Progress Report Series No. 105 Agricultural Experiment Station AUBURN UNIVERSITY R. Dennis Rouse, Director Auburn, Alabama A Pest Management System For Cotton Insect Pest Suppression By F. R. Gilliland, Jr.,1 W. R. Lambert, 2 J. R. Weeks, 2 and R. L. Davis 2 RECOGNITION OF THE PROBLEMS associated with ex- cessive insecticide use for cotton insect control, such as insecticide resistance, high production costs, and environmental contamination, has prompted research for more ecologically sound techniques for control- ling insect pests, particularly the boll weevil, An- thonomus grandis Boheman and the bollworm com- plex, Heliothis spp. Brazzel (2) originated the con- cept of diapause control, in which insecticides are applied in the autumn to reduce overwintering boll weevil populations. The identification and synthesis of a male-produced aggregating pheromone suggested by Tumlinson and others (21) and the development of traps baited with male weevils or the synthetic phe- romone by Cross (5), Hardee (7,8,9), Leggett and oth- ers (16) made it possible to trap many of the spring- emerging overwintered boll weevils before they could infest cotton fields. Hopkins and Taft (10) and later Cowan (4), Coppedge (3), Ridgeway and others (19) reported that the systemic insecticide aldicarb (Temik) was very effective against popula- tions of overwintered boll weevil. The use of early-planted cotton as a trap crop to protect the regular planted cotton crop was sug- gested by Hunter (11), Coad (12), Fenton and Dun- nam (6), Isley (13,14) and others. More recently, re- sult of experiments conducted in Louisiana by Brad- ley (1) have revealed that a trap crop of early-planted cotton located adjacent to overwintering habitat and treated periodically with foliar sprays of methyl para- thion protected the remainder of the field from boll weevil invasion until mid-season. Taft et al. (20) re- ported promising results from experiments in which pheromone-baited traps, in-furrow and sidedress ap- 1 Associate Professor, Department of Zoology and Entomology. 2 Graduate Assistants, Department of Zoology and Entomology. plications of aldicarb, and sprays of toxaphene plus DDT plus methyl parathion were combined in an integrated program for boll weevil suppression. Lloyd and others (17) designed an integrated system for boll weevil control in which sterilized male boll weevils were confined on plants adjacent to rows of aldicarb-treated cotton. They suggested that the aggregating pheromone produced by confined males would attract emerging overwintered weevils to the aldicarb-treated cotton where they would be killed. Their data indicated the potential effectiveness of the combination against low-density populations of overwintered weevils. However, bollworm popula- tions were significantly greater in the aldicarb- treated rows than in untreated portions of the field. Cowan (4), Ridgeway and others (19) have observed similar increases of bollworm populations on aldicarb- treated cotton. The increase is attributable, at least in part, to increased oviposition by bollworm moths on the aldicarb-treated plants (R. L. Ridgeway, pers. comm.) Thus, while progress has been made to develop integrated systems for boll weevil suppres- sion, the practices employed, such as aldicarb treat- ments, often encourage or intensify problems with potentially important pests such as bollworms. An integrated system designed to take advan- tage of the several boll weevil suppression techniques available and to minimize the possibility of Heliothis spp. population increases was tested in 1972. The experiments were conducted as part of a research program being conducted in conjunction with the Pilot Boll Weevil Eradication Experiment underway in parts of Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana (Knipling, 15). The insect suppression techniques employed in the integrated pest management system included: (1) Reproduction diapause control; (2) DECEMBER 1973 early-planted, aldicarb-treated cotton as a trap crop; (3) aggregation pheromone bait stations in the trap plots; (4) pheromone-baited traps around the periph- ery of the cotton fields; and (5) foliar sprays of chlordimeform (Galecron or Fundal). The first four are boll weevil suppression techniques being used in the eradication experiment and the fifth (chlordimeform) was included for Heliothis spp. suppression. The rationale for the above combination of sup- pression techniques was as follows: (1) The com- bined use of reproduction diapause control, aldicarb, early-planted trap plots, and the boll weevil aggre- gating pheromone should achieve effective boll weevil suppression; (2) the use of aldicarb and the early-planting procedure should create differential attractiveness of the trap plots for adult Heliothis feeding and oviposition; (3) chlordimeform is an in- secticide known to be ovicidal for Heliothis eggs, and workers in Arkansas have observed that when chlordimeform is ingested by Heliothis moths, their fecundity and fertility are reduced. Therefore, if adult bollworm activity, such as feeding and oviposi- tion, could be concentrated in the trap plots, the chlordimeform sprays should kill a high percentage of the eggs deposited. If female moths could be induced to feed on the droplets of the chlordimeform spray, their fecundity and fertility would be reduced even though they might oviposit in other parts of the field. PROCEDURES A four-row trap crop of an early-fruiting cotton variety (Quapaw) was planted in each of nine cot- ton fields (8-15 acres each) in Covington County, Mississippi. Each trap plot was planted 2 to 3 weeks prior to the remainder of the crop. The trap plots were not planted along the edge of the field; they were planted toward the center of each field in a site that was considered optimum for achieving good seed germination, seedling emergence, and attractiveness for boll weevils entering the field from hibernation quarters. Aldicarb at 1.0 lb active/acre was applied in-furrow at planting. At the pinhead square stage (about 6 weeks after planting), additional aldicarb was applied to the trap crop as a sidedress application at 2.0 lb active/acre. The nine fields used in this test treatment were located in the 1st Buffer Zone of the Pilot Boll Weevil Eradication Experiment area (Knipling (15)) and had received a 13-application reproduction diapause control pro- gram the previous fall. Pheromone traps (Leggett and Cross (16)) baited with a formulation of the synthetic male-produced aggregating pheromone were maintained around each field as part of the operational procedure of the eradication experiment. Also, pheromone bait stations, consisting of one unit of the formulated pheromone, were placed at about 200-ft intervals in each trap plot. The pheromone traps and bait stations were serviced weekly. In nine other fields located approximately 10 miles away in Smith County, a somewhat different pest management system was implemented. In these fields the trap plots received aldicarb in the same manner as the first nine fields, but were planted only 2 to 3 days prior to the remainder of the field. These fields were located in the 2nd Buffer Zone of the eradica- tion experiment; thus, they received only eight re- production diapause control treatments; no pherom- one traps were maintained around the fields, and no pheromone bait stations were maintained in the trap plots. Chlordimeform sprays were applied to the trap plots in six of the nine fields in each of the two loca- tions when potentially damaging infestations of boll- worm were indicated. Applications were made with a high clearance sprayer at a rate of 0.25 lb active/ acre in a total spray volume of 6-10 gallons. Sugar was added to the chlordimeform mixture (5 lb/gal) in an effort to increase the attractiveness of the trap crops as a site for feeding and oviposition by Heliothis adults. Applications were made in the late afternoon and early evening (4:00-7:00 p.m.) so that the spray droplets would persist on the foliage as long as possible. Insect populations were assessed by examining whole plants in trap plots and regular cotton, start- ing from seedling emergence and ending with termi- nation of the test (July 27). Sampling sites in the trap plots were selected so that the influence of the pheromone bait stations could be measured; sites in the regular crop were selected both adjacent to (within 1-5 rows) and at a distance (50 or more feet) from the trap crop. Additional sampling was conducted from June 14, until termination of the test with a mechanical sampler mounted on a high clearance spray machine developed by McCoy (18). These samples were returned to the laboratory for subsequent examination. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Emerging overwintered boll weevils were cap- tured in the pheromone-baited Leggett traps around the periphery of the fields throughout the test period. However, the majority of emerging weevils were captured from early to mid-June (Figure 1). Whole plant counts (Table 1) indicated that the early planted trap crops were very effective in at- tracting the over-wintered weevils that missed the pheromone traps and entered the fields. No weevils SUMMARY In summary, the aldicarb-treated, early planted trap crop system was very effective in attracting and concentrating early-season boll weevil and bollworm populations in cotton. Damaging infestations of these pests were not sustained in the regular crop throughout the test period. Although further re- search is needed to clarify the role of each of the insect suppression factors involved in the experi- ment, and while improvements must be made in mid-season suppression of Heliothis, it seems obvious from these studies that the pest management system tested has great potential for cotton insect pest sup- pression. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to thank Mr. F. J. Boyd and other personnel of USDA, APHIS for their assistance in conducting these studies. This work was sup- ported by CSRS Grants, 116-15-06 and 216-15-95. the late May sidedress application of aldicarb in the trap plots. In general, Heliothis infestations reached a sig- nificant level only during a 2-week period in mid- June. Egg counts (Table 5) show the differential attractiveness of the trap crops for Heliothis oviposi- tion, especially in June. A decrease in differential attractiveness in favor of the trap crops was ob- served as the regular crops grew and overcame the difference in size and maturity. By mid-July the regular crops appeared to be at least as attractive for oviposition. Egg counts in the trap crops treated with foliar sprays of chlordimeform plus sugar-water indicated that the addition of sugar did not generate additional Heliothis oviposition. However, this conclusion, based on weekly egg counts, may be erroneous be- cause the weekly egg counts were made prior to each spray application. Eggs deposited subsequent to the sprays would have hatched or been killed by the chlordimeform or beneficial organisms before the next count was made. Infestations of Heliothis larvae (Table 6) ap- peared to follow the same general trends established by egg counts. However, destruction of eggs and small larvae by beneficial arthropods appeared to be a more significant factor in the regular crops. Al- though larval counts in the trap crops sprayed with chlordimeform plus sugar-water were consistently less than in the control trap crops, a comparison of egg and larval counts in the two trap crop systems indicated little Heliothis suppression by the chlor- dimeform. Counts of bollworm-damaged squares (Table 7) indicated better results from the chlordi- meform sprays. Counts of predaceous insects, i.e., big-eyed bugs, Geocoris spp. (Table 8) and lady beetles, Coccinel- lidae (Table 9), revealed dramatic differences in the numbers of these beneficial organisms in the aldi- carb-treated trap crops and the non-treated crop. TABLE 5. Heliothis SPP. EGGS IN FIELDS USED FOR ALDICARB- TREATED TRAP CROP EVALUATION, COVINGTON AND SMITH COUNTIES, MISSISSIPPI, 1972 Location-Treatment Av. no. eggs/acre on indicated date' Covington Co. 6/14 6/22 6/28 7/5 7/13 7/21 Trap crop 10,400 5,265 0 867 0 433 Regular crop 0 1,510 0 867 0 2,167 Trap crop ? Chlordimeform 2 3,216 4,959 1,950 1,083 0 433 Regular crop 1,818 1,003 867 433 433 433 Smith Co. 6/14 6/21 6/28 7/6 7/12 7/19 Trap crop 5,494 0 2,167 1,733 Regular crop 3,900 0 ... .. Trap crop + Chlordimeform 1,485 8,456 1,733 1,083 0 Regular crop 3.293 4,024 217 1,300 0 Dashes indicate data were not collected. - Chlordimeform-sugar-water sprays applied following egg counts on 6/14, 6/21, and 6/28 in Covington County and 6/15 and 6/22 in Smith County. These differences occurred despite the greater abun- dance of Heliothis eggs and larvae on plants in the trap crops (tables 5, 6). The differences in number of predators in the trap crops versus the regular crop might have been even greater had there been more Heliothis forms in the regular crop to serve as preda- tor hosts. TABLE 6. Heliothis SPP. LARVAL INFESTATIONS IN FIELDS USED FOR ALDICARB-TREATED TRAP CROP EVALUATION, COVINGTON AND SMITH COUNTIES, MISSISSIPPI, 1972 Location-Treatment Av. no. larvae/acre on indicated date' Covington Co. 6/14 6/22 6/28 7/5 7/13 7/21 Trap crop 18,200 8,343 3,900 3,900 867 1,733 Regular crop 0 0 867 0 0 1,733 Trap crop + Chlordimeform' 8,450 6,702 5,200 1,800 1,517 650 Regular crop 0 361 217 867 217 650 Smith Co. 6/14 6/21 6/28 7/6 7/12 7/19 Trap crop 3,852 -2,600 867 1,300 Regular crop 4,833 433 0 0 Trap crop + Chlordimeform' 2,476 4,879 433 867 1,300 Regular crop 0 843 0 433 217 SDashes indicate data were not collected. 2 Chlordimeform-sugar-water sprays applied 6.14, 6/21, and 6/28 in Covington County and 6/15 and 6/22 in Smith County. TABLE 7. PERCENTAGE Heliothis DAMAGED SQUARES IN FIELDS USED FOn ALDICARB-TREATED TRAP CROP EVALUATION, COVINGTON AND SMITH COUNTIES, MISSISSIPPI, 1972 Location-Treatment Av. percentage damaged squares on indicated date' Regular crop 0 11 6 2 1 2 Trap crop + Chlordimeform' 28 11 16 7 3 1 Regular crop 0 4 8 7 2 2 Smith Co. 6/14 6/21 6/28 7/6 7/12 7/19 Trap crop - 21 --- 7 3 2 Regular crop --- 12 .. 3 1 0.5 Trap crop + Chlordimeform' 13 12 4 3 1 Regular crop 0 7 2 0.5 0.2 'Dashes indicate data were not collected. 2 Chlordimeform-sugar-water sprays applied 6/14, 6/21, and 6/28 in Covington County and 6/15 and 6/22 in Smith County. TABLE 8. MECHANICALLY-COLLECTED SAMPLES OF BIG-EYED BUGS, Geocoris SPP., IN ALDICARB-TREATED TRAP CROP EVALUATION, COVINGTON AND SMITH COUNTIES, MISSISSIPPI, 1972 Location-Treatment Av. no. Geocoris/acre on indicated date Covington Co. 6/14 6/22 6/28 7/6 7/19 Trap crop 748 339 811 194 20 Regular crop 276 787 835 352 32 Smith Co. 6/15 6/21 7/5 7/12 7/20 7/26 Trap crop 358 316 401 375 342 637 Regular crop 715 1,486 543 940 1,044 1,339 TABLE 9. MECHANICALLY-COLLECTED SAMPLES OF LADY BEETLES COCCINELLIDAE, IN ALDICARB-TREATED TRAP CROP EVALUATION, COVINGTON AND SMITH COUNTIES, MISSISSIPPI, 1972 Location-Treatment Av. no. Coccinellidae/acre on indicated date Covington Co. 6/14 6/22 6/28 7/6 7/19 Trap crop 1,203 636 568 656 40 Regular crop 528 1,228 1,073 803 81 Smith Co. 6/15 6/21 7/5 7/12 7/20 7/26 Trap crop 406 511 424 342 355 312 Regular crop 504 1,040 535 572 745 780 TABLE 1. WHOLE PLANT COUNTS OF BOLL WEEVIL POPULATIONS IN ALDICARB-TREATED TRAP CROP EVALUATION, COVINGTON AND SMITH COUNTIES, MISSISSIPPI, 1972 Av. no. weevils/acre on indicated date' 4/27 5/4 5/18 5/24 5/31 6/7 6/14 6/21 6/28 7/5 7/13 7/20 7/27 Covington Co. Trap crop 0 0 9 50 14 14 0 0 0 1,296 1,296 576 -- Regular crop.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- Smith Co. Trap crop 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 144 576 1,296 0 Regular Crop.... 7 0 0 0 0 1,152 1,152 0 1 Dashes indicate cotton was not large enough to make counts. were found in whole plant samples in the non-treated regular crops during the entire sampling period in the Covington County fields. In the Smith County fields however, weevil populations in the trap crops and regular crops did not differ appreciably. The lack of any difference in the two treatments in Smith County fields was especially evident in early July, when F, generation weevils began emerging. The effectiveness of the Covington County trap, crops was attributed to the fact that they were planted and fruited much earlier than the regular cotton (Table 2). The pheromone bait stations maintained in these trap crops undoubtedly enhanced their at- tractiveness; almost all weevils located by the whole plant sampling method prior to F 1 emergence were found within 15 feet of the bait stations. Conversely, in the Smith County fields the differential in the trap plots and the regular crop was only temporary; by early July no appreciable difference in size and fruiting was apparent. The absence of pheromone bait stations in the Smith County trap plots further reduced the chances for differential attractiveness in favor of the trap plots. However, effectiveness of the trap plot system in both locations could not be accurately measured by live weevil counts alone. The aldicarb treatments in the trap crops undoubt- edly killed many of the weevils feeding on cotton plants in the four treated rows. Since a practical method for findiding and counting the dead weevils was unavailable, the live weevil counts made during whole plant sampling were biased against the trap plots. Mechanically collected samples of live weevils (Table 3) and damaged square counts (Table 4) confirmed the effectiveness of the trap-crop system in Covington County and the relative ineffective- ness of the Smith County system for boll weevil suppression. Weevil infestations were slow to de- velop in the Smith County fields, but subsequently reached higher levels than in the Covington County fields. It seems probable that the higher July in- festations in Smith County were the result of a more general distribution of overwintered weevils in the regular crop. However, most of the overwintered weevils entering the fields in Covington County were attracted to the trap crop and died after feeding on the aldicarb-treated cotton. Heliothis infestations in the aldicarb-treated trap crops were appreciably greater than in the regular crop during most of the sampling period (tables 5-7). These differences appeared greatest soon after TABLE 2. COTTON SQUARE PRODUCTION IN FIELDS USED FOR ALDI- CARB-TREATED TRAP CROP EVALUATION, COVINGTON AND SMITH COUNTIES, MISSISSIPPI, 1972 Location-Treatment Av. sqs/acre (thousands) on indicated date' Covington Co. 6/14 6/22 6/28 7/5 7/13 7/21 Trap crop 158.6 175.9 129.2 197.2 262.2 315.0 Regular crop 1.7 33.6 40.7 78.4 182.9 198.5 Trap crop + Chlordimeform 2 116.2 269.1 176.4 253.9 247.9 177.5 Regular crop 8.7 27.0 62.8 80.8 138.8 172.5 Smith Co. 6/14 6/21 6/28 7/6 7/12 7/19 Trap crop - 106.1 149.9 218.8 239.6 Regular crop 14.7 126.5 153.8 198.9 Trap crop + Chlordimeform' 58.4 110.6 178.8 230.1 193.1 Regular crop 4.0 23.6 114.4 203.8 211.9 1 Dashes indicate data were not collected. 2Chlordimeform-sugar-water sprays applied 6/14, 6/21, and 6/28 in Covington County and 6/15 and 6/22 in Smith County. TABLE 3. MECHANICALLY-COLLECTED SAMPLES OF BOLL WEEVIL POPULATIONS IN ALDICARB-TREATED TRAP CROP EVALUATION, COVINGTON AND SMITH COUNTIES, MISSISSIPPI, 1972 Location-Treatment Av. no. weevils/acre on indicated date' Covington Co. 6/14 6/22 6/28 7/8 7/19 Trap crop 14.4 72.0 14.4 54.9 46.2 Regular crop 7.2 0 8.7 5.7 8.7 Smith Co. 6/15 6/21 6/28 7/5 7/20 Trap crop 0 0 18.6 78.0 Regular cron 0 0 18.6 69.3 ' Dashes indicate data were not collected. TABLE 4. BOLL WEEVIL DAMAGED SQUARES IN FIELDS USED FOR ALDICARB-TREATED CROP EVALUATION, COVINGTON AND SMITH COUNTIES, MISSISSIPPI, 1972 Location-Treatment Av. percentage ovip.-punct. sqs. on indicated date' Covington Co. 6/14 6/22 6/28 7/5 7/138 7/21 Trap crop 0 0.5 4.9 4.2 10.0 8.7 Regular crop 0.1 0 0 1.4 2.6 3.7 Smith Co. 6/14 6/21 6/28 7/6 7/12 7/19 Trap crop 0 0 8.1 6.5 16.7 Regular crop 0 0 .. 7.1 5.4 15.8 'Dashes indicate data were not collected. LITERATURE CITED (1) BRADLEY, J. R., JR. 1967. Oriented Movement of the Boll Weevil in Response to Trap Crop Plantings, Foliage Color and Sex Pheromone. Ph.D. Dissertation, Louisi- ana State University, 73 p. (2) BRAZZEL, J. R. 1959. The Effect of Late-Season Ap- plications of Insecticides on Diapausing Boll Weevils. J. Econ. Entom. 52:1042-45. (3) COPPEDGE, J. R., D. A. LINDQUIST, R. L. RIDGEWAY, C. B. COWAN, AND L. A. BARIOLA. 1969. Sidedress Applications of Union Carbide UC-21149 for Control of Overwintered Boll Weevils. J. Econ. Entom. 62:558-65. (4) COWAN, C. B., JR., R. L. RIDGEWAY, J. W. DAvIs, J. K. WALKER, W. C. WATKINS, JR., AND R. F. DUDLEY. 1966. Systematic Insecticides for Control of Cotton Insects. J. Econ. Entom. 59:958-61. (5) CROss, W. H., D. D. HARDEE, F. NICHOLS, H. C. MITCH- ELL, E. B. MITCHELL, P. M. HUDDLESTON, AND J. G. TUMLINSON. 1969. Attraction of Female Boll Weevils to Traps Baited with Males or Extracts of Males. J. Econ. Entom. 62:154-61. (6) FENTON, F. A., AND E. W. DUNNAM. 1928. Dispersal of the Cotton Boll Weevil, Anthonomus grandis Boh. J. Agr. Res. 36(2):143. (7) HARDEE, D. D., W. H. CRoss, AND E. B. MITCHELL. 1969. Male Boll Weevils are More Attractive than Cotton Plants to Other Boll Weevils. J. Econ. Entom. 62:165-9. (8) HARDEE, D. D., W. H. CRoss, P. M. HUDDLESTON, AND T. B. DAVICH. 1970. Survey and Control of the Boll Weevil in West Texas with Traps Baited with Males. J. Econ. Entom. 63:1041-8. (9) HARDEE, D. D., O. H. LINDIG, AND T. B. DAVICH. 1971. Suppression of Populations of Boll Weevils over a Large Area in West Texas with Pheromone Traps in 1969. J. Econ. Entom. 64:928-33. (10) HOPKINS, A. R., AND H. M. TAFT. 1965. Control of Certain Cotton Pests with a New Systemic Insecticide, UC-21149. J. Econ. Entom. 58:749-9. (11) HUNTER, W. D. 1917. The Boll Weevil Problem with Special Reference to Means of Reducing Damage. USDA Farmers Bulletin. 848: 40 p. (12) HUNTER, W. D., AND B. R. COAD. 1923. The Boll Weevil Problem. USDA Farmers Bull. 1329. 30 p. (13) ISELY, D. 1934. Relationship Between Early Varieties of Cotton and Boll Weevil Injury. J. Econ. Entom. 27:762-6. (14) ISELY, D. 1950. Control of the Boll Weevil and the Cotton Aphid in Arkansas. Ark. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 496. 42 p. (15) KNIPLING, E. F. 1971. Boll Weevil and Pink Bollworm Eradication: Progress and Plans, In Summ. Proc. 1971 Beltwide Cotton Prod. Mech. Conf. (16) LEGGETT, J. E., AND W. H. CRoss. 1971. A New Trap for Capturing Boll Weevils. USDA Coop. Econ. Ins. Rpt. 21:773-4. (17) LLOYD, E. P., W. P. SCOTT, K. K. SHAUNAK, F. C. TIN- GLE, AND T. B. DAVICH. 1972. A Modified Trapping System for Suppressing Low-Density Populations of Overwintered Boll Weevils. J. Econ. Entom. 65:1144-7. (18) McCoY, J. R. 1971. Evaluation of Air Flow Systems for the Collection of Insects from Cotton. M.S. Thesis. Mississippi State University, State College, Mississippi. (19) RIDGEWAY, R. L., S. L. JONES, J. R. COPPEDGE, AND D. A. LINDQUIST. 1968. Systemic Activity of 2-methyl-2 (methylthio) propionaldehyde 0-(methylcarbamoyl) oxime (UC-21149) in the Cotton Plant with Special References to the Boll Weevil. J. Econ. Entom. 61: 1705-12. (20) TAFT, H. M., A. R. HOPKINS, AND S. H. ROACH. 1972. Suppression of Emerging, Early-Season Boll Weevils Using Integrated Control. J. Econ. Entom. 65:1664-6. (21) TUMLINSON, j. H., D. D. HARDEE, R. C. UELDNER, A. C. THOMPSON, P. A. HEDLIN, AND J. P. MINYARD. 1969. Sex Pheromones Produced by Male Boll Weevils: Isolation, Identification and Synthesis. Science 166: 1010-12. Auburn University Is An Equal Opportunity Employer