craSees' 4rt: Berieso 4May948 AGRiCULTURAL EXPERiMENT STATION of The Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn,Ala. M. J. Funckess, Direcktor HOW to ESTABLISH STANDS o CRIMSON CLOVER- SERICEA COMBIATION for GRAZING in the TENNESSEE VALL-EY FRD STEWART, Superintendent Tennessee Valley -Substation The combination of crimson clover and sericea in trials has provided more grazing in the last 2 years than any combination of grasses and legumes at the Tennessee Valley Substation. In the 2-year period of October 1, 1945, to October 1, 1947, a one and seven-tenths-acre area.of'crimson clover and sericea provided 691 days of grazing during the 730-day period. The number 'o' animnals grazed averaged nearly 3 Per acre during the 2 years of the experiment 9 Stands of crimson clover and sericea on the same land are fairly easy to establish, and may bedone by any one of the following methods: New tan The' sercea my -ied -e ithri e erly--spri o-in- thesunmer. In the case of -the spring planting, the sericea is seeded any time between Ma rch 15 and April 15 on a well prepared seedbed. The crimson clover of the combination is planted around October 15. A 1,000 pounds per acre of basic slag and 200 pounds of muriate of potash are applied and woriked into the seedbed just before planting the sericea. It i,1il not be-necessary to apply addi tional fertilizer when the crimson clover is seeded in the fall, The seeding rates per acre are 40 pounds of scarified sericea, and 30 pounds of crimson clover,. The crimson clover seed sh-,ould be thoroughly inocu-M lated. In te cae ofsumer pantig, bth he srice andcrison love a1 When crimson clover and sericea are planted at the same time in late summer the crimson clover can be grazed soon after the first frost. The sericea will be ready for grazing the following spring, When seeded in the spring, the sen- cea is not grazed until the foll owing spring. However, if an-unusually good stand and growth have beeP obtained, the sericea might be grazed-lightly earlier than the following spring. Old Stands of Sericea. If you have an old stand of sericea, you can estab- lish a stand of crison clover in the. senicea. This is done between October 15 and 31 by applying 1,000 pounds per acre of basic slag and 200 pounds of muriate of potash, and -then by broadcasting 30 pounds per acro of inoculated crimson clover seed. Both the fertilizer and seed are .disked into tho soil at the same time. However, care must be used. to not disk too deeply, as it might injure the sericea stand, Type of Cr3.mson.Cover. It is much safer to use roooding' crimson clover in this combination if available. However, if they cannot be obtainled, good' results can be expected from the regular cor~-urerciPJ. strain of crimson clover. Annual Fertili zer Treatment., Once. the stands of seniea and' crimson clover are established, the annual fertilizer treatment is 600 pourids per acre of basic slag. This is applied each fall soon after the crimson iclover has sprouted, To grow crimson clover on gray or- sandy soils it may be necessary to in- clude in the basic slag applicaition muriate of potash at the rate of 100 pounds per acre.0