Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Auburn University Auburn University, Alabama Lowell T Frobish, Director Leaflet 103 June 1987 Identification of Lesser Cornstalk Borer Damage to Soybeans D.A. HERBERT and T.P MACK INTRODUCTION (lci i ll nse l pe to's . e dsallolc crops ill tilt SoultheasteUl i t teiStatc's. sc- Xtl( oultbreaIks, such ds tilt oilt' 10 1980, hiaw XiII\\I tihat tis pest Cadllb i~t . crIllX tco) lralin artc llt(I(il. Poplatlion olithrtaks dlo lnlt o(1111 eX\I Xr tall r ill iall par ts of' tilt Statc, buIt are 1linot liktiX to occurl (hiri1 lu ot ill)(1 (11- X Xt'ltllcr ill plalit tha~t are grow of] 0 Cover Fig. Adult male (bottom) and adult fe- male (top) lesser cornstalk borer. L110i their tIial11agt tolXI odiiIX D)ESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY lage with an in-row subsoiler. Lesser corn- stalk borer populations were monitored weekly by sampling 200 plants and by exam- ining each for insects and damage. Presence of lesser cornstalk borer was verified by lo- cating larvae actively living within stems or within silken tubes attached to the plants. Larvae also were found to be associated with plant roots near the soil line. Stages of insect development and characteristic symptoms of plant damage by lesser cornstalk borer were documented. RESULTS AND OBSERVATIONS Identification of the Insect Adult lesser cornstalk borers are small moths, approximately 12 mm (1 inch = 25 mm) in length, that are linear-shaped when resting on vegetation. These moths are active primarily at night and in the twilight hours and can be easily flushed from daytime under-canopy resting spots. A number of moths seen flying by a grower walking crop rows can alert him to possible infestations. Adult males, cover figure (bottom), are tan with a dark grey stripe down the center of the back, while females, cover figure (top), are more uniformly dark grey The first genera- tion in soybeans can occur at seedling emer- gence; thereaftei, infestations can occur any- time during the season. Adult female lesser cornstalk borers de- posit small (0.6 mm diameter), greenish- yellow eggs which turn pinkish-white on plant stems near the soil line. Newly hatched larvae are pink and approximately 2 mm long. Mature larvae, figure 1, are bluish- green with dark transverse bands and reach a length of approximately 16 mm. As larvae de- velop they construct a series of silken tubes, figure 2, covered with soil particles which they attach to feeding sites at the bases of plant stems. Tubes are used as a refuge dur- ing periods-when larvae are not actively feed- ing. Larval development can vary from 16 days during hot and dry periods to 40 days when temperatures are cooler. When ma- ture, larvae transform into small greenish- yellow pupae (usually in the silken tube) in the soil near the base of infested plants. Pu- pae darken to brown as they age. Damage It is the larval stage that damages both soy- bean seedlings and mature plants. Larvae usually bore into the main stem at or just be- low the soil line. Several seedlings can be damaged by a single larva. Seedlings may be cut off at the soil line or extensive main stein tunneling may occur causing damaged seed- lings to wilt in place. Plants in the later veg- etative stages are damaged when larvae bore into the stems and tunnel upward, figure 3. In older plants, larvae make successive bor- ings into the stein near the soil line, thereby riddling important nutrient conducting tis- sues, figure 4. This damage is significant be- cause it reduces a plants ability to withstand other stresses, such as drought and disease. Slight damage may cause varying degrees of stunting. Heavy damage causes plants to turn yellow, wilt, and die; dead plants may either remain standing in a characteristic brown teepee-shaped appearance, figure 5, or lodge, figure 6, due to pressure from wind or cultivation equipment. There are several indicators of the potential for or presence of lesser cornstalk borer in- festations in soybeans. First, most infesta- tions are associated with extensive periods of hot and dry weather. Soybeans that are late- planted in June (i.e., double-cropped with wheat), when the weather is normally hot and dry, are more likely to be attacked. Plants in soils that dry out quickly, such as sandy soils, are also more susceptible to attack. Easily noticed symptoms of attack are wilted seed- lings and yellowed, stunted, or lodged older plants. Lesser cornstalk borer infestations most often begin in several locations within a field (i.e., where areas of sandy soil occur). Other insects and certain diseases can cause similar symptoms in soybeans, but a survey can confirm the presence of lesser cornstalk borers. Examinations of several damaged liv- ing plants can be made by carefully uprooting plants and looking for characteristic bore holes and/or silken tubes near the base of plant stems. Also, splitting of several stems allows one to determine if tunneling by larvae has occurred. Prevention of Damage Adequate soil moisture is probably the best defense against lesser cornstalk borer. Management practices which optimize or conserve moisture (i.e., early planting, no- till cultivation, and irrigation) are helpful in areas prone to infestations. For example, sea- son-long irrigation is cost prohibitive for most growers, but one or two waterings when plants are young and most susceptible to lesser cornstalk borer attack could reduce populations and be cost effective. The use of insecticides is another control method. Chlorpyrifos (Lorsban?) at 0.5 to 2.0 pounds technical per acre is the only cur- rently recommended granular insecticide for control of lesser cornstalk borer in sdybeans. Best control results when this material is lightly incorporated at planting in narrow bands in the row. Cost can be minimized by limiting treatments to fields with previous in- festation histories or those with predomi- nantly sandy soils. If outbreaks occur in fields not treated at planting, early season applica- tions can be considered. Currently there are no economic injury levels for lesser cornstalk borer in soybeans. However, agronomic stud- ies indicate that a minimum of 4 to 6 undam- aged plants per row-foot are needed for op- timal yields. If existing larval populations threaten to reduce stands below that density, chlorpyrifos granules can be applied at rec- ommended rates in narrow bands or broad- cast. Lesser cornstalk borer larvae do crawl on the soil surface in and between crop rows and some efficacy can be obtained with sur- face applications. Costs could be minimized if treatments were applied to 'hot spots' rather than over entire fields. It is important to apply post-plant treatments before exten- sive stem damage has occurred. Stem dam- age is permanent and although applications may reduce larval numbers, they may not en- hance yields if many plants have already been damaged. SUMMARY The lesser cornstalk borer, an important insect pest of soybeans in Alabama, has pop- ulation outbreaks primarily during hot and dry years. The larvae of this insect (2-16 mm in length) can be identified by their bluish- green, banded color pattern or by the pres- ence of their silken tubes attached to plant stems. Larvae are most often found in stems, roots, or soil near the base of infested plants. Larvae make successive borings into the stems near the soil line, riddling important nutrient-conducting tissues. Heavily dam- aged plants turn yellow, wilt, and die; dead plants may remain standing in a teepee- shaped appearance, or lodge. Agronomic studies indicate that 4 to 6 un- damaged plants per row-foot are needed for optimal yields. If existing lesser cornstalk borer larval populations threaten to reduce stand density below this level, then control measures would be profitable. However. a knowledge of conditions favorable to the de- velopment of infestations can alert growers to potential problem situations and allow for more effective preseason management strat- egies. FIG. 1. Lesser cornstalk borer larva inside a soybean stem. FIG. 2. Characteristic silken tube made by a lesser cornstalk borer larva. FIG. 3. Young soybean stem that has been tunnelled into by a lesser cornstalk borer larva. FIG. 4. Damage to an older soybean stem caused by lesser cornstalk borer larvae. Note the number of bore holes, and the enlarged stem diameter. FIG. 5. Brown and teepee-shaped dead plants caused by lesser cornstalk borer at- tack. FIG. 6. Soybeans that have lodged because of lesser cornstalk borer damage to the main stem. Information contained herein is available to all persons without regard to race, color, sex, or national origin. - I--