FIFTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Agricultural Experiment Station OF THE ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE AUBURN, ALABAMA JANUARY 25, 1903 MONTGOME RY, ALA BBOWN PRINTING CO., PRINTERS & BINDERS 1903 ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE. Auburn, Ala., Jan. 25th, 1903. GOVERNOR WILLIAM D. JELKS, Executive Department, Montgomery, Ala.- SIR:-I have the honor herewith, to transmit to you thie Fifteenth Annual Report of the Agricultural Ex- perimentl Station of this College. The resport of the Treasurer, herewith included, is for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1902. This report is made in accordance with the provisions of the act of Co'ngress (approved March 2nd, 1887), es- tablishing Agricultural Experiment Stations in the sev- eral States and Territories. It contains the report of the Acting Director, the Chemist, the Veterinarian, the Agriculturist, and the Biologist and Horticulturist, for the year ending Decem- ber 31st, 1902. Respectfully, OHAS. C. THACOH, President. TRUSTEES. His Excellency, WILLIAM D. JELKS, President........... Ex-Offifio. H. C. GUNNELS, Superintendent of Education.............Ex-Officio. R. F. LIGON, JR .................................. Montgomery, Ala. TANCRED BETTS .... ................................. Huntsville, Ala. WM. C. DAvIs ....................... ..000.............. Jasper, Ala. JONATHAN HARALSONo................................Selma, Ala. THOMAS WILLIAMS ............................... Wetumpka, Ala. J. A. BILBRO........ . ............................... Gadsden, Ala. J. M. CARMICHAEL...................................... Ozark, Ala. W. K. TERRY. ................................. Birmingham, Ala. T. H. FRAZER ..................................... Mobile, Ala. T. D. SAMFORD ....................... ............... Opelika, Ala. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. COMMITTEE OF TRUSTEES OF EXPERIMENT STATION. 'HOMAS WILLIAMS................................ Wetumpka, Ala. ONATHAN HARALSON ..... .............................. Selma, Ala. STATION COUNCIL. -3)AS. C. THACH, A. M.............President and Acting Director. B. Ross, M. S......................................Chemist. D. A. CARY, D. V. M., B. S..........................Veterinarian. T. F. DIGGAR, M. S ................................. Agriculturist. W1. M. WILCOX, Ph. D...................... Biologist and Botanist. J. T. ANDERSON, Ph. D ....................... Associate Chemist. R. S. MACKINTOSH, B. Agr...........................Horticulturist. ASSISTANTS. *C. L. HARE, M. S.......................First Assistant Chemist. A. M. RANSOM, M. S.................Acting First Assistant Chemist. Tnos. BRAGG, M. S.....................Second Assistant Chemist. J. C. PHELPS, M. S......................Third Assistant Chemist. T. U. CULVER.............................. Superintendent of Farm. **R. W. CLARK............................ Assistant Agriculturist. *On leave. **Resigned Jan. 1st, 1903. REPORT OF TREASURER. Treasurer of Alabama Polytechnic Institute, in account with United States Appropriation Hatch Fund, for the year 1901-1902: RECEIPTS. To United States Treasury .... ........ $15,000 00 DISBURSEMENTS. By amount paid- Salaries ........... $8,640 00 Labor ............ ......... 1,445 37 'Publications ....... ........ .... 1,146 90 Freight and express .... .... 317 11 Heat, light and water ............ 329 61 Chemical supplies .............. . 451 88 Seeds, paints and supplies ........ 830 17 Fertilizers .... ...... ........... 267 14 Feeding stuff ....... ............ 322 41 Library .... .......... .......... .. 506 74 Tools, implements and machinery 392 14 Scientific apparatus ............ 302 76 Live stock ....................... 15 05 Furniture and fixtures .......... 17 72 Contingent .................... 15 00 $15,000 00 STATE OF ALABAMA, Lee County. Personally appeared before me, Welborn Jones, a Notary Public in and for said county, E. T. Glenn, known to me as Treasurer of the A. P. Institute of Alabama, who being duly sworn, deposes and says that the above and foregoing account is true and correct. Witness my hand, this 15th day of January, 1903. [Seal.] WELBORN JONES, N. P. This is to certify that I have compared the account with the ledger account of the Treasurer, and this is a correct transcript of the same. CHAS. C. THACH, President A. P. Institute. REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT AND ACTING DIRECTOR. GOVERNOR TiILLIAMI D. JELKS, Executive Department, Montgomery, Ala.- SIR :-According to, the act of Congress of 1887 estab- lishing Agricultural Experiment Stations, it is the duty of the Station to, submit to, you a, full and deta,iled report of its operations, including a statement of receipts and expenditures. On September 10th Dr. P. H. Mell, the Director of the Station, resigned his position in this institution to accept a call to, the Presidency of the Agricultural and Mechanical 'College of South Carolina, and at a subse- quent date at a meeting o'f the Executive Committee of the Institute, I was elected as Acting Director of the Station, and in this ca pacity it devolves opon me to make, a brief review o'f the organization and work. The functio'ns o'f the Director of this Station .are briefly set forth in section 5, of the original articles o'f organization of the Station adopted by the Board of Trustees in 1888. "A member of the Board of Direction shall be ap- pointed by the trustees officer in charge; who, in addi- tion to, the special duties of the Station, to which he may be assigned, shall conduct the general correspondence incidenta,1 to the work of the Station." The lines o'f work undertaken by the Station are dis- cussed and agreed upon in full meeting o'f the Council, and their pro'per execution, and the publication of their final conclusions are left largely in the hands of the men who, are experts in their various departments. I beg to, say that I have found all members of the Staff energetic and enthusiastic in their investigations of ag- ricultural problemis, and 'the result of their labors seem in every way commendable. CORRESPONDENCE. Since entering upon the duties, of the position, I take pleasure in stating that the work of correspondence has been discharged with ease and promptness by referring all letters of inquiry to the different officers in charge of the several Departments that are concerned with the especia,1 field of work in regard to which the inquiries are maide. The proper assignment of these letters has been facilitated by the aid of the Assistant to the Di- rector. It is encouraging to note the vast mass o questions that are directed to, this Station from farmers of all sections o'f the State, indicative of a growing spirit of intelligent investigation. The mo'st detailed inquiries are made daily in regard to soils, crops, methods of cul- ture, disea ses of plants., insects injurious to vegetation, dairying and all the phases of work connected with mak- ing a livelihood from the soil. It is also agreeable to note the large ecorrespondence from the states of the North and West in regard to, the possibilities and profits of fruit growing, tlruck-raising, cattle raising, etc., in Alabama,. Man farmers of that section are turning their faces in this direction, and many are becoming per- manent, residents of our State. Not a little influence can be, indeed, is executed by this Station in turning the attention of this desirable population to the great agricultural resources of Alabama. THE STATION. The Station as it is now constituted was organized under the provisions of the "Hatch Act" February 24, 1888. The Staff of the Station is no'w composed of the following officers:-Chemist, velerinarian, agricultur- ist, biologist and botanist, horticulturist, associate chem- ist, three assistant chemists, farm superintendent, and assistant argriculturist. The farm embra,ces 303 acres, and serves the double purpose of experimentatioln) and student instruction. Here are conductedi the investigations of the varield prob- lems that confront the farmers of Alabama, and to the solutlion of these problems are directed the energy and skill of men who, have been selected for their proficiency and expert knowledge of the sciences relating to agri- culture. The high order of work done by this valuable and important depa,rment has been of vast service to the farmers in Alabama, and has given the Institution a high rank in scientific circles. INSPECTION OF FERTILIZERS. The inspection of commercial fertilizers is conducted with the same care and skill that have hitherto character- ized the work of the Department of Chemistry. The college hais erected for this work a separate brick build- ing, fitted with desks and supplied with gas and water. This inspection work continues throughout the entire year. By means of the guaranteed analysis done by this departiment, ,the farmers of Alabama are protected against adulterated and fraudulent fertilizers. Honest manufacturers are likewise protected from the competition of unscruplous rivals. On the application of an extensive manufacturer of cotton seed meal in Alabama, a law was passed last year requiring this department to analyze that, substance, and within a short while the law was called into use for excluding a spurious brand manufactured in a neigh- boring state. No tax is collected on the analysis of cotton seed meal. According to law any mineral, soil, etc., of general value, whose analysis might contribute to the general good, must, at the direction of the Commissioner of Agriculture, be analysed by the State Chemist. A large amount of work is done in this line for the citizens of the state. For the work done in this department, the College receives one-sixth of the tax accruing from tax on ferti- 10 lizers. The other five-sixths are appropriated by the Sta,te for other purposes. The revenue accruing from this source to the College is slightly in excess of the cost of inspection to the Col- liege. This surplus is devoted almost exclusively to the College Department of Agriculture, Dairying, Horticul- ture, Farmers' Institutes, etc. The Hatch Fund, a,ccording to, the original Federal law, can not be pay for (1) the analysis of ferti- lizer; (2) for farmers' institutes, nor for any educa- tional work whatsoever. No teaching, even of agricul- ture, is permitted. The entire fund must be applied to experimenta-tion. These facts are stated in order that it may be under- stood thalt the Department of Agriculture in the College is largely dependent upon the revenue from the tag tax. BULLETINS. The Station bulletins, issueld since the organization,, number 121 aind amount to over' 4,000 pages of printed matter. They are highly esteemed by both the practical farmer and 'the scientific expert. The mailing list to which the bulletins are distributed embraces over 10,000 names. Four bulletins of 234 pages have been issued this year. They give the practical results reached by the Sta;tion upon such important questions as "The Cowpea,," "Dairy Herd Records and Creamery Notes," etc. It is difficult for the ordinary reader to realize the immense amount of patience, accurate care, and scien- tific knowledge that is employed in conducting these ex- periments from day to day and from year to year, in not- ing and recording the facts, and drawing therefrom broad, trustworthy, practical conclusions for the guid- ance of the man on the farm. Special attention may be directed to the reports and recommelndations contained in this report from the Agri- culturist, Prof. J. F. Duggar, the Veterinarian, Dr. C. A. Cary, and the Chemist, Prof. B. B. Ross. 11 AGRICULTURE AND CO-OPERATIVE SOIL TESTS. The lines of investigat.ion conducted by Prof. Duggar in regard to agriculture are manifold and of the highest practical importance. Of especial interest are the fol- lowing : (1) T'esting the relaticel value of home raised products, such as cowpeas, corn, meal, and of high priced coimmercial feed stuffs for dairy and beef- raising purploses. (2) The value of pasturage for cat- tie at differet stages of development. (3) The amounn and nature of different food-stuffs for the greatest yield and the least coist of milk. (4) The renova,tion of worn out soils. (5) The cost of beef production and the adap- tation of different; breeds of cattle. (6) The cost of pork production (a bulletin on the subject is now ready). 7) The best forage for Alabamal farmers. (s) Testing the fertilizers for cotton and corn culture. These are all questioins of vital concern to the farmer, and the proper answers to them will prove of incalculable benefit to the 90 per cent. of our population in this industrial pur- suit,. Your altltention is directed to, the recommendation of Prof. Duggar and Dr. Anderson for more extensive ex- periments in testing the soils in the different sectionls of the Sta;te thereby determining the fertilizers and meth- ods of culture best ada,pted to different localities. The plan suggested is entirely possible, and if carried into execution will awaken much interesit and stimulate much inquiry among the farmers. ANIMAL HUSBANDRY OR SROCK RAISING. In view of the low price of cotton and the high price of meat the farirmers of Alabama must necessarily look to other than cotton for a legitimate return for their labors. Today it takes about two pounds of cotton to buy one pound of meat. No country has ever been pros- perous that relied upon only one staple crop. This is an axiom of political economy. Our people cannotl af- ford in their farming operations to be producers of only the lowest and, crudest- forms of agricultural products. 12 This is not the place to argue this point, but it can never be out of place to, assert it, and to emphasize it. The Agriculturist and the Veterinarian both join in ap- plying for an increased appropriation for developing in Alabama the great industries of dairying and cattle rais- ing. Careful investigation has been made in regard to the value of a Department of Animal Husbandry and your attention is invited to, the following statements received from the lea,ding authorities in the United States: Director W. A. Henry, of Wisconsin, says: "Animal husbandry and diairying are the easy leaders in both our college andl Station efforts. This is because our State could not prosper if we were to, attempt to sell the raw products of our farms. To, sell corn, wheat, oats, barley, hay, ete., and keep little or no live stock would soon ruin Wisconsin farmers and Wisconsin soil. Instead of selling fo'o'd products (cotton seed, hay, corn, etc.) grown on the farm, the farmers, should feed them to live stock (cows, steers, pigs, sheep) and the animals'sold,- leaving practically all the fertility on the farms. As a result of feeding all the home raised feed and all we can buy, Wisconsin farmis are aictually growing richer year by year." Prof. C. S. Plumb of Ohio, University, says, "The live stock interests of Alabama amount to about eight mil- lion dollars. A departiment of Animal Industry at the A. & M. College and Station should be able to teach such lessons as would very greatly aidd to the valuation of the live sto'ck of the Sta,te. Students, brought in touch with breeding and feeding experiments and practical stock work should be able to go back to their homes and im- prove the methods of breeding and feeding animals in their respective localities." Vice Director Hays of Minhieso'ta.University and Sta- tion, says, "Animal Industry is of great importance to an agricultural college and experiment station. It should not be omitted in any State. It is the best means for keeping and improving the fertility of the soil." Vice Director Soule of University of Tennessee says, "I consider' a department of Animal Industry more es- 13 sential to the welfare of an. agricultural and mechanical college than any other departmen t. It prepares students for sueccessful breeding and feeding of live stock. It ena,bles the station to conduct investigations along lines that are vitally related to, the welfare of the State." Prolf. Lloyd of Mississippi A. & M. College and Station says, "Animal Industry work has attracted more stu- dents to, the a gricultural department than any other fea- ture of the department. Alabama needs such a, depart- ment and I hope the State will enable you to get it." SUMMARY. An Animal Industry Department at Auburn is neces- sary: 1. Because (a) it will prepare young men for the stock business on the farms,; (b) it will test the relative value of home grown feeds in producing meat proiducts and as fertilizers; (c) it will test new feeds and new foiodl pilants. 2. It will induce Alabama farmers to raise more and blettler live stock and thus get a double use of all the feeds produced on the farmi and all that are bought. 3. It will more quickly and permanently improve the poorer lands than in any other way. Animal manures add to, the soil humus nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and pot- ash, and increase the water holdingiand water retaining capacity of the soil; they also improve the mechanical condition of the soil. 4. By stimulating the stock industry of the State it will bring about diversity of crops in farming without cutting down cotton production; it will reduce the re- quirements of the land for commercial fertilizers; it will give the farmer all the meat he needs and some to sell; it will make the farmer' morTe successful and more independent. THE COST. Wisconsin spends $30,000 in the work. Illinois spends $21,000 in the work. Prof. Soule says he ought to have 14 $10,000 annua.lly, but a st'at mightbe made with $5,009 ai year. It will require $1,500 or $2,000 to get a good man to head the department.. HORTICULTURE. On Septembler 10th Mr. C. F. Austin resigned hispo- sition as Assistant Horticulturist of the Station toac- cept a more renumerative position iA the A. and M. Col- lege o'f Maryland. At a, ineeting of the Executive Co- mittee in Mo ,ntgomery Dec. 9, Prof. R. S. Mackintosh B. Agr. of the University of Minnesota, was elected as Professor of Horticulture and Horticulturist to the Sta- tion. Mr. Mackintosh comes highly remommended, and hais already miade an exce!llent record. Hewasraised on the farm, and is acquanted practically with al phaises of farm work. He engaged for yearsintruck gairdening. He tolok an extended course in Agriculture in the University of Minnesota and forten- years has been Assistant Horticulturist o'f the Statiou. He has -been inispecto'r of nursery stoilck in Minnesota, has been prominently identified with the State Horticnltnral So- ciety, lectures in farmers' institutes, and is asuccessful teacher' in college work. it seems that the field of Horticulture offers excel- lent opportunities, for development and for affording substantial aid to' the farming interest of. the State. in iinpro'ving the methods, of vegetiable and fruit raising. These indnstries have received, in recent years, marked attention in many sections, of our State, notably in Cal- houn, Shelby, Montgomery, Baldwin and Mobile coun- ties, etc. Numerous, inquiries in' the prob- lems couicerining these industries are receive~d by our experimenitl Station. This, wo'rk, I am confident, will be most acceptabile to, th'e Agricultural leaders o'f th'e State. Recently the- horticnltnristsi of the State have made lou(di complaint of the importation into, Alabama of dis- eases and insects destructive o'f orchards and gYardens. These. men have absolutely -no' protection against the 15 importation of the San Jose scale, and all forms of plant pests. Tennessee and Georgia have inspection of nursery stock, and all inferior and diseased stock is dumped intb, this State, and many farmers are thereby victimized, and many orchar'ds ruined by contagion. For a small amount, paid for travelling expenses, and supplemantary to his salary the College Horticulturist could render valuable aid for the protection. of this in- dustry. FARMERS' INSTITUTES. The report on this point is encouraging. Necessarily a small number of men can attend the college courses, but on the other hand, the knowledge and experience of the Station can be broa,d cast through bulletins and farm.ers' institutes among the great masses of our agri- cultural people. We need a, revival of interest in the farmers theimselves concerning experiments and the pro- gress made in this profession, concerning better meth- olds, nlew lines of work, new labor saving machines, more economical processes, etc., etc. To this end "for diffusing amion.g the people o f the State" the latest and best information. No agency is superior to these farmers' institutes. The Director of Farmers's Insti- tutes reports that last year the College held institutes in twenty counties with an average attendance of one hundred and nine farmers, and a total of 2,613. This woIk. has received liberal aid in Mississippi and a tremendous impetus has been imparted to all agri- cultural interests. The College sets aside a fund for' this work and it seems that the State should willingly add to, its support. The regrets of the Station are hereby expresed at the loss of Dr. P. H. Mell who for over twenty years was a Professor in this institution, who fronm its, organizatioin was a, member of the Station Staff, and since 1898 was Director. Their best wishes follow him in his new field of labor as President and Director of the A. and M. Col- lege of South Carolina. We also regret to record the resignation on January 1st of Mr. A. M. Clark, Assistant, Agriculturist. 16 LIST OF BULLETINS WITH CONTENTS ISSUED BY THE STATION IN 1902. COMPRISING VOL. X. Four bulletins have been issued by the Station during 1902 as follows: Bulletin No. 1.18-Cowpea Culture. Contents.-Summary; time for planting cowpeas; preparation and planting; subsoiling; drilling versus sowing broadcast; varieties; size of seed; yield of seed; yield of hay, and proportion of seed and hulls with dif- ferent varieties; fertilizer, experiment; nitroglen in a fer- tilizer for cowpeas; forms of phosphate for cowpeas; nutritive value of co'wpeas and cowpea, vines; cowpeas versus velvet beans, soja, beans, and beggar weed as for'lagel; cowpeas in various mixtures for hay; most profit- ablle method of utilizing cowpeas as stock food; methods of harvesting the seed; curing cowpea hay; and composi- tlion of the different parts of the cowpea plant. Bulletin 119.-Flora of the Metamorphic Region of A lab ama. Contents.-Basis of list of plants collected by Profes- sors Mell, Underwood, Earle, and Baker; plants identi- fled by Drs. Mohr, Small, Nash, Green and Earle; plants in the herbarium of the Alabama Polytechnic L- stitute and the herbarium of the University of Alabama; topography of Metamorphic Region; Carolina Life Zone'; Gulf region, eicological relations of the flora of this region; hydrophytes; plants living in streams, ponds, marshes, timbered swamp lands, clay swamp lands, damp sandy lands ; plants of mesophyte as- sociations, creek and river bottoms, moist, northern slopes, sanidy uplands; plants of zerophytic asSociations, dry hard wood forest, plants of mixed woods including long and short leaf pines and hard woods; weeds of 1st cultivated fields, 2nd pastures and road sides, 3rd "turnedh out" fields, 4th second growth woods and aban- 17 doned fields; list, of the: plants of the Metamorphic Re- gion arranged in orders. Bulletin No. 120.-The Cowpea and the Velvet Bean as Fertilizers. Cotenits.-Summary; time to plow in cowpea, vines; relative fertilizing value of varieties of cowpeas; fer- tilizing effects as showAn by following crops of cotton, sorghum, oats, wheat, rye and corn; fertilizig mate- rials in leaves, stems, and roots of the cowpea; imme- diate fertilizing effect of stubble versus vines- relative fertilizing values of the cowpea and velvelt bean; what crops are most benefitted by fertilizing with legumes; rotation of crops the first step in soil improvement; du- ration of the fertilizing effects of stubble or vines of cowpieas and velvet beans; and a rational system of fertilization. Bulletin No. 121.-Dairy Herd Records and Greanery Notes. Contents.-Yield and cost of butter from each cow in the herd; cost of raising Jersey heifer calves; removing bitter weed taste from cream; flavor of wild onions; separation versus setting of milk; effect of food on quality of butter; preservatives for samuple! of milk; churning experiments, and summary. CHAS. C. THACH, President and Actinrg Director. REPORT OF CHEMIST. PROF. C. C. THACH, President Alabama Polytechnic Institute. SI :-I beg to, submitLthe following report with re- gard t tothe extent and character of the work of the Chemical Department of the Experiment Station for the year just ended. During the first half of ithe year, as lias heretofore been the case, the time of the Chemical Staff of the Sta- tion was chiefly occupied with the analysis of official samples of fertilizers, and although the number of brands received for analysis was no't so large as during the preceding year, the amount of analytical work per- formed was quite as large o'wing to the great number of duplicate analyses made during the past season. The results of these analyses were published in the annual fertilizer bulletin of the State Department of Agricul- ture, the chemlical portion of this bulletin being prepared as usual in this office. The work of thlis labortary, in addition to the ferti- lizer work referred to, has included analysis of soils, marls, phosphate rocks, cave earths, sugar cane, sorg- hum, forage plants, dairy products, waters, and a num- ber of miscellaneous materials of minor importance. Work has been continued during the past season along certain lines alluded to in preceding reports, the importance and value of the work being enhanced by rea- son of the fact that the results of the work of several successive seasons can be utilized in formulating the final report upon the subjects under investigaition. As will be noted by reference to the report of Dr. An- derson, Assoceiate Chemist of the Station, the investiga- tion with regard Ito the sources of supply of the nitro- gen l of leguminous plants, which he has been conduct- ing in co-operation with Prof. Duggar, is still in pro- gress and the results will be ready for publication in 19 bulletin form as soon as the analysis of certain samples allrea:dy in the labora,tory is completed. A number of years ago, this depatanent inaugurated some experiments looking toward the improruemient, of existing melithoids of manufacture of syrup from sugar cane, an effort being made at the same time to encourage the development of an industry which, in this S!tate, is capable of expansion to much larger proportions. Experiments along the same line have been continued during the plast season, improved methods being applied to the manufa,cture of syrup both from sorghum and sugar cane. Owing to the extremely unfavorable con- ditions which prevailed during the past sumer the quality of the material used in these experiments was quite inferio'r, bult fthe results secured, nevertheless, confirmed the conclusions of several preceding seasons, with regard to the possibility and practicability of pro- ducing a commercial article of syrup of purer quality and of grieater uniformity in composition and character without any greatly increased expenditure. Mr. Thomas Bragg, the Second Assistant Chemist, was given leave of absence during the past few months to carry on special work for the, United States Depart- ment of Agriculture in the investigation of the condi- tions of the sugar cane and syrup industhy in the State of Alabama. lie has visited a number of localities, made numerous analyses, inquired into local conditions of cul- tivation and manufacture, and has secured data, and in- formation which will be of great value in conducting fur- ther investigations along these lines. A number of analyses of forage plants grown upon the Experiment Station have been made during the past season, and some worlk of this characeter is still in pro- gress in connection with the investligation as to the com- position of legumes, before referred to. Work has also been continued this winter in investigating the character and quality of lands produced from hogs fed upon va- rious feeds employed separat ely and in mixtures. As has been before noted by Prof. Duggar, the peanut is one of the cheapest and most satisfactory foods for 20 fattening hogs, but owing to the low melting point of the lard obtained from peanut-fed animals, it is neces- sary that the peanuts be: substituted by some other food during the last period of the fattening process in order that the lard may have the proper consistency and firm- ness. ILaboratory tests have accordingly been caried out wAith a view to determininig or aiding in the determina- iion of, the condition under which these foods can be best utilized for fattening purposes. The experiments for determining the leaching effects of winter rains upon the nitrogenous constitutents of the soil, to which reference was made in the last annial report, werci continued through the remainder of the winter and through the early spring, but tl- excessive rainfall which charactorized this portion of the past year militiated strongly against securing results which would obtain under normal conditions, and it is hoped that minore satisfactory experiments can be carried out later under more favorable circumstances. Analyses of imarls, phosphate rock, cave earths, etc., made during the past year confirm the conclusions given in previous reports with regard to the occurrence of native deposits of manurial materials in this State. In many cases these deposits can be used to good advantage locally, but the quantity of high grade materials of this character appears, so far as our observations and in- vestioations have extended, too limited to w arrant at this time development upon a large scale. In addition to the work of analysis of the large num- ber of brands of fertilizers sold in this State, this lab- oratory during the past year has performed tUe work of in spection of samples of cotton seed mieal sold in this State in conformity with the provisions of aim Act adopted by the General Assembly of 1900-01 The wisdom of the provision for the analytical inspec- tion of goods of this character is shown in the results of analyses made during the past season, a) number of samples being analyzed which were well below the de- sirable limit as regards certain fertilizing cinstituents, while one sample contained only a little more than oue- 21 half of the nitrogen which should be found in a first- class article. As the commercial value of such a low grade olf goods is betiween $9 and $10 below that of a high grademe al, the importance ofselling such goods upon their true merit will at once be seen. Prof. C. L. Hare, First Assistant Chemist, having se- cured a lelave of absence for a year for the purpose of pursuing a course of advanced study at one of the Uni- versities, it becaume necessary to make temporary provis- ion for the work of this position, and Mr. A. McB. Ran- som, of the class of'98 of this institution, was appointed by the Board to fill the vacancy during the period of Prof. Hare's absence. Very respectfully, B. B. ROSS. REPORT OF ASSOCIATE OCHEMIST. PROF. C. C. THACH, Alabama Polytechnic Institute. DEAR SIR :-In compliance with established regula- tions I have the honor to submit herewith the annual report of the Associate Chemist of the Agricultural Ex- periment Station for the period ending December 31, 1902. ANALYSIS OF FERTILIZERS. The Trustees have made it the duty of the Associate Chemist to, assist in the fertilizer analysis, in order that this important work may be done as expeditiously as possible. In the division of this work all determinar tions of nitrogen fall to the writer. In 1902, owing to' a, more systematic and thorough manner of collecting samples adopted by the Commis- sioner to prevent an unnecessary multiplication of sam- ples and at the same time to, establish a more thorough system of inspection, the number of sample received fell somewhat short of the average o'f previous years. Dur- ing the later season, however, it was deemed advisable to analyze all samples in duplicate, and in this way the actual number of determinations made was considerably in excess o'f those of previous years. Considering the improved method of collecting samples, the redoubling of effort to secure thoroughness in the: analysis, and the decided improvement in the manner of publishing the results in the bulletin, it is believed that better service has been rendered the public this year than on any pre- vious year. MISCELLANEOUS ANALYSES. It is also the duty of the Associate Chemist to assist 23 in the! analysis of miscellaneous samplesforthe!other departments cf the Station. In pursuance of this re- quirement, he has nalde a, nuiber, of analyses of feeding stuffs, such as, pea, vines, plea, roots,, pea leaves,sorghum, etc., and stable manures for the' Agriculturist of the Station. GREEN HOUSE EXPERIMENTS. For two, seasons past the writer, with the co-operation of the Agriculturist, has been conducting a seriesof ex- perim1'ents in the Station green house with the view of determining practically to what extent the legumes (peas, beans, clover, veltiches, etc.,) depend on the soil for their, nitrogen and what part of that valuable and costly constituent they may derive fromtheatmosphere. The plan involves the cultivation of the plants in met- plots in thle green house, and at maturity, their collec- tio, weighing and analysis. The analysis of each sam- ple of soil at the beginning and at the end of each sea- son anid of samples, from ealch loit of water used for irri- gatiing the plants during the .season, will furnish the additional data, needed for computing the results. In a few days the results of the twoi years' experiments will be ready for publication. SOIL AND FERTILIZER EXPERIMENTS. A seriies of experimnts; in. eylindersi imbedded in the open ground have, been undertaken for the purpolse of stuidying in the one case the Availability of the Plant Folod in the Soil and in' the other the Availability of the Phosphoric Acid in the Materials, u?e'd in the man- facturei of* Commercial Fertilizers. These experiments are still in their, preliminary stage!, and no, analytical work has been done yet. A RECOMMENDATION. In this connection the' writer' would offer a recoin- nendation, if such is admissible in this reportf. This 24 department is constantly in receipt of requesitis from miany sections of the State for data in regard to the chemical composition of their solils and to their fertility of these soils as shown by chemical analysis. We can make no satisfactory replies to many of these requests by reason Of the inaidequacy of the data at hand. To meet this urgeniti denland this writer has for some time desired to undertake a systematic stuidy of the soils of the State with a view of determining by chemical means their inherent fertility. The! imniense amount of chemi- cal work involved in this undertaking, together with the inadequacy of the funds at our disposal to meet the nec- essary expenses, has been) hitherto an insuperable bar- rier in itheA way. It now occurs to me that, as it is a mat- ter of such universal amnd direct interest to the farmers of the State, the honorable Legislature might be induced to. make the neessary a ppropriation of funds to defray the expense of the investigations. The work as con- templated by the writer could and should be done in co- operation with Prof. Duggar in his "Co-operative Soil Test Experimentis." The following points are deemed worthy of consideration: (1.) The places selected for the experiments should be judiciously distributed over the State, so as to in- clude, as far as possible, in the study, all the typical soils of the State. (2.) The plots of ground on which the experinments are conducted should be under the complete temporary control of the Sitation officers interesteid, and to this end, the owner of the land should receive a small monetary consideration for the use of his land and for his seivices in caring for the plots as directed. (3.) Provision should be made for threeor four vis- its to each locality during the season by one of the Sta- tion officers for the purpose of inspecting and of collect- ing samples of soils and plants for analysis. (4.) It is advisable that a record of climatic condi- tions, especially of rainfall, be kept at each place. It is suggested, therefore, that a rain guage (which is in- expensive) be provided for each place. The other cli- matic conditions could be obtained with reasonable accu- 25 raTcy from ithe nearest AWeather Bureau Station. A com- parison of the weather conditions under which the sev- eral experiments are conducted, is necessary for the proper interpretaiting of the results. f (5.) The amount of analytical work entailed by this investigation could not be compassed by the regular lab- oratory force, without serious detriment to the regular work of the Depairtment. It is recommended, therefore, that provision be made far the employment of a, special laboratory assistant at a salary of $1,000 per annum. A cheaper man would hardly meet the demands, as the work required is out of the ordinary. (6.) The amount necessary to meet the expenses of the above investigations is difficult to estimate but it is believed that $2,000 is the least amount with which they could properlyT be undertaken. J. T. ANDERSON, A._sociatc (Chemist. REPORT OF VETERINARIAN C. C. THACHI, President Alabama, Polytechnic Institute. DEAR SIR:-The following is a brief statement of the, work of .the Veterinary Department for the year 1902: I have issued one press bulletin on "Infectious Cerebri- tis," and one on "How to, Check an Outbreak of Texas Fever." The study of infectious cerebritis (commonly called blind staggers) has been continued. Observing indi- vidual cases, watching and noting clinical symptoms,, searching for the cause in the feed, water and the mi- croscopical study of the brain and spinal cord, are the lines along which work has been done. So; far we can only suggest means of prevention. Texas or Tick Fever is . the most common disease of cattle in this State. According to, known facts, the cause of tick-fever can be transmitted naturally from the in- fected cattle to, the non-immune cattle, only by and through the cattle tick. Eradication of the cattle tick means the disappearance of the fever. The time is com- ijng when Alabama, must begin the battle of tick-extermi- nation. Protective blood and tick inoculatiors have been ad- vocated and practiced as a means of producing immun- itv. I have inoculated several herds of cattle (mostly young stock) charging only my travelling expenses to the owners of the calti le. No doubt, immunization, by blood or tick inoculations, must be practiced until the ticks have been completely exterminated. The disease lknown ais "'bighead" (osteo jorasis) in horses and mules has been investigated. The cause and. cure have been sought. Neither has yet been found. Yet we have gathered many new facts and shall continue our search for the cause as opportunities present them- selves. Another very common disease of poultry has been stuidied; it is commnonly called "Sore-Head." We have 27 found a, cure for this troublesome disease of poultry and hope to have material to publish covering its cause as well as its cure. Just, now we are pushing some pig feeding tests with coitton seed meal in order to, discover a means of avoiding or eliminating toxic effects of the meal, and if possible obtain the toxic principle,. We consider' this problem one of the most important because of its relation to, the production of pork in the South. This work will be contin.ued until we get definite results. Farm ers Institute work for 1902 has been more ex- tensive than in any previous year. Number of Institutes held....................24 Total attendance ........................ 2,613 Average attendance ................. ........ 109 No. of counties in which Institutes were held .... 21 This record shows, four more than in 1901. The aver- age attendance for 1902 is more than double that of 1901. The interest in this work is growing. Face to face talks with farmers are effective; farmers thus take in more of the real practicable part of scientific facts in their bearing upon agriculture than in any other way. It has been our, aim, to visit~ every counity in Alabama in the course of two, years; but at the present rate and with present funds it will require three years. F. G. Matthews, C. F. Austin, C. L. Hare, B. B. Ross, J. F. Duggar and} E. M. Wilcox have all assisted in the Farmers' Institute work. This department has furnished tuberculin to Mont- gomnery and Birmingham and veterinaria,4s of Alabama upon condition that reports of tuberculin tests be sent to the head of the department. I have aided both Montgomery and Birmningham in improving their systems of meat and milk inspection. I have also visited various localities of the State to in- vestigate diseases of live stock; this work was done upon request of owners of live stock, the commissioner of Agriculture and in the interest of investigation. C. A. 'CARY, Veterin arian. REPORT OF THE AGRICULTURIST. PROF. C. C. THACH, Presidenlt Alabanima Polytechnic Institute. I respectfully submit the following report of the past year's work of the Agricultural Department of the Ala- bana Experiment Station: The pronotion of Mr. R. n. Clark, formerly assist- ant in Animal Husbandry, to a much more lucrative position in a similar institution in the West, is a decided loss to the agricultural work here, both in the College and in the Expleriment Stateion. During the year ending Jan. 1, 1903, the Agricultural Department published the following bulletins: No. 118.-Cowpea Culture. No,. 120.-The Cowpela and the Velvet Bean as Fer- tilizers. No. 121.-Dairy Herd Records and Creamery Notes. Three press bulletins have also' been published and extensively copied by newspapers throughout the South. There is also' on hand practically ready for the printer a bulletin giving the results of feeding aid grazing ex- perinments with hogs. There is on hand a large accumula- tion of data, on a variety of subjects, especially relative to the value of stable manure, corn, wheat, A'arieties of cotton, sorghum, and a number' of forage plants. An experiment maide last winter indicated that vetch hay could be subsitituted with greaft profit for an equal weight of wheat bran in the ration of dairy cows. A similar experiment comparing cowpen hay with wheat bran is now in progress. An experiment comparing corn meal with rice meal was' made last winter with grade calves of the beef breeds. A continuation of the experiment with the same animals is now in progress with the o'bject of ascertain- ing the cost o'f beef production and comparing shred- ded corn stover with sorghum hay for beef cattle. Records have been kept of the' growmth made by differ- 29 ent classes of animals during the pasturage season with a view to, ascertaining the value of pasturage and the relative profits from grazing cattle of different ages. Records hae been kept showing approximately the amount of food consumed by most of the eattle in the herd, showing also, the yield of milk and the coumpo- sition of the milk of each cow. By the sale of the aged or inferior cows and the substi- tution of superior cows raised oa the station farm, the value of the dairy herd has been considerably increased. A sma,ll flock of native sheep has recently been pur- chased for the purpose of experimenting in the raising of early lambs. Extensive repairs have been maide, as urgently needed, on fences, office building, both residences, dairy, and all of the bari's. The writer has conducted a, large correspondence, answering inquiries from farmers on a great variety of agricultural subjects. The Agriculturist and the Assist- ant in Animal Husbandry haNve attended and partici- pated in as many Farmers' Institutes as practicable. In the dairy a satisfactory method has been tested for removing the taste of bitter weed from cream in- tended for butter making. In pork production numerous experiments have been made and the results have been most satisfactory in dem- onstrating that we can produce pork at, a low price by substit;uting for a, part of the corn usually fed, pea- nuts, chufas, the rape plant, vetch pasturage, cowpeas, rice, polish, etc. The principal experiments conducted during the past year by the Agricultural Department have been as fol- (1) Renovation, of worn soils by the ise of legu- minous plants. (a) Relaitive fertilizing values of differ- ent legumes, cowpeas, velvet beans, beggar weed, pea- nuts, vetch, crimson clover, burr clover, and red clover. (b) Relative fertilizing value of stubble of soil-improv- ing crops and of the entire plant. (2) Forage plants. A study of their relative yields, 30 food value, a,daptability, fertilizer requirements and cul- tivation. Principal attention to be given to: Sorghum- (variety, fertilizer and culture tests.) Vetches- (variety, best mixtures, feeding and culture tests.) Alfalfa- (fertilizer and culture tests.) Cowpeas- (variety, fertilizer, feeding, and culture tests.) Soybeans( (variety tests.) Small gratins-(oats, wheat, rye and barley; relative yields, of forage. ) Also smaller number of experiments witi crimson and other clovers, rescue grass, cheat, Johnson grass and some other of the best known grasses, velvet beans and beggar weed. (3) Beef production, including: (a) Cost of feed of all beef animals in the herd; (b) Feeding experiments with yearling steers comparing farm-grown with pur- chased ration. (c) Growth of native cattle of different ages on pasture (in co-operaltion with J. P. Slaton, Lbachapoka, Alabama.) (4) Dairy /cattle, including feeding experiments: (a) Coimparing farm-grown with purchased ration. (b) Substitution of hay of the legumes for wheat bran. (c) Best succession ainid relative values of rye,, vetch, and wheat. (d) Record of food consumed by each cow. (5) Pork production, including continuation, of: (a) Feeding experiments with by-produts of rice, with cowpeas and with usual grain. (b) Effects of food on quality of pork and lard and means of hardening soft pork and lard due to feeding of peanuts. (c) A study of a practicable method of mixing cotton seed meal with the usual foods of the pig. (d) Grazing experiments with peanuts, cowpea,s, sorghum, rape and vetch. (e) Relative acre-yields of food made by following nog crops: corn, cowpeas, peanuts, soy beans, sweet potatoes, chu- fas, and sorghum. (6) Sheep raising has been recently begun so as to obtain lambs for use in future feeding, shearing and mar- keting tests. (7) Dairying, continuation of the work on: (a) 31 Effect of food on quality of milk and butter. (b) Re- moval of weedy flavors from cream. (8) Cotton. (a,) Classificatlioin, description, and synonomy of varieties (continued since 1899), one aim beiung to, determine what new and high-priced varieties are identicail with old varieties, of which the seed is much chea,per. (b ) Fertilizer requirements of cotton on a number of soils in different parts of the State, look- ing to mapping the State with reference to the best fer- tilizers for the different solil belts. (c) Best system of rotation for cotton. (9) Wheat and oats, a continuation of fertilizer, va- riety and culture tests. (10) Corn, variety, fertilizer and culture tests. (11) Barnyaid manure: (a,) Immediate and resi- dual, or remote, fertilizing effects as tested on sorg- hum, wheat, oats and corn. (b) Amounts pr'oduced per anima,1. (c) Quality as affected by food (12) Methods of destro'ying weeds, especially John- son grass and bitter weed. (13) Plant breeding with cotton and cowpeas. (14), Soils, local experiments in liming and simple tests for acidity with a, view to, mapping the large areas of acid soils which occur in Alabama. (15) Rota.tion experiment:s (in progress since 1896.) (16) Proportions of its nitrogen derived by the cow- pea from the soil and from the air (in co,-operation with the Associate, Chemist, Dr. J. T. Anderson, the practical end being to, determine whether the cowpea is most use- ful as a renovator for very poor, poor, or medium soils. Increased revenue is needed to properly extend that part of our experimental work in agriculture, that is concerned with ascertaining the fertilizer requirements of the different soils of the State, the forage plants best adapted to, each, the kind of preparation most profitable for each soil. Increased financial support is equally needed to, enable us to, properly encourage sto'ck raising in this State. To this' end we need funds for the pur- pose of making our feeding experiments at Auburn on a larger and. more convincing scale, to make local feed- ing and pasturage experiments in several other locali- 32 ties in the State, using the pasture and hay plants now grown and such new forage plants as our local experi- ments may show toe e best adapted to each region, and to rmake demonstrations of the profit on live stock by making shipments (in car load lots) in co-operation with individual stock raisers to the besit markets and publishing the financial results. The United States Department of Agriculture is now making soil surveys in a number of localities in Ala- bama. To m ake that work of the maximum practical value to, our farmers the Experiment Station should fol- low it up by local experiments to ascertain the best fertilizers, the best staple crops, and the best forage crops for each type of soil in each area thus surveyed. The two miethods of solving local problems of (1) the making of experiments throughout the State such as this department now conducts on a small scale, or (2) the establishment of permanent sub-stations. For the investigaition of local agricultural problems in any local- ity the States of Illinois and New York place at the disposal of their experiment stations large annual ap- propriations from the State treasury. The following states have each established one or more sub-stations under the direction of the Hatch Experi- ment Station for the study of local agricultural prob- lems: Arkansas, one; Californiai, six; Colorado, one; Kansas, one, Louisiana, two; Michigan, one; Mississippi, one; Minnesota, two; North Dakota, one; Ohio, two'; Texas, two; Washington, one. Respectfully submitted, J. F. DUGGAR, Agriculturist. REPORT OF THE BIOLOGIST AND HORTI- CULTURIST. PROF. C. C. THACH, Auburn, Alabama. MvY DEAR SIR :-I have the honor to submit herewith a report covering theoperations of the Departments un- der my charge during the year' 1902-3. In the Horticultural Department the same lines of investigation have, beeni followed as in previous years. The work on asparagus culture was completed and will soon be ready for publication as one of th, bulletins of the Station. Much Of the time of Mr. C. F. Austin who a,cted as my Assistant in charge of Horticulture un- til October 10, 1902, wa s of necessity devoted to Farm- ers' Institute work during the summer and this greatly interfered with the work of the Department. The Insti- tution is to, be congratulated on the erection o'f this work into, a new chair and the appointment thereto of a com- petent person to, conduct the work along this line. My thanks are due Mr. Austin* for his faithfulness and skill in the management of the work entrusted to, him. The greater portion of my time has been devoted to the investigat;ion of plant diseases and other strictly bo- tianical subjects. Among these the following are worthy of special mention at this time. The study of the oil producing properties of the various sorts of the genus Ricinus, castor oil bean, has been continued and many valuable data have been secured. Over one: hundred and fifty sorts were under observation during the past season and seeds from all of these are now on hand for the next year's planting. It remains only to determine by analysis the oil content of the various samples of seeds to' have a, basis fo'r the work o'f selection and br'eed ing of more valuable sorts than are now commonly cul- tivated. Among the plant diseases that have been under ob- 34 servation those of various species of legumes have occu- pied most of my attltmition on account of the great im- portance of this class of most plants to the agriculture of the State. It is hoped that, sufficient data will be a;ccumulated within a year to enable me to publish a, Bul- letin o'n this subject. The rela,ted question of the life history of the organisms causing the tubercles, and en- abling this class of plants to employ the free nitrogen of the atmosphere, has been taken up and much progress made in determining some of the doubtful pomis regard- ing their behavior andic their culture in artificial culture media,. Data are now being collected for the publication in the near future of a Bulletin upon the common fungous diseases of our fruit trees for the p urpose of calling special attention to the ava,lable means of preventing and coinbaftting these pests. I am of the opinion that a, considerable portion of our proper work is in part edu- cational and on that account thel Bulletin just men- tioned is being prepared. Our fruit growers must be taught to recognize the coimmon disease and to regard spraying as much of a; necessity a,s any other ordinary operation incident to the cultivation of their crops. A preliminary study has been made of a, heretofore unknown disease .of rice and during the coming season the matter will be taken up under field conditions in the hope of securing sonme means of combatting the trouble on a, large seale. I have given some attention to the forestry interests of our State, and have taken preliminary steps to, secure funds to, prepare for exhibition at St. Louis in 1904 of a first-class exhibit of our forest resources and as well of our native flora,. The last census reports that nearly $2,500,000.00 of forest products wer:e produced by this Staltle during the year 1899 and it is evident that this diepartment must take steps to mnake an exhaustive situdy of the forest resources of the State. In the interests of fruit growing in this State I have taken an active part in the steps now being taken to secure a nursery inspection law for this State. Ala- bama, is now the only Southern State that doe not pro- 35 tect its fruit growers from the importation and wide- sprea,d distribution in the State of the San Jose Scale and various other inseet and fungus pests. The interest of fruit growers and nurserynten has been enlisted in this movement. I shall shortly issue a call to all those in.te rested to meet in Montgomery to organize a State HoIrticullt ural Society whose objects shall be the increase and diffusion of knowledge of this subject among the people of the State and for the exchange of personal ex- perience. Work on the Herbarium has been devoted largely to the care of the latrge collections nbw in the De partmentl. I again call attention to the pressing need of better ac- commoldations for this most importanti portion of the equipment of this Department. A start has been made toward the formation of a, logically arranged museum of botanical specimens to serve a,s illustratlions of matters brought out in the vario us courses in this subject in the College. A miere collectionl of material arranged in a hit and miss fashion as in a junk shop, is of no value, but the value of a, properly arranged museum designed to illustrate important facts cannot be overestimated. The Departiment musit needs have more room for the protper display o'f this collection in the course of time. A prominent feature of such a, collection will be the col- lection of typical,1 specimens illustrating the various dis- eases of plants cultivated within this State. The r'ecent removal from my charge of the Department of Horticulture has made possible in the future more extensive and valuable work in the various lines along which botanical science supports and assists general ag- riculture and horticulture in this State. There! is now no reason that this Department should not render im- portant services to, the people of the State and to ,that end yo'ur assistance is desired. I desire to offer you my best thanks for continous support and for numerous courtesies extended mne in the past. Cordially yours, E. MEAD WILCOX, Botanist.