~r SW ~7- J~flfl~p,~*p 4~ w."p~ 4 ~IF ~ K / V -3 CLAUDE E. BOYD* LIME IS OFTEN APPLIED to improve conditions for fish growth in ponds with soft waters and acid bottom muds (1,2,3, 4,6,7). Liming increases the hardness, alkalinity, and pH of pond waters and increases the pH of bottom muds (1,2,3). Humic substances which impart brown stains to pond waters may be removed by lime treatment (6). These changes in water quality following lime application improve response of plankton to fertiliza- tion and result in better fish production (1,7). Research at the Fisheries Research Unit, Auburn University Agricultural Ex- *Associate Professor, Department of Fish- cries and Allied Aqoacoltores. periment Station, has resulted in better procedures for liming fish ponds (1,3,5). WATER HARDNESS AND LIMING Experiments demonstrated that liming soft water ponds to increase water hard- ness to at least 20 ppm increased fish production (1,7). Therefore, a survey of water hardness in Alabama ponds was conducted and a water hardness map prepared (Figure 1). Water hardness of ponds in the Black Belt usually exceeds 20 ppm. However, some ponds in the Black Belt on acid or sandy soils have waters softer than 20 ppm. The hard- ness of pond waters in other areas of Alabama may or may not exceed 20 ppm AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION/AUBURN UNIVERSITY R, Dennis Rouse, Director Auburn, Alabama S- - 0 - S 0 0o1 o ? Pond location * Water hardness 20 ppm or more S 0 Water hardness less than 20 ppm I- FIG. 1. Location of ponds with water hardness of 20 ppm or more (solid dots) and below 20 ppm (open dots). The Black Belt area of the Coastal Plain is indi- cated by broken lines. I . I "' to 0 0 0 0 0 1010 logo O O (Figure 1). Therefore, water analysis is the only accurate way of determining if pond waters are too soft for good fish production. Conditions which suggest that a pond may need lime include; stained water, poor response to inorganic fertilization, and poor fish growth. SAMPLES FOR LIME REQUIREMENT Boyd (2) modified the lime require- ment procedure for agricultural soils for use on fish pond muds. Procedures for collecting mud samples were also de- veloped. Lime requirements of muds from shallow water were lower than those of muds from deeper water. There- fore, samples were taken from different areas of the pond bottom and equal vol- umes of each sample composited and dried to give a sample for lime require- ment determination. Adequate samples for 1 to 5-acre ponds on the Fisheries Re- search Unit required muds from 10 to 12 different sites. The number of sam- ples composited was increased propor- tionally for larger ponds. A simple mud sampler was devised by attaching a can to the end of a pole (Figure 2). APPLYING LIME Although agricultural limestone can be easily applied to new ponds before they WATER HARDNESS are filled with water, application proved more difficult when ponds were full of water. Good results were achieved by broadcasting agricultural limestone even- ly over the entire pond surface. Bags of limestone were emptied from a moving boat. Bulk agricultural limestone was cheaper and was applied from a ply- wood platform attached between two boats (Figure 3). Limestone was applied during late fall or early winter so that it reacted with water and bottom muds before fertilizers were applied in the spring (1). Agricul- tural limestone will precipitate phos- phorus if applied at the same time as fertilizer. Liming was not effective un- less fertilizer was properly applied dur- ing warm months. RESIDUAL EFFECT The residual effect of liming as indi- cated by water hardness was governed by the rate of water loss to seepage and overflow. For example, liming was in- effective in Grier's Pond with a water retention time of 3 weeks (Figure 5). Liming was also less effective in Pond S-6 which has year around outflow than in Ponds S-11, S-12, S-13, and S-19 which have outflow only during rainy weather (Figure 4). Water hardness 6 months Initial water hardness Lime requirement after limestone application p.m. Lb./a. p.p.m. 11.8 11.4 13.2 11.2 8.8 600 3,000 4,500 5,500 8,000 27.8 21.4 32.0 32.4 39.8 [3] BEFORE AND AFTER APPLICATION OF AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE TO FIVE PONDS 11111~SU LV 11~7VV UVIILL3 LI'~IVI~ LII'~Y vvvurllvl \ Wooden handle h with screws FIG. 2. A simple sampler for collecting mud from pond bottoms. [4] / * -C.., FIG. 3. A floating platform for broadcasting agricultural limestone. Total hardness (ppm as CoC0 3 ) 60- -o Grier's pond *-* S-6 I 30 20 - IO_ ,-,--",.-. --- " Oh I 1973 1974 1975 FIG. 4. Residual effect of liming on water hardness in six ponds. Grier's pond has a water retention time of 3 weeks. Pond S-6 has year around outflow while the other four ponds have outflow only during rainy weather. [6] LITERATURE CITED (1) ARCE. R. G. AND C. E. BOYD. 1975. Effects of agricultural limestone on water chemistry, phytoplankton productivity, and fish production in soft-water ponds. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 104: 308-312. (2) BOYD, C. E. 1974. Lime requirements of Alabama fish ponds. Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station, Bull. 459. 20 pp. (3) BOYD, C. E. AND E. SCARSBROOK. 1974. Effects of agricultural limestone on phy- toplankton communities of fish ponds. Arch. Hydrobiol. 74: 336-349. (4) BOYD, C. E. AND J. R. SNow. 1975. Ferti- lizing farm fish ponds. Auburn Univer- sity Agricultural Experiment Station, Leaflet 88: 8 pp. (5) BOYD, C. E. AND W. W. WALLEY. 1975. Total alkalinity and hardness of surface waters in Alabama and Mississippi. Au- burn University Agricultural Experiment Station, Bull. 465. 16 pp. (6) HASLER, A. D., O. M. BRYNILDSON, AND W. T. HELM. 1951. Improving condi- tions for fish in brown-water bog lakes by alkalization. J. Wildl. Mgmt. 15: 347-352. (7) THOMASTON, W. E. AND H. D. ZELLER. 1961. Results of a six year investigation of chemical soil and water analysis and lime treatment in Georgia fish ponds. Proc. Ann. Conf. SE Game and Fish Comm. 15: 236-245. Auburn University is an equal opportunity employer 2ND PRINTING 3M, SEPTEMBER 1976 [7]