Progress Report Series No 0 2 March, 1944 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION of The Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. M. J. Funckess, Director USE OF A HAMER MILL TO HULL AND SPITFY LESPEDEZA SBriCEA SEED D. G. STUKIE, Agronoist F, A 0 KU11YER, Associate Agricultural Engineer it is necessary to hull and scarify lespedeza seri"a seed to get satisfactory germination 0 Because regular scarifying machines are rela tively uncommion in rural communities and because farmers must bear the expense of shipping their seed for such treatmentthe Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station in 1941 began to explore the possibility of using hammer mills for hulling and scarifying&-lespedeza sericea seed 0 At standard speeds, it was found that the hammer mill crushed too many seed, However 9 by reducing the surface speed of the hammers to.7,000 to 10,,000 feet per minute9 a hanmmer mill would hull without breaking over 5 per cent of the seed and germination would be increased 0 Only 11 Per cent of the unscarified seed germinated, whereas 84-per cent of the seed scarified with the regular scarifying machine germinated, and 50 to 68 per cent of the seed put through a speed-adjusted hanfier nill germinatedThe seed run through the hamner mill do not have as IiW-,9i a cermination as those treateu in a scarifyinj achiie 0 ile, the regular scarifier is more efficient from the standpoint of yielding a higher percentage of germinating seed the gain may be offset by shipping and commtercial scarifying costs.Therefore, farmers who d10 not have access to scarifying machines would be justified in using their hammer niills or mi'lls in their neighborhoods 0 , The tests showed that-the hamrmer Mill" has two advantages over the scarifying machine.; namely, (1). It will hull and scari~fy trashy seed in one operation, whereas the seed must-be cleanied before ' it is put through a saifier; and (2) it will hull the seed much faster 0 minute if prop er pulleys are available 0 If tractor power is used, it wIll be necess , to change t!-illey size on the mill, because the tractor pulley cau-ioDbe changed 0 In the case Reprinted September.,l1%8 (2) where the mill is to be driven by an electric motor, it may be simpler to replace the pulley on the motor with one of proper sizeo The following information is needed to calculate the pulley size in order to obtain the recommended operating speed: (1) Pulley speed of power unit: For tractors, this information is given in the. insltruction book, or it may be obtained from your implement dealer; for electric mot=or the speed is stamped on the name plate of the motor, (2) Diameter of pulley on power unit (tractor pulley or motor pulley). (3) Recom mended speed of pulley on hammer mill (given in accompanying table for each make of mill)o Two exnmples are given to ilisIr.,te how the proper pulley size for the recommeni.e d surf.ce. speed may be foundo Example 1. A tractor is used and the pulley on the hammer mill is to be changed to obtain the recommended speed given in the accompanying table. (1) Speed of tractor pulley is 600 revolutions per minute (from tractor book or dealer)o (2) Tractor pulley diameter is 14 incheso (3) Recommended speed of hammer mill pulley is 1,900 to 2,100, or a 2,000 ro p, mI average (from accompahying table)o (4) The diameter of the hammer mill pulley is determined as follows: Tractor pulley speed (times) tractor pulley diameter Diameter -------------- (divided by) ------------- ammer mill Recommended hammer mill pulley speed pulley 600 x 14 = 4.2 inche , (Use 4-inch pulley on hammer millo'*) 2,000 Examp~le 20 The mill is driven by an electric motor 0 In this case it may easier to change the pulley on the motoro (1) Speed of motor is 1,750 ro po mo (from name plate)o (2) Recommended speed of hammer mill pulley is 1,900 to 2,100, or a 2,000 ro po mo average (from accompanying table)o (3) Diameter of pulley on hammer mill is 5 inches 0 (4) The diameter of the hammer mill pulley is trmined as follows: Diameter, hammer mill pulley (times) recommended speed /Diameter ---- =-- (divided by) -- - ----- equals motor Motor speed pulley 5 x 2,000 = 507 inches (Use 6-inch motor pulleyo*) 1,750 *Always select nearest smaller or nearest larger size pulley 0 OPERATING SPEEDS OF HAMMER 1MILLS FOR HULLING AND SCARIFYING LESPEDEZA SERICLA SEED Trade name Dia. of Recommended Trade name a 0 o eomne and model of cylinder: speed of pulley 0 and model of OCylineapedo*ple hammer mill.-.. on hammer mill o hammer mill Inches R. P 0 -oMItoInce 0 . AloaO- '-1t -2l50-2400 Gehi rt7tt4125 10 Akp 2 K 19-1811 ~1900-2100 Gehl t' 10 t? 24145 10 Algoma 0=K 1110--..2'___ 1700-1900 Gehl t110"t Comb, 24 10 Al !4l oma = K "t 12- -4!'24 1425-100 Gel115"1 24145 60 AlgornaC K "l24" ~ ehl 1"15" Comb 0 4 T ' l b Belln "10-40" 23 1500-1650 Glea___co"A 5 1 90 20 Bell NI'o,,1 lodern 12285 03200 "A 5 PB" 1 90820 Bell I-To 0 2 I. dern 12 28 %_3200 Gruendler_"Ze ni th" 18 90 20 Case "G 10" 22,?,5-1725 Hci 6 Valley !?F? 22=12 '210 Case "G,141f 22 157'5,-1725Hummner 113"823 Cocksbutt No. 1 12-1 4 225 300Hummer 11112H 23250 lO Cockshutt No 0 2 12=1 4 2825-3100 JayBeeCracker Jack 15230 50 CockshufttI, o 0 c,3 26 1325-1450 "3Be15H2300 255 Dellingr 6 6 17-1 2 19'751-2175 LI"n k Gr a in BustOer102_______ Del1ingrer "73" 2 1500-1650 Link jr. 10,12 375 30 Dellinger. "73 T" ___23_____________1,I1assey arris 1"21"- 133_45 Deliner "48 A" 2 -1 2 -1300-1450 asrars"3"2125 40 De11inf er "20"Al2o.1 2 1300-1450 IVcC.-DeeriniZ Vo. 21325 145 Dellinger 44" 26-1 2 1300-1450 Ic C -De 1 23_______________ D el11ti,27e r It"46" 2 -1/2 1300-1450 I1 eacows Gold I d al1 "10"' 22155 72 DlingTe r t 1l_"2 b"d-12 13"0-1450 1 eado-vvs Go ld P,.e dal T"20" 25140 52 John Deere"10 A 2502400,. 17cado--s Gold ("I TedJ 30 25 40 12 Ls"3 61122 1575-1725 I ol.a( if.,.Is Go _l(Id al"50" 25140 52 arlW22 1575-1725 YMi2nn 0 =Iol0ine IMiC24145 60 Fair b ci Is T, o rse "1140" 13-1 2 2525-2'00 M3Fords '12" 2 60 10 Faibans orse "375" 24 1425100 rM- S F c)r d""2 15 8 Fairbanks = orse 1"430'" 2=1 l00 4b = Fcs 6A" ll 5 1 0 : Far b F7 nks ore11 o",0110140Nelson Jumbo M"23 10 T5 Fairbanks -To r se " 00" 26 2 1300=1450 Pa 2,c"X" ______________27________ r Operating Speeds of Hammer llills for Hulling and ScariyingLsedz eIcaSe TrYade name Dia, of Recomnmendied Trade name Dia,,f J~cmmne and mi-odel of cylinder-, speed of pulleyGO and.mod el of c~ne~pe fple hammer mill10 on hamer mill hammer mill o amrml Inchies Ro P 0 M. Inchel 0 P Epec "0'27 1275 -1400 Soe '93" 1 10 20 Papec .113" 27 1275 _1400 Viking Jr1 0 1 40 20 Papec l3R~ t ^7 175 100Viking IVMIa s t er 20C 70 190 Papec MS 27 1275- 1400 H'estern TBearcat li3 AEB; 21 60 10 paJ e C 27 1275- 1400 4estern Bearcat "7 All 21 160 10 Por t Huron No,, 3 13-12 2525 -2800 Vestern Bearcat '12 A ~ 21 i60 10 Port Huron No. 4 18 1900 -2.100 .Ve.stern Bearcat % At'21 15 5 Prater Blue Streak f.W 31 1100 1225 7.iestertn IBearcat "l AS"? 213 0 10 PrUte r Blue Streak C20l 3792 I( ;33"1 250 20 Pcalkzer Blue Streak 1120-1,31 1100 Y ? 1101,1 25 30 Prater Blue Streak 113Qtt 37 925 15 1900i2100 Standa rd Steel %4" 41570 508fpl 1??15E 90 20 Stau nd ar d Steel IIGpIv 40 550 950 1 1 ~8 24" 24 145 60 Stover 857 12 2550 3200 W-W 'IF 22 12 250 30 Stover 1188"1 16 2150- 2400 WAN fF 24:4,18 190,10 Stover 1.91 A" 1.6 2150- 2400 vV--7l" F 26i?1 190 20 Stover tt66tf 14 2450- 2700 W-14 ItF 27 AT t?1 190 20 Stover 6'7Y 14 2450- 2700 WVT-- "F 28-Y," 15E 90 20 Stover t"9211 16 2150- 2400 Wietmore Clipper> 100 10 Note This list is based on specifications-of farmi hammer mills from ?The Tractor FieldBok19994 publ-ished by Farm Implement News Coo, Chicago,, Illinois 0