HIGHLIGHTS fAGRICULTUR AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH IN A: t . ot fc4d e444-Cotton Insects Can Cost Growers $50 Million a Year . Cotton Insecticides of Little Value If Not Properly Applied . . . Seed Treat- ment Protects Oat Seedlings Against Disease . .. V-Type Parlor Cuts Milking Time 25 . . . Research Provides Timber Owners Better Methods for Higher Returns . . Freeze Surplus Eggs for Home Use and Market . . . Discolored Camellia Leaves Indicate Nutrient Deficiency. VOL. 2, No. 2 -- SUMMER 1955 S ER V IN G A LL L o f A L A B A M A AGRICUL STATION of the TURAL E SYSTEM XPERIMENT ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE I' r i .. 5 P' ~ A Single Year F IFTY MILLION is t icap o ittncY. tro tlled iii at siiigle year of abunidance, that is xxhat they xxili cost von and other farmer s. Jist ho\xx this loss caml ibec recric-ed or pralcticllx eliiniated diepe-nds On the exteint of usce of iccommiended control measures biackedi I)x research of the API Agricultural Ex periment Station. Control and Soil Fertility (:timiti-tl of ctttoni iinsects has provedc ]light,,- profitaileu il land Caipale of 5 icid inig tine-lial bal ,iIe or more pei acre. 61n poor lanld, control dolesn't pitx'. TIhese con ciis itis ,tre fitoti an earls, experiment ( 1924-4:3) iii xx iicl calciuim arseinate xwas uisedl xs thle insecticide. Stiimariled here arc the results of that 20 sea r experinicrit cindulicted he- forec the comnig of oi ic inisectic-ides: Oii 1/1It) lde land, gain from dusting as cragyec iiiii 50) pouinids of seed cottoni per acre; ont bl land, 240J pound(s; 0]i 4 -bale land, :3:35 pouniids; amid il I-hale land], 456 pimmids. Control With Organics Riesearchl resuilts slit x that org anic insecticides are inure effectiv e thani cal- ciiim arsenate inl contirolling cotton inl- F. S. ARANT, Head, Dept. of Zoology-En tomo0/09y sects iii Alabama. Twxo of the mnexw Organ ies, toxaphene and Bfi( -DDT' mixtiie, have b~eenl tested for 8 ycamrx iii the State. Well fcitilized plots treated xxith these matemrials aixci aged oxver one- hliif balie more cotton per acre than uiitreaitedl plots. Axverage vieids from these ti catinenits are gix en inl the table. Timing Applications IBcsnlts from time (if application cx- l)ciimnts conducted foi manY xYearsx iii Aiahaia shox that pre-s( 1 iulie tir(at- meni ts f ailedcc to iicrease coitttoin xYieid mu rch ai lox tha ,t of cm mit rca) e cli eck plots. Ft rtlicm mom e. they- (lid not m educe thle mommbcihe of applications ineedled later ill the scisonl. (Sec photos.) Dusts Vs. Sprays R~esearch iresults shoxx that dusts and spnax s aire abou~tt equialix cflectix e iii coitrioll inrg cottot i insects inl Al abaxma, Effects on seed cotton yields by timing applications: (A) untreated checks aver- aged 337 lb. per acre; (B) cotton treated with toxaphene at 4 weekly intervals be- ginning at 2- to 4-leaf stage with no further treatments averaged 390 lb.: (C) cotton treated same as (B) plus 13 appli- cations during maximum fruiting averaged 1,507 lb.; (D) cotton treated 13 times during maximum fruiting, 1,426 lb. oiix ced the treaitmnits are applied pi opet ly. A 2-ycar ax ciage vieldl of seed cotton from spra 'vedl plots was 1,567 pouiids lxr acre as comparedl with 1, 144 pounids from dutsted areais and( Spounds froii untreatedl plots. Sprays c an lhe applied, howver, with gi00d results wheni iir cuiiiients are too s tiong for efctixe dusting.T Effective Materials A vmj(.(\ d ilisi-eticicles has ()roxecl effectix e against cci tain cotton pests. Inl anl 8-year test, toxaphene and a 131IC DI)T iixtiii hav~xe giv en excel- lenlt coiitio1) of (lie. tinree most importaint insects-b 1)11xxccx ii. hlalxxoi in and cot- toli aphids. Ijici-i 1)1)1 and endi i also haxve gix ci good results, althouigh tested for at slhmrter peijod. Alclriii-IJ )1 cind heptaci loi 1)1)T mixtures ,viii cl(i- trol 1)o)1 x nd cc :iiiiollixxli. Hoxx- ever, isc of these twxo mixtures mnay mesuit iii at build tip of cotton aphids. All of these comipouiids ame iccoin- mended for uise oii cotton inl Alabarria: none wxill coiitirol spider mites. New, Promising Insecticides Sexveia inimex compounds offer con- siderable piromise ats conti ols of cotton insects. Amrong these are Basyer 17147 (a berizo tliiaziiie cleiatix e of at (itlio phosphoric aci inicthivl ester), mncth I patrathion, aiid lrlilion. Basecr 171417 xxias liglilxv cffectiv e againist 1)011 xx ex ii it) pi ciimiiiai experiinents. It xxvas a faist killer anld remnainied toxic loniger than to\,i 1 llcie ( residual). Although less ies icinaI, in etlix parathion aniid chio tiiion xwiii conrtrol cotton aphidls and spideri mites inl addition to b)o)1 xx ccxii. (Jii1omtliiomi is toxx- inl toxicit\ to xx ,i mibloodedl amlimnais. AAx E YxIEL VaiOF SEED C(Ii N Oii\tN AitiAs TRiEATED i mii Txwoi INSEC TIC IDES, 1947-5-1 Treaitncnit Vntri-,tch chick B01 1)1)1 iitrt-ated( c-heck Toxipiric Trials Y id per acre Xit-id im-ease oxer chec k* Ii tonber Pouiinds P'onds Pcr ci t 7.3 7:3 1.202 2,044 1,09:3 1,925 1 lie axverage yield increaise fromt use of cailc-ium arsc-natc )x s .39.1 ",, 1924-43. COTTON INSECTS Can Cost State's Growers $50 Million in (I! ION lNSu l( 11)1 5 art' of 10 Value uniIcss tlit' are pro 1 lt'i i applied. EnitoinologTists liaxe dterciminedl the proper att's, timei, and freqt'(itcn 'yof i 1 pplicatin for moost cfit'etji C co"it rol for the iiaiiv tifiltit insectticitdes. Se- lett joil, ad(ju stilint, andit ope'rationl of ('(jii~nt is imporltaint iII order to ap- the cliIto 01111( i sts. Sprax er s anti (lusters amet the txx o genle! a typ~es (of applicationl ('(fipileilt used. 'Pests have shiown, that spray anti dust are ablout equall ' effectiv e for ct- toin isect control. (See opposite page.) Each method of application has its ad- x ilitages and tiisatlxantages. Advantages of Spray Method Spraxys tan usually be applied thru lghoult the day, but cifeetix c tdust app 1 litcation! is oft cii restrictedl tto eai l 1mo0!inlg, late ex ening, or night hours \Ow1n1 thlt'!e is little or no wvind. The longel xx oiking time with a sprayer per- inuts poIining (of more atres per tlaY anid incereases the chances of bleing able to poison onl schedule. Spring\'i t'ojilpincll has poIsibilitites ofI 1101 CIIvsidcr uIsc, thlain dsting eqiip- liltt. It t-ail also bet usetd for 51)!ax iig lix tstock, chlickcen hlouses and~ other in- scet-iilfcstetl areas andt for applyving pre- andl~ pIost-t'in~' citcc t'liit'cals for wvcet u sedl for sprax, \ilg co tttlli shld 11t not lbe used to appix 2,4-i), 2,4,5-T, anti sim- ilar rrater ials. With inlcreasing use (of pre- and post- tint'!eneitt cheicials for wecti cointrol ill colttonl, 11101e cspr!axciers \ill lecllnc ax a ilahIe for0 inlsectt con troll. A sp1 a cive illax niot be' eclioomical foor small aer'e- 'Cop'rato'.c0 stout\ Xl itl FLiit Mach. D i\ \ !i 1IgOin. Hecs. fir. A.HR ()f t'S.I).A. COTTON INSECTICIDES- Are of Little Value If Not Properly Applied T. E. CORLEY, C. M. STOKES, F. A. KUMMER Department of Agricultural Engineering ages of ctotton unless it canl be used for other purposes. Spray application is less olbjectiton- able to tile operator than tdust applica- tion. Dust applied tduring calm wveather mnax remain suspciende in the air anld hecome objectionable to thle tiractor tirix cr throulghout tile tllistinlg opelra- oil tile planlts. Disadvantages of Spray Method One tdisatdvantage of s1)1 axv appica- 5 tioni is thlat tile farmer inuost inli his oxxii spiray iil correct propor titons. Tile a 1111(1lt (If tilu ted spia ay for effect ive contlilt 1) !l\ x-arv conllsidex ablv ( firom I to 10 gall ons per acre for totton ) as Ion g as thle correct a mon t of' techiical i1la~tc! ial is asppliedi. Mlixing the coincentirate wviti xx atcr iii irctpr opoort ins is relat ix cly simiplte if tile st re th oI(f thle coilcen trate andlt th e amount tof spiraxy applieti by thle spr!ax Cl ai c knowni. StrengIth (of tilecn cenitrate is mairked onl the conltainler andt is uisuall x Cpiesseti in potundts of tech- 11itcal material1 per gallonIl. The xolune (If spr!axy applied per at!e c'ain he tletei milled I' cattchinlg andlt illeasli iil thle solutionl fiom a i1017 Ae \vlilt thle tequipmenlt is operatctd (,\(, a1 loliso eti distance loltirci tll- tlitiois simlilar to those that xvill prevail tiriing actual1 5j)!ax ilg. Volume (If spirax applieti dependts on size of nIozzle opciilg. speetd of tiractor, and pressure usetd. 'The trator speetd. pressuire, or nolOLe olpt'ing caii lbt chanlgetd tol get the tiesireti xvoilme. It a l argfe chanige il x oltiet is ilecessai x, tilt size (If noll) e opeing lathler thanl tractor speeti or pr essuire shloulti le chanigetd. 'I le pressure sholdlt le maiii- taliit't Ibetxx een 30 anidt 60 poulntds, ando tilt tracttor opera.tte(] at tilt mlost satis- fi atorx spt'et. Spl axing alt iIxv irates is mlost eco- \x ,tl'r ai'e ittjpif Ie, bu~t as tile inozzlt' olpt'ing is det're'ased( for! lov raltes, tilt tchanes of cloggiiog ilt! tc15t. Ap- ply ing 5 galloins pt'r acle ills pi 115t't Anlothecr tlisaitl .ltage of' spralx tis comparetd xxitil tlnstei s is thle largt'i numbel~tr (If troublt'soime palrts. A spia axy cr ilas suchl parts as inozlest', strainers, hoses, a pi tssure gauoge. andlt a pumip thlat cause trouible bx clgging, C~r- rotlilg, andt rusting. Tractor Wheel Shields l).lllagt' to c'ottonl lx tracetors andlt lalrgte planits. Bc'use' (If tilis taal~ge', lnl.v fa rmlers stop poIisonhlin g betforet tilie to op is ma~ture. T'ests hlave slloxx i thlat tile late ap- Daillge tain be reduced by' usinlg trac- tor! xxvlctl shitetds, 6- to -roxx t'qlipl- incout. andt spray'ers ailti duosters xxitli igli tclranle. Cobhntrol (If inlsets is imlpoIrtanit he- ,1115e highi, xielos alt' nece'tssalry for t'1ii- S t'stinlu. Nt',rlx as mucih tille is rt' Iui!e totIn) lciliailx harxvtst anl at!re of ioxx-x it'liig tottonl as an acri t'(f I igh-ielitli gcottoni. Also, illseettldanll aigt't boils rt'tuce hlarvester efficiency.Tractor sprayer rig equipped with wheel shields to reduce injury to plants. SEED TREATMENT Protects Seedling Oats Against Disease and Results in Better Stands J. A. LYLE, N-ead Department of Botany and Plant Pathology C HESIII AL seed treatment has become a standard p)ractice in the production (of many nmajor crops. It should also he- come a standaird practice for oat pro- Good seedl gerinatio n Ilf oats is 0l1Nk the first step towxard getting~ a gioni standl. Manyv hai mliil olrganlisms exist iii the seed and in the soil, readxN to at- tack the youing plants as soon as the seed beginl to s[prout. These oi ganiPSms1 cause seedl irot, seedling blight, daip- ing off, and other dliseases. Oats, Important Crop Winter olats is ilne of the muost 'ii' factoiry pastulre, anl( grain, hax', mll wxinter coxer crops fo thl e enioe State. This is especiallx- tirue xxith the buttci adlapted x arieti es noxw axvailable. SincE. oats sae gene iall l' cons ideired to be oneII t of the hest croups that xxill gTix eai lx fall and wxinter grazing, aiy ecoii- cal practice that incereases the proidiltc tix e efficiencx ofI this crop shoumld lie fllowexdci. Seed treatment xw'ould lo' classified as such a management pi ac- tice. Seed Treatment Tests Seed treatment tests xwith oats hiax e been conducted (luring the past 2 y'ears at substations of the API Agiricultural Experiment Station throughout the State. Five chemical seedi protectalots wer e uisedl. These xwere Agrox, Cciesan MI, Orthocide 75, Panogen, an(I Vancide 51 . Each material xxas applied to oat sceni at the rate reco~mmended byv the mamnufactumrer. The oats were seeded at theL rate olf 2 bushels per acre. In general, Ceresan NI xvas the most effective seed prlotectant uisedl. This ma- terial also was the most effectixve one used in greenhouse anid lahorator' tests. The difference in laboratory germina- tion (of untreatedl and Ceresan NI-treated (ot seed is illustirated in the accom- panyinig photo. Treatment of seed wxith chemnical pio- tectants results in increased field stands (If olats in two xx ax's: (I1) the chemicals kill seed-homne diseases, and (2) thex p)rotect the seed duing geirmination friim silil-irlfesting disease olrganisms. Ceresan NI and other oirganic mcer (liomals lmx' piox '1 to hIe 1io' ('file reduces the inatiural gei millahil ityx Nia lbilitV, o~r v igor of oat seed. Further- more, stands from the same lot of seed may v ary in different parts of the samle fi'ld, I egardless of ti ('atmlent 01 10o tnI i) c1it. Are Protectants Scd-ltreating chemicals lie not [ci- tilizers or nlutients. The\, doi not stim- ulate or speed up germination and growvth. These materials merely pro- tect the seed agrainst certain dlisease 01rganisms and usatal improve the chances for surv ival of 'each seed- ling. Very often the protection gliven xxekseeds by chemical treatment xxii] enable them to germinate and prodnuce seedilings, wh'lichl they Could ilot do wxithoumt seed tireatment. As a result, I cx er fi liic to 0) c t misd stal (di Oats on right germinated better than those on left because they were treated with Ceresan M, killing the seed-borne organisms. tive for oat seed tireatment thani other ty-pes of chemical seed protectants. 'these chemicals gixve off fumnes that pen~etrate the huills of oat seed and kill the organisms underneath. This xvas demonstrated in both greenhouse and laboratory tests, xxhere Ceresan MI xwas very effectixve for control of Victoria blight, the most serious seedling dis- ease of oats in Alabama. Nlanv factors such as xxeak seed, un- faxvorable xweather, and unfavorable soil conditions max' affect the oat stand ob- tained from any' seeding. Seed treat- ment provides protection against only seed-homne and soil-horne organisms. If these organisms are not present, or are not actixve, seed treatment xxill nolt increase the stand. Lahoratorx tests hax e shoxxn that are obtained. Costs and Advantages The cost of seed treatment v aries xxith cost lit material, irate o~f applica- tion per bushel, and amount of seed used per acre. It max i v ange from 1 12 to 20 cents per bushel. Seed treatment is xxorth mnany times xxhat it costs. Advantages of seedl treat- ment are: (1) It destroys seed-homne organisms that cause plant diseases. (2) It checks organisms in the soil that rot the seed or kill the seedling. (:31 It results in better quality grainl by eliminating seed-homne diseases that shrixvel and otherwvise damage the ker- nels. NO STOOP - NO SQUAT! V-Type Parlor Cuts Milking Time 25% per Cow J. H. YEA(3ER, MORRIS WHITE, and B. F. ALVORD Department of Agricultural Economics Hoxw muiti of the tlisagi ecable work usualIly reqiriied for inilk in g coxws can he elim.inlated? The aiiswxer is found in the results of a studyx conduictedi ii 19.53 compaiwi da~iry clories inl a stanlchiont ' ype hall)i wxith those in a V type milking pam loi on Iihe cotti )iida i rx management uni t the Sandl Mouiintain Substation, Crosx_ x Ile. Tlie1se ieIstilts shoxw that stooping and1( squattiing to wash uiddem s and attach milker-s is elmimimiated andt wxalkimng (Is- tance nor mallx reqjuiredl in a stainchion 1barn is redi itet inl tlit inilk inig parlor. Stanchion Barn Pior to, 195.3., the herd oltf 12 coxxs was milked in a bairn xwith eight stanl- chiomis, I'igumme 1. Oiie man dlit all the chores and at simigle umiit milker wvas iisetd. MIilk xvas cai iied to the milk room, a dimstance of aut 25 feet from the center (of the milking area. Ani axe! age of 912' mimiuites anti nearly 200 feet of xwalking per coxw (incluiting 24 feet for calf feedling) xwere requiiredl Fig. 1. Nearly a third of the milking in the stanchion-typeb spent in stooping and squatting. for all dlairy thores per joilkim tahle. ) Milking Parlor fin the latter part of 19,53, at V'-typ)e milking parlor of onici coinstruiction wxas built at a t( of Si1,T59. This buildiing has room, milk room, anti rnilkim The two stalls are 29 inches aI floor on xxvhich the xxorker stan tire 2. Cowxs enter the stalls 1w door from a coveredi holdling pi COMPR iISON 05, TiMEi AND NVAi KiNt lRiiQUiBEi Fort MILIiiNG. COWS IN A ST 13 \N WITH II IiiT REQUIE unI N A lxx o-S r si , V-Is PE PARLORii A\ (rage per cowx per milking I tcr-O Preparation for mnilking Turn cows in, fteed concentrates, antI turn coxxs out XX ash uddecr XX ash and dry hands lF restri p \Milkcr onl coxw Niachirit strip Carrs mnilk to milk room, xweigh, pnour tip, and record wxeight Idle( time Treat for mastitis \X'ash utensils, Milk room, and milk ing area NMsce'llaneous~ jobs TOAn Stanchion harn Time Distance -walked- Minutes Feet .8 2 .5 A1 .4 (:3.2) 1.4 1.7 2.1 .9 Two-stall, V tx p 1) xx Time .6 44 .9 11 1.0 (.3.9) .9 .7 1.2 .9 9.5 199 7.1I Fig. 2. Almost. no stoping or squatting was necessary in the V-type milking par- i0cr, which cut labbor 2500. ,Iioor for enti-Ni anti the txxo doors for xiare (on trolledi by ropes. Milking in the parlor is done bv the ,,ire man who milke,( in the stanichionl ian, and the single-uinit milker is u sed. Ani ax tm age of 7.1 minutes and 136 feet of wxalking per tow amre mrequired fori all tiair , chores per milking in the 1urolor. (See table.) Comparisons time far Elimination of stooping anti stqnatting amn was isone of the most important adx antages of' milking coxws in elevatetd stalls. Milk- igT. ( See mug in the stanchion barni requir ed work in a squatting or stooping position nearly one-thirtd of the total time. whewreas almost no stooping( i- squat- xo stall, ting is necessary iii the parlor. te block Onl an annual basis, 116 man hooirs ital cost and tI awalking dlistance of 27.5 miles a feetd per cowx I inclutding 3.3 miles for calf igarea. feetding) were retquired in the stan- )ox e the chion barn. In the parlor, 86 man hours tis, Fig- anti a walking diistance of 18.8 miles a single are requtiredi per cow per year. This en. The amounts to a saxving of 251- in labor anti 31, in xxalking diistance. A\CHION' Verv little mastitis has occurred since milking was begun in the parlor. Pos- sibiy a better job of washing uddlters anti cleaning up1 i's being doine. Time c parlor requirement for washing udiders is stance greater than in the stanchion barn. alked flowvexer, less time per tow is husedi in Feet washing utensils, the mnilk room, anti 6 the milking area. Time betxween washing udders andI 27 attaching milker also is less in the 22parlor. InI the stanchion barii, sexveral 13 cows were preparetd for milking before the milker was attached to the first cow. Time for eating concentrates is 51 ample in the parlor. Although a number of improvements -could haxve been madie in the physical lax out anti the routine useti in the 12 stanchion barn, only elxvateti stalls xwousld hixve eliminatedi the stooping and 1.36 squatting. A , l Xi ii stands a pine plaintation onl an amrea that 28 - e-ars ago xvas eroded land. Implressix e is the lesson taughlt thousands of xvisitors by this living gex- amnple of land reclamation xvith planted pines. Duriiing 30) years of forest research lw the API Agricultural Experiment Station, tours of the exper imental plots hae plax r d a major part in the spread of newx forestmx' informnation. In 1927, slash, loblolly, and shortleaf pines xvcre p)lanlted onl badly eroded, abhandonedi(' farmn Ian d at Au burn. To) lx 28veam s later the slamsh and loh- lilly plan'tations am e ready for a third thiinniing. The shoiimtaf pines. howNex em- have not yet rechedc~ pulpwvoodl size. Guide to Early Planting Programs Ear ly planting programns in Alabamla wvere gid~ed by results obltaminedl at Aui bur n. Tree' plamlting woirk onl publ ic lands, followsedl 1)5 reforestation onl cut- ox er .Mid abiandoned pi isate lands, has been huigh]mlx successful because only the best m eeuimemnlatiomis wxere followedr. Studies at Auburn slmoxxenl that black locust, a dens irab le eroision ciin troil spe- dies in soie ar eas, wxas essentiallx a failuren. Caitalpam failed when under- plamnted( ill pine' plalntamtions. Results fi om tests in wxhich dliffere'nt pine specie's xwenre planted in alternate rowxs shoiiwerd that the m]lst x igo olis species simmx xed cormpetitiomn; others dlied(. Altermiate rowxs (if hardwvoond and pin~e likewxise we rre uinsuccessful. Dif- ferences iii rate of height groxvth and( inpine tolerance caused most cormbina- tiiims to) be unsuited. Since large areas of land in Alabama suppor t lowv grade hardxx oods, expcril i('nts wvere begun at Auburn to deter- mnine xxax s of comnvemrtinig such lands to pine by uindem planting. Many visitors hav e seen and haxve been guided by the results of this successful wvork. Fire is Worst Enemy Fire, the No. 1 n'nemv of forest lands, has been studied since 1926. The con- trast betwveen aii acre burined ainnimalls for 29 x ears and an unburned acr e is verly marnkend. Grossth of pine stands, both natural and planted, has been stundiend in the Loxver and Upper Coast- al Plains and in the Piedmont Area. \'mitli the exception iif x oung_ lomugleaf A6) '"4 4 THIRTY YEARS RESEARCH- Has Provided Timber Owners Better Methods for Higher Returns W. B. DeVALL, Head, Department of Forestry Above is the eroded, abandoned form land near Auburn that was planted to pines in 1927. At right is the some area 22 years later before second thinning. Per acre thinnings totaled 171 4 cords of pulpwood, with 161/4 cords remaining as standing timber. At age 25 (1952) total growth was 3312 cords per acre, or about 1-1 3 cords per acre per year from worn out land. jpillt ilii iiig its fil st .3 toi 5 x iars, fii e' has I i i Iit cd thle (Ti o\%tli of pine,;. A i ex- cellenit example on the Lowxer Coastal Plain Substation showvs that estab~lish- licint of \ otllig louii~leaf pine stands ic- pends onl proper nise of fire as a inan a geinent tool. Slash pine, om the other hand, canniot tolerate fire. Provides Know How 1'll(e fir st 20) xears of researceh wxitlh planted pines by the Agicultural Ex- pci net Station estalished mu ebh "know howx" andI several produetion goals for land dev oted to growing trees. Growvth in excess of 1 cordc of pulp- wvoodl per acre per \-ear ean be oh- tuiner. Expr essed in another wvax, more than 2,000 pounds(l of wvood fibecr per acre C[er ,ecar call be growen ill planited loboly pnestands, spaced 6by 6 v estment, carried at 4% compound in- terest, can earn bet\N-een 6 and 12%, dependling onl the species and spacing. MXien properly managed, pine trees hasve earning power that is comparable to the best financial investments. For example. a pine tr ee measurinlg 6 incehes in diameter at 412' feet aboxve the groundl and growxing 2 inches in di- amecter ex cry 6 x\ears is eax ningy 12% coimpound~ intemrest. T'his returmn fromn '3010 to .500 tr ees per acre gixves an ideam of the xvaloe of pm opex lx managedl tr ees. Forest research muist lbe at least 10 xNears ahead of application. 'With the plantations at Aubur n 28 sears old, the storx of planted tr ees amid pmrogr ess of l(search is being told exvery year to isitol s representing farm intem ests, 1 .nk ina amid in xestmnen t com pamnies, and lom ext pm odliets Iliustm i(s. II N 0 To 1( NE S or wxhat to do wvith \', ti a eggs ctx elallv becom1es a pi ol:h'r of (5 (I poulti 5 tiial. ()hb% ouslx . all surpltus. ctacd, 0(1(1shiaped. ext1 cindy large or small, or siitll less egg,(s. anld egg(s xxith mleat or blood( spots cannoit be( uised inlltO(li- atel' lbv tile ax etagre POLltr\1xll \ citi. tier call thley he matrketed pofitabl~ lii )xe\-er, such e'ggs can) le frozen for f utitre homue use or for the mar ket. Sine 19-47 the Aagmicuittral Experi- met lit Stat io n of ti e AXlab a ma Poix teeb toe Inostitutte has eonidutctecd reseatrch o11 freezing eggs. Two methods of pteserv- ing( eggs hx\ fr-eZing( have evo01lved ftor ti s re(seatrch: (1) special tt eatmet of' wxhole eggs before freezing, and (2) emulttsificatioti of eggs befotre ftreezitng EggY(s preserv ed ili a homne-freezer or freezer, locket retain their flav or and edib)!e aIi lel txm c uIfifer th an those pr eservxed at home inl any other way'. The toetlnid utsed most often 01) the fat tr is to enlsif , the eggs and then ftreeze themo. I Ioxex er, the housexvife \x]t wii xishes to presetrve the wxhole egg Y'olk andl wxhite in~tact -ftnds enilsi- f\ iti unde~lsirable. The gtreatest prob~lem inl ft Cezitory xwhole eggs itidis idoahlx is mfaititaiiiuog the (ftaltx ot the x\A- after thaw 11g gg x -olks that haxve lbeen frozen do) tI)ot return11 to theit 01rigitnal consistetiev, after thiaxitig hot are gelatin-like andf giti Special Treatment Before Freezing Resutlts of research by the Aut ictil- titt ,l Expetimient Station shoxw that mutch of the or iginal q 1 uality of the \olk miay he retine~id if xx hoie eggs are given aspecial tI eatinit b efore fre '/111g. III FREEZE 'EM! Surplus Eggs Can Be Processed for Home Use and for Market J. G. GOODMAN, Associate Poultry H4usbandman tmost instatices, the thaxyccl eggs xvill he of satisfactotl v (falits, for cooking. Al- thoutgh tihe mecthod is sloxv atnd tediious, it his mnetit 1f)1 those xwho xwish to pre- serve itidix idual xwhole eggs. Briefly the procedure is as folloxxs. 1. Break ft eshix7 laid eggs and re- Types of surplus eggs that con be easily frozen for home use and for market. 2.Soak eaeh itii idutal t'gg ti a 0t) ' salite i('salt ) soluition for 2() mit- utes. U.s(e small conitainers so tha~t each egg is xwell coxvetred xxith the soilutioni. (;eitlx' txx in the containers sexeral times to toake sore the solution is around all the eggs. :3. Remove the eggs from the solu- tion. Care shookd be taken to remox e any. excess salt soution. A ffiie-mesh slimull sie'.e is suitaible for this puirpose. Above: Sizes and types of containers satisfactory tor storing frozen eggs. Below: equip ment for mixing small amounts of eggs for freezing, for larger quantities, an electric mixer can be used. -1' Paickagee ach egg inl anl itildixidu~l 'otitauiner. Be sure the egg is tightly packaged. 5. F'reeze the eggs at inits It) F. or loixxer. Stoite at tiortnal ftreezer teto- Emulsified Frozen Eggs A c-tv satisfactm method of pre- ('15 ili eggs is to c mulstfx and ftreeze Oani. Procedure for this method is as Break ftresh, clean, sound eggs it)- mall dlishes to make sutre they hax'e 1,, f odlors. 2. Pour the biroiken eggs into a bowixl oi o the i su 0it able c)ontainier atnd emuol sifyx xx ithi a fotrk, hand biea ter-, or ce'ctlid' chuittt beaoter. Beat just enough ti) mix xyilks atnd xxhlte xxithout incoirpoirationt o~f ait. Loxx' sp'eel beatitig is b~est. (if the x \olks atid xxhites ate separated, it is niot iec'essarx' to heat the xxhi e - c'ause the thass ed xwhites xx'ill have as high tqualitv as fresh ones. Hoxvxer, the (liks must receixve the same treat- ment as whiole eggs.) 3. Acdd a stabilizer to the egg(s as they are bieaiten to pies cut the gotiiniiHu liess inl thuaxxed yolks. Readily ax ailahlc ,taibilizet s are sucar, cor n situp, h)oil(, mdsalt. Acdd 3%' sugar, cotrn sitrtp. ot lotiex, o~r 1% sailt, to the mixed eggs tii imptoxe yolk (jtalit\ 4. Store the enuilsified xvhole c'ggs "I s(prac olks and xxhites inl suit- aiile cotitainlers of the desired sizes. The frozen eggs shoulcd be usedc sooni ifter thainitg. Therefore, the size mif itintaitiets for packaging xwiii cdependl Oi ( 1 uatitity, to he used. Care ill defrosting frozen eggrs is 1 ccessarx' to retain the biest qualities of the pirocessecd eggs. Froze'n eggs haxve cetrtain adv~antages oxver shell eggs, es- peciallx' for lamrge-scale use. Thex, are a itmiformu procduct, andI there is less loss tnl cjuality doting storage than xxith shell eggs. BELIEVE in SIGNS? Discolored Camellia Leaves Indicate Deficiency of Plant Nutrients H. P. ORR, Associate Horticulturist W HAT ARE the characteristic symp- toms of nutrient deficiency in camellia? Both commercial and amateur growers have long been puzzled by the varia- tions in growth and appearance of the camellia plant. Is a certain coloration or discolora- tion a sign of healthy or diseased con- dition? Is such condition the result of nutrient deficiency or excess of nu- trients? Or, is the difficulty some physi- ological disorder? A study of the nutrient deficiency symptoms of Camellia japonica was begun by the API Agricultural Experi- ment Station in 1949. During the first year, few differences were apparent in rooted camellia cut- tings growing in different nutrient-de- ficient media. Enough stored food may have been present in the cuttings to nesium. Nitrogen deficiency is common on plants growing in light, sandy, non- organic soils where light, infrequent fertilization is practiced. Iron chlorosis is often observed on plants growing in slightly acid soils. Magnesium deficien- cy is common on plants in sandy, acid soils. Fertilizer studies at Auburn indi- cate that camellia plants develop satis- factorily in a well-drained, organic- containing soil with a pH of 5.0 to 6.0. Best growth resulted when a fertilizer containing approximately 6% nitrogen, 10% phosphoric acid, and 8% potash was applied. On a 100-square-foot basis, two ap- plications of 2 lb. each of a 6-8-4 fer- tilizer should be made, the last applied in June. This rate amounts to 1/2 cupful of the fertilizer per 3-foot plant. DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS OF CAMELLIA JAPONICA Deficient Symptoms element Growth Foliage Nitrogen Weak, spindly Uniform yellow coloration, foliage small Phosphorus Weak, spindly, short Dark green Calcium Progressively smaller Top leaves begin to break down Magnesium Orange-yellow chlorosis on older leaves Zinc Slow rate Clear necrotic spots, some chlorosis Iron Pure white chlorosis on young foliage Copper Necrosis and white mottling of young foliage Manganese Yellow-orange chlorosis of young foliage Boron Orange-yellow chlorosis, sheaths of terminal buds die Sulfur Very short internodes All foliage liage ight yellow 1fe," 76 "4 PUBLICATIONS Listed here are new and timely publi- cations reporting results by the Agricul- tural Experiment Station: Bul. 293. Production Practices of Com- mercial Egg Producers in Alabama is a report of replacement, feeding, housing, and labor practices in Alabama. Leaflet 46. Control of Leaf Spot and Strawberry Weevil on Trailing Black- berries. Leaflet 47. A Comparison of Protein Supplements in the Wintering Ration of Beef Steers. Progress Report 52. Three Years' Re- sults from Creep Feeding Experiment, Black Belt Substation, 1952-54. Progress Report 53. Results of Experi- ments with Crossbreeding of Beef Cattle, Black Belt Substation. Progress Report 54. Cost Comparisons of Johnsongrass Silage and Hay, Black Belt Substation, 1953-54. Progress Report 55. Summary of a One- Year Test on Cost of Producing, Harvest- ing, Storing, and Feeding Caley Pea Si- lage, Black Belt Substation, 1954. HIGHLIGHTS of AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH Published Quarterly by Agricultural Experiment Station of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute Auburn, Alabama E. V. SMITH - Director CHIAS. F. SIMMONS---- Assoc. Director COYT WILSON ----------- Asst. Director KENNETH B. RoY ------------ Editor J. OLAN COOPER- . .---------Assoc. Editor BEE LANDRUM ----- - Asst. Editor sustain desired growth characteristics for a short period. This may often be true when camellia plantings are estab- lished on infertile areas. More of the "described deficiencies" began to appear in the second year. Leaves either dropped as chlorosis de- veloped throughout the leaf or dropped after partial chlorosis and severe sun- burning. At the end of the 2-year pe- riod, only the plants getting a complete nutrient solution and a solution deficient only in potassium were growing. Deficiency symptoms most often ob- served on camellia plants in Alabama are those of nitrogen, iron, and mag- FREE Bulletin or Report of Progress AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION of the ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE E. V. Smith, Director Auburn, Alabama Permit No. 1132-5/55-8M PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAYMENT OF POSTAGE, $300 I , III- .- I lll lr -\I 1 I1 I r. 111~1 11 11~- I~.- I ~I I