LEAFLT 84OCTOBER 1972 -Chilton . a High Quality Fruit for the Commercial Market JOSEPH D.- NORTON Associate Professor Deportm ent of Horticulture AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION/AUBURN UNIVERSITY R. Dennis Rouse, Director Auburn, Alabama AC 68 55 LEAFLET 84 CHILTON is a new cantaloupe variety adapted to the Southeastern United States. It has resistance to Pseudoper- onospora cubensis (downy mildew), Spherotheca fuliginea (powdery mil- dew) and Mycosphaerella citrullina (gummy stem blight). It produces good yields of high quality fruit suitable to packing for the commercial market. Prevalence of foliar diseases, particu- larly downy mildew and gummy stem blight, and susceptibility of existing varieties to these diseases discourage the growing of cantaloupes in the Southeast- ern States. In 1970 and 1971 the in- troduction of the high quality, disease resistant varieties, Southland (2), and Gulfcoast (3), demonstrated that high quality fruits could be produced in hu- mid climates. Due to the large size of the fruit, Southland is not suitable for packing for the commercial market. Therefore, Chilton meets the need for smaller fruit for the commercial market. ORIGIN Chilton is an inbred line from the cross AC-63-11 x PI 140471. Following the cross, a backcrossing and disease screening program was followed with selection of disease resistant seedlings that produced high quality fruit. Thus, Chilton originated from a program of backcrossing and inbreeding to obtain resistance to gummy stem blight, downy mildew, and powdery mildew. It has been grown in trials as AC-68-55 at Au- burn and a number of substations of the Auburn University Agricultural Experi- ment Station and in the Southern Co- operative Cantaloupe Variety Trials in other Southern States. DISEASE RESISTANCE Chilton has been rated for resistance to gummy stem blight, downy mildew, and powdery mildew, in several tests at locations in Alabama and other South- ern States, Table 1. Resistance to gum- my stem blight was incorporated into the TABLE 1. DISEASE INDEX RATINGS FOR DOWNY MILDEW, POWDERY MILDEW, AND GUMMY STEM BLIGHT Disease index' Variety or Dow- Pow- Gum- breeding ny dery my Aver- mil- mil- stem age dew dew blight Chilton 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Edisto 47 ------ 1.5 1.5 3.5 2.2 Gulfcoast--------- 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Hales Best Jumbo 8.5 3.5 5.0 4.0 Southland 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.2 1 Index: 0 - no injury, up to 5 - all plants severely damaged. breeding lines through a screening pro- gram which utilized an incubation cham- ber and greenhouse to eliminate sus- ceptible plants from the populations. Re- sistance of Chilton plants has been ex- cellent in field plantings in 1968, 1969, 1970, and 1971. The high level of re- sistance to gummy stem blight was se- cured from PI 140471 (3,4). Resistance to downy mildew and powdery mildew was obtained from Georgia 47 and Florisun through AC-63-11 (Southland) (1). FRUIT The fruit is mostly round with some being round-oval in shape. They meas- ure 5 to 6 inches in diameter with an average of 21/2, Table 2. Fruit size will vary at different fertility levels and in TABLE 2. AVERAGE YIELD, FRUIT WEIGHT, AND SOLUBLE SOLIDS OF CANTALOUPE CULTIVARS AND BREEDING LINES GROWN IN FIVE ALABAMA LOCATIONS 1968-1971 Variety or Average all locations breeding lines Yield Fruit Soluble per acre weight solids Lb. Lb. Pct. Chilton ........ 19,570 2.51 12.92 Edisto 47 ............- 18,342 8.07 10.89 Gulfcoast------ 20,293 2.64 12.61 Hales Best Jumbo------ 12,054 2.64 6.56 Southland- ---- 19,642 3.18 11.35 different production areas. Adequate size for the commercial pack of 24 and 27 size melons may be secured with ade- quate fertility and irrigation. Being a sister line of Gulfcoast, Chil- ton is similar in fruit characteristics to Gulfcoast. However, the fruit of Chil- ton are slightly smaller than Gulfcoast, Table 2. Chilton fruit tends to be more round than Gulfcoast fruit. Soluble solids content of Chilton are slightly higher than Gulfcoast. Chilton fruit is smaller than the "Jum- bo" melons commonly grown and hauled loose without the use of boxes or crates. Therefore, it may not sell as well on the open market in competition with jumbo size melons. Due to its smaller size, the grower should either market it with wholesale produce buyers or with other outlets for high quality fruit. The fruit is slightly ribbed, well cov- ered with a medium net, and matures in 70-75 days, approximately the same as Hales Best Jumbo and Southland. The flesh is thick, deep orange in color, and of excellent flavor and aroma. Seed cavity is small. The fruit is very firm and adapted to handling in commercial markets. The flesh is firm at the full slip stage; how- ever, it will soften to an excellent condi- tion for dessert quality after 3 to 4 days. Chilton compares favorably with es- tablished varieties in yielding ability, Table 2; however, it is superior to ex- isting varieties in shipping quality and edible quality as indicated by taste and soluble solids, Table 2. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author gratefully acknowledges the assistance of Grover Sowell, Jr., Pathologist, USDA Southeastern Plant Introduction Station, Experiment, Geor- gia, for discovery of resistance to Mycos- phaerella citrullina and counseling in screening techniques with the organism. The mode of inheritance of resistance to Mycosphaerella citrullina was deter- mined by Krishna Prasad, former gradu- ate assistant, Department of Horticul- ture, Auburn University. Essential assist- ance was rendered by C. C. Carlton and K. C. Short, Chilton Area Horticulture Substation, Clanton, Alabama, in in- creasing seed for grower trials and con- ducting variety trials. Valuable assistance was rendered by G. T. Sharman, Foundation Seedstocks Farm; Jordan Langford, Plant Breeding Unit; M. H. Hollingsworth, North Ala- bama Horticulture Substation; H. F. Yates and J. E. Barrett, Gulf Coast Sub- station; and C. A. Brogden (retired) Wiregrass Substation, in conducting yield trials and increasing seed. The assistance of participants in the Southern Cooperative Cantaloupe Variety Trials is also acknowledged. LITERATURE CITED (1) JAMISON, F. S., JAMES MONTELARO, AND J. D. NORTON. 1962. Florida No. I and Florisun. Two New Cantaloupe Varieties for Florida Growers. Univ. of Fla. Agr. Exp. Sta., Cir. S-139A. (2) NORTON, JOSEPH D. 1971. Gulf- coast- A Sweet Cantaloupe for the Produce Chain Store Market. Au- burn Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta., Leaf. 82. (3) NORTON, J. D. 1970. Southland- A Large Cantaloupe for the South, Auburn Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta., Leaf. 79. (4) PRASAD, KRISHNA AND J. D. NORTON. 1967. Inheritance of Resistance to Mycosphaerella citrullina in Musk- melon. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Vol. 91:396-400. (5) SOWELL, GROVER, JR., KRISHNA PRASAD AND J. D. NORTON. 1966. Resistance of Cucumis melo Intro- ductions to Mycosphaerella citrul- lina. Plant Dis. Rept., Vol. 50, No. 9. Development' of Chilton Green Greent 1962 house 1962 Field 1963 itouse 1963 Field 1964 Greenhouse 196491965,1966 Field 1967 Field 1968 Field 196991970 1971 IPield