HIGHLIGHTS foT agricultural research Agricultural Experiment Stationk AUBURN UNIVERSITY - A 27/; (7 {t ( -k A / I 1 I A ( ~ I I DIRECTOR'S COMMENTS A( CIjt(:(_ LTU' AL RESE AIWI Ii , imleaI tsiigx mplex. t li] ft' tatIrl. 1940's texeareli xx as clii-er-tedl jttimaril ' vt~ ,tmal i lel it of the stthxistc'ice fiarmer. (:ash itiecsttii-tlits III fat ohig \\ ti' htxx With iicteasitig staticat id of lix itig amtt dlol Igi_ of Llol (1 ('illi cals atn( mrac-itiex \\ ere siiiititttc' tot lali. Usttlg I exeat -I kilo%%'e l'gt-I the fat ilt' itict asedI pt odlutttix itxN,' fatm toworkers. As at rexult, ill IWO_~ the ax ei age Atoetieao spenit ottlx 15 (6 per ccitt of' his fitie lot food.I lii is a real ftribuite to the fatrmer bitt f cxx Atoericatis realize the cotitrilittiotix of AgTi ic-tltiiie to oor high stmiidai ci of li ili". Thie leadlers of, tile other xx orhi p(Mterc kttoxx! I Iox cxci, to accomip~lish this ft(e tfatnw(' has iiari to mai~ke a greatet itix estmoti pet xworker that other iititstt jes. Thiteehire. high pit) chiittitot eots antd risks tequtit e(f fitl, R. DENNIS ROUSE biest itifr tiii axvailablte. Thic 1 960f's saxx juieasedl t-octittt fot tftt eti i tti .i \\e( Ila(l b e'ome t sitct e l ti ii t pricluiccrs the Atmtericrail 1)11) ir miti alilirt i to he cotiet tied aibtiut otiui l i exotirc-es -the f'aimet flaxsifxxax b eetn an eirt tonmencotalist. Tie 1970f's artrixe wc xith tott-f c-cilxtiiir cotic-eti. Farmcs halvixe alxwaxys xxurkecl tio pri n e xxhat c-olstiteis xxait. 'Thliu job, hiowx cxvcr, is be-ttn ig timotte cinp 1 cx wxith c-clt ai i o ic-ikal ali putt rhtiettiot pratt icex baito cl. Yes, the agricultural xscietttists most fbc itict c iiiglx c- our ech ]lot ioiilx xxitht efficictttx iof 1 )rtclictiitti ailt loatkettoig but also xxitht piocltiont aocl inatketiti :g of proitrtts ill a xx\ax tot fto fiax e alt acIx else effect ii the etiiirotitii it atid at the samei titto xatixfx tfhe C-oiIL ruttier. Ili reccuit x\ears,. Alaiimlti'l ai-kructuirixts hiaxe c' x iiktcl fto see a liillitti (iiiliar almilal agi icijttitaf iticomaec. This flax lciri ac'it'xen. Otix]\ 12 xyeats agoi Aiabiita'x a~rgt -tiltit- ti iti-itne tt'a-ditI' ehalf billhiont. W\ill this itliccttt ciitttic lgali itt ft' tiext 12 x cas? If clii lie doottc' )xe haxve the tiattital exotitrexs iict'cli'l. If xx titt fjust halp peti, it xxiii r-eqifti c lttettnoatittt attnI it'ati'rxli. I hiefi ex \\ xx \\xill set' a txx ciifioti cilillat in~ciom' hx 195. 'I'lii' Aiuuin iix istx Agrictiltitraf Exper imeot Statiotin Sx ,stetv is dcc lirafici to proitx e Iii' i sc'atrhl iniforttioni tha~t xxill he reqirited. We't betlie'xe tite Alabamita Agt iet-ii rtil Expe-iiic't St atiotul Sx steii is stitetticri fit itaxilmilti effic-ieti-x itt t earc'l pi ihtituc-fitx Stilt) stations ai n1 Field cl Iitatt' t to set\ x v xatriius ixii , cl imto ii, atidc ig(ricul itil at crax itt tiil' State ate atlt e'ssc'ial pa it of th ixsx s) triol I itxx 'x t' the Mlaini Stattit) at Aititrut xx1 lieu i'fti' pitjc'i't feecrx attd basic' texeat cilabtoratotrie's ate ltc-ati'ci ix the ittih. Tue Itit oif the xxheel most be' kept sotiii. It ts appareit thle ft'ld Iab utti 'ov latnc atnd facilities at Atiiit ate itilcle'iuiate al~t obluete. Ptimlti, t('xtaret'l faclitit's wex c't'cesiieccl iii 1924 tot xx 11k ol plbei iif the 1920f's. Dairs fatc-ilitiex xxr biu'ilit ittfiitc 193f. 13i't' cattle an id xxxitie facilities lire outdta~ted, siom t'da tinog f tick ti \\ itt-id Wari 1. The moaitn statiton must he tt'iittt amifd t o,cciz. Vie air' askinig the o'v;cxernort andI tilt' Alabtatmia Lt'gifatu isu year to proxiide ioe' atndc aothiziatio ii fto ext aish i a eii cxx p tl cx sclietle ccttc' a liexx- atiioaf scitice cetttia iic'xx plantt xc'iiiic-t c-co ter a fotrest pi tin i-tx re'xearch i cc tet' atd iifto no tii'riiiie titi' oiiic Mlain Stationti tot tr'btcild the ]Ili of the xxheel. This fmitd atud facilits xxiilic bei'clic'lteci tit ciiitit ttt(l gi ixx ti ofi Al~i aama's actri c'iiltt'c. Let tile clictiti age x itti ac-tix csxippor t iii this 1)1ogriti to modrern Iize vioui Agttc-iltui af Expe'imtetit Staticoti. Agicuturiet ,ittul lFittestrx c'atllit ,icx ltice xx\ittitt soittt ciesi'ealt cI. " Ae 49rOdCec .. . agrliilltV aul( soils, is setnioritho tflt t'e a-ticie ii pagi' -3. ihuhitti is ic' seatd clixx ttk xxitli fiti' Agicotlt titl I'\ I itixltIc hats itetil itisfi it i(i x ca' t itti it agi' pitt:14 gi aMis ill Aflaii Im th r'xt of fit(- Soit III a& fits, lie t t'slc'fic'x I I , c is rteaw xc's.at I~ft idva l fis i' iilii f(ti il m ll- tiltxI hei reelai xi kt'e B.S. til M.S t'xIct i"Rbt il gict-l th ,livetv ottf Sfitiisl aIt 1 te , i~ev~( the i'r.D. tfrom Ui rit ofli 197f0, lie spet 6 itittili ill Ness\ Lc',t hlud as at xixititig sc-ietitisf. \\icielxN tt'c-giii'ci for his xxotk xx itt fttt'lgc' c-i tps. Ilvan hi ' I i ~tic-ifpatc' ill the ttitc't aticital Gr-issltticl ':iigi-cxx Ii 1960ttf iii Beaiiigli Ei glitc o h ml giti) iii 195,6 ill hIeliitki, F'illitici. lIttt tug 1972 lie xx ax efc'cfc't ithi ('iait tati itf a cli itf (i til Sc-ic'ttc- Sotc-'t "iVio Anii-a itici Se-I etaix tif Southetirni Si'ctiiil i it) Ainecricai Stir-ets itf Agioon itltii v lie ciii feiid ,vSetsvingt t i'tltit io a it('\\ text- bototk til c.-tp quai~lifx t he ii pttlisieii b\x HIGHLIGHTS of Agricural Research SPRING 1973 VOL. 20, NO. I A quiarterlyv report of research pubhlished by' thle Agricultural Experimenit Stationt od Aubucrn Unoiversity , Auburn, Alabamal. R. DENNIS ROUSE I Di",_ctitt CHiAS, F. SIMMN Asxos \xsistanlt lie'tiir T. E. COBtLE') Assstnxt lDli chi E. L. \ICGAx 1,'dittt R. E. SiTEVENStON Ax-xtcjit' Editior J. D. HARWOOD00 Assistanit Editori Editotrial Adv isoryj Coouinitcc: R. DENNIS ROUSE; JOHN LAWRENCE, Professor oif Fisheries and Allied Aquacutures; ROB- EBi' N. BRESSEB, As-sistanit Pr-of essor of Piiuiltrt St-it0 1ic . S. _,B. Sis-, Xxs-i'to Prttfi'.Sii oif Fut sit i,, sxo IE. L. \I(: ON THE COVER, Artist's conception the Beef Cattle Nutrition Research Unit the proposed new Main Statian facilities, S ERALA, a fine-stemmed sericea variety, is being planted on an increasing acreage for hay and grazing. Unfortunately, ye have not known much about how to manage it. Recent Kesearch suggests that the productivity of this forage legume is influenced by cutting management. In a 3-year experiment on an established stand of Serala sericea at the Plant Breeding Unit, forage was harvested at 3, 6, or 9-week intervals with stubble heights of 11/2 or 4 in. Harvesting began in April and was terminated in June, August, or October to determine the effect on root carbo- hydrate storage and growth the following year. Results Forage yields were highest (over 4 tons/A.) when sericea was cut three times a year at 9-week intervals, see figure. Harvesting two hay cuts, one in June and one in early August, resulted in yields nearly equal to that from three cuts a year. Stubble height had little effect on forage yield or stand persistence when sericea was cut at the hay stage. When sericea was cut every 3 weeks to simulate grazing, forage yields were one-half to two-thirds those obtained when cut at the hay stage (every 9 weeks), see figure. Yields declined each year when sericea was cut every 3 weeks from April to October, especially where a short stubble was used. Leaving a 4-in. stubble on plants cut every 3 weeks resulted in higher forage yields and better stand persistence than leaving a 1/2-in. stubble. Also, a high stubble improved spring growth on a sward subjected to frequent harvesting the previous year. Spring growth and stand persistence were very different between the two stubble heights by the third year. Reduced food reserves in the roots accounted for the reduced yields and stands of sericea cut frequently to a low ( ubble. There was 60% more stored food in roots of fre- quently-cut sericea with a 4-in. than a 1/-in, stubble. High stubble plants also maintained about twice as many live buds as short stubble plants, and this contributed to rapid recovery growth. Grazing Effects These results indicate that if sericea is to be grazed, it is essential to maintain a high stubble and permit plants to accumulate food reserves. Even so, Serala sericea produc- tivity will be lower under grazing than hay production. Stubble height had little effect on forage quality as meas- ured by digestible dry matter (DDM), see table. However, frequent harvest resulted in forage with a higher DDM. Sericea conserved for hay should be cut at 12-14 in. height to ensure high DDM without damaging the stand or dry matter yield. In this study the 6-week growth had a higher DDM than 9-week forage, but the more frequent cutting reduced yields and stands. Under grazing, cattle will se- lectively graze the more nutritious portions of the plants. Therefore, grazed forage will always be considerably more nutritious than the same forage harvested for hay. TABLE 1. SERALA SERICEA AVERAGE DIGESTIBLE DRY MATTER (DDM) As AFFECTED BY MANAGEMENT Harvest frequency Stubble height DDM in forage Wks. In. Pct. -6 -------- 4 1 / 4 1 4 11/ 48 47 52 52 52 55 MANAGING SERALA SERICEA for FORAGE C. S. HOVELAND and R. F. McCORMICK, JR. Dept. of Agronomy and Soils W. B. ANTHONY Dept. of Animal and Dairy Sciences Results of this experiment show that Serala sericea cut twice a year, once in June and once in August, can produce 4 tons of hay with no ill effect on stands or subsequent pro- ductivity. If Serala sericea is to be grazed year after year, no less than a 4-in. stubble should be maintained. Other- wise, stands and production can be expected to decline. Three-year average forage yields for sericea at two stubble heights and three cutting intervals. Cutting was terminated on June 23 for the yields on the left, Aug. 4 for those in the center, and Oct. 6 for those on the right. -- --------- ~- -- ----~~~ WHAT'S HAPPENING TO FARM INCOME? J H YEAGER, Do-partmeniI of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology XXN- iI) NIVA B w\hat's happeiig iii AlabamaI~l lgri- prI~iX Cl e leplillit IIIIXX IX II there Cale niiUI \\i sX of look- 1111 Ult llIlC.Onei XtIillild \il is tile UiSDA E icooill~ic HetsXilIc (Ii8( ice P lcIIdlie thait usXeX the fi)I1iiXX 1(r lnomenl ulti c i ts toli kinds. of fiti III :i llt Realized gross farminc lom e c~ash recei pts fron1to am 11W iiketiig -'4- o()\, eii lll it it\ 11jlitX + tile \ jilliC o 1),1 jle (III XIIII io 11)1 of 1) 1 .I l l i it 1 (IXXs I i till Xillic iof flill1 lalill pr? ictiltli I.\Iwl XIX. Toill net farni jiihcllie iallixcd net farmi filitilii " iiet i I I11 II till all tilIX(Iltorlit. tICetX te il (I hi tl lll f ll thile XUV Io i \l IXCX tllli ilo le re1 AiI h ~riX stim for1 k eg Near AIf lexpts itr forIS l ite ' 97 tXhait I l incras ime ll I. l ilI(retae ll 11o 11 po ution ofP3 ttl X I lIlt A hi,111 f ll I9 1 X(111 "MC(.170 l XaO 197 96 1\\r ove It millin X11 iII) inceas of1 lgXor 111(1 50%,~ f4 iXl Ill Wil Iitl vli lliei 89( 17 1 l lit als l ii I , I, A c X iX I II iX IX' I lll~lt IIX IIll I N t C Ilsh II((t s i l l ) i IIli ni ik111 i-, it \ili it'II. ill Ill alli d\ili l .1(1 j l wtil iilltt l i I X~)i it \ 131 d l/Ill Iin t lt .11111 11111 l SX i, Ii ' : FarmIIt lwonw stwX ii iti liii'. [ i II) .III 111, 1iiii f11 1 Xf 1 I196 1 1971 19.5 49.5 27.9 (11.0 :384.5 228.5 12.1 240.61 60.) (6801. 1 287.1I 31.8; .171' ll' cohic ilI l I XcItili l X. till 111 t i s i ett t llI 4i iii orIt11ii XciIXs aX coml~pared XX iti till t SM. tI~erage iof 34(' r (4IIXX t~l . T hl s ubsIltili~eti l tdi lit mini ei of'LI I Aiaiinit X letnsaw icessill pro X l gdu to per3) ) Ln d rII f19 1 -7 I CI~))I ll XX e it, 4 IIim 83 7 icras iia ota 75' i ni peIall A(16:3s le ill 19T11( XAl C (i lCIiId 13, 110 Ce iti , compared 111 \lilili 8611049 for11 fiIll XItiII (C. Ther is lI ittl C dl~ltat Ililbllit t thled re.at. o the U.S.~il X X Xi.( il wo e ivtli 111111im 19 - 1 X ,IIC Far e r it e dieeodi( i96 iXX111 IiX more o(ilicol fr1o1nt111 I IS.l XiiI (C.po Ia titilt was l S1 i.6 il~g l fro filtill soures Mi flA3l) tI(Iillil tAr II(( ionXf1111 i ) uces lkThis reflecX it IX ri so~ucelst Pter caa pI 1(1 sl g o of the liiX.ill tVI pol at~of n~ll F~i)~X has Ch w 1111111ul icras C siiwk 161 l \iXth riXin pI I lll i n hut e ltill oth fti i9,2 aillditlariC C sti ll-ce (A CX l\Cedt havel si~r i lpetXtar.i it chtofj(I lill ources of irduts g l lclCtpIn CCI ti. Il0 , ts X Ilwn l C I Itil taltS XX Theil 197, iill XX Its aciCX ll 14 ti 6, downiillli it iid o 6 id trol $47.s1c 111 iiin prouct i 7.(i leeit t1969.tlllS l~l cSteX l lit ~IS 91 7 XXt e Xtimats i lot17 (idi cate~ ctl I ltilt 111111 cottoseedt C whtl1Iill t t ' 111 iCk i Allou CIIth . (o~illliX \tlli iX (iii frinl $6.7IU millo tilt 196t it) (eAIX ifliCit mlajor trendsi taking piace andit pint tii XXhiat call he1 ex e td il tl IIl ilon t r\ il ft' v ir CASHI F XIIX 13iE-t EAI PIX 11) ('iXI 51101111, AL.X\i XXI \, 19611 'li) t971 AhJt. dol. Broillil'S.,5: 2 Cattleh 11 lliXI . 5508 E>111 l, ull s .ii 15221.7 Da il\il prow 21,'):3 l 1 1 I A iiI' 2(7 s\liii ' .53 I7N 92t,699 157,92 10) 21S1 17,W57 92 :1),011 28t1257o 87 1.256 Untreated Southern Cross cucumber plant at right shows char- acteristic single-fruit development, whereas morphoctin treated vine at left has many cucumbers developing. % I OX1 mi \I.(' I I, N\1(: ALI. i I Y e'Sli Iigo is aits it fo'O!lifflX \cgetale cros b hut the picklig cueiier has resistedI best effoirts. M a jor stumin0 iig bldock h as eet ita eliaractei is tic frui tinig hiabI it of (lii b el s th at r esults iii gross ti ot oil 01 N7 on 1o tV, 0 ctictinfers at it time oil at v ine. R~eason for this is that at dievelopig seeded cuiiiblei inibilits iaroxs ti of other less dev eloped ii nit oil at X ii. R emvin X g thn oldefs t mccii her rcsiilts ill des elopiuei of oi]\ tile oldest reullailnilig f'ruit. Thusi, tile oIiX v s waX to uct high 1 iiodtictioii is to hai 5est peiiiiilicails , ,iiid this ineaims hid har'i CstiiiLg. i'oi examuple. pet'iodiciiX hal 5 Cslci phlaits ait Autiiiii phliceci 10.7 fii ts per planit hut those iharv ested oil], omice miade juist 2.1 fruit .No\\x therei appearis at good chlal ice to soIXe this prohieiii i 15 per mit olice-oe OXCiiai sst. ('ileluiel treatiit maxy ov'er- comlie the depr essan t efifect so ll] cuicuiufers set oil tile vin e cal (les lol) eoicurrel eit Sincle seedless (partilenocarpie) ciictinihei do nliot exert tihe ittibfitillg effect. Aullilli researcih fias colii.iti atcd oil uise of grotis ti reguliltors. Tile Am \\ias to i den til f X a i egiiia toi tha~t XX-oi0(11( itiler iiiduiee seediless fruit or iiiterf'eie wxitih tit(l depl'sslit effect ofi (leCl)hig fru(it ands llo~X i] friuit that1 set to (iCXeloip. Noit iiitii 1971 X iu tile girowth reguliatinig cilemiicals illor piiactills \% ere first tried XX as tihere sucecess again st tue (c01p dep )ressa lit effect. P relimii l rX greenhi ouse expe ri~iits ill- dicated tihat seedless cur uimhers could beC iticiced soulie tillies XXithii folnitliltllll of 11111pliautiliIiT :3456 (colitiilig' k0%' mnetliIX ister 0f 2 chioi o'fltloirel 101 9-caitIllic acidi). llIoXS, er, the ciheicial s dlid n ot in Icrease frulit set cmi sidrieah ilii tile t(frCCI hlsC. -Fitie stu iI' shifted tol tile fieid wXit h at pianinoIg (of Soiitf ICil ('ross cui br IoliiIu ili A iigi st 20,. 197 1. i'oiiar appl ica timoIS(f' l)mrfllctin phiis stlrfactilit at It0. 20, anid 401 ppm1. weirC madie approximiateX' 5 day s atter bioomu of first floss ei. I'rliit set \\ as iincireasedi 55 5:3,' illd :34/,, respetiXvely, \%,]tIile viii ienigth, I illilie o~f nodes, anid itulihber of lattem ai bri idls we re (leereaseI. Oii aim Aulgust :301, 1971, pitilig 1)1 Souitlei ii ('i oss, flruit set XX 15 11 iocasetl :37, 5W 49, iid 48% b\ it0. 211. 40,. aid FFFHA 01( \Iloll( 1I' 0iN Nc SilO 01 illfiiiii Pk nlo Pt-%I Ti atillilt (' It lie k l miroxx Explore'r Noi. 01 '51, I Nil. ) Nso. 3 Nol 4 To1tal No.i X. NVo. \o. \,o, "Vio *. *3 2.75 1 .25 2:3 .0:3 T .59 2.95 2.25 .3 . t:' .015 5.91 (liii A iiiitilItci I 41 .58 .63 A5 .31) 2.3 6 \Iorphacltii 1, 201 p.p.1ii, 65 071 .5) , 10 .131 2.38 \Ilphl(ctll I. 41)0 ii 65 1.001 .5.5 .25 .18 2. 63 \llrpf illstin 2, 21) 1. 11~ .201 .:): . 7:) -3 .:38 2.117 \IiMlpiitill I xxils IT .3456 and11 iilrpllalcii 2 ti I IT 57.32. ijllliti I I It I tllii I ill 2 1 to, I ii. :3 1 '2 toI 2 ill tod 4 2 to 21., liill imtlir / ( machine harvest of cucumbers may be just around the corner JAMES E. BARRETT III and HARRY J. AMLING Department of Horticuilture first foss ei irea till Cli ts appl11ied I x \eek bef(oriie bI (1)1 I d e- LarIgest f'ruitilig ieaeises cailli Iill hill 1(1pilrtlill aplied 4-5 davs a lfter first b~loom:l 7:3, 76, andl 9 5" I llt 't iliIts oIf 20, 401, and 801 p.p.il. R~epeated i apphictil ils stii tilg 4 toi 5 (ils aftter bloom01 of first floss er diidllo ii))1t11( results. Seedless I riot xx i lihlisedl ill trelltmilcts 55iie'e poiiiatIin \\its prevenited, illit xx ilc PolliIliatioll \ il ]lot jrcll( ited fri t XS ls seeded.d .5eli clii its siL(' of seediess Irit \its dxX leceased aiid iii seeeijl'ri rit \arilets diffci eiies iii tfie table wer1e f iiiid ill 19T2 55lisi ilpihllltiIns wer'Ie applliedi. a 5 a ter hirst ilolill (as1 ill 971) to Sothern (loss aiiI Exiplor er. A scoil 11 opiii t~iiiig fli iliill\ 2-(,ilio-fiiiol-eil(caIi)liiicd,i(I (~ (9) illletll.\ iestei) ) elIi C'r155 planits 55 ti IT :3456 ibeiing molst eflectixc 1 I 1)5 ecX 'I ther e \xas 111 effect oil fi iitig bI\ Expioi ci philits. Rlesuilts lile dii naticlli illulstratedi hs tile, triltcsh zilld ill treatedi SoutihernI (loss pllits inl ti h or 1 flto. ' Ill mo flllctiils appearedi toi sIs\\ glosth oft thle oldiest fruit sx iihe promollting set ,iiir desvelopmient (If illore ilil mnatuire fruit. Ills ('St ill i1972 xwas dionel x\,itell frit oil it111 Iliigiit filX I' (slls'ld ill hIll iii III 'li treated1(1 phlts 11,15 in( l llIoI(' frlitiIll tile Noi. I titdis NI) 2 ',i/l'. XX flchli ae 4 ,i XI))I Il 'I Ccc\Coa i .i( iotr IiX o tilei d1(X ise[lse ' CttIX c l clis IcX (It t eal l Ii XX!))!) XXd iil'X l i fpt btiil fell))) till' dit of)lC' tel.Cr il l t\ o Xt ldt l il. ttlll itil l l XXiv XtiliCo ottil(IliC' oil'te tiiC Iui'C't 'il('IXs'X \dleiIXIilIt X cr ii IIIr Xpore fC'!!s oil ltl(Ii ku l iI (co illIll ill liilllt \ ill tvhic' ilIailIX 1 th4 Ci ll(i i fot XiIX X t ltC 1( cIle of il, ('(IC'!) a 1)11 (Ii i \\X l CII t de_ 1 The degree of control received from Benlate 50 W over the check is shown in this photo. pf litiit XX IS Xt 'I flls i4I eiC'X I Ctl l ue111ll' bot the XII i tl II' d XX!pclc. ofI X\sIIIC' !I i l \ IXil'cit till' 'lo H I I di' IIffpo c i tilC'Ilt ,Ills \fi erlb l p X tiIl ofI il'XX f 1(-\c le o isl r si' ( )I fill It11\\ XXit. II If i II hi '(IViciC is 11 I iselili I ll ' Cpreis i('tX Clled l It t lill' ('i X Xt.141'X Ili t 1 1 1 I l~Sore (XX 1114 XX tilll t(111 l i tIe peltl te till 11,11 it 11ldl hal' Longler Lasting Control of Pleanut Leafspot by U se of Systlemic Fungicides E. M. CLARK, Department of Botany orld Miciobicotogy Developrinent 001 o,i 0 ron Ieol lek 0 Days so'd Perocd l hr moistre 7 Doys ndefiite0' Xpore period dissemlOiaion 36 to 48Cr, Spores ont ,,0.,u formaoor n drmittenl /moislure This shows the time and moisture reiatit ships in the life cycle of the peanut leafspot fungus. IfHI till' I ( d. I cN l I I I(ft I I) )CI I hccI '1)1)1c'. eil ' p IC iitill ' M , T \ IIIiX f 4ci i dx el" s iliil'liI. l 'I effect.11 X IC FIC f I'ICICICi li ill X N l li)cti H l , of s\ s tf Ilic I lliI( icide ) I X li il lIftc tH hld 1 C o l(Ill('Iet, ilcidX* IH \\ er that ICIIX C Ilpdit er XX C'C'kX I \i t] C I')t I(- I('XX i I (Y tetiX Chc I (dt' nol igcd applH'h~ iH hiclIH (v jIlftio, I rtv 6CX F1 ((X til.s te(IC Iic 1111 i XX114 .tH Xiie v I (Hikec il g silli1d O\ (sseni ilgcd e light X li ine tiC X and i Be l'ti((i 50W I HI'\ CII(Ii ii{X tII i(C i ldX C:, dl C Xt Hil tioli H(IXI ~fI I'd)) IHI it\,(- IHI dilillthat's ililcl I cIIo I ik teX Xtilli f(ill i~C i I C (4) [ie l ) i~ t HicliHiltil tIhX ti ii p I Xtcj tlteil ssse lc b td e FEED COST represents about 50% of milk production costs. This makes it de- irable to reduce feed costs whenever possible providing it can be done without hurting production. Because dairy cows have requirements for energy, protein or nitrogen, minerals, and vitamins, but no requirement for a specific feed ingredient, it is possible to formulate satisfactory rations using dif- ferent combinations of ingredients. Costs of the different rations would vary ac- cording to cost of individual ingredients. Minimum cost mixtures that did not re- duce performance would therefore be ex- pected to reduce feed cost and thereby increase the dairyman's profits. Since prices of feed ingredients change, a study was conducted at Au- burn to: (a) determine if changes in prices of feed ingredients would be large enough to produce major shifts in the makeup of rations formulated by the least-cost principle; and (b) determine the effect of the resulting changes in ra- tion formulations on medium to high producing dairy cows when they were abruptly switched from one ration to the next. Feeding Trials Two trials were conducted, one with (,igh and one with medium producing cows. Within trials cows were divided into a control and a test group. Rations were reformulated monthly and fed to the test group. Concentrate ingredients and percentages for the control group remained the same throughout trial 1 (135-days) and trial 2 (110-days). The only restrictions imposed on the test ra- tions were: (a) using average ebmposi- tion values, the ENE must exceed 60 therms per 100 lb. of ration dry matter; (b) urea nitrogen must be 25% or less of total nitrogen in the ration; (c) mo- lasses must be 10% or less of ration dry matter; and (d) crude fiber must be 13 to 18% range. The roughage was corn silage in trial 1 and chopped Coastal bermudagrass hay in trial 2. Roughage and concentrates were combined and fed as blended rations. During a standardization period in which all cows were fed the same ration, cows used in trial 1 produced an average of 60.2 lb. of milk daily (41.4 to. 79.2) and cows in trial 2 averaged 36.6 lb. (29.0 to 55.5). At the end of the stand- ardization period the ration of cows as- signed to the least-cost group was /anged abruptly. Their ration was ... ?anged abruptly two other times during the experiment. The cows in the control group received the same ration through- out the experiment as that fed during the standardization period. Change in ingredients is a character- istic of least-cost rations. This character- istic is illustrated by the variable amounts of several feed ingredients that were in the test rations at different times. The percentage ranges of each ingredient in the least-cost ration formulations were: citrus pulp, 0-80; corn gluten feed, 0-23; cottonseed meal, 0-4; fat, 0-2.8; hominy feed, 0-35; milo, 0-26; molasses, 0-6; oats, 0-17; soybean meal, 0-7; urea, 0-1.2; wheat shorts, 0-30; and wheat bran, 0-20. Results Data given in the table are averages for trials 1 and 2. As shown, the average crude protein contents of the control and least-cost rations were similar. However, crude fiber content of least-cost rations RATION QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF TEST Cows Performance Control Least criteria rations rations cotrations Crude protein, % of DM 14.4' 14.42 Crude fiber, 0% of DM 15.0 16.84 Digest. energy, %... 66.6 67.9 DM intake/100, lb. wt. 5 4.2 4.2 Mean body wt., lb.. 1,211.0 1,202.0 Milk yield/cow, lb...- 49.1 45.0 Milk fat, % 3.29 3.44 1 Range, 12.5 to 15.5 % of dry matter (DM). 2 Range, 11.2 to 15.7 % of DM. 'Range, 12.8 to 17.5 % of DM. 'Range, 12.4 to 20.8 % of DM. 'Daily basis. Milk yield per cow averaged 50.1 lb. daily during standardization. averaged higher than that of the controls. Ranges in crude protein and crude fiber contents of the least-cost rations were greater than for the control rations. This deviation in the least-cost rations prob- ably resulted from differences between the actual composition of concentrate in- gredients and the average values as- signed to these ingredients. Average di- gestible energy was essentially the same for the control and the least-cost rations. Also, the average intakes of feed dry matter by cows were similar. Intake fluctuated more, particularly during trial 1, for cows fed least-cost rations than for those fed the control ration. Cows fed the control ration produced more milk with a slightly lower fat con- tent than cows fed the abruptly changed least-cost rations, see table, and the ef- fect was greatest on highest producers. These relationships held for both trials. Production differences cannot be ex- plained by differences in feed intake, digestibility of ration, or weight gains. Adaptation The concept of feeding least-cost ra- tions has merit, but it is not practical to change abruptly from one low-cost ra- tion to another. The change should be made gradually. Studies are in progress to determine the number of days needed to make the change from one formula- tion to the next without affecting milk production. For any type of least-cost ration pro- gram, it would be wise to purchase in- gredients on a guaranteed analysis basis because the chemical composition of a given lot of an ingredient may differ from the average composition for that ingredient. DAIRY COW RESPONSES to ABRUPT RATION CHANGES GEORGE E. HAWKINS Dept. of Animal and Dairy Sciences Raise CATFISH for FUN and PROFIT - - or NEITHER E. W. MtCOY and J. E. RUZIC P-i'd of Agri ultural E-onemics a-id Rural Socolo~y O t 1)100 BEHI I ii X I (ICi(ildli (i l i i1w 11) p lilatillI itl ril i iiii'lit'x Ill tile t'iiii ulhi iiiiilil iiii -titlititI Stateols limited 141111 m'iliN N,( l ii f ipepl \iti ll ilet To1 coi~i(N'' \% i i l lx* i li ied e li fixliii iii t\imi comx p lk' st an faidlitiem lit\ c ('iNti1d a tt i ii(ae bem ul l l eth ioiili ofte Ihal \T'th~ pc pli. If liit ' I iiC Iit n etii titll' a11 ( li t I t uldelge ldit ill ill j il(I Nhic It iii' fahiiw opportniNh te oceei illtot1 \% \" 1(11 ll(, ilst ill milil: hlii t erf xiiflo e\atci to illits teiildec (lii of~ tl( LIsta fex i. This lia hi t't'n ' o isvlh xl te tfili i . hixi 197)) ileiiloil-y witte qua ia.i h ,eodi oiiso i ile f iltllill t s 01 II d ll 11e I x o s Theiii diii 11(1 illcv s bv' the (ill i eTt'i ill Nt'e 1l1 il11II\ " til 1tre g ofIii. pAi \tIot l of I tx it,' Iitri poi1. liIsIii til' t') it'ee 5.o k d \ih b s ti ii i im ~ r 11)1 ('i itx i p111411(1 \ I t'tl I Ne t Il pliI ii f hav~ie xte flist te i tinit ial INfi o l pe ltr i lt' r 'e'ei'ed'$157.7,ll .dxh'l''tN ii- thti ('I i e )) po lidi s Ill il ll :ot N it' tii it. Ilit' I 11)1 i~ Ni it i4lii l ilit' 1t011tN it' lljil titllleiit s iii !0rw rictr iditx per poill.I ('x f is e li [iei I I II ii 'iti i ii xiii I o to xl\lt I \'Iil- Im \ lllmol lx sti0'xN, ~ of catchablsz xihx~. Th 97)) hl sz 1(111 N iriaic coittit Ne ld iclst IIt (it I (Nt I ill 10't li1i I \it I ttii ii 75252 65l.315 -320.85 2.59. 16 left Ntlg t il cc ii) usedI ti tttiiihe N atfh'I t-is to th sljil Lix e ''N i Iito bet' (liliNI llh~ ilI i Aiil~c ofix.\ i.A diin lvile iltil l ( front 1 caulilto (1141f i l 'ltl lo. l i 11)1' tiijlli ol U po u es e otd llk ti~ck hifll SetIsof hc ctionphl \lcuill fis or l xxt'it N tfitid xx k itli illli iot i i ll tlvi I 't I li ili' t'0l',e . l- 'IL INil t'N xxw 'c ot' ltcltfi leil'N i t'L lossli iililled 1 ) b it' somet lpi of vroix.i-e t ii fih(il hiittuiiii 01 lit it' Ilixel los Mi osltt N xx icit ill th NN1)1 id Iil I~tit' lt 101Sciltlt. A liiiiixilt iItilt' o fe d l i s ('ill' sil- tioi oI 1! 1(1 l('i Ii i sh liit i ti-v'vIt oll I I ii iii Ill t 1 lii'. /1 14 I (i itt' s ii t reli III Hi It li el I lit III Ioa iI lx I'ot ,11lici t Itili al: io dli i Th iis e f u o CdliiV xxlt orki.~ \x il t\ I 111(1 lo 1) tol tal~l iliet. till liii i~ l ito ii o p e iat s Ix t i. lisu- ill I ixiiii'i it l t e s per1111 h l ill m it c l bem il' ssd illi lixl iiix tolipe hloxt til dlxiilt (iig c ii ilit'tpix x oic. Fo t'i~ i it If h I lxxI a I i m It, tI l it'~ fite( \\o1111 iI kitf I il 2 os producii ittiion' tlit. lii' l(a fill ii'( lop(I of)10111 tit x 11111 t li Ii Calculati-ing Maodchine Capacity% o ochine working width, ground speed, and rield efficiency must be known before MaI- chine capacity can be determined. E. S. RENOLL, Department of Agricutural Engineering t-atiilatc Iiatclioe t'dpa'itx T] wi hi xt \Iitliiitl 1)1 iii,thet' sml at ix tse l ox ato att x tillx xx rl i' xtpiroiiai on.~xi ii i) I t'xilts ii10( oxux tihe lolloxx iiig fiiilil. .5280t X S X W\ X F 4:3,560 S x W' x F 8.25 \VI iei'e: 4:3,5 Examp I lii II 1, Fiieild i iI'Iit mx- SO Feit illit II 1111 60t Siquare feet per acre C: 4-i iix plat it 191. 36-iitli I iixxx Spee'd 4 1111)1 iel e((1tfitie ex' .7.5 iilii xxithii 12 It. I / 3 6 12 _S x NN X E S.25 4.:35 its' l )011 ixlOlittliii pro li i \\jlll)ti method iis txhi dili'tdlt oix ox iiilt'( xuggi'xt't esi ifat' of \ illest x 11 ii'iil i i ixelig ite l. tin i xxI'll xx Ili~nt l t shou'i ld litilil itd li tilillhig Iial ii x iic iill io ix loin i( \ilililr ill 14 11 illil tt Niit irx vi it xx ii iiitot otir I i lx x th (.1,11 11 i tll H\loxx, p .II j;tI ('il tiuid mI ('iv itt I of i atcku-(m ( 'itll/i ft ilixt i liti \\i ix ii~ke tdfi ii i tx O'Si) 0t's)) Wt) 0t. tS 0 0t.75 0.75 0.65i 0)7 5 0).65 0.65i ti6) 0.60it 0t. TO t.t60 0t t60 ilyi si l\liltilli l i ti s illi il ( 'its \lxx xxta S \ lin ill np Thi (olllii iisilc f1( fi)ed eliie miii Of 82.5i, )1 .82. N I ildiii le xx ith Sx 10 fitt x 12 t .36 il i 12 It . 4.8 at'rt'x 1(1(1 Nli'tiiit 2 tt'iiiix tii lix ii tilliati' till' il lilil IliltiO jiiio Ils t'pitod ut 4:3, STACKING vs. BALE SYSTEMS OF HANDLING HAY J. L. STALLINGS, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology W. B. ANTHONY, Department of Animal and Dairy Sciences E. S. RENOLL, Department of Agricultural Engineering L. A. SMITH, Black Belt Substation TESTS INVOLVING a comparison of stack with bale systems of handling and feed- ing hay have been conducted for two feeding seasons, 1970-71 and 1971-72, at the Black Belt Substation, Marion Junction. Based on results of the 1970-71 test, seven systems were tested or synthesized in the 1971-72 tests, involving four for steer feeding and three for cow and calf wintering operations. There were bale and stack system comparisons for each. Johnsongrass hay was used. Although the Black Belt Substation only harvested an average of about 475 tons of hay dur- ing the tests, costs were synthesized for System 1 (bales) - New Holland Hay- liner 277 Baler with New Holland Stak- liner 1010 for transporting and feeding. System 2 (bales) - New Holland Hay- liner 277 Baler with New Holland Stak- liner 1010 for transporting; pickup truck with two men for feeding. System 3 (stacks) - Hesston Model 30 StakHand with Hesston Stakfeeder 60 for transporting and feeding. System 4 (stacks) - Hesston Model 30 StakHand with Hesston Stakfeeder 30 for transporting and feeding. System 5 (bales) - New Holland Hay- liner 277 Baler with self propelled New Holland 1047 Stackeruiser for transport- TABLE 1. HAY HARVESTING AND FEEDING COST PER TON HARVESTED, FOR DIFFERENT HARVESTING AND FEEDING SYSTEMS, BLACK BELT SUBSTATION, ALABAMA, 1971-72' Cost per ton when average tons harvested per year are 250 500 1,000 2,000 Steer feeding systems System 1 (bales) $16.10 $11.09 $ 8.59 $ 7.35 System 2 (bales) 17.86 13.13 10.77 9.59 System 3 (stacks) 19.68 12.35 8.69 6.85 System 4 (stacks) 17.77 11.29 8.07 6.45 Cow and calf wintering systems System 5 (bales) $20.91 $14.68 $11.56 $10.01 System 6 (stacks) 15.31 9.77 7.02 5.63 System 7 (stem (stacks) 15.96 10.42 7.67 6.28 1 Includes costs of harvesting and feeding only. Excludes cost of growing hay and cost of supplemental feed. 250 through 2,000 tons for analysis pur- poses in order that farmers might be bet- ter able to assess the best system for their particular size of operation. This report will emphasize the 1971-72 results as the 1970-71 results have been reported earlier. 1 Seven systems were tested or synthe- sized for the 1971-72 season. The same hay conditioner and rake were used in all systems with adequate power available. Otherwise, different equipment for each system was as follows: ' Progress Report Series No. 97 and High- lights of Agricultural Research, Vol. 18, No. 4. 10 ing; pickup truck with two men for feed- ing. System 6 (stacks) - Hesston Model 30 StakHand with Hesston Stakmover 30 for transporting; self fed from stacks in the open. System 7 (stacks) - Hesston Model 30 StakHand with Hesston Stakmover 30 for transporting; self fed from stacks enclosed in collapsible panels. For the different systems, economic analysis indicated, as was the case in the 1970-71 tests, that the harvesting and feeding costs per ton were generally lower for the stack systems than for the bale systems, except at low average vol- umes of hay harvested per year for Sys- tems 1 and 2 for steer feeding, Table 1. However, when total costs per hundred- weight gain and per cow and calf win- tered were computed, costs were lower for the bale systems in 1971-72, as was the case in 1970-71, and for the same reasons - trampling and wastage, result- ing in more hay required per hundred- weight gain and per cow and calf win- tered with the stack systems than for the bale systems, Table 2. It appears from the tests over the 2 years, that if trampling and wastage could be reduced sufficiently under the stack systems tested, these systems could be the least costly methods of hay-mak- ing and feeding. Otherwise, losses fror trampling and spoilage can easily out- weigh the cost economies of the stack systems on the heavy Black Belt soils which were involved in these tests, caus- ing costs per hundredweight gain and per cow and calf wintered to be lower for the bale system. Collapsible panels around stacks in one cow and calf wintering operation, Sys- tem 7 did reduce wastage considerably, compared with the comparable system without panels, System 6, and appear promising as one solution to the tram- pling and wastage problem. TABLE 2. CosT PER CWT. GAIN AND PER COW AND CALF WINTERED, FOR DIFFERENT SYSTEMS OF HAY HARVESTING AND FEEDING, BLACK BELT SUBSTATION, ALABAMA, 1971-72' Cost per unit when average tons harvested per year are 250 500 1,000 2,000 Seer feeding systems System 1 (bales) System 2 (bales) ------ System 3 (stacks) System 4 (stacks) Cow and calf wintering systems System 5 (bales) System 6 (stacks) System 7 (stacks) $28.61 29.73 36.15 34.58 $34.76 47.30 40.41 $25.42 26.72 30.12 29.24 $28.90 38.32 33.21 $23.83 25.22 27.11 26.60 $25.97 33.86 29.65 $23.05 24.47 25.59 25.26 $24.51 31.60 27.85 ' Includes cost of production, harvesting, and feeding hay as well as cost of other feedc supplements fed. IU WX II(L~ Xlicl Encysted grouund pearls (1 )damage p!a-t roots, while egg masses (2) indicate that another generation is about to appear. Dam- aged lawn (3) was treated in summer 1969 ind showed much recovery (4) by 1970. ~i)l tll i t311111 i c \ 1,1 'I il I eck't (121211 cale d (oill d lliiilii s ix be11i4(llsi of Holc1(1 (liec ilnit ix xx LIeo dixti hiiillcti (pit, \% ili I i ( dl I l cli l l I i t pa Iii .n i, 1. 1.x li i lo l i' ti \ ))l Of ill( (.\S. 111ixi (lie lete iito tili plt loot The xli ii( till ill 14lit li is M a aodi In it'i j/,til i. i 0(i i't xtu h ii111 iipni L cife Aaail ilstor Lead "o soiileil li lt of(1 i ll( Si~ t1(1 ilt(, AH c lixtliol 1;1\\1( I I (111sse (lipe d x t di 1111 da /ot \ \l tirl .1s bllt. ((111xttriftx (t(. I('ii\-l "(g Ill 1l11 1w] o'x I pit li pearl pei r x liiilii Chemical Control Tried tiloI is. Ill 11111 text, jlli'(ic('itl' xxcr tot' iiiilt toii .1 ('Iltipeci{ lixxl ii t 'ilil hope ill Jilix t9t), ItilIme i 1111111 1(1 i)1)11 ix x,x Sathi( \i~r l w iltlllllllo spr(1 ilg 111((11x I'll'I 141i dalit\%Ac. ditexi ithill Ti l(lit 111(11 dl 12 tx ili it Ill it) 11 ,ii Dvlooat(1 1211). l i ix llledi( I 'lix lxr ii (ii i ce 41lx. i i tt1ill 111 x x1klllI ix x11 liii' Iaxx Ii xx lix 1 lli 11(1 ~itd ill 1971 ix' it hiaid ill 1969 1bel11ow (Itica 1111it. I li Il 1111llie oII 11) l a il l- 1,( I tlIoI di ii! liltk ilix ,lxl Results Suggest Action Needed tesxt xxer S21 iliolt lixd Hoi c p ictil se xi (1111 '1lice ii ,Ig ctsi 1(]l.it x g oiltx 1111112 coo-1 11111 call be o (lii'e l l Ii il 12 1111)111)1 it Ii 112(111(1111 (iilllg'. At [ici tx2 t dw lis Ito 111 i 11411I ixpi felm ll14111111 il'i pea l itio11. Sio1(1 ('1 it ix 1 of:ili ii I' '(1 for i'' 1"iiI lix lc tj tlli 11 1111141114I '1111 xx xtl illlxl'(lelliox 11114idw tilxlixllclts ilxx \lit i (1 ('l't xli( Methods Sought for Controlling Pesky Ground Pearls in Lawns COSTAS A. KOLISKOLEKAS, Depatmentl of Zoology-Enlomotagy RAYMOND L. SELF, Ornamentlt H'orticuture Field Station A0()I1ibtr/l 1111o))' IPilc P~~lwood Vil'/bill(J - - - AX EVALLA L7ION EJ.BIB/AS and YEN-MING CHIU Deporrntl of Forestry O I XLL NE\ I X W1/SLIS ]ilit ill flu' I, S.A. moveli tfiall 90'/1 '5 lX e ph XX alilli lf NiC\itli .1 11(1i shel/iIgC 11Il fl u t' Fll ear N aigo, pih \\ itwi' Ni/tillg XX INs p)rioducetdt Ctflu- NI IXllt the Wes('t ( iltlt ireti. f)Iilail fron 1111 0olgaitN flr. The' Sto if uth i 'lclitIXl produtces / ft flliil /attl X3.3' of the Nit 11111 itetIN Ill fuSSoo ili(iXftlillg. ft itai beenI estlitetd tiat fXf31) fli0t'e 5111o11tlltoIftf. 1111/fi tile illilst fliX oill tionfitlions IXittilolnt fot 59% ill tilt \a~titll's Nih tXXo hull fh \\O~d Backgroundl fthill atick.'e Summaizfs epetitigitIN results Nt/f iN ll/Iilil- \\ulolt IN he XbtlllifitN S bot p itter tiitltNN 'fll/tiNlc of fuiN e XX iiiti iti/tif fAti le /ll t't f i oii ll' stil tN t iN l p i llC S/l",li t it .)X ll' lN . Ii' h '. fi' Ifi is : g Il I Jit IIi t ' 2pi-ill SI lIll \ t i('N.\ tONIW ut iillt till i a 12ommlcuc \ih5pis xt ec cie he 'k i litiN it X , i li( ticik it' . It I Ils Iiiit wtl lt III ( (l h IS X i Ii m iIII iwt tIi I N iif Sol it I w [I II fI ll k ii' flX tX liltitt o,\ e tI I i I III fitin l costs of' .3- ' laitek tile itppriIiiIot'IX 15"" 055(1 tim thiose ot 5-1)1,\AtId lower( tftliii l, tIu&ilillttioii. Test Procedures Nite p/ioch 4 x S' ft., 12-ili-i ck, ofi 'butlet t iIX filit II) XXoo/l XXel( C II' OOtIiitt'i ll AifS Ill ( \\ oilill. A\IN ve11(11 \\its pee'ledi rin iii A iole tr~ fee of loll]()]]\ fulle ' Pjiliift/ ta.~ L. .All \eiit'eC lid for- the tooiiitioii of id] p)ikiwX ( aices, coresX ititi crossN h1811/I) \NilN Se'lectted Noi) AN to it of t'itil qfualit ,\ free horn ill] \ isibie tdefec'ts. A t olillt iil extcodiud~ plictiiilit reX/It \\it,, tiset \\ith 901) sIc a NJlte/ i CIM i) ( 1,000t Nif. ft. of tloilfift gil I li le ) fifoto boiiig id i t oi ('I. Pai tls \\cr preleCe 1111tN'iat lll telilpi' Atilie \60 5i] lfIN ps. fiii :3 mill1. ald ithe ilol t pr1essed \ itfi 20tt psNi. at 2,)5 F flol- (W2 tore. i( titt coltite room itt 10. 1 CtiielI 'i fi toll lO lieti Tel tit flIX d XXiill fctilelb \\er ('V it from1 echtl Xaol' ( 3 fptlllels x .3 till S1iltillX x It 90) NpeiiICIIN altolgetherl ('1(11 paraX lll to (ilitI ilclttill to liiNC f )tNX l'IX~illdnSD0-3 tittelIllil hu (illenliiollIll Ntablilit iNs \\Iell its fill p)111(1 Nfl. tests. Summary and Conclusions BesA ilt oXf thes t'it Aiicit th itillollu thlc~f lthe t (olS ile 3 fl 1 ' 1(All Nlfupill t illel l :_ 1- \rt'\ ll i el l jit ld telostt lt'NX ASII Nslilfilli lu tit/l thei 4-ph\ itot 5pl p h ileliel ICXalt llit'( XXt 1ff! cet gI ill oieitatio ill/Iaflil toi Nitil 1)1 periel(Icu'lAr toI, he joists) . Spc'fi'iIIX . at 16 /11. sfiliX. flii'l l Nfsiti-th i1111 Stilness of :3pv plXIiels alt afppIio\filltk Y" IliglhtI timl tho~se' tof -4p\ fliX flsI XXhile filC, laflttttlim cos (lit iof :3- p h~ il X 01( is aipfrl'imlatt'IX 5-': lessN. i/li il'cst tfilth LI tufiltl prories )ih:3p of 4-i-XI I CC 6iNl XfAIN llsttold 2Flexu XXal, lCttt (IX. stil/liv t I 'I Illace gill lillitioli : hiX ide Xiili X lf ll toit') o Ill) ioi e t0iuot ofi tilt .5- 1 )kX iN .i)iplroxillltt'I It)5, h ighfer'. Uses AI~l'though~l t'flh t ff1111 tfitut itil exibit i itifiC ita tiogetl. (ffit il iNl til al ti tle the \\X Iliilll lls it-' appearsi th1111 tis /IC Itoll ll ct tflttx it i ti,\troblemsiill XIitg I Ct tilt- floo I li' Sinie il iN tuli Nittits Iill g.X i 1' 1111Nt h lItl~ (ille It .11i i lt IN XXf tll It idl t't ap reiN aIle Xl ltilil l Stresselllis. liI ,1 Foti IliilfX tilllftX it,,ro foeithil't \lcr tICXi tr cillw s Nt 1,11 let I t i ii Itel l ilt 11,1 I i g t ill tliX oit i , (lti ilt le I iitill 11111 icost. Ration Fe--d to cowls Affects H-on Flies JOHN R. BOURNE attd KIR3Y L. HAYS, Department of Zoology-Entomology V T E XMBLxx t ott it a il fl\ix iat'icxx%. 'llt'c ai. nitiist plat' fot tiite tilt fix tol lixve, ait tfor tilt taiking. Alli the fix hals toi tIo is po1(;Ie xx itli its probotstis itli c(i lii stithilig blodtt, seldoin leaves t itx homtie. Oie c ep~cftioni is ti~ le~ix Is to LIt\ eggs -ill ft esil Ilitittire \x hut' it The fetuth' flies toia frteshi inimue pilec or intto it track andt Lits she it'i ros itisli eggs. iti'ill e iltti t itself. Silt' then ieltit us to tile hiatthli n ilit tie riti fix lats .te list' itt allt feetd betf orye Ili(iio tin o til st'oil1 tt pi pitte. stiages of tht' pesky hornt If fiv, ctitltittiellts of im tif t't i dt'ale itotant ce to ti e Ifix v. WI leti invxestigatted itt Aktirtt resechli otitili tf, (ill tis 5ctasc, itmigt age eatein) wi ts foun iid tot Johnsongross vs. Peanut Vine Hay A~ graite IHerefttrtd stt'' c ait Aitgts-Ilicref ttolltsttigt lss ha\s lilt the Atnitits-Ilieteftuti go ihl5 F'eetds xx ti't rexvcised iii til' stecondIl tt'st, fortd gtttittg peictit xvitte ,tit tilc Aigits-Illert' stit Igiass i a E ith steer- xx axaos eto\(diall] tilt ealt andlt dinikiiig xxa~ter it ss aailble Itt all tice horin flies xxs mI ili itiiued iut tile i.Itr~ittorx, to r 1i1t' ill tile te'st. FLflet'ts tof tiittx tei ' t'Itinitttd its gi iio.m 1IMIfItt Collecctd tirctl tll lt'e test steel' at c steerlxxwcie steer xxit led ith tile IHere- ttr'i fetd ilI li x lie xx tiud s. A ctottxv of iit lit flites ill 's. Dr\ x sxttti Prc1(. t Pupa~t~ litlti \lcilsll-cin ilt(ilt, hlt pcitod 1 dxx\ 6. 9 6. 8 Pct. of plipit plodll( ing, adidts Nollilt Inalc t\. Adult lcill;lle it\. \\ ( , i 1_11 I t , I I I _,, . I ti tI ) lI h~ 1-cl I l d l6t 5 I. ti7 S 0.2 YlI 8 901.0 1)5.5 II T 4 4.7 6.:' , 48 I. iitti tile' eggs wtere placedt't ill tihe iniixtliie Afteri the eggs liatelieti, tlte titys of mauat e xx rc citii-iid hilily to observec gi oxx t of tile hlu sac. \\1leu all lu xil htcia puipated they wer crctecoxveired, 501 xcie xx cighcd,. id all] \\ eC]( hicit for ciuci gettee of' the adutlt. Einci ced adutlts were't it tt's~tiii't xxitli carbo d)1 ioxide and 1 \x (iglicti. Thec per- Flies Showed Differenices ',ilc (111(1eta. e sioxxeti ipl iilt oi th. ie huut i flies, fax uriitir 11ji ealilit vtine ]lit\ mattire. I hunt flies t ixc'd ini tis iomitre wecre aI lavs I iasicr iii the ptipal statge tian th iose hii i the m a ile of joht I onIgi xfei tei TsxxxtIti It g iless of xx hic eb leitlxittec ieIlX.isx oxi ita il tile tale. Tue fly's pupal period \\it asxli ghtly loll get. xx iteit feti onl feces fti ii jtiliis~lgrilss hitv feedintg tilt if c, cit iii ituttire from peamlit x\iit'( ii~y. Pupae froint jthtsmtiIgrass )lit\, fccs xxe c hearacecristically Ii gitt broxso itwxile those from pcili tit vinle hayl feces wxere tIx kax reddtish hiroxxwn. A gireater pecenitiage of achi its x inerged frotnt 1 plme rised tol iatture ftomt xteers led pealtit li \x tia thact fronit joii xx pox cits ~ stiltgiass i t feeditng, regarles ofi cx i xhit'1 xteer- coots(inl 't I [tlt i i t lel the hay. F m nlle liotrn fliex xwcie a lxx axs hceilviei atit litlt) tile co(lx's skitlt tihani the uiaics, diexpite tljfleici ces to uotlT itt xxiiicit tile xxerc ralisedl. I It~xx cxc, iniaunie fromi tile fleitl Vilc Iloil adiutlitti t ix prodiuced litrges t flies of' 1both sexes -iec ardless oIf' xxhich ildllt ori fi steer- ate tile iiaIx' )attfetaiti Altihtugh cieinicaii toiihs ecrc iot madite oil tile nilii stila t'iail tmn 0pitrisot of it tritixve I valoe of the rtiio gt'xe inigilt htell) assIs tiiieiit exiplainI sizc ailc wxeight difieretlu'x of tue ihorin flits. Ii 'ix~ ine t getne ral, jol itstatgrits haty is abotit 50'/ digestiible ilnd c pea- pic g thil l Iitit viie I av ai b iout .58%~.' Ini dditio it, t oilitsoilgiass iiv coo-'il -()\N The cggs tills onIly :3.4% proteint inl conialisot I xxitli itiiit I t% ftor it i c llil 1111 peiainut vii a. hay . N itrtige fte et'txtt lcts fto ti lwt txx tila c i tit the samn)e. FThits, tl(,heiighe pco 1 itin tuit en t oif, tiil, tis idea \x\its tile hiost cowx ittfet't gitxxtit Sttitit i i t IFP(I DH xAND lltist AN.xI i i till llttixit haitotobttio itrioatis xL) M AIZE DWARF MOSAIC is a common and often damaging disease of corn and sorghum in Alabama and several other states. The disease is caused by the maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV). Typically, leaves of MDMV-infected plants show a mosaic pattern of normal green-colored tissue alternated with ab- normal light-colored tissue. Red to pur- ple discoloration of foliage also has been associated with MDMV infection, par- ticularly in sorghum. These symptoms or responses of plants to infection by MDMV are obvious. To better under- stand development of viral diseases, re- searchers at Auburn University and other institutions have been determining what plant processes are affected such that these symptoms are eventually expressed. It has been found that MDMV infection affects a number of physiological pro- cesses including photosynthesis, respira- tion, nitrogen metabolism, and element accumulation in corn. One aspect that had not been studied was the water status of the infected plant. It was suspected that MDMV in- Change from healthy, pct. +50 -0 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 2 3 4 5 6 7 Days after inoculation 8 9 fection had some influence because in- fected corn and sorghum in the field and greenhouse appeared to wilt less than healthy plants. Experiments were con- ducted to determine if transpiration or loss of water vapor by MDMV-infected corn differed from that of healthy plants. The water status of MDMV-infected and healthy corn seedlings was com- pared in several tests in controlled en- vironment chambers. Infected seedlings were obtained by artificially inoculating them with the virus. Healthy seedlings were treated in identical manner except they were not inoculated with the virus. Transpiration and water deficiency of healthy and infected seedlings were measured on plants growing in soil under conditions of adequate water availability and also under stress conditions where plants were not watered for periods of time. Similar determinations were made on plants in liquid culture. The fre- quency and degree of opening of stomata in leaves of healthy and infected seed- lings were also determined. Regardless of conditions under which plants were grown, the rate of transpira- tion was lower in MDMV-infected plants than in healthy ones. Data obtained from an experiment in which plants were grown under stress (water withheld from beginning of experiment) are illustrated in Figure 1. The initial increase in tran- spiration rate of MDMV-inoculated plants probably was due to damage dur- ing the inoculation process. Mosaic symp- toms appeared in inoculated plants at 5 days after inoculation. By 6 days after inoculation, transpiration of infected plants was reduced by 40% as compared to healthy plants. All healthy plants were wilted after 9 days without water; MDMV-infected plants remained turgid. Increased water economy by infected plants was also indicated by the fact that water deficiency was less in leaves of MDMV-infected plants than in healthy plants, Figure 2. Water Status in Virus- Infected Corn Plants D. W. LINDSEY and R. T. GUDAUSKAS Dept. of Botany and Microbiology O 4 th leaf Healthy * 4 th leaf MDMV *] 5 th leaf Healthy * 5 th leaf MDMV I 2 3 4 5 Days after watering Fig. 2. Water deficiency in healthy and MDMV-infected leaves under increasing water stress. Reduced transpiration of MDMV-in- fected plants did not appear to be the result of reduced water uptake by roots. Nor was it due to fewer stomata since leaves of infected and healthy plants were found to contain approximately the same numbers of stomata. However, leaves of infected plants did show a greater resistance to air flow through them than did those of healthy plants. This indicated there was a reduction i stomatal apertures in MDMV-infectec leaves. This was confirmed by direct ob- servation of stomata in epidermal strips from leaves. Strips from healthy leaves had more stomata completely open than did strips from MDMV-infected; more stomata in the latter were closed or only partially open, see table. These results show that MDMV infec- tion influenced water status of corn seed- lings apparently through an effect on stomatal transpiration. Increased water economy by MDMV-infected plants is not taken as a "beneficial effect" of virus infection because of the overriding detri- mental effects of the virus on other proc- esses. Stomatal closure may be a contrib- uting factor in reduced photosynthesis associated with MDMV infection. FREQUENCY OF STOMATA AT VARIOUS APERTURES IN EPIDERMAL STRIPS OF HEALTHY AND MDMV-INFECTED LEAVES Stomata condition Strip Partially Com- Closed pen pletely open open Pet. Pct. Pet. Healthy------- 6 30 64 MDMV- infected --------- 24 38 38 Relative water def. I - 2- 3 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- to- Fig. 1. Average change in transpiration of MDMV-infected plants from healthy plants. 14 I ? " : L ' I .... APPROXIMATELY 60% of milk mar- keted in the United States is sold under SFederal milk marketing orders. In 1971, 141,300 dairymen delivered 67.9 billion pounds of milk to handlers regulated by Federal orders. Regulated markets are located throughout the United States. These market areas included most of the major population centers. Alabama is one of the few states where Federal milk orders are not in effect. However, some producers in the State ship milk to han- dlers who are regulated by Federal milk orders in adjoining states. Price instability for milk in the 1930's, which threatened the adequacy of high quality milk supply, gave rise to the Federal order program. In planning pro- duction to meet the year-round consumer demand for fresh milk products, dairy- men needed reasonable and stable prices. The Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, the enabling legislation, states that prices established under or- ders must -"reflect the market supply and demand for milk, ensure a sufficient quantity of pure, wholesome milk, and be in the public interest." Provisions Milk handlers in regulated markets are ( equired to pay the same minimum price -. within each market for milk, follow cer- tain marketing practices, and make re- ports to the market administrator. Whole- sale and retail prices for milk products are not determined under the order but are established by competition in the market place. However, in a few areas where both state and Federal orders are in effect wholesale and retail prices may be fixed by the state agency. Minimum prices which milk handlers pay producers are established in each order. Classified pricing of producer milk is used throughout all- Federal orders. Milk used in fluid products, such as fluid whole milk, skimmilk, chocolate milk and buttermilk, is placed in Class I, the high- est priced use. Milk in excess of Class I which is used in manufactured products is Class II (or additional lower priced classes). Prices are established for milk of 3.5'% butterfat content and adjust- ments are made in price as butterfat con- tent may vary from 8.5%. In some mar- kets- with large supply areas location price differentials are applied to pro- ducer milk. Class prices are determined monthly by formulas. The Class II or manufacturing price is based on a na- * onwide market for these products and ! 2 ries little among markets. Class I price in most markets is set at a specified dif- ferential above the Class II price. The size of the differential is determined by historical data and comparisons with other markets. Month to month changes in Class I prices result primarily from changes in the Class II price. In addition to pricing provisions, each order provides for pooling returns among producers (either marketwide or indi- vidual handler), definitions, and a sys- tem of market administration. Since mar- kets have individual problems, orders may be adjusted to fit the particular needs. However, with increasing size of milk markets in recent years, order pro- visions are being coordinated. Need For An Order Purpose of the Agricultural Marketing Act is to establish and maintain orderly marketing. Certain marketing problems are indicative of disorderly marketing and suggest the need for a Federal or- der. Examples include the absence of an effective system of classified pricing, un- dermining of prices of producer associa- tions by handlers, unequal bargaining strength between producer groups, price discrimination by handlers in purchase of producer milk and lack of market in- formation. Price competition between milk moved across state lines and in state milk supplies has been a factor war- ranting Federal regulation. Establishment of Order The order program is administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Usually a proposal for an order is made to the USDA by a producer cooperative association who represents dairymen sup- plying milk in the marketing area. A summary of the steps is: (1) Pre- hearing discussions are held by the USDA to learn of the need for an order. A proposed milk order is drafted and presented to the Dairy Division for study. Meetings are held with dairy groups to discuss Federal order market- ing. (2) A public hearing is held to re- ceive evidence about economic and mar- keting conditions relating to milk in the proposed area. Producers, handlers, and consumers may present testimony at the hearings. (3) If the evidence justified a market order, a recommended decision is prepared by the Dairy Division. After review and possible changes resulting from requests by interested persons, a final decision is made. The final decision includes a statement of findings, con- clusions, and the complete order. (4) Producers vote to approve or reject the order. The order can go into effect only upon approval in a referendum by vote of two-thirds of the producers voting. Producers may vote individually or in a bloc vote through cooperative associa- tions. If an individual handler pool is proposed, three fourths of the producers voting must favor its approval. (5) If a favorable vote is received, a final order is issued by the Secretary of Agriculture and remains in effect until suspended or terminated. An order must be terminated at the request of a majority of producers who supply more than half the milk for the market. 15 FEDERAL MILK MARKETING ORDERS LOWELL E. WILSON Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology WHEY SHOWS POTENTIAL FOR USE AS LIVESTOCK FEED INGREDIENT W. B. ANTHONY, EDWARD M. ALSTON, and JERRY D. MOORE DepartmeofAnimal and Dair Scieiices () ti-whil aloilloomill salts. Plodmts coil- famow, tibout 60-75", crude protein (IlliVillul.t ( (11, N m atter bil. is I resulted Io t It is proc-ss \x ith cottitge dwese I[, \% its slio\x 11 below: IN -I11 H Ii ' xx( i )U \I xF I I ibilliltl lit. ttf it -is thlitpel ilinliillx itetixie itO silt list, tof it. Hig Ii 1 iil a' cetttntt ( 9 4", ) is i aji tittett..tt tox tis xx \\ex\ Muttch i's hellt 1)1 ies% x'Im ixttexx tt'ei 11ieli tht make itfile to twtxextract itx hex prtittd iite ii ia ,sted itl li ttI i ti ittttitjofx dutt k'p ilt' smal pl'xili4 slxu tt~el ax i i x0111 '.tx IlIttitt' poesa tie wiix ('1ii cx lt-Il \litt ob iit t ilt ec it itt14 ,t i ti eolil i all N1 xxait i t o ,tit iiitt 11 Cti x i xid ittxt t otil herit 1:.325 14.63 18.401 201.41 F~inatl lthli tie!. 6:3. 67 75.0)8 72.14 60.)26 1"itowita Nol68lic 168l- 168i 168i xxc hexx\its blendted xwithi other iligri t lambs tilt ltits xweax itliuttofI h the eottli ixe' 11eal, itx xlttxxl 1) \x diata ill the ott1 i.iiloixttllt \r It pt' ol c hrllet xdried Eliit liaxzis lteti ile to tiexvelop PERORM NC xF LA B ittEED Cox Itt AF\EM F N - 11i t AMt ) Xxixiiim \IF C (:111 I \\illiiN Hiltioi I hlitid -+ xx l ( Ierilii'itu't al glllt.\ III klit it imiiitt lat ' I ll o ex he Tlw tttI' ni c ieid tijll ( tl Iiate1( o 11(1 dr i titt ltil\ ti \ l ritti x l h ex-t epot I e t f )eti rtx Tix Ixte (I t'&'( h ltI't of ti t o I ti ierr1etitt1111111\1 xx~i ixxt kiliial si)il .011.1 lo I~t' mixe f'. ee s ttitt xxhe intake/ ititttix in taike 1.016 0.3 0 .3 1 :30.365 .10 :39.48 'x i IIIcII I cIt iLl I o Ilea tdaty (;tttttt 0I 14. I.I 21-78 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION AUBURN UNIVERSITY AUBURN, ALABAMA 36830 POSTAGE PAID R. Dennis Rouse, Director U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE PUBLICATION-Highlights of Agrictuural Rexearch 3 '73 10M ANWI 10 Penalty for Private Use, $300