LEAFLET 96 July 1978 POULTRY HOUE 9U~E - r R. N. BREWER and C. A. FLOOD 1 , 2 E FFICIENT PROUCION of flolltix meat aiid eggs r eqires a cheap and plenl- tifldl so)urce of' heat for brooding and~ growig s 000 g I)oiiltr) . At present, fossil fuiels, especially LP gas, fun ish most of' this cnergx . Predicted short supplies and high prices of' these products hav e pointed up thc oeed for dev elopment of' alteroate energ\ sources. 'A\ssociate Professor , lDcpartinent of'Ponltr\ Scicncc, aiid Assistanit Professor, Decpartmnt of Agri cult oral LEngineerin g. 2(jtb cito 111 IIII 5r of the solar ree car ch team are J . L. Loon, Department of' Agricultural Lilginceling; Morris W\hite, Depadrtmnt of Agi 1 ni~tui al L ciiom11ics an d Ru ral S oci ologys G. RA. M Ici an iel, I )par tiocit of Poiltrs Sci- enice, R. 1. Vachont, iDepaitioit of\lcallical Eiigillelilng and S. E. Tas br and Roger Getz, LEnviIirental Studies Servsice iCnter. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT R. DENNIS ROUSE, Director The sirnmnar\ objectiv e of the research beiog conid~uctedl at the s(lar facilit, (If the Auiburn Uis ersitN Agricultural Ex- perimnlt Station is to adapt solai energy to poultr\ prodluctioui programs, and( to findl ss~as s to mak e it anr acceptable forio (of' heat energs . A niulti-phase research prgramn is be inig coniducted to ac- com~pl ish tliis ob~jectiv e. The priinarN title if the prograin is ''Potential for Con- s ersioii aind Utilization of Solar Ll1'iergx in Poultr\ Piiducttioi.- RESEARCH OBJECTIVES Specific, long termn ol~jectis es of the re seairclh pi oject ar e: 1. 1(o ev aluate solar heated poultr, broodiing sN Steil) (Itsignl cr iteiria (lesel- STATION/AUBURN UNIVERSITY AUBURN, ALABAMA o~ther iiieteolrilogitdl paraint(IX. e% alti- Iallictt(IX. alit integrate thes~e filliligX XX'lit f it( so lr s iiii.llthe iliu htot x te t 3. ITo (Iate riiltt l e i Xc c olill iciI "TitX or plosfti ga1) oilig I)dlltitt ilX. cliie real lugp i t sot l arh Iiodii iiiiil'1- rdililtisX still~ dtiepltiX o iloot fc tivg tX dte id Xhtii tkelX( usoiiiiaiuuii XiIIII (e bod et.ltelatuiuig theis 111i wohii eriiio hh~o' aiXi Xpcriei heatii iL X pratics L I ' le llodeleu X, ot Xatr- I tia i it ilit. idii ot l dpi idi oilX bro d- that cc of, heatt ii lte r l\liXIIk te l)Iil(ig x\ ith aLi asebtaoers hiu iof \aic rdiwi iet rfre i fiia a XsatXif gie tl XX ritbt itX i itil Pim i -id lgiireal ti aIIOX t oi d l)ill- dlii td t- isae OURI fXenX Xtlodlii XwdX wlipl toli- billedX ithd anlii ldtitiule form of't Xiliar X li111C ("WaIX fil lit ISTi~ tilt.i RESEARCH BUILDINGDEIG XIX Aar' t1fol reeach failliX\ \as de- . signed to allow X or il rctical mid astaa3t~2( istit (oXtiutiol i's t\ icial of tilit ltiiill- broiler hoinig. It iX of' pole allil trussX tcllistI Ili in IIIigl" roiugh tclt 6- 6-ili Jj)ii ll)X 01 tlel truss~es plaedi It) feet il telitti . 131o11anit ouiter XXalls are p)Iillttl 6 iefi fibel tdasX lbattX. Ins~ide\ll) XXMI Ie 12 ith j)IX XX 00dl. l11illhtioll at (tililig guilX ooi bard. Pen paltitiioli XX if I are XdiidiXXel paiiiels. Fiiiil f diiitgI illo 2 x 4's. whilel thet Xkin isI 1/2-i j )k wIXXXod1. -1-lit pallts alle fillet 1 withl 3i 2-ilith fiblwu glasX 1)att Iiisilatjoli. AttceXs doorsl to 4 Sub-metering Ot circuits tor tans, lighting, and outlets in each pen provides data on energy use ifl test pens. -ad -***Wrl t( ( Pn Ventilation is provided by two tans mounted on the north wall, controlled by two-stage thermostat and percentage timer. An LP gas meter is located to the right of the tans. each pci arc located ahong the xouth xidlc\vall. Thle 401-alinp electrical serv ice to the hilisi ix xlit into txxo 200(i) p teed- ers, each serinlg one-half'of the build- ing. Iniidua i~ud (istibution boxs serve each peni. A K~in cir cuit, a li Thti og circuit, aind ai i ouitlet circuit ar-e xul) metel ed ini each Pen. SIbIiieterilig ill tihe equlipmIent rooin ii p1i-oiieli ti o.each p)uin p an d each auxiliarx heating unit. Pliih~~~and mieter, lolr LP gas ser- vice ai-C prov idled in each pen. T he x entilation x\ stei com xi t s of txx 0 12 SOLAR COLLECTORS. BASFIH SOLAHRNHAIGSSE NETE I,0 CN S T OALECTANS ANSTRE txx o-xpeecd fliix niouiited oii the north \x all iiieach p~el anid at halled-xlot ilet on the soltll xx all. Ciontrol of the fauxs is I) twvo stage thei ioxtat alld peCrcentage tinier. Elapsed tHine iiieterx ohi each xpeed of each1 fani \\ ill p~ci. oit cleteriilia- tioll of' total \ olilme of' ventilation air. Light xcreens oil hoth fanl di xcharg4e and slot inlet xx ill permit restricted lighIlt stuies to he c.arlicil out. SOLAR SYSTEM De1ktails of thl xx steml are xio\vii in tile si cmatic ITher e are threce idenitical x\ s- 0155P R CTONINC ACE Operation ot the Auburn solar heating system is illustrated by this schematic. AILXILIAE1 STORAGE /HEXTER The 36 couble glazed copper plate solar collec- tors comprise a collector area of about 700 square feet. Access doors to research pens are located in the south wall. tillS \\ ithl C(, II (1(\ U)tt,( to t\\ ) the reseatc ub pns. Each sx stei has 12 doni lWe Olazedl elupper plIate collectors loan- tlaietuired Ibx Rex cr Copper- andi Brass Colnpauts . The 36 tnoits compjrise a c- lect or are a of al oltt 700t squpiare feet. Col)- 1 ec-tors arec t iio toted iii angle iron frat ies s bit-b 1h01( g4roupjs of' six c-olletctors. FraniCs are at tobored to redwvood 4 x 4's, xx blob ar e int turn anchored to 2 X 65 roof pitis. Pitt entitiet-tiotis perm11it tiltinqg fi aloes to an\ angle xx ith the borizonital. Cutrretttl\ tbex are tilted to ani angle 4f45 degrees. 'ate, hete b- the so panels isstored in three 1,000-gailon ' ,ja*e steel tanks. Auxiliary heat is provided by 82-gallon commercial electric water heaters. T'he sx ste iII uses \\ ater as thile heat transfer medium with comniplete inter- connection of collector, storage, andt de- livery sxstems. No heat exchangers are used to separate contpoinents of the s s- tent. Operation as a drain tlowni s stem ill which water tdrains Iback into storage xhen solar energ cannot le collected removes the ieed for freeze point depressants. Collector pump operation is controlled b\ a differeiitial therinostat with a fixed 27F differential on start up and 3F differential on shut tlown. Storage is held in three 1,000-gallon insulated steel tanks. Adjustment of plunbingx will permit operation of each atless than fill capacitx . InterconnectionI of the tanks would perntit operation of a storage s\ stem at greater tham 1,000 gal- lons. An attempt is made to take aldvaitage of aini temperature stratification which may occurt in storage. WVater going to col- lectors is poumped from the botton of' storage while hot water froti collectors is rtitued to the top of storage. flot water to~~1 pci I 41 dl1 ~c A -p C I \~ delivered to rescacl penlls is puliped froii the top of storage aind cold water returns to bottom of storage. Auxiliarx heat for each sx stein is by 82-gallon colitiercial electric water heaters. Auxiliary heat ma operate as either 4.5 or 9 kx. Switching between storage and auxiliarx is bx means of twxo-position, three-xwa piineumatically actuated bronze valves. Switching oc- curs whenever storage temperature dlrops belowx a preset nininuin. Continuous flow of conistant tempera- ture water to the load (research pens) is provided via pnteumtical1I actuated three-wax mixing valves. 'These valves inix return water fromn the load with water front storage to provide a coinstant teiiperature water for deliver> to load. Water flow througlh the delivery sy s- tein in each pen is coitrolled by a propor- tioninig valve. A iiajor portioii of the re- search wxill involve developntent andt evaluation of dlixvery (brooding) sys- tems. Two dcliver s sNsteins have been iin- ;';it 2 , li f~~ II j C i 4t~r ~-/ *v/ 4/ 4 -- CI s J 3 4 One heating system being evaluated uses 1 -inch diameter finned tubing. Two 30-foot engtqrs (arrow) are installed at 12- and 18-inch heights above the floor to transfer heat from water into the chick brooding area. It ti.; xt 4I ,--J 4" / ri ; " 7 I ., ,r * 1' -~ r 1 117 A second delivery syster- beinrg tied invoie y e use of concrete slab brooders (arow) having a total area about half the size of the pen. Circulating heated water warms the slab to keep the chicks warm. leidx Ii4ttdi On se d c dttiOiiitil lieIte fi1/cd(fli tiiot ii iF~oii 4(legits are instlled( )iui t (uo meit \\ i] ii()I, oti t xxiiir i)ens tixtio dx tl\ 1 txtroci ini 18i) iiine xx(\ looifrieiitxl. ,\. iiooli r hxiti fluri t(ill if iaxjt oiiateo ulgtiti xti li (If fit 1.1i iiooiitot ioo i it O r.i lini fbli xx it( l iii tii i des i ii (ii x (viL xx l( ikd d u-t DATA SYSTEM Iai (u((tioi coniists i (it(d poinits ill thei xx dtti x\ xteuin. air ttlipiitr tilres inofl the rseach pcnx xi~l-liilit tilii O\\ cdtli I L dl (-doll ipca r 00011 Incasxi -i di rit xx Ldt r I it (Ii\it (' ti)dxe- 11(iii xlil I Ctiti r( iiilnOildit \\ iti triOlxx tx pc fluixx iietftrx. \\ahe tdt it ([ltd OiiLcte dli xx fil x Lioit\ adli xx inl spf)L itill- ietit (lix IuoIIhI n dill (lxx)()iiif toiitd- tlii din ii I lx i [ i lii i ii ii lilIiliiii nrx b)iub " dl . dxia1tion )n it o izoni tal lou sirifwo oold lborooolil radliation Sll- xiril ( di itii ii pei odilldl IO d),\i 118- po11it id iii )ie. I )iltil iii( I 10001011( ol iigifii Iliudgiletic tdtj)( areL ritci iitit x~itiiigetlii iodtix /( ,,i oiixiii bi iiiiu riixtx dali \,dllilL h 1fiilati o0LLO (OIOI'I lOta ll" henwl t" avii /l/I Lo aI// It abouti IL (LI /(,L eLOLL (((0 olo i(oinatona i/Li! Li L <. * .