4 V N FALL ARMYWORM: Evaluation of Insecticides for Control MAX H. BASS* The fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E.S.) has been noted as an agricultural pest in Alabama since rec- ords have been kept by the Auburn Uni- versity Agricultural Experiment Station. Although infestations occur every year, only infrequently does this insect cause extensive damage on a statewide basis. During the summer of 1977, this insect inflicted its most serious damage to date on Alabama agriculture. It attacked peanuts, soybeans, cotton, grain sor- ghum, corn, sudan-sudex grasses, Johnsongrass, Coastal bermuda, various pasture grasses, and commercial hybrid grasses on golf courses, lawns, cemeteries, and football fields. Various other crops were attacked to a lesser ex- tent. As the summer progressed, the fall ar- myworm problem became increasingly severe and standard chemicals recom- mended for control failed to afford ex- pected relief. The following tests were conducted on an emergency basis to evaluate certain labelled and unlabelled insecticides for effectiveness against this insect. PROCEDURE Six experiments were conducted on control of fall armyworm. Three were conducted on peanuts and three on grain sorghum. Peanut test plots were 1/100 acre, replicated four times, and ran- domized. Sprays were applied with a CO2 pressurized sprayer delivering 10 gallons of mixed spray per acre. One bait was used and it was distributed by hand in a 12-inch band over the row. Grain sorghum test plots were one acre, repli- cated four times, and not randomized. All materials were applied as sprays with a Hahn Hi-Boy sprayer delivering 6 gal- lons of mixed spray per acre. Insecticides used in one or more of these six tests were: monocrotophos (Azodrin@), methomyl (Lannate? or Nudrin@), Bolstar@, chlorpyrifos (Lorsban?), methamidophos (Monitor?), UC 51762, ethoprop (Mocap?), Am- bush@, Pydrin@, Pounce@, FMC 45498, parathion, methyl parathion, carbaryl (Sevin@), Oftanol@, acephate (Or- thene@), diazinon, trichlorfon (Dylox? or Proxol@), methomyl bait (NuBait?), and Savem@ (a finely ground carbaryl formu- lation). The efficacy of materials was deter- mined by counting live fall armyworm larvae 24, or 24 and 48 hours after the application of insecticides. On peanuts this was accomplished by randomly selecting a 3-foot section of row, vigor- ously shaking plants to cause the larvae to fall to the ground, and counting the live larvae that were dislodged. This was repeated four times in each plot, thus larval counts were made on 12 feet of row in each plot. The same procedure was followed in the tests on sorghum except that differences in plant stand was ac- counted for by counting the plants in each 3-foot section and then calculating the number of live larvae per plant at each counting station. *Professor, Department of Zoology-Entomology, Auburn University, Agricultural Experi- ment Station. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The economic injury threshold, based on number of larvae per foot of row, has not been established for the fall ar- myworm. However, for purposes of de- termining adequate effectiveness of ma- terials, many researchers have used 80% control as an acceptable level. For pur- poses of this discussion, any material giv- ing acceptable control had to reduce the population by at least 80%. In the first test on peanuts (table 1), monocrotophos (Azodrin?), methomyl (Lannate@ or Nudrin@), and Bolstar? all afforded control of 80% or better at the rates tested. Statistically these three ma- terials were equivalent to each other in effectiveness. Other materials which ap- proached the 80% level of effectiveness were chlorpyrifos (Lorsban?), metha- midophos (Monitor?), and UC 51762. Chlorpyrifos was used at 0.5 lb/acre ac- tive ingredient (ai) in this test. In a later test, this material was used at 0.75 lb/acre (ai) and provided control well above the 80% level (tables 4 and 5). The synthetic pyrethroids used in this test (Ambush? and Pydrin?) failed to give adequate con- trol of this insect at rates tested. In test 2 (table 2), in counts made 24 hours after the insecticides were applied, acephate (Orthene?) at 1 lb/acre (ai), methomyl at 0.5 lb/acre (ai), and methomyl bait (NuBait@) applied at the rate of 20 lb of the 1.25% bait or 0.25 lb/acre (ai) provided control of 80% or better. Acephate and methomyl were statistically superior in effectiveness to the bait at 24 hours, but at 48 hours (table 3) these three materials and diazinon [1 lb/acre(ai)] were all statistically equal and all gave acceptable control. Trichlorfon (Dylox? or Proxol?) and carbaryl (Sevin?) were used and failed to give acceptable control. Personal com- munications with researchers in other states have indicated that trichlorfon and carbaryl generally have not been effec- tive against this insect on peanuts. On the other hand, observations by county agents of farmer applications of both trichlorfon and carbaryl have indicated that under certain conditions both of these materials have been effective [car- baryl at 2 and trichlorfon at 1 lb/acre (ai)] against fall armyworm when applied on grasses. The diet of insects is known to affect their susceptibility to certain in- TABLE 1. AVERAGE NUMBER OF LIVE FALL ARMYWORM LARVAE PER 12 FEET OF Row PER PLOT AND PERCENT CONTROL 24 HOURS AFTER TREATMENT WITH INDICATED INSECTICIDES. PEANUTS, AUGUST 1977, TEST 1 No. live Percent Material lb/acre (ai) larvae' control Monocrotophos 5EC ........................ 0.63 8.0 a 90 Methomyl 1.8EC ............................ 0.45 13.3 a 84 Bolstar 6EC .... ...................... ..... 0.75 14.0 ab 83 Chlorpyrifos 4EC ........................... 0.50 20.3 b 76 Methamidophos 4EC ......................... 1.00 20.5 b 76 UC 51762 75WP ............................ 0.45 21.8 bc 74 Ethoprop 6EC .............................. 1.00 27.5 cd 67 Ambush? 2EC ............................. 0.10 35.5 de 58 Pydrin? 2.4EC ............................. 0.10 37.0 ef 56 Ambush? 2EC .............................. 0.05 40.3 ef 52 Parathion EC ............................... 1.00 43.5 ef 48 Methyl Parathion EC ........................ 1.00 45.0 efg 46 Carbaryl 80 W P .............................. 1.50 46.5 fg 45 Oftanol? 6EC .............................. 1.00 53.0g 37 Check 83.8 h 'Mean of four replications. Means with the same assigned letter are not significantly different at the 5% level. 3 TABLE 2. AVERAGE NUMBER OF FALL ARMYWORM LARVAE PER 12 FEET OF Row PER PLOT AND PERCENT CONTROL 24 HOURS AFTER TREATMENT WITH INDICATED INSECTICIDES. PEANUTS, AUGUST 1977, TEST 2 No. live Percent Material lb/acre (ai) larvae 1 control Acephate 75S ......... . .... 1.0 8.50 a 90 Methomyl 1.8EC ............................ 0.5 11.25 a 86 Methomyl Bait 1.25% (on citrus pulp) ........................... 0.25 16.25 b 80 Diazinon 2EC ............................... 1.0 33.50 c 59 Trichlorfon 4EC ............................. 2.0 41.50 d 49 Carbaryl 80WP .............................. 2.0 53.50 e 35 Savem? 4EC ................................ 2.0 67.00 f 18 C heck ... o................................... 81.75 g 'Mean of four replications. Means with the same assigned letter are not significantly different at the 5% level. secticides and this could be a factor in this case. The present research does not elucidate this inconsistency. Test 3 (tables 4 and 5) included only materials which had shown promise in previous tests. Counts of live larvae made 24 hours after the insecticidal ap- plication revealed that methomyl, chlor- pyrifos, and monocrotophos gave accept- able control at rates tested (table 4). Forty-eight hours after application all materials (methomyl, monocrotophos, Bolstar?, methomyl bait, chlorpyrifos, and acephate) were providing accept- able control (table 5). The results of tests 4, 5, and 6 are pre- sented in table 6. These tests involved only certain synthetic pyrethroids (Pounce?, Pydrin? and FMC 45498) and methomyl for control of fall armyworm on grain sorghum. None of the synthetic pyrethroids provided acceptable control in any of these three tests. Ambush? and Pydrin? had previously failed to afford acceptable control in test 1 (table 1). Methomyl was used as a standard treat- ment in test 6 and provided 95% control at the rate of 0.45 lb/acre (ai). Based on the results of these six tests it would appear that methomyl (Lannate? or Nudrin?), monocrotophos (Azodrin?), Fall armyworms on opposite page are shown on three crops: (top) peanuts; (mid- dle) grasses; (bottom) corn. Note color variation. (Photos courtesy John C. French, Cooperative Extension Service.) 4 I I 4, '4 V t 4; $9 TABLE 3. AVERAGE NUMBER OF FALL ARMYWORM LARVAE PER 12 FEET OF Row PER PLOT AND PERCENT CONTROL 48 HOURS AFTER TREATMENT WITH INDICATED INSECTICIDES. PEANUTS, AUGUST 1977, TEST 2 No. live Percent Material lb/acre (ai) larvae 1 control Methomyl 1.8EC ............................ 0.5 2.25 a 97 Acephate 75S ................................ 1.0 4.00 a 94 Methomyl Bait 1.25% (on citrus pulp) ............................ 0.25 12.00 a 83 Diazinon 2EC ............................... 1.0 12.75 a 82 Trichlorfon 4EC ............................. 2.0 50.50 b 29 Carbaryl 80WP .............................. 2.0 58.00 bc 19 Savem? 4EC ........ ..................... ..... 2.0 64.50 cd 9 C heck....................................... 71.25 d 'Mean of four replications. Means with the same assigned letter are not significantly different at the 5% level. TABLE 4. AVERAGE NUMBER OF FALL ARMYWORM LARVAE PER 12 FEET OF ROW PER PLOT AND PERCENT CONTROL 24 HOURS AFTER TREATMENT WITH INDICATED INSECTICIDES. PEANUTS, SEPTEMBER 1977, TEST 3 No. live Percent Material lb/acre (ai) larvae' control Methomyl 1.8EC ............................ 0.50 2.50 a 95 Chlorpyrifos 4EC ............................ 0.75 5.25 a 89 Monocrotophos 5EC ......................... 0.75 7.50 ab 84 Bolstar@ 6EC ................... .......... 1.00 12.50 bc 73 Methomyl bait 1.25% (on citrus pulp) ........................... 0.25 14.25 c 69 Acephate 75S ............................... 1.00 24.00 d 48 C heck....................................... 46.25 e 1Mean of four replications. Means with the same assigned letter are not significantly different at the 5% level. TABLE 5. AVERAGE NUMBER OF FALL ARMYWORM LARVAE PER 12 FEET OF Row PER PLOT AND PERCENT CONTROL 48 HOURS AFTER TREATMENT WITH INDICATED INSECTICIDES. PEANUTS, SEPTEMBER 1977, TEST 3 No. live Percent Material lb/acre (ai) larvae' control Methomyl 1.8EC ............................ . 0.50 1.75 a 96 Monocrotophos 5EC .......................... 0.75 3.25 ab 92 Bolstar? 6EC ................................ 1.00 3.75 ab 91 Methomyl bait 1.25% (on citrus pulp) ............................ . 0.25 3.75 ab 91 Chlorpyrifos 4EC ............................ 0.75 4.75 ab 89 Acephate 75S ................................ 1.00 5.25 b 88 C heck....................................... 42.50 c 'Mean of four replications. Means with the same assigned letter are not significantly different at the 5% level. TABLE 6. AVERAGE NUMBER OF FALL ARMYWORM LARVAE PER SORGHUM PLANT AND PERCENT CONTROL 24 HOURS AFTER APPLICATION OF INDICATED INSECTICIDES. SORGHUM, JULY 1977 Material lb/acre (ai) No. live larvae/plant I % control TEST 4 Pounce@ ............................. 0.1 2.18 a 44 Pydrin@ ............................. 0.1 2.72 a 30 Check................................. 3.87 b TEST 5 FMC 45498 .01 3.47 a 10 FMC 45498 ......................... .005 3.66 a 4 C heck ................................. 3.82 a TEST 6 Methomyl ........................... .45 0.2 b 95 FMC 45498 .......................... .01 2.8 a 35 FMC 45498 ........................... .005 3.7 a 16 C heck ................................ 4.3 a 'Four 3-foot sections of row were chosen per plot. Larvae were shaken onto a ground cloth. The number of larvae were divided by the number of plants to obtain larvae/plant. Numbers shown are the means of four replications. Means with the same assigned letter within each test are not significantly different at the 5% level. chlorpyrifos (Lorsban@), methomyl bait (Nubait?), Bolstar?, and acephate (Or- thene?), at rates indicated in the various tables will provide acceptable control of the fall armyworm. However, these re- sults are based on only 1 year's research. Also, some of the materials used are not labelled for use on some crops attacked by the fall armyworm. Therefore, presen- tation of these data does not constitute recommendations for use. T R U C % FOR THE ADVANCKMKVT OF SCIENCE Vd AND ARTS 4*4 tsg o Cp Ar ti Information. contained herein is available to all, re- gardless of race, color, or national origin.