/ Progress Report Series No.: 67 June, 1957 AGRICULTURA. EXPERIMENT STATION of The Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. F. V.-CSMITH, Director Frome Beef Calf toFat Steer in Ten Month on Oat Grazing and Dry LotFeeding,:.: W. B. -Anthony 2 J. K. Boseck, R. R. Harris, P. Parks 2 , E,:M. Evans, and H. W. Grimes NCREASING NUMBERS of Alabama cattle producers, are keeping clves after weaning ageanid grow- ing them to heavier weights. As an indication of this trend, the Agricultural Market NeWS'Service (USDA) reported that "calves constituted 55 per cent of the total cattle marketings in -Alabama in 1950, but only 44 per cent in 1954. It is generally agreed that this represents a desirable change in the marketing process',provided an adequate sup- ply of farm-produced feed and grazing is avail- able.: Small grain pasture is ideal feed for the weaned beef calf because it is high in protein, low in.fiber, highly digestible, and very- palatable. Oats are widely grown in all sections of Alabama. It is common for oats to be grazed until the end of February, when the animals are removed and the- crop is nitrated and permitted to make grain,. Production information on ,oats grown solely for grazing by young beef cattle islimited. In the ,test; reported herein, oat pasture was established and .used solely,for grazing by light- weight stocker steer calves.. After grazing the oats, the yearling steers were finished in dry lot, and then sold for slaughter. In the experiment no comparisons were-made of alternate; usages of the oat crop. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE The experimental area consisted of two fenced, 4-acre paddocks located on a:Humphrey's silt loam soil. The land was fallowed during the summer of 1955 and 500 pounds per acre o 0-14-14 fertiliizer was applied before seeding. The, oats were seeded at the rate of 3 bushels per re on a prepared seedbed in mid-Sepembe, 1955. The forage was topdressed with 40 pounds of nitrogen per acre from ammonium nitrate. Sixteen good stocker Hereford steer calves (av- erage weight 381 pounds) were assigned to the two, 4-acre paddocks on November 22, 1955, The sto.kng rate of 2 animals per a,,cre was not changed duriig the grazing life of the forage. When it was' necessary to take the animal off the grz ing paddocks because of bad weather, they were removed to apaved and sheltered f ed lot where they were f ed 1.5 pounds of cottonseed meal"and2 pounds of ground sapped corn per head dailyin addition to a full feed of sorghum silage They were weighd at 28day ntervals and -recirds were - kept of all suppliental feed consumed. 'At the end of the grazingseason, May 29 the animals wre gradedand their mfriarket value w is established. I r Il mediately foillowiig the- grading, the animals were allotted at raidom to twol, groups for finisihiig-in dry lot. Two'feeding treatments were compared n dry lot. Lot 1 was full fed silage wii a limited grain ration for the first- part of the trial. The other group (Lot 2) did not rec.eive silage, but was full fed a .mixd ration composed of ear. corn, alfalfa hay' cotEtonsed "Imeal, ane molasses, and salt. Full ' The data were obtained at the ennessee Valley Substation (Belle Mina), Agricultui-l Experiment Statioi System of the Aliabama Poytechnic Institute, Auburn, Alabama. The studv.y is part of a .project entitledimprovements:,in ProdoEtion and- ilitzation f Feeddand Forage for Beef and Dairy Cattle in Alabama." " SDepartnt o AnimalHusbndry adndry ad N trition. ,- Tennessee Valley Substation. 'Department of Agronomy and Soils. details of the two dietary treatments may be more clearly stated by listing them as follows: LOT 1: First 61 days on feed Sorghum silage, free choice Ground snapped corn, 5pounds per head daily Cottonseed meal, 2 pounds per ead daily (no stilbestrol) Last 54 days on feed No silage was fed. The cattle were hand-fed hay and a feed mixture. Composition of ration and method of feeding was exactly the same as that accorded the cattle in Lot 2. LOT 2: Full fed the following mixture Ground snapped corn, 64.5 per cent Cottonseed meal, 10 per cent Cane molasses, 15 per cent Legume-grass hay, 10 per cent Salt, 0.5 per cent All ingredients except the hay were mixed together. The hay was fed loose without grinding but regulated to an amount equal to 10 per cent of the total daily ration. The cottonseed meal contained 5 mg. of stilbestrol per pound. The two lots of cattle were sold for slaughter on the same day and carcass data were obtained. RESULTS Results of the oat grazing phase of the test are summarized in Table 1. All values shown in the table are averages for the two, 4-acre paddocks. Because of muddy fields and cold weather, the cattle were intermittently off the grazing pad- docks for a total of 46 days between November 22 and March 5. During ,this 104-day period, the animals gained 125 pounds per head (1.21 pounds per day). Supplemental feed consumed per head in addition to pasture was 1,055 pounds of sor- ghum silage, 74 pounds of ground snapped corn, and 73 pounds of cottonseed meal. From March 6 until May 29, the cattle were continuously on oat grazing and they received no supplemental feed. During this latter period, the cattle gained 170 pounds per head (2.02 pounds per day). The cattle gained 57.6 per cent of their total weight gain during the last 84 days of the 188-day grazing period. The total gain per head for the entire grazing period was 290 and 391 pounds, respec- tively, for Lots 1 and 2. The comparable daily gains were 1.54 pounds and 1.60 pounds. The average total gain per acre from oat grazing and supplemental feed was 591 pounds. At the end of oat grazing, the cattle graded Standard. Their appraised market value at this TABLE 1. RESULTS OF GRAZING STOCKER CALVES ON OAT FORAGE, NOVEMBER 22, 1955-MAY 29, 1956, TENNESSEE VALLEY SUBSTATION, BELLE MINA, ALABAMA Item Resultant' Number of acres per paddock -------------- Number of animals per paddock 8 Number of days in test period --- 188 Average per steer Initial weight, lb. - ------ 381 Weight on 188th day, lb.----------------677 Total gain per steer, lb. 296 Average daily gain, lb. 1.57 Total gain per acre of grazing, lb. ------- 592 Supplemental feed required per animal Sorghum silage, lb. - Ground snapped corn, lb. Cottonseed meal (41%), lb.- Total cost of supplemental feed per steer, dollars -- -- -- 1,055 74 --- - -- 73 6.00 Summary of some costs and returns Charge per animal for oat grazing 3 ............ Total feed cost per animal Feed cost per cwt., gain Initial value per cwt. for calves Initial total value per steer Initial value plus feed cost per steer Value per cwt. end of oat grazing Total value per steer end of oat grazing Increase in value per steer over cost of grazing and supplemental feed' _$ 13.75 19.75 6.67 19.20 69.504 89.25 17.00 109.31' 20.06 Each recorded value is the average of 2 replications. 2 The cost of supplemental feed was: ground snapped corn, $1.78 per cwt.; cottonseed meal (41 per cent), $2.80 per cwt.; sorghum silage, $5 per ton (estimated). The per acre cost to produce oat grazing was arrived at in the following manner: 500 lb. of 0-14-14 fertilizer @ $1.90 per cwt.; 125 lb. ammonium nitrate @ $3.60 per cwt.; 3 bushels seed oats @& $1.50 per bushel; and land preparation, $9. 'Value per head is calculated on live weight less 5 per cent shrink. 'This return would be to cover such cash and non-cash costs as labor, repairs, depreciation on facilities, sprays, and returns to capital investment. time was $17 per hundredweight or $109.31 per head. The cash cost outlay for oat grazing, in- cluding land preparation, amounted to $13.75 per steer' and the supplemental feed $6. Delivered cost per head for the stocker calves was $69.50. The average increase in value per steer over the cost of grazing and supplemental feed was $20.06. 'See footnote 3, Table 1. TABLE 2. RESULTS OF FEED LOT FINISHING AFTER OAT GRAZING, MAY 30-SEPTEMBER 22, 1956, TENNESSEE VALLEY SUBSTATION, BELLE MINA, ALABAMA Item Lot 1 delayed full grain Number of animals per lot 8 Length of feeding period, days 115 Average per steer Initial weight, lb. 677 Final feed lot weight, lb. 921 'Total gain, lb. ........... 244 Average daily gain, lb. 2.12 Carcass grades Choice 2 Good 6 Dressing percentages Market weight (weighed at Huntsville) 60.10 Feed lot weight _ - 57.23 Total feed consumed per animal Sorghum silage, lb...... 2,438 Ground snapped corn, lb. --1,138 (15 bu.) Cottonseed meal with stilbestrol', lb. - 246 Cane molasses, lb. -- 255 Legume-grass hay, lb. 56 Salt, lb. 16 Feed per cwt. gain Sorghum silage, lb. 999 Ground snapped corn, lb. 466 Cottonseed meal with stilbestrol, lb. 101 Cane molasses, lb. 105 Legume-grass hay, lb. 23 Salt, lb . -------- --- 6 Average daily ration Sorghum silage (1st 65 days), lb. Ground snapped corn, lb. Cottonseed meal, lb. Cane molasses, (Lot 1 last 54 days, only), lb. Legume-grass hay (Lot 1 last 54 days only), lb. Feed cost per cwt. gain " Initial value per cwt. for feeders Initial total value per steer' Feed cost per steer Initial value plus feed cost per steer . . Selling price per cwt. Price received per steer 3 Increase in value per steer over cost of feed 37.50 9.90 2.14 5.10 1.12 $ 16.01 17.00 109.31 39.06 148.37 23.43 205.04 56.67 Lot 2 no silage full grain fed 8 115 677 948 271 2.36 3 61.74 59.42 2,019 (27 bu.) 302 437 303 16 745 161 112 6 17.56 2.63 3.80 2.63 $ 20.89 17.00 109.31 56.61 165.92 23.66 213.15 47.23 'The cattle fed silage in Lot 1 did not receive stilbestrol until they were placed on full grain for the last 61 days of the test. Each pound of cottonseed meal contained 5 mg. of stilbestrol. The stilbestrol premix (Stilbosol) was supplied by the Eli Lilly Company, Indianapolis. 2 The cost of feed ingredients per cwt. was: ground ear corn, $1.78; cottonseed meal (41%), $2.80; cottonseed meal with stilbestrol, $3.30; cane molasses, $1.70; hay, $1; sorghum silage, $0.25; and salt, $1.75. Grinding and/or mixing feed cost 350 per hundred pounds. Based on live weight less 5 per cent for shrink. Results of the feed lot phase of the test are summarized in Table 2. The cattle in Lot 2 (no silage) made slightly higher average daily gain than the animals in Lot 1 (2.36 pounds per day vs. 2.12). Also the carcass grades and dressing percentages were slightly higher for group 2. However, the cattle fed silage (Lot 1) consumed considerably less corn in the fattening process, the cost of gain was less, and the return for feed- ing was greater. As a consequence of feeding the cattle in dry lot for 115 days after oat grazing, the market value per animal, after deducting cost of the fattening feed, was increased an average of $51.95. DISCUSSION The cattle made good use of the oat forage as evidenced by the rapid daily gain and high total gain per animal. It is pointed out, however, that the forage was never overgrazed and provided plentiful grazing at all times. Although the value of the supplemental feed cannot be evaluated in this test, it was necessary when the animals were off oat forage during the early winter period. The feeding system chosen for this purpose proved to be an efficient one from the standpoint of low cost and good performance of the cattle while off grazing. After oat grazing, the cattle were in the feed lot during the warmest season of the year. Never- theless, no trouble was experienced in keeping the cattle on feed. They finished out rapidly and were ready for market at a normally favorable period for sale of well-finished cattle. In terms of feed required to produce 100 pounds of gain, 999 -pourids of sorghum silage replaced 279 pounds of ground snapped corn, 10 pounds of cottonseed meal, 56 pounds of cane molasses, and 89 pounds of hay. In spite of the fact that the silage-fed group of cattle at sale time was not quite as well finished as was the full grain-fed group, the feed replacement value of silage ap- pears exceptionally good. Management systems for slaughter cattle that include use of silage need further investigation. Finally, it should be noted that for oat grazing and feed lot finishing, the cattle were on the farm only approximately 10 months. The animals weighed 381 pounds when placed on oat grazing and the average market weight was 935 pounds. Therefore, for the 306 days they were on hand, the animals gained at an average rate of 1.81 .ponds per head daily. At this rate of gain, the cattle fattened while they grew. This is.a desir- able situation that usually results in efficient utili- zation of feed. IDuring the:306 days in tihe test, the net increase in value of the cattle per head above feed cost amounte( to $72.01. SUMMARY- .-Starting with a lightweight, beeftye stocker calf in November a 935-pouiid fat steer was pro- duced for markeit in 120 months. 'Oat grazing furn ished goodi feedfor the young testeattle s :evi denced by the fact that the averag daily gain during the oat grazing period of 188 days 'was 1.57 pounds. The animals fattened some in addi- tion to growing while consuming the a6dt forage diet and graded Standard ,-.off .igrazing..--, It was necessary for the cattle t.be pulled off grazing for a total of 46 days ,during- the .-early winter. When off .grazing the, cattle were fed, sorghum silage :and , a limited amount ,of corn. and .cotton- seed meal. The kind ,of supplemental feed pro- vided proed to be very satisfactory because .of its low cost and the. good performance of the cattle .when they wereoff grazing. After 'oat grazing the animals were fed in dry lot for* 115 daySduring the summer. Cattle fed sorghum .silage and imited grain for- a part of the dry lot feeding period consumed total o.f 15 bushels of corn per headian gained244 pouids. Cattle fed no silage but a full1feed of amixed corn - cottonseed meal -ioasses, - hay ration con- sumed a total of 27 bushels of prg rhead and gained 271 pounds. To produce 100 pounds of gain, the feed replaced by silage had a market value of $7.14 or the feed replacement alue of silage per ton was $14.29. DUring the period of 1ppro0xinately 10 months that the cattle were :owned on.tie farm, the net value per head above feed cost vas increased $72.01. ,This represents aeturnffo kver such cash and non-cash costs as labor, repairs, deprecia- tion on facilities, sprays, and feturns to, capital and investment. 4 4 1 I: Ii r ::::