LEAFLET NO. 47 A COMPARISON of PROTEIN SUPPLEMENTS in the WINTERING RATION of BEEF STEERS W. B. Kelley, L. A. Smith, and C. M. Martin* For many years beef cattle pro- ducers of the Black Belt have fed high protein supplements with grass hay for winter maintenance of their herds. Cottonseed meal has been the principal protein supplement fed lut some soybean and peanut meals also have been used. John- songrass hay has been the roughage generally fed. Considerable interest has been shown in the use of commercial range pellets, a number of which are available on the market. Since the price of these pellets usually approximates that of cottonseed meal, the question arises as to whether their value as a concen- trate supplement in a wintering ration is comparable to that of cot- tonseed meal. Also, since there is a considerable price range among pellets available, the question arises as to the relative nutritive value of various commercial pellets. To compare range pellets with *Superintendent, Black Belt Substa- tion; Assistant Superintendent, Black Belt Substation; and Associate Ani- mal Husbandman, Agricultural Experi- ment Station, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn. cottonseed meal in a wintering ration, an experiment was begun in the winter of 1952-53 and continued the next winter. Pellets used were of two different prices, one repre- senting the upper and the other the lower price range. PROCEDURE Seventy Hereford steers ranging in weight from 700 to 1,100 pounds were used in this experiment. The steers in the first year's study were in the lighter weight range. They were divided into three groups for the feeding trials. Oat straw was used as the rough- age because of a shortage of John- songrass hay. The ration was bal- anced to provide protein require- ments and to furnish enough total digestible nutrients to produce approximately one-half pound of gain per day. Both the low-priced and the high-priced pellets con- tained 20 per cent protein. The protein content of the cottonseed meal was 41 per cent. Salt and steamed bonemeal were fed free choice to all lots. Each group of steers was grazed on approximately 1 acre of perman- ent pasture per steer during the STATION INSTITUTE Auburn, Alabama AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT 4Me ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC E. V. Smith, Director Wllt~Lllt~l~ Lllt;lT Valll~f as a C~,rlct~rr- vu~ MARCH 1955 feeding periods, but little forage was available during the wintering seasons. Rotation of pastures was practiced every 2 weeks to offset any variation due to pasture differ- ences. RESULTS The group of steers fed cotton- seed meal received 3.06 pounds more oat straw per day than the other groups. The rations included either 1.79 pounds of cottonseed meal or 3.87 pounds of pellets. Approximately the same daily gain per steer was made in all groups. Total gains per steer for the 76-day feeding period were 43.5 pounds for the cottonseed meal group, 49 pounds for the group fed ow-priced pellets, and 54 pounds for the high-priced pellet group. The average wintering cost per steer was $10.36 for the cottonseed meal group as compared with $15.24 and $17.34 for the low-priced and high-priced pellet groups, respec- tively. At the prices prevailing during this experiment, feeding a smaller amount of cottonseed meal plus additional roughage resulted in a cheaper winter ration. CONCLUSIONS Protein is the most limited food element needed in a ration consist- ing of low quality non-legume roughage such as oat straw or low quality Johnsongrass hay. There- fore, when maintenance or a slight daily gain in beef cattle is desired during winter, low quality roughage can be utilized economically if enough protein concentrate is fed with the roughage to satisfy the protein needs of the animals. When such a feeding practice is followed, beef cattle get their energy require- ments from the roughage. Under these conditions, the amount and unit cost of the protein in the supplement should be con- sidered when the most economical wintering of cattle is desired. Comparison of Protein Supplements in the Wintering Ration of Beef Steers, Black Belt Substation, 2-Year Average, 1952-53 and 1953-54 Gain per Cost of gain per steer, Refused Steers Gain per 76 days* straw per Group Daily ration steer, per group 76 days Oat Concen- steer, straw trate Total 76 days Pounds Number Pounds Dollars Dollars Dollars Pounds 1.79 cottonseed No. 1 meal pellet 22 43.5 5.30 5.06 10.36 51.3 13.96 oat straw 3.87 low-priced No. 2 pellet 24 49.0 4.14 11.10 15.24 0.6 10.90 oat straw 3.87 high-priced No. 3 pellet 24 54.0 4.14 13.20 17.34 0.4 10.90 oat straw *Prices of feed: oat straw, $10 per ton; 41% protein cottonseed meal, $74.39 per ton; 20% protein low-priced pellets, $75.48 per ton; and 20% high-priced pellets, $89.76 per ton.