A4 LEAFLET 78 NOVEMBER 1969 V 'i _ BIGHART- Improved Variety of PIMIENTO' PEPPER W H GREENLEAF, P-ofo-., o Hort- M. H. HOLLINGSWORTHH Superintendent, North Alobomo Horticulture Substotion HUBERT HARRIS, Associate Professor of Horticulture K. S. RYMAL, Assistant Professor of Horticulture IG (fAIl I IS -1-11 NAN1 \'TI iVel tol M1 iii) 1)1111 ed ilieiVI(to pc p pQe r ( 1/) sic ' taiii i101 L. ) vaii et', tie'eloped Mt Auburun II iixersitv A."ieuittiial Exper imien t Sta- tiooi. The ii\\ pepper' \\ as eleased i Niecldts aiid large 11 11lt f h IflSJ (Illalitv.. Ill cultilrer( Sub1station, Cullman, the l h( I(\\ \- I- riet\ pirodnued t 4 per enit higiei x ilds rietv~ for m11ia v Yeals. Ill aditioli). thec fru1Iits \\ crc ;3- per cnIt It wa\iert. 101(1 1:3 per 'iiit tlictker w alls, altl gave 1t) per ceit ,ii gIi i rcscoxiti- of' camlltd oitliuit (Cliittattc d ilit set alld fl-It matlllitv of1 111achiii Ile harvest. FruitfillS ]f habit mid1 frulit AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMFNT STATION E. V. Smith, Director AUBURN UNIVERSITY Auburn, Alabomo quality are illustrated by the title photo- graphs. PIMIENTO VARIETY DEVELOPMENT The first pimiento pepper variety grown in the United States was intro- duced into Georgia from Spain out of New World material in 1911. This sweet pepper, which had large, pointed, heart- shaped fruits with distinctive aromatic flavor, was destined to start the U.S. pimiento industry. The canned, red ripe product that was known as pimiento at the time was being imported from Spain. Today, the word pimiento refers to either the canned product or to one of several pepper varieties with pimiento type fruit derived from the original Spanish intro- duction. In 1913, S. D. Riegel and Sons, of Experiment, Georgia, introduced the Per- fection Pimiento variety. It was devel- oped from a single plant with beautiful fruits selected out of the original Spanish introduction. The Truhart Perfection variety was re- leased by Cochran (1) in 1943. It was a bulk of several selfed plants that had been selected out of Perfection for su- perior yield and fruit type. Truhart Per- fection is still the leading variety today. In 19638, Dempsey (2) released the va- riety Truhart Perfection-D, which was derived from a cross of Truhart with the Japanese variety Santanka. However, Truhart-D has not replaced Truhart. The nematode resistant pimiento va- riety Mississippi Nemaheart was released by Hare (5,6) in 1966. Its parentage in- volved Truhart and a hairy-leaved, root- knot nematode resistant, pungent Mexi- can pepper, M152B. Because Nemaheart lacked fruit size, it was not commercially acceptable even though it was nematode resistant. The Peto Seed Company of California markets still another variety, Pimiento-L. ORIGIN OF BIGHART PIMIENTO Bighart is the result of a wide-cross- breeding program started by the senior author in 1945 at the Georgia Agricul- tural Experiment Station. The pedigree of Bighart, shown on page 3, comprises 36 generations and includes the following pepper varieties, all of which are Capsi- cum annum L.: 1. Truhart Perfection Pimiento, 2. The bacterial leaf spot resistant, pungent, Japanese variety Santanka, 3. Holmes' tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) resistant experimental bell type, No. 1950-2015C (7), 4. The tobacco etch virus (TEV) re- sistant South Carolina Cayenne type, S.C. 46252 (4,9), 5. Keystone Resistant Giant Bell, and 6. Yolo Wonder-A Bell. Three earlier experimental varieties that resulted from this breeding program were released to breeders and seedsmen during 1956-58. These were Pimsan 1, Pimsan 2, and Pimsan 3. (The name Pimsan denotes Pimiento-Santanka an- cestry.) These varieties carried L-gene resistance against TMV, and Pimsan 3 also possessed TEV resistance derived from S.C. 46252. Pimsan 2 is still being maintained by the W. Attlee Burpee Seed Company. A breakthrough in the breeding of Big- hart occurred in 1962 when a superior plant with extra large, well shaped pi- miento type fruits segregated in the F 2 from a near-sibcross (see pedigree). This plant has transmitted its superior charac- teristics through successive generations. The original F 2 plant and selections made through F 5 were selfed. Of 10 F 6 selections made in 1966, five were selfed and five open pollinated. The 29 F 7 se- lections made in 1967 were selfed and, from the combined seed plus some seed from certain F 6 X F 7 sib-crosses, 6,000 plants were grown for seed increase at the North Alabama Horticulture Substa- tion in 1968. Nineteen pounds of Bighart seed were saved, with 17 pounds distrib- uted to the six member companies of the Associated Pimiento Canners, to which the variety was released. [2] PEDIGREE OF BIGHART PIMIENTO Greeneaf 1945 Holmes- 1934 oRF Santanka x Truhart-Ft Bell x Tabasco (LL) T T OFt B CI F2 x Truhart Fn Bell derivative T T C7) Ft BC2 F3 x Truhart Holmes Bell (LL) T T ?Ft BC3 F3 x Truhart Ft 1950-2015C x Truhart Fti F2- BCt 0 ---F3 BC?2 ? -x Cayenne S.C. 46252 TEVR -jT BC3?@ @F1 FIBC4?aF 3 ?F2 TEV screened F2 54306 P1 -- F6 8 F4 BCt15 Pimsan-t (LL) Pimsan-2(LL) 1'956 ?1957 F6 BC.2() ?Pimsan-2(LL) I 5626 F2 TEV screened F7I @F2 55530-533 ?56522AP1 ? Ft BC3 56500-515 Winter t956?FIBC4 57102-126 ?F2 9 CQq 5-750t -526 TEV screened Pimsan- 3(LL eta eta) @Ft [(Pimsan 3xFt(Pimsan FiBC4xYWA) @Ft [Ft(Pimsan- 3xTruhart) xFt(Truhari x KR) Ft(Truhari x KRG)1 T KG]T OF2 ?F2 OjFt 60-2Pt Ft 60-6Pt @26054 P6 TEV screened KF -0-t1 * PF OF262-tB-t-4 **Bighart type OF5 'Keeled" Leaf Strain @?F5 "Standard' Leaf% Strain 0F9 Bigha-KL .969 0F19 Bighart-SL 1969 Abbreviations YWA =Yolo Wonder-A Bell KRG= Keystone Resistant Giant Belt Superior selections O Number of generati-ons Two Strains of Bighart Selected Two strains of Bighart, based on leaf type and plant habit, were selected be- ginning with the F 5 generation. The one designated K for "Keeled" has an up- folded leaf blade with prominent midrib resembling the keel of a boat, in contrast to the flatter leaf blade of the normal "Standard" - designated S - plant type. Keeled is a true breeding recessive trait, probably monogenic. Hence, Bighart-K breeds true for "Keeled," whereas Big- hart-S still segregates "Keeled" plants up to a maximum of one-sixth of the plant population. Associated with "Keeled" is a more compact plant type and probably a more concentrated basal fruit set and maturity than "Standard" - characteristics essen- tial for once-over harvest. The "S" strain is preferred for repeated hand harvests. Both strains are relatively well fixed ge- netically for earliness, concentrated ma- turity, and a heavy crown set of large, well shaped fruits. One strain could prob- ably be substituted for the other, as they TABLE 1. PIMIENTO are indistinguishable in fruit size, shape, and quality. Of the 29 Bighart selections made in 1968, 16 were of the "K" and 13 of the "S" strain. CHARACTERISTICS AND PERFORMANCE Tobacco Mosaic Virus Resistance Both Bighart-K and Bighart-S breed true for the L-gene that was discovered by Holmes (7) in the Tabasco pepper (C. frutescens L.) variety and transferred by him to C. annum L. No. 1950-2015C. The L-gene confers resistance equivalent to field immunity to all tobacco form strains of TMV by localizing the virus at the site of infection, thus preventing sys- temic spread. Unfortunately, the L-gene is ineffective against the pepper form of TMV to which no resistance has as yet been discovered (3). Fruit Yield Fruit yields in 1966 averaged only about one-third those of 1967, Table 1. The relative yield rank of the entries was VARIETY YIELD TRIALS, NORTH ALABAMA HORTICULTURE SUBSTATION, 1966-67 Variety or line 1966 Nemaheart Pimiento-Peto Truhart-Pomona AU-Fo66-48 ............. Truhart-King Pharr Bighart 1967 Truhart-D ........ Truhart-King Pharr Truhart-Pomona AU F,67-30 ....... Bighart .......... Marketable weight per 100 plants 1 Lb. 13.8 cd' - d'e' 16.0 cd d'e' 26.3 bc c'd' 36.5 bc b'c' 49.7 b b' 90.1 a a' 78.1 bc c'd' 82.6 bc c'd' 92.2 bc b'c' 123.2 ab a'b' 154.0 a a' Marketable fruits Average fruit per 100 plants' weight No. Lb. 110 b 'c'd' 166 b b'c' 207 b b' 181 b b'c' 392 a a' 530 a a' 547 b' 394 b' 513 b' 698 a' 518 b' 0.125 b' 0.098 b' 0.125 b' 0.200 a' 0.126 b' 0.170 a' 0.143 cd e' 0.210 b b' 0.180 bc b'c' 0.176 bc c'd' 0.297 a a' 1 Marketable weights and marketable numbers of fruits are totals from four plots of 25 plants each, spaced 2 feet apart in rows spaced 44 inches. Three harvests were made each year. To convert these plot yields to per acre yields, multiply by 59.4. 2 Values followed by different letters within a comparison differ significantly at P<0.01 for plain letters and at P<0.05 for primed letters according to Duncan's new multiple range test. ' These two lines are earlier sister lines of Bighart from the same superior single plant selection. [4] CLrr. 1 1)) 1 , . ~;---_I -- - - -- -- - - -- -- similar, with Bighart outproducing the higher yielding of the two commercial Truhart strains by 81 per cent in 1966 and by 67 per cent in 1967. Bighart fruits averaged heavier than those of the heaviest Truh art strain - 34 per cent heavier in 1966 and 41 per cent heavier in 1967. Fruit Recovery In 1966, Elonza Ward, of the King Pharr Canning Company, made a pre- liminary check of the recovery weights of fruit of Bighart an d Truhart. About 800 pounds of fruit (one pallet box) of each variety was cored, and Bighart had 17 per cent more recovery weight than Tmu- hart. Fruit Quality Laboratory tests at Auburn compared Bighart with Trubart in soluble and total solids, pH, titratable acidity, percentage of trimmed recovery, fruit wall thickness, and color of canned product. Bighart was superior in both soluble and total solids, but there were no appreciable differences in pH or in titratable acidity Table 2. Average recovery percentage of five Bighart lines exceeded the average of three Truhart strains by 12.1 per cent, Table 3. The highest recovery in line No. 12 exceeded that of the highest Truhart (Pomona) strain by 10.0 per cent. The 12.1 per cent average gain in trimmed recovery from Bighart reflects TABLE 2. PIMIENTO VARIETY QUALITY TESTS Panel evaluation of canned fruit' Variety or line Truhart-King Pharr- Truhart-D--------- Truhart-Pomona---- Bighart lines F 7 67-12 --------- F,67-17--------- F 7 67-18------ --- Y,67-21 -------- F767-22------ --- Soluble Total solids solids Pct. *7.35 7.80 7.80 8.75 8.50 8.30 8.60 -8.40 Titratable pH acidity, pct. citric acid Pct. Appear- Texture ance Flavor Pet. 8.02 5.05 .247 8.50 5.25 .255 8.50 5.30 .250 9.40 5.18 9.30 5.15 9.05 5.10 --- 5.20 5.15 .250 .240 .240 .255 .225 6.6 8.2 7.3 7.6 8.2 7.8 8.4 8.6 8.0 8.4 8.6 8.6 8.2 7.9 7.9 ' Each figure is an average of 10 scores assigned by 10 panelists on a scale of 1 to 10 - best. Evaluations were made of the 2-year canned product in 1969. TABLE 3. COMPARATIVE PREPARATION LOSSES AND 'RECOVERY OF CANNED PRODUCT FROM TRUHART AND BIGHART PIMIENTO VARIETIES Variety or line Truhart-King Pharr Truhart-D Truhart-Pomona AVERAGE------ Bighart lines 67-12 67-17 67-18 67-21 ------ --- -- 67-22 AVERAGE------ Average Raw Flaming Core fruit weight fruit weight loss weight Lb. Lb. Pct. Pet. 0.210 50.69 16.7 27.0 0.227 11.37 16.4 28.9 0.209 10.44 16.2 28.5 0.213 16.6 27.5 - 0.297 0.350 0.343 * 0.324 0.324 0.335 9.81 70.00 51.38 49.90 32.37 17.1 13.7 15.2 12.4 15.0 14.1 22.9 20.3 20.6 23.6 21.2 21.4 Total Trimmed loss recovery Pet. Pet. 48.1 51.9 44.7 55.3 44.1 55.9 47.0 53.0 38.5 41.2 42.2 39.0 40.4 40.6 61.5 58.8 57.8 61.0 59.6 59.4 [5] Fresh fruit poorest '1 - -- TABLE 4. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF TRUHART AND BIGHART PIMIENTO VARIETIES Variety Truhart-King Pharr Truhart-D Truhart-Pomona AVERAGE Bighart lines 67-12 .......... 67-17 67-18 .......... 67-21 67-22 .......... AVERAGE ..... Specific volume, whole fresh 1 Per pod 3 Per pound Cu. in. Cu. in. 41.1 42.0 42.9 42.0 48.0 46.4 46.3 46.8 48.5 47.0 9.5 10.83 9.4 9.8 . 14.8 16.5 S15.9 16.5 16.5 16.1 Properties of canned product in pint jars, average of duplicate tests 2 Drained wt. Pod surface Color' per jar area per lb. Lb. Sq. in. 0.88 0.82 0.77 0.84 0.80 0.88 0.88 0.94 0.89 0.88 123.3 133.6 137.3 131.4 107.7 113.1 112.4 113.2 114.4 112.2 819 820 820 819 819 719 820 820 1 Samples from 1967 crop at North Alabama Horticulture Substation, Cullman. 2 Canned product tested May 1969. Based on water displacement of 10-pod samples. SOpened, drained pods from pint jar laid fiat in rectangular form and area determined. Based on comparison with British Color Council Horticultural Color Chart. Each num- ber refers to a color plate with four tones. The higher the number, the darker the color: No. 719 "Signal Red," No. 819 "Orient Red," and No. 820 "Blood Red." lower preparation losses from its larger, thicker walled fruits. This gain is the result of the following combination of lower processing losses as compared with those of Truhart: 15.1 per cent from flaming, 22.2 per cent from core weights, and 13.6 per cent from total losses in- cluding trimming, Table 3. Canned Product Quality Of particular interest are the measure- ments of pod surface area per pound of fruit in the canned product, Table 4. These values are a measure of average fruit wall thickness. Bighart averaged 17.2 fewer square inches of fruit wall per pound of drained canned product than did Truhart. This is a gain of 13.3 per cent in fruit wall thickness over Tru- hart. A thicker fruit wall produces a firmer, better looking canned product. The canned product of Bighart was su- perior to that of Truhart in appearance, texture, and flavor as judged by a taste panel, Table 2. Seed Production Fruit weight averaged 0.31 pound for 514 first harvest Bighart fruits from se- lected plants gathered August 8, 1968. Moist, freshly harvested seed accounted for 1.57 per cent and air-dried seed for 0.79 per cent of the fresh fruit weight. Dry seed yield per ton of fruit calculated from the latter value was 15.8 pounds, a satisfactory seed yield for pepper ac- cording to Knott (8). However, higher seasonal temperatures reduced seed pro- duction in Bighart, as shown by the fol- lowing seed yields in pounds per ton at four successive 1968 harvest dates: Au- gust 9- 14.4 pounds; August 28- 1.8 pounds; September 18 - 4.0 pounds; and October 7- 5.2 pounds. Thus, it is es- sential to harvest seed from early set fruit. A pound of Bighart seed contains about 63,000 seeds. SUMMARY Value of the Bighart Pimiento variety, developed by Auburn University Agricul- tural Experiment Station, has been es- tablished in Station tests. Being superior to the commercial Truhart variety in sev- eral economically important characteris- tics, Bighart should become important to the pimiento industry. [6] LITERATURE CITED (1) COCHRAN, H. L. 1943. The Truhart Perfection Pimiento. Ga. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 224. (2) DEMPSEY, A. H. 1963. Truhart Per- fection-D Pimiento. Ga. Agr. Exp. Sta. Leaf. No. N.S. 42. (3) GREENLEAF, W. H., A. A. COOK, AND A. N. J. HEYN. 1964. Resistance to Tobacco Mosaic Virus in Capsicum, with Reference to the Samsun Latent Strain. Phytopathology 54:1367-1371. (4) . 1956. Inheritance of Resistance to Tobacco-Etch Virus in Capsicum frutescens and in Capsicum annum. Phytopathology 46:371-375. (5) HARE, W. W. 1966. New Pimiento is Resistant to Nematodes. Miss. Farm Res. Vol. 29, No. 2. (6) . 1957. Inheritance of Resistance to Root-Knot Nematodes in Pepper. Phytopathology 47:455-459. (7) HOLMES, F. O. 1934. Inheritance of Ability to Localize Tobacco-Mosaic Vi- rus. Phytopathology 24:984-1002. (8) KNOTT, J. E. 1966. Handbook of Vege- table Growers. Revised Printing. John Wiley and Sons, New York, N.Y. (9) McKINNEY, H. H. 1952. Two Strains of Tobacco-Mosaic Virus, One of which is Seed-Borne in an Etch-Immune Pun- gent Pepper. U.S. Dept. Agr. Plant Disease Reporter. 36:184-187. [7]