idi -v- VOL. 4 NO. 4 HIGH LIGHTS of AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH 9 0 , -i4ca -Wide-Open Market fcr High Quality Christmas Trees . New Process Produces Superior Jam and Jelly . . . Quality Broilers at Lower Feed Costs . . . Work-Free Dairy Feeding ... A Word of Caution about Insecticidal Residues... What's Your Woodlot Worth? . . . Crimson Clover -Still The Top Forage Producer AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION SYSTEM of the ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE * 0 PA LA W'INTER 1957 S R V I G A L L I A A 3 & . Weide-oen MARKET CHRISTMAS TREES BEN F. ALVORD, Statistician but find bamna. 'IIIILsTMAS TREES are big business in this countrv. About 38 million were produced or imported in 1955. These were valued at above $1:3 million when grouped for shipment in producing areas and at about 826 million when delivered in large wholesale quanti- ties. Their retail worth was about 848 million. Probablv over a half million of these trees were used to decorate Alabama homes and places of business. Users may have paid as much as a million dollars for them. Alabama Production Low Although the big national Christmas tree market is "xwide open." Alabama producers supplied only about a third of the trees used in the State in 1956. Yet, the State has enough idle and seni-idle ladl to produce several times the number used in the entire nation. Furthermore, climate is favorable for rapid tree growth and to harvest at Christmas time, when ample labor gen- erallv is available. One of the three species most used in t:e United States, the eastern red cedar, growvs wild over practically all of Alabama. It is particularlv numer- ous in the lime soils of the Black Belt and limestone valleys. The Arizona cypress sl-ecies (see title photo), which is well receiv ced by Christmas tree risers, is popular as i plantation tree in the State, but d)es not supplv much of the market. Pines of sexeral kinds are easily produced only a limited market in Ala- Local Trees Popular Many Alabama residents prefer one of the locally produced species. All like the freshness that comes with the late December harvesting practice in Alabama as contrasted with fall har- vesting usually done in northern areas. Despite the preference for local trees in the State, cedars led all species in the proportion left unsold on Christ- mas exve in 19.56. Also. cedars retailed at lower average prices than imported trees of the same size. In addition, no locally produced trees appeared to compete effectively in the expanding market for ornamentals (small tinted trees for table use.) It was apparent why many trees were unsold. Scraggy limbs and foliage, badly unbalanced growth, large gaps in foliage, crooked stems, or other de- fects were common. In contrast. limited offerings of Ala- bamla-growln \rizona cvpress and pines Eastern red cedar, a., popular species for Christmas trees, grows . wild in most sections of Alabama. However, quality of these cedars is generally low. In ; , the field shown here, , there are hundreds of -. cedars growing, but only one tree is sale- able (inset). Many of these cedars woul:d1f4: . r have grown into good .A Xmas trees if they had received proper care. apparently were more carefully selected land leftovers were not numerous. Cedars were priced at about three- fourths that of impolrted trees of com- parable size. undoubtedly because of the many substandard trees. Prices of Arizona cypress were generally equal to those of imported trees. Quality Handicap to Sales Poor quality trees probably offer the biggest handicap to sale of greater numbers of local trees. In addition. lack of grading, standardizing, and bundling trees handicap retailers itn handling and pricing. All natural-color imported trees are at least bundled and graded byl size for convenience in handling, pricing, and selling. In addition, imported orna- mentals for table display are tinted. treated to retard drying out, and mounted in convenient stands. Local producers must undoubtedly compete not only in quality, but in or- derly handling to get volume sellers, such as chain stores, to niove Alabama trees into the large market outside the State. This is especially important with small ornamentals. This part of the market has expanded in recent years. Ornamentals appear to be the fav:orite ty pe tree handled by mass sellers, par- ticularlv chain stores. Their orderly handling has been efficient. It has led to small marketing margins and ap- parently modest and attractive retail prices, considering the quality and durability of the product. The adaptability of locally produced trees to processing, handling, and use similar to those of ornamentals now sold and their acceptability in the market is uncertain. Howexer, importance of the market seems to justify test marketing by producers of local trees as orna- mentals. Itea ftoree.1Ina'rdcea SUPERIOR JAM "d JELLY HUBERT HARRIS, Associate / 4 orticulturist A AA B.'sxx'.iLAxCKBERRY (.0055 LS are finding news markets as the result of at freeze. This time it isn't the weather. Rather, it is it man-made freeze used in making jam and] jelly fromt hlack- berries. The process, which may also be usedl on other fruits, wxas developed in the horticultural hiod lahoratories of the API \gm rc oltai~ 1'AJ)Expeim1ent Sta- Grocery store customer prefers Chlco jelly mode by freeze concentrate process over leading commercial brands on shelf. become that sexeral pioicessiors are in- terestedl iin using the mnethoid. Market lRccentlx , resuilts froim studies of con- suiuer preference and acceptance of the jam and delx ii \iMitgromerv xwere repolrted in StatPin Circula ,r 119. These resu lts shoxw that conum iers favored the experimental proiduicts iixer leaclitri ciimmercial b raid (15xxitli xxiiich ciomi pared. The expeimiental products xxerc sold uiuccr the name oif "CHILCO." forined from Chiilton and couniuty. Frozen blackberries and mu;- codines ready to be made into jam and jelly in Auburn processing laboratory. Freeze Concentration Process The freeze process retains inuch of the natural flavor of fruit lost in hoil- ingr. In making jam and jelly, it I s usUally niecessar x to remove at part oIf the wyater from the fruit. 'Water re- max al bhx hoiling causes flax ors to es- cape. The newv process remoxves excess wvater bv freezing, thus eliminatin1ir lhiilina. This iresults in high retention ot flaxvors. These flavor improvements are evident f rum at stuidv of the flax or scrson jelly prepared by differeint prolcesses. (See table.) Concentration of the fruit by freezing is dlone bvextracting a concentrated juice or p ulp from a frozen fruit or nt-it product after condlitioningy to at suitakle. partially frozen consistemcv. Thie dilute icy fraction left behind max' he concentrated by hoiling and returned t the other portion. Th~e jelly or jamn sthen finished hx' adding and dlissiilx 1 aw the co rec t arnouiits of poectill. sut Here packaged for consumer acceptance testing are Chilco jam and jelly made Chilton County blackberries. FLAxxon RATINGS. OF FRIiT JELLIE S PnIE- CPxREiD iiy DIFFEFRENT MELTHODS Kind of jelly Axverage flavor scores, 1(1 judges, Open V 'acuum Freeze con- pan h iil cnrto boili rtii Muiscadine 1.3.8 163. I 19.4 Blackberry 1.5.9 19.8 21.5 Apple -__ 15.8 16.3 18.9 A\xerag-e 15.2 17.6 19.9 1S cores of 1-5 mean poon 6- 10 tfuir: 11- 15 g-ood 16-20 xery' good; and 21-25 excellent. grar. and acid xxhile the temperature is maintained at about 190) F. A problem enciounteredl in the nexv process xvas separation of the concen- trated portion friom the dilute icy frac- tion. Studies on this probhlem resulted in the dexvelopment of practical mneth- Ods or sparting diferent kinds of fruits and different frozen packs in making products. The methods aie designed to utilize the frozen state of the fruit xvhen removed from storage. This eliminates a special freezing pro- cess. Temperatures required fior best re- suilts in separating, dlifferenot frozen rlts varx xxith the kind of firuit or fruiit product, s ohlublI solids coiitent 1W(oded in the conceiitrate, and method of separation. Considerable research has been done hx the Experiment Station on suitabil- itx oif kinds and xvarieties of Alabamri truits fur Commercial pi eserx 0g(,. Ciur- rently, researchers are studx ing frozen processes to make jaiu and jelly from muhscadimes. The daxy mnay- not he fai off xxhlen there xxill he at natinia market for numbers of Alaliamna fruits as the result of this newy processing method. BROILERS ae LOWER FEED COSTS G. J. COTTIER, Poultry H4usbandman C , Ax LABAM~A CRiOWERS produce better quality broilers at lower feed cost per pound? The answer must be "vex" if Ala- bamna remains a leading b~roiler state. Housexvives demand mosre quality iii broilers. 'With federal inspection onl the wvay, more stress wvill be placed onl quality. And finally. competition is keen and lower feed costs per 11). ( if gain are necessarxy for profitable broiler oiperaLtionis. Finish-Feeding Tests Realizing, problems tacing g ,oxNcis, the APN AgTricultural Experiment Sta- tioii. condnicted studies to find better and cheaper methods oif finishing broil- ers. Different teedingt methods xwere cimparedl nliringr the finishing, period -the last 14 days of a broiler's life. Broilers in) the studies xvere either Whlite Rocks or New Hampshires and sexes were equal in each test. Broilers xwere fed a 207o proitein, high energy mash prior to start of finishing period. The holloxwing feeding methods xvere coimparedl in the finishing period. Pen 1. All mash, same ax that fed before finishing periodl protein 20%. Pen 2. All pellets, identical to pen 1 except ted in pellet torm. Pen 3. All crumbles, same as pen I except feol in crumble torm. Pen 4. Broiler mash 20' protein) :3 parts inixed xvith I pairt velloxv corn met 1 ; calculated protein 171,4q. Pen. 5. Broiler mash (205% protein) 2 parts Mixed xxith 1 part xyelloxw coirn meal; calculated protein 1613%,. Pen 6. Brioiler majsh 3,4, cracked corn 5 : cracked x'elloxx corn feni along wcith broiler mamsh at rate of 14 of ra- tioii; calculated proteini 1714 %. Broiler with desired finish, conformation (left) compared with poor broiler. Good bird's full, meaty thighs and breast are what economy-wise shoppers look for. Pen 7. Broiler Masxh 2,cracked corn 1i; cracked yelloxv corn suipple- mentedl broiler mash at 1 to 2 ratio in ration; calculated prntein 161 % Pen 8. Broiler mash 3,broiler pel- lets 13; regular pellets fed at ratio oif I to 2 in ration; calculated protein coin- tent 20%. Pen 9. Broiler crumbles 2a cracked ciirii 13: ximilar to pen 7 except crimi- Illes xwere uised inl place of mash; cal- culated plro~tein content 161-., Results Finishing, period grains ran ged from 0.70 lb). iii pen 2 xwhere the all-pellet systemn xxas used, to 0.81 lb. in pen 9 that xyas fed '.- cracked x'elloxx corn and 23~ broiler crumbles. Broilers xwere slow getting~ accustomed to pellets. The mash-pellet ( 21'3-l3) feeding svstem \%Is 1'Uiperior to the all pellet method ( on timn I1 ig broilers oin the a Il-broiler mallsh suj-wri r in rate of gTain to all-pellets or to broiler mash-cracked corn ( 2:-. 3) feeding methods, hot was nferior to other methods. Feeding too much cracked corn to b~roilers (pen %sx . pen 6) iresulted in pooi (rains. Althoughi all-mash feeding was one of the poorest in rate of gain, it was the most efficient method (lb. feed per lb). gain ). Satisfactory efficiency was olitained when these methods were used: nmash 2--pelletS a;3 moash 3 14-corn meal 14; cruilbeS -a-crackeil corn 1 The most economical lb). (if meat were produced wvhen broilers were fed brIoiler mi ash and corn me~al at a ratio of 3) to 1. This method was only 'lightly cheaper inl producingy meat than biroiler crmimliles and cracked corn fed at a ratio of 2 to 1. Feeding,, all-pellets xx as the most expensixve method of pro- doicing a lb). if mneat. Protein content of rations ted in the 2 most e' o'4omical methods wxas 1 71,5r and 16' 3%, re- spectix elx'v Th is is the protein neededl for S to I)) x cc 1 -olcl broilers. Recommendations Cost pcrilb. of meat is the final test of a feedingt method. Therefore, grow~ers should use g.ood grade, xellow corn ill cracked iir meal form to supplement Mash or crumbles at inot more than a third of the ration for the last 2 weeks. This reduces the cost oif producing1 broilers and( inicreases x elloxx color oif skin an1( fat. Hormones increase market quiality of broilers when irnplantecl 4 to .5 weeks before marketinc!. Hoxwever. (_ainls mav oir max not resu lt. These drugs are mo re u setful in po d icing high qual itv rioasters for the xxvinter holiday seasoni. COMPAISOxNio F FINIxH-\NG NiETlim ie' lullI~LEsS Dci'a 2-YE xo PEIOD NMethod All-ioash broiler AII-jx'llets broiler AII-cruniblex broiler Broiler m1ash 3 4-corn meal ,1 14 Broiler 11oaxh 3 3,-corn mleal ,I Broiler ma~ish 3 4-craickecl corn 14 Broiler inash 2 3-cracked corn 1,i Broiler inltsli 3-liroiler pelle ts 13- Broiler cruomblex 2 3 a-crackcdm corn 13 Prote'in Ga in lb.d mpiii Per cent LI1). Lb. 2- 0.74 :3.21 200 70 :3.67 20 .78 :3.45 61:: .75 :3.45 [714 .78 '3 . 61;.7 t .3.8s9 200 Y8) :3.29 1617 .1 3.:): l',(,d cost per 11). Cents 14.45 16.88 15.531 14.0.3 14.32 115.09 16. 14 14.97 14.15 * Giuaranteed, others calculated. Price teed per ton : broilecr mash Ii$90. broiler cr1iililc )i pelBets.9. cor Inicmal or cracked corn, $70. WORK-FREE dairy feeding CHARLES A. ROLLO, Associate Agricultural Engineer Early to bed, late to rise, To get more rest, mechanize. That sounds better than the old ver- sion abouiit early rising. And, it should be music to the ears of dairymen who work many extra hours. This reworded jingle fits what has been developed at the Dairy Research Unit of the API Agricultural Experi- ment Station. An all-electric feed proc- essing system that was installed in 1956 takes the work out of feed mixing, handling, and feeding. The mechanized operation takes grain and protein supplement from storage bins and delivers correctlv-mixed feed to bins above the milking parlor - all by pushing a switch. In fact, a time clock handles all but one step. Processing Plant Features The processing plant has several fea- tures combined to make a continuous flow process: I ) bulk-grain storage, (2) stored grain aeration. (3) material handling, (4) mixing and grinding, (5) feed storage, and (6) controls. Grain is stored in four 1,000-bu. metal bins equipped with perforated floors to facilitate aeration. Bins are on two courses of concrete blocks laid on a 4-in. reinforced concrete slab. Corn / To troughs To feed Feed bin storage C1_, * ,: At left are the bulk-grain storage bins. Mixer-grinder and ground feed storage bins are at right. Man in background operates system with push-button controls. and oats are purchased xwxhein cost is favorable and stored for later use. The stored grain is aerated with a fan driven bv a :3-hp single phase elec- tric motor. (Fan capacity 5.500 c.f.m. at 1 1 2-in. static pressure.) The portable fan can be moved from bin to lin. It is emphasized that grain stored in metal bins must be aerated to prevent mois- ture damage. Material handling is done with au- gers. Grain is moved in a continuous flow operation from stora e bins to a grain-holding bin above the mixer- arinder dsee diagram). After the grain is mixed and ground, a vertical auger elevates it to a feed storage bin above the milking parlor. Another auger con- vevs the feed to the parlor metering devices for feeding. The mixer-grinder consists of a pro- portioning unit and a small hainmmermill mounted on the shaft of a :3,45 0 -r.p.m., 2-hp single phase electric motor. Four small, separate compartments in the upper part of the mill are equipped with feed augers for proportioning the grain and sunplement into a mixing hopper from which it flows into the hammermill. If cottonseed meal is used as the sutplement. an electric vibrator is needed on the supplement-holding bin to ensure a continuous flow. No vibrator is needed if 4 -in. cottonseed meal pellets are used. Storage hopper Storage bins I % I,-. Truck Mixing 8 grinding mill The ground feed storage bin holds :3 tons and is equipped for bagging. Push Button Control All electric motors are controlled by push-button switches mounted on a control panel in the grinding room. Safety features prevent activation of the outside storage bin augers unless the auger that delivers grain to the mixer-grinder is operating. Pressure switches shut off the mixer-grinder if any mixer compartment runs empty. The grinding and storing process is controlled by a time clock. The only labor required is when the grain- holding bin is being filled. All the operator does is position the discharge spout over the proper bin compartment and wait for it to fill. Installation Cost Cost of installin the feed processing svstem for the 150-cow Experiment Station herd was 85.400. A feed stor- age room xwas remodeled to house the mixer-grinder. grain-holding bit. ground feed storage bin. and controls. Cost of processing 1 ton of 1:3% di- (gestible protein feed made of 52% c:in, 29% oats, and 19% cottonseed meal is shown below. Itemi Fixed cost Electricity Labor Grain and supplement Interest on grain Total Cost 8:3.50 .07 .74 54.40 1.63 860.34 Fixed cost includes depreciation, re- pairs and upkeep, insurance, taxes, and interest on facilities. The total cost of 86.:34 per ton was based on process- ing 1.50 tons per sear. For 100 tons. cost would increase to 861.30 and for 59 tons to $65.'30 per ton. Initial cost could be reduced at least $1,200 for the 50 tons per year. since less storage space would be needed. r~ -I._ ;4 cceord 4 caCtion a4out INSECTICIDAL RESIDUES '3E07.-_ E 4 3LA.K2, *- a, - E.rtc-o,'o )ist D OES IT DISTURB uou to bite into an apple anid find a worm? Of course it does! But do you realize that chemical compounds used to ensure worm-free apples, peas, beans, tomatoes, and other edible crops can also create problems? Insecticides deposited on crops byv dustiiing or sprayint operations for con- trol of insects remain on the leaves and fruit for periods ranging from several hours to several weeks. How long they last depends upon the kind and amount of insecticide applied and weather con- ditions following application. Deposits of insecticides that remain oni the crops are called "insecticidal residues." Residue Problem Insecticidal residuies on crops are nic- essary for effective control of insec i- and when Experiment Station rec n- mendations are followed, the inse(ii- cides are safe for use. Howevexr, problem develops when excessive aniounlts of insecticides or insecticides inot rcommended are used, since the residues may persist until time of har- %est of edible crops. Residues of insecticides may occur Inot onl on i vegetable and fniit crops but also in meats, milk, and milk prod- Iets. Some of the insecticides used oil aiimnals are absorbed thlroidgh the skin and stored in fatty tissues or excreted inl milk. Fat storage or milk excretion of insecticides may also ,ccur whenr the animals eat ha., silage, or pasture crops that have been treated for in- sect control. These residues, which may have no noticeable effect on the alinlials, are consumed I\ humans along with residues on vegetables and fruniit. alid in turn, may be stored in the hu- man blody. IL(, pro!)lent confronting en(tomolo- ,. then, is to determine not only \what insecticide to use but also how to use it for both effective insect control and safety to consumers of treated products. The M\iller Bill (Public Law 51:3) established residue tolerances of various insecticides on mlts, fruits, vegetables, forage and hay crops, and in milk and animal products that are safe when the products are eaten. Small amounts of certain insecticides are not harmful to humans and are allowed by the law to be present in or on all of these except milk. No insecticidal resi- dues are permitted in milk, since milk may be the principal diet of babies. Entomologists of the API Agricultural Experime(nt Station. its \vcll s those in Which hand holds beans with residue of insecticides? Troublesome residues usually cannot be seen. other parts of the United States, are working to learn more about insecti- cidal residues so that recommendations for insect control may conform to thee established residue tolerances. Toxicity Studies B'esearch was conducted for 3 \ears byv the API Agricultural Experiment Station to determine the toxicity of toxaphene, DDT, and methoxvchlor to sheep and cattlc grazing on ticated areas. The animals were placed on pas- tures at intervals after treatment with various rates of the insecticides. Ob- servations were made of effects of the insecticides on the animals, and sam- ples of fatty tissues of the animals were analyzed for insecticidal residues. Al- though the residues were high in ani- inals grazing on areas treated with rec- ominended rates of the insecticides, the residues disappeared from the fatty tis- sues if the animals were allowed to graze on untreated pasture for 1 month. As a result of the increased empha- sis placed on pesticide residues by the Miller Bill, a residues laboratorv was established in 1956 at the Experiment Station. The purposes of this laboratory are to determine (1) insecticidal resi- lues that may affect the marketability of agricultural crops, and (2) residues that result from experimental applica- t ins of insecticides in order to make recommendations that are safe for con- ,iimer use. Studies of residues on nut, fruit, and vegetable crops are under ax. An example of results to date is the finding that malathion may he safely applied to blackberries one day before harvest. Experiments on insect control estab- lish the insecticides and rates at which they are effective for insect control: the residue studies determine the interval necessary between date of last insecti- cidal application and harvest of the crop to be sure residue tolerances are not exceeded. The residue studies also permit detection of excessive residues that result when recommendations are ignored or when insecticides are im- pronerly applied. Alabama recommendations for insect control are based on studies made in the State and in other parts of the country. When these recommendations are followed, there will be little danger of products having residues in excess of tolerances set by the Miller Bill. 'Riqht, The 20-year-old stand of slash an nl o - ,ume ,t 25 -crds ocr acre. WHAT'S YOUR WOODLOT WORTH +? AROLD I. CHRISTEN, Forester A >FARinER CAN COUNT his "tree money" before harvesting his timber. It is a simple method, based on the svstem used in estimating the worth of a farm crop. Research of the API Ag- ricultural Experiment Station has shown that five factors are involved. If a farmer applies these, he can determine the value of his timber and how much he can earn from it. Furthermore, the process can be a guide in proper man- agement of timber stands. Factors Affecting Values Factors in the "money counting" sys- tem are: (l) amount of timber per acre; (2) quality of trees; (3) location of timber with relation to manufacturing plants and transportation; (4) produc- tivity of land supporting the woodlot; and (5) operating expenses needed in handling the woodlot. The amount of timber present oni each acre is largely governed by the number of trees per acre and their age. For anv given age of a forest stand, the number of trees per acre largely deter- mines the volume present. Photo above at right shows a stand of 20-year-old slash pine on an acre of aserage pro- ductilitv. It has a volume of 25 cords per acre at present, or a value of $150 per acre in timber. This is equal to a gross return of $7.50 per acre per year. The above photo at left shows a stand of the same age on land of like pro- ductivity. However, it has only 5 to 6 cords per acre worth $30 to $35. The main reason for the difference in value is the number of trees per acre. In the first illustration, there are 400 trees and in the second only 75 trees per acre. To get the greatest return from the woodlot, it is necessary to use the land fully just as you plant to a full stand of cotton or corn. Tall, straight, limb-free timber brings a better price as sawtimber and poles from buyers. Here again we find values involved in the woodlot do not differ from those on the farm. Quality of the agricultural crop also determines its value to as great an extent as does the amount. Location is a factor over which the farmer has no control. As a rule, buyers pay more for products close to the plant on good transportation routes because freight costs are cheaper. High productivity of the land means more timber. However, unlike land for farm crops, it is seldom possible for the owner to greatly increase the natural productivity by application of fertilizers. In considering operating expenses, cost of labor is usually the most imnpor- tant. In some areas labor is plentiful and relatively cheap, in others the re- verse is true. The high cost of scarce labor often cuts deeply into a farmer's gross return in harvesting a timber crop. Le+t Stand .i ame age on 'and tf like productivity has vclume of 3 to 6 cords. ices of when and how he shall har- vest his timber crop, according to results of Auburn studies. Woodlot Harvesting First, the owner may decide to cut all the timber at one time and start a new crop. This may often give him the most money, but there is a long wait between incomes and income taxes may eat up a big share of his profit. Second, he mav decide to harvest periodically-possibly removing growth every 5 or 10 years. Under this svs- tem, he may not get as much money, but he always has a backlog of value that he can tap if he finds himself in need. This is like money in the bank. Third, he may decide to harvest an- nually as he does his farm crop - re- moving each year about what he grows. This svstem works well if the acreage of the woodlot is large enough to make it worthwhile for a timber buver to operate in it each year. Often, the woodlot is too small for an annual harvest. Decisions The landowner must decide whether to invest in his woodlot in order to increase the number of trees and their quality. How much he can invest will be governed by location and produc- tivitv of the woodlot and byv lah r costs in his communitvy. He must decide upon his harvcstin method. Shall it be once in the life of the woodlot, periodically, or annuallv? If the decisions are made wiselv, timber resources can add much to the farm income. Flit 1AS .11 SOI 1oil. ItiLi)LB oiitstandini. hira'-e le .Tluime That's the history ot crini in Alabama. Today this dad eriuag clover i~s still a topf ilocer ev en though many oth hav e been much heralded diiced lil recent %ears. Crimson clov er was lbrotn country from southern Eur 1819. During tile latter p century and the early 1900' wsas ighly regarded as a s( \Vnting ii anl API Agricuiltu mneut Station blle]tinl inl 190 Director J. F. Doggar des clover's value for soil imnpro-, During the 19:20's, Ala searc hers and leading, farm recognizing the possibility as a forage prodlucer. Pre% io ers had not u(sed crimson because the clover ss as most iii the spring, when land I broken for c~itton and other ci thle rise of lisvestoick farm iii bamna. crimson (loser becar portanit pr oduicer f taorage. CRIMSON CLOVER W. R. LANGFORD, Associate Agronomist fornice as a forage. In 18 tests, hairs' thenas 11 etch %% as 83% ais productive as crimson the .1 .13 t first barsvest and 88%T as productis e in total sielci. It swas onls onl light son clover sands sodl.s ii sotutheirn Alabama and onl k reti flos- the high lime soils of thle Black Belt o)1age pro- that hairs svetch outviclded crimson. er leg'umies On Black Belt soils,' crimson clovcr and intro- failed because of iiron deficiencsy. Other legiines stuldied ssere much oht thist lower in produictiotn at first barsvest and itof ,t I lat.ielded considerably less total forage ste ofp than did crimson closer. Results of Il thierj tests conducted during the 4-year pe- ral Expe i iod of 19.5-3-56 show the relativ e sYields 9. the late of crimson closer and 7 Other legtimes 1 i as follows5: ciiie tile emen t. bamna re- ers beirn if crimison isi v. farm- tor forag.e prodlictix e -' aps. WXith a in ,Ala- Ile al Uln- Crop and numbel)&r of tests Crimson clover Ball clover. IS Kenland red clover, 12) Rose closer. .5 Mike clover, 12 La. S-I w. clover, 10 Button clover. 13 Subterranean. Relative vit 1st harvest Pct. 100 17 5I 14 25 8 19 17 Ze&aad -7c&e4 PUBLICATIONS Listed here are timely and new' pulbliCa- tions reporting research by the Agricultural Esperiinent Station. Bulletin 308. Sources of Nitrogen for Cot- ton and Corn in Alabama. Bulletin .309. Marketing Christmas Trees in Alabama. Leaflet 53. Peanut Hay for Milking Cows. Leaflet 54. Reducing Losses from South- ern Fusiform Rust. Leaflet 53. Young Oat Forage-A High Quality Dairy Feed. Leaflet .56. Low-Cost Milking Barn for Manufacture-Grade Dairy. Progress Report 68. Breeding Meat-Type Hogs for Alabama. Fre (ct opie's may be obtained troim )your ounty agent or by writing the API Agri- cultural Experimnent Station, Aub~urn, Al- HIGH LIGHTS of eId Published Quarterly by Tot-il Pct. Agyricultural Experiment Station 10 of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute 100 Auburn, Alabama E. V. SMITH ------ COYT WILSON ------ CHIAS. F. SIMMONS KENNETH B. Roy - E. L. _McGRAw -- R1. E. STEVENSON _ -------Director Assoc. Director -Asst. Diirector ---- Editor --Assoc. Editor ----Asst. Editor Test Results Results Of torag' pl odnctioiu tests b emini in 19.5;3 at a nuimber of research units of the A\PI Station Ss stemi show that crimson clover produced eairl ier pasturage aiud maore total forage than .ms' other wviiiter leguiie inl the tests. Other legumnes iii this stuidy sere li~ir vetch. h all clover, MIike bs er. lose closver, Louisiana and Kenlanci ied dlo- t1's. sub ten anea n clove(5r. Lou isiainia S-I swhlte clos er. and hiutton clover. These crops were planted (hiring Septembe'r or earls October each s\ear on sselI pie- pared seedbeds and1( iniuet at fi ci tut intervals cltiiintg the gyrowing season to dIte orine n yvieltd of (',ch I lairi s s c'tch swas the ((ill legi ime tli. caine close to cirimson closer ill pci- FREE Bulletin or Report of Progress AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION of the ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE E. V. Smith, Director Auburn, Alabama Permit No. 1 132-111/57-8M PENALT'Y FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAYMENT OF POSTAGE. $300