Progress Report Series No. 109 Agricultural Experiment Station AUBURN UNIVERSITY D~ecember, 1976 H. D ennis Rouse,. D irector Auburn, Alabamua Vegetable Variety Trials, 1976 / 4 / ~r7K f z~i ,2 / 71eil/ NI k (iJ~ ' ( CONTENTS page 1U ]SU LT S ............................ .... .3 Snap Beans ............................... 3 Bell P~epper ............................... 3 Cabbaxge ................................. 3 Sw eet Corn ........................................... Pickling Cucumnbers................................... 3 Slicing Cucumbers .................................... 4 PEggplant ................................................ 4 Potatoes ................................................. 4 Sw eet Potatoes......................................... 4 Fresh Mlarket Tomnatoes ............................ 0 i'AB11. .................................................... 6 Snap Beans ............................................. 6 Bell Pepper ........................................... Cabbage ................................................ 8 Sweet Corn............................................... 9 Sw\eet Corn (Plant Characteristics)............... 10 Pickling Cuiciumibers.................................. 11 Slicing Cucumbers ................................... 12 Eggplant............................................... 13 Potatoes (Fairhope) .................................. 13 Potatoes (Cross-ville)................................. 14 Swee ~(t Potatoes........................................ 15 Tomuatoes (Fairhope) ............................... 16 Tomatoes (Clanton).................................. 17 Tomnatoes ((ullmman)................................. 18 ACKNo\\ 11EI)CE\IENTS........................... 19 Auburn University Is An Equal Opportunity Employer 2 V egetable \V ariety rI rials, 19J76 j. L. Turner and Harrison Brycce 2 Vecgetab~le v ariety andl breedling line 3 ' trials wxere conduclited (hiring 1976 at the Gulf (Coast Substation, Fairhope; the Chilton Area HIorticulture Substation, Clanton; the N ortlh Alabamia H orticulture Substation, C(111i11,an; the Sand \lountain Substation, Crossv ille; atit the MIai n Station at Anbiutrn. All trials were con - dutctedl iii randomizied rep~licated plots wvith recommtiendeld f ertilizer rates and app~lications for each cr op and h Ication. \on-replicated observational p~lan- tings \N ere also iiiade of selected lines of snap beans, pickling cictiibers, staked fresh miarket tomiatoes, and sw eet p)otatoes. Insect and dlisease control measures wxere app)lied on a regular schedule throughout the groxxjug season wxith irrigation applied wvhen needed. Stiininiarit's of results are repoirted in this publication. RESULTS Snap Beans ((Clanton). Seed were planted April 13 anid sp~acedl approximiatelxy 2 inches ap~art in 44-inch roxxs. I larvest dlates varied by xvarieties with v arieties harv ested one ox er to simulate machine harvesting. Y~ield xx as highest for observational lines XP-B40 and E 5201, Table 1. WXhite Seeded Provider was the highest y ieldling in the replicated trial. Sieve size distribution for all xvarieties xwas good wxith a high percent falling in the 3 and~ 4 sizes. Bell Pepper (Culliiian). Seed xwere planted in the greenihouise at Auiburn March 18 and transplanted MIay 12. P~lanits xwere spaced 2 feet ap~art in 44-inch row".s. Four harxvests wvere made beginning July 12 and ending September 21. Green Boy produced the highest y ield of miarketable fruit, Tab~le 2. Fruit size xwas generally siialler this year than in 1973. \Miss Belle, Titan, Early Set, and Yolo Select wxere the largest fruited varieties and lPick-a-Peck xvas the smnallest. Twillev's Big Pack, Early Set, D~elawvare Belle, Mercury, and California WXonder were rated highest for eye appeal. .NCX 4008 produced the longest pod and Yolo Select L, had the DI ata prciseitet it) this iuiIicatiuu are a true exN Atuat ion of each en (i it\ \ .irietx, lunqian , andl ceitil nalies are uised for identifica- tiuii and1( doi iot imp s l\ ndrsemnent of out (i oer thet o their 'Retsearch i Assi ate and l cd SupI erintend~ent, D epartm uent of I liiiticlltiir. 'eed o f hrceid in line's are no t available foir plantin g until iiained and released. largest pod dliamieter. Pod xwall thickness ranged froiii 6 to 8 mmi for all xvarieties. Cabbage (Auburn). Seed xwere p~lanted Januiary 1:3 andl transp~lantedl Februiary 26. Plants xwere spaced 15 in- ches apart in 40-inch rowsx . I lead sp~litting xwas a serious lprobletin this y ear, TIable :3. Sexeral xvarieties p~rodulcedl aboxve 25 percent sp)lit heads. \CX 907 Iprodluced the highest y ield per acre but also~ prodlucedl the highest p~ercent split heads. Rio Verde produced the highest y ield of marketable heads. Stonehead had the mol st in- ifori n size heads at d NC (-X97 had the mnost xvariabl e size heads. In p~ast y ears tian x of these v arieties havec b~eetn harvetsted once over. This yecar o~nlx 8 x arieties xwere harvested one over. TIhis lack of tiniforitiity iii harvetsting (coul( account for sotiet oif till titithsitibic hecad splitting that o~ccuirred. I lead Start, Fc(rr\ l1(ii tia D utch, let Pak, XP-1058. Tastie, and Stonehead xx enc the earliest inatuiritig varieties. Sex ti al xvarieties \N cit late tnattiring this y ear. Sweet Corn (C ull inan ). Seed xwere planted A 1 pril 20 and sp)acedl applroximiiately 9 inches ap~art xx itl 2 1)1atits per hill in 44-inch rtoxs. Golden Seciiritx folr the pa~st :3 y ears has b~een one, of the highest x ielding x arieties, Table 4. \\'hite- D elight was the highest y ielditng xx bite, variety. Mlerit p~rodulced the largest ear andi G-80 the smallest. P~encil Cob is not a sxxeet corn b~ut its sniall si/c cob is desirable. Tenclersxxeet p~roduIced the lotgest ear, Mecrit produced the largest ear diamete'r andi Silx cr Star 80 p~roduced the stnallest cob cdiatneter excluding Pencil Cob. Rowtx shape was consistent for all x arictics. Ear set height varied fromi 11I inches for NP 72-1707 tt4:3 inches for Pencil (:ob. Tip cover xxas best for Pecil Cob, Goldeni Queen, Capitan, and G;olden Scttirit\ Ear filling was best for NCX 24:3. Several xvarieties rated abov e 4 for ear filling. This characteristic is v ery fittpor- taut for high qjuality tnarket corn. lendlersx ect was rated highest for cx e appeal and NP 72-1707 \N as ratedl lowxest. XP 64-2160 xwas rated highest for ease of snap- ping and Pencil Cob the loxwest, Table 5. Loxwer than nttrtnal temiperatures during May almost erasedl any differences in maturity dates. NP 72-1631 and NP 72- 1707 were the only varieties that inatured early . Mlost tof the varieties matured between 90 and 92 (lays. Pickling Cucumbers (Auiburn). Seed wxere planted crop and spaced 6 inches apart in 40-inch rows. Nine harvests were made for the spring crop beginning June 11 and ending July 9. Six harvests were made for the fall crop beginning Septemiber 27 and ending October 15. Tally, a black spine cucumber, produced the highest total marketable yield for the spring trial, Table 6. \\hen black spine cucumbers are grown during hot weather at Auburn they i)roduce fruits that have a high degree of yellow rather than white skin. When grown in the fall, with cool nights, black spine cucumbers develop skin color very similar to white spine varieties. N(CS t 76-C31 is a very promising line for our area. (:alypso and (Carolina are still performing well and ac- count for approximately 80 to 90 percent of our com- imercial acreage. AU!ll-4, an Alabama Agricultural Ex- p)erintent Station entry, produced average yields with good fruit and vine characteristics. Fall yields are generally reduced by low night temperatures that begin in late September and October. Carolina was the highest yielding variety in the fall trial. NCSU 76-G31 produced the highest length to diameter ratio for the slpringt crop and Saimpson for the fall crop. Most varieties had good to excellent internal features except EX 808 for the fall crop. Slicing Cucumbers (Cullman and Auburn). Seed were planted May 25 at Cullmnan and August 20 at Auburn. Seed were spaced 12 inches apart in 60-inch rows at Cullmnan and 6 inches apart in 40-inch rows at Auburn. Nine harvests were made at Cullman begin- ning July 8 and ending July 30. Six harvests were made at Auburn beginning September 28 and ending October 15. At Culhnan 2 varieties were grown on a trellis, Table 7. Sprint, trellised, was the highest yielding variety, producing 148 imore bushels on the trellis than on the ground. Victory also produced higher marketable yields when trellised. Average fruit size was larger at Auburn in the fall than at Cullmnan. Most varieties at (Cullnan had only fair color and shape. Victory and Sprint, trellis grown, were rated highest for fruit color. Victory, trellis grown, was rated highest for eye appeal. All the entries from Taiwan were rated very poor for eye appeal. The low rating was d(ue to their poor shape. XP' 871 was rated highest for uniformity , eye appeal, and color at Auburn. SC-4 was rated highest for fruit shape. Eggplant (Cullinan). Seed were planted in the greenhouse at Auburn March 18 and transplanted May 10. Plants were spaced 2 feet apart in 5-foot rows. Five harvests were made beginning July 8 and ending September 23. Midnite HIybrid produced the highest yield of marketable fruit, Table 8. Mission Belle and Superhybrid also produced well. Peerless Hybrid produced the highest number of marketable fruit per plant, Black Jack I Hybrid and Pompano Pride produced the largest fruits and Long Purple and Blacknite Hybrid produced the smallest fruits. Jersey King Hybrid and Black Magic lybrid, I lybrid No. 19, Black Beauty, and Albino were rated lowest. Long Purple was rated highest for having few to no spines. Peerless Ilybrid, Jersey King lHybrid, Pompano Pride, and Blacknite I lybrid were rated as having the most spines. Potatoes (Fairhope and Crossville). Seed potatoes were obtained from Frito-Lay Company, Baldwin County, Alabania; US)A, Beltsville, Maryland; Uni- versity of W\isconsin; Rhinelander, Starks Farms, Starks, \\isconsin; and frolm two local seed dealers in Alabamna. Seed were brought to Auburn and stored at 40 0 F. until planting time. Seed pieces were cut to ap- proximnately 1'2 ounces each, dipped for rot control in a solution of 1 pound of 60 percent Mertect WP in 50 gallons of water for 1 minute, air dried, calloused and presprouted at 55 0 F. for approximately 2 weeks. Seed were planted February 17 at Fairhope and March 2 at Crossville. Plots were harvested May 26 at Fairhope and June 29 at Crossville. At Fairhope, Atlantic (B6987- 56) was the highest yielding variety and also had the highest specific gravity, Table 9. This variety was nam- ed this year by the US)DA and has been tested for the past 3 years in Alabama. Atlantic has shown a high level of performance for marketable yield and specific gravity. This variety has the potential for replacing many of the white varieties presently grown in the State. Seed stocks are not plentiful at this time but should become more available by 1978. Red La Soda and La Rouge were the highest yielding red varieties and FL-162 was the highest yielding entry from Frito- Lay. Atlantic and FL-162 are high yielding and high solids potatoes in Baldwin County. Wisconsin 726 was the highest yielding entry from the University of W\isconsin. Yields for La Chipper, Norchip, and Superior varied depending upon the seed source. All varieties had good to excellent stands except B7679-9. At Crossville, Red La Soda and La Rouge were the highest yielding varieties, Table 10. FL-795 and FL-750 were the two highest yielding white varieites. Wiscon- sin 715 was the highest yielding variety from the Uni- versity of W\isconsin. Atlantic (B6987-56) did not yield as well this year as in the past but was rated highest for speciffi gravity. La Chipper, Norchip, and Superior yields were variable for the different seed sources. B7608-2 was the lowest yielding entry. Sweet Potatoes (Auburn, Clanton, and Cullmnan). Varieties and breeding lines were obtained from breeders in February and stored at 55 0 F. until bedding. Seed were presprouted at 85 0 F. and approximately 90 percent humidity for 2 weeks; treated with 8 ounces of Mertect 340-F plus 1 pound of Botran in 7.5 gallons of water for 1 minute and placed in electric heated beds. Roots of new introductions are limited, therefore, plant production was not sufficient for an adequate number of plants for planting at all locations. tober 26, at ( lanton June I and harvested October 6, and at Cullmnan May 21 and harvested October 13. Plants \\were spaced 12 inches apart in 44-inch rows at all locations. Yields were highly variable for the same variety at the different locations, Table 11. L1-207 at Auburn was the highest yielding. Jasper,LO-323 and Ti-1885 were also high yielding. Along with high yields,L1-207 and LO- :323 produced the highest yields of jumbo roots. Yields at Clanton were considerablv below what they were a year ago. Ti-1885 was the highest yielding. Yields at Cullman were also below a year ago but were accep- table for most varieties except M3-702. NC-320 at Auburn, LI-207 at Clanton, and NC-311 at Cullman produced the highest percent of U.S. No. 1 roots for each location. Several varieties produced above 60 per- cent '.S. No. I roots at Auburn. All varieties had good to excellent skin color except VP1-63 and M3-702. Yellow skin roots tend to distract from overall eye al)l)ppeal. Fresh Market Tomatoes (Fairhope, Clanton, and Cullman). Seed were planted in the greenhouse February 24 for Fairhope and Clanton and March 25 for (Cullman. Plants were transplanted April 6 at Fairhope, April 8 at Clanton, and May 10 at Cullman. Plants were spaced 15 inches apart in 5-foot rows at Fairhope and (Cullman. At Clanton, rows were spaced 8-feet. Plants were pruned and staked to a 2-leader system at Fairhope and the binder twine trellis method was used for staking at Clanton and Cullman. At Fairholpe, Terrific VFN was the highest yielding variety, Table 12. Better Boy VFN p)roduced the highest yield of 5X6 fruits and AUl-75-6 (Fi) produced the highest yeild of 6X7 fruits in the replicated trial. Fairholpe. Both are pink fruited and very similar in fruit characteristics. Traveler is the smoothest tomato in the trial and produced the lowest yield of cull fruits. Saturn is small fruited with only fair yields but is resistant to Southern Bacterial Wilt and can be grown in home gar- dens where bacterial xwilt is a problem. Catfacing and small size fruits accounted for most of the culls this year. Some cracking did occur in some varieties. AU- 76-:33 (F,), Monte Carlo and Tropic produced the highest yields of cull fruits. XP 802 was the highest yielding entry in the observational trial. Pink Delight also yielded well and has early maturity. XP 271 had a very poor plant type and is not adapted to Baldwin County. At Cluaton, Terrific VFN was the highest yielding variety, Table 13. Traveler and AU-76-6 (F() also produced good yields. Saturn was the lowest yielding variety. Cull yields were excessive for all varieties. Tropic produce(d the highest yield of culls and Traveler the lowest. Traveler and Bonnie Nematode Resistant were the earliest miaturing. At Culhnan, Better Boy VFN was the highest yielding, Table 14. Terrific VFN and Monte Carlo VFN also produced good yields. AU-76-33 (F 4 ) produced the lowest yield of marketable fruits and the highest yield of cull fruits. Traveler 76 and Traveler produced the lowest yields of culls. Catfacing was responsible for a high percent of culls. Bonus VFN, IHybrid 980 and Super Red Hybrid were the highest yielding in the obscrvational trial. Super Red H lybrid produced the highest yield of 5X6 fruits, Bonus VFN produced the highest yield of 6X6 fruits and I lybrid 980 produced the highest yield of 6X7 fruits. XP 271 had a poor plant type and appeared poorly adapted at Cullman. (;rowing Color 2 Shape Straight- Bean days ness" length I Sieve sizes' 2 3 4 5 Bu. \\S. Pro ider .............. 157 (P 71-135 ................... 15:3 XI 68-2990 ................... 137 Torrent ....................... 130 BB1 Supreme ............. 129 (Codi 112 .................... 122 rccnpak ..................... 117 E 1 xp. 113-70 ................. 115 E. (Callatim .................. 111 X1 6S-29S8 ................... 101 XPl' B40 ........................ 254 E 5201 .............. ......... 254 \(CX 8008 ................... 206 IM L (;CV 109 ............... 182 B1u1c ( r I) .................... 175 Lake Largo ................. 175 3M I, 53 ........................ 167 X P B 74 ............... ......... 15 1 \( 8010 .................... 151 'xp . 160 ...................... 15 1 aid er .......................... 14:3 ( ' 72-122 .................... 143 C( amid Can\ (on ............ 1:35 Sumungo(ld ...................... 127 Exp) 163-B170 ............. 127 Tidal \\ axe .............. . 127 (;P1' 7:3 107 ................... 127 C P 73-102 .................... I11 E 421 7 .............. .......... 10:3 E. (;allatin ................... 79 lake S einca ............... 71 62 LC 65 G 65 G 62 CG 67 G 65 D)CG 63 )DG 67 LCG 65 C 65 G 66 C 66 G 66 G 66 G 64 D)(; 66 G; 68 CG 66 C 67 C 66 G 67 G 68 G 66 C 68 Y 66 G; 65 LC 66 G 66 G 62 G 66 G; 69 G Replicated IHleart S I eart S I Heart S Ileart S(C Hound SC Hound S Round SC Homund SC Heart SC ()Oval S ()Observational Heart VC Hound SC H eart S(C Hound SC Hound S(C ()Oval SC Ileart SC Hound S(C Heart S Oval SC I heart SC Iheart SC Hound \ VC Heart SC I leart \'C I heart SC Hound VC SI Heart SC Ilheart SC Heart SC Round S 4.70 0 10 4.20 20 15 4.10 201 10 5.30 0 0 5.25 25 40 4.30 5 10 4.80 5 5 4.60 20 20 4.20 0 10 4.25 0 15 6.00 0 5.50 0 5,.00 0 4.75 22 5.75 15 6.25 5 3.75 20 5.50 5 5.25 20 5.25 0 5.00 0 4.25 0 5.00 0 4.75 0 5.00 0 4.75 0 5.50 20 4.75 35 5.50 0 4.25 5 4.50 40 'Soil tst pI = 290 ( I 1): k = 2(X) (II); p)il = 5.9. '(; = grccn L = light green: D)C = dark green; Y = yellow. S = straiight SC = slightly curved: VC = very curved. 'Si(\ u size w as determined from a 100 pod sample taken at random from the four replications. Sie e denotes canning size grades with size I having the smaller diameter and 5 having the larger. V\ ariet \1 arket- able yield/ acre 45 30 45 0 20 0 25 30 35 0 35 10 35 20 30 5 20 0 55 5 I ablI 2. 1ell PI)Ipper \ ariety I rial, C;ullmian, 19T6b M1ark etable Variety Seed Yield/ pods per Pod Fruit source acre p~lant wxeight color' C"wt. N o. Lb. G;reen Boy ................ 4tAgway 316 24.9 .21 C T\VilleV's B~ig Pack.....Txx villex 265 16.4 .27 C (Uniape .................... T1. Sakata 259 22.8 .19 l)C 5 lix brid No. 19............ 1'. Sakata 259 18.3 .24 LG 5 Yolo Select I .............. Key stone 249 17.1 .25 C N(:X 14007................. Niagara 248 21.8 .19 G; MIiss Belle ................. MAIES 248 15.2 .28 DG N('X .410.................. Niagara 245 16.0 .26 C Beiaire .................... Niagara 233 14.6 .27 LC Pick a lPeck ............... T1. Sakata 230 2:3.4 .17 LC 5 N(:X .4008................. Niagara 228 16.5 .2.3 DGC Emteraldl Giant ........... xs illey 228 14.9 .26 DGC l1,itan.......................xs illey 220 13.2 .28 C Early Set .................. xx illey 219 13.4 .28 LG Yolo Select .......... .Ferrx Morse 211 12.8 .28 DGC N(:X 4002................. Niagara 205 13.5 .26 C Farly Botuntifuil...........1'. Sakata 202 18.2 .19 LG 5 Kes stone Resistant Ciait Key stone 201 1:3.6 .25 G; \lidxa .a................... Petoseed 195 12.6 .26 C lDelaxv are Belle...........L1,etheri nan's 192 1:3.7 .24 LC \\ orid Beater............. Ferry-\lorse 189 13.6 23 C Staddoic\s Select ......... Agxs ay 186 1.3.1 .24 C California Wocndler :300 .. Petoseed 175 11.1 .27 DGC \lercciry .................. Petoseed 171 11.8 .24 DGC California XWonider....Key stone 143 9.6 .25 C 'Soil test 1) :W4( (XII); k - 50 (1H); p1)11 5.9. 21,G = light green; C green; DGC - dark green. 'Nutmbers in this coltiumn occurred most often for each variety. 'Rating ind~ex: 5 =excellent; 4 = good; 3 = fair; 2 = poo; I = very poor. 'urns redl early. LobeS 3 Eye Pod P0(1 NN all appleal' length dliamieter th ickn ess In. In. 1111 3 3.5 3.21 2.94 6 3-4 4.5 3.19 3.08 8 2-:3 2.0 2.92 2.31 7 3-4 2.0 3.63 2.83 7 :3-4 3.5 3.48 :3.15 7 1-2 2.0 4.52 2.65 6 3-4 3.0 3.38 3.00 8 3-4 4.0 3.23 :3.13 7 3 3.5 3.21 2.83 7 1-2 2.0 3.63 2.04 6 2-3 2.0 3.75 2.50) 6 3-4 4.0 3.10 2.96 8 3-4 2.0 3.56 3.06 8 3-4 4.5 2.98 2.85 8 3-4 :3.5 3.33 2.81 7 3-4 3.5 2.94 2.90 7 3-4 3.0 2.85 2.75 7 34. 3.0 3.44 2.92 8 :3-4 3.5 3.13 2.83 7 3 4.5 3.10 3.00 8 3-4 2.0 3.67 2.58 7 3-4 :3.5 3.35 2.91) 7 3-4 4.0 2.81 2.98 7 3-4 4.5 2.91) 3.1)4 7 3-4 4.5 2.73 2.88 7 NMean Uni- Crow- Seed Acre bead foriiiity iog Head Split Core \aritx source yield w~eight of heads' dlays Season 3 Color' I arvest diarneterheads Firmness' Shape 6 size7 Cxvt. Lb. Lb. N o. N o. In. % \CX 907......... Niagrara 423.43 4.05 1.37 83 L BC 2 6.21 40.0 L-MI H F MI Rio Ved .......... NK 422.67 4.04 ?.82 83 L BC 2 6.81 0. L-NI 1-F S-NI Sa~o\ Kinig..... Isilley 411.31 3.93 ?1.11 78 MI DC 1 7.58 0. L- NI H-F NI (;r'c BoN . N..... K 410.13 3.92 Z1.04 78 N I BC 1 6.28 8.1 NI Ri NI II ereiiles .......... N\K 408.76 3.91 ?.88 83 L BC 2 6.81 2.5 L-NI 11F S-NI Mlarket TIopper .Harris 395.82 3.79 z.78 83 L LC 3 5.90 15.4 NI R N-L P~rimie Pal ....... Ferr\-\Iorse 395.49 3.79 .78 78 NI BC 1 5.99 2.6 NI R NI Saiel.............N\K 394.89 3.78 ?1.07 78 NI BC 1 6.44 29.7 NI H S-NI Rondup......... Fwilley 386.13 3.69 ? 1.18 83 L DC 1 5.96 27.5 L NI 11-0 NI L Al USeason ....K s stone 365.85 :3.50 ? 96 86 L BC 1 (.01(1(1 Acre ....NK 355.04 3.40 ? 84 83 L BC 2 (;een Back .... Keystone 347.47 3.32 ? 90 83 L DC 2 N( 903 ....... N ig ra 347.14 3.32 ?.1 78 NI DC 1 Little Hock ...... Fw Iev 345.26 3.30 ?.1 86 L BC 2 11 leacstart ....... Asgrow,' 343.80) 3.29 ? .70 68 E LC 2 Miarket lPriz( .... Haris 34:3.62 3.29 ? .95 83 L LC 3 1 leadmraster ..... Frrx-Norse 341.65 3.27 +.86 86 L1 DC 3 Jlackpot .......... Niaigara 332.17 3.18 .9 78 NI L( 2 Iwrr\ lioidc IOutch .......... Fe(,rnNlorse 328.73 3.14 ?.74 72 E LC 2 Ex~press........... Asgro\\ 324.82 3.11 .70 83 L LC 3 King Cole ....... Harris :320.22 3.06 .86 78 NI LC 3 Miarket V ictor ...H arris 302.65 2.90 :.63 78 NI LC 2 Jet-pak ........... NK 292.23 2.80 .71 72 E LC 2 X P 1058 .......... Asgrow 289.06 2.77 ?.72 72 E LC 2 TIastie ............ NK 266.47 2.55 .57 7 2 E DGC 2 Stonehead . N..... K 214.51 2.05 ?.48 68 E DC 1 'Soil test J-380(N 1),k(N);pfl 5.9. 'Standard dev iation. +: e arls ;,NI = iumli; L = late. CG green; BC bluegreen; LC - light green; DGC dark green. ATI = veny loose; 1,. loose; NI = inedinix firmness; F = firm. R roundl; F flat; 0- oval, P -pointed. 7S snal. \I mnedium; L = large. 6.64 2.6 'L NI P-F NI 5.95 35.9 NI H NI 5.86 25.0 L-NI H-0) N 5.53 30.8 LNI H NIL 5.71 0. NI F H1-() NI 6.66 25.0 L H NI 6.11 17.1 NI BF N-1. 6.31 5.0 L-I H NI 5.84 7.9 1-MI H NI 5.99 2.8 LM NI -F NI 5.85 17.5 NI1 H NI 6.24 2.5 1,-NI H NI 6.09 5.0 1. NI H NI1 5.73 11.8 NI H NI 5.78 19.4 L-NI H NI 5.39 22.2 NI F H S-NI 5.06 8.1 NI H M Variety Source Ears/ Ear acre wt. D)oz. Lb. XP 70-2428 ......... Rogers 2,574 .57 (collen Security Asgrow 2,566 .56 \\ hite IDelight ...... \lcair 2,516 .57 uttersweet ........ Local 2,508 .59 li Ilrid Seneca Chief ............... Robson 2,467 .52 Colmander ....... Asgrow 2,450 .68 Calumet .............. Asgrow 2,426 .64 (-80 .................... Le Se Co 2,384 .48 (;Goldeni Queen .... Rogers 2,376 .65 Wintergreeni ....... Asgrow 2,:343 .64 Triumphant 11 .... Niagara 2,310 .71 XP 64-2160 ......... Rogers 2,294 .55 (:apitai ............... Asgrow 2,269 .72 Apache .............. Asgrow 2,261 .65 XP 1331 .............. AXsgrow 2,261 .60 XP 27786 ........... ,(Le Se o(, 2,244 .49 (;Goldenrod .......... Niagara 2,236 .70 XP 72-1651 ......... Rogers 2.228 .53 IXP :362 ............... Asgrow 2,211 .69 S\eet Star-76 ..... illstar 2,211 .53 XP 71-2291 ......... Rogers 2,195 .57 X' 72-1707 ......... Rogers 2,186 .60 Sil\ rliner ........... Keystone 2,170 .64 (NA 2008 ........... Niagara 2,162 .65 N(A 243 ............ Niagara 2,153 .72 XP 1 A ............ IiRobson 2,153 .64 Aztec ................. Asgrow 2,145 .50 I lbrid Seneca Scout ............... Robson 2,145 .59 \lidNa\ .............. Asgrow 2,13; .71 S\ eet Star-80 ..... X illstar 2,129 .66 Pencil (Cob- ........ Dl)r. Isbell 2,120 .31 XP 194 ................ obson 2,104 .64 II 1brid Seneca Feather .......... obson 2,096 .52 Sil\ er Star-8) ...... Willstar 2,096 .60 Bicolor Silver Queen ............ Rogers 2,087 .58 Mlerit .................. Asgroxw 2,087 .78 IXP 27787 ........... Le Se Co 2,087 .55 Faif are .......... Rogers 2,079 .56 Tedersweet ...... Asgrow 2,063 .58 Silver Queen ...... Rogers 2,054 .67 (:oinet ............... Asgrow 2,030 .60 Salute ................. Asgroxw 2,021 .63 Bonanrza .............. 'Ferry-Morse 1,980 .71 Comanche .......... Asgrow 1,980 .58 Table JoN .......... McNair 1,922 .63 Ear Cob Color 2 Ear diarn- diarn- Kernel Row Ear set Tip length eter eter rows shape' ht. coverl In. In. Y 7.35 1.70 Y 7.24 1.63 Wh 8.16 1.54 Y 7.55 1.73 Y 7.71 1.46 Y 7.85 1.68 Y 8.33 1.53 Wh 6.28 1.65 Y 7.65 1.53 Y 7.38 1.63 Y 8.20 1.88 Y 7.98 1.63 Y 8.23 1.58 Y 7.20 1.73 Y 7.48 1.58 Wh 6.03 1.6;7 Y 8.80 1.60 Y 7.48 1.43 Y 7.36 1.73 Y 7.04 1.56 Y 7.23 1.83 Y 6.80 1.58 \Wh 7.98 1.70 Y 8.15 1.85 Y 8.23 1.98 Y 7.65 1.58 Y 6.78 1.65 Y 7.13 1.55 Y 8.01 1.71 Y 7.35 1.68 Y 4.78 1.07 Y 8.05 1.73 Y 7.53 1.60 Wh 8.36 1.52 Wh 7.26 1.65 Y 7.95 2.03 Wh 6.48 1.65 Y 7.51 1.81 Y 9.40 1.54 Wh 7.59 1.63 Wh 7.61 1.78 Y 7.20 1.74 Y 8.33 1.78 Y 7.15 1.65 Y 7.21 1.73 Ear fill- Eye ing 4 appeal' In. No. In. .84 16-18 S-SC 25 .77 14-16 S-SC 28 .68 14-16 S-SC 36 .90 14-18 S-SC 33 .67 12-14 S-SC 19 .83 14-18 S-SC 31 .71 12-14 S-SC 28 .74 14-16 S-SC 23 .80 14-16 S-SC 29 .80 14-16 S-SC 22 .98 16-18 S-SC 30 .79 14-16 S-SC 18 .80 14-16 S-SC 31 .85 14-16 S-SC 28 .72 12-14 S-SC 23 .75 14-16 S-SC 23 .83 14-16 S-SC 36 .77 14-16 S-SC 14 .96 14-16 S-SC 26 .78 12-14 S-SC 25 .95 14-18 S-SC 24 .88 14-16 S-SC 11 .82 12-14 S-SC 30 .92 16-18 S-SC 31 1.03 16-18 S-SC: 34 .77 14-16 S-SC 24 .86 14 S-SC 22 .82 14-16 S-SC 27 .79 14-18 S-SC 28 .82 14-18 S-SC 28 .27 8-10 S-SC 43 .86 16-18 S-SC 32 .77 12-14 S-SC 21 .64 12-14 S-SC 33 .77 14-16 S-SC 31 1.02 16-18 S-SC 33 .78 12-14 S-SC 25 .94 16-18 S-SC 21 .70 14-16 S-SC 25 .74 14-16 S-SC 32 .88 14-16 S-SC 24 .87 16-18 S-SC 25 .93 16-18 S-SC 26 .81 12-14 S-SC 20 .88 14-16 S-SC 28 4.08 4.25 4.28 4.53 3.50 4.15 3.00 3.55 3.75 4.00 3.25 4.03 :3.75 3.43 4.00 4.63 3.75 4.10 3.50 4.23 3.00 3.65 3.50 3.63 4.00 3.73 3.K) 3.18 'Soil test p= 230 (l I);k = 100 (M); pH1=5.5. One ton limestone applied per acre. 2 Y= Nellow; Wh = wvhite. 'S= straight; SC= slightly curved. 'Rating index:5= excellent; 4= good; 3= fair; 2= poor; 1 = very poor. 'Not a sweet corn. ----- 3.00 3.50 3.75 3.63 3.50 4.23 2.88 3.33 3.00 3.40 3.00 3.53 3.38 3.65 3.00 3.48 3.00 3.65 4.00 4.00 3.75 4.10 3.50 3.23 3.50 3.70 4.00 4.:38 4.00 3.93 3.00 3.95 3.25 3.75 2.50 2.38 3.00 3.38 3.50 4.08 3.00 3.40 2.13 2.00 2.75 3.33 3.00 3.33 4.25 3.95 3.00 3.65 2.50 3.00 3.50 3.83 4.00 4.20 2.75 3.00 3.00 2.83 2.75 3.08 Ease Grow- Variety Plant of Shank Flag ing I larvest ht. snap- length leaves" days season ing In. In. No. IXP 70-2428 79 2.50 2.68 2.00 91 NI (;colden Security 95 2.50 3.66 2.67 91 M \\ hite )Delight 97 3.50 2.51 3.00 92 IM. Butterswecet 93 3.00 2.93 2.25 91 M IHybrid Seneca (Chief 74 2.25 2.71 3.33 91 M (Coumander 94 2.50 2.50 2.75 91 M (Calumet 99 2.75 2.75 2.75 90 M G-80 80 2.00 2.48 2.50 91 \I Golden Queen 90 3.25 2.76 3.50 91 1 \\iintergreen 81 2.75 3.13 2.50 91 1 Triumphl)iant 11 9) 3.75 2.78 1.50 91 I XNI 64-2160 72 5.00 1.98 3.00 86 \ (Capitan 94 2.50 2.68 2.50 90 M Apache 91 3.00 2.40 3.00 90 I X 1331 83 2.75 2.63 2.75 90 I XI' 27786 77 3.25 2.38 2.50 92 M (Goldenrod 97 3.00 2.83 2.00) 91 \ XP 72-1651 67 4.38 2.60 2.75 79 E XP :362 83 3.00 2.75 2.00 91 MI Sweet Star-76 85 2.50 2.25 3.00 91 I XP 71-2291 80 3.00 2.65 1.75 90 I X 72- 1707 59 3.75 2.68 2.50 79 E Silverliner 86 3.25 2.25 2.25 92 \I \CX 2008 94 2.50 2.53 1.75 91 NI \CX 243 93 3.25 2.50 1.88 90 MI XP 185 A 82 :3.25 :3.03 :3.25 91 MI Aztee 83 3.00 2.75 2.00 91 \I Ils Ibrid Seneca Scout 81 3.67 2.43 3.75. 91 M Midwa( 93 3.25 2.21 3.00 92 MI S\\eet Star-80 87 2.75 2.50 2.25 91 NI Pencil Cob 94 1.00 2.32 .67 101 I X1) 194 90) 2.75 2.78 3.50 90 MI I I hrid Seneca Feather 73 3.00 2.95 2.75 91 I Sil er Star-80 90 3.00 2.49 3.50 92 M Bicolor Silver Queen 91 3.00 2.60 3.00 91 M lMerit 91 3.25 3.53 2.25 90 MNI XP 27787 82 3.25 2.28 2.50 91 NI Fanfare 78 3.75 2.19 3.25 86 \I TeuI(dersweet 86 2.75 2.79 2.75 92 M Siter Queen 9:3 3.25 2.68 3.25 92 NI Co(:met 83 2.50 :3.31 3.50 91 \ Salute 81 2.34 3.03 1.75 91 MI Bonanza 87 2.75 2.43 2.50 90 \I (Comuanche 75 3.00 2.15 2.25 90 NI lable Joy 85 2.75 2.39 2.33 91 M 'Soil test p= 230 (VII); k= 100 (M); pil= 5.5. One ton linmestone applied per acre. 2 Rating index: 5= verv easy; 4= easy; 3= average difficulty; 2= difficult; 1= very difficult. 3 Rating index: 5= long; 3= miediun length; 1 = short. N\ ot a sweet corn. V ariety Source Tally ................... Asgrow Trispear ............ NK I 1 l 11 ................H arris Score ................. Asgrow EX 808 ...........N.... K N(C ' SU 76-G:31 .... N(CS 38M 11 .................I larris Green Spear .......NK FX 3875 ............. Ferry-Morse Al 74-118 ........... Al Calypso .............N( :S ' Lucky Strike ....... Petoseed (Carolina ............. Asgrow Sampson ............Petoseed Triple Cross ....... I larris A 11-4 ............... AuMburn Panorama ...........Ferry-Morse Explorer ............ Asgrow Addis ..............N ....N SU Premiiier .............. As grow Triple Xl ech ....... Petoseed N:CSt 76-(;27 .... NCSU Al 74-122 ........... UAR Marketable yield per acre Sizes 2 No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 Total Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. :31.68 34.06 25.08 25.34 22.18 30.36 22.18 24.35: 14.39 19.40 20.06 25.48 21.78 19.67 26.86 20.72 17.82 19.47 22.11 18.08 24.29 20.46 1:3.60 104.54 111.67 105.34 98.41 92.27 104.02 90.95 85.87 68.11 85.54 83.49 77.22 80.19 91.41 77.48 81.84 70.36 82.30 88.37 77.62 71.15 60.72 71.15 180.97 161.83 170.40 144.80 154.18 132.92 144.00 122.43 111.54 108.50 118.99 119.99 116.95 99.53 106.13 103.10 113.59 107.20 93.46 96.82 101.24 110.22 88.18 38.94 40.13 42.50 32.87 28.12 19.14 25.20 20.13 46.73 25.48 16.24 10.96 13.92 20.53 19.14 22.18 20.66 12.87 14.32 22.97 15.84 16.76 20.33 356.13 :347.69 343.32 301.42 296.75 286.44 282.33 252.78 240.77 238.92 238.78 233.65 232.84 231.14 229.61 227.84 222.43 221.84 218.26 215.49 212.52 208.16 19:3.26 Harvest L/D) season ratio Spring M M E L1 L Mi E L NI L L NI E L M E M M Ni L M L1 M L Fall Color 4 Fruit Spi shape col Uns Good BI LG Fair NV LG Fair \ G Fair X G Fair X G Good X LG Good XX G Good \ LG Good \\ G Good \ DG Good XX G Fair X% C Fair \ D)G Good \ C Good \ C Good X LC Good V LG Good X DG Good X LG Good X LG Fair XX C Good X 1)DG Good V Carolina ............. sgrow 20.27 61.87 44.08 21.39 147.61 E 3.07 LC Excel. X% NCSL 76-;31 .... N(CS 20.34 58.27 48.46 7.91 134.98 E 2.61 G Good \\ NCS1' 76-;27 .... NCSL 14.13 53.56 36.30 30.48 134.47 E 3.15 )DG Good \k 11 11 ................. Harris 10.601 34.27 50.16 38.39 133.42 F 3.04 G Fair WXV l'anorama ........... Ferry-Morse 16.28 53.17 39.44 22.43 131.32 E 2.96 LG Good NN Score ................. Asgrow 18.18 60.95 34.86 16.81 130.80 M 3.15 C Good \\ Cal\pso .............. \N(SU 15.50 47.02 43.88 23.94 130.34 M 2.83 D)C Good X% Triple Cross ....... I larris 14.00 47.68 44.73 23.54 129.95 E 3.23 LG Excel. W Sampson ............. NCSIU 14.19 64.16 45.65 4.19 128.19 E 3.38 LC Excel. W Priemier .............. Asgrow 18.44 51.34 38.72 19.55 128.05 E 2.82 LG Excel. W Addis .................. NCSIU 17.79 58.73 30.67 10.20 117.39 M 3.23 LG Excel. WV Lucky Strike ....... Petoseed 15.50 45.71 44.28 7.72 113.21 E 2.96 G Good W Explorer ............ Asgrow 12.88 45.(X) 38.13 16.68 112.69 E 2.71 G Good W 38M 1 ................. H arris 11.97 41.53 25.24 17.66 96.40 M 3.00 LC Fair WV Triple Mcch ....... Petoseed 15.50 37.08 35.19 7.52 95.29 E 2.96 G Fair W Creen Spear ....... NK 15.30 44.47 26.68 8.44 94.89 M 3.12 LG Good W Al1-4 ................ Auburn 12.95 41.92 29.36 9.55 9:3.78 E 2.86 C Good W Tally ................... Asgrow 18.84 36.17 18.05 12.56 85.62 M 3.04 LG Excel. BI Al 74-112 ........... UAR 10.53 42.64 24.46 1.18 78.81 M 2.68 DG Good W IFX 3875 ............. Ferry-Morse 8.18 31.72 17.40 11.05 68.35 Xl 2.93 LG Good W EX 808 ............... NK 11.38 28.51 13.41 12.30 65.60 E 3.27 G Fair W All 74-118 ........... UARl 9.83 24.53 23.74 6.61 64.76 M 2.69 DC Good W Trispear .............. NK 6.80 12.56 3.86 1.83 25.05 M 2.89 G Fair W 'Spring: Soil test p = 530 (Ell): k = 80 (medium): pil = 6.2. Fall: Soil test p = 350 (VII) k = 8( ((ndiumn), pll 5.9. SNo. I size ranged up to 1-1/16 inch in diameter: No. 2 size ranged from 1-1/16 to lz inches in dial from 1P2 to 2 inches in diameter; No. 4 grade ranged from 2 to 2o inches in diameter. 1= earlk; M = miid-season; l, = late. G = Lreen: IC; light green; D)G = dark green; Uns = Unsatisfactory. \\h = xx hite; 3Blk black. Carpel separation was based on the percent of fruits cut that had open or air spaces in the middle. Carpel ne Vine separation 6 or 5 vigor No. 3s No. 4s k Good 3 0 h Good 0 9 h Good 0 0 h Good 0 0 h Good 0 0 h Good 0 0 h Good 0 0 h Good 0 0 h Good 0 0 h Good 0 0 'h Good 0 0 h Good 0 0 h Good 0 0 h Good 3 0 'h Good 0 0 h Good 0 0 h Good 2 0 h Good 0 0 'h Good 0 0 h Good 0 0 'h Good 0 0 'h Good 0 0 h Good 0 0 h Good 2 0 h Excel. 0 0 'h Excel. 0 0 h Good 0 0 h Excel. 2 0 h Excel. 5 5 h Good 0 0 h Good 0 4 h Excel. 2 0 h Excel. 0 0 h Excel. 0 0 h Excel. 0 0 h Good 0 0 h Good 0 0 h Good 0 0 h Excel. 6 50 h Excel. 0 0 k Excel. 0 0 h Excel. 0 0 h Good 0 0 h Excel. 40 0 h Excel. 0 0 h Good 0 0 meter; No:3 graderane(l Variety Source Slicc Master ........ Petoseed SC -I .................... Robins colg reen .......... IHobins FX :3910 ............. IFerry-Morse X1P 71 ................ \K X' N ................. .Agixa Sprint .................. Hobins elle A\ire .......... Agwvay \ev \Market #2 IN brid ........ aiwan Castle -2001 ..... ( Castle VietorN ... ......... Petosteed Po)insett ............... Robins NIW\l Market t3 11\rid ........ TFaiwan li gh \lark li I ...... Asgrox Sx all l I Nb)rid Taiwan I uuugshan Green Taiwan Green Bowl brid ........... lFTaivan N \\ Mlarket 1 1lxb)rid ........ aiwan Sprint Trellise ........ Xsgrow \icetaru Tlrellise(d ........ Petoseed M arket- able Fruit Length IDiam- Color Shape Vine yield/ size eter acre-' Bu. Lb. In. In. Cullmnan-Spring 637 .45 6.34 1.51 2. 626 .38 7.12 1.84 3. 624 .38 5.81 1.69 1. 618 .38 6.70 1.71 3. 614 .40 6.64 1.59 3.5 614 39 7.25 1.66 2. 560 .34 6.28 1.50 3. 558 .35 6.37 1.67 2. 502 .47 8.23 1.89 3. 500 .33 6.55 1.63 2.5 482 .35 5.94 1.55 2. 474 .32 5.70 1.41 2. 470 .55 7.97 1.41 2.3 452 .34 6.43 1.65 2.5 420 .47 8.36 1.24 3.5 :396 .49 8.45 1.38 1. :394 .52 7.36 1.74 3. 380 .48 9.05 1.50 3. 708 .31 6.07 1.48 4. 588 .31 6.04 1.57 4. vigor' Eye larvest forlnity' 3 appeal season' 1.5 4 2 1.0 1 1.5 4 2 1.0 1. 3.5 4 4 4.0 E 4. 4 5 5.0 M-L Auburn - Fall X 1'1 ................ NK 436 .60 7.65 1.82 4.5 4. 5 5 4.0 Ca(ste X-2)1 ..... Castle 424 .53 7.23 1.74 3. 3. 4 3 3.0 S rint ................. lRobins 414 .50 6.90 1.78 3.5 4. 5 4 3.5 \ictr)1 ...............Petoseed 404 .50 6.76 1.67 3.5 4. 5 4 :3.0 IX 3910 .............. Ferrv-Morse 366 .54 7.59 1.73 4. 2. 4 3 2.5 I' .sett ........... RobIn1s 342 .59 7.23 1.75 3.5 3.5 5 3 3.5 Slice M\laster ...... Ptoseed :338 .50 6.90 1.72 3. 3. 5 4 3.0 S(- .................. IRobins 332 .56 6.61 2.00 3.5 4.5 5 4 3.0 (colgreen ........... RIobins 246 .46 6.24 1.87 2.5 2.5 2 2 2.5 Vullrman: Soil testp =410 (Ell); k= 160 (11); p1)11=5.8. .A\uburn: Soil test p= 200 (11); k=80 (XM); pI=5.6. I ton lirmestone applied per acre. Bllushel =50 pounds. 'Hating index: 5= ex(ellent, 4= good; 3 = fair; 2= poor; 1 = very poor. += earl; \1 = mid-lseason; 1 = late. rells imaterial was a commlrercial nylon net hung between a bottom and to 1 p wire approximately 5 to 6 feet apart. \Vines wxere trained on to the trellis and required several corrective treatments to get established. Mlarketable V arietx Seed Yield/ fruit per Fruit Fruit Ev e Shape' Spines' Season" source acre plant size color 2 appea 1 C(\vxt. No. LIf). N Iidl1itc ix brid ....... etoseed 597 12.8 1.(17 P) 3.0 () :3.0 L. Mi 1551)11 Bell ............ I etherixian's 5-54 12.7 1. 00 1. 1) 2.5 H 2.5 E Superix hrid........... .. \xl4\ ax .51:3 1 0) 1.07 Dl) 3.0 () 3.0 E Blick Jack If\x bid .. X gx\ ax 49:3 9.5 1.19 DI, 4.5 E. 3.0 L Peerless ix hridl Tlxsillex 489 1:3.9 .81 I) 4.0 F 1.0 E Black Mlagic ix brid ... I I arris 466 9.4 1.14 P 2.0 R 2.5\I ix lridl No. 29 .......... . Sakata 4.58 1(). () 1.07 P 2.0 11 4.0NI j (,rsey King lIxI brid .. urpee 450 12.2 .85 DI) 5.0 E 1.0 E Blackm xal Ix INhrid I larris 445 10t.4 .98 P) 3.0 E 4.0 1l IFlo ri(da Ilililisi Burpee 442 9.1 1.11 1L1) 4.0 () 3.0 1l Pomipano Pi ide ....... Niagara 387 7.5 1.19 P) 3.0 ( 1.0 ()l Florida \Loc ket ....... IFerrx -\Iorse 351 7.2 1.1:3 IT ~ 3.5 () 2.0 1. Black Beaita\........... BurpccI 315 6.4 1.1:3 I'll 2.0 R 4.0 \ Blacknite II x hridl...ePtoseed 287 9.4 .7(0 B 5.0 E H) 0 Albinio ..... s ...... illex 2.34 6.:3 .91 XXI, 2.0 H 2.0\I I)Lng PuIrple .I....... . etlieriianls 249 8.5 .67 LP~ 3.0 E .5.0 E Soil test Ip 60)1 JAI);I -k 150(11)11= 6.0. 21) =)il Iupc, B = xerx (lark p~urp~le that could( be considered black; D)P (ldark p~urle; 1.1)- light p~urple; XX Ii- shitc. Hfating inldex: 5 e xcellent; 4 =good; .3 =fair; 2- poor: I =vxery p)oor. oiH round E. = ( nigated, ov -ixal. "I mni\ni ;5 =fcxx to nonte. TI' (ark;\ \= Illid scai5(n; I - late. Table 9: Potato \'arietx Trial, Fairhope, 19761 Marketable Yiel/ crc Spccific Stand at Fxe Eye S k \ .rietx Smtirce Total Size A- Size B grav ity harv est (1e 1 th 3 Size' col Cw.t. cwVt. cwt. r Atlantic (136987-56) I.'SJ)A 294 280 14 1.085 93 Nl S XWh Bed Li Soda.....Johnson, N. 1). 288 277 11 .067 100 1 ) L R( lRed La Soda.....Stirks Farms 285 27.3 12 .065 97 1) L B( 137802- 2............I (S IJ)* 265 2.52 1:3 .075 91 NI S C( L- 162 ............ Frito lax 264 247 17 .073 99 S S Wh Ried La Soda ....l ilort, N.D. 261 250 11 .065 99 1) L R( L~a Hllge..........I tSI) X 2.58 2.33 25 .069 98 MI N\I H( XX iscolisin 726 ..... 1. XX isconi 257 247 10 .077 98 S 5 X 1369T7 -29...........(SI ~)A\ 2,% 2-46 10 .074 92 \1I S XXh Fl, 657 ........ .... Frito-Lax 244 2.32 12 .0T1 89 1 ) 5 X La Chlipper ...... t'S I)AX 244 222 22 .073 94 \ I MI X II. 751............. Frito La\ 24:3 217 26 .078 91 \1 S X FI,-T95 ............. Frito-Lax 2:38 2.31 7 .078 92 S S V Visconisin 718 ....... isconsinl 238 219 19 .074 100 S S X Xiscoiisin 715.... isconsin 235 210 25 .074 91 5 5 X X% isconini 62:3.... isconsin 232 198 :34 .077 91 5 5 N\ B381013 .............. Si )DA 229 205 24 .069 9:3 \l Ml XX h \Norcliip............ Stirks Farins 221 201 20 .078 96 Nl Il X B37595-:3............. i).,X 221 191 :30 .075 96 \ I I Pu L~a Chippewr...... Stirks Fariiis 217 198 19 .074 89 \1 Ml X Superior............ Starks Farnis 210 195 15 .077 91 S S XX i XX isconsin 7:32H1 .... ['. \X isconsin 210 194 15 .067 94 \l 5 ) Dp. Norcliip............['S I )A 205 182 2.3 .078 96 S \l XX\ XX isconisin 7:37 ... j XX'\ iscolisin 20:3 154 49 .073 100 S S XXh Red( L~a Soda.....Larkin, S.1D. 201 187 14 .065 92 1) L H1 Senniniole .......... Frito-Lax 200 184 16 .082 99 S S X B37768-4 ............ ('SiA 197 189 8 .078 94 \1 S W1h FLi. 723.3............ Frito-L.ay 186 176 10 .069 93 1) L ClI( Xisci ............ ) XX iscolisinl 183 145 40 .072 96 5 S XXh Xisconisin 721..... XX isconsin 18M 164 19 .074 96 S S XN B36969- 2............ USDA. 172 160 12 .068 87 \1 S XX h B37608-2.............USDA 169 132 :37 .067 94 \l S Huh Supcrior ........... USDAX 167 148 19 .076 97 \1 S XX 137679- 9............t 'S I)AX 149 1:37 12 .074 78 Ml S 11w 'S )ilI t cs tp1 1:30 (11) yk-=80 (11);\ Ig 250 (11); 1) I1 -5.6. 'Size A = potatoes wsith 17 inches (diamneter andI larger. Size B p lotatoes with lPnto 17,sinches diameter. 'S sllalloxx M =l Iniediili: 1)-= deep. 'S5 silall \ =l innidiini, = large. 'XXh =i white: SH = sonic russet. '5 excellent; 4 =good;: 3- fair; 2 = poor; 1 = xvcry p~oor. - 90; M = 95; 1,.- 100 day s from pl1anting to harv est. ill Exye I Ilairx\evs t orx5 Shiape alI)lpeal' seaso 11 -SB 1-Flat 4.5 ,d Hound 4.0) ,ar 11 Flat 3.0) SBI Houind 4.5 d Honund 43.1) h 11 1ong 4.0 5S3 11 Flat 4.0 h Romuid :3.5 1 Hlounid :3.5 h Round :3.5 h H-Flat 4,1) h Houndl 4.1) h 1-Long :3.5 h1 Hound 3.5 -SB Hound 4.1) 1) Hound .3.0) A Rouind .3.0 h Ronid 3.5 SB Hound 4.5 Bed Hound 3.0 h Hound 3.5 SR Hound 4.(0 ed Hound 4.1) 'h Hound 3.5 -SH Hound0( 4.0 ,ar H-Flat :3.5 -SR Round 4.1) 'h Round 3 .5 -SR Hound 4.5 ,set Hound 4.5 'h 11-Flat :3.5 .set H-Long 4.5 Varietv Marketa -Total Source lRed La Soda............... Johnson, N.). 247 lied L~a Soda............... Starks Farnis 20:3 La lloige................... USD)A 201 Fl 795...................... Frito-LaN 199 FL'-75()...................... Frito-LaY 199 Red L~a Soda............... Tihert, N.D). 199 kN isconsin 71............... U. WXisconsin 197 Kenniebec................... USDA 185 \N iscoInsi! 623 .............. U. WXisconsin 179 Atlantic (B16987-56) USDA 176 1B81013 ...................... USD)A 176 WXisconsin 726 ............. U. isconsin 169 B16987-29.................... USD)A 168 FL 162...................... Frito-Lay 158 Norchip .................... Starks Farms 155 Fl 657 ............. Frito-Lay 153 WXisconsin 73211............ U. WXisconsin 153 Suiperior.....................tarks Farms 152 137768- 4..................... USDA 150 B178022 2..................... USDA. 147 L a C:hipper................. USDA 146 Superior ..................... USDA 144 \k iscorusiri 718.............. U. WXisconsin 142 \orchip ..................... USD)A 138 L~a Chipper................. Starks Farms 128 1175953 ...................... LSIA 126 Fl.72 ...................... Frito-Lay 124 \N isconsin 737 .........U. WXisconsin 121 \k ischip ..................... U. XXisconsin 119 1B6969-2 ..................... USDA 103 Scuuniolc ................... Frito-Lay 96 \k iscorusin 721.............. U. WXisconsin 96 Ried L~a Soda ........... Larkin, S.D. 93 117679-9..................... USDA4 86 B176082 2..................... USD)A 76 'Soil test p 10.5(11);k -170 (Ml); mg -26 (L); pH=5.6. 'Siz, potatoes x~th 1 7/8 inches diameter and( larger. Size B -potatoes wvith 11/2-17/8 inches dliameter. ble Yield/Acre Size A' Cw't. 230 18K3 1 80 189 181 172 177 167 152 163 157 157 160 145 137 140 126 137 141 147 130 137 129 125 114 105 117 98 88 94 89 77 82 66 45 Size B Cw~t. 17 20 21 10 18 9 20 18 27 13 19 12 8 13 18 13 27 15 6 6 16 7 13 13 14 21 2~3 31 9 19 11 20 31 Specific grav ity ( " wt. 1.083 .082 .081 .090 .089 .082 .08 AM& .088 .097 .082 .090 .092 .092 .094 .085 .081 .087 .082 .082 .084 .083 .082 .092 .081 .081 .082 .090 .081 .076 .093 .090 .073 .080 .082 Stan(] at harv est Pct. 95 95 100 90 95 90 95 95 95 95 90 100 95 95 100 90 95 95 90 90 95 100 75 95 85 95 95 100 100 80 95 95 90 85 95 Var Irt 1, I .)...........[SI L( Ira'c jasp .................. \rrrri 1.)-32 ............. LS (Chiase Ti -1 S85 ................ I11I keLc ee hist Ic c ............... I i lburnr r I( \ ~ I .................. 11)1111 T 59i- 96 ............... I'iriskegee Inlst i 19 ............... I iskegee Inst 11 11 ......15 ......... 1.5 ( h:1a M -320( ............... W(:t (:-:311 ............ (S (:-:A ............ (S). \ P 1 -63 ................ \ V l ,\13-702 ................ \ I AFE S Ma~rketable yid/ aci .S. No 12 (alirwr