PERFORMANCE OF 1990 December 1990 Agronomy and Soils Departmental Series No. 150 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Lowell T. Frobish, Director Auburn University Auburn University, Alabama HYBRIDS IN ALABAMA TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION.............. ACEKNOWXEIE .. 8.......... ....... Table 1. Locations and Cultural Practices for the 1990 Corn Hybrid Tests9 NORTHERN ALABAMA Table 2. Two- and Three-Year Yield and Lodging Averages for Northern Alabama, 1988-90..............................10 Table 3. 1990 Yield of Corn Hybrids by Location and Regional Averages of Hybrid Characteristics in Northern Alabama..i............11 CENTRAL ALABAMA Table 4.- Two- and Three-Year Yield and Lodging Averages for Central Alabama, 1988-90...............................12 Table 5. 1990 Yield of Corn Hybrids by Location and Regional Averages of Hybrid Characteristics in Central Alabama.. 13 SCUTHERN ALABAMA Table 6. Two- and Three-Year Yield and Lodging Averages for Southern Alabama, 1988-90..............................14 Table 7. 1990 Yield of Corn Hybrids by Location and Regional Averages of Hybrid Characteristics in Southern Alabama. 15 BIACK BELT Table 8. Black Belt Corn Hybrid/Virus Test 1988-90...............16 VIRUS DISEASE REACTIONS OF SOME HYRIDS IN 1990............b...... 17 Procedure...............................................18 Results.................................................18 Table 9. Incidence of Maize Chlorotic Dwarf Virus Disease in Regular Corn Hybrid Tests, 1990.........................19 Table 10. Incidence of Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus Disease in Regular Corn Hybrid Tests, 1990.........................21 TABLE OF CNT~IS (CONT 'D) Table 11. Table Table Table Table Table Table 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Table 18. Table 19. Table 20. Table 21. SOURCES OF ACCEPTABLE IRRIGATED TEST Irrigated Corn Hybrid Performance and Characteristics, Headland, 1988-90 . WHITE ORN White Corn Hybrid Test, Northern Alabama, 1988-90..... White Corn Hybrid Test, Central Alabama, 1988-90...... White Corn Hybrid Test, Southern Alabama, 1988-90..... EARLY CORN Early Corn Hybrid Test, Northern Alabama, 1988-90..... Early Corn Hybrid Test, Central Alabama, 1988-90...... Early Corn Hybrid Test, Southern Alabama, 1987 & 1989-90............... P~ELIMINARY TEST Characteristics of Corn Hybrids Tested One Year at Crossville in Northern Alabama, 1990................ Characteristics of Corn Hybrids Tested One Year at Tallassee in Central Alabama, 1990.................. Characteristics of Corn Hybrids Tested One Year at Fairhope in Southern Alabama, 1990................... Growing Season Rainfall, 1990....................... 1990 CORN HYBRID TESTSEED........................... HYBRIDS FOR 1991..................................... Page 23 25 26 27 2 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Information contained herein is available to all without regard to race, color, sex, or national origin. PERFORMANCE OF CORN HYBRIDS IN ALAEAMA, 1990 D.L. Thurlow and W.C. Johnson 1 INTRODUCTION Corn hybrids are evaluated annually by the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station in the Regular Corn Hybrid Test and the Preliminary Corn Hybrid Test on a northern, central, and southern regional basis. The Marion Junction, or Black Belt Substation, corn test is used as the prairie soil regional comparison. Entries in the preliminary tests are both experimental and newly released hybrids. If a hybrid is outstanding in the preliminary test, it is entered in the regular corn test the following year. White and early corn hybrids are tested at one location in each region. One regular and one white corn hybrid test are irrigated at Headland in southern Alabama. The locations and cultural practices for the tests are shown in table 1. The tests were designed as a randomized complete block with four replications. Row width was 30 to 36 inches depending on location. Two-row plots were used, with row length ranging from 20 to 30 feet depending, again, on location. The target plant population for the tests was 20,000 plants per acre with a seeding rate of 23,000 seeds per acre. The irrigated tests at Headland were seeded at a rate of 30,000 plants per acre and thinned to 25,000. 'Respectively, Associate Professor and Professor of Agronomy and Soils. Grain yields were adjusted to 15.5 percent moisture and converted to bushels (56 pounds) per acre. Stalks broken or leaning more than 45 degrees were considered lodged. The mid-silk data measured the number of days from planting until one-half of the plants in the plots were showing silks. Bushel test weights are reported as regional averages from this year's data. To aid in determining real yield differences, a statistical analysis of variance is performed on the data from each location. The L.S.D. (least significant difference) and C.V. (coefficient of variation) are given for each location's test. The difference in yield of two hybrids must exceed the L.S. D. value for one hybrid to be considered superior to the others in yield in that particular test. The C.V. is a measure of the variability in an experiment. An increase in its value indicates an increase in the unaccounted variability. The corn hybrid tests are examined for disease incidence each year by R. T. Gudauskas, Professor of Plant Pathology. When virus or other disease symptomn indicate crop damage, disease ratings are compiled and published in this report (page 17). Virus infection data from the tests at Marion Junction, Prattville, Belle Mina, and Winfield are reported this year, tables 9 and 10. Since the performance of hybrids varies with location and year, lorng-term averages from several locations are more reliable than 1-year performance. Three-year regional averages are considered a reliable evaluation of the relative performance of hybrids. The irrigation test at Headland had 13.8 inches of water applied in 11 applications during May, June, and July to supplement the rainfall. Rainfall during June and July was extremely variable in 1990, table 21, which caused corn grain yields to vary by location. 6 A comittee comprised of Department of Agronany and Soils research and extension personnel involved in corn research reviewed the past 3 years of corn hybrid test data to assemble the list of acceptable hybrids on page 35. The recommened hybrids are not all equal in performance. Some are outstanding in one or more characteristics; while others may not be obviously outstanding, they might possess a satisfactory ccmbination of all characteristics. 7 ACKNCWIEDGMENTS Appreciation is expressed to the following supervisory personnel of the outlying units whose quality work makes this a reliable source of information for farmers in their areas. NORIHERN ALABAMA Tennessee Valley Substation, Belle Mina - W.B. Webster, H.E. Burgess, B.E. Norris Sand Mountain Substation, Crossville - J.T. Eason, M. E. Ruf Upper Coastal Plain Substation, Winfield - W.A. Griffey, R.C. Rawls CENTRAL ALABAMA Black Belt Substation, Marion Junction - J.L. Holliman, J.R. Harris Prattville Experiment Field - D.P. Moore E.V. Smith Research Center, Shorter - R.R. Duffield Plant Breeding Unit, Tallassee - S.P. Nightengale SOTIHERN AIABAMA Lower Coastal Plain Substation - J.A. Little, P.A. Rose Brewton Exper iment Field - J.R. Akridge Monroeville Experiment Field - J.R. Akridge Gulf Coast Substation, Fairhope - E. L. Carden, N.R. McDaniel, M.D. Pegues Wiregrass Substation, Headland - H.W. Ivey, L.N. Wells, B.E. Gamble Appreciation is also expressed to Mien-Huei Tzeng and Mrs. Sally Bagwell, Research Data Analysis, for the camputation, srmarization, and analysis of the data in this report. 8 TABKE 1. WATIONS AND CIL[UMRAL PRACIS FOR WE 1990 CORN ID ESIS Planting Nitrogen Plant Date Hriie LIxcation date rate* popUlation harvested ue Northern Alabama Tennessee Valley Substation (Belle Mina) Sand Mountain Substation (Crossville) Regular test Preliminary test White corn test Early corn test Upper Castal Plain Substation (Winfield) Central Alabama E.V. Smith Research Center (Shorter) Early corn test White corn test Plant Breding Unit (Tallassee) Prattville Experiment Field (Prattville) Black Belt Substation (Marion Junction) Southern Alabama BrewCton Experiment Field (Brwt on) Monroeville Experixrent Field (Monroeville) lower Coastal Plain Subtation (Camden) Wreqrass Substation (Headland) Regular test (unirrigated) Regular test (irrigatied) White corn test (irriga -ted) Gulf Coast Substation (Fairhocpe) Regular test Prelimina0ytest Early corn test April1 5 136 April April April April April March March April March March March March April April April April March March March 18 16 17 .5 13 13 14 19 22 14 26 26 12 27 27 1 146 156 151 180 150 175 175 240 120 150 120 120 120 70 140 140 182 182 162 20, 000 20, 000 20,000 20, 000 20, 000 20, 000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20, 000 20,000 20,000 20, 000 *20,000 25,000 25,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Sepaxer10 Atrazine + Dual Septanber 4 Atrazine + Dual Septaiier 6-7 Atrazine + Dual Septentee 7 Atrazin + Dual August 28 Atrazine + Dual C! 6-7 Atrazin August 6 August 6 August 31 August 30 August 13 August 28 August 21-24 August 15-16 August 21 August 31 September 1 August 7 August 7 August 6 Atraz ine + Atraz ine + Atrazine + Atraz ine + Atrazine Lass Lasso Dual Dual Atrazine + Dual Atrazine + Dual Dual + Vernam Atrazinbe Atrazine Atrazine Atrazine + Dual Atrazine + Dual Atraz ine + Dual *Pounds per acre N.ILime, phosphorus bsed on soil test. potassium, zinc, ari sulfur were applied according to rxmeati-on TABLE 2. TWO- AND THREE-YEAR YIELD AND LODGING AVERAGES FOR NORTHERN ALABAMA, 1988-90 YIELD PER ACREAV. LODGED STALKSAV. BRAND NAME-HYBRID 3-YR. * 2-YR.** 3-YR.* 2-YR.** 1988-90 1989-90 1988-90 1989-90 BU. BU. PCT. PCT. PIONEER 3165 112 146 1.5 2.0 ZIMMERMAN Z 27 109 141 2.0 1.8 DEKALB DK 689 108 135 1.7 2.0 AGRATECH GK 900 107 138 1.8 1. 5 PIONEER 3320 107 138 1.7 2.0 JACQUES 8400 106 135 3.3 2.8 GARST 8180 105 132 2.7 2.8 SUNBELT 1802 105 133 1.3 1.0 PIONEER 3147 103 130 3.5 3.8 DELTAPINE DP 5750 103 136 0.8 1.3 DELTAPINE G-4666 103 133 1.3 1.5 SUNBELT 1827 102 133 15 1. 5 DEKALB DK 789 101 133 1.2 1.7 CARGILL 9427 100 .131 2.5 2.7 SUNBELT 1876 99 128 2.2 3.3 NC+ 7507 - 143 - 1.7 PIONEER 3140 - 140 . - 1.2 ZIMMERMAN Z 38 - 137 - 1.0 JACGUES 8210 - 135 - 1.2 PIONEER 3187 - 134 - 1.2 DELTAPINE RA 1502 - 133 - 1.7 NEW NK S 8645 - 132 - 1.5 TERRA TR 366E - 132 - 1.2 TERRA TR 1190 - 130 - 1.3 TERRA TR 364E - 128 - 1.2 FFR 747C - 126 - 1.3 FFR 955C - 126 - 2.7 NEW NK MCNAIR 508 - 125 - 3.3 HY PERFORMER HS-64 - 123 - 1.5 HY PERFORMER HS-97 - 123 - 1. 8 * BELLE MINA AND CROSSVILLE. ** BELLE MINA, CROSSVILLE, AND WINFIELD. 10 TABLE 3. 1990 YIELD OF CORN HYBRIDS BY LOCATION AND REGIONAL AVERAGES OF HYBRID CHARACTERISTICS IN NORTHERN ALABAMA 1990 REGIONAL AVERAGES BRAND NAME-HYBRID BELLE MINA CROSSVILLE WINFIELD YIELD LODGED TEST MID-** HUSK* HARVEST PER ACRE STALKS WEIGHT SILK COVER MOISTURE M. L . u EMP.L,_ I D . -L.. /R u t PIONEER 3170 127 143 138 136 1.7 58.4 6-27 3 14.0 NC+ 7507 "129 137 125 130 2.3 58.1 6-28 2 14.0 ZIMMERMAN Z 27 132 132 121 128 1.7 58.8 6-28 3 14 1 NEW NK S 8505 128 133 119 127 1.7 59.4 6-30 2 14.3 FFR 16847 120 125 135 126 1.3 59.9 6-26 2 15.5 PIONEER 3140 131 128 119 126 1.0 57.7 6-26 2 14.2 DELTAPINE DP 5750 131 112 128 124 0.7 59.9 6-27 2 15.0 JACQUES 8510 127 129 115 123 1.3 59.1 6-24 2 15.2 PIONEER 3165 109 138 122 123 1.7 59.7 6-28 2 15.7 AGRATECH 825 126 131 112 123 0.7 59.6 6-26 2 14.9 PIONEER 3180 116 122 131 123 1.0 57.2 6-24 2 13.8 ZIMMERMAN Z 38 129 124 114 122 0.7 59.2 6-25 2 14.8 HY PERFORMER HS-88 115 123 129 122 1.7 61.2 6-27 3 15.2 SUNBELT 1802 126 126 114 122 0.7 59.3 6-25 2 15.0 JACQUES 8400 118 122 126 122 1.7 60.9 6-27 2 15.0 JACQUES 8210 136 123 105 121 1.0 58.9 6-24 2 14 4 TERRA TR 366E 113 131 119 121 1.0 59.6 6-25 2 14.5 AGRATECH 888 128 116 120 121 0.3 59.3 6-27 2 14.8 DELTAPINE 4820 115 123 123 120 0.7 58.5 6-30 2 17.8 PIONEER 3147 109 125 126 120 3.0 56.5 6-30 2 15.0 DELTAPINE RA 1502 114 123 123 120 1.7 58.7 6-24 2 14.7 ASGROW RX 911 119 113 127 119 1.0 59.1 6-28 2 14.4 CARGILL 9027 123 119 115 119 1.3 59.4 6-26 2 14.7 PIONEER 3187 111 124 120 118 1.0 58.8 6-26 2 14.5 CARGILL 8527 113 123 116 118 1.7 59.6 6-27 2 14.3 HSUNBELT 5613 126 113 113 117 3.3 58.8 6-26 2 14.8 AGRATECH OK 900 129 108 115 117 1.7 60.7 6-29 2 15.0 PIONEER 3320 125 115 110 117 1.7 59.8 6-27 2 14.2 NEW NK X 8727 118 120 112 116 0.7 60.2 6-28 2 15 6 GARST 8180 119 118 112 116 3.3 59.3 6-27 2 14.2 DEKALB DK 677 107 115 125 115 1.0 60.3 6-26 2 14.4 NEW NK 8 8645 112 124 109 115 1.3 59 7 6-26 2 14.2 DELTAPINE 0-4666 115 120 109 115 1.3 59 6 6-27 2 14.4 FFR 907C 111 115 117 114 0.3 59 5 6-27 2 14.8 TERRA TR 364E 120 114 107 114 0.7 59 6 6-28 2 14.4 TERRA TR 1190 111 107 123 113 1.0 58.9 6-27 2 14 1 CARGILL 9427 97 126 115 113 2.7 58.7 6-26 2 15.4 ASGROW RX 947 110 115 113 113 2.0 58.5 6-30 2 15.0 FFR 747C 105 118 114 112 1.0 59.4 6-25 2 14.0 DEKALB DK 789 103 119 110 111 1.0 58.3 6-28 2 16.4 DEKALB DK 689 98 120 112 110 2.0 58.7 6-29 2 14.9 SUNBELT 1827 99 116 112 109 1.3 59.0 6-27 2 15.9 AGRATECH 891 92 113 119 108 1.3 60.3 6-28 2 16.6 HY PERFORMER HS-64 103 117 105 108 1.7 60 4 6-28 2 15 0 ZIMMERMAN Z 20 104 117 98 106 0.7 58.9 6-26 2 14 1 HY PERFORMER HS-97 110 106 100 105 1.3 59.7 6-28 2 14.3 FFR 955C 101 108 94 101 2.3 59.3 6-30 2 15.2 SUNBELT 1876 101 76 115 97 2.7 58.7 7-2 2 15.7 NEW NK MCNAIR 500 82 78 93 84 3.7 60. 0 7-3 2 17 7 TEST AVERAGE 115.0 119.2 116.1 L.S.D. (.5O) 23.3 15.1 20.5 C.V. (X) 14.5 9.1 12.6 * 1- EXCELLENTs 5- VERY POOR. ** MID-SILK DATA FROM BELLE MINA AND CROSSVILLE ONLY. TABLE 4. TWO- AND THREE-YEAR YIELD AND LODGING ALABAMA*, 1998-90, AVERAGES FOR CENTRAL BRAND NAME-HYBRID YIELD 3-YR. 1988!- 9 BU.M PER ACRE, AY. 2-YR. S 1 U. LODGED STALKS, AY. 3-YR. 2-YR. 1988-90 1989-90 PCT" PCT, MCCURDY 7777 PIONEER 3320 QARST 8180 DEKALS DK 689 DELTAPINE DP 5750 ZIMMERMAN Z 27 DELTAP I NE-4666 SUNBELT 1802 SUNBELT 1860 PIONEER 3165 AGRATECH GK 900 PIONEER 3147 DEKALD DR 789 SUNBELT 1882 CARGILL 9427 SUNBELT 1876 SUNBELT 1827 NEW NK MCNAIR 508 JACQUES 9220 JACQUES 8210 NEW NK S 8645 TERRA TR 366E TERRA TR 364E PIONEER 3187 NC+ 7507 TERRA TR 1190 ZIMMERMAN Z 38 HY PERFORMER HS-97 HY PERFORMER HS-64 PIONEER 3140 87 79 77 76 76 75 75 73 72 71 71 71 70 66 66 65 64 62 * PRATTVILLE AND CAMDEN. 12 99 837 839 839 89 83 836 87 85 81 80 84 81 79 79 73 80 64 92 89 837 87 87 85 85 85 832 81 79 77 1.0 1. 2 0.8 1.0 0.8 1.2 0. 5 0.8 0.8 1.5 1.0 1.8S 1.7 0.5 1.5 1.0 3. 0 7"M 6am 1.0 0. 8 1.0 0.8 1.3 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.8 0.8 0.8 1.0 0. 5 1.8 1.3 1.0 3. 5 1.3 1. 5 0.8 0.3 0. 5 1. 5 1.0 0.8 0. 5 0.8 1.0 1.0 6w YVI~YLL~ I ~ V ~ V rr rr TABLE 5. 1990 YIELD OF CORN HYBRIDS BY LOCATION AND REGIONAL AVERAGES OF HYBRID CHARACTERISTICS IN CENTRAL ALABAMA 199Q REGIONAL AVERAGES, BRAND NAME-HYBRID PRATTVILLE CAMDEN YIELD LODGED TEST MID-** HUSK* HARVEST PER ACRE STALKS WEIGHT 5ILK COVER MOITURE BU MLL PcT. .L.B. .u .-DA RAIN JACQUES 8210 100 77 88 2.0 58.2 6-4 1 11 4 MCCURDY 7777 103 71 87 1.5 58.5 6-8 2 13 4 PIONEER 3170 96 74 . 85 1.5 58.0 6-6 2 11.4 PIONEER 3187 99 64 81 2.0 58.6 6-6 2 13.3 CARGILL 8527 95 67 81 1.0 59.7 6-6 2 13.8 DELTAPINE 4820 93 68 80 1.5 57.6 6-10 2 16.5 CARGILL 9027 87 74 80 1.5 59.4 6-5 1 12.8 FFR 17411 89 . 72 80 3.5 56.8 6-6 3 12.7 JACQUES 9220 96 64 80 2.0 58.1 6-6 2 14 7 DEKALB DK 677 97 63 . 80 0.5 60.0 6-6 2 12 1 NEW NK S 8505 89 69 79 3.0 58.3 6-7 1 12 5 NC+ 7507 102 56 79 1.5 58.0 6-10 2 106 ZIMMERMAN Z 27 102 53 77 2.0 57.3 6-10 2 11 3 SUNBELT 1802 93 59 76 1.0 59.1 6-4 2 12 3 PIONEER 3140 88 64 76 1.5 57.0 6-9 2 11 3 AGRATECH 825 89 63 76 1.0 59.1 6-5 2 11.5 PIONEER 3320 88 63 75 1.5 59.5 6-5 2 12 5 TERRA TR 1190 88 62 75 1.0 59.8 6-7 2 13.8 HY PERFORMER HS-88 87 62 74 1.0 61.3 6-5 2 14.3 DEKALB DK 689 92 56 74 1.0 57.6 6-9 1 12 1 PIONEER 3147 102 44 73 1.0 55.5 6-13 2 15 6 PIONEER 3165 96 50 73 3.0 59.4 6-9 2 14.9 SUNBELT 5613 78 67 72 4.5 58.2 6-4 2 11.9 (A ZIMMERMAN Z 20 83 61 72 1.5 59.3 6-6 2 12.0 DELTAPINE DP 5750 78 64 71 2.0 59.2 6-7 1 12.5 HY PERFORMER HS-64 83 60 71 1.5 58.8 6-6 2 13 1 SUNBELT 1860 86 5& 71 1.0 59.2 8-12 2 16 0 DEKALB DK 789 86 55 71 1.5 58.5 6-7 2 15.1 AGRATECH OK 900 92 49 71 1.0 61.8 TERRA TR 366E 83 58 70 0 59.2 6-5 2 11 3 CARGILL 9427 86 54 70 3.0 57.8 - 2 13.3 QARST 8180 84 55 69 2.0 59.4 6-7 2 13 2 ZIMMERMAN Z 38 74 64 69 1.0 58.9 6-5 2 11.5 NEW NK S 8645 73 64 69 1.5 59.3 6-5 1 12.4 HY PERFORMER HS-97 89 48 68 1.0 59.6 6-9 1 13.1 FFR 19418 86 49 67 0.5 59.3 6-7 1 13.0 TERRA TR 364E 83 52 67 0.5 59.3 6-7 1 14 1 DELTAPINE G-4666 76 56 66 1.0 59.6 6-6 1 13. 1 SUNBELT 1827 84 45 65 2.0 60.1 6-7 2 13.4 NEW NK X 8727 78 51 65 1.0 60.6 6-7 2 13 1 AGRATECH 888 80so 45 63 1.0 59.9 6-7 2 13.4 SUNBELT 1882 72 36 54 1.0 58.9 6-13 2 17 0 SUNBELT 1876 60 46 53 1.5 59.8 6-16 2 15.9 NEW NK MCNAIR 508 67 32 49 4.0 53.5 6-18 2 20. 1 TEST AVERAGE 87.0 58.1 L.S.D. (.05) 13.5 12.9 C.V. (X) 11.1 15.8 * 1-I EXCELLENTj 5- VERY POOR. ** MID-SILK DATA FROM PRATTVILLE ONLY. TABLE 6. TWO- AND THREE-YEAR YIELD AND LODGING ALABAMA** 1988-90 AVERAGES FOR SOUTHERN BRAND NAME-HYBRID YIELD PER 3-YR. 1988-90 BU.. ACREAY 2-YR. 1989-90 BU.. LODGED STALKSI AV.. 3-YR. 2-YR. 1988-90 1989-90 PCT. PCT. DEKALB DK 689 MCCURDY 7777 GARST 8180 SUNBELT 1860 DEKALE DK 789 SUNBELT 1802 NEW NK MCNAIR 508 PIONEER 3147 ZIMMERMAN Z 27 SUNBELT 1876 SUNBELT 1827. AGRATECH GK 900 PIONEER 3165 CARGILL 9427 SUNBELT 1882 PIONEER 3320 AGRATECH GK 850 MCCURDY 8181 SUNBELT 7400 NC+ 7507 TERRA TR-366E JACQUES 9220 ZIMMERMAN Z 38 TERRA TR 364E JACQUES 8210 HY PERFORMER HS-97 TERRA TR 1190 NEW NK s 8645 PIONEER 3140 FFR 747C FFR 955C HY PERFORMER HS-64 DELTAP INE G-4543 101 98 92 92 90 90 90 89 89 89 88 86 86 86 85 83 82 108 104 100 101 97 98 97 95 98 98 102 96 92 94 91 91 89 110 108 103 103 102 10.1 98 97 97 95 95 92 91 91 86 82 * FAIRHOPE BREWTONs MONROEVILLE- AND HEADLAND. 14 2.3 2.9 2.3 1.5 2.2 0.9 2.8 3.3 1.5 6.0 1.2 3. 5 4.8 2. 5 1.4 3. 3 1.8 0. 4 1.9 1.9 1. 1 1.3 0. 1 1. 1 1. 5 0. 5 3.8e 0. 5 1.0 1. 3 1.8e 0.6 1.8e 0. 8 0.6 1.9 0.9 0. 9 2.8e 0. 4 0. 5 0. 4 1.6 0.9 0.3 0. 4 0.3 5.8e 0.8e 0. 1 T1~ ~ I T ~ rl 1~ 1 U~ 41~1 Ur~l ~\ rl a TABLE 7. 1990 YIELD OF CORN HYBRIDS BY LOCATION AND REGIONAL AVERAGES OF HYBRID CHARACTERISTICS IN SOUTHERN ALABAMA 1990 REGIONAL AVERAGES. BRAND NAME-HYBRID FAIRHOPE BREWTON MONROEVILLE HEADLAND YIELD LODGED TEST MID- HUSK* HARVEST** PER ACRE STALKS WEIGHT SILK COVER MOISTURE BU L L L E PCT- LA. /BU. MD. -DA BA G JACQUES 920 120 142 62 76 100 0.5 3 6.8 6-9 2 15.6 FFR 16847 143 145 48 64 100 0.5 57.0 6-8 2 15.8 ZIMMERMAN Z 38 129 141 65 59 99 0 57.9 6-7 2 15.0 MCCURDY 7777 120 123 68 80 98 0. 57.1 6-9 2 15 6 AORATECH 825 140 131 58 62 98 0 57.7 6-5 2 15.1 MCCURDY 8165 129 142 45 71 97 0.3 58.4 6-7 2 15 8 PIONEER 3165 133 132 40 76 95 0.8 57.2 6-11 2 15.7 CARGILL 9027 145 122 48 65 95 1.3 57.8 6-7 2 15.7 TERRA TR 366E 119 124 66 70 95 0.8 57.4 6-7 2 14.8 MCCURDY 8181 136 126 49 68 95 0.8 57.2 6-11 2 16 3 DEKALB DK 689 154 127 37 61 95 0 57.5 6-11 2 15.4 SUNBELT 1802 145 113 55 65 94 0 56.6 6-5 2 15.4 GARST 8180 127 134 57 58 94 0.5 56.9 6-9 2 15. 4 NEW NK 8 50 126 133 52 62 93 1.8 57.2 6-10 2 15.0 JACQUES 8210 124 123 62 59 92 0 57.3 6-5 2 15. 1 FFR 17411 121 135 47 63 91 0.8 56.2 6-8 2 15.6 SUNBELT 1827 143 128 35 59 91 0 58.1 6-10 2 15.4 TERRA TR 364E 130 119 48 68 91 0 57.7 6-9 2 15.0 ASGROW RX 947 154 120 29 62 91 1.8 56.9 6-9 2 15.8 AGRATECH 888 122 115 48 80 91 0.5 57.7 6-7 2 15 1 ASGROW RX 911 134 109 55 65 91 0.3 57.2 6-9 2 15.6 NC+ 75071 139 107 54 62 91 0.3 56.4 6-9 3 15.1 JACQUES 8510 134 109 63 55 90 1. 0 57.1 6- 2 15 5 NEW NK 8 8645 123 126 49 61 90 0.3 57.6 6-7 2 15.4 TERRA TR 1190 127 111 52 68 90 0 57.6 6-7 2 15 2 DEKALB DK 789 130 140 29 58 89 1.0 56.5 6-11 3 16 1 CARGILL 8527 120 119 52 67 89 0.3 57.6 6-7 2 15.0 DELTAPINE 4820 126 114 41 73 89 0:3 55.7 6-12 2 16.2 ZIMMERMAN Z 27 145 108 45 58 89 0.3 56.5 6-9 2 15.1 HY PERFORMER H8-64 125 127 51 52 89 0.3 56.6 6-8 2 15.7 SUNBELT 1860 132 125 25 71' 88 0.8 56.7 6-11 2 16.2 HY PERFORMER HS-88 128 106 46 70 88 0 57.8 6-9 2 15 9 FFR 747C 130 102 58 61 88 0 57.4 6-7 2 15.2 HY PERFORMER HS-97 135 108 55 53 88 0.3 37.2 6-10 2 15.3 SUNBELT 7400 127 120 43 60 87 0.5 55.6 6-13 2 16 4 PIONEER 3055 127 105 48 69 87 0.5 56.9 6-9 2 15 9 SUNBELT 1876 143 109 27 69 87 1.0 54.9 6-15 2 17.2 PIONEER 3140 124 120 41 61 86 0.3 56.6 6-8 2 14.8 DEKALBDK 677 124 121 42 58 86 0 57.3 6-8 2 15.3 PIONEER 3147 129 121 32 63 86 0.8 55.6 6-13 2 15.6 CARGILL 9427 136 102 44 62 86 1.0 56.4 6-7 2 15.2 FFR 19418 123 108 50 61 85 0 57.8 6-9 2 15.4 PIONEER 3320 131 100 46 63 85 1.5 57.4 6-7 2 15.4 FFR 955C 132 119 30 56 84 1.3 56.9 6-11 2 15.9 JACQUES 7910 124 100 54 54 83 0 56.6 6-5 2 15.4 NEW NK X 8727 123 94 37 71 8.1 0 57.8 6-8 2 15.8 ZIMMERMA J Z 20 121 97 41 62 80 0.3 57.2 6-8 2 15.0 DELTAPINE G-4543 128 84 48 . 57 79 0 57.7 6-8 2 15.0 SUNBELT 1882 112 111 26 63 78 0.5 36.7 6-12 2 16.2 PIONEER 3180 118 101 37 57 78 0.5 56.3 6-9 3 15.0 AGRATECH GK 900 121 90 40 52 76 0 57. 5 6-10 3 15. 6 NEW NK MCNAIR 508 130 98 20 55 76 0.8 55.8 6-18 2 17.0 AGRATECH GK 850 104 104 30 55 73 0 56.1 6-15 2 15. 7 TEST AVERAGE 129.4 116.7 45.8 63. 1 L.S. D. (. 05) 22.3 26. 8 17.3 15. 5 CV. (X) 12.3 16.5 27.0 17.6 *1- EXCELLENTs 5= VERY POOR. * HARVEST MOISTURE DATA FROM FAIRHOPE, BREWTON, AND MONROEVILL-E ) Ul TABLE 8. BLACK BELT CORN HYBRID/VIRUS TEST# 1988-90 BRAND NAME-HYBRID DEKALD DK 689 DEKALB DK 789 JACQUES 9220 MCCURDY 7777 SUNBELT 1860 PIONEER 3147 JACQUES 8400 AGRATECH GK 900 DEKALD DK 649 PIONEER 3197 SUNBELT 1882 PIONEER 3165 FFR 955C AGRATECH 891 HY PERFORMER HS-97 AGRATECH 888 JACQUES 8510 PIONEER 3154 ASOROW RX 947 DEKALD EXP964 UAP X5003 CARGILL 8527 NEW NK X 758 FFR 17411 AGRATECH 917 W QARST 8180 SUNBELT 7400 NEW NK S 8645 TERRA TR 364E FFR 19418 AGRATECH GK 927W ASGROW RX 959W YIELD PER ACRE. AV.-- 3-YR. J1988-90 95 92 91 90 85 83 82 79 77 77 76 TEST AVERAGE L. S.D. (. 05) 1% t li 107.8B 13. 2 R07 *MARION JUNCTION. SEE TABLE 9 FOR VIRUS DISEASE REACTIONS. I= 1 EXCELLENTI 5- VERY POOR. 1990- 2-YR. 107 116 108 103 106 111 105 97 101 100 102 125 99 96 91 1990 117 128 110 107 122 117 106 102 104 111 107 142 101 109 97 101 123 118 117 117 116 109 105 104 100 96 96 96 95 88 83 LODGED TALKS. AV 3-YR. 2-YR. 1990 1988-90 1989-90 0.7 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.3 3.0 0 0.7 0.5 0 0.3 0.5 0 0.3 0.5 0 0.7 0.5 0 0.7 0.5 0 0 0 0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.3 0.5 1.0 - 0 0 3.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 - 0.5 0 - 0 0 - - 0 - - 2.0 - - 0 - - 0 -6 - 1.0 90, - - 0. - . - 1.0 - - 0 - - 0 - 1.0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 DIDSILK 6-8 6-8 6-8 6-10 6-10 6-6 6-7 6-10 6-7 6-11 6-10 6-11 6-7 6-8 6-8 6-4 6-6 6-10 6-3 6-8 6-7 6-6 6-6 6-7 6-9 6-12 6-7 6-8 6-7 6-11 TEST WE L LBIDL. 56. 1 57. 6 55. 6 55. 2 55. 8 54. 1 58. 4 59. 3 56. 3 54. 6 54. d% 56.6, 56. 6 57. 0 57. 3 58B. 5 58. 7 56. 7 56. 0 54. 9 56. 7 59. 1 55. 8 56. 9 55. 2 58. 1 52. 6 57. 6 57. 4 57. 9 55. 7 36. 6 HUSK(** 3 4 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 HARVEST MISTURE PCPCT" 17. 21. 22. 21. 1 20. 18. 8 19. 19. 16.6 15.5 20. 9 18. E8 21. 6 21. 4 16. 4 16. 2 19. 8 16. 20. 20. 18.35 16. 7 18. 8 21. 0 19. 3 21. 2 15. 3 17. 5 17. 1 21.8. AlinA ItCln ~rr~ cr~ v VIRAL DISEASE REACTIONS OF SCME HY DS IN 19902 The two most prevalent viral diseases of corn in Alabama are maize chlorotic dwarf (MCD), caused by the maize chlorotic dwarf virus (MCDV), and maize dwarf mosaic (MM), caused by the maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDE). Discovery of MI M in the State dates back to the early 1960's, while MCD has been recognized since 1973. Both diseases probably occur throughout Alabama; however, they generally have been more prevalent and damaging in the northern two-thirds of the State. Symptoms of the two diseases are similar in appearance and sometimes difficult to distinguish. Generally, affected plants are chlorotic or discolored and may be stunted. Leaves of MM diseased plants show an irregular, light and dark green mosaic or mottle; the initial symptom of MCD is a fine, chlorotic streaking over the smallest veins. The causal viruses are spread by feeding activities of insects. MCDV is transmitted by certain leafhoppers, and MEWV is carried by same aphids. Both viruses have similar host ranges among a variety of wild and cultivated grasses. Johnsongrass is an important overseason or reservoir host for the viruses, and MCD and M1M incidence and damage usually are high in corn fields that are heavily infested with johnsongrass. Use of resistant or tolerant corn hybrids and the control of johnsongrass or avoidance of johnsongrass-infested areas are the most practical control for MCD and MDM. Commnercial and experimental hybrids are evaluated yearly to identify resistant hybrids or prciising sources of resistance to the diseases. Results of evaluations of some commercial hybrids during 1990 are summarized in this report. 2Prepared by Robert T. Gudauskas, Professor of Plant Pathology. 17 Procedure Viral disease ratings were made on entries in the corn hybrid test at the Black Belt Substation, Marion Junction, and the Upper Coastal Plain Substation, Winfield. Plants showing symptaos of MCD and/or MDM were counted, and data are reported as percent incidence of the diseases for each hybrid. Results Levels of MCD and MI4M were unusually low in the tests at all locations, as was the case in the general corn crop throughout the State in 1990. The very low incidence of both diseases among and within hybrids at the Prattville and Marion Junction tests, tables 9 and 10, made any comparison of hybrid susceptibility meaningless. Although lower than usual, incidence of both diseases was more general in the tests at the two northern locations. In the test of 49 hybrids at the Tennessee Valley Substation, incidence of MDC ranged from 0 to 10.5 percent and averaged 1.2 percent; incidence of MIM ranged from 0 to 3.0 percent and averaged 0.3 percent. Nineteen hybrids showed no symptoms of either disease. At the Upper Coastal Plain Substation, incidence of MCD ranged from 0 to 5.8 percent and averaged 0.6 percent among the 49 hybrids in the test; that for MEM ranged from 0 to 11.6 percent and averaged 0.7 percent. Twenty-nine hybrids showed no symptm-s of either disease. Hybrids showing relatively greater resistance or tolerance were apparent at both locations. Under conditions of higher or lower incidence of viral disease, hybrids would be expected to retain their relative ranking. When selecting a hybrid, viral disease reactions should be taken into account for areas where the diseases are known or suspected to occur, along with the considerations of yield and other characteristics given elsewhere in this report. 18 Table 9. NCDECE OF MAIJZE CHWLOTIC DW'ARF VflRJS DISEASE IN REGULhAR CORN HYRID TESTS, 1990 Brand name~ Hybrid Marion Junction Prattville Winfield Belle Mina July 11 June 27 July 13 July 27 AgraTch AgraTd AgraTech AqaTch AcqraTch AgraTech Asgrw Asgrw Asgrw Cargill Cargill Cargill Dekalb Dekalb Del.tapine De1tapine Deltapie Deltapine FFR FFR FFR FFR FFR FFR Garst Hy Perforer Hy Perfonrer Hy Performer Jacques Jacques Jacques Jacques Mrdy NC+ New NK New NK New NK New NK New NK P ioneer Pioneer 825 888 891. GK 900 G7K 917W GK 927W RX 911 RX 947 RX 959W 8527 9027 9427 DK 649 DK 677 DK 689 DK 789 EXP 964 4820 DP 5750 G-4666 RA 1502 747C 907C 955C 16847 17411 19418 8180 HS-64 HS-88 HS-97 8210 8400 8510 9220 7777 7507 S 8505 S 8645 X 758 X 8727 M~cNair 508 3140 3147 Continued 19 0 0 0 4.3 0 0m 0 3.6 0 0 1.m8 0 0 0 2. 0 0 0 0 2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0~ 0 1.4 0 0 1.6 0 0 0 0 3.2 0 0m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1. 0 0. 1.5 1.7 2,0 1.8 0 0 0 0 0 2.8 1.0 10.5 0.9 0 0 0 0 00.9 0 0.9 1.8 100 4.8 0 0 0 0 0 5.5 0.8 109 1.8 0 Table 9 (Continued). INCIDENCE OF MAIZE CHOOIDROIC ?DARF V=S DISEASE IN REGULAR CORN HYBRID TESTS, 1990 Brand name Hybrid Marion Junction Prattville Winfield Belle Mina July 11 June 27 July 13 July 27 Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. Pioneer 3154 0 - - Pioneer 3165 0 0 0 1. 9 Pioneer 3170 0 0, 0 Pioneer 3180 0 0 0 Pioneer 3187 0 0 1.5 2.9 Pioneer 3320 0 0 2.0 Sunbelt 1802 0 0 0 Sunbelt 1827 0 1.7 3.1 Sunbelt 1860 0 - - - Sunbelt 1876 - 1. 9 1. 6 1.0 Sunbelt 1882 0 - - - Sunbelt 5613 - 0 5.8 0.9 Sunbelt 7400 2.4 - - - Terra TR 364E 0 0 0 0 Terra TR 366E - 0 1.7 0 Terra TR 1190 - 0 0 1.1 UAP X 5003 0 - - - Zimmerman Z 20 - 0 0 1. 0 Zirimrman Z 27 - 1.7 0 3.7 Zinm~rman Z 38 - 0 0 1. 8 20 Tabhle 10. N2CIDNC OF MIZE DWARF IMOSAIC VflRJS DISEASE IN RB2JLAR CORN HYRID TESSrS 1990 Brand name~ Hybrid Marion Junction Prattville Winfield Belle Mirna July 11 June 27 July 13 July 27 AqraTech AgraTc AgraTedi AgraTech AgraTc Asgrow Asgrcw~ Asgrco! Cargill Cargill Cargill Dealb DekJalb Deka]b Deka]Lb Deltapine Deltapine Deltapine Deltapine FFR FER FFR FFR Garst Hy.Perfonier Hy Performer Hy Peronir Jacq~ues Jacquyes Jacques NC+ New NK New NK New NK New NK New NK Pioneer Pioneer 825 888 891 GK 900 GZ 917W GK 927W PX 911 RX 947 RX 959W 8527 9027 9427 DK 649 DK 677 DK 689 DK 789 EXP 9 64 4820 DP 5750 G-4666 RA 1502 747C 907C 955C 16847 17411 19418 8180 115-64 HS-88 BS-97 8210 8400 8510 9220 7777 7507 S 8505 S 8645 X 758 X 8727 McNair 508 3140 3147 Continued 21 Pat* 0m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.2 0 4.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pat. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ct. 1.4 0 1.4 0 1.6 0 0 0 0 1,6 0 0 0 1.4 0 0 1.4 0 0 0 0 0 1.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0m 0 0 Pat. 0 2.9 0 0 1.0 0 0o 0 0 0 0 01.0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01.0 0 100 0 30 0 0.8 1.00 0 0 Table 10 (Continued). INCIDEC OF MIZE ?WARI IN PDSJLAR CORI HYRID TESTSI F MOAIC VIIlJS DISEASE 1990 Brad-nr Hybrid Marion Junction Prattville Winfield Belle Nina July 11 June 27 July 13 July 27 Pt. Pct. Pot. Pct. Pioneer 3154 0- Pioneer 3165 0 0 0 0 PioneePr 3170 0 0 0 Pioneer 3180 0 0 0 Pioneer 3187 0 0 0 1.00 Pi oneer 3320 0 0 0 Sunbelt 1802 0 0 0 Sunbelt 1827 1.9 6.7 1.0 Sunbelt 1860 0 #-Ow" Sunbelt 1876 0 1.6 0 Sunbelt 1882 0 - Sunbelt 5613 4 0 11.6 0 Sunbelt 7400 0 - Terra ER 364E 0 0 1.5 0 Terra IR 366E 0 0 0 terra TR 1190 0 0 0 UAP X 5003 0- Znmnn Z 20 0 0 0 Zi nm~nia Z 27 1.7 0 0.9 Ziiira Z 38 1.7 0 0 22 TABLE 11. IRRIGATED CORN HYBRID PERFORMANCE AND CHARACTERISTICS, HEADLAND, ALABAMA. 1988-90* YIELD PER ACREAV. LODGED STALKS AV.0 BRAND NAME-HYBRID 3-YR. 2-YR. 1990 3-YR. 2-YR. 1990 MIDSILK TEST HUSK** HARVEST 1988-90 1989-90 1988-90 1989-90 WEIGHT COVER MOISTURE BU . DuS l, EiCTLQL. PL. E-L. tQM.-2A .L . R1ATI DEKALB DK 689 178 175 190 1.3 1.5 1.0 6-12 56.8 2 134 QARST 8180 166 162 192 1.7 2.0 3.0 6-12 57.8 3 13.4 AGRATECH GK 900 161 176 194 1.0 0 0 6-12 58.4 3 13.4 SUNBELT 1860 160 161 186 1.0 1.0 0 6-18 57.7 3 13.4 SUNBELT 1827 158 161 183 0.7 0.5 1.0 6-12 58.3 3 13.4 DEKALB DK 789 155 163 190 2.0 2.0 0 6-18 56.3 3 13.4 SUNBELT 1802 155 158 183 1.0 0.5 0 6-18 57.2 4 13.4 MCCURDY 7777 154 159 173 1.7 0 0 6-21 51.0 2 13.4 NEW NK MCNAIR 508 151 141 167 2.0 2.0 2.0 6-21 58.2 2 13.4 PIONEER 3165 150 144 169 1.7 1.5 2.0 6-18 56.5 2 13.4 ZIMMERMAN Z 27 148 154 172 0.3 0 0 6-12 57.2 4 13.4 PIONEER 3147 146 150 175 3.7 3.5 2.0 6-21 55.2 2 13.4 SUNBELT 1882 144 145 173 0.7 0 0 6-21 57.4 3 13.4 CARGILL 9427 144 147 173 2.3 2.0 1.0 6-21 55.9 3 13 4 SUNBELT 1876 137 133 171 5.7 7.0 2.0 6-21 56.6 2 13 4 u PIONEER 3320 137 135 159 1.3 1.5 1.0 6-18 56.9 3 13.4 AGRATECH GK 850 134 145 161 0.7 0 0 6-12 56.5 2 13 4 MCCURDY 8181 - 163 182 - 0. 0 6-18 58.6 3 13.4 NC+ 7507 - 162 174 - 1.0 0 6-21 56.5 2 13.4 JACGUES 9220 - 157 205 - 4.5 1.0 6-18 58.4 2 13.4 PIONEER 3140 - 155 178 - 0.5 1.0 6-12 56.1 2 13.4 TERRA TR 1190 - 154 167 - 0 0 6-18 57.4 2 13.4 TERRA TR 364E - 152 176 - 0 0 6-18 58.1 1 13.4 SUNBELT 7400 - 149 179 - 1.0 0 6-21 56.3 2 13.4 HY PERFORMER H8-97 - 147 168 - 0.5 0 6-18 58.4 2 13.4 TERRA TR 366E - 145 169 - 0 0 6-12 59.0 3 13.4 JACQUES 8210 - 145 164 - 1.5 2.0 6-18 56.9 2 13.4 FFR 955C - 143 177 - 5.0 4.0 6-18 57.9 3 13.4 NEW NK 8 8645 - 143 161 - 0 0 6-21 57.8 3 13.4 ZIMMERMAN Z 38 - 142 170 - 1.0 0 6-21 58.5 3 13.4 FFR 747C - 136 152 - 2.0 0 6-12 58.4 2 13.4 HY PERFORMER HS-64 - 129 149 - 0 0 6-18 57.5 3 13.4 DELTAPINE 0-4543 - 125 158 - 0 0 6-12 58.8 2 13.4 ASGROW RX 947 - - 196 - - 1.0 6-12 56.8 2 13.4 MCCURDY 8165 - - 196 - - 2.0 6-18 59.0 2 13.4 CARGILL 8527 - - 196 - - 1.0 6-18 56.8 2 13.4 PIONEER 3055 - - 191 - - 0 6-21 57.4 2 13.4 NEW NK X 8727 - - 191 - - 0 6-12 58.8 3 13.4 CONTINUED TABLE 11. IRRIGATED CORN HYBRID PERFORMANCE AND CHARACTERISTICS. HEADLAND. ALABAMA. 1988- CONTINVgD YIELDPER ACREAV. LODED STALKS& AV. BRAND NAME-HYBRID 3-YR. 2-YR. 1990 3-YR. 2-YR. 1990 MIDSILK TEST HuS 12891-90 19122-90- - _1209-2 128-2 W4gT o BU, BU. BU, EcL EQLT E!LI 1 -D, L/U, RAU PIONEER 3180 189 0 6-16 56.3 NEW NK88505186 0 6-12 57.7 2 1. FFR 16647- 166 0 6-16 57.81 DEKALB DK677- 179 1.0 6-12 59.1 AGRATECH 888- 179 - 0 6?-12 58.86 1 13 FFR 19418- - 178. -- 0 6-21 58.9 3 1. ASOROW RX 911 - 176 0 6-18 58.9 3 1. DELTAPINE 4820 - - 175 - 3.0 6"-12 56.9 2 1. HY PERFORMER HS-88 - 174 -- 0 6-21 58.4 3 1. ZIMMERMAN Z 20 - - 172 - 1.0 6-12 57.4 3 1. CARGILL 9027 - 170 - 2.0 6-18 59. 1 1 134 AGRATECH 825 - - 165 - 0 6-18 58. 5 4 134 JACQUES 8510 - - 162 - 0 6-12 58.6 2 134 FFR 17411 - 162 -- 2.0 6-12 57.2 3 1. JACQUES 7910 - - 147 - 0 6-21 57. 3 2 134 TEST AVERAGE17. L. S.D. (05) 23.5 I7~ * THE TEST RECEIVED APPROXIMATELY 13. 75 INCHES OF MAY. JUNE. AND JULY. ** 1- EXCELLENT# 5m VERY POOR. OF IRRIGATION WATER IN 11 APPLICATIONS DURING THE MONTHS TABLE 12. WHITE CORN HYBRID TEST, NORTHERN ALABAMA*, 1988-90 YIELD PER ACRE,AV. LODGED STALKS AV. 190 BRAND NAME-HYBRID 3-YR. 2-YR. 1990 3-YR. 2-YR. 1990 MIDSILK TEST HUSK*** HARVEST 1988-90 1989-90 1988-90 1989-90 WEIGHT COVER MOITURE BL BU , e, ecT LM RD L/L1B 0Al r PIONEER 3165 ** 120 152 133 0.7 0.5 0 6-30 58.0 2 16.6 ZIMMERMAN Z 54 W 110 138 109 3.3 4.0 3.0 6-30 57.6 2 16.3 ZIMMERMAN Z 16 W 109 133 115 2.7 1.5 1.0 6-29 58.9 2 17 1 PIONEER 3144W 109 138 110 1.7 2.0 2.0 6-30 58.4 2 16.7 ZIMMERMAN Z 14 W 105 131 107 3.7 3.0 3.0 6-30 58.3 2 16 5 ZIMMERMAN Z 17 W 105 129 91 1.7 2.0 2.0 7-1 57.2 2 15 6 AGRATECH 917 W 103 132 97 2.0 2.5 1.0 6-30 58.4 2 16 9 FFR 929W 86 116 92 1.7 2.0 2.0 7-1 58.5 2 17.6 DEKALB DK 689** - 142 113 - 0.5 1.0 6-30 56.9 2 15 5 DELTAPINE G-4644W - 141 116 - 3.0 2.0 7-1 59.3 2 17 0 HY PERFORMER HS 175W - 135 105 - 2.5 2.0 6-30 58.4 2 16 5 HY PERFORMER HS 180W - 129 109 - 3.0 2.0 6-29 56.4 2 16 5 ZIMMERMAN Z 27 - - 124 - - 1.0 6-30 54.1 2 14 5 ZIMMERMAN Z 63 W - - 109 - - 1.0 6-30 59.3 2 16 5 FFR 19419W - - 109 - - 1.0 6-30 - 2 17 5 ZIMMERMAN Z 61 W - - 98 - - 0 6-30 57.4 2 15. 4 ASQROW RX 959W - - 97 - - 4.0 7-1 59.7 2 17.0 AGRATECH OK 927W - - 95 - - 1.0 7-1 58.2 2 17.7 TEST AVERAGE 107.0 L.S.D. (.05) 15.0 ftV. (71) .2.2 * CROSSVILLE. ** YELLOW CORN CHECK HYBRID. *** 1= EXCELLENTj 5w VERY POOR. UNJL~n TABLE 13. WHITE CORN HYBRID TEST, CENTRAL ALABAMA*# 1968-90 BRAND NAME-HYBRID YIELD PER AC E#AV. 3-YR. 2-YR. 1990 1988-90 -1989-90 By. la, U 99 97 93 92 89 84 83. 82 PIONEER 3165 ** ZIMMERMAN Z 54 W ZIMMERMAN Z 14 W ZIMMERMAN Z 17 W ZIMMERMAN Z 16 W FFR 929W PIONEER 3144W AGRATECH 917 W HY PERFORMER HS 180W HY PERFORMER HS 175W DEKALD DK 669 ** DELTAPINE G-4644W ZIMMERMAN Z 63 W FFR 19419W AGRATECH GK 927W ZIMMERMAN Z 27 ZIMMERMAN Z 61 W AGGROW RX 959W 118 123 119 117 109 109 104 106 121 119 115 90 133 121 128 117 119 107 99 115 125 116 103 106 127 115 112 103 92 90 3-YR. 2-YR. 1990 198-0 1989-90 EEL. PCT.E L 0 0.3 1.7 1.3 0.7 1.7 0 0.3 0 0 1.0 1.0 0 2.0 0 0 0 0 0. 5 0. 5 0 0 1.0 1.0 0 4.0 0 0 0 0 1.0 1.0 0 1.0 1.0 0 0 1.0 TEST AVERAGE L. S.D. (.05) * SHORTER. **YELLOW CORN CHECK HYBRID.. TET9 ARES WEI GHT MIDS ILK 6-7 6-6 6-6 6-7 6-4 6-S 6-7 6-7 6-6 6-7 6-7 6-6 6-6 6-6 6-7 6-7 6-6 6-10 LLL, 51.6 51.9 53. 4 53. 5 52.85 52.8 52. 2 53. 0 51.9 51. 9 50. 8 54. 7 53. 7 54. 8 53. 5 50. 9 51. 8 52. 8 20. 5 20. 9 20. E8 19. 2 23. 0 21.9 19. 6 21. 8 21. 9 21. 7 18. 2 22. 9 21.9 23. 1 21. 7 17. 8 19. 7 25. 0 24. 9 I LI~II~C~III~ ( ~~r~C14n An TABLE 14. WHITE CORN HYBRID TEST. SOUTHERN ALABAMA*v 1988-90 YIELD PER ACRE. AV. LOED STALK28AV. 1290 BRAND NAME-HYBRID 3-YR. 2-YR. 1990 3-YR. .2-YR. 1990 MIDSILK TEST HUS H 1988-40 1989-90 1 9-99 1282-9WE BU, Mi. PCTI GT, tg ZA, LB 1BVe. ft ZIMMERMAN Z 14 W 153 15 178 1.3 0 0 6-12 57.7 ZIMMERMAN Z 16 W 152 162 186 1.3 1.5 0 6-18 57.7 PIONEER 3144W 150 162 182 1.0 1.0 0 6-18 57.4 PIONEER 3165 ** 147 144 171 1.0 1.5 57.6 ZIMMERMAN Z 54 W 145 149 172 1.13 1.5 3.0 6-12 57.3 ZIMMERMAN Z 17 W 142 146 159 1.3 1.5 1.0 6-18 58.0 AGRATECH 917 W 138 139 155 2.0 1.0 2.0 6-21 58.3 FFR 929W 133 1!30 155 1.0 0.5 0 6-21 58.1 DERALBD Db 689 .- 149 162 1.0 0 6-18 56,9 31. DELTAPINE G-4644W - 148 168 0 0 6-21 60. 1 2134 HY PERFORMER HS 180W- 147 170 0 0 6-18 56.8 31. HY PERFORMER HS 175W- 139 158 1.5 1.0 6-12 56.3 31. ZIMMERMAN Z63 W-- 185-- 1.0 6-183 57.6 21. ZIMMERMAN Z 61 W -- 178 - 0 6-18 58.2 21. ZIMMERMAN Z 27 -- 167 - 0 6-12 57.6 31. FFR 19419W -- 164 - 1.0 6-18 60.0 31. ASOROW RX 959W-- 156 - 0 6-18 59.6 21. AGRATECH GK 927W - 143 - - 0 6-21 5.3 313.4 TEST AVERAGE16. L. S.D. (. 05) 16.8 .V. M 4 - N) * HEADLAND. THE TEST.RECEIVED DURING THE MONTHS OF MAY AND JUNE. *YELLOW CORN CHECK HYBRID. I= 1 EXCELLENT; 5- VERY POOR. APPROXIMATELY 12.5 INCHES OF IRRIGATION WATERIN 10 APPLICATIONS TABLE 15. EARLY CORN HYBRID TEST, NORTHERN ALABAMA*, 1988-90 YIELD PER ACRE, AV. " LODGED STALKSAV. .1990 BRA.'D NAME-HYBRID 3-YR. 2-YR. 1990 3-YR. 2-YR. 1990 MIDSILK TEST HUSK** HARVEST 1980-90 1909-90 1988-9 199-9 WEIGHT COVER MOSTURE BU. u _ PCT, e CT MO./D6 l RATN ZIMMERMAN Z 27 108 134 118 1.0 1.0 0 6-29 55.2 3 18. SUNBELT 1802 106 132 119 0.7 1.0 0 6-27 56.8 2 19.5 DELTAPINE DP 5750 105 127 116 1.3 2.0 1.0 6-29 56.4 2 18.7 ACRATECH 888 104 123 107 0.7 1.0 0 6-28 55.8 2 18 5 DELTAPINE RA 1502 103 128 109 1.0 1.5 1.0 6-26 56.6 2 20.2 DELTAPINE 0-4543 103 131 112 0.3 0.5 0 6-26 56.9 2 18.2 SUNBELT 5613 102 124 98 1.7 2.0 1.0 6-26 56.8 2 18.5 SUNBELT 1827 101 127 101 0.7 1.0 0 6-29 57.9 2 22.2 SUNBELT SB 1839 101 134 99 1.3 2.0 1.0 7-1 55.0 2 20.9 DEKALB DK 649 98 127 100 0 0 0 6-30 55.0 2 18.5 FFR 747C 94 119 105 0.7 1.0 0 6-25 56.9 2 17.7 PIONEER 3165 *** - 151 119 - 1.0 1.0 7-1 56.8 3 21.5 DEKALB DK 689 *** - 137 112 - 1.0 0 6-30 56.1 2 19.2 ZIMMERMAN Z 38 - 135 114 - 0.5 0 6-26 56.8 2 19.4 AGRATECH 825 - 135 115 - 0.5 0 6-26 57.3 2 19.5 PIONEER 3295 - 134 104 - 1.0 0 6-29 54.0 3 15.9 DELTAPINE G-4666 - 130 111 - 1.5 1.0 6-28 56.3 2 18.1 PIONEER 3343 - 123 103 - 0.5 0 6-27 52.8 3 16.5 t HY PERFORMER HS-64 - 119 96 - 0.5 0 6-29 57.8 2 19.9 00 HY PERFORMER H8-97 - 109 101 - 0.5 1.0 6-30 55.9 2 19.3 PIONEER 3245 - - 117 - 1.0 6-29 56.9 3 15.7 NEW NK S 7759 - - 113 - - 0 6-26 56.8 2 18.3 FFR 907C - - 111 - - 0 6-27 56.6 2 19.5 ZIMMERMAN Z 20 - - 110 - - 10 6-29 56.6 3 18.8 NEW NK PX 9540 - - 110 - - 0 6-25 56.4 2 17.9 HY PERFORMER H8-569 - - 109 - - 0 6-26 58.2 2 18.5 HY PERFORMER HS-59 - - 107 - - 0 6-25 56.6 2 18.2 FFR 19418 - - 107 - - 1.0 6-29 56.0 2 19.3 HY PERFORMER HS--X9641 - - 91 - - 0 6-24 55.6 2 15.2 TEST AVERAGE 108.0 L.S.D. (.05) 14.6 C.V. (, ) 9.6 S* CROSSVILLE. ** 1- EXCELLENT; 5- VERY POOR. *** STANDARD MID TO LATE SEASON HYBRIDS. TABLE 16. EARLY CORN HYBRID TEST, CENTRAL ALABAMA*, 1988-90 YIELD PER ACRE, AV. LODGED STALAS.1Y 1990 BRAND NAME-HYBRID 3-YR. 2-YR. 1990 3-YR. 2-YR. 1990 MIDSILK TEST HARVEST 198i-90 199-90 198-9 199-90 .WEIHT MOjTUR DELTAPINE DP 5750 111 147 130 0.3 0.5 0 6-5 53.2 18.8 ZIMMERMAN Z 27 110 138 106 0 0 0 6-6 50.8 16.8 AGRATECH 888 109 136 118 0.3 0.5 0 6-7 53.2 19.5 SUNBELT 1827 108 143 128 0.7 0.5 0 6-6 52.9 20.7 SUNBELT SB 1839 106 137 117 0 0 0 6-5 52.1 20.7 SUNBELT 1802 104 133 122 1.0 0.5 0 6-3 53.2 214 DEKALB DK 649 104 136 117 0.3 0.5 0 6-6 50.4 18.5 FFR 747C 103 133 117 0.7 0.5 0 6-4 53.2 15.4 DELTAPINE RA 1502 103 136 124 1.3 0.5 0 6-4 52.2 19.1 SUNBELT 5613 100 127 115 0.7 0.5 0 6-4 53.2 17.8 DELTAPINE G-4543 98 120 104 0 0 0 6-3 53.6 15.9 PIONEER 3165 ** - 150 131 - 0.5 0 6-8 53.1 21.4 DELTAPINE 0-4666 - 143 124 0.5 0 6-5 53.0 19.7 DEKALB DK 689 ** - 136 116 - 0.5 0 6-6 52.2 18.2 AGRATECH 825 - 129 116 0 0 6-5 52.9 17.9 ZIMMERMAN Z 38 - 121 105 - 0.5 0 6-4 52.1 15.6 HY PERFORMER HS-64 - 120 105 - 1.5 1.0 6-5 54.5 16.9 HY PERFORMER HS-97 - 119 110 0 0 6-6 53.2 19.5 PIONEER 3295 - 105 73 - 0 0 6-5 51.2 14.3 PIONEER 3343 - 104 86 - 0.5 0 6-4 51.2 13.5 FFR 19418 - - 130 - - 1.0 6-6 53.3 19.2 FFR 907C - - 124 - - 0 6-5 53.1 18.1 PIONEER 3245 - - 118 - - 0 6-5 54.0 15.2 HY PERFORMER HS-59 - - 113 - - 0 6-4 52.4 14.6 NEW NK PX 9540 - - 110 - - 0 6-2 53.5 15.4 HY PERFORMER HS-569 - - 109 - - 0 6-3 53.8 19.6 NEW NK 5 7759 - - 105 - - 0 6-4 51.6 17.4 ZIMMERMAN Z 20 - - 95 - - 2.0 6-6 52.4 16.7 HY PERFORMER HS-X9641 - - 84 - - 0 6-2 51.5 14 1 TEST AVERAGE 112.1 L.S.D. (.05) 18.8 C.V. (7.) 11.9 * SHORTER. ** STANDARD MID TO LATE SEASON HYBRIDS. k) TABLE 17. EARLY CORN HYBRID TEST, SOUTHERN ALABAMA*, 1987 & 1989-90 YIELD PER ACRE, AV. LODGED STALKS AV. 199 BRAND NAME-HYBRID 3-YR. 2-YR. 1990 3-YR. 2-YR. 1990 MIDSILK TEST HUSK** HARVEST 1987&'89-90 1989-90 1987&'89-90 1989-90 WEIGHT COVER MOISTURE BU. BU. - BL EL MO.- QA. L/U SUNBELT SB 1839 135 147 129 2.3 3.5 0 5 -24 56.8 3 17.0 SUNBELT 1827 123 132 112 1.7 2.5 1.0 5 -26 58.0 4 16.1 ZIMMERMAN Z 27 122 131 114 4.3 6.5 0 5 -24 57.3 3 16.0 DELTAPINE 0-4543 122 129 120 1.3 2.0 0 5 -21 58.9 3 14.8 SUNBELT 1802 120 128 120 2.3 3.5 0 5 -21 57.6 3 16.2 FFR 747C 120 127 125 2.0 3.0 0 5 -20 58.1 3 15.6 SUNBELT 5613 118 121 102 2.0 3.0 0 5 -21 57.6 3 15.4 DELTAPINE DP 5750 - 148 146 - 4.0 0 5 -25 58.9 3 16.6 ZIMMERMAN Z 38 - 143 139 - 1.5 0 5 -22 58.7 3 16.1 DEKALB DK 689 *** - 142 131 - 8.0 0 5 -27 57.4 3 15.9 PIONEER 3343 - 141 134 - 1.0 0 5 -23 57.2 4 15.8 AGRATECH 888 - 136 116 - 1.0 0 5 -25 58.8 2 15.8 DELTAPINE RA 1502 - 134 123 - 8.5 1.0 5 -21 57.8 3 16.0 PIONEER 3165 *** - 134 127 - 12.5 4.0 5 -26 57.8 3 17.1 HY PERFORMER HS-64 - 131 126 - 1.5 0 5 -23 58.5 3 16.1 DEKALB DK 649 - 129 127 - 3.0 0 5 -25 57.5 3 15.8 PIONEER 3295 - 128 138 - 8.0 0 5 -24 55.7 4 15.6 DELTAPINE G-4666 - 127 124 - 4.0 0 5 -25 58.5 2 15.6 AGRATECH 825 - 125 119 - 4.5 0 5 -22 58.4 3 15.3 HY PERFORMER HS-97 - 125 105 .- 6.5 1.0 5 -26 58.4 3 15.8 PIONEER 3245 - - 135 - - 0 5 -25 58.6 4 15.4 FFR 19418 - - 126 - - 1.0 5 -24 58.0 2 15.9 NEW NK PX 9540 - - 124 - - 0 5 -21 57.2 2 15.9 FFR 907C - - 118 - - 0 5 -22 58.4 3 16.3 NEW NK S 7759 - - 117 - 1.0 5 -21 56.7 4 15.6 ZIMMERMAN Z 20 - - 111 - - 0 5 -24 58.2 3 16.1 HY PERFORMER HS-X9641 - - 110 - - 0 5 -18 55.9 3 15.6 HY PERFORMER HS-59 - - 110 - - 0 5 -20 57.4 3 15.1 HY PERFORMER HS-569 - - 101 - - 1.0 5 -20 58.5 3 16.0 TEST AVERAGE 121.6 L.S.D. (.05) 23.3 * FAIRHOPE. ** 1= EXCELLENT 5- VERY POOR. *** STANDARD MID TO LATE SEASON HYBRIDS. REPORT OF PRELIMINARY TESTS TABLE 18. CHARACTERISTICS OF CORN HYBRIDS TESTED IN NORTHERN ALABAMAo 1990 ONE YEAR AT CROSSVILLE BRAND NAME-HYBRID AV. YIELD LODGED HUSK* MIDSILK TEST HARVEST PER ACRE STALKS COVER WEIGHT MOISTURE 11 C. RTIG M,-6 LB, PT PIONEER 3165 ** DELTAPINE 6015X PIONEER 3154 PIONEER 3136 UAP X5005 UAP X5004 FFR 19467 GARST N71B3 FFR 19452 CARGILL 8427 VAP X5003 PIONEER X9924 FFR 17411 JACQUES EXP 0129 GARST 9250 NC+ 8100 AGRATECH EXP 1700 ZIMMERMAN Z 36 PIONEER X9823 DEKALB EXP971 FFR 18066 PIONEER 3142 JACQUES 7910 DERALBDKDR689 * FFR 19439 HY PERFORMER HS-9963 DEKALE EXP964 DELTAPINE 7053X HY PERFORMER HS-59 HY PERFORMER HS-9?911 NEW NK X 758 SUNBELT EXP 8619 DELTAPINE 7051X HYPERFORMER HS-879 HY PERFORMER HS-9773 HY PERFORMER HS-60 DELTAPINE 6013X 59! N168 TERRA TR 367E CARGILL 9127 DELTAPINE 7055X HYPERFORMER HS-889 TEST AVERAGE L. S.D. (. 05) C. V.- M =1- EXCELLENTi 5 *STANDARD HYBRIDS 140 137 137 137 136 135 133 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 127 127 127 125 125 125 125 125 124 123 123 122 122 121 121 120 118 118 116 116 115 114 113 112 110 107 106 105 123. 6 15. 2 8.9 VERY POOR. FOR COMPARISON. 0 0 1.0 1.0 0 0 0 1.0 0 0 0 1.0 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.0 2.0 0 0 0 1.0 1.0 0 1.0 1.0 0 2.0 0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0 4.0 0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ~22 272 272 272 232 252 233 6-29 6-29 6-28 6-25 6-29 6-28 6-29 6-25 6-26 6-25 6-29 6-29 6-25 6-29 6-26 6-24 6-27 6-26 6-25 6-24 6-26 6-29 6-25 6-29 6-26 6-25 6-25 6-27 6-25 6-25 6-26 6-:26 6-25 6-27 6-26 6-25 6-28 6-29 6-26 6-25 6-29 6-27 59. 4 57. 2 59. 1 57. 5 59. 1 60. 1 59. 3 58. 1 57. 6 58. 6 57. 5 57. 9 58. 0 59. 9 59. 3 5e. 9 58. 2 59. 3 58. 1 57. 6 57. 4 57. 5 59. 2 59. 1 59. 0 56. 4 54. 4 60. 1 57. 4 59. 1 57. 6 55. 5 57. e 59. 6 56. 9 59. 6 57. 5 57. 4 59. 5 60. 3 59. 1 59. 3 17.8 14.18 15.7 15.4 17.8 17.3 17.89 16. 1 15. 7 16.2 17. 1 15. 4 16. 5 18.2 16. 3 16. 0 15. 6 16. 1 14. 6 16. 3 14. 1 14. 8 15. 5 16.2 16. 4 14. 6 14. 5 19.2 15. 0 15. 5 15. 4 16. 5 17.89 16. 0 13. 9 16. 1 16. 5 16. 6 16. 4 15. 4 19. 5 16. 0 31 I23 O 2O ____ BRAND REPORT OF PRELIMINARY TESTS TABLE 19. CHARACTERISTICS OF CORN HYBRIDS TESTED IN CENTRAL ALABAMA, 1990 NAME-HYBRID AV. YIELD LODGED HUSK* PER ACRE STALKS COVER ML PCT. RATING PIONEER X9823 DELTAPINE 6013X JACQUES 8510 PIONEER 3142 PIONEER 3180 DEKALB EXP971 DELTAPINE 6015X PIONEER 3154 GARST 8250 FFR 18068 UAP X5003 CARGILL 8427 PIONEER 3165 AGRATECH EXP 1700 JACQUES EXP 0129 UAP X5005 TERRA TR 367E GARST N7183 PIONEER X9924 CARGILL 8127 NC 8100 ZIMMERMAN Z 36 FFR 19714 HY PERFORMER H9-9773 DELTAPINE 7055X NEW NK X 759 FFR 19467 HY PERFORMER HS9-60 DEKALB OK 689 * UAP X5004 HY PERFORMER HS-9911 JACQUES 7910 DELTAP INE 7053X DEKALB EXP964 HY PERFORMER HS9-59 PIONEER 3136 FFR 19439 HY PERFORMER HS-9963 DELTAPINE 7051X FFR 907C HYPERFORMER 1H-889 881 N168 HYPERFORMER 14-979. SUNBELT EXP 8619 L. S. C. V. 177 169 168 168 165 163 162 161 160 160 160 159 159 159 154 154 153 153 151 151 150 149 149 149 147 147 147 147 147 146 145 144 141 139 137 136 133 131 130 129 129 124 121 121 0 0 1.0 2.0 0 0 0 4.0 0 1.0 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.0 0 0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0 0 0 1.0 1.0 0 2.0 0 0 0 0 4.0 3.0 4.0 1.0 2 4 3 2 2 3 4 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 4 3 3 rR2 B3 i4 i2 13 13 12 13 r2 r3 i3 13 14 r4 r3 13 13 13 13 i3 12 t4 ONE YEAR AT TALLASSEE MIDSILK TEST HARVEST WEIGHT MOISTURE- 6-12 6-16 6-11 6-16 6-15 6-11 6-16 6-11 6-12 6-15 6-16 6-12 6-19 6-17 6-15 6-17 6-13 6-11 6-17 6-11 6-11 6-16 6-17 6-15 6-16 6-14 6-16 6-11 6-17 6-16 6-16 6-12 6-16 6-11 6-11 6-12 6-13 6-13 6-17 6-16 6-16 6-17 6-11 6-16 59. 8 57. 1 59. 2 57. 5 56. 6 56. 9 57. 2 59. 0 59. 9 59. 3 57. 9 59. 9 57. 2 57. 5 59.89 58. 9 59. 9 58. 1 58. 1 59. 9 59. 6 58. 6 59. 4 57. 6 55. 6 57. 4 58.* 5 59. 0 57. 3 .59. 0 59. 9 57. 8 59.89 55. 2 59. 1 57. 7 59. 3 57.89 57. 0 57.89 59. 9 57. 2 59. 4 56.89 15. 1 16. 9 17. 4 14. 8 15. 5 15. 4 15. 3 15. 4 15.9 16. 1 17. 5 15.9 19. 8 14. 7 19. 1 17. 4 1S. 3 15. 2 16. 3 15. 1 15.7 16. 4 16. 4 14. 5 19. 5 14. 8 1S. 4 14. 5 16. 8 17. 3 15. 5 15. 7 16. 6 14. 9 15. 0 15. 5 16. 2 14. 6 19.89 15. 5 15. 5 15. 1 15. 4 15. 3 SAVERAGE 148. 4 D. C 05) 20.6 -(%) 9.9 *in EXCELLENTs 5w VERY POOR. SSTANDARD HYBRIDS FOR COMPARISON. 32 i 47 O 2~ 47 1. O 3 REPORT OF PRELIMINARY TESTS TABLE 20. CHARACTERISTICS OF CORN HYBRIDS TESTED ONE YEAR AT FAIRHOPE IN SOUTHERN ALABAMA, 1990 BRAND NAME-HYBRID AV. YIELD LODGED HUSK* MIDSILK TEST HARVEST PER ACRE STALKS COVER WEIGHT MOISTURE .. PCT. RATING MO. -DLA. L .1BU. PC. PIONEER 3136 150 0 3 6-2 57.3 17.8 HY PERFORMER HS-9773 149 0 3 6-2 57.4 15.4 CARGILL 8127 142 0 3 6-3 59.5 16.5 TERRA TR 367E 141 0 4 6-4 57.8 18.6 PIONEER 3165 ** 140 0 3 6-6 57.7 20.3 DELTAPINE 6015X 139 0 3 6-6 57.6 16.6 DEKALB DK 689 ** 137 0 2 6-6 58.4 18.6 PIONEER 3142 137 . 0 4 6-5 56.2 17.4 DEKALB EXP964 135 0 3 6-1 57.3 15.7 OARST N7183 133 0 3 6-2 58.8 18.7 HY PERFORMER HS-9963 131 0 3 6-1 58.1 16.6 HY PERFORMER HS-9911 130 0 3 6-5 59. 1 17.1 FFR 18714 130 0 3 6-6 57.7 20.7 HY PERFORMER HS-60 128 0 2 6-2 58.3 18. 1 UAP X5005 128 0 2 6-6 54.9 20.8 PIONEER 3170 128 0 3 6-3 58.0 16.5 DELTAPINE 6013X 127 1.0 2 6-6 57.2 16.9 SUNBELT EXP 8619 126 0 3 6-4 57.0 17.4 FFR 19439 126 0 2 6-1 57.6 16.7 PIONEER X9823 126 0 3 6-5 59.6 17.5 SSI N168 122 1.0 3 6-6 56.5 17.4 CARGILL 8427 121 0 3 6-5 59.0 19.1 DELTAPINE 7055X 121 1.0 2 6-5 53.3 19.1 ZIMMERMAN Z 36 120 0 3 6-5 58.8 18.8 FFR 19452 119 0 3 6-3 58.8 16.8 PIONEER 3154 119 0 3 6-4 57.0 17.3 QARST 8250 117 0 3 6-2 58.7 18.9 NEW NK X 758 115 0 3 6-4 57.7 19.4 HY PERFORMER HS-59 114 0 3 6-2 58.3 18.9 PIONEER X9924 114 1.0 3 6-7 57.4 18.5 UAP X5003 114 0 3 6-5 56.6 18.8 UAP X5004 114 0 2 6-6 58.9 20.7 DEKALB EXP971 114 0 3 6-2 56.0 18.2 NC+ 8100 113 0 3 6-1 58.4 19.2 JACGUES EXP 0129 113 0 2 6-6 58.3 21.0 DELTAPINE 7053X 111 0 3 6-6 57.3 17.5 FFR 19467. 109 0 2 6-6 58.7 19.3 AGRATECH EXP 1700 106 0 3 6-5 57.5 19.1 DELTAPINE 7051X 104 0 2 6-5 57.1 18.4 HYPERFORMER HS-879 101 0 3 6-4 58.4 17.8 HYPERFORMER HS-889 95 0 3 6-5 58.5 18.7 FFR 907C 92 0 3 6-6 58.6 19.0 TEST AVERAGE 122.5 L.S.D. (.05) 30.2 C V. (4) 17.6 * 1= EXCELLENTs 5w VERY POOR. ** STANDARD HYBRIDS FOR COMPARISON. 33 Table 21. GroirM Season Rainfall Monthly rainfall 7 mo~nths Test iccation Year Mar . Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. total Belle Mina 1990 8.0 4.5 500 3.9 3.8 1.2 1.5 27.9 Crossville Windfield Tallasse Shorter Prattville Marion Junction Camden Monroeville Brewton Faiiticpe Headland 1989 1990 1989 1990 1989 1990 1989 1990 1989 1990 1989. 1990 1989 1990 1989 1990 1989 1990 1989 1990 1989 1990 1989 5.6 7.4 5.8 6.9 5.0 11.7 7.3 10.9 9.5 10.1 7.el 9.9 7.3 892 5e3 9.0 7.0 12.9 8.3 10.4 4.3 4.3 5.2 3.2 3.4 3e3 3.2 3*8 2.8 7e3 2.9 7.0 1.6 6.0 4e5 595 3.0 4.2 4o5 8e2 3.8 4o6 2.5 2o9 2.1 3.0 3.9 4.1 3.4 7.2 4.5 4.1 5.3 4.6 3.5 4.8 3o2 5.0 1.9 6.4 2.1 6.3 3.6 8.8 8.0 4.9 7.0 3.5 5.6 13.5 3.5 8e3 7e3 8*3 290 13.7 1.7 14.4 1.6 10.7 1.6 9.3 1.5 10.3 0.7 13. 1.5 11.3 6.2 18.5 2.7 11.6 5.1 2.0 9.1 3.1 7.3 2.8 7.5 2.0 9.0 6.1 8.1 3.5 5.7 1.5 7o4 5.3 7.3 3.5 5.8 3.2 7o2- 2,8 2.0 1.8 2.1 3.3 1.3 1.7 2.4 1.9 1.3 1.00 00.8 1.3- 2.9 1.9 2e3 1.7 3'6 2.1 0.9 2.2 00.8 1o9 3.8 3.9 8.99 2.7 5.7 1.3 3.3 2.1 5.8 0.3 200 0.7 1.5 2.9 3,7 1.8 4o5 1.5 4.4 1.6 008 00.8 5*1 337. 337, 26.3 40.6 25.5 37.9 25.0 46.1 26,6 51.1 25.8 38.1 26.0 32.5 25.6 35.9 29.8 45.7 35.6 43.5 32.3 44.6 17.4 3996 34 SCURCES OF 1990 (X)RN HYBRID TEST SEE AqraTech Seed, Inc. Rt. 1, Box 76A. McCordsville, IN 46055 Alabama Farmers Cooperative , Inc. P.O. Box 2227 De~catur, AL 35602 Asgrcw Seed co-, P,.O. Box 109 Matthews, MD 63867 Cargill Hybrid Seeds Box 5645 Minneapolis, NM 55440 Dekalb Plant Genetics 3100 Sycamo~re Road Dekalb,, IL 60115 Delta ard Pine land Co. P,.O. Box 157 Scott, 1MS 38772 FFR Cooperative 4112 E. State Road 225 W. Lafayette, IN 47906 Garst SeedCcan Rt. 3 Box 93 Bowrling Green, 1M 63334 Hy Perfonner Seed Co. 5100 Pcplar Ave. Mephis, JTN 38103 Brand AgraTech FER Asgrw Cargil Dekalb Deltapine Garst By Perf onner mccudy seed co. 522 East Main Street Fremo~nt, IA 52561 NC + Hybrid Rt. 2, Box 190 Hastings, NE 68901 The New Northrup King P.O. Box 249 Grifton, NC 28530 Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. 1000 W. Jefferson St. Tipton, IN 46072 Seed Source Inc. 106 East 4th Street Leland, 14S 38756 Sunbelt Hybrids Box 406 Thansville, GA -31799 Terra International, Inc. P.O. Box 171376 M4emph~is,I T38187 United Agri Products 2514 82nd Street LubbkX~, TX 79423 Brand McCurdy NC + New NK Pioneer 551 Sunbelt Terra UAP z Iinan-Hybrids Ziuina Inc. 5147 W. Franklin Rd1. Evansville, IN 47712 Jacques sedco. Prescott,. WI 54 02 1 Jacques 35 ACCEPPABLE HYBRIDS FOR 1990 All of the acceptable hybrids are not equal in performance. It is suggested that this report be carefully studied before choosig a hybrid. For relative maturity information, use the days to midsilk data in preceding tables. Unless otherwise noted, all acceptable hybrids have been tested at least 3 years in the tests and are listed in descendirq order of 3-year average yield. NORmERN ALAMA Yellow hybrids White hybrids Early hvbrids+ Brandrk namH rid Brand name Hybrid Brard name rid Pioneer Zimmerman AgraTch Dekalb Pioneer L06 Jacques *Deltapine *Dkalb *Sunbelt **NO+e **Pioneer 3165 Z 27 GK 900 DK 698 3320 8400 G-4666 DK 789 1876 7507 3140 Zimmerman Ziumerman Pioneer Zimmerman Zimmrman **Deltapine Z 54 W Z 16 W 3144 W Z 14 W Z 17 W G-4644 W Deltapine Sunbelt Sunbelt **Zimerman **AgraTech Deltapine Sunbelt Agraeh Zimmerman Deltapine *Sunbelt G-4543 5613 1827 Z 38 825 RA 1502 1802 888 Z 27 DP 5750 1827 *If present trends continue, this hybrid will be remved fran the acceptable list next year in the category indicated. **Reccmmended based on exceptional 2-year average. + Early hybrids listed in order of maturity ACCEPrABIE HYBRIDS FOR 1990 (continued) CENTRAL AABAMA Yellow ybrids White hybrids Early hbrids+ Ba Brand name Hbrid Brand name H rid Brand name Hbrid Brard name rid McCrdy 7777 Zinnerman Z 54 W Sunbelt 1802 Dekalb DK 689 Pioneer 3320 Zienntian Z 14 W *Sunbelt 5613 Dekalb DK 789 Garst 8180 Zinerman Z 17 W Deltapine DP 5750 Jacques 9220 Dekaib DK 689 Zinerman Z 16 W **Deltapine DP G-4666 McCrdy 7777 Deltapine DP 5750 *Pioneer 3144 W Sunbelt SB 1839 Sunbelt 1860 Zinermn Z 27 **HyPerformer HS 180 W Zinerman Z 27 Pioneer 3147 Deltapine G-4666 Sunbelt 1827 Jacques 8400 Sunbelt 1802 AgraTech 888 *Pioneer 3187 Sunbelt 1860 *Pioneer 3165 *Dekalb DK 789 *Sunbelt 1882 *Sunbelt 1876 **Jacques 9220 *If present trends continue, this hybrid will be removed fran the acceptable list next year in the category indicated. **Reconended based on exceptional 2-year average. +Early hybrids listed in order of maturity. ACCEPrALBIE HYBRIDS FOR 1990 (continued) SOUTHEN AIABM Yellw hybrids White hbrids Br nanek- rd Brand nn i rn nameri Maurdy. Garst Sunbelt Dekalb Sunbelt New NK Pioneer zirnna Sunbelt Sunbelt UJ*1AraTec?1 00*ioe *Sunbelt **Mcurdy **Sunbelt DKW 68 9 7777 8180 1860 IJK 789 1802 I"CIair 508 3147 Z 27 1876 1827 GK 900 3165 1882 8181 7400 znern ziera Pioneer Zinera Z 14 Z 16 3144 Z 54 w w w w *FTR *Sunbelt **Pioneer Sunbelt Zi immnnan **Deltapine Sunbelt 747 C 1802 Z 38 3343 SB 1839 Z 27 DP 5750 1827 *if present trends. cxntinue, this hybrid will be r noved fram the acceptable list nextya i h cateoryindcated. **Recanexded based on eepional 2-year average. +Early hybrids listed in order of maturity.