of agricultural research Volume 24, No. I Agricultural Experiment Station R. Dennis Rouse, Director Spring 1977 Auburn University Auburn, Alabama DIRECTOR'S COMMENTS SOMETIMES we are reluctant to remember how rapidly the world in which we live is changing, but it is important to keep this in mind as we plan for the future in producing food and fiber. As I write this, we are in the throes of the coldest winter in years with resultant frozen waterways, energy shortages closing schools and factories, and snow as far south as West Palm Beach, Florida - all mak- ing the news along with the inaugura- tion of a Georgia peanut farmer as President of the United States. The cold has stopped growth of winter grazing, and hay is: short; cat- tlemen are in an all too familiar di- lemma. If he sells his hungry cattle at depressed prices, he takes a beating; if he buys scarce feed, he has more investment in his cattle than he is likely to get back. On another front, this Nation is concerned about drought conditions in its "bread basket." One factor, not R DENNIS ROUSE common to Alabama, contributing to consistently high grain crop yields: in the Central United States is soil characteristics that enable crops to draw on a reservoir of sub- soil moisture, offsetting inadequate rainfall during the growing season. This reservoir is dry and the 1977 crops will depend on the rainfall during the growing season just as Alabama farmers have to do every year. Thus, one important insurance against a short crop does not exist for 1977. I cite these situations because they provide an opportunity to again make a point that so many and so much depend on each American farmer; the difference between a surplus and a shortage of food is very small. Every farmer knows only too well the impact of a surplus or shortage on price in the marketplace. Agricultural research came into being in an effort to overcome shortages, improve preservation and distribution, and to thus mini- mize the uncertainty in supply. Agricultural research should be everyone's concern because in this century it has been a major contributor to increasing agricultural productivity. Worldwide, there is still a food shortage and many countries do not have pur- chasing power and transportation to provide imported food for the masses of people. Therefore, in the marketplace, the cycles move from surplus to shortage. Farmers must find still more positive ways to ensure against problems associated with these cycles, such as diversification of crops and cropping systems, diversification of animal enterprises and production systems, on-farm storage, mar- keting cooperatives, use of marketing systems, and more effective use of science and technology. The Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station is dedicated to advancing agricultural science and technology in this changing world. It is the publicly-supported agricultural research organ- ization upon which every person in Alabama must depend to carry on the kind of research program that will assist the 70,000 Alabama producers of food and fiber. It costs money to carry on a program of research but studies show that every dollar invested in publicly- supported agricultural research in recent years has returned $36: Surely this is a good investment. It is a necessary investment if we expect to maintain a high standard of living as a State and Nation. Your Alabama Agricul- tural Experiment Station is inadequately funded to support the research program needed. Our scientists are giving an excellent account of what is provided them. However, they cannot do all that the consumers need for them to do without additional support. maev ae eidace .& Dr. Kirby L. Hays, head, department of Zoology-Entomology. Following the retirement of Dr. F. S. Arant in June 1975, Dr. Hays took over the leadership role in the Department. Born in Cullman Coun- ty, Dr. Hays graduated from Arab High School. He earned a B.S. degree from Auburn in 1948. Fol- lowing a stint with the .. army during the Korean conflict and two years working for the USDA, Dr. Hays returned to Auburn to earn an M.S. degree in 1954. After working his way through the University of Michigan, serving as a graduate research assistant, Dr. Hays was awarded the Ph.D. in 1958. Since returning to Auburn in February 1957 as an assistant professor in the De- partment of Zoology-Entomology, Dr. Hays has taught 14 different courses and has been major professor for 15 doctoral students and 31 masters students. He has worked on 12 research projects at Au- burn and has authored or co-authored 68 research publications and numerous pro- fessional papers. Among his many honors are member- ships in Phi Kappa Phi, Gamma Sigma Delta, Phi Sigma, and Sigma Xi honor- aries and is a former Chairman on the Auburn University Faculty and Senate. HIGHLIGHTS of Agricultural Research SPRING 1977 VOL. 24, NO. 1 A quarterly report of research published by the Agricultural Experiment Station of Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama. R. DENNIS ROUSE .... Director STANLEY P. WILSON -- Associate Director CHAs. F. SIMMONS --- Assistant Director T. E. CORLEY ...-------- Assistant Director E. L. McGRAw --------------- Editor R. E. STEVENSON ---- _Associate Editor Roy ROBERSON--------Assistant Editor Editorial Advisory Committee: STANLEY P. WILSON; J. D. HARPER, Associate Professor of Entomology; WALTER D. KELLEY, Assistant Professor of Botany and Microbiology; EARL L. WIGGINS, Professor of Animal and Dairy Sciences, AND E. L. McGRAW. Auburn University is an equal opportunity employer. ON THE COVER. Application of foliar Wiregrass Subst ation, see related story page 4. ura * "4 'j Alabama atrc itumrigriat ts fromt other pa.rts of the worlId. Not a single crop no\\X cliltited here is itiatiX e to the State. The American Indiant first hirought cont, a ntativ e of Metxico, to Alabama. Since then, priXvate itndiv iduals, the U.S. De- par-tinet of AgrieUlturlC, anid state agri- cultuial experiment statiotns haXve brtought ini itew planits fromn abroad. lit the late 1940's a coofperative fed- eral-state programi XXas lautnchied for iii- tr-oduICtiOts and ev aluationi of plantts fot aIgriCultu-ral uses anid for the pir'sei'x'atioii of valuahle gerrmplttsm. Trained plit expltorers5 aie senst to Xvatrious pairts tof the Xworld to collect poteintially p~roinising plants. Seedf or XvegetatiXve matriatl is brought to the Uniterd StalteS f'or I urthl incease. Four r'egiotnal plantt imitrodttc tioti stationis Gem xa. Newx Yo'k Am,tn IoXwat; Pulhin at i. \\IaSllii i tot t an Eic Lxperi- miet, Gerorgia) gi-m o~Xid inait taut theise p~laints. Seerd or V'egetativ cmiateials ate avatilablle to researchers itt each state. Some platnt inti odtictiot s catn be used Xvithtmut niodificatioi. Othecrs mayt re- quiire further b~reedin g to obtain adapted vaieities useful for food, forage, fiber, or lanidsctpig. ltuu eXer. itiost of thei iii- ti odttctioits arte uised iill t bre'ritig fpro- grtI's as" Sources of' va.l ual e clharact ers. FretjtetCitl Vaii imitioclcceh plant is futiticf wXothsless ecerp t for ott eIcsiradblet ch ar- acter, such its resistan ce to diseases, item- atolcs, or itnsects. Thiousatndcs of 1 plattts inav be screteed by tih' plant btreede'r tt findo] at desiredl characteristic, TFile plat it brte'ee inist th en tramnsfer t itis c(sit al 1 clhatracter to ant oth er x arir'tv. TIhis m ftc i is at Itonig tecdiotus uiitcertatkitll bitt it cali pay good div ide'nds. 'itialls -v ll oif ther tI('\\ ,ittc jitip ox rd crop iOl irt tt'iainet ital v arieties grown itlli Alabama~l aret c' lrix ed. part ialk or en-ci tire]\, front planmts imtttoduc'ec thrnaih tltc ecfcrah-state progranii. flieX haxe c' et c'le'asedf by state cx letriinii statictits, tiSlA, Soil Cotiset X mtioti Setrvicc'. or commer~t'tc'ial hieccclii . S'eeral hield Miidcfl or i co Itt l i Cop varieties utilizing platnt iiitr tor' t i otIS haXve beren released bx Albamta rc'sc'.rcl- crs ( Atirirn Uitiversitx Arirutitral Ex- perinmeit Station, Soil Conservation Ser- vice', mmcl Notrtliro-Kit g Co.). Thecse iticlcide Y'tchli atr\ le5 I'afI cloy cr. ball cloXver, NoX'm vetch,. MIilhex-2 3 1 searlil let, Atkinson t()ln ato, G reetnile'af t a]umsci) 4.5 '5' ~'1 I Y ucki arrowleaf clover (left) and Gulfcoast cantaloupe (right) are Auburn releases that utilized plant introductions. pepper, aiicl Gultcoaist and C'hilton caiita- lt ltpe v arieties. lHai t intr oductions are conttrib~utinig a gTreat deal to inmprov ed pr oduictioni of to- 11hitOe', CtlCtiLE11bers, ('oXX eas, pep~pers, XXateriehtns, catntaloupfes, dud plunis ini Alab d a. F'orage im pirovemn t p1 ograis aie uitiliiiig planit initroductiotts to die- velop b~etter ada~pted vatrieties of tall fes- cote, plitalaris, hit ds foot trefotil, orch ardc- (r-ss, verhi alfalfa, senecea, and( atinn iai clovecrs. NewX varieties are exp)ectedf to be irele'asedi in the near future fromn sex - era] of these5( breeding programs. Recent plant explorers in] Petru, south- cin Brazil, southierni Atirica, New'X Gunta, and e(as terni an id southIiernt Aftrica htave broughlt hack niativ e plants th~at ate al- readi 'iyteitig ttsedl in tredhliig programs. Other collecting expditiouns are planned for SOLuti etil- t Rus sia, cen tral America, southeast Asia, and the eastetn it editet- rat eat area. It is in pet atix e to cotllect iltiixe or local cirop plaittts ill these ar'eas ats Soo1n as possible. I llmiati populatints .arce1 e~atdiitg r apidly in imn of thcse ar~eas, c'au singt in ott m arai i al land to 1be puit itnto foo~d p~roduction . As a reslt, valtHal l n atiX c plan ts are bein g lost. Mlany of these should lbe added to) onr- Stoic itt platit iitttodttctiotis as at Source tof mnaterial for platnt hibreders to use iii itmproXving crop plants. Futuire imptroxve- tuletit that call proxvide plaidts wXith cdis- case, inematodec, antd in sect resistanice antd other desirable traits miay depenid onl chiaracter istics present in these natixve pl atnt iIittrodutction s. Foriii pl atnt im - mnigrants are the lifeblood of fuiture va- riety breeding programus. 4 ;~ Ii d's it ) 115 S 5' :4 ~ '5' ~51~t '5.5' FOREIGN PLANT IMMIGRANTS MAKE GOOD ALABAMA CITIZENS C. S. HOVELAND, Department of Agronomy and Soils PEANUT FOLIAR FUNGICIDES: Relationships Between Leafspot Control and Kernel Quality JM. HAMMOND, P. A. BACKMAN, J. A. LYLE Departsments of Botany and Microbiology TI EFF L( iNEt:s oxixf tolfar- funlgicides for c'onitrol of pea- nut leafspot caused bys (ccospora aracliidicola 1 hun and G rtcosporidill li ;s'l-s'onatu i(nBetik. & Curt.) IDeigit, xxas ev'aliated frtoi 1971-1974 at the Aubutrin I nixersitx Agri- cultuual Experiment Station. lciflate. Blrav o. luter. aiid Koicide 404-S wser e applied ait recomimeniiced rates I)x- cons enitional gTround 51si ra( at 14-dax interv als. Leafspot sex erity xx vas rated by dleter miii ing pecrceiit defoliation aind iiifectioii All fuiigicidle tieatetl plots lItad less clef 1)1iatio ii andI us ectioi thiain thle uiiitieatedl cointirol plots. Table 1. Kenel uialitx wyas deteirmined using Fedtcial-State Iiispectioi i Ser'sice procedures. Plots spa ax vei xwithi Braxvo had slightlx better quaitst keiriels than ithose fromi any oxith et liigicice trieatmn e t. HossexvCr, kerntel s hil vestedl fri ii the mitieated ctontrol pllts had signuificaintly better tqu al ity thain t host f in th ie lBtax treat mtent. Kernels liars tstecl hi ont it e ilaitt sand Kocicle 4t04-S tresitmceits xwere xli glit l intf eioir in quialitx coinpared to the c Braxo trieat- m-ett alti ough not signiieattx. Kerniels from the fluter treated plots xee Significatlty in feirioi ill quality to those frin piilots tireated xxith osthetr funigicides, Table 2. iTese dlata indicated tss c possible mechamnisiis for kernel cqualitv effects: (I I) iiiaintt'iaiDCe of a comiiplte Iolisir cauiop\ ai d ( .2 ) a direct toixi c actiioii effect iof tlie fuinigicidte tii soil TABLE. 1. DEFOLIAION Lix cc'E OF Aracliis hyupo-aea L CAUSED B)Ya Cercospora sp. ix LEAFsm'Or CONTOL TEFST, 1971-197-1 Treatmtent - -1971 1972 -197:3 1974 Control 7 9.9 a 53.0 it -44. i)i. 64.4 s. 5f.3 a Braxo 5-11" 4:3.4 c 6.4 d .5.8 lie 1.5.0 d 22.7 c Benihate 50) WP- 24.8dt 5.3 t1 6.1 ibe 55.11I) 17.5 dI Diiter 47 WPI 30.2 b)c 18.5 ii 12.41Vs 33.1dt :30.3 b Koeide 404-S (27 +r 15) F 36.3 1) 12.1(- 2.6 e 1S.7d 20).7 (,d \',isses xxtil io eninis fsollsowxed b\s tbt' Same ists (.I noit sig- nifitcantls dilsf enti Lit the 5'; Its(, ti usin Dunsscain's Musltiple' Hiangs' Test. *\Wefght't iiicaii. IsisiL 2. KEisxi Qc AI us VALt E'S (jlii D OLA VAi1-F. 'lox Diii I'NEl) I 10\ PEix ANU.s 5T (Araeliis Ii spogaca L.) LL sisit)r COxNTRiOL IES. 1971-1974 Treatimenit Rite/ 1971 1972 1973 1974 7* atcre Control 0.00t :304.90 296.73 298.60 409.43 .327.03 Braxo 54 I" 1.5 pt. 301.10 2.i92 277.21 '398.45 316.56 is Beutlatt' 5t0%VP 6.t) oz. 297.32 28 1.66 268.35 8' 95.68 :310.64 1) Duter 47W I' 6.11 oz. 298.87 284.79 2:39.68 .367.85 298.33 U Kocide 404-S (27 + 15) F 21) (it. 3t01.15 299.27 291.63 386.38 312.94 1) Values wi'thin columnis follsowsed by the same lt'tter are iiot siip nifiecint sit the 5,1 lexvel of probslabsility uising Dunican's \Ittltipu' Ramngt Test. 1' iABLE 3. ii i, I hi. \( 555 s xi X11II ! ') Iss's), AND VALUE PER AcRiE ( Dot LLA) t0MI SNi I W 10\1 1'iN xI iArachis hy~pogaea L.) LEAFSPOT CONTROOL TESTS, 1971-1974 Tfreatment Rate! Yield! Value! Value! acre acre ton acre Lb. Dol. Dol. Control --------- 0.00 2,558 d 327.03 a 418.27 d l~rixo 54 1, --- 1,5 pt. 3,889 a :316.56 1) 615.55 a Beislatt, 50NV I' 6.0 oz. 3,286 c 310.641is 510.38 c Diits'r 47 \\ PI ---- 6.0 oz. 3,433 bc 298.33 c 512.08 1) Kocidls 40-4- ' 27 + 15) F 2.0 (It. :3,592 i) 312.941) 561.88 b V alues within columns followed by tie saint letter ar e not sig- nisficaLnt at the 5' les sl of probability using Donecin's New IMultiple Range is'st. borne fungi. The maintenance of a relatively comlelte foliai canopy- made at least three major changes in tile ecolog~ 'v o soil borne fungi: (1) lexver leave Nv ere lost to the soil surface to serv e as anl oirganic food source; (2) p)esticide's swerie filtered fromn the soil sunrface by ain "ninhbrella effect- of tile cano~py; andI (:3) an alteredi subcanopy environmen t wxas created wh lichi ay lbe StimulatoryV to certain patiiogreii soil borne fungi. If a direc't toxic action of the fungicide onl soil-borne fungi w~as respoinsible f or tlie cdeterhiorat ion of keniel quality, on Wxould expect kecrnels of superior q~uality from plots xvhe(i- C the fungficide exhibited toxicitv to the p~athogeniic fungi, bilt little or lit effect onl the natural antagonists. Inferior quality kt'riiels wvould be found in plots where fungicides exhibitetd toxicity to the antagonists, but with little or no effect oil thle quiality deteriorating pathogens. Sexveral observ atins support this hyp 1 othesis. First, similar levels of defoliation xWerie Obtained xwhien Benlatte, fluter, aiid Kocide 404-S wxeic usedt to c'ontrcol leafspot, Table 1. Hlowve'r, use (if Dutes resulted in sigiiificantly inferior keirntis wvhen compared to) tile otheri txxo f uingicitles griviiig siiiilar leafspot control. 'Table 2. Seeoiidlx, xx len \-lnes for kernet dfuaitv xvere examiined, the cuntrul had is sigiiiflcantly higher dohllar valute prton taa\,otefugicide treatments. If peanuts from the control plots are of bectter quality antt at true iiixeirse relatiosipi exists betxxeeii leaf muaitiiteiiite aiit keneil quality , tihan Betilate oi Kocide-ti eated pilots x(wiich had the least tdefoliaition) shiouldl have the most in fe'riosr kenel quality nf the fungicide-treateti plots. Peaniuts from Beuilate and Kocicle-treated plots xvere iiot significantly inferior in quaility to peanuts f rum Bravo-treated plots. A third indication that a toxic action of the fitugicitli's alteied tile geocau puspliere xx as obseix ed xwitli the funigicide llciiate. hlenlate wxas extremeix effective as a leafspot co]i- tm 1 l fungic.icde iii 1971 and 19)72. Hloxvxer, during 197:3 the pathitgeii dexveloped resistanee to this fungicide and t(sirtig the 1974 season disease sexverity in Benlate-treated p)lots xxas iieau l\ qua 1 toi that tof thet control, Table 1. Coin)- fpiiiison s o1 quaility data for leutlatt'-u eated plots oxver tile I -.\cai period shiosse no ii improv'emenit in kernel quality -is detoliatin lexvels increased, Table 2. WVhile not con clusiv e, thes'e observatins inidicate that a direct toxic effect tof a fiiicidte on at usatural ainItagonist (or pallhogeni) is inoire uipo't aint ti) kcu ie qt 1 suadi tx th an the degiree of leaf mini- tenainiie aiid the citiopy , aithotigh11 they are interirelated. It is important to realize that eveii though regular fuiigi- cicle treatments for control of lealspot result in inferioi quality peanut kernels, the tremendous xyield inicrease re- sulting fi oin the use of these fungicides dictates tiieir ,onl- tiiised use in the southeast, Table .3. Alfalfa for the Deep South: Shortcomings and Potentials Rr L HAALAND and C. S. HOVELAND Oepo t,ent . A 9 - mund Soil, D ON'T GIVE, up on alfalfa. Ev en though it currently" con- tributes little to the forage economy of the loswer Southeast- ern1 United States, it still hias potential for production ini the lDeep South. 'Fhe y ield potential of alfalfa in Alabama is good for a short period. First-y ear production amounted to about 5 tons of dIry matter per acre i tests at the three Auburn t'nix ersity Agricultur al Experiment Station locations listed in the table.* But the problem is in persistence. Whlereas alfalfa stands last for 4 to 6 %-ears iii thle nor thern Uinitedl States. only' 2 years of prodiuction can bp~ expected in Alabama, Figure 1. Other alfalfa p)rob~lems in tile South include patiho- gens, Management, and seed supply ALFALFA FORAGE DliS MATT ER YIELDS AT THREE ALAB AMA LOCATIONS, PERi ACRE YlIELD, By YE-ARk OF PRsODUCTION Tallassee PBU Brewton Field Wiregrass Subl. V'ariety First Second First Second First Second y-ear year year year __ year y ear Lb Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. [ 'lorida 66 9,500) 5,000 9,500 7,500 11,500 8,000 Buffalo 7M000 ___0 7,00t0 5,500 0 () The wansi, humid env ironment of tile Southieast favor1s a severe plant and soil pathogen complex that includes leaf and stem fungi, parasitic niematodes, and root rotting I Iingi. This multiple pest complex w~eakens stands, wxhich results ini severe weed infestation and poor forage yield in the third Tons / cre Year of production FIG. 1. Rapid decrease of alfalfa forage production illustrates short life of this crop in Alabama. a FIG. 2. Alfalfa selection nursery at Plant Breeding Unit, Tallassee. .tar of 1 a odiictioii. Althouigh the allalla xx ccxii is a comn mon pest, theret are sevecral labeled clieiiiicals that canl c-oil- tol it. Other pathogen s are 1bein g battled thiroug gI reedi iig pr ogiramis developing resistant varie'ties. Alfalfa is a high qualityv forage if proper ly mal ia-ced. If not harvested at tile propqer timie, Ilowc r, forage quiality de- teriorates iapi dlx' v.. Alal anla's 111111id cliironi nent iiiakes it difficult to harve (st alfIal fa for best q uali tv 1f)1age. Pro ducer('s \\ith silos can oxercoie par1t of this problem. For age can 1wc cut at the proper time and stored ini the silo if too wxet to Ibale or cure in the( field. Short supply of \xN(']] adapted varieties has been a ph obleil of alfalfa, producers throughout tie Sioitheast. This mreflects, in pat the lack of hreedinig pr ograms in the Deep South. The x arm('tx Florida 66~ is the best adapted xvariety for thue De~ep South, but it is not1 av ailabhle set. This 5 ariet 'V is he(iiig screened in Arizona for resistance to tile spoltted aphid so adequate sup)plies of seed can lie prodluced in the good sced pi oduciiig areas of thle Wuest. Ani alfalfa breedinig progr am has been initiated at the Agricultural Experiment Station. Oxver 20,000~t plants rep- resenlting 100 dliffere'nt genetic lines are lii tested ifor pathiogens resistaince aind v arious qualits' attributes, Figur 2. Newv varieties fr om commercial and public sources are being cx aluiated at sexveral Alabama locations to determine if ain\ Ire ardapterd to this legion. Alfalfa should not be xwritten off in tile Deep South. Ther e is a good possibility that More persistent xvarieties can h~e Ireni, vatrieties that wvill minmtaiii good for age yields foi at least 3 years. Once the potential for alfalfa foirage production i., dlemonstrated, commercial interest will increase and seed~ '.uipplies wvill become more plentiful. In the meantime, such kinmercial varieties as (;ladiator. We('vlcheck, and Apollo I(,' available and xvill produce quiality forage for at least 2 s tarfs. limited it the mtajor cottoii-groxxiig re- gion (If Alabaina in recent years. Thtere are iindicatioits thtat x felds iaxe reachedl it plateau or htaxe actriallx, decreaIsed in some cotton prodlucing ar1eas itt tihe [Tilitetl States. Althoug1( ih thtere ha 1 bee1n(t' speculii on0i regal diiig the general treind of loxx cied vieluls, there is no simple explanahtioin for the r(duced pi otlietion in these Years. Sexveial factors hiaxe been suggested that coultd account fo~r lowxered prodution. fit aidditioin to lowxer-tllaii-Ilrinal tein peratures and1 plainting late-mnaturingy a rieties, the factors most oftenit mentioned include, (1) late plauttiing, (2) plant bugs, (3) herbticides, amid (4) nitrogen fertilize'r. To studyv titese factors andt thteir interactions ()in co~tin. ii experi- mnett xxas initiatedi at thte Tennessee \ al- ley Subistation ini 1976 thtat inclided at hterb~icidle treatmteni t. itirogen it xati aile. plant b~ug (00tr01. and( time Of plilltitl~. The experiment wxas p~ut oili a Decatur clay loam. xwhich is typical of miain soils useti fori cotton pirodiiction in nor th[erni Alablii. Each of the treatmrentts xx ats itt- eludetd alone anl( in all posxsib~le combiina- tions. Thle entire cxperintiint x\,its culti- xvatetd ailihandl x eetl to eitsiure that weeds xwould not iitterfeire xwithi the growtht (If cotton. .Adxers xcowi~itionls. itlililg at cold, xx ut spin TO!, ~it suln iner dliought, limited top xieldls to about 1 ,700)fIl. oIf seed (ottonl per acre. Date of Planting Plantimig~ (late has a i major effect onl ivaiix- axpects of cotton production. Ad- x(Ilxe groin(x mg condlitions in tlte earlx\ spriniig tain tauise poor germ illation liid Sloxx groxxth1, Ithaimpein g thle estal ish - irici it of it xigot (kIls standi. Later 1 )llilt- illis are (Iftell ino(II easilx estabtlished bt al-e lislial lx later ini f ru itin g aiit i n aturi tx and thert ('lv in ore suisceptible to freeze iiijui , lttefo(lit all blollx are' opceed. lIn this sttlx. txxo planting (Imetts xx crc cholsein. 'aml"plailtillg i cpre('s'Itt't tlt( cliust possible plaiitiing (April 6, 1976) isl SOOll as fear of1 fir(st xxas past -antt "late" pIlalit iiig. xwhithlits :3 wxeeks laiter. i tonitra.st to xxhiat hias Uual]lx been oh- x(iet)e xxitli regaird tol plaittin-g date aind x ildt of clottoii, thitre xxeie iin ali(Ircs xx itlI earlx plaintjig inl 1976. Control of Plant Bugs Plaint in'is I Lijui-x spf. ) havixe llcen su~ggestedI as tconttribtuting to loxxer cot- toil jelds iii reen'it xears. Difficulty in e'arly recoIginiit ioi ianidt iii extatbl isitg th resxhold levIels thIiat cause tconiciu losses htaxve tctmplicated the problem with these pests. To evahluiate the rol(, oif WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO COTTON YIELDS? GALE A. BUCHANAN, J. T. COPE, JR., and WILEY JOHNSON Department of Agronomy and Soils FLOYD GILLILAND, Departmentf of Zoology-Entomology itloijt buIg tojitrol onl cottonl \ icltlx. three tretatifl (1tx Nverie hicluded. Th ese in- cluded nio con trol, anid initiation of plant b~ug contirol at :3 or 6 weeks after cottoni squarig. Mustard was plantetd around the experiment to build up the popula- tioin (If plant btugs. At cotton squaring, tihe mistarti wxas tclt, thiiereby' drixving the buigs to the cotto(n. All plots veire treatetd in eailx' June for an extremely heavyx infestation of thrips. Additional applications in early and mid-jux for plant hug contirol did niot affect maturitv oi increase vieltis of ca! ly planted cotton. Multiple applica- ionis of insecticidles for plant htug con- iol o00 late plan1 Ite'd cotto haIst 15t eed in a- ttit i itid incre (asedi ielils albout 2t0t)11). itr ll of wed c11 ottoiii. Nitrogen \it roge I1 cal (tlV iifltCi)iCes CllttOil 41ilxx h, development. aind rate (If mna- turitx . Excessixve nitrilgeil may produce excessive vegetativ e grothtl, delav fruit- ing, and increase difficulty ofcotlin insects and diseases. \Vltile the effect on maturity does not alxxavs redluce vield. delaxyed maturity may lower yield in Case of ant early frost. Nitrogen was included in tile p)reseint study at 60t, 90, and 120) 11) per acre. Thie 90)1lb. irate increased vel d al out ] 00 lb. (If seed cot tonI oxver (0it) l. iate. The 12ff lb. rate prodtucedI the' sille ats thlet 90 lit. Herbicides Oil(c series itf treatmnits included ito hbicides andl a second series xvas treated wxithi commton herbicide pro- gramn. Iii this series, t rifliiralii ( Tieflai I xx as applied ats at preplant iincorpor ated treatment at 0.75 lit, per acre, lluite- turon ( Cotran) as at 1 )r(emrergeilce tircat- mien) at 2.t0 lb., fluoinet iiion + \iNI.\ at 1.5 + I. 1) . ats directed p(Istemaer- gemice treatment aind at final application of fluoineturon at t. 1) l. per acre as directed treatment at iavhv. This "total" herbticide pirogram iinclud~ed only, herbi- cides and rates that are preseily labeled and recommueiited for weed contirol iii coltton. The herbicide treatment signifi- cantix' delax ed matuiritxy xwhen compared to iioni lerlticiile treated cotton. Ani Unexpected result xwas a decrease in tottal cotton yieldls (In lt treated xxith hterb~icidfes as comparied to cottoni growi on c(Imfarahle plots in whlich n herbicides xxere used. While titese re- suilts are obvxiously p~reliinahry,. the ef- fects of heirbicidles ii cotton shtouild be carefullx assessetd. Giant Blackeye variety (left) and Auburn breeding line Ala. 562.3-1-2 (right) vary widely in growth habits and plant maturity characteristics. I i)t rjIj PEASi ii aid i't re'stritedt to tile' Southern tUiijtecl States. Iliex ire ('ateil v aluable soutrce of' protejin Be(caunse of their potenitial lIm siip)lx itig nieeed world it pintoii aiit thieiri no portai ce aLs a crop in thle So nil cast. Si tl cr1 pea .s lim.xe i ece x ed d cet ailed stiilx\ ix- Aubun iiUixersitx Agricuilturial Expeimnt Staion. Itiroduictioiis of Southei~'rin pe as or cowxpe as, V ig uia nii agiiilta, h'orn fivec contiinents' and se- lectedi cultix ars (v arieties)I and Atili-n br1eeinig lines xx crc ev aluiated. Chiaracterist ic's of tilie cuiii xais thIiat ill- flueiice their qunality as a food crop wxeirc ev aluiated. \leasinred xvere yield. pilaiit con fonrmationi , In i otin itx iif hai x est, d]is_ ease andi~ insect resistance, protein i 1iia 1 it "v. and antinuti itional coimponds pres- ent in the seed. The protein contents of mnoic than 60() samples (if coxvpeas ranged fromn 17 to :3:3%7 crodC proteiis( aimbient inoistnrii . Most samples ranged b~etxxeccn 22 and 267% protein. Complete amnino acid aiiaix ses of sexer al ciiltix ,rs shoxwedc that cx's tine andc metliioiiine xxere p)resenit inl liixx TABLEni 1. "YIELDS cOi SLILLC 1 i Snc'un[li-, PEAS Cnltix'ar and type Oncec-ov er liarvs t MIiss. Silxver ( c'rosx'er) Ala. 96:3.8 (ladyl Ala. 562.3-1-2 1 uca Giaint Blaceye lilackt'y e Multi-liarvs t Miss. Silver (crowder) Ala. 963.8 (lady) AL~I. 562.3-1-2 (rem it Ala. 562.9-'3--2 (cream) Giant Blackeyc' ( Hackex e) y 4t CUL uox ABS OF icld per acre' Pods Shelled Lb. Lb. ~,595 3,100 ,027 2,561 428 1,660 ,004 1,895 i,999 3,319 ,Ooo)' Z.,ky I 5,108 2,471 5,170 2,071 6,081 2,874 Ax cragc's froim 3-5 crops. Iii leeliiig tests xwithi rats, grossth xxas poor xxhen iaxx' c'oxxpea meal xx'as fe'd. (;r-oxs tli xwas iarl'.edlx impiox ed 1), cook- ing (atolaxviiig) andi sippleineii hug wxith mnetliioumine anid cx stimme. Acinti c'xstine amid netiioime to rawx c'oxxpeas boostedi growsth lx almost 401%. Cookinig and siupplemniniig wxi thI inecthion ii i alnie or smnaller anonints oif inethionine and cx stint' gaxve results equal to using casein (a good cpialitY protein). M Naintained at the Southern Regional Plant Introductin Station. E x pccimi't, G{'orgi. ~i ~ "ti ~' I:' ~~' S ~ A'~V~i>eN to, "~ Skc ~ St. I 11 Protein Content, Protein Qualityj, and Yield of Selected Cultivars of Southern Peas D. R. STRENGTH, Dept. of Animal and Dairy Sciences 0. L. CHAMBLISS, Depart ment of Horticulture ( 'iltix dis and bileediiig hl es iaix tt't 1 xxeire irepr eseiitatixve of the differen t types of xvarieties axvailable, Tailc 1. Wiithi the excepitioni of Ciant lflaiekc'x e niatiiritx, conicenitratioiin l 17 d patit lo iii aie acl ceptalile for coinici cia1 pi odltitioii anid macline hiarvestinig. \lississippi Silxer is igrown s extci sixel ci olii c'olimeii'icial piii cluctionl alit 1 is coiisistc'titlx hi.rh x ioltiiig. It is resistaiit to F"isai'ni Oiild root kim)t imnatocles, aiid toleraiit to xvirus (lis cases. TIhe "ladxy" ty pe ( Ala. 96:3.8) aiid the creaon" ty pes (Ala. 562.3-1-2 andil a. 562.9-:3-1-2) are geiieralls, loswe(r x elcl ig. Howevcxer, their exceilei it ecitiiig quialityx aind flaxvor iiiae th em pireferrecd O(ix .: cIRMx der" t ' ypts inl somne cases. He- sistan ce to Cerci slpi ra lea) Spot andc co\\ pea ccii cI io ai c a d dc d ads ai It a ises for Ala. 96:3.8. Giant lilackeve pi oclces a high x ield wxhleu hand harv estedl oxver the seasoni, hut it i~s iiot satisl'actorv br rnliclu ic iau xestiiig Ali i nlat Pii oif sexveral selected colti xai's. Tabile 2. proxvicdeci (data tin the pin- tein efficiejiex ratio (PER) . Th'lis is incas- tired as gFramls of g'ainl bv rxa)ts per grain of prtini eaten . Atitocla iiig impiroxved gaiis oii all c'i iltix ais fix cestio iiig aniti- witritiouiai faictoirs. FEoir exaimplce. Giant 131 ac'kexe con t ains ligIic's) leivel if alii tr psim and gTixes iiiost iinprox eliiit oii cooking. After cooking. Mississippi Silveri mid icla. 96:3.8 grave relatix clx bettc'r giroxwthi than other varieties. Trhis ii Cates a 1better laaic(' of .iiiiio aicids aiii this xwas cot flu ed lbx aiialvsis. T uiLL 2. Es'LA- SiON Oi io 11i0I1FiIN Oi CowPA BY55a PiiiTEPiN EFFIC IENCY s-1 (iiPER) i-, You'.e. RA'i.s 1 Cuihtixar Ma. 96:3.8 Ala. 562.3-1-2 Ala. 562.3-1-2 (A) Ala. 562.9-3-1-2___ AL~I. 562.9-3-1-2 (A) Miss. Silxvir Mliss. Silxver (A) Giant Blackeyce Giait Blackeyc (A) Casein (controls)-_ Protein Pi oteiii Weight cntemnt consiie icd ain Pct. Grioct Groins 26.7 12)01 :31.9 12.3:3 .33.0) 2.3.1 1(0.91 2:3.9 1:3.56 33.9 25.3 12.08 24.5 11.55 27.4 2(0.7 12.97 .35.4 13.86 47.4 27.5 12.31 17.6 12.66 29.5 Appare'nt \d iilsted PE R PE R 2.66 2.68 2.25 2.51 2.01 2.34 2.66 3.41 1 .43 2.33 (3.6-3.8) 'Values represent two trials with 4 rats fed each it, for total of 8 rats per treatiient. 2Pea mneal from dry peas, ambient moisture. 'Aiitoclaved 20 minuites at 15-lb). stream pressiiii' INS(ECTICILDE TEST FOR CONTIOL OF SOUTLERN CoxN Roo1wvowti, GULF COAST SUBSTATION, 1976 Insecticide and rate, Damaged Per acre active/acre plants' yield Pct. Bu. Vydate, 2 lb. - - 4.0 a 151 Vydate, 1 lb. 2.3 a 136 BAY 92114, 1 lb. 2.1 a 154 Furadan, 1 lb. 1.5 a 154 Untreated check 11.8 b 142 Means followed ly the same ]lcir ;tr :t ,lijrifn.t at the 5 Ix heel (Duncan's lTest). Granular pesticide applicator attached to corn planter can be used to apply granular insecticide into the furrow at planting. Soil Insect Pests of Corn P. M. ESTES, Department of Zoology-Entomology CORN IS INCtEASINGt i imporltance as a cash crop on Ala- bIuna farms. Therefore, insects that damage the crop are receiving emphasis in research by Auburn University Agri- cultural Experiment Station. Soil inhabiting insects are among the most damaging corn pests. These insects do much of their damage unnoticed because they attack the corn plant from below. Four of the important soil insects are shoxwn in the photographs. The sugarcane beetle, wireworms, and hillbugs occasion- ally cause severe damnage to corn in Alabama. All three species feed on the roots and crown of the corn plant and cause stunting, excessive tillering, and lodging. The southern corn rootwonn is the most conunon soil in- sect pest of corn in the State. Damage is done bv the larva feeding on the roots and stems of young seedlings. Iligh population levels can reduce stands by 50% or more. Control of soil insects to prevent damage is best achieved by cultural methods, such as rotation with non-host crops and early plowing of green manure crops. Chemical methods are also effective, as established bv data in the table showing results of a test comparing insecticidal treatments on control of southern corn rootworin. The materials were applied as granules in the furrow at planting with equipment similar to that shown in the title photograph. It is noted that in- secticides reduced the incidence of rootworm damage, but did not result in an increase in xield. The data in the table reflect a perplexing situation: At what level of infestation are insecticide applications neteded? Current research suggests that infestation levels greater than 10% of the stand are necessary before chemical application is warranted. Four of the bothersome soil insect pests of corn, top to bottom, are: sugarcane beetle adult, wireworm larva in the soil, billbug adult on corn stalk, and southern corn rootworm adult. rA F' r - BECAUSE OF a widespread desire to preserve the produc - tivity of land and to protect environmental quality, reclama- tion of surface mined lands has received much attention over the last few vears. The Alabama Surface Mining Reclamation Act, which became law in 1975, requires that lands surface mined for coal be regraded, that the outer slopes be seeded with grasses and legumes to prevent erosion, and that the interior of the mine he returned to productive use. In 1974, the Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station estab- lished experimental forage plots on three regraded surface mines in Blibb, (ullmnan, and Jefferson counties. Spoil material at mines in Bibb and Cullman counties was composed mostly of sandstone, while the majority of spoil at the Jefferson County Imine was shale. Soil tests, made by the Auburn University Soil Testing Laboratory, indicated the need for lime and fertilizer on all areas. These recom- mendations were followed when establishing fertilized plots, which were also limed according to recommendation. The pII of spoil materials was 3.8 for the Bibb Countv area, 4.8 for the Cullman County area, and 3.1 for the Jefferson County area. These pH values are typical for many of the mines in Alabama. Fertilized and unfertilized (control) plots of three grasses and three legumes were seeded on each surface mine. The grasses were lovegrass, bermudagrass, and bahiagrass, for all mines. On mines in Bibb and Jefferson counties legumes seeded were Interstate sericea, Serala sericea, and Kobe lespedeza, while on the Cullman County mine Caricea sericea was substituted for Kobe. The plots were sampled after two growing seasons. Cover percentage was determined; and the forage harvested, oven-dried, and weighed. Yields in pounds per acre of seeded species were determined from the oven-dried samples; results are presented in the table. Average grass production on the three mines was greatest with lovegrass, on both fertilized and control plots; bermuda, then bahiagrass, followed. For the two legume species planted on all three mines, production was greatest for Serala on both fertilized and control plots. Except on the Jefferson County area, where all legumes failed, Serala yields com- pared favorably with those reported by Donnelly' in his variety trials. Analysis of the combined data from Bibb and Jefferson counties indicated that fertilization increased forage produc- ' Donnelly, E. D. 1963. Serala-A New Sericea Varietv. Leaf- let 70, Auburn Unix. (Ala.) Agr. Exp. Sta. tion of each species. This relationship was also found to hold for the Cullman County data. The combined analysis also showed that where a species performed better on one area it did so irrespective of treatment (fertilized or control), as shown in the table. Bahiagrass, Interstate, Serala, and Kobe all produced greater yields on the Bibb County mine than on the Jefferson County mine, while lovegrass and ber- FORAGE YIELDS OF REGRADED SURFACE MINES D. H. WEINGARTNER and E. S. LYLE, Department of Forestry inudagrass produced greater yields on the Jefferson County mine. Grass cover on the mines ranged from 35% to 100% and legume cover from 12% to 100%. Percent cover was based upon all vegetation within the sample plots, whether sown or volunteer. Control plots of the two sericeas at the Jeffer- son County area had zero yield, but volunteer vegetation covered an average of 12% and 41% of the areas. As yield of seeded species increased, percent of cover by volunteer vegetation decreased. Combined analysis of data from Bibb and Jefferson coun- ties indicated that the Bibb County area produced more cover and that fertilization increased cover at both locations. Percent cover varied by species. On the Cullmnan County mine, bahiagrass produced more cover when fertilized. The effectiveness of vegetation in preventing erosion is dependent on more than combined cover percentage and amount of vegetation produced. Growth habit of the plant is also important, particularly for the grasses. A solid canopy of lovegrass, which is a bunch grass, breaks up raindrops preventing splash erosion, but much of soil surface under- neath is barren of vegetation and open to erosion by moving surface water. Sod forming grasses, such as bermuda, have more rooted stems per unit area, and provide more protection for the soil surface. lFollowing two growing seasons, overall grass and legnnume production were greatest for lovegrass and Serala sericea. Hlowever, maximum production varied by species on each mine. Application of lime and fertilizer was needed to maxi- mize yield and cover. Percent cover varied by species on two of the mines, but not on the third. Sod forming grasses provide better erosion control than bunch type grasses. Dny FORAGE YIELD, IN POUNDS PER ACRE, BY AREA AND TiHElATIEN'r Per acre yield by mine location Species Bibb Co. F' C Lb. Lb. Bahiagrass 2,009 200 Bermudagrass 603 200 Lovegrass -- . 560 288 Interstate sericea 1,996 413 Serala sericea 5,285 2,687 Kohe lespedeza 3,056 640 Caricea sericea ----- ' F-fertilized, C--control. Jefferson Co. Cullman Co. F Lb. 413 2,766 2,214 2 187 80 C Lb. 107 1,768 360 0 0 1 F? Lb. 4,030 6,097 10,007 10,865 9,134 11,426 C Lb. 1,094 1,465 3,618 8,148 7,174 5,683 EXPORTS of MAJOR AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES MORRIS WHITE, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology AGRICULTURE in the United States af- fects everyone within the country and millions in foreign nations. Never have so many depended on so few producers for food and fiber. Approximately 4.3 million workers on U.S. farms in 1975 were producing for 213 million people in this country and for increasing numbers elsewhere. A vast majority of people in the United States ate well in 1975 when nearly I out of 3 acres of cropland was devoted to production for export. During the past 5 years more than 90% of the in- crease in world trade of grain was ac- counted for by grain grown in this coun- try. Also, approximately 20% of the dollars earned by the U.S. in trade with foreign countries in 1975 came from farm exports, which resulted in a trade surplus rather than a trade deficit. Among the major farm commodities exported were cotton, food and feed grains, and soybeans. The commodity for which the volume of exports in- creased most in recent years was corn, Table 1. Comparatively, exports of cot- ton and wheat were greater than for corn and soybeans during years prior to 1966, which partly accounts for the greater relative increases shown for corn and soybeans after 1966. Provisions of the Food and Agricultural Act, which be- came effective in 1966, lowered the do- mestic support prices for these commodi- ties to a level that made them competi- tive on the world market, and gave to farmers the opportunity to grow the crops of their choice. The degree to which U.S. farmers and domestic users of farm commodities are affected by exports varies among com- modities according to the proportion of annual production that is exported. In 1975, the proportion exported amounted to about 60% for wheat, 50% for soy- beans, 32% for cotton, and 24% for corn. Through 1975, export markets were much more variable and uncertain than domestic markets - particularly those in countries that had centrally-planned eco- nomies. Market uncertainty adds to risks and creates problems in planning opera- 10 tions for producers, handlers, and proc- essors. With a level of exports equal to that in 1975, some means will have to be devised to bring about more stability in the export markets for these commodi- ties. Otherwise, serious disruptions and imbalances that will be difficult to con- trol will occur in domestic markets at both the farm and retail levels. Government-Financed Exports Under provisions of the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act (better known as Public Law 480) passed in 1954, Federal funds were used to aid in exporting farm commodities. Authority was provided for the sale of surplus agricultural commodities for for- TABLE 1. INDEX NUMBERS OF EXPORTS OF COTTON, WHEAT, CORN AND SOYBEANS, UNITED STATES, 1966-1975 (Av. OF 1960-65= 100) YIndex, by commodity Ihe comodty Year Cotton Wheat Corn Soybeans 1966 ---- 100 99 101 140 1967 --- 90 100 131 143 1968 --- 59 73 111 153 1969 -------- 59 82 127 232 1970 --- 80 98 107 232 1971 ---- 69 84 165 223 1972 -------- 107 157 260 257 1973 ---- 123 154 257 289 1974 -------- 84 140 238 225 1975 -------- 75 162 331 281 eign currency, shipments for emergency relief, barter for strategic material, and later, for long-term credit sales. Commodities for which government financing has aided exports most were cotton and wheat, Table 2. Most aid prior to 1970 was in sales for foreign currency, but after 1970 major assistance was for long-term credit sales. Provi- sions for government-to-government do- nations and for donations through volun- tary agencies were used most extensively for wheat and wheat products. Relatively less governmental assistance has been used for corn exports and none has been used for soybean exports since 1962. The greatly increased foreign demand for U.S. produced commodities was due to several developments. Some countries shifted priorities and devoted more re- sources to improving diets of people within the country; the U.S. Government took action to move surpluses that had accumulated over a number of years; and the dollar was devalued and allowed to seek a level compatible with other currencies. As a result of these develop- ments, earlier surpluses had virtually dis- appeared by 1973. Foreign demand continued strong and provisions of the Agriculture and Con- sumer Protection Act of 1973 brought a change of emphasis in U.S. agriculture. The design was toward increasing pro- duction, not restricting it. U.S. farmers responded and exports increased. It is significant that a decreasing proportion of these commodities is exported under government-financed programs. Volumes for both domestic use and export must come from current production because the huge inventories that were stored for many years no longer exist. While ex- panded exports of these commodities will serve many desired purposes, it should be understood that as the propor- tion of production going to export mar- kets increases, productions will become more dependent on a volatile, unpredict- able market, and prices to U.S. consum- ers probably will be higher than they otherwise would be. TABLE 2. PROPORTION OF THE TOTAL VALUE OF EXPORTS UNDER GOVERNMENT-FINANCED PROGRAMS, Fouit COMMODITIES, UNITED STATES, 1960-74 Year Commodity Cotton Wheat Corn Soybeans Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. 1960 --- 24 73 20 5 1961 -------- 26 68 26 3 1962 ---- 33 77 12 2 1963 -.. 21 59 12 0 1964 --- 27 81 7 0 1965 -------- 28 81 8 0 1966 -------- 32 66 5 0 1967 -------- 31 49 9 0 1968 -------- 37 59 7 0 1969 -------- 25 48 3 0 1970 -------- 38 36 4 0 1971 -------- 21 27 4 0 1972 -------- 18 32 5 0 1973 -------- 15 11 3 0 1974 ........ 3 4 1 0 FOLIAR FERTILIZATION of SOYBEANS in ALABAMA FRED ADAMS, Department of Agronomy and Soils Soybean leaves damaged by foliar-applied fertilizer at left and foliar fertilizer being applied at right. WHEN IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY agron- omist Dr. John Hanway reported an in- crease of up to 23 bu. per acre of soy- beans by using foliar fertilizer, farmers throughout the nation looked forward to increasing their soybean production. Further experiments by the Auburn Agricultural Experiment Station and other universities across the country, how- ever, show no significant differences in yield with foliar fertilization. In fact, the amount of rainfall during the pod- set and fill stage was the most influential factor at any given location. Foliar Fertilization Does Not Replace Soil Applied Foliar fertilization was not intended to replace, but was to be supplementary to soil-applied phosphorus and potassium fertilizers before planting. As the pods began to fill, foliar fertilizer was applied at 10 to 14-day intervals until beans were mature. It was hand sprayed at per acre rates of 25 lb. of nitrogen (N), 6 lb. of phosphorus (P 2 0s), 10 lb. of po- tassium (K20), and 1.5 lb. sulfur (S) at each application. In cooperation with the Agricultural Experiment Station project, the Tennes- see Valley Authority provided the ex- perimental foliar fertilizer. The fertilizer, 10-2-4-4.0-0.6, was manufactured by the TVA's National Fertilizer Development Center at Muscle Shoals, Alabama. Experiments Conducted Six of the experiments were conducted in farmers' fields in north Alabama, one at the E. V. Smith Research Center, two at the Plant Breeding Unit in Tallassee, and two at the Wiregrass Substation. Two experiments suffered from an ex- tended drought and yielded only 18 bu. per acre. Two that did not suffer from drought yielded 50 bu per acre; the others yielded between 25 and 40 bu. Foliar fertilization did not increase yield in any of these cases. Sites with the lowest average yield had less than 9 in. of rain from the time the plants started blooming until ma- turity. Sites with the highest yields had more evenly distributed rainfall averag- ing 20 in. Immature leaves were scorched by foliar fertilizing, especially on sites under moisture stress. Since spraying usually occurred when leaves were fully grown, and fully grown leaves did not burn, this did not present a great problem. In one of the experiments a similar grade fertilizer derived from ammonium polyphosphate (10-34-0), potassium sul- fate, urea, and potassium chloride was compared to the urea-potassium poly- phosphate material. Foliar Fertilization Expensive Foliar fertilization is an expensive un- dertaking, with total cost of three treat- ments coming to about $40 per acre at current prices, not including application. Even if the dramatic results of Iowa State's experiment had been duplicated, foliar fertilizing would barely pay for itself. Allied Chemical Corp. is the only com- pany that is commercially interested in foliar fertilization, having developed the compound Folian. It is not known whether Allied will introduce Folian on the market after the disappointing test results from across the country. The difference between Iowa's inde- terminate soybeans and Alabama's de- terminant types may be one reason for the disappointing results, but other ex- periments with indeterminant types also failed to produce the spectacular results of the 1975 Iowa State tests. Further Research Needed With further research and innovations, farmers may still be able to increase soybean production someday. The dis- appointing results of tests with foliar fertilization indicate that soil application is still the best method. 11 Effects of Animal Manure on Soybeans and Soil F. LESLIE LONG, Coop. USDA-Department of Agronomy and Soils E. M. EVANS, Department of Agronomy and Soils T1F1 PRAC~TICE OF USING MANUBE at moderate rates to) in- crease crop yields is manls % centuries old. Hlowever, little re- search ha~s been done onl how high disposal rates of manure affect a legume like soy beans. This question was add)ressed in a USDA-Auburn University Agricultur al Expelrimenit Sta- tion studs' that measured the effects of dairy cattle inanmie 01) soil properties and on soybean yield and compositioll. Treatments wvere a high rate of manure ( 1t7 tolls per acre), such as may he encountered in disposal, and a mineral fertilizer check. The manure wvas spread onl the surface of a Dothan loamy sanld alid rototilled into the top 8 in. TVie check plots receivedl 0-14-14 fertilizer ait the rate of 1,000) lb). per acre. Test plots wvere pIlnted to Hlutton soybeans about 4 wseeks after thme last mauallre application. Irr igation wyas ussed1 as needed. Each plot had four rowvs 40 in. apart1. Seeding r ate wyas 10 seed per ft.. and germination wxas about 80%. The applied manure contained about 2% N, (0.7% P, alid I *6 K and (Ca, wvhich supplied about 4,000 lb. N, 1,500) lb. P, an~d :3,40(0 lb. each of K and Ca per acre. Mtost of the N wxas i1) organlic form. The manulre addition caused considerable chan ge in tI a soil properties, Table 1. Soil pll wxas inicreased about 2 units ill the 0- to 12 iii. depth, xx ith some iln)rease dowsni to 24 ill. The young soy bean plants dev eloped sx mptoms of ironl dc- ficiencV. unldoldtedllx a result of the high soil pfl. liii iron deficiency was' later consfirmed by analysis. The dci ficiencx decreased ss ith age of the plants, and v isual sx 101 tlis disappearedl Iss the time( the plants were 18 in. higli Tlsis coincidled wxith a gradual loswering of soil plI. Appai_ ci)tls' there xxas ammonia production soon after thc inll ) 111 wxas applied. svhich caused the soil pll to inecase enough to reduce the solubility of irn belowx the cr itical level for soy beans. Later, perhaps as alnmrOnia p)rOdUction decreased and its absorption increased, the resulltant decrease in l I brought enough iron into solution to meet plant needs. The amount of breakdowvn of the organic-N in the luanno is indicated by the increase in nitrate-N in the manured plot, Table 1. Other salts xvere also increased by the manli( ats indicated by the increase in electrical conductivity of it saturated soil solution. Although the salts decreased x th dlepth, there xx'ere considerably more salts at the 24-in. depthI iii manured plots than in the chiecks. Carbon also incereas)) to the 24-in, depth. Apparently some carbonaceous mattet Nvas moving dowvn in solution form. Analsysis of stalks, seed, and nodules showved some dii- ferences among treatments, Table 2. Comparisons wvere maole of plants from unfertilized areas outside plots, from fertilizi i checks, and from manured plots. Organic nitrogen wyas highest in stalks, seed, and noduhc wvhen ulnfertilized, indicating high efficiency of N fixation alii ultilization wxithout fertilization. In contrast, there wsere f\ nodules onl plants where manured, and those present xei( small. 12 I,%faiure caused a four-fold increase in nitrate-N in stalks, but had little effect on the njitrate-N content of seed. In contrast, manure increasedi the P, K, and particularly the boron content of the seed. Zinc content of stalks was g reatly reduced by manure, but there wxas little effect on zinc con tent of the seed. Soybean yield was significantly increased by the manure treatment: 49 bu. per acre as compared with 43 bu. onl the fertilized checks. This increase resulted despite the iron dleficiency that occurred in early growsth stages on manured soybeans. Yields of inanured plots likely woumld have been higher had lodging not occurred. Reason for the yield incr1ease from mnanure is not kmoxx n. One possible explanation is the carbhon dioxide enrichment of the air from decomposing manure. This was not confirmed. hioxever, since measurements showed no differences in car- bon dlioxide ev olved from the soil surface of check and mnanured plots. WVind turbulence probably wxiped out anyv differences during early stage,, of growxth. B.x the time the soybeans had sufficient growvth to provide a canopy and reduce xx md turbulence, pr obably most of the carbon dioxide had been evolved. Mleasurements showved less than I mg difference in carbon (dioxide per dax betwxeen) manured and check plots. Results of this study slioss that sos 'bean y ield can be in- creased by high rates of manure, hut soil pII goes high ensough to cause tempor al-, iron deficiency. Hi1gh salt (0n- centrations occur doswni to at least 24 in. and little nodulation occurs. TAL .11.. Ii 1,10r OF DIRYii CATI E1,1 MANURE~ ON soil. OP l i' 11rw '.5 Soil Soil p1t 1 NitraItte N' Eleetical, depth1 check Nfa- Check Ma (:heck \1,i 0)-6 6- 12 12-18 t8-24 \ teaii .5.89 7.87 5.58 7.61 3.67 6.25 5:35 5.71 5.62 6.86 21 51 1:3 26 IS 26 14 25 10 32 1.54 :3.81 1.24 3.60 .T8 :3.52 .47 2.64 1.0)1 :3.39 Pct. Pct. 0.61 1.79 .12 .76 15 .36 .09 .20 .32 .78 1 ii cait 6 inol ralt ( "' as 1It)" tonls Pi r acre d (rv xci gist ) Soil saltiple -,vas taiken 2 iiioiais alter inanturi application. la tin g" stated as il) ihos per en). I5.52. Em EdT OF FIiiiIZiR AND .vs l.ii CAll LI 'MANuISE Ox CWOiPOSsI To OF SOY1ii17ANS Plant part Org.- NO,- p N N Stalks Unfertilized F'ci tilized Seed Un ifertilized Feirtilized Nodules Unfertilized Fetiizeds 1.95 141 1.84 148 1.5:3 609 5.10 164 4.93 17 1 4:32 183 Content K Ca Mg B Zn 0.12 0.90 1.15 0.83 1 .12 1.10 1.52 .53 5 .65 2.75 1.0~3 A12 22 .tt 2.04 .45 .51 1.91 A13 .86 2.78 :3 .61 8 416 A38 8 36 A17 43 45 37 1.39 .08 .25 5 .4:3 1.52 .23 .25 7 -iisuffie'iint samnple for anllahsis-' Pct. P.P.Ill. Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. p.p.1n.p.p.m. DICHLORVOS: Effective Against Ips Engraver Beetles R. J, CIBULSKI and L. L. HYCHE. Department ot Zoology-Entomology BAH1K BEETLES (Ips arid Dh'rrdroctoniis species) are re- spot sible for one of thre most common and~ troulesome of proliems encountered in growing and mnaintaining pine trees. Thiese lbeetles tun~nelI and dev elop silently in the innei bark (see figure) wvith their presence often rernaini . n detected until needles of dying infested trees begin to turn red or lbrowNv. Most species. particularly 1jps engraver beetles" and the southern pine beetle, prefer to attack damaged and~ unhealth 'x trees or, ats wxith the Ips engraxvers, fresl lv cut pine. P~opulations tend to build up in such situations thein spread to nearby trees. Efforts to control and prevent spread of these beetles often involve the use of toxic chemical in) secticides for destrutctioni of beetles anrd beetle brood in in- fested inatcrial. For inanN xears benzene lrcxaclor ide ( BIIC) and Ii n damic. the g(ain na isomer of 11, hax e beer used1 for this purpose. Although still eO cctix e, these mnaterials are chlorinated lhydrrocarbhon compoun ds and possess the un desir- able ch iar acteris tic of persistin g in the erixironinlt -a clhar- acter istic xwhlich mnax e ri restrict or cxven prohibit their rise ini thc future. ( onsetjueritly, researchers are looking at other less persistent in secticidles as possible alternatixves to chlorinated livdrocarlaurs for use iii pine hark beetle control programns. At the Auburn Universitx Aar icriltural Experiment Station, dieblorvos~~~ (\aon7)reai cxi diclovo (Vpoa~),a reaieN ni-persistent organlo phosphorus insecticide, has been tested anid compared xvithr 11-IC for effectiveness against Ips enigraxver beetles, L. uraiidi- 1)lis, 1. ca/ligrap/is, aiid 1. atisris. Diclilor xos coriceilr a tions tested xvere 1/16, 1/8, 1/4. 1/2, and 1%. The 1111(7C coneriation used xxas 1/4%, the standard rate usuialkx rec- ommiended for Ips beetle control. The carrier for each mna terial xwas No. 2 diesel fuel oil . A treatment consisting of fuel oil alone xvas also includled. Materials xxerc applied as coarse spray s, to point of ruroff. to the bark of Ip6 iii rstcl loblolly pinie bolts. Sexventxy-txxo hours after treatment all bolts xxere peeled arnd the miortality of Ips dletermnined. Te'st results are surmmarized in the table. Signrifican t Jps rmorrtalitx occurred in each chemical treatuert. lin infested mater ial sprax 'ed xwith fuel oil alone mortality raniged fromt 201 tio 54% amiong species, indicating the xvalue of il 1 as the carrier in insecticidal spray s for bark beetle control. Beetle monrtality in bolts spiayed xvithr BHC, the standard recom- mnended insecticide, ranged fromt 80% for I calligrapnusv to 100)% for 1. or u/sis xxith an average of 92% for all species. In thre dichlorx us treatments significant fps moirtalitv xvas obtained xvith each concentration tested. At the higher con- cenitrations, 1, l,'2, and 1/4%, mnor tality approached 10)0% for aill /nns species. B eetle kills i anll dihlo I rvs srieatrn ts xu en' statistically equal to that ini thre 13HC( treatment. F"ront these results, it appears tlrat dicliloixos may be h igly effectixve in thre (lusti rctioni of Ips beetles dexveloping in the ir iii 1bark of pinte, arnd mnay have proinise as an al terniative to chlorinated lixdrocarbon insecticides for pine bark beetle control. Hcixvex er, use of (liclilorvos against bark beetles is still experimental; consequently, report of these results does not constitute a recoinmendlationl. MOiniAITY OFt lp)S LxtGnAxt BVETLES (ALL DEVELOPMIENTAL STAGE~S COxMBNED) FOLLOWING TRSEATMENT OF INFESTED PINE Bouis Wirto DI(HLOiRVOS AND BIIC SPRAYS' Mean percent imortality by species2 Trieatment Chleck-un treated Furel oil only- BIIC, 1/4% Dkldon-vos, 1/16%,o Drchilnrxos, 1/8%/, Ijiclilorvos, 1/4% Dichlors os, 1/2t/, Dicfilorx os, 1% L. I. grandicollisi calligrapirrs 0.5 a 2 a 54.0Ob 27 b 96.0Oc 80 c 90.5 c 84 c 90.5 c 90C 99.5 c 100 c 99.5 c 97 c 98.5 c 100 C I. avulsus Oa 20 b 100 C 100 C 100 C 100O e 100 c 100 c Mean all Ips species 0.83 a 33.7 b 92.0 c 91.3 c 93.5 c 99.8 e 98.8 c 9 9.5 c 1311IC and diclln os applied in No. 2 dresel fuel oil. 2 \eanIs folloss CCl bV the saine letter are not significantly dliffer- cut ait the 0.05 level. ~t / S nels in inncr bark;, engraver ,.i and so, be etleI t Ts, 13 This marketing project was concerned with an exotic species of fish native to the Amur River in China. ESTAB3LISHING a MARKET for an EXOTIC FISH SPECIES E. W. McCOY and M. L. HOPKINS Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociolagy CA'FS NINtALUR ha- iso ~c s.ls hec-omiti relativ ely welI estalishied iii thme MIissis- sippi Delta at d we (st cen tria1 Alabamtait. Increased conistruction aid fue(l costs have caused faiers andc researcers to seek addition al mneans of increasim ig pro- duction from existitng pondcs. H ighier stockinig rates lead to increased feed (Ie- (lil-Cirtelits id often result in oXs gell problems duintg thle latter stages of thle productions c~ cle. Excess feed and other svaste miaterials enrich the pomnd, causing an excessiv e buildup of aquatic plants. U~nder adv erse coniditioins the plants comn- pete ssvithi fish for the as ailable oxs get in the w\ater. A chemnical wveed killer, cleared for use ill fish )oidls, canl be applied to thin the platiktot i population . Great care miust lie tak en ili applllication to asvoid killitng all the plankton or adsversely af- fectinig fish growsth. A mechanical aera- tion desvice can he used in the pond ss heit oxy geni levels dro~p below5 a safe level. Biothi techniiqumes are relatively cos tls at d tnieith er itil izes the rich nui- trienits asvailable iii the p~ond. Aublurtn reseatrc'lers hiave ben invsesti- gatinig at third altertittis : An it(Jtatit- orgaiim to use excess ntutrietnts cieated iii catfi sht pon1ds. TI e aquatic organismn should eithet allows tnore catfish to be produced it the samie cost or- the same ambouitt to he produced at at loswer cost. The citgantism shiouldi not represen t af potenitial pest if it escapes fromn tilt pondc. Aublurn i'esearch has included aqutatic plantts atnd ailials. Included aimon(, these ss as .\risticlifliis niobilis, af filter feecditng fish, tiatis e to the Arnur lRiser in (Iitiia. that utilizes planoktoni. Iii N os eniet 1976 at poly culture pond ini~clinug catfish andc the filter feeder Wsere liarsveste'c. Data ott hatsvest ss eighits mid oither phtssical chatracter istics wsere recorded atid tile catfish wsere sold. lDui the. ') seats the fish \\,ere itt the pIond, the filter fe'eders grews frIt n fitigerlitigs to as erage wveighst of 8 lb). Approximnately 2totns of fish wsere asvailable for tile mar- keting test. A inarketitig studY ssas itnitiate'c to) test cisitler acceptabl ility of' the filter feeder. Because the I~ t ocltct sup 1 ply ssas litiited, tile studs sxs po [cstulatecd on local sales bs an ii icis icical farmner. As at adijun ct to tile study a limited supply of dressed product ssas sold] through local grocer-v stores. Mlarketinig began the first sseek itt De- 'einlbcr \66iti direct sales itt thle super~- tmarkets pllus pt dlnotiotial cdisttributioni of eight fish to 1)1 )5 1 ec'tise buty ers. Otily ssord- of-mouth advertis iiig swas con- clucted cdurinig the illaiket period. Aftet tI e iniitial Cont acts otlI sot e adldi tional busyer wsas stolicited. Th'le sales cdatai by wseeks ate shlo\ illii the table. Sales steacdily iticireased for 3 s ec'ks, theni declined esseuitiallv to zero dur(in tg Chiristitius atic Ness Years. Grocers store sales swere tiot r estutmecd followsiing the holiday period to etisure at large supply of product for market testing of live sales. Followsing N ew Years, direct 'sale s cof lIfse fish iinc'ieased steadily unitil the e'td oIf Januar\s \vhlicthetl( studs\ wssu reducedI to a reseive for I b roo( Istock. A 5 ftert the initial cont~act ss it potential 1)115ers all sales \\,ere mtade on it delisvered basis. Esseittialls all sales wsere made to two fish mitt kets and~ four intdiv iduals. mnore fish than the fish markets. The nmajor adverse factor iii the study was thle size of the fish. Ali 8-Il). fish at $0.50 per lb. represents at major meat pucrchaise. W\hen ordering fish the hoy- esspecified a preference for .3, 4, or 5-1lb. fish. Lfimited data indicate at sinaller fish could sell for a higher pice per pound. One buyer marketed the product per fish rather than onl a p)ound b~asis. The 6-lb. fish at $3.50 sold mnore readily than 8-1l). fish at $4.00t. Januatl!ry 1977 was one of the coldest months Auburn has experienced in mnany years. No attemipts to establish ness mnarkets were mnade during early Janu- ary because the ponds were frozen and the product could not lie liars ested. Market saturation was not reached dur- ing the test period. During the finial wseek requests that could not be filled aipproximted' the q~uantity sold. Fews adsverse comiments regarding the product ssere noted. The fish svas rela- tively difficult to scale and miost buyxers skinned the product. Flasvor, texture, at urn a1, appearance, and (ithIer factotrs swere highly acceptable. Thle meat is wshite at c has at pleatsing taste. W\hen taste tested ssith catfish the pr oduct Wyas plreferred, wh'lile the catfish flavor wsas With mnarket esvidence that the pr od- uct is accep)tab~le at at fanit price equal- inig catfish, additional production research us necessary to determnine thle efficientcy of the fish inl conjunction wsith catfish or' as the primnary species i .n a culture ss s- tern. Economnic analysis to determne the 1)roiduction costs of the fish if] pol1 tol- tore is also necessary. Fish pi ocessor's ailso nteed to study tile feasibility oh itt- corpora tin g thle fish iii t heir product linie. WEEKLY SALES OF EXOTIC FISH SPECIES Sales, by market type Date nd-Fish So- ua-per Total s id~tl l~~Mar- sould kt ket Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. D~ecetmtber 2-4 100 154 254 December 9-11 100 242 342 December 16-18 172 200 118 490 Decembiher 21-2 January, 6- 8 January 10-15 Januarty 17-21 Jatnuary 27-29 To Ir Lu 2 122 200 107 186 296 571 107 64 8 208 1.8M9 1.118 122 307 482 678 856 514 :3,531 TEAi SC SLI ' , ioijtirii toV (decti. lIW lowi been all iroportaiiit pest in the South- ca.st. It is 55idelv distriburtedi ii Ala bii na ( reported fromn 39 comities ) ai id is coiisidered tlie moost destroetisve inisect pest of catriellhis. It also inifests a fe\\ othI er sp~ecies of urniamerittal pl ants, pi- In arlsv linrfo id a 1(1 rotoi (ida lI luies. Tea scale riiius the appearance of eamoellia phiants liy yelloss in g tire leaves. Figur e 1. It also redueces plant vitalits whilch is reflected in imtpaired flossei prodnetion. preiatoire decfoliatjoii, arnd Stootioig. 1Iifested eoittirigs often die be- fore rooting, and c wxeakened plants ate root e stisce 1 )tilile toi attack fix other pests. Tea scales forrol colon ies \5 lielr are eoriftoed to tirecr undersicde ofi the leases, tjjirre 2. Coloiiies iicle bothi iomia- torle arid adult stages of this insect. V iewved froto a distane, these colonies have a whlitishr appeararree cauised 1) the profuise threads of whilte wsax pro- drrced bV5 tile mnaleS. WVlerr ifestations are heasy scottorrs masses of xx ax frlai inits canl be seenr hanging fromn tire Seas es . IT, icier close observ atijot in tidi- siduatliniseets cani be (detectedl. Eaecr irrcis icual is hiddeni bs a errser mnade oif xx ax seeretecd its ti e gross inir irnseet. Tire cov er of thre to ale is whIiit e and ft a gde whIe rea s th iat iof thre fem ale is 1brotwsn iat 1( brard, Figure 2 (righrt) . The itods iot tire itnseet lies arder tis covet. Aetisve in f estat iris cart lie founrtidc al- tiost y ear-rorutdl although actix its slows down uin r \\ itter. There are sexveral osverlapping gin rtationls per \ear, lie- calrse each femnale lay s eggs fuir sexveral sweeks aud eggs hratcr ;rlmrtst eotititru- hoils] v conrtrol of tea scale has bteen firisesti- graterd at the Auirrins er vcsitv Acyricil- tirral Experirienit Station. Tests, iris til iri( r ecotttir'rli'il arid e'Xper imlertal i FIG. 1. Camelima leaf showing typical dis- coloration caused by feeding tea scale. V FIG. 2. Heavy infestation of tea scale on underside of leaves tleft) and tea scales develop- ing on butternut squash in the laboratory; M represents the male and F the female (rightt. CONTROL OF TEA SCALE ON CAMELLIAS C. A. KOUSKOLEKAS and M. L. WILLIAMS, Dept. of Zoology-Entomology R. L. SELF, Ornamental Horticulture Field Station sect icides ats wu li ais mei thodis mrtidc thitirig of' applicatiris. %\ere cotidctee under inatural coricitioris iii catriellia gYat denis. Scale infestationts inti tese grardeiis \ aied ftrin inclderaite to hreavyx. Ore spra\ withi smit itler oil ( stccl as Flohrida \'olck or ilicicle icr April xsvas foundic t o kill (it'_ of tire insects, wh ile ore spras swithi thre ss\ steiic inisecticide cli tet iioat e Cx g:, on) gasve 75% c'ortr ol. ('ygori alsio cotntrolled spidler mnites arid bud mnites xxwhiclh calrse 1ul ]l 1 ead intg at r c flosset bidc drop ). Oil thle othecr hiand, Cxgoli is toxic tio seve(ral ot iienit ai plants ( patc lr I v ollies, sslicii tmayr be se- verelv clefoliiatecd) andl siiitrlc be used oniy atc~crig to label rlirectioris. .\l la- thIion xsas largely' iieffectis e, becaurse it kills onls sexsoctni inisects ( craswlers) Soil applicatiitis of chistrlfiton (Di- Ss ,stort) granules gasve trnsaitisfactorvtre- stilts; this it secticicle, how55ever, proitectecd triiriestecl plants froin iiifestatirir. Ex- ccielit restults x\\ere obitain ed xsithr Soil aIppli1caticiis otf aldcicarb ( Tetiik ) grail- tiles. Ilmisscs er, tis c'oinprtticl is hightly txic- sh otuld bei applied itt lY 1bt cert i- fiecd persocrite, arid is trot registeredl for use around tire hione. In genrerail, tswo applicatiits oif art iit secticide spaced 1 riothi apart ssere roost effectisve. For exarriple, one appli- cation of Cx goni itt April followsed by a Spray ini May provided 95% control. Whlen applyig sprays, thor ough c'os- i'aeof leaf rrridersrrrfarces is essential for efleetis e coritrut, because tea scale is cotifine tit tire underside of tire leases anld is ailso prtctedl 1) ' wax secretions. The lpreserice iof tea Scale colonies fol- ho~ising treatrireit does riot niecessaril " titan that cotijtrth was not otiinecd. Tea scailes are attachrecd to thre leases 55 ith %ax sect etitiis arid tess itt thein drop tf'i rnirieciatels cs\ eei wier tirey are dead. (olor ics of dead scale itnsects mnay remtaini onl the plant several tniritlrs. Ani iriotrtant factor leadinig to tea scale pi olleris is thre failure to locate i estatioris btefore they spread. Initial i itstatioris carr be rdetected 1w thorough a tic f reruerit exarriin atiii iii tire planrrts. Sitmple conttrolh riieastr s at this Stage s\\ill presven t spr earl. Wh'iiri camiellias are nieglected fir :3-4 sears.i,i sc~ irifesta- tioris desvelop arid patience is iccessr s In this csa2-s ear proga fitn sivse c'are (Stichi as three treatierits Per Y ear, appie'c in April, May, arid Septemn- her), ias lie nerecdecd befr'ie tire aippear- Mtic'e of tire planlts imtprosves aippreciails Rc'search lhis also been condctecd oti tcea scal e 1biulogy at Anbtiirrti Uti is ersit s'. A m tethocd hais 1bceren dev elopred for inaiii taiii it g actis e coilconies (if teca scale orl 1 ut tetruat squr ash u nrder l aboratoiry' con- clititiis. Figcre 2. This techitii(pe has allowsed r-esearchers to stuidy tea scale life hiistor s' arid grosstbl inr more detail. Surch studcies shoutrld prosvide tire biasis fur tire desvelotpmen't of better tietirods for coping ssritii this important pest proibieni. PARTICLEBOARD From Loblolly Pine Logging Residue E. J. BIBLIS and GEORGE COLEMAN Department of Forestry W E ASSUME that removal of logging residues, without needles, from Southern forest would not deplete the forest land of nutrients. Utilization of these residues then will contribute to conservation of our natural resources. The importance of this residue as a potential source of wood fiber has been reported in several studies particularly for the west coast and southern regions. Logging residue after clear-cutting in southern forests represents more than 25% of standing tree volume; even larger proportions of residue remain after partial cutting. This study concerned the suitability of lob- lolly pine tree tops and branches of various diameter classes as material for industrial grade particleboard that meet commercial standards. Logging residue of three diameter class loblolly pine tree tops and branches was collected from two logging sites in Lee County, Alabama. The three classes were designated A, B, and C with 4 in., 3 in., and 2 in. base diameter, re- spectively. In addition a control class D was included that consisted of the upper 4 ft. log with 4 in. small end diameter (last portion of merchantable stein). Each group was separately chipped, flaked, and dried to about 7% moisture content. Three boards 24 in. square, 5/8 in. thick with an average density of 48 p.c.f. were made from fur- nish of each class. Furnish was sprayed with urea-formaldehyde resin at a rate of 7% resin solids and wax emulsion at 1%. Hand formed mats were pre-pressed for 10 seconds with 170 p.s.i. betweel steel cauls and hot-pressed at 3400 V1 for 5.3 minutes to the desired thickness. After fabricating, each board was condi- tioned at 720 F. and 65% R H and tlhen cut into six flexural strips (3 in. x 20 in. ). which were tested destructively accord- ing to ASTM D 1037-72 to determine modulus of elasticity (NIOE) and modu- Ins of rupture (MOR). From the un- damaged portion of each tested static bending strip, the following specimens were cut and tested: (a) one internal bond (1B) block (2 in. x 2 in.); (b) one fastening test specimen (2 in. x 6 in.) to determine nail and screw holding; and (c) one dimensional stability specimen (3 in. x 9.5 in.) to determine linear ex- pansion (LE), water absorbing (WA), and thickness swelling (TS) from 50 to 90% RH. Results of all tests for strength, stiff- ness, internal bond, and fastening prop- erties are shown in the table. From the analysis of the results the following can be concluded: Tops and branches, 2 in. to 4 in. base diameter, of loblolly pine trees can be used to make commercially acceptable particleboard when half of total needles are removed. Inclusion of all attached needles in boards significantly reduces all strength and stiffness properties, particu- larly internal bond strength. Exclusion of twigs has no significant effect on strength properties of boards made from tops and branches with a 4-in. base diameter. Properties of boards are not signifi- cantly affected by different base diame- ters of tops and branches between 2 and 4 in. Dimensional stability of boards made from tops and branches is equivalent to that of commercial boards of similar den- sity and species. Dimensional changes are not significantly affected by differ- ent base diameters or by needles and twigs. SELECTED PHOPERTIES OF PARTICLEBOARDS FROM LOBLOLLY PINE LOGGING RESIDUE' Residue group Description (base diameter) 4" with all needles 4" with 2/3 needles 4" without needles 3" with all needles 3" with 2/3 needles 3" without needles 2" with all needles 2" with 2/3 needles 2" without needles Control with bark' Required by CS 236-66 Each speciens Last I AGRICU AUBURI AUBURI R. Denn PUBLIC! Agricult Penalty Density MOE MOR 10, P.S.I. 346 (8) 396 (5) 401 (7) 356 (6) 391 (8) 403 (7) 349 (6) 404 (6) 413 (6) 516 (8) 400 P.S.I. 2145 (69) 2423 (47) 2884 (51) 2056 (53) 2205 (47) 2608 (46) 2099 (38) 2307 (46) 2799 (48) 3072 (73) 2400 Internal strength bond P.S.I. 41 (5) 58 (6) 99 (5) 50 (6) 62 (4) 107 (8) 26 (3) 53 (4) 90 (6) 112 (3) 60 Nail holding (face) Lb. 75 (4) 82 (4) 96 (5) 71 (3) 85 (2) 85 (4) 74 (5) 88 (3) 99 (4) 110 (6) Screw holding (face) Lb. 261 (9) 248 (7) 347 (7) 235 (7) 269 (8) 317 (7) 216 (6) 251 (7) 333 (6) 338 (7) 225 value is the average of 18 specimens, except density which is the average of 3 portion of merchantable stem. ILTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION N UNIVERSITY N, ALABAMA 36830 POSTAGE PAID U.S. DEPARTMENT OF tis Rouse, Director AGRICULTURE ATION-Highlights of U.S.MAIL ural Research 3/77 10M AGR 101 for Private Use, $300 BULK RATE