Miegrp ere 'o110 August 1944 AGR-ICULTURAL E.XPERIMENT STATION of'.The Ala114bam a 'Polechn ic In s tute Auburn, Ala, 0 0' .0 M. J..-Funchess, 'Director E-0-TTIOLISFLJ0 M ID 1iETERITTG IN UCLIfICKLNS PYAU:L D. STr ?IE, Associate :Poultry Huisbundmiian ,Advantagsocndea r.g The main, disadvantage, of, the slow -1th zig haace i cran broiler. breeds i s the pres.,ence of pin.f1eathers- and in some cases b are , backs, at age-.s when the brl-oilers are mrarketed, In -breeds ccar:ryixh; the rapid' rate.;1 of. feathering_,,- such is not -the case,* It bas been demnstvalt.-ed also that ranid-feather"ing bEirds usually grow faster t han Slow- fe a thr ing ones Llw i nd Rapi&-JFeather ngBreeds White and Barred Plyrac.uth Rock.s, VWhite UvadotteJre Black Giant1-s and most Rho de Island Reds are -slow feathering breeds. W111iite and, Browin Leghoris , Anconas, and others of the lvcli,"te:anieai class-are raid-feAther- ing breeds?, TheNYeit H uapshire Red,. while usually considered a aapid f eath.- ering-bree.d, may shIow. c nsiderable variatiorl ith. :respect to rate' of f eath- ering-, Some stra ins of Nqew HLwwrshires are rapid feathering,, so me may be slow~ , and many of 'themir carry both the rapid n so-eathering characters. This means that from~ a giv~en miating,- of NewvT UaErpshire 'Reds, I'bo"t h,:ra1p i d 2 n d slow-f eath-)ering offsr-)ring riy be obtainod, By makinig the appropriate cwosses, thip rapid, or the. slow :Characters mybe incor.-porated into any breed, Detecting RSd~u(lowo.Fot tvLrin?'Chicks at 1;0 Da-ys of Age rr diferncein :hv ap i&-'and slow ctaigcaatr ibe" o b se r ve(d best in chicks at 10 d ay e of a goa*-At this t ime I' the prmary -a n C s ec ondar y -wing feath-ers an ,d c)par,'t ic ul3 arl y the0 tail fe't 1Lor -S (not' dowift) of the r _" _r, 1i.4- 4" 1 a4t11 #"IV i -n IA-%1- ch .i r u u ll .w l de lo d, h re s etA, '%- ,I" I -I__ 1- .111 ,- _ *Il -"O' / 4 Slow liFoathor ing Ton-day..old Chicks Shoing-Rapida'nd. Slow Feathering-of Wings and ITails linked character and that slow--'Leatheting .r' m~~ (7 . J t'- ~~ ') ) ~ ,. C i .;c3 1.Slow male X Slow female may producOe the f ollowin-g types ofchks (a) All slow feathering (b) All male prgnRlwfahraMad- 1/2 of f emales rapid -2. Slow male XRapidI 'f emales13 (a) (b) ,All slow.- tfe, a --,thering 1/2 of ma-les Ea' femraales S10,1, 1/2' ofthem rapid. i. S~~~o w mala s ra8myprdoeth3 Rapid rale X lo fxe' (a) All males s-low Find a11femaes ra pid 4, Rapid male X Rapid femal.es (a) All males and feales -rapid, It is elear from theo results of crosS (4)- that, to establish the rapid character, the breeder ha8 only to classify the 10-day-old chicks to detect the rapid fea-thering onas mad to0 use thees breeder w nteyrec xmaturity, s iice thaey will breed true for the chara1cteGr.' For instance, if all of the f epiales,, produce.d CfrcL". a gvn ain r slowethrn and thk-ese females. eg considered deir ab le as breede.,1r S from t he s t an, dpo int of ogg, product ion, ,iub ility., and' o~~ chara,,cters, t hey. may be ued a ~ach, rovied hey re mted to'rapi f8.the ring' males (cross3) Such. a Mting wil 0 o slowov a mals and id eans.IThe rapid ferIalcs may then be ated to roa'id Y.Jc'ls the neXt br6.diins of the resulting progony will be rapid fathWring* Establishing a Rapid-Feathering In. order to.,establIShai f eat'hering in a breed, it is nc essary for the, breeder to und4r~.er- s tandC the manner in whiJ.ch rate of feathering is inherited* This is illustrated by the four? types of matingsr-,, which ariven here. The.different possibilities as t number of rapid and &slovofffspring that may be expected from each of these four crosses are listed under (a)- -ind (b). The results of these orosses demonstrate that rate of f eathering- is inherited "Cis a 'Sex- is dompi'nant to 'rapid featherinG#