Watermelon 0 Cantaloupe Variety Trials 1988-1990 G.E. BoN hin. JD. Norton, BR. Abraham J.A. P its EL. Caiden,.1 1 II Illirng-sssorth, J.T. Lison. and H.W. Is es WA\T[RMELON V\RIFIY trials wsere COndCIIted at f'ise Alabama locat ions ov er a 3-ear period. The lot ations weire the (hIlt (ioaSt Substation at Fairhiope. Wiregrass Substation at Hecad- land, Chilton Area Hot ticltLilC Subhstation at Clanton. Noith Ala- bama Ia lor1tiCnIt nre Sn bstat ion at Cuill man, and Sand N Inrit~a in Substation at Ciossville. Theires NCrC ft'LI reCplatiotis per s ai ely each y ear. Plots consistedf of' It0 hill,, wsith an iii-ross planit spacing of 72 inches (6 feet) and betsseen-ro\s plant spacing of' 8X inches (7.33 feet), except at the (int' Coast Substationl wshere betsseen-row plant spac ing),\ as 120 ittches Hl feI'et. Observ ational data ,k ere based oi singlle plots ) replication). Total Inmber and yield of mnaiketable meclons Asere recorded per plot. Additionally. tso r tepresenitativ e meclons fi-rm each plot wsere mneasured fbr length. width, rind thickness. aiid soIluble solids. CantalouIpe trials we~ rc condLIcted at thle Sand \'Iuntainl Sub- station o\ ci the 3\ cear per iod. This consisted of a replicated trial r~i't~~i er."t' F'tch rlot ernnsie't" t)h sith an in-ross spacing of 4X inthes (4 feet) and at bet%% cen-ross spacitig of' 44 itches ) 3.67 feet). Tlotal number)Cl and ss eightl of marketable Ii nl-it \A crc iecoided. InI addition. tM o leCpresentali\ e hfit h-i1 om each plot wsere harsvestedl and measured for len etli. wsidth. flesh depth. and soIluble solids. Both ss atenrielons and cantalouIp,esscre gross i according to standaird ferti lizer and pesticide irecommendations. All trials sserc irricated as needed. Watermelon Trials Watermielons can be tateeoriZCd into0 sc\ era] groups based onl f'ruit sizec and rind pat tetrn, table I. Eath It roup tanl be deCscribed in termis of' ait representativ e cultivar. These trials ins ols c1 four gr1 p -tssatrmlons represented bN Charleston (Gray, Sng~ar Baby, Jibilec. and Ciison Swneet. Charleston Gray represents a Respectisve]\. Seniot Resear ch Assoc ate. Piotessot . and Tchnitin Of' 1o1t iCnIttrilte: Superintendent. Chilton Area I il- iCUnIi-e Substaittion: Supetitterident. (int (o0ast Subsation.1 SUPet interident. North A lahania HOICI ittrur SUbstation: Snpeintendent, Sand Mounlltin SubIstation: and SU rIet II neiIt Wire ci ass Sitbstatiion. Progress Report No. 124 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Low~ell T. Frobish, D~irector group of oblonig tmelons. ss eigh trig approxinmately 2)040) poundI(s, \A lbh a light green Fitd. Sug~ar Baby repiresents a group. also cal led ice box types, ss hich are smiall round melCons LisallN Undet 15 pou-nds. J Libt lee is the samei size and shape as a Charleston GraN but sith a riind has ing a Ii (-,lt green sitripe onl a dark etecii backe-rouind. Fitualls . the Ci itiSOn S\\ .C1I t\ p is a routid melonl ss Cighiri1 g about 20)3)) poun i ds. The rintd pat terni can be cithlic stilpedl or solid. ITle Charleston Gray grouIpshoss ed no significant dif fctrences at ally locationi, except at the Sand Mouuitai Sub'statiotl i ere Charlee syielded the highest. Chat lee has better disease resistatnce. especcialls to Fus1at im "s ilt. arid tends, to be a sliells smnaller tuelon t han Charleston (irav\ TIhe Sug-ai- fBabN or ice busox ip ha0LP ld t1h-enutries. \Iick le andl Mitlile sscc uerio nis01 Ovrall to SLI-ar Baby . espiecially toiitcrnitiie disease resistatice and resistance to sUnscald. licks Iee atid \lini lee has e I icht Lret itidsatid (lark red flesh. Sne-ar Balbs on the other hbavd. hna a d:!-k -n The Jubilee group had outs tsso entries. Juibilee aiid AU'- Irib iIaiit . AL Juin h nt has greater bt' at disease r'es istatice t hani Juibilee. The Crimison Swseet gi np Is, the ta-Lt g--0group in the ti als, ss itli seven entries. Cu inisti ITide and M aeLS are both hiyblrid meclons atud cotiseclueit l\ had the Iio iest oisci all tields excepit at the Sand Mouintaini Su~bstation. Although M'irage LS wsas pilaced in the Crimson Sss~ elgiFouIp. thiis s ariets does riot have te i chatracteristic roltind shape (it the uthiers. The shape of NIitage IS is sI iglitly oblong. ititer mediate betssecul Jubilee arid Crimison Sss eel. The SLIearlee and Dixielee satrieties in this grouIp ha1Ve light eucenl ritids 55ith ad(ark greeti stripe. Ehlcsil is estretiteli ted arid high'l ill sugar conitetnt. AU-Producer is an open-poll itxted v ariety dee eloped at Aubut n Utii i Isits. This variety has excel lenit disease resistancte. inclUditie resistance to Fusariun ss ill, aid hlighl qLal itv fruit. AW-83 1001 CSY is a lest v arietsy. siiiiilatito ALI-lidicer. but w~ithi y eluss flesh. Cimisoni Ssseet is ai older opeti pollitiated vatriety developed iii the I1 9 60's. It has ig--h quIality frutlit. bit Ueneralls has losset disease resistance. 4 A ,june 1991 Auburn L'niversity Auburn 'niv ersity, Alabama til ). table '. Vci) lLild ,1111IL'" Ili' [Ici S. Lti, ICC lki Il, lcet \ cid 55 ilh tune lll~i I \al o1 datil \5 as udei h\ the hi cheSt axc1raCe suL'ar ontent recorded, 1 0.8 perccent Sangria. 28.892 pounds pei acre. T he melon xx itl the highest soluble solids. pc ]cnt soluble solids was AW-82 t)0CS ( 10.9 percent). This is Flock Finn F0ihrid had the higlhest yield in the ohservational an advanced breeding line developed at Auburn University. Tsrul[ 1. Vvsm-xizm \ Yurtlns~t3N Loc i\n\l)Fki ITY't. Rit'lcxrnV\Rwtr) TrRxIL 1988-90 Va ix ('hilton N. AlaThama Sand M. GtIN Coast' Wiregrass lbh. Lb Lb lb. 1b) (harleston (GraN t pe (harestoinra ............li......................... 25.s31 29.274 18.4 1Xab 27.635 18.126 Chalice ........l.e............................... 29.806 40)196 27.360cl 36.384 19.889 SsxCct Charlie ......................................... 33.148 3(.496 20.872hc 3A)26 17.794 Chaliston E'lile ........................................ 27.573 28.929 1.53. 1 a 30.825 2.794 Ice Io\ ty pe SUnU Hahl Bab\.................................. 1). 3 88a' 2(0.202a 1.1 1 7 6a- 1, 71) 14.434 MickL e ...........Ice .............................. 29.52h 27.296ab 20.780h 25.038b 13.768 Mittilc.........................................2.617b 33.488b 15944ah 15.)55a 9.936 .uilee group Jubilee ......................................... 21.646 23.399 15.S74 25,881 15.342 AU-JUbilant ........................................ 27.062 38.124 20.008 3.676 16.951 Crimson SN eet grouip (rimuson Sss ect ........................................ 30.546 3.114 I2 26.318 1 8900ab 2 I 2774ab2 AlU-Pioducer ....................................... 30)486 22.731a 22.749 27,99 1c 17.9l9hbd SI-catlee ......................................... 31 .06 29.374b 23,750 29. 3 62c I4.bl6bcd l)r\iclee ........................................ 23,9)5 26,1 79a 2.915 I.K667a I2.755a Niraoe LS ......................................... 37.128 51.996t 24.43) 4.,299d 20,.3X6d W- 3 100()1 CSY .............. .............. 29.780 3 0.597c 24.936 22>471bc I 2.952bc Crisnon Tide ......................................... 33.659 36.969c 23,729 38.8)3d l9., 41d I Only 2 years of data 1989-90. Means ol lossed by trhe sam c letter ate not si' nilicairtly dif feret at Ire 5 peccm level. Duncai',, Multiple Range lest. 3 situ 2. Alks(iL WAii k\11ii,\ Fk IF iCHiA~R Vxslc wxISK f Ai I Lx srIO's Ro~iix sitiosmi. 1988-9(0 Variety Length Width Rind Soluble solids Wi/ft it In. i/. /1r. p r. Lb. S\ cci C harIc ..................lie........ ...................... 6.3 8.1 0.7 9. Ia 18.7 .L Juhilant ......................................... 15-9 8.1 .8 9. 3,ib 22.6 (ha lesion Flite ........................................ 15.8 8.1 .7 9.5ab 21.4 Sucar Bah ........ab................................. 8.5 7.7 .5 9.5ah 9.1 JuhIlee .......................................... 16.48.3 .7 9.6ah -1.1 Char lee.................. ................. 16.5 8.0 .7 9.7ahc 18.9 (harleston ra ......r.a..................................... 15.9 8.) .7 9.8 hk 18.8 Crimson Swee. ................................................ 11.0 9.3 .7 I(.lthcd 17.4 Mickylee ........................................... 89 8.1 .6 0tb. 1 hde 9.1 Cr lnron Tile ........................................ 8 9.2 .8 I). hcde 16.9 Nlittilc ......................................... 8.2 7.3 .6 1I 2ldc0 7.8 Mirage LS ....................................... .9 9.0 .8 III. cde 19.7 AUPlI'oducel...... ....................................... 10.8 9.4 .8 ((ide 16.3 Diiclc........ ......................................... 11.1 9. .6 1).7c 16.7 AW 83- 1001 CSY.. .......................................... 10.7 9.3 .7 1).7c 15.8 Sugate...... .........lee.............................. 10.4 8.9 .7 10.8c 14.7 1 Means follos ed bv the same letter are not srn) iicantlx dlfferenit at the 5 perent level. Duncan's Mutiple Range Test. [ eruiZh WVidth \\\ 82 90CSI ....................................... 1. ca rdin a I lix hrid 1 I ............................. 12.1 Car men F[I H\ bid1 2 ....... ..... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1I. Golden I Ionex3 ....... .................................. 11.8 I hick in m I I lbri(1 .. ..... .. ... ... .. .. .. .......... I3. Jubilatrion .......................... 14.2) Ju b ile e 11 ................ .. . I .. .... ......... 15 8 Low- Cimsnor12 ......... ... ..................... 12.7 N V 4 3 0 9 1 . .. .. ... ... ... ... ... .. .. .. .. ... ... .. I Sanetia . ;............... ... ....... ... .... .. ...... . .... ... .. .10.1 Snn hadle 2 ..................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . SnnI1,\eex ...... 14.4 Teiidei Nxk eel Oian'e [-Ieh .............. 12. 7 \w Iillhnte I endeipuOld ............................. 13.I XPH 5~366 ........................................ 13.2 X PI1 9029 Seed). 4 ............................. 9 1) \PII 9031) Seedl. ... .. ... .. 8.(n Nfl] 915 Seed)1. .. ... ....... ....... ....... .. ... .... 8.7 X11 901)I Seed). 4 9. Yellowx Cimson I. .. .. 10.7 Dt~a for 2 x ear N. Dat for I \'CM-i 3 1D It~i for 3 x eat. 4 1uta~ f0, 1 year,. North Alabamna HICLicaitnie Substation. Cantaloupe Trials Cantaloupes can he categorized in1to three 121-0,11) haxed onl or shipping Ix pe. ale SMlAL toLIic. netted n11ilOnN xx ith little or- no0 NUILHiCeN. Thesee ClOON ten~d to he xei- 11-1 lii1 M cx ena mt ritx anld are cnxequntl>uxed oi N Ipi. The next gi oup is the eaxstei i or jLimIh( Itype. These aie laige melonNs 13-5 pouinds). often w ith deep st-IUi-cs. The netttne, onl these %k ill \ ai-r from IieavxN to light1. They are not axs firmi Is the shipping t\ pe, therefore the\ tenld to he armxxn for l ocal m iarketsx. The Ilast g1i0.1 Oil)ClLIeN the honle) de xx meloiis, wxhich have a simooth rind and aire oreen or el loxx xx ith 1eell or* OerLUam coloired flesh. Mlainstream, MN1a11niim .45, Missi,"t (hilton. and GUlf'coat ,ire shipping type nielons, wxhereaxs Pklnter x Jumbo. Saticoy I ly- Rinrd So)N u l)ids Vx ./firunt Yte d/acre /11 M-1. Lb. 0. 0.6 0.9 15.6 23'1866 .6 9.6 11.9 1-1.111 .8 9.1 17.9 34,13(0 .9 9.1 2.5 19,806 .8 10. 7 15.6 38,06 .7 10.6 16.8 3 2,83 1 .7 9.7 18.6 3X.273 .8 9.2 14.9 29,3"53 7 9.2 19.4 28,218 .6 9.9 1 3.1 28,S02 .6 M.) 1 16.5 23.6-h .8 1). I 13.8 25,452 .6 9.3 1 5.5 25,988 8 9.5 14.4 32.,708 .7 .214.8 3:)487 7 0. 14.5 32.225 .7 9.9 1.- 9.2 .5 8.10 .7 1 ().() .7 10.6 12.1 25,542' hrtd, Al-1 rora. and S IrmmeIIt are 'LImblo or- ea&erIN tpeS. Main11 li reaml. Pklnter-' Junmho. Chilton. ( iLII Icoax), and AUrora are iipec-pcdlinreilcd e~ the rexi are hyhrrcl'. There were o110'ii canit dlifferenlceN illi eldN fOr anll of the \ ai ttieN. aN ;Nlo),knl ill table 4. Magnrum .45 xx aN Nigntificantlyx loxwer in percent soluble sol 1 ids 1 iar I GLiltMI1 coa t il i nx i ,ea isst in. and Pl ante rN Jumib o. TIhe hig ct yield in t he obserxvatironal tria wzi by aN ) id~e Gold. 45,683 )OuuIld's per acre, table 5. Thle higes't ax erac xyield xxk it more than I x ear of(itlta xx as made b\ -I 'opt' ight. '23.930) poundsLI per acre. The x ariet) xxith the highest per cent Soluble solid L( 11.94 ) \X ax Sdiper 45. The hiohext axveiagze percent soliLi ,, %k INx itli more than I y.ear of data xxax 11.2 percent for H\ Niark. CaIutin Shol d he takenl xx he initer picting ohxerx a- 1 rona I data xiliCe tlieV reNUi fi roni 1.irireplicatedl plots. T~i 4. CxiNIO Lo I CHNR\( I~icsNII Ri Fill NFn Tioxi s. S.ANI) McOi MIAIN St BI \1I0N, 1988-91) V'aliety t enh Mn. At rora .............................................. 95.6 Chiffon .............................................. 95.1 151~.116 1 .......................................... 95.4 \Iaenum .45 ...................................... 95.4 Mainstrea........................................ 55 MviN'ionl..................................................9 56 Plantet N JUIho .................................. 95.8 SaicON H lx id.................................. 57 SonIIrnet ............................................. 6.0 Width Fl esh Soluble solids \Vr./nlon 7.6I 7.8,Fh S. 6hb 6. lai 9.8h 8.71) 8.9h S. 2ah 8 .2ah VI eari N 1)1loxx ct h\, the