HIGHLIGHT of agricultural research ', [ 1) if i F At " Agricultural Experiment Statin AUBURN UNIVERSITY '4 ' '4 ~ 4 ~$A~ ~ .44 '\J'V L A 4 ~7 '"/ Art 3f~ Al d' - ~ 4 oV \ ' -,- - -v se NEW STATION DIRECTOR APPOINTFD R. D. Rouse Promo ted to Top Post in School of Agriculture- Agricultural Experiment Station on Retirement of E. V. Smi'th R. D. ROUSE Soi. i m~ii l Hit D N I i t .*XtE i l t iii ylii l' l I) ca ii i lt fin )rcc ig Schoo of AlI 'X iiictit I \ ii A(,] w il t )1iitilll tati on 7 i ' lti'i f~ito h i l ui ,txxjxtttllit welilt o iiiti xliii ii't) i nlr re41), ch ii 1111 li f ii t xiii io' I i lxl1I11 11((i111l ii (tIIIiiii Ili i l d 1(1~ t7 ftit so itx li Ilix l ali x Asiii '. x t Ii uit f l -t he~tI iffil t sit \l ' it ( ii )s7 til-l ig I l 1 ? i t ii till \ iit t e aill i liii xxili ii (liic o1f t .w\ Hi tl. xx 1 lx ol: tittd t ille A ith tot iif~lll S,)itit itti li111lilt it \ i, all ait a t x. ~ s o tld S i .w lit l 94 . 1 iiit ti l i.it "l iii l ix 111 ietl itil xx d l- i ii coix t ill i l x d w11i x it x'l ''I 11111i ia i) lii x' x ti it' lab ii i , alt 11 x \\ illi tuuitht he Stitt(, Xliti ofi A1,1 Xx l'tur I IIit( I I i i ii itt' xx tiii iii i I l ptill it Itiited,1 1 ,t 1i~u I I Iit I is, Ic 111)1 iiti loi !id tI I( i It lxi ijj -I \s() I )ii i', tt I I I)I- IL tIIis is~ x Aso iate \X eso ill tH. IVXL11wl I liti )' tt'il\t I I i r cit o l ritU (I tid C I I x (Io\ i l" I i ? i si Ii 'i I II' (fl 'l f llii stccti/jli lxl ile Wilftt) u lltilII ( 1 r c ii c i II is i .11(1 A Ii t I fi it jI i(l tIt (Itir hisif Px Arsicniilit11itil Rliesearchl l FALL 1972 () \i. FxI. Slxlxlil'x 1 \ 1 (i xxxI v H'. I '. l x I xoN \ VOL 19, NO 3 X xixtt it t 1)il oi. l *f liti) NXxxtil c~ P Illilil AxA.fiitl of.ljlil Hot, i tlil x 1Axxl (o iits cc B. I IIuf xx, ii itiw N. Bovu."i:o, Assi~tanf JPj tftsstir of PoltryII Sci( iuc; C. C. KING;, joi., Asso citt Prtofcs Xo if A 7rotitoiii alid Soib;, AN E. . N IAxx'. ON THE COVER. Stocker calves grazintg small grain-clover pasture at the Gulf Coast Substatian, Fairhape. A (IllarterlY relmit of luscill-C-11 I)lIbli.shed I)\ thc A(Irricultinal Elyerinicia Statioii (;f Auburn t'iiivvisitY, Auburii, Alabitniii. SO ~2. '~ Small Grain - Clover Grazing for Stocker Calves R.' R. HARRIS Dept. of Animal and Dairy Sciences XI idR IX I l(it ('I(i'(loti XXme .it] es Xgat ithe Gilt cr foils I )I]]1 ig it I(((lit :3-\ cilr it lookX 196 ) -T 1I) t Illlmi (-iI) ps tI I) p tii i ?tili' ofI 1 .80(1 i. hdiik foit I 1fdii\ pc juil \\ lhell pils towsI XXe ('C tiitki'ti at 1.22 Steersl per' dcli'. C akesX froii tilis g'ail w~CIR pro i(Co ; ild lli(i(t camlsu \XI' XI(i siaIlgi - tii111 ci I u iiiXX all i 6 ii lit tiiinl li ii pe iiid. I t'i'ji'(llg c II siI I (((lt sliXXIIIXe ll l i'll IX d bi 1 ) i t(.~ t11111i'til ( la tc hiI \XIXll I ilii ill i \a I 965 dlii 199.ltll II toX iojw('a thli (I XXIX t 1t I iii tol l l t i( fl i'. III iXa ll lii\ Ietel ] L it 'I ll )t ( ,iii I i li (lil \\iI1 l oi ii(' i l iti lloill i gI S fiien to: pe i. )1 t i' II I I i oi. 1tillo oa tli~ s l o I.iil '11 11) ofIi X Ii riiss ( i I t 11ii .(It ( .to\I I (1(1 it i I l Ite (1111 X ii.~ it 7 lii .l i /il .. I i Xait' ll XX \ 'I .t all t I ll lii H. F. YATES and N. R. McDANIEL Gulf Coast Substationi C'iolit'XXI ilt XIalliiti'r. sec till. ti iliIIlla t iil, I iat i l ./lIi C~iiillt pe i l 'tl h tl (11111 flld ilit. aiiit iipp1111t'IX iii i tlihit' IXth ' i t'iii Il5 XI iii hi ti S Xi' lly to XX IX .2 loit -tt t ii It2 11).i of l itiij wlIt Ilt i we d .tt l'id of iIiX Xuch I ill S ll I (X v Ii' Sll Xiil i ' (1 X/iXli. o t II Inl Grohl~ piihiase I )at\ X A II11. Dor\ lit fuiishiilgo I ),I\ AD (; 11). F~cci i IXXt. gill lb., ('ii II" _rdc itI . no1. V S DA (:IioL( I. 3L S (;wd (,rol'u I -fish cluIIiit'I Feed'i S (XXI N ii I:ll li ii lg I.i I 5 2.29 911 IS 10) bh Sd il t- 2.21) 99 1 20.24 17.7 0 ' Blciidcd inj\titrc coii ktcd ()1 691 ' _,twiii(I sllclh d (,olll, 201 (11*,t , ha\, 10, SIM. .5', salt .51 di(alcinin phosphatc. silx-,c cIiw_,t-d ((I $N:3 ),T. patuic ((I acit-, blended fittt(-uiiit inixtuiv (a S58.98 T. lor" "P inimcabia a ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES ON -REAL PROPERTY TAXATION A 'a HOWARD A. CLONTS, JR. Department of Agricultural Economics aind Ruirat Sociotoai, i i lt Xi X I \x ri pktt Itt' i XX it ill II litiX ill rose 5 X (itt' it Xlht I I(. tI m t i i \ i c i i ittI l"t XitI Ils it . X i s \\' i c (it It i i I ('I ti )l cI \ taw, iii ica1' lii popu t' tt Ii lainsi, i I Il t'tllld forI iXX'X iit' it~ XXlw i l c\ 2 . t ii~d it s i' l ilt s \\ ittt i ll O wlt'i it'iit' ot Tl l ascsltnat cie sse se t Prcures il ilo m iild tai iio iX~'Xittlll ilxl XXocr lt'xtin itiis Att xs' t pis i Ii l iii X1.' 1111 r o ld~ d ltl lt lp c li a s si c i *~ I. i 111ijti x llsu )t itl ike a Xit i~ ii lxx itt \atItI T it\ I,, iii lt )IT t hist'X XX I'll'(. ll'i w~t.Fo illpe alace fLld c ti 4 iid t ft( tiii-e a t f$ 0 ii sc s d a 0 I I i i Xi it It n i it ii s ss I I it II ) t i lil I.~' i til lit itt i I tt't't' IX I i 1 l's i i ti t ii i tlwi Nilel'N itilttX p1tltliti Ile\ itN s O illett ]lth t ma I i t iii It it 0 it it hei \i tttl i t ill 8200 liotr igicttitilt'a I It I~ t't'tt'ti p i i 'i ) t t 11 1 ii ,titiiIi aIstt'l li 1 t i a i I it t'i I I 1 I IiI I i 'I x I- i I fiI- i I 'Ii ) I Ii \ (Ii I, i I i IXIst tI ,I XI '52 H iI ( to its fail Il i t v i X I I o\ \ I tax ])ii 2 \ ci s v l ctl \i~itiniz,i 15-2.5-:11' :17.50 6i2.50t 75.ti0 5. (h) It T'i 15I acilAkxi loap lc or~d lta lo This early March scene shows somewhat more forage from seeding rate of 10 lb. (left) than 5 lb. per acre (right) on Coastal sod. I'lil) %%()iiK (Im'sn't ilk\a N s 1)il\ , Fol c\aIllph" plillitilw ochi 11 1 o\\ leal do\ cI ill ( oilstid hcT lolldiwl ass od thc - cas\ \%it\" Is :ill "Ood as llsilw Ilitrdel loctliods. kesolts ( )\(,I :3 at thc Piedoloot slibstatioll sho\\ed that broildcastiog )ochi secd oil closek illo\\cd ( oilstid sod (,Io\1(.l. Siloiji[I to diskinir b(lore plinaiii(r. D iskiii-, tit(, sod \\ its act I ]id k I litrill I I d, si I we i I c 1 wouraged ced "ro\vth ill F:%perilocilts \% ('I c c.stilblished oil ( :oitstal bernolda sod (1111 im, 000her ill cilch of :3 cin s. ["oil; mido ti-catincOts erc used 0 ;1-iiss cut dosc alld hca\ diskim, \\ ith lill-c tractol dolible-disk. " 0-iiss (-lit dose ;iod light cutthig of sod with dkk. " (;]-;Iss cut clo'se illid ilo diskilw " (;1ilss I(At 6 to S ill. tit]] itild IM diskill" ,licatioclits \\clc imposed oil oc\% "lits" iticas cach ikutlIT)III its \%('I] it,, of] the old illcits. Scc(lim-, iittes of' 5 iind 10 11). pci itcre (11, illocilLited scill-ified lichi Irro\\Ieilf were lised \\itII 11 d 111w ('d 11, w ph 51b /'I Oib/a 51.10 1 I /a 51b/o101b /. 51b /a101b /a Cut clo se, Cut close. Cut close, 6 to 8 In, heouy dskinfl5 ight d~sk~ng no0 disking 00 dl,Xt5I5 Effect of sod treatment and seeding rote on Yuchi orrowleaf clover forage yield. Hatched area of bar represents forage pro- duced by mid-March; entire bar is total annual yield. Dry forage per acre. lbo 6,0001- 17/77 4,000 2,000 Easy Establishment of Yuchi on Coastal Bermuda Sod HOVELAND cin R F mcCORMICK, JR. D ( fiI~tcint o Aq .~r ..... -d Soils E L MAYT-' P,X , I c I 'dX Ii i ..d l - ii J 1 , ,Ii1x , t I , '' ! i , , 11 ] : \11 til ;[ l fi JOIN "I itt 1t' X1i'l iit ' Xmlii ] XX \ IX Li te ( i i I t o \\fl c\ e' l X (I \ cOt How sod treatment at clover planting time affects forage yield of Coastal bermudla is shown by these comparisons. 4,000 3.000 2.000 1.000 Cut c lose. Cut close. Cut close, Cut 6 to 8 in. heav y light no disking no disking disking disking CONSIDERABLE CONCERNis being shown for "career education" in the Alabama public school system. The prime goal is to prepare students for a successful work life by increasing their options for occu- pational choice. Today traditional school programs aimed at providing occupational informa- tion are being challenged. More spe- cialized kinds of career assistance are being demanded which center around the types of barriers students visualize to their career attainment. What kinds of occupational career goals are desired by high school students? What barriers do students identify as preventing the achievement of their de- sired occupational goals? Data pertaining to these questions were obtained from twelfth grade stu- dents attending a sample of 18 high schools in both rural and urban areas of northeastern Alabama. Questionnaires were administered to 1,200 seniors in 1972. Students were asked to indicate their occupational goals in terms of the kinds of jobs they would most like to have and to indicate any barriers that would make it difficult for them to achieve these goals. Occupational Goals More than 2/5 or 43% desired careers of a professional type. The most com- monly mentioned professions were in the health and education areas. An addi- tional 7% aspired to glamor occupations usually assigned to the professional cate- gory. These included such occupations as stewardess, professional athlete, model, and astronaut. Clerical and sales occupations which attracted a disproportionate number of girls were a far distant second as a career choice. Sixteen per cent of the students were oriented to such occupations. The majority identified a secretarial career as OBSTACLES of YOUTH in REACHING ADULT GOALS J. E. DUNKELBERGER A. B. PRATT H. V. CULPEPPER Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology their goal. The predominantly male oc- cupations of craftsman and foreman rep- resented the career goal of 12% of the students. The most commonly mentioned skill (4%) was that of mechanic. Semi- skilled jobs such as machine operator and truck driver or service jobs as fireman and policeman were desired by 12% of the students. Manager or proprietor type occupa- tions were the career goals of 10% of these youths. Among this group were 3% who desired either to own or manage a farm. The desire to be self-employed was indicated by only a small portion of the youths interviewed. Barriers to Career Goals Students responded to six barriers often identified as obstacles to the at- tainment of career goals. The barrier most commonly perceived was lack of experience (29%). This was followed closely by the barriers lack of training or education and the large number of people desiring this kind of work who compete for the available jobs. Also, some students revealed an awareness that the kind of occupation desired was not to be found in their present locality (16%) and that this would force them either to move from the local area or to seek another career. More than one-third (36%) of the young people desiring clerical or sales careers indicated competition from too many persons seeking these kinds of jobs for the available opportunities was the major barrier. Within rural areas and small towns this assessment appears a most realistic one. In addition, 44% of the aspirants to clerical or sales careers saw the lack of experience as a critical barrier. About 20% indicated they be- lieved there was a shortage of such jobs in the area and that they lacked the education and training to achieve their 1,20 seiorsin xperent career goals. These young people were the most pessimistic about their potential for career success. Youth desiring skilled and semi-skilled occupations also expressed considerable pessimism about their chances to attain the blue collar jobs they desired. Here lack of experience was seen as the most pressing concern with education and spe- cial training ranking second. A lack of education was mentioned most often with too much competition for the available jobs and lack of experi- ence also seen as barriers by more than 20% of those desiring professional ca- reers. Young people desiring to enter careers as proprietors or managers generally vis- ualized the fewest barriers to their goal achievement. This is explained by the fact that many of these young people have identified their career goals with family businesses such as farming and small companies where they have a sense of security about their potential for ini- tial entry into their chosen occupation. In a more positive sense, 17% of the students were optimistic enough about their career chances to indicate that nothing would prevent them from achiev- ing their occupational goal. Greatest optimism or confidence was seen among those desiring careers as proprietors or managers (including farm owners). The least confidence was observed among those desiring careers in the clerical or sales area. It is interesting to note that less than 20% of the students desiring to enter professional careers appeared con- fident that they would achieve their goal. This may account for much of the indecision observed among college stu- dents as they change from one course of study to another and to new career goals. Implication The divergent needs of individual stu- dents with different career aspirations cannot be satisfied effectively through counseling programs of general occupa- tional information. Help for high school students in defining potential barriers they might encounter in attempting to achieve their desired goals is a major contribution that counselors and other school personnel can provide. Assisting students consider barriers in proper per- spective and to develop strategies to over- come or avoid these is the prime chal- lenge. In order to accomplish this end it is important that the counselor be aware of the students perception of the barriers to his career goal and work with small groups of students who share simi- lar perceptions of goal barriers. BRUC 9 A. 14 CRIMSON and 1UR T -iP TWO )ISFASI5 RF]SISTANT P1LU MS Jut NORTON, Department ot Hlorticultu~re L t IIIIX)\ \NID [It 11111A ii tXXIo IIX plinn \ itrieltX is ill (optedi I ti he (1111(ii 1,1 , I I i Iritti II Ii i tli 1(11 lco IX.- iii II lo lI'Mil illX ili C il liotdwll( I l ill iltiTlw i etXX 1 1 ;1 ei IX '0 lil C XX IXil (i to (r l c til o t X iii sp titi I' XIXliw i Io tl i iXlr I olii i ill~ li. F~ w r es itnt PairIIetsisa Xt l till. dk(i illis II i t X iti on IlXI(X 111(1 kigh lllilliX ii- leii i \i to iC rt lltyiahX \ir"tK -0 ilx dI'coIril it IIXIIII I lII 2. 'XL itKI i ii Iq 'ij I X i ii Xi l :1 S ioi( .iI 131 illti l BI I i ~ I Ii SlitkLX Li 9 12 P0. M'l I'. Pt IF Xiil :3. 1)1,X[ XXI IlIi X X, I i \ (Ii )IP'l. \V \o 111 s VXill liet lit tIwoX CI11 iilol 131LII tc ] fill liiItc i B3iii XIII It ( ikei knlotI I Is(i1 t t I ).,n to 11 ba t(lii I I (I Ii Ii I I I 0 I ise ItsC XIoIillI O iir hvl1 I llil lltr iii I iioi a T1o-I si1)11 llv i l J iIL rihIlIatiIIl( d '(LXI i (rllX X X bo X XC III(i f il ( tol~i \ilili gllli l it~ I\~ iI1tX XX on IX ll] il a11(1( ililtil~() \!Ilik \11 Illu illkI 111 klkill"Z :3 01 .3 BrownXYI lo t (I lialitX fiir IIIillllitIill ill liii Sit h. hei ava ile hI t p1111 hlg II i XX \ ill l \Il ilI ILLIiiIII 1, 1IXX I ilt datc da te XIl 131 h1l I M cI illh-X .3 2 lItI tI I -I I It ( L 201 (/ 2oL .5 32 7/t5 5 32 (/ 1t) .5 30 7 /1(0 .5 24 7'20 .5 2 t 7/5 . I'le~il Skill (()ot orawl ti le I II IIiI'I tio ll 111 i i iI Ii I rcII Xli i III 111 crelitit I'( i II I II dairk I(,( tii pull th dar1k 1111 toI iIIil-ob S,11/1( Shitlpl 1'io' LI l il ll11 I :; -. 5 1 12-1: -5 1- P 4 2-214 5 L;, 2 5 1 11 2 5 Stolle ],. IX SIlibiii I ilIC :3 9L. 1 11mgln 5 18.5 f rce 5 15.7 Xlli lifig .1 1 .8 iilI 5 16(.7 V\(llllt I ( III 1"II 2 1. I, w I nd111 I \ ( I I Pm - 4, K "'336- I )k( itm. I I 1(1(.\: 0 N() illilll\ h) 5 Sc\('re illilll\ The Crimson variety was selected from a cross of Bruce X Metliey. Fruit Quality Good Fli t of (VI 'r ip it ] I iiI ll o l Ie 1 hI I li i]il it XIII llill vi. A m d \(I lS Xthou :I o 3 X ((IX befor f1ru1t iiw (X to li 'I'l( k i lt i 2 jlle iiil1 liltl' Ii Ill I XXit i t"illi (Ili it% Iis kIX tiitiii i iti S\iii fill 11111111 il Cilolit 1110 .Iill ditlf(3:3 (PIIW tIICtXJi dljlto th it C I ill filIdXitr XCXiril ld terill ati miiitit Inte(l ill :titiiiii befoe ln 1111(1 .i [olit SlIllIdi k Ld0(X. Il('V (1iZCiII 1C4 ill dII XX jil IM01-1 WVHA T HA PPENS to A TRA ZINE in the SOIL? A. t. HILTBOLD and G. A. BUCHANAN DC 1 p f Aq.,- nd S1iis f4 I* C > '-'CI H-C-N-C\ /PC'q H,'QH N" H I II it I l i I,, il II I Xjlt l i Xh tmost \ t I \ lt lscdI l I hIll I o I I' oll it tl( )' )111( it lllol ('1111 II XIIi2 Il l roii ii ill IIll l till j iX I iIX tol (i l AXt I' X iicl1(wilceIt iI tliit 11(1Ito -Iai. s1111t11 0' 11I II11 1' bccI it e l reti ti ll oil1 Ow X~i I11 OfI 1/11 I i l ill rl 'pcIII htIX.tc l it r o t t h Ie p t'ti XII c o s thrill) co-]o o1111111 ilt II ! i/ I' X 1 11111 i t I i Ill' hd- 1111ice 'i c ' c il III i ll rac to1 iim XXIII/l 111 II Il!11 I II '1iti no ])('I- 'IIXIX ill Ow11 oilt illl lc 1)11 XiIall II i lti X pitXli( lll tIhe fii iell ilitl'. s etl, o. c to ) f io \i y c ri t a e 'tt I 'itti II ti / c\ i XX ca t II% XI.i show 1211I I elct o t he l cl b i- I(](. 'Illc c is oo Eff(c tc of Satiil l ac lloltHo lils i It illL l i cilti I illi c~Ii ( \c~il tr jill' I llo l ( o o Thes lI oo- II111 11 iI 1tll ' ru 2,it arXX 11112 X i' erl tii Io lrlt t e o ts o'ita i 41 i\\ ilw s4 tocker steers. Silatiiio (0111 il i i4c \ d1( aii'l ltx i t th e I ifI (2ixt SI IIxltit tio I, ili 1- lope. iI I ica et c I I11 t0.11tot d ic tcclig4x 'dstlii. Si Lige x icdx axmigcwd 12.2 to Iis pecr ac(1c (Iiii-iil.g I 9M_ 701. (Q)ualitv (lctuiiiiiitii xloxx (( th ill ihgt to hie :35 % dix mat tci ( A cirii ig ) and( to ciii itaio 39', girafi I di (Irt lrtt basis Slixeal i Iciii ilal ( 44 4 ) mid Ailiii i (5 pi otciii xtipplein'iit xx ci coilfilcl t whl liol f \iiihi orn 1 silag xx itit a iltiit Xa(11o UI i I Ic o(-] it IoI (1 I 1 Id Ii it Ii i fe coxl ip~ii t eit I I t I i cI Ii illd 75 daix . Thisx pci id is itlciitificti as tilt gioxxt iti se.~ At tlic ('tii of' tihe gio\\iix i phiase ill] ctilvcs xxci it to tin iixtiii (69'," griiiid xii'iell comii. -)tt/ girass Ilax . 0t% cot- GuI i)s (oxxi siixiloN 19658 t0 liltir_,,, xill (oii I i- 'oS \iell Ill ii if (;uxtcl jl it-illil )t(itx I citt il illtc1) (I'l] t1121 1) \iib(liii \ii. (olt. doll 28 17.5 186 ,51 1. 5 2.:30 89:3 Xith (il(. 09 17.5 4 94 ,3 1 t. 35 -I.2 .0 10211- 2 .55 845 Good Growing Ration for Beef Steers R. R. HARRIS, Dept. of Animal and Dairy Sciences H. F. YATES and N. R. McDANiEL, Gulf Coast Substation (Xiixcx that reccix d soix tical iicil liil at alt ax ci agc rtl oft 1.51 11). dix (liii-fiii thec 175_ tlax gluixx tli pi i(l. Thioxc gcettilig Ainton ii (55 xnpplitict grv4 l ower x haxvc initg aIix (( it id Iliixraitiit f .35 lb. I escx I atix of' gul dlidi tnot thu ci. xigilificaliiiti'i Cakesx biiiig It'd till (liflc]i cut pliitciti xlii 1 )eitiiciitx ite essital tlhe s lilt cttix xx citilixxii oi tii l 1 i iti~c xo\ iat meal~i xopiiiin~iclit: 1 46 xx. M11). of' corn ani d ( 1,925 xx. 2,187 iii. of xiliagc piP cxxt. Illl This Ihilictlitc ill i'cec ficiclicx tuictilte ilf oerfetos(1 ct f giliti) So t4h7 xx. '51 Uicl idx altagc xsiiitlidill tit itcdiot, xwitli xteerx that hid htcii lcd Athii 13.5 4tiiii 4g laxtit . Thiit i c (lii gall iii t thic 95 (lax fuittci lii pci-o ii \al xxix.55 11). (iiiii 1 )tiid xxiiil -i.2. 11)i. forlliixc (iiliillf 4 ii tii l ix1 ucarli j tui lat ui 1 )i mlitcl xiliwig. Tiiix at tie n of 1 i tiic, 27:3 dix tomii it- 4Ioi (lx ufiltisiiiiii period, toti (gull pci xteer xxil ax ituifiia foi. tie lxxii gr1ouipx 1 911 andi 482 11). flit xsi - iliti iii(.i awl xx c I '1t.5 titi 529711 it lcxx . iec costsc for clx. gi Carticase frill c attlc xx dc cithl G}uod ori Chiice iii xxtcititi Cl~ifCoat gcbuitim, s til tocx i k h iiii tautfoi-e xx)i~ ilg m 2. (I 1 11 ). ofii riji li i ti 4 fu ili lc i 1 ))lliiiit i07 sxttlowet xlil li ti iici.Ivitcltxillgl lix Iil xippicthu it iixlleiciof litoxih a ii c lli Ilie o rill iiijse 4 1iiilill fit lii 4uix ii 4li d lii 4 4iii lillidi o eiiillx l e x iiii lil cli lxxh il iiifd Ir-m ll ttitlish. i (al dry stipplenwia, 65' , piot(,ill (:osts I)(,[- toll: ilaglv, 'S8.:)9: o.0wan Inca]. S'85. 33: \ohom- 65, 885.W com, S54.80. High Density Plantings Give Higher Production of Cucumbers, Southern Peas O. L. CHAMBLISS and J. L. TURNER, Dept. of Horticulture M ACHINE HARVEST of most vegetable crops is based on a once-over, destruc- tive harvest principle. Therefore, all ef- fort is aimed at concentrating maturity and increasing per acre yield at the sin- gle harvest. Most plant breeding pro- grams are aimed at developing plants adapted to once-over machine harvest. High Density Plantings Tried A more immediate attempt at increas- ing yields in once-over harvest is to grow more plants per acre. In Auburn studies, high density plantings have been tried to increase once-over harvest yield of pick- ling cucumbers and southern peas. Because of its growth characteristic called "crown fruit dominant," the pick- ling cucumber is most unadapted to once- over harvesting. This characteristic means that when the first crown fruit is set and begins to enlarge it inhibits growth of other fruit on the plant. With 20,000 plants per acre in previous studies, yields of desirable size cucum- bers were low in proportion to over-size fruits. This appeared to be caused by each plant producing only one fruit. Thus, high plant populations are needed for high yield. High density populations varying from about 60,000 to almost 200,000 plants per acre were obtained by planting on beds with 2, 3, and 4 rows on 6-ft. cen- ters. Plants were thinned to 7 per foot of row. Southern Cross variety was planted both years. Once-over harvest- ing was done when over-size and cull fruits totaled about 10%. Cucumber Yields Increased Increasing plant populations upped yield. Highest yields each year were valued at $200 to $300 per acre - not poor for one-time harvest. Normal plant densities (around 20,000 per acre) har- vested by hand 10 or 12 times gross around $500 per acre or less. With labor involved in making 10 or more hand har- vests, getting half as much gross value from the once-over harvest makes the 10 Yield and dollar value of plants/acre Southern Cross cucumber grown at high density for 193,000 machine harvest. plants/acre high-density plantings look good. Suc- cess of once-over harvest requires that 90 to 95% of fruit be in grades 1, 2, and 3. Disadvantages Found Also High density plantings don't solve all problems, however. Disadvantages in- clude higher seed cost (especially with hybrid varieties), increased need for fertilizer and moisture, and need for in- tensified pest control. Southern peas grown for processing can be successfully harvested by machine in conventional 36- to 42-in. rows. How- ever, high density plantings offer poten- tial yield increases, especially when har- vested with the green pea combine. This potential improvement was investigated with plant populations ranging from 30,000 per acre in 36-in. rows (2-row plot) to 90,000 in a 4-row plot. A small plant type cream pea breeding line was compared with the larger Mississippi Silver. Plots were harvested once-over when approximately 25% of pods were dry. Response of Peas Differed In general, yields were increased by increasing plant density. However, in- creasing plant population past the cur- rently used 20,000 to 30,000 per acre appears to offer only slight yield re- sponse. It was noted that smaller plants designed for mechanized harvest were consistently more responsive than larger plant types. In one case, Mississippi Silver yield dropped with increased population density (28,000 plants per acre made 600 lb. more than 42,000 when grown in 2-row plots). When ap- proximately the same population was grown in 3-row plots, yield increased. Thicker planting of Ala. 9-2-4 gave in- creased yield, except for the 3-row plot $ 208/acre value 7,300 lb./acre $ 191 /acre value with 61,000 plants per acre. It did not produce more than the 3-row plot with 42,000 plants per acre. Even though Ala. 9-2-4 was more responsive to in- creased plant density, its highest yield- ing plot produced 700 lb. less than the lowest yielding plot of Mississippi Silver. This is a varietal difference, and it is common for brown skin crowders like Mississippi Silver to outyield cream type varieties. These results indicate that high den- sity planting has potential for increasing yield of some vegetable crops. However, increased plant populations may be of little benefit unless varieties and cultural practices are adapted to competitive con- ditions under which the plants are grown. YIELDS OF Two SOUTHERN PEA VARIETIES GROWN AT HIGH DENSITIES FOR MACHINE HARVEST Per acre yield Plants per acre M issis- Ala. Silver 9-2-4 Lb. Lb. 2 rows 36-in. apart 28,000 plants 5,500 42,000 plants 4,900 30,000 plants 3,300 40,000 plants.. 3,800 3 rows 18-in. apart 41,000 plants 5,300 - 58,000 plants------------ 5,800 42,000 plants 4,000 61,000 plants.. 4,000 3 rows 12-in. apart 40,000 plants 5,300 -- 57,000 plants 5,400 42,000 plants ..0 3,400 57,000 plants.. 3,800 4 rows 12-in. apart 58,000 plants 5,500 -- 74,000 plants 5,400 56,000 plants 4,000 89,000 plants 4,200 66,000 7,600 lb./acre plants/acre $ 244/acre value 117,000 7,600lb./acre 1970 plonts/ocre $ 293/acre value 133000 6,600 lb./acre plants/aocre 300/acre value 94,000 5,300 lb./acre plants/acre $ 135/acre value 159,000 7,700 1b./acre 1971 F ARMERS in Henry, Houston, and Ge- neva counties were interviewed to deter- mine the costs and returns of peanut production. The three counties used had about half the total peanut acreage in the State in 1970. Three beats, repre- sentative of the county's better peanut producers, were chosen in each county for the sample. Both costs of inputs and returns data were collected on each variety of pea- nuts planted by a producer. The number of varieties planted usually varied from one to three. All data collected were based on the 1970 crop. The most common peanut varieties planted in the Wiregrass Area of Ala- bama in 1970 were Florunner, Florigiant, Early Runner, and Virginia Bunch 67. For analysis purposes, data on Early Runner and Virginia Bunch 67 were combined and the name Early Runner was used when referring to these varie- ties. Cultural practices and seed cost of these varieties are similar and both are marketed as runner type peanuts. Costs were determined by the price reported paid and quantity of inputs that producers used. Average material cost per acre varied among the varieties. This averaged $9.11 higher for Florigiant than Florunner and $7.10 higher than the Early Runner, primarily because of higher seed cost. Material cost averaged $69.03 per acre for all farms, Table 1. The material cost of $69.03 per acre accounted for 65% of average variable cost. Average variable machinery cost was $11.04 per acre for all farms, with TABLE 1. AVERAGE VARIABLE COSTS FOR PRODUCING PEANUTS, 114 PEANUT FARMS, WIREGRASs AREA OF ALABAMA, 1970 Item Material cost Seed Fertilizer Lime Herbicide Fungicide Total material cost Machinery cost Land preparation Planting - Cultivating Application of fert. and fung. Harvesting Total machinery cost ...... Variable costs Custom drying Custom hire 1 Interest on operating capital Total variable cost ........ Variable cost per acre Dollars 30.15 16.98 2.71 9.15 10.04 69.03 3.50 .88 1.64 1.41 3.61 11.04 13.06 14.85 4.32 112.30 TABLE 2. AVERAGE COSTS AND RETURNS FOR PRODUCING PEANUTS, 114 PEANUT FARMS, WIREGRASS AREA OF ALABAMA, 1970 Item Gross returns Total variable cost Fixed machinery cost Land cost 1 Labor cost All costs Returns to land, labor, and management Returns to land and management ........ Returns to labor and management Returns to management. Average costs and returns per acre Dollars 289.30 112.30 10.32 22.60 11.46 156.68 166.68 155.22 144.08 132.62 SCharged at average cash rent paid. Data were divided into cost groups based on average total costs of produc- tion, excluding a charge for land and labor. These groups were designated as low, medium, and high. Analysis of cost groups revealed that increases in average total cost of production were accom- panied by increases in average yield per acre, gross returns, and net returns. Material cost for the high cost group was $79.15 per acre, as compared with $58.38 per acre for the low cost group. Average variable machinery cost for the low and high cost groups was $10.56 and $11.48 per acre, respectively. Add- ing custom work to average variable and fixed machinery cost brought average total machinery cost per acre for the three groups to the following: Costs and Returns of Producing Peanuts in the Wiregrass SIDNEY C. BELL and HOMER R. ETHEREDGE, Dept. of Agricultural Econonmics and Rural Sociology land preparation and harvesting making up 64% of this total. Custom work for all farms averaged $27.91 per acre and accounted for 25% of average variable cost. Average variable cost for produc- ing peanuts amounted to $112.30 per acre for all farms. With average yield of 2,204 lb. per acre, the 114 peanut producers in the study had an average gross return of $289.30 per acre, Table 2. Net return to land, labor, and management averaged $166.68 per acre. This figure does not include a charge for land or labor. Land was charged at the average cash rent of $22.60 per acre and labor at $1.60 per hour for an average of 7.16 hours. Thus, total labor charge was $11.46 per acre. Land and labor charges raised average total cost of production to $156.68 per acre, leaving a net return to manage- ment of $132.62 per acre. Item Variable machinery cost_ Custom work.---- Fixed machinery cost Total Cost by cost groups Low Medium High $10.56 $11.06 $11.48 - 17.53 26.49 36.41 9.41 9.69 11.74 $37.50 $47.24 $59.63 Average yield per acre ranged from 1,840 lb. for the low cost group to 2,600 lb. for the high cost group, Table 3. When a charge for land and labor was included, expenses of production ranged from $133.04 per acre for the low cost group to $178.88 for the high group. Even though the high cost group had the highest production cost, their net re- turn to land, labor, and management averaged $203.16 per acre, higher than for either of the other two groups. Much of the variation in return noted among these three cost groups resulted from differences in yield per acre. TABLE 3. AVERAGE COSTS AND RETURNS FOR PEANUT PRODUCER GROUPS BY COSTS OF PRODUCTION, 114 PEANUT FARMS, WIREGRASS AREA OF ALABAMA, 1970 Item Costs and returns/acre by cost groups Low Medium High Dollars Dollars Dollars Gross returns ... . 234.93 283.69 347.02 Total variable cost ... . . 89.93 110.09 132.12 Fixed machinery cost 9.41 9.69 11.74 Land cost ---------------------- . 22.60 22.60 22.60 Labor cost------------------------- ---- 11.10 10.90 12.42 All costs --- 133.04 153.28 178.88 Returns to land, labor, and management 135.59 163.91 203.16 Returns to land and management 124.49 153.01 190.74 Returns to labor and management 112.99 141.31 180.56 Returns to management. 101.89 130.41 168.14 Number of farms ....................-.. 38 38 38 Av. acreage of peanuts/farm - 95.50 128.10 77.70 Av. yield/acre, lb....................... 1,840 2,171 2,600 11 -Includes custom combining, digging, hauling, and application of herbicide and fungicide. FI . .Viu ( ) pe eraig c l.-ius i n k d n meaure 96n i imee 9,0 '~ I 2 - A FIG. 2. Extroceclulor viruses (V) closely associated with an intart cytoplasmic membrane. Viruses are naked, have dense cores, and measure 96 nm in diameter. 3 9,900X. I(I There ore several tumors (T) on the liver and the kidneys (K) are enlarged. 4 FIG. 4. Liver from a chicken infected with Marek's disease herpesvirus. A large tumor (T) produced by the virus is seen protruding through the liver. ;" 'll 'ItII JOYCE STEPHENS and E. C. MORA De