1982 Dairy Legislation Impact on Six Southern States Some Program Alternatives of Ac'-. '. ' t;rlSitv A A contributing report to the Southern Regional Dairy Marketing Research Project S-166 Department ofAgricultural Ecomonics and Rural Sociology Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Auburn University, Alabama Agricultural Economic Series 34 January 1983 CONTENTS Page Prefaceii Summary and Conclusions iii Background i i i Scope iv Conclusions iv Introduction 1 Purpose and Procedure 5 Milk Production and Marketing in the Southeast 7 Milk Production 7 Marketings 12 Supply Adequacy 14 Effect on Consumers and Producers of the Assessment Versus a Support Price Reduction 20 Consumer Considerations 20 Consumer as User 20 Consumer as Taxpayer 24 Producer Considerations 25 Producer Supply Responses 26 Regional Impacts Differ 28 Dairy Price Alternatives for the Southeast 31 Program Impacts 32 Impacts on the Southeast 34 Some Policy Alternatives to the Assessment Plan 43 Cull Cow Incentive Program 48 A Modified Base-Excess Plan 51 Literature Cited 60 Appendix 61 PREFACE The 1982 dairy legislation provides for deductions from dairy farmers' marketings of milk to help pay the high and growing costs of the price sup- port program and to bring about reductions in milk supply. Dairy leaders in several southern states objected to this approach to reduce supply because no milk surplus problem exists within this region. The impact was seen to be a price reduction in an area where milk supply is already short. Most milk marketed in the South is Grade A eligible for fluid use with most of it used in fluid products. Practically no manufactured pro- ducts produced in the region are removed from the market through price sup- port programs. Discussions between state dairy leaders and several university dairy marketing economists led to a meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, in October 1982 to discuss the impact of the legislation on the dairy industry in the South. At that meeting, the authors agreed to make an analysis of the legislation and alternative programs. The study area selected was Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi and South Carolina. Common milk marketing characteristics among the six-state area suggest that the 1982 dairy legislation or alter- native programs would have similar impacts. Since initiation of this study, the assessment program has been con- tested by dairy farmers in Federal District Court. However, the impacts on producers and consumers in the Southeast of the assessments and alterna- tives presented in this study remain as relevant dairy policy issues. This report is provided to dairy leaders, policy makers and others interested in appraising the impact of dairy program alternatives on the Southeast. ii SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Purposes of this study were to analyze the impact of the 1982 dairy legislation on the Southeast and to present some program alternatives. The summary and findings are reported in three sections: background for the study, scope and conclusions. Background In response to growing dairy surpluses and support price program costs exceeding $2 billion a year, Congress in September 1982 passed legislation authorizing the Secretary of Agriculture to levy an assessment of $0.50 per hundredweight on all milk marketed effective October 1, 1982. An additional assessment of $0.50 was authorized effective April 1, 1983, subject to refunds for producers who reduced marketings. Secretary Block announced that the initial assessment was to become effective December 1i, 1982. Despite the near universal recognition that changes were needed in the dairy price support program, both the new legis- lation and the Secretary's decision to implement the assessment drew cri- ticism from many fronts. Legal action was attempted in a number of states. A civil suit was brought in December 1982 in Federal Court by South Carolina dairy interests. Groups representing dairy farmers in one-third of the country joined South Carolina in the case against the government as interveners. In January 1983 after a hearing in Federal Court in South Carolina, a temporary injunction was ordered barring the collection of the assessment from milk producers. In the interim, the industry, Congress and the iii Administration have been afforded time to develop alternatives to the assessment plan. This study, which was begun only a few days after announcement of the assessment program, addresses the assessment issue and some alternatives relevant to the dairy industry in the Southeast. Scope The study focuses on a six-state area in the Southeast--Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi and South Carolina. The dairy industry in these six contiguous states has a number of similar charac- teristics. National impacts of the assessment program are not projected nor are those of alternative programs. While this focus limits some of the conclusions that can be drawn to a relatively narrow area of the country, it points out the uniqueness of the industry in the region and the unequal impact of the assessment program on various producing areas. Only short-run effects of the current legislation and alternatives are projected. Longer term impacts of the assessment program on the dairy industry are likely to be greatly magnified. Conclusions There are three broad conclusions drawn from this study and a number of specific findings supporting the conclusions. I. The dairy industry in the Southeast has unique characteristics with respect to milk production, consumption and marketing. Because of these characteristics, the assessment program and some alternative plans will have much more dramatic consequences on the Southeastern industry than on other producing regions. A. Milk production costs tend to be higher in the Southeast. iv B. While blend prices are higher in the region, higher costs lead to net returns from dairying that are lower than returns in most other regions. C. Production in the region has increased at a slower rate since 1978 than nationally. D. Virtually all milk produced in the region is Grade A eligible for use in the fluid market. E. Hard manufactured products (Class III) represent only a small fraction of marketings in the region. Few, if any, sales of these products are made to the CCC. F. The Southeast is a milk deficit area with respect to total dairy products consumption. In two of the six states, production falls short of fluid use. II. Based on economic logic, direct support price cuts are a superior alternative for both producers and consumers than an assessment pro- gram. A. Under an assessment program, consumer prices remain constant. If so, no increase in consumption would occur. However, negotiated producer Class I prices to handlers may increase, resulting in higher consumer prices. B. A decrease in the support price of $1.00 compared to a $1.00 assessment would reduce manufactured product prices by about seven percent and stimulate an increase in consumption of about three percent. Fluid consumption would also increase slightly--less than one percent if the support price was reduced by $1.00. C. The impact of a $1.00 assessment on producer incomes would be simi- lar to that of a $1.00 price reduction. Income and prices would be somewhat higher in the case of a price cut, since quantity demanded of milk products would increase. 0. CCC purchases and stocks would decline faster with a price reduction, since it would increase consumption and decrease pro- duction. E. The major advantage of the assessment program would be a reduction in government program costs. Benefits to consumers as taxpayers would be negligible. Benefits to consumers as users of milk would be zero, or negative if negotiated Class I prices were increased following the implementation of the assessment. III. In addition to a straightforward reduction in the support price, there are a number of program options preferrable to the assessment pro- gram. Among the alternatives considered were: A. Maintain the Class I price, but decrease Class II and III prices $1.00. This alternative would result in the most production, price and income stability in the Southeast of all programs studied. Aggregate production would decrease only 21 million pounds, while producer income would decrease $14 million. Blend prices would decline an average of $0.17 per hundredweight. With lower Class II and III prices, milk product consumption increases. Such a program would be advantageous to Southeast milk producers since they would not be penalized for producing needed milk for Class I uses. vi B. Decrease Class II and III prices $1.00 (and $1.50) and decrease Class I price $0.50 per hundredweight. These options result in larger reductions in production (66 and 73 million pounds), pro- ducer income ($45 and $51 million) and blend prices ($0.55 and $0.63 per hundredweight). From the viewpoint of producers in the Southeast, these options, where Class I price is reduced, along with Class II and III prices, are less attractive than the first phase of the assessment plan, but more attentive than the full application of the assessment program. C. Assess $0.50, decrease support price $0.50 and pay to cull cows. This program could effectively decrease production in a short period and reduce government costs for buying surplus milk products. Blend prices would be reduced $0.79 and dairy income reduced $69 million. Problems in administering a cow culling plan could greatly reduce its effectiveness. There is a danger that the impact on reducing milk production would be short-term and not pro- duce the desired longer-term supply adjustments. Also, an increase in dairy cow culling would have an adverse producer price and income effect on the beef cattle industry. D. Base-excess plan with assessment for producing excess milk. There are many versions of base plans. Only one was considered in the study. Each producer would be assigned a base equal to 96 percent of the dairy farmer's marketings in the last marketing year. For production above the base and market needs, the producer would pay an assessment. The support price would remain at $12.80 (3.5% bf) vji but would be adjusted upward as the supply-demand balance improved. Producers in the high utilization markets such as Florida would not be penalized. If producers marketed only their base, which is an unlikely possibility, income loss would be relatively small. Any program that reduces producer prices for milk will reduce producer income and milk supply. However, some programs are more equitable than others on all producers. An assessment program appears to be inequitable by endangering supply adequacy in those areas where milk is produced pri- marily for the fluid milk market, such as the Southeast. An assessment program would not serve the public interest, as price reductions cannot be passed on through the marketing channel to consumers. Milk price policy designed to adjust milk supply should also affect the consumer side of the market. Therefore, programs that affect consumer prices, as well as pro- ducer prices, are more in line with sound economic principles of supply and demand relationships. Programs that alleviate surpluses through consumption would probably generate more taxpayers support because they would maximize consumers' wel- fare. Therefore, programs that provide for support price reductions appear to be more consistent with decreasing production in surplus regions and encouraging consumption of surplus milk products through lower consumer prices. Surplus alleviation through discouragement of milk production in the surplus regions of milk production and encouragement of consumption through nationwide product price reduction offer the greatest promise of distributing the adjustment on the basis of contribution to the problem while providing for the greatest consumer satisfaction. viii THE 1982 DAIRY LEGISLATION - IMPACT ON SIX SOUTHERN STATES - - SOME PROGRAM ALTERNATIVES 1 - Dale H. Carley, Lowell E. Wilson, Wayne M. Gauthier, and Harold M. Harris 2 Over the past four years, the United States dairy industry has exper- ienced record increases in milk production resulting in large holdings of surplus dairy products by the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC). Since the end of 1978, milk production has risen 11.1 percent from 121.5 billion pounds to an estimated 135.2 billion pounds in 1982. With domestic con- sumption rising only modestly, price support purchases amounted to more than 10 percent of production in 1982. On October 1, 1982, about 16 billion pounds of milk equivalent were in CCC holdings of supported products. The near-term outlook is for the amount of government held dairy stocks and program costs to continue to increase. To alleviate the problems of growing price support costs and public criticism, Congress enacted a new dairy program in September 1982. The 1982 legislation provides for maintenance of the existing support price of $13.10 per hundredweight of milk. Also, the Secretary of Agriculture was 1 This report contributes to the Southern Regional Dairy Marketing Research Project S-166, The Impact of Changing Costs, Institutions and Technology on the Southern Dairy Industry. 2 Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Georgia; Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, Auburn University; Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center; and Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Clemson Uni versity. authorized to apply a 50 cents per hundredweight deduction on all milk mar- keted by farmers. Initiation of the 50 cents deduction was scheduled to begin on December 1, 1982. In addition, the 1982 legislation authorized the Secretary to apply a second 50 cents deduction to begin in April 1983. Revenues from the dairy farmer assessments are to be used to offset some of the costs of the dairy price support program. The initial deduction would reduce dairy farmers income about three to four percent depending on price levels in various regions of the coun- try. The second 50 cents deduction in April 1983 bringing the total assessment to $1.00 per hundredweight, will cause dairy farmers to exper- ience a six to eight percent loss in revenue. However, there are pro- visions in the April deduction for refunds to farmers who adjust production downward by the fully prescribed percentage from their two-year average that began October 1, 1980. Refunds would be paid annually (1). In December 1982 in South Carolina, the Attorney General, the Consumer Advocate, the Commissioner of Agriculture, the Farm Bureau and three dairy farmers brought suit against the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture asking that the USDA be barred from collecting assessments from producers. After hearing testimony and arguments on behalf of the plaintiffs (including interveners representing dairy farmers in about 18 states) and the USDA, Federal Judge Matthew Perry issued an injunction on January 10, 1983, forbidding the making of deductions from producers' milk checks until further notice (2). In the meanwhile, government purchases of supported milk products continue to grow. The Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1949 requires the Secretary of Agriculture to support the price of milk at 75 to 90 percent of parity. Temporary legislation in 1977 and 1979 raised the minimum support level to 80 percent of parity and required semi-annual adjustments to reflect changes in prices paid by farmers. Milk production increased sub- stantially. In February 1981, in the first act of the 97th Congress, legislation was passed to eliminate the support price increase scheduled for April 1981. Since that time, the support price has remained at $13.10 per hundred- weight, which was 69.1 percent of parity in the third quarter of 1982. Still, milk production has increased and will likely continue to increase into 1983 because of the productive capacity inherent in the largest replacement herd on record, low feed prices and poor alternative oppor- tunities outside the milk business. The USDA supports milk prices through purchases of specified manu- factured milk products by the CCC. Prices paid for butter, cheese and non-fat dry milk, the supported products, are calculated to return the sup- port price to producers. However, adjustments in the "make allowance" result in a pay price that is often different from the support price. The pay prices become the Minnesota-Wisconsin manufacturing milk prices (M-W price). Under conditions of shortages the M-W price is greater than the support price. Conversely, under conditions of surpluses the M-W price is lower than the support price. The M-W price has been below the support price for many months. The support price undergirds prices of both manu- facturing grade (Grade B) and fluid (Grade A) milk. Purchase of manufactured dairy products by the CCC is not national in scope. Most government purchases occur in a few of the major milking pro- ducing states where farmers have expanded production in excess of com- mercial market needs. In some of these areas the government, as the resi- dual buyer, is also the major buyer. In some cases, direct sales to the government are the most profitable because such sales eliminate the need for a commerical sales organization. By contrast, in the South most marketings of milk are for fluid uses. Utilization of milk in the six-state area of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi and South Carolina for the 12-month period of July 1, 1981 through June 30, 1982, was approximately 81 percent Class I, 8 percent Class II and 11 percent Class III. Regardless of grade, only Class III products can be sold to CCC at the announced price. The volume of these manufactured products in the six states sold to the CCC is not reported, but is known to be very small. Within this area, the supply-demand balance for milk is tight and in many local markets, particu- larly in Florida and Alabama, milk is regularly imported to meet fluid mar- ket needs. Essentially no milk is used for manufacture other than for soft products (Class II) such as ice cream and cottage cheese in the several federal order markets in the region. Prices received for milk at the farm level tend to be higher in the South, but so are production costs. Studies by the USDA indicate that in the South costs were higher and net returns lower than other regions in 1979, 1980 and 1981 (3). With the exception of feed, interest and fuel costs, all other major items of milk production costs continued to rise for Southern dairy far- mers in 1982. However, prices received by farmers for milk have declined about 30 cents per hundredweight between 1981 and May-August 1982. Another three to four percent reduction in milk prices from the impending 50 cents assessment would further threaten the economic well-being of dairy farmers in the region. To offset as much as possible the price loss due to the 50 cents assessment, producer cooperatives will be under pressure to announce price increases to milk processors. Thus, it is possible that the impact of the producer assessment in the South would be lower effective prices to producers, higher raw milk prices to processors and higher fluid milk product prices to consumers. PURPOSE AND PROCEDURE This study was undertaken to develop economic information about the effects of program changes on the dairy industry in the six southern states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi and South Carolina. These states were selected for analysis since they are contiguous and have many common milk production and marketing characteristics. Specifically, the objectives were: 1. To measure the impact of the 1982 dairy legislation on the dairy industry in the six states, including effects on milk supply, prices and dairy farmer income, as well as consumer demand. 6 2. To present program alternatives and to measure the impact of these alternatives on dairy farmers and consumers, with emphasis on producer prices and income. National impacts of the assessment program are not projected nor are those of alternative programs. While this focus limits some of the con- clusions that can be drawn to a relatively narrow area of the country, it does point out the uniqueness of the dairy industry in the region and the unequal impact of the assessment program on various milk producing areas. The report was developed using information from several sources including USDA and land-grant universities. In developing the three major parts of the report, there is some repetition. This serves to clarify and bridge the sections of the report. The report is presented in the fol- lowing sections: 1) an overview of milk production and marketing in the Southeast; 2) an identification of gains and losses to consumers and pro- ducers of the assessment versus a support price reduction; and 3) analysis of selected dairy policy alternatives for the Southeast. MILK PRODUCTION AND MARKETING IN THE SOUTHEAST Dairy farming is a widespread enterprise and a major contributor to farm income in each of the six Southeastern States of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi and South Carolina (Southeast). In 1982, total milk production in these states amounted to 6.49 billion pounds which was 4.7 percent of national production (Table 1). In the Southeast, gross receipts from marketings of milk, plus the value of milk used on the farm, amounted to one billion dollars in 1981 (4). Mi Ilk Production During the pastdecade, the number of dairy cows in the Southeast declined 27 percent to 626 thousand cows in 1982 (Table 2 and Figure 1). Reduction in cow numbers occurred in each of the six states with the lar- gest cow losses occurring in Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi. The num- ber of dairy cows in Florida was relatively unchanged. Most of the decline in milk cows resulted from the exit of small dairy herds and farm families discontinuing the practice of milking a few cows for home consumption (5). Offsetting the decline in milk cows was an increase in average pro- duction per cow resulting in relatively stable total milk production in the Southeast (Figure 2). Since 1970, average annual production per cow rose 40 percent to 10,363 pounds in 1982 with production above 11,000 pounds per cow in Florida and South Carolina. Estimated production of 6.49 billion pounds in 1982 was the highest of the past decade increasing 188 million pounds or three percent since 1978. While milk production in the Southeast was increasing three percent, national milk production rose 11 percent from 121.6 billion pounds in 1978 7 Table 1. Milk Production in the United States by Regions with Comparisons, 1978--1982. Inease in mlk roducion from 1982 as percent 1978 to 1979 to 1980 to 1981 to Region 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 of U.S. total 1979 1980 1981 1982 iiion pounds----------- -- percent -- ---- million pounds---- Northeast 24,839 25,238 26,139 26,820 27,370 20.2 399 901 681 550 Lake States 35,134 35,825 36,885 37,869 38,330 28.3 691 1,060 984 461 Corn States 15,562 15,465 15,994 16,446 16,713 12.4 -97 529 452 267 Northern Plains 5,147 5,013 5,253 5,517 5,458 4.0 -134 240 264 59 Appalachian 8,199 8,163 8,415 8,590 8,732 6.4 -36 252 175 142 Southeasta 6,299 6,318 6,375 6,450 6,487 4.7 19 57 75 37 Southern Plains and Arkansas 5,252 5,172 5,480 5,608 5,750 4.3 -80 308 128 14249 Mountain 5,419 5,589 6,131 6,690 7,120 5.4 170 542 559 430 1,0 Pacific 15,593 16,483 17,688 18,481 19,051 14.1 890 1,205 793 570 3,5 Alaska and Hawaii 165 163 165 163 158 .1 -2 2 -2 -5 U.S. 121,609 123,429 128,525 132,634 135,169 1,820 5,096 4,109 2,535 1,6 a Includes Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi Source: Appendix Table 1. and South Carolina. 00 Table 2. Milk Production, Marketings, Selected Years 1970-1982. and Volume Approved for Fluid Use, Six Southern States, Milk marketed approved State and Milk Average production Milk All milk sold to for fluid use (Grade A) yeara cows per cow production plants & dealers Volume Percentae thou Ibmilb mil lb mil Ib percent Alabama 1970 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 Florida 1970 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 Georgia 1970 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 Louis ana 1970 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 122 90 85 80 76 73 68 63 60 191 197 201 198 193 188 187 189 190 146 129 129 129 129 130 130 130 130 164 136 137 132 128 121 114 107 102 6,687 7,622 8,024 8,550 8,303 8,301 8,971 9,238 9,330 8,592 9,929 10,065 10,066 10,218 10,617 10,845 11,016 11,110 8,096 9,465 10,101 10,085 10,140 10,292 10,515 10,738 10,820 6,640 7,750 7,942 8,250 8,305 8,446 8,887 9,280 9,410 816 686 682 684 631 606 610 582 563 1,641 1,956 2,023 1,993 1,948 1,996 2,028 2,082 2,109 1, 182 1,199 1,279 1,288 1,305 1,338 1,367 1,396 1,410 1,089 1,054 1, 088 1,089 1,063 1,022 1,012 993 957 735 635 630 635 588 570 575 550 1,525 1,880 1,975 1,945 1,925 1,970 2,009 2,069 1,125 1,170 1,255 1,260 1,280 1,315 1,346 1,376 1,020 1,010 1,045 1,050 1,025 985 975 955 713 622 617 622 576 558 564 539 1,525 1,880 1,975 1,945 1,925 1,970 2,009 2,069 1,125 1,170 1,255 1,260 1,280 1,315 1,346 1,376 1,020 1,010 1,045 1,050 1,025 985 975 955 97 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 10 Table 2, (cont'd) Mi lk marketed approved State and Milk Average production Milk All milk sold to for fluid use (Grade A) yeara cows per cow production plants & dealers Volume Percentage thou lb mll Ib ml Ib ml Ib percent Mississippi 1970 179 5,860 1,049 960 874 91 1975 122 7,180 876 840 806 96 1976 116 7,431 862 830 797 96 1977 112 7,661 858 830 788 95 1978 106 7,887 836 810 770 95 1979 100 8,140 814 790 750 95 1980 98 8,337 817 795 763 96 1981 97 8,771 845 825 792 96 1982 96 9,100 873 South Carolina 1970 64 8,000 512 476 -- -- 1975 58 8,828 512 481 481 100 1976 56 9,375 521 492 494 100 1977 53 9,906 523 496 496 100 1978 52 9,865 516 492 492 100 1979 50 10,480 524 495 495 100 1980 48 11,271 541 515 515 100 1981 48 11,500 552 525 525 100 1982 48 11,970 575 Southeastern States 1970 866 7,262 6,289 5,841 -- - 1975 732 8,583 6,283 6,016 5,969 99 1976 724 8,916 6,455 6,227 6,183 99 1977 704 9,162 6,450 6,216 6,161 99 1978 684 9,209 6,299 6,120 6,068 99 1979 662 9,517 6,300 6,125 6,073 99 1980 645 9,884 6,375 6,215 6,172 99 1981 634 10,174 6,450 6,300 6,256 99 1982 626 10,363 6,487 a Preliminary for 1982. Source: Milk Production, Disposition, Income. SRS. USDA. various issues. 11 900T 86 6 732L 74i 764 6 84 645 634 1975 1976 1977 19 78 1979 1980 1981 1982 Rim 1. MILK COWS I NSI x SOUTHERN STATES SELECTED YEARS. 1 97O-1 e432. 6.29 6.28 6.3n 6.30 6.37 1970 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 !rIGUE M. M I K PRODUCTION IN SIX SOUTHERN STATES SLECTED YEARS. I S7O- 15 52. 8004 700 6001 0 ,'I) OI 0 r- 500 400~ 300. 200) 100. 626 0 1970 F I out I f Lu; 4 t 3.1 -Q E 0 U 0. 0 v 12 to 135.2 billion pounds in 1982. Thus, national milk production increased at a rate almost four times greater than in the Southeast. Nationally, most milk production increases were in the major dairy states with the largest increases occurring since 1979. Between 1978 and 1982 milk production declined in only five states in the continental United States; two of the states were in the Southeast--Alabama and Louisiana (Appendix Table 1). Milk production trends vary in individual Southeastern States. Since 1978, production in Florida increased 161 million pounds (8.3 percent); Georgia, 105 million pounds (8.1 percent); South Carolina, 59 million pounds (11.1 percent); and Mississippi, 37 million pounds (4.4 percent). Milk production decreased in Louisiana 106 million pounds (10.0 percent) and in Alabama 68 million pounds (10.9 percent). Even though milk pro- duction in Mississippi has increased recently, production since 1970 has declined over 17 percent. Within the region, 19,300 farm operations reported a total of 634,000 milk cows in 1981 (Table 3). Almost 93 percent of the milk cows were in herds larger than 50 cows and 73 percent of cows were in herds larger than 100 cows. The largest herds were in Florida and Alabama. Three-fourths of the operations reported less than 29 milk cows per herd, but this repre- sented only 4.7 percent of all milk cows in the region. Marketi ngs Practically all milk production in the Southeast is produced on com- mercial dairy farms and is sold to plants and dealers. In 1981, 97.6 per- cent of production was marketed. This amounted to 6.1 billion pounds, up 13 Table 3. Number of Operations and Milk Cows by Herd Size in the Southeast, 1981. Dairy herd size (head) State item 1-29 30-49 50-99 100+ ----- n umber ....... .......- ......... Operat ons OPERATIONS WITH MILK COWS: Alabama 4,000 3,572 52 168 208 Florida 2,000 1,600 a a 400 Georgia 3,100 2,024 56 369 641 Louisiana 4,000 2,912 180 488 420 Mississippi 3,800 2,698 251 521 330 South Carol inab 2,400 1,819 77 218 286 Total 19,300 14,625 616 1,764 2,295 Cows MILK COWS: Alabama 63,000 9,700 2,100 13,200 38,000 Florida 189,000 2,800 a a 186,200 Georgia 130,000 2,900 2,200 25,700 99,200 Louisiana 107,000 4,000 7,500 32,000 63,500 Mississippi 97,000 7,900 9,900 36,600 42,600 South Carolinab 48,000 2,200 1,800 8,800 35,200 Total 634,000 29,500 23,500 116,300 464,700 a Reported in the other groups. b Distribution of operations and number of cows by herd size were not reported for South Carolina but were estimated by using the average distribution of the other five states. This procedure may underestimate the average size of commerical dairy herds in South Carolina. Source: Cattle. SRS. USDA. LvGn 1. January 1982; Milk Production, Disposition, Income. SRS. USDA. May 1982. 14 2.9 percent since 1978 and only 7.8 percent since 1970. In the individual states, marketings ranged from 94.5 to 99 percent of production (Table 2). All milk marketed in Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and South Carolina was eligible for fluid use, or "Grade A," while virtually all marketings in Alabama and Mississippi were eligible for fluid use. For many years, milk marketings in the South have been primarily for local and nearby fluid markets. The relatively small manufacturing milk industry in the Southeast has all but disappeared with the exception of production of "soft" manufactured products (Class II) and seasonal production of "hard" manufactured products (Class III) from surplus Grade A milk. Cash receipts from marketings of milk sold to plants and dealers by dairy farmers located in the Southeast amounted to $974 million in 1981, up 34 percent since 1978 (Table 4). With the exception of Alabama, cash receipts from milk marketings in the Southeastern States rose annually during this period. Nationally, cash receipts to dairy farmers for mar- ketings of milk rose 43 percent during the same time period. Average prices per hundredweight of milk sold by farmers in the Southeast was $15.45 in 1981 and 12 percent higher than the national aver- age. This price relationship between the Southeast and the national aver- age has been unchanged over the past five years, however, relative prices within the region compared to the national average prices and other regions has narrowed since the early 1970's. Nationally, average prices have risen more rapidly than in the Southeast. Supply Adequacy Regional milk supply estimates were made of fluid and manufactured milk product consumption in the six states and compared with milk mar- 15 Table 4. Total Cash Receipts and Price Per Hundredweight Received by Farmers For Milk Sold to Plants and Dealers, Southeast and United States, Selected Years, 1970-1981. Alabama Florida Georgia Louisiana Mississippi South Six-state United Carolina area States Total Cash Receipts: million dollars 1970 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 50.2 66.0 68.0 69.2 68.2 7 5.8 82.8 80.8 113.0 212.4 235.0 237.3 246.4 285.6 317.4 347.6 78.2 114.7 134.*3 132.3 145.9 169.6 188.4 202.3 71.1 104.0 115.0 112.4 117.9 130.0 137.*5 142.3 60.0 79.8 85.5 84.*7 89.9 99.*5 109.7 118.8 Price Per Hundredweight: dollars 1970 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 6.83 10.40 10. 80 10.90 11,*60 13,30 14,40 14,70 7.41 11,30 11.*90 12.20 12.80 14,50 15.80 16.80 6.95 9. 80 10.70 10.50 11.40 12.90 14.00 14.70 6.97 10.30 11.00 10.70 11.*50 13.20 14.10 14.90 6.25 9.50 10.30 10.20 11.10 12.60 13.80 14.40 Source: Milk Production, Disposition, Income. SS SA aiu sus 34.5 51.0 55.6 56.5 58.5 65.3 74.*7 81.9 407.0 627.9 693.*4 692.4 726.8 825.8 910.5 973.7 6, 279.2 9,657.1 11,165.4 11,489.6 12, 408.*6 14, 354.4 16,274.0 17,738.8 7.25 10.60 11.30 11.40 11.*90 13.20 14.50 15.60 6.97 10.44 1 1.14 11.14 1 1.88 13.48 14.65 15.45 5.71 8.75 9.66 9.72 10.60 12.00 13.00 13.80 I~~hln a rrr. sw 4wmmran anrrrrrmw 44w pro Wm #srr.rrr 4 a qw = m m N o an d 4 mwanw N 4 rm SRS. USDA. various issues. 16 ketings in these states. Comparisons reveal the adequacy (or inadequacy) of supply in the region. The estimates were made for 1980 using population reported in the 1980 Census. Per capita demand for fluid and manufactured milk products was derived from national utilization of milk data reported by the USDA. National average per capita consumption data may slightly overstate milk consumption in the Southeast. Per capita use in 1980 of fluid milk was 227 pounds and milk equivalent of manufactured milk products was 299 pounds. Milk consumption, producer marketings of milk and supply deficits for each Southeastern state are shown in Table 5. On a milk equivalent basis 15.2 billion pounds were consumed in the Southeast in 1980. Of this, 6.6 billion pounds, or 43 percent, were used as fluid products and 8.7 billion pounds were used as manufactured products. Aggregate fluid product con- sumption was six percent greater than the 6.2 billion pounds of Grade A milk marketed by dairy farmers in the six states. Only 43 million pounds of manufacturing grade milk were sold by dairy farmers located in Mississippi and Alabama. Essentially all manufactured milk products required for consumption in the Southeast region must be imported from outside supply areas. Aggregate milk product consumption was almost two and one-half times regional milk supply. Alabama and Florida fluid milk markets are dependent on substantial volumes of imported raw milk produced in other states including locations outside the Southeast. Information from the Alabama Dairy Commission and the Florida Department of Agriculture shows that raw milk imports into the two states amount to about 500 million pounds annually (Table 6). About 35 Table 5. Population, Milk Consumption, Producer Marketings and Supply Deficit by State, Southeast, 1980. Estimated milk consumption a Producer marketings 1980 popu- Fluid Manufactured Approved for Manufacturing Supply State lation products products Total fluid use grade Total deficitb no ----------------- mil Ib ----- ---- Alabama 3,890.061 883 1,163 2,046 564 11 575 1,459 Florida 9,739,992 2,211 2,912 5,123 2,009 0 2,009 3,103 Georgia 5,464,265 1,240 1,634 2,874 1,346 0 1,346 1,518 Louisiana 4,203,972 954 1,257 2,211 975 0 975 1,216 Mississippi 2,520,638 572 754 1,326 763 32 795 518 South Carolina 3,119,208 708 933 1,641 515 0 515 1,119 Total 28,938,136 6,568 8,653 15,221 6,172 43 6,215 8,933 a Per capita consumption of fluid products (whole milk, cream items, lowfat and skim items) was assumed to be 227 pounds; per capita consumption of all other milk products was assumed to be 299 pounds of milk equivalent. These estimates were based on domestic disappearance from commercial sources. The national estimates likely overstate per capita consumption in the region by five to ten percent. b Adjusted for milk consumed on farms. Sources: Census of Population, Bureau of Census; Dairy Outlook and Situation, USDA; Milk Production, Disposition, Income. USDA. DS-388. March 1982. 18 percent of the milk supply received by Alabama processors is produced in other states, largely by dairy farmers located in Tennessee. Florida raw milk imports are nine to ten percent of the volume of milk marketings by Florida dairy farmers. A large proportion of the Florida raw milk imports is produced in Georgia and Alabama. Table 6. Imports of Raw Milk for Fluid Use into Alabama and Florida, 1976-1982. Year Alabama Florida --------- million pounds----------- 1976 304.5 60.7 1977 313.6 81.4 1978 323.8 113.2 1979 316.7 171.0 1980 300.0 213.3 1981 301.1 212.0 1982 N.A. 248.0 b a Partially estimated b Florida imports through November 1982 N.A. Not available Sources: Alabama Dairy Commission and Florida Department of Agriculture. Population is the major determinant of milk consumption. The 24.3 percent population growth in the Southeast during the past decade increased the aggregate demand substantially. The comparison of population numbers indicates that the national population growth was less than one-half the rate of growth in the Southeast during the decade of the 1970's, shown as fol 1 ows: 19 Population Percentage 1970 1980 change no no pct Southeast (6 states) 23,276,046 28,938,136 24.3 United States 203,302,031 226,504,825 11.4 The outlook for continued population growth in the Southeast at a rate faster than the national growth rate targets the region as one of the most favorable markets in the United States. The combination of a tight milk supply and anticipated demand expansion suggest strong upward pressure on producer prices to encourage more production, particularly regional pro- duction of milk for the fluid market. However, prices paid Southeastern dairy farmers have barely been high enough to bring forth supply increases at the same rate as demand expansion. The region has become more dependent on other regions for raw milk and milk products. Unless the prices paid Southeastern dairy farmers increase, the trend toward greater dependency on imported milk will continue. With higher transportation costs for long-distance shipment of milk, the results to consumers will likely be higher priced milk products. EFFECT ON CONSUMERS AND PRODUCERS OF THE ASSESSMENT VERSUS A SUPPORT PRICE REDUCTION The 1982 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act provided for an assessment on all milk sold. The administration's choice of the assessment versus a reduction in the support price has some economic implications for producers and consumers. Processor decisions are not expected to be as directly affected as those of producers and consumers. One purpose of the assessment is to reduce production through lower producer prices. The economic implications for producer groups can be linked to the responses of consumers in the commercial market place. Because of the derived demand characteristic of milk production, the res- ponses of consumers to the producer assessment versus a reduction in the support price of milk will be developed first. The consumer is impacted individually as a user of fluid milk and milk products and collectively as a taxpayer who through the CCC purchases and stores surplus milk supplies in the form of butter, nonfat dry milk powder (NDM) and cheese. Consumer Considerations Consumer As User. Consumers of fluid and manufactured milk products realize no change in the cost of their dairy product purchases as a direct result of the assessment because the raw milk costs remain the same to pro- cessors under conditions of surplus milk supplies. A reduction in the price support level, however, places downward pressures on the Minnesota-Wisconsin (M-W) price, the market-clearing price for milk used in manufactured milk products. As a result, all raw milk prices are lowered because the support price undergirds the raw milk price which is 20 21 the basic formula price for all fluid (Grade A) milk in federal order mar- kets. A lower support price means lower costs for the raw milk as an ingre- dient and hence, lower consumer prices, ceteris paribus. As a consumer, the citizen pays only for that portion of the milk supply that is desired and within his budget. As a taxpayer, the citizen pays through the CCC for the remaining portion of the milk supply that is either not desired or that is commercially priced out of his budget. The provision of the Agricultur- al Adjustment Act of 1949 that established the price support program pro- vided for the CCC to release surplus stocks whenever commercial prices exceeded 105 percent of CCC purchase prices. It also affects the citizen's economic well-being as both consumer and taxpayer. CCC calculations of product prices, given the assessment versus a reduction in the level of the support price, proxies the economic effects upon the consumer under the two choices for reducing production. Column A in Table 7 identifies the factors that enter into the calcu- lations of product purchase prices for nonfat dry milk (NDM), butter and cheese at given support price levels. Interest is on comparing differences in purchase prices across varying support price levels. With the producer assessment, the support price remains at $13.10 per hundredweight (Column B). Under the 1982 Act, the $13.10 per hundredweight ($12.80 at 3.5 per- cent butterfat) support price level established in 1980 is maintained and a direct assessment of $0.50 per hundredweight is paid by the first purchaser of the producer's milk to the CCC beginning on December 1, 1982. There are provisions to collect an additional $0.50 beginning April 1, 1983. Effects on purchase prices of reductions in the level of support prices by $0.50 22 Table 7, Calculation of CCC Purchase Prices of Dairy Products Under Conditions of a Producer Assessment on Production Versus a Lowering of Support Prices. A B C D Producer Suport price reduction Item/unit assessment 0.50 $1 I, Basic Information 1. Support price for manufacturing milk, $/cwt at 3.5 pct mllkfat 12.80 12.30 11.80 2. Support price for manufacturing milk, $/cwt at 3.67 pct milkfat 13.10 12.60 12.10 3. Average milkfat test, percent 3.67 3.67 3.67 4. Butterfat differential, centsa 17.9 17.3 16.6 5. Yields per 100 pounds of milk at average test (pounds) (a) Butter 4.48 4.48 4.48 (b) Nonfat dry milk 8.13 8.13 8.13 (c) Cheese 10.1 10.1 10.1 I I. Butter-Nonfat Dry MIlk Calculation 6. Return to butter-powder plants, $/cwt 13.10 12.60 12.10 7. CCC margin between price of manuf. milk and the value of butter and NDM made from 100 pounds of milk, $/cwt 1.22 1.22 1.22 8. Value of butter (Chicago) and NDM (U.S. aver- age) made from 100 pounds of milk, $/cwt 14.32 13.82 13.32 9. Nonfat dry milk purchase price, $/lb 0.94 0.91 0.88 Value of NDM per 100 pounds of milk, $/cwtb 7.64 7.39 7.14 10. Value of butter: 11. Dollars per 100 pounds of milk 6.68 6.43 6.18 12, Dollars per pound at Chicago (calculated)c 1.4911 1,435 1.3795 13. Butter purchase price at New York, $/l 1.5200 1.470 1.41 14. Butter purchase price at Chicago, $/Ib 1.4900 1.440 1.38 III. Cheese Price Calculation 15. Return to cheese, $/cwt 13.10 12.60 12.10 16. Margin between price of manuf. milk and value of cheese and whey per 100 pounds of milk, $/cwt 1.37 1.37 1.37 17. Value of cheese and whey per 100 pounds of milk, $/cwt 14.47 13.97 13.47 18. Value of whey: 0.25 pound of fat, $e .37 .35 .32 19. Other solids, $f .00 .00 .00 20. Total .37 .35 .32 21. Value of cheese: 22. Dollars per 100 pounds of milk 14.10 13.61 13.125 23. Dollars per pound (calculated)g 1.3960 1.3475 1.2995 24, Cheese purchase price (rounded) $/Ib 1.3950 1.3500 1.3000 a CCC purchase price for butter at Chicago times 12. b NDM price per pound times 8.13. The decrease in support is split about equally between the joint products of butter and nonfat dry milk. c Value of butter per hundred pounds of milk divided by 4.48. (Chicago butter price is d representative of U.S. average price.) Price based on actual freight rate effective at the beginning of the marketing year, but limited to the maximum 3 cents reduction from the New York City price. SButter purchase price at Chicago times .25. fEstmated that whole mllk cheese whey solids other than fat is processed at 0 cents net return (13.5 cents dried whey average price minus 13.5 cents processing costs per pound). g Value of cheese per hundred pounds of milk divided by 10.1. Source: Dairy Market Newt, Week of October 13-15, 1981 provided the format for calculations. 23 and $1.00 to $12.60 and $12.10 per hundredweight versus the assessment are indicated in columns C and D, respectively. Product prices from lines 9, 11 and 23 of columns B, C and D in Table 7 provide data for Table 8. Comparative analyses of CCC purchase prices for hard manufactured milk products for alternative price support levels can now be readily made. Table 8. CCC Product Purchase Prices Under Alternative Price Support Levels. Manufactured Support price level per hundredweight product 1$3.10 $ 12 . 60 D $12.10f -------- dollars per pound-- Butter 1.49 1.44 1.38 Nonfat dry milk 0.94 0.91 0.88 Cheese 1.395 1.35 1.30 a Proxies the producer assessment alternative. b Proxies a $0.50 per hundredweight price support reduction alternative. c Proxies a $1.00 per hundredweight price support reduction alternative. 24 The set of prices in Table 8 provides for analysis and inference of the impact of the assessment compared to reductions in the support prices by amounts equal to the assessment. Since the assessment does not alter the support price level of $13.10 per hundredweight, it has no direct effect on consumer prices of either fluid milk or manufactured milk. A $0.50 reduction in the support price level from $13.10 per hundredweight to $12.60 lowers butter prices from $1.49 to $1.44 per pound, a price decrease of 3.36 percent. The assumed price elasticity of demand of-0.49 suggests that butter consumption will increase by 1.65 percent and NDM will increase by 1.56 percent as a result of a $0.50 reduction in the support price (5). Cheese utilization is calculated to increase 1.58 percent as a result of the 3.23 percent decrease in its price due to the $0.50 reduction. As shown in Table 9, a price support deduction of $1.00 per hundredweight will essentially double the reduction in the products' costs and increase in consumption percentage. Table 9. Estimated Effects of Support Price Reductions on Product Prices and Quantities Consumed Per Capita. Product price reduction Product quantity increase Milk associated with support associated with support product price reduction price reduction $0.50 $1.00 $0.50 $1.00 $/Ib pct $1/lb pct lb pct lb pct Butter 0.05 3.36 0.11 7.38 0.07 1.65 0.16 3.62 NDM 0.03 3.19 0.06 6.38 0.05 1.56 0.09 3.13 Cheese 0.045 3.23 0.095 6.81 0.29 1.58 0.57 3.17 Source: Basic consumption data for calculating percentage changes were taken from Dairy Outlook and Situation, USDA, DS-390, September 1982, Table 12. CosmrA ap~r Table 8 indicates that current CCC purchase prices remain unhanged under the assessment but decline proportionately with 25 reductions in support price levels. Therefore, excess product purchase costs are less to the taxpayer under reductions in the support price level than they are under the producer assessment. Additional savings accrue to the taxpayer under support price reduction programs since the reduced pro- duct purchase prices place downward pressures on commercial product pri- ces. Lower prices act to increase consumption by amounts suggested in Table 9. For any given quantity of milk, greater consumption means smaller CCC purchases and associated storage costs. Producer Considerations Farm level prices for raw milk will be lower regardless of the choice of an assessment or reductions in support price levels. Lower farm prices mean lower blend prices. Since the assessment has no effect on final pro- duct prices and consumption, its full effect is placed on the producer. Lower product prices associated with reductions in support price levels act to increase utilizations of both Class I (fluid) and Class III (manufactured) milk products. Increased utilization of Class III products places upward pressure on the M-W price and hence, on all class prices. At the same time, the increased Class I utilization acts to lower the relative level of Class III utilization. The combination of increased class prices, increased Class I utilization and decreased Class III utilization acts to raise the producer's blend price. The outlook is for continual price depression due to the inventory of surplus stocks and the production potential inherent in the largest heifer replacement ratio (43.1 per 100 milking cows) to date, a relatively high milk-feed price ratio, relatively low cull cow prices and fewer alternative 26 opportunities for dairy farmers either in or out of agriculture. Absolute declines in farm prices, regardless of whether they result from an assessment or a reduction in support price levels, will impact upon the milk supply. The direction, magnitude and timing of the supply response will depend upon the behavior of milk producers. Producer Supply Responses. The Law of Supply maintains that there is a direct relationship between the price of milk and the quantity produced. Following a change in the price of milk, the timing of adjustments and the degree of response vary among individual producers and regions of the country. The only clear-cut issue for farmers is economic survival and whether that survival lies in milk production or some other endeavor. Increasing production under conditions of falling blend prices is contrary to dictates of supply theory. Inconsistencies in assumptions underlying supply theory and the absence of attractive alternatives produce conditions under which individual farmers' output may increase in order to maintain income and cash flow under conditions of falling blend prices (6). In the short-run, the individual producers who try to maintain income by offsetting the per unit profit margin decline with increased output will first experience losses in returns to fixed assets. Further economic losses will be experienced as reduced returns to their own labor. Finally, the inability to service all variable costs from the revenue generated in milk production will mark the terminal stage of the dairy farm's existence. Reduced blend prices will result in less aggregate total milk pro- duction. Over time, the lower blend prices leave smaller reserves from which to replace worn-out resources essential to milk production. The 27 lower returns to assets in dairying make it easier for those assets to be bid out of dairying. These developments and the net culmination of lower blend prices will be manifest differently throughout regions of the United States. Table 10. Milk Production Costs and Returns Per Cow and Per Hundredweight, by Costs and Returns Items, All Regions, 1979-1981. 1979 1980 1981a Item Per cow Per cwtb Per cow Per cwtb Per cow Per cwtb ---------------------- dollars-_ _. -_ _ __ Gross Revenue Milk 1540.01 11.93 1724.19 12.95 1867.95 13.72 Cull cows, calves, replacement sales 192.01 1.49 183.58 1.38 169.80 1.25 Total revenue 1732,02 13.42 1907.77 14.33 2037.75 14.97 Direct Costs Feed costs 695.84 5.39 815.04 6.13 866.84 6.36 Other direct costs 311.58 2.40 357.70 2.70 398.09 2.92 Tofal direct costs 1007.42 7.79 1172.74 8.83 1264.92 9.28 Revenue above Direct Costs 724.60 5.63 735.03 5.50 772.83 5.69 Ownership Costs RI 364.23 2.82 449.23 3.37 506.16 3.72 Total direct and ownership costs 1371.65 10.61 1621.97 12.20 1771.08 13.00 Returns to Producer Operator & family labor 157.41 1.22 168.43 1.27 186.35 1.37 Management d 202.96 1.59 117.38 .86 80.32 .60 Total returns to operator, family labor, and management e 360.37 2.81 2.81 2.13 266.67 1.97 a Preliminary. b Hundredweight of milk represents all milk sold and consumed on the farm. c Replacement reserve, interest on borrowed and equity capital, taxes, and insurance. d Residual returns. e Returns to equity capital are included in ownership costs. Source: Costs and Returns of Producing Milk in the United States--1979, 1980, and Preliminary 1981, prepared by ERS, USDA, for the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, United States Senate, July 1982. 28 Regional Impacts Differ. Producer cost data for the last three years in different regions of the nation support earlier observations and illustrate the disproportionate effect of the assessment on a regional basis. Data in Table 10 indicate that the all-region total returns per hundredweight to operator labor, family labor and management have been decreasing over the past three years. Although total revenue has increased, so have costs of production. Among cost categories, those associated with replacement reserve, interest on borrowed and equity capital, taxes and insurance have increased significantly. As a result, the net profit margin decreased over time. Table 11. Total Milk Production Costs and Returns by Selected Cost and Returns Items, by Regions and the United States, 1981a. Upper Corn Southern A I Item Northeast : Midwest : Belt : Appalachian : Plains : Pacific: reqions f -- ----- - - - - - dollars per hundredweightb- .-..-.-.-.-.-....- Gross revenue 15.28 14.88 14.69 15.19 15.87 14.40 14.97 Direct costs 9.27 8.28 9.57 11.02 11.16 9.88 9.28 Revenue above direct costs 6.01 6.60 5.12 4.17 4.71 4.52 5.69 Ownership costs (RITI)c 3.70 4.17 4.36 3.47 2.98 2.46 3.72 Total direct and ownership costs 12.97 12.45 13.93 14.49 14.14 12.34 13.00 Returns to pro- ducer d e 2.31 2.43 .76 .70 1.73 2.06 1.97 a Preliminary. b Hundredweight of milk represents all milk sold and consumed on the farm. c Replacement reserve, interest on borrowed and equity capital, taxes, and insurance. d Residual returns. e Returns to equity capital are included in ownership costs. f Weighted average. Source: Costs and Returns of Producing Milk in the United States--1979, 1980, and Preliminary 1981, prepared by ERS, USDA, for the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, United States Senate, July 1982. 29 Costs and return data in Table 11 for individual regions of the coun- try support the proposition that the producer assessment will produce unequal hardships among producers by regions. Of the six regions for which data are available, the Appalachian region is most typical of the Southeast. It is also the region in which returns to producers are the lowest. In the Appalachian region, despite the fact that gross revenue is relatively high and its ownership costs are below the all-region average, the returns are low because direct costs are relatively high. The direct effect of the producer assessment is to reduce net returns to producers by that amount. Table 12 indicates the relative impact of the assessment as a percent of returns to producers in all six regions. The greatest impact is on dairy farmers in the Appalachian region. The $0.50 assessment represents 25.4 percent of the all-region or average return per hundredweight to operator labor, family labor and management. It, however, represents 71.4 percent of the Appalachian producer's return, but only 20.6 percent of the Upper Midwest producer's return. The degree of inequity of the burden increases with increases in the assessment rate. Economic relationships suggest that there is likely to be a greater proportion of the milk production lost in those areas where the effect of the assessment if relatively greater. This section outlined consumer and producer considerations associated with the implementation of a producer assessment versus a reduction in sup- port price equal to the amount of the assessments. These considerations were outlined in terms of CCC purchase prices for the hard manufactured products of the dairy industry and in terms of relative rates of taxation to producers based on returns per hundredweight. Comparative effects are summarized in Table 13. 30 Table 12. Effects on Milk Production Returns Among Regions as a Result of Alternative Assessments. Return $0.50 cents assessment $1.00 assessment Region per hundredweighta Absolute Relative Absolute Relative dol dol pct dol pct Northeast 2.31 .50 21.6 1.00 43.2 Upper Midwest 2.43 .50 20.6 1.00 41.2 Corn Belt .76 .50 65.8 1.00 131.6 Appalachian .70 .50 71.4 1.00 142.9 South Plains 1.73 .50 28.9 1.00 57.8 Pacific 2.06 .50 24.3 1.00 48.5 All regions 1.97 .50 25.4 1.00 50.8 a Based on 1981 returns. Table 13. Comparative Effects of a Producer Assessment Versus a Reduction in the Support Price Upon Producers and Consumers. Effect on: Producer assessment Support price reduction Short run Lon run Short run Lon run Producer Blend price decrease decrease decrease decrease Production don't know decrease don't know decrease Income decrease decrease decrease decrease Consumer Retail prices no change no change decrease decrease Consumption no change no change increase increase DAIRY PRICE ALTERNATIVES FOR THE SOUTHEAST The major focus of the assessment program is directed toward reducing government costs in the purchases of cheese, butter and nonfat dry milk by the CCC. Costs are to be reduced through a levy to be collected from all milk sold in the United States. The price support level is maintained at $13.10 per hundredweight ($12.80 at 3.5 percent fat) for the marketing years beginning October 1, 1982 and 1983. In 1984, the support price level will be based on the per- cent of parity that $13.10 is on October 1, 1983. The estimated parity is about 61 percent, which equates to a support level of $14.60 per hundred- weight on October 1, 1984. The Secretary of Agriculture is given the authority to assess 50 cents per hundredweight on all milk marketed. The assessment was to begin on December 1, 1982, but the USDA is now under an injunction prohibiting collections. Responsibility for collecting the assessment and sending the funds to the CCC is imposed on every plant or handler of fluid and rnanufacturi ng milk. Producer-handlers are requi red also to pay the assessment. The assessment is to remain in effect at the discretion of the Secretary through the 1985 marketing year if surplus removals by the CCC exceed 5 billion pounds of milk equivalent on an annual basis. Furthermore, the Secretary has the authority to assess an additional 50 cents per hundredweight on April 1, 1983. However, this assessment has the following provisions: 1. The assessment will be made if the estimate of annual (marketing year) CCC purchases exceed 7.5 billion pounds milk equivalent. 31 32 2. A production adjustment incentive program must be established by the Secretary to refund part or all of the second 50 cents assessment to farmers who reduce their production. Dairymen who reduce their production from a base period after April 1, 1983, will be eligible to have a part or all of the 50 cents assessment refunded depending on the amount of the reduction. The Secretary must estimate the year's surplus production and then set a percent by which he chooses to reduce production. Dairy producers will not be required to reduce production more than the percent of the national surplus to be eli- gible for the refund. If the surplus is estimated at 10 percent and the Secretary specifies an 8 percent reduction for a full refund, then a pro- ducer reducing marketings by that amount would be eligible for a refund of 50 cents per hundredweight. The base period established by the Secretary to determine the production history will be October 1, 1980, through September 30, 1982. The marketing history of each milk producer in the nation will be necessary information to establish a producer base for the selected base period. Each producer will need to furnish evidence to substantiate their production reduction after April, 1983. The refund is payable only on an annual basis with the first refund payable after March 31, 1984 (1). Program Impacts Milk production in the 1981-82 marketing year is projected to be 134.3 billion pounds with marketings of 132 billion pounds. Net removals by the CCC are expected to be 13.8 billion pounds milk equivalent with the price 33 support at the minimum of $13.10 per hundredweight. With no deductions implemented for 1982-83, production is projected to be 137.5 billion pounds of milk resulting in marketings of 135.3 billion pounds. Projected CCC removals are 13.9 billion pounds of milk equivalent. Commercial use is expected to increase about the same amount as the increased marketings because of stable prices and increases in population (7,8). Implementation of the 50 cents assessment on December 1, 1982, was expected to slow down the rate of increase in milk production. The implementation of the second 50 cents assessment on April 1, 1983, is expected to reduce production somewhat to slightly above the 1981-82 level. With an expected increase in commercial utilization and a slight increase in production, CCC removals under the assessment plan may be down about 1 to 1.5 billion pounds. With the 50 cents assessment, projected outlays by the CCC are $2,037 million for 1982-83, and with both assessments the outlay projection is $1,992 million. The assessment will amount to about $600 million for 50 cents and over $900 million for both assessments. Therefore, CCC costs would be reduced to $1.1 to $1.5 billion or by almost one-half of current expected costs. Milk costs to consumers will not be directly affected by the 1982-83 price support program. Costs will not increase due to price support increases since the support is frozen at its current level. Neither will milk product costs to consumers decrease because the assessment goes to CCC to reduce costs of removing milk from the market. Taxpayers' costs for the CCC milk product purchases will be reduced by the amount of the assessments. 34 Impacts on the Southeast Although the incidence of surplus milk production is a regional problem, the dairy surplus problem is a national one in that it impacts on the economic well-being of dairy farmers, processors and consumers throughout the United States. In those regions where farmers have expanded production in excess of commercial market needs, the CCC has become the major purchaser. However, the assessment is scheduled to be applied to all producers regardless of the market or region. Most marketings of milk in the Southeast are Grade A eligible for fluid milk markets. Furthermore, most of the milk is used for either Class I products or Class II products. For the 12-month period July 1, 1981-June 30, 1982, milk producers in the six Southeastern States of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi and South Carolina marketed 6.4 billion pounds of milk. In these six states it is estimated that 81 percent of the milk marketed was used for fluid milk products (Class I) and 8 percent was used for soft products (Class II). Only 11 percent was utilized in manufactured milk products of cheese, butter and nonfat dry milk. Thus, a relatively small quantity of milk in the Southeast is manufactured into products eligible for purchase by the CCC. Milk production and marketings for each of the Southeastern States and for the United States are shown in Table 14 for the period July 1, 1981-June 30, 1982. Marketings ranged from 550 million pounds to 2.1 billion pounds. Data were obtained for the eight Federal milk orders and two state milk orders in which most of the milk produced in the six states is sold (Table 15). Utilization ranged from 68 to 88 percent Class I. Table 14. Production per cow, Average Number of Cows, Total Milk Production, and Total Milk Marketed, Southeastern States and United States, July 1981-June 1982. Southeastern States Total Item/unit Alabama Florida Geor Ia Louisiana Mssissipp South Carolina Total U.S. Milk per cow (Ib) 9,130 11,160 10,720 9,335 8,910 11,766 10,748 12,174 Milk cows (thou) 62.8 189.6 130.7 102.8 96.1 48.0 630 10,973 Total production (mll Ib) 573 2,116 1,401 960 856 565 6,471 133,585 Total marketed (mil Ib) 556 2,103 1,381 936 844 553 6,373 130,419 Source: Milk Production, SRS. USDA. various issues, and Milk Production, Disposition, Income. SRS. USDA. W-- 36 Table 15. Producer Deliveries of Milk Used in Class I, II, and areas, Selected Southeastern Markets, July 1981-June III by Market 1982. Producer deliveries Percentage Price per Market/class use of milk utilization hundredweight thou lb pct dol Georgia Fed. Order Class I Class II Class III Total Upper Florida and Tampa Bay Fed. Orders Class I Class II Total Southeast Florida Fed. Order Class I Class II Total New Orleans - Miss.- Memphis Fed. Orders Class I Class II Class III Total Greater Lousiana Fed. Order Class I Class II Class III Total South Carolina Class I Classes II & III Total Alabama Class I Classes Total II & III 1,419,658 140,485 328,736 1,888,879 1,313,525 182,320 1,495,845 686,736 83,537 770,273 1,011,004 181,011 287,139 1,479,154 469,677 26,169 49,106 554,952 486,640 66,360 553,000 775,602 102,847 888,449 75.16 7.44 17.40 100.00 87.81 12.19 100.00 89.15 10.85 100.00 68.35 12.24 19.41 100.00 84.63 4.72 10.65 100.00 88.0 12.0 100.0 88.29 11.71 100.00 15.18 12.61 12.48 14.52 17.02 12.63 16.48 17.32 12.63 16.81 15.34 12.62 12.48 14.45 15.23 12.63 12.48 14.81 15.95 12.48 15.53 14.96 12.57 14.69 and State Sources: Federal Order Market Statistics, Agricultural Prices, Order Statistics. ~IU33 LIL LUI rlJ;I 37 The utilization percentages were applied to the estimated milk mar- ketings by producers in each state to obtain estimates of the amount of milk utilized in the various classes (Table 16). All the Florida markets were combined to obtain a weighted utilization percentage. Since federal orders overlap state boundaries in Louisiana and Mississippi and milk moves across state boundaries, the data for three Federal orders were combined to obtain a combined utilization. Estimates of class and blend prices were obtained for each Southeastern State from milk order and USDA sources. Class prices for Florida and Louisiana-Mississippi are weighted average prices of all milk and value of milk in the combined markets. The blend price in each state is the simple average of the monthly all milk price published by USDA for each state. The Class II and Class III prices are the simple averages of the monthly prices from the Federal and state order markets. The Class I price in most markets was a price above the federal order minimum price. Although the price was announced each month, various deductions and market adjustments made it difficult to obtain the actual Class I price. However, class utilizations and Class II and Class III prices were available. Therefore, the Class I price in each state was estimated by the following procedure: Class I price = Blend price - [(Class II price x Class II % util.) + (Class III price x Class III % util.)] / (Class I % util.) Table 17 shows the estimated milk marketed by producers for 1982. Production data for the first nine months of 1982 were obtained from USDA published sources. The last three months were estimated by multiplying the percentage change in the first nine months of 1982 relative to 1981 to 38 Table 16. Estimated Utilization of Milk Marketed and Prices Received, South- eastern. States, July 1, 1981-June. 30, 1982. Estimated Percentage, Price per State/class use marketed utilization hundredweight Georgi a Class I Cl ass I I Class ILL Total. Florida Class I Class II Total Louisiana and Class I ClassII Cl ass- III Total Mi s si s si, ppi South Carolina Class I Classes II & II Total Al abama Class I Classes II & III Total All markets Class I Class II Class ILL Total Sources: Tables 14 and 15. 1,038 103 240 1,381 1,856 247 2,103 1,296 181 303 1,780 487 66, 553 491 65 556 5,168 531 674 6,373 75.16 7.44 17.40 100000 88.27 11.73 100.00 72.79 10.19 17.02 100.00 88.00 12.00 100.00 88.29 11.71 100.00 81.10 8.33 10.57 100.00 15.18 12.61 12.48 14.52 17.12 12.63 16.59 15.31 12.62 12.48 14.55 15.95 12.48 15.53 14.96 12.57 14.69 15.96 12.62 12.49 15.32 39 Table 17. Estimated Milk Marketed, Percentage Utilization, and Prices Paid to Producers, Southeastern States, 1982. Estimated Percentage Estimated price Estimated Market marketeda utilizationb per hundredweightc value mil Ib pct dol mil dol Georgia Class I 1,042 75.16 15.03 156.6 Class II 103 7.44 12.57 12.9 Class III 241 17.40 12.46 30.0 Total 1,386 100.00 14.40 199.5 Florida Class I 1,884 88.27 17.00 320.3 Class II 250 11.73 12.57 31.4 Total 2,134 100.00 16.48 351.7 Louisiana & Mississippid Class I 1,284 72.79 15.23 195.6 Class II 180 10.19 12.57 22.6 Class III 300 17.02 12.46 37.4 Total 1,764 100.00 14.49 255.6 South Carolina Class I 497 88.00 15.95 79.3 Classes II & III 68 12.00 12.48 8.5 Total 565 100.00 15.53 87.8 Alabama Class I 484 88.29 14.70 71.2 Classes II & III 64 11.71 12.57 8.0 Total 548 100.00 14.45 79.2 a Based on first 9 months of 1982 and last 3 months estimated based on 1981. b Utilization in federal order and state order markets, July 1981-June 1982, Alabama, April 1981-March 1982. c Based on first 8 months of 1982, Class I prices estimated. d Louisiana and Mississippi marketings and combined utilizations from federal order markets. 40 the last three months of 1981 and adding the product to the 1982 data. Marketings were assumed to be the same percentage of production as the 1981-82 data from Table 16. The estimated prices were based on data for the first eight months of 1982 and estimated for the last four months. Blend prices in the May-August 1982 period were averaging about 30 cents less than 1981, so the 1982 prices for the last four months were estimated to average 30 cents less than the 1981 prices. In assessing the impact of the assessments on milk producers in the Southeast, a baseline estimate was made under the assumption that 1983 mar- ketings would be the same as 1982, since there would be no price change. With the assessments, economic theory would suggest that producers in the aggregate will react to the lower prices in such a way that production will decrease during the year 3 . Borrowing from some studies of milk supply response to price changes, a short run supply elasticity of 0.25 was used in this analysis. That is to say, a 10 percent change in producer price will result in a 2.5 percent change in production in the same direction (9). Responses in production to the assessments were analyzed for two pos- sible outcomes (Table 18). The following scenarios were analyzed: Scenario Al - Producer response to the 50 cents per hundredweight reduction in blend price. 3 Some have alleged that the assessment will result in an increase in production, as dairy farmers squeeze out additional output in order to maintain cash flow. However, it is more likely that production will decline. Some individual dairy farmers will no doubt, expand production, but such expansion will be more than offset by other dairy farmers who will cull marginal cows made unprofitable by lower prices. Ultimately, some firms will be driven from the industry resulting in a supply decline. 41 Table 18. Utilization, Production, Class Prices, and Value of Production and Producer Prices for Milk, Various Scenarios, Southeastern States, Projected, 1983. Baseline Scenario Scenario Market/unit 1983 Al A2 Georgia Class I (mil lb) 1,042 1,042 1,042 Class II (mil lb) 103 103 103 Class III (mil lb) 241 229 154 Total production (mil lb) 1,386 1,374 1,299 Value (mil dol) 199.50 198.00 188.70 Blend (dol/cwt) 14.40 14.41 14.53 Adjusted value (mil/dol) --- 191.10 179.00 Adjusted blend (dol/cwt) -- 13.91 13.78 Florida Class I (mil lb) 1,884 1,884 1,884 Class II (mil lb) 250 234 119 Total production (mil lb) 2,134 2,118 2,003 Value (mil dol) 351.70 349.70 335.24 Blend (dol/cwt) 16.48 16.51 16.74 Adjusted value (mil dol) --- 339.10 320.78 Adjusted blend (dol/cwt) --- 16.01 15.99 Loui si ana-Mississippi Class I (mil lb) 1,284 1,284 1,284 Class II (mil Ib) 180 180 180 Class III (mil lb) 300 285 190 Total production (mil Ib) 1,764 1,749 1,654 Value (mil dol) 255.60 253.70 241.85 Blend (dol/cwt) 14.49 14.51 14.62 Adjusted value (mil dol) --- 245.00 229.41 Adjusted blend (dol/cwt) --- 14.01 13.87 South Carolina Cl ass I (mil Ib) 497 497 497 Classes II & III (mil lb) 68 63 33 Total production (mil lb) 565 560 530 Value (mil dol) 87.80 87.20 83.39 Blend (dol/cwt) 15.53 15.57 15.73 Adjusted value (mil lb) --- 84.40 79.39 Adjusted blend (dol/cwt) --- 15.07 14.98 Alabama Class I (mil lb) 484 484 484 Classes II & III (mil lb) 64 59 29 Total production (mil lb) 548 543 513 Value (mil dol) 79.20 78.50 74.79 Blend (dol/cwt) 14.45 14.46 14.58 Adjusted value (mil dol) --- 75.80 70.90 Adjusted blend (dol/cwt) --- 13.96 13.82 42 Scenario A2 - Producers response to the first 50 cents assessment; assume that production will need to be reduced 10 percent to obtain a refund of the second 50 cents assessment and 50 percent of the producers reduce production by 10 percent. With the assessment program there would be no response in the market side of the equation since consumer prices would not be affected. Therefore, Class I and Class II sales were assumed to remain the same as in 1982. In fact, Class I and Class II sales may increase somewhat as a result of the decreasing "real" prices for milk and population increases. The supply elasticity was applied to the percentage decrease in pro- ducer prices as a result of the assessments. Total production was adjusted downward relative to the expected producer response to the lower prices. Also, production was adjusted down in relationship to the expected response to a refund of the second assessment of 50 cents. Since Class I and Class II sales were assumed to hold at the 1982 level, the reduction in pro- duction resulted in a reduction in Class III utilization or in Class II and Class III. Results show an estimated reduction in producer income in 1983 from baseline estimates of $8 to $20 million in Georgia, $12 to $31 million in Florida, $10 to $26 million in Louisiana-Mississippi and $3 to $8 million each in South Carolina and Alabama (Table 18). Total value of milk pro- duction would be reduced an estimated $38 to $95 million or about four to 10 percent. Total milk production would decrease one to six percent. On a per cow basis, the average reduction in income would range from $61 to $68 per cow for the six states. This, of course, would vary by the 43 production level per cow. To the individual producer operation, the reduction in income would vary by both herd size and production per cow. The reduction would apply across the board on an equal per pound basis regardless of the efficiency of the operation. Potential action on the part of milk producer organizations may be to increase the Class I price above the current level as a method of offset- ting the decrease in the overall price. For example, an increase in the Class I price of 30 cents in an 80 percent Class I utilization market would result in an increase in the blend price of 24 cents. Thus, if producers were effective in raising the level of Class I prices, such increases would be reflected in higher retail prices for fluid milk products which would have a direct effect on consumers' expenditures. An additional serious issue to Southern milk consumers is that any decrease in production could result in seasonal shortages in milk to meet Class I needs in some already deficit markets. For example, substantial volumes of both raw and packaged fluid milk are imported into Florida and Alabama markets. Any reduced production in those markets could result in an increased importation of milk and possible increased prices for such milk to consumers. Thus, under the assessment program producers would receive less, and yet consumers may be required to pay more. Some Policy Alternatives to the Assessment Plan Several alternatives to the assessment plan have been offered. Almost all of the alternatives take into account the market demand for milk as well as supply side. The following alternatives are considered in this analysis": 44 i. Reduce the support price. 2. Reduce prices for Class II and Class III milk, but retain Class I prices at current levels. 3. A formula plan for changing support prices. 4. A cull cow incentive plan. 5. A production base-excess and assessment plan. The impact of these various alternatives on the Southeast was esti- mated. Since the demand side of the market would be affected by reduced support prices, it was necessary to select demand response variables to apply to price changes. Most studies of demand for fluid milk products indicate that the response to price change is very inelastic. For man- ufactured products, the elasticity is somewhat higher. For this analysis at the farm level, a short run price elasticity of-0.113 was used for fluid milk, and a price elasticity of -0.49 was used for manufactured pro- duct milk (9). The following scenarios were analyzed: Scenario BI - Decrease the support price $1.00 per hundredweight. Scenario B2 - Decrease the support price $1.50 per hundredweight. Scenario C - Decrease the Class II and Class III prices $1.00 per hundredweight but retain Class I prices at the current level. Scenario D - Decrease Class II and Class III prices $1.00 and decrease the Class I price $.50. Scenario E - Decrease Class II and Class III prices $1.50 and decrease the Class I price $.50 45 Scenario F - Assess producers $0.50 per hundredweight and decrease the support price $0.50 per hundredweight. Use the assessment as an incentive to cull cows. Scenario G - Establish production bases and assess producers for excess production; hold support prices at current levels. Compared to the baseline situation data, production would be down an estimated 104 million pounds for the support price reduction of $1.00 (Scenario B1) and 158 million pounds for a $1.50 reduction in support price (Scenario B2). Class I use would increase in the range of 38 to 56 million pounds (Table 19). Milk for Class II and Class III use would decrease a net of 143 to 214 million pounds, or about two to three percent. Total value of milk to producers would range from $75 million to $112 million less or down 8 to 12 percent. The total effect of Scenario C (decrease Class II and Class III pri- ces, but not Class I prices) would be to reduce production about 21 million pounds and income about $14 million for the Southeast (10). Class I use would remain the same since the price would not be affected. Reducing all Class prices, but by different levels, shows somewhat similar results (Scenarios D and E). Production would decrease 66 million pounds (D) to 73 million pounds (E). Class I use would increase 19 million pounds, while Classes II and III would decrease 85 to 92 million pounds. Total value would be reduced from $45 to $51 million compared to the base situation. Decreasing the support price, which would affect prices for all milk, would have the most severe effect on producer income. Some combination of 46 Table 19. Utilization, Production, Value of Production, and Blend Prices for Producer Milk, Various Scenarios Related to Support Price Level, Southeastern States, Projected 1983. Scenario Scenario Scenario Scenario Scenario State/unit B1 B2 C D E Georgia Class I (mil Ib) 1,050 1,054 1,042 1,046 1,046 Classll (mil lb) 107 109 107 107 109 Class III (mil lb) 205 187 231 217 213 Total production 1,362 1,350 1,380 1,370 1,368 (mil Ib) Value (mil dol) 183.20 175.20 195.50 189.30 187.40 Blend (dol/cwt) 13.45 12.98 14.17 13.82 13.70 Florida Class I (mil Ib) 1,896 1,903 1,884 1,890 1,890 Class II (mril lb) 206 183 246 225 224 Total production 2,102 2,086 2,130 2,115 2,114 (mil lb) Value (mil dol) 327.20 315.20 348.80 337.90 336.60 Blend (dol/cwt) 15.57 15.11 16.38 15.98 15.92 Loui si ana-Mi ssi ssippi Class I (mil lb) 1,294 1,298 1,284 1,289 1,289 Class II (mil lb) 187 191 187 187 191 Class III (Mil lb) 252 229 285 268 261 Total production 1,733 1,718 1,756 1,744 1,741 (mil Ib) Value (mil dol) 234.60 224.40 249.90 242.20 239.60 Blend (dol/cwt) 13.54 13.07 14.23 13.89 13.76 South Carolina Class I (mi l 1 b) 501 502 497 499 499 Classes II & III 55 49 67 61 60 (mil Ib) Total production 556 551 564 560 559 (mil lb) Value (mil dol) 81.20 77.90 87.00 84.10 83.70 Blend (dol/cwt) 14.60 14.14 15.43 15.02 14.97 Alabama Class I (mi I lb) 488 490 484 486 486 Classes II & III 51 44 62 56 56 (mil lb) Total production 539 534 546 542 542 (mil lb) Value (mil dol) 72.80 69.60 78.30 75.50 75.20 Blend (dol/cwt) 13.51 13.02 14.34 13.93 13.87 47 decreasing all prices for milk but decreasing prices more for Class II and Class III than for Class I, contains both the features of increasing the sale of milk through commercial channels while reducing production, but results in a more moderate reduction in value of milk to producers. The impact would be more severe in lower utilization markets. These results are based on short run responses to changes in prices. Unless the price decreases are severe enough to cause wholesale herd dis- posal and sale of cows for slaughter, the adjustments to price changes will be slow and deliberate. Longer run results with such price changes will have more effect. Many studies concerning milk supply response in the longer run indicate a much higher elasticity in the range of 0.8 to 1.2. This would mean that changes of $1.00 to $1.50 reduction in producer prices which are in the range of 6 to 10 percent would result in production decreases 6 to 10 per- cent in the longer run, that is in two or three years. Thus, the problem becomes one of the time that may evolve before the desired production adjustments occur. One policy proposal involves the determination of the support price for milk by means of a formula which is based on the parity price and the level of excess supplies in a previous period. The volume of CCC net pur- chases of milk would determine the support price level as a percent of par- ity. Current CCC purchases would direct that the support price be 60 per- cent of parity, which is about $11.79 per cwt. This is about $1.00 under the current support price so the results would be similar to those shown in Scenario 131. However, with a reduction in CCC purchases the support price 48 would increase the following year so that the longer run results may be an increase in production instead of a decrease. Cull Cow Incentive Program. A method that would have an immediate effect on milk production would be for dairy farmers to cull low producing milk cows from the herds. Beef prices in 1981-82 have provided little incentive for dairy farmers to sell cows for slaughter beyond those that have disease, health and breeding problems. Therefore, there are cows in many herds that are producing enough to milk to cover variable costs but pro- bably not all costs. Milk producers will not cull their herds unless there is an economic incentive such as high beef prices, a low milk-feed price ratio, or an incentive payment to cull cows beyond an average or normal rate of culling. Could some kind of incentive be offered through a government program that might bring about culling of dairy cows? How many cows would need to be culled? What would the incentive need to be and the total cost? How would it be operated? In any case such a program would need to be vol- untary, which means one could not expect 100 percent participation. Also, would a limit need to be placed on the number of cows that one farmer could cull? Generally, from the assessment program concepts it could be acceptable for CCC to remove 6 billion pounds of milk for use in various programs. Therefore, using 13.9 billion pounds as the projected CCC removal for 1983 and subtracting 6 billion, then about 7.9 billion pounds reduction would be a goal through reducing cow numbers by culling. Production per cow averaged about 12,175 pounds per cow in 1982. The low end of production 49 per cow may be assumed to be 80 percent of average or about 9,750 pounds per cow. Therefore, to reduce production 7.9 billion pounds it would require the culling of about 810,000 cows or about seven percent of the U.S. herd and about 44,000 cows in the Southeast. One way to view the incentive that might be provided is to consider the cost to CCC of taking such milk off the market. At the support price of $13.10, the 7.9 billion pounds amount to $1 billion. At an incentive rate paid to producers for culling of $400 per cow, the total cost would be $324 million. Thus, the cost-benefit ratio looks reasonable. The 50 cents assessment in the current program could be placed into a fund that could be used to pay the culling incentive. A method could be established that would allow cows to be sold each month relative to the amount of funds available that month. Thus, production would decrease over a period of six months. Scenario F shows the results of a cull cow incen- tive program that includes a 50 cents assessment and a 50 cents decrease in the support price (Table 20). It is assumed seven percent of the cows would be culled in the first six months resulting in a reduction of 428 million pounds of milk production for the year for the six states. Total value of production including the vaue of the incentive would be $68.5 million less than the base estimate. Since production, and therefore surplus would be reduced sustantially, support prices would be expected to increase to $13.10 or higher for 1984. Since the plan could cause a shortage of mi 1k i n Fl onida, Fl onida producers may choose to not parti - ci pate on an equal basis. Table 20. Utilization, Production, Value of Production, and Blend Prices for Producer Milk, Cow Culling Incen Plan, Southeastern States, Projected 1983. Louisiana- South Item/unit Georgia Florida Mississippi Carolina Alabama Tot Class I (mil lb) 1,046 1,189 1,289 500 487 5,21 Class II (mil Ib) 105 116 183 40 Class Ill (mil lb) 144 -- 159 31 a 20 a3 Total production (mil Ib) 1,295 2,005 1,631 531 507 5,96 Value (mil dol) 175.4 315.6 222.8 78.3 69.1 862 Blend (dol/cwt) 13.55 15.74 13.66 14.75 13.62143 Value including Incentive for culling (mil dol) 179.1 320.9 228.4 79.6 70.9 90. Number cows culled (thou) 9.1 13.3 13.9 3.44 44.1 a Class II and Class Ill combined. 0I 51 There would be problems inherent in administering the culling pro- gram. All producers would not participate equally, some producers would replace culled cows with two-year-old replacement heifers and a dairy cow would have to be clearly defined. Spreading the culling over a six-month period would have a less devastating affect on the beef market. The pro- gram would decrease production quickly, it would be producer financed through the assessment and it would cure the ills of the surplus problem without dragging it out for two or three years. There are other administrative problems associated with a cow culling plan. Normal turnover, or culling rate, is relatively high (27 to 30 per- cent) and such an incentive program would have to increase normal culling to have an effect. Advance notification of a plan could ruin its effectiveness, as producers might hold back cull cows in order to collect the incentive payment. Further, a culling plan could have a short-term impact on reducing milk production and would not bring about longer-term supply adjustments. A Modified Base-Excess Plan. There are several versions of base plans that have been offered as a solution to the excess production plan. A somewhat simple one is analyzed in this paper. The premise is that the plan begins from the current situation with the supply-demand balance or base calcu- lated from two previous marketing years and the projected current marketing year. The national base and excess is determined as follows: 52 FY 1980-81 FY 1981-82 FY 1982-83 Average . . . . . . . . . . . b i l l b -. . . . . . ..- Marketings 129.4 132.0 135.3 132.2 Beginning stocks 6.1 5.3 4.5 5.3 Imports 2.3 2.4 2.4 2.4 Total supply 137.8 139.7 142.2 139.9 Commercial use 119.8 120.8 123.3 121.3 Ending stocks 5.3 5.1 5.0 5.1 Government purchase 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Total use 130.1 130.9 133.3 131.4 The producers national base is determined by dividing total use by total supply (131.4/139.9); thus the national producer base would be 96 percent of marketings. Each producer would have a base equal to 96 percent of marketings based on the last marketing year. Depending on the market for each pro- ducer the base would be first used to fill Class I and Class II needs. The difference between a producer base and the sum of Class I and II would receive the Class III price. For any milk marketed over base and not uti- lized as above, the producer would be required to pay an assessment through a reduced blend price. It is assumed under the plan that the support price would remain at the current level of $12.80 (3.5 percent) for the first year and adjusted upward on the basis of 70 percent of parity as soon as the use/supply equal 100. The results of such a plan on the six Southeastern States are shown in Table 21. It is assumed that utilizations would be the same as the base data except for that milk in excess. Class prices are higher, reflecting a support price of $12.80 with prices for manufactured milk (the M-W price) 53 Table 21. Estimated Milk Marketed, Value, and Blend Prices for Producer Milk Under a Base Plan, Southeastern States, Projected 1983. Scenarl o Estimated Estimated Estimated Market marketings price value mil l b do/cwt mi dol Georgia Class I 1,042 15.40 160.5 Class II 103 12.90 13.3 Class III 158 12.80 20.2 Total (base) 1,303 14.89 194.0 Excess 83 12.80 -10.6 Total marketings 1,386 13.23 183.4 Florida Class I 1,884 17.34 326.7 Class II 250 12.90 32.3 Total (base) 2,006 16.82 359.0 Excess 0 0 0 Total marketings 2,134 16.82 359.0 Louisiana Mississippi Class I 1,284 15.57 199.9 Class II 180 12.90 23.2 Class III 194 12.80 24.8 Total (base) 1,658 14.95 247.9 Excess 106 12.80 -13.6 Total marketings 1,764 13.28 234.3 South Carolina Class I 497 15.95 79.3 Classes II & III 34 12.80 4.4 Total (base) 531 15.76 83.7 Excess 34 12.80 -4.4 Total marketings 565 14.04 79.3 Alabama Class I 484 15.04 72.8 Classes II & III 31 12.80 4.0 Total (base) 515 14.91 76.8 Excess 33 12.80 -4.2 Total marketings 548 13.25 72.6 54 to be near the support price since the cost of the excess milk would be paid for by producers by reduced blend prices depending on their base mar- keting balance. If marketings did not change, the overall blend in Georgia, for example, was estimated at $13.23 or $1.66 less to pay for the excess. If producers marketed only their base in Georgia the blend would be an estimated $14.89. The base plan would not penalize Florida producers since their base was less than Class I and II needs. Therefore, high utilization markets would be benefitted. The total value for all milk would be an estimated $928.6 million for the six states if producers followed the expected mar- ketings. However, if all producers marketed only their base, the total value would increase to $961 million. The plan as shown is designed for producers to make a choice. If they produce excess then they will be assessed to pay for the government costs of the excess. Such a plan would require substantial new regulations and would require a good deal of administration especially in the initial phases. Producers would probably reduce production when they realized the dif- ferences in their gross incomes. Production would be frozen to current locations with interregional movements of milk rather restricted. The plan does allow producers as individuals to make a choice, and it does allow for differences among markets that have differing utilization patterns. Tables 22, 23 and 24 summarize and show the expected direction of changes in the various factors affecting the dairy industry as a result of the several alternatives analyzed. All alternatives are expected to result in decreased production, decreased prices and gross income to producers and 55 Summary of Class Utilization of Producer Milk, Ble Total Value, Under Various Scenarios, Southeastern Projected, 1983. nd Price and States, C ass C ass C ass Total Bl en Total State I II III Volume price value ------------------il b---------.- dol/cwt mil dol Georgi a Baseline Scenario Florida Baseline Scenario Lousiana and Mi ssi ssi ppi Baseline Scenario0 Al Bl B2 C D E F G Al Bi B2 C D E F G Al A2 Bi B2 C 9 E F G 1,042 1,042 1,042 1,050 1,054 1,042 1,046 1,046 1,046 1,042 1,884 1,884 1,884 1,896 1,903 1,884 1,890 1,890 1,889 1,884 1,284 1,284 1,284 1,294 1,298 1,284 1,289 1,289 1,289 1,284 103 103 103 107 109 107 107 109 105 103 250 234 119 206 183 246 225 224 116 250 180 180 180 187 191 187 187 191 183 180 241 229 154 205 187 231 217 213 144 158 300 285 190 252 229 285 268 261 159 194 1,386 1,374 1,299 1,362 1,350 1,380 1,370 1,368 1,295 2,134 2,118 2,003 2,102 2,086 2,130 2,115 2,114 2,005 2,134 1,764 1,749 1,654 1,733 1,718 1,756 1,744 1,741 1,631 1,764 14.40 13.91 13.78 13.45 12.98 14.17 13.82 13.70 13.55 13.23 16.48 16.01 15.99 15.57 15.11 16.38 15.98 15.92 15.74 16.82 14.49 14.01 13.87 13.54 13.07 14.23 13.89 13.76 13.66 13.28 199.5 191.1 179.0 183.2 175.2 19 5.5 189.3 187.4 183.4 351.7 339.1 320.3 337.2 315.2 348.8 347.9 336.6 359.0 255.6 245.0 229.4 234.6 224.4 249.9 242.2 239.6 234.3 Table 22. 56 Table 22. cont'd Class Class Class Blend Total State I II III Total price value South Carolina Baseline Scenario Al A2 Bi B2 C D E F G Alabama Basel i ne Scenario a b c 497 497 497 501 502 497 499 499 500 497 484 484 484 488 490 484 486 486 487 484 Al A2 Bi B2 C D E F G 68 C 63 33 55 49 67 61 60 31 34 59 29 51 44 62 56 56 21 31 565 560 530 556 551 564 560 559 531 548 543 513 539 534 546 542 542 507 548 b 15.53 15.07 14.98 14.60 14.14 15.43 15.02 14.97 14.75 14.04 14.45 13.96 13.82 13.51 13.02 14.34 13.93 13.87 13.62 13.25 87.8 84.4 79.4 81.2 77.9 87.0 84.1 83.7 79.3 79.2 75.8 70.9 72.8 69.6 78.3 75.5 75.2 72.6 Includes incentive received for cows sold. Total includes excess iarketi ngs. Class II and Class III combined. Source: Tables 18 and 19. n~ -L Table 23. Summary of Utilization of Producer Milk, Production, Total Value Under Various Scenarios, Southeastern States, Projected, 1983. and Blend Price, Total value Production under various Classes under various scenarios minus Class II & Total Total Blend scenarios minus value of Scenario I III production value price baseline baseline -------- mil lb --------- mil dol dol/cwt mil lb mil dol Baseline 5,191 1,206 6,397 973.8 15.22 0 0 Al 5,191 1,153 6,344 935.4 14.75 -53 -38.4 A2 5,191 808 5,999 879.0 14.65 -398 -94.8 BI1 5,229 1,063 6,292 899.0 14.29 -104 -74.8 B2 5,247 992 6,239 862.3 13.82 -158 -111.5 C 5,191 1,185 6,376 959.5 15.05 -21 -14.3 D 5,210 1,121 6,331 929.0 14.67 -66 -44.8 E 5,210 1,114 6,324 922.5 14.59 -73 -51.3 F 5,211 758 5,969 905.3 14.43 -428 -68.5 G 5,191 1 , 206 a 6,397 928 . 6 b 14.52 0 -45.2 a Includes 256 million pounds excess* b Total value with no excess would equal $961.4 million. Source: Table 22 01 Expected Direction of Changes in Various Factors Affecting Demand and Prices Under Various Policy Alternatives. Milk Production, Fluid Gross Scenarioa Milk milk Prices to Prices to income to Class III production demand producers consumers producers milk Al dec nch dec nch dec dec A2 dec nch dec nch dec dec Bi dec inc dec dec dec dec B2 dec inc dec dec dec dec C dec nch dec dec dec dec D dec inc dec dec dec dec E dec inc dec dec dec dec F dec inc dec dec dec dec G dec nch dec inc dec dec dec = decrease, nch = no change, inc = increase. a Al A2 Bl B2 C D E F G -50 cents assessment. $1.00 assessment with 50 cents refund. Decrease support price $1.00. Decrease support price $1.50. Decrease Class II & III price $1.00, no change in Class I price. Decrease Class II & III price $1.00, decrease Class I price 50 cents. Decrease Class II & III price $1.50, decrease Class I price 50 cents. Assess 50 cents, decrease support price 50 cents, pay to cull cows. Base-excess plan with assessment for producing excess milk. Table 24. 01 59 less Class III or surplus milk. Fluid milk demand is dependent on the direction of support prices changes that would be expected to be reflected in market prices at the retail level. The base plan may increase consumer prices slightly but not enough to result in much change in demand. These changes are all short run; the analysis does not carry over into several marketing years. LITERATURE CITED (1) Federal Register. Proposed Rules Governing Certain Deductions of Milk Marketings of Producers. 7 CFR. Part 1430, 47:243, p. 56500. Dec. 17, 1982. (2) State of South Carolina, et al. vs John R. Block, USDA. Civil Action no. 82-3172-0. Memorandum Opinion and Order. U.S. District Court, South Carolina, Columbia Division. Jan 10, 1983. (3) Costs and Returns of Producing Milk in the United States - 1979, 1980 and Preliminary 1981. Prepared by ERS, USDA for the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, United States Senate 97th Congress. 1982. (4) Milk Production, Disposition, Income 1979-81. SRS. USDA. DA 1-2. 1982. (5) Wilson, Lowell E. et al. The Emerging Structure of the Southern Dairy Industry. Sou. Coop. Series Bull. 224. Ala. Agr. Exp. Sta. 1978. (6) Gauthier, Wayne M., M. Heagler and Ernest A. Keith. Relationships Among the Milk Price Support Program, the Federal Milk Order Program and Structural Changes on Dairy Farms. Manuscript under review for publication. La. Agr. Exp. Sta., Louisiana State University Agricultural Center. 1983. (7) World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates, ERS/FAS. USDA. Dec. 13, 1982. (8) Shaw, Charles N. "Support Program for Milk, 1982-83 Marketing Year" Final Regulatory Impact Analysis. ASCS, USDA. Sept. 1982. (9) Hallberg, M.C. et al. Impact of Alternative Federal Milk Marketing Pricing Policies on the United States Industry. Pennsylvania State Univ. Coll. of Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 818, 1978. (10) Barber, J. Roger. A proposal to Reduce Government Expenditures and U.S. Milk Production. A report of the Commissioner, New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets. Fall 1982. 60 Milk Production by States and Regions, 1978 to 1982 with Comparisons. Increase in milk production from: State and 1982 as percent 1978 to 1979 to 1980 to 1981 to 1978 to region 1978 1979 1980 1981 a 1982 a of U.S. total 1979 1980 1981 1982 1982 ------------- million pounds--------------- percent ---------------- million pounds Northeast Maine 641 641 665 699 737 .5 0 24 34 38 96 New Hampshire 341 341 347 344 366 .3 0 6 -3 22 25 Vermont 2,136 2,179 2,289 2,301 2,323 1.7 43 110 12 22 187 Massachusetts 571 566 570 578 596 .4 -5 4 8 18 25 Rhode Island 55 50 47 46 46 b -5 -3 -1 0 -9 Connecticut 612 606 612 620 641 .5 -6 6 8 21 29 New York 10,408 10,630 10,974 11,093 11,185 8.3 222 344 119 92 777 New Jersey 525 494 494 494 492 .4 -31 0 0 -2 33 Pennsylvania 7,881 8,084 8,496 8,965 9,264 6.9 203 412 469 299 1,383 Delaware 129 127 125 124 131 .1 -2 -2 -1 7 2 Maryland 1, 540 1, 520 1 520 1 556 15891.2 -20 0 36 33 49 Total 24,839 25,238 26,139 26,820 27,370 20.3 399 901 681 550 2,531 Lake States Michigan 4,793 4,830 4,970 5,103 5,267 3.9 37 140 133 164 474 Wisconsin 21,152 21,850 22,380 22,705 22,724 16.8 598 530 325 19 1,472 Minnesota 9089 9 145 9,535 10061 10,339 7.6 56 390 526 278 1,250 Total 35,134 35,825 36,885 37,869 38,330 28.3 691 1,060 984 461 3,196 Corn States Ohio 4,275 4,265 4,310 4,385 4,550 3.4 -10 45 75 165 275 Indiana 2,178 2,175 2,210 2,282 2,334 1.7 -3 35 72 52 156 Illinois 2,403 2,391 2,540 2,604 2,657 2.0 -12 149 64 53 254 Iowa 3,960 3,920 4,108 4,298 4,301 3.2 -40 188 190 3 341 Missouri 2,746 ~J2,714j 2,826 2877 81 2.1 -32 112 51 -6 125 Total 15,562 15,465 15,994 16,446 16,713 12.4 -97 529 452 267 1,151 Appendix Table 1. Appendix Table, 1 (cont'd) Increase in milk production from: State and 1982 as percent 1978 to 1979 to 1980 to 1981 to 1978 to region 1978 1979 1980 1981 a 1982 a of U.S total 1979 1980 1981 1982 1982 --------- million pounds------------- percent ----------------- million pounds Northern Plains North Dakota 903 874 939 963 973 .7 -29 65 24 10 70 South Dakota 1,600 1,549 1,669 1,757 1,760 1.3 -51 120 88 3 161 Nebraska 1,269 1,260 1,315 1,400 1,360 1.0 -9 55 85 -40 91 Kansas 1 375 1,330 1 30 1 397 1.0 -45 0 67 -32 -10 Total 5,147 5,013 5,253 5,517 5,458 4.0 -134 240 264 59 311 Appalachian Virginia 1,902 1,937 1,974 2,009 2,034 1.5 35 37 35 25 132 West Virginia 342 350 350 350 352 .3 8 0 0 2 10 North Carolina 1,557 1,565 1,631 1,654 1,676 1.2 8 66 23 22 119 Kentucky 2,274 2,220 2,219 2,281 2,344 1.7 -54 -1 62 63 70 Tennessee 2,124 2 091 2, 241 2 2326 1.7 -33 150 55 30 202 Total 8,199 8,163 8,415 8,590 8,732 6.4 -36 252 175 142 533 Southeastc South Carolina 516 542 541 552 575 .4 26 -1 11 23 59 Georgia 1,305 1,338 1,367 1,396 1,410 1.0 33 29 29 14 105 Florida 1,948 1,996 2,028 2,082 2,109 1.6 48 32 54 27 161 Alabama 631 606 610 582 563 .4 -25 4 -28 -19 68 Mississippi 836 814 817 845 873 .6 -22 3 28 28 37 Louisiana 1,j6 1 2 1,012 993 957 .7 -41 -10 -19 -36 -106 Total 6,299 6,318 6,375 6,450 6,487 4.7 19 57 75 37 188 Southern Plains and Arkansas Oklahoma 1,090 1,070 1,110 1,150 1,159 .9 -20 40 40 9 69 Texas 3,433 3,377 3,625 3,665 3,770 2.8 -56 248 40 105 337 Arkansas 729 725 745 793 821 .6 -4 20 48 28 92 Total 5,252 5,172 5,480 5,608 5,750 4.3 -80 308 128 142 498 Appendix Table, 1 (cont'd) Increase In milk productio frm State and 1982 as percent 1978 to 1979 to 1980 to191t 178o reln1978 1979 1980 1981 a 1982 a of U.S total 1979 1980 1981 19298 -- Illion pounds-- ------ cnt-----------pcet------million pounds---- - Mountain Montana Idaho Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Arizona Utah Nevada TotalI Pacific Washington Oregon California Total Alaska' Hawaii United States 306 1, 633 117 872 458 906 940 187 5,419 2,669 1,065 15, 593 14.8 150 297 1, 721 119 857 507 941 948 199 5, 589 2,817 1, 103- 12,-563. 16,483 13 150 314 1, 947 132 858 602 1,9031 1, 028 219 6, 131 2,942 1, 169 13,577 17,688 13 152 331 2, 160 136 928 670 1, 133 1,110 222 6,690 3,017 1,220 18,481 13 150 341 2, 256 138 972 811 1,214 1,161 227 7, 120 3, 196 1,279 14, 576 19, 051 14 144 121,609 123,411 128,525 132,634 135,169 .3 1.7 .1 .7 .6 .9 .9 .2 5.4 2.4 .9 10.8 14.1 b .1 100.0 -9 88 2 -15 49 35 8 12 170 148 38 704 890 -1.8 0 1,802 17 226 13 95 90 80 20 542 125 66 1,014 1,205 0 2 5,114 17 213 4 70 68 102 82 3 559 75 51 667 793 0 -2 10 96 2 44 141 81 51 5 430 179 59 332 570 -6 35 62 3 21 100 353 308 221 40 1,701 527 214 3,9458 -98 -6 4,109 2,535 13,560 a Preliminary. Source: Dairy Outlook and Situation. ERS. USDA; Milk Production. SRS. USDA. W~ b Less than 0.05 percent. c Includes Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi and South Carolina.