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The report was prepared at the specific request of the State Planning and Industrial Development Board and local leaders in the study area. It was made possible by the existence of a current research project in the area of economic development of food processing in Alabama. The report examines the feasibility of establish- ing a vegetable freezing industry in extreme southwest Alabama. With minor adjustments, however, it is believed that the results of this study would be equally applicable anywhere in the State of Alabama. The authors express particular appreciation to M. R. sscock, Specialist in Fruits and Vegetable Marketing, Alabama Cooperative Exten- tion Service, for data relative to vegetable production patterns and producer attitudes in the area as well as other assistance throughout the course of the study. Appreciation is also expressed to members of the Southern Regional Marketing Committee, SM-30, for making available some of the research results reported in this study. The assistance of other Auburn University and U.S. Department of Agriculture personnel, representatives of the food processing industry, and L. B. Dixon of the State Planning and Industrial Development Board is likewise appreciated. TABLE O F CONTENTS General Trends in Resource Use.. ... General Trends in Consumption... General' Trends'in Food Marketing ....... Competition in Producing Frozen Vegetables.... Competitive Position of Plants in the South Raw Material Supply. . . . Cost of Production for Producing Vegetables for Processing Costs and Returns...... .... Variability in Planning Costs .. ....... . Advantages and Disadvantages Relative to Labor and Transportation Costs.. .......... .. . Summary.. .. ................. .. .. App1end ix Tab le ...... ................... List of References 0 ......... 0...... Processing. e e " e " o " 6 9 11 17 18 30 37 63 64 66 72 73 e s " " " " o PLANNING DEVELOPMENT OF VEGETABLE FREEZING IN SOUTHWEST ALABAMA- B. R. Miller and W. F. Woods**% Planning for market development is by definition a study of possible change in the flow of resources to meet new or existing consumer demands through an economically efficient marketing channel. Completely new investment is representative of a change in the flow of resources and it is thought that the pay-off to induce new investment must in general be higher than average business returns because of additional risks in an unproven venture. A principal objective of this study was to show how the annual rate of return on rislk capital is related to the several variables that affect feasibility of freezing southern peas, greens, speckled butterbeans, and snap beans in the Baldwin County area. General trends in resource use, marketing, and consumer demand now indicate a demand for this and other feasibility studies. *This study was based on research work carried out under Hatch Re- search Project Ala-600. It was supported by Hatch and State research funds. *'*%Respectively Assistant Professor in the Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology Department, Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, and Specialist in Public Affairs, Cooperative Extension Service, Auburn Univer- sity. General Trends In Resource Use Development of resources in rural areas of Alabama is characterized in the sixties, as in the previous decade, by a decline in number of farms and an increase in size of farms. There were twenty per cent fewer farms in the Southeast in 1964 than in 1959, but commercial farms with more than 5,000 dollars gross sales increased in number. Farms in the Southeast with more than 20,000 dollars gross sales almost doubled in number. In Baldwin County, farms with more than 20,000 dollars gross sales increased from 159 to 258 or about 61 per cent. Twenty thousand dollars in sales seemed to be a significant volume as farms with less than this amount of sales decreased in number. Number of acres and dollars of sales are not perfectly correlated, but total farms in Baldwin County with less than 260 acres have also decreased in number while the number of farms with larger acreages has grown. Thus, farmers in Baldwin County with at least 20,000 dollars of gross sales and over 260 acres of land appear to have more possibilities of surviving under present conditions. There were 299 farms in Baldwin county with more than 260 acres at the time of the last census. There were 1,000 commercial farms of all sizes in the county in 1964 and about 1,000 part-time and part-retirement farms which were non- commercial. Total cropland harvested on all farms was 135,015 acres. Cropland harvested in the county increased by 14,000 acres above the 1959 total and this contributed in part to an almost doubling in value of crops sold in 19614 as compared to 1959. Value increased from 6,991,000 dollars to 12,730,000. Value of vegetables sold increased in about the same proportion from 357,000 dolltars to 705,000 dolltars. All segments of the livestock industry of the I county were down slightly with the exception of dairy products. General changes in Baldwin county were not dissimilar to general changes occurring in the rest of the state, but were greater in magnitude (13). Increased acreages of potatoes, soybeans, and wheat contributed most to increased field crops sales in the county. Acreage of potatoes increased from 9,000 to 11,286 acres and production increased from 1,049,000 to 1,541,000 hundredweight. Soybean acreage was increased from 73,954 acres to 89,839 acres and wheat acreage was up from 7,381 acres to 22,928. Rates of adjustment in cropland use are, perhaps, significant for planning vege- table production in the county as a shift in land use of less than the shift of 14,000 acres that has occurred would provide more than an adequate base for a food processing plant as this base was developed in a latter part of the report. Growers in Baldwin County have shown an ability to shift land into vegetable production. Green beans acreage has increased from 22 acres in 1959, to 825 acres in 1964, and to 4,500 acres in 1967. Southern peas have also been planted in larger acreages. Production of southern peas was 2,000 acres in 1967 compared to only 83 acres in 1964. Acreage planted per grower has also been significant as both southern pea acreage and green bean acreages have averaged over 60 acres per grower, Appendix Table Gross returns to 70 growers of green beans were approximately 360,000 dollars in 1967 and gross returns to 30 growers of southern peas were ap- proximately 216,000 dollars. Ability of these and other growers of the area to produce profitably for processing will be a key factor in the de- cision to build a processing plant in the area. Budget material is, there- fore, developed later in the report that analyzes the profitability of selected vegetables. General Trends in Consumption Consumption of frozen vegetables has been increasing steadily. Es- timated per capita consumption of all frozen vegetables, excluding pota- toes, was 29 per cent greater in 1966 than the 1957-59 average. The actual increase was from 6.6 pounds to 8.5 pounds per person. Increased consump- tion of frozen potatoes has been even more rapid. One and six-tenths pounds per person were consumed in 1957-59 and 6.6 pounds in 1966 repre- senting an increase of 312 per cent over the 1957-59 average (8). Frozen french fries have been the major item in this expansion, and as suchhave been of little benefit to the South where all of the potato pack has been in small whole potatoes or in mixed vegetables. Estimated pack of small whole potatoes in a recent year was estimated at 3.5 million pounds in three southern plants (17). Increased demand for frozen food can perhaps be understood better in relation to changes that are tal ing place for other foods. Several com- parisons are given in Table 1 where substantial increases are noted for frozen vegetables, beef, chicken, turkey, cheese, and edible fats. By contrast, fresh and canned vegetable consumption have been rather stable, although significant in amount, about 94 per cent of the vegetable market in 1966. Part of the change in consumption of processed and fresh vegetables is partly a result of a change in relative prices. The retail food price index indicates that since 1956 the index of fresh fruit and vegetable prices has tended to rise faster than the price index for processed fruit and vegetables. Although there are seasonal highs and lows, processed Table 1. Comparative Increases in Civilian Per Capita Consumption of Selected Foods, U.S. Average 1966 as per Item 1957-1959 1966 cent of 57-59 Pounds Pounds Per cent 1957-59=100 Meats Beef 82.1 100.3 122 Pork 63.0 57.6 91 Chicken 27.5 35.6 129 Dairy Products Cheese 7.9 9.6 122 Fluid milk and cream 335 300 90 Fats and oils Butter 8.2 5.9 72 Margarine 8.9 10.6 119 Other edible fats & oils 10.8 14.1 131 Vegetables Fresh 104.3 100.6 96 Canned.a/ 43.0 44.3 103 Frozena/ 6.6 8.5 129 Frozen potatoes 1.6 6.6 412 Sweet potatoes (fresh equiv.) 8.3 7.3 88 a/Excludes potatoes and sweet potatoes. Source: National Food Situation, ERS, USDA, August, 1966. items are on the average about ten per cent higher in price now than in 1957-59. Fresh items by contrast have been as much as 41 per cent higher in price than in 1957-59. In 1965, the average increase in the fresh index was 2.1 per cent for the year. As prices in fresh markets continue to climb relative to processed market prices, consumption of pro- cessed vegetables can be expected to gain a larger share of the market (8). Increased income of consumers also favors consumption of frozen items in relation to fresh. Families in the income class 10,000 - 14,999 dollars buy three times as much frozen vegetables as families having incomes under 3,000 dollars. The same high income families have been shown to buy only one and a-half times as much fresh vegetables. For certain items the in- come effect is even more striking. A recent household food survey has shown that consumption of frozen green beans, an item discussed later in this report, was 10 times greater in families having over 10,000 dollars income when compared to families having less than 3,000 dollars (3). The potential impact that increased incomes could have on frozen food consump- tion can be seen by the fact that the 1960 population census showed 308,871 families in Alabama with incomes less than 3,000 dollars and only 481,839 families with incomes greater than this amount (15). Similar situations exist in other southern states. An important fact for the South is that incomes are growing at a faster rate, about 3.6 per cent per year in Alabama, than in the nation as a whole, about 1.7 per cent (6). Increased population is another im- portant factor affecting increased demand for food as consumption of many food items tends to increase by at least the same rate as population growth. The present growth rat. in Alabama is about .75 per cent per year which is slightly less than the national rate of about 1.8 per cent (6). Growth in amount of frozen food demanded is expected to be signifi- cant. If present trends in income and population continue, aggregate con- sumption of frozen vegetables in the South alone should increase at least 20 per cent within the next 10 years(il). In terms of southern production in 1965 this would represent an increase of at least 40 million pounds. This new demand alone can be shown to support the output of plant sizes considered feasible in this study. General Trends in Food Marketing General trends in food marketing over the past decade reflect favora- bly upon opportunities for development of a food processing industry in vegetable producing areas. A development in food marketing that is of particular significance to Alabama is revealed in the latest census infor- mation that shows an important change in the location of the food proces- sing industry. The relative change in location shows the industry shift- ing away from the North Central and Northeastern States. Value of the shift measured by gain in value added by manufacturers in developing areas of the country has been estimated to be 500 million dollars by Hammond (5). Fruit and vegetables processing is only a small part of all food proces- sing but the determinants of location are probably similar throughout the industry. Those regions with conditions favorable to fruit and vegetable production and processing, specifically the South and the West, have in- creased industrial development in food processing. Basic determinants of food industry location are availability of uni- form, high quality raw materials, processing costs, transportation costs and market proximity. Costs of transporting raw materials along with their 10 perishable nature strongly favor location of vegetable processing plants near vegetable producing centers. However, in net import areas, which is the position of Alabama and the South in vegetable processing, both general and very specific local conditions must be favorable before investment in an import industry is made. The economics of location indicate that basic competitive conditions have, in the past, been more favorable in other parts of the country. Development of an import industry, such as food processing, will have important consequences for the continued development of an area as it is not only a new market for farmers, but it is a new market for all farm sup- pliers and a new market for the suppliers of the farm supply industry, etc. The resulting new wages, rents, interests and profit from all industries of the area are new demands for all other goods of the area including food processing. This circular flow of wealth if estimated to result in more than one dollar of spending added to the area economy as a result of a new dollar of sales. On the basis of an input-output study by Heady and Carter that has been adapted to Alabama conditions it has been estimated that $1.65 in value of goods and services is generated for every new dol- lar of vegetable processing sales (7). New freezing plants have been economically feasible in recent years. The Bureau of Census reported 405 U.S. plants engaged primarily in the freezing of fruits, vegetables, and fruit juices in 1963 compared with 302 in 1958, an increase of 34 per cent in plant numbers (2). Seventy- eight per cent of the freezing plants surveyed in a 1965 U.S. Department of Agriculture study experienced an increased output over this period 1954- 1964. Nearly all plants experiencing a decrease were small while all large 11 plants reported increases, Table 2. The 1965 survey also indicated a pat- tern of freezing plant size variation among regions. The Southeast and Pacific regions had predominantly large plants; the Northeast, small plants; and the Midwest, medium-size plants. Freezing plants are also increasing the number of products they pro- cess. The above survey indicated that 45 per cent of freezing plants operating continuously since 1946 or established after that date had ex- panded product lines while only 18 per cent reported a reduction. Three- fourths of the plants in the Northeast packed three or less products and two-thirds of the firms in the rest of the country packed four or more products. A special study of 23 established fruit and vegetable freezing plants was made by the National Commission on Food Marketing in 1965 for the pur pose of measuring costs and profits in this industry. Average returns to stockholders' equity and on total assets employed for 1963 and 1964 are shown in Table 3. Despite the relatively sound position of the average firm on the ba- sis of returns to stockholder equity, the amount of standard deviation in- dicated that some firms experienced losses in both years. Returns to total assets employed in freezing operations were considerably below those to stoclholders' equity. Competition in Producinq Frozen Vegetables Per capita consumption of individual vegetables is not generally available for estimation of consumer demand. Data on amounts of individual vegetables processed do exist, however, and amount demanded by consumers is known indirectly since inventories are not appreciably different from 12 Table 2. Changes in Volume of Products Processed During Period 1954-64, by Size of Plant, 55 Freezing Plants, 1964 Direction Small a/ Medium b/ Large c/ Total of change Number Per- Number Per- Number Per- Number Per- in output of cent of cent of cent of cent plants plants plants plants Volume up 10 53 16 89 17- 94 43 78 Volume down 8 42 2 11 --------- 10 18 Volume same 1 5 ------------------------ 1 2 Not ascertained ------------------------ 1 6 1 2 Total 19 100 18 100 18 100 55 100 a/Plants with annual output of less than 8,500,000 pounds. 6/Plants with annual output of 8,500,000 to 25,000,000 pounds. c/Plants with annual output of more than 25,000,000 pounds. Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, ERS freezer survey, 1965. Table 3. .Measure of Returns for Firms Specializing in the Production of Frozen Fruits and Vegetables, 1963 and 1964 Fruit and vegetable Return (after taxes) freezing firms 1963 1964 Per cent Per cent To stockholders' equity: Weighted average 6.6 11.1 Simple average 5.5 10.7 Standard deviation 8.3 11.5 On total assets employed: Weighted average 3.2 4.9 Simple average 3.2 4.6 Standard deviation 2.7 2.5 Source: National Commission on Food Marketing study, 1965. 13 year to year. The relative demand for frozen items is given in Table 4. Processing production is concentrated to some extent by commodity. Production in the South, i.e., Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Loui- siana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia, has been estimated to be at least 220 million pounds in a recent unpublished survey (16)..I/ Thus, 543 million pounds of the 763 million pounds of vegetables cited for the South and East in Table 4, would have been pro- duced in the East. Furthermore, of the total 543 million pounds produced in the East, 358 million pounds are potato products produced exclusively in the East. When potato products are excluded, East with about 188 million pounds, South with 220 million pounds and midwest with about 219 million pounds would have had similar shares of the remaining frozen vege- table market. Output of freezing plants in the South was estimated by Williams to have been 100 million pounds in 1959, slightly less than half of the 1965 estimate (1). The outstanding sectional leader in 1965 was the West with 1,176 million pounds, excluding potato products, or about five times the output of each of the other regions. Frozen vegetables produced in the West, however, are not in direct competition with produc- tion in the South except in the case of green beans, butterbeans, and spinach. Processors in the South were estimated to have packed not more than 30 million pounds of green beans or about one third as much as in the West. Practically all specd led butterbeans were processed in the South. The West in 1965 produced twice as much butterbeans products as the South. 1/ More recent pac- statistics are available, but 1965 data were used to allow comparison with a survey taken in the South in 1965. 14 Table 4. The 1965 Pack of Frozen Vegetables Excluding Principal Southern Vegetables a/ East and Vegetable South Midwest West Total (Pounds, 000 omitted) Asparagus 8,881 (b) 21,985 30,866 Beans, lima, baby 25,626 4,072 51,098 81,425 Beans, lima, Fordhook: 9,175 (b) 54,927 64,102 Broccoli 12,943 (c) 109,368 122,310 Brussels sprouts 4,954 .... 32,385 37,339 Carrots 16,341 (b) 93,198 109,538 Cauliflower 3,875 (b) 42,336 46,211 Corn, cut 27,212 58,404 136,569 222,185 Corn-on-cob 6,701 7,655 25,981 40,337 Kale ..... .... .... 4,337 Mixed vegetables 17,780 11,745 27,561 57,086 Onions 6,082 (b) 9,712 15,794 Okra 30,365 .... .... 30,365 Peas 51,886 42,794 348,608 443,289 Peas and carrots 6,224 (b) 15,442 21,666 Potato products 357,709 (b) 860,820 1,218,529 Pumpkin and squash 6,800 2,052 8,538 17,390 Rhubarb 1,882 (b) 3,919 5,801 Spinach 37,819 (b) 84,445 122,264 Squash, summer 10,987 .... (b) 10,987 Succotash 2,294 1,636 2,742 6,672 Miscellaneous vegetables 8,584 4,979 11,924 25,488 Totald/ 762,744 218,896 2,036,891 3,018,530 a/ East and South: Ala., Ark., Conn., Del., Fla., Ga., Ky., La., Me., Md., Mass., Miss., Mo., N.C., N.J., N.Y., Okla., Pa., Tenn., Texas, and Va. Midwest: Ill1., Ind., Mich., Minn., Neb., N.D., Ohio, Wis. West: Calif., Col., Idaho, Mont., Ore., Utah, Wash., Wyoming. b/ Included in East and South. c/ Included in West. d/ Not necessarily column totals as most southern vegetables were omitted, see Table 5, but estimated production within area. Source: Frozen Food Pack Statistics, 1965 National Association of Frozen Food Packers, Washington, D.C., April, 1966. 15 Less than five million pounds of spinach were packed in the South, mostly in Florida and Texas. The principal frozen products of the South, southern peas, all southern greens, and oIkra, were not processed or grown in compe- tition with other areas. In addition to products listed above, processors in the South also freeze small amounts of broccoli, cauliflower, green peas, green peppers, squash, and strawberries. Trends in output of selected southern vegetables are shown in Table 5. Only corn, carrots, and potatoes in the national market have shown a near doubling in production since 1959 that has been shown for turnip greens and southern peas. Demand for southern peas was such in 1967 that one important Southern processor had sold his total retail pack before December, 1967. Growth rates on all other frozen products in the U.S. have been more similar to that shown for green beans (4). The market at this time would, therefore, indicate that a new plant in the South should consider packing those products for which the region appears to have an advantage. These would be southern peas, southern greens (turnip greens, collard, mustard and kale), okra, green beans, speckled butterbeans, and sweetpotatoes. Furthermore, demand for these products, with the exception of sweet potatoes has been increasing. Con- sumption of sweetpotatoes frozen are about the same now as five years ago and for this reason were excluded from the processing cost section that follows. The development of new products from sweetpotatoes, especially at Auburn University, indicates that further study is needed? A frozen puree has been developed at Auburn that is superior in quality to sweet- potato products now on the market. Okra was also excluded from further analysis though output in the 16 Table 5. Trends in Processing Output of Selected Southern Vegetables~a/ Turn i p Year greens Collards Mustard (Pounds, 000 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 2,738 4,571 5,386 5,272 7,497 9,495 10,345 10, 871 11,041 13,730 1 7, 150 15,840 18,743 14,232 20,575 20,971 20,442 10,840 7, 589 8,848 9,002 12,301 12,277 5,406 6,742 6,113 8,287 7,860 8,428 Southern peas omitted) 1,280 2,725 4,156 6,431 5,697 10,227 6,737 11,624 13,011 14, 821 16,9678 18,683 18,9380 15,639 23,452 26,037 29,780 Butter- Green beans beans 5,593 8, 061 4,45 3 5,367 6,9404 6,863 75,814 86,859 96,335 90, 929 90,970 1 08, 614 112,476 136,357 a/Estimated total: processing in the South except for green beans, U.S. b/Data not compiled before this date. Source: Frozen Food Pack Statistics, 1966, National Association of Frozen Food Packers, Washington, D.C., April, 1967. 17 South has increased by 50 per cent in the last five years. Mechanized harvest has not been developed for okra and this was judged to be a pri- mary disadvantage. Many southern processors, however, feel that it is necessary to process okra in order to offer the trade a complete mix of southern vegetables. A following section on processing costs attempts to outline only the feasibility of products that will be of major importance in the success of a competitive plant. Potatoes, unfortunately for Baldwin County, will also be a minor item for freezing until it is demonstrated that a product developed from southern potatoes will be competitive on the farm and in retail stores, Competitive Position of Plants in the South A new plant located in the South in 1965 and processing southern vegetables would have competed with 20 other freezing establishments in the South, two of which produced less than a million pounds of frozen vegeta- bles in conjunction with a canning operation, The remaining 18 plants processed only frozen items and ranged in size from one to more than 35 million pounds of southern vegetables per year in 1965. Freezing of vegetables in the South was concentrated in Tennessee. Texas ranked second. Ranked third were Georgia, Arkansas, Florida, and Louisiana where annual output was about equal to Tennessee. Production in these four states and in Virginia was similar with Georgia being the most important of the five. There was no freezing in Alabama, Mississippi, South Carolina, and North Carolina. Further more, according to a survey by Pearson there has been excess freezing processing capacity in the freezing industry that would be more than equivalent to the capacity of a new plant of the type proposed in the remainder of this report (10). 18 Excess capacity is evidence of economic inefficiency, but also, in the face of rising demand, excess capacity is one indication of scarce supplies. The recent rapid increase in production of green beans, sou- thern peas and greens in Baldwin County is, perhaps, an indication of a search for supply areas. Historically, 82 per cent of all southern peas going into freezing have been grown within 100 miles of the plant as have 90 per cent of greens, 100 per cent of speckled butterbeans and 83 per cent of okra. Plant managers have in the past tended to buy green beans and potatoes from more distant areas. Sixty-one per cent of potatoes and 40 per cent of green beans have been purchased at distances greater than sixty miles. Baldwin County is more than 100 miles from plants now offer- ing contracts to Baldwin County farmers indicating that buyers are now willing to travel greater than average distances for their supplies (1). Expanding demand and the fact that freezing plants have tended to be supply oriented, in the above sense, are primary factors that favorably contribute to economic feasibility of a plant in Baldwin County. Consideration of transportation costs and available raw material supply may mean that it is efficient to build at a favorable production site even though there is excess capacity in existing plants. Furthermore, if the plant can be shown to return profits that make it economically competitive within the county and the South Alabama area this return will be most important in the decision to build a plant. Raw Material Supply Results of a 1963 survey by the Alabama Cooperative Extension Service gives some indication of farmers' willingness to supply vegetables for pro- cessing. According to survey results compiled for this report an estimated 19 144 of 364 vegetable producers in the Baldwin, Mobile and Escambia Counties reported interest in growing 11,027 acres of vegetables for processing, Table 6. This table also gives acreage preferences according to crops and shows that green beans and turnip greens were preferred. Southern peas and butterbeans were least preferred; and, at the time of the survey, these were difficult crops for mechanical harvesting. Advances in har- vesting peas and beans within the last year, 1967, has reportedly increased interest of farmers. A comparison of grower preference for crops proposed in the proces- sing plant is given in Table 7. Grower interest in green bean and leafy greens acreage was far greater than presently proposed processing needs.]/ Interest in butterbeans was almost as great as requirements, but interest in southern peas measured by acres was only 17 per cent of needs. Total acreage according to interest was, however, less than 200 acres short of the total plant requirements of 6,406 acres, Table 7. The relationship between expressed interest in production and future response has been studied at length in a recent study by Brown (9). Re- sponses were obtained from 48 farmers concerning a hypothetical opportunity to grow vegetables for processing. Responses were taken at two different times under different conditions by a survey method very similar to the Extension Service survey. Sixty-five per cent of the farmers surveyed by Brown indicated a willingness to grow an average of 47 acres each in the first interview. The second response was taken six months later. At this 1/ Processing requirements for acreage are developed in the following section on Processing Costs. 20 Table 6. Growers Interest Vegetables for Processing in Specific Crops and Acreage for Producing in Baldwin, Mobile and Escambia Countiesa/ Crops Baldwin Mobile Escambia Total Growers Acres Growers Acres Growers Acres Growers Acres (No.) (No.) (No.) (No.) (No.) (No.) (No.) (No.) Snap beans 60 2,544 22 154 18 98 100 2,796 Collards 32 680 8 40 0 0 40 720 Turnip greens 25 1,315 12 252 0 0 37 1,567 Southern peas 16 250 28 330 4 24 48 604 Other greens 4 120 2 8 0 0 6 128 Butterbeans 7 75 22 246 12 96 41 417 Irish potatoes 20 1,195 2 100 2 40 24 1,335 Other Vegeta- NA NA NA NA bles Total 8,721 1,890 416 11,027 a/Estimated total number of growers expressing an interest was 144. Column totals for the counties sum to more than 144 because growers ex- pressed an interest in more than one crop. Table 7. Crops and Acreage for Producing Vegetables for Processing in Baldwin, Mobile and Escambia Counties According to Interest and Processing Plant Needs Baldwin Mobile Escambia Area Initial Initial Initial Initial Vegetables Interest Interest Interest Interest Need a/ (A.) (A.) (A.) (A.) Snap beans 2,544 154 98 2,796 1,606 Leafy greens 2,105 300 0 2,415 650 Butterbeans 75 246 96 417 614 Field peas 250 330 24 604 3,536 Totals 6,232 6,406 a/See section on processing costs. 21 interview farmers were provided information on expected yields, methods of harvesting and the like, before they were asked if they would grow a spe- cific vegetable crop. Only 31 per cent of the farmers expressed a willing- ness to grow vegetables at that time, and they were willing to grow only 32 acres each. When farmers in the second measurement were provided addi- tional analysis of how vegetables would fit into a management plan for their farm, acreage plans were decreased to about 20 acres per farm. A similar decrease of interest in the Baldwin County area would, thus, clearly indicate that an additional supply area would be needed to serve the plant. Forty per cent of the growers in the survey counties of Baldwin, Mobile, and Escambia indicated an original interest somewhat less than Brown's observation of 65 per cent. Average number of acres planned, how- ever, was very similar. Baldwin area growers initially planned 43 acres per grower compared to 47 acres per grower in Brown's sample. A correspond- ing decline in interest with additional information such as that furnished by Brown would mean that the Baldwin area would fall short of required acreage. Other areas would normally be expected to supply the plant and an analysis of growers by county begins with Baldwin county in Table 8. Number of growers by county is shown in Tables 8-9 that also classi- fies growers according to interest and attitude. Attitude was a subjective measurement made by the interviewer as an attempt to further refine mea- surement of interest. In general the interviewer thought that the respon- dents did give serious consideration to questions that were asked as 75 to 90 per cent of the respondents were graded excellent on attitude. Ta- bles 8-9 indicate that Baldwin County was by far the most important in terms of numbers and also shows that farmers having gross sales over 5,000 22 Table 8. Growers Interest and Attitudes in Baldwin County for Vegetables for Processing Attitudes No information Excel lent Good Fair Poor Totals INTEREST IN PRODUCING Large growersa/ Small Yes No Yes (No.) (No.) (No.) 0 0 0 42 30 30 6 18 0 6 8 0 0 0 0 54 56 30 growersb/ No (No.) 0 80 5 5 0 90 a/A large grower was one with gross sales greater than $5,000 per year. b/A small grower was one with gross sales less than $5,000 per year. Table 9. Growers Interest and Attitudes in Mobile and Escambia Counties for Producing Vegetables for Processing INTEREST IN PRODUCING Attitudes Mobile Escambia Yes No Yes No (No.) (No.) (No.) (No.) No information 0 0 0 0 Excellent 40 26 14 18 Good 0 6 4 2 Fair 0 0 2 4 Totals 40 32 20 24 Producing . .. 23 dollars were more interested in producing for processing than those with smaller sales. Farmers in Mobile County were not tabulated by size of sales. Farmers in Escambia County classified large were similar in size and gave responses similar to those in Baldwin. An additional supply area in Alabama for the processing plant is the Wiregrass area where interest in processing was found in Houston, Geneva, Henry, Coffee, and Dale Counties. There, an estimated 646 of 801 vegeta- ble growers or about 80 per cent expressed an interest in growing an es- timated 15,975 acres of vegetables for processing, Table 10. Thus, in- terest was significantly greater in the Wiregrass area among growers al- though initial planned acreage was significantly less, about 20 acres per farm which was about half that initially planned in the Baldwin area. Total southern pea requirements for the plant could easily be met in the Wiregrass area alone according to initial interest. About half of those interested expressed a preference for peas, Table 10, and the amount of acreage planned in the area was more than one and a half times as much as planned processing requirements. Leafy green and butterbean require- ments of the plan could also be met in the Wiregrass. Interest in green beans, however, was very slight, only about one-third of the required acreage was planned by farmers. Thus, the Baldwin County and Wiregrass areas were very compatible in the two major crops proposed for the plan with green beans preferred in Baldwin County and southern peas preferred in Houston County. Attitudes did not score as good in the Wiregrass area as in Baldwin, Mobile and Escambia. Excel lent and good attitudes ranged as low as 43 per cent of those surveyed but at as high as 85 per cent among those expressing Table 10. Growers Interest in Specific Crops and Acreage for Producing Vegetables for Processing in Geneva, Houston, Henry, Coffee, and Dale Counties a/ Crops Geneva Houston Henry Coffee Dale Totals Grs. Acres Grs. Acres Grs. Acres Grs. Acres Grs. Acres Grs. Acres No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Green beans Collards Turnip greens Southern peas Other greens Butterbeans Other vegetables Totals 7 91 6 25 192 NA 46 1,302 75 135 2,312 3,870 72 2 8 324 14 134 308 NA 378 20 186 3,476 350 882 2,844 8,136 2 1 8 3 16 NA 12 10 70 3 133 29 195 372 5 60 35 140 NA 200 810 390 1,470 2,940 10 154 6 17 NA 65 438 657 91 14 493 20 203 673 NA 406 20 389 5,875 425 1,501 * 7,259 15,975 a/ An estimated 646 farmers are interested in processing; column totals do not add to 646 because farmers were interested in more than one crop. 25 interest in processing, Tables 11-13. Attitudes were best in Houston County where 38 per cent of the total interested growers in the Wiregrass were located. Previous research has indicated that there are discrepancies between interest and action. Initial reactions as given in Tables 6 and 10 may be regarded as, perhaps, the most optimistic estimates of supply response. A conservative estimate was tabulated by choosing only those farmers less than 45 years of age, whose attitude rated good or excellent, and who had indicated an interest in growing vegetables. The results are given in Table 14 which shows that only 38 per cent, 47 of 124, of those interested in Baldwin, Escambia and Mobile Counties met these select qualifications. Assuming, however, that farmers in the select group in the Baldwin area had plans at least as optimistic as the area average, the Baldwin area would still be able to supply more than planned processing needs for leafy greens and two-thirds of the requirement for green beans, Table 15. Butter- beans and southern peas would be in short supply, Table 15. Similar restrictive assumptions were made about the Wiregrass area and here only 24 per cent of those interested met the select qualifications, Table 16. This most select segment of Wiregrass growers could, however, supply half of the plan requirements for southern peas and two-thirds of the requirement for butterbeans, Table 17. The Wiregrass and Baldwin areas under these select qualifications would be just over a thousand acres short of total plant requirements, Table 18. A still more conservative estimate would be the application of pre- vious research results indicating that the select qualifications group 26 Table 11. Growers Interest and Attitudes in Geneva County for Producing Vegetables for Processing Attitudes No information Excellent Good Fair Poor Not interested Totals INTEREST IN PRODUCING Large growers Small growers Yes No Yes No (No. ) (No.) (No.) (No.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 5 8 0 60 5 0 2 15 5 0 0 20 0 145 35 8 2 Table 12. Small Growers Interest and Attitudes in Henry, Dale/ and Coffeea/ Counties for Producing Vegetables for Processing INTEREST IN PRODUCING Attitudes Henry Dale Coffee Yes No Yes No Yes No (No.) (No.) (No.) (No.) (No.) (No.) No information 0 0 0 0 0 0 Excellent 0 0 1 0 0 0 Good 6 0 7 1 55 0 Fair 7 0 5 0 35 5 Poor 0 0 3 2 15 10 Not interested 1 1 1 0 10 5 Totals 14 1 17 3 115 20 a/No large growers in this county. ,, 27 Table 13. Growers Interest and Attitudes in Ho ston County Vegetables for Processingl/ Producing INTEREST IN PRODUCING Attitudes Large growers Small growers Yes No Yes No -- ------------ - (No.) (No.) (No.0) No.) No information 0 0 0 0 Excellent 35 20 26 8 Good 105 40 44 12 Fair 20 10 8 2 Poor 5 0 4 2 Totals 165 70 82 24 Table 14. Estimated Number of Growers of Specified Ages in Baldwin, Mobile, and Escambia Counties who were Interested in Pro- ducing for Processing and Whose Attitudes Rated Excellent and Good or Fair and Poor Age Under 45 and Age Over 45 and Attitude Excel- Attitude Fair Total Percent lent or Good to Poor (No.) (Pct.) (No.) (Pct.) Baldwin Large 24 44.4 30 55.6 54 100 Small 10 33.3 20 66.6 30 100 Aggregate 34 40.5 50 84 Mobile 8 40.0 12 60.0 20 100 Escambia 5 25.0 15 75.0 20 100 Totals 47 37.9 77 62.1 124 100 28 Table 15. Estimated Crops and Acreage for Producing Vegetables in Baldwin, Mobile, and Escambia Counties Prorated by Percentage of Growers less than 45 Years of Age with Attitudes Excellent or Good Com- pared with Processing Plant Needs Baldwin Mobile Escambia Area initial initial initial plant Initial interest interest interest needs interest (A.) (A.) (A.) (A.) (A.) Green beans 1,030 62 24 1,606 1,116 Leafy greens 857 120 0 650 977 Butterbeans 30 98 24 614 152 Southern peas 101 132 6 3,536 238 Totals 6,406 2,483 Table 16. Estimated Number of Growers of Specified Ages in Houston, Coffee, Dale, Henry and Geneva Counties Who Were Interested in Producing for Processing and Whose Attitudes Rated Excellent and Good or Fair and Poor Age Under 45 and Age Over 45 and attitude excellent attitude fair or good or Poor (No.) (Pct.) (No.) (Pct.) (No.) .Pct.) Houston Large 55 33.33 110 66.67 165 100.0 Small 26 31.71 56 68.29 82 100.0 Aggregate 81 32.79 166 67.21 247 100.0 Coffee Small 30 26.09 85 73.91 115 100.0 Dale Small 7 41.18 10 58.82 17 100.0 Henry Small 3 21.43 11 78.57 14 100.0 Geneva Large 30 20.69 115 79.31 145 100.0 Small 3 37.50 5 62.50 8 100.0 Aggregate 33 21.57 120 78.43 153 100.0 29 Table 17. Estimated Crops and Acreage for Producing Vegetables in Geneva, Houston, Henry, Coffee and Dale Counties Prorated by Percentages of Growers less than 45 Years of Age with Attitudes Excellent and Good Compared With Processing Plant Needs Crops Geneva Houston Henry Coffee Dale Area Interest Interest Interest Interest Interest Needs Interest (A.) (A.) (A.) (A.) (A.) (A.) (A.) Green beans 10 124 3 18 0 1,606 156 Leafy greens 16 182 1 52 0 650 251 Southern peas 281 1,140 29 211 63 3,536 1,724 Butterbeans 29 289 6 102 27 614 453 Table 18. Estimated Crops and Acreages for Producing Vegetables in the Wiregrass and Baldwin Areas Prorated by Percentage of Growers less than 45 Years of Age with Attitudes Excellent and Good Compared With Processing Plant Needs Baldwin area Wiregrass area Total area Crops interest interest Need Interest (A.) (A.) (A.) (A.) Green beans 1,116 155 1,271 1,606 Leafy greens 977 251 1,228 650 Southern peas 238 1,724 1,962 3,536 Butterbeans 152 453 605 614 Totals 2,483 2,583 5,066 6,406 30 might be expected to reduce its plans given more information. Brown's study indicated a later reduction of slightly more than half the acres initially planned. Thus, the select group of the Baldwin and Wiregrass areas might plan to supply just less than half of plant requirements after receiving full information. The select group, however, form a minor part of the total interest group. The remaining group, those over 45 or with attitudes fair to poor might also be expected to produce for processing. This remaining non-select group in the Baldwin-Wiregrass area had expressed an interest in approximately 10,000 acres of vegetables proposed for pro- cessing. Production on at least one-third of these acres combined with the select group would assure the acreage needed for the processing plant. North Florida provides still another supply area where interest in processing has been high in recent years (18). A principal assumption, however, of this analysis of interest in processing is that net returns for producing vegetables for processing will be compatible with farmer expectations generating original interest. Cost of Production for Producing Vegetables for Processing A primary consideration in farmers' decisions relative to producing vegetables for processing is that the reasonable expectation of net re- turns from these crops is at least equal to net returns from other crops now being produced. Farmers now producing vegetables for fresh market may initial ly react unfavorably to lower expected gross returns per acre for producing these same vegetables for processing. Producing for processing, however, offers several advantages: (1) Vegetables for processing are usually produced under contract, thus the grower is guaranteed a market and a price for his 31 crop before committing any new resources to growing it. (2) Practically all vegetables grown for processing may be mechanically harvested which significantly reduces labor requirements and allows producers to grow a greater volume of crops and perhaps generating more income from processing than from fresh market production. The budgets presented in this section were designed to reflect produc- tion techniques used by better vegetable producers in the Baldwin County area. Budgets are presented for each of the crops considered in this re- port and for soybeans, corn, and potatoes for purposes of comparison. In using the information contained in these budgets, Tables 19-27, it will be necessary to adjust the information to suit individual situa- tions. Since average data were used in their preparation they will not be completely adapted to a specific farm without some modification. The yield information presented in this section represents yields ex- pected by plant managers of processing plants in Georgia, Tennessee and Mississippi. Most plant scientists consider them to be low. Prices are those that were prevailing in fall, 1967. Cash expenses shown in the budget are for inputs to production recommended for use by Auburn Univer- sity. Although conservative estimates of yield were used and harvest costs were custom estimates in most cases, the data indicate the potential for vegetables to compete favorably with soybeans, potatoes and corn. Mechanical harvest is feasible for all except okra which is included only because many plant managers in the South feel that some okra may be needed in the product mix. Competitive return is not enough to guarantee that an enterprise can be successfully included in the farm plan. There are important problems 32 Table 19. Budget for Green Beans, Based on Good Management Practices and Mechanical Harvest, Alabama Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Receipts Beans Yield Ton 2 $90 $180.00 Cash expenses Soil Fumigant Nemagon Gal. 1 $9.00 9.00 Seed Recommended variety Lbs. 60 0.30 18.00 Fertilizer (broadcoast) 4-12-12 Cwt. 8.0 2.04 16.32 8-8-8 Cwt. 5.0 2.04 10.20 Lime Custom application (1 ton/4 yr. @ $7.75/ton) 1.94 Insecticide Sevin (80% wetable) Lbs. 2.4 0.70 1.75 Tractor operating Gas, oil, grease, Hr. 6.1 0.65 3.97 expense repairs Equipment operating Gas, oil, grease, .94 expense repairs Herbicide Eptam Lbs. 1 3.35 3.35 Total pre-harvest cash expenses $ 65.53 Harvest & Haul Custom Ton 2 22.00 44.00 Net Returns to land, operator labor, and capital 70.47 Table 20. Turnip Greens for Processing Based on Good Management and Mechanical Harvest, Alabama/ Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Receipts Turnip greens Yield/acre Ton 5 $30.00 $150.00 Cash expenses Seed Recommended variety Lb. 3 .75 2.25 Fertilizer 8-8-8 Cwt. 16 2.04 32.64 Lime Custom application (1 T./4 yrs. @ $7.75/T.) 1.94 Insecticide Malathion (1 qt. of 5 lbs./gal. E.C.) 2.00 Herbicide Dacthal Lb. 3 1.25 3.75 Tractor operating Gas, oil, grease, Hrs. 5 .65 3.25 expense repairs Equipment operating Gas, oil, grease, .75 expense repairs Total pre-harvest cash expenses $ 46.58 Harvest & Haul Custom Ton 5 7.00 35.00 Net returns to land, operator labor, and capital 68.42 a/The turnip green budget is representative of southern greens. 33 Table 21. Budget for Southern (Blackeye and Crowder types) Peas, Based on Good Management Practices and Hand Harvest, Alabamaa/ Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Receipts In the hull, Peas Yield/acre tonb/ 1l $100 $150.00 Cash expenses Seed Recommended variety Lbs. 30 .35 10.50 Fertilizer 4-12-12 Cwt. 7 2.04 14.28 Lime Custom application (1 ton/4 yr. @ $7.75/ton) 1.94 Tractor Grease, oil, gas, repairs Hr. 5.25 .65 3.41 Equipment Grease, oil, gas, repairs .79 Insecticide Toxaphene (20%) Lbs. 60 .07 4.20 Herbicide Treflan Qt. 3/4 8.50 6.38 Total pre-harvest cash expenses $ 41.50 Harvest, cash expenses Labor Hr. 50 .90 45.00 Hauling 1? truck Hr. 3 1.53 4.59 Total cash expenses $ 91.09 Net Returns to land, operator labor, and capital 58.91 a/At least one processor pays $120 a ton for cream type peas delivered to the plant. b/920 pounds of shelled peas per ton of peas in hull gives a price of $1 T 5/ton of shelled when peas in hull sell for $100/ton. Table 22. Budget for Southern Peas (Pinkeye Purple Hull and Texas Cream 40), Based on Good Management Practices and Mechanical Harvest, Alabama Item Description Unit Quantity Ratea/Amount Receipts Peas Yield/acre Shelled Lb.. 1,200 $.06 $ 72.00 Cash expenses Seed Furnished by processor Lbs. 30(furnished) Fertilizer 4-12-12 Cwt. 7 2.04 14.28 Lime Custom application (1 ton/4 yr. @ $7.75/ton) 1.94 Tractor Grease, oil, gas, repairs Hr. 4.75 .65 3.09 Equipment Grease, oil, gas, repairs .79 Insecticide Toxaphene (20%) Lbs. 60(furnished) Herbicide Treflan Qt. 3/4 8.50 6.38 Total pre-harvest cash expenses $ 26.48 Harvest, cash expenses (harvested and hauled) by processor Net returns to land, operator labor, and capital 45.52 a/Rate paid by processor when harvesting and hauling is done with processor's equipment. 34 Table 23. Budget for Speckled Butterbeans Based on Good Management Prac- tices and Mechanical Harvest, Alabama Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Receipts Beans Yield/acre Shelled Lb. 2,200 $.065$1l43.00 Cash expenses Seed Jackson's Wonder or Lb. 50 .35 17.50 other recommended variety Lime Custom application (1 ton/4 yr. @ $7.75 ton) 1.94 Fertilizer (broadcast) 8-8-8 Cwt. 15 2.04 30.60 Insecticide Sevin (8%o) Lbs. 2.4 .70 1.68 Tractor operating Grease, oil, gas, Hr. 6.7 .65 4.35 expenses repairs Fungicide Maneb Lbs. 8 .70 5.60 Equipment operating Grease, oil, gas, .95 expenses repairs Herbicide Treflan Qt. .75 8.50 6.38 Total pre-harvest cash expenses $ 69.00 Harvest, cash expense harvested by processor Net returns to land, operator labor and capital $ 74.00 a/$.065/lb. is equivalent to $130/ton of shelled beans and reflects the rate when harvesting and hauling are done by processor. Table 24. Budget for Okra, Based on Good Management Practices, Alabama Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Receipts Okra Yield/acre Ton 3 $80.00 $240.00 Cash expenses Seed Recommended variety Lbs. 10 .35 3.50 Fertilizer 4-12-12 Cwt. 10 2.04 20.20 Amonium nitrate Cwt. 2 3.65 7.30 Lime Custom application (1 ton/4 yrs. @ $8.00/ton) 2.00 Tractor Grease, oil, gas, repairs Hr. 6 1.00 6.00 Equipment Grease, oil, gas, repairs 1.00 Herbicide Treflan Qt. 3/4 8.50 6.38 Nematocide Nemagon (30% granule) Lbs. 30 .30 9.00 Total pre-harvest cash expynses $ 55.38 Harvest & Haul Custom2/ Ton 3 42.00 126.00 Net returns to operator labor, land, and capital 58.62 a/Harvest Labor: Estimated 40 hours of adult labor per ton at $1.00/ hour. 35 Table 25. Budget for Soybeans, Based on Good Management Practices and Mechanical Harvest, Alabama Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Receipts Soybeans Bu. 28.0 $2.50 $ 70.00 Pre-harvest and harvest Cash expenses Seed Recommended variety Bu. 1.0 4.50 4.50 Fertili er 0-20-20 Cwt. 2.5 2.35 5.88 Liminga/ Custom application 1.94 Insecticide 5% Sevin Cwt. .2 7.25 1.45 Tractor operating Gas, oil, grease, Hr. 4.6 .65 2.99 expense repairs Equipment operating Gas, oil, grease, .50 expense repairs Truck Hauling soybeans Bu. 28.0 .025 .70 Seasonal labor Hr. .7 1.00 .70 Total pre-harvest cash expenses $ 18.68 Harvest Custom Acre 1.0 8.00 8.00 Returns over cash expenses to land, operator labor and capital $ 43.34 a/Since 1 ton of lime is applied every 4 years, one-fourth of the $7.74 cost is charged off each year. Table 26. Budget for Corn Based on Good Management Practices and Mechani- cal Harvest, Alabama Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Receipts Corn Bu. 60.0 $1.20 $ 72.00 Pre-harvest and harvest Cash expenses Seed Recommended hybrid Lb. 8.0 .20 1.60 Fertilizer 4-12-12 Cwt. 3.5 1.90 6.65 Ammonium nitrate Cwt. 2.5 3.80 9.50 Liming-/ Custom application 1.94 Tractor operating Gas, oil, grease, Hr. 8.1 .65 5.26 expense repairs Equipment operating Gas, oil, grease, 1.78 expense repairs Seasonal labor Hr. 2.9 1.00 2.90 Total pre-harvest cash expenses $ 29.63 Harvest Reflected in tractor and equipment operating expense and in labor expense Returns over cash expenses to land, operator labor and capital $ 42.37 a/Since 1 ton of lime is required every 4 years, one-fourth of the $7.75 cost is charqed off each year. 36 Table 27. Budget for Irish Potatoes Alabama Based on Good Management Practices, Item Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Receipts Potatoes Yield/acre Cwt. 145.0 $2.00 $290.00 Cash expenses Seed Sebago, La Chipper Cwt. 15.0 4.50J 67.50 Seed treatment Captan Lb. 4#/25 ac. 4.00 .16 Fertilizer 4-12-12 Cwt. 12.0 2.00 24.00 8-8-8 Cwt. 8.0 2.05 16.40 Lime-/ Ton 2.00 Insecticides Diazinon (25% EC) Pt. 2.0 2.50 5.00 DDT (5% dust) Lb. 25.0 .04 1.00 Herbicide EPTC (Eptam) Gal. .25 20.00 5.00 Defoliant Paraquat (42% EC) Lb. .25 8.08 2.02 Tractor Operating Hr. 7.0 1.49 10.43 Other machinery 8.46 Hired labor (not including harvest) Hr. 5.0 1.00 5.00 Total pre-harvest cash expenses $146.97 Harvest & Haul Custom Cwt. 145.0 .50 72.50 Returns to land, operator labor, and capital 70.53 a/One ton is applied every 4 years. b/Average price. Sebago seed cost approximately $4.00 per cwt. and La ChTpper seed cost approximately $5.00 per cwt. For February 1968 delivery. ,I 37 of timeliness of labor use, farm equity, and scheduled planting for needs of the processing plant. Detailed farm planning was not made a part of this study but is a suggestion for further feasibility research. Farm planning done in other areas using similar type budget material as pre- sented here has shown that southern peas, green beans and southern greens for processing are competitive within many cropping systems (9). Processing Costs and Returns Selection of product mix and container sizes is an area of important concern for plant management, but from the standpoint of development these are problems that can be best handled after having experience in plant operation. In any specified set of buildings and equipment the optimum product mix will be determined by the selling prices of the products, by container size and variable costs of packing each. The effect of labor efficiency on costs can be shown to have considerable effect on product mix. If market shares and raw material supply were assured then product mix relative to container size of institutional and retail packs would be the principal focus of a feasibility study. Exactly opposite conditions prevail in Alabama. Market shares and raw product supplies are the prin- ciple items of concern and assumption of this study is that if feasibility can be shown for any one product mix, future study may also indicate an economical combination. Costs and returns on only the popular 10 oz. pack- age are presented although other sizes can and should be considered for use of plant equipment. Implied in continued development is the ability of farmers and processors to work together towards the best product mix. Both parties should recognize that they are producing for a market whose specifications will continue to change. 38 Costs of freezing vegetables are also highly dependent on: (1) vol- ume of plant output as determined by rate of output per hour and hours of annual operation and (2) costs of raw material. The assumptions about these important variables are spelled out in the tables that follow. Volume of plant output presented here, 16 million pounds per year, would be relatively small in comparison with some existing facilities in the South that were known to process as much as 75 million pounds in 1967. The facilities called for, however, in Tables 28-37 and Figures 1-4 pro- vide for expansion of annual output. Storage space as shown in Table 28 will accommodate about nine million pounds of frozen food and is about twice as much as needed for the average monthly inventory of the proposed plant on the assumption that average monthly inventory is 27 per cent of annual output. Additional space may be needed, however, if the green bean and southern pea lines are operated more than 440 hours per year as speci- fied in this plan. A change in the product mix brought about by increasing the hours of operation on beans and peas would also greatly expand annual volume into the range of larger plants now in operation. Investment costs of building, product preparation and packaging and casing have been itemized in Tables 28-37 as a basis for further considera- tion of product mix and as a basis of projecting a single point estimate of costs and returns. Three basic processing lines are presented in Tables 28-35 for green beans, peas, and greens. All costs and raw material requirements presented elsewhere were based on these lines. Requirements for a potato processing line are given in Tables 36-37 for inclusion in further planning for the area, but costs of potato processing and are included in thle estimate of 39 Receiving Blanching Spray Cooling Inspecting Flotation Grading Large r4 WWaste Waste I. Q. F. Freezing (Optional) Carton Forming, Filling (Op-.) & Closing Overwrapping (Optional) Casing Storage Processing Line for Southern Peas or Speckled Butterbeans (800 Cases per Hour, 24/10 Ounce Packages per Case) Figure 1. 40 Unsnipped Beans Receiving Cluster Cutting Dry Cleaning Washing Pre-Grading Unsnipped Separating Inspecting and Trimming Size Grading (Double) No. 3's & 4's Cutting Nubbin Grading Waste No. 51s & 6's (Optional) Slicing (Optional) Inspecting Blanching Spray Coo li Overwrapping Package Freezing I. Q. F. Freezing (Optional) Carton Forming, Filling (Optional) & Closing Overwrapping (Optional) Casing Storage Figure 2. Processing Line for Green Beans (800 Cases per Hour, 24/10 Ounce Packages per Case) Waste Carton Storage ~1. Receiving Waste Inspecting Washing Inspecting Blanching Spray Cooling I _Cutting (Optional) Carton Forming, Filling & Closing Overwrapping Package Freezing Casing r Storage Processing Line for Leafy Greens (400 Cases per Hour, 24/10 Ounce Packages per Case) Carton Storage Figure 3. Receiving vasning Waste Inspecting and Size Grading Peeling Waste Inspecting Cutting (Optional) Blanching Spray Cooling Dewatering I. Q. F. Freezing (Optional) Carton Forming, Filling (Optional) & Closing Overwrapping (Optional) Casing Storage Figure 4. Processing Line for White Potatoes (400 Cases per Hour, 2/10 Ounce Packages per Case) Carton Storage 43 Table 28. Building Requirements for Freezing Southern Peas, Green Beans, Speckled Butterbeans, and Leafy Greens at Rates of 800 Cases Per Hour for Green Beans and Southern Peas, 400 Cases Per Hour for Leafy Greens and Speckled Butterbeans, Output Container Size is 10 oz. (24 pkgs. per case) Building Requirements and Cost per Total general equipment needs Unit unit cost (dollars) (dollars) Receiving Concrete slab - 4" thick 2,000 ft. 2 $ 0.80/ft. 2 $ 1,600 Refrigeration for dock 6.00/ft. 2 12,000 Zero degree storage 32,000 ft. 2 20.00/ft. 640,000 (200' x 160' x 20') Processing plant Totally enclosed and including utilities 17,800 ft. 10.00/ft. 178,000 Office 200 ft. 2 15.00/ft. 2 3,000 Rest rooms (6) 300 ft. 2 20.00/ft. 2 6,000 Shop 2 Completely equipped 200 ft. 15.00/ft. 3,000 Laboratory 150 ft.2 15.00/ft.2 2,250 Equipment storage 2,200 ft.2 10.00/ft. 2 22,000 Total for building $867,850 Truck scale 50 ft. $14,500.00 $ 14,500 Well, building, pump and tank 400 g.p.m. 30,300.00 30,300 Boiler 90 b.h.p. 13,620.00 13,620 Fork trucks 2 9,000.00 18,000 Pal lets 3,200 5.00 16,000 Other 5,000 $ 97,420 TOTAL $965,270 Source: See footnote at the end of Table 37. 44 Table 29. Utilities Requirements for Freezing Southern Peas, Green Beans, Speckled Butterbeans, and Leafy Greens at Rates of 800 Cases Per Hour for Green Beans and Southern Peas, 400 Cases Per Hour for Leafy Greens and Speckled Butterbeans, Output Container Size is 10 oz. (24 pkgs. per case) Operation: Units per Annual total Machine, equipment, supplies, etc. case Usea/ Steam (Miscellaneous uses) 11 lbs. 12,672,000 lb. Water (Miscellaneous uses)/ 150 gal. 172,800,000 gal. Electric Energy 1.11 KWH 1,278,720 KWH Waste (Solids and liquids)W 150 gal. 172,800,000 gal. a/1,152,000 cases b/Maximum use, minimum estimate is 24,005 gal./hr. a source of water flowing at Source: See footnote at the end of Table 37. Table 30. Product Preparation Requirements for Freezing Southern Peas at a Rate of 800 Cases Per Hour and Output Container Size is 10 oz. (24 pkgs. per case)a/ Product preparation machine, equipment, supplies Investment cost Conveying 2 Robins gooseneck elevators - 12" x 6' complete with cross conveyor Cleaning and Washing 1 Food machinery and chemical rotary Rod type washer (36" x 8') Cleaning 1 Commercial 4-purpose cleaner Model 4209-D (III, IV, X) Conveying 1 Robins gooseneck elevator (16" x 8') Conveying and Inspecting 2 Chisholm-Ryder sanitary picking Tables (30" x 12') Flotation Cleaning 2 Flotation cleaners Blanching 1 Chisholm-Ryder sanitary rotary blancher - 12' - complete with standard feed elevator Washing, cooling and inspecting 1 Chisholm-Ryder sanitary picking table 30" x 16') with spray attachment from above and recovery sump or disposal trough Conveying 2 Robins gooseneck elevators 12" x 6' high Flotation grading 2 Key quality graders Holding 20 Stainless steel holding tanks each 50 ft. 3 Conveying 2 Robins gooseneck elevators (12" x 6') with spray attachment from above Total (dollars) $ 4,800.00 4,300.00 9,700.00 2,200.00 3,460.00 17,400.00 7,800.00 2,300.00 4,200.00 15,800.00 2,000.00 4,500.00 $78,460.00 Source: See footnote at the end of Table 37. a/Speckled butterbeans or lima beans are processed with this equip- ment. n~ r ~~CA 46 Table 31. Packaging and Casing Requirements for Freezing Southern Peas at a Rate of 800 Cases Per Hour and Output Container Size is 10 oz. (24 pkgs. per case). Machine, equipment, supplies, etc. (other products for which used) Investment cost Filling and closing 2 Food machinery and chemical Mara-Pak carton filters Conveying 4 Glove No. B-3 white Hycar belts (12" x 50') Overwrapping 4 Hayssen series 5000 wrapping machines Motel 43 ML Conveying 4 Globe No. B-3 white Hycar belts (12" x 100') Package Freezing 4Frick Spiro-Flex freezers (625-36) Conveying 4 Globe No. B-3 white Hycar belts (12" x 50') Casing 1 Food machinery and chemical sure way model E-41 full automatic caser Case Printing 1 Chisholm-Ryder New Way model CP Conveying 1 Food machinery and chemical heavy duty Accordion conveyor Total $ 69,600.00 3,300.00 121,600.00 6,200.00 300,000.00 3,300.00 33,400.00 2,200.00 160.00 $539,760.00 Source: See footnote at the end of Table 37. IV VLI rl~rYI PVI Y 47 Table 32. Product Preparation Requirements for Freezing Green Beans at a Rate of 800 Cases Per Hour and Output Container Size is 10 oz. (24 pkgs. per case) Operator preparation machine, equipment, supplies, etc. Cluster cutting 2 Chisholm-Ryder cluster cutters complete with standard feed elevator Cleaning Investment cost $12,300.00 Common with Southern Peas Washing 2 Chisholm-Ryder twin screw washers complete with standard food elevator Conveying 2 Chisholm-Ryder sanitary picking table (30" x 12') Conveying Flume with 12 discharges complete with pump and piping (70" long) Snipping 12 Chisholm-Ryder bean snippers model FHS (large) complete with sanitary picking table Conveying 2 30" x 32' Vibrating conveyors Separating 8 Chisholm-Ryder unsnipped snap bean separators complete with standard feed elevators Conveying 3 Robins belt conveyors (18" x 24' long) 1 Robins gooseneck elevator (16" x 8' long) Inspecting 8 Chisholm-Ryder sanitary picking table (24" x 10' long) 318" x 20' Vibrating conveyors Grading 12 Chisholm-Ryder adjustable bartype Snap bean graders (double) Cutting 8 Urschel model "30-C" green bean cutters 18,600.00 3,460.00 1,200.00 64,200.00 5,600.00 46,400. 00 7,200.00 9,200.00 6,600.00 61,200.00 18,400.00 \ LT UKU~r UC11 48 Table 32 Conrit'd. Operator preparation machine, equipment, supplies, etc. Investment cost Conveying 4T18" x 20' Vibrating conveyors Grading 2 Chisholm-Ryder model 'H' nubbin graders Conveying 1 Robins belt conveyor 18" x 12' long Holding 2- Stainless steel holding tanks each 50 ft. Inspecting 2 Chisholm-Ryder sanitary picking table (24" x 10' long) Conveying 1 Vibrating conveyor (18" x 20' long) Blanching 1 Chisholm-Ryder sanitary rotary blancher- 12' - complete with standard feed elevator Conveying 1 Vibrating conveyor Conveying, Washing, Cooking 2 Robins gooseneck elevators with spray attachment from above (8" x 6') Total $ 8,800.00 5,000.00 2,000.00 Common with southern peas Common with southern peas 2,200.00 Common with southern peas 2,150.00 Common with southern peas $274,510.00 Source: See footnote at the end of table 37. i 49 Table 33. Packaging and Casing Requirements for Freezing Green Beans at a Rate of 800 Cases Per Hour and Output Container Size is 10 oz. (24 pkgs. per case). Operation machine, equipment, supplies, etc. Investment cost Processing Filling and closing 2 Food machiney and chemical Mara-Pak carton fillers Conveying 4 Globe No. B-3 white Hycar belts (12" x 50') Overwrapping 4 Hayssen series 5000 wrapping machines model 43 ML Conveying 4 Globe No. B-3 white Hycar belts (12t x 100') Package Freezin Frick Spiro-Flex freezers (625-36) Conveyi ng 4 Globe No. B-3 white Hycar belts (12"''x 50'), Casing 1 Food machinery and chemical sure way model E-41 fully automatic caser Case Printing 1 Chisholm-Ryder new way model CP Conveying 1 Food machinery and chemical heavy duty accordion conveyor Common equipment with southern peas Common equipment with southern peas Common equipment with southern peas Common equipment with southern peas Common equipment with southern peas Common equipment with southern peas Common equipment with southern peas Common equipment with southern peas Common equipment with southern peas Source: See footnote at the end of Table 37. A-~ I I I 1L~ )~~ L~~ L ~L7r 3L~ 50 Product Preparation Requirements for Freezing Leafy Green Vegetables (Spinach, Turnip Greens, Collards, Mustard and Kale) at a Rate of 400 Cases Per Hour and Output Container Size is 10 oz. (24 pkgs. per case). Operation machine, equipment, supplies, etc. Investment cost Dry cleaning 1 Robins rotary spinach sand tumbler (Sr. size) Inspecting 1 Chisholm-Ryder sanitary picking table (30" x 16') Washing 1 Robins spinach drum washer (Sr. size) 1 Robins rotary spinach spray washer (Sr. size) Inspecting 1 Chisholm-Ryder sanitary picking table (30" x 16') Blanching 1 Robins spinach blancher complete with feeder (Sr. size) Conveying and Cooling 1 Robins gooseneck elevator (16" x 6') with spray attachment from above Cutting (optional) 1 Urschel dicer model J Total $ 4,582,00 Inv. Common with southern peas 7,248.00 Inv. 7,297.00 Inv. Common with southern peas 10,860.00 Inv. Common with southern peas 7,730.00 Inv. $36,717.00 Source: See footnote at the end of Table 37. Table 34. Irw r Y / 'r 1 v~~rrr r I yr~ r~ r Iv ~u?~l 1 ~ ~ ,, - ~ - ---- ~ -- --- I VI I IYI IV IIII I\IUYI Y~ l I ~~ J rlyl\l )IY L~ IIHIY 51 Table 35. Packaging and Casing Requirements for Freezing Leafy Green Vegetables (Spinach, Turnip Greens, Collards, Mustard, and Kale) at a Rate of 400 Cases Per Hour and Output Container Size is 10 oz. (24 pkgs. per case). Operation Machine, equipment, supplies, etc. (other products for which used) Investment cost Processing Filling and closing 1 Food machinery and chemical straight line carton filler model 16-S with appropriate carton forming and closing attachments Conveying 2 Globe No. B-3 white Hycar belts (12" x 50') Overwrapping 2 Hayssen series 5000 wrapping machines model 43 ML Conveying 2 Globe No. B-3 white Hycar belts (12" x 100') Package Freezing 2 Frick spiro flex automatic continuous freezers (625-36) Conveying 2 Globe No. B-3 white Hycar belts (12" x 100') Casing 1 Food machinery and chemical sure way fully automatic caser model E-41 Case printing 1 Chisholm-Ryder new way model CP Case conveying 1 Food machinery and chemical heavy duty accordion conveyor Total $ 34,800 Common with southern peas Common with southern peas Common with southern peas Common with southern peas Common with southern peas Common with southern peas Common with southern peas Common with southern peas $ 34,800 Source: See footnote at the end of Table 37. r ~rlY~ p Product Preparation Requirements for Freezing White Potatoes at a Rate of 400 Cases Per Hour and Output Container Size is 10 oz. (24 pkgs. per case). Operation preparation machine, equipment, supplies, etc. Investment cost Receiving and washing 1 Robins soaker washer with extension discharge 60% $ 2,400.00 Inv. Inspecting 1 Robins (20' x and size grading sanitary inspection conveyor 30") 2,400.00 Inv. Conveying 1 Robins gooseneck elevator (16" x 6') Peeling 1 Food machinery and chemical steam chemical peeler (complete with all controls and utility connections) Inspecting and conveying 1 Robins sanitary inspection conveyor (20' x 30") Cutting (optional) 1 Urschel model F. slicer Conveying 1 Robins gooseneck elevator (16" x 6') Blanching 1 Chisholm-Ryder improved sanitary rotary blancher (8') Conveying and cooling 1 Robins sanitary inspection conveyor (20' x 30") with spray attachment from above Dewatering 1 Key water reclaim reel and tank Conveying . 1 Robins gooseneck elevator (16" x 6') Total Common with southern peas 4,300.00 Inv. 2,400.00 Inv. 4,539.00 Inv. Common with southern peas Common with southern peas Common with southern peas 1,125.00 Inv. Common with southern peas $17,164.00 Source: See footnote at the end of Table 37. Table 36. T~~1 a ~~ Prr\r(llrt or P n zr r ~ t I? n n R pall i r c~mt7 n t s f lu n7, 1 Lq DK(IJS~ Der c INN I ~-(f\n~n~ n~r\~anaru I 1 17" Y 17 ' I Table 37. Packaging and Casing Requirements for Freezing White Potatoes at a Rate of 400 Cases Per Hour and Output Container Size is 10 oz. (24 pkgs. per case)a/ Operation: machine, equipment, supplies, etc. (other products for which used) Fi.lling and closing 1 Food machinery and chemical straight line carton filler model 16-S with appropriate carton forming and closing attachments (VI, VII, Ix) Investment cost See leafy greens Conveying 2 Globe No. B-3 white Hycar belts (12" x 50') (All) Overwrapping 2 Hayssen series 5000 wrapping machines model 43 ML (All) Conveying 2 Globe No. B-3 white Hycar belts (12" x 100') Package Freezing 2 Frick spiro flex automatic continuous freezers (625-36) (All) Conveying 2 Globe No. B-3 white Hycar belts (12" x 50') Overwrapping 2 Hayssen series 5000 wrapping machine model 43 ML (All) Conveying 2 Globe No. B-3 white Hycar belts (12" x 100') Ca sing 1 Food machinery and chemical Sure Way fully automatic caser model E-41 (All) Case Printing 1 Chisholm-Ryder New Way Model CP Case Conveying 1 Food machinery and chemical heavy duty accordion conveyor (All) Common with southern peas Common with southern peas Common with southern peas Common with southern peas Common with southern peas Common with southern peas Common with southern peas Common with southern peas Common with southern peas Common with southern peas Agriculture,a/Source: Unpublished research, ERS, U.S. Department of Washington, D.C., 1967, net returns. Equipment specifications as given in the tables represent only a fraction of the information now available for planning (16). See "un- published research, ERS, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C., 1967." Specifications were not used in this report as a final recommenda- tion for building and equipment but rather as the best basis currently available for estimating equipment costs. Much on-the-job study in the areas of food engineering and processing technologies will be needed in specifying equipment best adapted to the local situation. Due considera- tion should be given to latest research developments in processing tech- niques and to all sources of information on equipment and processes. Building specifications can be described in general terms as being of concrete block construction with insulated metal roofing. Building costs include plumbing, electrical wiring, lighting, heating, and ventila- tion. Total building investment costs, Table 38, were 965,270 dollars and about two-thirds of this was for zero-degree storage. Total initial invest- ment costs in buildings and equipment were estimated to be just less than two million dollars, Table 38. The lines were assumed not to operate simultaneously and thus some common use of equipment is possible. The extent of common use is shown in Tables 30-37 and also in Figure 1-4 which show the flow of raw material through each line. Total costs for one year of operation were approximately three million dollars, Table 39. Gross sales were estimated to be just less than three and one-half million dollars, Table 40, leaving a net revenue before taxes of 399,437 thousand dollars. Some common profit rates were calculated and 54 Table 38. Investment in Buildings and Equipment for Processing Selected Vegetables in Baldwin County Item Investment cost (dollars) Building and general equipment needs $ 965,270 Product preparation/ Southern pea line 78,460 Green bean line 274,510 Leafy greens 36,717 Total 389,687 Packaging and Casing Southern Peas and Green Beans 539,760 Leafy Greens 34,800 Total 564,560 TOTAL $1,929,517 a/Green bean and leafy green lines use some common equipment from the southern pea line. Butterbeans use the pea line only and require no additional equipment. 56 Table 39. Annual Fixed and Variable Costs for Proposed Freezing Plant for Processing Selected Vegetables Cost category Total 1 Dollars Fixed costs Buildings Equipment Interest Taxes and a n insurance c/ Total fixed costs Variable costs Processing: Supervisory and other labord/ Seasonal labor d/ Packaging material e/ Utilities, fuel, and gasoline f/ Insurance, taxes, and inventory 9/ Maintenance and repairs h/ Product damage i Interest on operating capital j/ Miscellaneous k/ Subtotal variable costs Raw product Transportation 1 / Sales m/ Total variable costs TOTAL 57,885 132,708 57,885 44,175 292,623 293,460 153,519 567,001 32,400 17,280 31,065 34,560 80,640 34,560 1,261,765 833,175 324,000 345,600 2,763,940 3,056,563 a/ Depreciation computed at 6.67 per cent of replacement costs for building and 12.5 per cent for equipment. b/ Interest on investment computed at 6 per cent of one-half of replacement cost. c/ Taxes computed at 0.74 per cent of replacement costs for buildings and 0.83 per cent of equipment replacement costs. Insurance computed at 1.5 per cent of building and equipment replacement costs. d/ Includes fringe labor costs at 9.5 per cent of payroll. e/ 3.5 cents per pound of output. (Footnotes continued on next page.) f/ .2 cents per pound of output. g/ .5 per cent of Gross value of output with inventory averaging one-third of annual output. h/ Maintenance costs estimated at 1.5 per cent of replacement cost of buildings and equipment. Repair costs estimated at 4 per cent of equipment replacement cost per 100 hours of annual operation. i/ Estimated at 1 per cent of annual pack. / Assumes 1/3 of annual gross value will be needed. Interest estimated at 7 per cent. k/ Office supplies, telephone, janitorial supplies, and contingencies estimated at 1 per cent of annual gross revenue. Also includes inspection fees. 1/ Estimated at 2.0 cents per pound of annual pack. mi/ Estimated at 10 per cent of annual gross revenue for brokerage, advertising and promotion. 58 are shown in Table 41. Well above average returns were indicated. Re- turns as shown, however, were those resulting from a 100 per cent retail pack and will be correspondingly lower as the percentage of institutional pack increases. A recent study using different source materials from those shown here and including an institutional pack as 25 per cent of the total have shown profit rates as low as 6.5 per cent on initial investment and 3.9 per cent on gross sales ( 2). Total labor requirements include twenty-nine people on full-time sal- ary, Table 42. Seasonal requirements go as high as 59 employees during processing of southern peas and as low as 22 during the leafy green season, Table 43. The leafy green season was assumed to be approximately half of the year from October through the middle of March. The green bean season was assumed to be from mid-May to mid-June and from the first of October to mid-November. Southern peas were assumed to be in season from mid-May until mid-November. Speckled butterbeans and limas were expected to have a similar season. Seasonality expectations were based on southern Alabama conditions. The output mix and corresponding days of processing shown in Table 45 are, thus, only one combiiation from which a decision must be made. Two-shift operation which is likely in some seasons further increases the range of possible outputs from the plant. Seasonality of production is a recognized problem in the food processing industry; and other products, product mixes, and repacking from bulk purchases from other processors should be considered. 59 Prices, Gross Revenue, Total Cost and Net Returns from Processing Selected Southern Vegetables, Baldwin County, Alabama Product Speckled butterbeans Southern peas Green beans Leafy greens Total Total costs Net return b/ Tota - Pcl in Total Pack 10 oz. boxes (1,000 pounds) 1,296 4,752 4,752 5,400 16,200 Price/lb. in 10 oz. boxes a/ (dollars) .24 .24 .24 .16 Total (dollars) 311,040 1,1 40,480 1,140,480 864,000 3,456,000 3,056,563 399,437 a/ Delivered prices, representative broker in Alabama, January, 1968. b/ Return to risk, interest on investment has been deducted, Table 39. Table 41. Profit Rates Relative to a Proposed Processing Plant in Baldwin County, Alabama Net income before corporate income taxes $399,437 Corporate income taxes a/ $187,735 Net income (profit) $211,702 Profit as a per cent of initial investment 11.0 Profit as a per cent of gross sales 6.1 a/ Estimated to be 47 per cent of net income. Table 40. .60 Table 42. Annual Labor Requirements, Management, Supervisory and Others. Title (Dollars) President 25,000 Vice-president of sales 20,000 Vice-president of production 20,000 Plant manager 15,000 Assistant plant manager 10,000 Procurement and receiving managers (2) 24,000 Comptroller 14,000 Sales representative 12,000 Office and personnel manager 8,000 Warehouse manager 8,000 Electrician 8,000 Mechanic 8,000 Mechanic helpers and maintenance (2) 10,000 Boiler room engineer 8,000 Warehouse men (2) 9,000 Janitors, cleanup and grounds (4) 16,000 Foreman for product preparation crew 7,000 Secretaries (2) 9,000 Clerk-typists (3) 12,000 Quality-control technician 5,000 Travel allowance for procurement 10,000 Travel allowance for sales 10,000 Total 268, 000 61 Table 43. Seasonal Labor Requirements for Preparation, Packaging and Casing Southern Green Speckled Leafy White Wage Hours of Description peas beans butter- greens pota- Rate/ beans toes hr. Number Dollars Receiving 4 4 4 2 8 1.60 Inspecting 35 24 35 6 16 1.60 Blanching 2 2 2 2.50 Filling and closing 2 2 2 1 1 2.25 Fork lift operator 2 2 2 1 1 2.25 Carton handling 2 2 2 2.25 Freezer operator 2 2 2 1 1 3.00 Overwrap operator 4 4 4 2 2 2.25 Casing and final inspection 1 1 1 4 1 1.60 Case labeling 1 1 1 2 1 2.25 Equipment (convey & wash) 1 1.60 Case sealing 2.50 Peeling and cutting 2.25 Janitor 4 4 4 1.60 Total employees 49 48 59 22 32 Total wages/yr. a/ $46,700 $38,962 $12,738 $41,800 NA a/ Depends on total hours each line is operated, see Table 45. Table 44. Proposed Processing Plant: Raw Product Requirements, Acreage Required, and Gross Revenue to Growers, Baldwin County Product Yield Acreage Price Gross Product requirements per acre needed a/ per ton revenue to growers Tons Tons Acres Dollars Dollars Speckled butterbeans b/ 675 1.1 614 130 87,750 Southern peas b/ 2,475 .7 3,536 145 358,875 Green beans 3,211 2.0 1,606 90 288,990 Leafy greens 3,252 5.0 650 30 97,560 Total 9,613 --- 6,406 -- 833,175 Shelled basis. a/ Annual land requirements are less because of durable cropping. Table 45. Proposed Freezing Plant: Annual Operating Time, Raw Product, Requirements, Finished Product Yield, and Output for Processing Selected Vegetables, Baldwin County, Alabama : Days : Hours : Hours : Raw product Finished product : Expected output rates Product : per : per : per : requirements a/: yield (as percentage of finished product : year : day : year : Hourly: Annual: of raw product) : Hourly : Annual Tons Tons Per cent Pounds 1,000 pounds Speckled butterbeans....: 15 8 120b/ 5.62 675 96 10,800 1,296 Southern peas.............: 55 8 440b/ 5.62 2,475 96 10,800 4,752 Green beans.............: 55 8 440 7.29 3,211 74 10,800 4,752 Leafy greens............: 125 8 1,000 3.25 3,252 83 5,400 5,400 Total 250 - 2,000 - - 9,613 - --- 16,200 a/ 90 per cent of rated capacity. Loss of 10 per cent assumed because of delays and abnormal product quality., Shelled basis. C' NO 63 About 9,613 tons of raw material would be supplied to a plant of the type under discussion, Table 44. Gross revenue to farmers under price and yield conditions shown in Table 44 would be 833,175 dollars. Prices and yields data are those gathered from a telephone survey of a sample of processing plants in the South. Yields reported by plant managers were very near those that have been reported in other studies. Prices to farmers, however, were as much as twenty per cent less than quoted in other sources. Raw material requirements could be satisfied for the proposed plant with about 6,406 acres of land which as noted previously in an adjustment in land use acres that is well within the capability of Baldwin County alone. Anticipated double-cropping will reduce this figure considerably. Variability in Planning Costs In addition to the point estimates of costs developed for a specific plant the effect on cost of product mix, length of season and rate of out- put were examined by the use of estimating equations. Reed and Sammet in a study of processing plants in California have provided a file of basic information that has been used in numerous studies of processing feasi- bility (12). This basic file may be used to calculate numerous point estimates of investment and operating costs covering a wide range of prod- uct mixes, season hours of operation and rates of output. Application of linear regression methods to these basic data simplified the task of examining several alternative levels of investment but with a loss of de- tail contained in the single point budget estimates. Total investment depends for the most part on rate of hourly output desired from the plant. Because of this the following aggregate estimate 64 of investment costs has been made: Total investment cost in Southern peas and = $229,925 + $8,496R I + $17,265 R 2 + $81,616 (R + R Southern green limas R1 = Rate of hourly output of peas, speckled butterbeans or limas in thousand pounds per hour. R 2 = Rate of hourly output of southern greens in thousand pounds per hour. Rates of output used in making the point estimates of costs were sub- stituted into this equation as a means of comparison. Eight hundred cases of peas or snap beans per hour are equivalent to 12,000 pounds. Estimated investment cost was 2,057,483 dollars which is just slightly above the estimate given in Table 44 of 1,929,517 dollars. Additional preparation costs of green beans included in the green bean lima were not included in the estimating equation. One principal result of using the estimating equation was to show that increasing rate of output by 1,000 pounds per hour or by 66 cases will require an additional 100,000 dollars investment cost. Estimating equations for annual in-plant costs of processing are shown in more detail in Table 46. Advantages and Disadvantages Relative to Labor and Transportation Costs Costs of processing as shown by the estimating equations developed from the California data will be higher than expected for Alabama because of differences in labor cost. An analysis was made of the California study for the purpose of partitioning out labor costs from all others. Using basic tabular data from the study it was possible to calculate total annual processing costs as labor plus other costs. Total labor and other costs were calculated for several rates of output and hours of operation 65 for processing green beans, lima or speckled butterbeans and greens. As- suming that each product would be processed at the same rate of output and season hours of operation the following total annual labor costs, total annual other costs and total annual plant costs were estimated. 1) Total annual plant costs = $49,827 + 12,206R + $57H + $133 RH. 2) Total annual labor costs = 8,592 + 3,037R + $53H + $29RH. 3) Total annual other costs = $42,202 + $9,099R + $104RH. R = Rate of output in (1000) lb/hr. H = Hours of operation per season. Costs in equations two and three were not expected to sum exactly to those of equation one as all three are separate estimates from a similar source of data. The close agreement of the sum of two and three: 4) 50,794 + 12,136R + 53H + 133H with equation one supports the assumption that this was a valid method of partitioning out labor costs. Labor costs for several rates of output and hours of operation averaged about 25 per cent of total annual costs. This estimate provides a basis for the assertion of one type of locational advantage. Average hourly earnings of production workers in Alabama have in recent years averaged about 75 per cent of those in California (14). Total processing costs would thus be reduced by about six per cent in Alabama versus California, the major processing area. Alabama is also located near the population centers of the U. S. giving rise to a locational advantage of another type. Sixteen locations in the South were examined with respect to costs of frozen food transportation to 42 major Southern cities. A transportation cost analysis was made by calcu- lating the total transportation bill from each of the 16 locations to the 66 42 cities. Each city was weighed in the analysis by its population. Minimum cost locations in Alabama are listed in the following order: Talladega, Clanton, Oneonta, Fort Payne, Guntersville, Dothan, Cullman, and Brewton. Albany, Georgia was about as good as either of the best two locations in Alabama. Nashville, Tennessee was ranked after the Alabama and Albany locations. With the exception of Brewton, the Alabama and Albany locations had transportation costs of not more than five per cent greater than the Talladega location, Table 47. Baldwin County, Alabama was not included in this transportation cost and analysis, but the cost disadvantage would be similar to that of Brewton. Total annual distribution costs to the southeastern area can be expected to be about eight per cent or about 27,000 dollars more in Baldwin County than in a location nearer the center of the State, Table 47. This aspect of location is thus not as significant within Alabama as local factors re- lating to farm yields and internal plant management. Summary Farms in Baldwin County with over 260 acres of land and 20,000 dol- lars or more gross sales annually appear to be on the increase. Part of this increase in commercial agriculture can be attributed to the ability of farmers of the area to adjust rapidly to new farm plans. Net increase in cropland use in the county during the 1960-65 period was 14,000 acres with some crops, soybeans and wheat, showing this much increase or more. Change in commercial vegetable acreage has also been pronounced. Green bean acreage has increased from 22 acres in 1959, to 825 acres in 1964, to 2,800 acres in 1966, and to 4,500 acres in 1967. Southern peas have also been planted in large acreages increasing from 83 acres in 1964, to 67 Table 46. Item Estimated Annual Total Plant Costs of Southern Peas, Greens, and Speckled Butterbeans a/ Cost (Dol ars) Processing: Variable costs Greens 47.015 R 2 H 2 + 14,861 H 2 Beans and peas 44.885 R1H 1 + 26.408 H 1 Fixed costs Beans, peas, & greens 33,276 + 4,977 R 1 + 6,424 R 2 R1 = Rate of output in thousands of pounds per hour of southern peas. H 1 = Hours of seasonal operation of southern pea line. R2 = Rate of output in thousands of pounds per hour of southern peas. H2 = Hours of seasonal operation of southern green line. Source: Multiple Product Processing of California Frozen Vegetables, Reed, Robert H., and Sammet, L. L., Gianni Foundation Research Report No. 264, University of California, Division of Agricultural Sciences, 1963. Table 47. Relationship of Transportation Costs at the Best of Sixteen Locations to the Remaining Locations. Per cent Increased Location relative to Transportation Ranking Talladega costs relative to Tall ade a (Per cent) (dollars a/ Talladega 100.0 Clanton 101.4 4,536 Albany, Ga. 102.0 6,480 Oneonta 102.2 6,480 Fort Payne 102.2 7,128 Guntersvi lie 103.3 10,692 Dothan 103.8 12,312 Cul Ilman 104.6 14,904 Brewton 108.4 27,216 Nashville, Tenn. 117.9 57,996 Charlotte, N. C. 122.9 74,196 Charleston, S. C. 123.3 75,492 Jackson, Tenn. 125.6 82,944 Memphis, Tenn. 130.7 99,468 Winston-Salem, N. C. 134.2 110,888 Baton Rouge, La. 140.8 132,192 a/ "See footnote next page." 68 SDollars greater than transportation cost shown in Table 39. Costs of transportation from each location was calculated to 42 cities and amount transported was weighted by 1960 population. The 42 citieswere: Albany, Georgia Asheville, North Carolina Atlanta, Georgia Augusta, Georgia Baton Rouge, Louisiana Birmingham, Alabama Charleston, South Carolina Charlotte, North Carolina Chattanooga, Tennessee Columbia, South Carolina Columbus, Georgia Durham, North Carolina Ft. Lauderdale - Hollywood, Florida Ft. Smith, Arkansas Gadsden, Alabama Greensboro - H. Point, North Carolina Greenville, South Carolina Huntsville, Alabama Jackson, Mississippi Jacksonville, Florida Knoxville, Tennessee Lake Charles, Louisiana Lexington, Kentucky Little RocK - N. Little Rock, Arkansas Louisvil1le, Kentucky Macon, Georgia Memphis,- Tennessee Miami, Florida Mobile, Alabama Monroe, Louisiana Montgomery, Alabama Nashville, Tennessee New Orleans, Louisiana Orlanda, Florida Pensacola, Florida Raleigh, North Carolina Savannah, Georgia Shreveport, Louisiana Tampa - St. Petersburg, Florida Tuscaloosa, Alabama West Palm Beach, Florida Winston-Salem, North Carolina 69 1300 acres in 1966 and 2,000 acres in 1967. Baldwin County alone appears to have the potential to supply the basic 6,406 acres of commercial vege- tables needed to support a freezing plant in the area. Demand for frozen food including southern vegetables appears to be increasing. Frozen vegetable consumption in total was up 29 per cent in 1967 over 1959 while canned consumption was up three per cent and fresh consumption down four per cent. As frozen consumption occupies only six per cent of the total market there is ample room for continued growth. Other indicators of continued growth in consumption of frozen food are: (1) Fresh vegetable prices have been rising faster than frozen vegetable prices; (2) Increases in income have been correlated with increased con- sumption of frozen vegetables at a faster rate than for fresh vegetables; and (3) Increases in population are substantial. New freezing plants in the food industry have been feasible in recent years. Numbers have increased 34 per cent. Freezer output of vegetables in the South has increased rapidly to the point that, if frozen potatoes and potato products are omitted, the South, East and Midwest were estimated to have had about the same output, 188-220 million pounds in 1965. Out- put in the South was estimated to have more than doubled since 1959. Per cent increases in outputs of green beans, southern peas, and turnip greens have rivaled the percentage increases that have been seen recently in corn, carrots, and potatoes. Green bead output increased 56 per cent in 1959-65 period; southern peas output increased 100 per cent; and turnip greens output increased 70 per cent. Growers initial interest in producing vegetables for processing in the southern Alabama area has been high. According to survey results farmers 70 expressed an initial interest in 27,000 acres. Introduction of mechanical harvesting after the survey appears to have enhanced this interest. A select group of farmers were defined from the study as being those under 45 years of age and having attitudes graded excellent or good. The ini- tial production interest of this group was further reducedaccording to previous research results showing plans for production are likely to de- crease as more information is received. On this most select basis, the select group in the Baldwin and Wiregrass areas would plan to supply just less than half of plant requirements after receiving full information. The select group, however, formed a minor part of the total interest group. The remaining group, those over 45 or with attitudes fair to poor might also be expected to produce for processing. This remaining non-select group in the Baldwin-Wiregrass area had expressed an interest in approxi- mately 10,000 acres of vegetables proposed for processing. Production on at least one-third of these acres combined with the select group would as- sure the acreage needed for the processing plant. Northern Florida provides still another supply area where interest in processing has been high in recent years. Net returns for growing selected vegetable crops were compiled based on a survey of processor's expected yields from the area and the prices processors were willing to pay. Net returns per acre to land, operator labor and capital were budgeted to be $70.47 for green beans; $68.42 for turnip greens, $60.4 for hand harvested southern peas, $47.40 for mechani- cally harvested southern peas, and $78.36 for speckled butte rbeans. These were compared with net returns after harvest of soybeans at $43.34, corn at $42.37, and potatoes at $70.53. Costs of mechanical harvesting other 71 than custom estimates were not included in this report and additional study is needed to determine the effect of mechanized harvest on net returns as they affect both farm and plant feasibility. Total gross return to farmers, however, from the proposed plant would be $833,175 for 9,613 tons of raw material. Total investment costs of a plant having a green bean line, a sou thern pea line and a southern greens line would be $1,929,517 dollars. Annual total costs of the plant would be $3,056,563 and annual gross re- turns, $3,456,000, leaving a net income of $399,437 before corporate in- come taxes. Profit after taxes would be 11.0 per cent of initial investment. Annual output of the plant would be approximately 16 million pounds which in recent years would have been about eight per cent of total production in the South. Labor requirements of the plant would include 29 persons on full-time salaries with a payroll of $293,460 and up to 59 seasonal employees with a payroll of $153,519. There should be a labor cost advantage relative to California of about six per cent of total costs per year. Baldwin County has a slight disadvantage in relation to Southern markets when compared to other loca- tions in Alabama, but this was found to be of minor importance. Based on projected net returns to farmers and the history of the area to produce there seems to be little doubt that the area can support a vegetable processing plant of a commercial size. Key elements in the success of the plant will be its ability to capture at least eight per cent of a market which shows possibility of continued growth and the way in which costs of mechanical harvesting will be shared by the processor and the farmer. 72 Appendix Table . Number of Growers and Acres of Commercial Vegetables by Sales to Processors, Wiregrass and Gulf Coast Counties, 1967. Count Growers Acres Sales Coffee Southern peas 20 100 $ 10,000 Geneva Tomatoes 50 250 10,000 Cucumbers 30 40 10,000 Southern peas 30 400 100,000 Dale Field peas 40 200 20,000 Houston Cucumbers 60 100 20,000 Southern peas 50 200 40,000 Henry Cucumbers 8 12 1,000 Southern peas 40 75 4,500 Subtotal 328 1,377 $215,500 Mobile Irish potatoes 12 1,200 225,000 Baldwin Snap beans 70 4,500 360,000 Southern peas 30 2,000 216,000 Irish potatoes 250 2,500 506,000 Escambia Tomatoes 1 20 3,000 Cucumbers 680 825 240,000 Subtotal 1,043 11,045 $1,550,000 Total 1,371 12,422 $175,0 73 List of References 1. Allen, M. B., and F. W. Williams. 1962. The Southeastern Vegetable Processing Industry: Raw Product Procurement, 1960, U. S. Department of Agriculture Mktg. Res. Rpt. 560. U. S. Department Agr., Econ. Res. Serv. in cooperation with Ga. Exp. Station. 2. ERS Freezer Survey. 1965. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. 3. Food Consumption of Households in the United States. 1955. Report No. 1, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. 4. Frozen Food Pack Statistics 1965. 1967. National Association of Frozen Food Processors, Washington, D. C. 5. Hammond, Leigh H. June 1966. "Food Industry Location," Tarheel Farm Economist, North Carolina State University at Raleigh. 6. Miller, B. R. and R. S. Glover. January 1967. "Estimates of the Impact of the Poverty Program on Demand for Selected Foods," Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science, Vol. 38. 7. Miller, B. R. July 1964. "Alabama's Regional Trade Balance with Emphasis on Agriculture and Economic Development," Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science, Vol. 35. 8. National Food Situation. August, 1966. ERS, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. 9. Pearson, James L., and Thomas G. Brown. 1965. Fruits and Ve e- tables for the Delta, Special Report 69 4/6 22 M, University of Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station. 10. Pearson, James L. 1968. Utilization of the South's Vegetable Processing Capacity, Department of Agricultural Economics, Florida Agricultural Experiment Stations, Gainesville, Florida in cooperation with Marketing Economics Division, Economics Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. 11. Purcell, J. C., and K. E. Ford. 1964. Consumption Requirements and Prospective Demand for Fruit and Vegetables in the South, Special Report, Georgia Experiment Station, Experiment, Georgia. 12. Reed, Robert H., and L. L. Sammet. 1963. Multiple Product Pro- cessing of California Frozen Vegetables, Gianni Foundation Research Report No. 264, University of California, Division of Agricultural Sciences. 74 13. U.S. Bureau of the Census. 1964. 1964 United States Census of Agriculture, Series AC 64-P1. 14. U.S. Bureau of the Census. 1963. 1963 United States Census of Manufacturing. 15. U.S. Bureau of the Census. 1960. 1960 United States Census of Population, Alabama, General Social and Economic Characteristics. 16. Unpublished Survey of Vegetable Freezing Capacity. 1965. ERS, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. 17. Unpublished Survey on Food Processing Lines. 1967. ERS, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. 18. Williams, F. W. 1963. A Vegetable Processing Plant in Jackson County, Florida, ERS, U.S. Department of Agriculture in cooperation with Georgia Agricultural Experiment Station, Experiment, Georgia.