SMALL 43.AI VA rTv .1 1 ' 00007 5~ ;1981~ I Department of Agroncmy and Soils Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Gale A. Buchanan. Director August 1982 Departmental Series No. 77 Auburn University Auburn University, Alabama TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction . . .. too* . .. . . . Acknowledgnent. .. 0 * ** * .. Forage and Grain Yields Northern Alabama (Table 31) 0.-. . Central Alabam~a (Table 2) Southern Alabama (Table 3) 0.00 ,. Grain Yield and Other Characteristics of Nort'hern Alabama (Table 4) . 4.a0 Central Alabama (Table 5). . 4.a.0. oSouthern Alabama (Table 6) 0 40. Grain Yield and Other% Characteristics of Northern Alabama (Table 7).... Central. Alabama (T'able 8). .. Sout~,ern Alabama (Table 9) 0 a . . 4 4 . .I." " . . 0 * I . I. I0 I0 I I*I 0S 0I . 0 0 0 * Cl ipped Vari eti es UncI i pped Vari"eties . 0 . * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 :simtd ece Stand Loss of S.mallI Grain VarietCies Due to Wintearkill During t-he 1981-*82 Season (Table 10). Forage Yields of Rye, Wheato,, Oat,, Barley, and Triticale Varieties Northern Alabama (Table 11)..... .. . . . .. Central 'Alabama (Table 12)................ Southern Alabama (Table 13). .* Disease Reactions Powdery Mildew Northern Alabama (Table 14). ...6 ...0 Central Alabama (Tab le.15)................ Southern Al ab ama (Table 16). . . . . . . . P age 1. 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 SMALL GRAIN VARIETY REPORT, 1982 Cliff G. Currier 1 Introduction Wheat, oats, barley, and rye are tested annually at several locations throughout Alabama by the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station. These tests are designed to provide information on relative performance of varieties in given regions of the State and may not reflect absolute yielding potential. Entries selected for testing are primarily canmercially available varieties; however, experimental lines from public and private sources which show poten- tial for use in Alabama are also evaluated. Small grain variety tests were conducted at 12 locations during the 1981- 82 season. Most variety tests were planted during the months optimal for es- tablishment and growth (late September to early November). Good stands were obtained at all locations. Ory soil-conditions.-caused late planting of forage plots which limited early season forage production. Adequate rainfall and mild temperatures allowed varieties to produce large amounts of late-season forage at most locations this season. Severe winter tenperatures caused stand loss at some .-locations. Stand loss was highest among oat varieties; however, stand loss also occurred among some wheat varieties in tests planted in late November. Winterkill estimates for varieties damaged by cold weather are pre- sented in table 10. The environmental conditions during the spring of 1982 were generally favorable for grain production. Yields were relatively high in test plots and farmers' fields. However, cool-wet-cloudy weather, high disease incidence, or very dry conditions near grain maturity reduced yields at some locations. 1Research Associate, Department of Agronomy and Soils. pounds of dry matter per acre. Two methods were used to.harvest grain. At Winfield, the whole plot was cut by hand and threshed on a stationary thresher.' All-other locations were harvested with a small plot combine. The whole plot was harvested in either case. Grain samples were air dried, cleaned, weighed, and yield was expressed as bushels per acre. For conversion to bushels per. acre the following values were used: wheat, 60 pounds per bushel; oats, 32 pounds per bushel; and barley, 48 pounds per bushel. Growing conditions and varietal performance often vary among locations and years. Regional averages and multiple year averages are used to give a better estimate of varietal performance for different regions of the state. Where data are available, averages over several years are included. Individ- location averages are *given in this report to show the relative perform- ance of varieties at individual -locations in the 1981-82 season. Forage and grain yields and total feed production values for clipped plots, and grain yields for unclipped plots are shown in tables 1, 2, and 3. Grain yield, lodging, plant height, and date when one-tenth headed for clipped plots are given in tables 4, 5, and 6. Similar data for unclipped are giv n in tables 7, 8, and 9. Yields of varieties tested for forage only are given in tables 11, 12, and 13. Lodging is measured as the percent of the stand that is broken or leaning and would likely be missed by a combine. Height is the average height of the plants measured from the soil surface to the tips of the heads. Date of one- tenth headed is the date when approximately 10 percent of the plants show fully emerged heeds. Disease ratings for wheat varieties are presented in Tables t4-22. Sev- eral diseases occur in.small grains, but only those that are most common in Acknowl edgments Appreciation is expressed to the following people: W. H. Hearn and Mrs. Sally Bagwell, Research Data Analysis for the computation and sunmarization of data in this report; R. T. Gudauskas, Department of Botany, Plant Pathology, and Microbiology for making the disease ratings and disease reaction tables, and the Word Processing Center for typing this manuscript. Appreciation is also expressed to the following cooperators in charge of their respective substations whose support is gratefully acknowledged: NORTHERN ALABAMA Tennessee Valley Substation, Belle Mina - W. V. Sand Mountain Substation, Crossville - 3. M. Upper Coastal Plain Substation, Winfield - R. CENTRAL ALABAMA Black Belt Substation, Marion Junction L. H. Experiment Field, Prattville - F. 0. Piedmont Substation, Camp Hill - W. E. Plant Breeding Unit, Tallassee - L. H. B. Webster, Supt. and Calvert, Assist. Supt. T. Eason, Supt. and Ruf, Assoc. Supt. A. Moore, Jr., Supt. A. Smith, Supt. and Grimes, Assoc. Supt. T. Glaze, Supt. (retired) and P. Moore, Supt. A. Griffey, Supt. and Burgess, Assoc. Supt. L. Walker, Supt. and C. Hoyle, Technician Experiment Field, Brewton Experiment Field, Monroeville Gulf Coast Substation, Fairhope Lower Coastal Plain Substation Wiregrass Substation, Headland SOUTHERN ALABAMA R. - E. F. R. , Camden - J. 0. - J. H. A. Pitts, Supt. and Jerkins, Farmn Supervisor A. Pitts, Supt. and Rumbley, Farm Supervisor L. Carden, Supt. Selman, Assist. Supt., and McDaniel, Assoc. Supt. A. Little, Supt. and Delaney, Assist. Supt. G. Starling, Supt. and Ivey, Assoc. Supt.. -9- TIitte 2. f014AGE AIBI GRAIN YIELDS Pflt ACRE Of SMALL GRAIRI VAU11IJ1ES TESWD,. 1980-1902 Oven dry forago lrFALAAA Re9ional average yTeld 1902 Seasona total% ______Forage.lte~190-I ae cenlrA-1 I O-c -a .i r 2-yr 3-yr - Ciedbrg Maci Vr et yjari~ o Juctlo am f1 I erattiI e 1al1assL 1962 81-82 80-02 8-2ana iai L.Ib *b. t. Lb. Lb I LT i huifie~r of tests ()()()()(4)(0 (1) 12(1)1) WHEAT I.-McNair 1013 H.K. -Icfair 1003 Roy Coker 162 Southe-gj IBelle Coker 747 Wdike I and( Coker 60-15 Ar Iliur Arthur711 Ab~e St acy Coker 916 florida 301 Ierrdl 802 IDoub lecrop 11 jolleer 2650 OAIS 'Cjker 227 Coker 716 Coker 80-20 f Iorido 601 florida 1611-GO 2a,602 2,312 13111 24281 1,892 1,229 1,900o 1,56f4 1 * 44 1's354 906 2s,067 16617 832 2,375 2,210 28203 1,96/ 1,429 1,111 598 891 716 641 266 1,301 1,332 1,507 1,160 1,210 i1,110o 1,0001 1,001 685 1,291 1,405 249 11,612 1,363 1,233 1,036 883 200 201 62 28 0 2,196 1613. 1,*6 331 1,3 54 1,415 1,061) 2, 369J 1,999 1140 2,000 1, /68l 1,735 1./41 1056') 1*32) 91/. 760 402 2,169 2.,114 1,844 1,138 1,391 1,04 1,805 1,384 1,681 1,559 2,145i 1,054 1,164 1./36 .1m,042 1,80 1, 698 10657 1,546 2,098 1,603 2,017 1,357 1,1-10 2,063 1,964 1,6864 1,136 1,0610 10306 i 93606 1,540, 1,221 1,349. 1,968 846 11,933 1,7193 10,703 1,611 1,a 426 1,232 953 946 809 620 445 26163 24,060 16705 160 1,800 1,341 1,166 2209 2,o216i 2,194 2,193 1,068 1,622 2o326 2,040 1,514 1,485 1,8260 1,64-9 1,317 2,160 2620/ 2,090 1,865 2,15 2,217 1,41 16696 2m,197 2,035 2,131 2,47 2,548 4,439 4,423 4,0580 4,1023 3,039 3,739 3,/36 3,711 3,620 3,it391 2,513 2,296 * 2,239 4,1022 3,86S 2,304 2,61 . e Tab~le 4. GRAIN4 MIDA)PERlACRUE ANO) 8JuN1CHIARACTERISTICS Of1: (3.1111)41 ALL CRIAIN VARKITIES HMOT, 19(00-82 NORTHIERN ALAI1M4A 1982 Yields *iorthiern locations lelaslal average 142R9oa vr~ variety hel leina Crossville Wiuhifel'1 ____ 1982 8at82 80-82 dIClei!1tea Nuuber oft Iests Ci~er 916 Coker 147 Coker 762 Southern Bellle Roy NA..-NctWlr1003 Coker 68-15 Arthaur Ga. 1123 U.K. -Mcl~uir 1813 Wake i adi Pionaaeer 2560 Ilart H.K. 79810 Arthur 11 Loker 716 Coker 221 Coker 79-23 Coke~r 80-33 jZlagijdj 501 Keowee Hitl. (1). pi. (3) 36 34 36 24 33 36 28 25 26i 24 26 28 281 3, 29 25 22 96 8d 7l 03 31 5,3 53 57 38 63 59 46 42 33 32 47 52 42 50 54 49 38 145 140 114 121 40 96 05 54 ol& oulii (6) (9) 60 45 45 42 44 46 4 1 3, 36 35 34 33 38 89 83 77 82 65 51l 47 44 42 39 39 39 38 31- 36 31 30 29 28 PC t. (3) edh ift.6uate (3) (3) 301 30 29 29 32 32 32 41 32 40 33 35 33 35 32 32 1 2. 2 1" 0 1 I 1" 3 0 2 1 3 I I 2 1 0 2 0 0 2 79 18 43 30 36 26 28 28 2) 2-1 31 30 21 19 2) 34 1s 201 1 20 40 39 34 31 37 38 35 30 14 26 54 4116 * 4/21 * 4/23 4111 4/21 4/20 * 4/19 41O * 4/21 4/18 4/23 4/24 4/19 4/23 * 4/22 4/21 4/21 4130- 4/26 1 5101 4/30 4/28 4/11 4/21 4108 () 61 441 33 (t) 13 19 13 10 11 13 10 19 19 61l 401 68 64 -45 28 21 26 60 48 47 Tablui&.6. WIAIN VIELI) fPER ACRE AND 011111CIIAfACiIRISTICS 01W CL~IEIh SHALL GiRAIN VAIIETIS TESHI) 19110-112 1962 Yields southierni locationsi - - Regional aveaey Vri l aiope lBrewton Hoiiroevl I I I e Wdhuand Caiiden 198D2 81-82 80-82 o n'lfthtede n. - n - R -- , i- 2 - - Nuniber of tests WHEIAl" Coker 916 Coker 762 Euiker 747 DO ticy SoutheraBetlte Coker 68-15 Roy H. K. -mc Na Ir 1003 1.-K.- -Mc NaIr 1813 Wake I andt Coker 791 f: loridai 301 1)oah t-c roll 11loneer 2550 flusite.r Terral 800-22 Aritut- 11 OATS Miker22 Coker ?9-23 *Coker 80-20 Na-rs 81-29 1I- orlda 501 1:torida 7611-G8 out. 59 40 39 42- 33 29 31 11 19 26 22 31 40 4Si 37 20 26 125 119 112 125 II7 91 DIu. (I) 51l 46 33 41 36 31 30 25 33 28 34 40 36 40 37 32 21 116 131 74 103 72 36 I~u. ih. Bu. () (10) (14) 49 36 29 33 29. 26 24 20 20 20 19 29 33 32 29 19 9) 99 78. 96 62 62 62 5.1 50 48 49 41 40 4.4 43 40- 36. 44 105 106 88 43 42 39 39~ 36 34 33 32 31 25 88 Pci. (5) 1 19 34 28 13 31 1 30 10 23 24 26 in. - (5) 31 26 29 35 28 31 30 29 2?1 35 26 30 32 32, 25. 32 31 30 36 33 42 38 33 9 1 2 3 10 2 Daea (to 4/01 * 4103 4101 * 4/02 4/02 4/04 4/05 * 4/02 3/231 4/06 * 3/31 4/03 4/01 4/11 * 3/28B 4/0-4 * 4/01 4/07i 4/14 410-1 4/0H 4/07 4/02 Hu. 11) oui. (1) Blu. ( 1). 38 7 12 16 13 13 16 5 6 6 13 10 84 73 62 0 38 61 62 40 29 30 35 30 22 28 22 16 26 38 31 36 21 20 714 84 65 15 64 62 46 40 30 26 28 26 20 23 22 25 24 36 22 35 31 29 83 75 95 51l 59 GRh& 0 1AIN VE 11f14 L~ACIURE t) OTHUER CIMARACIEIISIICS (f UNCLIPPED 'A-I~1ALI. GRAIN VARIETIU~ ESW. 1960-02 CENTRJAL ALAA1A4A 1902 Yields central locatios _ N~ua~ar of tests MarlIon Jitict on (1)1 caulM i pr'atlIvIk 7F-- (1) id lIssee 19112 na 81-82 80-8 (4) (8) (12)y Othier claaracterist1c 19012Rginlaverike -so U17iJ Lodging Ileilglit Wheaded pct. In 6, Dat Ie (4) (4.) (4) IIIAl U.K. -HC NA ir 1003 Coker /62, Southern beihle ILK. -Ictair 18613 Roy, Coker 141 Coke~r 60-15 At hair Arthur11 0aak.~j a II Abe Udkt! I .dad Coiker 916 StLIaCY f l6r.da 301 HuteIr Terra) 100-22 U.K. 790110 Pioeer 2550 (kiub 1ecrop 11AIS Coker 7A6 Coker 221 Coker 180-20 Florida 501 fIlor Ida 7611-611 458 45 41 44 42 52 39 49 59 56 fit 59 62 6 5it fit 128 9? 101 83 64 48 48 46 44 43 4.2 40 40 30 30 31 33 50 30 35 3? 54 30 26 20 25 34 32 29 31l 36 41 6 45 is 19 4? 3? 36 46 32 32 34 20 ?4 3 0 3-3 4? 410 36i 31 24 t" 1 0 0 10 53 C6 30 31 44 36 3? so 21 33 60 40 60 Id1 60 s0 '10 46 114. 92 103 1o? 102 62 60 43 44 39 42 3? 3 33 44 32 36 .62 42 480 59 69 48 42 34 106 114 79 6? fi1 62 61 56 57 fi1 49 52 44 44 50 42 44 64 52 4) 95 S8 16 12 38 10 3 2 18 2 3 33 32 36 36 33 34 .37 -36 34 40 31 3? 3? 29 35 36 34 36 45 42 39 39 40 4/00 4/01 4/06 4/02 41,1. 4/14 4/12 4/14 4/14 4/04 4/14 4/09 4/05S 4/0) 4/03 3121 4/0) 4/10 .4/1-1 4/05 4124 4/1Id 4/11 4/15 4/10 80 72 22 38 26 13 4 ESTIMHATED PERtCENT STAN LOSS SEASON (iSMALL GRAI VARIETIES DUE TO WINTERKILL' DURING THlE 1901-82 Northern Alabama Central AlabainaSohenAaan Varle yCl lpedt il5jyIeI cliped Unc I Ipped clipd tilpe Numiber of tests WHEAT Arthu7lr1 Coker 197 [lorida 301 110o1 Iey 11un ter t.K.-McHalr 1813 Roy OATS Coiker 716. Coker 60-20 Coker 227 Coker 79-23 Florida 501 Fl orida 7611-G6 Norris 81-29 0 ARL E Y harsoy Volbar (3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 9 2 (4) 0 0 0 26 2 0 2 36 52 70 0 0 0 42 (5) 0 0 0 0 0 4 14 3 6 21 20 6 12 21 31 30 0 4 S 0 3 4 0 0 0 0 3 6 .0 0 0 *I~asiIndicate thtat the variety was not tested In tha-t region during the 1981-62 seas. bIble 10. IL) Table 12. fORA&Ii VIELI)Of SALL &RI#J VAIEIE TSK FO fOilI 3AGlE ONLY 1N CENTRAL ALABAMA, 1900-82 ________________________Ovendry orams lb. per acr i-err1ja -year regional 3-yearela Var~eI~Centrl 1ocitns ,1982 average 1982 aver, vraa18- Marion Juict Ion Cmp !1.111 lallassee Prattville RYE I9-intergrazer 1 foragier Aft 20'20 Gurley's Grazer 2000 Wren's Abruzzi, U.K. -HcNalr vita Graze WI IfAT -tofe r 74)7 U.K. -M'c Nair 1003 Coker 60-16 H.K.-tlc~air 1813 Iloy Coker 162 Wak&elaJgd florida 301 OAT S t~oktr 7-16 Coker 22) f lor ida 501 HAlLf V Surry 11(1 1 IWALE Rtye/Triticale Blend counc ill 2 36894 3,160 30491 3, 230 3122 3,231 4,312 3o529 3,o5.18 3,642 31,248. 1,984 4*114 41,62a 3a,369 21,629 4C205 3s834 40966 40951 4.81I4 4,351l 4,135 4,006f 4,139 4,#A195' 4,061 3s623 3,S3816 CIO4 30-167 2,304 2m,621 20.31) 3*208 3,004 2,7)4 2,3)5i 2,938 206 14 2,5381 2o306 1,368 1,662 1,91) 946 2,306 1,7a5 2$4/0 2,96 2s441 5,128 C64,99 4,460 * 4,488 4,284 4*155 4,011 1,553 6,923 6,6f42 6,786lf 8,660 58938 6,lb6)32 4. 109 4,11600 3m,572 4b090 3s665 4o236 3.140 2,940 14,893 59407 4a483 4,520 4.5i35 5,223 5,635 35825 5,s490 4,240 581-13 46204 3611 3a909 3a24.3 3s725 3,a448 2,886 3s461 3,119 3,050 2,377 769 3,562 2j944 4,129 3s825 3,158f 5,201 4,61.1 4,992 4,4)7 4,-568 4,014 36856 3,698 3,714 3,111 31,565 3,400 3,402 36068. 2s118 1.124 3,122 3o4.92 1,605 3,439 3,024 4,001 4o063 3,0420 4,675 4,148 4,93 34666 4,tj356 5,a506 5,363 4,286 4,092 a r41e IA. POERY -MIZ'LDE'A 0ZSEASE RATINGS FOR NuTdt ALA?d4A OUR II4G 1S1.2 WHvEAT VARIETT-IasSOW N14 Locati ons Variey eilMn a Crossv 1 1lie-m Te Arthur- 7,0 Arthur 71 4, 9 0 Coker'58-1.5 0 70 Coker 91.5 0.4,0 Coker 74~7 0 6 0 Coker 76Z 0 a0 1eta Queen0 3 0 Ga. 1.123 04 0 Hlart 0 80 N-sK ,,mc Na ir 1.003 -0 5 KK., Mca i r 1.130a M o.K. 79810 0 4 0 ?ioneer 25SO 06C R 0.a a Southern Belle a 0 Stacy 0 0 0 Wakeland0 0 0 *0-6.9 scale;s 0 no dIS,=-.4a~Szi 9 se/ere disae r TablIe 16.- R0OEY M ILOEA 0ZSEASE PRATL!4GS FOR WHEAT. VARZET!ES GOWIN IM l~Ul-MR3 ALAd A 0URING t9a1,*62*' Locations V. ari ee rawton mo nrev i I e Hiaa iana ~me Arthur 7 7 0 .7 Czker 68-1508 7 7 Coker 9164'4' 3 2 2 Coker 747 7 4- 6 CokerZ762 4 000 Coker 797 - .4 0 6 0 Ooublecrop 7 867. . Florida 301. 0 0 0 3 HOl lay 030 0 0 Hunter-0 0 0 .0 M.K, 4 4lc~air 1003 a* .4004. N.vK,.4 cftai r 1813 a 4 I 3 Pioneer 2550 m 7 5.3 4 Ray 6 . 9- 6 7 6 Southern Selle 5.7s 6 5 TerralBSOO-ZZ 0 m 0 -0 Wakeland0 7 5 *0-.9 sc ale;a C=10 o di sease,9 se.r iea .r s, a as Table 13LB. LF RUST 0OtSEASE'RATtNGS FOR 1 'HEAT VARE5 GS S0144 N 1C Z NT1RA L ALABAMA 0URtNG .U81-*aZ* Locations n ~ Ca"1 VIil TiI ss Variety Marlan Junct on Cno -i1 rav Abe-8 9 Arthur 8 55 7 Arthur71. 8 35 Coker 5845 0 0 0 Coker 91 0 0 3 0 Coker 747 6 2 5 5.5 Coker 762 00 00 Ocublecrop 0 0 0 Florida 3010 0 0 HunterZ 0 0 .0 M. K.4lwciIa ir1.00380 7 8.5 4N-e .4-mcNai r 1813 S5.0 0 8-05 Wei(K. 7981.0 3 24. 7.5 Omegsa 78a. 0 0 49 . PioneerZ2S50,O 2 0. 0' 0 Ray 2 0 4. Southern Belle 70 4. Stacy 7 0SO8. - -erra1 802 3 3 7.S 9 iak:., ,a nd 0 1 0 7 -scale; 0 z no disease 9 S9 E4 Table .- Z-o. SEPT'CLA -BLOTCH 00SEASE'P ^At'G O K aT VA w~5S SOWN tN Nt~T~AlarlA CUOlRtING .19814-Z* Lacaton Variety dere CrcsSv1 e Arthur- 7 Arthur 71 67 Coker 584w5 7' Coker 91656 Coker 747 6 Ccker 76Z 7 4. 5 Oeta Queen 41417 Ga. L13 557 ~.7 0 47 N. K.4lctNa ir 1003 3 41 8 N.-"Mc~air 1813 7 5 9 N. K. 79810 641 Pioneer Z550 641 Ray 6 5'7 Southern Bel le 7 6.9 Stacy 7 4 WAakeland 4 5 7 *0J.9 soC.ale; 0 no disease,, 9 =s.'iare aisease. -029- Tabe 2 .T0RZA 8LOM0T t 0ZA RATINGS. FR WHiEAT -VAatTts c'A.MC t'! Locati on$ Variety FIrnooe Mrln MonredIaQ'ma 6n Artur- 71 3 3 4 Cker 543 5 5 5 4 3 Coker 915 2 4 2 Z Coker 747 3 Cke r762 S 403Z64 Coker 797 8 7 7 Oulecp 3 4 23 Fforida 3Ct 6 8 6 Hlley4 5 4- 3 Hunter 7 7 554 ImeK. =tcNa ir 1003 3 6 4 L .K.4=Mc~air 181.3 48 7 3 Pioneer ZSSCO 4 320 Roy. 3 z Southern Blle4.55. 3 .2 rarral sco-Za 53 4 2 wakea ad.. 4 432 *Qa.9 scale; 0a rno disease., 9 severe disease., Tab I a Z24 VARZITES S"MENCOB D CR GZAI,1ONLY Rec~nmendations area based on 3,-oyear roa-ional average yelds of grain., V arieties are 1te 1, btial. o dsae aigs -see tables I-2Z.o For I adging, plarit heignt, and matrity ratings 'sea ta'bles 7"wan ~ NOfTR N Aa . ats' Cckar Sa-mIS Coker 74.7 Coker 752 Coker 915 NIL e ,Mc Na ir 1.00 3 NJ~.-mnc. air 1tS3*3 Roy. Squthern Eell1e Coker 227* Ccker 7135 CS4TRAL ALABAMA WUEAT Arthur Coker 752 .K.44Mcair 1003 Roy ,cuthern BSil SOQUT'dER MALA3 8A Cats Caker 058-l5 Caker 747 Cckar 76Z Coker 915 M. K..44e ;tair10 oy Socuthle"n Bell Ccker 227 prasnt trnds miie~~d ist otnu,:is v a rie ty )qi a Ir~vae lmodrftacmtowhle orgr -Vin , only nrext year in the rzqian i ndi c Ata Barie Vo I bar Oatso Ccker C040 71A4 scua cES-s"ozoEE RYE AFC .omlO . .A abama Farmers Coop., Decatur, Alabama Gurliy' s Grazer ZOOO "&-MEM -----d--eur,1ey' s Inc., Selma, North Carolina McNair Vita Graze, SSt-----Northrup King Co., Laurinburg, North Carolina Pcrager - Sun Rise, Inc., Auburn, Alabama Wintergrazer 70-- mf ---- Pennington Seed Inc., Madison, Georgia Wren s Abruzzi -Ala-------- Ama Crop ImprovementAssc, Inc, Auburn, Alabama WH EAT Arthur, Wakel and-w. ----- A-- --- Al abama Crop Improvemet Assoc., AuburnAlabama Abe 1 Arthur 71-- ----- -Ag. Alumni Seed Imp.,As soc., Inc, ROclney, tndiana *Coker (Al 1 Varieties) - ---------- Coker's Pedigre ea Hartsville, South Carolina Delta Queen, Southern elle, Huntarsorteh American Plant Breeders, Srookston, 1iana Oob le ro - as -was MM.Ow-m i c a. Branch Experiment Station, Stuttgart, Arkansas Florida 30i-- --- F--- lorida oundation Seed Producers, nc, Greenwood, Flaria Ga. 1123, Holley, Omega 78, Stacy-ooeorgia Seed Oeveloment Commission, Athens, Georgia Hart Univ--- ni erI Cy o0MSsour, Columbia, Missouri N.K.w 796.0, McNair 1.813, .O---othu King Co., Laurinburg, Noarth Carolina P3i oneer 2550 .----------- Pi oneer Ni -red tnternational, Inc., TIptoan, Indi an a R oyay -~North Carol ina Found ati on Seed. Prod, Inc., Raleigh, North Carolina Terral 8 Q0- w4 0 asl---wecm eS"g M 0WM6-N.4etdt--rraTl-Norri S eed Co., Lake. Providence, Louisiana