Progress Report Series No. 83 Agricultural Experiment StationE.. AUBURN UNIVERSITY A A SENSITIVE BIO-ASSAY for TWO BIPYRIDYL QUATERNARY SALTS H. H. FUNDERBURK JR. Asssant Botanis JM. LAWRENCE, Assatae Fih Culurs D ETFIiMI NAT]ION of residues bas beconie an imp 1 ortant aspect of hierlbicidal research. Efforts are contii l "i val being miade to incerease th e scmii tix itx of knoxx n tests for thle chemnical allaixsis of a larg(e mnl)(T of herbicides. Residu es tromi ay ia tic herbicides are iisiallx v ery siai Iblecau se thle herbicide mu11st be effectiv e in] silall qi ianitities tisiialix 1.0 to 5.0 ppm )to be ecolloiicalix\ feasi- ble. 'The comnpounmds 11'eh ei-_- ixrd u dy hum dIi (iethx suilfate) ( paraq i mat ) arc newA herbicides that control a num11ber of aq iatic wxeed 1 s at exceecli1 glowLx rate's (0.5~ ppmn). In prehninarx\ experiments, it was noticed that these chemicals caused a greneral and finially a complete chlorosis of sev eral aquoatic xx eeds. One may, 1962 Smith, Director uburn, Alabama of the we eds that wxas conipletely bleached by these herbicides wxas duck-weed (Lcnm a mninor U'). 1)tickwed wxas subljectedl to sexveral rates of lmtli herb)icidles amnd ov as tound1( to h~e senisitive( to conicentrationls below 0.1 ppml. Rlepeated experi- menits icicateci that concentrations as lowv ats 0.005 am dI 0.0075 ppi of cliqutat a nl paraua~t, respectix\k. could b~e detected by assax iim wvith duuckxxcccl. Theli bio-assay is siniple, of short duration (96 than1 tile chemilical tests for these comupoids. It is b ein g uitilIizted for thle deternili 1ationl of residui es of1 ci(piat im c paraqmat in wxater and plants. Plains are lili cerxxax to ad apt it to the ceterini I lath)]) of residues of' th1ese cheicaezls in soil anid fish. 104-- CO TO D 10UTPRQA of LX d I i ll( gro\I ( i ii Mid Mit ili ill i l ('O\ Ciii I I)it tit hoiurs per (fit\ 101(1 at i t tipurlti itt of 1 SO l' Iti itc o if fli abo\(. tl(.atljwllt . t1w \cscl \\as fillcd \ith dvo-Illormilk-d till) \\iLtCl, itlid Hit. ihwk\\c(,d \\ios held ill t1w c\1wrii1wilt fol 7, da\ . Tllc % ill t1w (viltel colltitilwd 0.005 ppill (liquat and tll(. \ rscl oil tll(. rit-dit cootitincd 0.0075 ppin paraquat. I li _dwi itt(,s of cither chcioicitl produo. cd cliloroi, of d1wk- \\ (,(.d \\ ithill a ollich shortri r\pomin, period. C -7, f