Blight in Nurseries R. J. Meier, J. F. Goggans, ond T. C. Davis' INTRODUCTION AizoIna c\ press (0Cqurn (It izolle o Greene) lots heeln utilized for Chiristmas tree proidllctiitii il the South wxith some success . fRecen tls, this speie has oot beeii i aailIable from most 5) itliten ion- sei ics because oft disease atiit inisect piroh- ferns that louder seedliong pi 0(ictiiii. arn agc has S arned fi in sli gh t to sex c the latter resultitig ill reduced niimbers of sal abl Icse) liiigs. These stud ie ss cccoil - duicted to ev aluate ii secticides for cii tr-ol of the lesser corn stalk borer and Rest arc It\ssoit, P(frofetssor, and A S- si sti it I 'ociessir ii I spcctix cly, Aubu~rn t nij- versitv Aricoiiturat Experiment Station, Forct srs De)partmnt. I Iiiltricidle, foi- control of saiolls funigi that caiiis folior diseases. MATERIALS AND METHODS Simiilar (\plociivilts \\ ( d 1 ied ill two 0 (oiisciitisc ( as 't. Split-plot tiesigils" wxer e used sx ith in0sectic ides assigi it' to miioii p)lots ailt fIiigicides to Siti) plots. liisecticides tested the first Near wsere fDieldici and BIIC at I pound and~ 2 poiis active iii gredieitt I al.) per acre, I espectis els ' y. iel (Ireii \\as a ppi ed in (TrMaitar' forml and ixied into the top 4 ini es of soil wxith a rotot ii ic prior to plantingr. 13H( wa a pplied as a mixtulre of I1I percent emutlsifiable coiiceni-ate wi~th wsater (1 Igallon per 45 feet ofnir serv bedl). A Co., pressurized iaucf AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION R. Dennis Rouse, Director AUBURN UNIVERSITY Auburn, Alabamao sprayer at 40 psi (pounds per square inch) was used to apply BHC. BHC ap- plications were made every other week from the first week in June until mid- July and weekly thereafter until sample collection in the fall. Fungicides tested during both years were Difolatan 4-F and Benlate 50WP at 2.5 and 0.4 pounds a.i. per acre, re- spectively. Both were mixed with water and applied at 1 gallon of water per 45 feet of nursery bed. Applications were made every other week with the same equipment as used for BHC from mid- June until evaluation. Each treatment combination and untreated control plot was replicated four times the first year and six times the second year. Insecticidal treatments the second year were BHC at 1, 2, and 3 pounds a.i. per acre. Applica- tion methods and spraying schedules were approximately the same as in the first year. Samples were collected during early September the first year and during mid- October the second. A less severe blight incidence during the second year was the reason for delayed sampling. Four ran- dom samples of 25 seedlings each were collected from each sub-plot. Seedlings were examined individually for damages caused by lesser cornstalk borers and fungi. Borer damage was classified as root damage, top damage, or both. Dam- age by fungi, expressed as percentage of dead crown, was placed arbitrarily in one of the following classifications: 0 to 338 percent, 34 to 67 percent, and 68 to 100 percent. In addition to the main classi- fication, seedlings with less than 5 per- cent dead crown were called "perfect" and completely dead seedlings were given another sub-category. Separate statistical analyses were made for each year because additional levels of insecticides were used the second year. Duncan's New Multiple Range Test was used to detect real differences among treatment means within years. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Results of the first year's study have been published previously, but they are included here for ease of comparison. 1 Table 1 shows that seedling mortality was not significantly reduced by the ap- plication of insecticides. Dieldren was not significantly different from the con- trol in reduction of seedling damage by the lesser corn stalk borer. BHC, how- ever, significantly reduced root damage in both years and top damage the second year. There was no significant difference in damage when the levels of BHC va- ried from 1 to 3 pounds a.i. per acre. It appears that the lower levels of BHC were as effective in reducing borer dam- age as were higher levels. No toxicity to Davis, T. C., J. F. Goggans, and R. J. Meier, 1974. Pest Control Problems En- countered in Seedling Production of Arizona Cypress in Alabama. USDA Foiest Service Tree Planter's Notes 25(2):7-10. TABLE 1. INSECTICIDAL TREATMENT MEANS OF BORER DAMAGE AND MORTALITY. MEANS GIVEN IN PERCENT OF SEEDLINGS SAMPLED Ist yr. 2nd yr. I ectide a.i. Mortality Top damagedamage Both root and net e lb./acre 1st yr. 2nd yr. 1st yr. 2nd yr. 1st yr. 2nd yr. 1s d nd yr. BHC 1 14a 36a 12a 3a 2 22a 12a 59a 34a 25a 10a 6a 2a 3 12a 33a 10a 2a Dieldrin 1 19a 11a 60a 54b 37b 26b 14b 11b 2 14a 50b 26b 11b Control- 24a la 59a 51b 35b 28b llb 12b Mean 22 12 60 48 33 19 10 7 Values followed by the same letter do not differ significantly at the .05 level of testing. [2] I Ir~+~hnr +hn cnr~r\~7rl a In~e c~n~rn ,I_ L seedlings was noted at any of the insec- ticide levels used in these studies. Application of either fungicide signifi- cantly reduced mortality in both years, Table 2. In the first year Benlate was significantly better than Difolatan in re- ducing the amount of dead crown and Difolatan was significantly better than the control in all crown classes except perfect. In the second year both fungi- cides were significantly better than the control but there was no significant dif- ference between the two fungicides. The reason for the difference between years was probably the less severe blight inci- dence observed during the second year. In the two-year study, mortality was reduced greatly by application of fungi- cides and visible insect damage was low- ered by treatments with BHC. TABLE 2. FUNGICIDAL TREATMENT MEANS OF FOLIAGE CONDITION AND MORTALITY GIVEN IN PERCENT OF SEEDLINGS SAMPLED B C Am Mortality Perfect Fungicide 1st yr. 2nd yr. 1st yr. 2nd yr. 0-33% 1st yr. 2nd yr. 3enlate 2a 6a 82a 65a 92a 83a )ifolatan 13a 8a 10b 63a 42b 82a ,ontrol 50b 24b lb 22b 8C 43b ount of dead foliage 34-67% 68-100% 1st yr. 2nd yr. 1st yr. 2nd yr. 5a lOa 3a 7a 34b 9a 24b 9a 20c 19b 72c 38b Values followed by the same letter do not differ significantly at the .05 level of testing. ON THE COVER. Typical lower branch feeding damage caused by the lesser corn stalk borer. Auburn University is an equal opportunity employer. First Printing 3M, August, 1975 [:3]