Progress Report Series No. 46 June 1950 AGRICU LTURAL EXPERIMFNT STATION oT Alabama Polytechnic institute .0*0* M. J. Funchess, Director CO1li4r1RCIAL REACTIONS to ALAJALT A FULLY-COOKED SifALETPOTATO FLOUR , j BEN T. LANHANL, JR., Agricultural Economist One of the prime needs of the South today is the developmentof'market qutlets for-new crops and ther-products. The sweetpotato a crop native to the area. During the past-decade, considerable attention has been focused on the sweetpotato industry. 'Beginning in 1941 and 1942, and continuing to date, commercial exports and shipments uf sweetpo-tatoes have increased in importance. New and IM- pr6ved methods of processing sweetpotatoes through dehydration, canning, and -m)ia ufacture of starches have been accelerated. During the same period, increase in military demands for sweetpotatoes occurred. Despite allIof thesehfactors, however, the annual carry-over of seetpcta past.decade differed little from that of 20 to 30 years earlier Total annual sweetpotato production ad. consumption averaged about the same e, amount duiring the past decade as during the period 19Q9-19 Per capita cnsuption of. sweetpotatoes, however, has failed to keep pace with increases ir population. For the United States as a ih olesMPton dclined during the past three decades from 26 pounds per capita, in 191 14 pounds per capita in 1949. Beginning in .1942,. a research project at the Alabam-a Agr icultural Experiment Stationi on development -of new products from sweetpo.atoes f-or food uses, placed major emphasis-on the possibilities" of developing new fo od p roducts and/or new ing,, redi- ent-s of food' products that would. require -less sugar in manufacturing and that also'would possess higher nutritional vale than many food products and/or ingredients currently on the' imarket. These effor'ts resulted in development of a'niumber of different products derived from sweetpotatoe, 3/1 Among, the more"promising of th- new fobd'developents during-thata ,period was a product, called ALAIALT / -- a' product iriade from sweptPotato p'r1ee'w The produ ctwas not subjected to comprehe commercial acceptanoe tests when .first developed and,therefore, little was known of its potential market possibilities. This is the foiirth in a serieso _ rits ,-/presenting results of nation-wide consumer and/or crcia' ceptar e tests of several new food products made from sweetpotatoes. This particular report deals with ALANALT. It is concerned primar:ily with-'the over-all pioblem involved in measuring whether or not a product of this nature, made from sweetpotatoes, would be accepted and utilized by commercial food manufacturers, processors, and dis- tributors. Results of this study will largely determine the extent to which additional researth on-the product will be undertaken Description of ALALT The ALAIJALT used in the test was mdde wholly from cured sweetpotato es Swteetpotatoes were prepared by washing, timmining,andpulp- ing. This process resulted in a smooth,'well-colored pureefree of fiber, having a moisture'content of approximatey 69 per cent. The'purewas further processed ir-aediately .or as frot.en and stored at 00 F. and used as needed. Furth6r processing includeid loading the puree on metal trays by an extrusion operation, drying, and toas:ting to a, moisture contentof approx- imately 2.5 per cent. Drying and toasting was 'done in an oven ata'tempera- ture of 270 F., with air circulated at a velocity of 1,000 feet per minute. -./ poK" ta-;detal_1d discussion 6f -tle development 6f go*'ero t-he5e' new-. food, prodi6ts, seeL. A1. Ware' "Nture of'Aay Pre Journal. December 1946. ALAKALT is a coined word devised to represent fully-cooked sweet- potato flour.' it is one of a number of "1Alayam"l ("Ala"' for Alabama and ".yarn" for sweetpotato) Products. Both ALAL,.ALT and Alayam were first used as'bitand names to apply to the specialty-f ood products developed. by the.. sweetpot'ato food-research projects 'of the Alabama Agfri cultural .Xxpe riihent Station d4'ring World War II. * The words ALAi'ALT and. Alayamnaeuedi ti report to 4is- tinguish the product tested and' other Alayam' products from all other types and kinds of simila ' products. 5/ Other reports in the series include: (1) Alabama Agricultun%1*l Eeriment Station Bulletins No. 271, "Consumer Reactions to tAlayaihI Candy," Hday 1950; (2) No. 2.72., "Consumer R'eactions to, t Alayam' Snacks,"I June 1950; -2- The product was dried and toasted in the form of finned strips (approx- imately 3/8 of an inch in diameter), extending the full length of the trays on which the product was toasted'. Strips were broken into odd lehgths during the process of from trays and preparing for packaging. Generally, individual pieces of the product ranged from 1 to 4 inches in length. The product was reduced to a flour by a grinding operation -- usually with a burr mill. ALAhALT is quite different in its properties, uses, and method of pre- paration from sweetpotato flour prepared from dehydrated sweetpotatoes. 7/ Regular sweetpotato flour prepared from dehydrated sweetpotatoes is made by reducing the dehydrated product, usually the off-color grades, to a flour by use of a hammer mill. ALAMALT is prepared by baking the potato until fully cooked, peeling, pulping, extruding the pulp onto enamel trays, dry- ing, toasting, and finally grinding the toasted product in a burr mill. The final product is a light yellow flour, containing 97 to 98 per cent solids. nen moistened, it turns a deep orange-brown color. On ex- posure to air it absorbs and holds moisture. The moisture-holding property makes it especially hygroscopic. lWhen packaged in moisture-proof containers, the shelf-life of ALAKALT is exceptionally long. But when exposed to air, it absorbs moisture readily and soon cakes or becomes soggy. After manufacturing, the product may be stored in bulk in sealed metal drums at common temperatures until ready for use. Samples used in this test were packaged in one-pint glass jars prior to shipment to the commercial and research organizations that cooperated in testing the product. ALAMiALT is a highly nutritious and concentrated food. It is especially high in sucrose and maltose sugars. Also, it is a good source of carotene, which supplies vitamin A. 8/ "ALAhALT has possibilities for a number of commercial uses. It may be used in a large nurber of bakery items, candies, ice crear, and drinks. As an ingredient in bakery items, it has been (used) in fruit cakes, layer cakes, southern brown bread, cookies, biscuits, muffins, icings, and pies. "ALIUiALT may replace a portion of the eggs, butter, and sugar in cakes.... The amount of the potato flour added to bakery products is not large. If, .however, the bakery trade comes to accept sweetpotato flour as an ihgredi- would consume vast quantities. Each pound of the flour consumed would represent 5 to 6 pounds of cured potatoes, and it is of high importance to the grower, the shipper, and the manufacturer that off-grade potatoes make just as satisfactory a product as No. 1 potatoes, provided they are 1/ See L. IK. Jare, Hubert Harris, and iiildred S. Van deliark. "Com- mercial Uses for Fully-Cooked Sweet Potato Flour." Southern Food Processing. June-July 1947. 8/ Mildred S. Van dekark. "ALAMALT -- Its Properties and Uses." Ala- baa Agricultural Experiment Station Progress Report Series No. 23. Decemier 1945. sound and well cured." 2/ "The sugar content of the product (ALAiALT) ranges from 38 to 42 per cent. The cost of the sugar contained in this product would make it much too high to compete at present (1946) with commercial sugar. Even at low sweetpotato prices, it is doubtful that the cost of sugar (not crystal sugar but the sugar value) from sweetpotatoes will ever be low enough to compete wi'th commercial sugar. "Claims for the product rest on the basis of superior quality, on the properties given to other products when the fully-cooked flour is used as an ingredient, and on the use that may be made of the process to combine highly nutritive products of low palatability with sweetpotatoes to give products of high palatibility.and high nutritive value." / Objectives and Methods of Study This study was designed to obtain a representative cross-section of the opinions, attitudes, reactions, and evaluations of ALAiALT from the nation's major commercial food processors, manufacturers, and distributors. The study was limited to this group because (1) most such firms have research facilities and personnel available for testing such products, and (2) the product is better adapted to institutional uses than to individual consumer uses, No attempt was made to have the product tested by individual consumers (households) A group of 50 commercial organizations, located in all sections of the country, were selected and contacted in January 1950, with respect to their interests in testing ALAALT. Approximately 90 per cent of this number replied to the inquiry. Of that number, about two-thirds were interested in testing the product; most of those in the remaining third indicated that they were not interested in the product. In this latter group, a large proportion of the organizations indicated that they had previously tested the product, and, because of results of these earlier tests, were not interested in testing the product further. In April 1950, the list of possible testers was revised to exclude those organizations that expressed a specific lack of interest in testing the product. Other organizations were selected and added to the list to make a total of 50 possible testers. On April 10, 1950, samples of ALA- hiALT (12 one-pint glass jars) were shipped to each prospective tester. In addition, each tester was furnished (1) a description of ALdIALT, its 9/ L. vi. Ware, et al., "Commercial Uses for Fully-Cooked Sweet Potato Flour." Southern Food Processing. June-July 1947. 1/ For a more detailed discussion of the development, properties, and uses of ALAYJALT, see L. 1i. are. "Nature of iA YAi Products." Sweet Potato Journal. December 1946. -4- properties and uses; (2) selected recipes for using ALAHALT (See Appendix, pages 18 to 21); and (3) a questionnaire for recording specified test data and the opinions, attitudes, reactions, and evaluations of respondents relative to ALAhqALT. The questionnaire consistedb'of two parts '("ep 24). Part I was designed to obtajia an over-all appraisal and evaluation of the product. Part II consisted of a number of individual "Product test sheets." These sheets were desig'ned to obtain specific test data for each test conductd and/or different product made in testing ILAILT. Instruc- tions specified that a separate test sheet should be filled out for each separate test conducted and/or -product mde. The data in Table 1 indicate the nuber of responses received from the organizations that were selectod to cooperate in testing the product. Table 1. Numbeor of Sampls h!pped., Number of Organizations Responding, and Num-ber of FReturnod. -U ,abI7 questionnairccs and/or Commuents on ALAiJALT, by .Kind of Organization, June 1950 Number of Number of Number of samples organizations returned Kind of s~ippod responding usable organization to-.specified '(including :quastionnaires kinds of both teste3rs i and/or organizations & non-tesbers) comments ..Number Food processors and manufa c tureur s Milling compa nies and distributeors' Trade orgranizations and laboratories Candy manufacturers and conf ectioner ieOs Other o rgani z~ti on 19 .13, iNumboer I'umb eor' 15 10 4 47 60 4 19 39 The data in Table 1 indicate that 'about 8 per cent of'the'organiza- tions that were -asked to test the product made some type of r%3sponse to- the request. Of the number that responded, about one-half returned usable i .4 ? questionnaires and/or comments on the product. Most of this group did not complete the questionnaire, but indicated a reaction to the product in the form of comments in a letter and/or comments on research laboratory forms designed for organizational use. Most of the remaining number that responded indicated that, because of one reason or another, their tests had not been started or completed, but that the results of such tests would be made available at some time in the future -- if and when the tests are made. 11/ TEST FINDINGS Because of the kinds of answers returned by respondents and the wide Variations in size, kind, and location of organizations that tested the product, this report has been prepared as a compilation of case reports. Any detailed analyses of these reports would be difficult because of the diversity of testing methods, variations in kinds of products made in test- ing ALAliALT, differences in kinds of answers and comments reported, and many other factors. Test results and cofments on ALAUIALT have been grouped in this report on the basis of types of organizations that tested the product, Table I. These case reports are preceded by a brief summary of earlier test findings of the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station. Together, the test results and comments from the Station and from testing organizations indicate the extent of the product's commercial market possibilities. To obtain the opinions, attitudes, reactions, and evaluations of ALA- hALT from testing organizations; each concern was asked to report (on the questionnaire) on the following points specifically for each product made in testing ALAIALT: 1. Mixing qualities of ALAIHALT. 2. Cooking properties of ALAiILT. 3. Effects of ALkAALT on finished product: a. Appearance, color, etc. b. Texture, quality, etc. c. Flavor or taste. 11/ In the instructions to prospective testers, it was requested that, insofar as possible, all testing be completed and all test data and comments be returned by May 15, 1950. On hay 4, 1950, a letter was sent to all testers reminding them of the hay 15, 1950, suspense date. Compilation of respondents' test data, comments, etc., was delayed, however, until June 15, 1950, to allow all testers as much time as possible to complete their tests and to return their test results. -6- 4. Most important attributes (if any) of ALAVALT. 5. Most undesirable effects (if any) of ALAMALT. 6. Evaluation of the commercial possibilities of ALAMALT. Answers to and comments on these points were highly variable. No attempt has been made in this report to explain such variations. The fact that wide variations were reported indicates the importance of recognizing such variations when attempting to determine ALAMALT'S potential commercial marketing possibilities. Basically, the evaluations and interpretations of the test data and comments reported by respondents ho tested ALALALT are being left to those who may wish to utilize the data in actually studying the over-all problems involved in manufacturing, marketing, distributing, and utilizing the product. In evaluating and interpreting the test data and comments reported on ALAMALT, extreme caution should be exercised. The opinions, attitudes, reactions, and evaluations reported by respondents should be considered only as reflections of their initial reactions toward the product. Such reactions may be quite different at a later date and under different eco- nomic conditions. Test Results and Colmments by the Alabama Agricultural Experinnt Station 12/ "ALAMALT absorbs and holds moisture when exposed to air. It was found that this characteristic can be used to advantage in bakery goods in which moisture-holding quality is of great importance. For instance, ALAiEALT has been used in fruit cakes, layer cakes, southern brown bread, cookies, biscuits, muffins, candies, and icings. The moisture-holding property of ALAALT was very noticeable in the products prepared in the research kitchen. ALAMfALT also has been used for pies or pre-mixed pies. "Cakes in which ALAIIALT was used were fine in texture and grain, had an elastic quality, and held moisture twice as long as plain cakes. Simi- larly, ALALiALT gave candies and icings a very smooth, creamy texture, and freshness. Because of this moisture-holding quality, these products re- mained fresh in storage over a much longer period than those containing no ALA.tALT. 12/ The test results of the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station presented in this report were extracted from published reports and articles by Station technicians that first appeared in 1945, 1946, 'and 1947. They are based on test results during and prior to the period 1945-47. Results of subsequent testing by the Station are not shown in this report. -7- "It was found further that ALASUALT can be used to replace a portion of the eggs, butter, and sugar in cakes without loss in color, flavor, or tex- ture. Thus, a considerable saving can be made. Also, ice cream and milk shakes can be made with ALAIIALT in its natural form. These products have a very rich, creamy flavor. "In bakery goods the best results were obtained when the ALAIALT was mixed with warm water into a thin batter-like consistency. This mixture was then placed in refrigeration for 12 to 15 hours before using. However, satisfactory results were obtained without refrigeration of the batter." 1 3/ "ALAIfALT gives an excellent quality to icings. Icings to which ALAPIALT is added are smooth and creamy in texture and retain freshness for a much longer period than those not containing it. "The ALAMALT may be used for making pies. Opinions as to the quality of pies from the flour differ. There are some vho claim that the pie is the best they had ever eaten; others claim it is a little too strong in flavor and dark in color.... "The AL IALT does offer commercial possibilities in the preparation of a pre-mixed pie base. This product may be packaged in consumer packages or in bulk for institutional uses.... For those who prefer a strong-flavored pie, this would give quite a satisfactory product. Limited tests that have been conducted indicated that a mixture of sweetpotatoes and pumpkins make a satisfactory pre-mixed base for the sections of the country that prefer pumpkin pie to sweetpotato pie.... "Two sales tests were conducted on ice cream, one of 300 gallons... and another of 200 gallons.... According to plans, the 300 gallons...went to the trade without notice; the trade accepted the product without comment. The 200 gallon batch...went to specific stores with advance notice. Com- ments were favorable. Wartime regulations complicated further testing.... "ALAiALT makes an excellent milk shake if mixed properly; otherwise, the' ALAiALT settles and a poor product results. The fact that one local drug store in a sales test sold over $2,'000 worth of ALALALT milk shakes in a period of 8 months provides evidence that the public will accept the pro- duct and come back for more. It should be stated that this drug store made a superior product, advertised it, and 'pushed' its sale. Another drug store made such a poor product that the test was discontinued." 1/ 13/ ,Mildred S, Van deMark. "ALAlALT -- Its Properties and Uses." Ala- bama Agricultural Experiment Station Progress Report Series No. 23. Decem- ber 1945. 14/ L. M. Ware, et al., "Commercial Uses for Fully-Cooked Sweet Potato Flour." Southern Food Processing. June-July 1947. Test Results and Comments by Commercial Organizations i. Food processors and manufacturers Case No. 1 (located in the ,idwest). In a letter of transmittal, that included the results of a series of tests with ALA'dLT, the processor stated: " 1 We believe that it (ALA4ALT) has wide application among bakeries, particularly for use in layer cakes and in sweet rolls and coffee cakes. We were favorably impressed by its flavor, its moisture absorbing and re- taining properties, and by its rich color." This organizationts research laboratories made a number of products in testing ALALALT. In each case, a regular formula was run as a control. ALAIiALT was used by diluting 1 part of flour to 3 parts of warm water and refrigerated for 24 hours. The baked products were evaluated by four mem- bers of the organization's research staff at 24-, 48-, and 72-hour inter- vals. The following observations were made: "1. Yellow layer cake (130% sugar) (Replacing 20 of water with ALAiiLT batter) a. Color of crumb -- fair, slightly orange but not objectionable b. Texture -- good c. Eating properties -- good, moist d. Flavor -- excellent, slightly unusual but combined very well with vanilla "2. Devil's food cake (140% sugar) (Replacing 30% of water with ALA!ALT batter) a. Color of crurmb -- good, no difference compared to control b. Texture -- good c. Eating properties -- excellent, very moist d. Flavor -- excellent, combined especially well with chocolate "3. Sweet rolls and coffee cakes (Using 4% ALA1ALT batter) a. Color of crumb -- good b. Texture -- excellent c. Eating properties -- excellent d. Flavor -- excellent "4. Commercial white bread Batch No. 1 -- (Using 2% ALAKALT batter) a. Color of crumb -- good, slightly creamy b. Texture -- good c. Eating properties -- excellent d. Flavor -- good e. General -- loaf had excellent keeping qualities, was slightly softer than control at 72-hr. mark.... Batch No. 2 -- (Using 4% ALAiALT batter) a. Color of crumb -- good, very creamy in color resembling a loaf made from unbleached flour b. Texture -- good c. Eating properties -- good d. Flavor -- excellent e. General -- loaf had excellent keeping qualities, but very little difference compared to the 2% loaf Batch No. 3 -- (Using 2% dry ALAviALT flour) a. Color of crumb -- poor, too dark b. Texture -- poor, too open c. Eating properties -- good d. Flavor -- good e. General -- crumb structure and texture was definitely affected at this level "5. Cookies Old fashioned sugar a. Color of crumb -- poor, too dark b. Texture -- poor c. Eating properties -- poor, too brittle d. Flavor -- fair Butterscotch a. Color of crumb -- good b. Texture -- poor c. Eating properties -- poor, too brittle d. Flavor -- good "In summing up these tests, it was found that the ALAhALT product did produce improvement in such products as devil's food cake, sweet rolls, coffee cake, and commercial white bread. In the case of the yellow layer cake, a new type cake was created due to the color and flavor.being entirely different.... "In the type cookies made, the ALAi'ALT product did not produce improve- ment, The finished cookies were very brittle...." Case No. 2 (located in the lviidwest). This concern made eight (8) dif- ferent products in testing ALAMIALT. Products made were spice cake, devil's food cake, southern brown bread, fruit cake, biscuits, muffins, chocolate frosting, and spiced pie. This organization reported best results with southern brown bread and devil's food cake; poorest results were with biscuits. It reported the most important attributes of ALATiALT as "color and absorption of moisture." It stated that "flavor was not always acceptable. Also, in dry form, it was difficult to mix without lumping," -10- In evaluating the commercial possibilities of the product, this concern stated that ALAMALT "might be of value in the manufacture of bakery products." Comments on individual products included the following: Southern brown bread -- Mixing qualities of ALMALT were "very good. The finished product had a good appearance and a good color. Its texture was acceptable. Its flavor or taste was good ALAiALT was ndt as apparent as in other recipes." Devil's food cake -- ALAALT was "easily mixed in batter form. The product had a good appearance. Its texture was good, but was slightly gummy. Its flavor was acceptable." Spice cake -- ALAiALT was "easily mixed in batter form. Its cooking properties were acceptable. The finished product had a fairly good appear- ance, although it was not the color usually associated with spice cakes. Its texture was slightly gunmmy but otherwise acceptable. Its flavor was also acceptable." Chocolate fudge frosting -- AL ALT "does not seem to affect cooking properties, When combined with chocolate, it is not apparent in the color or appearance of the finished product. Both the texture and-flavor of the finished product were good. Unless ALAijALT would help retain moisture, its suitability would be questionable in this product." iuffins -- The mixing qualities of ALAIIALT were "very good. The fin- ished product had a nice color and appearance. Its texture was good, but slightly peaked from heating. Its flavor was fair -- it had.a bitter taste." Spiced pie -- The ALAIALT was "not easily mixed; it was inclined to lumip. Its cooking properties were good and it thickened nicely. The final product had a very good color and appearance. Its texture was good. The flavor was fair." Fruit cake -- ALAiALT's mixing qualities were "good; it was easily mixed. In cooking, it took a much longer baking time than the usual recipe. The finished product was a little sunken; its color was good. In texture, it was too wet inside. Its final flavor was good. One hour after baking, the product did not cut well. It seemed gummy and wet inside. ALAiALT might be of use in retaining moisture in fruit cakes." Biscuits -- ALAiALT's mixing qualities were "good. Its cooking proper- ties were poor; the biscuits did not rise properly. The finished product was poor in color, appearance, texture, quality, taste, and flavor. This product was one of the least acceptable." Case No. 3 (located in the Northeast). "We did several experiments with ALALALT.... Our impression of the resulting product is as follows: -11- "1. Product took longer to bake at the suggested temperature. "2. -Slightly 'heavier' product resulted. "3. Flavor of the ALAMALT was discernible until the product had been aged for 24 hours. "4. Product remained moist upon aging for 96 hours." Case No. 4 (located in the Midwest). "We had thought to use the ALA- MALT as a filler but the process you (the manufacturer) used in preparing the product evidently destroyed the jellying properties by converting the starch to sugar. "On our products we believe it has no value as thickener, would give too dark color and its flavor would mask flavors...which we are trying to emphasize." Case No. 5 (located in the Northeast). "This will advise that our tests are not completed but we feel that the product has very limited use in our work...." 2. Milling companies and distributors Case No. 6 (located in the Midwest). "...ALAMALT, when reconstituted, has a very poor flavor ... The flavor is rather typical of that which one obtains with highly pigmented vegetables after storage, and while the prod- ucts may have been good when fresh, it would appear that the stability problem is a serious one and would mitigate against successful commercial usage. "ALAMALT has been tested in a plain cake and a plain muffin.... "From our observations, we have seen no advantages for using ALAMALT in these baked products.... We made the plain yellow cake using all eggs (required by the recipe), and another in which 25 per cent of the egg was replaced with ALAMALT. No significant difference was noted in the tender- ness of these two cakes. However, we did object to the color and flavor which ALAMALT gave the cake. The cake batter containing ALAMALT was thicker and the grain of the cake was uneven." Case No. 7 (located in the Midwest). This organization did not test the product, but commented as follows: "The only drawback that we can see at the moment is that ALAMALT is hygroscopic and, since most prepared pancake flours are packed in so-called -12- ,delta-seal bags, i.e., the tops of the bags being folded over and sealed with .an adhesive, such bags would not be sealed tightly enough to prevent the mixture from drawing moisture...." Case No. 8 (located in the Midwest). " the moment, we do not see any place where this product may be used in our mixes. One of the main objections that we have to it is an undesirable, rather persistent 'after- flavor'. "I may say that personally I am fond of sweetpotatoes and the initial taste from ALAMALT is like sweetpotato, but this after-taste is quite un- desirable. We tried out products containing ALAMALT on several people and it is my feeling that very probably our northern palates are not sufficiently educated on the merits of sweetpotato flour." Case No. 9 (located in the Far West), "We examined this product and find it to be a very unique item, very pleasant and palatable in taste, and it should fit into many food items once its nutritional value is known. "...(in) bread baking and in minimum amounts it does no particular harm to the bread except with higher amounts it begins to open up and make the grain of the loaf heavy and darker in color." 3. Trade organizations and laboratories Case No. 10 (located in the Northeast). "We...have to date made two tests with this ingredient.... "One test was made in a layer cake with 130 sugar-flour ratio.... We used our own formula.... This addition (ALAMALT) caused practically no change in cake volume; grain was coarsened a little; texture was a little harsher; and color was very considerably darker and brownish-gray. The cake was moister than the control and also gummier in eating charactei.stics. Flavor was considerably changed but various observers we're not in agreement as to desirability of the change. Sweetness had been reduced ard a slightly tangy flavor added that might be of value in specialty products. "...ALAMALT was tried in (ordinary bread)...since this would be a major market if useful. It was used in a level of somewhere between 2 and 3 per cent of the dry ingredient in relation to flour weight. This made doughs more sticky and caused them to have less toughness. Crumb color was made very brownish-yellow. Other' loaf characteristics, such as volume, texture, grain, and loaf shape, were not appreciably changed. It caused bread to remain soft considerably longer than the control product but was not equal to regular bread containing polynxyethylene stearate in this respect. Bread was also quite gummy and there was a rather pronounced and undesirable effect upon flavor. "...Some further tests may be made in a few other cake types but it seems quite definite that this ingredient does not belong in ordinary bread. It is also so damaging to doughs or batters that only relatively small levels could be used in any product, in our opinion. It does have the property of increasing softness and keeping quality, but this may not be enough to give it a place in baked products in view of its relatively drastic action on wheat flour gluten." Case No. 11 (located in the Midwest). "I made a milk chocolate cake which normally called for a percentage of cooked and mashed potatoes. I replaced the mashed potato portion with ALAi'iALT and had very good results. "Following this; I made two batches of sponge cake. One was what would normally be called 'potato flour sponge cake' and was taken from a home cook book. I transposed this into a baker's formula.... "The resulting cakes...were not at all satisfactora, and I believe the main trouble I had then was that the ALAiALT does not have the same absorp- tion property as does regular Idaho or Michigan potato flour -- these flours usually take on 4 times the water weight of their own weight in bakery pro- ducts.... "The cakes made from ALA6 ALT over-expanded, then dropped completely. They were ovor-moist and, of course, had a very strong sweetpotato flavor. "I then made a second batch of sponge cake using a straight old fashioned sponge cake formula. I replaced 1/8 of the total flour weight with ALAALT. "These cakes, while much better than the first sponge cakes, were still not good merchandise. The color of the cake was somewhat mustard-colored-- the crumb was dry and the texture was open -- too open." Case No. 12 (located in the hidwest), "The products which we made were biscuits and muffins. "Both of these quick breads had the color of ALAMALT as well as its characteristic sweet flavor. Since ALA'I.ALT is fairly high in sugar, the baked products seemed somewhat more moist on the tongue than biscuits and muffins usually are. This sensation of moistness increased as the breads became cold. It increased even more when the products were held over to the second'day. The ALAKALT content of the breads seemed to give them a hygroscopic quality.... Of the two products, we preferred the muffins, since we thought the sweet flavor and darker color made the biscuits too different from the type of product most consumers associate with biscuits." Case No. 13 (located in the Miidwest). ."...I have found that ah addi- tion of ALALALT to dry mixtures of puddings makes a well-flavored dish and -14- ~1 most people who have tasted it. have claimed it to be something new and very palatable." 4, Candy manufacturers and confectioneries Case Ndo. 14 (located in the Northeast). "Our itoduction Manager made a couple of experiments with this-product in cookies but (with) not too satisfactory results. "The net results of our tests were that the product proved too sticky for use on our steel-band-type ovens and did not have any special flavor or other qualities which would make it work better in products, either new or old, than our own formulas.... "There is no question this product probably has beneficial qualities for the soft-goods type of bakery, but in our line we have a specialized type of 'formula and steel-band ovens which do not fit into the picture very well." Case No. 15 (located in the Midwest). "We used three of our regular production formulas for checking ALAaALT -- a fondant formula, a marshmal- low formula, and a hard candy formula. "Twelve persons were taste-tested on the finished candies. None ob- jected to the taste or color of the candy. No real enthusiasm, however, was evident for the ALALALT. A decided preference was given to the regular formula. "The ALAIALT worked well in both the fondant and marshmallow formulas. It was decidedly objectionable in the hard candy formula." Case No. 16 (located in the Southeast). "We have booeen familiar with ALA1iALT for a number of years.... There is no way that we have been able to find whereby we can use ALAIhALT in our manufacturing. We are not inter- ested in making further experiments at this time." Case No. 17 (located in the Midwest). "ALAPALT...should be successful in the soda fo'untain trade. This risk, I feel, uould be too great in the candy bar field, as it would require a great deal of experimentation, taste- test surveys, and advertising, in order to make it successful. As the northeastern part of our country is not too well acquainted with the taste of sweetpotatoes, some chances would be taken in its acceptability. There- fore, we feel that we are not interested, at this particular time, in the product." -15- 5*Other miscellaneous organizations Case No. l1 (located on the Pacific Coast). "In my eith Aiif 4 .ALT.I find that it works well in yeast-raised goods containing eggs. It makes for a richer product and brings out a pronounced golden color.,,, I tried it in the starter yeast of my salt-rising bread.... it came out all right, except that it showed up plain on the crust in a spock- led form. It might show up the same in a white loaf of broad from compres- sed yeast. "iALAhALT possesses what I might term sweet-sugar crystals that do not absorb easily, especially in prepared cake-douglhnut flour.,.. ALAiALT has a rich brown color which is imparted to all bakedpodsin whichfit was used. The more used, the more pronounced was the color. "ALAIhALT does not absorb water or milk as does white or common potato flour.... (It) did not increase the value of our products, but it did show up in color very plain; also in taste and odor just out of the oven. None of our customers voiced any objections." Case No. 19 (located in -the Northeast). "If.*,ALA11LT holds moisture and therefore is especially good in cakes, muffins, and soft cookies, then it would seem -che bakery industry would welcomeit, We didn't find the devil's food cake m1riiade with ILLAiALUT stayed moist after 5 days in the tin- lined, airtight drawer, It was dry and cr-Luybl.. "In making the devil' s food cake ith ALAiMJT, we found that it was nou easy to mix the batter. It took 3 to 5 minutes because it (ALA111ALT) lumps . Putting in ALALALT is an eIcra step in m-,aking the cakeo. In the finished product, the cake 5d-idn't look any different from.I other cakeos. Our pane oftase-tster wee uawae o any difference i*n this cake, though they likeod it the samice as a good stand-lard devi* l' s food cake, It did not have as much red color as some have.. The panel detected no flavor differ- ence. We held the cake for 5 days to- sec if., because of Ai'LAhALT, the cake was more moist than cakes usually are. The AitiAhA LT devil's food cake_ ? was dry and crumbly thoug-h stored in a tin-lined airtight container. "Most of the recipes.,.ugo very little ALAIJALT and can be successfully m,-ade without it. For this reason, I fos~cnue eitnet L IT- it' s extra work to mixC. up, and miax. in the ALA! "AL' . batter; yet it doesn't impart a distinct flavor; it also represents additional cost,." L~l~-16- SUMMARY and CONCLUSIONS During the period 1942-45, research technicians at the Alabama Agri- cultural Experiment Station developed a number of now food products from sweetpotatoes under the brand name Alayam products. Among the more promis- ing of these new products was ALAIALT -- a fully-cooked sweetpotato flour. This report presents the'results of a nation-wide acceptance tost of ALAIALT by commercial food manufacturers, processors, and distributors. It also presents a summary of earlier test findings of the Alabama Agri- cultural Experiment Station. Together, these test results indicate the extent of the product's commercial possibilities. Test reSults and comments by testing organizations varied widely. These variations emphasize the importance of their recognition as factors affecting the potential commercial possibilities of the product. In the aggregate, reactions to ALAMALT were not favorable. Testing organizations had strong opinions regarding the undesirable characteristics and effects of ALAiALT. On the other hand, opinions rqgarding the attributes of ALAbALT were varied and somewhat vague. This point deserves major empha- sis. A significant portion of the organizations that test3d ALAKALT either were not impressed or were not satisfied with the product. This, therefore, is a major factor limiting the immadiate potential commercial possibilities of ALAMALT. Basically, the evaluations and interpretations of the test data and comments reported by testing organizations are being left to those who may wish' to utilize the data in studying the over-all problems involved in man- ufacturing, marketing, distributing, and/or utilizing the product. In evaluating and interpreting the test data and comments reported on ALAiMALT, extreme caution should be exercised. The opinions, attitudes, reactions, and evaluations reportud by testing organizations should be con- sidered only as reflections of"their initial reactions towarq the product. Such reactions may be differoht at a later date and under different economic conditions. -17- APPENDITX Se.lected Recipes fOr Using AIMLT 1/ Frui-t Cake 1/2 c. butter. I c. 0sugar 1 c. applesauc'e 1 -t soda 1/h c. milk 1 c. raisins 1 c. nuts 1'ticinnamon 1/2 t. cloves 1-1/3 6.*-white 2/3 c. AIAI~I.,ALT Cream butter and add sugar gradually. Add soda to applesauce, and mix with butter and sugar. Combine ALAMAALT with flour and add alternately-with mlstirr ing well. Add. raisins.and nuts that have been, flou.1ed slightl .. Bakl~e in greased pan at 3500 F. for 1 hour. Devil's Food Cake 2 c. flour 2-3/h t. baking powder 1/4 t. salt 2/3 c. shorteninig 1-1/2 c. sugar 3 eggs (wiell beaten) 3squares unsweetened ch ocolate 3/h4 c. milk 1 to vanil-la hTo ALAM,1ALT (batter) 2/ Sift flour, measure, and add baking pqwder: and salt. Sift this mrix- ture three timi)es. Cream shortenin-g, add suga lwy rdcemutil light. Add eggs and beat -well. M,* ix in chocolate.' Add flour alternately with milk, beating smooth. Add AIAIAALT batter and vanilla* Bake in two layers for 30 minutes at 3500 F. 0-()ic e Cake 2-1/2c. flour 2-1/2 t. baking powder 1/4 t. salt 1 t.,cinnamon 1/h t. cloves h Tp ALAMALT (batter) 1/2 c. shortening 1 c. sugar *2 egg's" 1/3 c. molasses 3/h C. milk Sift flour, measure, and add baking powder, salt, and spices. Sift this mixture three times. Cream shortening, add sugar gradually, and cream until lighty.Mix in well-beaten eggs. Add molasses and AIAMvIALT batter., blending together wiell. Add flour alternately-with milk, beating after each addition. Bake for 30 minutes at 3500 Fe 1/ Adapted from Mildred S. Van deMark . "AAMALT--Its Properties and Uses.~ Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Progress Report Series No. 23. December 19)45# 2/ M,,,'ix AIAMIvLT -with warm -water to. make a thin batter cons istency. if time permits, place in refrigerator and let stand overnight, or 12 to 15 hours be.--fore using. flour (dry) Alayam Rocks 1-1/2 c. brown sugar. 2/3 c. butter 2 eggs 1 t. cinnamon h T. AILA-IlLT (batter) 1/h t . salt 1/h t . cloves 2-1/2 c., flour 1 t. soda 2/3 c. nuts 2/3 c. rai~sins 1 t. vanilla 1 T. milk Cream butter, add sugar, vanilla, wellbeaten eggs, and ALAMALT batter. Sift dry ingredients together and add to first mixture alternately with milk. Mix in nuts and raisins, Drop by spoonfuls on a greased tin, and 'bake in 3500 F. oven 15 to 20 minutes. Southern Brown Bread 3/h c. AIAMALT (atr 1 c. corn meal 1-1/h c.* whole wheat flour 1/2 c. bran 1 t. salt 2 t. soda 1 c. molasses 2 c.- buttermilk 2 c. raisins Mix the dry ingredients thoroughly. Add molasses, buttermilk, and ATAMIALT batter. Fold in raisins, slightly floured. Fill canIs 3/ full and steam for 2-1/2 hours in h well-greased No. 2 cans. Remove lids and dry bread. 1/2 hour -in, a moderat ely hot oven. Fudge (AI-,AAT and Fondant) 2 c. sugar 2/3 c.* milk 8 T. cocoa 3 T. light corn syrup 3 To AUMALT (batter) 3/h c. fondant 2 T. butter 2 t. vanilla 2 c. pecans Put sugar, milk, chocolate, ALAMALT, and corn syrup in a sauce pan. Cook slowly until tem perature of 2360 F. is reached. Remove and add butter, vanilla, and fondant. Beat wqell. Add pecans, mix and pour on a buttered tin to cool. Cut. Pralines 1 c. brown sugar 1 c. milk 2/3 c. ALAI '.LT (dry) 1/2 t. maple flavoring 1 c. -white sugar 1/16 t. soda6 1. T. butter 1-1/2-c. pecan (halves) Combine sugars, milk, and soda. Cook to 2360 F. Remove from heat, add butter and flavoring. hi p until crystallization begins, and add AIAMALT. M4ix thoroughly and drop by spoonfuls over pieces of pecans that have been placed on waxed paper. -"19 Chocolate' Fudge Icing 2 c. sugar 1- C.-milk I1t vanilla 4 T. cocoa 1 T. btt~r 2 T. ALAMJALT (batter) Cook -the sugar, ALXMUJT, milk, and chocolate until it forms a soft ball -when tried in cold water (2300 F.).-feove from fire, add buter and vanilla, and beat until of right consistency to spread on cake. (Lemon-cheese icing also may be' made successfully with AIAMALT., using 1 tablespoonful AIvMALT t-o 1 cup sugar. Moisture is retained twice as long as in standard recipecs.) Caraftael Frosting 1-1/2 c. brown sugar 1-1/2 c. granulated sugar 2 T. ALITMALT (batter) 1-1/2 c. milk 2 T. butter CombinuLAaLT n and mil a ing Itoaboil, stirringcon-ine ' ugar, , iilk nd b) stantly. Then boil iitiout stirring until a small amount of the mixture forms a soft ball in cold water (2320 F.). Add butter and beat until of right consistency to spread-,on cake.-- Spliced Pie 2/3 c.. ALAMJALT (dry) 1/2 c. sugar 1-1/2 t.mixcd spices, 1 lemon flavoring 1-4.c. milkc 2 T * butter 1/2 t. salt Whip egg and mix in and add alternately with mix thoroughly, and pour 3250 F. sugar. aComb ine A1.AMtL milk to egg and sugar. into-a baked pie shell. with other dry ingredients Add flavoring and butter, Bake for 45 minutes at Biscuit 1-2/3 c 0 flour 1/3 c. -ATAIIALT. (dry) 1/2 t. soda- Mix and sift all dry ing-redients. enough miAlk to make soft dough. K'nead thick and cut. Bake in hot oven (4i250 1/2 t. salt 3 T. fat lrl/3 c. sour milk Cut in fat with p-astry mixer. Add to make smooth. Roll to 1/2 inch Fe) 15 to 18 minut.1es. -20. Muffins 1-3/4 c. flour 1/ c. AIAMIALIT (dry) 3 T. fat 1-1/h c. milk 1 egg 2 T. sugar 1/2 t. salt 4 t. baking powvder Mix and sift all dry ingredients. Beat egg and to it add part of the milk. Add this to dry ingredients. Mix in melted fat and remaining milk. Beat well and put into muffin rings filling them about half full. Bake in hot oven (40 0 0 F.) for 35 to 40 minutes. Ice Cream 1 qt. milk 1 qt. cream 1-1/2 c. sugar 10 T. AIAMaLT (dry) 8 T. Dry skim milk I t. vanilla I t. kragel or gelatin Heat milk in double boiler to 800 F. Add the combined sugar, dry skim milk, kragel, and sweetpotato malt. Raise temperature to 1500 F. and let remain for 30 minutes. Cool, add vanilla and cream. Freeze. AIAMLT Milk Shakes- 1 c. milk (1/2 pint) Place milk in mixer, add malt, throughly. Serve. 2 scoops ice cream flavoring, and ice cream. Vfhip -21- QUI3J'TI ONNAL .1- PART I R "Ii0ATIO0U 13TO ALAkA LT" Organization __________________Date ______ Address ________________ Namne and title of' per son completing this quo sti onnaire-.: 1. What are the principal products manufactured by your organizatiLon? (a) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (C) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (b )__(d)_ 2. W4ha t products did you wake in testing 'AAL-ALT? (a) _________ (b) _______ _ (C.) _________ (d _________ 3*Did you use API or your oi wn recipes in making e .- ach of these products? (a) _________ b) _________ ()______ (d) _________ 4.In which of the products th1at You made- did ALA..',LT give: (a) Best resul1ts?_________ (b) Poorest re 3sults ? ______ 5.As an ingredient of the p,,roducts you mrade 'in testing- ALAJIALT: (a) W4hat wrethe mr.ost importaint attributes (if any) of ALALALT? (b) What we.rer the m-ost undesirable effects (if any) of ALAILALT upon the products rmade? _____ 6.On the basis of tUhe .Jtests you made., evaluate . the commercial possibili- ties of ALAMALT: -22.- PART II -- "PPQODUC'T rTlE3'T ,HEET" (Use a separate " IProdu-,ct TestI- Sheet" for each product made) Organization Address Date Name and title of person comupleting this questionnaire Product-made Test Number -API or your own recipe I. Based on your experience in making this product, write in your observations (imi t4..theprouct)ithrespect to thefollowing specific points: . What was your general !How did the prodct made wi.p items reaction to ALAMAALT as an ALAMALT d iffer from similar ingredient of this pro~uct;: l?rdcs made~ wihu LMAT1 dsrbl etrs Mixing qualities in preparation, etc, C6oking properties, et c (if applicable) ........................... .. ............................... .................................... .............. .......................................................... . . . . Effects on finished product: a* L ppear- ance, color, etc. b. Texture, moisture; fiminme~c-sgraininess., cracking, etc. c. Flavor or taste .................... ...... ....... I.......................................................................................................................................... Other comments ... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. (.. . .... t ".. .. i).. z - - I.Cl- -1 - PT II "PRODPFIT a~TSEE"(ot) II. Vhat weie the general conditions l/ of the products made with and without ALAMALT af .Lagef or various intervals of time ? ....... .. I ...... ....................... .... .. ....:. ................ ... ... I.......... ... ................. ........ ....... * ..~ ~~~~~~~~ .. .............. .................. ........................I............... Six!rage time Product made Product made Specify the general sto (from hour of making): with ALAN-4ALT without ALAMALT :under which these produ Imeiaey(See Question I) (b--ee Question I) ....... after..ia Ing ................... ....... .... 1. What size sample of t e p o u t a placed in storage?________ 2,,Were Kind hours later 3.4a s i Kind hours later .. 4Humidity 5.Tempe rati ___hours later ................................. .................................................................................................. 6 Presence ____ ours later 7Other ...... ........ ...... .. .... .. ..... ..... ... .... . ... .... ..... ... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..... ... .. .. .. .. .... .... ... Total estimated shelf: life of'product___ days___ days General conditions include all characteristics of the finished product. Answers would indicate the degree of specific changes (if any) in such characteristics as they occur whether desirable'or undesirable. For instance, 24 hours after making a product, its color may become darker or lighter, texture may be- conme more ar-i rv -r v-rnmr- qnapic~'or A1 r mq-n1 "h r~n~mc-a-n-pr~~Yne-ir] containers used? r n of light_ ___ ___ less rancid, etc. r\) _. __ ~I_ I __ __ _ ___ __ _ _ ~ II_ _