YUCHI-New Arrowleaf Clover C. S. HOVELAND, Associate Professor Department of Agronomy and Soils YUCHI IS THE NAME given to a new variety of arrowleaf clover (Trifoli- umi cesicu.losun, Savi) that has been re- leased by Auburn University Agricul- tural Experiment Station. A reseeding winter annual legume, the new variety is adapted to well drained soils in Alabama. It makes high yields of forage in late winter and spring, maturing about 2 months later than crimson clover. Named after an Indian tribe that once inhabited east-central Alabama, Yuchi is a selection of arrowleaf clover that was introduced into the United States from Italy in 1956. Three strains of the clover, sometimes called blister clover, were planted at the Experiment Station Agronomy Farm in 1959. From these strains, P. I. 233816 was tested and in- creased as Yuchi. Seed of this strain have also been planted at many locations in Alabama by Soil Conservation Service personnel in connection with their plant materials work. Performance of all introduced strains of arrowleaf tested by the Auburn Sta- AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT AUBURN UNIVERS!TY STATION Auburn, AlabamaE. V. Smith, Director ion are reported in Leaflet 67, "Arrow- %af Clover," published in 1962. ,'ARIETY , DESCRIPTION Yuchi arrowleaf clover makes its early ;rowth from a leafy rosette, similar to rimsoni clover, later producing branch- fig stems that curve upward and attain length of 24 to 40 inches. The stems are often purple and become fibrous and ,ard near maturity. Leaf petioles are 3 to 8 inches long, -t the base of which are long white tipules narrowed to a point. The leaves re large, each of the three leaflets be- *ig 1% to 8 inches long and 1 to 14 ,ches wide. Each arrow-shaped, non- airy leaflet has pronounced veins and levelops a white V-shaped mark as it natures. Considerable variation in plant ype occurs within the variety. The flower heads are conical; often exceeding 2 inches in length and 11 inches in diameter. From 150 to 170 in- dividual florets make up the head. Florets begin maturing at the base of the head, being white at first and later turning purple. This gives the head a purple and white striped appearance. Each of the florets produces 2 to 8 seeds. The rough brown seed are about twice the size of white clover seed. There are about 400,000 seed per pound. PERFORMANCE OF YUCHI Yuchi arrowleaf has been tested since 1960 at 10 Alabama locations by the Agricultural Experiment Station. It has been compared with crimson and ball clovers, and with Amclo arrowleaf clover (P. I. 234310 that was increased and re- leased by the Georgia Agricultural Ex- periment Station). In these replicated tests, clipping was begun when the clo- 'ABLE 1. COMPARISON OF TOTAL AND WINTER FORAGE PRODUCTION OF ARROWLEAF, CRIMSON, AND BALL CLOVERS Per acre yield of dry forage Location' Season Yuchi Amclo Autauga Ball arrowleafarrowleaf crimson .V.A. Forage Research Area, Vilson Dam (Sango silt loam) Jexandria Experiment Field IDecatur clay) 'iedmont Substation Cecil sandy loam) 'rattville Experiment Field Greenville fine sandy loam) lack Belt Substation Sumter clay) uskegee Experiment Field Boswell fine sandy loam) 1lant Breeding Unit Cahaba fine sandy loam) donroeville Experiment Field Magnolia fine sandy loam) ,rewton Experiment Field Kalmia fine sandy loam) _ulf Coast Substation Marlboro fine sandy loam) Winter Total Winter Total Winter Total Winter Total Winter Total Winter Total Winter Total Winter Total Winter Total Winter Total Lb. 1,460 5,330 1,907 3,726 845 3,866 538 1,593 456 3,156 838 3,461 801 3,461 207 8,116 Lb. 1,128 4,438 1,551 3,820 415 2,459 516 .2,528 416 1,501 684 2,745 Lb. 1,540 5,844 2,602 4,697 800 2,754 1,010 2,770 860 4,2483 1,577 3,688 1,020 2,730 939 3,357 Lb. 1,256 5,770 1,348 4,180 960 5,186 477 2,702 339 2,121 652 4,452 1,020 4,450 3,013 1,107 739 1,585 958 4,568 3,835 4,166 2,922 are for 2 years and 1 Data from Prattville Experiment Field and Gulf Coast Substation Yom Plant Breeding Unit are for 3 years; all others are 1-year results. r\ rri m. vers, but lower than that of sericea. It is not known whether tannin content is high enough to cause any undesirable nutritive effects. Livestock have grazed the new clover well. No animal gain data are available at present, although research on this question is in progress. Seed Production Yuchi arrowleaf begins blooming in late May or early June and matures seed in late June or July. The Amclo variety blooms about 2 to 3 weeks earlier, as shown in Figure 2. The new variety is a good seed pro- ducer. Seed are borne in clustered pods Iproduced at tips of stems, which remain erect. Direct combine harvesting of seed is satisfactory, although shattering may ie a problem. Since Yuchi arrowleaf is self-sterile, it must be cross pollinated by insects. Thus, seed growers must ensure an adequate population of bees for pollination. Seed yields of 200 pounds per acre should be possible. SEEDING DETAILS Certified seed of the Yuchi variety are available. Seeding rate is 5 to 8 pounds of scarified seed per acre. Seed of Yuchi arrowleaf germinate well at low temperatures, Table 3. This means that it can be expected to germi- FIG. 2. Amclo arrowleaf (left) in bloom is compared with Yuchi variety (right) still in vegetative stage. The photo was made May 18 at Plant Breeding Unit, Tallassee. TABLE 3. GERMINATION OF SCARIFIED CLO- VElR SEED AS AFFECTED BY TEMPERATURE Temperature (F.) Continuous 70 Alternating 100?-8 hr., 70'-16 hr. 40)-8 hr., 70'-16 hr. Per cent germination Crim- Ball Arrow- son leaf 96 94 98 62 20 24 42 98 96 nate better in late fall when moisture conditions in Alabama are generally more favorable than during early fall. At high temperatures, however, Yuchi germina- tion is considerably less than that of crim- son clover. A special inoculant for arrowleaf clover is available commercially and should be used for Yuchi. Poor inoculation is some- times a problem with arrowleaf the first year on sandy soil. However, reseeding stands generally have been well inocu- lated. Yuchi has shown excellent reseeding ability. Hard seed content of combine harvested seed may exceed 80 per cent. At Auburn, Yuchi arrowleaf has reseeded for 4 years. INSECTS AND DISEASES No important insect or disease prob- lems have been noted on Yuchi arrow- leaf clover. Alfalfa weevil (Hypera pos- tica, Gyll.) numblers have been extremely low on arrowleaf plots adjacent to mike clover, which was severely damaged by large numbers of weevils. Clover head weevil (HIypera meles) populations were much lower on Yuchi than on ball or crimson clover when weevil counts were made weekly. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The autho ;cknowledges assistance of Dr. 1). A. Mays, VA, Wilson Dam; F. T. Glaze, Alex .:adria I:;leriment Field; E. L. Mavton, li,' .o)lnt Substation; J. \V. Langfo, ' a!.nt Irie, ling Unit; F1. E. Bertram, Pratt and lTuskegee Experiment Fields; L. A oith and II. W. Grimes, Black Belt Subsi.ition; J. W\. Richardson, Brewton and Monroeville Experiment Fields; 11. F. Yates and J. E. Barrett, Gulf Coast Substatioi. ver was 6 inches tall and plots were clipped thereafter at approximately monthly intervals. Forage Yields Total yields of Yuchi arrowleaf under the frequent clipping schedule have gen- erally equalled those of crimson clover, Table 1. When cut only one time in the hay stage, Yuchi yields have averaged 2 to 3 times those of crimson clover. Winter forage production of Yuchi ar- rowleaf has been lower than that of crimson clover since it makes its growth later. Winter forage yields listed in Table I are for production before early March. If moisture conditions are favorable, Yuchi arrowleaf will continue to grow for about 2 months longer than crimson and 1 month after ball clover matures. Yuchi grown in combination with rye or ryegrass has been productive over a longer period than crimson clover, Table 2. Since arrowleaf clover makes much of its growth in late spring, it may suffer during hot, dry weather in May. How- ever, drought resistance of the new vari- ety appears to be excellent and recovery is rapid after rains. Poor recovery growth has been observed when it was cut close in late spring. Yuchi has made more winter growth and greater total production than the Amclo variety of arrowleaf. It has also FIG. 1. Effect of 3 months' continuous flooding on growth of clovers in greenhouse is illustrated. Left to right are orrowleaf, ball, crimson, and white clovers. remained leafy later in the spring than Amelo. Poor growth of arrowleaf clovers has resulted on soils that are poorly drained. Field and greenhouse observations in- dicate that Yuchi is less tolerant of poor drainage than ball or white clovers, Fig- ure 1. Like crimson clover, Yuchi arrowleaf is not adapted to lime soils of the Black Belt. On Sumter clay at the Black Belt Substation, Yuchi plants were chlorotic and made little growth until late spring. Forage Quality Forage of Yuchi arrowleaf clipped at monthly intervals contained 24 to 29 per cent crude protein in March and April, which is similar to that of crimson clover. Forage quality can be expected to de- cline during May and June. Leaf tannin content is higher than that of other clo- TABLE 2. WINTEr FORAGE PRODUCTION OF CLOVIE-GRASS MIXTURES AT PRATTVILLE, 1963-64 Mixture Date growth measured Total Jan. 4 Mar. 6 Mar. 30 Apr. 23 May 28 Abruzzi rye and Yuchi arrowleaf Dry forage per acre, pound, Per cent clover - Abruzzi rye and crimson clover Dry forage per acre, pounds Per cent clover . .... -- Rescuegrass and Yuchi arrowleaf Dry forage per acre, pounds .... Per cent clover - -... Rescuegrass and crimson clover Dry forage per acre, pounds Per cent clover - 1,430 1,355 1,510 1,841 689 0 6 60 95 99 1,355 1,524 1,991 799 0 1 6 68 94 0 0 754 2,848 1,056 1,514 0 50 72 82 72 0 681 3,263 323 572 0 50 78 11 0 6,825 5,669 6,172 4,839