Mimeograph, Series, No. 183u=e 1945 AGRICU LTURAL EXERIMENT STATION of The Alabama Polyechnic Institute Auburn, Ala. M. J. Funchess, Director M&OVABIEJ BOODER HOUSE D.. iCING Poultry Husbandman Movable brooder houses make it possible toreduce chick-and laying house mortality as well as lower feeding costs. Chicks raised on ground where few chickens have ever been are usually quite fre from diseasesand Worms, If the area is sown to a good green'.feed for grazing, the total feed cost will also be considerably reduced, in order for a movable brooder house to be satisfactory, it should be small enough so that it can be moved with onemule" It should benarrow .enough .so that it will gothrough a conmoi gate and oter-rough ground and over terraces. The one show4,jn-here meets these requirements. It is large enough tQ adequately take care of 150 chickso The brooder house should be moved to clean ground at the beginning ofr each brooding season and moved a few f eet each month duritng the time thechicks are using thehu Often slight .chlanges in method of construction will enable one to use scrap material available around the flarri. Since new galvanized roofing is difficult to obtair- at the present timte, boards covered with roofing paper may be T stfacto%+-q rily1 subt+ituted orq t"+hen 9 -n 1Whkiet1-.h nicks reP sP pmaI plan, can b oitted if thehouse, is, not-to,- be used Ia el , r .ly T y hens. PORTABLI ROOM R ,RANGE , .b- D LATh ,G HOUSE~ W ireC nottijg l lorth end is boarded up. va~l1z (.1d IRoo1 Ventilator Door \ \ \\ \- ST I%'o 1 26b" /