I. 'V LEAFLET 97, SEPTEMBER 1978 Evaluation of Insecticides For Control Of Bean Leaf Beetles PAUL S-B. CHILI and MAXH. BASS* ttc tpasUcii t 50 %i car I I w i tIt cal141( 111)111 I C lltfi m tr lilt I tt Ii ii i l. hasttI t(,I I lii I1)i( fI i till ti liiiti tst t)f 'tc\ Sal\tat U iiofli toIcci icfc'li 1111(1( titii ctt ii c f, il f I tt~l i he itc- MATE RIALS AND METHODS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION EtenntABUR UNIVERSITY Al~tr AabmR Dennis Rouse Director Auburn, Alabama 1976, at the Auburn University Agricul- tural Experiment Station's Black Belt Substation, near Marion Junction, Ala- bama, to determine effective rates of in- secticides for control of bean leaf beetles on soybeans. Insecticides selected on the basis of present or potential use were: methomyl,' methyl parathion, acephate, toxaphene-methyl parathion, methamidophos, Mobil 9087, chlor- pyrifos, fonofos, Bolstar?, Sevimol? (carbaryl and molasses), carbaryl, DS24-465, permethrin (Ambush?), per- methrin (Pounce*), Pydrin ? , curacron ? , GCP 9646, encapsulated methyl para- thion (Penncap-M?), Bay 92114, dimeth- oate, carbofuran, diazinon, and lepto- phos. Plots of Bragg soybeans were four rows wide (40 in. rows) and 37 feet long in all tests. Tests were arranged in a ran- domized complete block replicated four times. Sprays were applied (one applica- tion only) using a CO 2 pressurized sprayer calibrated to deliver 12.5 gallons of insecticidal spray per acre. Counts of live bean leaf beetles were made 24 hours after treatment. Beetles were collected from the two middle rows of each plot using a sweepnet. Each count represented 25 sweeps, and each sweep consisted of sweeping across and through two rows of soybeans. Percent control was calculated according to this formula: No. in check - no. in treatment x 100 no. in check The bean leaf beetle has been con- trolled with several insecticides at rates as low as 1 lb/acre (4,7). Thus, the highest rate used for any insecticide evaluated in these tests was 1 lb/acre. Subsequent tests utilized progressively lower rates until effectiveness was lost. A few mate- rials (synthetic pyrethroids) were tested at rates as low as 0.025 lb/acre. The economic injury threshold, based on number of beetles per foot of row, has not been established for the bean leaf beetle. However, for purposes of deter- mining adequate effectiveness of mate- rials for use in making control recom- mendations, many researchers have used 80 percent control as an acceptable level. This criterion for evaluation was utilized in these tests. RESULTS In the series of tests conducted in 1975, Bolstar? and acephate provided acceptable control at 1 lb (active ingre- dient)/acre, but not at lower rates, table 1. Methomyl, methyl parathion, toxa- phene-methyl parathion, methamido- phos, chlorpyrifos, carbaryl, and DS24- 465 provided acceptable control at rates as low as one-half lb ai/acre. Sevimol?, Mobil 9087 and fonofos did not provide 80 percent control at any rate tested. Two series of experiments were con- ducted in 1976. Data from the first series of experiments are presented in table 2. In the series of tests presented in this table, the minimum rate which afforded at least 80 percent control of the bean leaf beetle was 1 lb/acre for Curacron?, 0.75 lb/acre for GCP 9646, and one-half lb/acre for Penncap-M?, dimethoate, diazinon, and leptophos. In the second series of tests conducted in 1976, table 3, the minimum rate tested which provided at least 80 percent con- trol was 0.5 lb/acre for Bay 92114 and carbofuran, 0.125 lb/acre for Pounce?, 0.1 lb/acre for Ambush?, and 0.05 lb/acre for Pydrin?. The following is a combined list of all materials tested which provided 80 per- cent or better control at some tested rate. The list is in order based on the minimum effective rate per acre (80 per- cent control) and starting with the mate- rial effective at the lowest rate: 0.05 lb., Pydrin?; 0.1 lb., permnethrin (Ambus h ?); 0.125 lb., permethrin (Pounce?); 0.5 lb., Bay 92114, carbofuran, leptophos, diazi- non, dimethoate, encapsulated methyl parathion (Penncap-M?), DS24-465, car- baryl, chlorpyrifos, methamidophos, toxaphene-methyl parathion, methyl pa- ration, and methomyl; 0.75 lb., GCP 9646; 1 lb., Curacron?, and Bolstar?. [ 2 ] TABLE 1. PERCENT CONTROL AND AVERAGE NUMBER OF LIVE ADULT BEAN LEAF BEETLES PER 25 SWEEPS PER PLOT 24 HouRS AFTER TREATMENT WITH INDICATED RATES OF INSECTICIDES. 1975 1 lb AI/A (Test 1) 0.5 lb AI/A (Test 2) 0.25 lb AI/A (Test 3) 0.125 lb AI/A (Test 4) Live Live Live Live Insecticide beetles' Control beetles' Control beetles' Control beetles' Control No. Pct. No. Pct. No. Pct. No. Pct. Carbaryl 80S ........... 0.2 96 0.5 95 5.2 5 4.5 36 Methomyl 1.8L ........ 0.5 92 0.8 86 4.0 27 6.2 11 Methyl Parathion 4EC .. 0.5 92 0.2 95 4.0 27 5.2 25 Acephate 75S .......... 1.0 84 1.2 76 4.0 27 5.2 25 Toxaphene-Methyl Parathion 6-3EC 2 ..... 1.0 84 1.0 81 4.0 27 5.0 29 Chlorpyrifos 4EC ...... 1.2 80 1.0 81 4.5 18 3.8 46 Methamidophos 4EC ... 1.2 80 1.0 81 2.5 55 4.8 32 DS 24-465 3.6EC ....... 1.2 80 0.2 95 3.0 45 4.5 36 Bolstar? 6EC .......... 1.2 80 1.8 66 2.0 63 4.0 43 Fonophos 4EC ......... . 1.8 72 1.2 76 4.7 14 3.5 50 Mobil 9087 2EC ....... 2.0 68 1.5 71 4.0 27 5.0 29 Sevimol? 4 ............ 2.2 64 1.5 71 4.0 27 6.0 14 Check - ............... 6.2 - 5.2 - 5.5 - 7.0 - 'Mean of four replications. 2This mixture was applied at the designated rate for toxaphene and 1/2 that rate for methyl parathion. C) TABLE 2. PERCENT CONTROL AND AVERAGEENUMBER OF LIVE ADULI BEAN LEAF BEETLES PER 25 SWEEPS PER PLOT 24 HOURS AFTER TREATMENT WITH INDICATED RATES OF INSECTICIDES. 1976 Insecticide Penncap-M? 2EC. Diazinon 2EC ......... Dimethoate 2.67EC .. Leptophos 2.7EC ... Curacron? ............. GCP 9646 6EC ........ Check ........ 1 lb Al/A (Test 1) Live beetles' Control No. Pct. 0.0 100 0.2 97 1.,0 89 1.0 89 1.0 89 1.8 81 9.0- 0.75 lb AI/A (Test 2) Live beetles' Control No. Pct. 0.5 95 1.0 89 1.8 82 1.2 87 2.5 74 1.8 82 9.5- 0.5 lb Al/A (Test 3) Live beetles' Control No. Pct. 0.2 96 1.2 81 0.0 100 1.0 85 2.2 65 2.2 65 6.5 0.25 lb Al/A (Test 4) Live beetles' No. 3.8 6.8 6.2 9.2 4.8 8.0 9.2 Control Pct. 59 27 33 0 -49 14 'Mean of four replications. TABLE 3. PERCENT CONTROL AND AVERAGE NUMBER OF LIVE ADULT BEAN LEAF BEETLES PER 25 SWEEPS PER PLOT AT INDICATED INSECTICIDAL RATES. 1976 Ambush? 2EC Pydrin 2.4EC Pounce? 3.2EC Bay 92114 6EC Carbofuran 4EC Check Live Live Live Live Live Live Rate Al/A beetles' Control beetles' Control beetles' Control beetles' Control beetles' Control beetles' No. Pct. No. Pct. No. Pct. No. Pct. No. Pct. No. 1.000 lb 0.0 100 0.2 97 0.0 100 9.0 0.750 lb 0.5 95 0.5 95 0.2 97 9.5 0.500 lb 0.2 96 0.8 88 0.0 100 6.5 0.250 lb 0.5 94 2.8 70 3.8 59 9.2 0.200 lb 0.0 100 0.2 97 9.0 0.125 lb 1.0 90 7.5 25 5.8 43 10.0 0.100 lb 0.2 97 1.2 87 9.5 0.050 lb 1.8 73 1.2 81 6.5 0.025 lb 5.0 46 5.2 43 9.2 'Mean of four replications. ------- .. 1. . % rS , /, SqA 1 16 i t a, 4% Bean leaf beetles have several different color phases due to genetic variation, as shown in the above photographs. [s5] irr '' 4 LITERATURE CITED (1) Ditman, L. P., and E. N. Cory. 1948. Liquefied gas aerosols to control bean beetles. J. Econ. Enotomol. 41(2): 268-275. (2) Duncan, D. V. 1955. Multiple range and multiple F tests. Biometrics. 11(1): 268-275. (3) Dupree, M. 1970. Control of thrips and bean leaf beetle on lima beans with systemic insecticides. Ga. Entomol. Soc. J. 51(1): 48-52 (4) Evans, W. 1968. Fighting with pests that eat soybean profits. Farm. Quart. 23(2): 102-105, 117-120. (5) Miner, F. D. 1966. Soybean insect problems in Arkansas. Proc. N. Cent. Br. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 21-54. (6) Petty, H. B. 1967. How to control soybean insects. Farm Tech. 23(1): 42a-47a. (7) Waldbauer, G. P., and M. Kogan. 1976. Bean leaf beetles: Bionomics and economic role in soybean agroecosystems. World Soybean Re- search. 619-628. Information contained herein is available to all, regardless of race, color, or national origin. [6] [ 7]