HIGH LIGHTS of agricultural research VOL 17 NO ? 'UMMER I9r) Agricultural Experiment Station AUBURN UNIVERSITY LI!~ r P; &~~E I~ DIRECTOR'S COMMENTS i i o lil i t fi tlilil(ti itii x i i 111 liiids it It_\\ o s xL~ xilx i 11, 1 ( xx ,fi xt tx iictii tlls ill Ow1li, li ii. 111 tl l []I'll) F d l l xx t ii tl l Flll( tli lls 11111l('(1 I I 1 t ifl i i Fli uitw I ( itii ill i xxi \it ilx Ii Illi liii *x .1 11 .17 l li i t i t I w iii i s cs. I I t Fi I i xl.w itt r i I I I i I I k lii i I t l I, I( lIi' t I I I I (1 , 1 iii , ~ xiilliit ,ii li. 111 lx ix ti ll Ii It x / I I i I i t I t 1 ' xln IiI i xx i . t fi Ill I Isi ( s s1I11 I I I Ii ilti 11 )11, l I il Ix k l I )I ii i I li s t i t i I.. i t I11 x I I Ii Ix '(1 Iiiii ii (I i/ii d11 Ilixl. Iixitililit i tilll '.1111 1 ) ( TIIt II( t '. I I I 11,1 I I) x i I I If li i i I I (1111 )\\ Ix I i lt i i III) I It illx it -(I 'i ii x I il . I li ti Ii 1 1 (' 11 tx i t xxi xxii I. )tl 711 s, I ; I I (1. lIi I I II it:I tills 111ii -I 1l 111 111 if Ic l ;l o I III.IIIiI Are\ In Ho Fee Shw No VIu 3 _ _ ( iIIIest eII Se ie Ne Varl I Is I eIt II(-IIII IIIIty for Sp ca U s I 4()I Coto 1n Grnuat Cutorm on Peanu(11 III IIts S i tS (.IIi , , T(prtr AfIt Zi an PhI huu Uptukii6 Cot an Re ;Iturn( IIs of Fede Pi Pruto 8 () - Wa t iKey to H( igh Soba Yt I t) ilds k9r (ii t) ' I) tt Consumer i II -Nut ion II\ II x(-t1 ,()( Knweg an Prcic 10 ( Iw il A Itr of Fo esr a IIII'II( IIIt Au ur II(i 2 fII1 ()s II(i Effect 1 (II \ of ,oj Teprtur o ~ ( Tn Grenhus Toma1 \i( II itoe 12il tl)i SickIo~ ControlH in Soyean Stud~iied TI 3('ItkI) ( ii HrIc(. (Ies Ma Chec Buidu oTf( t 1 A\(\ f Pln Pahgn 14' ( IIII Inrasn Farme Kn wldg Ab u Fu1I tIII(I III(' III)I ,III IIte Make t()I i I So ben I DT an Widlf 16 (-s ItII(t(' , s ( otay ee 4atrwdw. .. mc i t of I )l s l lot ()\(, Nu D ill l w l 11 1 \1 i .,i II I;d ,h I/ill ill( . 2 V 1111 tw ill il iii Fllxl xx(.x till. i l x t FIsit iiri F of \1 1 1 1) x i t xx x ,11 l li F h i F tId(I I Ii I tl li il lliil IV II 11 1111 i ,. liiilxlt 11 I il )_ 'l111 it I (111l1 ill P\'ti~l.. W ,t .t I l t J\I I IIl \ i .~ I 1 tl1111111 x wi ih ll I-1 il itd i, P)5 mdi .11 ii ii iiii I til l lit i I l xi ,st ii l I xi I I I 111 ), . 1 11 ix x i tI1. I \\,Is ill . 'x lis I lloll. I I11 It _l llp F0 i \1 1'1 ill I Ii.. ( itx Ii 1 1 1 w ill ]-i lit ii ii lili\ I t I GI I (.* \)(I lI I S t SUMMAAtx t1970 VOL I \O 2 A (liii teilx li rpl i o xf le e l i l i lih i E. \. X\illlxx 8. ). Iixioi~si Xxiilti Din ctoIr A sitI it O ltiiio X 1 xx/hit fi/ut 1"itilu 1 tiuuiiutili ll;V. '. 11i xi)x. oxxi 111 JInf I ou I f Ir I/ iS Ia In I t,, 1of s 1 X-CIII'o0 ( ~ ?ollC, ii T.xxxI COVER PHOTO. Two phases of Auburn's swine research-feeding growing -finishing hogs and economics of feeder pig produc- tion-are reported on pages 3 and 8. A rsenic in Hog Feed Shows No Value in Alabama Trials B, . RUFFtN, Dept. of A,,lui Sci,c.- R. A. MOORE, JR. Uppe- Coo.t PtoI, Szuxhtlio,l Ii t , L ' I.sI I IIII I III lIi lI Ii I W '1 11 I l tIIIII i t I "I (d i tils l iI i m ly il lix sI (I xx all ill- lxii~ ~ It 111ii i til Ill1. IT' lIi I x s II I I~ l~ tiI Iil ii x Ii I II I1II s i I slI I I i t 11 I t Ii Iis i I I i -. I I I t I thal tt I I 111 i\ i t i ii li 111 \i I- till I I, Ii t I)11I til I.li i t1, I xiii( I t , I issi m I ill iiis p t sx I i i ( I . ( 'lit-lit [Ill11. -xtii lit (I l ii I.5 tI Ix 1 i4it0 1 1 I I I 1111 I) SIi.lt I I iaI l .111 1 0, I T o 1 ).s I I O.i (I ) 1 , 0.i 0~ til l ii -: it5. , . illt, I I Ilil) I)))ic i Ii ho111) ill-, I S t 11111 l i(Iil, I ix id o tti . i 2-OO lit t) iii Bii liii i( ti ld hiii 1 Pl- " To o) ii - ii xii6h iii i d pit l 1o, i Ii I \ I I I i I 11s 1 I I t (1' lii i III t ii k - 1111'' II . 1 s II I- II Ii xI I i c(I II)II i t111 xx ) I Is It 111 x I .11I II s I I Ii I Ii t. I, t i Ii 1 I Ii Ii I Ii I si I I I I I ' lii it I 11 i s II111 I I t 1 I x t i lilt it 11111 i~~~t iixili iiii xi lii i li ti *i til I lt x t ilx l~t ~ ii7 I t it .I II I IIII IIIII Ii I I I IS Ii I~ Ii i Ix i Ix itI II i I ) it S x Ii s I x I t i( I i l i t I l t s I ITI I I11 1 _ t i l \ i *x I s II Ii Ii t i it) Ii Iiiijiiiit lii 1111 liti iill 2t 1l) , II. 1I(x' I tili ililill I liii xliii liii lit iiiiti.ii xxi i--ut it 1 111.11 xxi i-ut it lix x lilt \x liii it iix lit Iii I It I I I xxi -iii iii cI .(I I, II i x Ii I I -i xx itt IIs, 111 t 1 ( ii (I i \ cIr Tx.I( I to ti xI xx I ii I i i -s(ti -I. 211 1i xx ii 1 l I ( it si~ i , i i it IxII i I II i- I IIt I 'd do 2 . It ix ilI tII ITiit I II IIIItI I 1 xt 1 5 1 1 12 xx 1 i xi l Ii I ii I \ t I I I (]iii 11 l I II Lk ittiiix itittiiiiix-i' l I I i-i I I s sIi t ti t l t ix 11 'Ii i i t I I I i - I If I I il ii Stt o 25 1). 12 1) t (IT t . (ititto 1) 5 1 5 10 25 12 5 51.1 5I .0 I') 5 I '5 22i 2 22U 2I 1i 15 50 10 102 1 5.5 t 575 1 .2 I i ?4 1I6 .1 St 1. T1) (0)11 tiC i 5.) 15 1)1 1-) t2 125 - 12- 1 1 ) 1 2 3 -y I \ ill 1 2 . I , I I I ( I I ) I * \ I , \ \ I I I I \ I I I I I I \ ( , I to I \\ I I I I \ I I \ -, I o I I I I ) I " I I I I I I \ I ) Size and texture differences of common (left) and Interstate (right) sericeo are illustrated by this 1-59 highway planting. INTERSTATE C F VI("T7 A I :CD 7 N r- - New Variety for A Special Use E. D. DONNELLY, RAY DICKENS, D. G. STURKIE, and J. D. MILLER, Department of Agronomy and Soils Height, inches M 5/30/68 H 10/5/68 40 I- Height differences among varieties of sericea were obvious at two dates in the 1-59 plots when the sericea was 3 years old. 4 Variety Interstate ---- Set ala N. C. Prostrate--- Gasyn ----- Commont Acerage rating 4-24-68 7-30-68 9-12-68 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 5 322 2 2 Stands of ii iterstate wvere equal to those ot otlier v arieties. Based ott p~erformallnce anid appearance in Alabamna, it xxias conchled that sericea is suitable for roadside vegetation in all parts (of Alabama, and that Interstate is superior f or this purpose. lInterstate xvas tested fromn I to 4 years ini other states, Mtid :3:3 coopierator s from 12 states replied to at questionniaire. Ii get teral, cooperators' observxationis wxere the satne for stat id, height, texture, andc appearance as the Alabamna findinigsre ported. Nlatty of those xvho responded thought the variety also had poteittial for grazinig and hay. This potenttial uise is beinig invxesti gated iii currenit reseinat . 20 10 1E%%SE Hs I N Ai \I{II [ixrlx(clopcd spcifically for road- sidevegtaton as eeiirelase I~ AuurnUniversity Agri- cultural Experiment Station. Namied Interstate, the short growsing v ariety makes uniform growsth of fine stemmed foh- age of excellenit textuire and appearance. It also has good)( seedllinig v igor and rlltanehes profuselY. Interstate Development and Testing Th lie\\,cx serieea reCs ultedl from atl irradliatitonl breedlinig priogramn beguni in 1957. Seed wxere tieated wxithi ioiiiziiig radiatioii at Oak Bidge, Teinnessee, aiid the result wvas in- creased1 rate of in utation and v~5atri abilitv. Ili tile fourth generiatin f o]llow ing irradliation, iatu iut aiit ty pe wvas identified that appeairecd to have traits needled for highway s egetatioij iand( similar coi sei vationi uses. Selections were made iii succeedinig genei ationis and 1)rogeny we re grossnt aiid tested at the Planit Breeding Uiiit, Tallassee. \Vhleit plaint type wsas stab~ilized, seed iiicrease wvas begunl inl 19638. First certified seed becamne available in January 1970. During 19(66-69, the experimiental 5 ariety then knosvii ats "I I i-\Va" - was evaluated critically in northernj, cenitral, ai 1( sotitlici t Alabamra. It was tested 1 in small broadcast seeded plots oti highway backslopes aiid other sites. Testing also wxas dontii I)n SCS, TVA, state highwvay departmetnt, aiid state agricultural experiment stationi personnel iin about 18 States fromt the Camrolitnas to southeirn Illinois atid xvest- wxardl to Oklahoma. Appearance Important Seniea appearaiice is anl impjortait factor alonig roiad- wxays, so apparent height of varieties is more imipottaint thanii actual stemn leiigth. This is affected biy stein rigidity ats wxell ats stemn leiigthi. Thus, the softer stemmed Interstate appeais even shorter than varieties that produce rigid stems of com- parable length. Ott Iligltway 1-59 ill iioitlierii Alabama, Interstate aver- aged 11 ini. shorter thani commoti seriea, as shoxxii by the graph. The new variety wvas the shortest oii 1-85 backslopes in enitral Alabamai and wxas one oif the shortest oii Alabamna 225 in the southern part of the State. Interstate wvas rated best in overall appearanice iii south- erno Alabamna wxhen all dates wvere cotnsidered, as showx b ly the folloss ing ratings of .3-year-old sericea (5 -best aip- peaoranice, I poorest): 'jiL IE XR\ ( LA IIU (JI\O F I I \Xal(\lb It //io I ca10t1. ) IlI as be- come a serious pest in p~eanuts in southern. Alabama. This cutwor m damages peanuts by feeding on the foliage at night. During the dlay tile larxvae usually stay beneath (leadl foliage othe ground or wxithin tbe top 4 in. of the soil. Five gen- cerations occur in southern Alabama, huit only three occur dluring the pearnut gr owxing season. The nuimber of cut- xvorms seems to peak in late June, late Jilvh, and again in late August. A high infestationl ot cutwxorms ill peanulhts occurred near the \Viiegrass Substation, Headland, Ala., ill Auigust 1 961 . TABILE 1. COINTROL 01FCo ANdLA II CUTWsxORMx 24 Hoc nsA l TIRATMEINT. TiiLEANILT 8/12/68. INSECT COU NI 8/1:3/68 Treatniett IlLad worms, per roxx foot Trichlorfon B .5 lb./A.--- A,'odrjn~l EC 1 lb./A. Trieblorfon B .75 lb)./A.- Trichiorfon SP I lb./A.------- Carbaryl SP 1.5 lb./A.------- Azinphosmethyl EC .5 lh./A. Endrin EC 1 lb./A.---- lDiazinon GC 1lb./A.------- - Toxaphene-DDT EC 4-2 lh./A. Dia71000 EC 1 11)/A.---- Aldrin EC 1 lb./A. 66lT EC 2 lb./A.------- ToxapceE 4lbA Cheethn C4l./ ---- Liv e worms per roXX foot No. 2.5 4.01 4.1 4.1 7.4 7.1 8.7 1t0.0 8.0 9. 6 8.6 8.5 8.1 12.1 C.ontr ol Pet. 74 70) 66G 6 1 25 20) 14 12 7 6 4 2 2) TABILE 2. CONTROL OF GRANULATE Cdlxvolcu 24 Iloco AFTlii TIIEAT\IENT. TRELATMENT 8/15/68. INSECT COUNT 8/16/68 Treatment Azodrin?? EC I1b l/A. Tricblorfon B t lb./A.' Trichlorfon B .5 lh./A ------- Azoldrin?? EC .5 lb./A.--- ---- Trichlorfon B .5 11./A7 Tricblorfon B .25 lb./A.2.. Ciha 9491 EC 1 lb./A.------ Trichlorton SP 1 lb. /A. Parathion-Carbaryl EC 1-.5 lb. /A 1)iazinon G 2 lb./A.------ - Mlethyl parathion, Toxaphene, DDT .5, 2, 1 lb./A.------ Carbaryl SP 1.5 lb./A.- ----- TI)E EC 2 lb./A. Tlniricide? 1 gal./ ----------- Methyl parathion EC .5 lb./A. Check 'Hancl-mixed cornmeal bait. ComrIl preparedl bait. Dead worms, per row foot No. 5.2 .3.1 .3.5 4.2 2.4 2.3 1.6 2.1 2.3 1.5 01.8 0.8 0.3 0.5 0.4 0 Live worms per roxw foot No. 0.25 0.50 1.25 1.62 1.00 1.25 10.88 1.25 2.12 1.5) 1.38 1.75 1.37 3.100 4.00 3.13 Control Pct. 95 86 74 72 71) 64 64 63 .52 50I 3 7 31 18 14 9 0 Con trolling Granulate Cutworms in Peanuts B. LAMAR LEE and MAX H. BASS Department of Zoology-Entomology Approximiately 1.3 xxorms xvere found per foot of' row,. An experimnent xwas conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of 1:3 insecticide fornmulatious ill controllinsg these Cutwormns. Spray,., we re applied in a 12-in, band over the roxx using It) gal. (if muixed spray per acre. Baits or granules were a~pplied ill 12-in, bands oxver the row by shaking the material from paper bags. Txventv-four houirs after insecticide ap- p~licaltionl, dead cutxvorms on the soil sur-face xvcre conlted. The lixve xvorms on the soil surface and beneath the soil sur- face also were counted. From these data the percentage control xvas calctilatcd, Table 1. Another test, consisting of 16 treatments, xvaS coducted .3 days later. Tlhe resu~lts of this test are presented in Table 2. In August 1969, a serious infestation of cutworms in p~eanults again occulrred near the Wiregrass Substation. Tell insecticidal treatments xxerc evaluated for control of this cutxwo1rm. Experimental pirocedlures wxere similar to those dlescrib~ed above except for a modification ot the sampling technliqfue. Tirlty-six hours after application of materials the live and dleadl xworms on top of the soil xvere counted. Countinlg xx as beguin at midnlight and completed before dawxnI. Data from this experiment are presented in Tasble 3. Azoclrin(' at 1 lb). per acre and triclorfon ( Dylox R) bait ait 1 11). per' acire gave goodi cutxxoi control ini each test. litlhion( e bait at 1 lb). per acrec, iocludcrl in only one test, resullted in control c~on arale to tllat achieved with Azodrin at 1 lb). pecr acre. Nlocapne granules, tested in I1969, also gave good conltrol. Of' these materials only trichlo loll bait is registered for use o11 peanults in Alabama. TA13LL S3. CONTO OF11.0 GRA NULATvE CUTW ORMx :36 I buns Al -T~i1 TREArMENIr. TBEAxTMENI 8/6/69. INSEC I COF-N r 8/8/(69 Dead L.ive xwormns TretmntWoms per rw Control per roxx foot foont No. No. Pct. .AzodrIill EC I1lb./A. --- 1.4 .05 96 Bithioiru R B I Ill/A. ---- 1.5 .018 9,5 \Ioeclp? G 2 lb./A. .69 .11 86 3m illorfol 13 1 lb./A. 1.2 .22 85 Trielllorflon SP I1lb./A. .6 .17 79 \1liik EC .75 lb./A. .97 .25 79 Fly Ash 1) 40)1lb. /A. --. 92 1.25 42 Cardona@l SPI 1lb./ A. ---- .31 .69 .11 lBithioll R EC I1lb./ A. ------ .28 .61 31 Check ----- .08 1.58 5 Larva (left) and adult (right) of granulate cutworm. Larva is magnified approximately 3X and adult 2X. i i l I t t i ll I I( .I I I ] (,I \i ( ( I I I it ( IN I I ,t itII(I I I t~ \ )i I " )f I Il )t 111 / l Ii I I , I; i i i t I ( \ ii [Ii it . I ii i I ti(I t \ \ z i hccl 1(.( oI I , tl ~ I( 1 1 t ( l ii t II I( kl I it ti I i it i I o ti Ii iii I cdill I( l c I i I I f11 It ii li I il ii ih .) t t I i 1 1111 I It I I I itt .I , I I it )( il iito I1, (1 t I I I I I(i I tI t I .I ( dit Ittt \ I ] it I (~ i ) \ s i I(II ) I \ I It i ( ~ I t I i I t t t , It t( ST I .I oo lli p ilt it I l It s. \\i two I i (Nt t I tt lit liiiIiI ii 1ii ii tlt I I It ii it o\ Iiiii tii ii t iii t EFFECT of SOIL TEMPERATURE on uptake of ZINC and PHOSPHORUS on CORN SEEDLINGS ZANE F. LUND, Dupoit t oi AJ,.l,.rly -~d Soits Cooto USDA JOHN I WEAR, DC,). Nm- 111 Ilot Aj-. y n 1 011/cid Sotls FIG. 3. This chart shows the effect of soil temperature on uptake of Zn by corn seed- lings. P -i l 'i l i ll jl ( of lint tiudti k i Il I 1 i iii I '.11 1) 1c1 t ili Iit izi itl of :it1). 1 il i ' to I t 1 to A t t I I I., i l II( I. I Ii it it\ ( Ii FIG. 1. Gloss-front box used in this study, numbers on front refer to ppm. Zn. 1 .55 ppm. is equivalent to 3 lb. per acre. oIi ll Nipt tt it1. iil i l ii II' it, l lll , ''. ttI it ( i ll ( it 1, tt i l11 11111 pItih lit Ililit 1 i ttl 1.i l iii I ill tt 1 it ?t il )Ill'TII ittIt i~ i t ii T II I I i i w d il t t( I i' 0,i 1i li 6. i oii ) i t it ( il I it, .i I 1i li 1 it ;6 f ( , ) ,iII 1 1. ) Haittt ofi /'ii iii tii/,Iiiiii hadi ]Io (,I- it l I tI I i 1 I t ii t I I i I i, I (k I I Iiii I it lIi I i I til it mi iI t I Ii ti). * pl 1 111 (dt / l ill tiii ti,, III ill ( FIG. 2. These corn roots were grown with no Zn added to the soil at three soil temn- peratures. 11111 60i i1- (Icl . lm - l l 11,1 I I i i t, Z/1), t. til I .1 'i a--. hi Its0 tilt 115 mli i t ) i t, ti i il I I it 9(i. 1 ii til Ii ii i it I11 oot Ii i Itt I t l i ii F ii it I 11 'itt ti --I -. ( FIG. 4. This chart shows the effect of soil tempera ture on uptake of P by corn seed- lings. TE HOUSEWIFE who purchased Grade "A" large eggs in January of this year found them priced at 80-850 per dozen. Three months later, eggs of the same size and grade could be purchased at the same store for 430. The price of eggs had dropped 50%. The housewife could have noted that fluctuations in the price of fryers amounted to no more than 10% during the same time period. The level of retail prices and fluctua- tions in those prices during a 3-month period are of concern to producers, but they are not as important as the relative level of egg prices during the productive life of a flock of hens and throughout a period of years. Production of eggs in Alabama more than doubled during the 1960's, see table, but gross income from eggs rose approximately 80%. Factors having an important influence on returns received for eggs in Alabama are population changes, consumer income, per capita use of eggs, and total quantity of eggs produced in the U.S. During the decade of the sixties, population increased 14% and personal disposable income increased 75%. Per capita use of eggs dropped 6% and total production in the U.S. in- creased 12%. Prices have fluctuated an- nually and fluctuations have been more closely associated with changes in pro- duction in the U.S. than with other fac- tors. Population, disposable income, and per capita use are relatively slow to change. However, the direction and rates of change in these factors are evi- dence that without some unusual de- velopment which would result in an in- crease in per capita use of eggs, pro- duction will be the major factor asso- ciated with annual fluctuations in prices. The tremendous effect of national egg production on price has been very evi- dent in recent years. In 1967, produc- tion in the U.S. was increased by 5.3% and the average price received y pro- ducers dropped 20%. Production was decreased 1% in 1968 and 05% in 1969. Egg prices rose 9% in 1968 and 16% in 1969. Per capita consumption rose from 313 eggs in 1966 to 323 in 1967 along with the increase in production and 20% drop in price. The rate of con- sumption dropped to 320 in 1968 and to 315 in 1969. Egg producers in Alabama have ex- perienced these fluctuations in prices but have offset some of the effects of low prices by continuously increasing production. Gross receipts from eggs increased in Alabama each year during the 1960's except in 1967. These pro- duction increases have been possible only because producers in other states have greatly reduced production of eggs. Farmers in the west North Central States produced 25% of the nation's eggs in 1960, but only 14% in 1969. The situation was almost reversed for farmers in the South Central States. Production PRODUCTION AND PRICES OF BROILERS AND EGGS IN THE UNITED STATES AND ALABAMA, 1960-69 Broilers Eggs Proces- sulyadfutaioshv enmr ors Produce Year Production Production sors Production Production Ya in U.S. in Alabama idock n U. S. in Alabama p ri ce' in price in n U i AamAlabama Alabama Mil. Mil. Cents Mil. doz. Mil. doz. Cents 1960 1,794.9 176.7 31.0 5,121.9 111.1 42.5 1961 1,989.6 198.0 26.1 5,188.8 124.2 41.3 1962 ------------------- 2,022.0 214.9 27.6 5,283.7 151.9 39.8 1963 ------------------ 2,100.6 228.0 25.9 5,277.0 167.4 39.4 1964 ------------------. 2,159.8 242.8 24.1 5,418.5 183.3 38.1 1965 ------------------. 2,333.2 285.1 24.4 5,457.8 190.9 36.5 1966 ...................- 2,570.3 324.1 24.3 5,523.9 198.4 38.4 1967 -------------------- 2,591.4 324.6 22.4 5,818.9 220.4 33.5 1968 ------------------- 2,598.1 328.5 21.6 5,754.8 221.6 32.4 1969 ------------------ 2,821.5 356.1 21.7 5,726.7 228.2 34.8 1 The quoted prices for broilers and eggs were divided by the Consumer Price Index for All Food (1957-59==100), to remove the effect of general increases in food prices. in this region, as a percentage of the nation's total, changed from 14% in 1960 to 22% in 1969. While this trend may continue (at a slower rate than during the sixties) for a period, there will be a growing need for egg producers in Alabama and other South Central States to make some type of adjustment other than that of continuing to increase the number of laying hens for the production of eggs to continue to be a profitable enterprise. Broiler growers continued the trend of increasing production during the 1960's. National production in 1969 was 63% greater than in 1960. The increase of 102% in broiler production in Ala- bama was not quite equal to the 105% increase in egg production during this period, but the increase in broiler pro- duction had been great during the previ- ous decade. Broilers provide a contrast to eggs with respect to consumer use and to price and quantity relationships. In 1969, per capita purchases of eggs were 6% less than in 1960, but per capita pur- chases of broilers were 50% greater than in 1960. With these situations existing, a proportional increase in output should not have the sameeffect on the prices of broilers and eggs. When the effect of changes in the consumer price index was removed from the market price, a decrease of 0.47% in the dock or proces- sor's price for broilers was associated with a 1% increase in production in the U.S. during the 1960's. The relationship for egg producers was a drop of 1.5% in price for each increase of 1% in pro- duction in the U.S. National production was the most im- portant factor affecting annual changes in Alabama prices of both broilers and eggs. Seventy-four per cent of the change in broiler prices was associated with the change in national output of broilers, while 93% of the change in egg prices was associated with change in national production. EGGS and BROILERS Changes in Production and Prices MORRIS WHITE, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology Costs and Returns of Feeder Pig Production THOMAS A. HUGHES and SIDNEY C, BELL Dept. of Agriultural Economic and Rural Sociology ('I ut i"2 xid I I i x' itt Ii 1lul -'J hadi a1)I l)5c .iL"( I iti' captjital Iinvestiniai of '20.1 Pe P i g sold. I7('tiiomiles of' sit' existed ill til 'Produtc tioni of fee( '] pgs Iot t'it('tp'ixsex Selliung tip) to 1,400( Pigs anooallx. '1l( liei-e igt' costt oft pro titoi decete d front 815.5 v Pig sold l'ot the smnall io ottt(et grii to 1 Si10.47 pet- Pig sold lot per' sttw, wh ichl d~ereasedlftle cost pet- pig. Aftlet adjttxtittg tite co(st dtl ltt bthl pr1oduier gIloops to 16 pigs sotld Q)'t so\\, tite esltimated cost of prtodtuctioni per pig stold 1 xx . 81 1(69 ftor lie silial protducer gt oup eomlpal ed x it S9.96 lot' theo large pr tti e) gi (tll). T[le tttal cots't Pit pig ",olt detcrleased veiry rapidlx as the mltlh.n tof Pigs~ stl 1 d Per Soxx itiereaixed fr'oti 8 t1 t ottiallx. This llt'tttt'islti-ale the imptiaice of iniitaxiiig the iittiltet oif, pig still 1 lit xoxw aliiiallx . Mlost of, tilie cotts itl- ('til ('( ill fee((']. Pi g pr oductioit w xeint directlyN to thle catre andtt i titateiic i f the brioodl stixx. Tliese cots xvr re-t i lattively fixed re'gartdless of the tntmbet of pigs I tixt't pet- so\\,. l'litts, hx iliteieasiiig the tttmic (A pigs Sold( Per' st~xx thlo st pe(sI p p'i' g xx tie treduced. A dir'ect tel at iti xip e 'xl s I ' htxeen tile tititrihe of Pig Sold per1 Soxx aliallx atid the i1.0t1tit1 to mal a gt 'it't it per pig soild . T[le analyxsis inic at ed that Imore thtan 15.8 Pigs P('t xSixx xxotildl have to he xold tt '1'l ie 1prod1u(c'rs xxetre gt'oO ped intto ltoix anld Iti gl coxs t Ilpx al(VO'tim hu to theit' coist of pr'outitn per- pig, xtoll tt dIe' t' tin iii \t-\ x m li Prii oduclttiilers xx m o re efficien t. 'IlTe ltixxer cotis tof' pt'odlt teitt f- til(le lm oxx' t'ts Protduet gi'tittj xwax dtte pimttarily to the'ir entter prises litf iil et' anid xellit ig tutu c pigs p't So\\-. Thlisx cotnfirmsl thet prio tus atliahxix that 1tile mttre1 importtant I a('ttit detertiiiiittg tlte prtifitatldlitx' of' thle l't'tl't pig ('tit(t'lrixt' are the. itt11he olt''(f pigs Sttld petr So\\' amitill ad thesizeo t eterpise. L I RE 'lt"T IN FIt E P'li'I l'(.eIeIOIU't 'sN lhts ittert'ased itt re- cent y'ears as tletuttixtiated lyix' (hI'it'teai( tttilttr of Ot gaizi(' feeder plig sales. These sales htave helped imtprov'e thle tqua~lity of fe('e'er Pigs xxhile at tite same time itreasiig thte pic e receive by( pi froduc'ers. Ihie higher prices' havex x tfitot i atetd lptt duti iti i tinttY ar'eas of thle Sttte. 'l'll(' Prim ary tobj tectives of' tis stutdy xxere to It' dt'mii ite tt' c'its , rt ris ist o itnvxestmtent r'eqiOfred ftir I et ' hr pig produclittiont. Athliitioiial obhjectixves xxete to illustrate thle ef- feels oif, size' attd lt'x o tIl til liagTelietit oil filltxosti lft pro- ditciitgr feecder Pigs. 'Ihle c'ost (litt( xxerte lhtxe( oii Petrxonal itttri(,\ 'x xitl) I iProucers de 'I gtiated ixs Swxin e It'xpisio t I )en ittst tat li lby t I Ctioperatk Ex t' .Iensitin Se rvice(. Thiese prt'oduct erx sodd iiti ax erage tif 4.51 Pigs each('l O 19657, xxith lmodttst ll] of tlte pigrS lititig Mar kted tl- uitgh tttgtiied feeder pig salesx. All iif thesex( produce'(rs xwer'e ratisiing c'rotssbrled pigs Usinig per- tit,it fat roxxing itttt xt'tx faceilities of varitus tpes. Ax erati e osit s at lld retli tils per pig sold fot' produilctt(ers xelltt tg fexxer thain 4001 pigs per year, proiduc'ers st'llit ig more tI at t 4001 pigs per- year, atnd all produceers at'e slhown tt theltt U'le average gr'oss return pet' pig, sold xwas S16. 41., The itx ti age c'tst of p idttetioti xx-its SI 1.92 Per pig sold, lea\t iitg, it itct I('toi toi laboiir autd miia~ttgl'ttt't of .84.49 per- pig. WXlit'it tle 2. 9 1or oi IStf ltao' retjiti t'u I per Pig we're 1 t irgei 8 Xx cia.gt No. ttf pigx soild ~r tx Itnvetott tr} il o (;rosts retturns Feed costs (Xittt i)r 1.41/bhi. ---- IVt'i'l ,tcdittx e ----- Ci(5 t( & stateri ((e 5.75/('xxt. Non-feed variable c'lsts Pistitie (i) 211.06 itt 'li tking Iiict rieity ( t hi r catxh e xpet i sx 'Iottil xaialet cots F~ixed costs Captital tlepreetatit it hiitt'rt'xt, taxes, itt ii rttnce Ii itirtlix to lahbor & rngt./Pig stild Prodti i "' gitips Al Snll S11 I Large 14 8 451.2 221.5 1)tllolls 1.5.16 14.501 1.25 :3.1 16.41 17.51 6 75:3.5 17.6 .55 1'5.97 3.51 4.11 :3.27 1.55 2.015 1.35 . 15 .27 .10) 2:38 2.62 2:30 '54 .84 .34 15 .26 1.3 .09 ''39 10.33 .50) I .W9 1.59 11.92 4.49 .79 1.69 '47 .21 .19 .24 Ill0 .'51 1:3.55 .6(6 1.1136 2.0)2 15.57 I .9 1 .44 .51 .29 .16 .016 .3.5 9. 05 '44 .98 1.42 11.47 5.50 WATER - Key to High 5oybean Yields HOWARD T. ROGERS and D. L. THURLOW, Department of Agronomy and Sodls A LABAMA" 'd XIX LL-TI XII II I OWD SOViICalI I ield of 271 hi perI acre( ill 1 967 was ncxfI( to the ilih('t aver'Iage ever lllli' ill the Sotheast. RleasonI fo~r this rcordI is easy to s'l'. adequ(ate raiflall durn Ig t ile CIritical perild o((f pod deveNlop- irlilt andl IwaII filiiiig. lOespite irtportallle (A' other piw hi- tioll factol X, tIIC titlle barir Wil1,11II ('llc-III1 is lack ofl XXat''(% Thi lose CO cIClationsXhil) lIAtXeel) I aililall dllrillg 1pod fi11 all be~an X ill is shlown I) lIX -ca It I1eslilts o(il it IaIIIX saIlI at Allilll It. III thliX CxpCIi lt that cdates baclk to l9t 1, s IX bleansX XwerIe ilotioduIeli ll 1 961) as at dolel~li crop after lolll gain ll iii .3 X CM rot ation(1 lof ljott(,i ((o-I) ()-ItX i tX t. Wher 1111 rtilitX I v X LCIS XXIII ad~equlate fo1 all Cros I sli .vI llall X jelds Xwere closeIX Irelated to I aifall 11111ing the 5-\XXc p,-riol. August 20 to Sc'ptcinher 2.3, as sIIOXX 1) ' v the graiph. Anolther(2 examnpie of' thle dom11inatin)g effect o)f XXater duIr~imn the Critical 1 ioc-fiiling stage Xwas1 ill i a xin II\\I~t~)Xielil tI Xt onl tile PrattvXiille L \ureniclt FCieci. 11e Ipho11 tograph lI X 1 II(X anl eXeellent prospect fo11 at hunpel CrIop oi11 Augiust 7, 19G9. The himlI we're ill fut] ll oo1(1m and plallts XwerIe 42 inl. hlgll. The poItenltial Inever materialized, howXeCXC, since, there \\XiXs oly 2 ill. of rain betXXeenI August 20) (llc Septembier 20. Tile , vil XXas onlX 22 111. TwXXo years ei enthIs X 5(11)c treatniv(11 had procillel 48 hui. per aet-( I X 1ii1 6.7 ill. ofI rail) feIll (ilrilIig tile Crit icai peCriod. II) till' maxinlun) Yielli teXst at eighlt Alallaia locatimlIX. Xovbcl)al Xielcls avXeCragedl -14% higher the( X\ear of hlighlest I ailiflall filirilig pod fill (t0% miore rail)) thall ti)e ave rage for tile 1963-68 period, Tale 1. R IXIA I ~IL A~dXlI\XS t 96.3-68 tLll Itlill .11111 1111 Al,~ Brewton Fild, 0i Molnroe lOille Fild, Ai 8.1111 \ Illitaill Sinh staItionl CrossXXXvie, I T:1liiXXI', I Xi WX-Xas lltIXsllhtttion., AI ediid II 1(IncrIiXC o)1r (I age I I i-iI XIII ca 1311 Ill. 48 9.6i M6(3-68 (I11' :30 4.7 15 t10.5 :31 .6 t6 4.7 :3 3.7 40 8.0 2) 4.4 .52 6.3 :34 tt 52 5.6 41 :3.7 :1)9 7.8 16 7.4 27; .3.6 :32 :3.9 X(Idl11111). t~aiifllf dur t~ling .5-XX'lk pe~riodi AIt~IX 21) to Septe-mber 2:3. -XXIIrage' for 4 yer 1(1 (lP . 1)1111-IllT RA1- INFL I XIIuS IvSrilNs. At [ill RN, 19(67-69 10n1'lies oflliIltllre wld pe)1tcr aIc-rI' 111 Rainifall.\te Nolt 10.5 It) 1.7 :3.0) 8.10 2.3 -A Chances looked good fcr a high yield when this photo was made August 7, 1969, at Prari Experiment tFald. Planits were 42 in. high and in full bloom, but low rainfall between August 20 and September 20 tonly 2 in.t cut yield to 22 bu. per acre. Call 111 liXI'( 101- other' crops. Ill 196S, XwiICI onlyN 1.7 ill. oll rin fe1 1Ill iletX Ci) Augutit 201 aii Septembher 26, acdillg :3 ill. (If' XXater p~rodcedccI 14 1)11. of biams. Thlis XXas (i 1711 lincrease', Tahle 2. Ilailf .11lliii-g the( cr itical periodl XX iXs So} heals' Ieed forl XX (tcl curilog till Critical 1)11(1fillinig peiodis wXXXeli cestaishedXI Il, (iI c Iresearchis now 1 IX seekin wa g XX sI to nIlak(' 1111)11 XXatelrI aalal a I to tilec pilalltsX. Somne p)racticeIs XXee'ds to re cdulceC compe 1 (t ition1, dee' 1 ploinilg Xwhere trIa ffic to tiiitc' Septembe~r Irains. \\'hc'rC largce acreages areI ill- X )v('Ii, till Irisk oIf' Iitt illg ciroughlts ma II e de71 C ceedXII 1 I ield moertalole\re acre, bu. 60 1 40 k- 2 4 6 a Rainfall t 8/20 9/23),inches 10 12 Yield data plotted an this graph illustrate effect of rainfall during pod development during 1960-69 at Auburn on loamy sand. I I I I I I WHITE RATS, family pets, and farm animals can be provided with scientifi- cally combined food nutrients for opti- mum health and weight gain. However, the human family places a multitude of physiological and psychological factors ahead of perfect nutrition. In general, the homemaker is respon- sible for selection, preparation, and ser- vice of the food eaten by her family. The homemaker's aim of "balanced meals" is the practical application of the profes- sional's nutritional adequacy measure- ments. Studies in consumer behavior in- volving 7,000 Alabama urban respond- ents sought to determine the use of nu- trition knowledge in food selection. The table shows the relationship of the homemaker's formal education and nutritional knowledge. Per capita income or per capita meal cost information would show similar relationships of greater knowledge and increased in- come or expenditures for food. Homemakers with a grade school edu- cation more often classified bread and potatoes with fat (fattening), but so did a fourth of the better educated home- makers. Knowledge about the major nutrient in chicken, tomatoes, and canta- loupe was related to education level. The source and nutrient least often cor- rectly paired were concentrated energy and fat, and quick energy with carbo- hydrates. This was surprising in view of "calorie counting" and soft drink adver- tising. Nutritional knowledge scores were based on 3 points for correct pair- ing, 2 points for a partially correct an- swer, and none for an incorrect selection. Scores ranged from 0 to 36, which were then ranked into four classifications used as a measurement of consumer behavior. In one study, homemakers were asked to evaluate the nutritional equivalent of a serving of broiler meat with one of beans, beef, pork, or milk. A third of the respondents rated broiler meat as relatively equal to beef or pork, a third said beef or pork was the most nourish- ing, and the remainder had no opinion. Broiler meat has about the same pro- tein content as beef or pork but less fat and calories. Milk and dry beans have 10 more calcium, pork has more thiamin, beans and the red meats have more iron, milk has more riboflavin. Broiler meat is highest in niacin and contains some of the vitamins and minerals mentioned. Users of a product were more likely to mention nutritional values than non- users. Homemakers who served cottage cheese said it was an inexpensive food, low in calories, high in protein, minerals, and vitamins. Non-users said it was a milk product presumably good for you. Three-fourths of these homemakers said cottage cheese was a healthful food, but only a third of the white and an eighth of the Negro families used the product. Homemakers who drank milk with meals more often suggested milk, es- pecially low fat forms, as a suitable beverage with the bacon and tomato sandwich for a "weight-watcher" lunch. They said it was a nourishing drink that rounded out the meal. Higher income homemakers more often drank milk or used cottage cheese. Knowledge did not necessarily lead to practice. Three-fourths of the home- makers whose families were consuming less than half the amount of milk prod- ucts needed for good nutrition knew that CONSUMER NUTRITION KNOWLEDGE and PRACTICE RUTH HAMMETT, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology PERCENTAGE OF HOMEMAKERS, BY FUNCTIONS OR SOURCE OF NUTRIENTS AND EDUCATION oF HOMEMAKERS, 3,325 FAMILIES, THREE ALABAMA CITIES Function or source of nutrients correct answers General good health-protein, vitamins- Bacon-protein, fat- Cottage cheese-protein, vitamins Cantaloupe-carbohydrates, vitamins Chicken-protein, vitamins Pecans-protein, fat- Growth and repair-protein, vitamins -- Tomatoes-vitamins Potatoes-carbohydrates, vitamins Bread-carbohydrates, vitamins Quick energy-carbohydrates Concentrated energy-fat Nutritional knowledge ranked score 0-2 (very low) 3 (low) 4 (average) 5 (high) Per cent of homemakers Number of homemakers Proportion in each education of homemaker grouno Under 9- 9 yr. 11 yr. Pct. Pct. 89 94 86 95 69 78 68 79 64 71 79 82 76 83 58 65 36 48 31 42 34 33 14 18 69 25 5 22 740 25 38 26 11 21 690 12 yr. Pct. 96 85 82 83 85 83 80 72 60 56 45 23 16 27 37 20 34 1,115 13 yr. or more Pct. 96 93 87 88 93 88 82 83 77 74 59 26 Average Pct. 94 93 79 80 79 83 80 70 56 51 41 21 7 27 18 27 43 29 32 17 23 - 780 - milk was a good source of protein. Knowledge of the B vitamin content was nearly as high among low as above- average users of dairy foods. Actual use of eggs or milk was about three-fourths of the amount suggested by homemak- ers as necessary for health. When respondents were asked what should be included in family meals every day, meat, milk, or green vegetables were usually mentioned first. Meals are planned around food products rather than nutrients. They recognized that a food may be "good for you" but other factors determine its use in family meals. Family preferences were the major factor in food purchases. Higher income consumers were concerned about quality or variety, with nutritional value men- tioned third or fourth. Women of lower income groups mentioned price or "spe- cials" first, preferences second. Size of the food budget as related to total in- come, menu patterns, need for variety, size of household, or age, sex, and health condition of family members are factors to be considered in food selection. Better educated homemakers with higher incomes have the knowledge and means to make use of nutritional in- formation. They observe and remember news about nutrition in all media. The Cooperative Extension Service is cur- rently working with families on public assistance to improve nutritional levels. Many homemakers and their families could benefit from a practical knowledge of nutrients necessary for physical and mental well being. If food costs con- tinue to rise, the general public may be- come aware of the fact that good nutri- tion has several price tags. A History of Forestry at Auburn University W. B. DeVALL, Department of Forestry FORES T RY AT AUBURN really began in 1927. It was then that three species of southern pine were planted, experiment- ally, on badly eroded farm land to con- trol erosion. These plantations stand to- day as a living memorial to this early venture. During 1932-33, extensive experiments with four southern pines were started. Nearly 80 acres of pine plantations on the university campus, the results of these experiments, have been visited and studied by thousands from all parts of the country. The first graduate forester to be em- ployed by the University reported in 1935. In 1940 a second graduate forester was employed to develop course work leading to a degree in agriculture with a major in forestry. During the 1940's four experiment forest areas were acquired, one each in Fayette, Autauga, Coosa, and Barbour counties. Field studies are conducted on these forests. Interest in forestry education began to rise in 1944 when a brief titled "Forestry Presents Its Own Case" was prepared and placed in the hands of some key people in the State. A bill providing for a degree course in forestry, expansion of research, and funds to support each was prepared for the 1945 legislature. Friends of forestry came to the support of the bill and it was introduced to the legislature in May 1945. The negative faction argued that there were already enough forestry schools that young men could attend. Supporters countered that Alabama should educate its own forest- ers. Standards set up by the Society of American Foresters were cited as justi- fication for the funds requested. A degree course in forestry and an expanded program of research were as- sured and financed by an appropriation of $25,000 for each of these functions with the enactment of Act 294. By agreement $150,000 was made available for a building and $50,000 for equip- ment. The President of Alabama Poly- technic Institute was authorized to pro- ceed with plans for forestry in a letter dated February 20, 1946. Funds for the building were approved May 18. On May 21 the Governor released funds for operation. Dr. R. H. Westveld was employed July 1, 1946 to plan a curriculum and a building. The curriculum that was adopted had three options or majors- Forest Management and Administration, Wood Utilization, and Business Forestry. Dr. Westveld and Professor L. M. Ware headed up the joint Department of Horticulture-Forestry. On July 1, 1947 forestry became a separate department within the School of Agriculture and Agricultural Experiment Station. During the period 1947-1950 the De- partment of Forestry was under the suc- cessive administration of Dr. Westveld and Dr. T. D. Stevens. In 1948, after the department moved into its new building, plans were made that would lead to accreditation. A committee of the Society of American Foresters con- ducted an on-site inspection late in 1950. Based on its findings and the material previously supplied to the committee, accredited status was announced in Janu- ary 1951. After the Department was accredited and following the appointment in Janu- ary 1951 of W. B. DeVall as department head, plans were made to offer graduate work at the master's level. The gradu- ate program was approved in 1952 and the first M.S. degree was awarded at the December 1953 commencement. A Ph.D. program in forestry was approved in 1967 for implementation in Fall Quar- ter 1968. The first class graduated in 1948 when 14 received degrees. From 1948 through March 1970, 500 B.S. and 28 M.S. degrees were awarded. The aver- age number of graduates per calendar year has been 25. Progress in forestry education at Au- burn can be measured by several stand- ards. In addition to those already men- tioned are budget and staff. Records for the first academic year of the Depart- ment's operation (1947-'48) show seven budgeted, part-time teaching positions and a total teaching budget of $30,000. For the last academic year (1969-'70) there were nine professional teaching positions budgeted while the teaching budget was more than $110,000. The full-time and part-time research staff now numbers 21. These men serve as leaders and assistant leaders for 26 formal research projects. The meager budget for forestry research in 1926 of $80 may be compared with the nearly $300,000 now devoted to forestry re- search. A history of forestry at Auburn would not be complete without reference to certain individuals, projects, and pro- grams. Early leadership was provided by Professor L. M. Ware, now retired. Although a horticulturist by profession, he had visions of the roles trees would play in the rural development of Ala- bama. M. J. Funchess, Dean and Director, School of Agriculture and Agricultural Experiment Station, endorsed the devel- opment of a forestry program and was the first to administer the programs of this new department. Dr. E. V. Smith, Dean and Director, School of Agriculture and Agricultural Experiment Station, provided early lead- ership when a regional project in forest genetics and tree improvement was ini- tiated in 1954. He also provided leader- ship that led to the formation in 1955 of another regional project dealing with forest insects and in providing the first full-time researcher on forest insects and forest insect problems at any southern agricultural experiment station. More recently, research in forest pathology was made-possible. Early in the decade of the sixties an agreement was signed that made possi- ble the location of a forest engineering research laboratory at Auburn. The Southern Forest Experiment Station, U.S. Forest Service, designated this as the Auburn Forest Engineering Re s e arch Laboratory. The most recent sign of progress in forestry at Auburn is the completion in 1970 of a 2-story wing on the Forestry Building. This facility provides space for both the teaching and research pro- grams. 11 SOIL TEMPERATURE ON GREENHOUSE TOMATO PRODUCTION JOSEPH D. NORTON, Department of Hortiuue enxvrirment t of a gt'eeinho~use', Ilarge' yieldts o f tomi iato~es Icain be producedl duinig fall, xxii tcr, aind spr iog xxhen'i supieils of good~t quality, ftreshl tolillatot's arte I low litnd pricets a~re ligil. XX itin ti Ce last fexw years I di're h1a1 ibIleien xii sustaI ill growtxhII of ti i greetn1111use' tolint Il iii tuis trx Pilast ic Covxe'iI'l periodt, iidt'ltise oll thilow~xer ciost thi 11 til'e tradtitillntal glass gtreenihouse. anth et' in tile spriing. S11me1 growxers als()PiIt il prouc xx hi t'r fall crop is 1 illlildin ItI ie gtre''tniouise ariouitnd Augiust I'S- Sept embier 1. ii aixest periotd ranges fro (liilil-Oct 1111r tihroui gih D'enemICr. Tile sptintIg cropIl is planlted'l in I'll Vs\ Jalnuiary and Il barvesteti fio oniid-NIaliti thrug iiigl iax. XX' ll ' a xxiinter c'rop is groxwn, it is piailtecl in ealrly Noxvemller ,Iilt hlatrxestetd rnit-janiliary throuighl Marchl. Iii the Ceaily I 960's, greenhoullse tolmato groxx I' nollticed't ireduiited pilaint giroxxthi ant ci x ics from f~iatlln xxinter crops. tcll il' a pho11 spholIrius tit'fictit'ilt' So il t'impeture was c'xx hecti ltked' 11111 foundl~ to he iin tilt 50)-6) IV raioge. l ah'oldl h iI\ 'l'((ll I tillitoiI1(). look A u Wileat Il ls .59' so tilis wxas suspected to be tile trouible. After pre- linhjiiiarx i s'eai'chlj a slitd "x vas Ilegilo to determine bow soil t I rnpet at tire a ffeets pihosphor01us uptake, as xvell as growth, b Yieldj and i u alit x of greetnIhouse torn atoes. Results of tile prelimrinary studies showed tihat greeno x iglit, drx x %Neigll. .11, phosphorius cooiteii of torntilil pliints iluc(aseci as root /ooe temiperaturte xx ,l5 inceased to 65 'lild 7.5 F". Tie t'emsllperatuire effect was greater at till igiler rtesl' of1 phlosphoru is (.53 anA 1016 lb). of P pcr acre) thain at Tllhe efl('c-t of' iolcreas Iig roo Ilt zone temraci1tures(' to 65" ailli 75- it1 P lexvels of It, .35i, 7), ail i1t6 1ll. per alcie \x as ev a lua~ted iii greei ii ouse experimen i)ts. ( leelic beat illg calels xxere uised( to) beat tihe soil.) Nitirogein was applied to ll i plots at tlil rate oft 240) il). per acre. loil)all) planIts xxer- giroxxn for 1:35 diay5s. Pliospioi us coilteit of' leaves, stern diamleter, aind plaiit hleighlt xwere tictertllille wh silen largest f rit on the first ciluster xxere '2 toI I ill. iin diamllleteri and ;iai wt h x en first pl atnt tops reached the top oI~ f tile Ill is. N ur i a'r andi weigilt of moarket ale andIlli immake'tal i'vinc ripe fru it xxeret recoridted. The re wxas a mrn~tkedt increase iin fruit xyieldi, frulit si/le, sternl diaimelter, pilanit hi'it, aild P content xxitih inereasti I sil teIm periatuire an i wc xi thI iiealsing llifloii ts of P, TFalels I 111d 2. Temillperal i ichadlt tile gieatest effect oni pl an~t he'i gilt xher il't il P xvas ap 1 plied. Is fruit ' icid, fruit size', and( P coni teni ts, till te(illperatur eff'el (ct xxas5 grt'eIr ait hi gil rates oIf P till at lolax tes. Becau'ilse' of tile imlportnt I'llet (If soil t emnp'raturiie oni tioll is il de l''l' itill )tile gre'enholuset. Tis w1 xill pt ~ttl lowx temnperatuires all grlolit lexvci aind cold spotts xwithitn till cci~l 11 louse'. Ftirthler re'sealrch is ie'deti oni tfie co1st of xvartious mtelitos o f' co1n trollinig sil teimpieratuiire. Somne growxxers h1axve I i5'l valriouls iilillxatihis, soh as iraisedi b6 ds, for a smlll iil- cease' itin t'tmpeira1tre. Unheted5 1 65 F 75 ILb. 67.2 84.9 95.) 10t4.13 1,lb. 105.1, 1 16.3 128.8 1 10.1 Plot iz( was 30 sq. ft., with 10 plants Per plot. Tcnipeiatiijv (Iropped hclo\ 59 V for low-, perio(k. T m.v 2. Sizi,: oi Vim.: RiiF Tom-kIOES HtOm Soil, T1,\ov13v1t111, S . \I) Piio,],oolll s R xil ,,, k1lit-13N, 1965-W) P/ilw 1). i 1, 1). 0.138 .19t0 199 .20:3 0.165 2 22 .301 1. 0).196 .24.4 .2.54 .3 15 IT'ilpirattiil'' (iillpv eilm 'li '59' V for loiig pciotiii. Avera,(re frilit \N('i(,Tl1t at (lifIcivilt t( Illjwlatulu , 1 111watedl 65' V 75" F SICKLEPOD vs. SOYBEANS- New Research Findings May Even the Battle GALE A. BUCHANAN, D. L. THURLOW. and HOWARD T. ROGERS, Departmsent of Agronomy and Soils 0)112 of tlii iiiiiSt NCI') l' 'cs(I problem)1s phdgillig 'So 1)1811l grow'sers in the Souithieast. Because of the 'seriouisiiess of tis prolm O llll.illitilelolis pleeV we ('ii(' pnlJo'steini('ig'eec hieri - 'sillid s lol11 'soil at the Gulf CoasIt 51ll)statioli. Thed te'st ilreai wssa's Ilea il' iife'sttd 's'ith sikiepod. E~arlier i(''searcii( 11ad revsealled (21101o\(iiio (Te112ii I 1111s stirfi'taiiit .lpplieil po'stemei(lel gtle to he effectise .lglliillt 'sicklepod. lie mlajor dri l'ss1 1 1 k wssa's it's lack ofcii s iistetll actisit's againist the ws'eeds 'ssMien thiey get 3 in. hlighi or tallecr. Liiiiroii ( Lorox) hi's 11ee)) oxteiisi'sels cviated foi 'sickL- podl control 'sinice 19657. Rates a's loi's's a'01.5 11). per ai ce a's 1 )ost-direeted spirays hase lisuaili gi'sn con ii trol1, Table 11 hut the 1-11). r ate ia's been1 i)11)11 ('oiisi'st('it. Althoughi the hit.1s 11(111 someit soil\ l inidO 1111', 1s u1s111111' \ hase not1 heen affeeted . Aii ecption it as in 196S 's'hlen the 4-116. liniuum rate damiaged the crop. I I o\\ (e\ el., this is alppiinaitely 4 times the( iiilliit r eqireid for 'ss ecl control. '1he1 relati'sely s eiere inlil's of' 'smle i tuiti it's 's\,its the result ofI (icoliat .1(41(111 of thle lielneiide oiilo' iie portionuhs of the soybal p)lant11)1. III (directedl lpist('ilciii g'Iu hlerbiide 'ssitli the loss e foliage. Thierefoie, leiici iides tha~t hiave strillig con~tac1t actionii 11)st lbe ulsed1 earefl il' to keep Conltact wssith so\ he 11)) foliage to itIlna llil Few's' prep)1li1 or preeme11rgei ee hieriidf~e'ss a .litlhl fi- 'so' " heaii use will conitrol 'sicklepol. 'Irutlurin imii a 1)2.llI conitrolI thli'ss (eI. Sicklepod ('(lit)ol wssithli huro(ll il's it pre- eme'lgle' herbicide i's istill 'i yeratie, especillv li\ co of the sea'son, Tabulle 2. Eai lv 's('.islll con~trol 'ssa's elf ectis il iti. SABILL 1. Li I LI I lOF Po'Ii-Diiu i i li) \i'iPiICA -I 'iON's IMBi"O\so ON SU1KLii'ill (A)N1iOi, Si)BEli N I\tl Its, 'sND YILD tS 1o 2 iit iif :3 \eairs. 01' 'se's r.i othl prec1)11(rcgilili c iiides evaluihated lot conti ullilf ig R'sick (l. ml's .1 Ii 's' l1.1\' 'shtowsn .m's pomise'. lii N9, Siidoz 6717 nol \lII 4-4111 looked poi simr Tadie 2. Bth 's' 'je 'still gis ig .11)1's ( 9(0% Control at tii))( osf la'st ratilig. Septemnber .5 (c.1il' raitiwr \\it s mldi' jIl's It)). '1idld (It Nicl's'ds 'ssil's no(t I ltli'(l I1) eitlei 2 or -1 Ih. per ile- iif Sandloz 671)7 aid oiil] '\slighutly by' 4 11). of \111- t-1t0. Forh' e'l'. s I'll 's'swill bIii il 6edl 's'sit Ii thiese i's's '\pci') I lol)itill I l iiils. ;S 161)68, i1) 'Spetiil(')Itl l ici-hiide, lias miltrille'l 'sickle- poll1 ('Nt)vlik \')(1s '' il. s I') il tro'.itiii'its 's's i'll i) 1I9691 's' (Ii less thati -1 ill. iirh ('oNL I s .'FIP 1 i 0 51,PL SN \IN;\(1 1's sIIC ON h Sl(K, I Ic is isle I ts( per. ills 11). 1967 I insnsos tt.0 1968 i Si CN illiri5)5 1.01 78s 27 1 looo .01 97 14 82 instss 6i70T1.0I 94 92 10) I1, 4 4100, :3.10 96 99 1: 1w ~k 0I 0t 0 o i ]to iilitssl; 10 (I) silsli t tsstittis 1 . 0It t iii l i)' 100( tisiills Ii kill. Bosthi lic ici t , ss IIi tli l it aild 5) lilt iS .tiii), icdo tiae 67 19 1) 19 I)i 103 T') 'siHRhIl SiA(- 'sF~ N llVI-, (;I(im III ON Sn( KI'i i ou (:osN 0011. Sii's ll 'N N((\ 'sti il \-Ii) [9 Liulrii iate Sicklepoi1 12)11iii per' i111 1, lb., Eark' .. tt Soybc18.111 i) ry" 1968 0.5 1.0) 2.t0 4.0 Chieck 1969 0t5 1.0) :2.0) 4.0) It lti tesl ia include I-,( 'o lii 1 ufca t Ch cklenlli \a 0) lo ilt n :)()S 1111 Comlte kill. rs i's' Nf -12 16 211 20 Wcceds 2-f inl, tall 1.0) 9 75 2).1) 15 56 NN ceds 8-12 ill. tallI 1.01 12 10 210 21) 18 's (hit lhst '-( t it ( 'I ~i( 5111. 0I toii iill \ : 100) coi isletc kill. Sti of Noh's o ltpii liitN jit Njiic tiisf N'ss zl I/,N 2- ts 4-o 's'sh(kN S iii. Ni'slwaoisN 6- to 8-in. 's's ,I's 16-imi. N)h's si.it' aiiis 8- to 12 iii. 'v s'sil 2 Iiii. Ns Itcitn,. I \ ell )Ict 25 -45 I.52 Sick1cpod contiol' So\ hcan iiijur\ Elark Latc Hill.]\ Latc H ERBICIDE applied to soil may have beneficial effects other than weed con- trol. Fundamental research at Auburn indicates such a possibility. When an organic herbicide is applied to field soil the microbial population may respond in two ways: (1) Some organ- isms utilize the chemical compound as a nutrient source and are thereby stimu- lated in growth; (2) other organisms are inhibited because the compound is either directly toxic to them or stimu- lates organisms nearby to produce toxic substances. Some economically important plant- root disease fungi are subject to these influences from soil-applied herbicides. Sclerotium rolfsii, the Southern blight fungus, lives its entire life cycle in the soil and attacks a wide range of crop plants. Sclerotinia trifoliorum, which causes crown rot of leguminous plants, also spends most of its life in the soil. Therefore, most herbicides applied to 800" 600 400 - 200 2.5 5 10 20 p.p.m. FIG. 1. Sclerotia production by S. rolfsii was inhibited by all levels of herbicide. 14 soils in the Southern region are likely to come in contact with one or both of these fungi. Both fungi produce small, hard, resistant bodies called sclerotia, which can survive for long periods in soil until susceptible host plants are available. The tiny brown sclerotia of S. rolfsii are spherical, averaging less than 1/16 in. in diameter. They ger- minate in soil, when conditions are fa- vorable, and directly infect plant roots or stems at the soil line. Sclerotia of Sclerotinia are black, irregular in shape, and average about 1/4 x 1/10 in. in size. They do not infect plants directly but produce tiny, stalked, cup-like struc- tures (apothecia), which in turn pro- duce spores that cause new infections. Thus, the soil-borne sclerotia of these fungi constitute a major inoculum source for disease occurrence. Five years of investigation at Auburn has revealed that certain herbicides may suppress growth of specific plant patho- gens while other herbicides stimulate growth. In recent experiments five her- bicides were tested against S. rolfsii and S. trifoliorum. The herbicides tested were Karmex (diuron), Paraquat, Ca- parol (prometryne), Eptam (EPTC), and Cotoran (fluometuron). Flasks of sterilized soil were separately inoculated with the two fungi, and after 24 hours of growth the soil was treated with the herbicides in quantities to pro- vide concentrations of 2.5, 5, 10, and 20 parts per million (p.p.m.). The lowest concentration was near recommended field rates, if it is accepted that most of the herbicides applied in the field are incorporated or concentrated in the up- per 3 inches of soil, where fungal patho- gens are also more active. The exces- sively high concentrations were tested HERBICIDES may Check Buildup of PLANT PATHOGENS E. A. CURL and R. RODRIGUEZ-KABANA Department of Botany and Plant Pathology to determine maximum rates required to obtain a significant effect. Since alcohol was used as a solvent for the herbicides, some flasks were treated with alcohol alone to serve as checks. The cultures were incubated in a controlled environ- ment until the two fungi produced ma- ture sclerotia. Production of sclerotia was recorded as either total numbers or dry weights. All of the herbicides tested reduced the number of sclerotia produced by S. rolfsii as compared with the herbicide- free check. Diuron and EPTC reduced the number of selerotia by nearly 50% or more in treatments of 5-20 p.p.m., Figure 1, and Cotoran was significantly inhibitory at 10 and 20 p.p.m. Gener- ally, the inhibitory effect became greater as the herbicide concentration increased. Paraquat and prometryne were only slightly inhibitory and are not shown in Figure 1. In Figure 2, sclerotium production by S. trifoliorum is expressed as dry weights. Compared with the herbicide- free check, the trend for treatment ef- fects was quite similar to that seen with S. rolfsii. Diuron and EPTC reduced sclerotium production considerably at all treatment levels, while Cotoran was most inhibitory at levels above 2.5 p.p.m. Certain concentrations of paraquat and prometryne (not shown in graph) in- duced slight increases in sclerotium pro- duction above the alcohol check. These results indicate only the effects of herbicides on pathogens in pure cul- tures. It is not yet known how this pic- ture might be altered in natural soil with other microorganisms present. This in- vestigation is being extended to studies of herbicide effects on germination of sclerotia and spores of pathogenic fungi and on severity of plant disease in nat- ural soils. Sclerotia 250 - Check U EPTC 200 - 0 Cotoran 0 Diuron I - 0- - 2.5 5 I0 20 p.p.m. FIG. 2. Sclerotia production by S. trifoli- orum was also inhibited by herbicides. Sclerotio No. ooo PRODUCERS, merchandisers, exporters, feeders, and processors who deal with unprocessed agricultural commodities ac- cept risk as a normal part of their busi- ness. The most serious risk is the possibility of loss from fluctuations in price. The time interval between production deci- sions and sale or between a purchase and a sale increases the possibilities of loss from unfavorable price changes. While there may be ways producers and handlers may attempt to compensate for this risk, such as in contracting, the futures market is the only organized market that is designed to provide an opportunity for reducing or offsetting price risks. Many agribusiness firms have success- fully "hedged" on the futures market for many years to assure themselves of a price that covers costs and provides an acceptable net return. Hedging is a means of using futures contracts to re- duce price risks of actual commodities stored or processed. On the other hand, farmers generally have not used the fu- tures market. Based on the number of articles on futures trading appearing in popular farm magazines and trade jour- nals, there is a growing interest on the part of farmers in the futures market. Commodity brokers now actively solicit farmers as customers. Futures markets are more complex than usual marketing outlets used by farmers. Trading in futures means buy- ing and selling of futures contracts. A futures contract is a legal agreement to deliver or receive specified quantities of a particular commodity during a desig- nated month at an agreed price; it is a binding contract for both buyer and seller. For example, a December live beef cattle futures contract is one pro- viding for the delivery or acceptance of delivery of a minimum number of cattle at a stated grade and weight in the month of December. The contract can be entered into as much as a year prior to the contract month. While the con- tract can be fulfilled by taking or mak- ing delivery, contracts are almost always fulfilled by making an offsetting, opposite futures transaction before the delivery month. All that is necessary in such cases is a settlement of price differences. Most farmers would be interested in the buying and selling of futures contracts, presumably to hedge. Although the mechanics of hedging is important, this article primarily concerns a study made by the Department of Agricultural Eco- nomics in 1968 on knowledge possessed by farmers about the futures market and an attempt to increase that knowledge. Farmers participating in the survey were large farmers in a six-county area of east central Alabama. Questionnaires, consisting of a series of statements re- SAMPLE OF FARMER RESPONSES TO SELECTED STATEMENTS ABOUT THE FUTURES MARKET Statement Correct Percentage Corct of correct answer answers Pct. The risk of loss in buying and selling futures contracts is greater than the risk of loss by holding the commodity in storage- Disagree Changes in prices of futures s re contracts are the result of large scale manipulation by speculation Disagree Hedging in the commodity futures market is a form of g a m b lin g --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. D is a g re e Hedging is a sale or purchase of a futures contract to offset a purchase or sale in the cash market Agree Being "long" in the futures market means that a sale has been made with no subsequently offsetting purchase Disagree The buyer of a futures contract is not required to take delivery Disagree A "bull" is one who believes prices are heading lower ......... Disagree quiring agree, disagree, and do not know answers, were mailed at different time intervals. A sample of these statements is shown in the table. Answers to individual statements re- vealed only in a general way the amount of knowledge possessed. There was a greater number of incorrect answers than correct answers in half of the statements. In statements that concerned purely speculative aspects, answers revealed a considerable lack of knowledge. After the first response to the question- naire, a further study was made to de- termine if knowledge about the futures market could be improved. Farmers were divided into two groups. One group was used as a control group while the other group was mailed educational materials on the futures market at weekly intervals for a 3-month period. After this test period, all farmers were again mailed questionnaires as before. Answers were scored so that a numerical value could be assigned that would measure an increase in knowledge. Scores for the control group did not change be- tween the two periods, averaging 34.5 and 34.6, respectively. The average score of the experimental group improved from 33.4 for the first questionnaire to 41.5 for the final questionnaire, indicating an increased knowledge of the futures mar- ket from the materials. 38 Those farmers not using the futures market, but who are interested, need 35 more knowledge about futures trading. Response by farmers to a limited mailed 44 educational program was good. More- over, the program was effective in that 77 knowledge about futures was signifi- cantly increased. The possibility of other 23 kinds of programs for enhancing knowl- 30 edge about futures should be explored, 57 including discussion meetings or work- shops. 15 INCREASING FARMER KNOWLEDGE about the FUTURES MARKET M. J. DANNER, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology * C)YIEANS, V) )T ain d '* VILDL 1 L- SHERWOOD C. McINTYRE, JR. and M. KEITH CAUSEY Department of Zoology-Entomology ilig- ill thll all' of ilXI'IticiII('XX ildilel re- ilatjio XIs lipls. fOne Xsuch ('X llfpio 114 Xld tilll I,, tiel el' a'~tioll'sIi 1 of 14.11111' 'sp)'lic' to ii lsl.'ticide(' Lsed ini tlie piooc ti i o(111lf 1.11 (' ill c'I''.sl's InI ac ( re '14'X I IXlt (' to fild's arell.' li's i)1 t1 f e s II )lltIli( hlX1i.'d) 1)1111114till o' whie-tiled deer I!itb1969 XI'll ' ' ltlt'I i t ( etIllilil ' X tl l (I l969 growI hig seasons hIl1T i tl'isI)X i)ll I lli X, .111(1m fiels. 1 XI to 1 c 111111 i ts. .111IIt 'l \\-it 141111.1e 14h 11a 1 (fee . rabitsX il' I Ililiic 1))1' 'l iii X li S ~i lli Illl ac IN llliXI tiii XX XX'ilic liid li 111 'IIu of,~ ~ 11) 1111T Xolaniltl ill deri bbt itild ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I.' AXltlfeigiloi dien oIIT Xlc'ted 'illtii ro 'd hil t Xabitat'ithI ltill' tIl' M) liistF 0111 1 I DDX l'i's tX ,11inliX .1 1' till) I e te be to11 XX'!I' CI)IIC' li c i ll.1i.IX X it s I 3 1Xiit ll ic lli piXX li t 'l I v t he11 XXbiili 1) iI'XI iliI'X o 11111411114 i 11 111 I .:l'I 2.4 s ci lllelC XX e It l 1 I ilg-i o il to) Agrctoal Rc2 erh 6:701 Cibis Mi2: \\,its collsj~idliXN Ilia4il till that deI' Aiiials 'oll'c'tedI fro areas nI' ot re- c'('tIX tre'ated( 'ontinetdi 11(1(ofllid'I i)I lowe ('I idititjl'Xe of DT ti.i thoseXI col- 1(1tc tIr i 00 tildItlI f'ilds 1)erv' AX II - itid qijhlil .iX II 114ed 1.4:3 1)1)111 with it. law-4I of 0.60) to :3.1 It)111 When'i I (pol tilig I ('Xlis 'slch .1s thlls, the' X \iiliii( biologist is chiai'll('ed to) ex\ The1 XI 1 1 ((l ( 'lsin ir o~i \ liid are (1still IiII-c III 'd's X 11(1 IfllCetjll' i1)1)1 (11o atei Di 11 Alloiligl 11111'sll 'seasonst( ill 1114 illl\lle IT XidsoII llbll I1X) cen1(11 .11111) lo ti ii iIOtitt' has'd Asiir ofc do1 1' 1(1 ill 01 Cli, sesn hinl areasi' \\]et( I)II! i'tsidolii'' t ( raiC'( lOXiiil are f i tp-a11 fiowiie' (\it till) domestic meat Ac~1ton oii this idtod XI)('i.t1 lival \llt ti( I 'il XC iii t liii 4 A)l'i iCit.B' o l'' s uchmil'X.e lillil' tX estabX'lish iwi) FiXl illc.'to- co l nllk td illates leporl n.r st o l g s o Fro~m treaited areas Ilabilt :31 U-I18.I0l IIIIIIXIjt( qua11111 2t0 2.107-46. 10 :.001( 2.47 17.08 1.35 1115 1. 4:3 L ' Ilild(Accted itt 1(,Ncl.