LEAFLET 31 TOPSOIL and PINE TREES 4 1 'K 4~ '4- I m ALABAMA'S PIEDMONT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION , M-. ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE E. V. Smith, Director Auburn, Alabama MAY 1951 TOPSOIL and PINE TREES in ALABAMA'S PIEDMONT JAMES F. GOGGANS, Assistant Forester IT IS now possible to estimate the early height growth that may be ex- pected of slash and loblolly pine planted in Alabama's Piedmont. The Alabama Agricultural Experi- ment Station recently completed a study of 5- to 13-year-old pine planta- tions in the Piedmont. It was found that the depth of topsoil can be used to estimate the height growth that may be expected 8, 10, or 12 years after planting. This study again brings out the fact that the fastest growing pines are on the best soils. During the past few years, planting of pine trees has increased greatly. Today, it is a favored method of refor- esting idle lands. Loblolly pine and slash pine are the two trees that have been planted most in the Piedmont. Loblolly pine is native to the region and is commonly known as "old field" pine. Slash pine, though not native to the Region, was introduced in large numbers during the period of the Ci- vilian Conservation Corps. HEIGHT GROWTH ESTIMATED farm TOPSOIL There are many things that affect tree growth. However, for young slash and loblolly pine in the Alabama Pied- mont, a reasonable estimate of height growth may be made if the depth of the topsoil is known. Gal . .. The color illustration is of a 12-year-old plantation on an Appling soil, having an 8- to 10-inch sandy loam top soil. The tallest trees were 37 to 39 feet when the color photograph was made. The height growth that may be ex- pected on a site indicates to a large extent the volume of timber products that may be expected from a timber stand over a period of years. The vol- ume growth of pine trees is closely re- lated to their height growth. In even- aged pine stands, the average total height of the tallest trees is the com- monly used standard by which the quality of a site for growing trees is judged. Figure 1 (slash pine) and Figure 2 (loblolly pine) show the estimated av- erage height of the tallest trees in plantations for given ages and depths of topsoil. From the standpoint of early tree growth that can be expected, all sites can be divided into four classes. These classes are: (a) Poor site, less than 2 inches of topsoil (b) Fair site, 2 to 4 inches of top- soil (c) Good site, 4 to 8 inches of top- soil (d) Excellent site, more than 8 inches of topsoil; also included in this class are the well-drained bottom land soils. Results of this study apply only to planting sites on the principal soils' of the Alabama Piedmont. These soils are well drained. They are easy to recog- nize because they have red, yellow, or brown compact clay subsoils. Original- 'These are soils of the Cecil, Appling, Madison, Lloyd, Coosa and Louisa series. [2] Av. Height of Tallest Trees (Feet) 6 8 10 12 PLANTATION AGE (Years) FIGURE 1. Estimated heights for young slash pine at different ages on poor to excellent sites. Av. Height of Tallest Trees (Feet) FIGURE 2. Estimated heights for young loblolly pine at different ages on poor to excellent sites. 6 8 10 12 PLANTATION AGE (Years) lv these soils had a gray or brown san- dy loam topsoil layer 12 to 14 inches deep. Because of erosion the topsoil layers are now extremely variable in texture, depth, and color. HOW TO ESTIMATE EXPECTED GROWTH The expected height growth of trees to be planted on any prospective plant- ing site may be estimated by use of Figure 1 for slash pine and Figure 2 for loblolly pine. The tree height, which will be read at the tip of the trees in Figure 1 and Figure 2, is the average height of the tallest trees in a stand. These are the trees that have a full open top. Because their growth has been interfered with least by the other trees, they are the best trees to use in judging the quality of the site. All estimates are made for small uni- form areas; therefore, large areas are divided into small areas, the topsoil depths of which are approximately the same. If the average depth is to be determined accurately, numerous mea-- surements of the topsoil depth must be made in each small area. A measurement of the topsoil depth can be easily made as follows: 1. Use a ruler and a digging tool, such as a mattock or shovel 2. Dig through the topsoil layer un- til compact clay subsoil is reached 3. Measure the thickness of the top- soil layer. In most instances the topsoil layer can be recognized easily from the subsoil by one or more of the following differ- ences: (1) the topsoil is gray or light brown, whereas the subsoil is red or dark brown; (2) the topsoil has a dif- ferent feel, it contains sand, and usu- ally it varies from a sandy loam to a clay loam, whereas the subsoils are clays; and (3) the topsoil is loose struc- tured as compared with the compact, tight subsoil. On old field sites where almost all of the topsoil has been lost by erosion, the only noticeable differ- ence between topsoil and subsoil is structure. The topsoil layer may con- sist of only I or 2 inches of slightly loose material on top of the hard, com- pact subsoil. With the average depth of topsoil known, one may refer to Figures I or 2 to determine the expected height growth. Slash and loblolly pines less than 7 years old do not follow a defi- nite trend of growth. To estimate ex- pected height growth, ages 8, 10 or 12 may be used, although the latter two are the more reliable. PRODUCTIVITY 4 DIFFERENT SITES Merchantable volume of forest prod- ucts produced over the years is the practical standard by which produc- tivity of a site is judged. Merchantable volume refers to the volume of the trees large enough to be used for such products as pulpwood, poles, and saw- logs. Fence posts, fuel wood, and stack poles usually come from the smaller non-merehantable trees. Trees in many of the young planta- tions studied in the Piedmont were too small to be cut for pulpwood. However, many were large enough for fence posts. Volume of wood produced in young plantations depends not only on height growth, which can be estimated, but on the survival, or number of trees, and diameter growth. The total volume and merchantable volume in plantations studied did not give a true picture of the relative pro- ductiveness of the different sites be- cause the plantations were too young. These volumes, however, did show what the sites had produced up to the time of the study and the differences in early growth caused by site. A good example of such differences was found in the 10-year-old loblolly pine plantations studied. These plan- tations were originally planted at a spa- cing of approximately 6 by 6 feet, or [5] 1,210 trees per acre. At 10 years of age, all averaged very close to 1,000 trees per acre, except those on the poor sites. The plantations on poor sites were extremely variable, with some having as few as 400 to 500 trees per acre. No merchantable volume was cal- culated for the plantations on the poor sites, since very few trees were large enough to be merchantable. It will be a long time before the plantations on poor sites can be thinned. The average merchantable volume of the plantations on fair sites was 9 cords of rough wood per acre, while that of the plantations on good sites was 101/2 cords. None of these plantations was ready to be thinned. Those plantations on excellent sites had an average merchantable volume of 13 cords of rough wood per acre. A few of the best plantations had grown enough to need thinning at the time of study. The remainder will need thinning within 2 or 3 years. Thinning is necessary if these plan- tations are to produce the most wood possible on a particular site. The thin- ing must be done at the right time. Dur- ing the early life of slash and loblolly pines and before reaching sawlog size, a live crown one-third of the height of the tree should be maintained. Judging from general observations in the Piedmont, plantations spaced 6 by 6 feet with 80 per cent survival at 10 years on excellent sites will need thinning at 10 to 13 years of age. Those on good sites will need thinning in 13 to 16 years, whereas plantations on fair sites will need thinning in 16 to 20 years. The amount of wood that can be removed at the first thinning var- ies with each plantation. If the trees are crowded and a thinning is needed, the average amount that can be re- moved safely is about one-third of the merchantable volume. In the case of the 10-year-old loblolly pine planta- tions on excellent sites, a yield of about 4 cords per acre could be obtained. Where there is no knowledge of mer- chantable volume, a practical guide is to remove about one-third of the trees above 4 inches in diameter breast high. The trees removed should include: (1) badly diseased and insect infested trees, (2) crooked and poorly formed trees, and (3) those trees that should be removed to give the other trees growing space. CONSERVING SOIL IMPORTANT jo TIMBER GROWING Because of the rough topography of the Piedmont Region, soils without vegetative cover or terraces tend to erode rapidly. In fact, the soils of this region have been eroded more severely than the soils of any other region in the State. It is very important that a vegeta- tive cover be established as soon as possible after a field is no longer used for crops. An unprotected excellent site may erode to such an extent that it becomes only a fair or even a poor site within a few years. Figures I and 2 show what site means in terms of early height growth. However, early growth is not the only consideration. Planting costs are higher on a poor site than on a good site, and the cash re- turns are slower. Also, the differences in volumes of forest products that may be produced on the various sites are much larger than the differences in height might indicate. These differ- ences in volume growth become great- er as the stands get older. At 50 years of age, the loss due to erosion might mean the differences of 20 to 30 feet in the height of the trees and of 15,000 to 25,000 board feet of lumber per acre in the final harvest. Topsoil means fast-growing trees that return money quickly. From an economic standpoint, conservation of topsoil is extremely important. A few inches of topsoil means the difference between a slow-growing, poor-yielding plantation and a vigorous, fast-growing plantation that will begin to return money at an early age. [6]