AUBURN UNIVERSITY R. DENNIS ROUSE. DIRECTOR AUBURN. ALABAMA Progress Report NU. 111 JANUARY 1978 1 1 \AE \ \RIET) and breeding line 3 1 t rialk %\ ure condcIIted durIIing 1977 at the Gulf Coast Substation, Fairhope, the Chilton Area H orticulture Substatio n, CkLinton, the No rth Alaharria I 101rticulture Substation, Cullman, the Sand Mn10-1tainl Substationl, Crossxville, and the E. N' Smith Research Center, Milstead.,All trials wvere conducted inl randomized replicated plots wxith re- C0 )fl imelded fertilizer rates andi app licationi s for echd crop and location. Non-repliated obserx atnal plant- ings were also made of Selected v arieties and lines of sweetpotatt) and tomato. Insect and disease control measures xvere applied onl a reCgular schedule thlroulghl out the groxinlg season wxith irrigation applied. wxhere ax ailable, xx hen needed. Summaries of results aire re- Ported inl this pulicationl. RESULTS Cabbage (Cullman) ,Seed wxere planted Februarx 12 and transplanted April 13 Plants xxe- ISce 1I ildceS a ~ti - roxx,,. 6Cjowxing donlditit11 \\sxxiCV t tIW Allad i splitting wxas no t a problemn Rio Nercie and I leacistart marketable x iclds were sign ificantl\ higher than the other entries, table 1. 1 leaclstart pro duced heads wxith more unitormitx than Rio Verde. Rio Verdle had the highest x ariabilitx inl head Sizc distr-ibuLtion. For earlx cu~ttinlg, fi aclstarlt and Market Victor produced high yields earL . Express produrcedc the most uniform heads ot the green xvarieties and Red Danish had the most uniform heads of the red varieties. Rio Nerdle made the largest heads and the Red IDanish the smallest. Rio \'ercle, Market Topper, jackpot, Little Rock. Stonteheamcl, and Red Danish produced the mo st compact heads. Roundup, Green Boy, Market Topper, Little Rock. M\ar- ket Prze. and Stoneheacl produced roun11d heads. Other xvarieties had heads that wxere flat to oval. Pickling Cucumbers (Milstead) Seed wxere plan~tedl April 25 for the spring crop and Aulgust 15 f r the fall cr(op and spaced 6 inches apart inl DI 31pr esented ill this puhliLti ar1(1 .1e a1 trIe e!\ .lffitt Of e.Idl 11tr\. x riet\, . oIllp.11 anitd Chemical ntimes .re usedi for identifcto an Ilo [110.t l o t1 tflllI\ etndor~eIletn t of 1 one mer the Othert 2 Resealrch kX.soda~te and iteld Sucpernendent, IDepartment ofl IilrtIC~L1 ture. 3Seed of b reeding lines aire no11 a11ai1lahle fo r planting LI oti I named and relea',ed. Vegetable Variety Trials' L TURNER and HARRSON BRY BA l .-t-ind Mx s ine lvii x sts xx e(re mllade tr the( 'pi mug crop, beginning Junle 13 and ending mux 11. For the fall crop, six harvests wxcre maide beginning September 26 and ending October 13. Explo)rer. Pano1rama Calypso), and Bo&unty xere the highest yielding named varieties ill the spring trial, table 2. Expl(rer and Calypso) are txx of the leading com mercial vxarieties il Alabamla. flountx a black spine ty pe, is generally no(t acceptable to Alabama processors Cue to its early dcxvelopment o)f x elloxx pigment. Carolina, a xvidelx growNNn variety, pro- cLued a good xyield of marketable cu tiCmbers. NCSI'- Th-G30 produced the longest fruit and XP 808 had the shortest. NCSL'-7-/G2' has an attractive dark green color with a good L 1) ratio. Carpel separation xwas hlighest in line YT 1152. Fall xyielcs were lox er than yields inl the spring trial, becatse of the shorter groxx ing season, table 3. TX 3-- had the largest L/I) ratio and Explorer had the smallest. Triple Cross had the highest carpel separation. Potatoes (Fairhope and Crossville) Seed potatoes for the 19-- t rials were obtained from Frito Lax Company, of Bald in Countx Alabama, Michi gan. Nlilnes( )ta. North Dakota, South Dakota, Starks Farms, ['SDA. and the Unix ersitx of Wisconsin. Seed were b1-ought to AuburlIn and stored at 4 0 F. until plant- ing time. Seed pieces xwere cut to appIXro)i nlat(!lV 1112 o)unces each and dipped fo r 1 nlillluli_' il 't a ) ti containing 8 ounces of Nertcct 30-F in 7//2 gallons of xwater, dried, calloised, and presproted at 550 F. for approximiatelx 2 weeks. Planting date xvas Februarx 23at Fairhope and March 10 at Crossville. Seed pieces were planted at Fairl-hope xwith a hand operated planter in 3Kinch roxxs and at Crossxville bx hand in 42-inch rows. Seed pieces were spaced 12 inches in the drill at bo)th locations. At Fairhope. Red La Soda xas the highest yilelding variety , table 4. ields xere similar for the three sotrces of Red La Soda seed. Frito-Lax 795 was the highest yielcing xwhite x ariet\. Sebago, FL 162, Norchip, La Rotge, Atlantic, L-65-, and La Chipper also pro)- dtmcecl good yields. \ isconsil 738xxas the highest x ilcl ing p)tato from the tnix ersitx o)f W isconsin. B 698'-29. a sister line of Atlantic, was the highest vielding line from the USDA. All varieties produced a high percen- tage of size A potatoes. Txxo lines, B -- 8--4 and B '618-6, prtdtcec 100 percent size A po)tatoes. Potatoes of Atlantic, the USDA xariety , had the highest specific graxvity. Seed sproiting xxas good to excellent at Fairh(ipe. Red La Soda xvas also the highest xyielding varict\ in the Cro)ssxille trial, table 5. Weather conditions at Crossvlie wer adverse for the latter hialf of the groxwing season. xith occasional temrperattires above 100' F. and dail1V temperattires regularly in the high 90's dtiring Jtmne. TIhe abilitx of Red La Soda to xx ithstanlr adverse \xCxtili I~ d1I, l)i eIat. I Ii I ax 723 1., ,11,)) a go ( d po I tto for hot tlrx s()ils. Atlantic did no)t x ield as well as in the past hut has the ability to produce high solids po(tat ecs. Seed sprouting xas goo)d to excellent for all v arieties except FL-657. The low sttand count ta1nno t hbe explained. Norchip and Superior fi- m the different sources consistenrtlx produce 100 percent stands. Red La Soda, Superior, Atlantic, and 1L 162 rated high for eye appeal. Sweetpotatoes (Auburn, Fairhope, Clanton, and Cullman) Varieties and hreeding lines werc ohtained fromi breeders in Februarx and storeclat 55' F'. M ng with the varieties alreadx on hand. Seed wcre prespi-itel ait 85' F. and approximately 90 percent humidity for 2 weeks, treated xwith 8 ouInces o)f Mertect 340-F plus 1 pound Of 75W Botran in 71/2 galIons of water for 1 minute, and placed in electric heated beds. Roots of some nex introductions are limited: therefore, the number otf plants prlduced was not sufficient for planting at all locations. Plants were set by hand, April 29 at Fairlhope, MaX 19 at Milstead, June 10 at Clanton, aind Ma' 17 at Cullnu1n. Spacing o)f plints was 12 inches apart ill 38-inc h roxxs at Fairhope and in 44-inch rows at other locati)ons. At \lilstead, yields were mixed for the various grades all )( rtk't The ho(t aInd drx cot ha 0inll there in Max alidJune, Lit ti ld \ ), P( l ' 1 o O> ' the highest total marketable yields, while 1.4-112 made the highest percentage of No. 1 roots. Jasper prdluice d the highest yielc of tanners and LO-323 the highest x iclcl of Jumbos. At Fairlhope. Centennial made the highest yield otf total marketable, No. I's, and canners. Porto Rico) 1p )- dtUCCC the highest percent o)f No. 1 roots. Jexxel had the highest yield of Jumbs. At Clanton, Rojo Blanco, a xx bite flesh v arietx, pro) cluced the highest percent o)f No. 1 ro(ots, while Red Jexx el and Centennial prcicetl the highest yield of No. 1 size.'Ti 1895 had the highest yiecld of canners and Rojo Blanco the highest x icld of Jumbos. At Cullman, Carxer and NC 172 prcduced the highest total marketable yields, table 8. NC-17 prodtced the highest percet and ilc o f No. 1 size. Carv er and Ti-i894 had the highest yield of canners and Rojo Blanco the highest \ ield of Jumb os. Carver and Jasper rc nex releases that haxve att ractive skin colh tr. Jasper is resistant to so il rot. Ro jo Blanco, relcased hV 'luskegec Institute primirily for market,s interested in \w hite flesh tx pes xith high dnr matter, is generally rough in ap- pearance and has onlx faiir shape. NC-172 is grown extensix clx in the Cullman area and is referred to b lo val nam1es. This line produces high y ields of attractive roots that haxe poorI eatinlg CltIalit Tomato seed wxere planted in the greenihouse Feb- ruarx 3 for Fairhope and Clanton and March 30 for- Cu~llman. Plants wxere transplanted April 7 at Fairhocpe, April 20 at Clanton, and Maxt\ 17 at Cullman. Plants wxere spaced 15 inches apart in 5-toot rows at Fairhope and Cullman. At Clanton, rows wvere spaced 8 feet. Plants wxere p~runed and staked to a txx o-leader sy stem at Fairhope; the hinder twinme trellis method wxas used for staking at Clanton and Cullman. At Clanton, six han ests were madle beginning June 28 and ending August 2. Weather conditions during Max, June, and the first half of julx wxere adverse for good tomnato pn )duction, wXith dlaytime temperatutres averag- ing in the 90's. Poor fruit Set and development are reflected in the fair to poor marketable xyields in the Clanton trial, table 9. Pink Delight produced the highest marketable yield and AL 72-5 produced the lowxest. Super Red I lx brid, Better Box VN, ,and Pink Delight had the highest y ields of 5X6 fruits. Traveler producedI the highest y ield of 6X6 and 6X-/ fruits. Yields of cull fruits wxere much higher than normal in 1977 W~1ide the bulk of the culls wxere smnall, some were Culls because of fruit disorders. Blossom-end rot wxas a serious problem on most of the varieties. Floridla-dex eloped v arieties Homestead 24, Walter, and Floradel, w-ere among those least affected by this disorder. Saturn also has a high tolerance to blossom -end rot. at itl iiintg ALgUt1 2. '1 il' \\ (2i.V lair to goodte, X ithI Super Red 1 Ix brid producing the highest yield of mar- ketable tomatoes, table 10. HM hrid 980 and Big Girl VEF -Hybrid also made good yields. Big Girl \T Hybhrid pro- dluced the highest yileld of 5X6 fruits, wxith Auburn 76 FMIN and Saturn having low yijelds of this size fruits. Spring Set H-yxbrid prodUced no 5X6 truits and lowx xyields of other marketable sizes. lI hN-rid 980 produced the highest x ields of 6X6 fruits and Auburn 76 FMIN the highest x jelds of 6X~ fruits. Culls xxere about normal for the Cullman trial. AU 66-25 produced the highest per- cent of culls and Big Girl yE H-Ix brid the loxxest. At Fairhope, 10 harxvests were made beginning June 9 'and ending Julx 15. Yields xwere excellent for most x arieties and wxeli above yields of the prexvious year. At' 76 FMNN produced the highest xyield of marketable fruit, with approximatelx three Ifourth of it in the 6X6 and 6X7 sizes. Atl ES Tropic XSL. breeding line was the second higriest y ielding, and approximately three four1th of its marketable xyield wxas 5X6 and 6X6 sizes. Tropic pro- dcIUed the highest x ield of 5X6 fruits. Better Box yEN, Wonder Box VF, and Mo~nte Carlo VEN were the next three highest y ielding of 5X6 fruits. \larketable xyields of Beefmaster liybrid were loxw dlue to poor fruit shape). This varietx, at best, could only be a garden tomato. Percent culls were generallx lowxer than in 1976. Catfac- ing accounted for the highest pecn of cull fruits. Five varieties wxere free of cracks. IMMJE 1. 0 BBAGE x,\i-tNj Tttij, Cii scs , SPING' 19771 xariets and MIarketable seed source sield/acre 0,11 Mtean head sseight Lb. RioxVerde tNK) -... 41,91 4.66 Headstart (Asgros) .... 4952 4+51 Roundup (lxtwiles) 388.46b 434~ xtarket xIctor (Harris) . 368.35 370 H eadmsaster (Fern xorse) 361.58 4.04 Earls Harvest (TA iles) 347.99 3.68 Fern\ Earls Routic D~utch (Fern Morse) . - 346 04 356 Green B~ox (N K) .... 3360 )1 340i King Cotle (I arris) 333.27 335 jet Pak (NK) - . 330.39 3.32 Matrket lopper (Harris) 31530 3.09 Express (ksgrowx) ... 314i93 32-i Jackpot (Niagara) - 304L28 306 Greenhack (Xxgross) ... 29' 51 306 Little Rock (Tss'lles ) ... 29499 3.20 MIarket P'rize (Hairris) ... 29335 302 Red Acre (Stokes) .... 2524 2.90 5tonehead (N\) ..... 24750 2.49 Enterprtze (Asgross) ... 24730 2.48h Red D)anish (Stokes) .... 17499 2.13 1 Sol test: P -270xI1): K =140H)W pH =6 2 2 Standard desviation. 3F earls: NI - mediums; L =late. 4 G green. LG light green. I L loose, C conmpaet. 6 R rouctnd F flat; 0 =osal; P =pointed. t.nitornits Gross ttg Harvst oo4H~s Head H-ead C ore of heads 2 das sejao O.oo 4 as s dianmeter length length Lb. xlo - 1.42 -71 -- 1.24 61 C ore FIIIes5Sae 55 tdth - nes ,t. NO, In. In, hI In. 1 6.9-4 57- 332 1 36 1 6.41 6.78 3-41 1.30 1 63 634i 375 1.5- 1 5.97 6.2-4 259 1.29 1.23 71 NI G-LG 1 63-i 6.20 3.65 1 56 L F-0 -107 71 ML LG 1 6.03 6.11 343 1 50 I C 0) L100 71 MIL G 1 576 6.12 304 1 3 I Lc 0 +93 61 FxNI G 1 5.93 5.99 280K 1 35 L R '-109 01 ENl G 1 5.92 6.11 306 1.4 L C) , .7 61 E G 1 59 6.12 3 04 1.27 Ic 0 -. 91 61 E- % G 1 5.56 5 22 300 1.23 c R - 6 01 E\NI G 1 5.4% 8' 3-il 1.50 I(C R-0 1.00 61 E-NI G 1 5.56 5.10 2.95 1.19 C F +94 71 NIL1 GIG 1 55 5.80 327 1 38 1, 0 82 71 NI LG 1 5.- 5.89 2.-9 1.22 C R - -l 61 E GILG 1 5.66 5.-z1o 37 1.25 IC R +93 61 F Red 1 5.1-i 01 37 1.21 L 0-1) :.67 61 E G~ 1 5.1-i 5.10 199 1 37 C R , 6' 61 Ext C, 1 5.03 5 35 2063 131 L-C 0 - .66 71 \I-L Red 1 479 5.15 2.95 1-47 C 0 IABI 2. [ i ( l C Mi :E \JJEIu TRIA Lc, Nills LAi), SE RIlNG 19-- 1 Variety and Marketable sield/acre, by sizes 2 Harest L/D 4 Fruit Spine Vine separpelation seed source No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 Total season 3 ratio shape color vigor No. 3s No. 4 Cut. Cut. Cut. Cwt. CUw Pct Pct. C 589 (Harris) ............ 24.60 96.64 235.45 134.45 491.14 M 2.81 G Good WX Good 1 0 Explorer (Asgrow) . 30.2 113.20 212.68 129.20 485.35 E 2.95 LG Good Wh Good 0 0 Panorama (Ferry-Morse) 22.02 92.00 213."6 126.01 453.79 NI 3.10 LG Good Wh Good 0 0 Calypso (NCSU) ........... 28.88 103.50 19321 122.80 448.39 L 3.19 G Good Wih Good 1 1 38C2 (Harris) 26.30 99.91 218.14 99.66 444.01 M 3.00 LG Fair Wh Good 2 0 NCX 5008 (Niagara) ....... 18.16 9.26 220.39 124.70 442.51 E 2.81 LG Fair Wh Good 1 1 EI X 4153 (Ferrs-Morse) ..... 23.69 96.74 194.42 124.03 438.88 M 3.21 LG Good Wh Good 1 1 Bounty (Asgrow) ..... . 26.09 91.87 20275 117.15 437.86 M 3.10 G Fair Blk Good 2 0 XP 809 (NK) . .... . 20.84 99.55 192.56 87.93 400.88 1. 3.28 G Fair WXh Good 0 6 FX 4169 (Fernr-Morse) ..... 16.50 -2.36 19125 119.26 399.37 E 2.84 LG Good Wh Good 3 2 Score (sgro) ........... 21.10 92.19 171.55 105.69 390.53 L 3.08 LG Good Wh Good 2 1 Triple Cross ( tarris) ...... 22.9- 90.23 169.43 10604 388.67 M 3.18 G Good WUj Good 0 0 Triplemech (Petoseed) ..... 23.52 102.94 158.16 9835 382.97 I 3.20 LG Fair Wh Good 2 1 XP 1149 (.sgrow) ......... 24.96 101.68 15136 101.68 379.01 NI 301 LG Fair W' Good 2 7 Premier (,sgrow) ......... 20.55 95.66 181.51 78.02 375.74 M 3.15 LG Good Wh Good 0 0 Carolina (Asgrow) ......... 25.03 81.12 162.08 94.39 362.62 M 3.08 G Good Wh Good 3 3 Sampson (Petoseed) ....... 20.65 84.24 16054 94.16 359.59 L 2.86 1)G Good Wh Good 2 2 NCSU 7 -G2' (NCSU) ...... 20.06 90.66 165.01 8038 356.11 L 3.01 D)G Good WI Good 1 2 IX 377 (TAMU) ........... 19.83 75.83 160.80 98.98 355.44 L 335 uns. Poor Wh Good 0 0 XP 808 (NK) .......... . 1972 74.23 164.85 82.35 341.15 NI 2.30 LG Fair Wh Good 2 0 NCSU 76-G30 (NCSU) ...... 27.66 86.07 147.77 71.67 333.17 E 3.41 G Good Whl Good 1 0 XP 1152 (Asgrow) ....... . 1937 77.07 16230 68.63 32737 E 3.03 G Fair Wr Good 1 11 Addis (NCS') ............ 22.74 84.06 120.88 70.39 298.07 1 3.33 DG Good WI Good 0 0 AR 75-26-28 (UAR) ........ 11.96 63.41 12970 68.96 274.03 L 2.82 G Good Wh Good 0 0 1 Soil test: P = 122(H); K - 160(VI\;. pH = 6.2. 2 No. 1 size ranged up to 1 1/16 inches in diameter; No. 2 size ranged from 1 1/16 to 1V2 inches in diameter; No. 3 size ranged from 1 V2 to 2 inches in diameter; No. 4 size ranged from 2 to 2/4 inches in diameter. E = earl: M - mid-season: 1. = late. 4 G green; LG -light green; DG = dark green; Uns = unsatisfactor . s Wh = white: Blk = black. 6 Carpel separation was based on the percent of fruits cut that had open air spaces in the middle. TABI.E 3. PICLIANG CIUCUMBER VARIE Y TRIAL, MLLSTEAD, FA, 19771 arketable ield/acre, b size2 Carpel Variety and arketale yieldacre, b size 2 arvest L/D Color 4 Fruit Spine 5 Vine separation 6 seed source No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 Total season" ratio shape color vigor No. 3s No. 4's Ct.Cu ut Cut. CUl. Cwt. Pct Pct. XP 1152 (Asgrow) ......... 26.81 63.24 167.23 68.74 326.02 E 3.17 G Good Wh Fair 0 0 XP 1149 (Asgrow) ......... 22.37 39.70 135.64 36.69 234.40 E 3.01 LG Fair Wh Good 0 0 38C2 (Ilarris) ............. 15.83 "1.02 80.64 48.85 216.34 E 2.97 IG Good Wh Good 0 0 NCX 5008 (Niagara) ....... 14.91 61.28 74.69 30.41 211.29 E 3.12 1Uns. Good Wh Excel. 5 0 Triplemech (Petoseed) ..... 21.91 68.93 70.96 40.29 188.01 E 3.06 LG Fair W 1 Good 0 0 FX 4153 (Ferrn-Morse) . .. 19.82 75.99 66.12 25.24 187.17 E 307 G Fair Wh Excel. 0 16 C589 (Harris) . 22.43 65.66 52.52 43.88 184.49 E 2.96 G Excel. Wl Excel. 0 0 Carolina (.Asgrow) ......... 21.52 63.24 68.74 26.81 180.31 M 3.05 G Good Wh Good 0 0 NCSU 76-G30 (NCSU) .. .. 21.12 66.32 61.28 21.97 170.69 NI 3.28 G Good WE Good 0 0 Explorer (Asgrow) ........ 14.39 50.49 53.10 44.73 162.71 M 2.76 G Fair Wh Good 0 0 Calxpso (NCSU) ..... ..... 21.58 62.78 59.9" 17.46 161.79 E 3.05 I)DG Good Wh Fair 0 0 Triple Cross (Harris) ...... 1779 54.15 62.13 24.33 158.40 E 2.98 LG Fair Wh Excel. 11 33 Bount (A-sgrow) ..... . .. 14.45 62.06 49.83 31.78 158.12 MI 2.95 G Good Blk Good 0 0 XP 808 (NK) .............. 18.64 54.81 56.05 24,98 154.48 E 3.40 LG Fair Wh Good 0 0 XP 809 (NK) .............. 17.27 58.53 55.00 23.61 154.41 M 3.19 LG Fair Wh Excel. 0 0 NCSU 77-G2 (NCSU) . . 24.13 67.89 35.84 12.95 140.81 1. 3.24 G Good Wh Fair 0 0 Premier (Asgrow) ......... 15.43 50.88 50.36 21.90 138.57 NI 2.97 LG Good Wh Good 0 0 Score (Asgrow) ........... 13.34 50.49 48.72 24.26 136.81 1. 2.99 LG Good Wh Good 0 0 TX 377 (TIMI) ...... . 14.39 46.24 51.93 20.99 133.55 M 3.43 LG Good Wh Excel. 0 0 FX 4169 (Ferrs-Morse) ..... 12.75 48.40 45.58 23.15 129.88 1 2.96 G Good Wh Good 0 0 Panorama (Fernr-Morse) 13.67 39.70 36.69 22.37 112.43 NI 3.07 LG Good Ah Good 0 0 Addis (NCSI) ............ 20.27 42.64 22.89 13.08 98.88 L 3.23 DG Excel. WhE Fair 0 0 Sampson (Petoseed) ....... 15.24 38.00 29.23 17.53 85.76 L 3.27 G Good Wh Excel 0 0 AR "5-2628 (AR) ........ 7.26 1694 14.32 6.54 45.06 L 293 G Good WTh Fair 0 0 Soil test: P 122(H); K = 160(VH); p11 = 6.2 2 No. I size ranged up to 1 1/16 inches in diameter; No. 2 size ranged from 1 1/16 to 1 2 inches in diameter; No. 3 ranged from 1 /2 to 2 inches in diameter; No. 4 size ranged from 2 to 214 inches in diameter. 3 E = earl,; M = mid-season; L - late 4 G - green; I.G = light green; DG = dark green; Uns = unsatisfactor . 5 Wh - white Blk = black. 6 Carpel separation was based on the percent of fruits cut that had open air spaces in the middle. Marketable %ield/acre Size A 2 Cuwt Red La Soda (Clenmenson, N.D.) 2'8 274 Red La Sodia ( Starks) ....... 24 272 Red ILa Soda (lDonnelle, N.D.) 2'2 268 1-'95 (Frito-l.a ) .... .. . 26- 263 Wisconsin 738 i(U. Wisconsin) . 255 253 Sebago (Casmes Rolus, Mich) . 242 232 -162 (Frito-La ) . ....... . 237 233 Wisconsin -26 (t. Wisconsin) 236 234 Wisconsin 7 4-R ( . Wisconsin) 22' 225 B6987-29 (I SDA) .... 223 221 Norchip (11)SDA) .... . ... 222 214 ILa Rouge (-liller & Farbo, N.D.) 212 206 Atlantic (L SD)A) . . 211 209 Norchip (Starks) .... ..... 208 204 Wisconsin 18 (U. Wisconsin) . 205 202 FLI-65 (Frito-La ) . ......... 205 202 Atlantic (Starks) . ...... .. 204 198 La Chipper (Starks) . . ...... 203 198 Norchip (Schneider, N.D.) .... 202 193 La Chipper ( -SDA) . ........ 201 200 La Chipper (USDA) . ....... 199 194 11-750 (Frito-Lav) ...... .199 191 Wisconsin -23 (1 Wisconsin) 199 195 Wisconsin 623 (C. Wisconsin) . 192 18- B"68-4 (1 SDA) ........ 189 189 B 't67-2 (1 SDA) ......... . 183 179 W'isconsin -31 (1 ' W'isconsin). 181 177 B-802-2 (1 SDA) ........ 1V' 1'4 B0'6186 (LS)SDA) ........ .. 1'3 173 B-595-3 ( SDA) ......... . 161 158 Superior (Starks) ........ . 156 153 FL-23 (Frito-Lax) ........ . 153 152 Wicontsin l- 1 (1. Wisconsin . 153 150 Superior (Bogestacid, inn.) ... 150 148 W ischip ( . W'isconsin) ...... 149 142 Superior (1 SDA) 148 146 B8101-3 1 UMDA) ... 141 139 B 603-1 (1 SDA) .... . . 131 127 B7631-8 (SD)A) .......... 100 97 Soil test P = 130(H): K = 89(\1): mg - 250(H): p11 5.6. 2 Size A = potatoes with 1 7/8 inches diameter and larger; Size B potatoes with IV2 - 1 7/8 inches diameter Variet and seed source Size B Size A of totial Specific gravitx Stand at harvest l-xii -)I \xl xARIl I) I RLLd CRo,111L, 19-- varietx and seed source Cwt. Marketable yield/acre Size A 2 Cult. Red La Soda (Starks) ... .. . 180 164 Red La Soda (Clemnenson, N.DI.) 169 156 Red La Soda (Donnellex, N.D.) 158 145 FL-23 (Frito-Lay) . ... . . 150 145 Atlantic (SDA1).) .... 139 121 B698'-29 (lSDA) .. . ...... 137 128 Wisconsin '38 ( . Wisconsin) . 13' 121 FL 162 (Frito-La ) ...... . 133 117 Kennebec ( SDA) ... ..... 128 115 La Rouge (Miller & lFarbo, N.D.)) 128 110 B802-2 (1 SDA) ........ 128 124 13'68-4 (U SDA) .......... 121 111 Norchip (Starks) .... . . 118 99 Wisconsin '26 (1 . Wisconsin) 118 105 Wisconsin -15 (U . Wisconsin) . 118 103 Wisconsin "*'-R (. Wisconsin) 11' 93 Norchip (1 SDA) ... .... 115 93 Wisconsin 723 (1. Wisconsin) . 11-i4 99 B'603-1 (USDA) ......... . 114i 90 Atlantic (Starks) . . .. .. . . 114 107 FL- 95 (Frito-Lay) ... .... . 113 101 B-h18-6 (tSDA) . ....... 112 103 La Chipper (Burbidge, N.D.) . . 109 96 La Chipper (1SDA) ..... ... 108 93 Norchip (Schneider, N I)).. .. 10- 86 Sebago (Casmer Rolus, Mlich) . 103 84 Wisconsin 623 (t' Wisconsin) . 103 79 Wisconsin '18 (L. Wisconsin) . 102 92 Superior (Starks) . ... .... 99 86 W'isconsin 31 (U. Wisconsin) . 96 86 Superior (1 SIDA) ........... 95 89 B8101-3 (t SIDA) ........ 95 85 Superior (Bogestad, Minn.) ... 94 84 Fl-50 (Frito-Lay) . .. 91 67 ILa Chipper (Starks) . 90 72 B-595-3 ( SDA) 89 -2 B7'767-2 (LSDA) ........... 83 67 11-05 (FritoLa ) ..... . 80 76 B7631-8 (USDA) . . . ..... 74 59 Wischip (. Wisconsin) ...... 68 44- Soil test p = 1-45(VH) K = 128(H). mg = '(1I); pH = 5. 2 Size A = potatoes with 1 "/8 inches diameter and larger; Size B 1,071 .071 074 072 090 077 080 081 075 074 078 083 084 078 075 065 084 082 074 090 .081 073 079 078 .085 066 079 .072 078 068 080 083 078 077 079 0-8 .05 071 083 079 potatoes with I V2 - 1 7/8 inches diameter. Size B Cut Size A of total Pct. Specific gravitN Stand at harvest SOILE0 IAKVIAREM. IM HI'l'HAi) \AR111Ilt IV7 Variety and Eyei Eye 2 Skin 3 Exe 5 Hlarest 6 seed source depth size color Shape appeal seasn Red La Soda (Starks) . . . ... D L Red R 4.5 Red La Soda (Clemenson, N.D.) D L Red R 4.5 I Red La Soda (Donnelle, N.D.) ) 1) I Red R 4.5 nL-723 (Frito-Las) . ........ S S Clear R 30 E Atlantic (ISDA) ...... ... M Wh-SR R 4.5 M-L B698-29 (USDA) ....... ... S S Wh R 4.5 L Wisconsin 739 (U. Wisconsin) . S S Wh-SR R-F 3.5 FL-162 (Frito-Lav) .......... S S Wh R 4.5 -L Kennebec (USDA) .. . . ...... S S Wh R-I 4.0 I La Rouge (Miller & Farbo, N.D.) D L Red R 4.0 M B7802-2 (USDA) ......... S MNI WI RF 3.0 M 7768-4 (USDA) ........ S S Wh-SR R 4.0 Norchip (Starks) ... . . ..... M S Wh R 4.0 L Wisconsin 726 (U. Wisconsin) . S S Wh11 R 4.5 L Wisconsin 715 (U. Wisconsin) . S S h R 3.5 M-L W'isconsin 774-R(U. Wisconsin) D L Red 1 35 L Norchip (USDA) ... ... M S W1 R 4.0 L Wisconsin 723 (T Wisconsin) NI M \Xh R-1 3.0 M B7603-1 (USDA)........ S S Pink R-I 30 M Atlantic (Starks) ......... M M Wh-SR R 4.5 I-L Ft-795 (Frito-Lay) ........ S S Wh R-F 4.0 L B7618-6(USIDA) . . ...... S S Wh R-F 30 E La Chipper (Burbidge, N.D.) . . S S WI R-F 3.5 NI La Chipper (USDA) . . ..... M M Wh RF 3.5 NI Norchip (Schneider, N.D.) .... NI S Wh R 4.0 L Sebago (Casnmer Rolus, MNlich . S S Wh R-F 4.0 L Wisconsin 623 (. Wisconsin) . S S Wh-SR R 4.0 M Wisconsin 718 (. Wisconsin) S S Wh-SR R 3.0 E Superior (Starks) .... . . .I. M I Wh-SR R 4.0 E Wisconsin '31 (t. Wisconsin) . S L W\Yh-SR R 3.0 M Superior (USDA) ..... .. M M h-SR R 4.0 E 88101-3 (USDA) . . ....... S M Wh-SR R-I 3.0 1 Superior (Bogestad, Minn.) .. I M WhiSR R 4.5 E FL- 7 50 (Frito-Lay) . . .. .... S S W11 R 35 M La Chipper (Starks) ........ . S S Wh R 3.0 M B7595-3 (USDA) ........... S S Pink R 3.0 11 B7767-2 (USDA) ............ S S Wh-SR R-I. 30 M FL-657 (Frito-Lay) ........... S S WI R 35 M B7631-8 (USDA) . . M MI Wh R-I 30 Wischip (U. Wisconsin) .... S S Wh R 4.0 E IS = shallow; M = medium; I) deep. 2S = small; M = medium,; L = large. 3 Wh = white; SR = some russett SR = round; F = flat; L = long. 5 excellent; 4 = good; 3 = fair 2 = poor; I ver% poor 6E = 90; M = 95; L = 100 days from planting to harvest. N arico and secl iOrce Milstead-repicated 10-32311 (hChse, Jasper (Ib..rn) UI20- ( Ule..Cha.... Porto) Rico (LSU-Chaixii) . Red Jexwel (Ahrn ..... NC- 320 (N ..SI') (jrx er i oskc-gcn) ........ lewel NobtI t II) . . .. . Millstead-obsewvational \ 110 122 NV I I1'I Il)-o 4(U Nlarland) 1 53-11 (1St (lxe) Rijol ICO (ILskegec Inst.) .. \13--()2 .. . .... ... 1i 189S (I Lskc-gee Iint 1 ... L+ 112 11SLIChxe) ... 'I i 18941 oT~kcgec hI nsI ... Centenntial Nbuh ..rn . 'I -1892 (Tiuxkcgc Itix . . Fairhope-replicated C eniteinial \nboriin ...... Iexxel (Aui .....)... .. .. Iorto Ric I ' xI e ...Ch-... (C- e r ( o kcg Ins.) .l .. ... Jc-xpcr I ohui .. .. .. N 320 (NCS . . Red Jexel (Alhrrn I I ill - "All PI', \11 ,\ \Pli FRIA,, \1i ix x AJIhipl 19-- larketble yielac e IS No 12 Cannerx 3 JUmo)() 4 Total r 5 Bu Bu. Ru 28 16 2-6 580 56 304 92 452 264 57 102 423 32 295 81 4(8 1'6 140 -4 390 02 218 56 336 53 212 53 318 191 27 -9 297 26-4 3-1 226 524 . 325 38 127 490 238 20 217 475 235 12 214 401 1466265 417 225 22 164 411 201 3 6 391 . 251 8 24 361 229 63 (3 355 215 36 96 34- .19 92 15 2W) -15 191 9- 703 23 173 122 532 310 157 36 503 258 165 10 433 223 165 39 427 1-46 144 24 314 1-12 9- 45 284 l.S. No I 'ALohorn.: Soil text I)' 122(f111, K =100(1 Ilj, p11 6 02;1 ailixte: Soil test 1)- 140()111). K 8-)1 NMl, piI 58 2 [ S No I rooixts wcre 2 toi 31/ incIix in d iamlcr, 3 I 9 inor che it) ligixth ACIl xliapt-d and frec of clefec lx I (.Iiers xxre 1 Io 2 inches in lianceter inld 2 toi - inchex ini Ilngth 4In II ib i loot sxceeded tice diameter, lengi th, miId wedighit rcl ircinmi' for le No I grac' it were of niirketahle qoality 5 Bushlel - 55 pxintiClx Skin coli Copper to Copper to Copper tol Light Iri Red Ro se Copper (: opptr to liglt tan Coppr to light iose Rosxe to tall Ik)irk red Yeillo tx Colperto r, c Rose Rxe ( xpptl Plrile toi led ( ilfpel Coppter Light tanl Copper to rosxe Red seed soUrce Mtai kci a) ie % ield/a i c U.S. No. 12 Canniers 3 JUmbo1 4 1B1 5 Bu B11 U.S. No. 1 Skini clori Clanton-replicated Red Jessel (AUbUrHn) 130 14~2 116 388 3 Cenitenial (Auburn) 136 149 77362 38 Jasper (Auburni) ..... ... 101 103 121 325 31 Carset (Tuskegee ist.) ......... 83 168 52 303 2 Li1 20- (I SU-Chase) ... . . . .. . , 102 138 39 2-9 3- jew el (Auburni) ............. 100 98 76 274 30 N( 320 (NCSUI ............ 48 111 49 208 23 Porto Pico (1.St -Chase) ...... . '3 34 37 144 51 CLanton-observational. Rujn Blanico ( I Liskegee Inisi ) ..... 54 140 222 416 13 Ti- 1895) TUskegee Ist. ......... 121 191 (62 3-4 32 IT 1894 (Tuskegee ist ......... 75 147r 15 237 32 Ti- 1892) luskegee ist.) 51 154 13 218 23 Culiman-replicated CQirsci ("Iluskegee Inst ) ......... 19' 104 82 383 51 jewsel (Auburn) . .. .. 158 54 143 355 45 Reid Jews l (A h H .. . . . . ......rn. 152 74 85 311 49 Cenitenniial (Auburn) .......... 152 91 46 289 53 Jasper ) Aubcirii) . . . . . . . . . . .. 126 56 98 280) 45 1,1-20' (Lx) -ChaLse) .. . . . . . . . . . 152 63 15 230 66 P'orto Rico (I.1tChase) ......... 126 52 26 204 62 NC-320) NCSU) ......... 6 54 50 180 42 Cullman-observational NG 1-2 N(St ) . . .. ....... 2"- 39 05 381 7 Ti- 1892 (Tuskegee lust. ......... 199 91 82 372 53 \1'()-322 (VPI) .... ........ 173 67 117 35 7 48 Rojo Blanici (1 ciskegee hist. I .I... 1-43 24 163 330 43 M_3--02 (MAlUS) . V ....... .. 13 S;2 10)4 329 53 lTi 1895~ iTiskiegce hisi. ......... 1-1 95 19 285 60 i- 1894)(Tuskegee hisi ) ........ 120 1)06 43 275 40 NC-345 )NCS1') .. . . . . .. . . . . 1 A 9 17 '217 65 I Clan~in soiil iesi P =2200\ HM K -i)\ p8- 11JA = 5. C lititan1i soil iesi P Ittiti ). K 10() p 11 6.1. 2 [' No. 1 roots wecrc 2 io 3V2 iiiches tin diamieter, 3 toi 9 iniches ini leiigth, well shaped, anid it-ce of defects. 3Canniers were I to 2 iches tin dianieter and( 2 to 7 iches in) lenigib 4.1n1iiiho rotis exceeded itle cliamneici, length, atic weighti rci ii ein fonc the N, 1 grade hzit we re if iarket able qit ii irs 5Bushel =S 55l)U1dS lTNiLE 9. SIAKtn FRESH MIARKET To\tAio TItAL, CiANION. 19-71 Red Copper (oe nto6 rose Riose Copper toi rose Copper Rose Light tant Dark red Copper toi rose Light tani to wh ite Purple iii red Rose Coipper Red Copper Copper to rose Copper toi rose Light I an Ruse Ro se Pu~rple to rec Yelliiv D~aik red telloNs (opper to uose L igt tanl to wxhite Light tant iii co pper Mar ketahle \ ield/acre 2 Ic u 5X6 3 6X6 6X- Iifutal 4 1 To tal to tal N ield culls (it- Crack,,s fc Others 5 BER 6 I larvs - seastoii 7 Cwt. Cult. Cult. Cult. 1u ct Pc!. Pct Pa. Pct. ('ink D elight ) xtvIlles ). Traveler )1 ile .. . . . . . I omnestead 21 (Niagara)...... Walter )Aisgrots) . . . . . . . . . Troipic (.ksgruss .. . . .. . . . lix bricl 980 )Agwas ) . . . . . . . Super Red Ix INhrid )Agwas )I.... Floraclel (Aksgrow)......... Bonniie Nentiatocle Resistanit flu iite Farits .I..I. . . . . . Better Bo\- VIN (Pletiiseecl Sprig Giant I Isbricl (1utwIles)... AU 76 FMN (Greenileaf) ...... Big Girl %T- fhxbrici (Burpeed .... Terrific %'FN. ) Petoseed ....... SatUrn 1I v Illes ) AL' 72-5 (Greenleat) . . . . . . . . 86 19g 54.6- '2.20 65.56 154 84.23 8-78 %.41l -5,14 86.31 58.59 54.99 53.69 43.56 13.01 11.16 34.25 29.08 41).62 35S66 32.89 22 '1 23.53 15.14 S0.58 63 38 50)03 49.66 2o 79 25-38 26.14 43.23 30-1 20,26 31.69 32.13 2831 2712 3-1.85 16.66 I190.28 180,28 175.2(i 155.23 150,29 149 14 1-4566 141.78 14)).10 135.65 130 90 122.78 11 +89 9339 1 39 -42.96 20-4 63 213 93 232,61 2(1 14 350,23 2-4 14 262.18 377~'99 261.63 291 74 16(727 255.59 28-461 2-3,88 2- 3- 22-428 "oil test P 208( H): K -2421U PH =1 5.8. 1 tor inIiestu tie app Ite p1r c re 2Sizc s telds reported here are ini accordanice w ith the si/c stanidards established hs the U1SI for the ILis Angeles ixpe lug arranlgemients 5X6 arranigeniiet mitt itt ut diamleter 2 11/10 itiches. miax tntrimi cIianieter 3 3/10 itiches. (tX6 arranigemt~c 1Imint it itciantieter 2 8/16 i itchIes maxiiii iti dhimeter 2 141/16 i thes. OX- arranigeitti itt utt c itt d tanieter 2 4/16 ittches, ntiaxiffU it itcianiiet er 2 10/16 niiches. 3Siutte fruits ini fthis size arratigenuetit were larger thani staicarc st/es. 4~ While fruits were graded as caretrili aIspossibile uder field coitclitionis, ito rigid effort wsas miade to grade for a strict US SNo. 1 grade. Ft tswsei e separated for Cciii cuicitiutis as reported htere. Sothers v.-erc ntcustl torniatoes too sriall to be muarketed iii the abuve si/es. Somre wsere fromt rots, tisect danage, Erecuattical damiage, anid miissltapeni fruits. 6Blossont enid rut. F earls, NI -myid-season, L =late. \ai ict% aiid seed Source atariet% and Marketahle x tlci/acre 2 k-ulls 5ijec s(CC- Pur of Cit lIars ext WedX3 6X6 6X7 TotaPcI Cracks Others totral face secl.11011 clt Cut. (ut Cwt Cwt Pct Pct P/t PaI Replicated Supi Rtel Hril 0Agwa) ... 163.71 199.66 73.76 43-19 101F22 19 3 12 85 1. ll\xhii 980 (ag.a .) ...... .. 9494 224.63 97. 47 4-04 129.88 23 2 10 88 E- Btg Gi rl VF if\ hric Brxee) ....... ...... .- '2 18' 22 53-9 -13'3 86006 17 5 15 80 MI \onie Carlo Nh P letosee .. ......... 205. 9 109,65 3'1.50 120.28 24 2 5 93 F 1 topic xx.Sgro) .... ....... 9030 -8 30 '9.85 35i -S 8803 20 5 9 86 NI1- Floracel grux .............. -- i 1504 11695 325.86 18I476 36 5 94 1 PAk )elight (lxill~e) ........................ 28 161-03 102.12 311.43 14)0 87 31 1 3 96 L aele ll ......... ......... 28.73 152 98 115.89 297 .0 96.70 25 2 1 97 NM I etific N ( Petosecl ) ......... . 9 1-i 1i)0. 8( 107.16 297 10 141l59 32 8 4 88 E Btter Nk,% \TN Pictoscd) . 134-4- 640' 2'2 .*3 101.91 2 0 11 83 E W;alter I a sgrox . 31.1 131 31 102.91 20593 119,0 40 3 4 93 F NI ( Petoseecld) -i+ 8- 125,f8 8536 255 30 1il.o 36 3 6 91 E lkottic Nemaocle Resistant (Bnnime Farms) .... 40.42 112.- '2 9-r5 2 3 118.59 32 2 - 91 1 Auhurit - FMNI (Gruileaf) . . . 66 9635 13220 235.22 1F7.6 32 1 3 96 E-NI Ilometcacld 2-i (Niagara) . ........ i. 17 9993 11444 228.54 162.13 42 4 3 93 E A -2 BK (r leaf) ........ 22- 1)989 84. 52 2f1708 11036 34 2 5 93 1, ScIptto trket (AXsgrokxx . ....... 13) 7 ' 89 .14 1-9 28 1199 49 3 i 96 F altt (ixlle........ 328 42 78 111.1 IS-33 19396 55 0 1 99 1, Observational Big 1ex lhri ( Bnpec) ............ . 44.0iO 151 19 0ff53 250.22 69. 8( 21 6 6 88 1, X1 1661ric Isgrow ... ......... 2.88 131.83 '3.77 233 .8 98.79 30 14 7 79 E akct ng hi ("['",tile\ .x. ...... 45,x6 i 1 11.4 08.20 22380 90-95 30 2ff 12 68 I L, Becfmsti-r Fl\ ricd 1 Seeikssa\i .......... 139 81 330 1 1-3 .' 152 39 47 S '3 22 I-L Sping Gianit Ilxhricf C xxille ,. 1, -ii 6-,'8 -5-17 18 39 9-20 38 - 9 8q E Spitii Sei Hx hid (IN ) . ........ 0 4f 8- 01.99 1(886 12- 3f 53 3 4 93 E lBicettetial Special (P1. Smith) . . . . 52 17 24.f8 31.61 1ff 86 138.60 56 13 1 0 NI At -2 orto) ... ...... 425 27 15 -q2.61 7-01 142. 4 66 2 1 97 L Soil test P = 1301); K -ro(Il. pH = 6.4 2 Size xield rceptortec Itere are ttx accorcance wxith the size staiclarcls establihecl bx the USD)A lot the Los Argeles tspe Icig arraxgeenix. 5X0 arranigcmetxt. 1 xxtimum citamteter 2 11 16 i xc hex masinxn it diameter 3 3/10 itches. N'0 arrangei cia ittuii m diamxet er 2 16 c ixexCS, saXII )ittCI cixiA amteri 2 14/16 nc he. -X- rraungement I i xxI) ciiamclateter 2 4/16 tclic naximum dciamixxeter 2 10/16 iches S uome fruits iii txis size arraixgciietxt were laigetr tllt staldat c si/es 4 Widte fruits xxrcgiadccl as caiclTtIxh Is poslxle uIItclfic ld cotidioits, tic) rigid eloit as uxade togiade lora strict I IS. No igracle. Fruits were separated tor cill ctutxclttions as reportedl Iere. 5 Others xere itmistlx toxates too small to he itarketcd in the abose sizes. Soxe were front rots, insect damage, mechamical daxiagearixd misshapex fruits. 6 F = earx NI= imt-sicseixin L - late \artetx and Nlarketable N teld/acre 2 CLlx seed s)urce 5X6 3 6X6 6X7 1*,taJ 4 Total (trotks f Other 1ex to~tal t(N xax()n Cu't C't. Cut, Cwt. Cut I'ct. Pct Pct PcI Replicated AV -0 F\IN (Greenlealf) ... . 1 9.62 266. 20'.03 61323 49 ,2 8 9 66 25 E Traveler 7 6 cI-carren) ............. 192.52 2i9.5 13472 51() 79 16-30 3 0 90 10 1 X 802 (Aga)... . ........ 2S-9 65 139-il S-3-7 116 19 94 6 1loradel gro . . .. . ...... 29502 18567 "h 8) 55',49 12 46( 19 2 84 14 L Ir3)pic 3Asgrow3 - . . . .. 40124 119.o5 28533 59 .22 1'5.90 2-4 93 3 1, Monte Carlo \%N ( Petoseed) . . . 323 6 15814 50,3- 538.27 135.02 20 1 86 13 L Brtter Bo \N (IPetoxeed) ................... 385-05 99 07 29. *8 51420 180. 0 26 2 93 5 MI Pink )elight I xle.. ....... 125 19 184,92 10- 2" 504 .8 9102 1 1 90 9 E 1Terrific YN (I 'etoseed) 222.............. 2210 170.)4 101.'2 493.80 86.-42 8 9 76 15 F ' ',alter (.kgrox) .. 0.61.............2.... 144.64 168.05 151- 429 : 3 9 ( 86 1- F\I Saturn (Twillc ) ................... 140.08 186 -)2 890 491,-0 30 10 1 88 11 1 Ii axeler (I lx ex ) ......... . . 12592 200.91 1.19 - 02 2480 5 0 09 31 L, Bonttie Netaitod Rexistant ( 13ottiome Farms) 123 4 1-'1 31 10. -*0 -59 18 68t 13 3 -3 2-i Big Girl VF Hlxbrid (Burpce) ... 2.. 279.12 136,6 -1290)O 45458 1701)9 27 2 96 2 1 lletead 2-4 (iagara) .8.............. 18 185 9' 18) 2( 4*235 39 1' 12 1 -8 21 E ALI U2- (Grenleatl) 22.. .. . . 202.82 124. 6' -489 436 -5 8681 17 1) 81 9 1, Super Red lhxbrid (Ag \a ) . ..... ... 282 9 10-4 37 3.2 5 -20. 1i-s00 26 3 88 9 L 11%brid 980(1 gxax . ......... .... 19 13392 91S-0 -19,6 15590 2 3 83 14 E Observational Al 1-S F5- toptc XSI ( Greeneaf) ....... . 23001 23093 1-i9 60(91 6985 I) 8 81 11 E Wonder Box VI ( Petoxeed) ................... 335-1 13231 40 33 53-t55 65 11 11 6 91 3 L BoItlL %YN ( Nettseed)....................... 18239 17,38 119)9 -79.06 48.7 9 79 21 E Selected Itgvrs (Txxille ) .. .. 2135 154 1F 93 -8 40100 -i-i 9 36 51 13 %1 Big BmGit Gta t Hhrtd (BIlpee) ........... 23308 119 .- 8 59.08 411.4 -1*54 15 3 80 11 L 1Seltftiater I 1IbrtI Seeda) .. . .. 2015i 23'- 60 27'68 301.90 so 9 77 14 1 Soil test 1' 180(1). K 140(H) PH- 0.0 2 Sie x teldx reported here are in accordance wxith th size sttdarclx established b the ISD)A for tite Is Algelexs tpe lug arratngelents SXO art alngetuent 33 3133333u33 ditatmeter 2 11 16 mtches. maximuttt diameter 3 31 316 inchex 6X6 artrangenment: 3inimtum diamleter 2 8/10 inc ehex, tmuaximttun tatletet 2 I -V 13 inhlles OX- arrangemenllt: 3333333333L11t) d tarnet er 2 -41 11 3333. heXi 3313331ci Illetet 2 10/163 33. Ix 3S t33e truttts in this size arratgement l xxere larger 3(han3 tandlardl sie/. 4 \Xlile truixS xwere gradted a.s carefuLlx ax pxxihle IIlderC T fldCL C33313.1313, 0) igiid e3r3 xr ax bade twalsgrade L)r a st rct t.5 N. 1 grade. I trus xre xepat ated fo3r cull c3)31 3333333 a repnrted al,3x 3. 5 t let x xx re mosl3 txtlx3333,3 ex 3333 .3 a1 toc mar'3311ket ed in113. al xihvei /e' S3 flevxxe eIn31 rots in3S c 333'.31311 ge' 3131'ch 331( 31 iagc :md 111 x'.hpet fruits F E eari,; MI 3333d-xeax3)t3 L late ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The 1ut110r-S 1knovledge the assistance of -. E. Bar- rett. Jr., Superintendelt, N. R. Mcl)aniel, -Vssistat Supertintendeti1t, Frank B. Selman, Xssistatit Superilnten dent, and Frank 1". Garrett, retired, Stte I)epart uel-It o f Agriculture and Industries, Gulf GC ast Substauo601n7 C. C. CarltIII, Superintendent, and Kenneth C. Shorrt, Assis- t,1It Super1i ICendlen1t, 'liiltol)n Ar-cI 1crticult ure SubSta- ti) 0; Mla1r1il Ii. I Hollingsw\\ oltl, Superintendent, -North Alabama I lorticulure Sllstali0n; J(o)hn T. Eason, Super-intendent, and \Marvin E. Rut, Assistant Superin tendent, Sand M(lu'itin Substatio n; \Xill jam II. I learn, Research D~ata Analsis, and Manr Jane Everett, wxork Stud\V student. Ill1