Progress Report *Series No. 38 April 1948 AGRICU LTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION of The Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. . .*. . . . M. J. Funchess, Director * * COMPARATIVE PERFORMANCE of the AUBURN STRA IN of WHITE LEGHORN D. F. KING, Poultry Husbandman 6. J. COTTIER, Associate Poultry Husbandman One of the greatest needs of southern poultrymen is better bred stock. Improve- ment in management would accomplish much toward increasing the profits of average flocks. However, beyond a certain point, further progress is impossible without improvement in the breeding quality of flocks. It is recognized that chicks in- herit certain capacities or qualities that are important from the standpoint of cash return to the poultryman. Many: of these qualities are often overlooked by poultry breeders in their effort to develop strains that will lay large num- bers of eggs. AUBURN STiAli STARTED m 1935 The Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station since 1935 has had underway a project designed to develop a strain of Single Comb White Leghorns that would be capable of resisting diseases. Though egg production was an important consideration, more attention was given to livability during the first laying year, especially to prevention of losses caused by fowl paralysis. 1946 PERFORMANCE TEST Performance tests were started in the spring of 1946 to compare the Auburn Strain with other strains of White Leg- horns being produced in the State. The results reported here are for one year only. However, the study is being con- tinued, and subsequent reports will be made. Five well known breeders were selected, and orders were placed with each for 200 day-old chicks. When these chicks arrived, February 1946, they were banded for identi- fication and were placed in brooders with chicks of the Auburn Strain. All chicks were brooded for 3 weeks in batteries. The pullet chicks were then moved to brooder rooms having floor brooders, and were con- fined to the house until 10 to 12 weeks old. The pullets were placed on range where they had access to shelters until they were 155 days old. They were then moved to laying houses and confined for one year. No cull birds were removed at any time throughout the entire period. All birds as chicks and later as hens re- .ceived identical treatment, since they were run together and fed the same bal- anced ration. The pullets were trapnested. The num- ber of eggs laid by each hen was recorded for one year after 155 days old. All eggs laid during the first week in December were weighed individually, and the average for each strain was determined from these weights. Body weight of each hen was re- corded during February, when the birds were approximately one year old. All pullets were tested for pull orum disease on October 5, 1946 by the plate blood test. RESULTS of PERFORMANCE TESTS Growth mortality. Total mortality dur- ing the growing period varied from a low of 12.5 per cent to a high of 38 (Table 1). Although chicks of strains B, C, and D died at a somewhat similar rate, losses in the B strain occurred mainly during the first month, while chicks of C and D strains died mostly during the second month. Diseases causing most deaths dur- ing the growing period were pullorum, coccidiosis, and fowl paralysis. Table 1. Mortality During Growing Period Percentage of Strain Day-old chicks mortality, I- _ ... st 19_ . ..~_d. .. 2 Number Per cent A 200 12.5 B 200 32.5 C 200 36.5 D 200 38.0 E 200 27.0 Total, Average. A - 1,000 A -E 29.3 Ajburn 2,966 18.3 Average age at time of first egg. The age of a pullet when she lays her first egg is an important factor affecting pro- fits from the flock. It is generally believed that Leghorns should be ready to lay when 5 months old. Any strain that has been well fed and managed and is not laying by the time it is 6 months old is unsatisfactory from this standpoint. Thd Auburn Strain is considered slightly slow However, it was considerably superior to the other strains in this respect (Table 2). The average Auburn bird had laid at least a dozen eggs before the average bird of the other strains had begun to lay. Since all other costs for feed, housing, and labor were the same, this extra dozen eggs could be considered a distinct ad- vantage. Table 2. Average Age of Pullets At Time of First Egg Strain Pullets 155 Age at time Number Days A 73 183 B 62 204 C 63 208 D 49 215 E 62 218 Total, Average. A - E 308 A -S 205.6 Auburn I,441 178 Reactors to pullorum disease. Pullorum, disease, if present in the breeding hen,. is transferable through the egg to the. chick. Therefore, it is desirable to keep the breeding flock free of this disease by blood testing and removing reactors. All of these strains were relatively free of this disease except Strain B, Table 3. This strain also had a rather high mor- tality among the chicks during the first month, the period when losses from pul- lorum are expected. Table 3. Reactors To Pullorum Disease By The Whole Blood Plate Method Strain Reactors, October 5, 1946 Per cent A 0.0 B 4.8 C 0.0 0.0 E 1.6 Average. A - N 1.3 Auburn 0.1 HCI' ~ ~ ---------------------I~~ $ta~ Eg weight. Standard large eggs should average 24 ounces per dozen. Only hens of the B strain laid eggs of this size, even though the eggs were weighed in De- cember after the pullets had been laying for several months and while the weather was dool (Table 4). The Auburn Strain was a little better than the average for size of eggs, but slightly under the 2 4-ounce standard. Table 4. Average December Egg Weight Strain Average weight per dozen Ounces A 23.1 B 24.3 C 22.8 D 23.1 E 22.7 Average. A - I 28.2 Auburn 23.6 (2) Body weight. Results of previous re- search work show that Leghorns of medium size were superior in all-round desira- bility to either large or small birds. Leghorn pullets weighing between 4-% and 4-A pounds were considered of medium size. Those weighing over 4-4 pounds laid large but fewer eggs, and were slow maturing. Pullets that weighed less than 4 pounds laid the most eggs, but the eggs were usu- ally small. In this study, the body weight of strain E was considered too light and egg size was not good (Table 5). Strain D was also slightly under weight. All other strains tested were satisfactory as to body size. Strain B bordered on the upper weight lim- its, laid large eggs, and was quite slow in maturing. The Auburn Strain was also close to the upper limits in body weight, yet it matured quite early. Table 5. Average Body Weight of Pullets Strain Pullets weighed Weight per Number Pounds A 46 4.22 B 35 4.51 C 23 4.25 D 23 4.03 E 8 3.74 Total, Average. A - 1 135 A - 1 4.15 Auburn 941 4.46 Adult mortality. Adult mortality is a very serious problem on all large poultry farms. Whenever large numbers of chickens are kept on a small area for several years, the place becomes rather heavily contami- nated with parasites and disease organisms. The birds in this test, although raised and maintained in sanitary quarters, were exposed to contaminated conditions comparable to commercial poultry farms. It is obvious that the Strains C, D, and E have not been bred to resist many com- mon poultry diseases. These strains might live very well if raised in new buildings or on an area not previously used for large numbers of chickens. However, they (3) would not be profitable on most commercial poultry farms. Strains A and B demon- strated considerable resistance, but not nearly as great as that displayed by the Auburn Strain (Table 6). Table 6. Pullet Mortality From 155 to 520 Days Strain Pullets 155 Mortality days. old Number Per cent A 73 39.7 B 62 37.1 C 63 71.'4 D 9 '46.9 E 62 82.3 Total, Average, A - 308 A - E 55.9 Auburn 1,441 22.1 Production per pullet. The Auburn Strain laid 34 eggs per pullet more than the average of other five strains tested. This increased production, due to breed- ing was obtained at practically no addi- tional cost and is sufficient to represent a good yearly profit per hen during years when the average Leghorn strain is just paying for its keep. Strain A also had a very high production per hen. Strains B and: C were average, while D and E were considered rather lacking in the factors for high egg production. Mortality in Strain E was so high that livability appears to be a greater factor than egg Table 7. Average Number of Eggs Laid Per Pullet From 155 to 520 Days of Age Strain Average egg production Number A 207.8 B 171.8 C 177.2 D 166.9 E 164.3 Average 9 A - E 177.6 Auburn 211.8 production. Too few of Strain E hens fin- ished the test to accurately determine their rate of production. (Table 7). SUMMARY Performance tests were started in the- spring of 1946 to compare strains of White Leghorns bought from five prominent Ala- bama breeders with the Auburn Strain developed by the Alabama Agricultural Ex- periment Station. In the first test, 520-day period, the Auburn Strain -- (1) Produced eggs earlier than any of the five strains. (2) Was practically free of pullorum disease as were three of the five tested strain's. (3) Produced eggs that were closer to the 24-ounce weight standard than four of the five strains. (4) Ranked second from the standpoint of low growing mortality, and rank- ed first by a considerable margin in low adult mortality. (5) Produced more eggs per hen than any of the other five strains. Summarized in Table 8 are comparisons of the Auburn strain with the five tested .strains. In this instance, performance of 100 Auburn female chicks is compared with that of 100 average female chicks of the five tested strains during a 155-day grow- ing period and one year of laying. In this first test, each of the 100 female chicks of the Auburn strain was over twice as valuable in total income as the average chick of the other tested strains. Table 8. Comparison Between Auburn Strain And Average Alabama Leghorns Over a 520-Day Period Item Auburn Strain : Average of five Number female baby chicks 100 : 100 Number pullets at 155 days : 87 : 71 Number pullets remaining after pullorum reactors have been removed : 87 : 70 Number pullets alive at 520 days (I laying year) : 68 ; 31 Dozen eggs laid by pullets finishing the laying year : 1,200 : 459 Dozen eggs laid by pullets before death : 120 : 170 Total dozen eggs produced : 1,320 : 629 Value of eggs at 40* per dozen : $ 528.00 : $251.60 Pounds of meat for sale at end of laying year : 303 : 129 Value of poultry meat at 25?* per pound : __5-.5 : 32.15 TOTAL VALUE OF PRODUCTS from FLOCKS : $ 603.75 : $283.85 * Assumed price.