C- Progress Report Series No. 87 Agricultural Experiment Station AUBURN UNIVERSITY February, 1964 2V. Smih, Director Auburn, Alabama SUMMER ANNUAL GRASSES C. S. HOVELAND, Associate Professor (Crops) 0. N. ANDREWS, JR., Assistant in Agronomy (Resigned) H. L. WEBSTER, Instructor (Crops) RA-ID, GROWING summer, annual grasses like pearlmillet, sudangrass, and b rowutop millet are. widely grown for temporary grazing and hay. Such crops provide, good quality forage during the criti- cal summer period. Since, they are relatively ex- pensive to, grow, it is: essential that the most pro- ductive varieties be used. Some of the new sorghum--sudan 1' vhTTridrb showed promise of high production over-a, long season in tests, by Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station. These variety tests were done to, identify most productive summer annual grasses among the la rge number that is available. Testing was at nine locations in 1963, but the testing pe- riod at six locations covered a 3-year period. Entry Pfister Suhow 35- T-E Grazemaster Gahi-1 millet -------- Gahi-2 millet -------- Frontier Hydan 38 --- T-E Haygrazer DeKalb SX-11------- Georgia Suhi-1 sudan- Starr m illet----- ----- Green M --------- --- Lindsey 77F--------- Asgrow Grazer------- NK Sordan---------- NK Trudan-1 sudan -- Browntop millet Sweet sudan Test varieties were planted in plots 5 X 20 feet with rows 6 inches apart; the randomly ar- ranged plots were repeated four times. A strip six rows wide and 20 feet long was harvested for yield records'. Tests were planted in late, April or May and fertilized with 500 pounds of 4-12-12 per, acre. Tli~wsfollowed with 40.p, d o iroe e acre when stands were up and after each clipping-. Two, to five cuttings; were harvested each year. HOW VARIETIES PERFORMED Drought seriously reduced or limited growth in late summer and fall of 1963, Table 1-5. The TABLE 1. FORAGE YIELDS OF SUMMER ANNUAL GRASSES IN NORTHERN ALABAMA Oven dry forage per acre Tennessee Valley Substation Alexandria Experiment Field 1963 Lb. 10,926 9,575 d7J71o7,771 7,748 7,512 A7A6E7,496 7,477 7,261 6,706 6,673 6,219 5,495 4,294 4,236 2-year average Lb. 11,P268 8,898 9,659 11,928 9,035 9,526 7,515 83,179 8,826 5,544 3-year average Lb. 9,638 11,318 9,049 8,188 9,484 6,177 1963 Lb. 4,182 4,500 4,430 4,37 4,047 3,867 4,099 4,501 4,427 4,241 4,309 4,154: 2-year average Lb. 3,206 3,471 3,8 3,533 4,529 3,84 3,286 4,863 3,025 3-year average Lb. 4,340 2,686 3,243 3,7049 3,654 3,895 4,014 2,619 1 _ I - TABLE 2. LEAF PERCENTAGE AND FORAGE YIELDS OF SUMMER ANNUAL GRASSES, AGRONOMY FARM, AUBURN Leaf percentage of dry forage, 1963 Entry T-E Haygrazer Asgrow Grazer Pfister Suchow 35 NK Sordan---------- Georgia Suhi-1 sudan- Green M --------- --- Frontier Hydan 38 --- Gahi-1 um illet-------- Gabi-2 milleh -------- DeKaib SX-11------- Lindsey 77F--------- Starr m illet----- ----- June 5 Pct. 53 61 60 54 54 61 49 85 69 51 20 July 10 Pct. 54 60 56 54 55 58 55 67 44 56 51 54 Aug. 15 Pct. 54 52 63 72 52 65 58 70 55 50 66 1963 Lb. 6,018 5,660 5,260 5,233 5,072 5,053 4,912 4,884 4,828 4,1714 4,059 Oven dry forage per acre 2-year average a Lb. 6,218 6,288 6, 160 6, 179 5,367 53,455 6,221 4,704 3-year verage Lb. 5, 128 6,781 5,557 6,642 5,465 4,657 TABLE 3. LEAF PERCENTAGE ANDFORAGE YIELDS OF SUMMERANNUAL GRASSES, PLANT BREEDING UNIT., TALLASSEE Leaf percentage of dry forage, 1963 Entry Paymaster Sweet Sioux- Nebraska Sn-i -------- Asgrow Grazer -------- G reen M ------------- NK Sordan- NK Trudan-1 sudan---- Asgrow H-6160 ------- Lindsey 77F DeKalb SX-11 -------- Georgia Suhi-1 sudan- T-E Grazemaster ------ Frontier Hydan 38----- T-E Haygrazer-------- Pfister Suchow 35------ Gahi-1 millet --------- Gahi-2 millet --------- Swee't siidan --------- Starr millet- - Browntop millet------- June 7 Pct. 53 60 55 50 53 43 56 51 53 55 49 53 56 63 - - 63 72 47 66 53 July 12 Pct. 36 35 31 42 27 25 35 32 37 81 31 32 33 43 38 48 31 41 46 Aug. 13 Pct. 51 45 44 44 50 46 60 50 51 40 48 53- 55 48 61 Oven dry forage per acre 1963 Lb. 13,180 12,955 12,830 12,629 12,540 12,507 11,870 ,828 11500 11,5441 11,422 11355 11,117 10985 9.,948 9,354 91,006 7,298 5,34 2-year average Lb. 10,568 10,102 9,050 9,277 9,144 83,755 8,731 8,734 8,524 9,138 61,357 6,62 4,5 lone exception was the Black Belt Substation. Ex- tended dry periods, throughout the summer, re- duced, yields drastically at the Alexandria Experi- ment Field and Lower Coastal Plain Substation. On, the basis of 2- and 3-year average yields at all locations, sorghum-sudan hybrids were equal to or more productive than Gahi- millet except at the Gulf Coast Substation. There,, Gahi- millet produce d higher total yields than the sorghum- sudan hybrids; however, the latter furnished more forage during early fall. Yields of different sorghum-sudan hybrids were similar when compared during a 3-year period. All of these hybrids were much more:productivethan. sweet sudan, which was, seriously damaged by foliar diseases. Severe damage by foliar diseases was also observed at the Tennessee Valley Sub- station on Trudan-1, a hybrid sudan, and Sordan, a sorghum-sudan hybrid. These diseases reduced production in late summer. In, contrast, Suhi-!, a high yielding hybrid sudangrass, had excellent dis- ease resistance and made good forage growth in late summer and ea rly fall. Gahi-1 pearlmillet was more productive than Starr', an older- variety. Gahi-2, a, new variety with improved seed production, was equal in, forage yield to Gahi-1. Both Gahi-1 and Gahi-2 pearl- millets were generally more leafy than the sor- ghum-sudan hybrids or sudangrass. None of the pearlmillet varieties was productive on lime soil at the Black Belt Substation. Browntop, millet yielded only about half as much forage as pearlmillet or, sorghum-sudan hy- brids. Season of production. of' browntop, millet was- shorter than that for, other summer annual grasses. 3-year average Lb. 11785 ,475 10,484 9,542 9,238 8,969 6,451 6,848 3,2 VV TABLE 4. FORAGE YIELDS OF SUMMER ANNUAL GRASSES IN CENTRLAL ALABAMA Entry T-E Haygrazer Asgrow Grazer NK Sordan-- - Lindsey 77F Frontier Hydan 38 Green M-- - - - - Georgia Suhi-1 sudan Green Gro--- - Pfister Suchow 35 Paymaster Sweet Sioux- NK Trudan-1 sudlan---- DeKalb SX-11 -------- Sweet sudan ---------- Gahi-1 millet --------- Gahi-2 millet --------- Browntop millet------- Leafy Sue-------- ---- Golden Sue----------- Pioneer 930----------- Pioneer XF 011 ------- T-E. Grazemaster ------ Black Belt Substation 1963 Lb. 13,439 13,284 13,026 12,92 12,870 12,477 12,322 12,136 12,074 123,036 11,514 11, 212 6,910 6,255 6,177 2-year average Lb. 133,434 13,692 123,476 11,822 11,880 12,18 11,541 8,399 5)538 Oven dry forage per acre Prattville Field 1963 Lb. 6,761 6,992 7,442 83,176 6,911 6,214 6,923 6,686 3,77 4,47 3,56 3,418 2-year average Lb. 5,730 5,798 4)780 4,955 5,001 3,043 4,974 3,732 Lower Coastal Plain Substation 1963 Lb. 6,595 7,592 6,365 8)435 9,057 8,892 6,20 9,376 8,249 8,228 8,053 8,1005 7,37 TABLE 5. FORAGE YIELDS OF SUMMERANNUALGRASSES IN SOUTHERNALABAMA Entry Lindsey 77F--- Asgrow Grazer Green M ----------- Gahi-1 millet-------- Georgia Suhi-1 sudan- Gahi-2 millet-------- DeKalb SX-11------- T-E Haygrazer ------ Asgrow H-6160------ NK Sordan---------- Pfister Suchow 35 ---- Browntop millet --- Sweet sudan--------- 1963 Lb. 7,753 73,093 6)681 6,681 6,403 6,289 Gulf Coast Substation 2-year average Lb. 6,997 10247 7,585 73,129 Oven dry forage per acre Brewton Experiment Field 3-year average Lb. 6,894 10,304 7,828 1963 Lb. 5,165 5,63 5,224 5,081 3,98 5,782 4,482 5,1393 6,241 5,767 4,913 4,760 3,1692 2-year average Lb. 4,511 53,967 6,916 2,755 4,642 6,210 4,157 2,787 3-year average_ Lb. 6,02 6,433 5,537 3,378 2,815 SUMMARY 1. Yields of sorghum-sudan hybrids were gen- erally equal to or superior tothose of pearlmillet-, except at the, Gulf Coast Substation. There were no consistent yield differences between individual sorghum-sudan hybrids tested during the 3-year period. 2. Pearlmillet yields, were much lower than sorghum-sudan and sudangrass hybrids on lime soil at the, Black Belt Substation. 3. Gahi-1 pearimillet was more leafy through- out the season than the sorghum-sudan hybrids or sudan hybrids. 4. Sorghum-sudan and sudan grass hybrids were usually more productive than pearlmillet in late summer and early fa. 5. Sweet sudan and browntop millet generally had the lowest yields, and shortest productive, sea- son of the, species tested. ACKNOWLEDGMENT For help in conducting some of the trials, the author expresses appreciation to J. K. Boseck and H. W. Ivy, Tennessee Valley Substation; F. T. Glaze, Alexandria Ex- periment Field; J. W. Langford, Plant Breeding Unit; F. E. Bertram, Prattville Experiment Field; L. A. Smith and H. W. Crimes, Black Belt Substation; V. L. Brown and W. J. Watson, Lower Coastal Plain, Substation; J. W. Richardson, Brewton Experiment Field; 11. T. Yates and J. E. Barrett, Gulf Coast Substation.