Auburn University's Foundation Sweetpotato Program James M. Dangler, Robert A. Burdett, and Marlin H. Hollingsworth' Commercial swectpotato trans- plants are prodUced fromn bedded stol age roots. Growsers fr equently pi oduIce their Owxn tranlsplants to pre- vent the introdUCtion ot'disease'. and pests and to reduIce the Costs Coln- pared to purchasing transplants. Having the desired variety available at planting is also important. Al- thoug-h transplants appear vigorous and healthy, they may be off-type, contain mu1Ltations, or harbor diseases and insect pests fromn the transplant bed. To produce high yields of roots in the field, growers mnust keep their rootstock free of pests. Maintaining the characteiristics of the v ariety is 1Respct1i\ c I y Assis tant Pwifc oi of HO-tiI I I C Protiesor of Ag rononi\ a nd So i I: and Leaflet 107 November 1994 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Auburn University Lowell T. Frobish, Director Auburn University, Alabama 2 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION another important function of a transplant producer. By growing true-to-type sweetpotatoes, the in- dustry consistently presents an appealing product to consumers. The quality of the roots that are bedded, therefore, is a very impor- tant consideration in the sweetpotato transplant production system. To help sweetpotato growers produce a high-quality product, cer- tification standards have been developed by the Alabama Crop Im- provement Association, Inc. The standards include requirements for transplants in the bed and the field, the roots, as well as root storage condi- tions. The root length (three to nine inches), diameter (one to three and one-half inches), and tolerances for defects, are specified. Transplant packaging and transportation also are regulated. Three classes of sweetpotato roots are produced in the program (the table). Foundation (first generation) sweetpotatoes are the direct progeny of Breeder's sweetpotatoes. Regis- tered (second generation) and Certified (third generation) sweetpotatoes have greater tolerances for defects and the presence of pests than Foundation sweetpotatoes. Sweetpotatoes in any class may not have storage rot, harbor sweetpotato weevils, or be mixed with other varieties of sweetpotatoes. Avoiding mixes, which occur when roots or transplants of two or more varieties are placed together, is very important. Transplants for the production of Foundation sweetpotato roots must be produced from field vine cuttings or from sprouts cut, not pulled, from bedded storage roots. The requirements for Foundation and Registered transplants are the same. In the plant bed, Fusarium blackrot, scurf, wilt, or stem rot may not be present. Transplants of varieties can not be mixed. In the field, plants must also be free of Fusarium wilt or stem rot, serious viruses, other objec- tionable pests, and other varieties of sweetpotatoes. In the bed, the re- quirements for transplants to produce Certified roots are the same as the other classes in the plant bed. In the field, however, wilt or stem rot and virus diseases each may affect up to 0.1% of the crop. When a pest af- fects the crop and there is no tolerance established for that pest, the decision whether to certify the crop is made by the Association coordinater on a case-by-case basis. Off-type (figures 1 and 2) and dis- eased plants and roots are rogued from the field or transplant bed. Certified sweetpotatoes may be "re- certified" only if a severe shortage of planting material exists. Another important difference be- tween Foundation sweetpotato roots and the roots in the other classes is that the internal root quality of Foun- dation sweetpotatoes is better, because they are not far removed from Breeder's Seed. Although the breeder has the primary responsibil- AUBURN UNIVERSITY'S FOUNDATION SWEETPOTATO PROGRAM 3 ity to maintain the purity of a variety that is important to the industry, the Alabama Crop Improvement Asso- ciation, Inc., operates the selection program to carefully maintain the characteristics of the variety and pro- vides these sweetpotatoes to producers. Because commercial sweetpotatoes usually do not produce seed and the seed does not breed true, propagation is vegetative. Un- fortunately, sweetpotatoes mutate and variations in root shape, and external and internal flesh color oc- cur frequently. This certification program was initiated in 1982 to avoid these problems and maintain the original characteristics of the variety. Vigilance and strict adherence to good management practices are required throughout the program to maintain the desired characteristics because these defects are transmitted to the next generation through transplants which do not show signs of the change(s). Certification programs also are conducted in Louisiana and North Carolina. Sweetpotatoes with exterior de- fects are fairly easy to eliminate from a lot. Poorly-shaped roots or roots with growth cracks or veins are not appealing to the consumer (Figure 3). Georgia Red and Georgia Jet fre- quently develop veins at the surface of the roots. Mutations in skin color occur less frequently, but this defect occurs in all varieties (Figure 4). Elimi- nating internal defects, however, is more difficult. To reduce the inci- dence of these defects, each root of Foundation Seed is cut cross- wise and examined for changes in internal flesh texture and color. Only sweetpotatoes which exhibit the desired characteristics of the variety are used to produce trans- plants. Sweetpotatoes which have been stored through the winter may ex- hibit white-colored flesh. The white flesh which develops in Jewel is eas- ily distinguished from the normal orange flesh (Figure 5). When this white flesh dries during curing and storage, cavities may develop through the length of the root (Fig- ure 6). Defective Nugget roots turn purple within seconds after cutting (Figure 7). The colored area be- comes dark brown within minutes. A white section or "wedge" of an orange-fleshed root may be observed (Figure 8). Within a few genera- tions, partial or total degeneration may occur resulting in sweetpotatoes with white-colored flesh. The Alabama Crop Improvement Association, Inc. produces Founda- tion sweetpotato roots which are the progeny of Breeders' sweetpotatoes. Foundation, Registered, and Certi- fied roots are available to growers to improve the quality of their sweetpotatoes. The roots produced in the program have a low tolerance for the presence of insects and dis- eases. In addition to keeping sweetpotatoes free of pests, variet- ies are screened to assure growers ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Figure 1. Plants ex- hibiting irregular S growth, such as thick stems (below), are rogued in the field. N Figure 2. Plants in the field or trans- plants are rogued if they produce leaves without chlorophyll. Figure 3. (Right) Sweetpotatoes with insect damage or irregular shapes, veins, or growth cracks are eliminated from lots of sweetpota- toes in a foundation program. Figure 4. Mutations in sweetpotato skin color occur frequently. AUBURN UNIVERSITY'S FOUNDATION SWEETPOTATO PROGRAM Figure 5. White-col- ored flesh develops in sweetpotatoes during extended storage. Potatoes on the right and left are defective. Figure 6. As water is lost during stor- age, white-colored flesh of stored sweetpotatoes develops cavities. Figure 7. Defective Nugget sweetpo- tatoes turn purple when cut. ) 4' Figure 8. Wedges of white tissue or white roots occur in many sweet- potato varieties within a few gen- erations if defec- tive roots are used to produce transplants. ,4 6 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION that the sweetpotatoes are true-to- type and that varieties are not mixed. As a result of this program, produc- ers can obtain planting stock with the characteristics consumers find desirable. With good management and the use of recommended cul- tural practices, producers can obtain high yields of quality sweetpotatoes. MAXIMUM TOLERANCES FOR DISEASE, INSECT DAMAGE, AND INTERNAL QUALITY OF SWEETPOTATO ROOTS BY CLASS Maximum tolerance Defect 2 Foundation Registered Certified Blackrot .............................................. None None 0.10% Internal defects .................................... None No standard' No standard' Nematode ............................................ None 0.2 % 0.5 % Other varieties ................................... None None None Scurf ..................... .. .............. None None 0.10% Storage rot ............................................ None None None Sweetpotato weevil.............................. None None None Wireworm ............................. .............. 1.00 % 2.00 % 5.00 % 'Roots are not examined. 2 When Streptomyces root rot, bacterial soft rot, or other diseases or noxious pests are observed, the decision to certify is made according to the severity of the problem. Information contained herein is available to all persons regardless of race, color, sex, or national origin.