)XX spactintgs, tt ietoi. XX hel Spaings ~, tir C XXidtlis, and As showtn iii the table, the plots tirafihcked XX itli a 4-xX heel sleet il illact il acies t eitau eteina icie ti actor hlla 96., . vs heel spacting ( ti eaLttilei it 1) aveiraged igito] e, tue Soil cttiilaitioti p1t tlii at yijeld of -',0:;30 1l). of seed cotton pei laud-aete, compared A cultuiit A 5stein to coiintl comtpactioni piodliciiig forces to 1,847 l1). per ait C Itom plots tt alheiked w ith at 4 ss heel trat- is i cetied. Ott( ss stei ki CXXn ats the "Motdified Skip IIoXX trX ttS i pctt ieliti ) liwlt ti n Coitiolleti 'Ii ahc. ( iiltili al Sstn stiilo]- Cottonl Prodt~lion- hals StI ii. tractor trafic plus iiitei row~ tr affic fioin at tricyttce been testedl the patst 2 yeats by agi itultuia Cigiitei s hiorn spia .iX et ielded 1,637 lb). per atit' (tretment :3). thle Auhoirtin I Cni it\ X Atililit all L .pcreilt Statiol. ( oiitiol ma nichinery tric ed c CtU C ompaetunn .1a(1 inl 1 'lie te"st XX\its cotiClictec ait thit Agi ict i ia Engiieer ing Re- creCases ) icld of seectCottoiti oil soils XX ie co(tmpactin is at scteai c1 k it, itt Nlat XX C, iit sils loaiin soil itid conisistetd of prolemt. W\hieie tiafbicXXas icittiole \vitI it it a XXide XX heel titte ti o~titieiits. I C t ~tiitiits itiiOX sh iv iii figtiie 1. hIcrt ( tieaimti t 1) tilt a tia.gC stel ttotton y ield XX as Aldl plots XX Cit p~latedO iii it modificdl skip-ioXX, patternl - 9.TJ hilgher tliai that of' fte convXeiitional ptractice (treat- sistit ( of IXXwo 4t n. rowXXs (cti l oil a 5X a~vthl width of 96j incot: 2) whernie at i St-in. XX liCCl spaced 1 tractor XXit5 tiseth, itildh in., figure 2. 24% libritt thi triettiit 3 thalt incJlded iiitvT-1OXX trafic liIn trCetiiitiit 1, a I mit ssl eel tractori XXithi 96 ini. XXI eel fr om at tricy che high-cheatraice insiecticidhe spritycei spatutig %X'its used lori ll] opetitioitS li01m pi maix tillage ~ L~~ iS t I through llittvestitig. lIn tiethretit 2, alil operationis XXer ec ti-YILSOS,1)Cl 0 dutctedl XXitl i t Ittuit XX 1 (1( tiatttt tha~t liildX hleris spaced St0 P'ounds sedt Cottont pet iii. ipit. Triihneit .3 XXas the sauie is tireatmenit 2 except It wtmnent hanli acte lot- aidditionatl ]late scilsiil anit ittti oX traffic Iril it ticviscle 1976 1977 2-vra. \ high theat aie spiXer, XX iicli has at rear- XXiIcC spatcing 0ofi aX ilortat erX el 80) in. pa it eli i tolies 2,143 1,917 2,030 Priimary tillage foi- all plots consisted of Cdisking XXit ita disk 'Iratto ii itfot iand tear wheels hlo(X anid then ltedtig XX tii a AX 0) IC)XX i tppet-lCdther. A patccti S0 utceles 1,958 1,735 1,847 I.illisttti rotllinig ct ii itor XX\ Its, used 1 to Condlitiontitli, betds itl Iprt Ottiesolstiyl to iiitttt l itt tt I pt. tof Frethul pe itc~ it r to platintg. in s I 1cll 0 1 l 'X):[, p I I' o h tcc I ll I .1 It Illo I )Pl-l I i X tttllX ( \\ c1 XX Iii lantedt andl 40564 56 40 FIG. 2. Row pat-tern used in the test. Improvement of Fungicide Performance through Electron Microscopy V. C. KELLEY and P. A. BACKMAN Department of Botany and Microbiology PJ" r _1k_- 1*1 W-I. _11 r44. w FIG. 1. Fungicide particles produced by wet- mill process. 3,300x. FUNGICIDES USED in agriculture almost alwavs consist of finely-ground particles suspended in water for application Lb the farmer. The fungicide may be formu- lated as a flowable (F, already suspended in water), or as a powder (\WP, ready for suspension in water). Knowledge of the physical structure of fungicide particles as viewed with the scanning electron microscope (SE\I) can be useful in preparing more effective fun- gicides. At magnifications in the range of 5,000x, the individual fungicide par- ticles may be evaluated on the basis of size, shape, and surface irregularities. Phyisical data can then be related to bio- logical activity in the field. The effectixveness of fungicides in many cases has been increased by a reduction in the particle size, and it is known that activity can be altered by the process used to produce small particles. Flow- able sulfur preparations are comumonlv prepared by three ditferent methods of FIG. 2. Fungicide particles produced by air- FIG. 3. Fungicide particles produced by mol- mill process. 3,300x. ten process. 3,300x. achieving small particle size. They may be reduced in size in an air stream (air- milling), by a grinding process in a liquid matrix (wet-milling), or by spray- ing molten sulfur into cooling liquid (molten process). In field tests, effec- tiveness of flowable sulfur formulations in controlling leafspot disease was in the order of wet-minill > air-mill > molten process. SE\I studies of the physical structure of particles resulting from the three pro- cesses showed that the wet-mill shattered the fungicide into more angular particles, figure 1, that varied in size from very small to moderately large. The air-mill process produced particles with smoother edges, figure 2, and of a more uniform, moderate size. The molten process pro- duced a more nearly spherical particle, figure 3, that had no extreme size varia- tion and was smaller than the average size produced ly either of the other two processes. The molten preparation also contained rhomboid crystals, figure 3, ar- row, representing regrowth of a type of sulfur crystal that is not desirable be- cause of reduced fuIngicidal activitv. On the basis of these studies, the greater fun- gicidal activity of the wet-milled product would appear to be related to two prop- erties, i.e., the shattered, angular form of the particles and the broad range in size of the particles. SE\I studies are now underwav to de- termine the effects of heat and rainfall on the loss of particles from the leaf sur- face, and the structure of the particles that are left. By minimizing loss due to rainfall and optimizing particle erosion by other factors, the performance of sul- fur fungicides as well as the complex organic fungicides can be improved. In this period of severe government restrictions on registration of new fungi- cides, enhancing the effectiveness of ma- terials that are alreadv registered must be a major goal of agricultural reseaich. THE PINE BARK BEETLE complex- the black turpentine beetle, the southern pine beetle, and Ips engravers - often seen in forest stands, constitutes a seemingly ever-present threat to pine stands around homes, in parks, and generally through- out urban areas. Pines growing in such high-use areas are generally very suscep- tible to attack, and attempts to prevent loss of prized trees are further compli- cated b1 the halhits of tihe beetles. Attack- ilng adults qulickl hore into the tree's \ital inner hark \\-here they construct tunnels and lay eggs. Beetle development pro- gresses rapidly and trees often die before the infestation is discovered. Girdling and/or action of blue stain fungus, which some beetle species itroduce, is respon- sible for mortality in pines. Except for a brief period \\when adults are in flight and seeking suitable material to attack, beetle development and all life stages, including parent adults, eggs, larvae, pupae, and new brood adults are hidden and pro- tected in the inner bark of infested trees, see figure. Thus, control becomes a matter of destroying beetles and beetle brood under the bark quickly to prevent: (1) tree mortality, in case of black turpentine beetle infestations; or (2) spread to un- infested trees, if the infestation is by southern pine beetle or Ips engravers. One standard recommendation for de- struction of bark beetles is to spray in- fested boles with an effective, approved insecticide (at present lindane, the gaim- ma isomer of 1ItIC) mixed in No. 2 diesel fuel oil. The recommendation usuallx continues with the warning that oil is phyltotoxic to some plants and injury to lawn grasses and foliage of ornamental plants may result from its use: thus, xwa- ter is recommended as the alternative to oil as the carrier for the insecticide. The suggestion is that oil sprays are better, but that water sprays are also effective, though perhaps less so. In recent research conducted at the Auburn University Ag- ricultural Experiment Station a closer look was taken at the relative effective- ness of water vs. fuel oil sprays for fast destruction of pine bark beetle broods. BIIC is known to be effective in control of pine bark beetles when applied in fuel oil. Dichlorvos (an organophosphorus compound) in fuel oil has recently proven equally effective. Thus, these materials COMPAISON OF EiFFECTVENESS OF FUEL OIL AND ATIEHR INSECTICIDAL SPRIAYS tOil DESTRUCTIox OF Ips ENCAVEI BEETLE BBOODS 5 Mortality at 48 Treatment ours after treatment' All Ips Parent forms' adults I1C in fuel oil 71 98 BHC in water 23 57 Dichlorvos in fuel oil 88 98 Dithlorvos in water 32 57 Fuel oil alone 42 76 Check 4 17 tMean of two tests of five replications each. 2tLarvae, pupae, attackintg or parent adults, and new brood adults combined. "5 - A . ?r e~~,6;3 i" "p~i) ~:::i - rs- *: 1 . jr were selected for comparing the efficiency of oil and water sprays in bark beetle control. Ips engraver beetles were used as test insects in the evaluation. Pine bolts were cut from heavily in- fested trees containing all stages of Ips development and treated, using standard recommended procedures; i.e., bark was sprayed to the point of runoff using an established effective rate of the appropri- ate insecticide in oil or water. For further comparison, a treatment of fuel oil only and an untreated check were included. Following treatment, test bolts were held for 48 hours then peeled and Ips mortal- itv deterlmined. Results of the tests are presented in the table. Peelinig of illfested olts revealed that some kill of all beetle forms was ob- tained with both oil and water sprays of either insecticide after only 48 hours. lHowever, mortality in the oil-insecticide treatments was approximatelv three times that occurring where water was used as the carrier. Also, brood kill in bolts treated with fuel oil alone exceeded that of either insecticide-water treatment. Mortality of original attacking parent adults was somewhat higher in all treat- ments than that obtained when all beetle forms were considered. Natural die-off, as indicated by the 17% mortality in check bolts, begins following completion of egg laying, and makes the higher kill percentages deceiving. Still the pattern of effectiveness was the same; adult mortal- ity in oil-insecticide treatments (98%) was almost two times that obtained in water- insecticide treatments (57%). Again, mortality (76%) in bolts treated with fuel oil only exceeded that occurring in the water-insecticide treatments. The use of BHC and dichlorvos in these tests does not constitute a recom- inendation of either for bark beetle con- trol; at present, neither is approved for this use. Their established effectiveness made them appropriate materials for use in comparing the effectiveness of oil and water sprays. From results obtained, it appears evident that oil sprays are su- perior to water sprays for prompt and rapid destruction of bark beetle brood oc- curring under the bark of pine. Fuel Oil vs. Water in Sprays For Pine Bark Beetle Control L. L. HYCHE, Dept. of Zoology-Entomology New brood adult Ips engravers in the inner bark of pine. ";1~ -""~ t, : ir5 tI~ "9 - )II C @,*h ~. d . 2-, 1 I j; cc1 -, u/IL 4r EUGENE W. ROCHESTER, Dept, of Agricultural Engit A i.An SNi FARi xiti s ltiiiC txwo types of fihid crt tiritigatotrs. Thle cetiter pixv(t is uitilized fo~r fields xx Iicit can accotmimtdate litrge art ecige cit cU's and xxhlichi (1(1 iiot hiaxve abtitxe grtltd oltstacles such ats pitxer lities or structiiires Snmtl 1 towablet pixvots ai 1' ptrox idiutg additional flexibiility for' ilriill fiel~ls. Ilk hocat ittiis xxhlere the pixvot caiiiitt lie uitiliize'd, or xx hen addititlia.t poi taitility is deft(iltix manltet itix i'l( ti tl cahie tosved in igc.itt xxwcr the iiir di tiol Ilcxilitv .irs addtii ilslalio lati thed Teiil"(cxx ssilluilizsasmiiii Roxetli~ aen pii'toconatvey ~' to o t ait' Silt iia Iatl wstrodue to the ike titS milatiixt Th is h akiillttiVlit, thus pull hilo i iiiitor i c ts( as i li I'dt fleibility and oi ( utis txs la'o thit ttl The lxx o 1 iraiids utilizgetestedcai e siit sarinkle imd ato it to tow ax e e sp'rainkler11 itrlig th('e cfsiell Al how ingI i s coil- tlngths, toiv rocllli the1ho(e alaou thpil nhii to tallle l' 1. il.TOdt l ( fli t' Ir oui li )( rort is si)'s rigdo Ito Tsts tAili II ice liiii tililutinl i tvilabthe Niatt tle loneetrstic It rthat 1,247 ft) . Table 2 proxvitdes (xampies xxhichl illtistra.tte some (If the oper1ationial Cliaractet -iCs sOf thiese' malcinles. The li 1111 ait uses hisser flosx rates anti 11ar- I oxx'er hut 1lnger t raxe ci 1iies to irr i gate more land pci lane. Howtxxever, tile 'No- WVayxsvitii less Ihose length and greater hose diamete'r req 1 uiries less inlet operat- in g piressure ( approximately 1.301) l. sq. iii. comiparedi toi 160) andlt thus less en- ci gv per voilume (If xvltei aipplied. Ainthe ir impioirtalnt tOil 5lt"'ielaioi is tii labor reqjuiremeint to moxve these 1111- I aile chaniiigiltg is actcotlmpl ished'( bx some- xwiiat diflere'it methIiod s hut 1(1th In ma- tlitits cail lbe moved tt by (oCe pi'tSon tl - litziig at trator. Althiiougih mltviog- tulle call sat x ctiisiteraibls, tlie chang(e canl uisuialx lhe itccomplilisihed in :3(1 tt 45 inl- utes. Additional duties suchi as moxving portablle pipe or primning a pump would naturally increase this tume. A critical factor affecting application unifor mity is the variation in trax ci spced as the spr inkier is pulled toward the ireel. The two machine components that cause speed variation are changes in drum speed and in effective ieel dliameter. lDruim speed change is caused hy clianige in force irequir ements to tur n the reel and generally causes a speed increase as the sprinkler approaches the reel. B~othi the turbine and the piston exhibit this char- acteristic ilut speed changes on level ground weire found to he small. The second component, effective diameter, changes as the number of wraps of hlose cliatiges. For example, the 4.5 inl. (lit- side. diameter hose will increase speed by 11i7 for each xx rap onl the 6.2 ft. reel. The 1L247 ft. It romat has five wriaps xwhile the slioiter NutWay hias three wraps. ile( eff(ect of five wraps is to in- crease speed't (aind d1cci ease total applica- tion) 5Y 44% fro (10 l(gitiiing~ to endl. This change caulses either ox er xxatering at the lieginuiiig. ori-iiuldi xxatering at the end or b o th anid eminpitasize(s thle ii eed for ad- dlit ional1 speed4 coint rol whl i ch is 1 ei t g im - plemiented onl the in omat. InI summ ai x thIiese it ri galurs offer an alte'rnaitixve xwhich (all lbe partictilarixv use- ftill ini iri igtiii fields. Stuch factotrs as tlcpetldilbliitx anti cost wxill liase a major imoport ant are ch tI fact ors ax t)s owr. en- .iilitiiit uiiiifoimitx . Addititoli tiesuits oitli s''v toIpic s I ar foto i li t i. TAL 1iiiIxi. S ixt iL SINIIN VABiAiiiON, OFt 11i1E TWO ( tililt. ioux Ti i un t' xi i, 1978) hfose1Joerl Irrigatolr trcIiomt ( 110/381) NutWaiy Insjide (ill. ) :3.5 4.5 Max1ium h omtil (ft,.) 1,247 850 Divse In71151011i dlesign 2 xx'leel trler~ turtbine 4-xxieel xx'igon xx swuxti TABLiE 2. \l'l Xitliix xi 1('Ni Ii10\', hL It M ) ()l Att itL iNl 1Vt' I Ix i i ii ', It ll tNo\ i 1 55 i~i Lxxi\ Macine Lanett widhu ( ft.) (ft.) (acres ) ti'slu) Oi En .i. tiitttitl spr1ililei fli'Ix a 0 ( -Pill) Traivel 111111' fir.) Ilit --ti-i- 270)' 1,320 8.2 85 t1.51 400 8.5 Ilitti liat 30(W 1,320 9.1 85 1.51 440 9.3 N \ v:300' [(,(00 6.9 95 1.66 560 .5.7 \ttWav 332 1 J00 7.6 90 1 .66 543 6i.3 ii lix ci lint' xwith ftr nlot more10 [i 111 10 muph xwind~s for Iniciit d sprt(t 5 inkle'i pressuire Spr1 inkler iii ritioll Itl 1-t. 1975. Sputuikitr Irir,tioii Associaion) 1i Set 1 Oii Si ikil'r manu111fictureri spci i(tiln fo tr thii HRt ilnir 205 (Trrniliit ) anti Neci- still 200 ( NuWiy ). S TATE AND CO\IPANY-OWNEDf forest tI~rSCriCS ill tile southecaSt annlu~I lv o- dITcC hnnIT ells of millions of pine(, seed- lin~gs for u151 ill reforelstationl. Thle tie staite-onc 055 ur(1 1115(1 in Alabama (Ilaiiss, Mil~ler, aol Stauiller) ;dTme prloduce moi c tha 60I m i)IIill imi scedlu ITS.111iuilk 110 r(' fore(staltion) ill A~lbaia. 10 Prst 11(1111 cil's ale IInteTlsTXe (IniaTlagell, thus, (lage 01 o loss h1111 ll i5('5s iiise'its, ,iI wX els is kept at a minfimunm FIsJifoTnIi rust, causedl 115 Crowiortin fnlsifornw, is the mfost serou 101disease (If loliloliX a111 s1,1511 pIITIIs il forest nurser- iCs. Siie 1942, this lli'.clai liois 1illen contlt 111( 1) - fi(luTIclt apTplie itioiis (2- 3 per X eek ) (if the conlutact I'llT1 (icill fer- 1)111 (l11iliTg theC sporeI Ielease perioll (A 1 IIJIIIC) Altlioiid effective, suh con t act funTigill icS ha ve dIisalivaT taaesC . Frequen'Tt applica tuins are ceI((s sary th ey are wa ,shed' fro0m5 the folialge by5 rain, and nlew grow5Xth that occturs I'5Xl(l app1lica- tions is not p1rotectedl. In addlitioni, spOT CS of C. fnlsiforoiic CiT ill greatest IlIIITIIICTs follosvillg 1)1' jols of rajifall whlen it is oft en i it po~ssib~le to mane(uv er spray equ~ipmelnt ill tll' field. ]nI con trIast, s5 5 vtell)ie fungicides are ac- tive Iilli' till p)lant. Thus, they are not washed' (off, hbs Train; thii' arT m'Ilobile' \%,ill) ill tll' plan~t, prov idingt p~ro~tection (of TnewX tissueI as5 it is producedl'l; an~d tli(' ma , v e'raicateI illfect iou)s t i .1t occu1 rred( pr ior toI alpplicaltion (If tile 5X stcrric. This ar~ticle repo~rts results (If tests lIX scienltists illi- burn11 UiverX Isity s Agriculturital I5\perimellt Station, uising two ss stemic fungicides, 1 aX itIl aT) (1 IX'KXX'g. 1155 s oTi t o lo l pill( I 1)115 S I aT il v ll t 1-23)I foiII ll li s 5 ' ~i isj lTtl \ I.Illit flaits itTaCment ( 1.8 o- -1.5 11). per aicre appliedl II' h1itr TiN (il( pph tlio of' 6. i 1S ).~l pt1(1 ILr l ii iii i 21, It , f ,i C. b5 -i illocl~tloll NitllC. f lsi m (oT 2 - 7 Ills de ii i 1111 lltitll 1) ifis iK\ ,li ksstn~i (4 I .s iS 11.5 11) )111 t I)1 ap 0.5 I1.1) pe aicI ilicil 21 14 ofil 7 ill, s Seedlings XXere tran sported to the USD)A Forlest SeTrvice' Rust Testing CCn- terT nearI Ashil fle, N.C., an~d Xw(re' inoIcu- Jilted wxithl C. fiisfoi/o11 40) days afteT be- in~g transplantedl. inoculur density anid ('115irlulllilltal cIIliditionTs wXeIrC optinmumn for inlfectionl andl dliseasdSC ll lopmeult. ['ICh SCl'IiiingrWa XXaIS( inl(d fOr rust fails afte'r 365X ('1ksV ilIX v (](finite stemn sXX''- liT' 1145 cX(T'Ioun~tedl as gralis. ill thll ulutrellteI conltIOlS '32% of tile sleedlioigs we'lre galied ( sCC tible). Seed- lings XXer1' I CC of gills inl flats treatedl wXithi Isisleton, exce'(pt XX ii(' it wa~s ap)- pliedi is a foliliT spra v 21 (illSs before oplal 141115. Ba\liX~ wss noX 15Tlt effectise applliedI pre plant iTICOTpo lit(( ait a Trite of * ." 1)' r acre , pllS deli co~mplete' p T 0 tecti)T for ait lealst 40) dIXys; limil (2) a flir SlITY INXXitlihi IaltoTi at a Tate of 0t.5 il). per aclre gave( acceIptalie ('(ntl ol for 2 1 (LIXs after appl)1i cat ion an11d eradi- caited( ill inlfection~s that Occur red 7 days ias lctoul cuTIeTI lv is beillgt testedl iT) TiTlIr rXV field plolts in Alabamla, NtiSSiS- sippi. anid Geolgia for control of fusiform rlust. The~se daltaI should( providle sufficient inlol mation to obltain a label allowing its IIse againist fusiform rust. W. D. KELLEY, Dept. of Boaony' ard Microbiology FuIIF13u RUS 'T ON 1,1111,1 OILS PINE SEcnlasos TIIEATED XXI-rI Sys-551LXI I1. llS Bite ( plINIlS IIctiXe1 ill"T liunt ) pe'r allrC Mthttodl and1 time" of applicationl Bavleton - --------- 1.8 PPI 0 13ayletlon - --------- 4.5 PIH 0 Ba5 leton - ------------ 0.5 ES ( 21 days ) I 13.1) en - ----------- 0.5 ES 1 14 dI ays ) 0 lBayiI't(n t- ------------ . FS ( - 7 (lays ) 0 Ba) lctln -t---------------- .5 FS ( ? 2 (lays ) 0 Bayletoni 0 -------------. 5 FS (+ 7 days) 0 Bay-Kw - --------------- 1.8 P13I 35 Bay-Kwg - --------------- 4.5 PPI 26 Bay-Kwg, -------------- 0.5 ES ( 21 dlays) 23 hyKg0.5 ES ( 14 Illss) 34 Bay Kw -- --------- --- - 0.5 FS (- 7 dayvs) 29 Bay Kwg ------------- ).5 F"S (+ 2 dlays) 2 iBav Kwvg 0.5 ES (+-t 7 (laiys) 32__________ PPI I p11' planit ilicllrporatd FS 7 foliar Spray. - days days before inoculationl with C. fllsifilrol; + (lays -days after inoculation. INCIT)L\CL OF Treatment SeedIntgs Xx Itl Wills (PIeret) EFFECTS Of Seed Treatment Fungicides On Rhizobium Inoculants P. A. BACKMAN, Dept. of Boaony and Microbiooy FARMNERS ABE well aware of the need to securte adequate crop standls thr-ough the uise of f ungic'idal seed tr eatments. If tey growv legum e 5, th ev also arie axx'are of t(te 11requtent needl to improxe n~iitr ogen fixaltion titrougi I the application of Rhbi- zobI)Wn inlocultim. H1oxweer, fatrmers growving 1lgttntes frequently hlave Omittedl seed treattinctit filtlwiciiies for- fear that they would dlamrage tile seed-applied Rhi- zobiia. For theii past sever al years wvork has I een condc1tted 1 y Auiburn's Algrictil tral EXpe)r(imn IC t St at iotn to determine wxhich f ungicides are damaging to legumne noditlatiott, andl xwhich ate safe. Ote ( wax to ptrevent fttt gicide damnage to Rizoimtu inotculit t is to use gran l at 00(01ULUt s. GCi t Itt a pp 1 icItOrS drop the itlOCltl~ltt IWr t1e seed (lttt ing the plant- ing opert in; thuts, the Rioiobitn ioe- utni dines tnt contact the treated seed as hapt~peni ll th li us i tll oppet-box a ppl ica- tin met hod1 (ftinigicicle and iiinet ttim mixedl together in thle seedl hopper) . This pi ocedIire has wxotrked well for peanuts and~ is slhoxxinig pr omise in soybeanis. Thte draxwbauck s atre t 11at thle inlocul itm is mi ire expensive and the planter must he fitted wvithi a granlahr applicator. A seconid appt oaeh is to test seed treat- menit funl gicides to dletermnte if they ate (lam agin ig to 13 ii zol 4.. C'oot patil e tom - hit tat P ins Of fung icideCs at ld Rhiz ob ittou cotuldi thiten 1e anixed in thte seed Ihopp er with resulting good standsl and tndula- tiuin. Tests to (letetrnine toxicity of fit ig Theose datat were dleveloped throuih grants homn the Al\iin 1, Peantiut itnd Se hemn Prio- iluteis Associations flu 1 1I Ct'attt ftoii . .17 ( CSIIS-7t1-15-18) 14 more than one fungicide (strains 3 andI 4, table 2). Nodulation levels for some of the Rllizobin-fungicide combinations were sometimncs found to be higher than tihe cotrol (tto fungicide). A lpnssilhle explanation for this is that the presence of tile fungicide resulted in more 1{hizo- bium inoculant sticking to the seed coat. Overall, the data indicate that some fung(icides ar e less iliagfi ii thati othlers to Rluzobitloi, and tha~t strains of Rhiobin which will tolerate almost any of the common fungicides are ahready axvailable. Wihen these strains are made commericially available, seed treatment recommendations may reflect compatible Rllizobiubn fungicide combiinations. cides to soy bean Iiiiobiumt (R. japoni- j ' clut) itntdicate that thiram (Arasto ) wvas least toxic, folloxved bxv PCN B (Ter- ?r. . ' racoat0 ), captan (Ortltocide ), and cat- lioxiti (V\itls ax ) , table 1. These sutxvi- v al tests stippotrted noduiatiott tests con- duicted in the gtreenhiouse. Inl contrast,~ thiram xvts most toxic and PCN B let n h toxic whe teted ott inouu causing dl' notitlatiort in pertis pigeon peas, and coxvpeas (RIiiobitttt spp.) A PRestilts from an evaliuation of individ- utal straitns of Rhtizobitun for sersitix itY to fungicides, table 2, indicate that thtere aeRltizobiunto strains available that xwill toler ate each of the cotmmon coimmetrcial Typical legume showing rhizobiumn nodula- fungicides, attd that some are tolerattt to tion. TABLEt 1. EtUt C TS oi' St r ) TutuATMNI i- FuN(T(ADE tiOsNi StUtVIVAxt Axo Nota. I ON OF SOYBitANS AND) PLANUtS TRE IIATED NV ut CECntu(IALt R/tuobittti Fungicide Snx heans tPeatiiits Surs l Nodiilltion.. Stirsvisvai Notdtation* Peircent 13CNB --------------- -- 57 84 69 (71ptart-- ------------ 67 86 33 'Ihlitant ------ 90 10)O 11 Glrboxin 7 88 58 \l is of 10 trepicatiiins. Pet etit of utitteated conttroi notlulation. TABLE 2. Et Icers OF SErn) TttEATstiNT Ft NO(IDLS ON No)LILATrION OF PEANTS BY SINGLE SutoAiNS 01- 13/iizoh 0jti No 1hiiohitin Fungicide stt titi Carboxin Ciptan Thu ao PCx NB Nian 1 LX-715 12 18 22 67 30 2 LX-716 32 15 5 86 34 3 LX-717 >100 >100 38 51 72 4 LX-718 24 :38 >100 >100 65 5 LX-719 30 39 :35 78 45 INt Ia n 40 42 _ 40t)_ 76 All itn i iets treflect ml ins of It) treplicattiouns, and tr(pitesent I,,of uttcited c ontruil tmodiilat ion. TAX MANAGEMENTis an important part of good farm business management. The objective of most farm business managers is to minimize income taxes while maxi- mizing after-tax income. Thus, farm man- agers must have a knowledge of the tax consequences of the farm. Managing a modern farm business re- quires a large investment of capital and the handling of large sums of money an- nually. Tax consequences of farm busi- ness decisions have a greater impact on cash flow and net income as farm busi- nesses become larger. The farm manager is constantly mak- ing decisions during the year that affect the amount of income tax to be paid and the amount of cash available for opera- tion of the business. To make wise de- cisions in the framework of minimizing income tax while maximizing after-tax income, he or she must understand the tax consequences of various farm taxes throughout the year. Standard Deduction Increased In general, standard deductions for 19771 and later years for individuals who do not itemize their deductions have been increased. In the past the standard de- duction was 16% of adjusted gross in- come, but had minimum and maximum levels. The new standard deductions (zero bracket amount) are flat sums: $3,200 for married persons filing joint returns, $1,600 for married persons filing separate returns, and $2,200 for single persons and heads of households. Indi- viduals who itemize their deductions will be unaffected by this change. New Jobs Credit The Tax Reduction and Simplification Act of 1977 contains a new job tax credit provision that affects farmers. Farmers and other business employers may be able to earn as much as $2,100 of tax credit per additional worker hired in 1977 and 1978. Each employer is sub- ject to specific limitations when comput- ing the tax credit, and the amount of credit claimed must be deducted from wages claimed as a business expense. If you hired additional employees in 1978 be sure to check this new job tax credit to determine if you have any credits. Reducing Income Fluctuation When a preliminary check of income indicates a probable net taxable income less than the amount allowed by the per- sonal exemptions ($750 per person in- cluding dependents) and standard de- duction (zero bracket amount as indi- 1 Some of the tax provisions discussed may be changed by the 1978 Tax Act. cated above), consider selling such addi- tional items as cull cows and timber to increase your income to the amount of the total deductions and exemptions. Since exemption and deduction are al- lowed annually, those not absorbed by current income are automatically lost. Unused exemption credits cannot be car- ried forward and applied against income of another year. The following example illustrates this principle: John and Mary Jones have two chil- dren: Net income First Second Average 2-year year year income tax 0 $12,400 $6,200 $898* Jim and Jan Smith, also with two chil- dren: First year $6,200 * Using credit. Net income Second Average year income $6,200 $6,200 2-year tax 0* 1977 tax tables and general tax Net Operating Losses Farmers often pay more taxes over a period of years than required by law be- cause they fail to take advantage of net operating loss provisions. If a farmer has a net operating loss in a given year, such loss can be used to reduce net farm in- come of other years. A net operating loss is usually the ex- cess of expenses over income as reported on schedule F (Farm Income and Ex- pense). In some cases adjustments must be made to this figure. If you have a net operating loss, you may carry the loss back 3 tax years and possibly obtain a tax refund or elect to carry it forward to reduce tax liability in future years. Investment Credit Probably the most effective tax man- agement tool of all is the 10% investment credit, because it reduces tax on a dollar- for-dollar basis. The Tax Reform Act of 1976 has extended the investment credit for 4 additional years. Thus, the credit will be available for all qualified property purchased through 1980. If you acquire new or used depreciable property, such as machinery, equipment, or breeding livestock for use in your farm business, you probably qualify for the in- vestment credit. In order to qualify, the property must be depreciable, must have a useful life of at least 3 years, and must be placed in service during the year. However, the property must have an ex- pected useful life of 7 years or more to qualify for the 10% credit on the entire investment. If the useful life is 5 or 6 years, only two-thirds of the investment qualifies for the credit. For property with a useful life of 3 or 4 years, the credit is allowed on only one-third of the invest- ment. The useful life used for computing the investment credit must be the same as the life used for calculating deprecia- tion. A number of different types of farm property qualify for the investment credit. In general all tangible business property except buildings or structural compon- ents will qualify. This includes machin- ery, equipment, trucks, automobiles, fences, and storage facilities such as silos and grain bins. Also, breeding and daiiy livestock and income producing orchards and groves qualify for the investment credit. The credit is claimed the year the asset is purchased and placed in service; how- ever, the item doesn't have to be com- pletely paid for in that year. If you fi- nance the purchase of the item you are still entitled to claim the investment credit. The amount of the credit that can be used in any year is limited to the income tax liability shown on your tax return, or $25,000 plus 50% of the tax liability in excess of $25,000, whichever is less. Un- der prior law the credit earned in the current year was used first and then. any excess was carried back or forward. The Tax Reform Act of 1976 made a change in this procedure. Under the law carry- over credits are used first, then credits earned in the current year, and finallv carryback credits. 15 INCOME TAX MANAGEMENT SIDNEY C. BELL, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology EGG SHELL QUALITY AFFECTS HATCHABILITY GAYNEkR.9 McDANIEL and DAVID A. ROLAND, SR. Department )fPoultry Sciuc c. h Ic Ii I lit 51 ii ( II cix it Ii iiittII tutu. I tt ,IwIt 'Ix til ti l pi c oii htci''. are ill(, from h ik igc di w iti.. rtiiiiic , st- ti ii fit l a iii IT Ii Ix oii \\i',ki tlx ( i s iii r 'I 't o h po x lic' ti ll ~t . i ii ti( litirs I t' it s i d ix ciii. ititftc miiii lt ti lc ofi t poo t l . sli i i(,tl ( t iit5 1t ax ci t'iix I .htbtv.t (L'ci it ai isho \\ it iit'iixx titi' po l ft lutt fjc li alt llc' il-i tw l ' iii\ llr itlt es idti ll'li iiit'i ilt o Itt is w llci w- iieite ft ;t s w ('titr lit N,2 iNl lomiixiiiht' iisxttu teiti' x )out but bc- 1111 tit it fitc s xxt'he t't)(iii''f'i 5 Th is (In litix il 1 d inl sIti is it 5 a )Iff thel mw1 Itl Il x iiiirnicic~ sit xx itin l l lb lt sii r l e ill lmsaxol spl'ial aftt'entioni xxas iv ci to hanid- til ucs iiit plieitt socted 1iwitxoo \lmt tus iuiitiilitk \i (I e's c ' Titi' siosl tutd Honks xmicid sa( l Ii ( i qiilfit 55 ii I I o I't'ific ' 1 ooax 1 itx I Iix I f' ltl itix l tha il c s with liii d t'tt ittlt' f lit ti itt i I '1I iit' Iaid d'liii spin lit vc' ll c iftttii o tiic' specific gra i i 1,065'S 1 01f ff(75' I ()(M) I f0'5 1f0r)ff I fE-) I I00tt ii) p1 ictic's xx\ill hl'p oiicfli(t ' e lclioc' ill liitchiiiiit iiit ou ht oii lix lttxx il cci octi i (Iiii a i iit ili i itN i 1 i1 ltt' 2. St i4)4 INal lif t er oii ili l fo t1 11 d iil it s. i Al c-i 'i ~ d iiilt ' cx fw ilid f ~ h titti l'gg xx oli .i o \iii ISill- ifil tx '1k o l ilS 11 11 tt' h [ flil Nut-fl . 1 il Ni'iii4i'.s li iioi I I I I3 I ti It bc'l iii ti iii ox i I I i i xx I ill F ix It iclii (, I m i t cxx rut; .i Thi tom- 34ss'ik~f t, k 52xw, Akui lo tk 78 81 4 0f 1 8 87 19 1t :36 93 32 i92 25 9:3 0 6 95 If 92 f4 90t 2 9tt0 1 95 . \ItI til,l 't u ''s xx tf i i ii It iu its tc ii th '( itsih x a t i~~l \11NI ap -il iii'i f ft is1\ I 'ii i iiiit'l cti'c fluv so not t 11A itt ft xxIL AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION AUBURN UNIVERSITY P0 TAGF PAID AUBURN, ALABAMA 36830 U.S DEPARTMENT R1. J)i ititis Ro iilt'. I)itic'ter OF AGR ICULTUR E PUBLICATION-Highlights of 9M Ai11I 11 Agricultural Research 1 2/78 BULK RATE Penalty for Private Use, $300 tit 1 % I loNsjllI) ov I" [,()( k .\(,I, \\I) Sill I'l, Q t \1 ]IN o\: [I.xl( o xim .11)